The Straits Times, 23 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,232 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 b 89l H* 'jjju.t^sßl CSBBBflBBBBBflBBBBBBBflBBBBBBaflBMBBflZIOlBBflSIRiiEEeBI&BZBEBBBBBflBBflBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBIBI j A WELL-KNOWN DOCTOR HAS RECENTLY SAID DRINK MORE GOOD MILK ALWAYS ASK FOR The Old Original Genuine Swiss Milk TRADE MAItK And so Be Sure that You Inve the Best Obtainable a 1<» tfMM <y»«i SOLS AGENTS: I Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. (Ineorporktcj in
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    • 4 1 1 *A!UP' L !l
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  • 1523 2 Perak Planter's Criticism Of Restriction. The tinth annual general meeting of the Riyervjew Estates,, was held at Bale Street, Ipoh, on the 12th inst., Patcrsaa was in the chair and there was also present Mr. V.J. Shepherd, L>:-. \V. M. Hitrhins, Messrs. R S. Stewart and P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 838 2 3#L A \felhn Mil "Al thrto m«nth* V £9 mr R»br as* twatuit. I tiitd <Mf Cluo. .nJ h. rr.dvilly r«fo»««i W\ ...d fainrd «ti|ht. s ine. thrn jjK h. h» nmr looM b«ct." Why Baby cries Tk Baby cries to let you know that all is not well with
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    • 530 2 I jnJ3* Biuiomand prole*. J/oft aional men and othen J V about to proceed home oa leare are offered manual facilites lor acquirirg a Light Car. Autoreyon Ltd., London's leading Light Car Specialists have made arrangements by which any car may be purchased on payment of a small deposit (from
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    • 200 2 ROUGH ROADS and SHOCK ABSORBERS A It is no longer necessary to fit expensive phock absorbers to your car, to offset all the unpleasant jolts cnoountcred on rough and rutty roads, for Continental CORD TYRES with their oversize section anil wonderful cushioning qualities make smooth aid easy riding possible. Jn
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  • 284 3 Scheme to Rival American Enterprise. The scheme for a through European telephone system was considered by a conference in Paris in mail week of engineering experts from many of the chief countries in Europe. Great Britain, France, Holland Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal were represented. The discussion
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  • 188 3 Sir F. Swettenham Sued by Former Housemaid. A quarrel between a housemaid and rook was described at Marylebone County Court when Sir Frank Swettenham was sued by his late housemaid. Isabella McI.can, of Alexandra Club, Milford-place, Edjrware Road, for £1 7s. 6d. a board and lodging. Plaintiff said
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 318 3 STEAMER SAILM6S KERiR STEAMSHIP CO INC. ffUCCKSSORS TO MlTto AfiißlOltJ UR£S (lncoriiuratad la U.S-4.) k>|tul»r iervlc* UttHi Ne» York, HagaVaaa anil Java l'oru, aad Tlee Teraa, FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ West Mahomet due Apr. 24 The Lambs due May 15 Satartia due end June For freight, apply to GUTHRIE
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    • 306 3 LAN APPEAL TO BRITONS IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 250,800 DOLLARS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR THE ARETHUSA TRAINING SHIP 2.R10 OU tioya have joined the Royal Navy and 6,5U0 the Merchant Service. Fatroßi THKIK MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN President H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES Chairman and Treasurer C. K. UALDEN, Eiq., M.A.
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    • 275 3 IS THIS YOU? Somo people live in an eternal (tloom. They believe themselves to be the object of all the vexations that beset mankind. Petty grievances and trivial troubles rasp and irritate beyond endurance. They magnify little annoyances that would push by othfr people, with stronger nerves, unnoticed. Admit that
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    • 148 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 to $13.25 SHELL $12.6* Ageats— »ia^a>:».».»jA».ejt».e.eA«.«.«JL*:*.»-O.»«>.<f»>««:>:e:fc«l».e>.ee.«Ae.M:«3|aJl>:Ct:W ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Del Monte Dri-Pak Prunes Are the finest of the Sweet French variety prepared and packed solid in cans without syrup. Packed in 2 lbs. and 5 lbs. tins Sole
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 841 4 jmjia SMUMis P. 0.-Eritisii India Apcar Line (Companies Ineorpoiaiad In England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PKMNSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERTICB FBOIs* LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWBBI*. Da* Singapore Leave Singapore SARDINIA Apr. 29 NANKIN Apr. 24 DELTA
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILIHBS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCiiAPPM (BOYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) UNDKB CONTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone Nos. Psaaag* Dept, 111, Freight Dept, 1202, Marine DcpC and Trsashliimant Dept. 1437, Manser's Dept. 10*4. COEN— April 25, Muntok and Palembanß. SINGKEP— ApriI 25. Moc-ara-Saba and Djambi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 543 5 STEAMER SAIUNiS N.Y.K. LONDON UMB Miahima Maru May 1 Hakozaki Vlnru May 15 Kitano Maiu May 25 LIVERPOOL LOT Toyohashi Main mid. May HAMBURG UM Mataumoto Mtru early May Tajima Maru end May NBW YORK LINB via SPag ■OPTH AMERICAN LINB Kanupawn Mm i. Apr. 28 Kuwuchi Maru MM June
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    • 411 5 STEAMER SAHJim O.S.K. Proaaaed Salllag. froia Biagaaore mbjeet to change vithoat prevlau aotiee.) BOROPEAN LINB For Manolllee, London, Hambarg, Rotterdi a, Antwerp, via Colombo, Saea aad Put Bald. Arr. Dea. AMAZON MARU Mar SI May M AMUR MARU June 21 June 22 •Omit Marseilles. NBW YORK LINB For Baa Franciace,
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    • 414 5 STEAMER SAHIN6S STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY "NEDERLAND" ("NEDERLAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.) HOLLAND EAST ASIA UNE (of the United Netherlands Navigation Company.) HOLLAND AND HAMBURG FREIGHT SERVICE. Following are the Companies' intended fixtures s.B. BANKA, about May 9 HOLLAND and HAMBURG Moreover the mail steamer, offer a limited capacity for cargo to Holland
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    • 721 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ELLERMAN "TINE BLLBBMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co.. IM. (lacerporatea In Eaglaad) BTJUMMB Pit SliajtwT^ PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. t s.s. CITY OP MANCHESTER China and Japan June 1 1 8.s. OITY OF KARACHI China and Japan Oct. 5 B.s. CITY OF PARIS China and Japan Oct. 1C SJS. CITY OF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 689 6 CIHEMfIS MARYBOROUGH Wednesday, April IS to Tuesday, April 21, 'ISIS. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. BRIDE TO BE 1 Reel Pathe Comedy. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS Lola Wilson in 7 Parts. Miss Lulu Bett PARAMOUNT PRESENTS Bryant Washburn in 5 Parta. Burglar Proof In the First Show at 7.30 p.m.
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    • 348 6 CiKEHAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second £how at 9.30 LEATHER IM'SIIEKS SERIES Round No. 4. I'nversal-Jewel Collier's Series. Dorothy Gi«h in a Paramount feature in 5 parts THE GHOST IN THE GARRET A woozy romance of love and crooks and s:pooks and a haunted house. And a Paramount Mack Sennett
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    • 341 6 WHITEAWAYS /^V fHIUHJEVS WHITE CANVAS SHOES. £1,1, (S^V stra P uml covereJ buckle. DEPTS. %V^-K Kr m $35 ARE WHITE CANVAS SANDAL SHOE. NOW Wlt FFror n om U 54.75 r^i 8 r. >le SHOWING BI.\(K IMTENT ANKI.E R|tf SHOE. jLj^|P N aw iSheL A'vTT IVcm *:..->.-> pair. tST iaa^BaW^N.
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  • 200 7 nrruua. Mondny. April M lligli Watar, IM a.m., 3.22 p.m. St. Gsygs'l Day. Football League I, Mid'acx v. S.R.C., S.C.C. Tuesday, April 24 High Water. 2.4<". a.m., 4.4. p.m. M. M. homeward mail. T' :iml f>. liomewnrd mail Football League 11, Ex-Semccs v. Y.M.CA., S.C.K.A. Football Uague
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  • 256 7 VESSELS AT THE JOCKS. Eaat Wharf Ba«ln— Nil. East Wharf— Melchior Trculi, H.M.S. Blue ML Sheer* Wharf—Nil. Main Wharf Nippon, L.-uher Dollar, Glauic Empire Dact Svbmariaea, H.M.S. Ambrose, Ttraagwa, Antilocfciu. W«al Whar, Oanfa, Medusa. J:irjine.< Wharf I Palo Brani Coal Wharf— NlL Keppel Karbomr. .Main Wharf !>,-r Kuan
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  • 219 7 T«-day. fulau Rambu 2.30 p.m. tort Swpttcnham and Pcnang 3 p.m. I;«t 'i Pahat r 3 p.ra Malacca 4 p.m. I'ulau liatnm and Pulau Bulang 4 p.m. llonjrkonjr, Shaiicrh&i nnd Japan 4 p.m. Hongkong and Shanghai ..4 p.m. Peaaag sad Qalnrtsa -1 p.m. Tacsday I'uiiirl on;;. Sivatuv.
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  • 34 7 Ingera Juliana fhongna rfor»» Rembrandt t. I. Kll ■Von Mar. E Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mnr. 19 Lo>4m lUr. M Mar. 28 Apr. S Aor. Apr. IS Apr. Ifi
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  • 188 7 BXCHANGK. Singapore, April 23. On London, "Bank 4 m/s 2/4V4 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 17/32 On New York Demand 54 ft I Private 90 d/s 56% On France, Bank 760 On India, Bank T.T. 173% On Hongkong, Bank d/d '/fc p.c. prem. On
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  • 60 7 Tone of the market Quiet. Latest London cable.-, quote Spot sheet Is. .'Hid. Pale Crepe Clo»ing Price* Buyer*. Sellers. Spot May -June luly-Sept Oct-Dec Spot 'lay-June uly-Sept )ct.-Dec. Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Bayer*. Sell era. 54 54 U 54 V- M 55Mj 56
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    • 208 7 V«l. Pd. Bayen. Selltn. 1 1 Batane Padang 0.40 0.15 I 1 Htam Tin 1.40 1.45 1 1 Jclantoh 0.10 0.20 norn 1 1 .lohun Tin 0.10 0.50 £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.1.G 2.3.8 10 10 Kinta Assn. 7.90 8.50 5 ."> Liii)rui Tin 4.50 4.60 10 10 Malayan.
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    • 145 7 Val. I'd. Bnycra. Seller.. tt £1 B. Am. Tobacco 4.14.0 4.17-6 10 10 Central Engines 9.50 10.50 10 10 Central Motors 4.26 4.75 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.00 7.50 ">/- 6/- Elec. Tramwayi 1/. 21- oom 10 10 Fraser Neave 36.00 3G.50 ">0 r .O Hammer aijd Co.
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    • 111 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 6 p.c £350,000 iom. Spore Municipal 5 p.e. $1,878,000 par. Spore Municipal 4V4 p.e. of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.c. dig. Spore Municipal 4Vi p.e. of 1909 $1,600,500 6 p.e. dis. Spore Municipal 4 Vis p.e. of 1909
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    • 406 7 Fraaar and Co. and Ljrall ami Eratfa QntotiaM. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-d»y Prfcet. Fruer I.t«11 ft ft Co. Evatt. Alltuby Nt» (SI) 1.12.i 1/JO 1.12'j LI7H Alor Gajah ($1) 1.15 1.30 1.25 J. 35 A. Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 767 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advtk, par* 18. \HSINTHE OXYGENEE, Amer Picon, FcrB«t, Dubonnet, Mandarine Apcrtif. !II P.oller, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Big. I WANTED IMMEDIATELY, jrajuen roi! 1.M.0., .lohore Bihru. WATCHMEN'S CLOCKS just~r»ceivcd "at B. Einanuel's, Raffles Chambers. (lp) WANTED, two-seater light car. Must be in good condition. 2215,
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    • 612 7 ANZAC DAY On Wednesday, April 25, 1923, no business will be transacted at the offices of The Australian Trade Commission Scr.vice in the East, 67, Robinson Road. E. T. BHEAF. Cum mi is ion i.'!\ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SIMiATORE. COMPANIES (WINDING-IP) No. 2
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  • 187 8 Messrs. Chonu Sic Leone, Sie'Au and family ti-mlcr their best thanks to all those whe attended the funeral of the late Mr. Chong Tian Fah, and to those who so kindly sent scrolls, letters of condalcnce and wreaths in their bereavement. Mrs. F. K. Jenkins begs to thr.nk all
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  • 1145 8 Recent events have be?n vividly reminding all men that Egypt is one of the oldest of all the nations of which tracer still remain. It may be older even lhar. China, and one hopes that recent search among the tombs will bring
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  • 74 8 A fine of $100 or in default three nonths' rigorous imprisonment was inflicted on a Chinese, named Cheng Fong by Mr. Ahearne, second magistrate, on Saturday, for being in possession of a fully loaded revolver in Middle Road a few days previous. He was further fined 525 or a month's
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  • 77 8 In connection with water mains in Alexandra Road and Telolc Biangrah Road i committee of the Municipal Comniis(ioners have approved the laying of 9in. nains in Alexandra Road and Telok jlangah Road, at an estimated cost of ■;2.!,000 and $25,000 respectively, payable ;iom loan accounts trunk mains. It was also
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  • 16 8 H.M.S. Ambrose and three submarines arrived from Hongkong this morning and are in the Empire Dock.
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  • 23 8 The Malaya Opera of Singapore, is now playing at Kajang, and will replace the Grand Europe Circus at Kun!a Lumpur, on April 2f>.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 169 $luO. Ihe rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 174^($100.
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  • 34 8 The Colombo Muncipal Council decided on April 11 by a majority of 11 votes o two to abolish the poll tax, which they regarded as an effete mode of taxation, unequal in its incidence.
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  • 31 8 Sir Paul Chater's well-known geoeMsity has again been exemplified by the effer of an endowment of .*50,06.t to the Missions to Seamen in Hotlgkoqg, which 'he committee have most gratefully accepted.
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  • 38 8 The V.M.C.A. Bible study givup under the leadership of the Rev. J. H. Lewin meets again to-n g'iK at 8.'!0. The mbject for discussion is The Faith I f i Harlot Her place' amongst the Immortals. All invited.
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  • 38 8 The first factory to manufacture rubber goods in Sslaßgor, says the Malay Mail, has begun operations En Purlu Road, Kuala Lumpur, under the name cf the Yap Tai Chi Rubber Works, Mr. Yap Tai Chi being the proprietor.
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  • 42 8 A Chinese tongkang with a large quantity of rubber was seized off the coast of Perak last week. It is alleged that the vessel was engaged in the business of smuggling rubber across ;he Straits. Three arrests have so far been made.
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  • 58 8 A committee of the Municipal Commissioners have decided that, owing to he frequency with which water supply has to be cut off and turned on again, due to the delay in payment of deposit, consumers will be notified that if then is no improvement wi'.hin a month a penalty of
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  • 49 8 At a well-attended meeting of tht Kedah brand) K. S. A. M. held ;tt Sungei .'ntani, the following ollicc-bi-arors wen •leeted Chairman, Mr. W. R. Sangui•ictti; hon. secretary, M>\ V. Laurie non. treasurer, Mr. S. EL Duff committee, Di. Smart, Messrs. Pearee, Bar ion, Sinclair, Brunton, B. Sjnn ftrgusotL
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  • 58 8 Messrs. Whi'.tall and Co. have received a cable from the secretaries of Sungei Choh Rubber Company advising that the annual ordinary general meeting cf tht shareholders will be r.i'i'l on 2n.| proximo, *hen ihe diiecors will make the following recommendations The payment of i dividend cf 8 per cent., write
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  • 62 8 The feast of St. Joseph was celebrate;! at the Church cf St. Joseph, Bukit Timah, yesterday. There was a large E tion, passengers going by all conveyances apart from the special train The Rev. Fr. DuveHe said- the mass which was followed by the Benediction of the Blessed Sacramant. I!ev.
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  • 84 8 Mr. P. Pedley, of Penang, who orgafi- zed the Pcnanjf Amatirjr Troubadours, who gav<; a performance in Tailing on March 10, has received a letter of thanks from Captain Dickens R.X.. C.M.f.;., df H.M.S. Carlisle, row at Hongkong, than'j- njj him for devotinp half of thi- profits to the Trafalgar
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  • 111 8 The new rubber issues, which have made appeals to the public at home during the last week or two, have met with WttjF■ng success, says the China Express and Telegraph. The East Asiatic, which was well over-subscribed, after being at a very modest premium, closed l'-d. discount. The Sepang underwriters
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  • 140 8 The seventh annual general meeting of the Parit Perak Rubber Company, was held at Penang on Saturday. Tit present Dr. C. F. Nicholas (in the •jhair), Messrs. J. R. Gordon. E. Reimann, C. Trim Johnson and I). EL Hobbs. representing the secretaries (Messrs. Kats Bros., Ltd.) The report and accounts
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  • 165 8 In response to the invitation of Mi K. S. Bhaizada, a large number of Indian and European friertis gathered, on Saturday afternoon, at the Y. M. A. Hall, which was tastefully decorated with flowers nnd evergreens, to accord a cordial welcome to Sirdar H.iiii the managing proprietor of Messrs. li:;;:i
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  • 441 8 Dr. R. D. HtsgaraM is to act as Principal Madieal Oflker, Johore. Mr. S. Q. Wong is appointed to be an Unofficial Member cf ihe Council of State, Johore. Dato Mohamed Shah bin Awang, iU'.v.i. s appointed to act temporarily as State Commissioner, Muar. Mr. B. W.
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  • 35 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires Signalman A. R. Doss came in contact with an electric live win lay in the marshalling yard near BrickBelds Road. He died in a short space of time.
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  • 110 8 "Vie" is the title selected for the new paper produced by the boys of the Victoria institute, Kuala Lumpur. •ts No. 1 of Vol. 1 is a hopeful issue, and it ought t'> prosper, for it should appeal to the artistic M well as to the literary
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  • 127 8 The following appointments are notified in the X.M.S. Government Gasette Mr. \V. i'cel to h,- British Adviser, Kedah Mr. it. A. Boanhnas to be Seen the Sanitary Board, Kuala Lumpur; Mr. J. J. Warren to be an Assistant Commi ■toner of Police, F.M.S. Mr. C. Basel! to
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  • 145 8 The marriage of Mr. P. S. KajStßtoam, AUen an-1 Gkdhill, an'l Aimim-. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, M. P. Baruch, of Klanir Road, was solemnised on Saturburch, the R. Lewin officiating. The bride, who given away by I:. father, was charmingly r|r:'-a(d in white orii'iital sarci- embroidered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 The GARRICK SPECIAL SIZE No. 2. This newly introduced cigarette lili nded from specially selected Virginian tobacco should certainly recommend itself to all devotees of "MY LADY NICOTINE." Can be obtained from all Dealers. i JEa^ The Popular Blend "Acrawatte' FINEST CEYLON TEA insist rrON Tn JP« s*j HAVING THIS
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    • 168 8 ALHAMBRA THE CHARMING DECEIVER (Alice Calhoum) Pt THE TRUANT HUSBAND P S pti. 8 pts. Universal Serial (In 18 episodes) WITH STANLEY IN AFRICA George Walsh- and Loaise Lorraine. Episodes 1 and 2. (Flirt Show) MARLBOROUGH Sliss LULU BETT (Lois Wilson) 7 pts. 7 pts. BURGLAR PROOF (Bryant Washbarn) S
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  • 617 9 Effects of Lord Curzon's Speech. Germany Advised to Make Proposals. Reuter'3 Servici London. April 21. Earl Curzon's cautiously worded speech, which is generally regarded by the English press as a hint to Germany that the time i? opportune for a renewal of bar efforts at negotiation, met
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  • 52 9 Rei/teu's Service London, April 21. Ni \v York Cotton prices broke on heavy general selling. Old crop fell S."i la 104 points, and the new crop fell only 45, on reports of rains in the south-west. The bulls appear to have abandoned hopes of 1 1 i;•
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  • 207 9 Miss Ellis Reported Weak But Safe. Reuter's Service London, April 22. S'inia A communique -tales that that vinro is no further news of the exact whereabouts of Miss Ellis, but there is little doubt that she has been taken to some mountain stronghold in the heart of the
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  • 154 9 Reuter's Service London, April 22. Santiago de Chile At a meeting of the Armaments Committee of the PanAmerican Conference, Brazil proposed the limitation of capital ships to 80,000 tons without limitation for other vessels. Chile proposed 80,000 tons for capital ships only, but it is reported that she
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  • 132 9 Reuter's Service London, April 21. In connection with the curious controversy raging in Dublin as to whether Monsignor Luzio's visit is purely ecclesiastical, as contended by Government, or is paid with the Vatican authority to intervene in the interests of peace, as the Monsignor declares, Archbishop Logue has
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  • 120 9 Reuter's Service London, April 21. Paris The remains of Prince Kitashirakawa have been removed from the Japanese Embassy to the Gare de Lyon, whence they are being sent to Marseilles. Among prominent Japanese present were the Charge d'Affaires at Paris, the Ambassadors to London and Dublin, the
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  • 359 9 Admiral Chester Defends Concession. U.S. Navy Urgently Needing Oil. Reuter's Service Lcndon, April 21. New York Spe-ikin.* nt a dinner f the Federated American Chambers of Commerce in the Near East, last evening, Admiral Chester declared that spheres of influence had thrown every kind of obstacle in
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  • 276 9 Riutir's Servici London, April 21. New York The ex-Premier of Montenegro, Palamenatz, who arrived from Italy, has been detained on Ellis Island. His friends declare he has come as a refugee. London, April 21. Haw York Mr. Laskcr has refused the marine engineers' offer for three ships
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  • 134 9 Memorial to the British Heroes. Reuter's Service London, April 22. Zeebrugge The foundation stone of a noble memorial to the (famous Bbritish raid in wartime was laid to-day by the Governor of West Flanders on site near the shore end of the mole in the presence of a distinguished
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  • 85 9 Kilter's Service London, April 22. Riga It is reliably reported from Moscow that Chiciierin, Krassin and Krestinsky have made energetic representations to the Government against renewed terrorist methods as undermining foreign confidence. Krassin threatens to resign if the policy is continued. The Communist Congress at Moscow passed a
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  • 83 9 Reuter's Servici London, April 21. In addition to influencing a reduction in the railway rates, the Government's efforts to assist agr:oi:lturc, announce! by Sir Hobert Sanders in the House of Commens, comprise a taty of 10s. a quarter, on imported malting barley, with a preference of one-third in
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  • 70 9 Reuter's Service London, April 22. Sydney Speaking at a military reunion, Mr. Bowdcn, Minister for Defence, said that the time had arrived when Australia must decide her defence problems. He said We are absolutely dependent for naval defence on the Empire and if we were attacked we couM
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  • 51 9 Reuter's Service London, April 21. Madrid The offer of General Wrangel's Army, now in Rumania, to serve as a separate unit against the Moors in Spanish Morocco, has been declined the Spanish Government who, however, have intimated that any Russian Volunteers will be welcomed in the Spanish Foreign
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  • 145 9 Reuter's Service London, April 22. Paris The Minister for Finance announces that the long and delicate negotiations have resulted so that the Bank of France has arranged to discharge the loan made by the Bank of England early in 1916 over a perod of seven years instead of
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  • 158 9 Warnings Against Reckless .Inflation. Rium's Servici London, April 21. New York The first official warning against danger of inflation is contained in the Department of Commerce review of trade nnd industry for March. It says that the present situation is more advantageous than in 1920 as the
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  • 55 9 Riutir'3 Service London, April 21. The Norfolk agricultural strike has: ended, the executives of the Farmers' and Labourers' Union to-day agneing to terms of settlement at 255. for a 50-hour week. London, April 21. The deadlock in the National Oil Refiners dispute at Skewen, near Swansea, continues. Fiftee
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Service London, April 21. Improved financial results are disclosed in the report of the Amalgamated Rubber Estates, showing a profit last year of £41,000 as compared with £10,000 in 1921. It proposes a 2',i per cent, dividend on account of last year, making 7/2 per cent., also
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  • 48 9 Recter's Service London, April 21. Rome The differences between Signor Mussolini and the Popular party Ministers have been composed by a resolution at a meeting of the Parliamentary sjNSj%\ the Popular party affirming their intention of supporting the Government and placing national needs above party considerations.
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  • 25 9 Reuter's Service London, April 21. Clocks will be advanced an hour at 2 n.m. on the 22nd instant. London, April 21. Marks are 119,030-121,000.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 31 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Hongkong, April 23. Sun Vat Sen's forces have captured Suntak. The Kwangsi troops nre st:li retreatirit,-. Another decisive battle is cx-p.-cled kt Yirtß-fal..
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  • 25 9 (Aneta's Service.) Weltevreden, April 21. Rubber for April-May has been done at SB'/i. There is a further demand at 80.
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  • 41 9 The output of Chenderiang Tin Dredging during the half month of April was trib. 110, dred. 256 piculs, a total of 36C piculs. The output of Kamunting Tin Dredging luring the half month of April was 200 piculs.
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  • 34 9 In Malaya the strength of the garriscn will be 1,335 of all ranks and arms, including one company of Royal Artillery, a rat'.alion of British infantry, detachments of departmental corps and IIS aathra traaps
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  • 1464 9 Building Sites on Penang Hill. Duke of York's Wedding. (April 23, 1923.) Present H. E. the Governor (Sir Laurence Guillemard, X.C.8.) presiding. Official Members H.E. the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, X.C.8., D.5.0.). The Hon. tht- Colonial Secretary (Sir Frederick James, C.M.G.). Mr. W.
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  • 367 10 Liquidator's Statement Of Accounts. A meeting of the Straits Motor Car Service. Ltd., was .held at Winchester House, in Saturday, when Mr. O. C. Smalley, the liquidator, gave an account of the state of the company's affairs. Maaam S. M. T. Xaidoo, S. M. R. Naidoo
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  • 589 10 Straits and F.M.S. Subordinate Benefit Fund. The report of the committee of the Subordinate Civil Service Benefit Fund (S.S. and F.M.S.) for the year ended February 28, states The benefit fund was formed to fill the dire want of members of the Government Service in the provision
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  • 421 10 Work on Bridging the River Meiiam Commenced. Those who have travelled to Bangkok from the F.M.S. by train, will have oastta to remember the inconvenience caused by the journey being interrupted at Bangkok Not, says the Malay Mail. The mail train from I'enang reaches this almost desolate
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  • 41 10 Photographs appear in several Londen papen if the King of Siam as Chief Scout. The Boy Scout movement is very much alive in Siam, and the King has •iaiti.l tlu Tii'er Bents, nnd h:i Irnv 1 11 I'een elected Chief Seoul.
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    • 202 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Much ink and paper has been wasted in trying to find a solution to the Singapore housing problem, and 1, therefore, think that any reasonable suggestion offered should be considered by the authorities to alleviate the
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  • 354 10 Favourable Completion of Docking' Facilities Urged. In planning the development of naval facilities at Singapore at an estimated cost of £11,000,000 the Government has obviously had in view the defence of Britisn interests in the Pacific, and particularly the safety of Australia and New Zealand, writes
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    • 71 10 Singapore, April 23. Rubber.—London Is. 3'/id. .Local 51. I Tin.—London, April 20 £208. Local •JlOSV't. *Share market.—Quiet. Rubbers.—Few enquiries. I Tins.—Taipings 92Vi-97% cts.. North? 1.15-1.20, Souths 1.10-1.15, Nawng Pets 1.20-1.25, Rawangs 1.22V2-1.27V., Johans 40-«:> cents. General.—JVrait? Traders 2Z-~'*-2?>.2~>, Wcarncs 9-9.2">, Straits Steamships 272.50-277.50, Uniteers 11.75-12.25, EastI
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    • 110 10 Singapore, April 2J. Tin.—£2oB. Rubber.—ls. :;'-d. I Rubbers.—Ayer Panas 5.75-0.25, AllenIbys 1.15-1.20, New Brogas 55-65, Kuala Sidiras 2.17 '...-2.25, Malakoffs 3-3.20, Lunas 7.25-7.50, Kedahs 2.10-2.20, Kempas 4.70-1.90, Nyalas .".50-5.75. Mentakabs 22Vj-27'2, Amalgamated Malays |2.20-2.;:0, Badellas 3.90-4.10, Tapahs 10.30-10.50. Mining.—Collieries 18.25-19.25 ex, Kampong Kamuntings 415.-435., Souths 1.10-1.15,
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  • 66 10 The fears expressed towards the end of last year that the additional taxes imposed by the 1922-23 Budget would result in an increase in the cost «f liv- ing have been fully realised, and it'Tr 1 I estimated that to-day the cost of living 'for Europeans in Ceylon is 81
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  • 902 10 Its Significance in the Great War. While the Zeebrugffe Expedition will be remembered for all time as one of the most splendid feats of arms which ever glorified St. George's Day, it is as we.l to recall tliat nearly every year of the war St. George's Day
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  • 153 10 I The Municipal health statement for I the week ending April 14, gives the total number of deaths as 222 representI ing a death rate of 30.91 per mille, per annum compared with 29.93 in the precedj ing week, and with 35.99 in the corresponding week of
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  • 4 10
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  • 292 10 S. C. C. Draw with Middlesex Regt. On the padang on Saturday afternoon, the S. C. C. drew with the Middlesex Regiment, play much in favour of. the Club. Scoies were s. c. c. A. H. Assiier c Wilson b Siddons 5 Major T. C. Spring Ibw. b
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  • 265 10 An interesting game of cricket was played at Blakang Mati on Saturday between the Y. M. C. A. and the R. G. A. Going in first ihe Association compiled 142, Vyas, the top scorer of the day, contributing 47 not out through
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  • 152 10 Jack Bloomfield, who beat Soldier Jones decisively in five rounds at the N.S.C. on March 26 anil thus won the Empire cruiserweight championship, \< tipped by i the experts as a coming heavyweight I champion. He is L'1! years of age, 6 ft. 1 in. in height
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  • 78 10 The result of the Duffer's cup final was a win by R. Bald over P W Smith at the 19th. The April Medal (Stroke) 'wae won by H. Smith with a score of 72 nett. The Ball Sweep for Saturday was won ,by W. E. Coates, 27
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  • 390 10 The Barnes Cups. A large gathering, including Lady Guillemard, Miss Walker and Sir Frederick S. James, was present at the Polo Ground on Saturday afternoon to witness what proved to be a fast and good game for the Barnes Cups. Ist Chukka.— Opened stickily, until Ferguson got away, but,
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  • 30 10 TO-DAYS TIES. Double Handicap. Jamieson and Brown v. Wardle and Toscenie, to finish. Rev. G. H. Douglas and Main v. Hammond and McKean, to finish.
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  • 179 10 FRIDAY'S PLAY. A Single. Oh Jitt Siang beat Scah Lug hiang, C —2, 7 —C, retired. Tan Chong Gark beat Too King Teo'.v, G —2, 6 —2. John Lim beat Tan Koon Hin, C G—3. IJ Singles. Tan Soo Liew beat Son- Chin Lug,
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  • 38 10 [Reuter's Service]. London, April 21. A Rotter cable <>f April 21 states that ;a the Crystal i'alacc, in the Amateur Cup Final, London Caledonians beat Kvo.-ham Town by 2 goals to 1, after extra time.
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  • 107 10 (Reuter's Service.) London, April 21. Melbourne Norman Brockes, the sole selector, in announcing that he had selected Andenon, Hawkcs, Schksingcr and Mclnnes to represent Australia in the Davis cup matches, concurs in the Association's view that a weaker team .should not. be dispatched. Brookes qucs--1 lions the
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  • 37 10 [Reuter's Service.] London, April 22. I In the semi final of the professional I billiards championship at the Holborn Hall, at the half way scores Smith had made 8,000, including breaks of G2O and 782.
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  • 41 10 In connection with the Ipoh Race Sweep ,OM in which Mr. Sircom imposed fines of 1 $250 on each of the Club officials and •others it shuld be mentioned that the charge against MacAlister and Co. was withdrawn.
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  • 121 10 At the luncheon held after (he launching of the Sarpedon, built by Messrs. C;n. mid I.ainl for Messrs. Alfred Holt and Company, Mr. W. H. Hitchen.-; wittily recalled a story told about the origin of the Blue Funnel Line. It was stated, he- said, that
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  • 54 10 The case in which D. M. I). Stephen, J.P., is chanced with cheating Messrs. E. B. Creasy and Co., in rcsnect of a large consignment nf quinine, wan mentioned at the Colombo Police Court on April 11. The record not having been n>ttirn«'d hy the AtUiiniy-fleneral the case vat put
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  • 1435 11 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables are taken from Indian exchanges to hand Air Mail Service in India. London, April C The question of starting an Air Mail Service in India was raised in the course of a discussion following the reading of
    1,435 words
  • 385 11 Reduction Shewn in the All-in Costs. The fourteenth report of the directors of the Batu Village Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the twelve months ended December >L l'J22, states The net profit for the period after making due provision for depreciation amounts to ,$2,390.99 which deducted, together with
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  • 101 11 I Profrrammc of drills, etc., up to and for Sunday, April 29 Monday, 23rd. 5.15 p.m., Chinese Co., Lewis (run training S.V.F. ambulance, drill, Drill Hall. Tuesday, 24th. 5.15 p.m., Chinese Co., bombing and bayonet fighting, Drill Hall. Wednesday, 25th. 5.15 p.m., Chinese Co., extended order drill,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 144 11 HIS MASTERS VOICE GRAMOPHONES AND H. M. V." RECORDS Have proved their superiority and are recognized as the standard of the world. Call in and let us demonstrate this to you. Prices $67.50 and up. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. IM>»MMIMMt>»M»M« ♦«MM»>»M«M«M M Ml »H> MOTOR TYRES CLINCHER Sole Agents
      144 words
    • 375 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Tri.^o.. ML CM U~> SPECIAL DINNER DANCE. Tka Fineat Ballroo* in the Bast and as usual Monday Tea Dansant Special Dinner Dance SEAVIEW HOTEL T T^ 0M m SINGAPORE. An eiclusive Residential Hotel affording the dignity and elegance of a prirate Residence. CINEMA EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY ON
      375 words

  • 884 12 Discovery of an Extensive Conspiracy. At the Guildhall Justice Room on March 15, before Alderman Sir William Pryke. Howard Montague Foffden Humphrey, 32, cutlery manufacturer, of Basinghall Street, E.C., and Sunnier Hill, Dyke Road, Brighton, pleaded guilty to a charge under the Dangerous Dru^s Act of unlawfully
    884 words
  • 145 12 The president of one United States' tyre company is said to be seriously contemplating a scheme to acquire rubber plantations in Brazil, to b« .worked with imported Chinese labour and' it is reported that plans have progressed to a point where the question of supplying labourers
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 347 12 i eBB r***** I HORNLESS PHONOGRAPH IN SOLID OAK CASE $65. SEASON COMPANY, LIMITED, (Incorporated in the S. S.) 11l and 113, NORIH BRIDGE ROAD, (S Storied Building.) GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) PORTLAND CEMENT IN CASKS 375 LBS. NETT. Telegraphic Address C. M. ALPOKT, GREENLAND, SINGAPORE.
      347 words
    • 219 12 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Hon. the Resident Councillor's Office, up to noon of May 8, 1923, for the following works Erection of Volunteer Head Quarters, Drill Hall and Outhouses, etc. at Malacca. Every person applying for form of Tender will be required to deposit the sum
      219 words
    • 117 12 do not be deceiye d. M REWARE of Cigarettes MV/Vwt' manufactured by machinery ///M/ at. the rate of thousands per minute, containing matter in-. ff////y jurious to the throat and lungs. are made by hand, and 1111/ 30"' of every leaf used is first win/ eliminated in the form of
      117 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1052 13 SALES BY AUCTION ESTATE OF SHAIK ABDUL HAI BIN ISMAIL BADAL, DECEASED. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable leasehold and freehold land and dwelling house* known as Nos. 61, 63, 65, 159, lfil, 163 and lfiS, Serangoon Road, and freehold building allotment* at Gaylang Road and Coronation Road, Singapore. At Messrs.
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    • 408 13 MORTGAGEE'S SALE of valuable land and house properties. At our Rule-room, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, April 25, at 2.30 p.m. Lots 1, 2 and 3. Three pieces of valuable freehold, situate off McPherson Road, in the district of Kallang, Singapore, estimated to contain the respective areas of
      408 words
    • 515 13 HOUSES. BUSINESS PKHMISBB AND (JODOWNS. TO LET COMPOUND HOUSES 129, Faya Lebar Road. 902, Upper Btraagooa Ko«d. Good watei •nd garage. No. 9 and 9-a, QiltUad Boad. Vlnd.boua," No. t-U Oraag* Grcr. Koad BBOPHOUBES. OFFICIB, ITOKBS AND GODOWNB. 100-2 and 100-8 Tajong f»gar Boad. 79 Peek Se-a Street, (toy floor.)
      515 words
    • 68 13 HAIPHONG DRAGON WW CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, G-overnment of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F M.S. Railways and all leadicg architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Bole Agemta, Sim t^re. ♦♦■♦♦■♦■♦>■»♦♦■»■»♦>-♦♦♦♦-»■»■*-» ♦♦-»>♦♦♦»««♦♦♦« »«««»««»«.«•♦•»♦»>< "SEA-GULL" BRAND Condensed Sweetened Condensed Unsweetened Sterilized Natural Sole Importers The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (lMara*faW i» ZJMMaur*)
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 226 14 Hellesens Dry Cells TYPE 11, No. 4. "BUTLER" I'VJ Volt For telephones, bells and general purposes. TYPE V, No. 4. "FLASH" \y 2 Volt. For Lamps, Cycles, Cars, Boats. Established 1887. Awarded 6 Gold Medals. Very durable, they are known world-wide for their high state of excellence. Combined with a
      226 words
    • 1969 14 ■■*wuuniauaraßa*nnnfaiuu*BMna*waMßW^ c AwiU »ver 15,000,000 S.C. AiumfMtm la fare* »ver $17,000,001. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. f (incorporated ia Stialu S*ttlem*ata.) HEAD OFFICE > Wlacaester House, Siagapor*. LONDON OFFICE U, Old Jawry, t.C Th* Company haa *20,000 deposited with the Supreme Cuurt oi England and compile* with th*
      1,969 words

  • 920 15 Life in a Chinese Country Town. The Wuchang, correspondent of the N.C. Daily Navtt writes 1 have been spending t'..e Chr.cse New Veil- holiday in an old walled city not so very fir fvom Hnnknw. These oil", country towns are veritable backwaters in the stream of
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  • 53 15 S. Rama 1. —14,392 lbs. Sungci Purun.— 2l,loo lbs. Semenyih. 10,900 lbs. Sungei Sekah.— l,6oo lbs. Utan Simpan. 17,848 lbs. Waterfall.— 64,ooo lbs. The permanent light vessel Kemmendine ha? been placed on her station at the Spit, Rangoon, and the temporal? light vessel Delhi, has been taken
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 242 15 The appearance on Singapore Roads of the 1923 Model ESSEX TOURING CAR, has undoubtedly placed at the service of the Public a four-cylinder, 5 passenger car which is equalled by few and excelled by none. 'E^MR wB^Si^II! J T^v d&Ki& lift V^CJjt 'v3a^«sy .^B^BBBBB^BB*«BB^aJB!a^BaEB v*^^&-'J Compare the price, equipment and
      242 words
    • 234 15 12 HP. PRICE $3,860 COMPLETE A Masterpiece of Antomobile Engineering CALL AND BMPFJCT. THE BOENEO COMPANY, LIMITED MOTOK VEJUCLK DEPARTMENT. SINGAI»ORE IPOH PENANG TAN GTE ENGINES AND PUMPS F v^HK^SBm JIBb i Bia^Bfiß^av&iidHMfcs lßfll^ J^*^l»* Va\ vlr^^ Jaa~ k ■^^jfmK'wMsß SSBfcßr- '.>jpt^|SfeiflifflfeMg^^BßHß jH3K vSBKr aJBWatUa>A%A-a&.» aSt JP^B^HBB^ t T^3^y™W''Paa^CTP^BßßWßayPyjjßr. ACjpHn|^^JUßa]»
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 288 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1607, Joo Chiat Place, area 81,200 square feet. APPLY 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE N. LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTERY ROAD FIRST WIRE NETTING FOR TENNIS COUKTS. torass Wire Ganze 40, 50, 60 H«Bh. Obtainable fretas GAW BROS., LTD.
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    • 448 16 LADIES! i A Straight Line is the Shortest Distance Between Any Two Points PARISIAN HOUSE 5, ORCHARD ROAD IS THE STRAIGHT LINE TO LOWEST PRICES FOR HATS. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. /It ha* to
      448 words
    • 893 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., thre* ins. C 4 cts., four ins. 82 cts, five ins. |1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins.
      893 words
    • 886 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, NO. 4, Oxley Kise. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Road. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, house No. 35-1, 35-3, 35-4, Cairnhill
      886 words
    • 648 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fallow of the British Optical AaaoeUtlom. Freemaa of the Worshlpfnl Company of Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the City of London. Late of Old Broad St. London. S YIARS' LONDON FXPFBIET Cl IN SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. CHINESE BRAWH THREAD WORK CO. No. SO, COLEMAN STREET,
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    • 244 16 Charming and Attractive Gowns FOR THE RACE SEASON AT PRINCESS GARMENTS GO, 4, BAFFLES CHAMBERS, (Opposite Robinson's) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS For the best of everything in every Branch of Photography Bing ap MR. BUCKERIDGE Phone 1 898 THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO In the COLONY, U, ORCHARD
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 203 16 THE STRAITS TKSES TELEPHONES i Editorial and General 'Manager's Office 1( All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, r I", in l "f I __S tc should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMF.NT RATES.
      203 words