The Straits Times, 21 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,487. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1924 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 121 1 MIBBBBBB*«BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBiBflBBBBBBBBBBIlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflflBflBflBBBBBBEBBBBflBBaBBBB* s s "DfAD V^^^s. DDAHiII" V JSPk^tß^^Vaf^aW I I NATURAL MIL.X I S This cow's milk from the famous pastures of the Swiss Alps stands unrivalled for Richness and is most valuable for maintaining the Health of all living in a Tropical Climate. s QUALITY PURITY RICHNESS "Trying it
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    • 1 1 SensednSS
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  • 484 2 Interesting Point Raised By Australia. The annual statement of the Bar Council thi* year reitrs lo several points of etiquette and conduct. These arc alludcu to by a correspondent of the Daily 'K'lfgrapn as follows Anything in the nature of personal advertisement by mtmbers ot mc Bar is
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  • 213 2 £1,000,000 Post Office For Singapore. The Daily Mail of January 14 has the following The London Firm, Messrs. Perry and Co. (Bow) Ltd., have secured the contract for the new General Post Oflice at Singapore, a building of reinforced concrete, which will ec-it about £1,000,000. The work
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  • 187 2 American Commission's Strictures. It is reported that the Pictures Commission of Albany, New York, in which the power of censorship is vested, asserts that vice is glorified and virtue, sobriety, and the observance of the law made unattractive in the modern cinema, which must be closely scrutinised
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  • 84 2 The Marquess of Graham, who is Naval A.D.C. to His Majesty, and Lord Lieutenant of Buteshire, and Lieut.-Com-mander Newcombe were charged at Glasgow for contravention of the Lottery Act in connection with the sale of tickets on behalf of Nelson's ship, the Victory. It is stated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 352 2 W ™d* I £*?rT a w» n miia? iP Fai ■M n-..l>n, r.nll.puddin,. lor cMd- 0 L "a. f it ..cVll.ou- i J For Baby's brothers X and sisters, too! To grow f rom babyhood into sturdy, happy childhood, your hildren need a food rich in body-building qualities, and a
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    • 345 2 LITTLE PIMPLES ON BABjTS HEAD Became Sore Eruptions. Hair All Fell Out. Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. "When my baby wes a month old his head broke out with little pimples which became large, sore eruptions. The hair around tbe eruptions all fell out. He lost his rest at night on
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    • 1159 2 ELECTROLYTIC ZINC ConUinir.c kTM Ml -ft Zinc Wf guaranteed). ZINC CONCENTRATES (XET) For full particulars of the abovr. addressZINC PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION PTY. LTD. Contractor.' Kith tiir Board of Trade. COLLINS HOUSE. 360 COLLINS STREET. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. London AiMtpss Grtshum Fiome, Old Bro»<' St.. T.^Mnn. T C Cable* Zineiinm," Melbourne.
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  • 681 3 Company Enters Producing Stage. The sixth annual general meeting of the Benta Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at Penang on Saturday, the Hon. Mr. W. H. Thome, presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the 1 report and accounts have been in your I hands for more than the
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  • 343 3 The Teshu Lama's Mysterious Flight Rumours have reached Calcutta to the effect that a sensational development has taken place in Tibet. It is, of course, impossible, as matters stand to get anything: like reliable information, but the latest news relates the Tcshu Lama's flight from Tashilhunpo. Inquiries by
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  • 321 3 With Agonizing Rheumatism. Mr*. Rent ley Tells How She Was Marvellously Cured Dtt. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Mrs. Georce Bentlcy lives in Australia. Her address is 11 Hatton Street, Timaru. The Australians arc great believers in Or. Williams' Pink Pills they have reason to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 979 3 CHEOM KOON SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable land and house properties. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co's saleroom. No. :iu. Chulia Street on Wednesday. February 27, at 2.30 p.m. KSTATK Oh SH.MK ABDILI.AH BIN SUKEI) KIN MAKIE. DECEASED Lot 1. Valuable land and the brick and till- roofad
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    • 627 3 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE jof valuable freehold and leasehold land, houses, etc. At Koh Sck Lim's sale-room, No. 20, Raffles Place, on Tuesday. February 26, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and the; three attr.p dwelling houses known as Nos. 47, 48 and 49 Onan Road, area 4,000 square.
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    • 165 3 Fraser Neave, Ltd. SINGAPORE. jf— •easMßßtj I 1 K£J& Write to-day] -..Twour,, ifor this) wonderful j iftfiffc- Bargain Catalogue of .J.TPSg'. Ithsis. Clothing, 'rtsr^-.-^ Watches, etc. Full of; it-.'iTl^ > Bargains, cooda at .-i"i».l Factory Prices. cES=sfe=3E:. Stl4 lUw. Wt will 4«Mlck. rtlars Bail. tki«l«1«lr lrc« Weatwortk&Co. e^'sHushta St. BRIBTOL.
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    • 623 3 Silent Chain Drive by BRAMPTON BROS., LIMITED for Power Transmission in factories, etc. INVERTED TOOTH TYPE CHAIN For further particulars refer to SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE. "at 9 W liniteers 8 Just Arriving! NEW STOCKS OF THE WORLD FAMOUS Briar &m> Pipes "A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 629 4 STEJMEB SAIUWBS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Hollond.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NE I lIKKI.ANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone Nos. Passage Dept. 131. Freight Dept.. 1202. Marine Dept. and Tranahipmeat Dept. 1137. Manager's Dept. 1002. SING VRAI'JA F-luiiary It, Tanjong-Meng, idar, Tanjong-Leidong, Panch, Berombang, Asahan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 438 5 STEAMEfI SAILINSS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated In Australia) Singapore to Ja-?a Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne via Torres Straits, also with transhipment to other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Ports, British N.w Guinea, New Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MARELLA
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    • 425 5 STEAMER SAILINGS COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S.S. CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) and THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fortnightly Service taking cargo and Passengers from Singapore BATAVIA AND SOURABAIA NORTH-WEST AUSTRALIA PORTS AND FREMANTLE (PERTH). Approximate Sailing.. CHARON Feb. 29 MINDEROO Mar. 16 GORGON
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    • 591 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. LINE DESTINATIONS. STEAMERS. ARK. DETT. London, Hamburg, Kotterdam, Antwerp via Aden. Port Sudan. Port Said Maru Mar M r Io New York ria San Francisco, Panama "Alaska Mam fr.,m il o ii(:Wr>n K Mar. 12 Colombo, Durban, Cape Town, Rio Santos, Montevideo. Buenos Aires Mexico Mnru Mar.
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    • 121 5 PRINCE LINE, LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FOR EAST SERVICE ■tegular Monthly Service FQR BOSTON AXU NKW YORK (via Suet Canal) GOTHIC PBINCE Mar. 8 SOUTHWESTERN M i 1.1.1 .f: end March For all informatloa, apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated jn England) 'gnU. TRADE WITH AUSTRALIA *sS^ffirs*fr* Mr. E.
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    • 685 5 STEAMER SfIHINSS LINE EI.I.KRMAN 111 (KNAI.I ■TBAMBBIP <).. LTD. (Incorporated in Bngtaad) STEAMER. Due Singapore. I'ASSENKKR SERVICE HOMBWABM. *h.s. CITY OF CANTKRBI'RY Marseilles Lond* Feb. 2fi •CITY OK YORK Marseilles London April 4 ♦s.s. CITY OF CAIRO Bar eillei London April H PASS VI, K RATH A Class rtMMM Ist
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 501 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA From Monday, February 18 to Saturday, February 23. In the Second Show 9 p.m. sharp In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. TOPICAL BUDGET 5,,.; 1 :z y™™* spa in c PRBSBNT ALPS SMILING BILLY MASON in One Ree Scenk picture IT MIGHT HAPPEN Tft Valll SAMUEL GOLDWYN
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    • 159 6 CWESfIS Palladium Theatre Tel. 903. Orchard Road. Tonipht at Ml To-nijjht at 9.15 Special Service Squadron Reception of the Admiral at Johnston's Pier Arrival at Government House Inspection of Guard of Honour, The March Past, etc., etc. JACK HOLT a;.i DOROTHY DALTON ON THE HIGH SEAS A thri'linic melodrama of
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    • 199 6 Malaya Boxing Stadium GRAND OPENING NIGHT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Mr. B. I. TAN announces a m;i:n e\ent of twelve :t minute Round* PELKY AND JAMITO ALSO BFTCIAL SKMI-l l\ DEMY SANTOS vs. RED WARREN s KOI MIS am! Three OUwt Houls. bVGGBT FIGHT VKT BTAGBI. Prices $10, S5. S:{ and
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  • 103 7 MXTURXaV Thursday, lehruarv 21 High Water, 10JI a.m., 11.41 p.m. KhTlhariaoaita <lrclieiitr«. Mem. ilmil, ».15--liiin.i. Sinirapor* Club Iridiiy. I e'lrunry 22 ■tea KaUr, ILM a.m. Mic.. i('». Salurdny. I'ebmary 2» Higfl Water, O.IU a.m.. 11. Ml a.m. H. I. outwr.rd mail due. Banquet to Sir T. S.
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  • 145 7 Thursday, Fcbraarj 11. HM. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive Entrance Locution Ship Uodnwn Cate Fast Wharf 3 Suboi Baat Bad Baal Wharf l Hcjrhior T..".1> 22 Vain Wharf CltJ v; Daroaa i« :t M a dang It :t Itadnorshire 14 I 11.M.5. Wcymouth 12
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  • 164 7 tSDAXG, Si...Ti.. tM tn:i ir«.i.i Kuuntar. ■ji-j. for Kuaatan O-l. DORISE, I- r.n. ."..17(1 tons, frum Hui D nkirk tl-t. CIRCE, Brit, 814 tona, Crm Btlawaa 11-1 i II HANTA, Brit., Z,Ml> ton^, turn Calentti tl-t. IXDo I MM tona, from Vokoi j. for Calentta l'i'-l". KAXGAKOO, A
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  • 236 7 To-da,. IVnung, Rangoon and Calcutta 3 p.m. Malacca and Muar 8 p.w Halaia and Muar 4 p.m. Soarabaya 4 p.m. Silicon 4 p.m. Bangkok 4 p.m K I'aaanjr. Hekitn, Sunget Lenibiag and kuantun (via Jerantut) .n 6 p.m. Friday. Ullnjoe, Pungkal Hinanis. BiUitea and BaUvia iaba and
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  • 195 7 EXCHANGE. .I:;;;..;/ J.. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/4 1/8 Prhrati I m. credits 2/4 5/S On N«W York, Demand M% Private 'M d/s B2M On France, Bank hoc I!::!--; 'J'.' 1 I.Oo Ol Bon ktrng, Hank il d l'i p.c preir.. iiirha' Bank
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  • 58 7 - DAILY FKICKS IJUKHKMT. 12 "■>"» i'tbj-uaiy 81, 1924 Singapore Standard Singapore Standard Pule Crcpa, Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cloßing Pricea. Closiag Prices. Buyer* Sellers. Bayers. Stllera. Spot 4!i'j 14 Itarcfa .Mai-. -17 4V& Apri).Juu« Apiii-Jun 48^ |Vi July-Sept July.- 49U ,;i Tone of Mai kit
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    • 215 7 Issue Val. IM. Buyers. Sellers. i Rating Padang 87% 1 1 llitam Tin 1.1V LSZtt 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 non 1 1 Johan Tin 0.37 0 12 1 tl Kam. Katnnnting 48/ fl '.i Kamunttes Tin 10/- 41 ii xd. in 10 K i.d. 7.70 7.90 .'i ."> i.iiujr'-ii
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    • 132 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. to to P.. Am. Tobacco 5.2.G 5.0.3 10 10 Central EngißM K.'iO 10.00 10 '0 Central Motors :.".)0 9.11 El EJ Snwltins .'-.2:< .".'-.">- Blec Tmmwayi I I r Ncave 37.23 "..'.H imcr 4 Co. 152.50 137.50 UKUOOKatz Bros. duf. 105 115 10
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    • 103 7 U. Kng. C p.c. $1,231,000 par 10 p.c pm Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. i'.;:»0,000 nom. Spore Municipal ."> p.c. 1,1>73.000 par 5 p.c. pm Municipal 4'j p.c. of l'JO7 $1,600,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c. pro Spore Municipal 4' 2 p.c. of 190'J $1,000,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c.
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    • 400 7 Iraser und Co. and I.yall and Evatt's ({nutations. Latest available Sterling Quotations arc printed on another page on Friday. To-day's Prices. Kraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 1.13 1.00 1.10 /Uknby ($1) 1.10 1.15 1.05 1.15 A. Hitaui ($5) 11.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 A. Kunlmg ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 THE NEW WORLE To-nijrht Special \Y;i\ann l'a p see •ill a 1 S\c<l K. Han is PRBE FREE FREE CHINESE WAT4JNI IMM KlLiri.NU ORCHESTRA
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    • 827 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Oih.r < i.i.-sili.-d AdvU.. see page 16. MULIGATAV.NY SOUP, Oxtail Soup, Gravy soup, Julienne Soup, Londonderry Soup, lon--:,mme Soup, Vegetable. S.iup, M.,ckturtle (Clear) Soup. 11. Bolter, Director Importer, GOODRICH stands for economy and satisfuction. 1 > j TO LET FURNISHED, B, Chancery Lane. Apply within or Tel. !»a
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    • 213 7 HELP A GOOD CAUSE. CHARITY PERFORMANCE IN AID OF THE CHIANG TECK SCHOOL OF KAMPONG BHARI'. ("nder the Patronage of The Honourable Mr. LEE CHOON GUAN, M.L.C. and The Auspices of a Special Committee THE AMATEUR SPORTING ASSOCIATION will state the drama entitled IMPROVIDENCE (A play with a mornh Bj
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    • 615 7 I OUR QUAUTIES ARE AS ill FOLLOWS i^^B 6<J6 Heavy Silk without fashion seam bS 5 Heavy Silk with fashion seam jffljjiffj. 222 Special Heavy Silk with fashion seam S^ 777 The Queen of Silk Stockings. Kxfra C£|3s Special Heavy. Look for the LADIES fW PAGODA STOCKING A ■fWy Sensible
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    • 112 7 NOTICE is hereby Riven that the abov* Trade Mark is tin- Trad.' M;uk of THE DUNLOH KUBBEB COMPANY (BTBAITS SETTLEMENTS) LIMITED, I Coinfllny incorporated in Singapore and la them is respect of CyelM, Motor Cycles, and Cycle Accessories imported by them into the Straits Settlements. Malay I'inin- uiu and Siani.
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  • 1045 8 The Strait s Times. THURSDAY. FEBRUAR Y 21. LABOUR AND DEFENCE. Heaven help poor old England. Sh? has not fallen among thievis, but worse, union;; fanatics. A question of the Air Force was raised in the House of Commons, and the Minister in charge, save the mark, declared that the
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  • 46 8 An elephant kraal is to be held in Ceylon in the near future. An innovation in connection with it is the part the Boy Scouts are to play. It is understood they are to form a Sanitary Corps to look afier the sanitation of Kraal Town.
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  • 38 8 For the entertainment of the personnel of the five British cruisers which will arrive in Brisbane on April 14 the Queensland Government will supplement the £1,000 given by the Federal authorities with an amount not exceeding that figure.
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  • 298 8 The Pinang Gazette is informed that another halting station will be added to the upper section of the Hills Railways and it will be called Claremont. This is near Claremont, the hill residence of Mr. M. Lim Cheng Ean and the fare up to this point is Co cents. Mr.
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  • 32 8 An error was made in the paragraph headed Boxer's Death in Java, published on Tuesday. The deceased was not the Singapore boxer H. Oliveiro but his brother Edward Oliveiro, al?o a boxer.
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  • 42 8 The Civil Court at Paris has decided hat a clause in the Princess LobanofT itostovsky's will in which shy left £1,000 lor the erection of a memorial to a pet Jog in the Paris dog cemetery must be respected to the letter.
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  • 55 8 Mr. Nicol, the City Coroner, commenced lis enquiry to-day into the nreOßMrtaneei attending the death of a Chinese in Cross Street about three weeks back a« the remit of an attack on him by a gang of five Chinese. Four men arre'stecl in connection with the crime were placed in
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  • 55 8 An interesting function took place at the Railway District Kngineer's oflks, Ipoh, on Saturday evening, when Major •I. C. G. Spooner. M.C. District Engineer, was presentecj with a farewell address on the eve of his departure home on leave by the local staff of the Engineering Department, F.M.S.R. Mr. F.
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  • 54 8 The P. and O. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., has arranged to expedite mail .stc-amers from Australia and India in order to reach Marse Jles on Fridays '.n--stead of Saturdays, thus enablng lettc i> to be delivered throughout the United Kingdom em Monday morning. The new arrangement commenced with the Indian
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  • 109 8 There was an impressive ceremony at he unveiling of the war memorial windows in the Union Church, Shanghai, on February 10 by Mr. Barton, British Con-;ul-General. A spe-ech was delivered by Colonel Gordon, Commanding the Volun.(ers. The guard-of-honour comprised letachments from H.M.S. Bee and Cock•hafer and the Scottish Volunteers. Owing
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  • 63 8 Two officers of the City of Durban A'ere proceed. ng in a double ricksha alon.'j Robinson Road last night when the puller, an elderly Chinese, collapsed between the shafts. Detective Inspector Lyons, who was on the scene shortly ifier, had the man removed to the General Hospital, where he died
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  • 67 8 Seven Malay members of the crew of he Charon were placed before Mr. Gouray, to-day, charged with the theft of ins of cigarettes on board the steamer vhich arrived from Australia and Java ports yesterday evening. His worship. after hearing the case, discharged the fourth accused. The icst were each
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  • 47 8 The Kuala Lumpur appeal court yester.lay dismissed the appeal brought by Sheik Mohamed bin Sheik Mostophen who Aith some others was sentenced to three rears' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. (ustice McCabe Reay at the last Scremjan Assizes for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Bengalis at Port Dick-
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  • 26 8 ion. Mohammed bin Omar, the second accused, was discharged and Sheik Daid. the third accused, had his sentence commuted to one of 12 months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 108 8 The case in which Mr. C. A. Evans' is charged with rashly driving his motor car so as to cause hurt to a Chinese dentist named Yeo Jin Beng at the Almeida Street junction with Collyer Quay about a month ago, was mentioned to-day before Mr. Gourlay by Mr. Shelley-Thomp-son,
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  • 122 8 During the early hours of December 10 last, two Chinese emerged from thu Golden Star Club, in the Kreta Aver district, and got into rickshas. When they reached North Canal Road they were held up by four Chinese, armed with knives, who demanded their money, and took all they had.
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  • 477 8 The- Rev. M. Cai peiiter-Garnior lias een elected as Bishop of Colombo. The death is announced of Mr. William Robert Fink, aged 78, formerly RegMnr f the High Court of Calcutta. The Hon. Mr. Justice Coutts-Trotter. he new Chief Justice of Madras, toufc is seat on February
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  • 72 8 Sir Frederick James, K.8.E., M.C Jclonial Secretary (if the Straits Settlencnts, appointment as Governor >f ihe Windward Islands was recently innounced, is leaving the Colony for tome by the Ilakozaki Mam on March 11, accompanied by Lady James, erne arrived back in Singapore from home on
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  • 107 8 The Government propose to withdraw tn= financial assi-tarue given yearly in the past for current expenditure, in connection with St. Andrew's Cathedral, from January 1, 1025, and also to cease paying the sulary of a Colonial Chaplain when the present incumbent retires, which he could elect to
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  • 136 8 There was much commotion among Chinese and Malays last evening at evidenced by the beating of drums, cracker firing and jingling of empty tins. But it was in no way associated with Chap Goh Meh beyond the fact that it had to do with the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiies miiuiiiiiii I John Little Co., Ltd. j RAVING iJEEN AI'I'OINTED AGENTS FOR HEDGES BUTLER, LTD. By Appointment ilcud Mr* LONDON. Estd. A.D. 1667. Wine Merchants tj H.M. Kins George V. and 11.X.11. The Prince of Wales (AN BUPPLY THE FOLLOWING SELECTED WINES WHISKY. j CHAMPAGNE. I'r r doz. Duty
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    • 155 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp SMILING BILLY MASON in IT MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU in 5 Reels. FLORENCE DIXON in THE SUPREME PASSION in 6 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. TOM MOORE in HEART EASE in 5 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.,
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    • 65 8 On Other Pages. Bar Etiquette I Bentu Rubber EaUtei :i Shippinc and The Mails 7 Heut.r Telcicram* '■< Klkaye Matches- Court Case 9 Dr." Pan! i> I'erak Notes 0 .Supreme Court ,9 Malacca Notes 9 Town I tanning nnd skyscrapers JO Sportinjf Intelligence ..10 To-day'l Share Mark.t .10 Malay Kubber
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  • 369 9 Settlement of the Dispute Announced. [Relter Telegram] London, February 21. Official The dock strike has been ?ettkd. London. February M. The court of enquiry into the dock (Ispute, presided over by Mr. Holman Gregory, who was accompanied by Mr. 11. Boothntun, .secretary of ihe Association of Operative Cotton-spinners,
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  • 191 9 [Relter Telegram.] London, February 20. In a paper read before the Royal Society of Arts on new uses of rubber Mr. P. J. Burgess, chairman of the Rubbat Growers Assoc;ation, suggested that < eylun tea planters might experiment in waterproofing tea ekatta with rubber latex instead of
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  • 71 9 [Reutek Telegram.] London. February 20. Cairo The Egyptian Government have cancelled the licence granted to Alinir.a, Countess of Carnarvon, with regard to the tomb of Tutankhamen. Lady Carnarvon's licence was issued hi July last year am! was dv* to expire on November 24 next. The Director-General of
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  • 222 9 Progress of Oil Scandal Inquiry. [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 20. Washington It is understood that Republican senators during tfca last few hours have been increasingly pressing for Mr. Daugherty's resignation. Mr. Daughcrty, in a brief conference with the President, re-affirmrd his determination not to resign umer fire.
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  • 56 9 [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 20. Paris Dr. Schacht, president of the Reichsbank, has 'left for Berlin. He will return to Paris next week, when he will again confer with the experts committee with regard to details of his scheme for a gold credit bank, which the experts are
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  • 36 9 [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 20. Paris The Chamber by 355 votes to 215 rejected the Socialist amendment cancelling article 3C of the Government's financial proposals, which provides for disposal of the < tat<- match monopoly.
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  • 43 9 [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 20. It is oflicirlly announced that the retail price of Insulin will be reduced on the tEth inst. from 12s. M. to 6s. Bd. per hundred units. This is below the most recent American retail price.
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  • 38 9 [Relter Telegram.] London, February 20. New York A stinging sleet storm sweeping eastward from the lake region held up trains and has broken down telegraphs on the Atlantic seaboard. Streets in New York are impassable.
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  • 26 9 [Reuter Telegram.] London, February 20 The Road Transport commercial group committee has requested the national strike committee to instruct road transport workers to strike.
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  • 15 9 [Relter Telegram.] London, February 20. Mexico City The Federals occupied Morelia without fighting.
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  • 41 9 H. R. H. the Prince of Wales enjoyed a namely evening at the Victoria Workmen* Club, K;-w, on February 6. Attired in a gTey suit, he sat among the crowded audience during the concert, and chatted with a number of members.
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  • 577 9 Claim for Alleged Wrongful Dismissal. An interesting case was commenced in the Supreme Court, this morning, before Mr. Justice Acton, in which G. L. Evance, formerly manager of the Elkaye Match factory, sued Lee Kirn Soo, the proptietor of the factory. Mr. J. G. Campbell appeared for the
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  • 304 9 Mortgage Forged by Plaintiff's Father. Judgment was given in the Supreme Court this morning by Mr. Justice Acton in the remarkable case centring around a forged mortgage. His Lordship found that the mortgage was forged by the plaintiff's father, but that the plaintiff was not a party to
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  • 93 9 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, February 10. M. Karakhan, Soviet envoy, has declared in his statement that Russia need not be in a hurry to re-op n a cunfaPiKa with Japan. Subsequently the Vladivostok authorities issucJ U order for suspension of the mail mtHom,
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  • 1060 9 (From a Correspondent.) Ipoh, February 18. Heavy vain, as usual, marked the visit of the Selangor Hockey XI to play the last match of the season against Perak, on Saturday, at the Ipoh Club padang. By five o'clock the heavy rain was over and although the ground was
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  • 31 9 Major Wilfrid C Humphrey, of tho Royal Engineers staff at Colchester, who formerly served in India, was found dead in bed at his lodgings, suffocated by fumes from an oil lamp.
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  • 374 9 Warrant Issued for Arrest Of Paul. The case against Doctor Paul which was postponed from yesterday in Mr David's Courtj owing to the accused failing to put in an appearance, came on again this morning. .Mr. N. H. P. Whitley, D.P.P., and Hon. Dr. J. Gray, P.C.M.0.,
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  • 61 9 French Consul's Visa Necessary. The following telegram has been received by the Government from the British Consul-General in Saigon Please inform all passengers local authorities insist on having French Consulate's visa on passports for British subjects even to come ashore during stay of conveying steamer in port,
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  • 161 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 643 rd auction on February 20, when there was catalogued 1,488,087 lbs. or 664.32 tons offered 1.019,260 lbs. or 455.02 tons sold 740,449 lbs. or 330.55 tons. PRICES REALIZED. Spot. London Is. 1 %d. New York 25% cts.
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  • 177 9 It is learnt, says the Times of Ceylon, that the Government of Ceylon has circularised the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the L.C.P.A., the Planters' Association and similar bodies in connection with a request which has been received from the Rubber Growers' Association for a yearly grant
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  • 119 9 Though Norway has decided to abolish her prohibition laws, it is to be hoped she will not alter her method of dealing with habitual drunkards, observes the Morning Post. Her way of dealing with inebriates is the most effective in the woild. When brought to the
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  • 916 9 Gift to Club from H.M.S. Carlisle. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, February 18. Malacca Club members who have comein with their friends on Saturday for the Rugby match and dance were very agreeably surprised by the display, in th« Ladiis Room, o! a large silver cup bearing the
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  • 133 9 Mr. W. Dunman presided at the thir.l annual meeting of the Singapore Natuial History Society held at the Raffle Museum on Monday afternoon. Th« meeting was purely a business one and in the absence of the Pwkfefll (Maj J. C. Moulton, 0.8. E.) ther- wa dress. The
    133 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.!
    • 295 10 trrangementa for the Season. What ai interesting S.C.C. opens with natch on Saturday. In addition I the Singapore nt and the Cricket Club Tourarranged spore during ■a in Singapore Of ...a on Auxiist :!<>, hi Royal Dn th Padang on April and Julj and between the and the
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    • 44 10 S. C. C. Defeat R. (J. A. Team. The S 5,;,. spore R.G.A. team yesterday afternoon, S one. Both the The first half, h and Koasey. After n duoad the lecd, and defended their own .y;oal successfully although the club players two opportunities.
      44 words
    • 39 10 era of the S.C.C. are reminded 1 the Spring lawn tennia tournament close on Saturday. Entry i .ii c in:'' r in the Ir, events include the championship, championship pair.-. aesr> comers' handicap and profesaion pairs.
      39 words
    • 49 10 It is I will be repreKented by a ri Bisley tais year SO .u 1 at home on Ii aye. l that Major!m lias undertaken Govemmsni will i i -ai y team Any hots who are Interested o tin headquarters of the liitle Association at the Drill Hall.
      49 words
    • 267 10 Handicaps for To-day. The the handicaps for bo -day's races at Koala Lumpur: a race for exGriffin B. Five furJill 9.10, Bobadil '.L 4. Second 9tau Cl ng Toi ii.l, Diggor 9.2, Chinta 12, Nora 8.12, lai hi I 7. 12, Captain mbrani O.IJ, Polly Flinders for Selangor
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    • 27 10 in the S. tournament at snookers Brennan beat I'algrave by 45. The final of the A class billiards handicap, Walsh v. Bentley, will be played tomorrow.
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    • 31 10 The ladies' February monthly medal <.! iht Singapore Golf Club will be played for on Monday next. The first round of the President's Prize, 1923, compet'tion must be completed by Sunday.
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    • 101 10 Scottish League results of February 12 St. Mirrcn 2, Partick 1. Rangers li, Queen's Park 0. In the Scottish Cup replay the Hibernians boat Alloa by 5 goals to nil. in the Hospitals Rugger Cup, second round, King's College beat St. Mary's by 23 points to 3. At
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  • 314 10 Swarm 2,000 Miles In Extent. The plague in South Africa ha.? I led to* the establishment of a new and nourishing industry. In Johannesburg the bodies of the locaata have been pounded into a paste and used for poultry food. Now a company, known as the
    314 words
  • 166 10 The following is from the Bangkok Time- of the 15th instant One Nai Met, a criminal of note, disappeared from the country after committing murder in the Cirde of Bajbjori. He has new been masted in Kuala Lumpur, and a guard commanded by a Gendarmerie Lieut.--t. olcnel
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  • 125 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wr.les on Wednesday V'isvalingam, the Jaffna Tamil who was arrested about a fortnight ago and in whose possession were found 12t! pawn tickets, was convicted of dishonestly retaining stolen property and saeAeaaad pamerday by the Raja Musa in the second police court to
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  • 72 10 The values of cinematographic and photaßajpUc materials imported into British Malaya during 1922 amounted to £H'7.::62, an j for the first nine months of the current year to £79,948. In 1922 the value of exports amounted to ££2,760. The principal countries on which these exports went were British Possessions (£19,536),
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  • 220 10 Mac-phail and Co., Ltd.'s Report. Singapore, February, 21. Rubber. Londoii Is. 1-^d. Local 46's cents. Tin.— London £272 17*. 6d. RubU-rs.— Allenhys 1.10 to 1.20, Basset ts 1 to 1.05, Craigieleas 47 Uj cents to ItH cents, Kedah« 1.H5 to 2.05, Kuala Sidims 1.90 to IJTw, Malaka
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  • 143 10 I.. vail and Evatt's Report Singapore, February 'J!. Tin.— ttn 17s. (id. down 775. 6d. Rubber. Is. l r 'sd. unchanged. Rubbers. Bukit Sembawangs Is. s'/jd.- S';..d., Singapore Uniteds Is. Id.-!:-. .Vie!, New Craigieleas 4H-52, I.unas 7.25--7.5(t, New Scudais 1.05-1.15, Kedahs L 9-5-2.05, Mandai TekoSffiS K-M, Bukit Jelutongs 40-62, Mentakabs
    143 words
  • 134 10 (L K. Macphail.) Singapore, February BL Rubber. Is. l^id. 4<i'.i cents. Tin.— JtTl 17s. ad. $138. 225 tons sold. Rubber. Quotations nominal. Tin.- Taipings 1.27 1 to 1.32 Va Norths i 1.25 to 1.30, Hitams 1.45 to 1.50, Souths 1.07 'j to 1.12'x cum
    134 words
  • 449 10 Messrs. Macphajl and Co. Ltd's Weekly ••eror'., dated February 20, states The main feature of tile period under review has been the steady increase in the price of tin and although at the close there has been a set back the price is £10 15s.
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  • 13 10 Rn^ineeni may attempt broadcasting throughout the Kmp re during the British Empire Exhibition.
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  • 329 10 SETTLERS 'IN GUIANA. Colonisation Scheme For Indians. Over forty members of both Chambers al the Indian Leg .stature, on the invitation of the Hon. Laluhtiai Samai das, met the British Guiana Deputation, consisting ot ;he chairman, Sn Josepn Nunan, and Mr. Jo.cph a. Luckhoo, at }ea on the terrace of
    329 words
  • 537 10 Story of the Loss of the Mary Horiovk. With the. arrival of the Kmpress of Australia at Hongkong the full story was brought of the foundering of a large Kn.'nish StOSMMT duiing stormy weather m the Pacific Ocean. The. foundered vessel was th? Mary Horlock, and her
    537 words
  • 126 10 yesterday was the 16th day of the first moon of the Chinese New Year, when Shen and Ts'ai, the two guardians of the door, are feted. It is an auspicious day for praying for wealth and offspring as well as for rain Htnce the temple in Teluk
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  • 14 10 Messrs. Crompton and Co., dynamo manufacturers, of Chelmsford, send us their New Year calendar.
    14 words
  • 1346 10 Arguments Against Erecting High Buildings. vim: Is taken from the Build- Irq News of December 81, 1923, and was contributed ly Mr. Raymond L'nwin. who U acknowledged to be one of the great- 1' Bat authorities on Town-Planning in L'i'tain Twenty or thirty years ago in thi-
    1,346 words
  • 632 10 Zoo's New Kuildini; Nearing Completion. The (riant aquarium at the Zoological (.Jardcns, Kejfent's Park, whi. h has been under construction for some twelve months, will be opened to the public before Kaster, writes E.F.D. in a bone paper. Neither pains nor money have been spared in carrying out
    632 words
  • 85 10 It is understood that bemMtef A \V:.\.. who recently hail a rerious motor cycle accident at Kuala I.umpur, is retiring from thi> force OH pension, writel i'ir Kuala Lumpur correspondent. In- li.'itor lavender has been transferred to ntral Station, Kuala Lumpur, as Second Inspector. Inspector
    85 words

  • 799 11 Improved Position— Signs of Trade Revival. The nil dinary general mevt-j in:: of the Malay Rubber Planters, Ltd.,, was held < n January S3, at the offices of the company, Salisbury House. Londonwall, E.C., Mr. A. J. Steven (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving
    799 words
  • 229 11 A Story of Whisky Running I ailiirc. According t.> the London newspapers, behind ttir death of Sir John Stewart, the Dundee whisky distiller, who was found ■hot dead in his Porthshiiv Mat ingask Castle, liei I story of a whisky running failure and a fortune quickly
    229 words
  • 44 11 Mting on hVhmary 11. the Got--Irn is of Guy's Hospital accepted Lord (toacheiTa resignation of his office of lhe Tll him inhifi and txpwased their ip- f hi< faithful and distinguished tervicri to tli<' Hospital anil medical iihnul iiin no !h.. nan 1:1 nan
    44 words
  • 795 11 Chinese Authorities Claim Jurisdiction. Has the M'xed Court jurisdiction over sllsgtd meoag-doan on board a foreign .-Inp tlynj; the flag of a country not SBJOJ in;; extraterritorial rights in China, that ship being moored in the Huangpu on the Piotung (Chinese) shore Ths important question was raised
    795 words
  • 62 11 Programme of Drills up to and for Pcbruary 24. 1U24. Titandajr, February 21, 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, M.G. Platoon, action, out of action, tiaversing and searching. Friday, February 22, 5.10 p.m., Drill Hall, Kurasian Co., recruits drill M.G. Platoon, traversing, searching, lowest posit on. Saturday and Sunday,
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  • 26 11 Orders for week ending February 24, 1924 Friday, February 22. The Route March arranged for this date is cancelled.
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  • 58 11 Two-way wireless communication with three American and two Canadian station? ililished and maintained early on the morning of the 11th inst., by an eijrhteen-year-olj schoolboy at the experimental stat on at Millhill School, Middlesex. Talk in morse with Maine University and Haverford College lasted for over an hour. One valve
    58 words
  • 52 11 A firm of suluitois had deposited 1150.000 in 1920 with the London City and Midland Bank on behalf of a client itaim'tl Robinson. The client has just 1 etui ned after a long absence and found that nearly £125,000 has been withdrawn on alleged v In -jues wh eh are
    52 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 NEW "His Master Voice" Records for FEBRUARY JUST RECEIVED MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. Raffles Place, Singapore 4 FIfITUO IHEHu "SPEEDICUT" HIGH SPEED OTHER HIGH GRADE TOOL STEELS FILES, DRILLS, lIACKSAW BLADES Are the result of co-opera-CIRCULAR SAWS lion between lhe most P r CROSSCUT SAWS Kressive
      123 words
    • 403 11 BAFFLES HOTEL Tl MONDAT.— Tea Dansaat. 1 Telephone 2t2« (It Unas) TUESDAY.— Dinner and Dane*. irt Ta» inest Ballroom In the Ea»t WEDNESDAY.— Orcheatral Conrert. IUURSDAY.— Cneat Night, Dinner aa* Dance. GRILL open till It p.m. FRIDAY.— Tea Danaant v j, SATURDAY.— Gneat Night. Diaaer ss4 TO-NIGHT D cc /""I
      403 words

  • 803 12 Famous Club's Hundredth Anniversary. This year is the centenary of the Athenaeum Club, which was founded in 1824. It was proposed to celebrate the occasion by a dinner of the members in the club on February 14, and a conversazione to be held at a later date. Mr.
    803 words
  • 222 12 In the First Court, Penangr, on Thursday, reports the Straits Echo, R. M. Thyriar and M. M. Kamalingam Pillay were charged with printing a newspaper, the Malay Herald, without the printer making v declaration at the Supreme Court and putting his name on the paper. Only the
    222 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 369 12 The All/^C;'rf^^\British Staiaarcl LIGhTT'CAR The All- British Standard give* its owner faithful service under the worst climatic and territorial conditions. Its reliability, sturi dinets, power and handsoroa appearance have endeared it to discerning motorist* tha ffi^'C r^^\ WEARNE BROS., Ltd.. /EiK TH rcnllr< R°ad, Singapore. \i '^L.V -7 I^LV-f/ S««»il.rJ
      369 words
    • 254 12 }?^SINGA PORE PCNANoT^^ VC^ FEDERATED MALAY 3TATM ANO SUMATRA. (Dl} REGISTCRED TRAOt MARK PECISTEREO TRAOt MARK N?4oPo 55* l $38 %sjf NOTICE is hereby given that the above six Trade Marks are the Trade Marks of KOUSTKAD CO., LTD., a Company Incorporated in the Federated Malay States and are used
      254 words
    • 61 12 fiOOSTEAD&C'PtNANGiSINGAftRt fnnn Cz& Yijs^ I if--2 BQ'J 1 An *C i i) x 'lit i II :<^_»" It #EBso# 26Yds MASSAGE AND MANICURE Mrs SONODA and Miss TAIKO, 5. BENCOOI.EN STREET, SINGAPORE. Mrs. WASA, LADY MASSAGIST, 5, CAIRNBILL ROAD. Business Hour* 7 a.m. to t p.m. MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND
      61 words
    • 88 12 i yriutlklij s|*Mgf3t 3 t m > o 9° s ov*<4i* fry > o 8 MASSAGE Mr. and Mrs. FUJIMORI, Establixhed 1912. JAPANESE BONE-SETTEBS No. 19, Dhoby Ghaut, SINGAPORE. THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS It is proposed to hold a Dinner of Corporate Members tnd Students of the INSTITUTION OK
      88 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 320 13 BERNA MILK net no. rn'W."" Jw.tlf Uwai SOLE AGENTS FOR S. S. AND F. M. 8. DUPIRE BROTHERS eeeee»eeeeeeeeee»>t«»e»eeeee>eee»eeeeeeeeete»«eeee»»e« •r^Hjfe/^y^r'iO Two Great Things of China. in flj^a^'^^BS lC J- r( at NVa C i i 1 1 a st.'.ruis to-<i;iy a 'i'H i 'i i^Ji 1 "h'idoi i;i! ir> its
      320 words
    • 283 13 TO LET OFFICES, CODOWRS, ETC. I 1.".. 22. 14, .-.1, H «nl 47, The Arcadi- 20, Malaaaa S'r.-.-t H and pnrt of No. t, CoUycr Qu»y. :i. o, 7. Kablaeei tUmi. IG-a and 18-1, Ckufl Alley. 5, HuttTry Ruud. It, RalTlc* Quay. 15, Stamford Kmi.l 29, 31, H, .'l6 and
      283 words
    • 230 13 TLII Hill 1 1 1.1 llWMi'BMi^aWn.l^MMiTniriM'lTaMlTatll^llSllß jf\C\d£S I fIP 7strfeTB*tfw >« rfflyjnm; True tyro satisfaction for r*J> A/awFW K^ When you l<uy owners demanding I^/^/m 9^J Continental I/J7V COVERS and r- rn *r>*' 1 >- P^E ff//^Kf i^^^^N. Tl ISES SERVICE and l^J^M^^^^ you ov^i both Inferiority. S-l, K ,.nls
      230 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 534 14 IM»TnairßMaTMMsWM«am«Bli^»'"™""""*^ A«set* over $5,000,006 S.C. Mannnet ta farce OTsr 917,ttt,ett. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated la Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFTICI Wlaehester sTosas, Singapore. fcOMDOM OTTICW I U, OK Jewry, 1.0. The Company has £10,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with ths British
      534 words
    • 609 14 BANKING 1 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) 1 Capital Authorised M.000,000 CapiUl Subscribed 41,800,000 CapiUl Paid-up 11,060,000 > Reserve Fund and Reat 41,862.105 BOARD Oi" DIRECTORS Sir R. i. Black, Bart., Chalrmaa. J 11. Ryric, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. IF. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David
      609 words
    • 533 14 INSURANCE UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. (Incorporated in France) EsUblished 1826. RESERVE AND TOTAL GUARANTIED 24,000,000 The undersigned agents for the sbove Company, are prepared to accept firs risks for long or short periods, at current rates. CASH SETTLEMENT promptly made bj the agents in Singapore. Ths Successors of
      533 words
    • 314 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated In England) Fire, Mariae, AcciJeat, Qaaraatea and Motor. Assets exceed mm^ m 440,000,000 W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) 1 sad 2, Bartholomew Laae, London EsUblished
      314 words
    • 572 14 SMILES There arc different kinds of smiles. Sir, smiles of impudence, superior smites, sad smiles, AND SMILES OF CONTENTMENT, LIKE THE KENSITAS SMILE. Yes, Sir, you do smile when you smoke Kensitns. You are content- ed, because Kensitas are "as good as good cigarettes can be." KENSITAS CIGARETTES Retail 75
      572 words
    • 58 14 A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Start the New Year Rieht by advertising in our Leading Chinese Daily Journal of Commerce. The only Chinese paper devoted exclusively to Commerce, and circulates throughout the S.S., F.M.S., D. E. Indies and China Ports. For rates and terms, please apply to The Naaqraac Sianjc Pau Press.
      58 words

  • 516 15 "Then is DO time lik'i the pkasant," is an appropriate Malapropism. Dancing is not only a delightful recreation. writes Mr. Chaih, S. Kit's, but a graceful Vehicle for healthy exercise. The mid- Viet rian lr.cliuit; have given way to the rhythmic anil less energetic movement the
    516 words
  • 371 15 Oldest Dated Example of Manu Handwriting. A report \.;s-nnl by the authorities of the British Rnacnm, iii reference to tht.excavation at Ur of the Chaidees and othar aitaf in Mesopotamia, stales that a narble tablet h;:s bean discovcied, on which ij an inscriptinn in Sumerian'
    371 words
  • 112 15 The Government of India have decided to npiace the wristlng star water-mark on the one rupee currency note by a re- t presentation which will be easier to manu- fai-ture and will be more durable. The new star will have no sijuare border, but t the space
    112 words
  • 41 15 Teacher "How is it you're ro late, Tommy Tommy—" Cause there was a man pinched for stealin' hens and set- tin' a house on Bra an' knocking down fiv-» policemen, an' mither sent me round to ■«c if it was father."
    41 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 New Prices 1 -Ton Truck Chassis mniploie with driven cab '<****(*. r EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED. Wear ne Brothers, Ltd. Orchard Road, Singapore. 4 ««<♦ i clLoounJ -GLYCERO PHOSPHATES W,TH OR LOST ENERGY Syup W;THOUT FORMATES) cl««» Poorness of Blood NerVkor A STRENGTHENING TONIC an^hi. r*SS~ FOR ALL NERVE CONDITIONS sleeplessness
      117 words
    • 433 15 The Gray Car Our last shipmi-n* hi-; bcei sold ard a new shipment is due (his week. The ccqnomy and reliability of the Gray tar is rapidly making it one of the most popular cars in the world. Holding the American Automolule ('ii>))"s economy retord. the (ira> is uar excellence
      433 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 297 16 MISS L. V. C. GAIERON 2nd floor. Ma>nard's Building. The Latest Medical Electrical Treatment. Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Neuritis. Excessive Hlo«d Pressure, and all Nervous diseases. Will completely build up the Nervous System. Contracted Muscles Relaxed. Obesity successfully reduced. SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR ALL BCALP TROUBLE& Dandruff a:v! Falling Kair Cured.
      297 words
    • 490 16 PARISIAN HOUSE GROSVENOR BUILDING. We beat all competition with our prices Ladies' Straw Hats 3.00 Crepe-chine Hat 5.00 FROM PARIS. Morning Dress 6.00 Afternoon Dress $12.00 to $18.00 Model Parisian Shoes $12.00 MOULDY ROT Treatment as advocated by the Dept. of Agriculture, F.M.S. No. 1 METHOD. 20 per cent. Solution
      490 words
    • 1843 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Want., For Sale, To Let. etc. In ordinary close set type (average six word, to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two in*. 48 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., Sve ins. $1.00, six ins. I!. IS ten ins.
      1,843 words
    • 161 16 OCULAR HEADACHES. Eight per cent, of headaches are Ocular Headaches c»u*e<l through some defect of vision. If your headache is so caused you will never h« relieved until you wear scientifically-fitted glasses to correct the defect. Let me test your sight and make certain. You will not be advised glasses
      161 words
    • 585 16 NEW LATEST NOVELS. Dy LEONARD MERRICK at $2.00 each. WHILE PAKia I \l"Clli:n. being Tranks and raasiona of Ihf IVrt Tricotrln CONAKII IN QUBBT OP HIS YOUTH, with an introduction hy Sir J. M. Barrie WHEN LOVE II IKS Ol T O'THK WINDOW. TIIK QUAINT COMPANIONS, with an int i.
      585 words