The Straits Times, 21 June 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,282 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1923, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 PPimmmmmMIBBBBBII""" 1 1 *t«a»»»IHl«(7««*aC)iB)t««!«BBBBB»lBflBBBBBB»aiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Best for al^ Purposes "BEAR teirS BRAND" I Sbbbbbb*""^ 'JM gtBBBBB\ T- y JBKUk S IS'S^f' i.£i UNSWEETENED 5 STERILIZED NATURAL X££g*'^ bT^rfftkirtSj CONDENSED (Large and small tins). (Concentrated) I Collected from cows grazing on the mountain pastures of the Swiss Alps, and collected under conditions
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    • 198 1 UMiMMiuMMMiiMmiiMMiiMMIIIIIWWniHtmMWBSHM il 11 *****1 IBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBHB» 9 3 I(lacorpoT4ttd 1b Singapore J. Sole* Agents "KELTIC" Sole Agents GENTjLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. Made in Scotland. Best make and Finish. "KELTIC" &~-.isSi£o^ "KELTIC" DARK TAN WILLOW CALF m^TuZ mm BLACK UOX CALF DBRBT DERBY SHOE. "KELTIC SHOE. 1 Medium toe broad fitting. Best
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  • 1315 2 Company Declares Improved Dividend. The seventeenth ordinary general mooting of the Kubbi-r Estates of Johore, Ltd., v. iKiu on May 17 at the registered i.ih.-t 1-4, Ur««t Tower Street, E.C^ Sir franK A. Swettenham, G.C.M.G., (Chan--inan of the company), presiding. The Chairman said Gentlomen, if 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 625 2 jL Such a Good Baby! ll U that the iieocrip!i Xl i yur lttle ca: Happy and smiling when 2 !5 awn.c, Bleeping peace !iy at tiie proper time a good Baby. IB A healthy F..Hy i- ust as s«°d Bold- or Health and happiness ft go li i =i
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    • 276 2 rV 14 ft IWk 1 V Let Cttticia-a Keep Yonr Skin Fresli and Young Daily use of the Soap keeps the skin smooth and clear, while touches of the Ointment row arid then prevent little skin trout 1 C seriou3. Cuticura T:J;um is ideal for powdering. So>p li., Talcn
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    • 173 2 Continental CORD TYRES Speed, Reli bility and Economy CHOP oAjiol KDDA THE HALLMARK OF PERFECTION. SUPPLIES PROM ALL REI'l TAISI.E DEALERS. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incoiporated in tb« Straits Settlements) SOLE DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR MALAYA. Ull BIG REDUCTION IN ALL SIZES. H fl^^B 30 x r i NON SKID !700
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    • 265 3 Dear Sir, During the whole of the war I was chief engineer on a coasting steamer, and the ever-present danger of floating mines made it a nerve-racking job. I lost two brothers ii: the war, and when, three years ajro, I had another severe shock
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  • 389 3 Mr. Musso's Narrow Escape From Execution. Mr. Rodney Gilbert writing from Peking to the N. C. Daily News says Air. Henley, the released captive, has beta interviewed here. He is exhausted after relaxation from the strain. He says that the bandits will shortly release four more prisoners
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  • 299 3 NEW VERSE FOR ELEGY." Mr. Justice Darling's Topical Lines. A dinner was given by Mr. A. Charles Knight, chairman of the Library Commitue of the City Corporation, on May 16, at the Tallow Chandlers' Hall. This year marks the quincentenary of the founding tne Gullrfha Library by Richard Whittinjrton in
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  • 98 3 A test of cable possibilities by the Eastern Telegraph Co. resulted in the receipt of the Derby result at Shanghai four minutes after it was announced al Epsom, this constituting; a record for a London-Shanghai cable of any description, says a Shanghai wire. It confirms the In I.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 I Kmstel Series (>old Coast JsP^St Not a thirst on the coast thai \^^-:/^fk7^W "Amstel" won't quench. '''.'^p^rSj' fWW In hot and trying climates there is no IK'^ Tt^J '|l s& C oevcrapc like Amstel tor really v *i \XyC"'J[^ (••&£i[ quenching the thirst. K-IFVt Having those rare qualities possessed
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    • 127 3 FRASER NEAVE Ltd. BRITISH f^ljj^jfy I jlfordl ROLL FILMS j yj^FTER fxUuiiivf re»e»rch. llford [l Limiied have succeeded in iniro- I ducing lo the Phoiographt World I 4ylighl.loiding Roll Rim. which b I »uperio( to arty film on the market. i SoM i« Mermen, ,11, lirnt ItnD 'l itiXi CinlaiiHn
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    • 360 3 CAMERAS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS SPECIAL 25°/o CASH DISCOUNT AT Maynard Co., Ltd. /«t«»»»»«»»»»<»»««.«»«« > 2. We beer* to notify the Motoring public that the excellent quality, and absurdly low prices at which we are offering the Aero Disposal Sparking Plugs have caused such rapid sales that, with the exception of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 817 4 STEAHEH SAB.IHIS P. G.-British India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated In England.) j MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES i PENINSri. AIt AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE OUTWARDS FROM LONDON nOMEWARDS FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. «>E MAHSEILLE^LONDON AND Tonnaga Doe Spore Tonnage
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    • 762 4 STEAMER SAHIMSS KONNIKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OP BATAVU) (Incorporated in Holland) UND«R CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERVMENT Telephone Nor Passage D'PU"!. Freight Dept, 1202. Marine Depl. and Tr.n.h Dept. 1437, Manager's Dept. 1003. CAMPHUYS-June 21, Penang, Lho-Scumawr, Sigli, Oelee-Lhcue, Sabang Tjalang MenSIX han A> and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 537 5 STEAMEB SAMJNQS N.Y.K. LONDON UNI Kamo Mam Jane 24 Katori Maru July 17 LIVERPOOL UNB Tatsuno Maru June 25 Tottori Maru Job IS HAMBUBO UNB Tsoruga Mara n.ld. Jaly NEW YORK UNB via SVMM 1 SOOTH AMERICAN LINB Kawachi Maru June 28 Kamakura Maru Aug. 4 BOMBAY UNB Tamba Mam
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    • 394 5 STEAMEB SAILINOS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (subject to change without pravloas aotlce.) EUROPEAN LINE < For Marseilles, London, Hambarg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, See* aad Port Said. Arr. Dep. ALPS MARU July 20 July 21 •Omit MarseUles. NSW YORK LINE or Baa rrandsco, Panama, Now York, via Japan. Arr.
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    • 656 5 STEAMER SAILINOS "NEDERLAND" ROYAL MAIL LINE AMD "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" ROYAL MAIL LINE SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE OF M NEDERLAND "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" R. M. LINE R. M. LINE Tia Belawan-Deli, Sabang, Colombo, via Belawan-Deli, Sabang. Colombo, Genoa, Algiers to Amsterdam. Marseille*, Tangier to Rotterdam. PRINSES JULIANA June 25 TABANAN July 2 REMBRANDT
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    • 800 5 STEAMEB SAIIHIBS "ELLERMAN" LINL BLLBRMAN A BCCKNALI. STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) STKAMKK DM.'aiagaporo PASSENGEi: SERVICE OUTWARDH. tM. CITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oet CITY OP PARIS China aad Jap.n Not. 16 •Mb CITY OF CANTERBURY China and Japaa Do*. 21 HOMEWARDS ts.s. CITY OP MANCHKSTKk Marseilles London
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 647 6 CIHI:MAS MARYBOROUGH Wednesday, June 20 to Tnesday, Jane 2(. In the Second Show at 9 pjn. sharp. DEAD GAME A 2 Reel Universal Comedy Drama. REALART PICTURES PRESENT BEBE DANIKLS, in S Reels DUCKS AND DRAKES The story of a modern young girl who is making one frantic stab for
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    • 76 6 SURINA THEATRE THRILLING PROGRAMME. First Show at 7.30 New Snub Pollard Comedy. LION MAN SERIAL Episodes One, Two and Three SIX REELS. Second Show at 9.1 5 p.m. THE GROCERY CLERK 2 Part Larry Semon Latest News Gazette ZONGAR THE DARE-DEVIL OF ROMANCE Presenting; GEORGE LARKIN ZONGAR Physical Culture Film
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    • 283 6 CINEMAS A TRIPLE FEATURE BILL— WITH FIVE NOTED STARS qcß at the empire: cinema In the Firat Show at 7.30 p.m. Carl Laemirtte presents Gladys Walton in a screen version of thr famous song auccess, in 5 parts SECOND HAND ROSE Eddie Polo in a thrilling Universal serial THE SECRET
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    • 188 6 Ask far an* se« that yon get MARSEILLES ROOFING TILES B IDG EH AND VENTILATORS "HEART" BRAND These Tliea have been Imported and seed in these parts for ever M reals. ■very geaslne Tile made In Marseilles (Frsnce) bears the Basse *f siaketa la fail and also a brand. BEWARB
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  • 143 7 FIXTURES. liiursday, June 21 lliirli Water. 2.21 a.m., 3.3!) p.m. Phil. Orch.itrm. M«m. B>ll. aat. Nicola, Victoria Theatre, 9.30 p.m. liiilay. June 22 Rich V.ati-v, 3.27 a.m., 4.40 p.m. k:ng'* Coronation Anniversary. Malayan Rubber Factories MtR., noon. Kootbnll LMfm I, S.R.C. v. S.C.C., S.R.C Niroln, Victoria Theatre,
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  • 207 7 VESSELS AT THE DOCKS. Eist Wharf Basin— Nil. East Wharf Tecsta. Sheers Wharf Iloutmnn. Main Wharf Troilla, Van Diemcn, Wnrina, KamuninK, Nanking Mara, Jlhexcnor. Umpire Dot-k Aronmede, Ethiopia, Kishu Mnru. West Wharf Vnizan Maru, Klane. Medusa JanlineN Whnrf— Nil. I'ulo Branl Coal Wharf— Nil. Kc-ppcl Harbonr. Main Wl.arf
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  • 103 7 Pauengcn Ririviag by the Mdchior Trcut from Java port* Inclwlt Mrs. r;. y. Hcrxen Mr. and Mrs. Y. van Wcly, Khcmshnnd Ver ■iraal, UcKeniie, D. Cordon, Mr. and Mrs B. r. Lm, K. !I ..•rnstrii. Miss dc Knoop, vm dtr Uaer, J. Bun, Mrs. A. E. Lups und infant
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  • 159 7 To-day. Penan*. Rangoon and Calcutta J. 8 p.m Batu Pahat 3 J,. m Malacca nnd Munr Sum »;«<»»» 8 p.m kct» Tinsgl 4 p m Who 4 p.n, Molucca and Mu-ir 4 p.m Sourabayo 4 p m Fpntfiencrry, Colombo. Djibouti, Pott Nui.l and MamlllM 4 r m
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  • 101 7 A Bombay maMagt of Juno 7 says So far 7..">:; i Mahomcdaa pilgrims fro:n :ill parts of India hare left for .Jeddah for the Hmj pilgrimage which falls on July -I. present 9,000 pilgrims are waiting in Bombay for embarkation. Their coin f<!ls :m- being looked
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  • 42 7 By Karniala Paul Lccat J. I*. Cocn Ellctißa Andre Lebon Kushgar Left Spore May 9 May 11 May 14 May 16 May 21 May 23 Arrd. London Jane 4 June 6 June 8 Jane 11 Jane 16 June 18
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  • 189 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, June 21. On London, Bank 4 m/g 2/4 6/32 Demand 2/4 1/10 Private 8 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York, Demand 53% Private 90 d/s 56 U On France, Bank 790 On India, Bank T.T. 17:S?i On HonjrKonjr, Bank d/d p.c. dis. On Shanghai,
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  • 58 7 Tone of the market Easier. Latest London cables quote Spot ihect Is. 2d. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe. Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. Ipot uly-Sept. ►ct.-Dec. an.-March Spot July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-March Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Singapore Standard. Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. Mtt 47 48 U 48% 53
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    • 209 7 issne Val. I'd. Bayers. Seller*. 1 1 B.itang Padang 0.47% 0.52% 1 Hitam Tin 1.1.'> l.r>3 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 ■om 1 1 Johan Tin 0.40 045 El £1 Kam. Kamunting £2.6.0 £2.7.0 cd. 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 7.75 8.25 x<i. 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.20 4.40
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    • 141 7 ssue >'al. Pd. Bayers. Sellerst'l i'l B. Am. Tobacco 4.18.3 5.1.G 0 10 Central Engine* 9.75 10.50 0 10 Central Motors "A 0 :;.:;(> 1 i'l E. Smelting Co. 7.2", 7.75 '</• 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/6 2/6 (i 10 Fraser Neave 37.00 38.00 '0 SO Hammer Co. 1.40 1
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    • 112 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nonl 3'pore Municipal 5 p.c $1,878,000 par 3'pore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.c. dii. 3'pore Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 $1,000,500 S p.c. dia. spore Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500
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    • 400 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Eratt'a Quotations. af«t .raHabl, Sterlin, q^tUm, ar. prints oo To-day's Prices. Frascr Lyall Co. Evatt. VllcnbyNcw ($1) 148 1.20 l.'O 1.30 Uor Gajah (?1) tfS 1.35 1 ._>.-> L.40 I. Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.00 Kuninpr ($1) 0.50 O.CO 0.."0 O.GO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 764 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Clarified Adyta., ire par* 16. CRANBERRY SAUCE, Lemon Curd. Blanc I M.mcc, Fig Jam, Strawberry Jam, Cherry iJam. H. Bolter, Direct Importer, Euroiv Hotel Building. FURNISHED ROOMS, hoard option*!, at 1 3, St. Thomas's Walk. Terms noden to. TO LET, 154, Cecil Street, suitable f < r
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    • 62 7 High Grade Rubber Goods FOR TH* FACTORY AND MINE Hosepipe, belting, sheets, valves, packings, buffers, rings, cte. FOR THE MOTORCAR Tyres, tubes, radiator-hose, mat tin?, vulc. componnd, vole, canvas, solution, etc. AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Manufactured at low prices by ta« SINGAPORE ROBBER WORKS HMd-Offle* aad WorkJ Towa-Ofic* and
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    • 601 7 i i^M SCjiZin»e^^V simcapoik. II g^^ =^S^^ Xa •'•i.*tj iW^^^lßl I NOTICE is hereby piven that tne above Tnde A^H 4 CO.. of No. 12, BMth Canal Road, Slnrapon pu-,';H them as a TUADK MARK, in respect vi pin •.|.i.K^H Factory, situated ait '..'t. Grove Uo;:d, Sincapore. This Notice is
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    • 243 7 THE MUTUAL BENEFIT AGENCY (CHOI- (MAN M\ V\fc) No. 6, Sou Hi Canal Itaadr Kiacaporv. I NOTICK is hereby given that"iUl corftracts, orders, indents, receipts. d.l»<ftpy \vaj»nts, i lulls :inil dncuiM "t;> w"vefflja(Jc or. eniteiod into by the above 1 I ,be siimeil by Ihe uniler-.-^ :j-d, CMji I
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  • 31 8 MUL.— On June 20, 1923, at the General Hospital, Singapore, Cornells Carolus Mul, of the Netherlands Trading Society. Burial at Bidadari, Juno 21, at 5.30 p.m. Java papers please copy.
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  • 1032 8 We had a telegram some days ago, stating that Professor Wagner Jaurcgg f Vienna claims to have curcl m?ny paralysis cases by inoculation with malaria combined with Ncosaivarsan. Yesterday we had a statement that the New York Medical College announces the discovery
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  • 73 8 A concession that will doubtless be appreciated by the public ia contained in a notification in the Tast F. M. S. Gazette in which the Chief Secretary declares that the public may have the use of telephones in Police Stations "at places where there are no public telephone facilities or
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  • 83 8 According to the F. M. S. Forest administration report for 1922, in August the collection of gutta jelutong for the manufacture of chewing gum was revived by Mr. H. Gild of Singapore to meet the demand I of the American market, and a refinery at Jerantut in Pahang was nearly
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  • 91 8 The «ixth ordinary general meeting of the Katoyang (Bahru) Rubber Estate, Limited, was held in the company's offices, Kuala Lumpur, on June 13. There were present Messrs. G. C. Bailey (chairman), R.. B. Bannon, E. H. King-Harman (directors), L. W. Tivy, W. H. Bragg and A. S. Mackie (representing the
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  • 21 8 A Tamil has been arrested on a charge] of attempting to commit suicide by jump-j >.g into the sea at Katong.
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  • 23 8 The fares on all the Singapore tram.vay routes are now revised and in th's cennection an announcement is marie today on page 7.
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  • 26 8 A Chinese whi was found lurking in the grounds of the General Hospital was -•harged in the second police court t.iis morning, and was tiiu'd $30.
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  • 29 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for Irdia and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171=5100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176-5100.
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  • 26 8 Lean and Co.'s share report states From Australian advices to hand, we understand that the to float Trang Consolidated in that quarter has proved abortive.
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  • 29 8 A fine specimen of a biack panther was shot by a Malay at the Cth mile Kuala Pilah-Scremban Road early on Monday morning in a kampong in that neighbourhood.
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  • 33 8 The Ipoh branch of the Ex-Service Men's Association are proposing to have a dinner on the 30th instant the rye of the anniversary of the battle of the Somme at the Station Hotel.
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  • 28 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that a young and pretty Chinese girl was discovered yesterday evening attempting to commit suicide by jumping into the lake at Lake Gardens.
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  • 30 8 There was an impressive ceremony on the occasion of Lord unveiling the Cross of Sacrifice at Kantara War Cemetery, sheltering 16,000 graves, 250 of which are those of Australian:;.
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  • 35 8 A ricksha puller was knocked down in Beach Road yesterday by a motor-bus, and sustained cuts on the legs. The driver, a Macao named Wong Ah Wi, has been arrested and charged with rash driving.
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  • 51 8 Two arrests have been made by the Jetective department in connection with the theft of $2,000 worh of jewellery from a Chinese living in Cecil Street. The arrested men are a Hokien named Tan Wan, and the keeper of a goldsmith's shop, who la alleged to have received iho jtolcn
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  • 56 8 Tha case of a Chinese teicher in a private school at Geylang, who is charged oy a feliow-teacher with the theft of money and goods to the value of $92 at :he f.'hooi premises on June 5, was to Je mention2d in Court this morning with a view to an
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  • 61 8 A Malay P.C. No. 793 named Abdullah, attached to Beach Road station, was convicted and fined $50 or in default three months rigorous imprisonment by Mr. David in the District Court on Tuesday, on a charge of extortion of some money from Chinese hawkers in Rochore Road. The accused was
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  • 66 8 In November last year, a consignment of 1,410 cured Malacca canes was sent from Pahang to Messrs. Collinge Dawson and Co., London, and a report is still awaited. Considerable difficulty was experienced, as the canes had to be treated in a way totally new to this country. Creamy and mottled
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  • 64 8 The case of Sim Bah S'm, who is charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $18,000 worth of jewellery was mentioned in the second police court today by Inspector Stewart, and was transferred to the District Court. There are four charges against accused. The alleged offences were committed
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  • 73 8 By kind permission of Lt. Col. F. E. Swainson and Officers the Band of the 2nd Battalion the Middlesex Regiment will play the following programme in the Botanic Gardens on Sunday, June 24, commencing at 9.15 p.m. Overture, Le Caid, (Thomas) selection, Cavalleria Rusticana, (Masragni) morceau, Aye Maiia, (Gour.od) interlude,
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  • 84 8 An oppressive heat wave passed over Calcutta at midday on June 12. The temperature was highest at 2 p.m. when Alipore Observatory recorded 105 degrees in the shade, while in the city the temperature rose to the record figure of about 108 degrees. This suddtn rise of temperature was responsible
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  • 98 8 In a civil suit begun at Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, before Mr. R. Irvine, Mr. K. Bishop sued Mr. J. Milsum fcr damage! as the result of a motor car collision. Both gentlemen are cfliears in the Agricultural Department. On March 18, at 7.30 p.m., Mr. Bishop was driving his
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  • 118 8 The Empire Cinema is offering another triple feature bill with five famous stars, in their to-night's change of programme, i In the first show at 7.30 p.m. is a five < reel Universal special attraction with i Gladys Walton in a screen version of Second Hand Rose, followed by episodes
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  • 437 8 Mr. P. J. Elias has returned to Sin.^a pore after a holiday in Kurope. Mr. P. C. Sands, Commissioner of the Boy Si juts for Malaya, is on a visit to Ptnang and Alor Star. Lad] Guillemard is to visit the various Sirls' <chooh; of Prnang to-day,
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  • 44 8 The outward P. and O. Khiva with mails from Europe (London mails despatched May 31) is now expected to arrive at Penang 1 at 6 a.m. to-morrow instead of at noon as previously advised. The mails should reach here on Saturday morning.
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  • 112 8 We are informed that the East Borne--) Co., Ltd., a terge and influential cosl and oil mining concern with headquarters in Amsterdam and coal and oil mining properties in the district of Samariml i (Dutch East Borneo), has commenced operations in the Straits Settlement.-.
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  • 141 8 C Company S. V. C. (Scottish) hail a viry successful n.utc march yestcrdav evening, starting from the Drill Hall. Seventy-one turned out, including Pipers and Drummers, which may be considered very good for a mid week muster. Mr. Frank Adam, our vetern piper, and the Rev.
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  • 190 8 Says Le Courier Saigonnais in a recent i?sae The year 192." will perhaps see a good vintage, but it seems it will be a year too of abundant earthquakes. The Abbot Moreux, in his review Scientifica, says The last months of 1922 ud the first of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 290 8 flB BOLS SCHIEDAM GIN. bottles. A new Pahit Gin recently inÜby this famous Distiller. Exceptionally good. inr GREEN POMMERANZ BITTERS. Hit bottles. Suggests something distinctly different from the everyday pahit.' Iheerings cherry whisky. |t^ and pints. Very much in demand as a Liqueur or as a cocktail base. "GOLDEN GUINEA"
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    • 111 8 ALHAMBRA MIKE MACTOUE v. BATTLING SIKI in 1 Red. JEAN PAIGE IN THE PRODIGAL JUDGE in 8 Reels. In the First Show. at 7.30 p.m. CONWAY TEARLE IN BUCKING THE TIGER in 6 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE A Co., Ltd., Proprietors. »<♦♦«♦«♦»»»«»»» Mt> i^iAsk For These Five S Columbia i
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  • 205 9 Great Streams of Molten Lava. Towns in Danger, Villages Destroyed. Reuter's Service London. June 20. Catania A stream of lava has submerged Corre railway station and blocked the road between Castiglione and Linguarlossa. London, June 20. Rome It is reported that a fluid mass of lava, between 700
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  • 223 9 Shipping Effort to Satisfy Law. Reuter's Service London, June 20. Thi White Star liner Olympic has left Southampton for New York taking a moderate supply of liquor in a sealed chamber, the door of which bears quadruplicate seals of the British Customs encased in small brass boxes, each
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  • 45 9 Riuter's Service London, June 20. Washington The Navy Department announces its intention to ask Congress to authorise the construction of eight cruisers, four river gunboats and three cruiser submarines. London, June 21. The gunboats are required for rivet patrol won. in China.
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  • 48 9 Reuter's Service London, June 20. The Irish deportees have been released on bail, Art O'Brien on £1,500 and th« others on £75 each. London, June 20. The Baltic Exchange has auctioned th« steamer N'icolls, 5,137 tons gross ar.d 3,298 net, built at Hongkong in 1910, for i-14,500.
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  • 37 9 A cable received by John Little and Co. t-tates that in the International Junior Tourist Trophy race, A. .1. S. moto; creles, 2% h.p., were second and sixth nnd one did four record laps for the race
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  • 311 9 Answers to Questions In Parliament. Reuter's Service London, June 20. Ir. the House of Commons, replying to Commander Kenworthy, Commander j Kyres-Monsell ssid that the new dock-] yard and graving dock at Singapore j would be established in the Old Straits [the Selat Tebrau, or Old Straits
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  • 48 9 Rxuter's Service London, June 20. New York Another stock exchange failure has occurred in that of Zimmerman and Forshay, one of the leading firms, who dealt extensively in foreign exchange, specialising in German marks. The firm estimates its assets at $9,000,000 and liabilities at $7,500,000.
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  • 55 9 'I r Reuter's Service London, June 20. British nationals are notified that they must file- claims in Shanghai or London before October 31 next if they desire to take advantage of the Anglo-German agreement relative to payment of prewar debts out of the proceeds of the liqui- dstion
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  • 177 9 421 Tons Offered 302 Tons Sold. The GoBth auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on June 20, when there was catalogued 1,226,215 lbs. or 547.42 tons. Offered 945,109 lbs. or 421.1)2 tons. Sold (377,821 lbs. or 302.60 tons. PRICES REALISED. Spot. i
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  • 53 9 The Daily Herald Order of Industrial heroism is being instituted by the Labour, organ on the lines of the Victoria Cross] and the Albert Medal for recognition of| I deeds of exceptional courage by workers in the cause of toil. The award consists! of a hrnnse medal
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  • 300 9 Inspired Forecast of French Note. Reuter's Service London, June 20. Paris What is apparently an inspired forecast of the Franco-Belgian reply to the British questionnaire as regards the meaning of the demand for a cessation of passive resistance in the Ruhr is contributed by Pertinax to L'Echo de
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    • 108 9 Singapore, June 21. Rubber.— Lusidun Is. 2d. Local 48%. Tin.— London £191. Local $96. (100 tons sold). Share market. Dull. Rubbers.— Ayer Moleks 1.30-1.35, Ulu Benuts 24-27 cents, Jimahs 1.27V4-1.32Va, Kuala Sidims 2.30-2.40, Tambalaks 70-75 cents. Tins. Nawng Pets 1.35-1.40, Rawangs l.n\ s -i;>2 l i,
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    • 66 9 Singapore, June 21. Tin— £l9l— up 475. (Sd. Rubber. Is. 2d. down %d. Rubbers. Ulu Benuts 23-26, Sungei Tukangs 22^4-27%, Brogas 67 >/4 -72 tt, Bassetts 1.05-1.10. Mining.— Souths 93-96, Ulu Piahs 1.72%--1.7714, Collieries 22.2r.-22.75, Taipings 87V-.-91, Petalings 79-82, Johans -10-43. Industrials. Robinsons Ordinary 17.60--17.8. r
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  • 218 9 Problems of Housing And Transport. Prof. Menford Robinson has stated in the couise of an article Further, it is to be observed that this development of suburban tracts is due to the operation of economic and social forces of such character as to render inevitable a continuance
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  • 63 9 According to the Manchester Guardian, Mr. Howard Carter, who is in London, states that the British Museum will pet all the treasures removed from Tutankhamen's tomb which Lady Carnarvon has allowed him to bring out from Egypt. Mr. Carter adds that Lord Carnaivon'* famous private collection will remain in the
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  • 4752 9 Meeting of Reconstituted Corporation. Rubber Restriction Policy. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 20. The first annual gpneral meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya, Incorporated, was commenced at the Masonic Lodge, Yenning Road, at 10.30 a.m. to-day and lasted until 4.15 p.m. The meeting was attended
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  • 440 10 Nicola Proves a Great Magician. Nicola, magician .and illusionist, Ttss certainly made good in Singapore. Following a demonstration of his abilities whbh all who passed might witness-, he mve Ms first performance at the Victoria Theatre hrtt night, and the audience unanimoi sly voted him the best yet
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  • 850 10 To the Editor of the Strait 3 Times. Sir, Your leading articles <;n financial i matters arc usually sn sound that I trust you will allow me to remark in Tour columns that having regard Jo all tho circumstances 1 consider your generic statement to tic effect
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  • 175 10 I'oor Mirs Central with her wrong numbers, crossed wires and other eccen'rieities of service, has long been the target for the humour of vaudeville comefi'ans. It has remained, however, for Elmer Harris, the playwright, to install Mr. Bell's invention as one of the principal fun-makers in Ducks
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  • 783 10 Echo of the Income Tax Ordinance. An appeal arising out of the now extinct Income Tux Ordinance was made by the Chetty firms of A. R. A. M. and P. A. in the Singapore Court of Appeal yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw), Mr.
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  • 145 10 I A message from Nagpur recounts the destruction of Bostock's Royal Italian Circus an organization well-known in this part of the world. It appears that fire broke out in the big tent, just as the evening's performance was about to begin. The audience was got out
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  • 72 10 Programme of drills up to and for Sunday, June 24 Saturday, 23rd. 2.30 p.m., C Scottish Co., tactical scheme officers and N.C.O.'s, Alcxadra Road police station Eurasian Co., annual musketry course, Selctar range. Sunday, 24th. 1 7 a.m., Malay Co., tactical scheme, junction Ayer Rajah and Alexandra
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 330 10 To-day*s Handicaps. The following are the handicaps for this afternoon's rates at Kuala Lumpur:- Race 1 (six furlongs). Royal ijiooil 10.7, The Quest 9.9, Beau Regardj P.G, Lady Wallae 9.1, glippcry Sam 8.5, Prince Charming 7.10, Man of War 7.10, Beaver 7.2, Klelta 7.2. Race 2 (five furlongs). Applause
      330 words
    • 52 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, June 20. i The race for the Royal Hunt Cup resulted as follows 1. Weathervane. 2. Rockfire. Jarvie. Twenty-five ran. Won by a length, l same distance between second and third. Betting: 20 to 1 Weathervane, 10 tj 1 Rockfire, 20 to 1
      52 words
    • 187 10 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Double Handicap. C. A.- Norris and C. A. R. Batcman owe 50 v. E. G. Wheatley and A. E. Coilho owe 60 unfinished N. E. Ess and E. Oi'iveiro owe .'SO beat F. Gomes and C. j Rappa owe 15, 8 6, 6 1. li
      187 words
    • 67 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Chong Chee Lim beat Lim Bong: Soo, 6—3,' 4—6, 7—5; I. Abed v. W. Tan unfinished. TO-DAY'S TIES. Singles R. Smith v. Anc Tiau Am S. Newbery v. A. van Cuylenberg. TO-MORROWS TIES. C. A. Norris v. 0. E. Zimmertnann. F. Ruchwaldy v.
      67 words
    • 108 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship Singles. Tan Chonjj Gai'k beat Chen Su Lan, 6—1, 8—6. Chua Choon Leonf* beat Cheong Chee Hai, 6—1, 6—2. JB. Singles Handicap, Final. Koh Yew Tuan v. Wee Kcnp Chen?, 3 6, 6 8, unfinished. TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship Singles. OnR See
      108 words
    • 37 10 "J. O. E." writes: Why should not I the S. F. A. pvl up a Referees examination and whoever qualifies himself (jet .1 badpe, which he should Weir f If ev< r association jrnme he referees
      37 words
    • 95 10 Mil's eleven will meet the St. Joseph'a Present ii'.tyr, team a; soccer this even'ng on the letter's ground. Bouxtead's players are Cheng Hai C. J. B. Robin, on and J. V. S. Brooke Sip Hec, J. Rodrigues. Ong Wee Leong Kong Song, Cheng Hee, Chan Hee (capt), M. Lim,
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    • 39 10 At the Singapore Golf Club, the result lof the tie for the junior division of the 'June Medal between E. C. Milligan and V. Bailey was a Win for C. V. Bailey .with a score of 82 12=70.
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    • 64 10 [Reuter's Service.] Londr>n, June 80. In the Glcncagles thousand guineas I tournfement the qualifiers were Rowland Jones, Wimbledon Park, who went round I in 67, breaking the course record, Okc, |of Fulwe.l, I4S Frank Ball, tangle Park, 14"> Ray and Kirkwood, 1 1 Barnes, Havros and Ockenden, 147
      64 words
    • 103 10 Th;' following have been fleeted officebearers of the Singapore Malay Lawn Tennis Clnb President, IhcTie Hohamcd ttmail; vice-president, Im-he Ismail bin H. A. Ghani lion, auditor, Inche Janis bin^ AJi hqn. secretary and treasurer, Inche Abdul Manan asst. Bon. secretary, Locke \;lani bin Mohd. Taha committee,
      103 words
  • 455 10 An Indian Who Growled and Barked Like a Dog. A I mrict i:i the Federal prison at j Atlanta, Georgia, under a charge of murder, !;us been released to find hini-i-clf v millionaire. The prisoner v.;is Chanter Tidwell, fur v.honi President Roosevelt, Taft Bud I Wilson had
    455 words
  • 28 10 Order.* for week ending Sunday, June 24 Sunday, 21th. Church Parade at St. Andrew's Cathedral. ParaHo nt hack of V.M.C.A.. 4.45
    28 words

  • 721 11 Greatly Improved Position Of Mine. The thirty-sixth ordinary general meeting of the Kinta A.-rociation, Ltd., was held at noon yesterday, at the registered offices of the company. Chartered Hank Chambers, the Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp presiding, other* present being Mr. Bagnnll. director, and Mr. T. Higginbottom. Ihe
    721 words
  • 261 11 Celebrations and Presentation Of Addresses. The first centenary of Ootacamund was fittingly celebrated »n June 1, by European and Indian residents. The Governor of Madras received three addresses in the course of the afternoon from the Station Municipality, Nilgiri District Board and the hill tribes of the Nilgiris
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  • 578 11 Minutes of Meeting of Advisory Board. The following minutes' of a meeting of the Infant Welfare Advisory Board, neld in cue P.M.O.'s office, Kuala Lumpur, on April 26, are forwarded for publication Present. Dr. R. Dowden (vice-chair-man), Dr. A. R. Wellington, Dr. B. Day, Ur. M. J. Ahem.
    578 words
  • 461 11 Highly Payable Results Being Anticipated. The repir* of the directors of Rawang Tin, Limited, for the year ended March 111, 1923, states The running of the 12 in. steam plant hai aeaiii betrr most satisfactory and the 1 efficiency of the mine management is Itfaia evidenced by
    461 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 129 11 A Piano in Every Home Hundreds of people have taken advantage of our easy payment system of buying a piano. Why not you We have just received new stocks of all Models. GRANDS, UPRIGHT PLAYERS. Call and make your selection now. $75 cash, $25 monthly. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. Raffles
      129 words
    • 387 11 RAFFLES HOTEL DM T«U»k.M MM. (II Llaw.) TtfIBDAT.-DU»« Damn. Tk» Ftewt Ballroom In Ik. feat. WCDNZBDAT.~Orc»Mtm CnmK, 6rUl IMB adjoining I>lnl B Eoom, •p.a 8 to M p* THUBSDAT.— Ga«t Nlf it, DtaMT a*4 Tk d U»»e«. guest" night v— DINNER DANCE ■mj^« i» SEA VIEW HOTEL i«u««i.u» n. N
      387 words

  • 977 12 Broadcasting: Through The Earth. Twenty years ago Camille Flammarion, the noted French scienlist, conreived the idea of borrowing a hole throach the earth to borrow heat and 1 lower from the furnace supposed to be at the con 1 In rr.^kinjr the announcement to a startled world
    977 words
  • 76 12 The Marquis of Zetland has resigned hit oAm of Provincial Grand Master for North and East Yorkshire, which he has held for 4U years, and the Duke of ConnaiiKht as Grand Master has appointed his heir Lord Ronaldshay to succeed him. Lord Konaldsbay has already held a
    76 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1105 12 H jBjPK V Unity of the saliva. That is there |l|j Jjh H3 '^BSwHtrio 'fct IWI to neutral zc mouth acids, the S^H BSawi^ SB Ik I cause of tooth decay. sssft JM 2K IHi l mv t 'Pl' es the starch digesHH aer a^Bi Imm I tant trle saliva.
      1,105 words
    • 742 12 MALAYAN I AGRIHORTICULTURAL SHOWj AND TRADE EXHIBITION KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 30. JULY 1 2.1 CHEAP TICKETS. All classes at single fate for double journey plus $2 admission fee to the Show. Thit concession now applies throughout F M.S. Railway System (Kelantnn excepteJ). Available June 29 up to and including July
      742 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 720 13 AUCTION BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. RE ISMAIL AND RAHEEM (In Bankruptcy). The undersigned been Instructed to tell by public auction, without reserve, m tingle lot., st their sa.r-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, commencing on Monday, Jvnc lit and continued on June 29 21, 22, 22 and 2ti.
      720 words
    • 628 13 SfILES BY AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION The umlersiimed have received instruction: to .-.ell by public auction on Tuesday, July 12, 1923, commencing at 3 p.m. At the old premises of the Hongkong Klectru Co., Winir Funj: Street, Wanchai. Two (2) :..'ii' It. H.P. Diesel Generators com plete with alternators and exciters.
      628 words
    • 246 13 BEER AND CHAMPAGNE 2v Ex Bond or duty p" TJnm Ready from Stork: WA GEKMAMA BEER > (j (light pilnener) jjj j; Q *OJO per <ju:ir( iLjJ^jJ'JiaL SPOHT-GIRL HEER ■£j wOtUbt Champagne, l^s^^^H Wholesale Retail. ALSAGOFF CO. 96 and 97, ARAB STREET. Sole Importers for S.S. aud KJW.S. Phone 2218.
      246 words
    • 59 13 HAIPHONG ■/j£l|||||&y DRAGON W§|/ CEMENT Supplied to the B'pore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, FM.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Aceati, SlMiapore. II I! A N O CZJ HMK TST TP 'Phone 172 U. n« I A^jl| HT \k w^M *ff^r SOLE IMPORTERS
      59 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 467 14 Milk-O The Ideal Food tor Babies It is more digestible than fresh milk: it l contains butter-fat in its natural proport tion: it is quite free from deleterious < bacteria and germs. It can be used for any purpose for which < fresh milk can be used. A Tin of
      467 words
    • 447 14 tgt^jaKa^mm^Ba^^aatK^^K^:^i*wmmmmtmßms^mmmmMmmmmm*<m»m*\w^*mtmmmm^LMmßtmw^^^mmwmmmmmmmmmmwumm^mmmm^mmmamma^^i^aimam^mißm^ai^amttMm^m 6 Amu wr 15,000,061 S.C. Auaraae. la fare* trcr $17,0e0,Gt>#. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd* (I«con»oraU4 1b ItxalU lettlementa) ■MAD Ofnd i Winchester Hobs., Singapore. LONDON GfTICI i IX. Old Jewry, ».O. The Company ha. deposited with the Supreme Court of Eaglaad aa4 compile, with the
      447 words
    • 470 14 BANKgjC P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (laeorposated in England) With which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD, INDIA. Authorised CapiUl CB.OOO 000 CapiUl Sub.cribed and Paid Up. £2 5«4,160 Reserve Fund i >O,UOO Board of Directon The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., K.OSJ., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The Rt. Hod. The Earl
      470 words
    • 525 14 1 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (laeorporated by Special Charter la Japaa.) CaplUl Sabicribed Y60.000.000 i CaplUl Paid-up Y8J.600,000 Reserve Fund M Y11.Y80.000 Preiideat K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, K.q. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. Deackichl TakiU, Esc M. Esaki, Esq. T. Hisamone, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Talpeh, Formosa (Taiwan).
      525 words
    • 590 14 BANKING THL MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (laeorporated ia Englaod) Capltvl Authorised 5W,000,90f Capl'n 1 Subscribed mm #1,800 OOfl Paid-up M S\,MOfiOo Reserve Fund and Rest £1,362, 101 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chairman. J. H. Ryrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simcas, Isa. F. K Chalmers, Esq.
      590 words

  • 1441 15 Notes and Comments on Current Topics. Durant s Standard. i'"cr "ome few weeks past we have noticed a new type of car in Singapore and its attractive design led to our making inquiries and ascertaining that it wan one of the Durant Standards and a product of
    1,441 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 195 15 The appearance on Singapore Roads of the 1923 Model ESSEX TOURING CAR, has undoubtedly placed at the service of the Public a four-cylinder, 5 passenger car which is equalled by few and excelled by none. Compare the price, equipment and appearance of this car with other cars now on this
      195 words
    • 247 15 DURANT FOUR-CYLINDER TOURING. $2,500 Durant design and value were right in the beeinninj;. Tiny arc right now. Everything you need in a standard model is to be found in the Durant. Keep these things in mind when calling to inspect the latest importation. International Motors, Limited. 193-a Orchard Road. Telephone
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 407 16 TO LET A spacious top floor frontage fitted with electric lights, ceiling fan and bathroom attached, suitable for a General Office. For further particulars, apply at 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE jr. lai/.kv* MHDICAL EAIJ. BATTRKT KOAD FIRST A Note to Planters and Owners of Estates We can nupply TRACTOR PLOUGHS
      407 words
    • 295 16 $6.50 only The record beaten for cheapness. This price will purchase one of the finest quality Ladies' Hats, made with Silk Crepe Chine and Muslin. Also Latest Straw Hats, trimmed with best fancy silk ribbon in all shades for $7.50 PARISIAN HOUSE AND BON MARCHE, 18, STAMFORD ROAD. White Ants
      295 words
    • 1843 16 aASSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS t The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., In ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 eta., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six Ins. $1.13, ten ins.
      1,843 words
    • 865 16 JOHN DUKE F.8.0.A, F.9.M.C. OPTICIAN. 11, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. 5 YEARS' LONDON EXPERIENCE IN SPECTACLE FITTING. ('OR PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLI THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG TILAS.) This Yakuti or life-giving- nectar ha» beet prepared from th* best, choicest aa4 richest rentable drugs. It hss a wonderful property of Increasing
      865 words
    • 283 16 Lady Golfers and other sportswomen will be interested in our new selection of American SILK SPORTS HOSE. Made in a variety of Heather Mixtures, these stockings are quite unique and very attractive. Per pair $4.50. Obtainable only at PRINCESS GARMENTS GO. 4, RAFFLES CstAMBSBS (Opposite RaMsaea'a). Hours 9 a.m. to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 205 16 THE STRAITS TIB9ES TELEPHONES I Editorial and General M Ss Manager's Office 1117 \ll communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busineis matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be sddressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. '.Vants, For Sale, To
      205 words