The Straits Times, 4 June 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,267. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTa
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 311 1 The "Planet" Stropping Machine FOR GILLETTE PATTERN SAFETY RAZOR BLADES. THE "PLANET" .^fek VfA'Wlr'Br T L PLANET Stropping Machine has been do- MEmi^ STmLsmFl ML M. Unlike other Rotary Types, nKigned on ScienUfic Lines, to fTr7^\ c S T" pressure twa BRK opposite edges, one on each side m .sharpen
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    • 37 1 I M v *v ■^bbbUl Wm^^Jj A TUB A I •I'vJjH BBBBfIVZ/ rvoo r< VBI7 aiBHMUHSBEBKSHBBHMnHB' Ready for Delivery V.hite glazed wall tiles Coloured glazed wall tilea Marble flooring ulalis. Keen Prices FRANKELS, LTD., VICTORIA STREET. iiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiuuiiim
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  • 2786 2 Divergent Views on Singapore Scheme. Efficiency of Floating Pocks. Admiral Sir Cyprian A. G. Bridge writes to the Times on May 2 as fellows Perusal of the excellent report in Ths Times to-day of the debate in the Houso of Commons on what may be called the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 282 2 J I Ci«xo, and Lc fitduaJly rrcovcr-d l I I l»c l-ii nev^r k>ol«*i back.** ]{l Why Baby cries j J Baby cries to Ist you know that all is not well with j ffi him the poor litlle fellow has r.o other way of 5J telling you. .Health and
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    • 198 2 Continental CORD TYRES FOR Speed* Reliability and Economy CHOP y^^)J KUDA THE HALLMARK OF PERFECTION. SUPPLIES FROM ALL REPUTABLE DEALERS. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the Straita Settlements) SOLE DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOB MALAYA. ♦♦♦-♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦^-♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦^»»»>»^»»»»»-»»-»»« ♦♦-»♦-»♦< (J^Mpgßa^psTßßS»aaaßi»MtM|^N VMpnsVBUKS!3QKSMHHHBH BBv Hg j£r| BIG REDUCTION IN ALL SIZES. J^Efß 50 x 21/
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  • 459 3 Supplementary Wires from Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables are taken from India exchanges to hand Soviet Treasury Depleted. London, May 18 The depletion of the Soviet Treasury, owing to the payment of enormous sums for propaganda in England and Germany and for stirring up revolt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 STEAMER SAILINGS STRUTHERS BARRY OPERATING U.S. GOVERNMENT SHIPS SINGAPORE TO LOS ANGLES AND SAN FRANCISCO U.S.S.B. f.s. MURSA June 5 to discharge and load U. 3.5.8. s.s. WEST IVAN June 25 to discharge and load U.S.S.B. WEST PROSPECT July 30 to discharge and load and subsequent steamers approximately 30 days
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    • 643 3 SALES BY AUCTKHI CHEONG KOON SEX CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable land and house properties and rubber plantations. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng: A Co.'s saleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, June C. at 2JO p.m. 1. Valuable 99 years' leasehold land and the shophouse premises No. 30,
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    • 318 3 IS THIS YOU? Some people live in in eternal gloom. They believe then.selvex to be the object of all the vexations that bes»t mankind. Petty grievances and trivial troubles rasp and irritate beyond endurance. They magnify little annoyances that would pass by other people, with stronger nerves, unnoticed. Admit that
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    • 255 3 Colorite MAKES OLD HATS MEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED BLACK (DULL) VICTORY BLUE BLACK (GLOSSY) CARDINAL RED LAVENDER VIOLET NAVY BLUE NATUREL CADET BLUE BROWN SAGE GREEN CERISE YELLOW BURNT STRAW. Price 60 cts. Obtainable at Maynard Co.. Ltd. »>»♦»<♦♦»«♦♦»«♦»»««««««♦♦««* ♦♦♦♦.»»««♦«*»♦«♦»<««»♦«♦«*» WOOD-MILNE PATENT FOOT PUMP, The reason for the success of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 819 4 STEAMER SMUIieS P. 0. British India m d Apear Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE OUTWARDS FROM LONDON HOMEWARDS FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR MARffl^$ K J? NDON AND Tonnage
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KOHNIKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATATIA) (Incorporated In Holland) v i_*5 lfD> COJ'TfcACT WITH THI NETHERLANDS INDIA eOYimNsMTTT. Teleukeae Nee. Passage Dei*, ill. Freight Dept, IMI, Martae D.»t. a«4 Tr»»*k(»..e»t Dept 1417, Haaa t »r'i Dept IMI. HRA vniN IS 7 JunC 4 V un
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 530 5 STEAMER SAILINGS N.Y.KT LONDON LJN» Harnna Maru Jana 12 Kamo Maru June 26 LIVERPOOL LINK Tatsnno Mam Juna 28 Tottori Maru mid. July HAMBURG LINK Dakar Maru June 20 T.uruga Maru mid. July NEW YORK LINE via BUK2 SOUTH AMERICAN LINK Kawa«hl Mam aad Jaaa Kamakura Mam and July BOMBAY
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    • 407 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ~0. S. K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (subject to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdair, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suei and Port Said. Arr. Dep. 'AMUR HARU June 21 June 22 ALPS MARU mid. July 'Omit Marseilles. NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco, Panama,
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    • 105 5 KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. ftUCCBMOM TO iritei mmm ures (la««rpcrate4 ta VSJI.) *aaj«l*r aerrlaa betvaaa Haw Tert, Bi.gaa«r« aai) Jare Farts, aad Ties varaa. FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ Satartia due June 18 Nile due middle July Vox freight, apply v GUTHRIE A CO., LIMITED, Avaata, tcraHa aVrttltacaata asi PJIJk
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    • 745 5 steamer sailings "ELLERMAN LINE BLLERMAN fiUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER lino Sineapore PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. t s.s/ CITY OP MANCHESTER China and Japnn June 5 t».». CITY OF K-UtACHI China and Japan Oct. S s.s. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Nov. I*s •s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY
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    • 34 5 F.M.S. Railways SIAM STATE RAILWAYS. TOWN BOOKING OFFICE. Berths on Bight Expresses a»i tickets Ist and 2nd class to all stations art available tnm THOS. COOK AND SON i, BATTBRY TOAB, BINGAPORK. Takp-tM 124.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 638 6 CINEMAS PALLADIUM THEATRE Orchard Road. Universal Pictures. From Monday, June 4 to Thursday. June 7, at 9 p.m. FRANK MAYO, in 5 Reela CAUGHT BLUFFING A Story of big men, big chances, and a drama you must not miss. EMMY WEHLEN, in 5 Reels FOOLS AND THEIR MONEY 1 Reginald
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    • 289 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA BREAKING ALL RECORDS THREE MORE NIGHTS TO-NIGHT Monday. June i to Wednesday, June 6, at 9.30. Something you will keep talking about. A picture that is different in every respect TRUMPET ISLAND Super feature in every sense of the word spectacular scenes that arc unsurpassed. Don't miss
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    • 156 6 WHITEAWAYS NEW SHIPMENT LADIES BELTS Price 85 cts. to $1.50 each. The New Dress Goods 44 BURASILK In Saxe, Sky, Coral, Grey, Tabac, Biscuit and White. 27 inches wide. Price $1.50 yard. New Art SilL Stockings Fast stitch. Backed Fine Lisle Thread to prevent laddering White only. Price $3.50 pair.
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  • 151 7 FIXTURES. Mond.iy, June i Higl \Vnti-r, C.SS a.m., 2.29 p.m. .ntr-nary Sports, p.m. liildren's Concert, Vie. Theatre, G. TbCBda>. Junr 5 lli^'ii Wo*tr, I. IS am., BJI p.m. P. and O. homiward mail leaves. I at Home. Centenary Dinner. aad Fifes in the Gardens, C.15 p.m.
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  • 93 7 VESSELS AT TTSE DOCKS. Ku-t Wharf llasin -Xll. i:.i>i Wharf Melehiw Treub, EUoaaja, ■SHMCt \\hait KlfaMM, ■■la Wharf Bendoran, Tumborj, Goza Baiplri Dad Iru, Scimc Bee. W.-si Wharf Jar4iaee Wharl [pob. Pulo lirani Coal Wharf— Nil. Keppcl Harbuur. Main Wharf Magnet, Patrol, Islander, Btool H I. HIS, Bcleno,
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  • 344 7 BAN FO SOON, Dot, Ml t0:..-, from Pontr..nak 8-fl, lor Pontiar.jk G-G. llA\' HONG LIANG, Brit., 708 tons, from Bangkok; ;',-<., for l!hi.^k«k unc. DAM POH GUAM, Brit, 5~<J tons, from ...i 1-6, for Sjurabaya 7-0. BEK'OOSAN, Brit., 2,6.<7 tons, froa London 8-6, (or Caiaa 5-fi. BUYSHIS, Dat.,
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  • 198 7 To-d«x. r ul»u Sambn 2 JO p.m. Swutow, Ai.ioy. Slicneluii und Di.ln.v 3 ii.i.i. Port s»-r.t«ii««ni and ftu>i p.m. Hat.i Puhat 3 p.m. Xalacca nnd Muar 3 p.m. MtUcea and Muar .4 Kelantan By train t p.m. Kobe an.l Yokohrti- 10 a.m. Port Swi'ttenham and Medun
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  • 194 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, June 4. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 5/32 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 13/32 On New York, Demand 53H l'rivate 90 d/s 56 \i On Funce, Bank 755 On India, Bank T.T. 173% On HonKkonsj, Bank d/d 'i p.c. prem. On
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  • 52 7 Tone of the market Steady. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 2%d. urapore Standard Pale Crepe Cloiiuff Prices Buyer*. 8«ll*r». Spot une uly-Sept )ct-Dcc Spot uiy-Scpt. )cl.-Dec. Blßtr*por« Standard Bibb*d Smoked Sheet Oacintr Pricw. Bnvet*. 8«lleT». sr)y« 56 DAILT PRICES CURRENT. 12 noon,
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    • 212 7 MM Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 BaUr.ff Padang 0.47% 0.32} i 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.1J5 1.40 1 1 Ji-lantoh 0.10 0.20 mom 1 1 J..han Tin 0.40 045 U £1 Kam. Kamuntinp £2.4.6 £2.5.6 !0 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.50 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.20 4.40
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    • 142 7 Issue Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. Q £1 B. Am. Tobacco 4.18.9 5.1.6 10 10 Central Engines 9.75 10.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.00 3.50 11 aK. Smelting Co. G. 85 7.10 5/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/6 2/6 '.0 10 Fraser Neave 37.00 38.00 50 50 Hammer and Co. 135
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    • 118 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £:;50,000 nom. Spore Municipal 5 p.c. si K7X 000 nir ijI.S.H^OOO par. spore Municipal A\i p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal 4Vi p.c. of 190'J $1,600,500 6 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal 4'i
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    • 415 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another pafe on Friday. To-day's Prices. Iraser I. vail Co. Evatt. Alknby New (SI) 1.1 7% 1.27% 1.15 1.20 Alor Gajnh W) IM 1-50 1-23 1.40 A. Hi'.r.m (*,:->) 12.00 1:5.00 12.50 10.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 618 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advtu.. te- page 16. j rUEXCH SYRUPS for Cocktails and Soft Driaks Grenadine, Strawberry, Raspberry, lli-i! Currant, Rose, Cherry, otc. H. Bolter Iliivct Importer, Europe Hotel Building. TO l ET, new compound house 135, Bukit rirr.ah Road. Apply to Tan Boon Chens, 87«, Victoria Street. WANTED,
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    • 54 7 High Grade Robber Goods FOR THE FACTORY AND MINE Hosepipe, belting, sheets, valves, packing*, buffers, rings, etc. FOR THE MOTORCAR Tyres, tubes, radiator-hose, matting, vulc. compound, vulc. canvas, solution, etc. AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Manufactured at low prices by th« SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Bead-Ofice and Works Towo-OSce and Showroom
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    • 839 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Hotel van Wijk. Money CJianjyer, Grosvenor. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., Raffles IMace. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Europe Hotel. Money Changer, Radios Hotel. Federal Rubber Stump Co., Raffles Place, r-eter Cl.ons, Bras ■aaah Rond. G. H. Kiat
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  • 1077 8 We desire to give a very hearty welcome to Dr. Winstedt's new book, Malaya. Time after time we have sighed for a volume that would answer any reasonable question about the country in which we live, and none has been available.
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  • 24 8 When Mr. H. E. Richard?, manager of he Strait* Trading Company, Ltd., Penan?, goes to Australia on leave, Mr. Wood will act for him.
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  • 33 8 To-day a Chine-.=<>, named Boey Kok Soon, was charged with rash and negligent driving in knocking down Ahmat bin Hadji Noor at the junction of Kalians md Lavendar Street at 11 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 38 8 The work undertaken by the F.M.S. Public Works Department during the year 1922 was comparatively small on account of lack of funds, writes Mr. J. Strachan. acting director of Public Works, F.M.S. in hi 3 report for 1922.
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  • 41 8 To-day a notification is published on page 7 defining certain concessions which the F.M.S. railways will make to visitors and exhibitors at the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Show and Trade Exhibition to be held at Kuala Lumpur at the end of this month.
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  • 72 8 With an estimated population of about 84,500, the death rate of Kuala Lumpur is given as 21.36 per mille in 1922, this figure being the lowest recorded for many years. The rate of infantile mortality showed a further, and very satisfactory decline, the figures for the past three years being
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  • 14 8 The Band of Hope will meet at the Y.W.C.A. on Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 19 8 The Consul-GencrcU for Holland, Siam and Portugal were present at the King's Birthday parde on the Padang on Saturday.
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  • 23 8 The case of Cap: .in Whippey, who is charged with cheating John Little and Co., is fixed for hearing before Mr. Gourlay to-day.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 17C $100.
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  • 29 8 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, is to lecture in the Raffles Institution Ha.. on Friday a. 5.30 on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Teachers' Association.
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  • 37 8 Some views from home on the Singapore Naval Base appear on pages 2 an<! J, late telegrams, under Ahead of the Mail, on page 3. and a special arlidfl on Raffles Institution en pages 11 and 1£
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  • 35 8 The book Malaya," reviewed in our Leader to-day, is by Dr. R. O. Winsiedt, M.A., D. Litt. (Oxon), of the Malayan Civil Service. The publishers are Constable and Co. and the price is 12s. nett.
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  • 32 8 Mr. H. B. Wall, formerly of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, is staying at Littlehamp'.on, Sussex, whan Cantain an<| MrH. S. Shepard. nnd family are at present residing, Captain Shepard beins on leave.
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  • 30 8 Arrivals of adjlt labourers in Malaya from Madras Presidency since tho beginning of the year numbered 2,265, and the departures totalled 14,720, of which sppsoximately 70 per cent, were labourers.
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  • 43 8 The death is announced of Lady Constance Lytton, fister of the Governor of Bengal. She was prominent in connection with the agitation for women's suffrage and has been in indifferent health for some years as a result of forcible feeding whilst in prison.
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  • 42 8 The inspection of the Pe-nang and Province Wcllesley Volunteer Corps by the General Officer Commanding has been fixed provisionally for Sunday, September 23, when there will be a general concentration of the whole corps tobe followed by field firing near Bukit Juru.
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  • 45 8 With reference to the paragraph which appeared in our issue of the Ist inst., it should be made clear that the apaaaJ arrangements made in the transhipment of Straits p;?scngers at Rangoon refer not only to Henderson Lins passengers but also to Bibby Line passengers.
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  • 55 8 The residence of Mr. Tan Lo Heong in Anson Road, Penang, was on Thursday night the scene of a large gathering of friends and relatives, the occasion bein;r ;he marriage of his son, Mr. Tan Swee Chin, a partner in the Central Motor Garage, to Miss Gracie Goh, a daughter
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  • 54 8 A home paper thus comments The oxist'ng fortifications, while good enniigh for the old Singapore, will have- t-> bo increased and strengthened in a manner more compatible with tha coming dignity of the "Gibraltar of the Pacific.' 1 There are plenty of guns at home in all conscience to re-arm
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  • 57 8 A New York message says the Agent there of the Spanish Royal Mail Steamship Company announces that the company has ordered the discontinuance of all sailings for America after June 11, owing to the Supreme Court's decision conflicting with Spanish law. After that date all steamers of the company will
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  • 65 8 A statement issued at Peshawar on May 23 says ln order to contradict certain baseless, but widespread rumours which have been brought to his notice by friends of Miss Molly Ellis, the Chief Commissioner wishes to reassert the fact that Misa Ellis was not injured or moloted in any way
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  • 69 8 At the annual general meeting of the Selangor Miners' Association, held on May 25, Mr. Loke Chow Thye and Mr. Low Leong Gan, M.S.C., were erected by ballot as President and Vice-President respectively for the ensuing months of 1023, in the places of the Hon. Mr. Choo Kia Peng and
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  • 64 8 Speaking before the Royal Geographical Society on May 28, Earl Ronaldshay, the President, announced that the Society hoped to launch another expedition to at'.empt the climb of Mount Everest in 1921. The experience of last year's expedition, especially the establishment of the fact that a camp at a height of
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  • 78 8 A "death-dance" performed by rats on the approach of bubonic plugue was described by Dr. W. R. Hadwen, lecturing before the Institute of Sanitary F.iucineers. According to a French missionary who had studied the phenomenon, said Dr. Hadwen, the rats "leave their holes end crevices, and issue on the floor
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  • 94 8 The Japanese freighter, Yei Msru Xo. 2, which went on the rocks at the Nine Pins on May 21, had not yet been refloated when the mail left Hongkong, though the Taikoo engineers who were busily encaged on salvage operations, were of the opinion that they would be able to
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  • 402 8 Paymaster Cadet D. A. Wilson hat bean appointed to H. M. S. Hawkins, Bagihip of the- China Station. T!->- Coioninl Office have eppoin ,il til following medical officers to Mulav.i Major W. J. E. Phillips ami Mr. .1. T>\ i Phillip*. plr. R. Craik, of Mcsfi-s. McAlister
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  • 67 8 A concert free to children will bo given in the Victoria Theatre to-day, at o p.m. sharp. An excellent programme' has been aprange-d comprising the usual orchestral, vocal and dance items, while the humorous portion is in the capable hands of Mr. A. F. Peate. A r^al treat
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  • 70 8 Mr. J. L. Freeman, who has been appointed an officer under the new Rubber Restriction Ordinance, had his first action i>-(!ay. when he mentioned the case of Too Kfp.;,', who is charged with import•r,j{, without a permit, $(5,000 worth <■! rubber, which was Drought !>>' a
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  • 126 8 The report of the directors of Whiteaway, Laidlaw an<| Co., Ltd. for the year <nl(d February 28. liij:i shews t>iat thu firm made a profit of f 100,271 12a. Od. After providing for the payment of th;preference dividends t> December 31. 1922, and an interim dividend on
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  • 218 8 I The first annual general meeting of th 3 Planters' Association of Malaya (Incorporated in the F.M.S. by enactment) will be hel-1 on Wednesday, June 20, at Kuala Lumpur. There arc many important matters on the agenda for discussion, including proposals that the Governments of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 Special No. 21 NO OTHER PC^£^AL^|jfi < GIVES BETTER VALUE AT I ivy llr r i H J 3J^s^lnlM*Mrafußi I j "^*fc^ _***v^ airtight tins. NEW STOCKS OF Tenms Balls AYRES' CHAMPIONSHIP Price $10.50 per dozen. The Ball in greatest demand. SLAZENGER'S "HARD COiJRT" Price $10.50 per dozen. WISDEN'S STANDARD
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    • 128 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT WATCH YOUR STEP 5 Parti. Featuring CULLEN LANDIS and PATSY RUTH MILLER. COUSIN KATE S Parta. Featuring ALICE JOYCE. First Show HANDS OFF 5 Parti. Featurlm TOM MIX. MATCHING WIT 2 Reel Drama. TAN CIIENG KEE Co., Ltd., Proprietors. Electric Lamps Every genuine G.-E. Edison lamp will bear
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  • 699 9 References to the Singapore Dealings. Reuter's Service London, June 2. Speaking before the Opium Committee of the League of Nations at Geneva, on May 28, Mr. Chao Hsin-Chu said there was no reason why the Governments of the Far Eastern colonies fliould not effectively and gradually suppress the
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  • 182 9 Trial of the Directors And Accountants. Reuter's Service London, June 2. Paris At the trial of the prisoners connected with the Banque Industrielle de Chine, M. Berthelot attributed the Bank's losses to the world crisis and the growing hostility of the international consortium. M. Pernotte acknowledged that there
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  • 162 9 Legislation Needed to Ease Situation. Reuter's Service London, June 2. Washington: Strict application of the Supreme Gourt's liquor (Jjcivion is practically decided upon by the Treasury officials, who hold out no hope of meeting the view of foreign powers, through regulatory provisions. Officials state that nothing short of legislation
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  • 107 9 Renter's Service London, June 2. The I inar.cier expresses the opinion that the silver situation is likely sdtti to undergo important modification with the cessation of purchases under the Pitt man Act. As regards the fall in price, this is more or less inevitable as the result of
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  • 43 9 Reuter's Service London, June 2. The latest sequel to the exhaustion of the British quota of immigrants to the United States is that a number of passengers aboard of a train bound to Buffalo from Canada were detained on the border.
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  • 39 9 Reuter's Service London, June 2. TVaoehwang The bandits have released eight of their captives. London, June 2. It is officially intimated that a large American fleet, with 1,700 midshipmen from Annapolis Academy, will visit the Clyde in July.
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  • 317 9 New Proposal Expected From Germany. Reuter's Service London, June 3. There is keen expectation that Germany's new reparations offer will be delivered this week. Industrial magnates have formally offered the German Government a proportion of their assets as a guarantee for payments to the Allies. The aStf is accompanied
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  • 60 9 Thousands of Lives Reported Lost. REUTER'S SERVICE London, June 3. Teheran An earthquake lasting ull through the day occurred on May 20 at Turbat-i-llaitiari and the surrounding districts over a radius of fourteen miles. Thirty viHages and hamlets were destroyed. Forty corpses have been recovered from Turbat and
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  • 136 9 Reuter's Service London, June 2. Riga The Bolshevist press is hostile to Earl Curzon's reply to the latest Soviet note, declaring that Grcbt Britain is bent on a rupture and that the Soviet government should take up the challenge. London, June 2. Reval A message from Moscow states
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  • 60 9 RIUTKK'S SERVICE London, June 2. Washington President Harding discussed the tariff situation With Mr. Marvin, chairman of the tariff Commission, and afterwards it was announced at White House that Mr. Harding will not consider a modification of the sugar tariff with a view to reducing sugar prices, because
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  • 1371 9 Suggestions for Efficient Control. The new Restriction Ordinance passed by the Federal Council makes the transfer of coupons illegal except with the consent of the Controller. The change is very good as far as it goes but it does not seem to us to go far enough,
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  • 527 9 We notice that H.E. the Governor and High Commissioner is about to pay an official visit to Trengganu and Kelantan. Every man has his own theory of duty, but we do not think that it would violate the best precedents if our Governor took the opportunity of
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  • 741 9 Useful Report by the Business Manager. In connection with the flotation of Malayan China-clay and Potteries, Limited, we have received the following repoi i prepared by Mr. Reading, Business Manager, which interestingly tupplemenl the information given in the prospectus Gopon;:, .June 1. As a number
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  • 127 9 Heart Failure While Bathing At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 4. Capt. A. R. Hunter, of the steamer Ipoh, died suddenly on Friday afternoon. It appeals that immediately after tiffin at the Runnymede Hotel, he went for a bathe with a friend,
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  • 61 9 According to particulars received at the company's offices in Singapore, the deceased went for a bathe with the manager of the Runnymede Hotel, and had not been in the water for more than five minutes when his companion found him floating face downwards a few yards from the shore. Medical
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 361 10 Singapore Deteaf Iskander Club And Retains K. O. R. Cup. The tournament arranged by the Singapore Polo Club commenced a. Balestier on Saturday afternoon, when a match took place between tha Singapore Club and the Iskander Club for tho K.O.R. Cup. The Singapore Club aro the
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    • 191 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, Junj 2. The IYnanp; v. Pcrak Match commenced to-day. Fine weather prevailed until 11.45 when rain stopped play until after lunch. Penang was all out for 164. Scores were as follows Penang.— Bird net out 62, La Brooy c Che '.van b Her.nessy 2,
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    • 364 10 World's Feather Weight Championship. [Reuter's Service.] London, June 2. New York In a contest ior the world's feat hci -weight championship, Kugene Criqui, European champion, knocked out Johnny Kilbane, the holder, in the sixth round. Kilbane fought mostly on the defen»ive, always awaiting a chhn.>.' to send over his
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    • 287 10 Trying Time in Yesterday S. R. Y. C. 1 Fixture. Twelve boats faced the starter for the first race for the Guillemard Challenge up yesterday. Kathleen was first across, j followe-d by Poll* and Irene, with Margaret, Ilelcr., and Jean in a bunch. There was very little wind and
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    • 36 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, June 2. A NewmaVket veterinary surgeon has examined Town Guard with very satisfactory re.-uit. The horse moveJ well to-day and there is no reason why his Deiby chances should be affected.
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    • 25 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, June 2. i At Chiswick in the finil of the Klddlefex ohampionship, Miss McKane beat Mrs. Mallory 6—3, 6—2.'
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 84 10 [Keuter's Service.] London, June 3. Amsterdam In the Davis Cup first round, Holland beat Italy by th>M matches to two. i London, June 3. I Amsterdam Van Lennep (Holland) beat De Morpurgo (Italy) 6 l. o—fi,0 fi, C,_ 3, fl 2. Diemerkool (Holland) belt Colombo (IUly) (J— 2,
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    • 84 10 I The nvjlch between the R.E. soccer team and the S.C.F.A. 11. on the Pulo Brani ground on Saturday, resulted in a draw of two goals all. The following will play for the Y. M. C. A. against the R. IC. to-morrow on the S.C.F.A. ground, in a second
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    • 174 10 The result of the two-ball foursome Ii between Married and Single played at the Keppel' Golf Club yesterday was a win for the latter. Married scores arc given first Montgomery and Mair 0, Jones and Campbell IU. Ban mi and Hurt 0, Fortune and Bisset 0. Strachan and Kennedy
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  • 206 10 The Empire is. screening Trumpet Island for another three nights. In addition there will be a special interest film, entitled Universal City, a panoramic review of the studios of the Universal Film Manufacturing Company in California. In the «arly show a. 7.30 episodes 7 and 8 of Bound
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    • 417 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I do not think lhat your correspondent Chicoln has rightly understood me, but life being too short I do not fee! inclined to argue with him. Only, I must say that I did not, and I never
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    • 545 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The letter on education by a Disciple of Bacon 'n your issue <;i the 30th May should serve as food for r*'tteat tion and serious consieieration to those wSs> aie responsible for the English education policy in the Straits. This is a
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  • 102 10 The Tainbunan correspondent of ihe British North Borneo Herald wi Tembunan nati.ves are holding out fox ccnjugal rights. There have been two L-ases lately in which this has been amply demonstrated. In the first case a wit-ouss-was asked what pert he took in :h<proceedings. "Oh" he eaid, in
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  • 1107 10 New Proposals at the Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club was held yesterd .y morning at the club premises. Hie President (Mr. H. K. W. Lobb) took the ekttir, ;.nd was supported by Mr. Williar.i C. Hill (v'icc-preside.'it), Mr. V. Penrice (vicecaptain), Mr.
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  • 608 10 Safeguarding Cameron's Highlands Against Infection. Following i-re minutes of :i meeting of the Malaria Advisory Board, held in the Council chamber, Government Ottice;, Kuala Lumpur, on April 7, at 10.:;o a.m. l're-scnt. Dr. it. Dowtlen (vice-Chair-man), Dr. A. 1. Stanum, Mr. J. Strachan, liv. A. R. Wellington,
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    • 83 10 Singapore, June 1. Rubber.—London Is. -%d. Local 52. Tin.—London, Jim- 2, i.:;)? Ga, Local ?t-0. (50 tons solti.) Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers. —Flat. Tins.—TaipingsST'v-:^ 1^ centi, Norths I.2J^-1.27'i, Souths !)7 I.^-1.02'-'.,RawainfN L2O-1.86, Nawng Pel.; l^2V%-l-Z7^4, Uta Fiahs 1.52'i-j.57^. Ton<rkah Jlarbours 10.50-11, Linguis 4.20-4.40. General.—Straits Steamships 277.50-' 282.50,
      83 words
    • 85 10 Singapore, Ju::2 1. Tin.— £l97 ss. Rubber.— ls. 3%i, Kuhbois.— New Brojras 52 57. Indrajjiris 4.75-5.05, Kempat :.)0-l.tio. Malakoffs 3-3.15, Malaka Pincias I.47'AUSSH, Ulu Benuts 2a-:{2, KatoyanK Bahrus 9",- 1.05. Mentakabs 24-28, AlUnbys 1.17'.-j-J.22'_., Mandai Tekoiurs 47H-S2H. Mining. Johans 41-45, Collieries 21.75--.L.2"), Souths 9D-1.02, Taipinjjs 87V4-82V4,
      85 words
  • 25 10 At the Government House ball on Saturday the catering and refreshment* were by the Europe H Hel, under thu management of Mr. Arthur E. Odell.
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  • 376 10 Brilliant Function At Government House. Those whoee experience of Government Houre functioni goes back over a number of yean can remember no ba|.uicr or more successful affair than ;'he ball jriv. n by Hit FrreH^rj and l.ady (iuilknard en Saturday ii honour of His Majesty's birthday. A combination
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  • 466 10 Reference* To-day In Supreme Court. Reference* were made in the Supreme Court this morning to the death of the late Mr. K. H. Koetk, senior member of the b:ii. There WM a large attendance of number.* of the lcg^l profession, an i theChid Ju-ticc, Sir Walter
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  • 93 10 The piogramme of the Bishop's visitation, June (i to June 11, is as follow.- June <">.— At the Medical Mission. 5.30 pjii. evensong, ci p.m. Medical Mission committee meeting:. June 7. 7.30 a.m. matin?., 6.30 p.m. confirmation. June 8. 7.30 a.m. holy communion, 8 a.m. matins, 5.30
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  • 2503 11 One Hundred Years of Varied Fortunes. The Founder and His Purpose. (Contributed.) To-morrow, Tuesday, June 5, will be a red-letter day in the history of RaffleInstitution, Singapore. One hundred years ago, on June 5, 1823, the foundation stone of the present building was well and truly laid by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 "His Master's Voice" GRAMOPHONE Stands supreme among musical instruments having made a place for itself unique in the annals of the Musical World. Call to-day, we will be pleased to demonstrate these to you. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. »»*..»»♦♦«>♦ X&NCHER CROSS" THE ALL-BRITISH TYRE BY ALL STOCKISTS.
      135 words
    • 191 11 NOTICE Mr. Arshak Sarkies has received wire that his brother, Mr. Aviet Sarkies, passed away suddenly at Paris. Out of respect for the deceased, all engagements at our Establish* ments will cease till Tuesday, June 5. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors of RAFFLES HOTEL, GROSVENOR HOTEL, SEA VIEW HOTEL. Adelptii Hotel THE
      191 words

  • 272 12 Stabilising of Australian Prices. The Victorian Egg Producers' Federation has issued to its members a brand by which individual producer's eggs may be known in the market. The brand is circular. Across the centre are the words Golden Yolk, and around the margin the name of the Federation
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  • 105 12 Amalgamated.— l9,oo6 lbs. lialau.— 22,ooo lbs. Bukit Kepong. 6,649 lbs. Bukit Kiara.— l6,ooo lbs. lir.M.klands.— ll.flOO lbs. Beranang. 18,510 lbs. (hembong.— 2l,74B lbs. Cheras.— 2o,ooo lbs. C'onneraara. 8,595 lbs. Darrang. 9,245 lbs. Fosbrcrr.^J.OOt lbs. Hamilton.— lo,43o lbs. Jeram Padang.— lo,422 lbs. Kamasan. 9,450 lbs. Kundor.— ls3s lbs.
    105 words
  • 1191 12 Sailors' Songs of Tacks And Sheets. Sir Herbert Russell wrote the following interesting article for the Naval and Military Record Not very long ago I was watching the (nowadays) rare sight of a big sailing ship getting under way in the Downs. Her lower canvas fell in festoons
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 251 12 Tea Be on your guard if careless dealers oner you "airtight" or "hermetically sealed" tins when you ask for the vacuum tin. Only Brooke Bond tea is packed in genuine vacuum tins. There is no other tea and no other tin "just as good." You don't have to pay extra
      251 words
    • 283 12 HAIPHONG ■jjSbk DRAGON v V^^j^_J^^^ \«J JEL& JL If JL JLji JL^I JL Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, FM.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractor?. DUPIRE BROS. Bole Ac eati, Bißf apmrfc CHOCOLATE is better to drink than Cocoa. Try the best made chocolate
      283 words
    • 158 12 St.Dunstatfs Manufactured in England and Sold in a1 parts of the British Empire in support of St. Dunstans Home 4^T y^y for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors. J^ jt y^^^k Quite apart from sympathy with St. Dnny'HB stand, every effort has been made to jfl^B provide a Cigarette that ran fully
      158 words

  • 1085 13 Life Three Hundred Thousand Years Ago. The oldest woman in the world was found the other day— that it to »ay, her skull and a few other bones that once belonged to her under circumstances of very remarkable interest, says Popular Scienfffv: Sifting*. She lived, it is
    1,085 words
  • 27 13 Mr. Justice Tierney's decision that the New York State law exempting new buildings from taxation for ten (years was unconstitutional has been reverse'! by the Supreme Court.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 615 13 HOUSES, BUSINESS rRKMIS2B AND! COUOWNS TO LET COMPOUND HOUSES 902 Upper Beraagoon Koad, flood water Bad garage. No. 9, 9 b and S> a, Gilstead Road. Vendibona, No. 6-1, Oraoge Grove Road. One seaiide bungalow at Bedok, off Eait Coaat Road. SHOPHGUSFS. OFFICES STOKES AND GODOWNS. 100-2 and 100 S
      615 words
    • 576 13 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF YEO CHEOW YAM (DECEASED) Pursuant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. lit (Trustees). NOTICE ia hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Yeo Cheow Yam, deceased, who died on October 12, 1922, at Singapore, and to whose estate
      576 words
    • 239 13 Libby's Evaporated Milk is more than twice as rich in solid content as ordinary tinned sterilized miik. It is a superior pack of evaporated milk and you are always safe in using it j Libby's Evaporated Milk is so rich that it whips like j cream use it with fresh
      239 words
    • 155 13 HEPATONE (RegUtered Trade-mark) A granular effervescffnt Sodii Phosph. compound, containing Sodii Phosph., Phenolpnthaline and Lithii CitrHS. It is an indispensible eliminant presented to the medical world. It cleanses the system from waste products and purifies the blood. HEPATONE AS A LIVER STIMULANT SODII PHOSPH. has been ascribed hy RUTHERFOItn VICNAL
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 453 14 Twinju^ ■we frs* 3'• "■< Bu. r •♦^^.^■sl EaV/tsaVW^ sssss^lnMMsßa^WaltssV'^gC TWINK WILL MAKE YOUR DRESS MORE BECOMING It is such a simple matter to have frocks in the colours that suit ycu— TWINK THEM. You need not have a single faded frqck or one in a colour you don't like
      453 words
    • 433 14 ■■■■■wmwiimmb ■■■■m UMiniaißWM ill ii aMßalWslwaajelßa^BMaijaalsisialsTaWslaMasaaaaaaaasßsaßaTaTsßßaMslßßaMajaiajKWWaiU 1 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance In fore* over $17,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. > (Incorporated ia Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE t Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82. Old Jewry, E.C. I The Company has £10,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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    • 445 14 (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ml BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD.. INDIA. Authorised Capital £6,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up. £2,694,160 Reserve Fund S 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of
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    • 522 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed w Y60,000,000 Capital Paid-up Y52.600.000 Reserve Fund Y11,780,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. Denckichi Takita, Esc M. Esaki, Esq. I T. Hisamune, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formoso (Taiwan). BRANCHES
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    • 588 14 ■—■——■im jam BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised 13,000,000 Capital Subscribed £1,800,000 Capital Paid-up £1,060,000 Reserve F-ind and Rent £1,352,105 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chairman. J M. Kyrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Yule,
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  • 501 15 A Doctor on the White and Dark Races. The inability of the whi'.e man to adapt himself to the coloured man's ccuntry was one of many interesting points explained by Dr. Leonard Wiliianis, recently, in the first of two lec:ji, at the Jinyal Institution, London, on The
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  • 248 15 Possibility of Connecting Ceylon With India. The question of establishing telephonic communication between India and Burma mis now taken a definite form, and it is learnt that the authorities there are making arrangements to instal telephone repeaters at five intermediate points. Further, the Indian authorities propose placing
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  • 93 15 Programme of Drills up to and for June 10 Monday, 4th. 5.15 p.m., A Co., Lewis gun instruction, Drill Hall. Wednesday, Cth. 5.15 p.m., A Co., attack formations, Eurasian Co., route march, Drill Hall. Friday, Bth. 5.15 p.m., A Co., street fighting, Drill Hall. Saturday, 9th. 2.30
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 216 15 The appearance on Singapore Roads of the 1923 Model ESSEX TOURING CAR, has undoubtedly placed at the service of the Public a four-cylinder, 5 passenger car which is equalled by few and excelled by none. I Compare the price, equipment and appearance of this car with other cars now on
      216 words
    • 201 15 y- THE CHASM BRIDCEL^S 'tp mr w fo) [q 5 c jy pi /*\Tr^■v^^L-.Tv^^rimir [is\ fill T ffifNf] When the crude horseless carriage arrived, paving the way for to-day's automobile, it found Dunlop Tyres the first successful pneumatics— developed and in wide-spread use on bicycles. From that time to this
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 287 16 lUAN KIAT ft CO LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) Bhlpchandlers and General Contractors, 23, P1111.1.1P STREET. Send your orders to us and be aasared of oar FIRST QUALITY GOODS ROCK-liOTTOM PRICES AND SPECIAL SERVICES In the shipchandlery business. A trial order will convince you that onr claims are fully proven. Enquire
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    • 253 16 Ladies Please Note THE PARISIAN HOUSE 5, ORCHARD ROAD Has removed to 18, STAMFORD ROAD (In the same premises as Au Bon Marche.) Why Import Battens with Veneer Chests, when same can be got locally and cheaply. LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET. LATRILLE~and GINESTET BORDEAUX P^ High Class IS
      253 words
    • 864 16 CLASSIFIED tn VERTISEMENTS Tke PREPAID charges for Wants. For Sale, To Let, etc, la ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one lrsertloo 28 cents, two las. 46 eta, three lr.s. 64 eta, four ins. 82 cts, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.1.1, tea ins.
      864 words
    • 900 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 70, Prinsep Street, gas and water. Apply 9, Clarke Quay. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry im mediate. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, 107, North Bridge Road and SC and 37, Coleman Street. Entry from December 1. Apply to Meyer
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    • 853 16 OPTICAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Cleaned, Repaired and Adjusted. JOHN~DUKE OPTICIAN, 12, BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. GOVERNMENT NOTICE Traders will be received at t!ie Colonial Secretary'^ Office, up to noon of June 5, 1923, for the following works 1. Alterations to Kandang Kerbnu Hos pital, to form un Operation Theatre and MHtvrnity
      853 words
    • 256 16 Evening Gowns Parisian Corsets American Silk Hose Parisian Lingerie. European Attendance PRINCESS 6AKiM,fr§ £3 4, BAFFLES CQAMUKE3, (Oppfslta Rot>'m»<m's) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ~^6t6graphs" For the heat of SVWrjrtfclag in SVSIJ liranch of Photography MR. BUCKERIDGE Phore 1898 THE ONLY El ROPEAN STIDIO in the COLONY IS, OBCHAKD
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 199 16 THE STRAITS TH8E3 TIULPHOMM I Editorial and Geaevai U.u t «> OJlc 411 eomuiunicatioM HkttM to •<!'»"'■*> m«Uer« and n*wi ikooid be *ddr««»*s THE EDITOR. All eommunieaUei* .-eUtinf to buiineii mUtere— »d'7erti«a»*»t» lubicriptioni, account., Kjfjgf.-T* 1 akoald be eddrewed to THE ilA.M-OS* ADVERTISEMENT EATES. «7«nti, For S»ie, To L»t. »U.,
      199 words