The Straits Times, 14 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,225, SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 YOU WILL PRONOUNCE ■HIBVJBBi BJHIk. fcv Cpp TTTV QTVTP w**' ft W ri 9 dar«^ OEiEd Inr, >n 1 1 M *ML B W W jff IVB WWC n mLbv'S fine old pale 4> U L y II V IN RED. UPON ETERT g^B x i| J» RrM W BOTTLE.
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    • 159 1 I JZZ» New-Hudson iss I MOTOR CYCLES I "THREE FIFTY TOURIST MODEL." E ALL CHAIN DRIVE COUNTERSHAFT GEAR I 5 TOURIST Inlcrna^expanding, Front "POPULAR" S DE-LUXE CARBURETTER New Spray Type. TOURIST MODEL 5 TYRES Dunlop Sluckled, IM by 5 OALL,0 ALL J HAIN P^ 8 tHAIN-CTM-CELT DRl\i: 2-speed Countershaft Gear.
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    • 5 1 t^Jl^ p afcy^^^***^ J 3y7'
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  • 305 2 Audacious Robbery at a German Embassy. An extraordinary story, with a strong flavour of film drama, is told this week of a burglary at the German Embassy in Rome, which is housed in the Villa Wolkunsky. For the last two months suspicfoa looking persons have been notice!
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  • 364 2 Ar.^lo Ma1ay.— 74,656 lbs. Allenby.— l3,2B3 lbs. AKir Gajah.— 9,76o lbs. Australasia.— 7,loo lbs. Ayer 29,500 lbs. A:npat (Sumatra). 18,773 lbs. .v.-nie. Bukit Kubu.— lo,6oo lbs. Bukit Kajanft.— 4o,397 lbi. Batu Tiga. 57,500 lbs. tiroomo. 'J5,(J40 lbs. Eika;.;.— ID.IOO lbs. Baki'. LinUnsr.— l6,ooo lbs. Bntu Aram. 2;1,3(i5
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  • 120 2 Mr. J. K. Cousin, a globe-trotter, who has just returned to San Francisco from the Orient, has abandoned his plan tc establish an independent island kingdom where there would be no Volsteadism, in the South Seas, according to San Francisco papers. A year ago Mr. Cousim landed in China, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 555 2 M A SWAN Pen is more than a conM^| jfx venience for busy writers it is a necessity. It is the pen which BIS never needs coaxing, for its reliable feed iffiS ensures a steady flow of ink the instant the nib touches the paper. Never a scratch, Kn blot
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    • 512 2 Mrs. Riddick Tells HowCuticura Healed Hands and Face "I contracted a skin trouble of the hand* and fece which t Mk the form of we: eczema. It spretd MjJv^pWof my arms and neck. **A and the rash became so y »f bad that I found it al- r-J most impossible
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    • 146 2 KINGSWAY A.C. Ceiling Fans FOR TANGLIN SUPPLY BRITISH MADE WHITE FINISH 3 ALUMINIUM BLADES. Guaranteed slow running. Speed may be adjusted to anything between 200 and 4O R.P.M. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlementi) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. »««♦«♦♦♦«««♦♦♦»♦♦»»>» »♦♦♦♦♦<-»<♦-» taM»»«>«H»l>>l«l>HIIHI Cars, Lorries AND MARINE
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  • 727 3 New Theory Advanced by Prof. Gregory. A year a^o I'rofessor J. W. Gregory and his son Mr. C. J. Gregory passed through Rangoon on their way lo Chinese Tibet, return, ng in September. The Marcn 1923 i>sue of the Geographical Journal contains a paptr read by
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  • 268 3 Rebuilding War-Stricken Town Of Yillers-Bretonneux. tn -the State of Victoria, Australia, £29,;)47 was raised to assist the warstricken town of Villers-Bretonr.eux. The amount includes about £12,000 contributed by the Education department out of the State schools' patriotic fund. This money will be used to rebuild the Villers-Breton-neux
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  • 47 3 Ting Kil. Plant 164.G4 piculs, tribute 22.96 piculs. a total of 187.60 piculs. I.inirui Tin. Sluicing 192 piculs, tribute 81.60 piculs. a total of 273.60 piculs. Murai Tin Ltd. 325 piculs. Mambau Tin Ltd. Hours run 601, cubic yard* trMttd 42,000, total piculs 226,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 520 3 HOUSES. BUBDISM IiIiMISMS AND GODOWMI. TO LET COMPOUND HOUSES 129, l'oya Lebar Koad. 9U2, Upper Somagtia iio-d. Cood vat^r an I garagn. and V v. GilaUad koad. Vindebura." Ni. I- 1, Or»»«e Crofs Kosd IOOBW, MICH BTOBJES ASO -iODOWNS. ISM and li,o-3 Tsjons Pagsr Road. I Si-;.h Street, (top floor.)
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    • 400 3 \Wideweave EM9I dl^l GARTERS No metal can touch you These garters arc made of IV4 inch live, long stretch elastic They fit your legs smoothly and are extremely comfortable. Long wear in every pair. Ask lor them by name Wideweave PARIS. Your outfitter or haberdasher carries them. ASTEIN& COMPANY CHICAGO,
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    • 302 3 SOMETHING EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW Wotrm roh children of Doarisbaont, i-ive thvni p;tii!- in ths s.i.iii.u-h :iml bo-. their sleep ami steal tiieir strenctn. Adininistfivd for a few liays. Ha > Tablets <lriv,. out man, and th<r the little sufferer rapidly improves, ilis appitite in- bs ilesps will. boc^SKM ;>ink
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    • 132 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIAItS $10.85 to $13.25 SHELL $12.50 Agents f±m PURE SCOTCH. L J lllllllllMll'llllllllliiillllllllllll .3^3 OFAILSTIMUIAMTS'^f [HNtfl Aycnts Kats Brothers, Ltd. HllllllHllll HHtlll ♦♦■t- J t+ J t--»-t"»-»-»-* »«m«»»»««»«m*««l SILENT CHAIN DRIVE BY BRAMPTON BROS., LIMITED FOR POWER TRANSMISSION IN FACTORIES, etc.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 787 4 STEAWES SHILWiS P. d n -British India mt Apcar Line (Companies lacorpciaied le England) MAE, AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Cnciir Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE FBOM LONDON TO MARSEILLES. LONDON ANTWBBP Daa Singapora Lcavo Singapore NYANZA Apr. 15 1 NANKIN
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    • 628 4 STEAMER SAJUjjiS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Hulland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone No*. Passage Dept., 131. IMMM Daft, 1202, Marina Dept. and Transhipment IX- pt. 1437, Mina-ar'a Dipt. 1003. BAt'D— April 14, Billiton and BaUivia. INDBA6IBI— ApriI 14,,Riouw, Prigi-Radja, Saast,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 532 5 STEAMER SAlUtttl N.Y.K. LONDON LINB Fnshimi Man Apr. IT Misbima Mara May 1 LIVEEPOOL Urn Toyohashi Maru mid. May HAMBUEC UK» Matsumoto Mam early May Tajima Maru end May NEW TORE LINE via SUEI SOUTH AMERICAN LINE Kanarawa Maru Apr. 24 BOMBAt LINE Tamba Uarn Apr. IT Sado Muru May
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    • 457 5 STEAMER SAUJWtS O.S.K. Pnpeaed SaUlao from Blngapei. (• to change vitkoat pr.vlo*. aoUee.) EUROPEAN LINE Par Marseilles, London, Hambarg. Batterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Saoa aad Port Bald. Arr. D.p. PARIS MARU Apr. 11 Apr. 14 AMAZON HARD May 21 May tl Omit Marseilles. NEW YORK UN* For Saa Fraaeiaeo, Paaama,
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    • 484 5 STEAiER SAHIN6S STOOiVAART MAATSCHAPPY "NEBERLANI" ("NEDERLAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.) HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE (of the United Netherlands Navigation Company.) HOLLAND AND HAMBURG FREIGHT SERVICE. Following are the Companies' intended fixtures s.s. AMBON, April 18 HOLLAND HOLLAND optional s.s. BOETON, May 2 HOLLAND HOLLAND optional s.s. BANKA, about May 9 HOLLAND
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    • 144 5 KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. SUCCESSORS TO UNITED AMERICAN LINES (Incorporated la U.S-A.) Regular eervic. betweoa N.w York, Singapore and Java Porta, aad vice v.rsa, FOR NEW TORE VIA SUEZ WEST MAHOMET due Apr. 24. THE LAMBS due May 15. For freight, apply to GUTHRIE A CO., LIMITED, Ageata, Straita S.ttl.m.aU
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    • 646 5 STEAMER SbHJIWS ELLERMAN" LINE ■I.I.MWMAW BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co, Lti. (laeerporated In Englaad) STBAMJnt Dno Stagasw PASSENGER SERVICE OUTW ARDS. ■OMHWARDS. aboot CITY OF POONA Marseilles a London May 3 PASSAGE BATES. A Cla»» steamer lit data 187, 2nd data 260, Deck «21 fB Class steamer Ist elaaa £80, 2nd tias.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 628 6 CINEMAS GAIETY CINEMA SURINA^ THEATRE Gran* Opening *f ENTIRELY NEW PICTI RES*. OUR NEW SUPER SERIAL World's Latest Sen^tion SeCoßd ShOW 8t 9 pm TUI7 TREAT RITWARn CHAMPION CHARLIE IHC< UKfiAl rLVtAHU t 0 Part Cblir ie Chaplin Comedy Featuring two of the World's be»t known BmW Stars CifWM T^
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    • 311 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA Thursday, April 12 to Sunday, April 15. In the Second Show at 9.30 William Fox presents the popular screen hero William f'arnum in WOLVES OF THE NIGHT In 7 Keels. The Powerful story of love anJ hish finance. BLACK SECRET SERIAL Two new episodes 7 and R.
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    • 168 6 GUNNERS' DINNER FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923, EUROPE HOTEL, 8.15 p.m. Tickets $5 each exclusive of wines. Any present and past members of the Royal Regiment wishing to attend should apply to any of the undermentioned giving details of past or present unit Lieut.-Col. |Wakefield, D.5.0., R.A., Fort Canining Major A.
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    • 150 6 DODGE CARS The new Dodge Car is better value than ever as in addition to the general efficiency so long associated with Dodge Cars, there are vast improvements in the bodywork, the hood is of an improved type, Cord tyres of a larger size are fitted all round, the upholstery
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  • 213 7 FIXTURE*. Saturday. April It lli«h \V;;t-r, 0.30 n.m., 10.15 p.m. S.S. Assn. Dinn-T. Singapore Club, 8.16p.ra. Brown Suirnr. TIMMtM, 9.30. Sunday. April IS llifth W.itcr. 1.1--.0 10.41 p.m. I. and O. lutv.urj mail due. Monday, \|.ril M Hicli Water, U. 4 a.m., 11.6 p.m. M.imi'war.l :>iuil by
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    • 108 7 Kant Wharf Baain -Nil. Kast Wharf Ellenga, :;arr.i» Mtru, H.M.S Bhss H'll. Sheers \Mmrf NIL Main Wharf Van (Ucistj-nten, Paris Maru. Islander, Jerusalem. Kmpire Dock -H lakfteU, Sunhcnth, Ermfauta. West Wharf (haror, Kamuning. Jardines Wharf Nil. Polo Branl Coal Wharf—NU. Keppei Harbosr. Main Wharf ■Dredge* Kuantan.
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    • 72 7 CHA9OK, Ilrit.. ifiCO ton:-, from Fiemnntlr rj-1. Ur Premaatle K-4, CITY OP BRISTOL, Brit, -'.:J4j tor.3, from 110-lio 13-4, iir London l-J-4. EAMLAND, Qer« IBS 7 tons, from Hamburg 13-4, for Uaalla H-4. GIAN« BENG, Brit, !■<■< tons, from Batavia 18-4, lur Java line. HAL\ DAN. Nor., T6I
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    • 143 7 To-day. fulau Snmbu 2.30 p.m. Muntok and Palembanir .3 p.m. Munr and Malacca 3 p.m. I ort Swettenham and I'enang 3 p.m. Mm i pm. Datu Pahal X p.m. Bombay 4 p.m. Amoy am! Bwatow p.m. Maaritm 4 p.m Christmas and Cocoa Inlands 6 p.m. Kiml.i l'.ii'.iMi;.
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    • 35 7 Infckor Shiva Infers Ri Juliana fhongwa ilorea BVon Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Mar. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Load oi Mar. 2: Mar. 21 Mar. 2! Mar. 2! Apr. Apr.
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  • 119 7 The twvnty-i'iftli anniversary of the appointment of Mr. Iv.iwin S. Cunningham to thr '.insuhr.- Service of the American Government is to be celebrated by theAmerican community and their friends at Shanghai, with dinner in honour of tin- CiT.sul-Oi'iural en April 16. Mr. Cunningham began his
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  • 174 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, April 14. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4% Demand 2/4 5/.".2 > Private m. credits 2/4 19/32 j On Xew York Demand 54% Private 90 d/s 56% On France, Bank 750 i On India, Bank T.T. 174 On Honsckoni?, Bank d/d 1% p.e. pm. On
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  • 60 7 Tone of the market Easier. Latest London cablc-3 quote Spot sheet is, 4 'id. Pale Crepe Closing; Prices Buyers. Seller*. spot Jay-June fuly-Sept 3ct-Dec >I ay-June 'uly-Scpt >ct-Dec Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyer*. Sellers. 5G 56 >; 5C>-i 5C^ t •V 7 r.7>.
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    • 212 7 k«L I'd. Bayers. Seller*. 1 1 Batang Padaag 0.42 Vi 0.47 Vi 1 1 Hitam Tin l.. r >o 1.00 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 norn 1 1 .lohan Tin 0.17 3 0.52 :i Kam. Kamunting 2.1.0 2.3.0 10 10 Kinta Assn. 7.90 8.50 5 5 Linjrui Tin 4.80
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    • 146 7 VaL I'd. Bayers. S.llers. >1 il 15. Am. Tobacco 4.10.9 4.14.C L 0 10 Central Engines 9.00 10.00 X) 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.16 111 K. Smelting Co. 7.00 7.50 >/- 6/- Elee. Tramways 1/- 2/-&on> 10 10 Fraser Neave 06.00 36. r >o >0 50 Hammer and Co.
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    • 111 7 U. Enp. G p.e. $1,234,300 par 5 p.e. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.e £350,000 Bom. Spore Municipal 5 p.e. $1,878,000 pu. Spore Municipal 44 p.e. of 1907 $1,000,000 6 p.e. dis. Spore Municipal 4% p.e. of 1909 $1,600,600 5 p.e. di*. Spore Municipal 4V4 p.e. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 407 7 Frsser and Co. and Lysl! and Evatt's QmUUoml Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-day's Prices. FrMer Lyall ft Co. EthU. AllenbyNew (.$1) 1.00 1.15 1.10 1.20 \lor Gajah ($1) 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.30 Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.50 Kuning ($1) 0.60
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 732 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see pace 16. lU'RCUXDY WINES riatafS 1814, Pommard $2.50, Boaujolb.i $2.50, Fleurie fUt, Rcaune $3.25. per large bottle Duty included. H. Boiler, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Building. FOUND, one male brov.n and white spaniel. Apply 2167, Straits Time*. FOR SALE, a quantity of teak and
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    • 246 7 ATTRACTIVE TWO DAYS' AUCTION SALE of high grade und valuable v.-ax-polished teak and richly carved Canton blackwood and chcrrywood household furniture. Booth Royai semi-porcelain and crescent ware, dinner and dessert sets, .superior table glassware and a good collection of well-grown plants, etc.. etc. The property of S. A. LANE, Esq.
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    • 523 7 STANTON'S midway SHOWS NOW ON WORLDS TOUR. Sole Proprietor CHARLKS A ST.WTON. General Manager FREH. W. HOWARD. An avalanche of attractions and Amusements rrom every land and clime throughout the civilized Clobe. ANCIENT, MODERN AND ADVANCED MECHANICAL MARVKLS AND MYSTERIES. Opening fl^P^^HraW Exhibition i—\\\aM- ,/j^^Jy mUII'II lOF \A?S^ mr~^.^&^^ Further
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    • 169 7 VICTORIA THEATRE To-Night at 9-30 FAKEWELI. I'KKFOKMA.NCE OF WARWICK COMEDY CO. INBROWN SUGAR Ta-night is the l.»il Performance of thi« Talented Company, after three years' Successful Tour of the East. Book at the THEATRE. Prices $4, $3, $2 and $1. Tel. 82C. AUCTION SALE The undersigned have received instructions to
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  • 44 8 GILMOUR.— In memory of our dearly beloved mother, Alice Gilmour, who died on April It, 1921. O for the touch of a vanished hand O for a voice that is still We miss hpr mos; who loved her best. Hußhie and Nell.
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  • 1161 8 The position of the Horns Government has been shaken this week by a defeat which, paltry enough in itself, is unfortunate as following several very severe byelection reverses. The Government, to begin with, is not morally strong because, in spite of its
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  • 94 8 By kind permission of Lieut. -Col. F. E. Swainson and officers the band of the ?!id Battalion the Middlesex Regiment will play the following music in the Botanic Jardcns on Tuesday, the 17th inst., commencing at 5.15 p.m. Overture, Le Lac des Fees, (Auber) selection of popular fengs, (Squire) idyl,
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  • 106 8 The death has occurred of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas H. B. Fellowes, the doyen of the Royal Navy. Rear-Admiral Fellowes served in the Russian war of 1854-56, and as Lieutenant of the Odin during operations in the Gulf of Bothnia, 1854. He was present at the capture of the forts at
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  • 16 8 Messrs. William Gossage and Sons send us a novelty calendar depicting their, house mark. The Wheel.
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  • 19 8 According to a wire from Taipinp. Nawng Pel Tin fortnightly return shews Hnu, worked !M, yjrdage 7.000, pxuls 110.
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  • 19 8 Lists of societies registered and exempted from registration in the Settlement of Snvapore are published in thi Government Gazette.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is R3. 171 to ?100. The rate of payment of money irders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176 to $100.
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  • 34 8 We are asked to say that the monthly interdenominational meeting will be held on Monday, th? 16th, at 5.:i0 p.m.. at the Bible House, Armenian Street. The Rev. J. H. McXew, C.F., will preside.
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  • 32 8 Will all monthly quarterly and annual subscribers to the Singapore Diocesan Association kindly send in their subscriptions to Messrs. Kvatt and Co. or Mrs. 11. B. Gubbins at the Bible Hi us
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  • 34 8 Our Penanff correspondent wires that two men were- struck by lightning early on Friday morning at Kan^ar, Perlis. rh"> wan standing under s wfi/nut palm and one was kitted and ti:u oth.T ronderod unconscious.
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  • 35 8 Mr. L. G. Cranua, General Secretary of the Y.AI.C.A. of Singapore, has arrived from Penanp;. He attended a meeting, on Wednesday stiiilim in connection with the resuscitation of the branch of the V.M.C.A. in I'enanjj.
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  • 42 8 A meeting of the Singapore Society of Ajrehitaeta, will be held at .Vl5 p.m. on Thursday, the 19th instant, at the Royai Asiatic Society*! Room. Kalfles Museum and Library. AH member* are requested to be present as important business will be transacted.
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  • 52 8 The secretary of the Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance- Co. writes inform ing us that in the report of the proceedings: of their general meeting, which was officially supplied, it was stated that the amount of $100,000 was allocated to reserve against sundry creditors wherca:; it should have lic-jn
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  • 56 8 Inspector Meredith, in charge of Orchard Road Division, has effected the marl arrest of thr^e actcsed said to be eon cer^.ed in the Lloyd Road Boyanese murder that took place on April 5, in which a man named Sudia was killed. Tin- accused wen arrested ii Johore on information gtvaa
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  • 82 8 The Echo of the 12th inst says that a sensational report was circulated in town, last night, that a gans; of about 30 Malay Volunteers in uniform :it about 6.1") p.m., rashed the Jnal Morah bazaar adjoining the Chowrasta Market, attacked the stallholders and the man in charge and
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  • 91 8 A tender of $21.500 by Chi Ah Kon« has been accepted for the addi'ior.s and alterations for the conversion cf the assistant surgeons' qnsrtsi i of the General Hospital, I'enanjr, into administra'hre block; a tender of fM£M »> Veoh Kan and Koh Tow has been accepted f>r the erection of
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  • 99 8 A novi-l method of settling a money lending dispute \va< adopted by his Honour •Tudtre Grata at Shanghai recently. Sada Kuba appeared as plaintiff, claiming $19 from Sapha Shan, balance of a loan. Shapha admitted owing $14, whereupon plaintiff invited him to adjourn to the MoSOjnc and swear upon the
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  • 106 8 The Kapayang Rubber Estates Co.'s profits for t'-iL 1 year ended December SI, 1921 amounted to Tls. 12,662.18, to which must be added the sum of ll* B,OMJB brought forward from the previous year, making Tls. 20,7"»G.41 to be dealt with. Tha d rectors rwmnilisnd the following appropriation at tho
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  • 256 8 A case has been heard at the Kiang poJicecourt in which two Tamil? are charg- Sfl with the possession of $7,000 odd, for which they could no', satisfuctor ly ac- ctunt. The accused, Sabapathy Pillai and VythilinjiKi'i, it will be remembered, wen arrested on suspicion whilo about to start j
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  • 418 8 The resignation of Lieut. T. Ashwor'.h M.C., S.V.C., has been accepted. Licut.-Col. F. E. Swainson. 2nd I'u. the Middlesex Regiment, is jroitiK to India Cot a few months. Mr. F. E. Worslcy Taylor is to act as Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore, with effect from April 16. Mr.
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  • 61 8 Mails from Europe (London mails despatched March 2-) ex I', and O. N'yanza will arrive by train to-morrow morning, Correspondence will be ready for deliver to boxholders at 10 a.m. The G.1'.0. will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and Ikon will be
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  • 72 8 The following is communicated to v- A paragraph in the Straits Times of ■> f<'\v days a|_'O said that, DO honours wen: obtained by Singapore students under 1'! years of age." May I draw the attention of readers to the faei that M. B. Montiftny, a pupil
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  • 159 8 Ar.ioni; thi> appointments notified in the Straits Settlements Government Gasette are the following -Mr. K. K. Beckl r to be a member of the Indian Immigrant Committee J .Mr. <;. 8. Carver to be member of the financial committa of the Raffles College Mr. G. K. Etobaon to
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  • 193 8 At the inquest that was htl 1 concerning the death of the k'unj; iol> was shot by a dctaetrv* Simpah, Ml. Pryde, the Coroner, found as follows In this case I find that the dead man was known under the name of Lee Chin. I find
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 152 8 SUITABLE WEDDING GIFTS COT GLASS TANTALUS. A-l SILVER PLATED EGG FRAME. CAKE BASKETS IN VARIOUS \HP^%. y patterns. A-l SILVER PLATED jSI KETTLE ON STAND. ,:< -jsM****^ l^ Latest Prices on KEST QUALITY SILVER Application. PLATED ENTREE DISHES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., Singapore (Incorporated in England). r i j u./^xlllmM
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    • 109 8 ALHAMBRA JACK SPURLOCK-PRODIGAL (George Walsh) 6 ptl. 8 ptl. WOMAN WAKE UP (Florence Vidor) 6 ptf. 6 pta. Unlff rial Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Iddl* Pula) Fnal Episodes THE TEXAN (Tom Mix) (Flnt Show) "marlborough" Get Rich Quick Wallingford 7 pts. 7 pts. THE PRICE OF POSSESSION (Ethel Clayton) 5
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  • 591 9 French and Belgian Ministers Confer. Reuter's Service London, April IS, Paris Th" Belgian Premier, M. Theunis, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, M\ Jaspar, have arrived to confer wi'-h M. Poincare. According to the news-I'.-ru i the subjects for the discussion include the exploitation of the Ruhr
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  • 108 9 Reuter's Service London, April 13. Suva A legislative deadlock has ■rim owing tn the Imperial Government's promise to refund £58,000 export I duties to tlie Colonial Sugar Refining Company, without consulting the Fiji legisla- j tive authorities. The elected nu-mbers of, the Council have refused to sit until
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  • 258 9 Anxiety about the Chester Agreement. Reuter's Service London, April 13. New York The newspapers are fearful lest the Chester concession should eventually involve the United States in Near Eastern politics. London, April 13. The New York Times believes that with the Mosul oil-fields subject to an j
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  • 130 9 Reuter's Service London, April 12. Columbus, Ohio The Van Sweringen Company has completed the consolidation cf five railroads under the name New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. London, April 13. Washington The Acting Secretary for the Navy Mr. Roosevelt, discussed w.ith President Harding the problem of
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  • 122 9 Reuter's Service London, April 13. Mr. C'hao Hsin Chu, in a letter to the Times, says he wired Peking regarding thy recent report of Sir F. A. Aglen and suggested that China should consider legalising domestic growth and traffic of opium. He received a reply showing that
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  • 47 9 Reuter's Service London, April 13. A I'ari- mcssape states that the Messageries Maritimc's now liner, Aramis, will shortly be sailing on her maiden voyage to the Far East. The Aramis displaces 20,000 ton* ar.d carries 101 first, 11C second and 110 third-class passengers,
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  • 55 9 Reuter's Service London, April IS, As a result cf the recent speeding up of production of insulin, the remedy for diabetes, it is anticipated that it will soon be generally obtainable all over the world. It has just appeared on the British linniket nt a pi ire
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  • 185 9 Reuter's Servici London, April 13. Five and a half hours' conference between the mediators representing the farmers and farm-workers proved abortive, the employers' offer be'ng unacceptable. The Building Trade Union Federation, which has htherto argued that the employers' tsrms would violate the existing agreement, have now decided by
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  • 130 9 Renter's Service London, April 12. Lahore Localised street fighting has again started at Amritsar but the polic? and troops dispersed the opposing parties. London, April 13. Simla The public health commission I states that the rise un mortality from plague began in December. There were 30,900 deaths in
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  • 76 9 Reuter's Service London, April 13. Sofia The Prime Minister, M. Stambolisky, in a speech, and said that the Government are preparing a bill to deal with the Communist movement and pro-, viding that in any village where there are more than ten Communists, iheir land and property will be
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  • 52 9 Reuter's Service London, April IS. Mary McSw.iney, the Countess Markiewicz, Count and Countess Plunkctt and Liam Lynch's brother and others are reported to huve Ueen arrested en route for Liam Lynch's funeral at Clonmel. Lynch's brother was released and all the others were removed to the local
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  • 137 9 Reuter's Service London, April 13. A semi-oflicial mrcstge states that the Soviet council has ratified the concessionary agreement between the British Hudson Bay Company for trading operations in Kamchatka. London, April 13. Teheran An aeroplane, bringing mails, has arrived from Moscow. It is rumoured to be the forerunner of
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  • 250 9 Twenty-one Hour Sitting Held. Revter's Service London, April 13. Th? House of Commons adjourned till Monday, after en all-night sitting of 21 hours over the committee stage of the Army and Air Force annual bill, which was finally read for the third time without division. The Labourites pursued
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  • 112 9 Reuter's Service London, April 12. Santiago de Cnile With the presentation of the Chilian report of the armament committee, it is considered that agreement on the limitation of armaments is in: possible during the present session <rft|Ji ran-Am.:riran Conference. Chile has been confronted with Brazil's determination to continue
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  • 175 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 13. Mr. W. Pater. son presided yesterday at the annual meeting of the River View Elates, held at Ipoh. A profit of 920,839 was reported and a final dividend of fivt> per cent, was declared, making ten per cent, for the
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  • 146 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, April 12. The Imperial Household ha 3 issued an announcement that the Royal wedding ceremony between the Crown Prince and Princess Nagako will take jlace in the latter part of November. Messrs. Toshiro Fujita and Senshi Yamanaka, of the Foreign
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  • 627 9 Some Views from the Dutch Indies. A correspondent sends us the following extract from the Nieuws van den Dag, the leading paper in Ratavia With many thanks we received the Annual Report of the Netherlands Indies Kubber Association over 1922. We have taken out the following from the many
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  • 251 9 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Si.vrapore, April 18. The March export figures have had a depressing effect on the market and the tone is weak and uncertain. Operators Ore bead with the fact that Malayan shipments for the first quarter of the. year have been at the
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  • 125 9 It is notified in the Government Gazette that the Hospitals Board have appointed the following committees to visit the Hospitals in Singapore and Penantf, during 1923, General Hospital, Singapore.— Mr. H. B. Baker, Dr. A. J. Lim, Dr. M. J. Rattray and Hon. Mr. K. W. Tessensohn Maternity
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  • 502 9 Police Arrest Squatter Chinese. More Details of the Crime. In our account, yesterday, of the brutal crime that occurred near the Cluny Railway Station during the c-irly hour- of ye?ter.lay morning, we <mti kted to mention that, in addition to A.S.P. Mr. Mitchrll, Inspector Meredith, in charge of
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  • 278 9 Arrangements at Bukit Brown Cemetery. The following action was taken hy tha Municipal Commissioner:; in Committee on April 10 Hawkers in Beach Road. Decided to adhere to their former decision to clo c Beach Road for hawkers, and to schedule Clyde Terrace for night and day hawkers. Bukit
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  • 40 9 During March, 7,717 Chinese deck passengers left Singapore for Ch.ui I, making 19,629 since the beginning of the > in.-. During :he last month 10,401 hinest immigrants arrived at S nga r.ore, making a total of 21,102 wtWßt JMMftry i 1.i.-t.
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  • 1284 10 Strong Financial Position Of The Firm. The annual general meeting of Messrs. Robinson and Co., Ltd., was held yesteriiay in the company's registered offices, Chartered Bank Buildings. The Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp presided, and was supported by Messrs. H. C Cooke-Yarborough, W. H. Macgregor, Eu Tong
    1,284 words
  • 94 10 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, April 11. I Tin.— £2lo ss. Bobber.— la. 4Vad. Rubbers. New Brogas D 5-6.'>, Bukit Je-li-:ongs 53-sfi, Bassetts 1.05-1.10, Jeram Kuantans 42Vi-47%, Kuala Sidims 2.25--2.36 cum., Mentakabs ttV>-t73fc Malaka Pindas 1.47tt-Uttt. Mining. Johans 45-50, Kampong Kamuntings 415.-435., Collieries iy-1'J.30, Souths 1.17-1.21, Taipings
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  • 128 10 A remarkable record of Air Raid damage in London is published by the British Fire Prevention Committee illustrated by maps and photographs which afford clear proof that Londoners took the German bombing very coolly because they did not know and were kept in ignorance of the d< nutation rfone. If
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  • 902 10 Chairman's Comments On Restriction Breakers. The annual general meeting of shareholders of the Ayer Tanas Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the registered office Srtsham House, Battery Road, yesterday. Mr. J. M. Simc presided, and tne others pu-.-ent were Messrs. Lee Pang Seng, j. H. Macnaughton, T.
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  • 94 10 Programme of drills, etc., up to and for Sunday, April 15 Saturday, 14th. 2.30 p.m., S.R.E.(V) field section, sampan bridging, Drill Hall No. 1 platoon A. Co., classification practice*, Seletar Range. 3 p.m., S.R.E.(V) signals, station work visual, new golf links. Sunday, 15th. 7..T0 a.m., No. 2
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    • 565 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Mr. Armstrong's remark? at the meet ng of the Kuala Lumpur D.P.A. in! connection with the nomination for the! Chair of th~e -.Planters' Association of. •i Malaya cm hnrdty be allowed to pass ■without comment and
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  • 391 10 Question of Further Financial Requirements. I The report by the directors of Titi Tin Co., Ltd., to the tenth annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on April 2"i, state-:! Gentlemen, Your directors beg to submit herewith their report for the yeji ended October ;!1,
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  • 64 10 Tin re is quite a r.troni; programme beinir shown at the Palladium. Orchard load Inclusive of to-:ii;:ht. Mary Pnilben, the famejs beavty, looms Largely in t.i- Avt-Mlt roil, Duitl Al;_..d. tin title (ixnifyinK the thi ills of the picture White Frank Mayo h, the central figure in the second biff
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  • 860 10 Judge's Decision in a Malacca Case. At the outset of the proceeding! in the Barkiuptey Court yesterday Mr. .Hstie-e Bcrrett-Lennai d granted a stay of cx?-•-•ution of the judgment delivered in January in the action broug'it by Meaare. Guston and Nathan agalmt Messrs. Alnusawah and Company, pending an
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  • 113 10 It would take artistes of the highest calibre to adequately interpret the subtle sarcasms and saying* that occur like leaves in Vallambrosa in Oscar Wilde's plays, but of those who were present at the presentation of h:»s Importance of Being Earnest by the Warwick Company in
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  • 33 10 The Kua!a Kangsar Plantatioi a profit $4S,t>G.~>, and reoommend that $214,004 be carried forward pending the i. -ail: of Me i.ei'iiti.M "ii fa r the fil, if the estate to a litm-fim eoeapaay.
    33 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 36 10 S. C .C. Lawn Tennis Tournament. Owing to the rain yesterday no play was possible in the S. C. C. Lawn tennis tournament. MONDAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs (final tie.) Kleinman and Utermark v. Sinclair and Doij;.
      36 words
    • 52 10 1 To-moiT >v.'s nice is the secon I i" i>l of the PreeMenfi (up. Club course, handicaps :—Polly scrate-h, Ella MVatefa, Jean II !.'■> per cent. Helen 1.9, Kathleen j 3.4, Eve Gertrude .">.H, Marion Ann i.->, Irene 5.1, Margarett 11 7.2, Puteh 10, Dor ithy
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    • 123 10 The le-ague will start on Monday when the St. Joseph's Old Boys will meet the i K. G. A. in ihe first division. There are six teams in first division M against five of last year, the- new clum 'being the St. Joseph's Old Boys. Twelveclubs, a.-; bUt
      123 words
    • 36 10 An alteration has been made- in the timetable of the Swimming Club launch 'to-morrow. The; times of Starting are 9, 10.30 Bad -V; 0 from Johnston's Pier •J.HO, 12.30 and 3 from the- Club.
      36 words
    • 601 10 The following i* taken from the Times I of India Mod people in Bombay havu turn either the tennis neck or the tennia look." For the benefit of thoso who have had the guvd fortune to aaeape both, it may be axpta'ned that the tomiu neck
      601 words
    • 128 10 A hunting correspondent writing to the press makes reference to public uneasiness on account of the Prince <>f Wales' racing exploits and to the criticism that is being made of his horsemanship. With regard to Ihe accident at Aborfleld the Prim c who it is stated,
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  • 59 10 Sui inn's sne-eial programme to-night is made- up of very good pietu:. Anal episodes of Miraclee of the Jungle sei ial viiili the ti'st chapter of Lightning liryee serial will be shown in tho earlier sl.ow. In the second house is Charlie Chaplin in Champion Charlie, Viola Dana in Som.-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 564 10 PROPERTY SALE. Estate of Hadji Ismail Bin Kassim. The following Singapore properties belonging to the estate of Hadjee Ismail bin Kass:m, deceased, were sold oy auction by bra, Chcong Koon Seng and Co. at their saleroom, :su Chulia Street, on the lith and 12th inst Freehold lands and houses, 247
      564 words

  • 1788 11 Singapore Appeal Court Decision Reversed. Hi fi ro a judicial committee of the Fi ivy Comieil <>n February 20 thr BMC <>t Hin v. Purshotumtias anil Co. came up for argument. It was an appeal from Judgment of the Coart of Apr»'il of he Strait* Settlements, Sinjrap
    1,788 words
  • 220 11 Details of Costly Improvement Scheme. The London newspapers state that negotiations have been completed between the Treasury and the Port of London Authority as a result of which the former agrees to advance a sum of about I £5,000,000 at a low rate of interest fori
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  • 126 11 I The golden casket removed from the ante-chamber at Luxor two months apo has now been examined. It contains a parcel of the King's signet rings. They I are of solid gold and are exquisitely en--1 graved, some of the bezels consisting of scenes of the gods and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 457 11 RAFFLES HOTEL* MONDAY. T— Danasat. Telephone 2920. (10 Line*.) TUESDAY.— Dinner Dane Tfc« Fineat Ballroom in the East. WEDNESDAY.— Orchestral Concert. ai THURSDAY.— G nest Night. Dinner and Grill Room adjoining Dining Rotm, open 8 ajn. to 12 p.m. uance. FRIDAY.— Tea Danssnt. Saturday. SATURDAY.— Guest Nlgat. Dinner ao« GUEST
      457 words

  • 562 12 SUNDAY, APKIL IS, 1523. Bt. Andrews Cathedral. 7.30 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). IMS a.m. Annual Corporate Communion of Mothers' Union. Address by Bishop. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m.
    562 words
  • 189 12 The extravagance noted in expenditure on floral tributes at funeral in Yokohama during recent years, says the Japan Gazette, has led to a very general feeling that some reform is needed and that the large sum of money spent on flowers, which benefits only a few florists,
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  • 78 12 A Swiss doctor, who died recently at the age of 109, attributed his long years to his method of sleeping; by compass. He wrote When you go to bed, always take a compass with you and place the bed in such a position that your head
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 219 12 VJ iH QUALITY I f flfil INDISPUTABLE 1 H FRAMROZ CO. KITSON-UTLEY PUMPS Unquestionably the moat efficient and for their size and weight hat* the greatest capacity of any pump ever put on the Market. (Single Bladed Pump Shewing Rotor and Blade). NO SPRINGS. NO VALVES. NOTHING TO GET OUT
      219 words
    • 337 12 -f-ff ?***y l«« fitted here con- 1 f?T! e ctly t0 th < p'«- I m •crlption. I -M We insure this absolute I If ""ises where eveVy de*tL7l I la under our awii m m I utant supervision. I EASTERN I 15 Soj^h Canal Road. M SEASONEB TIMBER Stocks
      337 words
    • 120 12 PURE CREAMERY BUTTER IN 1 lb. AND 2 lb. TINS SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE CO., LTD. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, ORCHARD ROAD High Grade Rubber Goods FOR THE FACTORY AND MINE Hosepipe, belting, sheets, valves, packings, buffers, rings, etc. FOR THE MOTORCAR Tyres, tubes, radiator-hose, matting, vulc. compound, vulc. canvas, solution, etc. AND
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 976 13 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE The undersigned have been instructed to -ell by public auction at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, ON MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1923, at 2.30 p.m. I'ASIR I'ANJANG ROAD. Lot 1. Valuable 99 years' leasehold lnnd, area 24,375 square feet, together with the trick and
      976 words
    • 524 13 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of April 18. li>23, for the following works 1. Erection of Lodge and Court Room to Lunatic Asylum and forming New Approach Road, Sepoy Lines, Singapore. 2. Erection of two houses at Sepny Lines, for Europeun
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    • 732 13 THE SINGAPORE SLIPWAY AND ENGINEERING CO., LTD. NOTICE is hereby given that the Thirtyseventh Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Company, Limited, will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, at Tajijong Pagar, on Monday, April 16, 1923, at 12 noon. By
      732 words
    • 49 13 ♦«MMMM>H»»M««IHIH«M »♦♦♦♦-»< >,« t «.S «j /U?*/"* &"**•"*•<* faillWlk 4 3h o 9 3*l**l E. C. MONOD CIE, Agents SINGAPORE and SIAM. i aSH^^ »|gfl£|Ay rtJ9 iiiiiiSsV B R AN D 'Phoiie 172 "fl M w PCHEIIT s fOLI IMPORTTES t" The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (iMorporatad la Dsnmark) SINGAPORE
      49 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 200 14 Chubh's ■f»|2 WLf Makers to the King and Bank of England ■««j. Established 1818. C f mv It I «2 lOfcl_r' <at Bpbß jjp*^ j BJBJbssbv^^ nB*?l^^BBBB st^*« Made by the oldest and foremost makers of Safes. AFFORD COMPLETE PROTECTION. Used most extensively by Leading Banks and Railways, and most
      200 words
    • 441 14 ■■unauMUHmanHaHMmnHHinraHiHHHHHuiHtt^^ Asaeta over $5,000,000 S.C. Aasu-aaee ia force over 117,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (IncorporaUd in Strain SettUmeaU.^ HEAD OFFICE: Wlnch*it*r Houm, Singapor*. LONDON OFFICE: 82, Old Jewry, E.C. Tk* Company has £20,000 dapoiited with the Supreme Court of England and compile* with the Britiati Life Assurance
      441 words
    • 433 14 BANKING^ I P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Englaad) Wit* vaieh ii atSllcatcd ALLAHABAD BA>K, LTO, VAUIk. Authorised Capital M >^,00l>,000 fipital Subflcribtd and Paid Up JC2^k)l,i6o Keserv* Fund i 30.000 Board uf Dlrrctun Tke St. Bon. LORD INCMCAFK, Q.OM.<X, K.C.SJ., K.C.I.E. (Chalrmaa) The Rt. Hon. Tl.e Kar'.
      433 words
    • 515 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Ckarter in Japaa.) CapiUl Sobaerlbed Ynu.OOO.OOO CapiUl Paid-cp Y02.t00,000 Kt.erve Fund M Y11,780,000 President K. Nakaj'»»n, Ba*J. Vice-PrrsideM 11. M.'ii, Dirritors Kawasaki, B*J*j. M. Ksaki, Ks,|. T. Ilisamune, Ksq. D. Takita. HEAD OFFICE i Taipek. Formi>ea (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGCNCIE3 Keelung,
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    • 596 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY (Eatablished 1824.) TAID-UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (aboat £6,667,000) STATUTORY RESERVE FUND Fl. 1'J, 445,211. :;r. (about £1,620,434) EXTRAORDINARY RESERVE Fl. 22,040,000 (aboat ■IJBsaVM) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HK\D AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Uungoou, Uoembaya, Srmaraog, Weltevrcdun, bundoeng (Java), Clieribon, legal,
      596 words

  • 734 15 Posilion Improved During Past Year. The anu.-.l meeting of shareholders in the Maatsehr.vpij tot Mijn-nosch-en Landbcuw Exploitatic in Lanjrkat was h«M at Shanghai on March 28. Mr. J. Prentice presided, and was supported by Mr. W. R. Mcßain. The Chairman said The report and] accounts having been
    734 words
  • 305 15 Another Voyage for The Discovery. A correspondent writes in a home paper I have authoritative information that the Discovery, the ship of the late Capt. Scott, has been bought by the Commissioners of the Colonial Office, and is to be used for an important expedition into the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. Bole Distributor,
      113 words
    • 285 15 /^^^fe% CIGARETTES /%1 q. z\ would know, without our I *WW**2? i *TTEs B\%, l f lling you> J ust wl ?y ey are so exc i uisite in 4^f~~^^E^^^**^v^ flavour and aroma. From the time when J>Vjhk\\V PA\IW the carefulI y selected /irMM^M WJ bright> golden Virginia /fijwff 1
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 292 16 GUAN KIAT GO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) 3.->. rHII.LII' STREET. NEW STOCKS ON HAND. Baker's Trop-iratinn M SuHerinp; Fluid KabonVs Koxwoori Spirit Levels K in. Whitworth Tiirea<l T;i|>s I/owis Herder's Keady Mixed White Paints Hubhuck's Fine Ground White Load Hubburk's Cenuinr Dry Ked Lead Stapled Mixrd Hair Broom Heads Burnt
      292 words
    • 436 16 AU BON MARCHE (G. BONNARDEL). The Opportunity you, Ladies have Waited for OUR SALE OF HATS AND DRESSES IS ON! Opening soon at GROSVENOR HOTEL, 16. BTAMFOBD ROAD. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has
      436 words
    • 913 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc.. In ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts, three ins. C 4 cts, four ins. 82 cts, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins.
      913 words
    • 837 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 69-2, Bukit Timah Road. Apply 2?., Phoby Ghaut. TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Road. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers. TO LET, immediate entry. No. 35-28, Cairnhill Road. Kent
      837 words
    • 535 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical AssoH.tlon. Freeman of the Wonhlpful Company of Spectacle Maker*. Freeman of the City of LoDdon. Late of Old Broad St. Londia. 5 TSARS' LONDON EXPKRTKMCB l> SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. watch AND MAKERS @§jjyjra J GWGLLERS To RJI. The Klnj:
      535 words
    • 284 16 Ask Your Friend She will tell you of the excellenceß and economy of Phoenix HosieryH and H. P. Corsets. We cater for discriminating ladical and stock only the most superior. I Gowns, Lingerie, Hosiery and Cor-H i High Class Store Goods at Bazaarl j Prices. European Attendance. Goods scntl FRENGESS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 193 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General &8 Manager's Office All communications relating to editorial matters and nows should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisement, subscriptions, accounts, printing, «<=•> should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc, in
      193 words