The Straits Times, 27 June 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,287, SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 296 1 yf *kBM l| V Robinson Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) l. 191. in; silver challengb No L 5 i3. HALL-MARKED SILVERWARE, ETC. *<>• 277. tLI> Case of 4 Case ()f SILVI R MOUNTED Gl \SS Height 5U in. SILVER DISHES. Suitable for SI VEU i>ISHKS P(nv.,KR Price
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    • 1 1 r^^^
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  • 412 2 His Action with Regard to Salt Tax. la .he iio.u'c of Commons on June 11. ihc- Laljuui 1 Member, Mr. Trcvelyan, W^rtsJ a ruiluction in the India Oflkt « .n order vo challenge the action ol ■-he Govuiu.unt of India supported b> the Home Government involved in
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  • 19 2 I Taxpayers will be glad to laarn that modornising a battle-ship doean't ro*t any rnurv than building a new
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 548 2 Beautiful, Brilliant Finish instead of Rust and Decay TO make an article bright and attractive, to give it a smooth and washable silver finish, use SAPOLIN ALUMINUM ENAMEL. Easy to apply on any surface for fittings of all kinds, for rails, lawn furniture, iron frncrs, mail boxes, hydrants, metres, lamp
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    • 419 2 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING CO., LTD. (JneerpOMtad in Queensland). j General Manager's Progress Report For j Week*. Ended May 23, 1923., 1 ro.v tb I Im« h forwdnl t.hi:i'»i")r», ft,r the !>ur »ick< endoi j23. Drvelopmrnt. I';-' imuGnl of (lovplopinont wnrk corppluted tpi ih« period U (ootife MS fj",
      419 words
    • 258 2 Mr BEETHAM'S Ita-rola, DR. CASSiLL'S" TABLETS Repair Wear and Trnr of Xervo and Body Price Is. 9d. nn.l 4s. GARTERS No metal can touch you Millions of men prefer PARIS Garters because they wear longer and give greater comfort. They hold yosr liose as securely as they do their friends.
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    • 155 2 The Planters Engineering Co., Ltd. PLANTERS" Imprtvcd Rubber Mills for WASHING. P.ACB9AIINO, CREPEINH AND SHEETIPia 0- i PARTICULARS AND TRICES FROM SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. i lacoTpomtx* In the Straits Settlements) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2G51. V-# 9 W Cars, Lorries AND MARINE SETS. ALL PRICES REDUCED The World-Famed
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  • 445 3 Britain Capturing Trade From Germany. How British traders might derive benefit in the development of their business in the East Indies from the handicap German business men experience as the result of the Ruhr occupation was revealed at a meeting of the British Chamber of Commerce for
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  • 389 3 Lords and Dukes and Waste Of Time. "It is a wicked thing that anybody should be allowed to embark on such litigation." This condemnation was spoken by Mr. Justice Swift in the King's Bench Division :ltcr the jury had protested against a lack-garden libel suit
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  • 139 3 The Hongkong Daily Press of June 16 says A shocking discovery wa; ii.ado at No. Railway Quarters, occupied by Mrs. Lambert, at about half past .-even on Thursday morning. The amah, an old Chinese woman, was found dead in her bed by the cook. She was lyinn on
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  • 14 3 The only B.A. that interests some of his year's seniors stands for Batting Average.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 STEftMEB SAILINGS KERB STEAMSHIP CO., INC. SUCCKBSORB TO iilTEi mi*M* UWES (Incorporated in U.SJL) Regular rcrvice between New Tork, Sincaporo and Java Ports, and Tic* versa. FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ Satartia In Port Nile due end July For freight, apply to GUTHRIE CO., LIMITED, Agents, StiaiU Settlements and F.
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    • 268 3 iacTO dean the t«eth thoroughly use the Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Bruah after each meal, brushing the upper teeth downward and the lower teeth upward, and employing a rotary motion. The tv/led bristle* and curved handle will do the rest. Made in adult's, y mth's and child's sizos. Look for name Pro-phy-lac-tic
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    • 381 3 WHEN YOUR CHILD IS FEVERISH Bale's Own Tablets Are Hii First Need. Simple fever may be the beginning of more serious trouble therefore prompt measures are essential. Keep the child quiet in bed. Keed lightly, and pive plenty of boiled or filtered water to drink. Administer Baby's Own Tablets according
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 562 4 ITEaBEH SAIUMIS KONNIKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM (BOYAL PACKET NAVIGVTION CO, OP BATATU) (Incorporated in Holland) TJNDEB CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone Nos. Passags Dept, IJI Freight Dept, 1202, Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dept. 14J7. Manager's Dept. IOOJ. COEN— June 27, Muntok and Palembang. SINGKEP— June 27, Tcngkal, Moeara-Saba and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 528 5 STEAMER SAILINSS N.Y.K. LONDON LINB Kashima Maru July 10 Katori Maru July 17 LIVERPOOL UNB Tottori Maru July IS HAMBURG LINB Tioron Mara Jaly Mlto Maru middle of Aug. NTW TORK LINB vU MJBI ■OTJTH AMBBICAN LIMB Kamakura Maru Aug. 4 BOMBAY UNB Tamba Maru Jn>7 Nagano Maru July
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    • 411 5 STEAMER SAILIMtS ~ftSJt~~ Proposed Sailing, front Singapore. onbjeat to change without pr.vioas notlee.) KUROPEAN I.INI For Manelllea, London, Hamtmrf, Kotterdasi, Antwerp, rta Colombo, Saea aad Port Said. Arr. Dep. ALPS MARU July 20 July 21 Omit Mariellle.. NEW TORK LINB For San, Panama, New York, rla Japan. Arr. Dap.
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    • 596 5 STEAMER SAILINGS STOOMVAART MAATSGHAPPY "NEDERLAND" C Nederland Steam Navigation Company). HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE (of the United Netherlands Steam Navigation Company). HOLLAND AND HAMBURG FREIGHT SERVICE. Loading for s.s. MANOERAN, June 27 ADEN and HOLLAND s.s. BATOE, July 13 HOLLAND s.s. OLDEKERK, July 21 HOLLAND and HAMBURG Cargo i. also
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    • 785 5 STEAMER SAILIH6S ELLERMAN 7 LINi: BLLERHAN BDCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) yrKAMMt "l^rSiiagißpore PASSENC ER SERVICE OUTWARDS. fs.i. CSTT OK KARACHI China and Japan Oft I •■.a. CTTY OF PARIS China and Japan Not. 16 s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY China and Japan Dec. Tt HOMEWARDS t s.s. CITY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 618 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA~~ Saturday, June 23 to Thnrsday, June 28. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. A POWERFUL UNIVERSAL FEATURE PRODUCTION. Presenting COLLEEN MOORE and CI'LLEN LANDIS, in 5 Reels. Forsaking All Others A Film play of modern life asking the question No matter
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    • 366 6 at the EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.15 p.m. Two further new episodes of the Universal thrilling serial with EDDIE TOLO in THE SECRET FOUR Episodes 5 and C. Wm. Fox presents WILLIAM IU SSLI.I. in 3 parts COLORADO PLUCK A romance that grips the hc.irt unJ stirs
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    • 167 6 WHIT FA WAYS FOR VALUE II 11 1 ILrtII rt Q O us HOSIERY THE "THRU KNOT." New Stock of Ribbons just SILK HOSE FOR LADIES. to hand. An iiriDint Btookintr which is Call and see these. Kuarantccd to give you excellent POPULAR WHITE MSLE wear. Colours, Cream, Grey, in
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  • 171 7 FIXTURES. Wadaaadajr, June ;7 Ilich Water, 10.0 n.m.| 0.18 p.m. Allan r I:. 1. humcwi:i<! mail. Thursday, June 2F. Hirrh \\V.t»r, 10.49 cm., 10.2 p.m. Uvtward Hall by Autolycu*. K- ppcl v. Kx-S.-rviccs v. Hiddldiex, BJLC Friday, June It llii-n Water, 11.81 a.m., 10.45 p.m. iiß'Jinjf
    171 words
    • 86 7 East Wharf ijr,->. Eaat tuft c loon. Sli.ors Wharf Ela it. Hail Whirl Deli Uara, A.onmcJe, KofuEmpire Deck £kma, Manila, Matcmyf Weal Wharf f. pa 'n m. J;:rdinra hnrl -Poh Ann. I'ulo Brani Coal Wharf—Nil. Keppel narbonT. Mjin Wharf amn, Patrol, Lch. Crow, r, Radix,
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    • 54 7 RAKONE lARU, lap, r..30G tors, from Lor. B, for Japaa RATON* one, from Teluk Anson 27-C, Teluk Anton 29-6. MARU, .!aj.., -U57 tons, from Antwerp M-«, for V'okohama 2H-C. POM AW", HiU.. 17!) tout, from Port Swei taaaan _i'--. for anc BRI MIA!'., Brit, M tona, from Malacca
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  • 200 7 To-day. FtdU Kambu .{JO p.m. I'-tu I'ahHi 8 pjn. M.edun 8 p.m. Malacca and Muar 8 p.m. Port bvetteiihaw aud l'»»»rj« I pja Port Snettenhim, I'enung, Madras, Punt'icberry, C.~u<!ila!orp, Porto Novo, Karikal arid Nej-apatam, taking mails icr Europe, etc (via Bombay) 8 p.m ».i jp tv
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  • 43 7 By Left And. S'por* Londoa J. P. Cocn May 14 June 8 ICllengm May 16 Jao* 11 Andre i...n Muy II Jana 16 Xl ikCW May 22 June IB Vondil Muy i 8 June 23 T«Mta May 30 June 23
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  • 198 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, June 27. On London, Bank 4 ni/g 2/4 3/1G Demand 2/4 1/91 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 18 M On New York, Demand 53% Private 90 d/s 56 M On France, Bank 800 On India, Bank. T.T. IWi On HoriKiiotiK, Bank tl/d 1% p.c. dis.
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  • 68 7 Tone of the market. Steady. L».t«st London cables quote: Spot «heM. Is. I%|. >pot uly-Sept. )ct.-Dec. an. -March S Singapore Standard Pale Crepv. Closirjf I'riec-g. Buyers. Seller!*. 45 4. r .'i Spot July-Sept. Oct.-r>ec. Jan.-March Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Singapore Standard. Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers.
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    • 222 7 Issue k»L I'd- Bny*rt. Seller* 1 1 Batang radanfj 0.47% 0.52 H 1 HiUm Tin L4i 1.55 1 1 Jc-la«toh 0.10 0.20 mom i l Jokaa Tin MS 0.-io :i i'l Kam. Kar.iunting 4.V6 44/0 xd. 0 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.. r >o 5 5 Linffui Tin
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    • 144 7 *aL Pd. Buyers. Sellers. SI £1 3. Am. Tobacco 4.18.0 5.1.8 LO 10 Central Engines 0.75 10.S0 10 10 Central Motors 3.10 3.30 k'i il K. fliUllilH Co. 7.00 7.215 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/0 2/6 10 10 FraKcr 4. Neava 37.00 35.00 .0 HO Hammer an,! Co. 140
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    • 110 7 U. Eng. G p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. Spore Municipal 5 px. $1,878,000 par. Spore Municipal 4/6 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 px. dis. Spore Municipal 4Vi p.c. of 1909 ?1,CCC,500 6 p.c. dii. Spore Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500
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    • 410 7 t Frager and Co. and Lyall and Evntt't Qaotationa. LatMt available Sterling Quotation. ar« priattel ob anoUer paga a* FVMay. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. •\!lriii>.vN T i;w(Sl) 1.15 1.20 1.15 US Wor Gejah ($1) 1.25 1.05 1.25 1.:::, A.. Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.00 k. Kilning ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 THE STRAITS TRADING CO., LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that the Tran.fei Rooks uf the above Company be cloaed from June to June M, UHb both day» inclusivi!, for the purpose of the preparation of dividend warrants. By Order of the Doard, W. B. PENMAN, Secretary GO FOR US
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    • 702 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., net pace 16. CRANBERRY SAUCE, Lemon Curd, Blanr Mtngn, ¥ig Jam, Strawberry Jam, Cherry Jam. H. Bolter, Direct Importer, EuropeHotel Building. I'UK SALE, or.c Garr.birr Press and 3 V. ndome Scales. Apply 2408, Straitr. Times. I ~YoR~SAiE, valuable fr»ehold land, Cluny r.oud. opposite Botr.nic (iur.lcn.
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    • 62 7 Victoria Theatre COMMENCING TO-NIGHT 9.30 MATINEE TO-DAY, AT S.IS Mary Pickford IN "THE HOODLUM." f. IiLKI.S OF LAIGHIMK. Supported by PATHE OAZHTTE L.ATFST PATHH LOCAL includinr The Kuaia Kangsar Festival. Admiral Sir A. Leveson Visits Singapore. Parade on the Padang on H.M. The Kfng's Birthday. and -Harold Lloyd Booking at
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    • 588 7 IRVINGS LADIES' VELOL'R BLANKET CLOTH COATS. For Motoring. Prices $10 and $15. LADIES' COATS OF CAMEL HAIR AND WOOL. Prfee 525. LADIES' CRAVENETTE COATS. Price $15. WHITE VOILE BLOfSES. Prices $1, $2 and $3 FRENCH VALENCIENNE AND TORCHON LACES. Price per packet «>f 12 y;irds. 25 cts., 50 cts., TS
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    • 438 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the full"w:r lt places in Singapore Hotel v:,n Wij!:. Money C)ian(j!-r, Cro:v< Kelly and Walsh, Ltd.. Raflf* Place. Mcncy Ckaager, ftdalafcl BrteL Money Changer, Kurope Hotel. Money Changer, Raffles Huti-:. I'edercl Rubber Stamp Co., Baflaa Ptaea. I <>t<-r Chonc, Hi:ls llns:i,i Bead, .d.
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  • 1098 8 The chief business at the Legislative, Council meeting was undoubtedly the passing of the Restriction Ordinance, and we regret to see that the Governor made no effort to put the measure on a «ouutl basis. As we anticipated, the Chamber of Commerce
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  • 61 8 Some 11,787 cases of tea grewn in the N. E. I. were put up for sale at Amsterdam on April 2C. Some 78 cases from Kaligoea Estate and 132 from Qeuwimanggoe Estate fetched the maximum nrice of 1 guilder and 1 MM per half kilo, whilst .16 cases from Sedep
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  • 66 8 The Macao vegetable planter who was murdered in Target Road yesterday was caught by three other Macaos at 5 a.m. in the act of gtoing to steal vegetables fiom another plantation. The men struck him with sticks, and inflicted injuries from which he subsequently died in the lan Tock Seng
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  • 72 8 For having in her possession a quantity of illicit opium, Nang Lee has been sentenced by the Bangkok Criminal Court to three months' imprisonment and also to pay a fine of Tcs. 24,968. This latter sum represents three times the value of the opium found in her possession. If the
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  • 78 8 A small paragraph in yesterday's issue stated that in Singapore last year, 444 dogs were officially destroyed. In Penang the number was 1,901 and in Malacca it was 2,816. The figures were taken from the annual report in the Straits Settlements Police Force in 1922 and presumably refers to dogs
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  • 13 8 The annual meeting of Bnlgownie Rub ber Estates was held at noon to-day.
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  • 15 8 North Taiping Tin Company declares a 10 per cent, interim dividend, payable on July 10.
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  • 25 8 A robbery took place in Bras Rasah Road, at 8.30 last night, a Chinese being held up by three other Chinese and robbed of ML.
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  • 20 8 We are informed that permission has been granted for the Indian Association, Singapore, to be registered under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 23 8 The Rev. J. Romanis Lee, M.A.. formerly of St. Andrew's School, will ■reach at Evensong next Sunday (Ji:!y I at St. Andrew's Cathedral.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176 $100.
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  • 80 8 In the third Police Court yesterday a ricksha-puller who pleaded guilty to dumping the dead body of a child in the compound of the Rev. Mr. Lewin, Port Cann'ng Road, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Mr. Song Ong Siang will give the con eluding lecture on his Tour on
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  • 38 8 The F.M.S. Court of Appeal concluded its sittings on Friday last. Judgment was reserved in the appeal, in the case of the Railway Administration v. the Straits Steamship Co., against Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby's decision in the court below.
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  • 42 8 Some 50,000 piastres have already been •übscribed in Indo-China to celebrate Pasteur's Day. Subscriptions in the towns of Saigon and Cholon alone amounted to 20,000 piastres. The amount has passed all expectations at present and is still growing, s^ys Le Courier Saigonnais.
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  • 54 8 Government seems to have realised the necessity of teaching English to Malays especially to peons and orderlies who are unable to go to school, writes a correspondent in the Malay Mail. Two Maliy officers, of the Education Department, are daily instructing about one hundred students every evening at the Malay
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  • 56 8 The correspondent who gave us an account of the Boys' Friendly Band's report, which appeared in our paper on the J2nd inst., mentioned that the Band was a branch of the Chinese Christian Association. This is incorrect, and our correspondent regrets his mistake, pointing jut that the Band is "in
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  • 58 8 Shanghai Chinese h3ve feen fit to I telegram to the Chinese ConsulGeneral in Singapore asking him to make strong representations to the British authorities there for the release of a Chinese who, it is alleged, has been arrested and detained for having printed and distributed circulars denouncing the Japanese and
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  • 71 8 The population of Bangkok Province, according to a census taken last. year amcinted to 745,640 persons, of whom 409,129 were males and 336,511 were females. The total number of births during the year was 22,988, compared with a total of 19,653 deaths. The -population of the Capital itself was 166,814
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  • 85 8 The average daily number of patients at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital during the first half and second half of the year 1922, was 657.44 and 720.97, respectively, as against 687.78 and 719.82 for the corresponding periods during the previous /ear. The number of patients who stayed in hospital for
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  • 87 8 Desiring to attract the attention of the public to the imposition of the Salt Tax in India, and considering that the film. Through Romantic India, misrepresented the Indian people, a middle-aged woman, armed with a hammer, on June 18, leliberately smashed a glass show-case at the Philharmonic Hall, London, where
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  • 101 8 The first night of the play Outsider, at St. James's Theatre, had a more dramatic ending than the play itself. The Outsider is an unqualified bonesetter, who cures a famous surgeon's crippled daughter, in spite of the father's opposition. The crippled girl's passionate outcry against fate is n feature of
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  • 131 8 A sensational report appears in the N. C. Daily Mail. It is to the effect that the British Municipal Police of Tientsin have received information that recently two well-dressed Chinese apparently of the official cliss wer- in the Concession inquiring, where they Vwui<i buy wind poison or the materials to
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  • 467 8 Mr. G. T. Cargey, formerly manager of Lukut Estate, Port Dickson, has arrived back from home. Mr. J. B. Myrinu, manager of Simpang and Planjf estates, I'erak, is having for Australia by the Marella and expecta to be away for several months. The Rev. Norman I>. Bower,
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  • 41 8 With reference to the street fighting scheme for the Scottish Co., K.Y.C.. tomorrow, buses for those requiring transport will leave the Cricket Club at 5.5 p.m. The parade will be. dismissed at the Drill Hall.
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  • 61 8 It is announced that under present arrangements the steamer Derbyshire will leave Malta on September IS, with the 2nd Bn. The Royal Sussex Bagt. and drafts for Singapore, arriving here an October 6. The vessel will leave Singapore on October 10 conveying the 2ml Bn.
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  • 71 8 Darbishire Courtesy." The following is from a home paper:— Commander Eyres-Monsell, in reply to Mr. Daibishire, said it was not possible !o gfat any date as to when the naval bar c at Singapore would be completed. Mr. Daroishire. May I ask if we can have a straight answer to
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  • 74 8 Mails from the) United Kingdom (London mails despatched June 5) are expected to arrive at daylight to-morrow by the Blue Funnel steamer Autolycus. The correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 8.30 a.m. Mails from Holland, Germany and Italy are expected here this afternoon by the
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  • 172 8 A party of American yachtsmen who are on a holiday tour in the Far East are spending a week in Singapore, their yacht, a luxuriously fitted little vessel of 229 tons, named the Ohio, having arrived on Monday. The owner of the yacht is Mr. E. W.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 Special No. 2 GA R RICK NO OTHER CIGARETTE ON THE MARKET GIVES BETTER VALUE AT 'BBbbbbT Pfe&Svp^Y^* 90 cts. for 50. KBHnji'arTWpapMtTngo&aiißßaßll aVwSfiis2^9uAU3iiSi?~a<JKHH 9 ■'.^BflMaWd'ffilJ I pi In 25's and 50's n^w '•>•*- airtight tins. CHOICE WEDDING GIFTS Tea Sets, Manicure Sets, Entree Dishes, Coffee Sets, Salvers, Toilet Jars,
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  • 244 9 Home Defence to be Provided For. Reuter's Service London, June 26. In tha House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin announced that the Government had decided that in addition to meeting the essential air power requirements of the Navy and Army, and Indian and Oversea commitments, the British air
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  • 57 9 Reuter's Service London, June 23. The Daily Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent gathers that the Washington Government and the American banking circles concerned are likely to express an early genera' concurrence with the proposals of the British representatives of tha Four-power financial consortium in China, regarding measures for the
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  • 72 9 Reuter's Service London, June 26. The £3,000,000 six per cent, bonds of the Tokio Electric Light Company being issued to-morrow at 94, repayable by 11)48, form the first Japanese industrial emission offered to the public of Britain. The Times points out that the company has never failed
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Service London, June 26. New York After a conference between thi> collector of customs and the prohibition director it was decided to damp ."',OOO quarts of beer overboard from the liner Paris. The wine and spirits will for the present be permitted to remain on board. The German
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  • 47 9 Reuteb's Service London, June 26. Durban The captain of the steamer Barrabool, who was searching for the Trevessa, has arrived and reported that only one boat was found. He considered that the Trevcssa's cargo of pig-iron had started the plates and caused her to founder.
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  • 44 9 Reuter's Service London, June 26. Calcutta At least 36 boys, aged 3 to 18, were killed by the partial collapse of the Mohammedan Boys Orphanage in the heart of Calcutta, containing 229 boys, seventeen of whom are at present unaccounted for.
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  • 182 9 Terrible Scene at Railway Collapse. Recteb's Sibvici London, June 2rt. New York The casualties in the eletated railway crash are eight killed r.nd 83 injured. The dead include seven women and girls. The train plunged forty feet into the junction of Atlanta and Flatbush avenues. Brooklyn was
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  • 38 9 Reiteb's Service London, June 26. The Master Cotton Spinners Federation, Manchester, has decided that the spinning of American cotton shall continue with work on half time during July and August, in addition to ten days' holiday.
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  • 33 9 Reuter's Service London, June 26. Sydney The Irish Republic O'Kelly and Father O'Flanagan, were discharged on the sedition charge, but have been ordered to be deported. Meanwhile, they remain in custody.
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  • 37 9 Reuter's Service London, June 26. The Court of Appeal has refused to grant Enever and Haynes leave to appeal against their convictions. [The accused were sentenced in connec- > tion with the China House frauds.]
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  • 31 9 RIUTIB'S SERVICE London, June 26. Paris Another official denial of the Observer's story with regard to Dorten .;ays that the latter was never subsidised by the French Government.
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  • 65 9 Reuter'S Service London, June 26. Paris Newspapers from Eisleben state that nine were killed and 19 injured in a collision between Communists and Nationalists. London, June 26. New York Sir Auckland Geddes, the British Ambassador, hag left for England.' London, June 26. Washington Mr. Weeks has authorised a survey
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  • 174 9 Dame Nellie Melba is the latest opponent of broadcasting. She announced' that t>he would not sing in La Boheme at Covent Garden on June 1, if fhe was to be heard by listeners in." The ultimatum was decisive, and the Broadcasting Company was compelled to announce
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  • 142 9 Affiliation Application Rejected. Reuter's Service London, June 26. The annual Labour Party Conference, which opened at the Queen's Hall, was attended by the record number of 900 delegates. Mr. Sydney Webb presided. A feature of the discussion, which resulted in rejection of the Communist party's application for
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  • 110 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 26. The meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was adjourned for a fortnight for further consideration by the members of the rules for the election of a member to the Legislative Council. Six Chinese were charged before Mr. Aston, the second magistrate,
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  • 175 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 27. The Agri-Horticultural Show to be held at the end of the month, will be opened by the Hon. Mr. E. S. Hose, acting Chief Secretary, at noon on Saturday. The shows of agriculture and horticulture I stock, geology etc., will
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  • 185 9 Nominal Fine for European Warder. The adjourned case in which Mr. T. J. Dunning, a European warder at Singapore gaol, was charged with using criminal force against a Chinese boy came up in the First Police Court this morning. Mr. Shelley Thompson, for the defence, taid that a
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  • 134 9 A clubman writer remarks that if the police decided that Mah Jongg was illegal a former Chinese Empress made it illegal for anyone except the Royal Family, while Sun Vat-sen abolished it !in his conquered province there would be an amusing scene at Bow Street. I
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  • 841 9 Serious Allegation in Supreme Court. Application was made in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Bar-rett-Lennard, that the action R. S. Veerappa Chetty versus M. K. Suratee might be adjourned until certain criminal proceedings in which the Chetty is charged with forging a promissory note for
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  • 234 9 Celebrations of the sacerdotal jubil«« of the Rev. Fr. P. Ruaudel, Vicar of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, were commenced yesterday. A long programme has been arranged, St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association, the Catholic Club and the French Convent being mainly responsible. Mass for the vocation of
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  • 1244 9 Some of His Singapore Impressions. My Journey Round the World is the title of the diary of the late Lord Northcliffe, which has just been published by the Bodley Head. It was written in snatches, at odd moments, on every day of his tour, and some of
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  • 429 9 Important Case in Court Of Appeal. There was an important legal argument in the Singapore Court of Appeal yesterday, before the Chief Justice (SirWalter Sruw), Mr. Justice Brown, and Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, in Kgard to an appeal by the Attorney-Genei..! against a decision of Mr. Justice
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  • 382 9 Funeral at Bidadari Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of the late Mr. Bratton, of Messrs. (iuthrie and Co., Ltd., whoso death at the General Hospital was reported in yesterday's issue, took place at Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The cortege left the Hospital at 4.1") p.m. and was
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  • 69 9 The Petrograd Optra House was burned down during a performance on the night of May :il). '1 he origin of the fire is not clear. It is supposed that a performer's dress became ignited, an! that the flames spread to wme scenery. Although the safety curtain
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 300 10 Prospects of Singapore Tournament. The Sii tion is inviting entricj for the championships, sirs:ii>s and doubles, and play to begin u.i Thursday next week. Th;s will be tha tbirid y thi chumpionship- have been held, i ii will be remeniWncl i n occasions a nc waa the winner,
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    • 531 10 Second League Matches. Tlnec second division League mi.ti.he; were p.ayed oif yesterday. The Malnya F. C. gain the bead of the table, but are handicapped by the number of matches played. The S. C. C second had n practical walk over the Municipality and further strengthened their position below
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    • 407 10 Red Warren beats J. Perreau. The best thing in the programme the Manila Show last night proved to be the main event, a six rounder between Red Warren and Johnny Perreau. The two had been aaxiooa to meet for a long time, and it promised to he a
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    • 125 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, June 2G. At Wimbledon in the second round of the championships theft 1 was slight delay through lain but the weather was glorious later. There were 12,000 present, including many fashionable people. It was American day on the centre court, Vincent Richards defeating the Belgian
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    • 63 10 [Reuter's Service.] liOtidon, June 27. Beckett has consented to meet Carpentier on July 26. An earlier wire said An eminent burgeon specialist has examined Beckett's hand nnd certified that he is unfit for training for the fight with Canwtfer on July 2b. He must rest for at
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    • 53 10 Thr MJS.VJL Battalion Rifk Association annual prize meeting is to be held in Kuala Lumpur on August 4, 5 and G. Copies of programmes can be obtained from the branch honorary secretaries of the K.R.A., or from Mr. F. D. Evans, )\\\'.!j., Kuala Lumpur, the honorary secretary of the
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    • 103 10 MONDAY'S RESULTS. Double Handicap. E. G. Wheatley and A. E. Cotlho owe r.O beat C. A. Norris and C. A. R. Bateman owe 30, 3 6, ft— l, 10—8. Championship. W. Balhetchet beat H. G. Stack, C— 3, 6—2. IS Singles Handicap. C. Rappa owe
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    • 81 10 Entries are called for the A Class DoaMes and Singles Handicap. Entrant-.' fees arc $2 and $1 respectively. Kntries close on Saturday, July 7. Yesterday's play resulted as follows F. Ruchwaldy beat Chcong Chee Lim, C— 3, o—3 R. Smith beat W. Tan. TO-DAY'S TIES.
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    • 17 10 Members are reminded that the Swimming Pool', will be cloeed*for cleaning on Thursday and Friday.
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    • 122 10 Next Sunday, when the tide is high at midday, there will be a water polo match at "the Swimming Club between a club team and the Middlesex. This will !be the first match of the season. There will' also be a team race and a 50 yards
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    • 143 10 According to the Indian Daily News of Calcutta, the first prize in the Calcutta sweep was won by a gentleman in Zanzibar, who sold half the ticket. Ht agreed to take Rs. 50,000 for half from a syndicate of ten which was rapidly got up to buy
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    • 107 10 The following are the entries for the Ipoh Gymkhana Club meeting on July lv, 12 ana 1:— Ex-Griflin I'onies. Druid, Motherless, Minderoo, Nors, Chinta Hati, Dodger, Speed Arrow, Digger, Sterling, Avro,| Shtila. Captain Cuttle, Zoom. Ex-Griffin Horses Maharani, Babz, Orihez, Shantung, 'iigablas, (^r.ecn of Sheba, Man of
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    • 304 10 (Aneta's Service.) London, June 2G. At Lords Middlesex defeated Gloucestershire by an innings and 7(i runs, j .Murreil, in the first innings, scored K2 and Durston, in the second, capture! eight wickets for BC. At Leyton Yorkshire bent Bases i.y seven wickets. Rhodes, for th« winners, in the
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    • 236 10 Attention is called in the new number of the Sing-aoore Natural st to the progress of the local Natural Hi.tery society's scheme for providing Singapore with a public aquarium. It will be remembered, says the magazine, that such an idea has been fostered in certain quarters for
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    • 177 10 Dalgety and Co., Ltd., as Brisbane agents for the Aberdeen Line and the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company, Lttl., .Macdonald, Hamilton, and Co., as agenu for the P. and O. Steam Navigation Company, and the new Zealand Shipping Company, Moreheads, Limited, as agents for the Orient Line, and
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    • 92 10 The Resident of the Province of Thanh I Hoa, Indo-China, reports the downfall of torrential ratne which commenced on May 31, and inundated the whole country 1 causing enormous damage to the crops. 1 Thw rains had diminished in intensity on June 4, but still a light driztle prevailed. At
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    • 163 10 To ihe Euitor of tre Sir.-.its Times. If 1 r.-.ay crave- a littfe of your epice, wbi;fs the BNittn with the Swimkib There i.^ no catch, tl;e ansWST is that, like Johnny VFaßcar, it is going strong. JSlcrtibe. wives bavent com bitterly— dant you believe it. If
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    • 179 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timaa. Sir,— ln your issue of the SSth in3t. I r<.;.d w.tii considerable disgusc the suggestion to oneu the Swimming Club to women on Sundays. As number of many years' itanding, I wi.--h tv record my objeeti n to sach an OnnecesMry and undesirable
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    • 339 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Btr<— Last night at about i).:io p.m. wafle I and my brother-in-law wire reading upstairs, we heard a bi;r smash in the road foilowe<l by great yells from peopl. outside. On coining down we saw two motor-car.-, and a ncksha
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    • 531 10 To the Editor of the Straits Tim,s. Sir, Sin^Jpore his of late acquired a certain amount of publicity and I might add some notoriety also. It has been referred to by >oiiie members of- the House uf I'.nliament as an immoral and pestilential cesspool One can only regret
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  • 205 10 Macphail and Co.'s Report. Sings pore, June 27. Rubber.— London Is. 1%& Local M. Tin. London k 7 15s. Local (160 tons .sold.) share Market Stagru Rubbers.— Tambalaks 7-f%-77-V_ cents, Hukit Ki-.tils 7*'_-7', cents, Mentakab. 20-23 cms, I I u Benuts 21-2S cents. ■Hitams L.3&-1.4C, Kawv Pets
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  • 188 10 Japanese Traders Suffer Heavy Losses. A Shanghai mes.agc of June IS says The anti-Japaaeee boycott is growing in intcnsivtiiess and seriousness, ;:nd imniense losses :c, being experienced by the victim:-. How the JapaaaM Ire suffering as o consequence of the boycott: ir revealed in s communication despatched by
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  • 60 10 Mr. Nobody, said to be the longest film in the world, hnx opened at the Gaiety nr.d drawing big houses. In support is the Third Woman as well as the continuation of The Blazing Secret and Diamond Queen serials, International News Gazette, and the Century comedy Hello Mars.
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  • 132 10 Harry Zeitun, a retired army officer, aged 50 years, has received about ia.000,000 under the will of Mrs. Julia Davie. n American, in token of his affectionate care and protection of myself.' In January, 1922 Zeitun was in Rome, where he met Mrs. Davics, who
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  • 45 10 The engineer of MulUtn Municipality j wan to make a public experiment of the duntlrsx ch«niit«l prepared by him on June 25 by sprinkling it on a road. It j is said that the chemical will keep the road dußtless for abi ut a fortnight.
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  • 425 10 A Particularly Interesting Publication. The Transactions ami Proceedings of natural hutorj societiM an' usually mystifying and exceedingly dull to the lay reader, but the Singapore Natural Itutory Society hu.- managed to make the Naturalist s I striking the rale. The fate of MnilUr magatinril has been borne in
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  • 202 10 Electrical Supply in the Tanglin District. 1 An ordinary m anting of the Municipal (on; mission will be held on Friday. In- eluded on the agenda are the following 1 questions and motion Mr. J. M. Sime will ask i 1. Is it a fact that the number
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  • 46 10 An American city plan expert has declared -As means of transit is an absolutely essential product of the town's activity so is it a factor Indispensable ti the eonuMaity's ptogiesa. Largely, also upon the degree of transportation facility depends the cost of living:.
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  • 148 10 Thanks to the courtesy of Mr. Donati Pat he Frores, the Pn enabled tp view privately the entire programme m be screened :.t the Victoria Theatre from to-day, commencing with a ;ti 6.16 p.m. The fare provided la excellent and the six reel Mary Pickford picture The Hoodlum
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  • 111 10 The management of the Surma Live i.-iikici f:ir ma week only, commencing to-night, The Great Nicola, the world's IRMNt magician and illanJOTllsf A wonderful BerTes of s-tiinling mviterieK i billed to be presented each nipht, including Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Indian, American, fcnghsa Bad European mack. The
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  • 1781 11 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables are taken from Indian exchanges to hand I Homeless Workers in Glasgow. London, June 18 A deputation of Labour M.P.'s headed by -Mr. Ramsay' Macdonald asked the Secretary of State j (or Scotland to intervene to check
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  • 149 11 According to a message from Paris, the Society for the Protection of French Art has made a series of astonishing charges against the authorities of the Louvre. It is alleged that the latter purchased recently at fantastic prices works of very I doulitful authenticity. Thus, an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 An Instrument to be Proud Of Jbd^^SP "His Master's Voice 1 HURBH^H We have complete stocks of all K^"'WB- Models. Call to-day, we will be ■Igk&r rife pleased to play your favourite KLf*i&* Machines, without any obliga- iT CASH OR EASY TERMS. S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. ♦'♦'>r>
      111 words
    • 298 11 RAFFLES HOTEL -o^at^t- Brill B*mi ■djoialnf mains Itf. WTONMDAT— Orehwtnl Cnwi to THUMnAT.-<;««rt NJffct, Dinar ud ORrHFSTR AI t- d-«v. CONCEKT^ RaffL* Orchestra. Edgar HulJnnd, Musical Director. SEA VIEW HOTEL Tnjont m, TO-NIGHT MIQH TIDE 9.18 p.m. Mixed Sea Bathing SPECIAL DINNER AND CINEMA DINNER SERVED ON THE LAWK. MISIC
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  • 862 12 Opening of Marine Court Of Inquiry. A Marine Court of Inquiry, with Mr. Roxburgh, Chief Presidency Magistrate, sat at the Port Office, Calcutta, on June 19, to investigate the loss of the Okara in the Bay of Bengal about May 5. Mr. J. \V. Orr, .Deputy-Legal Remembrancer,
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  • 90 12 Programme of Drills up to and for Sunday, July 1 Wednesday, 27th. 5.15 p.m., C Scottish Co., officers and N.C.O.'s lecture and reconnaissance Eurasian Co., lecture advance and re«rgwrd*, outposts. Drill Hall. Thursday, 28th. 5.15 p.m., C Scottish Co., street fighting, junction Buffalo Road-Race Cource Road. Friday,
    90 words
  • 30 12 Orders for week ending: July 1 Wednesday, June 27. Band Practice, 5.15 p.m. Friday. 29th. Rout? March, Parade hark of V.M.C.A., 8.30 p.m.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 758 12 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONG KOON SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable- lnml and house properties and rubber plantation at Pulnu Tekong, Singapore. I, Chponp Koon Seng k Co.'s saleroom, No. 38, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, July 4, at Z.M p.m. Lots 1 to 0. Vnluable freehold land and nine
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    • 388 12 SAIES BY AUCTWt AUCTION SALE of magnificent wax-polished teak household furniture, tennis gear, eic. At No. 3, Meyer Road, off Grove Road, Tanjong Katong, (bungalow facing the sea), on Saturday, Jnne 30, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising beautifully carved wax-polished teak sideboards, teak telescopic dining table an.. 10 Uak arm chairs
      388 words
    • 518 12 ■—^y^ j^ A dean, smooth, l^gT 1 cool shave in "no time"! WITH the New Improved Gillette Safety Razor, you can shave yourself cleanly and comfortably in only a few minutes. Simply place a genuine Gillette blade in the razor, lather the face thoroughly and shave with angle strokes. No
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    • 510 12 IPOH GYMKHANA CLUB GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE SUMMER MEETING, 1923. CENSUS OF RUBBER July 10, 12 and 14. 192 J. CTftrifC NINE RACES EACH DAY. MUIKi S Races for all Horses. Stakes $1,200, $1,100 and $1,000. 1. A census of stocks of all rubber in tanr. Horses. Stakes the h nds
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 158 13 Support Local Robber Industries by Wearing Rubber Footwear The finest production ever placed before the public PRICES Sizes Extra large $1.50, large $1.30. Medium $1.20, small $1.00. TAN KAH KEE Co. Sales Department 215. South Bridge Road, Singapore. t-e-e-e-e- t«st>n>|sitli>mi<ini«»««e««««»»iin>i P I P F S Finest in the Market. Fully
      158 words
    • 601 13 Seeing Near and Far 3 s With KRYPTOK Classes you cm glance up from your J score card and see the play a and players just as distinctly as you see the figures on your card. ftBYPTOft SNVISISU ruSCO BIFOCALS Combine close snd distant vision *> Is one eolid lens
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    • 83 13 MANUrACTUSD IN DENMARK. Agents Sime, Darbij s Co., Ltd. S~ Malacca, Seremban, Pengkalan Kempas and Muar HoHoni company mmk i Kuala Lumpur Mnq Seng 6 Compcsiiy H^^^ l|l^lSMM|l The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Bss#| (Incorporated in Denmark.) lKtt*l»&C*nd*t\ttdd*rttlfnil\* i7f\ouo« 3i*«iti*fi<nid E. C. IVSONOO CiE, SINGAPORE and SIAM a> c c
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 219 14 PUMPS The Tangye Tan-Gyro CENTRIFUGAL PUMP MAY, BE USED FOR Engine Cylinder Circulation. Surface Condenser Circulation. Drainage of Estates. Dredging. Irrigation. Salvage Work. Sewage. Dock Systems, etc. LET US QUOTE YOU SOLE AGENTS Huttenbach. Lazarus Sons, Ltd. SINGAPORE. ENGINEERING MPT. Hi iiMiii.tnttitttttttttitititttt***** a THE SAFEST WAY ii£^ Come and Try
      219 words
    • 402 14 AihU »t« |5,0M,6t» 8.0, Ahdum la f*re« trer $17,N«,6H, The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (laecrporßUi U ItialU aUUlaaaaU) UAD OFflO I WU«aaaUr Hoaaa, Blaiapora. tONDON OTTlca i U. Old Uwtj, 10. Taa Compaay aaa fSC.OOO dspositsd vitk taa Suprsm. Court of Eaglaad aad eomplU* wltk tk« Brltlsk Ufa
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    • 470 14 P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (laeorpoMtcd in England) Wltk wkiek is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD, INDIA. Authorised Capital M.QOO 000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up. £2,594,160 Reserve Fond I 90,000 Board of Directors rae St. Hon. LORD INCH CAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The St. Hon. The Earl of
      470 words
    • 523 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (lacorporatad by Special Charter la Japaa.) Capital Sabaeribtd M YSO.OOO.OM Capital Paid-ap Y5z,500,000 Kasarra Faad Y11,780,000 Pi K. Nakagava, JEs«, Vi«a-Prastd*at H. Mori, tag. DIRICTOBS 6. Kawaaakl, Esq. Denekichl TakiU, Kat If. £saki, Eeq. T. Hisamun., Esq. HEAD OFFICK Taipak, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES
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    • 591 14 BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (laeorporated ia England) Capital Authorised a3,000,0M Capital Subscribed aI,SOO,OM Capital Piid-up M <l,ofiU,noU Reserve Fund and Rest fi,302,1Mi BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chalrmaa. J. M. Kyrie, Lag. H. Melvill Simoae, Ks«. F. R. Ckalmers, Esq. Sir David Yale, Bart.
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  • 996 15 Alleged Spot Where it Actually Bursts. A writer in the Statesman of June 6 says The monsoon does not break in thunder, liphtninp, and torrents of rain, k at any rate in Bmpal. It arrives almost stealthily, and though the natural desire to connect important events with something
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  • 83 15 According to a racsage from Genev.i, Mr. Pttcrsen, a wealthy Danish jcwelli saw at a ball his wife dancing witil a handsome youth. Peterscn took her homo immediately, nnd in a freniy of jcslousy he hanjrwl her in her ball dress before the fire in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 140 15 3 Ford Sedan T^e Idea! Ladies Motor Carriage *t BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE Now Only $1^975 Complete with Starter. i You are cordially invited to inspect these handsome vehicles and have a demonstration run. Wearne Bros., Limited SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Kuala l.umpur, Ipoh, Pcatng Malacca and kangotn WHEN YOU CONSIDER THAT
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    • 344 15 I SALMON AkV&ClfArf-J Af^ckd V Libby's Red Alaska Salmon, V^^«a If! l< taken from the cold waters of S^j*^^ the North, when the fish are Jfc-^" making for the rivers, offers a delightful salmon dish that will appeal to jaded appetites. Only the finest cuts are used in Libby's Fancy
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 323 16 GUAN KIAT CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) Shlpchandlers and General Contractors. 35, PIIILII* STREET. Send your orders to us and be a.sured of our FIRST QUALITY GOODS ROCK BOTTOM PRICES AND SPECIAL SERVICES in the shiprhandlcry business. A trial order will convince you that our claims are fully proven. Enquire
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    • 292 16 JUST CNPACKED DRESSES FROM PARIS Price $12.50 to $25. I do not claim to be a Magician, but, Ladies, you cannot do better with your money than by purchasing: your dresses at the THE PARISIAN HOUSE AND BON MARCHE, IS. STAMFORD ROAD. White Ants have no appetite for wood work
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    • 1782 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charge, for Want., For Sale, To Let, etc., In ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 ets., four Ins. 82 eta., five in*. $1.00, six in.. $1.13, ten in.. $1.40,
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    • 839 16 JOHN DUKE F.8.0A, TSM.C. OPTICIAN. IJ, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. 5 YEARS' LONDON EXPERIENCE IN SPECTACLE FITTING. GOVERNMENT NOTICE The dilapidated itate of tat paper currency, particularly that of the onp-dollar denomination, ha. been a matter of concern to the Government for some considerable time. The Government ha. ample stocks of
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    • 296 16 Lady Golfers and other sportswomen will be interested in our new selection of American SILK SPORTS HOSE. Made in a variety of Heather Mixtures, these stockings are quite unique and very attractive. Per pair $4.50. Obtainable only at PRINCESS GARMENTS GO. 4, RAFFLES CKAMBR9 (Opposite RoMnsnn's). Hours 9 a.m. to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 202 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES t Editorial and General M Manager's Office 1117 All communication, relating to edltoritT matters and news should be addressed 10 THE EDITOR. All communications rotating to business matters advertisement? subscriptions, accounts, printing. e*c, ■hould be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let,
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