The Straits Times, 16 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times \'o. 27,483 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1924, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 158 1 I PABCOLIN RUGS VARIOUS ARTISTIC DESIGNS IN STOCK w \ii •♦^#^«S^lSc§3^-w SI unquestion. a APPEARANCE j^^^^^S^^^^ B^ffl ABLY THE THFY l»»^' > '»"K'^JW^^^^^^»?^*^^i^W^*^W^S' ifiiun HAVE NO N THE r, m j^jk w^^ f^ b^^^b ii Sizes Stocked 9 ft. by 9 ft., 9 ft. by 10 ft. 6 in., 9
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    • 3 1 -iir-- V (^Baaat
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  • 1578 2 Exploitation by Private Individuals. (From Our Own Correspondent). Bandoeng, February 4. The Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce has issued a circular, meant both for the Forest Service and the timber trade, in which the standpoint of the Government with regard to the exploitation of timber by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 Pork Sausages Made Fresh Daily, from Prime Dairy Fed Pork, under Hygienic conditions, and protected from contamination by thoroughly cleansed and purified Skins. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD Co., Ltd. (Inc. in S.S.) H THE WHOLE ART OF SEASONING. (C^B cs n a bottle of Lea Perrins* Sauce. Your cook
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    • 218 2 Shampo With Cuticura And Have Healthy Hair Regular shampoos with Cuticura Soap will keep the scalp clean and healthy. Before shampooing touch spots of dandruff and itching, if any, with Cv.ticura Ointment. A clean, healthy scalp means good hair. Ro»pU..T«lc«mli.Sd.olntni.iitli 3d «»dli «d Soiatl.roanhoutthfKmr:" Bnli.hXrpol: TH..btrydSoni.Ltd ,27.Ch*rt»r&I«l»«3< i London. S
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    • 319 2 i|J|^3 A Beautiful Car made Still More Beautiful WV.jji'fß ~>f TL THO "ill li.iv r;. >it.-n those admirable prewar (i f^--C« ftriiet ran of which the 15-9 h.p. was the nrrUvt v &£VvfcJ T T c *r" r on elr so ul nitM nave them /aflV/V"! renown the world over.
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  • 426 3 Lewis and Peat's Review of The Measure. The following is taken from Messrs. Lewis and Feat s rubber report for 1923: The restriction scheme has undoubtedly the industry from disaster, in spite of the many unforeseen factor.which have in a measure interfered with its lull benefits. Smuggling,
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  • 62 3 A message from Glasgow states thr.t the Scotch woollen manufacturers, who are producing the finest tweeds for the London trade, have substantially advanced the prices of cloth irwing to the world's shortage of wool. Fine w*nls already have been raised over 25 per cent. A further advance is assured. As
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 867 3 GHEOM6 KOON SENS I CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable lusinc?s promises and reiidential l'roprerti.s. At Messrs. Cheor.g Koon Seng A Co.'t taleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, February 20, at 2.38 p.m. j I.«t 1. Valuable freehold land and the compound house known as Emma Villa, No. 4
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    • 462 3 You who tire quickly, feel depressed, or Run-down. remember Wincarais is always ready to help you to regain strength to banish depression to promota new, rich, red blood to surcharge your system with new nerve fore* and ta craata naw yitaJity. Because Wincarnis Is a Tonic, a Restorative a Blood-burlder,
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    • 451 3 KEEP YOUR BABY LOVELY AND WELL Are you one of those lucky mothers whose baby seldom erica, sleeps |>eacefully, eats well, gains weight regularly .lay by day If not most pr,,kilily the troubles is in the little line's stomach or intestines, where most of the ailments of infancy arise. Vnder
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    • 593 3 iFSIdIgJT MARINE MOTORS Four-Cylinder $1 ,000 SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE. ff > 1/ I fc gsMaLr I Jk^HMaJ^aHPl aY T ftaW^^s^J I±\ \h -fll Baa THAT PERFECT EGYPTIAN CIGARETTE ALWAYS SMOKED BT CONNOISSEURS. To be obtained frost I ROBINSON CO, LTD, Blßgapor*. JOHN
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 634 4 STEAMER SfIILIUgS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM <SOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OP BATAVIA) (Incorporated in ITolland.) UK.DH CONTRACT WITH THK NETHERLANDS INDIA SOVICKMUITr. Telepaoae Naa. Paseage DepL 111, Freight Dept., 1202, Mariae D*»t aad Trauktaaeat Dept 14ST, Manager'a Dcpt. 1C.2. JANSSENS— February 10. ISelawan-Ik-li. CAMPHUVS— February 1". Penang, Lho-Seumav.-e, BigU, Sabang, Oeloe-Llicue,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 445 5 STEAME,, SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne via Torres Straits, also with transhipment to other Victorian, South Australiun and North Queensland Ports, British Niw Guinea, New Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MARELLA
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    • 440 5 STEAMER SAILINGS COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S.S. CO. LTD. (Incorporated in England) THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fortnightly Service taking cargo and Passengers from Singapore BATAVIA AND SOURABAIA NORTH.WEST AUSTRALIA PORTS AND FREMA.NTLE (PERTH). Approximate Sailing.. GASCOYNE twin screw Feb. 16 CHARON Feb. 29
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    • 576 5 STEAMER SAH.INCS O.S.K. LINE DESTINATIONS. STEAMERS. ARR. DEPT. L nd vi^ A H d m en. hU Suex R °Po < rV l "s.-U| AntWerP Celeb M v F F b lfl New York via San, Panama Alaska Maru from Kulie Mar. 14 DUr s".^" B no^ y AIr
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    • 96 5 HUGO STINIES UNES (Incorporated in Germany) For PENANG, COLOMBO, 6UE2^ PORT SAID, NAPLES, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. The aa. Kirdorf leaving Singapore, on Monday, the 18th inst., will be our next •ailing for the above ports For particulars, regarding passage and freight, please apply N. V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING COMPANY
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    • 664 5 STEAMER SAILMGS "ELLERMAN" LINE KLI.KRMAN ft BITKffALL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD (loterporatad in England) WAtW. d«« Singapore. PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. •am. OITV O*' TOEK China nil lapu In port HOMEWARDS. •■...CITY OK CANTERBURY Tthlii Feb. 20 i... CITY Of YORK MsUMlliM Lon.ion April 4 CITY OK CAIRO Hsumllm Lotdon April 2:1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 518 6 CINEiAS EMPIRE CINEMA Txnjonp Patfar Road. Telephone No. 1001. FVmh Saturdn; I".'!>ruary 16 to Monday, February 18. In the '.'-ecand Sho^ at 9.19 In the First Show at 7.30 International News TAKING THINGS EASY 1i Second InttataMri w Hpiiodes A Star Comedy. RUTH ROLAND SERIAL JSSLSTSZLim THE TIMBER QUEEN A
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    • 311 6 CMEHAS T( PALLADIUM THEATRE '^"L. TO-NIGHT BETTY (OMPSON and TOM MOORE in OVER THE BORDER (Adapted from Sir (iilbert I'arker's novel She of the Triple Chevron. A HfUKag story of Whisky SmiijtKlers and the Canadian Muunted I'olice. FELIX THE CAT PATHE GAZETTE Fir t Show 7.30 (MAKI.ES HITCHISON in SPEED
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    • 306 6 COME AM) HEAR Krai kronrhong Mnrrisio laag To-morrow Sunda. In conjunction witi i day NJAI DM I.M A and EDW \ltli WILLIAM THE STAR OPERA TO-NIGHT GVI.ZA E. NKhV Will Ih- itagKl Alonp with Tor.s of Sew Tnnafon S.-.iii ry K. H. CHEONG. Pmprirtor Y. L TA.N. Mm* k -r
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    • 16 6 GENUINE Marseilles Roofing Tiles REGULAR STOCKS CARRIED BY Etablinementa BHOSSASD MOPIN (Incorporated in China) SINGAPORE M»XMHM»II«»III
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  • 136 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. February 16 llitrli Water a.m., 8.4.T p.m. nonioward P. nnd O. mail closes. Ranter: Malaya XV v. Squadron, 3. Squadron Boxing, p.m. The Qu.iinli, Vie. Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Sunday, February 17 1 1 1 »c)» Water, T.riC n.m.. 0.3.T p.m. S.iuaflri.n Leaves for Australia. Monday,
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  • 189 7 Saturday, February 16, 1921. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive Entrance KEPPEL HARBOUR. Main Wharf Khodounjr, MagMt, IS.i'.M. SI. Oil WliHrf Nil. Loal Whnrf Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCK. Tanjong Pagar tfeaan Whnrf Vpstnorgc. Albert Dock Nil. Victoria 'Puck Sinjiaradja, JanSM-ns Kepprl Harbour King's Dock
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  • 277 7 Tu-«ar.'i Pahat 8 p.m fort Swettinham and Pcnang 3 p.m. Mednn I p. in Jluar nnd Miilaccn 3 p.m Port Swcttcnham, PenanK, Colombo, Port Saiit and Europe (via Mnrscrllos 3 p.m Raglatnttoo np to 1 |».m Pitreels 0000 Bnspli incntjirv by train to Pt-nnni;, taking
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  • 196 7 EXCBANGB Singapore, February 16. On London, Bank 4 m/a 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/4 1/8 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 5/8 On New York, Demand 50 Prtvmta M tt» On Franc Bank 1050 On India. Bank T.T. 164 On Hongkong, Eank d/d I 1 p.c. prer.i. On Shanghai,
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  • 65 7 DAILY PRiCKS CURRENT. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe, Closing Pricei. Bayer* SeUen. Spot Spot Feb. Feb. Manh March <ipril-Jun» i— April-June July-Sept. July-Sept. Tone of Maiket Steady. Latest Lodooo cablet ovate Spot nbert Is. l%d. Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Cloßimg Prices. Baynrs. Bellera. 47
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    • 216 7 Val. Pd. Baycn. 8«ll«ri. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.45 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.45 l.f>o 1 1 JeUntoh 0.20 non 1 1 Johan Tin 0.35 0.40 •1 D Kam. Kamunting 47/6 48/ C El £1 Kamuntitiß Tin 39/0 40/0 xd. 11/ 10 ECJnta Assn. Ord. 7.70 7.90 ">
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    • 137 7 Bnvcra. Srll«ra. Cl £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.2.6 5.6.3 10 10 Ce«tr»l Engine* 9.00 10.00 !0 10 Central Motors 2.75 S.Ofl 11 il K. Smattiac Co. 7.7", 8.25 >/- 5/- Else. Tramwaya 2/2 2/6 10 10 Fraser&Neave 37.00 33.00 SO 50 Hammer Co. 130 135 UlO.'OOKatz Bros. rlef. 105
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    • 105 7 U. Eng. G p.c. $1,234,300 par 10 p.c. pm S'po.o Electric Tramwaya, 5 p.e. £S. r -0,000 bom S'poro Municipal S p.e. 1,878.000 par 5 p.c. pm Spore Mantripal i'\ ».e. of 1007 $1,600,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c. pm T:in;p Municipal 4% t>? of 1909 $1,000,000 10 p.c.
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    • 403 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall ned Brett's Quotations. Latest a»*U*We Sttfitag QvotatfeM aft mftetaa* M another page FrMay. To-day* Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Bratt Alor (Jajah ($1) LOO US 1.00 1.10 Allcnby ($1) 1.10 1.15 1.00 1.10 A. Hi'am ($5) 11.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 A. Etiuiag ($1) 0.45
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 Luminous Advertising. I'll'. il a ten* yoars ago, says a Calcutta contemporary, the use of illumination for advertising purposes wa- quite unknown in Calcutta. Now, however, almost ivory evening reveals a new device. Electric sky-signs have been followed by coloured flash-lights over shop-fronts, by diaaohring transparencies and revolving Rlobcs in
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    • 865 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Olht-r Ch-.'sifiod Advts., sec paje IG. MULIGATAWNY SOUP, Soup, Cravy Soup, Julienne Soup, Londonderry Soup, Consomme Soup, Vegetable Soup. Mi>ckturtle (Clear) Soup. 11. Bolter, Director Importer, EXIDB BATTERIES to cle'ur |S6 fnllj charged. dp) QKOLOQIST WANTKD to conduct coal si rvey. 4M, Straits Times. TO LET FURNISHED,
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    • 212 7 HELP A GOOD CAUSE. CHARITY PERFORMANCE IN AID OF THE CHIANG TECK SCHOOL OF KAMPONG BHARI*. I'nder the Patronage of The Honourable Mr. LEE CHOQN GUAN, M.L.C. and The Auspices of a Special Committee THE AMATEUR SRORTING ASSOCIATION will stage the drama entitled IMPROVIDENCE (A play with a moral) at
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    • 323 7 Ny Carlsberg Beer SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Denmark) SINGAPORE A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH MBANS TOUR VERT UKKNBSB BTTLI AND MOOD. A Proa'aetloa frem LEE BROTHERS STUDIO BILL BTSEBT, WILL PBODUCB THRSB BKVLT& SWEDISH EAST ASIATIC CO LTD. (Incorporated in Sweden) Tor Barcelons, Christianin, Aarhus. Copen- hagen,
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    • 277 7 JllMHWtllflfillir U'TJIEttB No watch jrives you a Ml satis- I factt/ry service than "Jewel." Into this timekeeper has gone I all our tropical experience gained I in 1G years. Every part of our I watch movements is made from M carefully selected material test- I ed with micrometrie pndaioH f
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  • 1074 8 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16. SINGAPORE AND THE NAVY. The Naval Visit is drawing toward; its end, and it has been a matter of very sincere regret to all of us that our visitors will have to carry away a somewhat misty impression of what has often bcon described as Sunny Singapore."
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  • 25 8 The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association has been exempted from registration and the old Straits Settlements Association is called on to show proof jf its existence.
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  • 40 8 Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald, interviewed ct\ the question of pensions for ex-Premiers, pointed 'at that the expenses, when in office, were enormous, but, on leaving oflice, "why fft go back to a simple life, with its porridge and plair.n ss
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  • 55 8 Fishermen at Lyme Regis (Dorset) have found upwards of a ton of rubber on the foreshore. It is believed to be part of the cargo of a ship lost in the vicinity of Start Point during the war. The rubber is apparently still fa good condition, and the fishermen hope
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  • 65 8 At the inquest into the circumstance' attending the death of Mr. F. ClarkeWilliams, planter, New Seremban Estate, who died under an anaesthetic while undergoing a minor operation at the European Hospital, Seremban, the court ound that death was due to cardiacfailure, due to enlarged spleen, liver and kidneys and that
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  • 8 8 Rampah Coconut Estate harvested 184.300 nuts last month.
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  • 16 8 A law to provide tor the maintenance <f wives and children in Johore has been >assed.
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  • 18 8 An alteration in the rules regard. ng ■ertificaied midwives appears in the current issue of the Government Gazette.
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  • 27 8 The dead body of a Tamil was found .his morning hanging by a rope under •.he bridge over the big drain from Stamford Road and Beach Road.
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  • 22 8 Mr. T. Hoshizaki has been appointed i member of the Central Committee (K.xoort Rubber Restriction Enactment) fur Johore vice Mr. J. Nohtomi.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 162 100. The rate of payment of Money Ordi-rs fvom India and Ceylon is Rs. 167 $100.
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  • 32 8 Mr. Charles Watt is to be an Unofficial Member of the North Borneo Legislative Council representing the Fast Coa-:t planting community, and Mr. Kwan Hiu Sheung itf to represent the Chinese community.
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  • 30 8 The importation or bringing into th< Colony of the following publication is >rohibited Akali to Pardesi Aunkar ?ress, Amritsar; Akali Gunj Akal Press, \inritsar; Kirpan Bahadur, August 6, IMS. Amritsar.
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  • 34 8 The influenza epidemic is wide-spread and is increasing, particularly in London, says a London wire of February 7. Xearly cne thousand deaths have been .•eported in the past three weeks, including 245 in London.
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  • 38 8 The King will not be advised to exer•ise his power of disallowance in respe>ct if the Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal) and the Ordinance for making Final Provision for the Public Service for the year 1922.
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  • 37 8 Complete restoration of the Toko tram car service to its pre-earthquake condition will require at least two years, Mr. Saito, one of the directors of the I'okio Electric Bureau, stated to a repiesentative of the Japan Advertiser.
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  • 43 8 Messrs. Barlow and Co., report under date 15th inst. During the past we.'k the highest price touched for No. 1 copra was $12.65. The amount of business transacted has been small and prices at the close are No. 1 sundricd $12.50, mixed $12.10.
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  • 51 8 The annual dinner of the Associati'n of Priti.vh .Malaya will be held on London June 3. Members may invite guests. Non-members wh hay? resided or who sic resident in Malaya may also purchase tickets and invite guests. Details as to the place., time, price of tickets, etc., will be published
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  • 52 8 The termination of the second session of the Friendly Band was marked by the resignation of the president Mr. Che-w Hock Hin, who thanked the officers and members for their help during the session. Officers for the new session include Mr. Lee Choon Xgee, president and Mr. C. H. Yin,
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  • 51 8 The following is taken from Pett Ridge's latest book on London A most disconcerting interruption came when Tree had to make his entry, in a poetic drama, by throwing open centre loors. He stood there for a moment in an impressive attitude, arms folded. Next station, Marble Arch shouted
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  • 60 8 The destruction of records in the earthquake and fire at Tckio is making the work of the conscription authorities very difficult. Of 20 000 young men of Tokio due to be examined for conscript service in April 10,000 are reported to be missing, and the officials have n easy trsk
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  • 70 8 Two Chinese, Lee Teng Kwenir ami Teng Ec Kum, were arrested by the detective department yesterday in Queen Street for alleged criminal misappropriation in respect of a packet of sewing machine needles, while another Chinese named Lee Kah Low, was arrested by the detective department in Johore Road for dishonestly
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  • 77 8 Privileges under the Inventions Ordinance are granted to Messrs. A. E. Cutler and P. A. Marsden, of New South Wales, regarding electric welding apparatus ti the Anode Rubber Company, of England, regarding a process and device for the immediate production of mechanically unworkwl pure rubber sheets from latex to Chew
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  • 97 8 This morning before Mr. Colman, Civil District Judge, the evidence was taken of Mr. C. W. Abrams, in view of his departure home in a few days, in respect of a civil action which he has taken against Mr. F. E. Harmer for the recovery of $249, alleged balance st
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  • 112 8 Whin do mosquitoes really rage furiously in Calcutta asks the Calcutta Englishman. Some will say in the tepid days of the Monsoon others w;ll regard ihe hot weather mouths as the time when ..losquitocs become unbearably troublesome, and yet others will have no hesitation in saying that it is in
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  • 431 8 Mr. E. E. Colman is appointed to act ;is District Judge, Singapore. Mr. J. Duguid is to be Officer in Charge of the Postal Dopartmcnt, Malacca. A commission as Second Lieutenant in the Straits ScttleuientK Volunteer Force is granted to Mr. J. J. McMichae>l. Lt.-Col. R. L.
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  • 82 8 We are indebted to the acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore, for the following comparative return of the total imports and exports ot merchandise for the month of January 1924: The total value of Foreign Imports of merchandise excluding Parcel Post intj British Malaya during
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  • 183 8 Young and old, gentle and simple, clsan and unclean, wise and foolish, cultured and barbarian, yea even the beasts that perish, ire among its victims. No man or woman Is too young or too old to suffer, the old fall more readily than the young. Too pity
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 IB*BUMaHHIINEHBIIIHHHRa Exclusive Dress Wear IJiiFlllßl llJllMfir DRESS SHIRTS. EMI' With stilt or soft fronts, one or two button, coat shape, etc., only leading j«" styles kept in stock. Sixes 14 in. to l"'j in. At Prices Ranging from $4.75 to $7.50 each. Our Soft Pleated and Corded Shirts Jj are
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    • 132 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp. ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in POOR DEAR MARGARET KIRBY in 5 Reels. EILEEN PERCY in THE PRISONER in 5 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. THOMAS MEIGHAN in IF YOU BELIEVE IT, ITS SO in 7 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO.,
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    • 73 8 On Other Pages. Paje. Dutch Indies Timber 2 Rubber Restriction Shipping and The Mails 7 Reuter Telegrams n Navy Week General Malcolm's Farewell Order <l Bankruptcy Court !i Ribeiro Co.'s Report Hie Fire in Kunln Lumpur 9 Week-End Sporting Events in Singapore Nav-il Base .10 Local Rubber Auctions .10 To-day's
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  • 208 9 The Reference to President Harding. [Reuter's Service.] London, February l.">. Washington A development likely to be very important in the naval oil lease. n-andal is the Seflbte's adoption of two resolutions, first calling on the State Department to furnish all diplomatic correspondence relating to the Columbian treaty
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  • 166 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 15. Paris M". Sarraut in a speech in tho Foreign Affairs Commitee of the Chamber referred to the renewal privilege granted to the Banque de l'lndo-Chine and dealt with the whole question of France's policy in the Far East from the point of
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  • 128 9 [Rkuter's Service.] London, February 15. The House of Commons has concluded the debate on the Government's declaration of policy, n division not being cnallenged. Mr. Mac Donald stated that the Committee of Imperial Defence is exploring the whole problem of defence in a much wider sense than hitherto, not
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  • 100 9 [Reuter's Service.] London. February 15. Mexico City The Federal troops, under Obrogon, entered Guadalajara yesterday. The inhabitants bedecked them with flowers. General Easobar, although wounded, ordered an immediate advance against Morelia, where the rebel generals Estrada and Dirgucz are reported to have concentrated their forces. Tnere is an
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  • 238 9 His Views on International Questions. [Reuter's Service.] Londoo, February 15. Paris Interviewed by M. Saucrwein, the correspondent of Lc Matin in London, Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald emphasised that he would not commit himself, in regard to the International Reconstruction Conference, which must be the end and not the
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  • 152 9 [Riutxr's Service.] London, February 15. New York The Japanese lan has been substantially over-subscribed. London, February 15. Washington President Coclidge has ordered suspension of the naval aerial expedition t.t the North Pole proposed for the summer on the grounds of economy. London, February 15. Washington Mr. Denby
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  • 64 9 [Reuter's Service.] I/ondon, February 15. Berlin The latest casualty figures at Pirmasens gives 15 Separatists and IS civilians killed and 15 Separatists and U civilians wounded. Seven people were slightly injured at Badbierkheim. London, February 15. Paris Prompt action by French frendarmes at Frankenthal in dispersing the crowds
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  • 68 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 15. A dispute has arisen in the cotton room of the Thornham Spinning Company's mill, near Oldham, where 300 operatives are employed. The point at issue is of first importance and may lead to a lock out involving all the mills within the
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  • 40 9 [Renter's Service.] London, February 15. Luxor On Mr. Howard Carter presenting himself at the tomb this morning he was refused admission by tho chief of police, who showed him a written order from the Government. Mr. Carter H'tili\l.
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  • 110 9 Dockers' Strike Becomes Inevitable. [Riimß'g Service.] London, February 15. Mr. Ben Tillett announced to-day that p htponment of the dockers' conference meant that a strike on Saturday was inevitable unless a 2s. a day increase was granted to-night. London, February 15. 8.40 p.m. Negotiations in the d<xk dispute
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  • 63 9 [Rxuter's Service.] London, February 15. The Hague In the Lower House, the Communist member Heer Ravesteyn asked whether any negotiations were afoot with a view to the re-establishment of normal commercial and diplomatic relations with Russia. The Foreign Minister, Heer van Karnobeek, replied in the negative but
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  • 73 9 [Reuter's Service] London, February Malta It is understood that the redistribution of the fleet now taking place practically amounts to reversing the positions of the Atlantic and Mediterranean fleets, rendering the latter the strongest British fleet in commission. The fresh dispositions already made or impending include as
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  • 125 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, February 15. At the annual meeting of the Penang Prospecting Syndicate, the Hon. Mr. W. Thome, presiding, announced that the tribute system was coming to an end. He hoped to clear all obligations by April after which they should earn about 20
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  • 56 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, February 15. The Malay footballers beat the European team by 2 goals to 1 in the League match. The marriage took place to-day of Mr. Fabian Sebastian Williams, of Bukit Toh Alan, Kuala Ketil, Kcdah, and Miss Joyce Jenkins, of L'lley Kemmington,
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  • 265 9 All tin mining is speculative highly speculative and also it is sometimes amazingly profitable. The object ef Kinta Lodes, Limited, is to acquire and work two sub-leases over two blocks of land situated west and contiguous to the village of Menglembu, in the 'district of Kinta, Perak.
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  • 1456 9 Splendid Behaviour of Men Ashore. The events in connection with N«vy Week yesterday included the ceremonial march of the Naval Brigade, a luncheon to warrant officers at the Hotel Europe, tne ships company's At Home on boaru the Hood, and the Squadron dance at Tanglin Club. The weather
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  • 290 9 Farewell Order to Troops In Malaya. The following farewell order by Maj rGeneral Sir Neffl Malcolm, X.C.8., D.5.0., was circulated yesterday On vacating my appointment as General Officer Commanding, Malaya, and i/n leaving His Majesty's Army I wish to thank my headquarters staff,, all branches and
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  • 167 9 Partnership in Bankrupt Firm Denied. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday.' befort Mr. Justice Acton, Chah Keng Wee applied for a declaration that he was not a partner of Ann Lock and Co., wine merchants. Battery Road, at the time a re-ce-iving order was made against that firm, and
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  • 78 9 Telegrams from Amoy report that a tense situation developed there resulting from the killing of seven Formosans by General Tsan^ Ching-pings's troops while searching for arms. Fearing an attack from the mainland, the American Consul-General, on February I, wired to Hongrkong for a destroyer, which arrived
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  • 607 9 Unprofitable Result of Year's Working. The sixteenth annual general meeting of Messrs. Kibciro and Co., war held >•«■>- icrday, Mr. C. A. da Silva presided, nnd others present were the Hon. Mr. B, Tessensohn, Messrs. V. Clumeck, C. H. da Silva, C. C. Oehlers, W. J. Jackson,
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  • 364 9 Tobacconist's Establishment Completely Gutted. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 15. The fire which broke out at 'the premises of the Soon Lee Hong, the Old Market Square, tobacconist, in the Mrly hours of this morning was one of the most serious that has
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  • 39 9 Sir John Stewart has been found shot riead at Finga.Oc Casrle, Perthshire. The deceased was a partner in Meet under Stewart .md Sons of Dundee- He wan born in 1877 and was a Freeman <tt the City of London.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 151 10 Malaya V ainst the Squadron Today. match to be played on the m between a Malaya v .1 the Special Service aroa ad the keenest in- Kalayan team is the strongi judging l>y jrames played at Kuala Singapore, but it will certain_ame. If the weather con■l favourable as it
      151 words
    • 485 10 S'juitdrcn Defeat The Army. There was a large crowd on the padang yesterday afternoon to witness the Nav> v. At my match, in which the Squadron defeated a side representative of the Singapore Garrison by a goal to nil. Considering the bad state of the ground, the standard of
      485 words
    • 242 10 To Night's Naval Show. aie that it will be lire thL evening, permitthig of the irnament between memi:il Service Squadron and the China Squadron being held in the Happy Valley arena, according to If it is wet. however, everything' is prepared for the tournamenl to take place in Harbour
      242 words
    • 56 10 The following will represent the S.R.C. against the A.l.C. at hockey on Monday on the S.R.C. ground J. V. Moss F. Albuquerque and E. G. Wheatley J. Rodrigues, V. C. Westerhout and J. C. O'Hara E. E. de Souza, A. W. Moreirs, H. 0. Stack, W. A. Aeria and
      56 words
    • 94 10 The following Ri'yal Singapore Yacht Club arrangements are announced On Sunday ,next the Cup presented by Sir Frederick James, K.B.K. C-M.G. will be ailed for. Course. Fiom Club td No. 17 Beaoon Mark Boat, thence around Man-o-War Buoy anil back U' the Club. Twice round and all marks to
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    • 148 10 Owing to the heavy rain on Thursday, the February Ladies Monthly Medal will be glayed next Thursday. Cup Tic Replays. Cup Tie replays on February 6 re:^itcd as follows Notts C-Jmte 0, Crystal Palace 0; Leeds 1. West Ham United 0; Watford 1. Exeter 0 Bristol City Sheffield Wednesday
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  • 448 10 Amakasu to Share Japanese Clemency. In connccti n with the Imperial clenency to be extendfd to convicts on the oecas! i of the Prince Regent of Japan's marriage the Cabinet was to meet on January 24, to decide en the extent of the lemisswn cf sentence in
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  • 48 10 The number of American and other (fold coins of various denominations which arc wprn by natives in Malaya and Java would stagger the imagination, rays a home paper. These coins not only servo as ornaments, hut represent an insurance in case of old age, sickness or physical disability.
    48 words
  • 656 10 What Brassey's Navy Annual Says. The most handy reference book in connection with naval and shipping matters is that well-known blue book, Brassey's Annual, the 1924 edition of which has just come to hand. The very first chapter of this interesting volume, says the Times of Malaya,
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  • 91 10 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, February H. Ohkura-Gumi has taken steps for •ehnre of the Kawasaki dockyard properties, including war vessels, which are sjndcr construction, as security for 10 million yen wh eh the former is entitled to by a decision of the Supreme
    91 words
  • 99 10 Bedford Plantations. 7,757 lbs. Bernam Perak. 19,707 lbs. Bruas Perak.— l2,o46 lbs. Benar (Selangor). 9,565 lbs. Bukit Timah.— lo,B44 lbs. Brunei United.— ll,26B lbs. Changkat Serdang.— ls,s92 lbs. 12 months 168,423 lbs. Glenealy.— l7,s39 lbs. Hiilrise.— l3,so3 lbs. Henrietta.— 37,ooo lbs. Haytor.— s,B24 lbs. Indragiri.— 33,4oo lbs.
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  • 83 10 It is claimed that rubber brushes will beat bristles. A rubber brush has a certain amount of suction, and when used on carpets, clothes, or suede shoes raises the nap and to some extent dry-cleans the surface. A special kind is made for velvet, silk, and other fine fabrics. Rubber
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  • 456 10 Fall in Prices for the Better Grades. Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, February If. The local market has continued quiet and values have gradually eased. A small enquiry from the trace was readily filled, but business gemerally has been difficult with sellers inclined to stand off.
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  • 289 10 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore February 16. Tin. 1277 13s. up ss. Rubber. Is. Hid. unchanged. Rubbers. New Craigieleas 50-53. Lunas 7.25-7.50, New Scudiiis 1.05-1. IS. Kedahs 1.9.J-2.05, Mandai Tekongs 34-36. j Bukit Jcl Atones .l«j-. r ,2 Bfentakabs 81%- 1 23V6., Ulu Benuts ttVi-2fi, Aver Plans
    289 words
  • 129 10 The Yokohama Specie Bank advise* us that it is now open to receive applications for the new C">4 per cent. Imperial Japanese Government Bonds, gold dollar. The particulars are as follows lssu? G. $150 millions, ti'i pe-- cent. date of bond February 1, date of issue
    129 words
  • 653 10 Loading Rules for Bengal Bay Ships. The Court of Investigation appointed by the Government of India, under section L4S cf the Indian Merchant Shipping Act, to inquire into the circumstances attending the loss of the steamer Okara recommended that the rules for the loai!- i ing
    653 words
  • 166 10 Action taken at meeting of committee No. 4. h-.ld -ii February 18, included the following Authorised the Sowcr.v.e Engineer lo prepare plans and estimate for sewage I'Uiih'cati ii plant to deal with a nvllion gallons per diem, the question of aeratien oi- rccchanical ii'-ri'.c'i' n I bdecided later.
    166 words
  • 158 10 A schooner which arrived at Colombo the other morning brought some of the crews of four Maldivian schooners, which were recently wrefcked in the neighbourhood of the Maldive Islands, as the remit of a severe storm, which took place on December 26. The storm swept over Male,
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  • 46 10 Mr. S. Murugappa Chettiar. editor of j the Kumaran and president of the Karai i Pivanadiar Thirukkootam, Karaikudy, Ind a, who arrived in Singapore on the 14th inst., will lertu-e. in Tamil, tomorrow, at 2 p.m., on Our Duty, in the i Chettiars' Temple, Tank Road.
    46 words
  • 937 10 New Project to Meet Eastern Demands. The Times of India in its issuo of January 29, published a paragraph similar to that which appeared recently in the Statesman announcing the formation of a syndicate with the object of Battling into i iiKaiceiiients with impoi taut iheatriral companies at
    937 words

  • 695 11 Sunday. February 17. [Under this heading we publiih each week brief d«UiU of the services to b* held »t ihoFe Singapore Churches whost authorities supply us with the necessary To ensure insertion, these notices must reach us by Friday afternoon. j St. Andre*'* alhedral. 7.80 a.m. Litany:
    695 words
  • 398 11 The;c imifnniri are proceeding to Europe i>v tin- Kaahgar tailing at 4 p.m. to-day Whigham, Mra. Grant and infant, Hit, Stewart and Infant. Mis. Karr und n.i1.l Joubert, W. 11. Hipv.eii, .1. Callan, C. Padday, M P. Thompson. Mrs. Thomson. Mr ami Mrs. Tolhurit, Mrs. SUvantOß, Mr. »nd
    398 words
  • 1060 11 (flittering Prizes— for The Few. A l*:;i us' writes in the Weekly Dt'-paU-h Thirty thousand a year That was Lord Diikinhead's estimate of the income hv would earn If ho could return bo practise at the Bar. It must be a most galling thought to a comparatively
    1,060 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 Moutrie Pianos The outstanding characteristic of the MOUTRIE PIANO is consistency in QUALITY. J.ight and responsive touch. An instrument of perfect tonal balance. Our terms of graded payments will enable you to possess one to-day. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. »-»-»♦♦♦-♦-»♦-♦■»♦> 6 "C^NCHER CROSS THE ALL-BRITISH TYRES BY
      89 words
    • 239 11 Raffles Hotel The Finest Ballroom in the East. 3 Telephone 2920. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16.— Special Guest Night. DINNER AND DANCE DANCE MUSIC BY THE BAND OK H.M.S. DELHI. U By kind permission of Rear Admiral The Hon. Sir HUBERT G. BRAND, X.C..M.<;., X.C.V.0., C.8., and the Captain and Officer* J
      239 words

  • 884 12 Important Steps by Siam Medical Council. The following speech was delivered by thi .Minister of the Department "f Public Health. Siam, to the Medical Councdl at the first meeting on January 10 It rivet me much pleasure to attend this tir>t meeting of the Medical Connei] for
    884 words
  • 111 12 movement to withdraw! M;il>W Norman; 1 and I i!na Purviane ;i> the result of. Dt kho t injr case, is gj-.ining headway, .-ay-- a Xnv York mmm, Two State* have already takdn uction direction, namely, Kansas and wiiriv the boards of cinsorshij) »n- District Attorneys
    111 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 683 12 DEAD SPOTS a LIVE WIRES W A Wireless Play in One Act by Radiant" CHARACTERS. Mr. J. Wallah (Mine Manager of The llu Katani Tin Mining Co., Ltd.) Mrs. J. Wallah (His Charming Wife) SCENE. Ulu Katani (An Isolated Spot in British Malaya) TIME-PRESENT. (The scene is laid at the
      683 words
    • 428 12 WATCH AND MAKERS SkkSß JEWELLERS. To H.M. The King of Siam. Societc Anonyme Beige. Locally known as the S.A.B. BANGKOK (siam) WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS PRECIOUS STONES GOLD AND SILVERWARE (SIAMESE AND EUROPEAN) REPAIR DEPARTMENT Under European Supervision. Recommended by Tourists. I CONTRACTORS' PLANT On completion of Prai Wharves
      428 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 251 13 fT.- \s* 1 l 9« Wires and Cables manufactured hy THE St. HELEN'S CABLE AND RUBBER CO., LTD., may be buried in plaster without fear of injury. For electrical installations where «ood appearance is desired, unsightly cleat wiring is therefore no longer necessary, and the cost is little more than
      251 words
    • 722 13 SELANGOR TURF CLUB NEW YEAR MEETING. Tuesday, February 19, 1924. Thursday, February 21, I Ml. Saturday, February 2.1, 1924. NON-SELMNG $20,000 SWEEP will he hrld on EACH HAY. 40 p*r cent, to the Drawer of the Winning ilorso. SO per cent, to the Drawe r of the Secoml Horse. 10
      722 words
    • 192 13 The economical, reliable performance of (ho f!OOD MAX WEI F, has made a marked appeal throughout the world. Kverv where this fine c;ir is being accepted as far P and away the greatest value in its class. 'TheQood COODTBAB Cord Tyrei disc stirl Thtila <i»ah»l iMa at rim .-mil at
      192 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1984 14 UltLa *E"a)B^ffftMs^snsß)fMnas»sjsjs«s»sjsMsjsMnM H pp»sm««M«Bß»s»g»Bm»M«aiira«i Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Aarannee In force orer $17,«0f,0W. j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated 1b Straits tetilemeats.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Hoes., Singapore. fcOMDON OF/ICK I U OM Jewry, DC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
      1,984 words
    • 512 14 *'o^d| THF QPIDIT ifc-- 9 n a»w^ •o °C£ii inn jriKi I II yy&r ..intf fjjsr?fei«>'«' m w f IF KfiStt SHI Wrl E LABEL Wv JLJ, MIMA 1— M^/m. bJ Ms JU [^v The great superiority of "WHITE LABEL" is evidenced by the always increasing demand. There is a
      512 words

  • 1051 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The Question of Lighting. The spot light is of American oii;c n, and is-cne of the ir.o.-.t useful motoring devices yet producer), s:iy a homo paper. It takes the form of an Independent ligh', taking current from the car batteric-, fitted
    1,051 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 205 15 New Prices 1-Ton Truck Chassis Standard liody for above M^^Elli^'' ~'^£r) complete with drivers cab j*~*^m^^BSza*mi U ~*~*i*hinmrr $355 Touring Car Chassis EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED. Wearne Brothers, Ltd. Orchard Road, Singapore. V Chevrolet Cars S«'K tterlcr, dynamo, Maji'"* l kgaitkam, horn, «<pecdon>eiet, rims, double folding windscreen and one-man hood. IMMEDIATE
      205 words
    • 121 15 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT., PENANG. Tcn.i.'ra are invited for the supply and erection of an electric passenger lift for the General Hospital, Penanfr. Persons desiring to tender may obtain the necessary particular? upon application to the Executive Lnfcineer, Public Works Department, I'onane;. by personal application or by letter. A ha of
      121 words
    • 381 15 DURANT JUST A REAL GOOD CAR THEKi: is a wealth <>f incaninc in the t?\ Pressure feed to all main hearlncs. plir.ise "Just a Iteal l (Joi.d Car. j# >£ 'W\ Tillot».in carburettor with Stewart In it ;.rc incorporated the ideaU of JU f &C&. vacnum netrol svatem W. C.
      381 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 263 16 Established 1872. Patronised by Royalty. SMOKERS' REQUISITES A WELCOME GIFT IN Gold Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases and Boxes, Match Boxes and Slides, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, etc. B. P. de Silva The Time-honoured Jeweller. 62-3, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1. BISnOP STREET, PENANG. NEW SHIPMENT GREEN MOSQUITO NETTING 16
      263 words
    • 460 16 PARISIAN HOUSE GROSVENOR BUILDING. We beat all competition with oar prices Ladies' Straw Hats 3.00 Crepe-chine Hat 5.00 FROM PARIS. Morning Dress 6.00 Afternoon Dress $12.00 to $18.00 Model Parisian Shoes $12.00 MOULDY ROT Treatment as advocated by the Dept. of Agriculture. F.M.S. No. 1 METHOD. 20 per cent. Solution
      460 words
    • 905 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let. etc.. In ordinary close act type (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 48 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., Sve ins. $i.OO, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      905 words
    • 870 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. 1, Oxley Road. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, bungalow No. 9, Gilstead Road Cheap. Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd. FURNISHED HOUSE to let, 28-5, Stevens Road. Ga* and water, garage. 325, S. Times TO LET, Paulaborg. 10, Gilstesd Road, Immediate entry. Apply B. 0.,
      870 words
    • 545 16 OCULAR HEADACHES. 1 Eighty per cent, of headaches are Oculsr Headaches caused through some defect of vision. If your headache is so caused you will never be relieved until you wear scientifically-fitted glasses to correct the defect. Let me test your sight and make certain. You will not be advised
      545 words
    • 267 16 NEW LATEST NOVELS. By LEONARD MERRICK at $2.00 each. WHILE PARIS LAUGfIKD. being Pranks and Passions of the Poet Trlcotrin COM MM) IN QIEST Or" HIS YOL'TII, with an introduction by Sir J. M. Itarrle WHEN LOVE FI.IES OIT O'THE WINDOW, THE QUAINT COMPANIONS, with an introduction by H. G.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 314 16 THE STRAITS TIKES. TELEPHONES. Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office HIT All communications relating to editorial mstters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—advertisements subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. STRAITS TIMES (Daily Edition)
      314 words