The Straits Times, 19 February 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,099. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1926, PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 S HP^^y cwck^QJ* ra jr THE II 1 Mini max Pf" FIRE-EXTINGUISHER |f Has proved itself a PRICELESS FRIEND to many a poor householder What About YO U P Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated m England) SINGAPORE, PENANG, IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR, TELUK ANSON ALOR STAR. J PROTECT YOUR
      85 words
    • 86 1 #fi> JUST RECEIVED New Millinery \Mm Dresses IJ/J7 LATEST SPRING STYLES. ROBINSON COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated m S.S.) SINGAPORE. n- Wp T C U IKAN MERAH and KUROH IN ANY QUANTITY, FROM lb. UPWARDS AT 60 cents per pound. Small Trial Shipment of Fresh Herrings Just Received. SINGAPORE COLD STOR ACE
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    • 2 1 YOUR BARY.
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  • 1965 2 The Entry for the Grand National. By Our Special Correspondent London, January 21. There are only three prominent names missing from the entry for the Grand National. Servant Murphy, the winner of four years ago, is not to be called out again, nor is Drifter, who once shaped
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 487 2 Spi'ains. Bruises I Rely on Sloan's to m Kill the Pain- No rubbing You get quick relief from painful iBnBaT KM Sprains, Strains ami Hruiscs w. it h "^^BHy -> tyl W Sloan's Liniment. Lay on lifntly ;i jßv'^ r^l m little Sloan's instantly you feel its v*~'"— «wF' A&U
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    • 290 2 jjvS i^|^^ EP *ii TILL£ rSPS arc o'ltainable m scaled (lasa hotllc* of medicine dealers everywhere. Hircci from Afents.— THE BRITISH PHARMACY. I North Rridtje Koad, BINGATOftB. Yes, the order was printed by RICKARD LTD. ODD PROMPX RINTING AYS RICKARD Ltd., PROMPT PRINTERS t 76 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE There's nothing
      290 words
    • 104 2 These are the Records you fire looking for I 2628-B WALLA WALLA Fox trot 221T-A IK (OLO NAVIO TanKo ROSE MARIE TALLADA 2606-B TEA FOR TWO Fox trot HU-A HIDENUI Ui. M ABC II NIRSHANA I'ARADE MARCH 10 inch $1.50. 12 inch $2.25. SEASON Co., Ltd. 11l nnd US, NORTH
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 590 3 PARENTS ARE OFTEN PUZZLED tc know what medicine to give their littU ones. The child falls nick with griping pains, vomiting, diarrhoea, croup or suddenly gets feverish, screams for no apparent cause, refuses food, or vomits up what it has eaten. What is to be done on such occasions As
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    • 411 3 Saved Baby's Life— For the benefit of mothers we print an extract from a !ejter received froni Mrs. F. Weaver, JB3R Military Works, Secundcrabad. J| fl X with the greatest pleasure and grate- jLj MB fulnets that 1 m-ihJ you a photograph <>r m I^B Im\ daughter Margaret agrrt three
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 529 4 Shipping Announcements N.Y.K. LINE (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LTNH M»r««Ille., London and A»*WWf Vtmli Tonnage D«e fail HAKONE MAP.U 11,000 Mar. A I SUWA MAKU 11,000 Mar. 18 19 FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Apr. 1 HAKOZAKI MARU 11,000 Apr. 16 16 HAKUSAN hARU 11,000 Apr. 29 10 KITANO MARU 8,000 May
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    • 446 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. (Incorporated la Slam) BANGKOK COABTINO BMtVICH. Par Kr*tay, Kemamnn, Kelantan, Bangaam, T»l«pin, Patani, Singorm, Laeon, Bandon, Kokaamui, Langtoan, Chumpon and Bangkok. MALINI Feb. 22 Feb. 24 SUDDHADIB Mar. 1 Mar. FOE BACHO VIA PORTS ArriTil D.partnr. ASDANG Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Tha Steamen are
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    • 477 4 K. P. M. (ROYAL PACKET NAY. CO. OF BATAYIA) (Incorporated to Holland) Under contract with the NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3640, with tub-connection to Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Depts. and Manager's Desk. Representative for Singapore and StraiU Settlements of the Official Tourist Bureau of Java. All information, supplying of
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    • 364 4 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated In Australia) FOR STDNET, IIELBOURNI, VU JAVA. DARWIN, THURBDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailing by the well known ateamers MARKLLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons). The si. MARKLLA Is tha largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de luxe, single berth cabins, swimming
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 407 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INDIES LINE Incorporated la England) Regular Passenger and Freight Servle* via JAVA FORTS to FIEMANTLI (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNEY maintained by Tons tailing Utt s.s. CITY OF PALERMO 5,90» Mar. T s.s. MERTON HALL (limited passenger accommodation) Apl. 7 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO 6,900 May 7 Single
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    • 461 5 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LIME ROUND-THE-WORLD PASSENGEE AND FREIGHT BZSVICI BOSTON and NEW TORK via PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES, GENOA and MARSEILLES. ,38 Days to Boston 41 Days to New York Oilbnrners. No coal dtut. No cinders. Absolute Cleanliness. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, retiming
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    • 429 5 INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. (Inasrporated m Hongkong) Direct Serrlce to Java via Hongkong and Shanghai and to Calcutta vJa Penang from Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newehwang, Yangtze Porta, Formosa, the Philippines, etc FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA KUTSANG Feb.
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    • 272 5 Don't Buy More Blades BUY AN "ALLEGRO" tt^o^'^k A{]TO MA T I C HONING AND f**^ STROPPING MACHINE AND [JSE I YOUR OLD BLADES AGAIN L w'Wß*w 'WB* The "Allegro" guarantees a dean L shave with even the oldest b!;;i,, Jfr and saves its cost over and over Price vpO.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 573 6 GAIETY CINEMA SURINA THEATRE X'J-NIOIIT AT ».3«. Another (Jrrind Change Metro presents TO-NU.HT at 9.13: MAE MURRAY Men: U Rob TrJuc!r n ni dT' Lu r rnlfic nt Beware of Nurses! fl *nf f|/V»T f>/\T¥7 Thr > m Uk > our tafc "11— hut what L« AVHIIIIVI Icl IIA/ »bout
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    • 315 6 l«t". n ntwtiES '7/te I 13 WONDERFUt REELS. (^l A picture that will last for all time THE TEN COMMANDMENTS will never die. A largely Ausftncnted Orchestra. The Musical Score is the same as "used at PAVILION, LONDON. This film will he presented m a manner unknown to this Country.
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    • 436 6 Coining Soon I GAIETY CINEMA WILLIAM FOX SPECIAL PRODUCTION FOOTFALLS Astounding m theme and execution. Story by WILHIR DANIEL STEELE. Blind, but wilh a sense of hearing abnormally acute, he felt sure b* would knew when the murderer returned to the Kc«ne of hig crime and lie waited. Screening date
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  • 213 7 riXTORES. Friday, February II Hinh Wntcr, Ml m., 3.32 p.m. Malacca High. Tide, 11.30 a.m., ft. Au tralnsian mail closes, 2 p.m. Saturday, FoUr-iary 20 High Water, .H. 36 a.m., 4.41 p.m. 1!. I. outward mail due. Sunday, February 21 Hieh Water, IJt a.m., C.2:i p.m. Malacca
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  • 198 7 FrM 19. Ship* alongside (he Whanrea «r exiMcUd i > to arrive. KEPI'KL iIAIUtOLB. Mala >\i Kapi He, Leo, Hofper Bar^-o W. Oil Wharf Nil CMI Whi:); 1 War Bharats VESSELS IN URY DOCK. Tanjoag I'agar Bpian Wharf V;,n Overßtratur A'ln i i i i. i i
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  • 91 7 To-4ay forth, X. k..m .m.i N. West Sumatra 1 1 p.m. Irdo-Chn. :< p.m. N'orih ami East tadla I Stall I M* |iak iSipgkara) 1 p.m. i To-morrow «.n;. Juvi.. S.ui'ii \Y.-*t Sumi.tra, SouthKjh Ho:nc«. rHebea. Moluccas ujul Timor I 11 a.m. Mahidol) .11 a.m. .luvii. S«Uth-W»»<
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  • 35 7 By Left 8'pore J«n. Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jnn. 15 .Ian. II .Ian. -JU Arrrt. London K.b. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 F.-b. U l-.-li. 1» Amboisc Macedonia Vumlel Kawi
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  • 93 7 A number of Kuropuan and Asiatic employen of Indian labour were suwlnorucl <m Wedneaday btjfore Mr. V. G. Ezechiel the Ipoh Mafrlstrat« for failing to submit the reqniatte labour returns for the HlHltttf ciulii-.K Dwcinber 81. With the i-xccption, at two, all the rest ■leaded guilty and were lined two
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  • 237 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, February On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3m. credits 2/4 19/32 On New York, Demand 56 M/ 18 Prlvcte 99 d/a 58*4 On France, Bank T. T. 1600 !On India. Bank T. T. 154\it 1 On HongkcNjr. Bank d.'d pc
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  • 60 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. Spot Spot March March April June April-June July-Sept. July-Sept. Ton* of Market Weak. Singapure Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. 1.03 1.04 »9>3 1.00 96 95% 92 92Vi Latest Lonilon cables quote Spot slu-ct
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    • 244 7 Issue V'al. Pd. Buyeri Sellers H £1 Asam Kumbnng 54/- 65/- cd. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.70 0.75 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.45 1.50 £1 ii Idris Hydraulic K"/« Sit1 1 Johan Tin 0.55 0.G0 10/- 10/-KampojiK ~>0, Bt/fl El £1 Kamuming: Tin 64/- 65/C 10 10 Kinta As^o.
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    • 130 7 Issue Val. Pil. Buyers Seller* •:i H. Am. ijbacco 5.6.0 WO.O 40 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.60 il i'l E. Smelting Co. 13.60 14.00 10 10 Fiaser Xeave 47.50 48.50 100 100 Hammer Co. 170,00 180.00 100 100 Rut* Bros. d«f. 200.00 £20.00 10 10 Mexican Ea?ie IS/3 1M
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    • 96 7 U. Enir. 0 p.c. $1,234^00 par 110 S'*7^-«n UU n I n i *i/ 8l ,Q 5 Qft P 'e- ,n« |I,£><B,ooo of 1930 par 10% p.m. spore Municipal AY» p.c. of 1909 $1,100,000 M pu Spore Municipal 4H p.c. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 par Spore Municipal p.c. of
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    • 374 7 Fraser and Co. and I.jall and Evatt'a Quotation*. Fra*er Lyall Co. Evatt. Allon'.iy (%l) 2.90 2.10 3.05 3.25 A lor (iajah (fil) 2.7') ».W 2.90 0.10 A. Hitam (S'.i 21.50 g&M 21.00 22.00 A. Kilning (SI) 1.:J5 1.45 1.35 1.45 Am. Malay ($2) 3.F0 4.10 G.75 4.25 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 VICTORIA THEATRE Commoncini; FROM MONDAY, MARCH I, at 9.30 p.m. R. B. SALISBURFS CO. THE QUAINTS IN THE I.ATKST AN!) GKEATEST LONDON SI CCESSKS. Mundiiy, I'tu'sday and \Vi-dnetfdH\ March 1. 2 mid 1. THE SPORT OF KINGS A K:uinu OMM-dy liy IVN II irom tSo Savn\ Theatre. Thur <!ay. I'rida.>
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    • 29 7 BEWARE Look for tfw word Tropical m addition to the words SEALED IN TIN on the yellow "Kodak" film carton. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. KODAK LTD. .'locurportiad it> England)
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    • 920 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Claeeifle- Adrte., tee pare 16. WANTS. FOR SALE, ETC. WANTKD junior typist for insurance offi. Apply 818, StrniW T EXPERIENCED PLANTER I'D, tiun. Writ- "H. Stroit» Timfx. FOR SALE, two ehi'urcßs' iron cotf. Ap o\y Serjft. Ri-Hd, 1 W.O.s quarters. Targii;: Barracks. S. D., GOOD KXPER»:XCK, require."
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    • 788 7 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF SIR LIONEL MABBOTT WOODWARD, DECEASED i'untuanl to Ordinance No. til (Trustees). 1 SECTION NOTICK ki n i-.t.\ -.'iv. i; ttat «X >ifC>* »nd other jjoi any tjninw. fr (icmanu's apon ur agal il..*i 1 V(_Sii [.iono; Mabhou Woodward late of iCnala Lumpur, a^rhnifor I ederaXed
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 61 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbao Station. (37 Courtesy of fiowrnnu-nt Health Office). Kor the 24 hoar* eodinc »t Midnight on Kfhruar> IS. 19J.1. dee. >I;.\. tturs HO.SF. Win. »had* tompcratort 74 0 ratare 80.7 F 19U F. Mip. frtuia rucUation ~>U f. 81 F. temperature 76.1 F. .Mruu ri. luur.ic'..ty j;i'r
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  • 38 8 JOHANNTS.— At Me. 111, Meyer Road, Sing*, pore, Regina, beloved wife of the Inn Eleazar Johannes. The cortege v.-11l leav her residence a 4 p.m. to-day for th. Armenian Church of St. Gregory an.: thence to Bidadari.
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  • 45 8 Mi. Cheong Khye Yong begs to tender iii sincere thanks to all thus? relatives a:;. friends who attended the funera i of thi late Mrs. Cheong Ah Foo, on Wednesdas 17th instant, and also to those who sen' v/reaths, telegrams and letters of condolence.
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  • 967 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. GERMANY AND THE LEAGUE. Much discussion continues about the admission of Germany to the League, and it has been disclosed that three nations, Spain, Poland and Brazil, are seeking to be admitted at the same time. The Council of the League at present consists
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  • 59 8 At the Kuala Lumpur police court on Thursday morning, before Mr. W. J. K. Stark, fifteen nonyas were charged with gambling, and were fined $5 each, one also being fined $50 for allowing the use Df her house. A sum of $385 was found on the accused, but the actual
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  • 64 8 Ilis Majesty's Secretary of State of India has sanctioned the construction by the agency of the Assam-Bengal Railway Company of a line of railway on the 3 fr.. 3 3-8 inch, guage from Karimganj to Hatikhim with a branch into the Chargola Valley from Ramigram to Dulabcherra, a total distance
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  • 97 8 Mr. F. L. Dennis presided over a well attended meeting of the United Railway Employees' Benefit Society, F.M S., at the Railway Institute. Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, at which a resolution was passed the audience standing, recording profound regret at the death of the President, Mr. K. H. Bilke. paying
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  • 21 8 The Malay Mail Press Co., Ltd., has declared a dividend of 7 per cent, for the half-year ending December 81, 1926.
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  • 17 8 The American Consulate General will be closed on Monday, February 22, Washington's Birthday, an American national holiday.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153 $100. The rate of payments of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 157=5100.
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  • 27 8 Thos Cook and Son have received a telegram from the Royal State Railways of Siam, stating that the I'hya Thai Palace was opened on the 18th instant.
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  • 26 8 It is understood Lord Irwin will soon after assumption of the Viceroyalty open the head works of the Sutlej Valley project at Suleimankel on April 12.
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  • 32 8 Mr. F. T. Nicholas, Executive Engineer, KW.D., FM.S., is due back from Home leave by the Morea. Mr. Hampson, of the I.MS, Railway Department, is also due back by the same steamer.
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  • 46 8 The Japanese Trovernment authorities are convinced as a result of their extensive investigation that any higher duty imposition on imported watt-meters, v; demanded by makers of that type of instrument, will result m exorbitant pricey to consumers without contributing anything toward aiding the industry m Japan.
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  • 65 8 After shadowing a Siamese banishee throughout the whole day a Penang detective was rewarded by seeing a man named N'gah Meng steal a tin of cigarettes from a rikisha. There was a sequel m the Police Court yesterday, when the Siamese was charged with theft. Accused pleaded a shortage of
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  • 94 8 Penang during the past few days h:\been experiencing a real shortage of ice end as much as 10 cents has been paid for a pound of ice whereas the usual price is only two cents on the streets and one cent as sold by the manufacturers. It is understood that
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  • 81 8 A lawyer of Barcelona sued r lady living at Belmont, m the province of Tarragona, i or breach of promise of marriage. He presented a bill of costs, including 50,000 pesetas for damaging him m the eyes of other marriageable ladies, 90,000 pesetas for reimbursement of his expenditure on the
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  • 82 8 The annual general meeting of the Hospital Club, Klsng, was held on the I lth inst, with Dr. D. M. McSwan m the chair. The following office-bearers were ■AecUsd for 1926 President, Dr. D. M. McSwan vice-president. Dr. M.' A. jabriel hon. secretary, Mr. M. Manie!tam hon. treasurer, Mr. S.
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  • 121 8 The 1926 Course for the diploma of the Royal Sanitary Institute will be open at the Sanitary Depot Jalan Klapa, Singapore, on Saturday, May 1. The, class will be limited to 20 new students. Preference will be given firstly to Sanitary Inspectors already m Government service m Malaya who have
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  • 147 8 It is with deep regret that we have to record the death, at her residence 111 Meyer Road, Singapore, of Mrs. Regina fohannes, widow of the late Eleazar Johannes, and a respected member of the Armenian community. The deceased lady nas born m 1861 and she was the elder laughter
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  • 203 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wrote on Wednesday The question ot introducing a speed limit for motor car and motor cycles was brought up at a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board this morning; by Mr. Yap Tai Chee. He said that the increased motor traffic m the town made
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  • 438 8 Commander W. G. O'dershaw, R.D R.N.R., who arrived here from Home on Tuesday, has assumed the duties of Deputy Master Attendant. Owing to the delayed arrival of the Sarpedon the marriage of Mr. D. Noble of I'enang to Miss J. I. Haddon is postponed to Friday, the
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  • 44 8 Henderson, Helm and Hammersfahr, Inc., New York, eend us the following cable, dated Peb vary 18, their quotations being m gold dollar c«nte Sellers February 6<T; March 59 next quarter 58 W. Undertone easier. To-day's Singapore price |1.04, London price 2s- 5'.4d.
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  • 53 8 Mails from Europe, (London mails despatched January 28) ex 8.1. Tara will arrive by train to-morrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 9.30 a.m. From Holland and Germany, by Grotius, due at Singapore 6 p.m. to-day. From China and Japan, by Amazon Maru, due
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  • 254 8 We regret to record the death, which occurred on Sunday last, after a long and painful illness, at 5 Afratoon Road, Penang, (the residence of his sister, Mrs. F. Mathieu), of Mr. Emile Joseph Hardouin, of Hardouin estate, Province Wtllesley, says the Pinang Gazette. Deceased,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 Cigarettes come and cigarettes go but the demand for "Capstan" Cigarettes increases day by day W. D. H. O. WILLS, BRISTOL and LONDON. THst OaC- MB M^fliasi^^~~~~^Tf^ ELECTRO PLATED COFFEE, SMOKERS AND LIQUEUR SET ON REVOLVING TRAY. For Six Persons. $155.00 complete. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated is England) SINGAPORE,
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    • 55 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT Second Show at 9 Paramount Production CODE OF THE SEA m 6 Reejs. THE LONE WOLF m 6 Reels. First Show at 7.30 p.m. Universal Production BURNING WORDS m 5 Reels. THE RIVALS One Reel Star Comedy. TAN CHENG KEE A CO., LTD., Proprietors. TENNENT'S Sole Agent* GUTHRIE
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    • 77 8 Other Pages. Pag. Home Sport 2 Finance and Commerce 7 Shipping and the Mails 7 Meteorological Report 7 Reuter and Rugby I'adio Telegrams 9 Rubber Auction Figures 9 Aneta Radio News 9 S.S. Association Affairs 10 Correspondence 10 Sporting Intelligence .10 Fultan Mnsque 10 To-day's Share Market In Death of
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  • 513 9 Strong Protest by General Smuts. [keuter telegram.] London, February 19. General Smuts sends message to the Daily News from Cape Town declaring that the proposal for a general enlargement of the League Council at present will be understood M a device to pack the Council and
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  • 100 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 19. As a result of the negotiations of the Ministry of Labour and the wireless operators, the strike has been settled and work is being resumed immediately. London, February 19. The Secretary of the Wireless Union states that wireless operators resume work at
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  • 100 9 [REUTER TELECRAM.] Londnn, February 18. Pussaic, NtW Jerse> The death has occurred of Archbishop Cicplak, formerly head of the Roman Catholics m Russia, who was sentenced to death m 1923 following- on his protest against the IV Ishevik seizure of church property. The sentence was commuted to
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  • 174 9 Debate m the Council Of State. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Delhi The Council of State rejected without n division a resolution by the Bombay industrial magnate, Pheroze Sethna, for the immediate appointment of a Royal Commission to enquire into the working of tlie constitution and to formulate
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  • 182 9 Turkey's Proposals for Oil Concessions. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. The House of Commons by 265 votes to 116 rejected the Labour amendment, moved by Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald, opposing an extension of the Iraq mandate. Mr. Amery, m a speech defending an extension, said th&t the
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  • 122 9 [reuter telegram.] London, Fobmary 10. Montreal Earl Craven, m an interview, said he had been away from New York for ten years and could stay away another ten years. All the fuss left him cold, but it was very hard on his wife. He declared that Countess
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  • 82 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Washington With the object of enforcing prohibition, the Government are considering a proposal to buy the entire stock of medicinal whisky m the country to prevent it flowing into bootleg channels. It is estimated that it will cost $300,000,000. Mr. Mellon is opposed to
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  • 70 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Constantinople The Assembly at Angors has voted en bloc a new civil code of ovc» 900 articles regulating civil life on W^Jtern lines. It notably deals with the st«^us of women, who acquire divorce rights jual to those of men. The code
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  • 123 9 Grim Disaster and Strange Escapes. [VUTtt TXLEGRAM.] London, February IS. Salt Lake City It is -now definitely ascertained tact 28 were killed as the result of the avalanche and it is believed that at least 50 men, women and children ore buried beneath the snow and debris. The
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  • 151 9 Recent Political Arrests Explained. [EECTEB TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Athens The Premier, General Pangalos, m a statement m regard to the crrests, says that the temporary removal of those arrested is necessary because of the alarming rumours recently being circulated involving the names of Papanastassiou, Kondilis and others.
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  • 229 9 [REUTER TELECRAM.] London, February 19. Bombay As a result of a vigorous campaign by the police against smuggling and illicit possession of cocaine and opium, 700 pounds of opium, valued at £4,000, have been found hidden m the native quarter. It was confiscated and two arrests were made.
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  • 65 9 [WIRELESS VIA RUGBY.] Rugby, February 18. Exchange Rates Paris 133.9, New York 4.86%, Brussels 107, Geneva 25.25, Amsterdam 12.13%, Milan 120.65, Berlin 20.42, Stockholm 18.17, Copenhagen 18.76. Oslo 23.27, Vienna 34.55, Prague 164 U, Helsingfors 193, Madrid 34.44, Lisbon 2'i, Rio 7 5-16, Buenos Aires 45%, Bombay Is.
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  • 45 9 [BELTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. New York One-third of Lord Leverhnlme's paintings, appearing m the alphabetical order of the artists' names, were sold with scant ceremony m a block for $86,980. Gainsborough's Portrait of a Young Girl topped the prices at 120,000.
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  • 907 9 An Interesting Debate m The Commons. [WIRELESS TIA SUGBT.J Rugby, Februao 18. In the House of Commons Mr. Amery moved That this House approve the Treaty signed between representatives of His Majesty and the King of Iraq m order to fulfil the stipulation made by the Council
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  • 149 9 [REUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. New York The woHd-girdler Wade describes the Arctic flight as a race with Bolsheviks to discover a continent' which was thought to lie m the uncharted seas to the north of Alaska. He explained that the reason is plain, because from such a base
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  • 84 9 [reuter telegram.] London, February 19. The Daily Mail correspondent at Vienna states that negotiations are progressing between the Austrian Government and Austrian firms and the Soviet Government for the Russian purchase of all machines m Austria capable for use to make munitions. The Soviet are anxious t>
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  • 157 9 [BELTEB TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Washington The Department of Justice has reached the conclusion that the proceedings against the Aluminium Company for contempt of court cannot be maintained. A Washington telegram of January 9 stated:— The Senate Judiciary Committee have begun the investigation of the affairs of
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  • 42 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. The steamer Bolton has sent out a wireless message that there is fire aboard ih "the' lower hold No. 1, containing tobacco. She is proceeding to Brest and is expected to arrive this afternoon.
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  • 18 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, February 18. Washington President Coolidge is still indisposed and confined to his bed.
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  • 111 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 747 th auction, yesterday, when there was catalogued 887,344 lbs. or 396.14 tons offered 516,422 lbs. or 230.55 tons sold 450,952 lbs. or 201.32 tons. Spot. London 2s. sd. New York 60 cts. The next auction will be
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  • 1105 9 Received via Java from Aneta Press Bureau. Accident Aboard The HafW, February 13. Seven persons were slightly wuunded aboard the Royal Packet Navigation Co. steamer, the Merak, as the result of an escape of steam. Dutch Cabinet Crisis. The Hague, February IX In an audience iit The Loo,
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  • 288 10 The Cat and Imprisonment for A Mandor. A discovi > y of lioO rounds of ammunition m the container of an oil lamp, and I an automatic pistol, was described m the- First Police I iurt this morning, before- 1 Mi. P. A. F. David. Inspector llostotk, of
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  • 40 10 The Fubruury issue of The Planter will .ceptional interest to the planting pivfeftsion this week m that it dttals full}- with all aspects of the Provident Kiind und explains different points which ma)' give rise to misunderstanding.
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  • 608 10 .Minutes of Recent Committee .Meeting. Mm>iU< <>i a committee meeting of the Strait* Settlements (Singapore) Association, ht-ld on February 17, m the Singapore Exchange Room at 5 p.m. are supplie I us follow Present Mr. A. P. Robinson (President), Mr. J. G. Campbell (vicepreßident), Hon. Mr. C.
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  • 196 10 Proposed Conversion at Kuala Lumpur. i (From Out Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 18. The following terms of reference to the committee to be appointed to advise m what manner the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board should be converted intJ a municipality were received from Government and read
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  • 154 10 The Kendall string quartette, after a series of recitals throughout Mulaya which have given great satisfaction tt the «ho attendeji, leave to-day for Java where they will spend some weeks of li ivel, playing m most of the larger (-< mr::-. Their second and final .appearantv m
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  • 390 10 A WeU-Knqwn Pioneer Planter Of Keliinlun. The sad news has recently been received of the death of a well-known pioneer planter of Kelantan. Mr. John W. MacKenzie. Mr. MacKenzie had varied and interesting 1 career, writes a- correspondent. Born some 56 or 57 years
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  • 523 10 SULTAN MOSQUE KAMPONG GLAM. The following report is officially sup^ plied by Sved Abdiilrahmat. bin Alkaff, Chairman of the Trustees. We wish to state that while giving thi.- official report, we decline absolutely to publish controversial letters on the subject A meeting of the Muslims was, heM on Saturday, the
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  • 65 10 Sita Johana. presented by the City Opera oh Wednesday, and Three Golden Stars, or Jula Jnli Bintang Tiga last night, m their new hall, were both well attended. The latter production was a scenic fairy play of the oantomine type. The present run of the City Opera, who have just
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    • 116 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, After much protest and complaints the stream that connects that Municipal boundary with that at the rural area In Geylang ha* been taken m hand loi construction and imprjvement purposes. The contractors have been enpiged on it for half-a-dozen months,
      116 words
    • 495 10 To the Editor of the Strait- Time*. Sir, Amongst the many correspondents who have written to you about restriction, hardly one has a good word to say for the Assessment Committee. At the outset let me say that I consider a bad diplomatic blunder was committed when
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  • 198 10 W« have received a copy of the report of the Children's Aid Society for 1924-26, and find m it a record qf wonderful activity m this direction. Dnrinß the year, no fewer than 110 children were entirely or partially supported as against 93 m the previous year,
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  • 158 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Wednesday There was a considerable amount of discussion on the subject of Mr. R, N. Thamby Thurai's appointment as acting secretary of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, at this morning's meeting of the board. Mr. Khoo Keng Hot-, speaking on behalf
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 360 10 Indoor Tournament Results. [Renter Telegram. J London, February 18. New York Jn the national indoor lawn tournament doubles event Brugno.i and Dailey beat Mangin and Jolliff 3— o, tj o, t>— ;s, and THden and Andc>*son beat Seligson and Kuhn 6—l, 6—2,6 2, thus entering the semi-finals.
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 42 10 American Athlete Breaks His Own Record. [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 18. New York Charles Hoff, who cleared 13 feet 3 inches m the pole jump at > New York athletic meeting on February 14, has pole jumped 13 feet 4 inches.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 153 10 Teams for S.C.C. Practice Match. The following have been invited to play cricket m a mutch, Captain's XI v. ViceCaptain's Xi, commencing 5 p.m. to-day ar)(| continuing at 2 p.m. to-morrow Captain's Xl.— Major Vyvyan, W. H. King, V. O. CharteßWorth, C. H. G. Clarke, R. H. Laverton, J.
      153 words
    • 27 10 Yesterday's match Raffles Institution v. Police ended m a Win fi" 4 the ■School b\ 6 goals to 1. The Police had a weak side out.
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    • 25 10 In Billiards, L. T. Thiagoo, champion of the Sclangur Indian Association, defeated A, K. Surattee by 34 points, during the farmer's visit In the holidays.
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    • 26 10 After a fast game of hockey th: R.A.M.C, defeated the Old Rafflcsians b> 4 goals to 1. The score was one all m the first half.
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  • 88 10 We are asked to say that during tin prologue of The Ten Commandments, the English baritone, Mr. Paul Verdayne, from the DOyly Carte Opera Company, will sing Till I Wake. At the orchestral concert by the Adelphi Sovonas on Sunday, at 9.30 /p.m., the programme of music will
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  • 347 10 Evidence from Witnesses For Defence. Thi' Kallanir tire case, m which a Chines.shipbuilder, Nfic Bee Chuan, is suing the Lam Choon Rubber Works m icspect gf the loss, m the five, of sonic att«p and plank houses, and twu wooden halls, was concluded yesterday afternoon m tVus
    347 words
    • 210 10 Singapore. February 19. Rubber.— Local $1.04. Tin.— London i2«J ss. Rubbers. Shares continue neglected. Glenealys have buyers at 2.17^ and Malaka Pindas at 2.70. United Malacca* ere quoted 2.G0-2.65 and Ulu Benuts 72-74 cents. Bassetts have buyers at 1.30 and Jeram Kuantans at littt. Kuala Sidims
      210 words
    • 231 10 (L. R. Marphail.) Singapore, February 10Rubber.— 2s. 5.d., 'id. up. Local 1.01. Tin.— i-'KJ 55., 355. up. The market continues on the quiet side with little business passing. Kubber.s. Biojjas offer at 1.75 and Colinsburjjhs at 4. Chanjckat Serdanifs are wanted at 7.50 und lndraxiris at
      231 words
  • 166 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on February 18 A number of important changes ure to (uke place m the Police Department m the near future. Mr. C. H. Wyatt who has been Assistant Commissioner m charge of the Kuilwiy Police, for the past few years, is
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  • 768 11 Detailed Report for the Past Year. The Hon. Organising Secretary, Brittoi Malaya, (Mrs. r\ Garland of ipoh) for-, wards the following final report of Poppy Day Collections, 1:i25, for publication Owing to the prosperity m the country.! Utt has ghm us :i most successful Poppy Day. The
    768 words
  • 54 11 I'ri'grinuiiH' "f drills up to and for February gl, IMB, Friday, February 19, C.I 5 p.m., Drill Hull, M. G. Platoon. Gun Drill. Saturday. Ktbruary SO, U-'JO p.m., Farrvr Kiinv;.-. Malay Musketry Classification 2.:;o p.m. Uukit Timah. Bar p<';i" itwmit^, Mu.-kctry Classification p.m.. Drill Hall. Motor Cy.-U-
    54 words
  • 412 11 PosiJion of nn O!(>-Es!nl)iishod yock'ty. Bonn iatatMUnn pattieakmn ha^e been supplied to us ot me Strait* Settlements Beoevolent'ty, a valuable and oldestablisheil organisation which deserves t'i m more vidwy KiMiim m the .suai» and which woulu wckutiu- more local support, ity u.i founded m 1884 by Sir
    412 words
  • 202 11 In addition to ;< sclt-oiion of new fiction I the undernjted works have been added to Raffles Library and will be available for is-sue to-morrow at a.m. Beaumont A. The Hero a theory of tragedy. Cabal] J. l!.— Beyond Life. Cmnmrnerta Kmile.— The Poetry of N 'tisense. Cannons
    202 words
  • 307 11 In their report, dated London January 20. William Jacks and Co. state Markets huve bwn depressed durin™ the past week, partly due to the slump m Rubber, where the leadinjr exports have been found to be unwisely rptimistic, and to the growing pains from which Germany is suffering
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 Where there is a MOUTRIE PIANO lliere is HAPPINESS Buy your\s to^lay. Illustrated price list free on request S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. "Weltona" Hair Belting with special pile face and interwoven edge. Wherever the wheels of industry hum, Factories, Shipyards, Mills, Machine Shops, Power Houses, etc. WELTONA
      209 words
    • 294 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. SARKIEB BROS., Proprietors. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday DINNER DANCE (Evenine Dress Essential for Dancing) Monday, Wednesday and Friday THE DANSANT LEVINE-HOPKINS DANCE BAND. GRILL ROOM Under the supervision of an Manager, expert European. Sea View Hotel Dally and Permanent rates. Rates inrlnde Tiffin at Raffles
      294 words

  • 1325 12 Caoital Consolidation Scheme Approved. An extraordinary general meeting of Bruseh Tin and Rubber Estate, Ltd., was helcf on^ January 14 at 28, Fenchurchstreet, E.C., for the purpose of considering and, if thouirht (it, passing as extraordinary resolutions, with a view to the confirmation thereof at a
    1,325 words
  • 187 12 Six Remarkable Vessels Ordered. The six motor vessels which have been ordered by the Silver Line three from Sir James Lainj; and Son and three from J. L. Thompson and Sons, of Sunderland, •will be very remarkable vessels. They are to trade between New York and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 146 12 BERNA STERILIZED MILK None better Berna Milk users are Quality Choosers > Sole Agents: DUPIRE BROTHERS. >^ |IM-ii|i|H^ __jTTi mmmm^ New Model IIA HP M Steel CONSIDER the unfailing reliability of the Chassis, the consistency of Us service, the grand appearance of the Car. the comfort* Enjoyed by its roominess,
      146 words

  • 635 13 (Fr^m Our Own Correspondent.) Weltevredcn, rbruary l& When I posted my letter last Saturday morning Batavia was m the throes of a fierce rain storm far worse than those which passed over the town, a few days previous. The lcsulc was that the partial floods m
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 263 13 CROMPTON FANS SEEN BUT NOT HEARD SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated m tha Strait! Settlcmaatt) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. IS, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. "Mnitecrs" PIPES PIPES PIPES Complete selections of the following makes DUNHILL'S PIPES $10.00 and $12.00 PETERSEN'S PIPES 4.50 flicoTiriE trap Wl m J .^^..,a»w«iwgw > n |^l*P^ rB
      263 words
    • 430 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Cnn be obtained at the following places m Singapore Joney Chnnger, Grosvenor Hotel. V.oney Changer, Adelphi Hoi-!. ((•■•y Changer, Kurnne Hole!, .loney Clianc-r, Raffles Hotel. Oolly Wash, Ltd., Ruffles Piacr. i'ederal liul<ber Stamp Co., Raffles Place and Tank Koad Station. Vi.-r Chiiii.T, Bras Hiisnh Kami and Raffles
      430 words
    • 312 13 The Wonderful Willys-Knight THE GREAT HEART OF A GREAT CAR. Summed up, here is what you get m a WillysKnight over and above such things as beauty, comfort and power. You will get all the benefits of the only type of engine that literally IMPROVES IN USE. The only type
      312 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 508 14 AMetß over $5,500,000 B.C Awwrwce m tore* over f l<UHMun>o. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. KKAD OITIC1 1 Wl»«fc.fUf Homw. ItagmpoM. LONDON OFTICJi tU, Old J.wry, M. TV. Cnmvmj hM OO.OW ««poilua wltfc tk. Soprtm* Cow* at KotUnd •>•! ampllM vitk tk* Bri«A v Uf« imwni Co»p«»tM Act
      508 words
    • 556 14 BANKING^ MTERNATHWAL BANKING CORPORATION Capital Ptnd-wp U.S. |5,000,00« Snrplna *J-S- 15,000,00Owac* by TBS NATIONAL CITT BANK OF NEW TOBK. Head OWee M, WALL STREET. NEW TOBE. London Office M, BISHOPBGATS. E.C Branches cIF kBbE G OKQ laWr^O.oo ?BS,°HAaU foreign^currencies taken at rates that may bs ascertained on application to tha
      556 words
    • 502 14 NEDERLANDSCH LNDISCHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMBRCIAL BANK) Established IMS. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,0 m (aWat «S,000,OOC) ISSUED Fl. 66,000,000 (ae*at X 4.600.000) RESERVE FUND Fl. 28,800,000 (steal 41,940,000) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. SUB-AGENCIES IN THE HAGUB AXB ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Sharghai, Kobe, Medan, Sourabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng, Weltevreden,
      502 words
    • 441 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter la Japan) Capital Subscribed YW,OOO,WO Capital Paid-up Y5f1.875,000 Kesarve Fund T 1,780,000 President H. Mori. Esq. niBECTORS G. Kawaiakl, Eiq. j T. Sisamnne, Eiq. D. TaklU, Eiq. M. Shu to, Esq. HEAD OFFICE: Talpeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES t
      441 words
    • 616 14 Cable Address SAFETY." Codes A.B.C. and Creomhalls Rubber Edition. S. J. HOWE, INSURANCE and ESTATE BROKER. Room 14 (Second floor), UNION BUILDING, SINGAPORE. 1 IN THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE ARTHUR IRVING, DECEASED Pursuant to Ordinance 144 (Trustees) Section 26, all persons having claims against the Estate of Lawrence Arther Irving,
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    • 546 14 THE MALACCA ELECTRIC LIGHTING CO., LTD. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements) NOTICE OF LOST SCRIP. Whereas application has been made to the Directors of the above Company, to issue duplicate certificate for 400 shares numbered 7815 to 7914, ***** to ***** and ***** to ***** inclusive m the name of
      546 words

  • 638 15 Mr. A. l\ Hadow on his Visit to The Properties. The statutory meeting 1 of the members of Kulim Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on January 11 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.G., Mr. H. L. Coghlam (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Ladies and gentlemen.
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  • 405 15 Builders m Consultation With Admiralty. A further stage m regard to the construction of a floating dock of 50,000-ton lilting capacity for the Singapore naval base was reached when a consultative feathering took place at the Admiralty, to which representatives of nine or ten of the leading shipbuilding
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 230 15 Why Accept Less Than a Six ESSEX A Six— Built Under Famous Super-Six Patents The COACH $2,035 For any closed car you will pay almost as much as the Essex Coach costs. So why accept any performance short of a "Six"? In Essex you get qualities of the "Six" not
      230 words
    • 238 15 CHRYSLEU SIX KJ Nothing so surely emphasizes the T^SHSk. vast difference Between ordinary {f/fusMJß\ Motor Cars and the Chrysler Six > fJlfl'S^ as the new delight you, yourself. feel the first time you drive v ChryaUjr. One Chrysler drive makes other Motorinu dull and tiresome. ;uid riding comfort, a thrill
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 163 16 JETALINA The cheapest and most satisfactory FLOOR AND FURNITURE STAIN on the market. For Wood and Cement Floors, for Teak, Mcranti or Wicker Furniture. j 1 quart tins 1.00 j 1 gallon tins 3.50 j 5 gallon drums $14.50 Obtainable at 5-Sincapore.— JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. Moar.— H. L. WEIR
      163 words
    • 331 16 IN STOCK NEW MOMI CASES LATEX COPS Flat bottom and halflemon shapes, 8 and 10 oz. sizes, also LOCAL EARTHENWARE CUPS ENQUIRIES INVITED. LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET. A HISTORY OF BRITISH MALAYA 1824-1867 with a brief account of earlier times. By LENNOX MILLS, D. Litt., Oxon. with Appendix
      331 words
    • 894 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., m ordinary close s«t type (nverago six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      894 words
    • 657 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS READ STREET GODOWNS near river to let. Apply United Engineers, Ltd. TO LET, 65, Robinson Road, Concrete building, 4,500 sq. ft. 6, Malacca Street. TO BE LET, offices and godowns. Apply S. iMancsseh ft Co., No. A, D'Almeida Street. TO LET, new office and godowns No. 118,
      657 words
    • 167 16 FURNITURE FOR THE HOME OFFICE ESTATE No order 100 small None too large Correct Prices Prompt delivery FRANKELS OF VICTORIA STREET, also RAFFLES PLACE. "THE MAPLES OF THE EAST." BRITISH ELECTRO-PLATING WORKS, W« ORCHARD tOAD. If your car needs nickelplating send it to our works m the morning and take
      167 words
    • 596 16 BOOKS SI'F.ECIIKS and IO\STS and the CHAIR* MAN'S i.'.lDi:. Including Hints to Speakers. Model examples for all occaMona. With instruction. i concerning every paastj of public procedure $2.19 THK < lI.WRMAV3 GUIDE AND BECRKIAKVS COMPANION. Wilh useful Hints lor (he conduct of business and sorial gatherings of all kinds $I.U
      596 words