The Straits Times, 9 February 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,477. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 202 1 i •tII9BBBaHBIIBnnBIBnBIIBBBIBBIIHnHnBBBBBBBBaDaBBBaBBBBBfIBBBBBHmmmMMBBBBBBaBI m S NOTHING SHOWS OFF GOOD SILVER AND GLASSWARE LIKE [Beßutifui T&hle Linen I I We have a Large Selection of well-known and serviceable designs in many sizes and qualities, up to a wonderful fineness. Our Linens and Linen Damasks are made to a standard of the highest
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    • 1 1 3^^^
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  • 702 2 Sunday, February 10. [Under tbii heading we publish each week brief details of the service* to be held at those Singapore Churches whose uuthorities supply us with the necessary information. To ensure insertion, these notices must reach us by Friday afternoon.] St. Andrew's Cathedral.— 7 a.m. Holy Communion
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  • 274 2 Precious Stones Picked up on The Beach. It is not generally known that gem? are to be found in their natural state in England. Amethysts of really fine quality are plentiful in Srtnerset and Cornwall and in many parts of Perthshire, Fife, and the Hebrides, says a Weekly Dispatch
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 PRIME DAIRY FED PORK OF EXCELLENT QUALITY SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD Co., Ltd. (Inc. in S.S.) »eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*ee*eeeee«> 1 jk A|# JL tj^yaL The exceptional qualities of ABDULLA CIGARETTES which make them so popular AB O CJ 3US-< A. w amongst smokers everywhere are the result of the extra- P"»
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    • 250 2 Use Cuticura Talcum Daily For The Skin After a bath with Cuticura Soap and warm water Cuticura Talcum is soothing, cooling and refreshing. If the skin is red, rough or irritated anoint with Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for all toilet uses. Sotp lipldcnliU. Ointmrat li
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    • 612 2 WATCH 'S^&t'ji AND sS^.*'"' '-4lf MAKEKS fi>i;.^-fe JEWELLERS To lI.M. The King of Siam. Societe Anonyme Beige. I ncallv known an the S.A.B. BANGKOK (siam) WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS PRECIOUS STONES GOLD AND SILVERWARE (SIAMESE AND EUROPEAN) REPAIR DEPARTMENT Under European Supervision. Recommended by Tourists. *0^ SUCTION FILTER PI.MPLEXi
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    • 774 2 NOTICE NOTICE la hereby aireß thfl I MARK depicted abov t is the prop, ri S E. S. ABDUL KARIM carryii Nu. :.C. CHULIA STREET, PENANG, ad ii iiscl by him in connection with SABONGB (lAIN PULU A i i n ad and sold by him in the < ol<
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  • 910 3 Supplementary Hires trom Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables are taken from Indian exchanges to hand Forecasts «il Political Quidnuncs. London, January 27 From a study of the contributions to the newspapers by those inspired, who are usually known as "Special Political Correspondents," it »s obvious
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 471 3 STEAMER SAILIW6S M. nOnMUHUBB, FKBKI AKV t, 1924. i arsji i" i i in- :i in.\ from EttTOp* IN hereby nuiificd that a general surrey of all curno landed in a daiaasjod condition will be Irelil on February \J. 1924, in GodoWM No.*. 10 and 11, at 9 a in.
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    • 654 3 CHEOii KOON SEN! ft CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valualile business premises and residential Proprertius. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, February 20, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and the compound house known as Emma Villa. No. 4 Dublin Road,
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    • 466 3 WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS WEARY. How Not italitv Ma> he Gained. M;inv nan p iss fnir days in a conktaat ;iatf of wearlnaaa. They have barely sufficient energy ta ri m in the morning TlMf alwi.ys fir! below par. often have an aching hi. id. a lalxuHsj pain in the
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    • 544 3 iKraraa marine MOTORS Hfl*^lllsir Four-Cylinder $1 ,000 SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED Ua«*r»e»t*4 U ta. Strata S.ttl»eati) BtKGAPOUL Mwiteers THAT PERFECT EGYPTIAN CIGARETTE ALWAYB SMOKED BY CONNOISSEURS. To b« obtdntd from EOBJNSON A CO, LTD. Sinsapora. JOHN LITTLE ft CO, LTD, «Jin*ap uf and Eaala L»a.»«'. And L'saal Singapore D*al«n.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 847 4 STEAMER SABJMS P. 0.-British India Apcar Line (Companies laeorforated la Sngland) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO BKKVICES rPININSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. tTadjr Contract with Bis Majesty's Government. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SEBTICB )UTWARDS FROM LONDON HOMEWARDS FOB CHINA AND JAPAN i (18. MARSEILLES. LONDON AND ANTWERP To««ag* D«s B>er* Toaaage.
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    • 573 4 STEAMER SAILIHtiS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM {EOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland.) UIfDBK CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS LNLIA GOTChUXHCTr. TelepkeM Nos. Passaga Dept. 111, Freight Prpt, 1203, Mario* Oaat aad Traasklumeal Dept. 1437, Manager'a Dept X.2. JANSSKXS- Fabnaii Belawaa-DaU BOBLON6AN— Fabraary 'J. Muntok, Djebocs, Hlinjoe, Pangkal-rinang and Koba.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 446 5 STEAMEit SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (laeorporated ta Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darw l Thursday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne via Torres Straits, also with transhipment to other Victorian, Sonth Australian and North Queensland Ports, BritUk New Guinea, N»w Britain Tasmania aad New Zealand Port.. APPROZIMATC SAILINGS
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    • 411 5 STEAMER SAIUNSS^ COMBIMI> BKBVICB OF THE OGEAN S.S. CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO., LTD. t Incorporated la Kaglaad) Fartalgktly Serrlee Uklag cargo aad Paaaengers from Singapore BATATIA AND tOUsUBAIA NORTH-WEST AUSTRALIA PORTS AND FBXMANTLJi (PKBTH). Approxlsaate BalUaga. GORGON Feb. GASCOYNE twin screw Feb. 16
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    • 604 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. LINE DESTINATIOVS. STEAMFK*. ARR. DEPT. London, Hamburg, Rotterux..- Antwerp Celebe. Maru Feb. IS Feb. 16 via Aden, Suez, Port Said Altai Maru Mur. X Mar. 10 Nrw York via San Francisco, Panama Alaska Maru from H'kong Fi-I>. L' 2 DUr s^to. Al 'B°u\n^A.r C c'. Pc T
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    • 54 5 SWEDISH EAST ASIATIC CO LTD. (tsMorsorated ta ■w«do> i Tor Barcelona. CkrUUaala. Aaraas. C«amhagea. Gotaeabarg, aad Swedish fAfta. M V. FORMOSA dtj* Pe*. IS HEMLAND due Mar. IK V. CANTON due Aj). 10 Far Hongkong and Japaa. M.V. CANTON due Feb. 21 For ipace apply to AUAMBON. GILFILLAN CO, LTD.
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    • 647 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS je^LjERM an" Tine fcU.KKMAN «i Ut CILNALI. STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER. Dae Singapore. PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. s.s. CITY OF YORK I hiiui and .lapan I'Vh. 14 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY Marseilles London Feb. 26 CITY OF YORK Marseilles London April 4 s.s. 'CITY OF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 484 6 CINEMAS bomm .t EMPIRE CINEMA Ttnjonp Pa*ar RoadL Telephone No. 1001. Krom Wtdnc«day. February In the ■mmbJ Show at 9.30 Eve's Film Review THE TIMBER QUEEN A Fata* serial in IS episedea er II reels irin c RUTS ROLAND EpiM:cle I. THE LOG JAM in 3 parts. Kpis..d,. K. THE
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    • 359 6 CINEMA^ rialtoTtheatre MALACCA Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11, 12 and 13 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF MISS JILL HILL (Producer, Hello Singapore Revue) Miss IVY NORTON Miss KITTY BARLOW AND Mr. D. W. BREWSTER IN A Repertoire of Mirth, Melody, Song and Dance. POPULAR PRICES. A SAPPY NF.W YEAR TO ALL
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    • 225 6 VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT, at 9M R. B; SAI.ISBI !JV in cunjunction with THEATRICAL KNTEKI'RISES Present K. 1!. Salihbury's QUAINTS in the LATEST AND GREATEST LONDON SI'CCESSES Complete with Original Custiimrs and Scenery. TO-NIGHT THE 9 O'CLOCK REVUE First Edition Mon. and Tues., February 11 and 12. THE QUAINTS IN Wanted
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    • 16 6 i i GENUINE Marseilles Tiles REGULAR STOCKS CARRIED BY Etabllaaementi BROSSARO MOPIN (Incorporated in China) SINGAPORE
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  • 277 7 FIXTURES. Si.lard.iv. February S II ijrh Water, I.U a.m.. 1.8 p.m. Banquet t» General Malcolm, Garden Club. Kaal's Bawaiiana, Happy Valley, 9 p.m. :i e'elock ttfM, Vie. Theatre, 0.30 p.m. Sunday, February 10 High Water, 1.4 C a.m., \M p.m. Arrival of Naval Bqoadron, 4.30 p.m. Sawaiiana,
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  • 354 7 Saturday, February UM, Ships alongside the harves or expected to arrive KEI'PKl. HAROOIR. Main Wharf ralemhanr, Unda, I'atrcl, Oil Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS IN PRY DOCK. V«njonn Pa*ar fclierrV V. tiarf Vestnorijc. Albert DockTJ.I! Happen Urn. CO. ct Victoria Dock Bun Hong Lion^. keppcl Harbour
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  • 188 7 Mb* Penang and Calcutta 8 p.m. l'ort Swettcnhaui and Penang 8 p.m. Muar 3 p.m. Mcdan 3 p.m. Muar and Malacca .3 p.m. Bit 11 Pahat 4 p.m. Prig! Radjaa, Sapat, Tembilahan and Indragirl 4 p.i.v Sarawak and Goebilt 4 p.m. Meeara. Sake and Djambi .4 p.m.
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  • 46 7 The Far Eastern Review for January contains further articles of interest *o Malnya, including an account of the tin mining industry here, a paper on the equipment and operation of the port ol Saban-r and the tea industry of .lav.i Mcl of which is artistically illustrated.
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  • 172 7 BXCHANGB Singapore, February On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/4 1/8 Private m. credits 2/4 5/8 On NVv. V.nk. Demand Ml* i d/s 52% nom. On Fr«nce, Bank 1020 On India tiank T.T. MS% On Honjkong, Bank d/d 1'j pc, prcm. On Shanghai, Bank d/d
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  • 65 7 11.30 a.m., Saturday, February 9 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe, Closing Prices. Buyers Seller*. Spr-t ..48 Spot February ebruary Feb.-Alarch February-March April-June April-June July-Sept. July-September Tone of Market Steady. Latest London cables quote Spot shett Is. l%d. Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closimg Prices. Buyers.
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    • 214 7 V'al. Pd. B«7«w. B«n«ri. 1 1 Baiung Padang 0.37 V.! 0.42' i 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 1 1 Jelnntoh 0.20n0m 1 1 Julian Tin 0.:J7 14 .0.42/4 l.a-i. Kamunting 47/- 48/--i i Kamunttag Tin •"■l/6 :!8/0 red. 10 10 KintaAssm. Ord. 7.70 7.90 5 I.intui Tin 5.10
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    • 134 7 Vul Pd. BoT«r«. S«H«rt. i El An. Tobacco 3 2.6 5.G.3 10 10 Ceatral Engiaea 9.00 10.00 10 10 Central Motors 2.75 3.00 H nE. tedtiaf Ca 7.50 7.75 >/-5/-Elec. Tramways 2/2 2/6 10 10 Fraser Neave 87.00 88.00 SO 60 H.inimer Co. 130 135 luOlOOKatz Bros. def. 105
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    • 100 7 U. Eag. G p.c. 81,234,300 par 10 p.c pm Spore Electric Tramwaya, 6 p.c. £350,000 S'poro Municipal p.e. 78.000 par 5 p.c. pm Spore Municipal 4% p.*. of 1907 $1,600,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c. pm S'poro Municipal 4Vi p.c of 1009 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dis. 5 p.c. pm
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    • 397 7 Fraaer and Co. and Lyall and Bratt'i Quotations. Lutent arailaMe 84er«cf QmUUhi M>!ata4 aaota.r Mlt en Fr^aay. To-day'a Price*. Fraatr I. vail A Co. Et«U A!or Gaj.-.h ($1) 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.10 ($1) 1.10 1.15 .1.00 1.10 A H.tam ($5) 11.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 A. Kum«jE (SJ)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 789 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 16. MULIGATAWNY SOUP, Oxtail Soup, Gravy Soup, Julienne Soup, Londonderry Soup, Consomme Soup, Vegetable Soup, MockturlW' (Clear) Soup. H. Bolter, Director Importer TO LET. No. 11!', Scl.-pk- Road. Apply No 171, Waterloo Street. To LET FURNISHED, 6, Chancery Lane. Apply within or Tel.
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    • 71 7 THE LATEST SOCIETY DANCING EXPONENT AND TEACHER Miss JILL HILL STI'DIO 12S RAFFLES HOTEL. dp) PRELIM WARY NOTICE HENDERSON BROS., LIMITED (In I. '-initiation) By order of the Liquidator Fur sale hy auction at an early date. Twe c ..inpound houses Xos. 3C and 37, GRANGE ROAD. JOHN G. CAMPBELL,
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    • 957 7 •uiißiaiiiiuuiiiiiniuiuuinninniiHiiiiiiiiiiin" 4 THE NAVY I c BEST s Messrs. POMMERY GRENO have authorised as to make a special 20 per cent, reduction in price of their famous Extra Dry Champagne, for all orders for Fleet I nlertainments private or public. Pommery Champagne JOHN UTTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE
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  • 50 8 DEATH The Straits Times K'lOO.— On February 8, 1924, at his residence No. 5, Shanghai Road, Singapore, Khoo Ban Seng, aged 76. He loaves two sons, Messrs. Khoo Teng Hin and Tcng Leong and sixUvn grandchildren. Deeply regretted. Funeral next Sunday, February 17, at 10.30 a.m. to Selat Road Cemetery.
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  • 1036 8 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. MISUNDERSTOOD. Mr. Lloyd George is getting on in years, but he has never had much training in diplomacy. We should not, therefore, be too harsh in our, comments on his indiscretions, but really the latest of them bears a strong resemblance to a :-torm in a tea
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  • 24 8 Information has been received by the Master Attendant, Singapore, from tht Port Officer, Rangoon that the Krishne light vessi 1 is now in position.
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  • 25 8 Cambridge University is publishing a schools Bible, from which irrelevant and unsuitable passages are omitted. The size is about two-thirds that of the present Bible.
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  • 32 8 The recent widespread agitation in favpur of broadcasting the King's Speech at the opening of Parliament failed tc obtain the approval of the Cabinet, which on January 11 definitely decided against it.
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  • 34 8 Dr. Thompson telegraphed to Peking on January 31 that he had escaped and safely reached Paotowchen. Dr. Thompson was returning to Peking with the late MajorGeneral Pereira's belongings when he was captured by bandits.
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  • 77 8 The Home Secretary has announced f li&t the result of the investigation into the case of Dearnley has been completed. Tli« result docs not touch the validity of the verdict, but. it affords a ground for the remission of the death penalty. It recommends that the HMtMM should be commuted
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  • 20 8 Mr. Robert Dollar has kindly consented to give a brief talk at the evening ss-rvicc in the Presbyterian Church tomorrow.
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  • 25 8 It is announced that the electric installation at St. Andrew's Cathedral has been put in order, and services tomorrow will be at the usual times.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Us. 163 $100. The rate of payment of money orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 168 $100.
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  • 20 8 The Bishop of Singapore will tomorrow unveil a Memorial Tablet in St. Peter's Church, Stamford Road, at. J. 30 a.m.
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  • 29 8 It is stated that H.M.S. Hood is going o make an attempt to break the record .ime— at present held by the steamer Mauritania for crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
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  • 30 8 The Clyde Trustees have obtained Government assistance to provide a mw dock at Glasgow. It will be the largest in Britain, and will cost £2,000,000. Construction is to commence immediately.
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  • 34 8 Very little business has been done in copra owing to the public holidays, states Messrs. Barlow and Co.'s rcpurl of the 9th instant. The closing quotalions are nominally No. 1 randried $12.50, mixed $12.15.
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  • 37 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent telegraphed yesterday that the police effected a large haul of gamblers on Thursday beating all previous police court records. Over 300 were produced before the magistrate, Mr. Prydc, and small fine;: were imposed.
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  • 47 8 A route march through Sydney street )f about 1,000 sailors ot the visiting British squadron is proposed. It is also sug Rested that the warships in the harboui be illuminated for one evening. Amoni; other proposals is a Venetian carniva) .nd a ball in the Town Hall.
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  • 44 8 The acting Consul for America ami the American Association arc attending a special service in memory of the late ex-President W:V-on at Wesley Church en Sunday, at 5.30 p.m., when the Rer. J. H. Lewin will speak on the passing ol the great statesman.
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  • 48 8 As the result of a fire in premises occupied by the Fox Films Corporation in Adelaide Street, Brisbane, more than a million feet of film, valued at £50,000 was reduced to ashes. There was not one penny insurance on the films. The fin was speedily got under control.
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  • 56 8 The N.-C. Daily News states that the headless corpse of the notorious Honan ..andit, Lao Yang Jen, will be cut into pieces for exhibition in various parts of the province as a warning to other bandits. The band of which Lao was formerly chieftain is said to have elected one
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  • 50 8 The Western Electric Company, has perfected a cable believed to be capable of great speed over almost unlimited distances, thus obviating the necessity (or the relays. It will be used for the new speed cable from New York to the Azores. It is expected to carry 1,800 words per minute.
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  • 54 8 The barbers of Canton, taking advantage of tfle approach of the New Year, when almost everybody wishes to have his hair cut." have put up the price by another five c°nts. No strike by prospective customers is yet announced, nor is there a hint that the fashion of WMftag the
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  • 61 8 Our Ipoh contemporary congratulates Mr. W. J. Morrison, of the Chartered Bank, Kuala Lumpur, who was the lucky owner of the ticket which won the first prize in the Non-sellinir Members' Sweep, which was run in connection with Race No. a on the last day of Ipoh Gymkhana New Year
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  • 66 8 A larjre and representative gathering irom different communities of Ki-.janu were at home to Dr. S. Dantisainy on Thursday at th? tier Valid hall of the Knjrlish School. Captain J. Unjrgim, District Officers Ulu Langat, presided anJ eulogised their guest. Mr. Vythilingarr., ileael Overseer, P.W.D. Ulu 1.:u..-;u. garlanded the doctor
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  • 70 8 The hearing began on Thursday, in the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court, before Sir Lionel Woodward, of the action brought by Mr. Charles Nell Leembruggen against (1) the Compagnie de Selangor and (2) the Societe I 1 inanciere des Caoutchoucs. The plaintiff is asking foi an order that an account be
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  • 96 8 A bill is being introduced into the Legislative Council designed to provide severe penalties (a) for the malicious causing of explosions to the damage of life or propertty and (b) for being in possession of explosives with intent to endanger life or property. The reason for the Bill is that
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  • 93 8 Mr. H. I. Trewin, Assistant Superintendent of the Government Printing Office and V. Vedachalam, store-keeper and salesman in aharjre of Government Publications, were sued in the Supreme Court on Thursday by Kamasamy Pillai of Market Street, in respect of a debt of $750. Mr. Stuart-Bell represented the first defendant, and
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  • 360 8 Mr. S. Codring-ton is appointed an unofficial trustee of the Penang Free School. Mr. H. O. Sarwar, District Judge, Singapore, is granted leave of absence for eight months. Mr. Robert Bird Robertson Hair, of Bangkok, Siam, and latterly of Kimwrhiad, t'rioff, loft personal estate of tho value
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  • 87 8 The Edinburgh Anti-opium Committee having written to the Colonial Office regarding a petition reported to have bevn not up by the inhabitants of Malaya asking for opium reform, the Duke of Devonshire has replied as follows The High Commissioner has been furnished with a copy of the report
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  • 171 8 Young and old, gentle and simple, clean and unclean, wise and foolish, cultured and barbarian, yea even the beasts that perish, are among its victims. No man or woman il too young or too old to suffer, the old fall more readily than the young. You pity
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  • 178 8 The following were the guests of His Excellency the Governor and Lad/ (ruillcmard at a Farewell Dinner to H.E. Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, X.0.8., D.5.0., at Government House on Thursday February 7th H.E. Admiral Sir A. C. Leveson, X.C.8., and Lady Levison, Hon. Sir F. S. James,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 -iHiiimnniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiNiiiHiniiHiuminiiq I LAST 3 DAYS I OF s Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, February 12 February 13 February 14 All Oddments and Remnants AT i I HALF PRICE j JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (L&(iorp»r»ted 1- KagUnd) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. f aEHHEBHHSHHHBIHBaaiHHinxrEDHaaiIIHMBIIHHHHS FOUNDERS We are fully equipped for the supply of castings
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    • 84 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp. LEWIS STONE, JANE NOVAK and WALLACE BEERY in THE ROSARY in 8 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. TOM MOORE in HARBOUR LIGHTS in 5 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD., Proprietors. THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED Have just
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    • 75 8 On Other Pages. Pic*. Church Services 2 News Ahead of the Kali 3 Shipping and The Mails 7 Reuter Telegrams 9 Singapore Navy Week Latest Arrangements 9 Copra Firm'n Failure 9 Malayan Rubber KxporU .9 Rubber Auction Prices 9 Mr. Dollar Interviewed 9 Breach of Trust Case 9 Sporting Intelligence
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  • 212 9 Accident While Exercising Hunter. [Reutek'B Service.] London, February 8. The Prince of Wales broke his collarbone while exercising a hunter this morning at Billington Manor, near Ascott. He spent the night at Mentmore Mansion with Lord Dalmeny prior to the meet of the Whaddon Chase hounds at
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  • 134 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. Bombay The first pronouncement of Gandhi's views since his release takes the form of a letter addressed to Mohamcd AH deploring Hindu-Mahom-edan dissenions and declaring that without the unity of all communities all talk of Swaraj is idle. The only remedy for
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  • 70 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. It is expected that the impending Japanese loan will be between 50 and 60 millions, of which rather less than half will be offered in London. A special sinking fund will be attached to the loan. London, February 8. Melbourne The prospectus is
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  • 90 9 [Reiter's Service.] London, February 8. It is understood that at yesierdayN Mating of Unionist leaders convened by Mr. Baldwin, including Earl Balfour, I-onl Birkcnhcad and Mr. Austen Chamberlain, it was resolved, in view of the verdict of the electorate, to eliminate a general protectionist policy from the party's
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  • 77 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. Washington The oil lease committee will hear Mr. McAdoo at his own request to-morrow. London, February 8. Washington Mr. McAdoo formally announces that he has terminated his professional services with Mr. Doheny and desires to testify at the oil lea»os enquiry. He
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  • 152 9 Conditions of Recognition Defined. [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. The Ru-sian reply to the British note according recognition was handed to the Foreign Office to-day. It closely follows the lines of the recent resolution of the Council of Soviets. London, February 8. The Russian note to Britain
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  • 78 9 [Reuters Service.] London, February 8. A deputation from the Trades Union Congress waited on the Minister for Labour and urged immediate step* to give legislative effect to the Washington Convention with regard to a 48 hour week. The deputation quoted statements in support of the contention that
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  • 65 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. It is reported from Amsterdam that the scheme of a German group for the exploitation of parts of Dutch New Guinea is causing uneasiness in Holland. The Minister for the Colonies, replying to members of the Second Chamber, declared that publ'c authority
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  • 55 9 [Rzuter's Service.] London, February 8. Mr. Baldwin's- resignation honours list comprises one Peer, five Privy Councillors, nine Baronets and 16 Knights. Sir John Butcher, K.C., ex-M.P. for City of York, receives a Barony. Mr. Gershom Stewart, formerly of Hongkong, ex-M.P. for the Wirral division, is made a K.B.E.
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  • 60 9 [Relter's Service.] London, February 8. New York Tno indignation aroused throughout the country by the neglect of the German Embassy to half-mast the flag in honour of Mr. Wilson is reflected in the statement by the Tribune that some financial circles are of opinion thai the incident may
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  • 90 9 [Rbutib's Service.] London, February 8. Washington The cruiser Rochester has proceeded to Honduras in response to the appeal of American residents. London, February 8. The strike of German seamen in British ports has been called off. Negotiations have been agreed to. London, February 8. Carson City, Nevada The first
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  • 119 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. Mr. Lloyd Gec/rge has returned to the Foreign Office the proofs of the French Yellow B:«k which caused the controversy. It is stated on good authority that M. Poincare has intimated that ns far as he is cencerned the incident can be
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  • 42 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, February 8. It is understood that the employers who conferred yesterday are prepared to meet the dockers halfway with regard to the demand for a 2s. increase. The prospect of averting a strike, therefore, is regarded hopefully
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  • 68 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, February 8. The light cruiser squadron left for Singapore on Friday evening. During their stay in Penang 10,416 persons visited the vessels. Admiral Brand gave a dinner on the Delhi and a dance was held on the Dana*. In the Police Court,
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  • 388 9 Partner's Evidence In Bankruptcy Court. A Chinese named Moh Keng Seah, who had spent the Chinese New lear in custody, came up for his public examination in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Acton. Moh Kcng Scah wns one of the five partners in Chop Ban
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  • 84 9 The analysed returns of rubber exports for the first three months of the second restriction year are as follows, the figures being given in tons Net Malayan November 1923 1922 lt'23 1322 Total 17,543 21,641 Less Foreign 7,441 5.1G7 10,102 16.474 December Total 25,501 18,427 Less Korcien 7,566
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  • 32 9 Within an hour on the night of January 18 a fire, which began and developed with remarkable suddenness and speed, completely destroyed the premises of the Australian Knitting Mills, Ltd.. at Melbourne.
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  • 606 9 The Cruiser Squadron Due To-morrow Afternoon. The special service cruiser squadron will arrive at Singapore to-morrow afternoon. The whole of the ships will come round Peak Island, and will anchor in the Roads at 4.30 p.m. Both Vice-Admiral Sir F. L. Field, commanding the battle-cruisers, and RearAdmiral the
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  • 96 9 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo Nichi-Xichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, February 7. It is believed that the Government will establish an independent Department of Agriculture in April. Mr. Yoshino. ex-Professor of the Tokio Imperial University, and Mr. Yanagida, have accepted posts on the Asahi Shimbun. Mr. Sakunoshin Namba, ex-M.P.,
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  • 128 9 Two young men Robert Meade Brown, an Irishman, and George Frederick O Regan, a native of Ballarat, Victoria started out from Melbourne on August 14 last, on a walking tour, wherever possible, to Londen. They arrived at Grafton early in January, and are now en route to
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  • 84 9 Messrs. Guthric and Co., Kuala Lumpur, have received a cable from the secretaries advsing that the directors of Sendayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd., have decided to recommend, subject to audit and usual adjustments, the payment of a final dividend of 15 per cent, ('payable as on Ist
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  • 437 9 Chinese Holiday Affects Business. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce T.ubber Association held its 641 st auction on February 8, when there was catalogued 1,643 996 lbs. or 733.48 tons; offered 1,426,538 lbs. or 636.85 tAia sold 971,181 lbs. or 433.56 tons. The next auction will be held
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  • 395 9 Young Dutchman Pleads Guilty To The Charge. C. J. Tielman, a young Dutchman was charged at the instance <<f Lim Hong Kee. of Chop Moh Hin, of Sine k" I, witn criminal breach of trust in respcei of im'ney due on goods delivered before Mr. David, District
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  • 85 9 It is requested that any men who intend joining 1 the Machine Gun Platoon, S. V. will do so before February 12. Platoon training commences on that date so that anyone joining lat? wil! be at a personal disadvantage as regards efficiency and at the same time
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  • 1070 9 Mr. Robert Dollar and His World Shipping Scheme. Reference has already be-en made in these columns to the arrival in Singapore of Mr. Robert Dollar, who from tba humblest of beginnings, has worked his way upward, and at the age of close <m BU, which he will
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 218 10 Pine N;;\;tl Contests. U-ioni Our Own Correspondent.) la Lumpur, February 9. it nighl attracted about t- itwoen Stoker Clarke. and Btoker Evans, H.M.S. he full distance of ten i mon to >nly coni meeting on Wedround was heartily cheerraa the fight that the agree and the :.r vi ry
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    • 56 10 ;in«c Events on .Monday. The principal sporting event on Monday. the first day of the naval squadron's visit, will be the SOCear match between the s\t i and tin sqnadrea team. Naval trains will also play the S. C. F. A. at soccer on the Drill Hall
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    • 408 10 (Frdno Our Own Correspondent). Ksala Lumpur, February 8. The sailors of the Hood and Repulre •,.1 enjoyable day to- Hiitally being their last day at Kuala Lampur. They are delighted with i i place ami the entertainment they have reo .\cd ;u our hi .1
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    • 109 10 I (-l; lisle. ."lisle's XV on II lay afternoon), and won <l four trios (22 pts.)toa al i live pta.). Robertson opened the ncoring after a fine run, Bonaventura got nd try from an opening made I Adams. Robertson scored again, and Adams p»t two more tries before the
      109 words
    • 65 10 The following will represent the S.R.C. aga nst the. Naval Squadron at hockey on M >nday on the S.R.C. ground: J. V. Hi v E. G. Wheatley and L. M. I'ennefather F. Albuquerque, W. A. Aeiia and V. C. Westerhout E. E. de Souza, A. W. Moreira. H. G.
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    • 33 10 The result of the mixed fiursome competition played at the Keppcl Golf i .lvii daring the Chinese New Year holidays was a win for Miss 13. Weatherstone am! Mr. G. H. McWalter.
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    • 90 10 Suzanne Makes a Scene. London, January 30. According to the Cannes correspondent oi the Daily ExMdlic. Lenglen created a scene during the progress of the match in the Ladies' Doubles final. The French player was partnered by Miss Ryan against Mrs. Covell and Mrs. Shepherd
      90 words
    • 769 10 Young Australian's Fine Effort Sjdney, January 1". Possibly never in the history of swimming in Sydney has fi< much interest been taken in any match as that between "Boy" Charlton, the youthful Manly swimmer, and Arnc Borg, the Swedish champion of Europe and the holder of several world's records.
      769 words
    • 759 10 I'nsatisfactory Decisions and Their Causes. writes in The Observer The past few months have thr,*wn up M>me melancholy examples of the lack of central control professional boxing. The problem that stands in the van to-day is that of the duties and rights of referees, their powers and
      759 words
    • 37 10 The following are the results rugby football mat.-hes played on January 30: Oxfoul University 37, Coventry 5 Cambridge University 3, Guy's Hospitr.l 5 Greenwich Naval College 10, Portsmouth Services 12 Berkshire Wanderers 4, Richmond 16.
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  • 315 10 The Bangkok papers announce the death of Dr. T. Meyward Hays, which occurred on February 2, and removes one of the oldest residents of Bangkok. He was born in 1854, at Charleston, South Carolina, and when a boy of about seven years of
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  • 37 10 g initiating ceremony of the Chong vS aii Girls' School, 85 and 86, Tank Road, will take place at 1 p.m. to-morrow when specimens of the girl's work will be exhibited. The public aie invited to attend.
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  • 53 10 Unlike other years the feast of Our Lady of Lotirdes will be celebrated »t the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes on Monday instead of tomorrow as Monday is a 'public holiday. A high mass will !><■ sni<l at 7 a.m. and a Benediction, preceded by a proce'sion, will taK>
    53 words
    • 110 10 Squadron Visit. —We cannot open our columns to letters, some offensive, about the airangcmcnts made for visiting the fleet. Persons eager to visit should consult the special representatives of their communities named in the instructions published in our issue of Wednesday last. lndi^Bant will find tna. launches are provided on
      110 words
    • 267 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Far be it from us to flatter you in any way. Suffice it to say that your services to the rubber industry have net only brought millions on million;' of dollars to Malaya but have saved many .h
      267 words
    • 114 10 Singapore. February 9. Tin— £262 15s.— up 20s. IJu*"ber. Is. lTgd. unchanged. Rubbers,— Bukit Sembawangs Is. 6d.-ls. od., New Craigieleas 49-S"J, Lnnas "i:2~>--7..~>tl ex.. New Scudais 1.05-1.15, Kedahs l.!> 1-2.05, Mandai Tekongt :;•.-:)<>, Bukit Jelotongs 49-52, Mentakabs SIK-28M, Ull Benuta 22>,b-25, Ayer Panas 5.05-2.25, Tapahs 10-10.20.
      114 words
    • 139 10 (1.. R. Macphail). Singapore, February 9. Rubber— ls. ITad. Tin.-- .£2i;ii 15s. Rubber.— AHenbys 1.10 lo 1.16, New Craigicleas 50 to 53, Bukit Katils 60 t> G5, AmalgamnU-d Malays 1.90 to 1.95, Kuala Sidims 1.92'/i to 1.87%. Tin. Petalings 1.15 to 1.20. P:ngkakns 1G.75 to
      139 words
  • 128 10 On account of the threatening weather the opening performance of the Hawaiians at the Happy Valley last night was postponed until to-night. The Quaints gave another successful performance of The Beggar's Opera lapt night. The Nine O'Clock Revue, first edition, i.- the bill for this evening. The new
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  • 30 10 Programme of Drills up to and for Sunday, February 10, 1924 Saturday and Sunday, Feruary 9 and 18. The Farrer ranee will be allotted during the week.
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  • 1708 10 Criticism from Dutch East Indies. (From Our Own Correspondent)Bandoeng, February 1 'Tea, we want no restriction, we want n. 1 restriction to-day', might very well be I saM i<) be the ditt> that's all the rage in rahhei circtos in the Dutch Indies. More s e\en uian the
    1,708 words
  • 221 10 The Deputy Inspector-General of Police Southern Range, Bombay, remarks in connection with undetected ci crime: —"The continued rise in the number of undetected case.; Is more or k-s> due to the presence in tha district of foreign criminals whose work generally remains undetected for a considerable
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  • 115 10 On a commission sent to the Supremo Court of Ceylon from the Supreme Court of New South W-alos, evidence was n corded here at Colombo on January '■>. in connection with the case in which Arthur K. Bishop is suing Smith's Weekly Publishing Company, Ltd.. Sydney, for £20,000
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  • 89 10 The possibility that dark women may become fair at will, and fair women dark. is foreshadowed by the revelations of new gland experiments made tiy Dr. Winifred Cullis. who stated, in an interview, that extractions from the- posterior l"li of the pituitary gland, a pea-sised gland at the
    89 words

  • 2145 11 Feature of the Spring Entries. By Our Special Correspondent. I. ndun, January 10. The feature of the Sprint; entries is the remarkable Pst of nominations for tha Aacot Gold (up. Fpinard, Zev and I'apyrus are all there. The MM I I Town Guard occurs as having been entered
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 87 11 Moutrie Pianos The outstanding characteristic of the MOUTRIE PIANO is consistency in QUALITY. I.ijrht and responsive touch. An instrument of perfect tonal balance. Our terms of graded payments will enable you to possess one to-day. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. IC&NCHER CROSS** THE ALL-BRITISH TYRES BY ALL STOCKISTS.
      87 words
    • 321 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Tei. P hon. 29 2 S <v v.«> MONDAY.— Te* Dtiuant. Telephone 2926 U W TUESDAY.-Dinner and Dane.. Th» lawl li-li.u-iu ia (he Ei»l. WEDNESDAY.— Orchc.tral Concert. Till KSDAY.— Gneat Nifht, ."inner and grill *mm n FRID D AY :i Te 1 TO-NIGHT SATURDAY.-G...t Night. DU.., «d GUEST
      321 words

  • 543 12 Shocking Revelation of Torture In Yunnan. The Yunnanfu correspondent of the N. C. Daily News writes Incidents are constantly coming to light of terrible cruelty to little slave Kills. Some months ago Mrs. Dymond and her daughter were constrained to attempt something to ameliorate the condition of
    543 words
  • 184 12 An Echo of Ronald True Murder Case. Ronald True has never been reprieved. According to the law, he fa still under sentence of death, the fulfilment of which has only been postponed. This startling statement was made by Mr. Shortt, the ex-Home Secretary, who was in office
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 331 12 E C. T. S. Wires and Cables manufactured by THE St. HELEN'S CABLE AND RUBBER CO., LTD., may be buried in plaster without fear of injury. For electrical installations where good appearance is desired, unsightly cleat wiring is therefore no longer necessary, and the cost is little more than for
      331 words
    • 190 12 [^'■^singaporhpenanqT^SL Wf 9 '^V\ *"i «<O ftOtRATED MALAY STATES C^ A 'xk A* J^ m£ MeOUSTEAO^Pt^SINGArtRt j TWwWSWI «»'9i"iu iKASI MARK 1^***** {(jfrrft^i ffiijfl?fj| /^j^*VA KST E^MV''" PECISTEREO TRADC MAR* W*o6A> I g(g Y»5 t*|r > wtEi[««csiw«»s»awt V w ~^r..«. =^T > o NOTICE is hereby given that the above
      190 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 303 13 Johnson tmtssi LIGHTEST, SPEEDIEST AND MOST DURABLE F}jjjfi| Nothinß else wi aKwimH vacation or week-end DETACHABLE MOTOR MMI f IT Almost as easy to carry a t asa pair of oars. FOR BOATS, PUNTS, KOLEKS, ETC. j* Makcsaspeedylaunch of any row boat or '^^♦^^^c't Easy starting auiet runDevelop 2 H.P.
      303 words
    • 105 13 Bu y the Best BUILT UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO A PR CX Embodying all Latest Refinements of Europ<aa Mm r'm'ure MODEL DE LUXE $2,050 K\SV TKUMM ARRANGED Apply COLONIAL MOTOR COMPANY, Singapore "Ny Garlsberg" Beer UASVhA (TUKED IN DENMARK. Obtainable at Hotels, Clubs a and Rest-Houses all
      105 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 529 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Amianct In force over |17,«06,ft0r). The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in ItraXU tettleaeata.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Boase, Singapore. fcOMU-JN OFFICI < U^ Ola Js«o> aVU The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Coart of England and eompliaa with the British Life Asssras.ce
      529 words
    • 609 14 BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised ,000,000 Capital Subacribed 41,800,000 Capital Paid-up a 1,060,000 Reserve Fund and Rest (1,862,106 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chairman. J M. Ryrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Yula, Bart.
      609 words
    • 535 14 INSURANCE UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. (Incorporated in France) Established 1826. RESERVE AND TOTAL GUARANTEED £4,000,000 The undersigned sgents for the above Company, are prepared to accept tire risks for long or short periods, at current rates. CASH SETTLEMENT promptly msde by the agenta in Singapore. The Successors of
      535 words
    • 353 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated la England) Fire, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets sxceed .440,000,000 W. A. SIMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) 1 and 2, Bartholomew Lane, London, Established 1808. Capital
      353 words
    • 373 14 tt»s~ '•°^"i?J THE SPIRIT II l/&«.° The great superiority of "WHITE LABEL" is evidenced by the always increasing demand. There is a serious shortage of Old Matured Scotch Whiskies witho ut which no blend of high class quality can be maintained. BUCHANAN-DEWAR, LTD., own upwards of 29,000,000 gallons of the
      373 words

  • 580 15 Superstitions Betting on Odd Nvbl Every year the casino at Monte Carlo collects in tne an^iuirati; one million ax hundred thousand puund.s lrom around two hundred thousand people who think they cun beat Dame r ortune at the tables. To mtdl -the hopes and fears, the twists and
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  • 189 15 Searching Inquiry into Eliis Island Death. Later details regarding the death of Mrs. Dodge, en Eillis Island, briefly referred to by Etaltar, leave no doubt whatever that hrn contracted her fatal illnesi through exposure. Her detention on E'lis 1.-land, notwithstanding the fact that the Cunaid officials at Liverpool
    189 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 181 15 NewjPricesf 1-Ton Truck Chassis Standard Body for above 'vSE^^^MBK complete '.vilh drivers cab JS^a^a^is^CH $355 Touring Car Chassis EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED. Wearne Brothers, Ltd. Orchard Road, Singapore. Chevrolet Cars Self F.tarler, djnamo, Magneto ignition, born, upeedometer, detachable rims, double folding vindscrecn and one-man hood. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $1 ,600 CENTRAL MOTORS,
      181 words
    • 151 15 >>< t > »<♦»«»«♦«»♦««♦♦»♦««« GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE fVWUC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders are '»»reby invited for the erection of one set 01 '.'ibulcse officers quarters, Johore Bahru. Plan and specification may be seen at the Office of the Excutivc Engineer, Johore Bahru on any days (Fridays and Holidays expected) during the
      151 words
    • 400 15 DURANT JUST A REAL GOOD CAR IFIIrlM: is a wraith 0 mranlnj in lh« 1 phrase "Jort a Krai Cood Car." fc^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Z^^*^**^^^^ I'uranfs thiity-livr yearn' exbB^VIVBV^I^H^BIB9!HbSSw&I^» l" r ;i< ■>« a manufacturer of vchiIBQ^^ ""^^^L a liu 1<J r mnr lhn v k^^^/ fV Tiiiilion fine automobile*;. BRk f 8
      400 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 236 16 Established 1«72. Patronised liy Royalty. SMOKERS' REQUISITES A WELCOME GIFT IN Gold Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases and Boxes, Match Boxes and Slides, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, etc. B. P. de Silva The Time-honoured Jeweller. 62-3, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. 1, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. YAP HENG'S 23, Queen Street, SINGAPORE.
      236 words
    • 274 16 PARISIAN HOUSE GROSVENOR BUILDING. We heat all competition with our prices Ladies' Straw Hats 3.00 Crepe-chine Hat 5.00 FROM PARIS. Morning Dress 6.00 Afternoon Dress $12.00 to $18.00 Model Parisian Shoes $12.00 Supplies of good quality Second Hand Momi Chests are now available LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET. The
      274 words
    • 911 16 __CLASSDID ADVERTISEMENTS Th« PREPAID charge, for Want., For Sal., To Let. etc, in ordinary close .et type (average six word, to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cent., two in.. 40 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four in.. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      911 words
    • 821 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, bungalow No. 9, Gilstcad Road. Cheap. Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd. TO LET. 35-2, Cairnhill Road, water and gas. Immediate entry. 101, Chin Swee Road. TO LET, Paulaborg, 10, Gilstead Road, Immediate entry. Apply B. 0., Straits Times. TO LET, from March 1, furnished house,
      821 words
    • 575 16 OCULAR HEADACHES. Eighty per cent, of headaches are Ocular Headaches caused through some defect of vision. If your headache ii lo caused you will never be relieved until you wear scientifically fitted glasses to correct the defect. Let me test your sight and make certain. You will not be advised
      575 words
    • 264 16 NEW LATEST NOVELS. By LEONARD MERRICK at $2.00 each. WHILE PAKIS I.AIT.IIED. being Pranks and Passions of the Poet Tricotrin CONARD IN (JIF.ST OF HIS YOITH. with an introduction by Sir J. M. Itarrie WHEN I.OVE FLIES OIT OTHE WINHOW. THI QUAINT COMPANIONS, with an introduction l>> 11. Wells THE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 311 16 THE STRAITS TIMES, TELEPHONES. Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 AH communications relating; to editorial matter!" and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. STRAITS TIMES (Daily
      311 words