The Straits Times, 24 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,233 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1923, PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 188 1 lIT 1 4 CREHBBBailBaBBBBBaBBflBBBBaaBBRaaae5BBS2SHaBHr!BBCBB»BBBIBB9SBK3aC^BaBBBB»BCBBBBBBBBB1BBB H I Fire Extinguishers I Once filled always ready. Useful everywhere. 1 STOCKED IN TWO SIZES. mhA A Size (10 pints) Jljk I I |Nl B size (2 fiaHs-) |:;^L Complete with bracket and charge. 1 1 Hraf C~~^""" A free Refill is given for each
      188 words
    • 293 1 IIBaaBBBBnBBBmnmBBainBBBBaBaBViaZCIBfiBBBBB&aBBBBBaMavaBgaaBIBKBBBBBBUBBBBBBBaBBBBI* I HandkercMefs I I Qualify Style I s s LADIES' -^^f^V LADIES' WHITE EMBROIDERED '^y SUPERIOR FINISH HANDKERCHIEFS v LAWN y*^'t. IN BOXES lI WDKERCHIEFS of \o?Wfm I HALF DOZEN k^.*j ■■■•£.>£*.... 5 r« J "LISSUE" SPECIAL FINE Tootahs Guarantecl Cotton QUALITY ij Handkerchief. Plain white g BEhT with
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  • 1300 2 Revelations of Famous Home Secretary. A valued friend and confidant of Queen Victoria and King Edward VII., and a statesman whose splendid career, greatness of gifts, generosity of. heart, wit, and wisdom Irradiated the public life of the country for half a century, Sir William i Harcourt,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 740 2 Our 50 years' ex- I A^ H^W^ perlene't in in >.- fBP v ing low pricr !n vSSr Vt ittfartlil'e D -v/*': goods, and offer- j tßß!^^_ V in(ctliemutasav- I m laß ilkg, has pone in- H to the makinir of I this bi.- i" Waff Catalogue. V" ~?<-M/- V^^^^f
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    • 496 2 SUFFERED MHIIIS Ml Skin Would Itch and Burn. Face Disfigured. CL'tict rr. Healed. "For mcr.'.hr: I EuQMd with a rash which trtke ou: til over rr.y skin. If I r,ct •.h:!oc^i bit warm my skin would itch or.d burr., end at night I could r.o: rest. If j fees was
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  • 490 3 Record Results of Past Years Trading. PmMJa* at the twenty-sixth annual it-rural meeting of liovril Ltd., »n UeorgC Lawsnn Johnston (chairman* WOgmuUted the .-haieholders on the record results of the past year's ira-lmg, and on the strength of the position the company h^d now attained. The net piolit.-.
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  • 141 3 The month of March i* the most important month of the year for an importam industry in Eastern Canada that ennected with maple syrup. The maple I v. 1 ixude their succulent s<ap in the waning days of winter. Mo?t of the maple syrup and maple sugar
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  • 110 3 The popularity of bridge has brought the new complaint, bridge wrist." Its most easily ricognisable .symptom h a lump on top of the wrist. At first the lump is not painful, but it become? ti-ivic r if the victim does considerable card dealing. The swelling is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 743 3 FOR IMUNOKS AM) liK'l! MEN ONLY.) THE ROYAL YAKUTI <\.VY.N<; MI.A.-'.) This Yiikuti of life-giving nectar has been prepared ttum the best, choicest and richest vtritabi'f drugs. It has a wonderful property of Minimising the virile power ami rrsti.'.LS nil urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mm a man. This
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    • 381 3 WHY BE OFFENSIVE to your l'rien<U beeMMe Of aiislgllllj pimples Meat l>reath? The cause of these troubles usually is irregular bowel action, jaiul l'inki'ttes spoeiiily restore uaily Ngalarity. As i-ently as nature these d;.inty little laxatives dispel constip Uion, biliosslloaa, siok headaches, recu'.. t he livii niiev" Tile;.. Vendors everywhere
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    • 147 3 IHORLICK'Si MALTED I MILK tor building up too tyttmm w*akea«d through ertremM ol Cliaiat. tkaa HORLICICI < MALTED MILK. TWs cosftitueat! of HORLICK'S an Malted Barley. WLc.t ana Milk. Giv. reuewtJ Ti(«W aad vitality. < HORLICK'S n <n. FtoiDrink tUi »o« Docton recoal■ead. Mxla v a mooiaal b/ lU adJitios
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    • 210 3 Dunhllls Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 to $13.25 SHELL $12.59 Agest*— Hj.a.».«.«» mil t,<MIMiH.H«»tM>.I.I.IM S II lIIHI aj.aj ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Del Monte DriPak Prunes Are the finest of the Sweet French variety prepared and packed solid in cans without syrup. Packed in 2
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 842 4 STEAMS SaHWK P. (L-Brifisii India <** Apcar line (Compaalea laeorpo?ai*d la Kagla-jd) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA ANO ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Cor.truct with Hie Majesty's GoTcrameat) LONDON FAB-f ASTERN' SERVICI FBOU LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWBBP Due Singapor* L*av* Slnga»ar* SARDINIA Apr. 29 NANKIN Apr.
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    • 628 4 STEfIMER SfIHIMgS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCMAPPM (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVU) (Incorporated in Holland) CNDKB CONTRACT -JrITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOTERNMKNT. Tclephoß* No*. Passage Dept, 131. Freight Dept, 1202, Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dept. 1437, Managar'* Dept. i«oi. COEN April 25, Muntok and Palembanc. SINGKEP— ApriI 25. Moeitra-Saba and Djambi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 541 5 STEAMER SAiUHW N.Y.K. LONDON UM Miabima Maru May 1 HakozuWi Mitru May 15 Kitano Maru May 25 LIVERPOOL UMI Toyuhashl Mara mid. May HAMBURC UM Matsumoto Maru early May Tajima Maru end May NEW YORK LINE via SUM aOPTH AMERICAN LOT Kanujrowu Maru Apr. 28 Kuwachi M:nii end June KOMBAT
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    • 470 5 ITEAiER jAILMiS Ptaaaaad Sailings from Bingafara (i«bj»tt to eaanga wltkoat pr*rl*mi natiaa.) EUROPEAN LIN* For Maraolllaa. London, Hambatg, R*U«rdsm. Antwerp, vim Colombo, Baaa aa4 Part Bald. Art. Dei. AMAZON MARC May II May tt AMUR MARU June 21 June 22 'Omit Marseille.. NBW YORK LINB For Saa Francisco, Panama, Maw
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    • 537 5 STOOiVAART HAATSGHAPPY "NEIEItLANI" ("NEDEOLAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.) HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE (of the Crlted Netherlands Navigation Company.) HOLLAND AND HAMBURG FREIGHT SERVICA Following are the Companies' intended fixtures s.s. BANKA, about May 9 HOLLAND and HAMBURG Moreover the mail steamer, offer a limited capacity for cargo to Holland and Holland
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    • 683 5 STEfIMER SHILIH6S ELLEKM AN" IiNE ■LLBRMAN ft BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co.. LU. (Incorporated la Englaad) 8TBAM1» Dae Slagaaore PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. t s.s. CITY OP MANCHESTER Cnina and Japan June 1 ts.s. CITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oct. 5 s.s. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Oct. 1C s.s. CITY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 638 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA Tuetday, April 24 to iunda>, April 29, 1923. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. PLAYGOERS PICTURES PRESENTS Evelyn Greely and Robert Elliott in 5 Parts Adapted from Clara Morris Nnvel A PASTEBOARD CROWN SELECT PICTURES PRESENTS Constance Talmadge, in 5 Parts WHO
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    • 349 6 CIWEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9 JO LEATHER PUSHERS SERIES Round No. 4, Unversal-Jcwel Collier's Series. Dorothy Gish in a Paramount feature in 5 parts THE GHOST IN THE GARRET A woozy romance of love and crooks and spooks and a haun.i'd house. And a Paramount Mack
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    • 296 6 Exhibition Grounds CORNER ANSON AND PUINCE EDWARD ROADS. GRAND* OPENING NIGHT SATURDAY MEXT. APRBL 28 STANTON'S midway SHOWS AND EXPOSITION NOW ON WORLDS TOUR. Sole Proprietor CHARIJES A STANTON. General Manager KRED. W. HOWARD. An avalanche of attractions and Amusement!) from every land and clime throughout the civilized Globe. ANCIENT,
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  • 166 7 nXTURN, Tiiisd.-.v, \|,ril 24 High Water, 2.l>'> a.m., 4.4* p.m. P. nnd Vuiiiewarii mail, Football LeagM 11, Ex-Serricei v. Y.M.CA., S.C.I.A. Kontball League 11, S.C.FJ. v. S.C.C., S.C.C. Footbnll League 11, Harlequins v. O.TJ.C, Malaya. Wednesday. April 25 High Water, 3.56 a.m., 6.11 p.m. An/.ac Day. M.
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  • 449 7 VESSELS AT THE DOCU. Kaat Whnrf Baain— NlL Baal Wharf Laiaaiifr, H.HJL Blue Ikll. Sheers Wharf KiL Main Wharf l;lypso, N.iirung, Esther Dollar. Medusa. Capita Dock Submarines, 11. M.5. Ambrose, Thacjgwa, Antilochus. Waal Wharf Oaafa. .lardines Whorl J.icua. Palo Braal Coal Wharf— Na Keppel Harhn.r. Main Vhalf Dradget
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  • 197 7 T«-4ay. Eatu Pahat S p.m. Port Swettcnham, Penang, Colombo,' Aden, Port Said and Europe (via MaracllUa) ..3 p.m. JtegisUacUn up to 1 p.ia Parcels noon lungUl Pinang, Batavia and Ililliton 4 p.m. Malacca A p.m. •Jhio, Lin;:;;.! and BtagtMaj 4 p.m. I 1 Jlau Soegi 4 p.m.
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  • 36 7 Ingcrs >. Juliana I'hongwi rfor«<i >mhrandt i. KHcaga SVor. M»r. 2 &Ur. t Mar. 7 M»r. 14 Mar. 10 Mar. M«r. 29 Mur. 29 Apr. 8 A or. S Apr. 13 A, r. 1«
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  • 186 7 KXCHANGH. Singapore, April 24. On London, Bank 4 m/a 2/4 14 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 17/32 On New York Demand 64 ,4 Private 90 d/s 56% On France, Bank 760 On India, Bank T.T. 173V4 On Honcrkon»r, Bank d/d 1% p.c. prem. On
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  • 63 7 Tone of the market.— Weak. Latent London cables quote Spot Sheet Is. o'Ad. spot Hay-June luly-Sept )ct-Dec 5; Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Price* Buyer*. Seller*. I i Spot Jay-June luly-Sept. )ct.-Dec. Siagapor* Standard Bibbed Smoked Shee 1 Closing Prices. Buyers. Seller*. 53'/4 54
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    • 212 7 VaL I'd. Buyer*. Scllwt. 1 1 Balang I'adang 0.40 0.45 1 111 tarn Tin 1.40 1.4"> 1 1 Jolantoh 0.10 0.20 norn 1 1 Johiin Tin 0.47 M 0.52% II .Cl Kami Kamuntinß 2.2.6 2.4.0 10 '10 Kinta Assn. 7.U0 8.50 6 5 Linirui Tin 4.20 4.40 10 II)
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    • 144 7 al. Pd. Baynn. Sellers. 11 1 B. Am. Tobacco 4.14.0 4.17.6 10 10 Central Engines 0.50 J0.50 L 0 10 Central Moton 4.25 4.75 11 il E. Smcl'inj* Co. .0.90 7.20 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramwayi 1/- 2/- bob 0 10 Fraser Neave 3G.00 36.50 16 BO Hammer and Co.
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    • 112 7 U. Eng. 6 p.e. $1,234,300 p*r I p.e. p.m, Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.e, £350,000 aw Spore Municipal 5 p.e. $1,878,000 pu. Spore Municipal 4/4 p.e. of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.e. din. Spore Municipal 4% p.e. of 1909 $1,600,500 6 p.e. dia. Spore Municipal 4tt p.c. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 410 7 Fraeer and Co. and Lyall and Eratt* QmUUoM. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-dmy'i Prices. Fraicr Lyall Co. Kratt. Allfiiby Now ($1) LUli 1.20 1.12' i 1.17' Alor Oajah ($1) 1.15 I.GO 1.25 1.35 A. Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.50 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 877 7 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advtn, ac« paga 1«. ABSINTHE OXYGENEE, Amer Picon, Fernet llrunca, Dubonnet, Mandarine Apertif. II Rolt.'r, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Big. WANTED, small bun^ilov.. 222(5, Strait* Times. STKNOGRAPHER"desires position™ Please write 2225, Straits Times. KXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER require position. Apply 2218, Straits Times. WATCHMEN'S CLOCKS just received~at
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    • 55 7 High Grade Rnbber Goods FOR THE FACTORY AND MINE Hosepipe, belting, sheets, valves, packings, buffers, rings, etc FOR THE MOTORCAR Tyres, tubes, radiator-hose, matting, vulc. compound, vulc. canvas, solution, etc. AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Manufactured at low prices by the SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Head-Office and Works Town-OKce and Showroom
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    • 481 7 i l^^^^^y^^B^a^B^ak^^^^^^^ t'li NOTICE NOTICE is hereby jriven that the above Trade Mark commonly known in the market as Chop TimbßiiK is tha Trade Mark of Messrs. ADAMSON, (iILrHLLAN CO., LIMITED, v Company Incorporated in England, and is used by them in respect of all classes of Textile! and Yarns,
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    • 529 7 VICTORIA THEATRE TUESDAY, MAY 2. at 9.30 p.m. BANDMAN EASTERN CIRCTIT Preaent THE COMPTON GOUTTS GO. IN ALL THE LATEST LONDON ■uccmsbs. Opening Performance LONDON GREATEST SICCKSS SECRETS i Booking opens on I'KIDAV. APRIL 27. at the THEATKK. Prices $1, $3. $2 and $1. Look Out Friday, April 27 SI'FCIAI.
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  • 49 8 The funeral of the lute Madron Chua Joo Pock, mother of Mr. Tnn ('hone Li-k, Compradore of HewgfclWlg and Shansrhni Banking Corporation, will take place on Svmby. April 23, 192". The cortege will leave Ht noon, No. 82, Hecren Street, M-'.lacca, fur Bukit Bahru, at the 2nd mihotone.
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  • 1181 8 We have observed many times that traders in Malaya are very sensitive to any disturbing trade rumours. One" has just been issued in America an 1 that country beinc; cur greatest customer for our two chief commodities, rubber and tin, it is
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  • 83 8 Every night between 11 and 12, writes a correspondent, a crowd of rickshas and hired motor car* collect on each side of the road at Raffles Bakery. They wait there in the hope of picking up faros. While waiting they shout, laugh and squabble occasionally they fight. The noise is
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  • 18 8 The appeal of the KvUntan Government, in the Duff Development Co. case, appears on pages 11 and 12.
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  • 20 8 The management of the Se>avie\v Hotel have decided to hold a dinner and dun on Saturdays instead of on Fridays.
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  • 21 8 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank share-s were sold at Hongkong on April 13 at $1,125, which is ten times their original value.
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  • 24 8 The Rotterdam Lloyd steamer Tambora sailing from Balcvia on June 2, wul cali at Singapore, Belawan and Sabang instead of Padang as previously advised
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue cf Maney Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 1M t< $100. The rate of payment of Monej Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 17-1 to $100.
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  • 45 8 In aid of the building fund of th:' Nan Hua Girls School, the Van Stag amateai theatrical company will giw performunces on May 1 and '1, at the Kheag Wa San theatre' hall, the whole pro :hc sales of tickets, etc., going to tl;< fund.
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  • 42 8 On Friday, before the Civil District ■ludge, Mr. Acton, the Assistant Controller of Labour, Mr. J. Handy, appean f<>! 23 coolies, f.nd obtained judgme-nt foi ?1,700 wages due against B-n Hup and Co., who were 1 represented by Mr. M. V Pillai.
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  • 43 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires Five Chinese II mail with pax angs, are said to have broken into a house, tecupied by a Bengali, at trie 7% mile Daman.'ara Koad, anl escaped with a luantity of cash. No attests have yd been made.
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  • 44 8 The matter of the estate of Syed Omai bin Ali Al Junied, in whie-u the plaintiff; are Syed Abdullah bir Aw*d Al Shntret and others, and the defendant Syed Abdulrahman bin Ali Al Junie-d, is tixe-d f<>; healing before 1 Mr. Justice CaricttLennard to-d..y.
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  • 47 8 Next month Archdeacon Swindell will hold >e'rviccs at Johore Bahru en Thursday, May 10 (A-cension Day) at G p. mi.. sad .'.t 7. 'i1l a.m. the following morning there will be Holy Communion. This wii! >>e> instead of the- service on the first Sunday in the month.
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  • 43 8 The typhoon season at Hongkong ha? •ommenced earlier than usual this season. On April 1:! between fi and 7 a.m a typhocn warning was announced, thcred cone, which is the first warning of an approaching typhoon, ixbig hoisted en Signal Hill ■< r.d elsewhere.
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  • 55 8 The case in wh ch Ng Hong Guan, wh< was charged with criminal Intimidation Mr. J. A. Rosed] in respect of the Mala van ColTeries transaction, which was uir, lown tor heaiing yesterday at the Knals Lumpur Polic: 1 Court, before Mr. Prydi .las beer, postponed till p.m. on Mr".
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  • 47 8 A death bed marriage v recorded ir the Shanghai papers. Mr. Colin McCullivray of the Shanghai Publi: Works Department was married at tin General Hospital on April 10 to Harriet Williamson Stcne-hewer Kewley, of Manchester, md the bridegroom tiii! thi ■MM day. He was 110 y«sn < f
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  • 49 8 The application by Mr. Battishill, on behalf uf Messrs. .Murray an 1 Co., for in injunct'on respecting the shipment ;cods to Barcelona came up before- Mr Justice Barrett-Leonard yesterday. to order that the defendants aiig! municate with Barcelona for instructions, the matter was, by foment, adjourned foi a week.
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  • 52 8 Recently Inspector Meredith, Orchard Road division, charged three .Malay- !jefore Mr. Ahearnt" with the murder of a Boyanese in Lloyd Boad. Yesterday, tht Cononer's enquiry was concluded, and Ml worship's verdict was that the accused were guiity of eulpabta homieida amounting to .murder. The MXI -tajre will be the magisterial
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  • 62 8 The case in which nine Chinese were charged with Lc .ntr members of the Triad Society was concluded in the Koala Lumpur police court yesterday morning, oefore Mr. I*l f do His Worship found seven of them guilty and sentenced them to pay a fine of $300 each, in default
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  • 60 8 Abstract's of expenditure, the income and expenditure account, the departmenai accounts and the balance sheet of tht University of for the year 1922 have been published. The accounts shew receip's of ,$1!.)1,282 as against an c-.sti.naU' of $341,940, and expenditure v $841,181 as against an e-stima'e of $341,572, leaving
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  • 57 8 The Raffles Hotel orchestra will play the following programme of music tomorrow at 9.45 p.m., under direction of Mr. E. HulUnd Overtures Ibc Bohemian Girl (BUfe) Prize Son;,', 'I ho Meistersingers, (Wagner) Violin Solo Zigeunerweisen, by request, (StrwU), A. Raquiza Suite Peer Gynt (Grieg) Piano Solo, Libestraum (Liszt), Bdjßl Hull
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  • 141 8 A Madras cable of April 12 says Doris Hawker, the seven-year old En/ lish child sent oat for adoption to an Anglo-Indian family named Ben'.intk, of Madia;, returns to-day by the Neur:ilia, the vessel that brought her out. The policy of the Madras Government in icfusing to make any statement
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  • 437 8 Sir Charles Eliot, K.C.M.G., C.8., i British Ambassador) has left Tokio on lur!ouk-!i 11.M.5. Hawkins for Singapore, where he boards the Mishhna Man which w due to leave here for London about May l. A private Utter to hand in Hongkon',' on April 13, etates that Colonel
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  • 17 8 The Blue Funnel liner Adrastus U bringing a mail from the United Kingdom Borrow after8008.
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  • 46 8 A caso of rubber smoggling at Saran;* FSuaia was tried at Kta I'ahat on April The captain and three sailors of a twakow were lined SJO.OOO each and two other aailon were fined f12,30C each. Tiie twakow and 10,892 lbs cf lubber were confiscated.
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  • 56 8 The following W( uf il: I Excellency the Governor atvl Lady Guillemard at a dinner given at Government House last evening Lady Shaw, Mrs. Swindell, Hon. Mr. -I. I-:. sclin, Hon Mr. P. K. Xanibyar, Hem. Mr. Vich <ij;.ii Seok, I! .!i. Mr. '1':. Lock, Mr. Ift. J.
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  • 90 8 Two more men. inakiiii* li custody, Lave I in connection with tiie recent murder of lha John do Salle, iii bis resid '.a c in A.i... Buklt Timah Road. Mm two accused 'leu v>Ye Beag and Lee Ah Lim were produced by Meredith before Mr. AheaVM to-day
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  • 112 8 The Installation n-dtin^ of Lodge George No. 1152 took place yesterday evening when the District Grand General Sir Neill Malcolm, X.C.8., D.S.O Installed Bro. G. T. PeeL The other f.>r the ensuing year are [.P.M., T. C. Hay; SAW, C. Baiter; -1.W., atawsoa Trea rarer, U. Lowick i lain,
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  • 80 8 We- very iriutefully acknowledge the following subscriptions from memberi "f the Straits (">im •<■ Reading Club, per Mr. An Lye Choon, hon. secretary Low Kirn Yin ?l Ba Chee 1 Au Lye Chora l Crun Kok Ten},' 1 Lee En^ Hai ..1 Tan En./ Kiat
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 THE JIGGER PATENT THE ftjfY"^ rvN be SftxfrCn/.^ iigrg#v d"|iji i£?S« o Nail File I SKI) KOR AW/MIX \&m\" I'rcnimr Knife CntJing Material Ififf.fSV^ iPltl Umkmn lur *.v/^.V— If'MW r'4 's«}fl Strinff Cutler i $y ki 4 M^'* £Mto "o«'e Opener Cardboard, etc. t\ i-ffrjl ''"P" (-'utter Taking Pattern.
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    • 206 8 ALHAMBRA A PASTEBOARD CROWN (Evelyn Grecly) 5 pts. 5 pt? WHO CARES (Constance Talmadge) 5 pts. 5 pts. I'niTf rf»l Serial (In 18 episodes) WITH STANLEY IN AFRICA (George Walsh and Louise Lorraine) Episodes 3 and 4. (Ftnt Bfcow) HmarlboroughT Miss LULU BETT (Lola Wilson) 7 pts. 7 pts BURGLAR
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  • 237 9 Menace to French Cilicia Frontier. RMlim*! Service Lcndon, April 23. Paris Le Temps confirms that Turks arc massed on the Frencli frontier in East Cilicia where there are .several infantry battalions and artillery. It says that if the French flag- is attacked or threatened the French
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  • 149 9 Reuter's Service London, April 2:!. In the Housc> of Commons a motion for r reduction of tea duty from M. to the pre-war level of 5d., which was supported by all the opposition groups, was defeated by -■">! rotes t<> I7P. The supporters contended that as beer
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  • 142 9 Reuter's Serv;oc London, April 2-\. The recent reaction in rubber shares is j snntiaad by the Financial Times to be! due to defects in the enforcement of the Stevenson restriction scheme, particularly in the liberality of production licenses m.inti-d to native owners. It expresses, the opinion that many
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  • 125 9 Reuter's Service I- >n lon, April 23. Cairs The Wafd. or Nationalist Kxc-i-utivi', DM i.-suid a manifesto condemning the new destitution. It declares that it dace nu respect the nations rights and leaves the door open for foreign intor(erence and iv<s not represent the will of the nation.
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  • 260 9 Navy Required to Protect Neutrality. Ekutxk'3 Servici Lrndon, April 23. The Hague A Royal Commission, which is considering the bill providing for the construction of a fleet to guarantee the neutrality of the Dutch East Indie-s, rejects the suggestion to suspend the passing of the bill pending the
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  • 87 9 Reuter's Service London, April 2 1. Ths Shipbuilding Employers' Federation has notified a lockout on April 30 for members of the Boiler-makers, Iron and Steel Shipbuilders, Woodworkers, and Plumbers unions unless the unions previously intimate that they arc prepared to accept the national overtime j'nd nightshift agreement concluded
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  • 100 9 Reuter's Service London, April Rome A communique states that three detachments of Italian troops occupied the headquarters of the chief of the Scnussi at Aghedabia on the morning of' I April 21 and put the enemy to flight. The Italian losses wire four coloured soldiers killed and
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  • 75 9 Rsuteb'B Service London, April 23. In the House of Commons Dr. W. A. Chappie asked whether the Government had received a request by Mr. Wellington Koo to the diplomatic body to release about £320,000 customs surplus for the purpose of covering arrears and pay the expenses of Chinese
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  • 43 9 RILTER'S SERVICX London, April 23. Sydney A public subscription has been opened to provide a business substitute for Anderson and thus enable him to play in the Davis Cup matches. Meanwhile, the Association is withholding its cable announcing- Australia's withdrawal.
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  • 170 9 Comments on Earl Curzon's Speech. Reuter's Service London, April 23. Berlin During a speech at a demonstration, Herr Stresemann, lender of the German People's Party, said that Earl Curzon's speech in the House of Lords had created a new political situation and formed a suitable basis for
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  • 79 9 Reuter'b Service London, April 23. Santiago do Chile The President of I Chile has invited the Presidents of the Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay to confer at Monte Video in September in view of the differences which have arisen on the armament question and by the prospect of shear
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  • 74 9 Reuter's Service London, April 23. i In the House of Commons replying to Sir J. Hood, Mr. R. McNeill said that the British Minister had strongly protested to the Chinese Government against the illegal action of the provincial authorities in Chckiang and Fukien, who were imposing an ad
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  • 58 9 Reuter's Service London, April 23. In the House of Commons at question! time Mr. R. McN'eill stated that an' Anglo-French agreement had been reached with regard to the question of France's right to conscript British subjects resident in Tunis, thus rendering it unnecessary to refer the case to
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Servick London, April 23. Lahore Six loyal Sikhs have been murdered during (he last few weeks for' political motives in the Hoshiarpur and Jullundur districts of the Punjab by per- 1 sens dressed as Akalis. The Govern- nient believe that it is the work of a revolutionary
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  • 38 9 Reuter's Service London, April 23. Berlin The Reichsbank has raised the discount rate from 12 to 18 per cent. London, April 25. Marks have to relapsed 133,000-135,000. London, April 23. Paris The midinettes have been locked out.
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  • 24 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 21. Sun Vat Si-n"s forces have inflicted a rrushins d.f. ;ii on the Ksraagal astsiem,
    24 words
  • 144 9 Dramatic Story of Pathan Oath. Reuter's Service Lor.Jon, Apri' tX Simla Mrs. Starr reports thac .Miss Ellis was in no way molested or injured beyond the results of fatigue. Negotiations are proceeding for her release, but hei welfare is now assured. London, April 23. Peshawar A remarkable story
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  • 112 9 Payment of a Five Per Cent. Dividend. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 23. At the annual meeting of the Parit Perak Rubber Co., Ltd., Dr. C. F. Nicho- MS, presiding, said that under restriciion tlicy were oniy allowed to export half of their possible crop.
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  • 106 9 Approval of Army and Air Staffs. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Westminster, March 26. The question of the proposed construction of a naval base at Singapore at a eoet of £11.000,000 was mentioned in the. House of Commons this afternoon when rilr. Lambert asked the Prime Minister lg»Nfetlier
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  • 507 9 A Curious Example of Local Methods. The following extract from the Financial Times will be read with interest, but I it is a grievous pity tliat Sir Edward Brockman was net kept better informed of the intentions of ;he Maiaya GovernI meat, Aimost while he is
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  • 2284 9 Advances for Penang Water j Supply. Rubber Restriction Powers. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday, a summary of the earlier portion of the business of which has already been given, the Treasurer, ir. moving for the approval of the Council cf advances from time to time
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  • 348 10 Fantastic Figures of Proposed Plantations. We lean that the Bill which WM introduced teat month in the Philippine Legislature to provide for the leasing of rubber lands on a twenty years' tenorc mm in ii thrown out. >;>>■> the India Rubber Joum il of Hatch 17. As pointed
    348 words
  • 334 10 To have clear and sympathetic i'lsight of the world to-day it is necessary to OOOMOi some knowledge of times that are past. For it is upon these times, doings and people that we are built. L':;derstand them as intimately as you can, for as your knowledge
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  • 121 10 A few days ago. Inspector Johnson, Sepoy Lines, arrested ant charged low men for bnpenoaetiag theaseetv< i m Municipal servants and with cheating, in the precincts of a village of Alexan-lrn Road on Apiil ly last. It is alleged that they told some of the people .there
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    • 1567 10 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am more than grateful to you for your able leader supporting the cause j of our legitimate claim to Council re- presentation. You have done a great deal for Malay* and the people of Malaya will be iver grateful to
      1,567 words
  • 230 10 Thanks to the courtesy of the MiddleEast Films, Ltd., of Midlilm House, Orchard Road, members of the Press were shown the Blue Lagoon film, which is to be screened this week at the Victoria Theatre. The film, which is baaed on Da Vere Staepoole's book of the
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  • 88 10 Details have now been received of the rearrangement of the services of the Spanish mail steamers, Compania Trasatlantica, for which Barlow and Co. are local agents. In the future the steamers will call outward at Coruna, Vigo, Lisbon, Cadiz, Cartagena, Valencia, Barcelona, Port Said, Suez, Colombo, Singapore,
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  • 79 10 Recent reports on the development of trie available water-power in Canada show-- that the present in-U Nation represents only seven per cent, of the recorded resource?. Water-power now developed in Canada represents an investment of over $620,000,000. Tfce known available water-power in Canada is estimated at
    79 words
  • 28 10 Tiie Chief Justice, accompanied by his private secretary, Mr. A. Handy, returned to Singapore from Malacca ye*ct?r*iy by the KelanUn after the AsM7r«: whirli rr>ni Mod "ii K.nnr.l.iy.
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  • 292 10 Celebrations at Kuala Lumpur And Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 23. Hundreds of visitors poured into Kuala Lumpur to-day, being St. George's Day, for which a special ball was arranged at the Selangor Club. There was an excellent display of marquees on the padang,
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  • 249 10 Merry EngUnd wes to the forefront in Singapore last night an-J, indeed, well on into the small hours of this morning, having made most of the few opportunities of doing full ju3tice to her patron saint. St. Oeorge'a Kail ttraetea five hundred Terpsichoreans to the Europe
    249 words
    • 81 10 Singapore. April L'l. Rubber.— London Is. S%d- Local 63 V{. Tin— London '.212 LSs, Local s]us«, bnyrrs. Share market. Quiet. Tins. Johans 15-.")0 cents, Padar.g Plandoks 4 2 J 7 >_• cents, Nawng I'ets 1.20-1.2:., Rawangs 1.22>j-!.-27'-. Taipings jO-<j.j cents, Norths 1.15-1.20, .Souths 1.10-1.15. General.— Wearnes
      81 words
    • 117 10 Singapore, April 21. Tin.— £2l2 15s. Rubber.— Is. U%d. Rubbers. Aycr Panas 5.70-6.2r>, Allcnhys,-1.20, New Brogas 85-68, Mal;>koffi ;;-:i.2i>, Laau 7.26-7.50, Kodak* 2.05-2.16, Kempas 4.70- l.'.iu, Nyauu 6.60--6.76, Mentaksbi 2,l' ■■-21'-., Amalgamated >iaia>s 2.20-2.30, Radellas 8.90-4.10, Tapahs 10.30-10..10. Mining.Collierie-s 18.25-19.25 ex, Kimpeng Ksmuntings 415. -435.,
      117 words
  • 37 10 (Aneta's Service.) Weltevreden, April 20. Rubber has been done for April-May at 85, and there is a further demand at M%. Tin is dull and no business is doing. The Banka limit is 150.
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  • 85 10 On February 24, 192], at Kampong Pulo Minjak, a double murder was committed by a Teochsw named Goh Peng Choon in ■which a woman and girl lost their live*. Inspector Meredith of Orchard Road police division received information and sent his nu-n to (he fourth
    85 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 587 10 Middlesex beat S. R. C The weather turned nasty ye-terday afternoon, and when the Middlesex and the S. R. C. met for the first time in the first division of the League, the ground was well soawea and play was eoaaequently not so fast as it should havebeen. The
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    • 58 10 TO-DAY'S TIE. Double Handicap. Jamie-son and Brown v. Wardle and Toscenie, postponed till to-morrow. WEDNESDAY'S TIE. Double Handicap. Jamieson and Brown v. Wardle and Toscenie. THURSDAY'S TIE. Double Handicap. Doig and Kinloch v. winner of Jamieson and Brown and Wardle and Toaeonie. Rev. G. H.
      58 words
    • 115 10 TO-DAY'S TIES. A Singles. Cheong Che-e Tong v. Scow Poh Long. Cheong Chee- Lim v. Tan Chiap Choon. Chia Sen- Quee v. Chew Eng Hoe. li Singles. Jee Ah Ohian v. Chan Sicw Lock. Yee Chcok Wall v. Lua Hong Keng. Tan Tiam Kiat
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    • 44 10 In future bookings forUhe Y. M. C. A. tennis courts can he made id writing. Applications for courts will be received either through post or at the office any time up to Saturday preceding the date for which the court is required.
      44 words
    • 65 10 The Spring Cup will be played for at the Race Course, on Saturday and Su-i--day. May 26 and 27, next Club Championship. Play for the Club Championship will commence immediately after May 26 and 27. Entries will close on Sunday May 20. Scoular Cup. Saturday and Sun-lay
      65 words
    • 108 10 H. C. n. Abnan, m v of Mr. C. W. Abrams, has been doing exceptionally well in sporting events at his school, Malvern College. At the recent athletic sports ho put up a school record in the ijikhlci -mile, which lie rovered in 63
      108 words
    • 64 10 On the S. K. C. ground on Saturday, Probables v. the Bait drew, the former making 127 and the latter !!!> for i) wickets. Notwithstanding the movement to induce Chinese athletes to boycott the Far Eastern Olympiad, for political IatSOIIB. it is stated that the I 'antom-se athletes will
      64 words
  • 315 10 Lady Astor's Dinner Party At St. James Square. A I.aoour ateatbef r s wife, describing Lady A- tor's dinner party at St. James Square, where mombers of the Labour party and their wive.- met the King and Queen, says when the King and Queen arrived the
    315 words
  • 347 10 Interesting Phenomenon on The N.-W. Frontier. A conaipuudont at Quetta, on the north-wist frontier of India, -end- to The Oboorroi tn account of the fail of a large meteorite on Januaiy L'o. lh- fall occurred daring the course of thunderstorm, at about half-past two in the afternoon.
    347 words
  • 83 10 Programme of drills, etc., up to and for Sunday, April 29 Tuesday, 24th. r j.l."i p.m., Chinese Co., bombing and bayonet fichtiinr, Drill Hall. Wednesday, 25th. 1.15 p.m., Chinese Co., extended order drill, Drill Hall. Thursday, 2Gth. .".1" p.m., S.V.F. ambulance, >cture an;l drill, Drill Hall. Saturday,
    83 words
  • 47 10 Mr. T;ui, Palladium Theatre, Orcnai.l Road, is showing from to-day to Friday, April 27, in addition to the usual show, a special local film of the funeral of the late Mr. Li in Chwee Chian. The pictine i .-ild n> be .i particularly clear Ml.
    47 words

  • 2722 11 Kelantan Government's Appeal Dismissed. House of Lords Decision. I In the House of Lords on March 22,' b( fure the Lord Chancellor (Viscount Cave) Lord Shaw of Dunfermline, Lord Sumner, Lord Par moor, and I<ord Treve- j thin, the appeal of the Government of Kelantan from an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 FOR EVERY HOME The Piano's Finest Selections. The world's greatest classics or old time favourites are. produced at your pleasure on the MOUTRIE PLAYER j^^-^^^^g^aqr* A Player piano embodying L -«J a perfect player action. i^^^y^ Examine this to-day. i pra JS. Moutric tt U *Y\ AND COMPANY, LTD. "jt
      141 words
    • 409 11 RAFR.LS HOTEL. O^ DAT T lelepkoaa 2Mt. Ll.aa.) TCIBDAY.-IMn..r Dane The Ffawat Ballroom ia the Bart. WEDNESDAY.-Oreheatral Concert. --TT- THURSDAY.-Gieat Night. Dlaaer vi Grill Boom adjoining Dining Room, Dance, open 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. FRIDAY.— Tea Danaaat. Tuesday SATURDAY.— Gaeet Night Dlaaer aa* DINNER DANCE J££^ ANNOUNCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY
      409 words

  • 182 12 Remarkable Attack on Cinema Pictures. During a debute at the Stoll Picture Club, on the motion that the film play destroys the imagination, a proposition which was strongly supported by Mr. St. John Ervine, a remarkable attack on the effect of films in India was
    182 words
  • 394 12 Revelations of a British Ambassador. Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador at the Court of Nicholas II of Russia, published in the Revue de Paris in mai! week a striking article on the downfall of the Romanoff ruler. He refers to the Tsar's murder, and reveals
    394 words
  • 176 12 Nursing Home to be Finest In Far East. The Honpkonp Daily Press is given to understand that the Hongkong: War Memorial Committee is now practically ready to proceed with the construction of the new Nursing Home which will form the Colony's Major War Memorial, while the Cenotaph
    176 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 429 12 m Is the Powder in your Shot Gun Cartridges completely protected from dampness or extreme heat? ALL fresh smokeless powders contain XjL a certain amount of moisture. The Remington "Wetproof process keeps the original moisture in. Thecontents of the cartridge are sealed! preventing the deteriorating effects of £P wet weather
      429 words
    • 30 12 You will get a I brand new idea j of attractive body design when you see The Neu? 644) $2,800 The BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Motor Vehicle Departmeut SINGAPORE IPQH I'ENANG
      30 words
    • 411 12 BEETLE BEETLE BRAND FINEST AUSTRALIAN MLlllTllll 111 lIIII^^MBIJ W URNE SOIL IMPORTERS FOR W.R.LcxEey&Co. SINGAPORE. NOTI E is hereby given that the Trade Mark of which a representation appears »bove in the property of W. R. Loxley Company of No. H, ItoUnson Koad, Singapore, Importers, Exporters and General Merchants, and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1089 13 SALES BY AUCTION ESTATE OF SHAIK ABDUL HAI BIN ISMAIL BADAL, DECEASED. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable leasehold and freehold land and dwelling houses known as Nos. 61, 63, 65, 16K, ltil, 163 and IC6, Serangoon Road, and freehold building allotments at Gaylang Koad and Coronation Road, Singapore. At Messrs.
      1,089 words
    • 349 13 MORTGAGEE'S SALE The undersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction at their sale-room, Kaffirs Chambers, Raffles l'lsce, on Mund::>, April 30, at 2.30 p.m. I.URMIILL CIRCLE. Lot 1. frei-'i Vul lan.l, tosethcr v.ith the two two-storijed brick and tilercofid dwvllint; houses Nos. 2-1 and 2-2. (airnhiil I'liclr,
      349 words
    • 919 13 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUBJ SPRING RACE MEETING, 1923. Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May 12, 15, 17 and 19. NOTICE LADIES' TICKETS.— Ladies attending the j races are reminded that admission to the Grand Stand and Lawn will be by ticket only which arc obtainable throuph members, free, and which must
      919 words
    • 39 13 A Jk JK*k*JL^l BRAND CD £2 RK E W T 'Phone 172 MMM Stock of Lathes, Shaping and Drilling Machines, &c. Manufactured by DANISH MACHINE CO., LTD., Copenhagen. SOI* IMPOKTBKS THE EAST ASIAIEC Go., Ltd., Singapore. <lM»r»«r»t«i la D«uurk)
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 287 14 y! II II j i Ii I II II II II II I THE FIRM ---j«Mf&er OF THREE R B?ls»B.*^g_? CENTURIES. \~Yy7V y L k Cavander's i "Army Club" C'^^^CxS^. rifADCTTCQ LIUAKtI I Ld I L^^^r S^f 9 APPRECIATED BY V\T^V ///$S Js©> BRITISH OFFICERS y \/\J e>? o <
      287 words
    • 874 14 ■■ÜBajnMansnßßssinaiiuaaß.amaßssmstsss^ Autti »ver 15,000,060 S.C. Uuike* Ik fore* .ver 117,600,0 m. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated In StraiU Settlements.) g BSAD OFFKJC s Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICK It, Old Jewry, S.C. a The Company kaa 420,000 deposited with the Supreme Cuurt of England and
      874 words
    • 520 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, UMITED. (laeorauratad by Special Charter ia Japaa.) Capital Snbscrtbtd,ooo Capital Pald-ap V65,5C0,000 R«*erre road Vii.7Bo.uoo President K. Nakagawu, Esq. Vice-President H. Mori, Esq. Directors G. Kawasaki, Esq. M. Esaki, ba> T. Hisamune, Esq. D. Takita. bead ornci t Taipeh, F >rmota (Ts'waa). BRA.VCIiBS AND
      520 words
    • 592 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY NKllir.Kl. VM)S TRADING SOCIETY (Established 1t>24.) PAID-UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (about £C,667,000J STATUTORY RKSERVE FUND Fl. 19,445,211.36 (about £i,6^0,404> EXTRAORDINARY RKSERVE Fl. 22,060,000 (about \.')HB) HEAD OFFICH IN AMSTERDAM HEAD At;: BATAVIA. BRANCHKS hanaaa Hon^'io-ng, Shanghai, Kobe, lian^oon, Sueiahaya, Scmurung, Wi-ltcvredi-n, Kundovni: (Java), Cheribun, l'.ii;;ul, Pecalungan, Tjilatjap,
      592 words

  • 1105 15 Delightful Voyage Off Beaten Track. There is one little steamer, and one only, which plies in the inner waters of the Mcrpui Archipelago, and *he, once a fortnight, carries His Majesty's mails to these tipy fishinp hamlets, mining stations, or remote Government outposts which have I Bed tdad
    1,105 words
  • 40 15 Only 120 out of 600 teachers were present a' the re-opening of the Croytlcn schools, the majority striking; afcuinst the Council's refusal to pay London KJan rates. Lays a London cable of the 9tli in"t.ini. finny chMni w.r: int hoMxa,
    40 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 209 15 *'V«*^^ It was a Studebalxr Light -Six that set the highest average for six-cylinder cars in the 1922 Petrel Consi:r->pticn Test held f^t ps by the Royal Automobile Chib \/GAlloti \f of Qucensiand, Australia— 34.6 PETROL miles to the gallon of fuel. r^T""""""* I f^ T^Fl iWlflliiffaflafi^aWflPf $2,795 THIS IS
      209 words
    • 345 15 Model 1923 Now in stock with regular monthly shipments following. It is easy to understand why owners are so enthusiastic over Hups. The Hupmobile has the reputation throughout the world as an extraordinary good car. The reason is simply its ability to remain at its best for months without expert
      345 words
    • 79 15 ij QUALITY counts in all things, w but more especially in cigarette manufacture. Men of 7 SHIES discrimination find that after smoking ABDULLA Ciga■K&k rettes, the smoking of inferior "^IS brands is more of a misery tgi than a pleasure. Smoke ABWgP DULLA, and you are smoking J= QUALITY'S LIMIT.
      79 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 444 16 GUAM KIAT GO., LTD. Incorporated in Singapore) 35, PHILLIP STKEET. NEW STOCKS ON HAND. liaki'rV I'rf pnrutinn nr Soldering Fluid Jtabone's Boxwood Spirit Levels \'i in. Whitworth Thread Taps l/cwis Merger's Heady Mixed White Taiati. Hubhuck's Fine Ground White Lead Hubbuck's (,enu!ne Dry Ued Lead Stapled Mixed Hair Itroom Heads
      444 words
    • 448 16 AU BON MARCHE (G. BONNARDEL). The Opportunity yon. Ladles have Waited for OUR SALE OF HATS AND BRESSES IS ONI Opening soon at GROSVENOR HOTEL, 16, BTA&IFOKD ROAD. A MATCH IS COOI) AND SAFE WHEN L It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has
      448 words
    • 861 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT^^ The PREPAID charges for Want!, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cent!, two ins. 4C >:U., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      861 words
    • 915 16 LAND^AND HOUSES TO LET, NO. 4, Oxley Riae. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Road. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brother!. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to Messn. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, house No. 35-1, 35-3, 35-4, Cairnhill Road,
      915 words
    • 769 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical Association. Freeiuaa of the Worshlpfol Conpanj of Spectacle Maker*. Freeman of the City of I.ondom. Late of Old Broad St. Londom. S YEARS' LONDON EXPIBWyCB C* BPKCTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF
      769 words
    • 241 16 Charming and Attractive Gowns FOR THE RACE SEASON AT PRINCESS GARKEKTS GO 4, RAFFLES CHAMBERS, (Opponite Roblnion'a) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS^ For the beet of everything In every Branch of Photography MR. BUCKERIDGE Pho*. 1893 THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO in the COLONY, OXCHARD KOAO, (aezt to Palladium).
      241 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 201 16 THE STRAITS T^ES TELEPHONES Editorial and General Manager 1 Office ul All communication! relating to •<Nt°' l matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communication! relating to businesa matter!— advertisements, lubscriptions, accounts, P™;'^' should be addressed to THE MAN'AGEtt. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc.,
      201 words