The Straits Times, 30 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,238. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 214 1 <IBflBBBUBBBBBaBnBBBBBBBXBBEBBBBEBBBBBBB>BBBBBBBBIflBtlBIIB«BIBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBflBBIBB»Bl> j Jiew S6ipment^~* I T. H. PROSSERS I WORLD RENOWNED j "PHENOMENON" I f BBS TENNIS RACKETS Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 P" itttPTi'itriaT PERFECTION IN TENNIS RACKET CONSTRUCTION. Fjn 'THE racket which, owing jjr.j I to its many excellent 1| qualities, has established a re- K'4
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  • 834 2 Position Altered by Recent Events. A correspondent writes to the Times M follows 1 By the law of this country e.i it stands to-day, a woman on her marriage compulsorily acquires the nationality of her husband. A British woman by the act of marriage with an alien
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  • 198 2 Some highly interesting figures relating to the discovery of German shipping are furnished by the Berlin correspondent of the Economist. The increase in the Hamburg trade is especially noteworthy. The arrival* at that port in the two opening months of the current year aggregated 1,893 vessels of 2,189,680
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 519 2 ,n- n, ,0 £h« it i 9M lull of Mis ond hn- nrvn hrra ifl lh« ilUfatSd Irautlr. Ycof £»j hoi hii biiill lur tpUmlidlr." Does your Baby laugh like this Baby laushs because he i» happy— he is happy because he is Jj 1 healthy— hi» good lieellh in
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    • 499 2 i H/** Business sad preiss. J/yff nonal men and others 7 V about to proceed home oa leare are offend unussal feahbsi foe acquiring a Light Cat. Autovcyon Lid.. London's leadatj Light Car Specialists, hare made srrangr-menti by which any cat may be purchased oa payment of a small deposit
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    • 244 2 ROUGH ROADS and SHOCK ABSORBERS It Is no longer necessary to fit expensive shock absorbers to your car, to offset all the unpleasant jolts encountered on rough and rutty roads, for Continental CORD TYRES with their oversize section and wonderful cushioning qualities make smooth and easy riding- possible. in addition
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  • 558 3 Benefit of Restriction This Year. The Unthyannual general meeting of the Taiping Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai. Mr. Brodie A. Clarke presiding. The Chairman said -Gentlemen, the report and accounts were posted to you on the 28th ultimo, and I will, with your permission take
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  • 401 3 Messrs. William Jacks and Co. report, umler dale March 27 With trade so dependent upon the American situation tin- temporary setback on Wall Street last week-end, duv to fears of tightness of money and; Bear pressure, has brought about a sharp reaction in prices of all Metals,
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  • 51 3 Orders for week ending May 6 Monday, April 30. Individual Troops Parade. Wednesday, May 2. Band Practice, 5.15 p.m. Officers Met'tinjr, 5.30 p.m. Individual Troop Orders as issued by Somitmastcrs There will bo a church Mrailt :A the Ptrmbyteriu Church on Sunday, Mjy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 347 3 STEAMER SAILINGS INIO.C3.ftA STEAM NAY. COMPANY. LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Direct Bervire to Japan via Hongkong and Shanghai and to Cslcatta via Penang front Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatcw, Amcy, Chofoo, Tientsin, Newcnwang, Yangtuxe Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA
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    • 437 3 THE UNTOUCHED MEAL Many people stnrve although they have ample foo<l en the table they simply cannot fftt. Loss of appntite is a sign of the trouble that sooner or Inter reveals itrrli' iix Indigestion or Nervous Dynpe-pi-in. with low spirits and many other dißtresging symtoms. Beware of loss of
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    • 333 3 Tea You may think that it is impossible to keep tea crisp and fresh in the humid atmosphere of the rainy season. But we can show you how it is done. The secret is pack it in a vacuum. Only Brooke Bond tea is vacuum -packed, and the Brooke Bond
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    • 100 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BT NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 U» f 13.25 SHELL $12.1t Aerate— mtaOH9'*' m>«»: c cc c ».e« *»-ea«;a»»:«3a1 SIMONDS'j KATZ BROS., LTD., Singapore. ««> >« UK lIMtM BELTING SPECIALISTS It Pays to Boy the Best F% Sjl«-- m r R CHONATA BRAND. SOI.B AGENTS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 841 4 STEAJBES SALUNtS P. 0. British India Apcar Line (Oosspaal** laeorp»rat*d la Laglaad) HAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Uader Contract wltk His Majesty's Gov.rameat) LONDON FAB-EASTERN BEBTICB FIOW LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWBBF Doe Slnt.por. Laava f ln>av«re SARDINIA May 2 KARMALA May DELTA
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    • 719 4 oTEOMER SAILIWS KONMKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCMAPPM (BOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) TJNDBB CONTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOTEBNMBNT. Telephone No*. Paaaag* Dept, 181. Freight Dept, IZOJ. Maria* Dept. aad Yran*hlpm«i>t Drpt. 1487, Managar'i Dept. loot. VAN GOENS—May 1, Lctong, Kramnt, Tnrompa, Midai, Poeloc-Pandjang, Serassan nnd Genting. VAN
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 527 5 STEAMER SAKJNM N- R. lohpoh mci Mlshima Mara May 1 Uakozaki Maru May 16 Kitano Maru May 29 UTBBPOOL IJTB Toyohashl Mara May 17 hambcbc mm Mataamoto Mara early May Tajima Mara end May KBW TOBK LPfB via BTJBB BOUTH AMBBICAIt LPfB Kanagawa Maru Apr. 29 Kawachi Maru end June
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    • 407 5 STEAMER SfllUNl^ "O.S.K. Prep seed SalUaga fraan Slagayore ibjeel te eaaage withont prertesil aetie«.) EUROPEAN LINI For Maraelllea, London, Hambarg, Betterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Sac. aad Part Bald. Arr. Dep. AMAZON MARTJ May tl May tl AMUR MARU Jane 21 Jane 22 •Omit Marseille.. NEW TOBK LINB Pot Baa Fraaclac*,
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    • 426 5 STEAMER SAHJNGS STOQHVAART iAATSCHAPPY "NEIERLANI" ("MBDBRLAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.) HOLLAND EAST ASIA UNE (af the United Netherlands Navigation Company.) HOLLAND AND ■AMBURG FREIGHT SERVICB. Following are the Companies' intended fixture. s.s. BANKA, about May 4 HOLLAND and HAMBURG s.s. OOSTKERK, about June 2 HOLLAND and HAMBURG ss. BATJAN, about June
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    • 701 5 CTEMIEB SAIUMBS ELLERMAN' XINE ■LLBBJfAN A BUCKNAL!, STRAMSBUP Ltel (laoerroratid <a Eaglaad) BTmAIUK PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWAItDS. t a.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China and Japan June 3 ts.s. OITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oct. 6 •».8. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Oct. 16 8.8. CITY OF CANTERBURY China and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 755 6 CINEMAS A L H AMB R A Monday, April 30 to Saturday, May 5, 1923. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE BOTTLE BABY, 1 Reel Universal Star Comedy. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. FAMOUS PLAYERS LASKY CORPORATION PBESENTS JUST AROUND THE CORNER With an all star caat including
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    • 395 6 CIIEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.30 A Paramount Picture full of heart interest presenting Athletic Hero, WALLACE REID, in 5 parts EXCUSE MY DUST A startling drama of romance and red blooded feats and hair trigeer wits. Round No. 5. LEATHER PUSHERS SERIES, in 2 parts. Century
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  • 227 7 nx-roua. Monday, April 30 High Water, 10.4 a.m., 10.20 p.m. l.ovig* Ai!*;. Heauim, t\ct\ U-j;., 9 p.m. Foatball league t, S.C£. v. S.R.C., S.C.C. Blue lagoon, Victoria Theatre. Sunton's Show*, F.xhib, nrotinds. Itoxir.; S:adiuri. This da>, Maj Uigh W«,ur, ift.r.O a.m., 10.53 p.m. Government House at Home.
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    • 107 7 East Wharf Basin— Nil. East Wharf— Syria. 11.M.5. Hawkins. Sheers Wharf— Van Imhoff. M.iin Wharf Himalaya Mam, Grelhead, Ipoli, .Medusa, K. clcr Nederlanden. Empire l>oeL Submarines, 11.M.5. Ambrose. Tboaswa, Agapenor. Wtwt M'Harl Nil. Jardincs Wharf Kumphius. l*alo braal Coal Waart— MU. 1 kriipal Uarboar Main Wharf-
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    • 287 7 HAN HONG ÜBONO, Brit, 708 ton*, from Bangkok -I, for unc. BESOUW, Hut., 321 tons, fiom Pulemkanc .10-4, f« Palembnng 1-5. CHIN 11UA, Brit., 1,353 tons, from Hochow tS-4, for liungkok 30-4. CHKNAN, Brit, LJM tons, from Swatow 28-1 for unc. II.OUT. fat, 'M.ii tons, from Samarinda 28-4,
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  • 216 7 f ulau Sarobu 2.30 p.m Colombo and Bombay 3 p.m. Jatu I'ahat «.i P-» Fort Swettcnham and Penang S p.m. Malacca and Uuar w 4 p.uv Fontianak 4 p.m rthio, Lingga and Singkep ..4 p.m. I. Kumbti. Sampit and Uandjcrmasin 4 p.m liatu Pafcat :ind Japan 4
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  • 40 7 P. Julias* Tboogwa Mora* Rembrandt B. I. Ellenga J. de Witt Msr. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 19 Mar. It Apr. 2 Arrfl. Loaaoa Mar. 29 Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr. 13 Apr. 1« Apr. 26
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  • 191 7 KXCQANGK. Sing«ppr«, April 30. On London, Bank 4 m/« 2/4% Deman.l 2/4 5/32 Private 3 m. credlU 2/4 17/32 On New York Demand 5 :{7 -i Private 90 d/« 56-Ts On France, Bank 750 On Jndu, Bank T.T. 172 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 2 px. piem. On
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  • 55 7 Tono of the market Steady. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet Is. :t'£d. Spot day-June 'uly-S*pt Pale Crepe Cluing Price* Buyeji. Seller*. UK DAILY PRICES CUKKENT. 12 nooa, April 30. Spot !Vlay-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyer*. Seller*. 53% 54.U 54V4
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    • 210 7 ■Hi HL I'd. Bnyan. tieUtn. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.45 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 1 1 Jclantoh 0.10 0.20 norn 1 1 Johan Tin 0.45 0.50 1 £1 Kam. Kamuntinp 2.2.0 2..'1.6 10 10 Kinta Assn. Orel. 8.10 8.50 5 6 Lingui Tin 4.05 4.25 .0
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    • 140 7 r*L Pd. Bayer*. B«Q«n. :l £1 B. Am. Tobacco 4.14.6 4.1R.0 .0 10 Centra! Engines 9.75 10.50 .0 10 Central Motors 4.60 5.00 1 £1 E. Smelting Co. C.TS 7.25 6/- Elec. Tramway* 1/- 2/-aom 10 10 Froser Neave 35.75 3C.25 >0 50 Hammer and Co. 135 140 tOO
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    • 115 7 J. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m, 3'pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 iom. -i'pore Municipal 5 p.c $1,878,000 par. ■spore Municipal 4tt p.c of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.c. dlf. i'pore Municipal 4Vi p.c of 1909 $1,600,500 5 p.c. dv. •'pore Municipal 4tt P-c. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 387 7 frmoor and Co. and Lyall and Ev.tts QmuUom. To-day Prices. Fraser Ly»ll A A Co. E>«K \llenbyNew(sl) 1.10 1.20 1.15 1.20 ■Vlor Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.20 1.30 •V. Hitam (.$6) 12.00 13.00 12.00 13.00 Kuning (»1) 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.65 Km. Malay <<»2) 2.20 2.40 2.20 2.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 678 7 TENDERS INVITED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Tenders will bf received at the Office of the Director, Posts und Telegraphs, Kuuia Lutnpvr, up to noon of May 20, 1U23, for (1) the right to print and publish a combined Telephone Directory for distribution to Telephone subscribers in th< Federated MaL.y State*, Mulnccu Province,
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    • 76 7 WOOD-MILNE PATENT FOOT PUMP ■mi *r. The reason for the success of the Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump lies not only ia the fact that it is constructed on scientific lines, but also that it is, from first to last, a firstxlass engineer job. Thus, it is made as simple as
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    • 236 7 PALLADIUM THKATRt. ORCHAKI) KO All. Commencing TUESDAY, MAY 1, at 9.10 p.m. FOR AN INDEFINITE TEUIOD j-i-"^. AT LAST!! ip*/fc9ri i Lgen;.Tnie it'i F. •j Jentel Proauv B)6IJSH WrittenJ^rectedb|j and Featuring Von Strafieint "ANfen You Wil! Love To Hstc" (In 15 reels.) Admission Upstairs Circles and Boxes 53. Downstairs $2,
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  • 35 8 Mm. C. V. Neubronner bega to thank all relatives and friends who attended the funeral of her dva'ly beloved husband tad also those who sent ureathg and letters by condolence in her sad bereavement.
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  • 1043 8 We have had an opportunity of reading the full judgment of Mr. Justice BarrettLennard in the matter of Pang Ah Yew and the Attorney-General. It is a curious case, arising out of the sale of a certain rubber land
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  • 39 8 The English community of Batavia is now some 90 strong and St. George's Day was celebrated by playing the Rest tt soccer, followed by a dance at the Box. The Java Society of St. George is o be congratulated.
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  • 41 8 Heer Erust, a photographer at Bindjei celebrated the fortieth anniversary of his arrival in the tropics on the 23rd inst. He arrived in Singapore on a French ship n 1883 and has done work for the British French and N.E.I. Governments.
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  • 34 8 A Siamese boundary commission visited Perlis in February last year, and, with an officer of the F.M.S. Trigonometrical department, refixed the position cf certain boundary marks on the Per-lis-Siamese boundary which had been lost.
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  • 36 8 Following are the numbers of arrivals from and departures to the Madras Presidency for the month of April, 1923 Arrivals, adults, 610, minors, 59. Departures, adults, 3,602, minors, 190. The arrivals relate to aided passengers only.
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  • 37 8 The bright moonlight night attracted an unusually large crowd to the Botanic Gardens yesterday, when the band of the 2nd Battalion the Middlesex Regiment gave a delightful programme of music, the Gems of Sullivan being especially appreciated.
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  • 14 8 The Band of Hope will meet at the Y.W.C.A. on Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 16 8 The annual meeting of Batu Village Rubber Co., was fixed to be held at noon to-day.
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  • 21 8 The monthly service for the sick will be held on Friday next, at 5.15 p.m. in the Cathedral. All are invited.
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  • 22 8 According to the Soerabaya Handclsblad, the radio station at Malabar was opened by sending a congratulatory message to the Queen of Holland.
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  • 30 8 The ra'e of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 169 =,$lOO. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 174=i$100.
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  • 27 8 The following telegram has been received from Milan dated noon, April 26 Excange on London lires 94.15 per sterling, Italian War Loan 5 per cent, lires 88.50.
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  • 26 8 A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday withdraws the proclamation under the Prevention of Crimes Ordinance, made in March, 1914, as Tethe central district of Malacca.
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  • 33 8 Our Penang correspondent wires that both accused in the case of theft of Municipal electricity in a house in Rangcon Road, Penang, were convicted, the !irst being fined $150 and the second $25.
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  • 32 8 Mr. A. B. Muddiman, Canadian Government Trade Commissioner, will deliver a lecture, entitled Across Canada, in the V.M.C.A. Hall, on Wednesday, May 2, at 8.15 p.m. The lectura will be profusely illustrated.
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  • 38 8 The hearing of the civil suit, G. A. St. George and Derme Violet St. George against the State of Ncgri Sembilan, in ffhich plaintiffs claim $45,000, was concluded in the Supreme Court, Seremban, on Thursday judgment being reserved.
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  • 55 8 Before Mr. Ahearne to-day, Inspectot Meredith, in charge of Orchard Roan division, mentioned the case in which foui Chinese are charged with gang robbery and with murder of the late Mr. J. La Salle, in Adam Road. On his application a further week's postponement was granted by his Worship for
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  • 52 8 Mr. Billings of Norseman Estate, Batu Kurau, near Taiping, had an unfortunate experience on April 25. Cash to the value of $600 and jewellery valued at over ,$l,OOO was taken from his safe and a! mirah. Two of Mt. Billings's house servants disappeared at the time and suspicion has fallen
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  • 61 8 A tragic event occurred on April 14, a young Englishman named R. W. Chapman being found, in his room in darter Read, Shanghai, shot through the heart, his own act. Mr. Chapman, who wm 27 and a native of Manchester, went to Shanghai in 1919 to join the Shanghai
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  • 70 8 A Chinese, named Lim Ah Loke, it being charged before Mr. Gourlay to-day with theft of 16 watches, valued about $400, from chop Loo Sin Poh, 105 South Bridge Road. The accused, it la alleged was befriended by the lowkay, and th< discovery in the box of the accused of
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  • 65 8 In the Seremban police court, on Friday, Inspector Kennedy charged the proprietor of Chop Hin Yew, of Mambau and his wife, with being in possession of forged rubber coupons— -51 coupons of ten catty denomination, 42 of 25 catties one of one picul and one of five piculs Both accused
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  • 74 8 A violent gale swept over Penang harbour at about 2 a.m. Wednesday last and caused some damage among the junks and tongkangs. A Chinese-owned junk got adrift and crashed sternwise into the steamer Gula causing damage to her stern and the davits of the Gula. Then she bumped into the
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  • 81 8 It is quite likely that more will be heard of the Penang will case, says the Hongkong Daily Press. The plaintiff, against whorr the decision was given, has applied for leave to appeal in forma pauperis. The appeal will very likely come before the full Court sometime next month in
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  • 99 8 Medical Bulletin No. 3, 1923 deals wttfe Malaria Prevention and Farming, by Mr. C. N. Maxwell, of the Malayan Civil Service. At the outset he explains that his purpose is to suggest that the work accomplished by Drs. Watson, Strickland Hacker and Lamborn in Malaya has now reached the stage
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  • 132 8 At the annual general meeting of the Ipoh branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya held at the Ipoh Club on April 25, Major G. C. Spooner, M.C., presided. During the proceedings Mr. Rix suggested that a sort of a rest-house should be erected in Ipoh for the use of
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  • 528 8 Mr. W. F. Nutt returned from his visit to Java by the Rumphius this morning. Dr. Stone. Assistant Superintendent Central Mental Hospital, Tanjong Kani butan, has been transferred to the Asylum, Singapore. Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson's visiting book is open to callers on H. M. S. Hawkins,
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  • 33 8 Miails frorr. Europe, (London mails d"spatched April 5) by the P. and Sardin a will arrive by train to-morrow morning. Correspondence will be reidy for delivery to boxholders at 10 a.m.
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  • 110 8 At the Supreme Court this morning, before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw, •;he following ca=es were fixed for hearing next month Chop Chip Bee v. Straits Lumber Co. (District Court ippeal), Van Phey v. O. S. X., Ltd., Colonial Motor Co. v. N. M. Thompson, \ldens' Successors
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  • 126 8 About 2.45 a.m. to-day, a fIMIMWf. named Choa Yong Ha, living at D 2, Fanglin Road, and who has been in illhealth for sometime, suddenly got hold of a knife and attacked two Chinese, named Peng Sia and Chua Sia Kee, both of whom he
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  • 129 8 Two murders were committed on Friday, one was on Bukit Scmbawang Rubber Estate where it seems that as a result of a gambling squabble among estate coolies a Teochew, named Mok Chong, is alleged to have fatally assaulted another, man with a stick and then run away.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 The GARRICK SPECIAL SIZE No. 2. This newly introduced cigarette blended from specially selected Virginian tobacco should certainly recommend itself to all devotees of "MY LADY NICOTINE." SSHSBHBtSBssF ASK rOK Remington Typewriter THE MOST RELIABLE MACHINES. *2L NOTE REDUCTIONS Obtainable from JohnLittle&Co.,Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. Where
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    • 182 8 ALHAMBRA JUST AROUND THE CORNER 7 pts. 7 pts. TOPICAL BUDGET UalTcnal Swlal (In 18 episodes) WITH STANLEY IN AFRICA (George Walsh and Loots* Lorraine) Episodes 5 and 6. (Pint Sfcow) MARLBOROUGH THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH (Mary Glynne and Donald Crisp) 7 reels 7 reels OH LADY LADY (Bebe Daniels)
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  • 215 9 Survivors Account of What Happened. Reuter's Service London, April 28. (';>;, Town All the Mossamedes' boats except one have been picked up. Two hundred and twenty-seven were .saved out of 258. London, April 28. Cape Town Details of the Mossamedcs as given by survivors, show that the vessel
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  • 122 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. Calcutta The closing of the Alliance Bank of Simla is due to heavy losses and customers' withdrawals. The Imperial Bank of folia is prepared forthwith to repay 50 per cent, of all classes of deposit-, subject to liquidation under iUs surveillance. Further
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  • 109 9 Rkutir'B Service London, April 29. I'aiis The newspapers state that (iencral Wcygand will embark, at Toulon on Thursday, on the warship Lorraine for Pill lit to visit the North Syrian frontier where the Turks are reported to be concentrating. It is pointed out that General Weygand disposes
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  • 108 9 Riutib's Sirvici London, April 29. Constantinople: It is reported that the police have discovered a Bolshevik plot, in which the Bolshevik Commercial MagSttoa is said to be involved, to OCfMiM a demonstration of workers on May Day. Leaflets have been seized calling on the proletariat to rise
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  • 56 9 Riutm's Service London, April 28. Paris The Magistrate who is examining the charges against ex-directors of the Banque Industrielle de Giiine, has appointed a committee of three financial apwti to ascertain the course of :MOO,OOO francs which Andre Brrthelot paid to his brother Philippe. Andre declares that he
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  • 139 9 Reuter'b Service London, April 28, Rome Signor Mussolini's acceptance of tbe Ponular Party Ministers' resignation has surprised and disappointed Catholics throughout Italy and caused not a little consternation in the Vatican itself. Signor Mussolini thus has shown his displeasure at the vote of the Catholic Popular Party Congress
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  • 97 9 Reuter's Service London, April 29. Lt.-Col. Sir E. W. M. Grigg, secretary to the Rhodes' Trustees, in an interview with the Observer, hails the Davison scholarship fund as a most important step forward in the path marked by Cecil Rhodes' will. He particularises the excullcnt American results obtained by
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  • 78 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. A successful experiment has -been made by the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce to demonstrate the possibility of saving time in the delivery al American m*ils. A launch intercepted ar incoming liner at Plymouth and conveyed test mails ashore whence an aeroplane continued the
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  • 63 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. Lausanne Progress has been made by the Third Committee, which has settled t practically all the economic clauses in the Treaty, the Turks displaying goodwill. A. discussion of the articles dealing with economic concessions was suspended pending the negotiations of interested parties
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  • 51 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. Lahore Twelve hundred Sikh prisosoners, convicted in connection with the Gurukabagh incidents, are being released in recognition of the assistance rendered to the Punjab Government by the A kalis pending the arrival of troops at Amritsar on the occasion of the recent Hindu-Moslem
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  • 55 9 Bsuteb's Sirvici London, April 29. On the eve of the lock-out the Boiler Makers Society has decided to fall into line with the two other unions and a ballot of the members will be held during the coming week. It is anticipated that the employers will postpone the
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  • 46 9 RIUTTR'S SHVICI London, April 28. During Mr. Bonar Law's absence, Mr. Baldwin, whose handling of the Budget enormously increased his reputation, will lead the House. He has virtually done so for some days and has enhanced the good opinions as to his Parliamentary capacity.
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  • 160 9 British Monument to Belgian Nation. Reuter's Service London, April 28. Brussels Glorious weather, with aeroplanes droning overhead, the capital alive with flags, bunting and uniforms and of enormous cheering crowds marked the occasion of the Prince of Wales unveiling, in front of the Palais de Justice, a
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  • 128 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. The so-called terms of settlement laid down by the De Valera proclamation are high-sounding, but in essence they appear to deal with formulae rather than facts. It is expected that the Free State Government will reply immediately. Meanwhile, it is pointed out that
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  • 46 9 Riutib's Service London, April 28. Sixteen hundred men in the National Oil Refiner!'- at Skewen, near Swansea, have struck in sympathy with the fitters, who have been striking during the past three weeks against a reduction of wages. The strike is now complete.
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  • 39 9 Eeuter'b Servici London, April 29. The new Hamburg-Amerika twin-screw steamer Deutschland has been launched at the Blohm and Voss shipyards, Hamburg, President Ebert performing the christening ceremony. The ship will be placed on the Hamburg-New York service.
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  • 41 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. The old-established Royal Hospital School at Greenwich^ is to be removed to Holbrook, Suffolk, to a site given by Mr. G. S. Reade as a token of admiration for the Navy's, services in wartime.
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  • 32 9 Belter's Service London, April 29. Santiago de Chile The Pan-American Conference armaments committee have approved of adherence to the Washington Treaty and fixing the limit of capital ships at 35,000 tons.
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  • 89 9 Reuter's Sirvici London, April 28. It is generally believed that the failure of Reiss Brothers, Limited, will not lead to further unfavourable developments. London, April 28. The Times correspondent at Peshawar states that Central Asia travellers report that Bolsheviks in February overran the last remaining portion of East Bokhara.
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  • 217 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. Washington Mr. Hughes, referring to criticism, said the British Empire had six votes to America's one in the selection of judges. Mr. Hughes declared that the United States ought not to object to an increase in the voting strer.gth of peoples which
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  • 58 9 Reuter's Service London, April 28. Paris The newspapers report that Madon, commander of the Bapt expedition, which was to tour the world by air, has disappeared between Pisa and Rome. It is believed that he has fallen into the sea. London, April 28. Rome Madon has arrived and reports
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  • 226 9 EX- SERVICE MEN. More Individual Push Urged As Necessary. At the annual meeting of the Ipoh branch of the ex-Service Association, Sir John Campbell made a suggestion that exService men should pu?h themselves, as Ex-Service men, more to the fore. At present they were very much in the minority on
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  • 80 9 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, April 30. Tin.— £2ll. Rubber.— ls. 3lid. Rubbers.— Allenbys 1.15-1.20, Malakoffs 3-3.20, Kedah» 2.15-2.25, Kempas 4.75-5, Mentakabs 22V4-25, Amalgamated Malays 2.20-2.30, Rudellas 3.90-4.10. Mining.— Collieries 19-19.50 ex, Kampong Kamuntings 425.-435., Souths 1.12%--1.17>/4, Taipings 90-95, Norths 1.15-1.20, Ulu Piahs 1.70-180 ex rights, Mambaus
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  • 114 9 Presiding at a meeting of the Strangers' Home for Asiatics heH at Limehouse, Earl Winterton commented upon the admirable work of the Home, where nearly 1,000 Indians were cared for during the past year. He said that on Viscount Peel's direction he, Sir Cyril Cobb, Lord Kdnam and
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  • 465 9 Cattle Dealer's Successful Appeal. Lalh Singh, a cattle dealer, of Singapore, appealed wgainst a conviction in the District Oourt for lissaultinjc Santa Singh, a motor driver. Mr. N. H. P. Whitley appeared on behalf of the Crown, and Mr. S. T. Thompson for the appellant. Mr. Thompson,
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  • 305 9 Remarkable Film to be Shewn At k Palladium. The Palladium management have secured the great Stroheim masterpiece Foolish Wives and present it for the first time to-morrow evening. It is an important film which should not be missed by cinema students for two reasons. The first is the
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  • 151 9 The Muncipal health statement for the week ending April 21, gives the total number of deaths as 201 representing a death rate of 27.98 per mille, per annum compared with 30.91 in the preceding week, and with 33.55 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 92 9 Acts of piracy, committed by Chinese, arc increasing in frequency on the East Coast of Sumatra. Papers recently to hand report the looting of a prauw which belonged to some Chinese living at Tandjong Bringin, and again the looting of the lighthouse-keepers' quarters- at Pulau Boepit, near
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  • 1129 9 Activities of the Junior Red Cross. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok April 10. A very satisfactory start, has been made in this country with the Junior Red Cross movement. The position of the Red Cross here is rather peculiar. In name and constiution it is like any
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  • Sporting News and Notes
    • 142 10 Merchants v. Etceteras The Merchants, by a most decisive victqiy on Saturday, have placed themsrlyps second on the Uat of the S. C. C. Tournament and, if they have the good fortune to meet an tin v team as weak as their opponents pa Saturday, they should take some
      142 words
    • 73 10 G. Graham-Brown b Scharenguivel.. 7 I. V. S. Brooke i> Kayner 4 E. C. Poyser c Banks b Rayner 9 C. E. Winter c Banks b Winter 40 E. J. Riches c Schar«nguivcl b Calder 70 P. N. Knight c Rolfe b Stevens 21 J. B. Adams not out
      73 words
    • 39 10 V. E. Rayner 7 W. Winter 5 rl. G. Calder 3 >r. J. Scharenguivel 12 i. Stev«ns 8 V. Rolfe 3 1 0 0 2 0 I 30 24 16 44 73 8 I 1 1 1 °l
      39 words
    • 80 10 M. G. Calder b Knight 20' J. V. Rolfe b Knight Gi Dr. J. A. Scharenguivel c and b < Poyser 9 J. W. Winter b Poysor 0 W. E. Kayner c and b Knight 0i A. Stevens b Knight 0' P. C. Barnes b Knight 3. A. S.
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    • 28 10 The following were the scores in the match on the S. R. C. ground on Saturday between Mr. Wodehouses eleven and the S.R.C.
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    • 111 10 G. Armstrong c Hare b Baker 7 G. Bates lbw. b Craig 0 E. E. De Souza c Wodehouse b Craig 0 J. D'Cotta b Wodehouse 4 W. Key t c Wodehouse b Baker 21 R. Barte's b Craig 3 i T. Lei jn.sius c Baker b
      111 words
    • 120 10 H. L. Mitchell c Armstrong b Coelho 32 E. W. Hare c and b Leijssius 1 R. L. D. Wodehouse c Westerhout b Coelho t 10 F. R. Craig c Leijssius b Coelho 7 E. C. Baker c Keyt b Leijssius 12 O. H. Hewitson b Coelho
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    • 193 10 The Regiment scored a good win at vur Saturda V when th ey beat the 1 ..M.I .A. by 77 runs. Lieut. Heywood was in good form and made 57 during l a brilliant innings. Scores Y.M.CA.— M. Ignatius, run out 13, M. Anthonisz,
      193 words
    • 77 10 titie, two for 18 > Anth«ai«», two for 24 Retnam, ore for 24 Vyas, one for 12 Askty, non« for 27. N. Kni K ht E. C. Poyser 7 (I n. •jr. 24 r 8 t;.- t. B. and I lorchants S. and L. crvices Itceteras 2 I 1
      77 words
    • 421 10 TO-DAYS TIES. Championship Parr*. Miss Fawcett v. Mrs. Duff. Ladies' Double Open. Mn, Brooke and ijrs. Saundcrs v. Miss Richardson and .Miss Chapptl. hampionsiiip Pairs. Mrs. Salzmann and Mr. Linton v. Miss Stephenson and Mr. 11*11. Single Handicap. E. Brooke owe 3 v. Miss Henderson
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    • 543 10 Selangor Beat Negri Sembilan. (From Oor Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 29. More than two thousand spectators were present on the padang on Saturday afternoon when Selangor met Negri Sembilan at soccer. Considering that both states were well represented a good game was anticipated, but it turned out a
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    • 92 10 The following will represent the S.C.C. v. the S.K.C. on tho former.-, ground this afternoon, in the first division of Uie League Dean Gale and Corben Edlin, J. W. Wmttr iwi Lee Wavcile, Jumie£on, Craik, Sinclair ana Suirtli. 'Ihe following will represent Uw Y.M.CA. v. the S.C.C. 11,
      92 words
    • 359 10 Our Malacca correspondent writes on April 25 Before a small crowd of spectutor?, quite an exciting and evenly contested game was- played oil the local padanir last evening. For quite a while there has been little football seen in Mjlaccu, but With the match against the Middlesex last
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    • 89 10 A water polo team from H.M.S. Ambros? visited the Singapore Swimming Club on Sunday morning, and were defeated by seven goals to nil. The Club, who were strongly represented, met with a weak defence, the Naval team being much inferior in the matters of speed and handling. Watson
      89 words
  • 229 10 The following Singapore properties were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheng Koon Seng and Co., at their saleroom, 30 Chulia Street, on Wednesday afternoon: Freehold lands and houses 21 Lorong 27-A off Gaylang Road, area 10.648 aq. ft., bought by Mr. P. L. M. M. Meyappa
    229 words
  • 143 10 There was. a large attendance of all nationalities at the opening night of Stanton'g midway shows on' Saturday, in the Exhibition Grounds, at the comer of Anson Road and Prince Edward Roads. The management claim to have over a thousand novelties, including mechanical marvels and mysteries,
    143 words
  • 799 10 Amazing Scenes at Wembley Stadium. [Reuter's Service London, April 28. At Wembley Stadium, in the Association Football Cup Final, Bolton Wanderers beat West Ham United by two goals to nil. I.onbn, Ap"il 28. There wen amazing scenes at the cup final between West Ham United and Bolton
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  • 94 10 [Reuter's Service]. London, April 28. Philadelphia Oxford won the sprint medley, in which the first man runs 440 yards, the e ccond and thind 220 and each the fourth 880, in the Philadelphia University relay carnival. The time was i 3 mins. 32 1/5 sees. London,
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  • 35 10 [Reuter's Service]. London, 'April 28. At the Holborn Hall, in the scrai-flnal 1 of the professional billiards championship, the result was Smith. 16,000 Falkincr, 8,695. Smith thus meets Newman in tha [final. I
    35 words
    • 459 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Letters by G.B. and others and jour worthy and capable support have now shown the esfciting dimocratic spirit of our local public which has hitherto been lying dormant and if inarticulation has deluded the authority into construing jt as incapacity. I
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    • 532 10 Public Service Unsafe." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your leader on The Case of Mr. Symes has caused a widespread feeling of satisfaction throughout Perak. The way this case w:is conducted is r. crying scandal, and what is more alarming is, that it looks as if this
      532 words
    • 451 10 Rubber Nerves" To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, With reference to your stimulating editorial "Rubber Nerves." you have apparently missed a few salient points which (liiu'nt to make the Stevenson scheme the pivot of salvation for tho rubber inddatlT. Ist. The Government is not doing anything to stop
      451 words
    • 395 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Answering recent criticisms that have appeared in your p*P cr the Director of Education jompare-d the Struit Settlement's with Ceylon to establish the fact that more pupils were being taught English in the Colony for every hundred of its population than
      395 words
  • 55 10 Wallace Reid, the famous Paramount star, will be seen at the Empire at 9.30 in a Paramount artcraft feature. Excuse my Dust, with round 5 of Leather Push-i-r-.' series, and a two-reel Century comedy. The Pearl White. serial and a Warren Harrigan feature ore in the first show
    55 words

  • 2485 11 Week of Many Interesting Events. By Our Special Correspondent London, March 29. The end of last week was positively crammed with sporting excitements. After the Grand National on Friday, the Saturday saw a coincidence of the University Boat Race, the University Sports, the Football Cup semi-finals, and the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 95 11 HIS MASTERS VOICE GRAMOPHONES AND 44 H. M. V." RECORDS Have proved their superiority and are recognized as the standard of the world. Call in and let us demonstrate this to yon. Prices $67.50 and up. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. MMt t MU>M»m<«>»M» TIMONOX COOKSONS OXIDE OF ANTIMONY IN
      95 words
    • 499 11 RAFFLES HOTEL MOin>AT T m TaUpko.. Ml*. <1» Lhea.) TTJBDAY.-Dlna.r D».«. Th« PiMKt Ballrooa In tk« Bast WEDNESDAY.— Orchestral Concert. Grill Boom adjoining Dining Room. THURSDAT<-G«e«t Night. Dinner an* epea 8 lt> Ut It p.m. Dante. FRIDAY.— Taa Daaaaat. Monday fP A SATURDAY.— Gaeet Night Dinner aa4 1 EJ\ Daac
      499 words

  • 235 12 Rewards for Distinguished Services. A number of rewards are gazetted for valuable and distinguished services on the field with the Waziristan Force, from April to December, 1921. They include.— Companionship of the Order of the Bath to Lieutenant-Colonel O. C. Borrett of the King's Own Regiment. Companionships of
    235 words
  • 247 12 Splendours of an Ancient Civilisation. The special correspondent of The Times at Paris states that while Luxor ami Pompeii are yielding the treasures of antiquity, the lost splendours of ancient Carthafre, thrice levelled to the ground, ere now being explored by an American, who has unearthed 65 buildings
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 282 12 /HftlP'F 'iSMV See that s*o-^ 'i/ c 'Allenburys' Foods '>^ 1 V&_V*ior Ir.fants are invaluable /\J^^in the prevention of infantile diarrhoea and cholera. They are entirely free from harmful germs, and are $m quickly and simply prepared by the addition of boiling water. Moreover the 'Allenburys' Foods contain no excess
      282 words
    • 98 12 Ami/Hf UNQUALIFIED I ||tt|Mf||r excellence: mmW/ T^IS s the final verdict of hundreds of illicimiiußm// men when talking about their 555 Virginia it Till tin nw/fflff if Vwiß W//// ne w^ sa y* "They are irresistible"; \ul Ilff/tf another, "They are just Perfect"; and yet vi lllf/// another, The quality
      98 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
      264 words
    • 153 13 "SEA-GULL" BRAND Condensed Sweetened Condensed Unsweetened Sterilized Natural >»ol« Importers The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (liwjmM U BhuujV 1 Singapore. SEASONED TIMBER Stocks of KAPOR FOR SALE Various sizes or to order. Apply W. P. MILLAR CO LTD. t, WINCHESTER fIOUSE. SINGAPORE. Don't l«t r»«r tooik dteaj, they lajmr* yoar
      153 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 326 14 jfe*) koncitiic .ggps/ IVbllolLuo Jiik fiirfflppttps b» UlgululLCu m^iflifl STANDARD SIZE 75 cents per tin of 50. On Knowing How kensitas cigarettes ¥lK«!Liits^a&WS are carefully kept UP to really counts. There's as much differ- fUp nritrinal hiVh mialitv ence between ordinary Virginia l c Or'Sl"* l quality, cigarettes and Kensitas
      326 words
    • 991 14 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONG KOON SENG ft CO, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of very valuable town and country properties at High Street, Norris Road, etc. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday. May 2, at 2.30 p.m. ESTATE OF SHERIFFA OMAR SVED BINTE HASSAN AL
      991 words
    • 487 14 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF CORNELIS JOHANNES NICOLAAS SLAG, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 25 of Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees). NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any cl; ims or demands upon or against the Estate of Cornelis Johannes Nicolaas Slag, late of Bidor, Perak, who
      487 words
    • 278 14 Support Local Rubber Industries by Wearing T. K. K.'S Rubber Footwear The finest production ever placed before the public PRICES Sizes I Extra large $1.50, large $1.30. Medium $1.20, small $1.00. TAN KAH KEE Co. Sales Department 215, South Bridge Road, Singapore. IT IS ABMIITEI SQUIB'S MANGE LOTION ia the
      278 words

  • 1093 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. A Fascinating Light-Six. The Studebaker Light-Six touring car may thus be described i Six-cylinders, 40 H.P. (23 H.P., R.A.C. or S.A.K.), 3V» by 4% inches (79 by 114 iiim) engine oast en Woe with upper half of crank case cast integral
    1,093 words
  • 107 15 A *ad boat^ni: acfifrnt orttirred on Sunday evening, April 15, when Colonel Walker Hefiry Norihan, C.8., D.5.0., General Staff, Southern Command, and bis wife were drowned. It appears Colonel and Mrs. Norman with Mis? Mnnro Went for a sail on the Kadakwaslu Lake a few miles
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 345 15 It was a Studebaker Light -Six that set the highest average for six-cylinder cars in the 1922 Petrol Consumption Test bead T~^ by the Royal Automobile Club VjGALIOnV of Queensland, Australia 34.6 miles to the gallon of foeL \j S^ —^aw $2,795 THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAS The above price
      345 words
    • 119 15 a *>M»m.^ I miiiiiHlßfi ''^^^^MQEI m^LjmmOi 9 mmml m 3 mtmw 1 mf^mmmmmmmmmmi«mw^mi£s^immmVESlffi& '&£> Jl SitHORNLESS PHONOGBAPH tK SOLID OAK CASE J63. SEASON COMPANY, LIMITED, (Incorporated in the S. S.) 11l and 111, NORTH KRIDGE ROAD. (S Storied Boildini.) m>iMiimnnn)i>m»4 ♦♦-«-»♦>-»♦->♦-»«• e e c Tht Good MAXWELL 1923, Has Now
      119 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1607, Joo Chiat Place, are? 81,200 square feet APPLY 35, PHILUP STREET. SEE N. LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTERY ROAD FIRST REMINDER JUST UNPACKED A shipment of THICK MANILA ENVELOPES at $2.75 per 1,000. Only a limited Quantity
      220 words
    • 435 16 LADIES! A Straight Line is the Shortest Distance Between Any Two Points PARISIAN HOUSE 5, ORCHARD ROAD IS THE STRAIGHT LINE TO LOWEST PRICES FOR HATS. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be
      435 words
    • 862 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Want*, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary dose Mt typo (averag* six word, to line) are par line one insertion 28 cent*, two Ins. 46 ets., three ins. 64 cU., four in*. 82 eta, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten in*. $1.40,
      862 words
    • 881 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, NO. 4, Oxley Ri.o. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brother*. TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Road. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brother*. TO LET, house No. 86-1, 35-8,15-4, Cairnliill Road, water and gas laid, moderate rent. Apply 101, Chin Swee Road. TO T ET, 87, Emerald Hill
      881 words
    • 662 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fallow of tke British Optical Aaaociatloa. Freeman af the Worahipfal Company af Spectacle Makers, Fr**aaaa of the City af Londoa. Lata of Old Broad St. Laadoa. YXABS' LONDON EXPaTBTTNCa IN SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. THE STRAITS TRADING CO., LIMITED LOST SCRIP. Whereas application ha. been
      662 words
    • 232 16 Charming and Attractive Gowns FOR THE RACE SEASON AT PRINCESS GARMENTS C 3 4, RAFFLES CHAMBERS. (Opposlts Robinson's) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS For the boat of everything in every Branch of Photography Blag sp MR. BUCKERIDGE Phone 18 Jo THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO in the COLONY, U,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 201 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONE* t Editorial and General Manager. Office 1( Ml communication* relating to editorial mature and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matter*— advertisements, subscriptions, account., printing, should be addressed to THE MANAGE*. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. .Vant., For Sale, To Let, etc., in
      201 words