The Straits Times, 26 May 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,260. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 ff |V_Jlo^^|^U^kib YOU WILL PRONOUNCE SEE THE "SHIP 9% ll IRMf frfm 9IK 'MJwrnl FINE OLD PALE IX BED, UPON EVERT ffty K Ol «T» R^ W THE BEST YOU EVER TASTED, AND THE CREAM OF ALL SHERRIES. A wine of high-class character, possessing a beautiful nutty flavour. As supplied
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    • 465 1 THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE GUARANTEED FOR EVER. JNU jw M&^Tl\ THE RALEIGH is known the world over as thr ALL-STEEL W^SS^i^^X- BICYCLE." liuilt in a factory famed for its up-to-date ui^SST If r4»»l^--'\ methods, it is the outcome of experience. Thera is no Cycle in S^xT^vTl'the world on which more care
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    • 4 1 fL^II|By •*tu»M'jl lt \m
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  • 670 2 Accounts Show Big Drop In Revenue. The report of the Singapore Swimming Club for the year ended January 31 last states that the working: account for the year under review shows a deficit of $1,663.86 as compared with a surplus of S2.lOti.oy for the previous ytar. This
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  • 233 2 A cable from London, dated May 8 says The foremost detectives of Scotland Yard are searching for a desperate burglar believed to be guilty of the cold-blooded murder of Jacob Dickie, a taxi driver, at Brixton. The detectives' reconstruction of the crime suggests that the burglar
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  • 125 2 The Hickson mission is being continued, Bays a Newcastle, Australia, message of May 1. Several remarkable cures have already been reported. A coloured man said to have been stone blind, walked the length of the Cathedral grounds in possession of his sight. A woman, who had been blind
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 Perfect Gifts The leading pen is always an acceptable gift. It is <^s>. the symbol of friendship, for with every use it will inspire a kindly thought of the donor. It. is a beautiful gift, yet useful and lasting, ss^»K^ and will prove a constant Is^iv^kv pocket or desk companion.
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    • 396 2 TERRIBLE ITCHY RASHONJACK Irritation So Great Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. "My trouble ttartcd with a terrible Itching on my Lac I rubbed ard scratched it and it worse, and 0 red rash n:id small pimples broke out. 1 he irritation wee so great that 1 lost rcat a: ni^ht.
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    • 180 2 LTGH'ING POWER PLANTS ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. EVtRYTttING ELECTRICAL SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. Incorporated in the Straits Settlomanti) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. Cars, Lorries AND MARINE SETS. ALL PRICES REDUCED The World-Famed Model. 501 DE LUXE, 10/15 HP. Now only $3,500 D-D Singapore. Ask for illustrated Catalogue.
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  • 879 3 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables 1 .ire taken from Indian exchanges to hand: Awards to War-Time Inventors. London, May 15 The Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors heard a claim in Pespect of smoke screens for the proI ttction of infantry by
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  • 49 3 Orders for week ending May 27 Saturday, 26th. PagWUtt at Government House. Scouts detailed for duty parade at Government House, 4.30 p.m. Individual Troop Orders as issued by Seoutmnsti-r?. Kind's Birthday Parade. .!un<> Semite detailed for duty parade at V.M.C.A., 6.30 a.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 STEftMEiI SAILINGS^ HUGO STINNES LINES (Incorporated in Cermany) Regular Monthly Freight Paßsenger Serrice. OnWA'tD BOUND Hongkong, Shanghai and Japar. EMIL KIRDORK', ),000 tons about Jure 5 SCHKER, 12,360 tins, about .Tuna 16 HOMEWARD IJOf.VII Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg. ADOLF VON BAYER, 9,000 tons about June 15 KMIL KIRDORF, 9,000 tons
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    • 488 3 \Wldeweave OADTC GARTERS I No metal can touch you I J hese garters arc made of I IVi inch live, long stretch elastic. They fit your legs smoothly and are extremely 1 comfortable. Long wear in every pair. Ask for them by name Wideweave PARIS. Your outfitter or haberdasher carries
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    • 437 3 SOMETHING EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW Worms rob children of nourishment, give them pains in the stomach and bo-.vcl.;, spoil their sleep and steal their strengtn. Administered for a few days. Baby's Own Tablets drive out worms, and then the little sufferer rapidly improves, tiis uppttite increases, he sleeps well, beo.mtb
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 756 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0 British India «»<? Apear Line {TJeapaalee mMrßetMal II HgtatH r MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. If. CO. (wader Contract with Hi* Majesty's GoTonwaai] LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ft MTWSBH Deo Blaaaaaro L T BUsaae«« DFVAKHA «»y 26
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    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KOM.IKLYKE~~ PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated ia Holland) VRDBB CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA SOTBRMIBIfT. Telephone Nea. Passage Dept, 111, Frelcht Pent, IKI, Mariao Da*. aa4 Traaa>ki* a «a« Dept. 1417, Manager'! Dept. l»»l. VAX DER PARRA— May 2G, Palembang RpCHI'SSEN— May 2(1. Billiton
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 525 5 STEAMER SAILINGS N.Y.K. LONDON LINE Mam Hay 2» Haruna Maru June 13 LIVERPOOL LINE Tatsuno Maru June 26 HAMBURG LINE Dakar Maru mid. June Tsuruga Maru mid. July NEW YORK LINE rla SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN LINE Tawaekl Mam aad Jan* Ksmakura Mam end July BOMBAY LINE Wakasa Man Jane
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    • 417 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K, Pretssirl aailtags 1 1 mm ll aawawire (aaajeal M aaaaga vlthosit arerleas aetle* CCSOPKAK LIN* Far Marat' l lea, Londoa. Haatbarg, (attar* •aas, Antwerp, Ha Coloatba, aa4 Perl Sail Arr Oaa> AMUR MARU Juno 21 June 22 SHUNKO MARU July 10 July 11 Omit Marseilles. NaTW TOBK
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    • 587 5 STEAMER SAILINGS "NEDERLAND" ROYAL MAIL LINE AND "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" ROYAL MAIL LINE SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE OF "NEDERLAND" "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" R. M. LINE R. M. LINE via Belawan-Deli, Sabang, Colombo, via Belawan-Deli, Sabang. Colombo, Genoa, Algiers to Amsterdam. Marseille*. Tangier to Rotterdam. *Volft)EL May 28 TAMBORA June 4 PRINS D. NEDER.
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    • 753 5 BTEOHER SAIUN6S ELLERMAN ft BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER Due Singapore PASSENBER SERVICE OUTWARDS. t s.«. CITY OF MANCHESTER China and Japan June 2 ts.s. CITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oct. 5 »s.s. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Nov. lfl s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY China
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 574 6 CINEMAS AI^HAMBRA Chang* Thursday, May 24 to Tuesday, May 29, 1921. In the Second Show at 9.15 sharp. TOPICAL BUDGET BRIT'SH SCREEN NEWS. W. W. HODKINBON CORPORATION PRESENTS BESSIE BARRISCALE, ARNOLD GREGG AND MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE, in 7 Parts The Broken Gate (From the novel by the distinguished author
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    • 186 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA From Thursday, May 21 to Sunday, May 27. In the Second Show at 9.30 GLIMPSES OF SINGAPORE An Excellent local scenic production about 1,200 feet long. Two new episodes 5 and 6 of George B. Scitz Serial BOUND AND GAGGED <>» episodes). Edfar Lewis production presenting LOUISE
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    • 135 6 Ask for and see that yon get MARSEILLES ROOFING TILES RIDGES AND VENTILATORS "HEART" BRAND TVoat Ttls« W»»« htes. lrapor««J and sued In thn* parta for OT*r tt jtmrt. ■rerr genoHe Tile mad* In Haraeilies (France) bears the nut of makers la fall and also a brand. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.
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  • 218 7 DAILY TIME TABLE FIXTURES. Saturday. May M lliKh Water, 0.-10 ajn., 7.35 p.m. Queen Mary's Birthday. Mail fo* A istralaila close-*. Y.W.CJL I'ageait, Government House. Barautoa'i Ctrcaa, 4 and 9.15 p.m. May 27 Bisk Wat< r, tA r.nv, 5.26 p.m Band ta tka Qacdaaa, U. 15 p.m. .Monday, May
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    • 105 7 Euht Wharf TIM Ka.-l Whari IU, Van Clcon. Bheaia Wkarf I arentas. Main W harl Nil. Kmpir. Uiick Hy« Laong, Lisbon Maru, Deli M .vi, Malay Mam, Katong. Waal hart »;iaucr.K, Moatoro. lardlaaa Wharf Lake Fielding, J'ulo lirar.i Coal Wharf -Nil. Kt|ipel Harbour. Main Wharf l)iedger
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    • 275 7 n»., !06 tons, from Bucho 25-3, rat Baeha 86-8. STAN, IWit., Si'2U tons, from Iloiigkons -■'>-;"■. for Mauritius 28-5. BAN WHATT HIN. Drit., 134 tons, from Malacca I >i Malacca 26-5. HAN WHATT SOON, Brit, 1«9 tons, from -J...... for Malacca U-S, ERANDAN, Dut., 170 tons, from
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  • 183 7 To-day. Biba p.m. fort Swottetiham and Penan* 8 Kuar and Malacca ..3 p.m. 11. it:. via, Samnrang, So'jrabaya, Macassar, llulik Papan, etc. 3 p.m. liedan pin Muntok and P&lenibang 8 p.m Patu Bahar I p.m Katavia, Cheribon and Samaianf ..4 p.m Kcmuman, Kualu Dungun and Trcngganu
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  • 36 7 By Phunirw* JongoU >orthot vlUnir* Uft S'pore Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 13 Apr. Ifl Apr. If) Apt. 24 Arrd. London Apr SO M.y 6 May 8 »y 10 May 14 May tl
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  • 194 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 26. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/M Demand 2/4 Is Private S m. crodits 2/4 15/3'J On Now York. Demand 53% I'-.iv.-tP 90 d/s sC>i On France, Bank 745 On India, Bank T. T. 174' A On Hongkong:, Bank d/<l 1% p.c. p.n;.
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  • 63 7 Ibtgapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Price! Buyer*. Seller*. Spot Spot June June Tuly-Sept July-Sept. Oct-Dec Oct.-Dec. Tone of the market Steady. Latest London tables quote Spot sheet Is. 2%£ Siagapor* Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Bayers. 8ell«rs. 52 V4 52 Vis 52% r
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    • 140 7 . Issue Val. IM. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco USJ 4.16.3 '0 10 Central Engines 9.75 10.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.00 3.25 11 1 E. Smcltinp Co. 6.85 7.10 5/-5/-Elcc. Tramways 1/6 2/6 10 10 Frascr Ncave 3K.25 36.75 '•0 50 Hammer and Co. 135 140 !00
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    • 113 7 . I. En*. 8 p.e. $1,234,300 par 6 p.c p.m.' ''pore Electric Tramway*. 6 p.e. £350.000 ion ~'pore Municipal 6 p.« $1,878,000 r*i ''pore Municipal 4»4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 t ir.e. rfi*. -'[•(ire Municipal 4ft p.e. of 1909 11,600,500 I p.e. di«. ■!'pure Municipal 4H P*. of li>09 $1.500.000
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    • 413 7 Frascr and Co. and Lyull and Eratt's Quotations. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-day s Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. AllenbyNew(sl) 1.10 1.20 1.12% 1.17VJ A.lor Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.10 1.20 Hitam (S5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.00 L Kuning ($1) 0.40
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    • 211 7 Issue VaL Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 r.atanp Padang 0.48 0.53 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 mom 1 1 Johan Tin 0.40 045 0 1 Kam. Kamunting £2.5.0 £2.0.0 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.25 5 5 I.iiiHiii Tin 4.20 4.40 10 10
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  • 37 7 A Tamil Electric Telegraphic Code of 4 letters being a complete Tamil phrase code with 37,000 word* (over 1,250 million coinbinutions) invaluable for traders. Price S3o. M. M. Dulfakir Co., Singapore.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 890 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified ArMs., see page 16. THE FRENCH are specialists in Chocolates, and lloutron makes tho best of them. His Nougat and Chocolates are at H. Bolter, Irect Importer, Europe Hotel Building. FOR SALE, Ford car. very (food order. Trial by appointment. X., Straits Times. WANTED, temporary' European
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    • 51 7 The BEST ROPE on the Market to-day is JOHNSON. PICKETT MANILA ROPE, made in the Philippines. the home of the Manila Hemp. Careful selection of fibre and modern methods in manufacture produce the QUALITY. Sol* Agcnta KEAT CBEANG COMPANY »T. MARKCT STSKET. KINGAi'GKK. T.lepboß. No. 22C». Cable Adareaa: UUTC-UNO." Code:
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    • 791 7 NOTICE is hereby given that the abovi Trade Mark representing the device of i Gold Coin is the Trade Mark of Chew Liatr. I'oh carrying on business at No. 10, Uppei Nankin Street, Singapore, and is used b) him in respect of Condensed Milk, Soaps Chinese and Java Tobaccos, Cigarettes
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    • 440 7 VICTORIA THEATRE i WESDAY, MAY 29, 1923, AT ».3t. SPECIAL RETURN VISIT OF THE COURTNEIDGE HOLLOWAY COMPANY Tuesday, May 29. IF FOUR WALLS TOLD Wednesday, M;:y in. THE BAT Thursday, May THE SECOND MRS. TANQUERAY BULLDOG DRUMMOND Prices $4, $3, $2 and $1. Booking opens at MM THEATRE, Commencing To-morrow
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  • 46 8 DEATHS CARNEGY. James Arthur Carnegy, age 39 years, at Trengganu, on May 24, 1923. Penang, Sumatra, Hriti.;h North Borneo papers please copy. YAP— On May 19, 1923, at 7, Stanley Street, Singapore, Yap Tai Phow, aged 62 years. Funeral Sunday, May 27, to Alexandra Road Cemetery.
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  • 1081 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, MAY 26. FRANCE AND THE RUHR. The matter which led to M. Poincare tendering his resignation was very similar to that which quite recently created a momentary flutter in English politics. The Senate, sitting in a judicial capacity, came to a certain decision with reference to
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  • 38 8 The Rev. W. E. Horley, who has been working as a missionary in Malaysia for nearly 30 years and who has just returned from furlough in England, will preach at the 5.30 service in Wesley Church to-morrow afternoon.
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  • 37 8 A large number of bricks were stolen from the Borneo Company's brickworks in Pasir Panjang Road recently, and the :ase against some former Chinese employees in the works is drawing to a close before Mr. Ahearne to-day.
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  • 46 8 Reporting on copra on May 25, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state The volume of business transacted has again been somewhat small, but prices at the close show an increase on the week Standard No. 1 10.80 to 11.50, 2 10.50 to 10.80, 3 10.20 to 10.50.
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  • 62 8 Photographs from Singora show to some extent the damage sustained by the Vugala when she was burnt out. There does not appear to be any wood work left on the vessel. The Valaya when she arrived at Singora pumped water into the smouldering cargo, and subsequently when the fire was
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  • 12 8 Mails from China and Japan arc due in Singapore on Monday morning.
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  • 14 8 Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., output during the half month of May was 275 piculs.
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  • 17 8 The Rio Grande film is approved for exhibition, and the chop on The Scuttlers has been cancelled.
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  • 12 8 The Singapore Rattan Merchants Association has been registered under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 19 8 The Rev. J. A. B. Cook will conduct Lhe service at Kuala Lumpur Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 3.
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  • 19 8 There will be no ceremonial opening rf the spscial session of the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday.
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  • 23 8 The output of Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd., during the half month of May was tributori 60, dredging 200, a total of 260 piculs.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India anj Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 is 5100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176 is $100.
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  • 29 8 The Governor has appointed all police officers of the rank of corporal and upwards to be officers for the purpose of carrying out the Export of Rubber (Restriction) Ordinance.
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  • 36 8 The well-known Carl Rosa Opera Company, against whom a creditor recently obtained judgment, has decided to go into voluntary liquidation, but the Chairman of the Board foreshadows steps for reconstruction and the fulfilment of all contracts.
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  • 40 8 This morning Madame Dietz, resi'lirg it 5, Oxley Road, reported the loss of a silver watch, and Inspector Clifton searching the boy's quarters he found bidden away a mirror and a silver mounted brush to match. Police enquiries are proceeding.
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  • 52 8 A Chinese who was charged at Kuala Lumpur, with possession of GO forged .•übber coupons knowing them to be forged and with intent to u.-e them as genuine was, to-day, committed by Mr. Pryde, Police Magistrate, to stand his trial at the next Assizes. Bail was allowed in the sum
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  • 52 8 What is stated to be the biggest transaction that has yet taken place in the whisky trade is contained in the following announcement made at Dundee on May 18 James Watson and Company, Ltd., Dundee, have sold their stocks of whisky to Buchanan, Dewar, and Walker, and they •o into
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  • 54 8 Lim Ah Kirn* the driver of a hired car which smashed into that of Mr. Pmnde■aen's in Beach Road, and who was :harged before Mr. AheErne, yesterday, .vith rash driving, was. fined $100, in it-fault six weeks' imprisonment. .Mr. R. L. L. Braddell was for tho proieeation and Mr. H.R.S.
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  • 55 8 The year's results of the working of the Eow Seng Rubber Co. show a profi' of £2,221 15s. The amount standing to the credit of Appropriation account is £3,129 4s. 7d. The directors recommend tho payment of a dividend of 2',i per cent., equivalent to £2,299.19.G, carrying forward (subject to
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  • 59 8 The head coolie of Messrs. Moutrie and Company, who was Icharged with criminal breach of trust as a servant in respect of large number of gramophone records, which were supposed to have been sent by train to the P.M.S., was convicted and senteced to 6 months' rigorous mprisonment by Mr.
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  • 62 8 Sir LionaV Woodward delivered judgment in the Supreme Court, at Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, on the originating summons taken out by the trustees of the estate of the late Dr. Loke Yew to determine whether the children of an adopted son, who predeceased Dr. Loke Yew, had any interest in the
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  • 78 8 Messrs. Bousteaci and Co. are advised thst the directors of the Tali Ayer Rubber Etotes, Ltd., have decided to pay an interim dividend in respect of the year ended April 30, 1923, of 2% per cent, (actual), less tax, on the share capital. The gross Jividend is equivalent to 6d.
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  • 85 8 At a recent committee meeting of the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association, Mr. C. J. Perkins reported that he had provision for housing 500 Malays. It was agreed that the hon. organising secretary should write to District Officer? to ascertain the probable number of Malays coming from each district. It was also
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  • 144 8 Before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw, presiding in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday application was made on behalf of Mr. William Dunman for a postponement of the petition for a receiving order against him, Mr. H. B. Layton, in making the application stated that Mr. Upcott, who appeared for the
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  • 465 8 Mr. W. E. Smith left by the Katong to day on a short visit to Bangkok. Capt. M. Frost, M.C.. has been granted seven an<f a half months' and Mr. H. Norman eight months' leave. Second Lieut. Gourlay has been granted a commission, anj the rank of
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  • 78 8 The Treasury is making an effort to call in all worn and torn currency notes and special arrangements have been made to deal with the question. The success of the operation depends largely, however, on the cooperation of the general public, who are asked to assist.
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  • 147 8 New rules, under the Export of Rubber (Restriction) Ordinance are published in the Government Gazette, relating to the importation of rubber. They provide that no rubber shall be imported into the Settlements of Singapore or Penang on any other than a vessel of more than 50 tons,
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  • 199 8 Messrs. Wilson Holgate and Co. favour us with a copy of the Rubber Trade Association of London monthly statistics giving figures to March It. The total imports by the United Kingdom for tho three months ending March was 19,252 lons compared with 16,.'526 for the same period
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 A Special Stocktaking All Remnants and Oddments to be Cleared Regardless of Cost For One Week Only Commencing Monday, May 28. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. '^T <H m J} Complete Generating Plant, Jf fr*T^ comprising 3 B.H.P. engine, t %l&{*it%4 l iff KW
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  • 271 9 Mr. M'Kenna Chancellor Of Exchequer. Reuter's Service London, May 25. The Baldwin Ministry is practically identical with Mr. Bonar Law's, except that Lord Robert Cecil and Mr. J. C. C. Davidson, who was a former secretary to Mr. Bonar Law, fill the hitherto viicant Baati of the Lord
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  • 82 9 Reuti:r's Sfrvice I ondon, May 25. New York Mr. Gar..', president of the United States Steel Corporation, in addressing the Iron and Steel Institute, reported that the busii ess outlook in the United Stall's was good. All the Corporation's furnaces and mills were operating Bt full capacity, which
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  • 80 9 P.euter's Service London, May 25. Geneva At the Opium Commission oi the- League of Nations, Mr. Stephen Porter, president t the Foreign Affairs Committee in the American House of Representatives, proposed that the employment of opiate products for other than medical or scientific purposes should l.i made illegnl and
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  • 82 9 Recter's Service London, May 25. Bergen It is now settled that Amundsen will start for his North Pole flight from Wainwright, Alaska to Spitzeberjren, about June 20. He is expected to take 22 hours. A Norwegian patrol ship and two seaplanes will assist the flight, the former
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  • 42 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. It is stated that Rydal Hall, in the Lake District, Ins been taken for the private visit which the Queen of Holland is contemplating from the end of June till the middle of August.
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  • 30 9 Renter's Service London, May 25. Summer Time, which will operate in Trance from the night of May 26, is the cause of some dislocation in the Anglo-French services.
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  • 144 9 Reuter's Service London, May 26. The Ruhr telegrams show that the Communist disturbances have not diminished and have spread to Essen, where the crowds looted the warehouses. Most of the shops are closed. There were similar scenes in Bochum, where order was restored by the fire brigade.
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  • 92 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. Following a process for the cold vulcanisation of rubber, the newspapers are enthusiastically predicting a great future for the new production, which, with the addition of leather fillings is capable of a variety of uses, including a substitute for leather. A company has
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  • 71 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. A Wellington message states that Mr. Massey, in a speech, said that the selection of Singapore a» a naval base was worthy of all possible encouragement by the countries which were endeavouring to establish the Empire firmly in this part of the
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  • 66 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. Hamburg The International Socialist Congress has decided to make London the seat of the new Internationale. The French Socialist leader, Blum, denounced the Treaty of Versailles and the Ruhr occupation. His opinion is that it is impossible to attain security for payments by the
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  • 64 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. Riga A Moscow message reports that the Soviet Government have removed Weinstein, who was responsible for the insolent reply to the British note, from the foreign department, and have given him a responsible position in the commissariat department, while Rothstcin, the Bolshevist
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  • 62 9 Reuter's Servici London, May 25. New York The New York agent of the Spanish Royal Mail Steamship Company announces that the company has ordered the discontinuance of all American sailings after June 11 owing to the Supreme Court's liquor decision conflicting with Spanish law. After that date
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  • 56 9 Reuter'S Service Londoa, May 25. The Hague The Second Chamber has passed the bill relative to the reconstruction of Austria. The party leaders' objections were met by the Leaguer of Nations agreeing to the bill being so amended that Holland would only be required to sign two
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  • 194 9 No Serious Political Issue Involved. Reuter's Service London, May 24. Following the decision of the High Court of Justice pronouncing its incompetence to judge the Communists' plot or Cachin and his consorts, M. Poincar-i and the ministers went to the Elysec. M. Poincare told the journalists that he
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  • 38 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. Berlin The Government have temporarily declined to accede the Krupp directorate's request, to release the German Ambassador for the United States, Weidefeldt, to resume- his position as general manager of Krupps.
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  • 43 9 Reuter's Service London, May 25. Copenhagen Sixteen persons were seriously hurt and 80 slightly owing to an explosion on the Danish cruis. v, Geyser, during a demonstration of a fog-de-veloping apparatus in the course of the navai' manoeuvres off South Zeeland.
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  • 168 9 Armed Men Surprised at A Conference. (From Our Own Corrqsponii.'nt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. A sensational arrest of a group of eight would-be gang robbefs was effected yesterday afternoon at 5.20. It would appear that Mr. Dally, Assistant Commissioner, Intelligence branch, got information that a big gang
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  • 75 9 NEWS FROM IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 25. The proposal to increase the Resthouse charges was. vigorously combated at a meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board, the members voting against the suggestion, despite an official explanation, that the increase meant that the Resthouses would be self-supporting. Perak plays
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  • 31 9 (Aneta's Service.) Weltevreden, May 25. Rubber has been done at 76 for June and July. Tin is firm, but there is no business. The Fanka limit is 142.
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  • 6747 9 Great Debate in House Of Commons. Mr. Amery's Reply to Critic?. (From Our Parliamentary Correspondent). Westminster, Tuesday, May 1. There was a first-class debate in the House of Commons to-night on the proprsal of the Admiralty to establish and develop a naval bas c at Singapore at
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 154 10 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. R. G. A. beat S. R. C. The R.G.A. and the S.R.C. met in the first round of the first division of the League on the Padanj- yesterday. The Gunners won easily by six goals to two, their play generally and tlieir shooting being far better than usuai.
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    • 94 10 MONDAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles A Class. Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. Cantrell, owe 15.1 v. Miss E. Brooke and Mr. Thorougoocl, owe 15.1. Mrs. Swindell' and Mr. Warren owe 30 v. Miss Thompson and Lt.-Col. Thompson owe 15.2. TUESDAY'S TIES. Ladies Doubles, Open. Mrs. Brooke and
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    • 34 10 The monthly spoon competition of the Singapore Ladies Rifle Association was won by Mrs. MagUatOß, Score: yds. score, hep. 100 22 .90 33.70 200 24 .90 34.01 67.71 Seven cards were returned.
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    • 74 10 MONDAY'S TIES. A Doubles Handicap. Seah Enp: Chiang and Tan Chiap Choon v. Tan Hong Ghee and Kione Chin Eng. Khoo Hooi Hye and Tan Chong Khec v. Tan Chong Gaik and Tan Lian Teck. Ong Siow Sian and On? Siow Hian v. Oh
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    • 57 10 The following competitions have even arranged for the King's Birthday holidays Sunday morning, June Z. A two trll fouisom: match will be ojaywd ietween married and single. Will desirous of playing please sijjn on the list in the Club Monday afternoon. June 1. A mixed
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  • 354 10 Clever Invention Demonstrated At Singapore. A demonstration was given at the Centre! Fire Station recently of a remarkable little fire-fighting appliance which is finding great favour in Malaya, where large numbers are being sold to planters and others who require a small, handy, end yet efficient pump.
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  • 79 10 Harmston Circus bring their ali too short season to a close with to-day's matinee aiid night performances. There was practically an entire change of programme last night which will be shown at to-day's performances and no-: body should nms seeing them. The circus wili' tour the F. M.
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  • 1156 10 Admission of the Press To Committee Meetings. The annual meeting of the Straits Settlements Association (Singapore Branch) was held at the Kxchangr,' Singapore, yesterday evening, when Mr T. Dudley Parsons (President > took th-> chair, supported by Mr. W. B. Penman (secretary). There was a good ..ttcndance
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  • 437 10 Slight Improvement in Prices Recorded. Hum, Barlow and Co. report Singapore, May 25. The market during the past week has been quiet. Owing 10 me W'hitsui; holiuay, IM local auction was held tins week on irur.-(iuy, 24th instant. Ihe auction opened wah a quiet tone, but prices
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  • 200 10 Forthcoming Production at Victoria Theatre. Kismet has been culled the One Thousand anil Second Story of the Arabian Nights. It is a tale of a day in the life of Haji, the beggar, who lived in Baghdad when that city was at its height of importance. Between dawn and
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  • 71 10 Lyall and Eratt's Report. Singapore, May 26. Tin.— iVJ'.K Rubber-— ls. 2%i1. Robbers. Little enquiry. Ulu Benut.s 22-25, Katoyang Bahrus 90-1, Mentakabs 21-24, Allenbys 1.05-1.15. Mining.— Johan.; 40-44, Collieries 21.60--22, Souths 1-1.04, Taipings 90-95, Norths 1.19-128, Petalings 75-80, Kelantan Golds 1.55-1.05. Indus' rials.— Traders 23.70-24.10, United Engineers
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  • 89 10 About 10.45 p.m. on Wednesday a (rant; robbery took place at the- house of a Chinese in Jurong Road, and some cash vnit removed. Mr. Mitchell end Inspector Clifton art- »naking enquiries. Another pang: robbcy lo^V olace ihe following morning at the house o" a Chinef-e in Bukit
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  • 2660 11 The Albert Street Pumping Station. The usual ordinary monthly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Board Room yesterday. Mr. R. J. Farrer presided, and the other Commissioners present were Messrs. J. A. Elias, i W. A. Sims, See Tiong Wah, J. M. Sime, A. G.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 His Master's Voice GRAMOPHONE Stands supreme among musical instruments having made a place for itself unique in the annals of the Musical World. Call to-day, we will be pleased to demonstrate these to you. S. Moutric Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. MOTOR TYRES CLINCHER Bole A^enti 1 William Jacks Co.,
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    • 299 11 RAFFLES HOTEL wmn^mwmm* Telephone 2»2t. (10 Llnea.) TUESDAY.— Dinner Dance. The Flneat Ballroom in the Eaat. «n«.»v»T«.<jr».»r WEDNESDAY. Orchestral Concert. Grill Room adjoining Dining Room, THURSDAY. Gout Night, Dinner and open 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dance. FRIDAY.— Tea Danaant. Saturday. GUEST NIGHT, SATURDAY.— Gneat Night, Dinner and DINNER AND
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  • 410 12 JESSELTON ICE POWER CO. Well Equipped for the Present And Future. The ninth annual general meeting, of the Jesselton Ice and Power Company, Ltd., was held at its registered office's Market Street, yesterday. Mr. H. Freeman provided, and others present were ■UMTS. Chee Swee Cheng, J. A. Elias >A- W.
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  • 90 12 A law suit costing at least £100,000 ha< at last ended, after a hearing which lasted two and a half years. In this suit Han, Brunner Mond and Company sued the Manchester -Ship Canal Company. The' hearing- commenced in Dccomlkt. IMM, :in<l lasted 20 <bys and the appeal
    90 words
  • 657 12 SINDAY. MAY 27. IMS. St. Andrawa Catawlral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.16 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. on Friday nt 8 a.m.
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  • 92 12 Twenty woman police in London have been sworn ir. and enrolled as constable* in the Metropolitan Police Force, and for the first time they now haw the same power to arrest as the men police. Thay wijl also exercise all the powers, duties, privileges, and responsibilities which all
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1468 12 ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS A copy of the Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Companies, F. M. S. This Notice is not to be regarded as an invitation to the Pablic to Subscribe to Snares and Application will only be received on the footing of the full Prospectus and the
      1,468 words
    • 297 12 MAGIC! We all know of the Indian conjurers who make a boy climb up a rope and vanish in mid-air. Undoubtedly it is a marvellous /y teat, but we jflr realise that the IR spell-bound :ui- diencc is being deceived somep how. D'wbtI less there are (I many who do
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    • 441 12 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received up to noon on Friday, June 1, 1923, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, from persons desirous of contracting for supply of Miscellaneous articles. Native and Lime Bricks, etc., for a period of six months commencing from July 1, 1323.' Forms of tenders may
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 221 13 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. New Season's New Zealand SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In th« Straiti Settlements). RETAIL DEPOT. ORCHARD ROAD. »»»»»♦»«♦»«»>>»«♦»««♦»♦♦♦♦♦»»♦««»« >init»«mm>n Wear 801 l Brand Rubber Footwear Fine Quality kib&Mk Moderate Price .^BySc' w i^'^ivK?BSß^ FACTORY No. 43, Snmbawa Road. SALES DEPARTMENT 215, South Bridge Road,
      221 words
    • 681 13 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONfi KOON SENG CO, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALF of very valuable land and house properties. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday. May SO, at 2.30 p.m. 1. Valuable freehold land and the comfortable and pleasantly situated European residential property, outhouses,
      681 words
    • 196 13 /^B§|p^ cigarettes; i Ci^ &w& el z\ would know, without our l2sk&*2*f*ETTFS B\^\ tellin S y° u just why f^y/J^^^^^timj. i «iiiT<rY^^'l ey are so exc l u s^ e n /M/^^^^^^i^m flavour and aroma s™%!) n§^ v^k^f From the time when »lk^\N W/sTm the carefu »y selected S%w\smk\W w%/
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 311 14 Sharp's Jm Super -Kreem a£3! Toffee The wonderful success of Sharp's SuperKreem Toffee is worM-wide. The kiddies JUMP FOR JOY at the sight of the favourite orange tin with its tempting contents. Sharp's Super-Rreem is so wholly delightful—so delicious in flavour, so pure, wholesome and nourishing that it charms the
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    • 470 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C Assurance in force over $17,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      470 words
    • 439 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is affiliated ALLAHABAD BANK, I/IK.. INDIA. Authorised Capital £5,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up. £2,694,160 Reserve Fund 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of .SKLBORNE, K.C.,
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    • 523 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed Y60,000,000 Capital Paid-up Y52,500,000 Reserve Fund YU.780,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. Denckichi Takita, Esc M. Esaki, Esq. I T. Hisamune, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formoso (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND
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    • 584 14 BANKING TH3 MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised £3,000,000 Capital Subscribed £1,800,000 Capital Paid-up £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,352,105 BOAr.D OF DIRECTORS Sir R. J. Black, Bart., Chairman. J. M. Ryrie, Esq. H. Melvill Simons, Esq. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Yule, Bart. Lord
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  • 869 15 Notes and Comment* On Current Topics. Reducing Uoad Wear. The advantages of multi-wheel vehicles ts a means cf reducing the wear on the roeds were discussed by Major T. G. Tulloch in a paper read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, says Eastern Engineering. The economics of
    869 words
  • 167 15 At the resumed inquest on Mrs. Hyndman the Home Office Analyst stated that the organs showed that veronal was present and he was of opinion that a very large dose had been taken possibly 50 to 100 grains. About 50 grains were practically certain to be fatal.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 182 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. V "jF 1 \'■\f Wearne
      182 words
    • 368 15 Wincarnis gives a feeling of NEW LIFE to those who are Weak, or Anaemic, Nervous or Run-down Good health ia ncceuary io your well-being WincsrnU it. nece*tary to promote good health. Wincarnis is not a luxury it is a positive unxtrily to ;ill who an Weak, ot Atlantic, or Nervous,
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    • 256 15 BXJRA NT FOUR-CYLINDER TOURING. $2,500 Hand-painted, streamline bciy of roomy fire-passenger capacity with plenty of leg room seats set at comfortable angle and covered by genuine black leather over deep tfrimga instrument board finished in Circassian walnut one-man top with gypsy curtains and side curtains that open with doors. JUST
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 435 16 6UAN KIAT I GO LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) Shipchandlers and General Contractors, 33, HDUJP STREET. S*nd your orders to in and Im- assnred of our FIRST QUALITY GOODS ROCK-BOTIOM PRICES AND SPECIAL SERVICES in the shipchandlery business. A trial order will convince you that our claims are fully proven. Enquire
      435 words
    • 355 16 JUST UNPACKED Model Hats from Paris Selection of WOOL SPORTS COATS at $12.50. LONG GLOVES AND STOCKINGS, etc., etc PARISIAN HOUSE 18, STAMFORD ROAD. COAL TAR Produced by the Singapore Municipal Gas Work*. Obtainable from LEE KIM SOO, 20, HIGH STREET. LATRILLE and GINESTET BORDEAUX FJ Olzk Clan M CLARETS
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    • 870 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Th* PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, *te., la ordieary doss set type (average six word* to line) ar* psr line one insertion 28 cent*, two las. 44 cts, three ins. 64 cts., four in*. 82 ct», Bye in*. $1.00, six In*. SI.IS, ten ins. $1.40,
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    • 941 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 70, Prinsep Street, gas and water. Apply 9, Clarke Quay. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry im mediate. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, compound house 144, Tanjong Katong Road, gas and water laid. Apply 22, Sungei Road. TO LET, Immediate
      941 words
    • 768 16 OPTICAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Cleaned, Repaired and Adjusted. JOHN~~DUKE OPTICIAN, 12, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, ETC. NOTICE is hereby given that tlie partnership heretofore subsisting between Ebrahim Esoofally Busrai, of Surat, Borah, Mahomedan Inhabitant and Abdul Hussein Esoofally Busrai, also of Surat, Dorah, Mahomodan b. habitant, carrying
      768 words
    • 222 16 Evening Gowns Parisian Corsets American Silk Hose Parisian Lingerie. European Attendance PRINCESS GARMENTS M 4, BAFFLES CHAMBEUA, (Opposite Kiibl**oa'«) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS Far tk* bast of everything la srarj Brsßcb «f Pkotogra»»y MR. BUCKERIDGE Pk«n* 1 898 THI ONLY EUROPKA?* STUDIO la tk« COLONY, M» OBCHABD
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 204 16 THE STRAITS TIKES TKLKPHOJ4B8 1 editorial and G*a«ral aUuger 1 Offlo* 1*" Ul communication* relatlag to *ditorlai matter* und new* should be addressaU THE EDITOR. All communications BSlating to busine** matter*— advertisement subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc, skould be addressed to THE MANAUX*. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Want*, For Sale, To Let, etc.,
      204 words