The Straits Times, 10 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,221 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1923 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 fi jMHTf '**'V'>.i«> iMviy^taaßa! ■BBfIBBBBfIfIBBBBBBBBnBBBBBIBBBBBmBBBBBBBBfIBBHBBfIBBBBfIBniBBWBVBBniaWBfIIUBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBnnB Fire Extinguishers m Once filled always ready. HA Useful everywhere. JB& stocked in two sizes. aft A Size (10 pints) «^1 B Size (2 galls.) £r" M*^ Complete with wall bracket and charge. b^HbbK^Ef^bbbßiH Ah mp froc Refill is given for each Minimax, each time
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    • 274 1 nBBBBBBUnBBBBBHBBBBBaBBBBBBBnMBBBBBBBBBBBBBCBBBBBEBIBBBQgsaZESSBSSSBBIISBBBBBBBBBXBBBBBB 1 ffew Stocks I j£H$L BEST BRITISH MAKE B EAUTIFULLY finished ia Suede <• body with Suede upholstery. M Fitted with comfortable "CEE" Sj springs strap hung. Wired on tyres. S Prices $85.00 to $125.00. Jk Price $39.00 each. W^S^m^^ -^zs-i-ROBINSON CO., LTD. "(Incorporated in Singapore). il BBaßa«sßflvaaaßaßßßßßaßniaaaaDßaßßaßßaßaßaßßaßßaßaßsaaarssz9sxßaissQßBKiEßßxxt2BßEßßßßßßßßßaissa ■lBB]BBBBBBBrBlBBBBnniBB»BBllBHBB«aBB1BlBniBtrilBinrr~TITBr
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  • 375 2 Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. Labu— Divd. TVs per cent, for 1922. In l'J2l 5 per cent. Cheviot. Divd. 5 per cent, for 1922. Same as for 1921. Sunkai Chumor. Int. divd. 5 per cent, for year ending June 30. Last, year no divd. Gula-Kalumpong.— Profit for 1922
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  • 209 2 The Paris scientist, M. Louis FariKoale, whose claim to have proved the oxlsu-nce in the human epidermis of eleSMfl ary organs of sight has excited o much interest, has made further tests which have been authenticated by a number of doctors and other well-known men in
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  • 154 2 The Municipal health statement for the i*e?k ending March 31 ghrea the total nmakw <-■" death? us 172 representing a death rait' of 23.94 per mille, per annum. BOoaarad with 25.61 in the preceding > ck, r.nd with b 0.54 in the corre=ponda week of last year.
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  • 113 2 II is stated in the Western Australian iivi"--. that the Napier-Broome Syndicate announced that as the result of correspondence with English financiers, all of the capital required for the erection of sugar, m. lk, and cotton factories, has btiii provided. The proposal is to settle a large number
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  • 86 2 The amazing development in the use of she telephone by Americans is illustrated by a proposal by the American Telephone and Telefrraph Company ti- increase its capitalisation from £159,000,000 to £425,000,000, thu* making in the largest company in the United States. In support of their pvjo.»sa! th.? directors
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 623 2 Our 40 years' ex- HPI -J< 1.-"^^I perieccc in maU- j H Ing low prices, in S •electing wort HMBR?" aj^R leificeablr HP goods, and c;:t- <£R jß^h^^^ Inxthematar. iv- ,J{ log, has fcoac ii»- (L** tv the making nf MHWaKSf^t WMSIVj, This bl(r Bool: of sent promptly upon receipt
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    • 312 2 PIMPLES i 3 WEEKSOLO_BABY Turned To Blisters, Could Not Sleep, Cuiicura Heals. "When my baby w=3 r.bout three weeks old small pimples broke ou! which gradually turned into bilatara. She could not sleep en accobol of the irritation and wr-Titei to ccratch all the time. She di" 4 no 1
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  • 459 3 Barbaric Survival In Rhodesia. A story almost incredible to European ears of the savage man's faith in human sacrifice to propitiate the weather pod has just reached here from Rhodesia, vritfa the Dai^v News Johannesburg correspondent in mail week. FoUowiac continued drought, an unfortanaU native was
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  • 175 3 The old whaling -hip Naiwabi is Kb sail from New York in a few days' time to the Solo;r,on Islands in quest of sunken treasure. Her crew of twenty include a former Rusrian military attache, two German traders, who have fraternised with the cannibals of the
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  • 123 3 To the already extraordinary series of society divorce suits there has now to be added ano!her in which Mr. Augustus John, the famous artist Baron Mauric" da Rothschild and Mr. Berthand Neideck"<r are cited as co-respondents but deny the allegations made against them. Tho petitioner in the
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  • 123 3 An adventurous career as a secret service agent among the Bolsheviks was" described at sn inquest at Battersea on Major Herbert Rowlandson, an ex-officer ot a Punjab Regiment, who was found piosoned in Battersea Park on March 19. His cousin stated that he retired from the
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  • 67 3 Mr. Bernard Kramer, of the Midi al Research and X-ray Company of New York, who has just arrived in Britain states that in America Jhe X-ray is beinjr adopted for testing iron and steel, and detecting adulteration of foodstuffs. The X-ray is also used by the Customs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 739 3 TOR TKINCES AM) RICH WEN ONLY. THE ROYAL YAKUT. (ANAMC VII.AS.) This Yakuti of life-giving nectar has been prepared from the best, choicest 1 and richest vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful property of increasing the virile power and testifies all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes man a man.
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    • 322 3 IT IS ADMITTED SQUIB'S MANGE LOTION is the BEST remedy for all skin troubles of the Dog. READ WHAT USERS SAY Singapore, October 7, 1922. Dear Sin, We have much pleasure ia adding our testimony to the great value of your mange lotion. We have found it a harmless and
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    • 176 3 ANY DOCTOR WILL TELL YOU Hkal e— stiaaU— is one of the chief kau«es of ill health. To restore daily regularity, to dispel liilinus attacks, sicV headaches and liverishpcss, I'inkettes are perfection. They also clear the skin, purify the breath and relieve Piles. Dealers everywhere sell Pinkettes 01 free
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    • 193 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 to $13.25 SHELL $12.50 Agents »fM t M M M »♦♦♦♦>♦ M M M f M M M tH;i < <_^| Obtainable at all Wine Dealers Sole Im porters Katz Brothers, Ltd. SINGAPORE AND PENANG Bitumastic Solution MANUFACTURED BY
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 810 4 STEAWER SAHiNGS P. 0 Bruish India and Apear Line (Companies lacorpoiaied in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Goverameat) LONDON FAB-BASTERN SERVICE FBOM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWBBP Dae Singapore Leave Singapore NYANZA Apr. 15 I DOXGOLA Apr.
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    • 651 4 STUIIEB SJMUHBS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OP BATAVIA) (Incorporated in HolUnd; UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVKRNMKNT. Telephone Nos. Passage Dept.. 131. Freight Dept, 1202, Marine Dept. end Transhipment Dfpt. 1437, Manager's Dept. 1003. COEN— April 11, Muntok and Palembanc SI.MJKEP— ApriI 11, Mo.ara-Saba and Djambi.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 539 5 STEAMER SAHJNtS N.Y.K. LONDON LPfB Fushiml Maru Apr. 17 Mishima Maru May 1 LIVERPOOL UNB Lyons Maru Apr. 12 Toyohashi Maru mid. May HAMBURG LIMB Lima Maru Apr. 12 MaUumoto Maru early May Tajima Maru end May NEW TOBK UNB via SUB SOUTH AMEBJCAN UNB KaimgttwSJ Muni Apr. 22 BOMBAY
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    • 480 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. Propeeed Sailings from Wnsaawra (sahjeet to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Marseille*, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Saea and Port Said. Arr. Dep. PARIS MARU Apr. 11 Apr. 18 AMAZON MARU May 21 May SS 'Omit Marseille!. NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco, Panama,
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    • 130 5 KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. SUCCESSORS TO UNITEI AMERICAN UNES (Incorporated In U.S.A.) Regular service between New York, Singapore and Java Ports, and vies versa, FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ WEST MAHOMET due Apr. 27 For freight, apply to GUTHRIE A CO., LIMITED, Agents, StralU Settlements and F.MJJ. STRUTHERS AND BARRY
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    • 642 5 steamer samites ELLERMAN LINE BI.I.KRMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co, LM. (Incorporated in England) BTKAMMt Vmt'a^mm^ PASSENGER SERVICE OUTW \RDS. MOMHWARDS. about CITY OF POONA Marseilles London May 3 PASSAGB RATES. A Class steamer Ist class 487, 2nd class £60, Deck tSS. tB Class steamer lit clasa £80, 2nd clasa £66, Deck
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 593 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA Friday, April «o Wednesday, April 11, 1925. In the Second Show at 9 pjn. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. Universal Presents EDWARD (HOOT) GIBSON in 5 Parts Riding Wild Vitagraph Company Presents CORINNE GRIFFITU in 6 Psrts Divorce Coupons TRY TRY AGAIN 1 Keel Pathe Comedy. In the
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    • 277 6 EMPIRE CINEMA Monday April 9 to Wednesday, April 11. At 5.30. Carl Laemmlc presents Miss dv I'ont America's most beautiful Blonde, in SHATTERED DREAMS Kngrosting drama of an American society girl who was caught in the mad whirl of life in the Latin Quarter and the underworld of Paris. LEATHER"
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    • 267 6 ENTERTAINMENTS VICTORIA THEATRE last \i<;in. To-nlcht. at 9..10 OF A T4LE OF TWO CITIES By CHARLES DICKENS. Featuring William Fsrnum. Booking at the THEATRE. Prices $2 and $1. Tel 826. VICTORIA THEATRE TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 13 AND 14, AT 9.30. EDGAR WARWICK Present < THE WARWICK
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    • 358 6 CLINCHER DEPOT 121. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (opposite the Cathedral). Phone 2000. WHOLESALE AAD RETAIL. UILO For every Lubricstlng purpose. BENZINE s h TYRES CLINCHER SOLID and PNEUMATIC. We will be glad to quote prices and particulars Whatever your requirements may be. SCOOTERS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, Not toys but built
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  • 185 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday. April 10 High Water. -1.55 a.m., 7.31 p.m. -d m!«.l by Hyrrhiu Government HuUsc at Home. Wednesda>. April 11 Hich Water, CJI a.m., 5.32 p.m. nnd <>. bomrwiiril mall. Kx-Service Association Annual Mt£. Thuriiday. April 12 Ilijrh Wator, S.^ n.m., 9.14 p.m. lloincw.ird mill by
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    • 99 7 Raat Wharf Baain—Nil. Kast Wharf DUmga. Shorrs \\harf Beaoa. "Haiii liarl Baiita, Pill ail*. Prium, Cal Kmpiri Dock Iwi 1- Moru, Lyons Maru. Medaaa. W.-l Uharf l'vni,i:., Ayuthiii. Jardiros liarf NIL Pulo Brani Coal Wharf—Nil. Keppel Qarboar. Vain Wharf Drcclcer Kuantan, Lch. Cwcaeta, Kveeiamsa, li'.lcion, Lcho,
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    • 61 7 iaUYLOCHIS, Brit., 3.C00 tons, from Swan■oa B-4, for !l<.ii^kc>nc 10-1. KAJANC. Brit, i.-Tti ton:>, fro:n Sandakan !>-i. for aac KAHUNING, IJ'it.. I.JT.j tons, from Bangkok '.'-I. for H:in^k(.k unc. NORFOLK MARU, Jap, 4.018 tons, from HttinhurK 9-1. fur Honckong 10-4. VOSCIOON. Diit.. H7H tons, from Makassar •.>-4. for
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    • 220 7 I'ossrnKi'r.s arri.ini; from Java by tht Milchioi Treaa laclaaod i Mr. and Mrs. llariel ;n;<! eatMran, Miss H. Liobvnschutt, Mr. J. W. White, Mr. K. Gaiulrup, Mr. Lack. Vr. iiiiti Kn, Okaaki, Mr. and Mrs. Bartli, -Mr. Arict, Mr.<. Schletic anil two children, Mr. Ni.knmistu. Mr. and Mrs. (uithman,
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  • 206 7 To-day. 1 ulau Samba 2.30 p.m. Patu Babat m 8 p.m. Kaagooa 3 p.m. I oiulun. Botterdaja am! Hamburg '■> P'» Malacca 4 p.m KotK Tinegi M 4 p.m lihio ..j 4 j ..-n. Kot» Tincci 4 p.m. llongkun?, Shaiignai and Japan 4 p.m. M«*aa. Pcaaag, Celoabo,
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  • 35 7 ln«kor thira Intrcrs R Juliana Phonirw i H- or. Fob. !4 Feb. 28 M»r. 2 Mar. 5 Mir. 7 Mur. l-i Mar. 21 Mar. 26 Mar. 29 Mar. SS Apr. 5 Apr.
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  • 169 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, April 10. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Vt Demand 8/4 6/32 Private 3 m/s credit* 2/4 19/32 0:' Nf\v Ycrk Demand 5414 Private *J0 d/s 56% On France, Bank "60 On India, Bank T.T. 174; On Honjrkonp, Bank d/d p.c. p.m. Ob Shanghai, Bank
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  • 65 7 Singapore Standard I>ale Crepe Closing Prices Bayer*. Sellers. Spot 58 Vi Spot May-June May-June July-Sept July-Sept Oct-Dec Oc.-Dec Tone of the market Easier. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 4Tgd. Simgapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet .Closing Prices. Bayers. Sellers. 58<2 59 59 U
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    • 212 7 [HO* Vul PA. Bayer*. Seller*. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.42 Vi 0.47 V 4 1 1 Hitam Tin I.C-0 1.00 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0..'i0 norn 1 1 Johan Tin 0.47% 0.52% £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.1.0 2.30 10 10 Kinta Assn. 7.90 8.50 5 5 Linsrui Tin 4.90 5.00
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    • 144 7 v .-tl. I'd. Bayers. Sellers. "1 tl B. Am. Tobacco l.ii.G 4.12.0 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 10.00 in 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.75 SI £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.40 7.75 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/- 2/-aom [0 10 Krascr Neavc 36.00 37.25 >0 50 Hammer and Co. 130
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    • 111 7 J. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 6 p.c. p.m. "pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 aom. s'porc Municipal 5 p.c $1,878,000 par. "pore Municipal 4*4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 p.c. dig. spore Municipal 4H p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 5 p.c. dii. Spore Municipal 4Vx p.c. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 397 7 Fraier and Co. and Lyal] and Eratt'a QnoUtioai. Lateat available Sterling Quotation* an printed M ntttar ao, C c ea Friaay Fraser Lynll ft Co. Evatt. lllenby New(sl) 1.00 1.15 1.05 1.15 Uor Gajah (SI) 1.10 1.20 1.15 1.30 V. Hitam ($5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.50 i. Kuninjj
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 910 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see p*g« 18. KIItSC'IV'ASSER. Dubonnet. Amtr Picon Kxtiacts for Cocktails. 11. Bolter, Europe Hotel Ilr.ildint?. WA..TKI), incubr.tors and brooders. PaitknUn, etc. to Poultry, Straits Times. MIX COLLECTOR. Doctor wimt8~Tfill Collector with security of *500. Apply 2140 .■'■trsiitr. Times. TO LliT, immediate entry. No. 35-28, Cairnhill
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    • 141 7 THE TANGLIN CLUB NOTICE is hereby that the Annual General Meeting of the Members will be held in the Club on Tuesday, April 17, at 9.15 p.m. BUSINESS. 1. To receive the Committee's Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended January ."1, 1923 and, if approved to pa3S
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    • 120 7 POPvTIIAIT AGENTS. Investigate our oriBfeoal iine of good sellers and our prices. Catalogue «> Frames, Portraits, Medallions, Mirrors, Convex Glass. Sheet Pictures, Lurrinous Crucifixes, etc., sent free to agents and dealers. V* rite to-day. Special price:, to large quantity buyers. CULVER PAN AMERICAN EXPORTERS. Dept. 138, 1217, West Monroe. Street,
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    • 727 7 NOTICEj is hereby given that the above Trade Hark is It.,- axeloatve property of the N. V. Straits-Java Trading Company. limited liability Coapaaj incorporated in Batavia, Java, and carry ing on business in Penang and Singapore, as Importers. Exporters and General Merchants, and is used by them in respect of
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    • 359 7 OWEN ROE COMPANY, AUCTIONEERS, VALUEP.S, etc. 14-1, Collyer Quay, Singapore. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable freehold and leasehold properties. At Messrs. OWEN ROE Co.'s sale-room, Ml, COLLYER QUAY, on Tuesday, April 17, at 2.10 p.m. 1. Two pieces of valuable freehold land at Changi Road, area 4 acres. 1 rood
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  • 25 8 LAN. In loving memory of Mr. Tan Khoare Hock, J.P., M.C., who died on the 25th da> of Chinese 2nd Moon last year.
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  • 27 8 Mr. J. P. Pcnnefathcr and family tender their best thanks to all those who so kind ly sent letters of condolence and wreathin their sad bereavement.
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  • 1099 8 The nature and scope of M. LoucheurN visit to London remains somewhat obscure. It would appear that before leaving Paris M. Loucheur conferred with M. Poincarc, and that while in England he conversed with Mr. Bonar Law and many other leaders
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 to 1100. The rate of payment of money >rders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176 o $100.
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  • 30 8 The Chief Secretary has prohibited ':he importation into the F.M.S. of any =opy <;f any publications issued by the Indian Labour Bureau, Berlin, in whatever language they may be printed.
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  • 34 8 A London message of March 8 states that Miss M'Coy and her partner, Mr. M 'Donald, claim the world's record for lancing. At Maxim's, in Edinburgh, th»y danced continuously for 8 hours G mm.
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  • 44 8 Major W. G. St. Clair, the former editor of the Singapore Free Press, who is now living in Ceylon, writes a two column appeal to the Times of Ceylon of March 28, with a promise of more, for a home for music in Ceylon.
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  • 39 8 Going for Harvey," is the description applied by American journals to Earl Balfour's statement in the House of Lords. At the same time it is conceded that Earl Balfour's castigation of the American Ambassador though subtle was nevertheless polite.
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  • 40 8 Mx. Alexander Moore, editor-in-chief of the Pittsburgh Leader, ha si been appointed United States Ambassador to Spain. Mr. Moore, who has been connected with newspaper work all his 1 "ft-, married in 1912 the late Miss Lilian Rusrpll, the actress.
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  • 8 8 Anzac Day will fall on Wednssd-iy, April 25.
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  • 12 8 There was perfect weather in London and throughout Northern England during Easter.
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  • 22 8 The engineering firm of Eraat and Co., of Sourabaya. suffered a loss of 210,789 guilders 62 cents during theii last working year.
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  • 27 8 The annual general meeting of the i\ixServices Association of Malaya, Singapore blanch, will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, the 18th i.:st., in the S.C.C lounge.
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  • 43 8 A rally of the Girl Guides will be held on Friday, the 12th inst., at 4.30 p.m., n the grounds at Nassiri Hill, kindly lent by the Chief Justice and Lady Shaw for the occasion. All those interested are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 45 8 The morphia case came q a conclusion this morning. After heading Inspector Khig for the prosecution and Mr. Shelley Thompson for the two accused, Mr. Ahearne discharged the accused, as he ■■aid he could not convict without the principal in the ease having been arrested.
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  • 55 8 A New York message of March 9 states that an epidemic of encephalitis lethargis. a sleeping sickness, has broken out an'i that on the date of the BBsaaam 'A- casts were reported. Since January 1, 360 cases iiad been reported, and 112 deaths occurred. The Health Department states that the
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  • 62 8 Mr. Song Ong Siang, M.A., L.L.M., will deliver the second of a series of lectures that he proposes to deliver on his tour on the continent of Europe at the C. C. A. Hall, Prinsep Street, to-morrow at 8.15 p.m. The title of the lecture will be Rambles in Paris.
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  • 54 8 The East Asiatic Company have reported to the Master-Attendant that the sailing vessel K. J. Sper.ce, which they have been expecting to arrive in Singapore, is considerably overdue. The vessel left Port Louis, Mauritius, on January 17 bound for Singapore. Masters of vessels are being reque.-ted to keep a look-out
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  • 63 8 A correspondent writes that an armed robbery was committed in broad daylight on Friday at 2.30 p.m., when six Chinese entered the kongsi at Pelepah Water Works, held up the clerk and ransacked the place. They were all armed w.t'n ?arangs, and had their faces painted black. The property stolen
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  • 83 8 I am itill of opinion that the retention of the purdah system in the slums and alleys of a congested city is one of he principal causes of the appalling rate >t mortality among female-," states Dr. H. M. Crake, Health Officer of Calcutta, in his annual report for 1!.'2!.
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  • 88 8 The hearing of tho case which stead adjourned since March 6, in which th*7 N'ichiran Trading Co. are claiming from Chop Swee Thye 52.604 and $25 as arbitration in respect of alleged failure to sell per contract 5 tons F. A. Q. Nicharan ype ribbed smoked sheet rubber, delivery October-Novsmber,
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  • 89 8 A Reutcr message from Ottawa says that registration and fingerprinting of ail Chinese immigrant* late Canada are features of an immigration measure soon to be introduced in the Domin'on Parliament, the Minister of Immigration, Mr. Charles Stewart, hjvinjr given not'ee to :hat effect. New by another telegram of March 2:5,
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  • 104 8 The following oflicers passed in Malay it the examination held on January 15 and 16 Mr. J. D. Hussey, Police Probationer Mr. H. J. Cockman, Cadet Mr. W. H. Ashworth, Cadet Mr. H. C. F. Rodda, Pol'ce Probationer Mr. H. P. Bryson, M.C.. Cadet Mr. H. C. n. 3endle, Cadet,
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  • 107 8 One of the feats performed by the induction balance— an electrical instrument widely different from the chemical balance has been to shew that a coin undergoes loss even when a finger is rubbed over it. Coins likewise suffer much loss in weight by abraiding each other's face when jingling in
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  • 113 8 According to a Washington message of March 2 the Senate Immigration Committee is urging the enactment of a resolution remitting restricted immigration in respect to otherwise inadmissible aliens into Hawaii in order to relieve the labour shortage. It is declared that the American control of Hawaii end the centre of
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  • 386 8 P>aron Bolton left £673,000 and James Hallantine, captain in the Irrawaddy Flotilla, £15,000. Mrs. P. E. Aviet is leaving for England by the N. Y. K. Fushimi Maru sailing cm the 17th instant. Lt.-Colonel R. F. Fitzgerald left Singa pore for Australia by the steamer CrCrgo; on
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  • 30 8 Messrs. Lewis and Peat report that their latest advices show '.hat stocks of rubber held in London were down 27 tons for the week ending Saturday April 7.
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  • 112 8 A number of units of the S. R. E. (V.) were engaged on pontoon operations on the sea near the Drill Hall, yesterday evening. Owing to the roughness of the *;ea the sampans rapt, but there was absolutely no danger in the operations, while the fact of
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  • 106 8 Writing yesterday our Kuala Lumpur correspondent says When the case against Professor Coomarasamy, the Koyal occultist, who was rammoned by a Tamil, named Kandasamy, for ailend Msaoxt, was mentioned in the police court, this morning, the magistrate said that he had received a letter from Kanlasamy Stating
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  • 343 8 A correspondent carm-stly appeals to us to publish the following Will tho «ovv.'rnors, directors and committee of St. Andrew's Hmsm ffin some explanation of the deploraMc state of poverty into which the institution has fallen It appears to be entirely without the needful furnishings for the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 105 8 ALHAMBRA DIVORCE COUPONS (Carinne Griffith) 6 pta. ,6 pti. RIDING WILD (Hoot Gibson) 5 pta. 6 pta. UnlTcraal Serial THE SECRET FOUS (Udi* Pole) Episodes 13 and 14. 4 reels. (Fint Show) marlborougfT WET GOLD 6 pta. 6 pts IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE (Uryant Washburn) 5 ptf. 6 pts. HOME
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  • 215 9 Serious Raids Into British Territory. Rei;ter's Service London, April 9. Sensational allegations of slave traffic are contained in a letter to The, Times frcm Maior Henry Darley, ex- 1 Frontier Agent in South-west Abyssinia. I He declares .that an area in South 1 Abyssinia, .'iOO miles square, has
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  • 519 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Rome Princess Yolanda and Count Caivi di Borgolo were married at the Quirinal. The civil marriage, which took j place in the throne room, was attended by Their Majesties and other royalties, j Cabinet Ministers, Signor Mussolini and! other minister* belonging to the
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  • 88 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. A New York message states that prohibition agents seized $2,000,000 worth of whi.-ky in two raids in Manhattan and J.r-. > ("ty. This is the largest seizure up till now. The latter raid resulted in a pitched battle, but the smugglers' attempt
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  • 190 9 Nearing the End of Their Resources. Reuter's Service London, April 9. Captured documents published in Dublin show that at a meeting of the Irregular executive on March 23, a| motion by Barry, th? deputy Chief of Staff, and seconded by the Commander of, the Irregular first southern division,
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  • 77 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Pittsburg The Carnegie Steel Company has increased its common labourers'' wages by eleven per cent, and there have been similar advances at some of the United States Steel Corporation's subsidiaries, accompanied by a promise of an adjustment in other classes of labour.
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  • 101 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. According to telegrams from Memel received .in London, the troubles cabled earlier broke out with the troops dispersing a demonstration of 20,000 Germans, m the streets on Saturday against tho heavy taxation and customs duties. There was internvittcnt rifle fire throughout Saturday night
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  • 74 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. The agricultural depression was the chief issue in the bye-election at AncleKey, duo to the death of the Independent M.P., Owen Thomas. The result was Sir R, J. Thomas, Liberal, 11,116 Mr. E. T. John, Labcur, 6,368 Mr. R. O. Roberts, Conservative, 3,383.
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  • 70 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Berlin Zechlin, thy German press official at Essen, has been released. The expelled president of the railway administration at Troves has telegraphed to President Ebert that 106 families of railwayman have been expelled from their homes by coloured troops and a further
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  • 27 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. In the House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin announced that the Imperial and Imperial Economic conferences will open on October 1.
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  • 42 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Melbourne The Government expert has investigated the oil dlscovciy at Williamstown on Aprii 6 and declares that there is no evidence of oil from below ground. He states that the geological conditions nrp not tavoarabta.
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  • 172 9 Strong Speech by Railway Leader. Reuter's Service London, April 9. Mr. Thomas warmly rebuked the extremists when addressing a mass meeting of railwaymen in London. He stated that Labour's weakness was the superfluity of unions and an insufficiency of unity. He pointed out that 28 unions were involved
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  • 108 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. A message from Riga states that owing to the condition of Lenin, a reorganii saticn of the entire system of Government has been decided on at Moscow. A special Council of Forty will be substituted for the Peoples Commissaries and wi'.l constitute the
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  • 68 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. While the Aberdeen fishermen, though suffering destitution, are refusing to go to sea till the landing of fish from German trawlers is stopped, German boats continue to arrive in increasing numbers. Sixteen arrived during the weekend, but six resailed without landing their
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  • 56 9 Reuter's Service London, 9. Constantinople The National Assembly discussed the law of accepting contracts with representatives of the American Development Company for railways and ports in Anatolia, also the stipulation a j regards mines 20 kilometres either side of 1 the railways. The majority favoured the scheme,
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  • 104 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Simla Majors Orr and Anderson of the Seaforth Highlanders were walking near Landi (vital when they were fired (n and killed. The murderers escaped. [The Landi Kotal is the highest and most difficult point at the Afghan end of the Kyber Pass, the
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  • 48 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. Mr. Bonar Law made an early appearance at the reopening of the House of Commons and was unirersally cheered when he rose to speak. It was noticed that his throat affection was still troublesome and his voice was almost inaudible.
    48 words
  • 35 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. A New York message states that a Wright E4 aeroplane engine has com- plcted a record breaking test at Washinglon. It ran for !>7" hours without n stop.
    35 words
  • 146 9 Reuter's Service London, April 10. There was lively debate in the House of Commcns on the Special Constables Bill, providing for the continuance of recruiting and the maintenance of the force. The act under which the specials were enrolled in wartime expired at the end of; last
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  • 12 9 Reuter's Service London, April 9. French francs have improved to 69.30.
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 89 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanp, April 9. The Parit Perak Rubber Co. report shows that the revenue from rubber was $76,081, less expenditure on fees, etc., leaving a balance available for distribution of ?24.663. The directors recommend a dividend of five per cent, and to carry forwaH
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  • 362 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 9. On Saturday evening last, in the Malacca Club, the Malacca Amateur Dramatic Society, gave their second show, before a crowded hall. It was a very enjoyable entertainment, and those pre- j sent must agree that everything pointed to the fact that
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  • 123 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, April 7. The remains of the late Prince Kitashirakawa will leave Marseilles for home aboard the Katori Maru. Mr. Yamabu Tomoharu, of the Prince's staff, and accompanying nurses, will leave Kobe for France by the Mishima Maru on the 15th
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  • 67 9 Kamunting Tin Dredging. 580 piculs. Chenderiang Tin Dredging. Trib. 165 pels dred. 335 pels., a total of 500 piculs. Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging. Output 320 piculs. Hours worked 616, yardage treated 80,000. Through an error in telegraphic transmission of the output figures for the first half of
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  • 2194 9 Ceylon Representative In Varsity Boxing. By Our Special Correspondent. London, March 15. The Prince of Wales was a successful competitor at the Brigade of Guard Foint-to-Point Races at Hawthorn-hill. He rode in two events, and but for the misfortune of losing his whip two fences from the finish
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  • 383 10 Chits Altered at the G. H. Sweet Shop. Before Mr. Ahearnc, second magistrate, this morning. Annie Wong, former cashier at the G. H. Sweet Shop, n Battery Rosd. was efeargW with criminal breach of trust in respect of $3.60, the property of Mrs. Howe, proprietress of the
    383 words
    • 75 10 Singapore, April 10. Rubber.—London l/4?id. Local 58\. Tin.—Londcn i'2l4 15s. Local JlOU'i (19". ton? sold). Share Market. —Quiet. Rubbers. —Few enquiries. Tins.—Taipings KH-97U cents. Norths Uo-1.20. Souths 1.15-1.17'j. Rawangs 1.-.'."..1..-SO. Nawng Pets IM-IM. Padang Plandoks 42H-47H cents. Linguis 4.P0-.-.. General.—Wearnes 8.90-9.10. Robinsons Ord. 17-17.50 cum. div.
      75 words
    • 92 10 Smgai>or<\ April 10. Tin.--iL > n lie. Rubber— '.s. I 7 «d. Rubbers.— New Brogas 60-70, Lukit Jelotomts :>:;-:y,. BaseetU i.o2'i-i.o7' .leram KMOtaOf 4SVi-47%, Kuala Siuims 2.!75--'.'2T) cum.. Mentakab.s 2J'--27 IJ,1 J Malaka Ptadas I.SO-IJ6. Mining.— Johana 47-51, Kainpong K;.mWBtiafi l's.-j;;s.. Collieries 19-19J0, Souths 1.17-1.20, Taipin>;s
      92 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 27 10 YESTERDAYS PLAY, i Championship Singles. Klcinman beat Potts C— l, 6—o. WEDNESDAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodehousc v. Kleinman and Utermark.
      27 words
    • 47 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Single Handicap. Goldie beat Jamieson 21 10. Double Handicap. Smith and Bowerman beat Chater and Haigh 21—18. TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship. Sniith v. Chill. WEDNESDAY'S TIES. Double Handicap. Goldie and Chill v. Jaraieson and Brown (to finish). Geddes and Cantrell v. Wardlc and Toscenie.
      47 words
    • 365 10 The April monthly medal was won by Mr. F. If. Lyall, with a net score of 71. The following cards were return- 1 t-d The ball sweep on Saturday, the 7th inst., was won by M. D. Rutley and on Sunday the Bth inst.. by G. Cullen.
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    • 211 10 I The prevailing idea amongst football plcyti-s in Java is that ea.-h man in the British team was individually as good as his opponent, but, considering the fact that many of them saw each other for the first time, ;nd that they had never played together as
      211 words
    • 922 10 A correspondent sends us the following The Miri Recreation Club held their annual sports on the I'adang opposite the Club Building in bright sunny weather on Easter Sunday. Practically the whole population of Miri was present, and the members of the Gymkhana Club and the Recreation Club
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  • 173 10 I The following is 'contributed by the hon. secretary of the Indian Association A meeting: of the board of directors was held at 52 Kerbau Road, on 7th instant to elect the president, vice-president ami hon. treasurer. Owing to the inability of Mr. Kader Sultan and Dr.
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  • 113 10 The British North Borneo Herald, of April 3, says The War Memorial, which it has been decided will be the Brtish North Borneo War Memorial, will be unveiled at Jesselton at 10 a.m. cfl Tuesday. May 8. Major General Neill Malcolm, X.C.8., D.5.0.. General
    113 words
    • 277 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I think that at one and the same time during last year four prosecutions were proceeding in respect of misappropriation of money or stores by Government Officials, namely two in the Office of the P.C.M.O., one in the office of
      277 words
  • 395 10 Considerable Reduction in Costs Anticipated. The annual report of Melville Development Syndicate, for the year ended December 01, 11)22, states The area of the estate remains unchanged from the previous year, and is as follows Total planted area 8O8.!'U acres, less 8.17 acres planted in road re- serve,
    395 words
  • 52 10 Epsodes U, 14, 15 and 1G of Elmo, tfct Fearless, serial will be screened in the first show at the Gaiety Cinema to-night. In the- second show, The Power of Right, the latest Pathe Gazette, and the Associated Producers' special Star feature Love, and starr'njr Louis Glaum, are
    52 words
  • 31 10 Mr. G. E. Teale. manager, Afessis. I Cumbcrbatch and Co., Kuala Lumpur, has been appointed a menftcr of the n.nilivny r.nnnl vir,. tht II. i.. Mr. r. II. M. K.iIimiii, lvsitjnoil.
    31 words
  • 611 10 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables arc taken from Indian exchanges to hand Ceylon Constitution. London, March 29 ln the House of Commons, replying to Mr. F. C. Lintie d (Liberal), Mr. W. G. A. Ormsby-Go^ said that despatches with regard to the
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  • 177 10 Mr. O. C. Smailcy, secretary, Kcbnlan 1 Gold Mines, Ltd., writes The Superintendent of the Kelantan Gold Mines Ltd., reports during Maretl that the nchsßM of systematic mine development initiated by the Consulting Engineer of the company -is being vigorously carried out. On the Mount Berching property
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  • 87 10 We are indebted to the acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore, for the following comparative return of the total imports and exports 6f merchandise for the month of March, ISM i j The total value of Foreign Imports of merchandise excluding Parcel Post into British
    87 words
  • 47 10 Mr. R:bert Obbaid, I.C.S., JuiIrp, wa-;l found dead un the floor of his ru m 0:1 March 31. Medical evidence at the inquest at Camberlcy showed that death was due to cerebral hemorrhage and a vrrdirt of ilrcith from utanl CSWWI \v:i" retanwd ks Uw jury. I
    47 words
  • 919 10 Singapore Successes at Ileceni Examinations. I The following arc the Singapore results of the Cambridge I,ocal Examinations held in December last Senior Boys. Student! under IS years of ape who have obtained honours. Class II. Nji Yook lioon, R. C. Oehlers and Won* Vin Yong (Raffles Institution). Class
    919 words
  • 155 10 The following details of the fire en the s". earner Kwaisang, previously mentioned in our column.-, an taken from the Hongkong Daily Ptm of April 2 A small firo broke out on board the Kwaisang citrine the early hcurs of Saturday morning, whilst the vessel
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 97 10 Export of Rubber S.S and F.M.S. We arc indebted to the Controller of Rubber Export for the following details of rubber exportable under licence for the Ist and 2nd quarters of the Restriction year Balance un- Licenced Total Rubber which passexported in for 2nd Exportable cd through Total. Ist quarter,
      97 words

  • 1726 11 Opposition to Paying Coolies Fortnightly. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 8. A com ral meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planter! 1 Association WM held at the l'.A.M. hall at 10.30 a.m. >e.-terday, Mr. J. S. Alter, vice-chairmanj presiding. The following is the chairman s
    1,726 words
  • 154 11 The fifteenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Shorthand Writers Association (Pitman's) was held on the Bt!i inst., at 56, Bras Basah Road. Mr. Cheung Peng Moh, who occupied the chair, commented on the steady progress of the Association, and referred to the facilities such an organisation
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  • 125 11 Under the auspices of the Chinese Association, Dr. Starr lectured to the members and friend* of the Chinese Association on the subject of The Running of the Human Machine, on Friday, at the lecture room of the Chinese Association. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Goh
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 383 11 RAFFLES HOTELa MONDAY. Tea Danaaat Telephone 2920. (10 Lines.) TUESDAY.— Dinner Dance. The Finert Ballroom in tlie Kast. WEDNESDAY.— Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY.— Guest Night. Dinner and Grill Room adjoining Dining Room, Dance. open 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. FRIDAY.— Tea Danaaat. SATURDAY.— Guest Night. Dinner and T d Dance. DINNER*
      383 words

  • 905 12 Savage Customs' of The Solomans. Dong dongr dong dong dong!" The mellow sound floated abroad on the island air, and Halaita men dropped spade and hoe and sped towards the huts for gun and knife, club and apear. Still the murder-beil best on insistemly. Somewhere in the
    905 words
  • 125 12 Now that the idiotic game of beaver is dead, a new trouble looms ahead. It is going to England from India. It] is the game of tortoise." The journal Outward Bound states that in India, where beaver was much too dangerous a game to be played owing to
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  • 405 12 How Mr. Asquith was to have Been Kidnapped. A home paper of March 8 has the following report written from Cambridge There is much chuckling here to-day over the failure of a neat little plan to kidnap Mr. Asquith in the course of his journey last
    405 words
  • 129 12 Anglo-Johore Consolidated. 13,392 lbs. Banteng (Selangor).— 29,7Bs lbs. Bukit Pa10ng.— 6,629 lbs. Cheviot. 40,800 lbs. Consolidated Ma1ay.— 49,200 lbs. Chufsa. 16,000 lbs. F.M.S. Rubber Planters.— 46,7oo lbs. Galang Besar Plantations.— 3B,o42 lbs. Gadek.— l4,ooo lbs. Johore Para.— 16,324 lbs. Kamuning. 48,491 lbs.Kombok.— 27,ooB lbs. Kong 5ang.— 14,772
    129 words
  • 183 12 Programme of drills, etc., up to and for Sunday, April 15 Tuesday, 10th. 5.10 p.m., S.R.E.(V) signals, telephone D.MX. 3 6 and 7 platoons B. Co., extra qualifying parade Malay Co., patrol and reconnaissance S.V.F. ambulance, infantry drill, Drill Hall. Wednesday, 11th. 5.10 p.m., S.R.E.(V) field section,
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  • 100 12 The Governor of Acheen, Heer van Sluys, who has been to Java to attend a conference there, has returned to Acheen, aays the Deli Courant. Heer W. P. F. L. Winckel, the Assistant Resident for Deli and Serdang, who had been to Java on a similar errand has also returned
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 402 12 J&£W Bt Appcintmtnt >4^ jjßjMSy Roy.l Hou" Jl Spain A Remington. ®r MvFjfUw Makes of Firearms tSr /frtiET MMTNCTON ARMS COMPANY. Inc^^^ «EW 2 5 Brodwrny. New York. U. S. A. ifSmt^r m<i»mn»»)>Mtnm««»tniMmmi SORE AND TENDER THROATS Some people inherit throat tenderness, and with them just a ■light chill makes
      402 words
    • 301 12 Physiological Laxative. The only agent that effects the functional re-education of the Intestine. RE-EDUCAriO" W THtlNTfsn F -Ji bol <*"MI "T IWII- I Cr ■no.. ItHntlM «i..r (i „l J a ll 1,, (i*j»Ot .1! »bick li i«4iipw» <!. -i U. ur iiiul fth.r-1 1.1 ..11 (iicu .in il< mMl*qu4t«
      301 words

  • 347 13 A SADDER AND WISER MAN." American Engineer Back rrom Communist Colony. Mr. C. A. Gunner, an American engineer, has arrived in Tientsin after a I lurid experience in the Siberian Communist colony of Kuvday, a pla^c on this, side of the Ural mountains, south of Tomsk, says The N. C.
    347 words
  • 230 13 Unusual Incident on Bibby Line Steamer. The Bibby line steamer Oxfordshire arrived at Colombo on March 2(3 and reported an unusual incident in the Indian Ocean the previous Sunday. The baby boy of a Rangoon passenger became seriously ill, and the ship's doctor decided to perform an
    230 words
  • 243 13 Passunpers who have travelled on P. and O. vessels he commanded will hear with rejrret cf the death at The Lons Sprinar, Farndon Woods, Harlow, Essex, of Commander Richard Lancelot Haddock, R.N.R., aged 67, writes the London correspondent of the Ceylon Observer He entered
    243 words
  • 175 13 What is claimed to be the greatest ■(hop-lifting trial on record is at present entertaining Berlin. There are eighteen persons accused, and 3,000 cases of shopMfting to be dealt with. At lanst seventy leading Berlin shops are alleged to hays been victimised. The head of the large
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1138 13 SALES BY AUCTION REMINDER on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 12, at 2.30 p.m. each day SALE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT. ESTATE OF HADJEE ESMAIJ. BIN KASSIM, DECEASED. IMPORTANT TWO DAYS' AUCTION SALE of Naluable freehold land and dwelling houses. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s sale-room,
      1,138 words
    • 365 13 ATTRACTIVE TANGLIN SALE COLLECTORS OPPORTUNITY— CURIOS AND PLANTS. AUCTION SALE of valuable wax-polished and walnut-stained teak household furniture, glass and silverware and a good collection of well-grown plants and curios, etc. To be held at No. 110-a, Orchard Road, opposite Orchard Road Police Station, Saturday, April 14, at 2 p.m.
      365 words
    • 126 13 ♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦-» -»>♦♦♦ »♦♦♦> JL JL JL JK^^JL^m BRAND CEMENT 'Phone 172 ♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦-»♦■♦♦>■»♦»♦-»-♦+■»-♦■♦■♦■♦♦♦♦»« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.»<i f 'iiS^BflO HriijSiiL "/«\\l s^sw!tiobsi»^s^s^s^sm— Afk vUll F C* B 'flHsUC W&E-iVS^^fßffil jJ J l lsT fc V ti X%l^s^s^. Stock of Lathes, Shaping and Drilling Machines, &c. Manufactured by DANISH MACHINE CO., LTD., Copenhagen. SOLB IMPOBTUtS
      126 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 312 14 Ohubb's Ss&iQS Made by the oldest and foremost makers of Safes. AFFORD COMPLETE PROTECTION. Used most extensively by Leading Eanks and Railways, and most Government Offices. SPECIFICATION OF STANDARD QUALITY. BODY PLATES and DOOR PLATES of toughest Siemens steel, tensile strength 26 30 tons per square inch. Door Plate. inch
      312 words
    • 436 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance In force over 117,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in StraiU Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Home, Singapore. LONDON OFRCE 82, Old Jewry, E.C. Th* Company ha* £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Cuurt of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      436 words
    • 382 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in Englaad) With which ia affl'.ieaUd ALLAHABAD BANK, LTL., INDIA. Authorised Capital <8,000,000 CapiUl Subscribed aud Paid Up £5,594.i60 Reserv* Fund 30.000 Board of Director* Tk* St. Hon. LORD INCHCAPJS, G.C.M.Q., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Cbairmaa) The Rt. Hon. Tl.e Earl of SiXBORNE, E.G.
      382 words
    • 525 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. i Incorporated by Special Charter In Japaa.) CapiUl Sobacrtbed YCO.COO.OOO 1 CapiUl Paid-up V. r 2,500,000 Re**rT* Fnad V 11,780,000 Preaideat L. Nakagava, Eaq. DIatXCTOBS t T. Hieamune, £*q. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Uorinagj, Esq. If. Eiaki, tag. Daenkichi lakiu, Eaq. HKAU OFFICX Talp*k,
      525 words
    • 586 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPX NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY (Established 1824.) PAiD UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (aboat £6,667,000) STATUTORY RESERVE FUND Fl. 19,445,211.36 (about £1,620,434) EXTRAORDINARY RESERVE Fl. 22,660,000 (aboat £1,888,388) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEA'J AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghei, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Problunpun,
      586 words

  • 981 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. A Studebaker Achievement. A much contested performance trial in the United S'.ates is the negotiating of thr- s!!o\v-coyered Yosemite Valley in California during the dead of winter. For the third year in succession the (istinction of bcintr the first car to
    981 words
  • 56 15 A BCW record for tint 1 merino woo! was Cftablabed at the Wool Exchange. Melbourne, on February 6, when for five ba!o' of taper combing of "C (in circle) over TH from Coleraine district :;6'jd. a lb. was paid. Eight bales, of the mac <lip iv:il .1 and iaM| tinctlior
    56 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 155 15 It was a Studebaker Light -Six that set the highest average for f six-cylinder cars in the 1922 Petrol Consumption Test held Jp? \~y by the Royal Automobile Club VJgAiIonV Que* llB1 111^. Australia— 34.6 PETROL miles to the gallon of fueL $2,795 »THIS IS A STUDISBAKER YEAR The above
      155 words
    • 408 15 12 H. P. Has Now Arrived PRICE $3,860 COMPLETE A Masterpiece of Automobile Engineering (All. AM) INSPECT. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED MOTOU VEHICLE DEPARTMENT. IPOH SINGAPORE PENANO t.< >>*<>*»>>>»»>»♦♦>>><»>> ♦♦-»<♦« Model 1923 Now in stock with regular monthLy shipments following. It is easy to understand why owners are so enthusiastic
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 292 16 BUAN KIAT CO. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) as, PHILLIP SIREIT. New Shipments Just Arrived. Ex. PYRRHUS r.nd NANKIN Bras* aad Iron Woodvrews Best Quality Steel Wire Riddles Oval G. M. Paint P.rusheCopper Hone Rivets and Washer* Stapled, Mixed, Hair Broom Head* Asbestos Plaited Yam Paekinf Brass Byelctit and Rings etc.
      292 words
    • 431 16 AU BON MARCHE (G. BONNAPDEL). The Opportunity you, Ladies have Waited for OUR SALE OF HATS AND DRESSES IS ON! Opening soon at GROSVENOR HOTEL, 16, STAMFORD ROAD. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has
      431 words
    • 928 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set trpe (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      928 words
    • 912 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, C 9-2, Bunit Timah Road. Apply 22, Dhoby Ghaut. > TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Road. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brother!. "SMALL BUNGALOWToTeT, near Newton Station, entry May. 2110, Straits Times. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to
      912 words
    • 632 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical Association. Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the City of London. Late of Old Broad St. London. S TEARS' LONDON EXPERIENCE LN SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. Set"* jfe^i^fe NOTICE la hereby civen that the above Trade
      632 words
    • 275 16 Ask Your Friend She will tell yon of the excellence and economy of Phoenix Hosiery and H. P. Corsjts. We cater for discriminating ladies and stock on'y the most superior. Gowns, Lingerie, Hosiery and Corsets. High Class Store Goods at Bazaar Prices. European Attendance. Goods sent C.O.D. PRINCESS GARMENTS CO.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 196 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General *jj Managers Office Ml communications relating to editorial matters md news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. AU communications relating to business matter!— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, .P™™*"--* 1 should be addressed to THE MANAGLK. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants. For Sale. To Let, etc., in
      196 words