The Straits Times, 28 May 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,261 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 ■By *r m' 1 VM THE OLD ORIGINAL j GENUINE SWISS MILK. I BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE IN THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES. STERILIZED NATURAL MILK. (LARGE AND SMALL TINS) Preserved in all its Natural Richness and Purity, containing all its original cream, without the addition of sugar or any
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    • 333 1 ■UMiMw^immmwMiimaatmiliiMlintiwmMiirrini aCSBBafIXSBBBBBBBBZBfIIBBXBBBBBa ■j 1 B aBBBHMJBBB^ 8888 l **********8 l J^ BBBBi MB r\Hlibllil i ~Fi g THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE i^jW GUARANTEED FOR EVER. MB M&rffn\ THE RALEIGH is known the world over as the "ALL-STEEL BICYCLE." l*>uilt in a factory famed for its up-to-date methods, it is the outcome
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  • 481 2 French "Traitor" Who Was Innocent. The pitiful story of Jules Strimelle, the village blacksmith of a little French I town near Maubeuge, shot as a traitor in liH4, has Jatcly conic out, says the Literary Digest, through the efforts of his widow to hfcve her husband's memory
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  • 466 2 THE LOSS OF THE OKARA. Terrible Experiences of The Chinkoa. The Br?'.ish India S^eiam Navigation Company's steamer Chinkoa, which left Akyab on May 7 to search for th e Okara, arrived in Calcutta on May 11. She reports that no trace of the missing steamer was seen during her search.
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  • 106 2 I When a man made three calls with in two hours at a hairdresser's shop in Chicago to get a shave, and each time founcJ that the same customer was being lathered, he began tp wonder ana told the police. The police called at the hairdresser's, and found
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 i boy wn broazht up on j| 'f Iq2( mut it 'bf only perfect food." II X*% Baby's peaceful sleep Peaceful sleep at t!:c right time is as necessary to Baby as the right and c;uanti.y of food. If he docs |S not sleep, or is restliss in sleep,
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    • 243 2 F. Z. 2 4 German H.P. or 3 6 English H.P. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND HYDRANTS (MADE IN GERMANY.) r ______u ii > *?3__ r ly^y* __y~ jj Stocks and Spare parts kept. For demonstration and prices apply ALSAGOFF CO (Import Department). Sole Agent*. S.S., F.M.S, Slam and Dutch Indie*. 96
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    • 158 2 Continental CORD TYRES FOR Speed, Reliability and Economy CHOP fiwJ_sJ3 KUI)A THE HALLMARK. OF PERFECTION. SUPPLIES FROM ALL REPUTABLE DEALERS. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) SOLE DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR MALAYA. si:iti sa is 1 1 hi tTiiyitnttin- Support Local Rubber Industries by Wearing Tmw mjsr W\m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 367 3 STEAMER SAILINGS INIO-UMNA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporate!! Is Hoagkoaf) Direct Bcrrlce te Japaa via Hangkons aad 8V»i«t,»l and to Calcatta ria Peaan* from Siagapara. T»king Cargo on taroaga Bills of Ltdlmg for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Aiacy, Ckefoo, Tieotiia, Newchwang, Yangtase Ports, FormoM, tae Fatlrppiaes, etc. rOfc I'ENAXG AND CALCUTTA
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    • 407 3 MOTHERHOOD Thu sutrcrings and fatigues of mattrnity ha'x- exhausted you. Your vitality, of which yuu have been so magnificently generous, is today reduced, weakened, spent. And now, more than ever, it is necessary that your blood should be rich, pure and plentiful, for during the long months to come upon
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    • 1055 3 NASH CASE AFTERTHOUGHTS. Wash-tubs for Women and Asylums For Men. Winifrid Blatchford, writing in the "Evening Standard of March 17, says If the case of Captain Nash and his wife's debts is amazing and sensational it is not uncommon. Ever since fig leaves came into fashion a certain type uf
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    • 850 3 NOTICE is hereby given that the aboveTrade Mark reprcsentiutc the device ol a Gold Coin is the Trade Mark of Chew Liam Poh carrying on business ot No. 10, Upper Nankin Street, Singapore, and is used by him in respect of Condensed Milk, Soxps, Chinese and Java Tobaccos, Cigarettes and
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    • 176 3 Colorite MAKES OLD HATS NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED BLACK (DULL) VICTORY BLUE BLACK (GLOSSY) CARDINAL RED LAVENDER VIOLET NAVY BLUE NATUREL CADET BLUE BROWN SAGE GREEN CERISE YELLOW BURNT STRAW. Price 60cts, Obtainable at Mayiiard Co., Ltd. :-9 i^rT"' i/f Its world-wide popularity is due to its n\ 111 mature
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 810 4 STEAMER SAUMS P. 0.-Eritish India «»<? Apear Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWERP Due Singapore Leave Singapore MAI WA June 10 I NYANZA June
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    • 702 4 STEAMER StUINGS KONNIKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ <sU)IAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAYIA) (Incorporated In Holland) CXDIK CONTSACT WITH THI NITHBRLANDS INDIA tJOTsULftaUMT. Telepkeae Naa. Puaage De».t, 111, Freight Depc, 1101, Marina Dot. aad Tranialjaeat Dept 1457. Manajrar 1 Dept I*M, BRANDAN— May 28, Djambi. VAN DER LYN— May 29, Letong, Kraraat,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 STEAMER SAHJNBS N. Y. K. LONDON LINE Kttaao Maru May 29 Haruna Mara June 12 LIVERPOOL LINE Tatsuno Maru June 26 HAMBURG LINE Dakar Maru mid. June TsurufM Maru mid. July NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN LINE Kavaeht Man aad Jaaa Kamakura Maru end July BOMBAY LINE Wakaaa
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    • 408 5 STEAMER SAHJNeS O.S.K. rrsaaaia SaUlmas fiwai TtnmnrT(sabjaai chaage wtthoat fttntma witHl.) BtTBOPBAM UNI Far Marseilles, Londoa, Haaebmraj, Battco aaaa, Antwerp, via Colombo, Saea aad Pert Bald. Arr. AMUR MARU June 21 June 22 SHUNKO MARU July 10 July 11 Omit Marseilles. RIWTOU UNI Far Baa Fraadaaa, Paaasaa, Mew Term, rU
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    • 743 5 STEAMER SM.IHBS "ELLERMAN" LINE ELLBRMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP < 0., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER Dme~Slngapore PASSENBER SERVICE~ OUTWARDS. t s.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China and Japan June 2 ts.s. CITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oct. 5 s.s. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Nov. 16 s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 276 6 CINEWfIS EMPIRE CINEMA From Monday, May 28 tv Wednesday, May 30. In the Second Show at 9.30 p.m. GLIMPSES OF SINGAPORE An excellent local scenic production, about 1.200 feet long. FRANK MAYO SuppprtcJ by MOLLY MALONE In a strikingly emotional drama of the West ACROSS THE DEAD LINE And episodes
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    • 322 6 WHITEAWAYS LADIES' RIBBON HATS. wßj fiS^l Smart shape in self colours, HHK^^A^^ shades as follows Brown, U yMj. Tan and Black. :7V LADIES RIBBED TW^ Vj j VESTS Ljj\ JWt Coo and comfortable fit t i DRESSES and will stand hard O^J j |f;|| Brown, Grey. V.wn. washing. w 1.1
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  • 191 7 DAILY THE TABLE FIXTUREB. Monday, May 28 H it'll Water, M a.m., 9.8 p.m. Taeaday, May 29 HiKh Water, 10.0 a.m., 9.47 p.m. Football League 11, Kx-Servieei v. Seletar U., ?.C.C. Football League If, Malaya F.C. T. S.C.C., M.<l»ya. Football League 11, Harlequins v. V.M.C.A., S.C.F.A. If Four Walls Told,
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    • 100 7 East Wharf Basin—Nil. Baal Wharf Teeatsi, Humphius. iheers Wharf Barentsz. Sain Wharf i-nriti.i Maru, Ipoh, Takada, Voidel. Kitano Mara. hnpit>- Dock Kangaroo, Bcnavon, Gorjistan, Jim, Hadaaa. Gnscoyne, Ayuthia. *\Mt Wharf—Nil Ja-dinrs Wharf -Lake Fielding. Plio Urani fonl Wharf—Nil. Kcppcl Harbour. Hah Wharf Ballot!*, islander, F.M.S Lißht«*-a
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    • 222 7 BENAVON, Brit, 3,3-13 tons, from London 26-5, for Hongkong 28-6. CITY OF FLORENCE, Brit., 4:391 tons, from T:ll<u 17-* for unc. DIANA DOLLAR, Ainer., 4,321 tons, froiv Kriscu 27-J, for Batavia 29-5. FLOUT, Dut, StiG tons, from Sunda 27-5, foi Sonnbaya 30-5. GLANCUS, fcrlfc, 4,7 M tons, from
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  • 222 7 To-day. Port Swettenhtm ana Paaang S p.m Batu Bsfcmt p.m .V«lacc:i and Hunr 3 p.m. Malacca and Mu»r 4 p.m t'uUu Soegi ...4 p.m Palembang 4 p.m P. Snmbu, An*nib;v, Tutuna Islands and Scrassan 1 p.m. {Saigon, I 'ouruiic and Haipiionjr 4 pjt finigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and
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  • 37 7 MAILS FOR EUROPE. rhongwa Doneola Porthoi Grotiua i:il.-nifa Naukin (.en S'por* Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. IS Apr. 16 Apr. i-i Apr. 24 Arra. Londoi Apr. SI M., I JUy I v»y II Mar 1' May 2
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  • 190 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 28. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/4.4 Private 0 m. credits 2/4 15/32 °p^T Y 9 c o Ik d/ DemaiKl gE' Private 90 d/s 56*6 On France, Bank 745 On India, Bank T. T. 174 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1%
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  • 62 7 Mampore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prico» Buyerj. Sel'.en. Spot Spot June June July-Sept ,Ialy-Sept. Oct-Dec Oct.-Dec. Tone of the market Quiet. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 2 'id. Sugapore Standard Slbbed Smoked Sheet Cloalng Prices. Bayers, Seller*. 51 51 H 51 V4
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    • 206 7 . lal. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 Batang Padang 0.48 0.53 1 1 Hit am Tin 1.35 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 mom 1 1 Johan Tin 0.40 045 '1 £1 Kam. Kamunting £2.5.0 £2.6.0 I.) 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.25 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.20 4.40 L 0
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    • 140 7 . VaL I'd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 4.13.3 4.16.3 10 10 Central Engines 9.75 10.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.15 3.30 n £1 E." Smelting Co. 6.85 7.10 5/- 5/- Elcc. Tramways 1/6 2/6 10 10 Fraser Ncave 57.00 38.00 ">|| 50 Hammer and Co. 135 140
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    • 116 7 U. En?. 6 p.c $1,284,300 par 5 p-c. pa* Spore Electric Tramway*, 6 p.e. £350,000 mbu Spore Municipal S p.*. $1,878,000 p«r. Spore Municipal i% p.fc of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.-. dis. Spore Municipal 4% p.c of 1909 $1,600,500 p.e. dla. Spore Municipal 4H PA of 1909 $1,50 C,000
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    • 399 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. AllenbyNew(sl) 1.10 1.20 1.12% 1.17% Mor Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.10 1.20 Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.00 A.. Kilning ($1) 0.40 0.60
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 656 7 'LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Adrta., sec page 16. THE FRENCH are specialists in Chocolates, nnl boutron makes the best of them. His Nougat and Chocolates arc at H. Boltc.-, Dlr-ct Importer, Europe Hotel Ballding. FRENCH YOUNG LADY~sp7aking~Enci73h wirhes post as nursery governess. Apply 2355, Straits Times.""VACANCIES FILLED. Applicants thanked. C.
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    • 108 7 Sunbeams WINNERS 1922 SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY AND 1922 FRENCH GRAND PRIX. "IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST." PRICE should not always be the first consideration. It is not good policy to be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish. A few pounds more on a Machine in its initial cost, but which
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    • 671 7 Ordinance No. 44 (Bankruptcy). IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In Bankruptcy No. 12t of 1923. RE SOUTHERN TRADING CO. EXPARTE HOCK MOH LIM SAWMILL COCreditors. To SOH CKYE MATT. Managing Partner ol the abovenamed Debtors of No. 126, Serangoon Road, Singapore. TAKE NOTICE that
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    • 267 7 VICTORIA THEATRE TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1923, AT 9.30. SPECIAL RETURN VISIT I OF THE COURTNEIDGE HOLLOWAY COMPANY Tiifsdav. May 29. IF FOUR WALLS TOLD Wednesday, May .'!0. THE BAT Thursday, May 31. BULLDOG DRUMMOND Friday, June 1. THE SECOND MRS. TANQUERAY Prices $4, $3, $2 and $1. Booking opens at
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  • 21 8 DEATH OSBORNJE.- -On May 19, 1928, Francis Douglas Oshornc of Rosnarcc, Slanc, Co. Meath. Irelard, after a serious operation. Bj cable.
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  • 36 8 Messrs. Yap Twee and Yap Soo Hock and family thank al! the relations and friends who attended the funeral of thuir father, Yap Tai Pow and those who sent wreaths, scrolls and letters of condolence.
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  • 1088 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, MAY 28. SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE. We gave pretty fully on Saturday the recent debate in the House of Commons on the proposed creation of a naval base at Singapore. It is impossible to read the report without amazement. Member after member seems to have laboured under
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  • 51 8 The latest Ceylon sensation is the elopement of a well-known Sinhalese lady, a married daughter of the Hon. Mr. A. J. R. de Soysa. a former unofficial member of the Legislative Council, with a European planter, Mr. L. H. King, to Madras, where the latter is being charged before a
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  • 57 8 We have received a copy of the programme and souvenir of the Final Cup tie between Bolton Wanderers and Westham united, played at the Empire Stadium, Wembley, on April 28. It contains several illustrations of the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition, including one of the entrance to the Malay pavilion in
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  • 69 8 Cutting the first sod of the site of the Australian pavilion, in the British Empire Exhibition, the High Commissioner for Australia mentioned that Australia had acquired six acres. The pavilion alone would cover three and a half acres for the display of Australian resource*. The Commonwealth authorities were spending a
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  • 25 8 Owing to the absence of the Rev. G. 11. Douglas in Kuala Lumpur, the Bible Study will not be held at the V.M.C.A. to-night (Monday.)
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  • 28 8 There will be no monthly meeting for May of the Y.W.C.A. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, June 25, when Bishop Ferguson Davie will speak.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 is $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Us. 17G is $100.
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  • 27 8 Sir William Herdman has presented Liverpool University with £20.000 for the provision of a building for the Department of Geology in memory of the late Lady Herdman.
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  • 35 8 The members of the Anjuman-i-Islam and others are requested to note that owing to the month of Ramdan, the May and June number of The Muslim will appear in the early part of next month.
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  • 42 8 It is proposed to form a class in advanced shorthand in connection with the V.M.C.A. School of Commerce. Those wishing to join are requested to send heir names to the General Secretary before June 5. Further particulars will bs furnished on application.
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  • 65 8 On the evening of May 14, a two-storied building, occupied by Galati's tobacco store, collapsed at Peking presumably due to adjoining building operations disturbing the foundations. Four men, including one foreigner, were buried in the debris, one Chinese being fatally injured. The French Legation guards, who were promptly on the
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  • 72 8 The Malay Mail states that judgment was given on Wednesday, in the civil court in the case in which Mr. Faucett sued Messrs J. A. Russell and Co. for $327.50 damages as a result of a motor car collision in Syers Road. Mr. McClausland, the magistrate, gave judgment for plaintiff
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  • 69 8 The Chief Judicial Commissioner at I Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, heard an application by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to revise the decision of the Kuala L,umpur magistrate that his court had no jurisdiction to try a case against Mr. K. T. Ganapathy Pillai, under the Stamps Enactment. His Lordship ordered
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  • 88 8 A cable from Johannesburg states that hundreds of people in motor cars tui'l motor-cycles from Pretoria and the Rand, ;r on push bikes, donkey carts or ox wagons from the countryside are streamng in a great rush to the new gold fields in Batavia, in the Mameelboom district, to the
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  • 128 8 The steamer Royalty, the CanadianPacific boat used in war-time as a hospital ship and afterwards bought by the Scindia Steam Navigation Company for twenty-six lakhs of rupees, is now being broken up. She was a dead loss to the company,' and was never run except at a loss, for her
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  • 117 8 In his report on meteorological work done on Gunong Tahan in 1922, Mr. H. C. Robinson says that the expenditure, exclusive of temporary allowances and passages to Europe, was $36,782. The mean annual temperature at a height of 5,460 feet was 62.7 F. In the whole year .twenty-three days were
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  • 118 8 Sir Kingsfey Wood, lately Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister for Health, in his presidential address to the faculty of the Insurance Conference. paid We are no longer a CS nation, but still we are a long way from being an Al people. The deathrate is steadily declining, infantile mortality
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  • 133 8 The Municipal Council of Shanghai learned with concern of the incdent in which it was alleged that one Loh Tse Wha while in police custody had received injuries wherefrom he became temporarily disabled. The matter was under close investigation when they were informed that the Ningpo Guild intended taking Minimal
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  • 432 8 The new Prime Minister, Mr. Stanley Paldwin, is a cousin of Mr. Rudyard Kipling. Their mothers were the daughters of the late Rev. G. B. Macdonald, Weslcyan Minister of Wolverhampton. The engagement is announced of Francis Goldsborough, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sydney Hogg, of
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  • 203 8 Crime in River Valley Road. River Valley Road is earning a notorious name as a place lo? thieves, and only recently it will be remembered, Mrs. Ferguson-Davie had her handbag snatched away by a thief as she was riding in a ricksha along that thoroughfare. On Saturday evening, an even
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  • 396 8 The District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago met it freemasons Hall on Saturday evening under the Presidency of H.E. Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, X.C.8., D.5.0., District Gran.l Matter. The following officers of Grand Lodge were appointed for the ensuins year D.S.G. Warden Wor. Bro. C. L. Chapman, DJ.G.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 Special No. 2 GARRICK NO OTHER CIGARETTE ON .^^rv airtight tins. SPECIAL STOCKTAKING SALE Remington Typewriters at Cost Price WEEK j $190.00 ONLY X' *mf Portable JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. f I ii i i i mat National Csash Registers MEDICAL HALL, LIMITED
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  • 475 9 Critical Greco-Turkish Situation. Terms Made But Rejection Possible. Reuter's Service London, May 26. Malta Reports say that the whole of the British Mediterranean fleet was recently concentrated in Turkish wat>rs. London, May 26. A critical situation has arisen at Lausanne in consequence of a Graeco-Tur-kish disagreement on
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  • 64 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. Bishop Lander, formerly of Hongkong, has sent a message to the clergy of Liverpool warning them of the danger of marriages between Chinese men and white women. He says that when such women are induced to travel to China, they find themselves in
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  • 66 9 Reuter's Service London, May 27. The Hafrue A bill has been tabled by which the Colonial Ministry abolishes the export duty on oil and oil products of the Dutch East Indies from the beginning of the present year. The bill makes up the revenue thus Tost by an
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  • 169 9 Reuter's Service London, May 27. Tl»' change of Government has brought into prominence the question whether Mr. Chamberlain and other Conservative ox-ministers are rejoining the party. In a letter to his constituents on May 26, Mr. Chamberlain complains that no opportunity was given to the Chamberlainites to make
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  • 154 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. Washington The British Embassy has presented the State Department with a statement contending that, under international law, American jurisdiction only extends to cargo destined for importation into the United States. It in no way permits: interference either with the phy- 1 sical
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  • 81 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. New York Mr. Denby, speaking at the Naval War College at Newport, de-| clared that the American navy must be j kept ready for defence in a world full !of menace." He said that Congress I would be asked next session for the
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  • 48 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. Paris The Allied-American agreement of May 16, which has been signed, gives America priority during the first four; years over Germany's cash payments after tho repayment of the cost of the Allied occupation. The remaining eight instalments have complete priority.
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  • 29 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. Christiania The Storting have unanimously adopted a bill appropriating 60,000 kroner for sending two flying boats to Spitzbergcn to assist Captain Amundsen.
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  • 41 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. The London Gazette notifies that a petition has been presented by a creditor for the winding up of the Anglo-Burma .Oil Company. London, May 26. I New York Mr. Frank Munsey has purchased the Globe.
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  • 396 9 Fight at a Fire Brigade Station. Reuter's Service London, May 26. According to Reuter's Berlin correspondent a conflict in which fire and water contested for superiority, as humanly employed weapons, occurred at Bochum where two were killed and 33 wounded in the course of the struggle. The Communist
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  • 100 9 Reuter'b Service London, May 26. Hamburg The International Socialist Congress has been concluded. It adopted a number of resolutions protesting against the Allies driving the German people into the arms of Nationalists and Monarchists, appealing to the Ger- j man workers to resist to their utmost by sabotage the
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  • 85 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. The Stlangor Criminal Assizes commenced this morning in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Woodward, C J.C. 1 There were twelve cases on the list, three of murder and one each of gang robbery, rape, kidnapping, forgery, voluntarily causing grievous
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  • 32 9 [Aneta's Service.] Weltevredeii, May 26. Rubber is firmer and business for June and July has been done at 78. Tin is quiet, but firm. The Banka limit is 142.
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  • 184 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. Mr. Chao Hsin Chu supported Mr. Stephen Porter's proposals and Sir John Campbell (India) also. The Japanese delegate disagreed with the American interpretation of the Hagu2 Convention. Sir Malcolm Delevingue (Britain) declared that Britain was ready to take part in a campaign for
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  • 61 9 Agricultural Development Of Outlying Possessions. m p (Aneta's Service.) Weltovrcden, May 2G. Dr. Pchclharins, the head of the Department cf Agriculture and Economy, leaves here to-dny, via Singapore, for an extensive tour of the French and British Colonies where he intends studying the 1 agricultural systems in
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  • 46 9 Captain and Others Kidnapped For Ransom. (From Our Own Correspondent). Hongkong, May 28. The small Hongkong Chinese freight steamer, Woo Fu, has been pirated while en the voyage to Canton. The captain aud tweatjL. others w«re k'i#Mp*x<l and are bein^ held to ransom.
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  • 95 9 Macphail and Co.'s Report. Singapore, May 23. Kiibber. London Is. 2!4d. Local 50V>. I Tir London, May 25, £190. Local to- tlj »yJHP7<i. (75 tons sold.) i S9K Market— Dull. Rubbers. Inactive. I Tins.— Rawamrs 1.17H-1.22K, N'awng Pets U7»i-1.22«-i, Johans 89-424* cents, i I'etalintfs 75-80 cents, Talams
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  • 68 9 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, May 28. Tin.-<-£ 199. Rubber.— ls. 2Viil. I Rubbers. Ulu Benuts 24-28, Katoyang ißahrus 90-1, Mentakabs 21-24, Allcnbys ,1.05-1.15. Mining. Johans 41-15, Collieries 21.7.">--'22.25, Souths 1-1.04, Taipings 90-95, Norths 1.19-1.23, Petalings 75-80, Kelantan Golds 1.50-1.60. Industrials. Traders 23.75-24.15, United Engineers 11.75-12, R'beiros 10.30-10.50, Robinsons 17.10-17.40,
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  • 245 9 BOY KILLED BY CROCODILE. Huge Brute Attacks Crew of A Sampan. The creeks and small tributary streams running into the Krian river in the vicinity of Caledonia and Nibong TcbaS, have long been infested with crocodiles of all ages and sizes. Dogs, goats and poultry, as is usual when these
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  • 824 9 Charming Spectacle in Grounds Of Government House. The Y.W.C.A. pageant, which took place in the grounds of Government riouse on Saturday afternoon, was the prettiest and most elective open-air spectacle seen at Singapore since the Children's parade during the visit of the i'rince of Wales. It
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  • 187 9 . The Exhibition of Forestry Exhibits. The Forest Department F.M.S. and S.S. are preparing a display of forest products for the Agri-Horticultural Show and Trade Exhibition on June 30 and July 1 and 2, designed to demonstrate not only the variety and beauty of the timbers contained in Malayan
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  • 2074 9 Queen's Scholarships to Be Revived. This Morning's Meeting. (May 28, 1923.) Present H. E. the Gcvernor (Sir Laurence Guillcmard, X.C.8.) presiding. Official Members H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, X.C.8. D.5.0.). The Hon. the acting Colonial Secretary (Mr. F. M. Baddeley). Resident Councillor,
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  • 192 10 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report: Singapore, May 25. The market has been fluctuating and I uncertain, but closes steadier with a better sentiment. Alarms of excessive smuggling have been discontinued as it has become better appreciated that East-' crn markets are comparatively bare of, aock?. During the
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  • 442 10 In their weekly report, dated London, May 2, Messrs. William Jacks and Co. state. Consumers have again kept off the market, as it is now evident that the coming German proposal will not lead to an immediate settlement of the Ruhr difficulty, and America has helped the downward
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  • 173 10 "There is one thing that is very aji parent from the time one leaves London, and that' is the general lack of housing accommodation," says Mr. Albert C. Hall, Manager for the East of the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ml., who has returned to Singapore. "In
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  • 822 10 Revival of The Match After Nine' Years. Unless the miraculous happens, the Interport Rifle Shooting shield, which ia at present in the keeping of Government House, Singapore, Singapore having won it on the occasion of the last match, fired in 1914 is shortly taking a journey overseas. The
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  • 145 10 The Municipal health statement for the weekending May 19> gives the total number of deaths as 202 representing a death rate of 28.12 par inille per annum compared with 31.04 in the preceding week and with 32.84 in the corresponding week of last year.. The chief causes
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  • 44 10 H.M. Sloop Magnolia is due in Singapore from Kuantan River on May 31. 11. M.5. Diomexle, light-cruiser, will .leave Hongkong for Singapore and shouH arrive hero on June 8. The length of; stejr of both Rhipa a: Singapore is at present uncertain.
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  • 108 10 [The Straits Tlmts is not responsible for the opinions of ill correspondents. Correspondents should boar in mind that letter* must be short and to tho point. Long tumbling espistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must encloio their names, not necessarily for publication but as
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  • 741 10 A correspondent writes lhe planters in the Muar District have been worried of late by the presence of man-eating tigers. During the last year on one estate under European management eight coolies have Deen urn,, and one coolie was taken while in the act of tapping rubber
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  • 89 10 The Courtneidge Holloway Co. have returned to Singapore for a very short season, after a very successful time in Shanghai, where they played to crowded houses. They open to-morrow with If Four Walls Told and follow with The Bat and Bulldog Drummond on May 30 and 31.
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  • 20 10 The. Blue Funnel steamer Rhesus is due in Singapore on Friday with a mail from the United Kingdom.
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  • 46 10 Mr. Henry Ford, it is said, has invented a new kind of speedometer. When the car is travelling? SO miles an hour it shows a green light at 40 miles iin hour it shows a rod light at CO if plays Nearer, my God, to Thee.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 610 10 Century by Sergt. Siddons In Drawn Friendly. A friendly encounter between the Services and the Etceteras took place on Saturday, and resulted in a draw. This was to have been an S.C.C. Cricket. Tournament fixture, but the So.diers j were unable to raise a teim that would comply with
      610 words
    • 174 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, May 25. At Lords Middlesex beat Essex on tho first innings, Hendren scoring 152 in the winners' first innings, whilst Morris made 111 in the second innings for Essex. Atkinson took five Essex wickets for 1G runs. At Dudley Derbyshire beat Worcestershire on the first
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    • 285 10 In connection with the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, a correspondent! writes Thirteen boats turned out for a most enjoyable race for a cup presented by Mr. C. J. Wilson, 0.8. E., Gertrude was first across the line followed very closely by the majority of the fleet. It was a
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    • 60 10 The S.V.R.A. will hold a spoon shoot at Selctar Range on Sunday, June 3, commencing 7..'10 a.m. Ranges 300—500 yards. Open t> members S.V.R.A. and affiliated Rifle Clubs. Entries on the Range. Entrance fee aggregate spoon 50 cents range spoons iiO cents each, includes ammunition. Members requiring transport
      60 words
    • 117 10 [Reuter's Service]. London, May 27. St. Cloud In the international hard court lawn tennis championship finals, in the Singles, Mdllc. Lenglen beat Mist Mackane o—3, tJ—3, and Johnston, America, beat WaFher, Belgium, 4—6, o—2,0—2, 6—2, 4—6. 6—3. In the mixed doubles final, Mdllc. Cochet and Cochet btat
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    • 31 10 To-day's first division League match between the S. C. C. and the R. G. A. has been postponed owing to military duties preventing the latter from raising a team.
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    • 171 10 The result of the match between the Singapore Garrison Golf Club and the Keppel Golf Club p.aved at Keppcl links yesterday, is a draw. The following are the scores, the names of Garrison players being given first Wodehouse and Macphail 1 v. Irving Jones and Langdon Williams
      171 words
  • 169 10 There is an exce'lent change of proKrainme showing; at the Palladium, Orchard Road. The first picture, Up tho Koad with Sallie, a sparkling comedy drama, features Constance Talmadgc, while Don't Shoot and The Leather Pushers are all pictures worth seeing. Don't Shoot and The Leather Pushers are all
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  • 114 10 The popularity of the Overseas League increases almost daily. Applications for membership arrive so steadily that the total membership may easily reach 80,000 before the end of the present year. The new headquarters, Vernon House, Park Place,.London, are increasingly popular with Overseas Members who are spending a
    114 words
  • 26 10 Amount previously acknowledged $33,378.58 Further proceeds—Van Sine dramatic entertainments 80 Nett proceeds, lecture by 1 Prof. Coomaraswamy .'J3.20 Part proceeds—W.C.F.C. entertainments 487.18 ■MUM
    26 words

  • 1611 11 yivid Tale of Capture And Escape. An amazing account of the attack of the bandits upon the TienUin-Pukou railway line was told by Mr. Lloyd Lehrbas of the China Press, who arrived from Nanking after having made a most dramatic escape from his captors. When neen by a
    1,611 words
  • 265 11 P. and O. British India Companies' Arrangements. The P: and O. Company have recently ilaeed orders with Messrs. Harland and Wolff for the construction at that firm's .Jreenock year of two oasscnger steamers of 15,200 tons which will combine the excellences of the Kaisar-i-Hind with some .features of the
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  • 172 11 Programme of Drills up to and for June 3. May 28, 5 p.m., Drill Hall, all units S.V.C., practice parade King's birthday parade under to. Commanders. Dress, drill order, shirt sleeves. May 29, 6.30 p.m.. Drill Hall, all units S.V.C., officers' sword drill. 5.15 p.m., A Co.
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  • 61 11 1 The Lords of the Admiralty, acting in their capacity as the trustees of Greenwich Hospital, have decided to remove the Royal Hospital School, Greenwich, to a new site on the estate of Holbrook, in Suffolk, recently given to Greenwich Hospital by Mr. G. S. Keade as a token of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 His Master's Voice GRAMOPHONE Stands supreme among musical instruments having made a place for itself unique in the annals of the Musical World. Call to-day, we will be pleased to demonstrate these to you. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. TiltlOl X" 9 COOKSONS *X OXIDE OF ANTIMONY IN
      139 words
    • 437 11 RAFFLES HOTEL monday^t- iw.t Telephone 292*. (10 I.laei.) TUESDAY.— Diner Dance. Th. Fineat Ballroom in th. Ea.t. WEDNESDAY.-Orcheatr.l Grill Room adjoining Dininf Room, THURSDAY.— Gneat Nifht, Dinner aa4 open 8 a.m. to 1? p.m. Dlnce Monday FRIDAY.— Tea Danaant. TTA SATURDAY.— GuMt Night, Dinar aa4 DANSANT SUNDAY.— Cinema. SEA
      437 words

  • 841 12 How Useless Structures in Human' Body Vanish. In the second of a course of lectures devoted to the Machinery of Human Evolution at the Royal Institution, Professor Sir Arthur Keith discussed the method pursued by Nature in getting rid of structures which had become useless
    841 words
  • 128 12 Millions of pounds of tobacco went up nrematurely in smo'-e, when a bonded warehouse at the Victoria Docks caught fire and burned for seven hours before the combined efforts of the West Ham and the London County Council fire brigades took effect Between £700,000 and £800,000 is
    128 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1468 12 ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS A ropy of the Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Compaais*. F.M.S. This Notice is not to be regarded as an invitation to the Public to Subscribe to Shares snd Application will only be received on the footing of the full Prospectus and the form ><wued
      1,468 words
    • 324 12 1 j a^^Wx/ M Absolutely Unique in their Qualities. n f~^> s^J^w c act at Virginia Cigarettes are 111 /y/ s' jf\A made by Hand and not by Machinery, A /'/^.sj^fdik places them in a class alone. 10 m^isS ut wou ld be f°Hy to P ut beautiful hard* |M|
      324 words

  • 580 13 Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. Bikam.— Divd. for 1922, 7V4 p.c Rangoon Para- Divd. 4 p.c. in respect of 1t»22. North Labis.— lnt. divd. 5 p.e. Nil for previous year. Bukit Sembawang.— Divd. 3 p.c. for 1922 for 1921 nil. Sungei Kari. Int. divid. 5 p.c. on Ecciunt
    580 words
  • 365 13 Operators' Views of Bad Language. The world at large has talked a lot about what it has to stand from telephones and operators. It may be about time that the world at la rue, suggests a friend of the operators, should take time to think of what the
    365 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 618 13 N^JOR DAILY USg.^^ |VACUUM\ COVER NCUTOPEN PHIS tea is simply delicious thanks to the way it is blended and thanks to the way it is packed. It is pleasing so many people who tried it and now use it "always, that it is being imitated. If you don't insist on
      618 words
    • 302 13 Jl^ilJjPL, fbr> SBeoah'/iif qar/nen/s 1/ THE dainty garments which the limbs of the \\\^y growing child are kept beautifully clean and if<^ uns hrunker* if washed with Lux. Children grow so K^*ii£) quickly that extra care is needed in cleansing their /T->^\ /ft\s^'^ dainty apparel So a mother's forethought is
      302 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 162 14 Tangye Power Pumps \^^Sw JB sSs^raP TANGYRO" CENTRIFUGAL. Ram Pumps jm ;jL jd& yertical and vi Horizontal Bf^'~ 's&£*■%) Bucket Pumps »j%^., "*Rfg Pumps :^lf Centrifugal j|Jr Wk VERTICAL TREBLE RAM. PUMPS FOR ALL DUTIES AND ALL "HEADS" Belt driven Direct coupled to engine or electric motor. HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS,
      162 words
    • 432 14 MWB«««»MlMIBMMBIMOnWMIMMBBBM»liMsaMBMBs»«sl»«KBl««««sTBi1li««ls1« Assets over $5,000,000 S.C Assurance in force over $17,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated In StraiU Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old J.wry, t.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life
      432 words
    • 442 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD, INDIA. I J Authorised Capital £5,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up.. £2,594,160 Reserve Fund 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., K.CJS.I., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of
      442 words
    • 520 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed YQ0.000,000 Capital Paid-up Y52,600,000 Reserve Fond Y11,750,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. Dcnckichi Takita, Esc M. Esuki, Esq. T. Hisamune, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formoso (Taiwan).' BRANCHES AND AGENOIES
      520 words
    • 585 14 BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK GF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised mm £3,000,000 Capital Subscribed £1,800,000 Capital Paid-up £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,362,105 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. 81-ok, Bart., Chairman. J. M. Ryrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Yule, Bart.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 245 15 The appearance on Singapore Roads of the 1923 Model ESSEX TOURING CAR, has undoubtedly placed at the service of the Public a four-cylinder, 5 passenger car which is equalled by few and excelled by none. Compare the price, equipment and appearance of this car with other cars now on this
      245 words
    • 570 15 CHEONQ KOON SER6 I CO,' IMPORTANT AUCTION SALF! »t very valuable land nml house properties. At Mca»rs. Chcong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No.' 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, May 30, at 2.30 p.m. 1. Valuable freehold land and the comfortable and pleasantly situated European residential property, outhouse?, motor garage and
      570 words
    • 235 15 <^ THE CHASM BRIDCEDfi| When the crude horseless carriage arrived, paving the way for to-day's automobile, it found Dunlop Tyres the first successful pneumatics developed and in wide-spread use on bicycles. From that time to this the history of Dunlop is a record of steady progress from a small organization
      235 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 276 16 lUAN RIAT ft CO LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) Shipchandlera and General Contractors, 3.V PHILLIP STREET. Send your orders to as and he assured of oar FIRST QUALITY GOODS ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES AND SPECIAL SERVICES in the shiprhandlery business. A trial order will convince yon ihnt oar claims arc fully proven. Enquire
      276 words
    • 352 16 Ladies Please Note THE PARISIAN HOUSE S, ORCHARD ROAD Has removed to 18, STAMFORD ROAD (In the same premises as Au Bon Marche.) COAL TAR Produced by the Singapore Municipal Gas Work*. Obtainable from LEE KIM SOO, 20. HIGH STREET. LATSULI and GINESTET BORDEAUX F fflffk Cialt K CLARETS |I§BJ
      352 words
    • 870 16 vLuxuuLrlCd/ Al/f Lmal luCiiTlLtTl lv The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, ate, la ordinary close Mt type (average six words to line) are per line one Insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 ets, three Ins. 64 ets., four ins. 82 eta, five ins. $1.00, six Ins. $1.13,
      870 words
    • 939 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 70, Prinsep Street, gas and water. Apply ;>, Clarke Quay. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry im mediate. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, compound house 144, Tanjong Katong Road, gas and water laid; Apply 22, Sungei Road. TO LET, immediate
      939 words
    • 749 16 OPTICAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Cleaned, Repaired and Adjusted. JOHN~DUKE OPTICIAN, 12, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, ETC. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Kbrahim Esoofally Busrai, of Surat, Borah, Mahomedan Inhabitant and Abdul Hussein F.soofaliy Busrai, also of Surat, Reran, Mahomedan Inhabitant, carrying on
      749 words
    • 220 16 Evening Gowns Parisian Corsets American Silk Hose Parisian Lingerie. European Attendance PRINCESS GARMENTS CO, 4, BAFFLES CHAMBERS, (DpaoelU KoMnaca's) Hoars 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS Fer the bast of everything in every Braaea af Paotoa-npay MR, BUCKERIDGE Paoa* 1 890 THal ONLY EUROPEAN BTUDIO latk. COLONY, OBCXAXn BOIU ri]U4!«w'-.
      220 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 203 16 THE STRAITS TIKES TKLKPHOXM > editorial and General Manager's Oflc* sa "11 All communications relating to editorial matters and tews should be addresied U THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matter»--edverti«e«»Bts, subscriptions, accounts, printing, should be addressed to THE MANAGUL ADVERTISEMENT BATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc-, in
      203 words