The Straits Times, 9 June 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,272, SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 liuCflßC* ?l r**<» "'aJP^'^B YOU WILL PRONOUNCE j SEE THE "SHIP y ft^ ffS ll Agj SJP BRAND ll jBH OM R( £jj gj pi 3'h^Pn FINE OLD PALE '■ntot urn fl hLJv Jm War IN RED. UPON EVEKT t gj y^ f| W BOTnA I il!■ 1 1 1
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    • 215 1 i FURNITURE is I A BEDROOM SUITE OF DISTINCTIVE DESIGN v i COMPRISING 6-foot wardrobe with two oval bevelled mirrors, 4-foot dressing chest with round be- veiled mirror, 4-foot washstand with marble top and back, 3 bedroom chairs, 1 pedestal I cupboard, 1 towel horse. j In solid teak stained
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    • 5 1 Jw |uii> M it» tO
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  • 322 2 Suit by the Dowager Countess Of Suffolk. Charges of misconduct in the control of the $100,000,000 estate of the latr Levi Z. Leitir, a pioneer Chicago merchant, are made against Joseph Leiter, trustee of his father's estate, in a bill filed in a superior court by his
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  • 117 2 H is s-jrprisinp to sM Ilial |ilay-l<>\ t-j-: ■I" not form a private I IiMIWIIJ ami huilil nM up-to-dati^ theatre in HotiKkon^, mid Mr. \V. K. Holloway. of the Courtneidtri Holloway Company, in an interview with i <hfcu Mail rfporter. The present '-•j^tflrn^j nrtds/a rharfet of dynamite. l>ut U be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 317 2 St. Pauli tar' f^ Girl Brand Lager Beer THE ORIGINAL "GIRLBRAND" of 50 Years Reputation. African and Eastern Trade Corporation, Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE. SOLE AGENTS S.S. AND F.M.S. ♦♦•<-»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦-♦-»♦-»♦-♦»♦-♦»-♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< RfIRIS 1 CARTERS No metal can touch you □I Every year more men come to I HI PARIS
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    • 502 2 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING CO, LTD. (Incorporutrd in Queensland). General Manager's Progress Report: For 4 Weeks Ended April 25, 1923. Gontlamcn. herewith I beg to forward tbe Minrnn Report, for the four week* ended Apiil b, IM L Developmenc The dovolopment work completed for Ilio term atr.ottr.led 10 869
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    • 344 2 m m Ar.d Chin. Itched and Ejrrcc!. Ciitfcura Healed, At" '.'.'.z ttgk Ol r- -r months my tiby troke out \v:.:i wet eruption cr> tf.ilcp ol hi: cfir, -ni «(Wr two r.ior.:>.) :t trokc o:t 1 h>3 chin and uprcii n! rror.rd lr. He ured .0 ccratch as the erupt.
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    • 117 2 The Planters Engineering Co., Ltd. PLANTERS" Improved Rubber Milt* for \VASMIN<j, MACERATINO, CRfiPEINO AND SHF-.RTINO PARTICI'LARS AND PRICES FROSI SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settliroents) KNCINEEKI.\(; DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. .♦♦♦»♦»♦««♦»«<♦♦♦ ♦♦< Cars, Lorries AND MARINE SETS. ALL PRICES REDUCED The World-Famed Model. 501 DE LUXE,
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  • 855 3 Continental City Development Laws. An International Cities and Town Planning Exhibition will form part of the Swedish National Exhibition to be held at the celebrated university city and seaport of Gothenburg. The particulars just received in Sinjrapore (with request for any town planning exhibition material), contains an
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  • 125 3 Programme of Drills up to and for June 10 Saturday, 9th. 2.30 p.m., C Co., annual musketry course, SeleUr Range. Sunday, 10th. 7.15 a.m., A Co., tactical acheme,, unction Newton Road-Thornton Road 7 a.m., Eurasian Co., tactical acheme, West Hill (New Gojf Coarse) 7 JO ajn.. C
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 br iJ WATCH AND MAKER* S ,'■> JZWELLKHB. Ta HJf. Ta* King .f Siaa. Societe Anonyme Beige. Locally known the S.A.B. BANGKOK (siam) WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS PRECIOUS STONES GOLD AND SILVERWARE (SIAMESE AND EUROPEAN). REPAIR DEPARTMENT ludtr European Supervision. Recommended by Tourists. -^.—>_^..».. .MM H^ TMX MOUTH THE:
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    • 242 3 SAVE YOUR CHILD FROM SUFFERING There it nathinf more tryin? to a mother than to ace her little one in pain, whilst she stan js helplessly by not knowing what to do .to relieve its sufferings. Mothers who keep Bab: s Own Tablets in the house ready for I such
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    • 374 3 m 9 V 4 aHav jK^^^B/jJEbL You who tire quickly, feel depressed, or Run-down, remember Wincarnis is always ready to heip you to regain strength— to banish depression to promote new, rich, red blood to surcharge your system with new nerve foree and to create new vitality. Because Wincarnis is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 812 4 STEAMER SMtimS P. 0.-Britisti India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE OUTWARDS FROM LONDON HOMEWARDS FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. E^ E NDON Tonnage Due Spore Tonnage Leare Spore MALWA
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    • 736 4 STEAMEB SfIHIHQS KOMHIKLYK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone Nos. Passage Dept, 131, Freight Dept, 1202. Marine Dcpt. and Transhipment Dept. 1437, Manager's Dcpt. 1003. CAMPHUYS-June 9, Billiton and BaUvia. nYprv^~? Une n 9> iOUW> Pj'ei-Radja, Sapat,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 520 5 STEAMER SAILINGS N.Y.K. LONDON UNI Banna Mara Jana It Kamo Maru Jun* 26 LIVERPOOL LINK Tatsuno Maru June 20 Tottori Maru July IS HAMBURG UNI Dakar Maru June 28 'Isuruga Mara n>ld. Jaly NEW YORK UNI tU SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN UNE Kavachl Mara K.makura Mara •»<> Jul BOMBAY UNI Morioka
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    • 381 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (subject to chance without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Msrseillrs, London, Hambarg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, <ria Colombo, Suez and Port Said. Arr. Dep. AMUR MARU June 20 June 21 ALPS MARU mid. Jaly •Omit Marseilles. NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco, Panama, New York,
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    • 475 5 STEAMER SAILINGS "NEDERLAND" ROYAL KAIL UNE ■■nHILR**. ill* ASD 'ROTTERDAM LLOYD" ROYAL MAIL LINE SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE OF 44 NEDERLAND "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" K. M. LINE R. M. LINE Tin Belawan-Deli, Sabang, Colombo, via Belawan-Deli, Sabang, Colombo, Genoa, Algiers to Amsterdam. Marseilles, Tangier to Rotterdam. VONDEL May 28 TAMBORA Jume 4
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    • 120 5 NORDDEUTSGHER LLOYD AND HAMBUR6-AMERIKA UNIE (Companies Incorporated in Germany) Th* undarnoted are th* CompanW intaad•d fixture. OUTWARD For Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Da* Singapore i GOTTINGEN (N.D.L.) June 26 MUNSTERLAND (H.A.L.) July 6 HOMXWARD Far Rotterdsm, Hamburg- and Bremen. Da* Singapore |A ERMLAND (H.A.L.) Jnn* 22 SCHLESIEN (NJ)X.) July 19
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    • 798 5 STEAMER SmiNCS SLLERMAN ft BUCKNALL STKAMSHir Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER Due Singapore PASSENGER SEKVICE OUTWARDS. faj. CITY OP KARACHI China and Japan Oet 5 •sj. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Not. 16 CITY OP CANTERBURY Chiua and Japan Dec tf HOMEWARDS t«j. CITY OP MANCHESTER Marseilles London
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA I Change Tuesday, Jane to Sunday, June It. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. aharp. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. TED (KID) LEWIS r. ROLAND TODD For the Mlddle-Welght Championahip or Eonpe, In 1 Part. PREFERRED PICTURES PRESENT HOUSE PETERS and CLAIRE WINDSOR, Rich Men's
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    • 186 6 Manufactured in accordance with British Standards and at competitive prices by the PONT-A-MOUSSON FOUNDRIES (France). Large orders supplied to Foreign Governments and public bodies including GREAT BRITAIN SWITZERLAND BELGIUM BRAZIL GERMANY HOLLAND ITALY TURKEY SPAIN SIAM etc., etc. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS AND STATES ESTABLISSEMENTS BROSSARD MOPIN (Incorporated in Tientsin)
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  • 134 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. June 9 High Water, «1 1 a.m., 7.2:? p.m. Sunday, Jane 10 High Water, 8.1 a.m., 8.6 p.m. 1". ami Outward mail due. Monday. June 11 High Water, M a.m.. 8.44 p.m. HeoMwara M. M. mail. li'iteh bsmevard mail. Australasian .'iir.;l closes. Football League I,
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    • 92 7 Taut Wharf Dasin Nil. Fast Wharf Van Overstratcn, Ellenga. Sheera Wharf—Nil. Main Wharf Tanaa, Warcuta, Kutsang, lly.- 1...0n:... Empire l>ock Panama M:iru, Dclagon Maru, Kanr""n Mr.m. Kamunincr, N West Wharf (iurii.i. Jardme, Wharf Nil. l'ulo Hrani Coal Wharf—Nil. heppcl Harbour. Main Wharf Itagnat, Patrol, Islander. Steel
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    • 66 7 DOQBA, B*lt, ::.i'BO tons, from D«lny 8-6, I fur line. EDEN DALE, 'Brit, 708 tons, from Bntavia I H-fi, for Java line. KIXTA. lirit., ".nil tons, from Port Swettcn- ham '.Mi, for Port SweUenham 11-fi. IAN'.VMA aA.RU, Jar.. :;.sii3 tons, from Kobe for Colombo 11-11. Qi.ORRA, Hrit.. tons,
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  • 155 7 To-day. Fulau Sambu 2.30 p.m Muar and Malacca 8 p.m. Port Swettcnaam and Penang 3 p.m kedaa a p.m Hatu Pahat 3 pjn Ililliton and Hatavla 3 p.m. MjntoU and l'alemb»ng I p.m. Sarawak and tiocbilt ..4 p.m. I'.atnvia 4 p.m. MlMa, Cheribon and Samarang ..4 p.m
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  • 39 7 By S'por* Apr. 18 Aor. 24 M«y 2 May 9 Miy 11 May It aztq. London May 1« M»y Jl May 2ft June 4 June <I June 8 :.!!fng» '.'finkin Fhonjfwa Knrmnl:! l':iul i.i' Cota
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  • 137 7 I all and Kvatl's Report. Siiiftaporc, June 9. Tin— CI'JK 10<.— up 7s. Od. Rubber.— ls. 2*4 d. unchanged. Maikct steady. Rubbers. L'lu Dcnuti ::.">-30, Sungci Tt>kanaTa SO-35, Brogaa G5-70, Taml>alak> TS-T7H, Kunla Sidims 2.30-2.40, Malakn riiuUs 1.60-1.55, Aver Holeka 1.3.V1.-10, United Milaecaa 1.42^-1,41^, Redan* 2 :iO-J.
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  • 16 7 I)r: N. L. Clarke nnd Van Cuylonburp: hare opened i-onsulfru chambers at D 2, r.."ffios riai'e.
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  • 50 7 Thi- ChaMtaMi Hnnk ltci'ived the fol1 1 -.> i i wire fiiini their heud o!fu-e I vi-rterday Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., declared dividViul at the rate' .if l's. M. pei- afcafe frtt- of Income Tan rKiyablc on July 6, Rcnrer coupon to by pi. .ni.. i Mo.
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  • 186 7 EXCHANGE. Sir.Kapuvo, June On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 5/32 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 15/32 O:i Mew" York, Demand Frtvtfa so d/» r,fi'. On France, Bank 770 On India, Bank T.T. 173% On Hongkong, Bank d/d IV4 p.c. dis. On Shanghai, Bank d/d
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  • 61 7 Tone of th» market Easier. Latest London cables quote: Spot sheet 1-. 2%d. Pale Crepe Cloiing Price* Bayeri. 8elltr». Spot font fuly-Sept. 3ct.-Dec. lan. -March Spot June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mnrch Bibbed Smoked She* Cloiiu^ Pricn. Boy«r». 8«ll«n 50 50 Vi r.O.i 50% 52% r,4%
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    • 216 7 Issue v ill. I'd. But en. Sell/era. 1 1 Batang l'adang 0.47% 0.52 ft 1 I Hitam Tin I.:'.7'j 1.42 ft 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 mom 1 1 Johan Tin 0.40 045 tl £1 Kam. Kamuntinjr £2.4.6 £2.5.6 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.40 8.75 c.d. 5 5
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    • 143 7 Issue I'aL I'd. Buyers. Sellers. Cl £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.0.0 5.2.6 10 10 Central Engine* 0.75 10.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.10 3.30 d £1 E. Smtitinp Co. 7.00 7.2!"> V- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/0 2/6 if' 10 Frascr Xeave 37.00 38.00 50 50 Hammer A Co. 137.50
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    • 110 7 U. Enp. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. Spore Municipal 5 px. 1,878,000 par. Spore Municipal -l'/i p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 px. dis. Spore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 5 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal 4% p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500
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    • 402 7 Fraser and Co. and I. rail and Evatt'a Quotationa. Latest available Sterling Quotations ara printed an another paga «i FrWty. To-day s Price*. Fmser I y-. 1 1 ft Co. Evatt. \llcnbyNuw(?l) 1.17% 1.22% 1.20 1.r.0 \lor Gajah (,$1) 1.30 1.50 155 1.40 Hitam (*5) 12.00 13.00 12.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 800 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Othrr Classified Advtu., ice pa?e 16. CltAN-nEfcKY SAITCE. Lcm.-n Curd, Blar.c Mange, Kig Jam, Strawberry Jam, Che'rry Jam. H. Bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Building. VACANCIES, 14. Mt. Elizabeth. Tel. 1813. ALL KINDS OF DRESSES and underwenr, 138, Orehnril Road. dpi HEMSTITCHING \tM» cloths." Sheets am' teaclotiu. Printrmps,
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    • 133 7 THE EAST ASIATIC CO,, LIMITED (Incorporated In Denmark) S.S. BOLIVIA. (10.470 t.d.w.) Loading hero about June 2!, fm- Manila; Hongkonjr and Shanf/hai. MS. MALAYA (13,400 t.d.w.) Loading here ■beginning of July for Dbhkirk, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Copenhagen. M.S. FALSTRIA (6,690 t.d.w.) Loading hero tnd of June beginning' July for Mar«cHlci>,
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    • 813 7 FREE LIFE READINGS TO READERS OF THIS PAPER. The well known Astrologer Prof. Roxriy has o ice more decided to favour tho people of this Country with Free Test Heading* o:' their l:\cs. Prof. Roxroy's fume is so well-known in this country that he hardly needs an Introduction from us.
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    • 516 7 Victoria Theatre T*l. B*6. Tel. KM. To-night and nightly at 9.30 prompt. fnitwl Artists Corpnratinn Release in Singapore the Frist Picture from their Wonderful Collodion. i No. 1 No. 1 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS THE THREE MUSKETEERS In 12 Parts. Matinee to-day, at 6.15 p.m. PRICES S2 and SI. Children Hnlf Mm
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  • 1011 8 It is difficult, of course, to form an opinion on the German note from a mere cabled summary of its contents. So far as that summary goes, however, it seems to us that the note is a very great advance on
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  • 24 8 Of the Lincheng captives Major Allen and Mr. Smith have been released, and Major Pinger and Mr. Solomon removed from the top of Paotzuku.
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  • 26 8 We should have an Air League at once with branches all over the country, and its motto should be London or Singapore," says the Evening Standard.
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  • 29 8 A patent of invention has been granted to Mr. H. C. Weste;idorp of Java, for a device for protecting the tap surface of rubber and other trees against rain.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 170=$100. The rate of payment of money orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 175 $100.
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  • 25 8 New regulations arc published in the Government Gazette for the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' decoration warrant and the Colonial Auxiliary Forces and Long Service medal.
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  • 47 8 Petty thefts have been rather common on Petaling Hill of late, and various European bungalows have lost several small articles like cutlery, etc. The last bungalow to be visited was the one occupied by Mr. M. A. V. Allen, where a number of silver spoons were stolen.
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  • 51 8 The Dominion Engineering works at Lachine, Montreal, have an order for the construction of a Newsprint machine for the Backas-Brooks Co. of Kenora, Ont., that will make a sheet of paper 234 inches wide, and at the rate of 800 feet per minute. Its capacity will be 100 tons per
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  • 50 8 A Chinese clerk in the service of the British North Borneo Government, who is wanted for alleged criminal breach of trust, has been arrested by the Detective department in Singapore. It is understood that the man absconded from Borneo, and shortages amounting to $2,478 were afterwards discovered in his accounts.
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  • 13 8 The King will not be advised to disal'.cw the Defence Contribution Amendment Ordinance.
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  • 15 8 A quarrel cro.-c yesterday between ?colies at Pulau Übin, during which a Hckien was stabbed.
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  • 17 8 Mr. G. L. Farr, of Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co. has been granted an auctioneer's town license.
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  • 13 8 The Kayetsunoh Goyukwa Singapore, has been exempted from registration jnder the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 25 8 The 5.37 p.m. train. Tank Road to Bukit Timah, and the 6.8 p.m. train, Bukit Timah to Tank Road, will not run ifter June 15.
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  • 23 8 The public examination in bankruptcy jf Naidu Brothers Motor Trading ::ii<l Transport Co., 216, Orchard Road, is to be held on June 22.
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  • 27 8 The Malay Mail understands that the running of the Penang night mail will be resumed in September, conditionally upon .he Unofficial Members of Council approvng the proposal.
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  • 30 8 Before the third magistrate, Mr. Gouray, yesterday, a Hokien pleaded jruilty to being in possession of a deleterious Jrug morphine and was fined $500, or, n default, six months' imprisonment.
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  • 37 8 Thefts reported to the police yesterday included $70 worth of orchids from 6, St. Michael's Road, a pocket watch and $282 from a Sikh watchman, and jewellery and •ash, value $286, from i Hokien, named Yew Pang.
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  • 42 8 In May 6,250 Chinese deck passengers !eft Singapore for China, making a total his year of 31,40-1, against 38,563 in the first five months of last year. Arrivals in May totalled 19,663, making a total for :he year so far of 69,709.
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  • 81 8 On May 30, United States' citizens residing in Bangkok celebrated Decoration Day, or Memorial Day, an anniversary set apart by various of the Northern States for the purpose of decorating thi. rraves in the national cemeteries and of commemorating the soldiers who lost .heir lives for the Union cause during
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  • 101 8 Why does Kuala Lumpur get no mail Sy the Blue' Funnel line, asks our Kuala Lvmpur contemporary. If the Troilus arrived in Singapore before 6.30, the letters vould have caught the mail train and have je-en delivered here yesterday morning >r, if the boat had arrived later, we should :erta?nly
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  • 92 8 The April-June number of the Malayan Traveller's Gazette, issued i by Messrs. l'honian Cook and Son, contains a large amount of up to date information on fares, routes, shipping lines, and conveniences which the firm provides for its customers. The cover map embraces Malaysia and the southern portions of Burma,
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  • 93 8 A case which has unusual features was mentioned before the second magistrate this morning. A Chinese, named Chia Goh Lee and an Indian trader, named K. M. M. Maher Sahib have been arrest ed on a charge of abetment in regard to cheating Messrs. Meyer Bros, of $4,000. The Chinese
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  • 97 8 The management of the Adelphi Hotel ire to be congratulated on having ■•cored the services of the Arnold Quartette (The Melodians) who start their season on July 1. The Quartette three of whom are ladies, consists of Miss D. E. Arnold, L.R.A.M., solo pianoforte and cello Miss Muriel Percy, solo
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  • 98 8 Kuala Lumpur has a bad name among theatrical companies travelling in the East, says the Malay Mail. They complain that the small houses they get here do not make it worth while coming from a financial point of view as well as making acting difficult from an artistic point of
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  • 119 8 At a meetinjj of the general committee of the F. M. R. Chamber of Commerce held at Kuala Lumpur, on May 31, the chamber's attention was drawn to a ca3e where a cable received in code was so badly written that certain words could not be deciphered and whtn the
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  • 405 8 Mr. w. G. Jofcaaon, Ail riser to the Siamese Education Department, is homeward bound on leave. Mr. G. R. Xesbit has been granted a commission in the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force as second lieutenant. A student of the Nautical Academy, <I Le Fevre has passed his examination
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  • 47 8 The following have been duly elected to the Bar Committee for the Settlement of Singapore Hon. Mr. M. J. Upcott, Messrs. G. S. Carver, H. B. Baker. H. C. Cooke-Yarboroußh and H. D. Mundell. Mr. Mundell has been appointed to act as honorary secretary.
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  • 51 8 In connection with the list of Singapore church services published each Saturday, we may point out that in some instances these Jiave been reaching us 'ate. Those concerned will greatly oblige by having these forwarded to reach this office on Friday afternoon, otherwise correct insertion cannot be
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  • 64 8 Mails from Europe, (London mails despatched May 17) ex I', and O. Malv.a wiil arrive by train to-morrow morning. Corrfspondcncc will he ready for delivery lo boxholdcrs at 10 a.m. The G. I. 0. will lie open to the Public from HI a.i.i. to 11 a.m. and there
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  • 61 8 Captain Whippey. A search in the military records shews that Mr. Whippcy, who has figured in the police court 3 recently, w,as gazetted out of the Army in December 1921 hold- ins: the rank of Temporary Lieutenant. There h no record of his ever having held any other rank. The
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  • 109 8 For the Scottish Co., S.V.C. musketry parade one bus will leave the Cricket Clulj at 1.45 p.m. to-day, and one will leave Memorial Hall at «.-!."> a.m. on .Sunday, for Seletar Range. All members who have not fired are requested to make a special endeavour to
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  • 137 8 A Reuter cable from London, dated June 8, states that a bulletin says H.R.H. Princess Christian is unconscious and her strength is waning. Princess Christian has been one of the busiest of Royal ladies in practical philanthropy, and hcv daughters, Princess Helena Victoria and Princess Marie Louise,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 Bestone Gramophones THE BEST PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE ON THE MARKET. Aluminium fittings throughout, Garrard motor and fitted with a Bestone Celebrity Sound Box. Made to- carry 6 Records. Price $80.00. Obtainable from JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. si^ii.i' r'*.'"~"l i' l -"TTiT" automatic switch board
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    • 80 8 ALHAMBRA HOUSE PETERS AND CLAIRE WINDSOR IN RICH MEN'S WIVES in 7 Parts. KID LEWIS v.ROLAND TODI) in 1 Part 365 DAYS A 2-Part Pathe Comedy MYRTLE STEDMAN IN TIGER'S COAT in 5 Parts. TAN CHENG KEE Co.. lid.. Proprietor!. j MADE IN LONDON BANJO-MANDOLINE with Strong Case. $37.50. Obtainable
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  • 766 9 British Opinion Strongly Favourable. French Press Unanimously Dissatisfied. Reuter's Service London, June 8. Paris The newspapers unanimously consider the German proposals unacceptable, owing to the inadequacy of the sums offered, the request for a moratorium and the proposals of arbitration and a conference, which it is declared
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  • 109 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. Paris On the resumption of the hearing of the Banque Industrielle de Chine case M. Berthelot was questioned regarding failure to establish a reserve against treasury claims on account of war profits tax. He declared that the bank did not make war profits.
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  • 110 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. The Austrian loan is an historical event and represents the first constructive effort by European statesmanship rto repair the ravages of the war. It was floated under the auspices of the League of Nations in pursuance of a scheme to reconstruct Austria's
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  • 62 9 Reuter's Service •London, June 8. Prospects of a settlement at Lausanne are apparently again endangered. Reuter's Constantinople correspondent states that it is reported from Angora that the council of commissaries decided categorically to instruct Ismet not to make any further concessions with regard to the settlement of
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 41 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. Geneva The League of Nations Opium Commission has concluded its labours by the adoption of the report of the work of the session which will be referred to the Council of the League of Nations.
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  • 40 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. The House of Commons read for a second time the Rent Restrictions Bill, after rejecting Mr. Sidney Webb's amendment, on the ground* that inadequate relief was contemplated, by 287 votes to 123.
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  • 20 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. Copenhagen The Riksdag ratified the Russo-Korwegian commercial convention concluded on April 23.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 24 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. The House of Commons by 257 to 26 passed the third reading of the Divorce Hill.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 132 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. The Times gives prominence to a message from its Peking correspondent declaring that foreigners in China firmly consider that the Lincheng case ought to constitute the turning point in the relations between China and the Foreign Powers. He says all business with
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  • 126 9 Reuter's Service London, June 8. The Saturday Review, commenting upon the debate in the House of Lords on the Singapore base, says Lord Salisbury's reference to a Power in the Far East which might not always be friendly was to Japan, who, as was not generally known in
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  • 63 9 RiuTEß'a Service London, June 8. Washington In an effort to settle the fato of the Government's white elephant, namely the mercantile marine, Mr. Lasker suggested to President Harding the formation of eighteen Government corporations under a coordinating authority, each controlling a different route and aggregating 250 steel ships.
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  • 59 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 8. The driver of the car which fatally injured a Chinese hawker here on Wednesday was Warder Leonard, of Singapore. The inquest takes place on June 23. The Benrinnes, arrived from London yesterday and reports that a Japanese deportee died four days
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  • 117 9 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, June 7. Mr. Higuchi Teppci, accompanied by an expert and followers, will start on an attempt to climb Mt. Everest in December. The expenditure is estimated at V.60,000. The Premier, Baron Katoh, with a view to discussing the question
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  • 82 9 We are indebted to the acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore, for the following comparative return of the total imports and exports of merchandise for the month of May, 1923 The total value of Foreign Import* of merchandise excluding Pared Post into British Malaya during
    82 words
  • 1067 9 Criticism of the Swettenham Policy. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— My attention has only recently been drawn to your comments of March 7 last upon a letter which I addressed to the Westminster Gazette on February 2 last. You accuse me of a misleading
    1,067 words
  • 246 9 We published yesterday the official! figures as to rubber exports in May, -nd in view of the anxiety about restriction, it may be of interest to give the analysed figures for each of the past five months of 1923, and 1922. It will be observed that there was
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  • 202 9 We are indebted to a correspondent for the following The visit of H.E. the High Commis- sioner, for the presentation of K.C.M.G. to H.H. the Sultan of Trengganu, has been postponed to June 18. It is understood that H.E. will stay at Kuala Trengganu on the 18th and
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  • 158 9 Statement of Accounts. RECEIPTS. Cash subscriptions from Public 9,852.89 Mts. Scott's legacy £600 (approx) 4,327.81 Mary Fowlie Fund per Mr. W. H. Macgregor $5,000. War Loan present valu« $5,100 5,100 Accumulated Interest on $5,000 War Loan 1.132.50 Interest on matured fixed deposits 24.27 Princess Mary's
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  • 1170 9 Sir Walter Shaw and The Uhiversity Dream. The annual meeting of the Teachers' Association was held at Raffle? Institution yesterday evening, when the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, delivered an address. Mr. D. A. Bishop, Principal of Raffles Institution, presided. Sir Walter Shaw said that there
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  • 2589 10 The Amateur Golf Championship. By Our Special Correspondent. London, May 10. Both sexes are holding their Amateur Golf Championship thrs week— the men at Deal and the ladies at Burnham, in Somerset. Last week we had several interesting events by way of prelude, thp msin result of whicH
    2,589 words
    • 69 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, We have masticated and digested, the scheme submitted in your issue for] the 4th inst., and assuming that the Con-' trailer has not thought out of a better I scheme, we venture to urge with nil the emphasis at
      69 words
  • 177 10 The Govwnment of Johore have instituted criminal proceedings against CMang Kia Jin, a vreil-known Chinese public man cf Johore Bahru, for cheat- j m» under section 420 of the Penal Code.! Th<« prosecution allcprd that the accused man went to the Land Office, Johore, in February, and
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  • 476 10 American Partner and Malacra Company. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Barrrtt-Lennard," Hew Ah Voo, of the .Malacca 1 report Co., came u| for his public examination. The bankrupt stated that he entered rMto an arrangement with an American named Frnpst Tav'o: whereby each should put
    476 words
  • 244 10 The report of the directors of Trafalgar Ltd., for the year ended March 81, state* The profit for the year is $«,670.17 which added to the amount brought forward from the previous year haves a balance in revenue account of $20,323.40. Out of this sum the directors recommend
    244 words
  • 70 10 A fete has boon organised for Satardav, .Tulv 21 on tho Padang, Mo'aeca, in ■id of Christ Church, Malacca. The function open* at 10 a.m., art attractive projramrao ha- hoen arraTijreo 1 ii ring a riAner exhibition Tvith valuable prizes, a plant exhibit'on, fancy fair, (ri > snows, etc. The
    70 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 539 10 R.G.A. Defeat S.C.F.A. The meeting between the R. G. A. and the S. C. F. A. in the first division of the League yesterday on the Padang, gave the gunners their revenge for theiileverse at the hands of Chinese in the first round, when they lost by the
      539 words
    • 46 10 YESTEKDAY'S PLAY. Ladies' Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Cantrell and Miss E. 3rooke, owe, 15.1 beat Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Brooke, owe o, G s, 6 3. TO-DAY OR MONDAY. Mrs. Cantrell and Miss Brooke owe 15.1 v. Miss Fawcett and Miss Stephenson.
      46 words
    • 158 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship. C. A. Norris beat P. A. Beins, 6 o, 6 l E. W. de Cruz beat E. Oliveiro w.o. MONDAY'S TIES. Double Handicap. T. Leijssius and H. G. Stack owe SO v. F. J. Rappa and W. Neubronner owe o. Mixed Doubles. 1". T.
      158 words
    • 52 10 Mr. H. S. Mitchell, of Henderson j Brothers, Batavia, who has been on a visit to Singapore, wouid be glad to bring a team of four from the Batavia Shootiag Club to compete with Singapo.-e. riflemen. No doubt the S. R. A. would be ready to
      52 words
    • 277 10 The chance of seeing box n,' for fifty I cent- drew* a big crowd to the Manila j Show. Beach Rosd, last night, and the proprietor reaped a (food narvest in the I business the various attractions did afterward*. The boxing itself waa disappointing. Kid Daley failed to
      277 words
    • 51 10 [Reuter's Service.;; London, June 8. The Oaks result was as follows 1. Brownhylda. 2. Shrovo. .i. Tertsi.ia. Twelve ran. Won by a neck, a head between second and third. Betting: 10 to 1 Brownhylda, 100 to 7 Shrove, S to 1 Teresina. Place betting, 2 to 1
      51 words
    • 192 10 [Keuter's Service.] London, June 8. At Oxford the West Indians defeated the University by eight wickets. At Lords Middlesex beat Warwickshire by nine wickets. For the winners, in the first nnings, Henaren made 111 and Hcarm took seven wickets for 57. At Leyton Kent beat Essex by 242
      192 words
    • 27 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, June 8. At Stamford Hill in the North London championship semi-final Mrs. Clayton beat Mrs. Mallory, O— S, 0 3.
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • 203 10 Alor Gajah.— lo,slo lbs. Ayr Punas.— 37,soo lbs. Anglo-Juhorc Consolidated.— I?,X7] !■>.- Bukit Palonpr Syndicate.— -0,828 lbs Baateng (Selanvpr).— £8,533 lbs Balgownie.— 17,720 lbs. I!ul:it Ki-.bu.— l-J.OOO lbs. BfotUff.— l4,22o lbs. Bnrmab. 8,600 lbs. Bofah Kasap.— 20,000 lbs. iovclly.- S,J. Cheviot. 57,100 lbs. Consolidated Malay.-- 57,000 lbs.
    203 words
  • 97 10 Are you superstitious would you bet on a horse called Angora which wa; numbered thirteen This combination brought luck to Johnny Gamble in Five Thousand An Hour, but by the merest chance see how at the Surma Theatre to-night. Other attractions are Harems and Hokums, a new Montgomery,
    97 words
  • 148 10 Among the inafir important trades, jnrrie-d on in Pi n-in-i. .-;:vs the 1 Straits Echo, is that of the goldsmith*, the worker* in which have their mm guild. The men are at present striking for Mjrhor rages and many of them art 1 in great The last
    148 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 262 10 Property Sale. The following Singapore pvnperties were soUl by auction at the saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co., 30. Chulia Street on June 6 Free lands and house, K4 Alwi Road, area 1,889 sq. ft., forming part of grant 255, bought by Mr. P. R. A. L. T.
      262 words

  • 3036 11 Around Southern Seas Off Singapore. Many of the romances and novels of the Far East, writes H. M. J., centre round Borneo and the Philippines, and the Straits Steamship Co.'s trip to thost places has many attractions for travellers who have a short time at their disposa. and
    3,036 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 99 11 JUNE RECORDS To-Day CALL OR WRITE FOR LISTS. :S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE SINQAPORE. "(I^CHER CROSS"' THE ALL-BRITISH TYRE BY ALL STOCKISTS. I Distributing Agents William Jacks& Co., SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. M»M I i i i ,i riijj -ii in- i -T I i mm i n I
      99 words
    • 311 11 RAFFLES HOTEL -onpat^tTal«pkon« 2929. (1* Umm.) TUESDAY.— DIM»r Daac*. Tk. Fine* Ballroom I. U. brt. WKDNESDAY.-Orcae.Ual Cnc.rt. Grill Booa adjoining Dtnlaf Room, THURSDAY.— GiMt Nlfkt, DIUM aa« open 8 a.ay to 12 p.m. Dane*. FRIDAY.— Taa Dtaaaot. Saturday. GUEST NIGHT, SATURDAY.— Gaert Nlfht, Dlnn.r aaa DINNER AND DANCE D DCe<
      311 words

  • 156 12 1-rom the official minutes of a meeting <>f the Superintendents' and Assistant baperinendente' Committee of the PA »f (Vyluii, we find that statistics collected from approximately two-thirds of »ll planters in the island were tabled and lis.usst.l. The secretary (Mr. John Still) informed the meeting that his
    156 words
  • 113 12 The oldest school in the Empire is about to honour the memory of its most dl»--tinguishrd pupil, who died just under a l.undrvd years ago. Here, in a sentence, _n three ascertainable historical facts but how many as An Old Boy in the IforntaC Post would deduce
    113 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 614 12 Support Local Rubber Industries by Wearing T. K. K.'S Rubber Footwear The finest production ever placed before the public PRICES Sizes Extra large $1.50, large $1.30. Medium $1.20, small $1.00. TAN KAH KEE Co. Sales Department 215, Sooth Bridge Road, Singapore. »-♦-»-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦-♦-♦♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ c c a ■♦>♦♦« »«>»«» AT THE SIGN
      614 words
    • 586 12 LADIES' VELOUR AND BLANKET CLOTH COATS at $10 and $15 each. Val Laces at wonderfully low prices. ENGLISH FLANELETTE S3 inn. wide. 75 cents per yard. A small Shipment of LADIES READY TO WEAR HATS Just Arrived. IRVINGS, A Europe Hotel Buildings, 11IGH STREET. CHOCOLATE is better to drink than
      586 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 916 13 SALES BY AUCTION CKEOMfi 'kOONSEM CO IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of very valuable land and house properties und motor bout. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s sale room, No. .10, Chulia Street, on Wedne«day, June 1.1, at 2.30 p.m. From Lot 1 to I.ut 111. Also vulii.-.ble fn ,1 I rubh.
      916 words
    • 708 13 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT, JOHORE BAHRU. Misc. Application No. 33-23. CHEW YEU (f) by her attorney S. K. WONG, of No. 80, Wampum; Java Road. Singapore, Char gee against 1. LIM MONG SENG, 2. LIM THI AN SOO, 3. LIM THI AN
      708 words
    • 762 13 NOTICE ESTATE OF LEE POEY, DECEASED Pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, Settlement >f Malacca, dated May 14, 1923, and made in the matter of the Estate of the abovenamed deceased, in Originating Summons No. 19 of HM, I, the undersigned, Cheong Koon Seng
      762 words
    • 55 13 i« »»»♦♦«>»♦♦»»»««»♦♦«»««■♦»♦»♦«♦♦♦ 4 «.«J Ac Cnd*nf6 J*HssJtj7l\* J«o««. C. fiViONQD CIE, Agent» SINGAPORE and SIAM »»»»««»»«>»•«•«•»•»»»+««»»« < ■mr*SF^^MßK?'^*'f^*r»^^3P* t Jp^\'« f\ .H ,C*^^^ VBaBBRVSfsSVSEV^BKBSBI > Stock of Lathes, Shaping and Drilling Machines, &c. Manufactured by DANISH MACHINE CO., LTD., Copenhagen. HOUt IMPOtTaUtS THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd., Singapore. (Uc»ra*nu4 U.
      55 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 350 14 ■JB Kensitas M£ Cigarettes s as rea y Cigarettes can be." x ri6 Secret Of Success No Cigarette is so desirYES, sir, Kensitas hare been a ereat a We 3S One that Sltlokt'S success from the day I first introduced c{\n\ them to the gentlemen who asked for lwl< better
      350 words
    • 463 14 AiMts over $5,000,000 S.C. Amvaac* in fore* tver $17,000,001. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Go., Ltd. i (Incorporated la StralU Settlements) MMAD OFFICE I Wiacaester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICX U. Old Jewry, «.C. The Company kaa £10,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England aad complies wits, the British Life
      463 words
    • 471 14 —isymswajsi—ia BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Ineorposated in England) With which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD., INDIA. Authorised Capital £6,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up.. £2,694,160 Reserve Fund 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of SELBORNE,
      471 words
    • 521 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed V 60.000.000 Capital Paid-up Y32,600,000 Reserve Fund Y11,780,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. Denckichl Takita, Esc M. Esaki, Esq. T. liisamune, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formoio (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND
      521 words
    • 588 14 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■It MttsW IB BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised 48,000,000 Capital Subscribed 11,800,000 Capital Paid-up £1,060,U00 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,862,100 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chairman. J U. Ryrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David
      588 words

  • 616 15 SUNDAY, JI'.VE It, IMS. St. Amir.. Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). !i.l.'> Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. The Catechism. A. 30 p.m. l-'esial KvenKon? and Sermon. During the' following week Holy Com munion on Monday, Tuesday nnd Thursd:.;. r.t 7 a.m. on
    616 words
  • 101 15 Colonel Cun Woods, a well-known American ornithologist, wlio is visiting the Commonwenlth, said that in bis opinion Australia ban the rarest and roost wonderful collection of biids to' bo fnunrl in any one country. The lyre bird, wrth ftp wonderful pltihiagc and it* power of mockery, which
    101 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 159 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,190 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the foDowinf? improvements Khaki coloured one nun top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims witt ifcre rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. SeU Dittrlbvtor*
      159 words
    • 375 15 gd%'f B §A Wk fm (ftf] &V@t*\/ &M&] Gm cigarettes you buy and you can be sure of getting a cigarette that cannot be bettered no matter what you pay. I The bright golden leaves of Virginia Tobacco used in the making of THREE CATS cigarettes come |j|. from the
      375 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 391 16 WAR KUT I CO LTB. (Incorporated In Singapore) laipehandlers and General Contractor*, S5, PHILLIP STREET. fiend your ordera to oi and b« aasired of oi r FIRST QUALITT GOODS ROCK-BOTTOM PRICBS AND SPECIAL SERVICES in the ahlpchandlery hoilneaa. A trial order will convince yon that onr claims are fully proven.
      391 words
    • 328 16 $6.50 only The record beaten for cheapness. This price will purchase one of the finest quality Ladies' Hats, made with Si!k Crene Chine and Latest Straw Hats, trimmed with best fancy silk ribbon in all shades for PARISIAN HOUSE AND BON MARCHE, 18, STAMFORD ROAD. Why Import Battens with Veneer
      328 words
    • 898 16 OASSPTED ADVERTISEMENTS^ The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., In ordinary close *<•♦ type (average six words to line) are :-per line one insertion 28 cents, two :ns 43 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cU., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40
      898 words
    • 942 16 LAND AND HOUSES TQ LET, 70, Prinsep Street, fat and water. Apply 9. Clarke Quay. TO LET, unfurnished, Sherwood, Paterson Road. Apply Paterion, Simons Co., Ltd. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry im mediate. Apply within or to Messrs. Merer TO LET, 107, North Bridge Ro«d and S6 land
      942 words
    • 739 16 OPTICAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Cleaned, Repaired and Adjusted. JOHN DUKE OPTICIAN, IX. BATTERT ROAD, SINGAPORE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE The dilapidated state of the paper currency, articularly that of the one-dollar denomira on, has been a matter of concern to thr overnment for some considerable time. The Government has ample stocks of
      739 words
    • 267 16 evening Gowns Parisian Corsets American Silk Hose Parisian Lingerie. European Attendance RIHCESS 6ARKEKTS G 1, BAFFLK3 CHAMJBEtS, (OWMltl lohlHM'.) Hoars 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS For the best of everything in erery Branch of Photograph? MR. BUCKERIDGE Phone 1 0" O I THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO in the COLONY
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 199 16 THE STRAITS TIBES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 58 Manager's Office 1117 All communications relating to editor) matters and news should be ddressed THE EDITOR. All communications r latins to business matters advertisement subscriptions, accounts, printing. ct< should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc.,
      199 words