The Straits Times, 13 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times m». 27,480, SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1924, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 mxxsEDvmi Special Service SL^ HIB H 9 MOTOR SPIRIT ffl^jß w>>" ■-i^ l i?s \3ai An fs in m% For Speed and Power Reliable As Battleships ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO (S.S.), LTD. (Incorporated in England).
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    • 3 1 i *SS3 »"*^.vH
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  • 2602 2 Attitude of the Colonial Office Criticised. I The twenty-first ordinary general meet--1 ing of the members of the Duff Development Company, Limited, was held in mail week at Winchester H.«us<\ Old Broad Street, London. E.C., Mr. R. W. Duff (chairman and managing director) presiding.' The Chairman, dealing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 808 2 CHEOR6 KOOR SERi ft CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable business premises and residential Proprerties. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, February 20, at 2.J0 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and the compound house known as Emma Villa, Nn. 4 Dublin Road,
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    • 453 2 HAD A HARD TIME GETTING HER TEETH I Mil Baby's Own Tablets Were Tried Then Improving At Once. The reason why Mrs. David Lee's physieiaa prescribed Baby's Own Tablets for her child was because he knew thnt they contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic and can be given with
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    • 206 2 1 "1 Prices that Plead Quality that Pleases. A satisfaction to you A pleasure to us. FRAMROZ GO'S AERATED WATERS Ford Owners USE WHITE STAR OIL for your car and avoid spending money on costly repairs. WHITE STAR OIL is recommended and used exclusively by the FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF
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  • 463 3 Conquest of the Last Element. Twenty years ago, we are reminded in the Sunday Observer, mechanical flying was born. In 1903, after years «f experimenting on engine-less aeroplanes, Orville Wright flew the first poweraeroplane for 12 seconds at Kitty Hawk, N. C. This was followed by three
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  • 54 3 Visit to the Naval Squadron, Wednesday, February 13, 1924 Parade at Headquarters, 8.45 a.m. It is hoped that as many Officers as possible will be present. Dreas. Officers.— Shorts, Puttees, Tunic, White Collar. Green Tie. .Scouts. Full Uniform without Stave*. The Band will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 391 3 STEAMER SAIUN6S NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD PASSENGER SERVICE Accommodation available Cabin and Intermediate Class to Genna, North Continental Ports and LONDON (with transhipment Genoa or Rotterdam at passenger's option). FARES. Cahln Claaa Intermediate Claas £65 To Genoa £40 £72 To London or North Continental Ports £42 Dae Singapore s.s. SARBRUCKEN Feb. 15
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    • 614 3 |tf iSHtfi MARINE MOTORS Four-Cylinder $1 ,000 SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Straita Settlements) SINGAPORE. QmUers IMMMMMKXOMIMMI^MMMtMUXUMM'X I AsVssT ■ja,— Vivif wEwwifc '/Mi Hrn: 4— M THAT PERFECT EGYPTIAN CIGABBTTE ALWAYS SMOKED BY CONNOISSEURS. To be obtained from < KOBINBON ft CO, LTD, llagapore. JOHN LJTTLI ft
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 699 4 STEfIHER SfllUHfS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATATIA) T (Incorporated in Holland.) UHDn CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA COTn^mifT. Telephone Mas. Paasare Dept. 111, Freight Dept., 1201, Marias Deft. a>4 Transklpaaal Dept. I«S7. Manager's Dept. MM--BAMPlT —February 14, Paneh, Derombani;, Asahan and lielawan Dell. VAN DIEMEN February
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 431 5 STEAMEfI SAILIIiS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and M<l--bourne via Torres Straits, with transhipment to other Victorian. South Australian and North Queensland Ports, British New Guinea, New Britain, Tasmania and Now Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MAUFXLA
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    • 308 5 STEAMER SAILINGS COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S.S. CO. LTD. (Incorporated in England) THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) I Fortnightly Service taking cargo and Passengers from Singapore RAIAVIA -\M> SOURABAIA NORTH-WEST AUSTRALIA PORTS AND FREMANTLE (PERTH). Approximate Sailings. GASCOYNE twin screw Feb. 16 CHARON Feb.
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    • 700 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. LINE DESTINATIONS. STEAMERS. ARR. HEfT. London, Hamburg. Rotterdam, Antwerp r.l.k v pi. i- r- i. i« vis Aden. Suei, Port Said Celebes Maru Feb. lo Feb. IS New York vis San Franciaco. Panama Alaska Maru from Kobe Mar. 14 Durlian; Algoa Bay, Cape Town, Rio c Santoa.
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    • 639 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ei;lerm an line FXIERMAN ft BI'CKNAM, BTBAMBHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) BTreAsfER. D»e Singapore. PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. MS. CITY OF YORK „.i .Japan Feb. II lIOMEWAKIiS. •s.f. CITY OF CANTERBURY MarxpiUeß London Feb. 20 s.ii. CITY OF YORK Marseilles London April 4 CITY OF CAIRO Marseilles London
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 519 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA From Tuesday, February 12 to Sunday, February 17. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp. CARL I. AKMML K PRESENTS HERBERT RAWLINSON THP nfif \^n THF Supported by a big cast including ltit, DKA, J\..U Ittfi EILEEN PERCY in MOSQI ITO Tin; nniCAMrp One Reel Pathc Film.
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    • 400 6 CINEMAS Tel. 903. PALLADIUM THEATRE Orchard Road. TO-NIGHT FELIX THE CAT I Illß UvUo PATHE GAZETTE Starring BEBE DANIELS, JAMES KIRKWOOD, ANNA Q. NEILSON in an exciting adventure on the African Veldt. MARRIAGE VOWS or DIAMONDS WHICH? A v ry strong programme at ordinary prices. First House 7.30. CHARLES HUTCHISON
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    • 242 6 WHITEA WAY'S DROPSTITCH W\w)rMf''s/tyK 9^ S DRESSES. T&\\\\\^i\*Waffy I V« Exact t0 j| WJil OIR FAMOUS SNOWLAWN sketch ri:f!Wl v!si' ':ulii's' I'mk i'.vcar. :>('• in. in mtUTflffli Price $5.95 for 12 yards. Putty-Jade AS 1 M pin rr\ eaCh. "HOLEI'ROOF" I.ADIKS' HOBK 1 < %ir i **^l I" WWta with
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  • 227 7 FIXTUUKB. Ucdnri<diiy, Pebnary II High Water, SJ3 a.m., 4 22 p.m. Hdmeward M. M. mail eloaaa. Cricket .Singapore v. Navy, ID-4. X.t.i'. Ai Ilomv, 4 p.m. Rugby, S.CC. v. Repalae, 5. Dinner l'artv by Admirul I'ii-lil on Hood, M.1.".. Kaai'i Hawaiiaaa, Kamr Vall.y, I p.m. :i O'clock
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  • 126 7 TTlallllir. I-Miruary 111, I<Jl.'l. Ships alontsiii.- the Wharves or expected to arrive urraL iiAKßoric. Ualß U.,..ii- Km..<louii.: Oil Wharf Nil. I oal Wl.arf Nil. VXMkXS IN DltY DUCK. i:.njiiii; r I' \Vharf Vistnorge. Albert Pock i'..l.i:. Hop] Vi< t. ria Hoc:. Nil. l.i'iipi'l Harbour King Dock I'slrmhaag
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  • 112 7 Vessels Arrived. Passengers. AMli:.\l. PONTT, inn., %JjQ4 teaa. (Mai Haiphong i:i-2, toi Saigon 13-:;. IiEBOUW, l>i"., :'.^l tons, from Palembang 12-2, for t-alembang I] RONTEKOE, Hut., teaa, from Basjaiaag or Java Ifl t. l ORMOSA, Sved., l..(^;i toaa, from l.iuivo 13-li, tor Colombo U M: it., i;,JJ,, lium llangkok
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  • 126 7 arriving from Java port., bf the Kumphius Included Mr. und Mrs. Barriaon, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis, Kijre, Kdgar, Miss V. (•^lirar. Miss Couppens, Drumman, Mr. ar.J Mrs. K. H. Jon.-., fcliu S. Edgar, Ur. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. uml Mrs. Rogara, Marc.
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  • 334 7 TanUy. ?ulau Sambo Z3O p.m Malacca and Ifuar p.m 3 p.m. Mi.:. m 3 p.m. ttenhan and l'cnang :< p.m Colombo, Port Said, Marseilles, Bavre, Dunkirk and Antwerp 4 p.m. twretay, Kelaataa, I'utani, Singoru, llanilun and Uangkck .4 p.m TotiKkal, Motara-Saba anil Djambi.. 4 p.m. a., lantan
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  • 55 7 Tha Ccyloa Legislative Coaneil adopted the hydro-electric Kbemo for Ceylon involvinjr a oaiiital uutluy on the iirsl stai'c of Wwf ten million rupee*. Tin- ehrmr baa hi «ii strongly opposed in ione quarter! on the gnmnd taal it will prove unremunerative, while it ia al>o orgi i that the imlustrialisation
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  • 176 7 BXCHANGB Singapore, February 13. On Lon.lon, Hank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 nmml 2/4 1/S Private m. credits 2/4 5/H On New York, Demand 50 Private M <l/s ."ij'- nom. Ob i ■niiicc. Bank 10:!0 On India, Hank T.T. 165 On Hongkong Haul: d <l 1 M p.<
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  • 62 7 Spot February March \pril-Junt July-Sept Latest LoriiioD c; Si sablei \ingnpnre Standard Pale Crepe, Closing Price*. Buyeri Scllen. Spot Keb. March April-Jam July-Sopt. Tone of M:n! el i q»oU> Spot llMCl I. 3d. Rint?apor6 RUn<l»*d Uil.bti) Smoked Sheet Ctnaiaj; Prices. Buyer*. Seller*. 47)4 4S
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    • 213 7 V'al. I'd. Barer*. Rcllm. 1 1 BatUlX Padanp 0.:'.7',i 0.42' i 1 1 Hitam Tin !.!"> U S 1 1 Jelsntoh i). o 0noi» 1 1 Jc.han Tin O."7'i .0.42Vj II i I-.. Kaanmtiiic Vlf% 48 F fl C1 il Kamuntlng Tin 38/1 SB/6 xd. 10 10 KinUAssa. Ord.
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    • 138 7 VaL Pd. Bnvcra. Scll«r». a i'l Am. Tobacco G 2.G 5.G.:J 10 10 Oe«tT«l Enirir«« 9.n0 10.00 10 10 Cemtral Motor* 2.75 8.00 £1 SI K. Sm. ItiiiK Co. ".',O 7.75 5/-5/-Elec. Tramwaya 2/2 2/6 !0 10 Kraser&Neave 87.00 88.00 50 hi Hammer Co. 130 13. r > ioo
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    • 107 7 U. Kn^. r, p.c. H.IHI.m par 10 p.c. pm I 3'pore Ek-ctrie Irarr.wajs, t p.e. £350,000 son. j'pure Moolcipai i p.*. l,h 78.000 par 5 p.c. pm S*pore Municipal Vi tie. oi 190} 11,800,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c. pm 3'pore Municipal 4V4 |ua> of 5U09 $1,000,000 10 p.c.
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    • 403 7 Frajtar and Co. and Lyal! aud Evatt'a Qaotationa. La Mat arallaMe o>«rilug QtouiUu are prlateel aaother Mf- »n Trii*r. 10-aay I'rices. Fra«br Lynll Co. Evatt Alor Cajah ($1) 1.0!) |J| I.OD Allenby (?1) l.iO 1.15 1.00 1.10 A. K;tam (|5) 11.00 12.U0 11.00 12.00 A. Kuuiag ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 617 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., mv page 16. IfUUGATAWNT SOUP, Oxtail Sjap, Gravy Soup, Julieiim; Soup, Londonderry Soap, Consomme Soup, Vegtftablc Soup, Mockturtk(Clear) Soup. 11. Bolter, Director Importer, GOODBICIi stands for economy and latls-fac-tioii. (I|., TO LET PUBNISUfiD, fi, chancery Lane \pply within or 'I'el. U5 or 14G. (1,, OFFICE
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    • 213 7 HELP A GOOD CAUSE. < HAKITY PgBFOEMAMCj IN All* OK THE CHIANG TECK SCHOOL OF KAMi'ONC lIHAKJ Uader the rutronase of The Moiiourarile Mr. IKE CHOON (.TAX. M.UC. und Tin- Aaaefcea <n a Special CoiamilUe THE AMATEUR SRORTING ASSOCIATION will stage the drama entitled IMPROVIDENCE (A play with a moral)
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    • 352 7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■uuiaaaaiaWaUaUawaasuaaiaißMaiiiißßia^ A GIVE II THE NAVY M aflaa^Ban f £fm THE BEST I 2 me fl tH Jf Messrs. POMMERY GRENO V rSts| have authorised us to make I 3 wi^ special '20 per rent, redurtion in i price of their famous Extra Dry ft! JXB& for all orders
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    • 331 7 AUCTION SALE of magnlAeent Jacobean style teak household furniture, cottage piano, etc. At No. 1P1), Meyer Road, next to the Flats, Tanjong Katoag. on Saturday, February 16, at LM p.m. Casapriaiaej aa teellenl toned piona liy Hums in pel feet condition With teak stjol to match :irti.;:ic Jacobean ill ii'ii
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  • 49 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Straits Times Mr. Chnn Ghent; Kang and the family of the late Mr. Chan Kok Chiang thank nil those friends and relatives who kindly attended the funeral und those, especially the Europeans and friends of the Singapore I'ol.l Storage Co., for their wreaths anJ letters of condolence.
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  • 1091 8 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. POLITICS. The Conservative party has been very jyood to Mr. Baldwin. It has re-electod him as leader unanimously, and he has met a section of his supporters by agreeing: that whole ho^er .protection must be laid aside. The new programme takrs as its foundation Imperial Preference and
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  • 80 8 It was Tuesday evening and Jack and his mate had been trying for half an hour to get from High Street to The Squadron Club without being drowned. Jack was inclined to grouse Nice way (>■ welcomin' sailormen ashore. Looks to me as if they want the bloomin' 'Ood to
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  • 14 8 The President Wilson, the first of the round-the-world Dollar ships, has arrived at Singapore.
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  • 19 8 The next meeting of the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur has been postponed from February 26 to March 6.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 163=5100. The rate of payment of money orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 168 $100.
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  • 28 8 The passenger steamer, City of Venice, 8,400 tons, accommodating 140 first class passengers intended for the Indian service, was launched at Workman and Jlark's, Belfast on February i>.
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  • 33 8 Heavy rain and high tides have damaged the main road between Batu Pahat and Muar and the State Engineer of Johore is advising motorists not to take that road in its present condition.
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  • 36 8 Tke London County Council has agreed to trie Theatres Committee's proposal to alfc>\v hotels and restaurants licensed for public music and dancing to remain jpen after midnight from Monday to Friday during the British Empire Exhibition.
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  • 41 8 Some 17 men are reported to have been arrested to-day by detective Inspector Lyons for alleged fraudulent possession of about 25 tons of coal found >n five twakows in the harbour and said to be part of consignments intended for steamers.
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  • 47 8 A new cable steamer for the Telegraph Company's service at Singap-'re is now under construction at home and is expected to come out to these waters t'> wards the latter part of the year. She will replace one of the old ships at present in commission here.
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  • 42 8 The Daily Express, of January 15, has a picture of Master Alexander Ramsay, son of Lady Patricia Ramsay, helping the policemen on duty at Buckingham Palace to open the gates the previous day. Master .Alexander's father is in command of the Dunedin.
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  • 44 8 Mr. P. P. Walker Assistant Accountant, F.M.S. Railways, who recently acted as Deputy Accountant, F.M.S. Railways, has proceeded on long leave to Europe. Mr. J. Philp, Assistant Ace mnUnt; F.M.S. Railways, it is stated, will carry out his duties in addition to his own.
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  • 43 8 Mile. Alice Delysia, the star in the new Winter Garden revue at New York, appears on the stage wearing diamonds and pearls worth £400,000. Squads of police are sprinkled throughout the auJience, and detectives have been engaged ar minor actors and stage hands.
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  • 44 8 The annual general meeting of the ExS:rvice Association of Malaya will be held in Kuala Lumpur this year on Febluary 24. Mr. R. R. Roberts In has been appointed Penang's delegate to the General Committee and will attend the general meeting in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 48 8 Wireless in Calcutta is steadily developing, and frcm February 5 n;ws items are being broadcasted by Marconi Headquarters, in addition to the three concerts it present given weekly. There is a growing demand for receiving syts, which aie being marketed here at from Rs. CO to Rs. 300.
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  • 53 8 In connection with the delay which has taken place in the arrival of the last few English mails, there has been considerable complaint fr >.n the general public at D< lhi. It is understood that th e DirectorGeneral of Posts and Telegraphs has already taken up the matter with the
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  • 58 8 A London cable of February r > says j Mr. William H. Silva, who had been :nissing since January 4, when he said he was leaving for Colombo, has been found drowned in the Thames. Mr. Silv;i was aged :!0 and lived at 146, High Street, Battcrsea. He was a
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  • 78 8 About midday yesterday, during the heavy downfall a prowler visited Mr. E. W. P. Fulcher's house in Bukit Timah Road and while coming out of the place, carrying silver ware, ran into the arms of the tukan ayer and was caught. Soon after Mr. Fulcher returned and the man belted,
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  • 81 8 Messrs. Kennedy, Burkill and Co. inform us that the output of the Ulu Piah Mine for the month of January was 420 piculs. southern section 140 piculs, hill section 150 piculs, and tributolrs 130 piculs. The above figure represents only 15 days' sluicing from the hill section as, in order
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  • 89 8 On the sth instant Mr. J. Listerman, of the Government Monopolies, was on a fishing expedition round the wist -end of the island. On landing at Tanjong Pcnyuroh he noticed a Chinese, named Lee Choh Poh, a trader of the placa, moving about in a suspicions manner. He followed the
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  • 103 8 A former employee of the Telephone Company named Ibrahim, who left work of his own account has, it is alleged, been giving the company a lot of trouble lately. He was arrested yesterday morning by one of their men while carrying a bundle of lead cabling which it is all*
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  • 467 8 Mr. R. A. Stubington, Assistant Sui>clintendent. Revenue Surveys, Survey Departr.unt, F. M. S., is going Iviue next week. Messrs. T. W. Clayton, A. Cavendish and Wilson, of the Malayan Civil Service, are expected to return from leave next week. Mr. Andrew Robertson has been appointed a director
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  • 30 8 Th.c quantity of rubber exported front CVvlon during the month of January, 1024 Ceylon-Produced Latex Rubber Tonii. Gallons. 3,793 70 G. F. ROBERTS, Rubber Controller for Ceylon.
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  • 86 8 The rain experienced yesterday was the heaviest for a long time. The Muteorological station at Kandang Kerbau recorded 119.17 millimetres, or roughly 4 4-5 inches, between 9 a.m. yesterday and S) to-day. Mr. W. Dun man s gauge at Tanjong Katong registered six inches for the twenty-four hours,
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  • 176 8 Young and old, gentle and simple, class and unclean, wise and foolish, cultured and barbarian, yea even the beasts that perish, are among its victims. No man or woman is too young or too old to suffer, the old fall more readily than the young. You pity
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 35 8 THE LEADING GIN ON THE MARKET vrOFCiOH S DRY LONDON Gin *A^ The BEST Quality Price Reasonable Obtainable from all Dealers OR THE SOLE AGENTS: THE Borneo Company Ltd. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG
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    • 139 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp. ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in POOR DEAR MARGARET KIRBY in 5 Reels. EILEEN PERCY in THE PRISONER in 5 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. THOMAS MEIGHAN in' IF YOU BELIEVE IT, ITS SO in 7 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO.,
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    • 46 8 On Other Pages. p*v. Duff Development Co. Meeting p 2 Shipping and The Mails 1 Keuter Telegrams 9 Navy Week I Covernment House 9 Sporting Intelligence 10 To-day's Shuro Market 10 Correspondence 18 Notes from Malacca 11 News from Japan 31 Popularity of the Sidt-Car IS
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  • 1272 9 Labour Premier Outlines Policy. The Imperial Conference Resolutions. [Rioter's Service. 1 London, February 12. The House (f Commons reassembled quietly, but Ministers were soon bombarded with questions on domestic and foreign policy. The C inservativts were bo keen in putting supplementary controversial queries that only half the usual number
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  • 56 9 [Reuteb's Service.] London, February 12. A supplementary estimate of £8,659,000 has been issued for the year ending March 31, making a total of £13,078,000. It includes £168,000 for the diplomatic and consular services, including £10,000 each for relief of distress in Japan and compensation of diplomatic and consular
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  • 40 9 [RKDTKK'a SEBVIOE.] London, February 12. A special meeting of the Federatidn of Master Cotton Spinners at Manchester recommended that a ballot be taken on the proposal to st p the mills on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays every week.
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  • 176 9 Terms of the Impending Big Issue. [Riuteb's Service! London, February 12. The prospectus of the Japanese loan was issued this afternoon. There were queues outside the issuing banks and great activity prevailed in procuring prospectuses, clerks emerging into the street with bundles of prospectuses. The prospectus mentions
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  • 220 9 [RaUTKB'a Service.] London, February 12. Washington Answering the Senate's resolution regarding Mr. Denby, President Coolidge said no official recognition can be given to passage of a resolution relating to the Senate's opinion concerning members of the cabinet or other officials under executive control. Washington President Coolidge added
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  • 71 9 [Rbuter's Service.] London, February 12. Luxor The opening of th« mummy case is such a formidable operation that there is no question of undertaking it this year. London, February 12. Luxor The lid of the sarcophagus has been raised and King Tutankhamen's mummy found. London, February 12.
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  • 66 9 [Riutxb's Service.] London, February 12. Reviewing the rubber restriction results. The Times cites statistics showing that larger consumption, not restricted production, was the chief factor in causing the advance in price. It says that since 1921 production has steadily expanded in spite of restriction. On the uthei hand United
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  • 58 9 [Reuteb's Sebvice.] London, February 13. While the conference of the Minister of Labour and representatives of the dockers and employers adjourned late last evening without reaching a definite conclusion, a much more hopeful spirit prevails. It is understood that the dockers will be offered an immediate increase of
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  • 154 9 Signs that Opinion Begins Changing. [Reuter's Service.] London, February 12. Paris That French opinion with regard to the Ruhr policy is changing is the consensus of opinion of articles i« the opposition press commenting on the article by M. Sauerwein in Le Matin, which is believed
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  • 71 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 12. Ottawa Prince Waldemar, Mr. Mackenzie King, and Lord Byng, representing King George, were among the 400. guests at the wedding of Prince Eric of Denmark and Miss Lois Booth. London, February 12. Ottawa Government have asked the United States to assist in securing
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  • 70 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 12. .Bpmbay The mill owners announced on January 29 that if work was not re«jrtf<i unconditionally by February 4 the mills would be closed for a further fortnight. They therefore decided to receive the workmen on the 18th inst., and pay the wages earned
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  • 68 9 [Rbuteb's Sebvice.] London, February 12. The contract fJr the salvage of the 68 German warships scuttled at Scapa Flow has been signed. It will be the biggest selvage feat ever attempted. Operations will begin at the end of March. [A Queenborough firm has obtained the contract to
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  • 56 9 [Reuteb's Service.] London, February 12. Aden The British steamer Colorado, from Hongkong fcjf Boston and New York, put in owing to a high pressure pinion and wheel being stripped. The vessel was sun-eyed by Lloyd's and allowed U proceed with low pressure turbines. The captain is awaiting
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  • 145 9 The local manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation infcrms us he has received a telegram from his head office in Hongkong as follows A new Imperial Japanese Government 6 per cent. Sterling loan for £25,000,000 will be issued at 871* on February 13. Duration
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  • 26 9 A special apparatus will in future broadcast Biff Ben twice daily, 3 o'clock to 3.30 and 9 o'clock M 9.3Q, and on Sundays at 10 o'clock.
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  • 156 9 A Warning to the Chinese Government. [Reuter's Service.] London, February 13. Riga According to reports in the press, Karakhan, the Soviet representative at Peking, is endeavouring to obtain China's consent to the proclamation of an independent Mongolian republic. It is stated that he has protested against the alleged
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  • 32 9 [Reutbb's Sebvice.] London, February 12. The Board of Trade returns for January are imports £101,258,000; exports £64,235,000; a decrease of £7,931,000 and an increase of £119,000 respectively, compared with December.
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  • 15 9 [Renter's Sebvice.] London, February 12. The Kin£ has visited the British Empire Exhibition.
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  • 92 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 12. Sir Walter Shaw and Justices Brown and McCabe Reay sat in the Court of Appeal to-day. There are eleven cases listed. The court dismissed the appeal of Mr. Stunner against the decision of Mr. Justice Sproule, who gave judgment for
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  • 444 9 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at a dinner at Government House to the officers of the Special Service Squadron on February 11 H.H. the Sultan of Kelantan, K.C.NLG. H.H. Tunku Mahkota of Johore, D.K. Admiral Sir A. C. Leveson, K.C.B.
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  • 1286 9 Singapore's Great Wet Weather Effort. Yesterday Singapore tried to show what it can do in the way of rain when it likes. liain fell in torrents all the afternoon and evening, and all outdo'".' engagements had to be cancelled. Is it any use assuring our visitors that sudi
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  • 101 10 nicipal Health statement for the ding Februarj give) the total 212, representing a death rat per miile per annum, :J'>.(iO in the preceding I with J:i.2:; in the corresponding week of last year. The chief cause for niortalitj eri-beri M, phthisis malaria iT, pneumonia 22. Among the
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  • 89 10 In the Supreme Coast yesterday before Mr, i on two German seamen, nami il Fischer and Glanier, appealed against a decision of the District Judge, by whom they were sentenced to inment and a fine of being illegally in possession of d ammunition. It \.ill be remembered
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  • 59 10 In connection wiih the fire on the British India Apcar liner Talma, the lowt port of No hold, in which some was found to be smould- i in the depth of six and although there were ■till traces of, smouldering this morning. complete extinction is only
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  • 63 10 71k Aral parti of Public School boys for New aland, when they will be trained n farming under a scheme recently com plet d by the Dominion Government, was v leave Southampton on February 7. The boys are from Oundle, Dulwich, Christ's H spital. King's College,
    63 words
  • 22 10 The K Iways have paid the .vis i' 1.500 as comrj to his linger at Falll ii' IMS. The .Tiginal claim .1.000.
    22 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 367 10 Programme for the Great Naval Night. The programme for the great naval boxing tournament to be given at the Bappy Valley on Saturday night in aid of the Union Jack Club is now announced. It consists of eight events, .comprising 44 rounds of boxing, and introduces UM best talent
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    • 79 10 WASH-OUTS Heavy Rain Stops Sport. The Rugby match between the Special Service Squadron and ships of the China Fleet was cancelled yesterday, together with all other sporting events, on account of the torrential rain. For the same reason the cricket match that was to have been played to-day between the
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    • 46 10 The following have been selected to play for the Dunlop team in the match against The Rest to be played in Malacca on Saturday next Skinner Rich, Hildred, Phenix and Sheehan Verel and Williams Graham, Clarkson, Ames, Dennler, Edwards. Hanks, Kerr and Gooch. Reserve Atkins.
      46 words
    • 53 10 The fo'lowing cards were returned in the Garrison Golf Club February men's monthly medal D. J. Ward 3 up Major Denyer 1 G. B. Kellagher 1 Major Little all square R. Battishill 2 down W. R. Forde 2 B. F. Dyke 3 H. R. S. Law 4 Forty cards
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    • 139 10 February 6— The Cup Tie replays today resulted as follows Notts County 'J. Crystal Palace 0; Leeds 1, West Ham United 0 Watfojd 1, Exeter 0 Bristol City 2, Sheffield Wednesday 0 Newcastle 2, Derby 2 Halifix 0, Manchester City 0. The following matches were played in the
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    • 66 10 Cambridge University beat Portsmouth Services by :>2 points to 5. February 4. Llanelly beat Cross Keys by 8 points to 0. The Air Force fceßt Exeter by 12 points to 0. At the general meeting of St. Paul's Athletic Association held on the Ist inst., office-bearers elected for
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  • 33 10 Thi peaceful and stable conditions in Ireland are unprecedented in recent jears. Judge Johnston opening the Dundalk Sessions, referred to the abs <lute freedom from crime on the big frontier of County Louih.
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    • 712 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Among various other matte.s dealt with at the recently held annual general meeting of the I.S.P. the question whether people other than Europeans should be made eligible for membership was discussed. I had hoped that some
      712 words
  • 79 10 The management of Raffles Hotel, in response to numerous requests, have cancelled the usual orchestral concert tonight and instead are holding a special dinner-dance. To-night U another serial night at the Surma Theatre, the attraction being The Mystery Mind, by the famous authors Arthur B. Reeve and John
    79 words
  • 60 10 Programme of drills up to and for week ending February 17. Tuesday, February 12. 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall. S.R.E. (V) «ignals, M.G. Platoon, lamp and flag instruction elementary instruction. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 13th, 14th and 15th, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, M.G. Platoon, elementary instruction. Saturday and
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  • 90 10 The Daily Mail terms the action of Government in unconditionally releasing Mr. Gandhi as surprising and considers a pledge to abstain from political agitation prescribed for a period might well have been taken from Mr. Gandhi. The! paper is of opinion that there are many signs which
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  • 2344 10 The Death of Captain Bennet. By Our Special Correspondent London, January 17. j The appearance oi the weights for the! Grand National lends additional pathos; to the simultaneous death of Captain Bui-n-.-t, who stoered Sergeant Hurphy to victory in that race last year. Captain; Bt-nnet sustained a fall
    2,344 words
    • 200 10 Singapore, February IS. Rubber.— London Is. 2d. Local 48 cents. Rubbers.— Amal. Malays 1.85 to 1.95, Ayer Hitam.-. U.TS to l'i.Tf). Ayer Moleks 1.10 to 1.15, Bassetts Ltttt t*. l LlO, Brogas 57 to 62 cents, Craigielets 47V4 K '>2'z cents, Indragiris 4.20 to L6O,
      200 words
    • 108 10 Singapore, February K>. Tin.— £266.— up 02s. f,d. Rubber. Is. 2d. unchanged. Rubbers. Dull. New Craigieies 52, Lunas 7.25-7.50, New Scudais 1.06--1.15, Kedahs 1.95-2.05, Mandai Tekong Bukit Jelot «.ngs 49-62, Mentakaba 2P--23 1 Ulu Benuts BVfc-tt, Ayi-r Panas 5."05-5.25, Tapahs 10-10.20, Sungsi Tukangs 23-25. Mining.— Petalings
      108 words
    • 174 10 (L. K. Macphail). Singapore, February 18. Rubber.— ls. 2d. 48 cents. Tin.— £266. $132% 175 tons sold. Rubbers. Small enquiries for Bassetts at 1.02>/i and Craigieleas at 50, Jimahs 1.05 to 1.10, Brogas 57 1 to 62%, Kuala Sidims 1.90 to 1.95. Tin.— Petalings 1.15
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  • 21 10 Messrs. Fraser and Neave, as agents for Wiggins, Teape and Alec. Pirii (Export) Ltd., forward a calendar for the current year.
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  • 882 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, February 11. There were "'2 competitors a smaller number than wa- anticipated at the Al.iiacca Volunteer Corps prize meeting on Saturday and Sunday. The weather was excellent on Saturday, but broke down < n Sunday. Kvcn then the showers wan Dot Miftkiently
    882 words
  • 90 11 The Hon. Treasurer begi to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of tho following donations Previously acknowledged 134.40&53, Collected l>y Mr. Choo Brag Urn from members of HkkUe Road Church VIM Chnii: Sim Kok Assn. Lok Han Club and (.aylansr Straitf Chinese Assn. each 20. Hing
    90 words
  • 36 11 Trunoh Mines. l.Sti'l pieuls. Lingui Tin. Slucing HO.ti.'i pieuls. viI 1*.!.", picnlt, tot.-il lL'il.GO. The Mine was flooded on January and as a resi It 1201 hours ulniciag was In-t during the mouth.
    36 words
  • 436 11 Office-Holders and Directors Elected. A special general meeting of members of the Indian Association was held at the association's premises, No. 5, Short biieet, on Saturday, February y. Despite the inclement weather there was an attendance of 150, showing the interest taken by the members in the Association.
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  • 82 11 (By Courtesy of the Xanyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, February 12. Sixteen workers were entombed whon the Tanna tunnel of the Atami railway, which is now under construct on, collapsed. Members of the Patriotic League raided the Kenkiu-kai i-i the leers Hall. They gathered in front of Niju
    82 words
  • 223 11 The challenge of the East to the White Australia policy formed the subject of an address to the Brisbane Chamber of Com- merce recently by Major A. Horsfall, an I Australian medical man with distinction in the United Kingdom as a surgeon, and I one keenly interested in
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  • 187 11 Sword-Fish a s Sea-risk. The crew of the steam pilot vessel at the head of the Bay of Bengal are often able to secure fish <>f jjiant size. The latest capture of this kind was made the other day when an enormous sword-fish more than It feet in length and
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  • 40 11 The Honfrkonc: Legislative Council is pii>|)osinK to approve the acceptance of the award of Si:- John Oakley amounting to nearly seventeen million dollars, in lespect of the transfer of certain military lands in Hongkong now vested in the Army Council.
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  • 15 11 Messrs. Wearne flros. send us a copy of their Exide (iirl calendar for IW-4. j
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS All the leading Schools, Colleges and Institutions throughout the Far East arc using the Moutrie, having selected it in competition with the highest grade instruments. THE PIANO OF DEPENDABILITY GUARANTEED FOR SEVEN YEARS. GOOD FOR A LIFE TIME. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. «»♦«♦<♦««< ««♦>♦»<..<♦♦♦♦««»««>«> »>:«<
      97 words
    • 323 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone 2920. THE FINEST BALLROOM IN THE EAST TONIGHT Wednesday, February 13 Special Dinner Dance RAFFLES ORCHESTRA. SARKIES BROTHERS. EDGAR HULLAND, Director. Proprietors. Adelphi Hotel THE SMARTEST THE BEST '.1 Coupled with High Efficiency in Service CATERING TO A HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD, Mnairal Director J.
      323 words

  • 1066 12 Single-Handed Voyages over The Seven Seas. That there is no sign of a fallingoff ii courage displayed by sailors ia evident from the account by Francis B. Cooke in (.'hambers's Journal of 00.-en VoymfM undertaken by small craft. He rites The challenge issued by the
    1,066 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1083 12 IN THE ESTATE OF TAN CHENG SIONG ALSO KNOWN AS TAN CHENG SIANG, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees), notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons having any claims oi demandi against the Estate of Tan Cheng Siong also known as Tan Cheng Siang,
      1,083 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 270 13 Wires and Csibles manufactured hy THE St. HELENS CABLE AND RUBBER CO., LTD., may be buried in plaster without fear of injury. For electrical installations where good appearance is desired, unsightly cleat wiring is therefore no longer necessary, and the cost is little more than for other systems. SIME, DARBY
      270 words
    • 397 13 i George Nelson Dale Co LIMITED WARWICK, ENGLAND. J| v mmovro crLATTNB S!- tmo^ma^ ..^vr?;LJ I J j^= -—I j I FOR FOOD. J .^.TT^o. .Mistcu. I < J if' L/2"<£jjrsJ i 1 1 OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. Representative < J. K. G«inncll. P. O. Box 223, Sincapore. f SELANGOR
      397 words
    • 192 13 ft '/^xXN T^ ¥T> IS" "H M VP f r 111 JiL rSL L 1 p e|| RaliPA JrOi' ii lyilcWJl OF EXCELLENT QUALITY Retail Price 85 cents per tin of 50. Made from leaf matured for > years in Oak Casks. Free from SINGAPORE dust. Splendid Aroma. Exquisitely smooth
      192 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1680 14 ■Mtr:Saaa»»inra»Ws>MM«WMMM«M«neMMM«W««M Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Amnnee to force otot 917,t09,90t. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la Strait* SettleSMlW) I TAD OFFICE: Winchester Hoase, Singapore. ftOMDON OmCli M, OU 'awry, «.C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with ths British Life
      1,680 words
    • 298 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England) Fire, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets exceed mm .440,000,000 W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. (Ir.corpoiated In England) 1 and 2, Bartholomew Lane, London, Established 1808.
      298 words
    • 334 14 h»>^ K°^ftl U THE SPIRIT I Lcr a WtWhstf I ARFniP The great superiority of "WHITE LABEL" is evidenced by the always increasing demand. There is a serious shortage of Old Matured Scotch Whiskies without which no blend of high class quality can be maintained. BUCHANAN-DEWAR, LTD., own upwards* of
      334 words

  • 870 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Popularit> of the Side-Car. With the advent of the ulira-lifiht car and cycle-ear il \.as thought by some that the motor cycle-siUewjar combination would lose iavour and ultimately become extinct. Il wus argued that it' a small car could be purchased
    870 words
  • 157 15 Di tails now available of the extension of Ihe port of Kaiachi show that provided no unforeseen delays are expi'i ii-iKi'd, il-.e first three berths on the west \vharfunu aie expected to hi' ready by the middle- of lU'27. The width of the channel bet we—
    157 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 New Prices^ 1-Ton Truck Chassis Standard Body for above vS?* v§y/ Touring Car Chassis EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED. Wearne Brothers, Ltd. Orchard Road, Singapore. Chevrolet Cars Self tlarter, dynamo, Magneto ixnitioti, born, speedometer, detachable rims, double folding windscreen and one-man hood. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $1 ,600 CENTRAL MOTORS, LTI. „,1. "T^TSInT m
      101 words
    • 313 15 The Selection of Tyres M|«sV4 Racing drivers arc most partirular about the make of tyres they va AKt\ us?e. Tyre failure may not o'lly mean !hc ltw> of ;i race but it /AbCJvA .■hWJtvF* ma v ri sll t oss ol >')B^^?v\ FIRESTONE GUM DIPPED CORDS on the first five
      313 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 207 16 Eittablishcd 1872. I'atronised by Ro>alty. SMOKERS' REQUISITES A WELCOME GIFT IN Gold Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases and Boxes, Match Boxes and Slides, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, etc. B. P. de Silva The Time-honoured Jeweller. 62-3, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1, BISHOP STREET, PEN ANG. NEW SHIPMENT GREEN MOSQUITO NETTING
      207 words
    • 505 16 A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The Proprietress of the Parisian House, Stamford Road, who wishes to retire from business, is open to consider reasonable offers for purchase from responsible people. Shop furniture for disposal, and exceptionally favourable rent, with lease, also advertising contracts with the newspapers. The business has been well-known for
      505 words
    • 908 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let. etc., tn ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., 9ve ins. $..00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      908 words
    • 804 16 LAND AND HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE to let, 28-5, Stevens Road. Gas and water, garage. 325, S. Times. TO LET, Paulaborg, 10, Gilstead Road, Immediate entry. Apply B. 0., Straits Times. TO LET, furnished bungalow, Telok Kurau, tennis, garage, etc., good sea bathing. Apply 309, Straits Times. TO LET, 88, Owen
      804 words
    • 255 16 OCULAR HEADACHES. Eighty per cent, of headaches art Ocular Headaches caused through tome defect of vision. If your headache is so caused you will never be relieved until you werr scientifically-fitted glasses to correct the defect. Let me test your sight and make certain. You wili not be advised glasses
      255 words
    • 263 16 NEW LATEST NOVELS. By LEONARD MKRKKK at $2.00 each. \\HIIK PAHS LAITGHKD, being l'ranka and I'asnions of the IVet Tricotrin CONARD IN QUEST (>K Ills voiTH, with an introduction liy Sir J. M Itarrie WHEN LOVE FLIES Ol T OTITF. WINDOW, THE QUAINT COMPANIONS, with an introduction hy 11. <;.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 312 16 THE STRAITS TIMES. TELEPHONES. Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to IHE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. STRAITS TIMES (Daily
      312 words