The Straits Times, 3 April 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27.215. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 283 1 BBBUBBfIBfIBfIBBBBEBBBBBBBEEBBBBBasaiISSBiSEXXXBiiSIBSBaBBBSaVBfIBEBaBBEBEBBBBBBaMMmBBfIMBB I ROBINSON CO., LTD. j (Incorporated in Singapore). NEW STOCK OF (Sotton %bre>s fabrics I f^* \nf iave J us received delivery s Tf of our new Season's Cotton jd*?*** V Dress Materials and are having a m ifS SPECIAL DISPLAY /Tt' r '\'WS@^\ SPONGE CLOTH. 40 ins. \^ide,
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    • 2 1 tN <BlsfSlr
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  • 902 2 Dividend of Eight Per Cent. For Past Year. The 12th annual general meeting of the Lower Perak Coconut Co., Ltd., wa.* held on March 1, at Colombo. Mr. F. Jas. Hawkes (director) presided, and the I others present were By proxy, Messrs:. F. H. Layard, M. Kelway
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  • 204 2 The output of logs in British Columbia last year showed an increase of 164,000,000 feet over the total for 1921, according to returns recently made publicby the Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Minister of Lands. The 1922 returns show a scale of 1,645,000,000 feet of saw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 707 2 OoriO years' ex- I Hf\ pe/ieftcc In oiaU- I y ■J'i T tbs \qt prices, in BHffip ir idectiu(C worthy (L^*HT L tetviccible Ug ltigthematasr.v- t9 *J*Hb •^*<*P~ ,^B log, has )ronein- "JKsL to the raikin? of Sj I |T^ ')'A this big io?a gf wp&ii fflraK* "h* Catnlofuc. *&wSitt'
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    • 192 2 Have Good Hair ai\d Clean Scalp Frea 'rom dandruff and itching. It's easy. On retiring rub note of dandruff and Itching with Cuticuii. Ointment, yetting Ointment v.c":! on scalp. Uextmorning shampoo uith Cuticura Soap and hotwator. Iliiiso with tcjiid water. Boeplt .T*ieamls.3tf. rilat-r.rDt In. \6 tßdti M SoiilliMUkl'" 1 1)
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  • 794 3 Points About Their Keeping Qualities. Ideas as to the length of time during which food enclosed in. hermetically sealed receptacles will remain sound have recently been considerably modified, says a Daily Telegraph correspondent, who goes on to remark A short time ago it was announced that meat and
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  • 147 3 Procramme of Drills, etc., for week ending Sunday, April 8 Tuesday, 3rd. n.lO p.m., S.R.E.(V) signals and field section organisation and inspection. Malay Co., lecture to officers and N.C.O.'s, Drill Hall. Wednesday, 4th. 5.10 p.m., S.R.E.(V) field sections, knots and lashings. Malay Co., observation, judging distance, Drill
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  • 61 3 Jersey is not disposed to fall in with the Treasury's recent request to make an annual contribution to the Imperial Exchequer. At a largely attended meetinpr at St. Hi'liir'«. it was resolved 14 instruct the Parish representatives to vote against the proposal, which would impair the Uuri constitution. It nt,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 705 3 FOR PRINCES AND KICII MEN ONLY. THE ROYAL YAKUTI (\n am; vilas.) This Yakuti of life-civinj; nectar has been prepared from the best, choicest and richest vegetable druß*. It hns a wonderful property of increasing the virile power and Testifies all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes aua I ir.nn.
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    • 311 3 "YOU'LL FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING" after taking a couple of Pinkettes to-nißht II troubled with constipation, sick headache, liverishncss or bile. I L&aMMBIZaBIUQj I Of cher.iists, or post free, (50 cents per vial, fror.i The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 3-b, Malacca Street, Singapore. IT IS ADMITTED SQUIB'S MANGE LOTION
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    • 285 3 fpffeHGre of sodeiimt PEPS Yonr Best Salegaard. When your throat feels hot, inflamed and sore, and too painful to swallow anything when you «re troubled with an irritating dry cough be wise, end the trouble by dissolving one or two infection-killing Peps tablets in your mouth. The powerful germicidal and
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    • 221 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 to $13.23 SHELL $12.50 Agents yttlt*t"tf tfHtit-'tttf tttMT'tftttttttttttltlllM'lMn ■^^■■in. HOrv rKJTX. M SHU. aiUUS B MUriL It is worth your -while to main K Vj&)\ special effort to Ret MOk mt'imfß&k m .Stout. Keep on asking for m !§fgis&A\
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 821 4 STEAMER SABJH6S P. 0.-Entish India °nd Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated In England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP Dae Singapore Leave Singapore KASHGAR fcbout Apr. 1 DONGOLA about
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    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KONINKLYKE PUETVAAIT MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Ilollnnd) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone Noa. Psssage Dept, 131. Freight Dept, 1202. Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dept. 1437, Managar'n Dept. 1003. VAN GOENS- April 3, Lotonjr, Tarempa, Pocloc-Pandjanj;, Scrassan and Midai. SINGKARA April
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 540 5 STEAMER SAIUWtS N.Y.K. LONDON LINB Suwa Maru Apr. 8 Fushimi Maru Apr. 17 LIVERPOOL UKI Lyons Maru mid. Apr. HAMBURG UM Lima Maru Apr. 14 MaUumoto Mara end Apr. NEW TORK LINE vU BUH SOUTH AMJBJCAN UNI Ksaagava Kara A**, tl BOMBAT LPf Oeaoa Mara Kar. 10 Awa Mrru Apr.
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    • 434 5 STEAMER SAHJWJS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore (subject te change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINK For Msraelllra, London, Hambarg. Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Saez aad Port Said. Arr. Dep. PARIB MARU Apr. 11 Apr. 11 AMAZON MARU May 21 May 22 Omit Marseilles. NEW YORK LINB For San Francisco, Panama,
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    • 177 5 HUGO STINNES LINES (Incorporated in Germany) Regular Monthly Freight Passenger Service. OUTWARD BOUND Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan ADOLF VON BAYER, 0,000 tons, about Apr. 25 X.MIL KIRDORF, 9,000 tons about May 20 HOMEWARD BOUND Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg LUDENDORFF, 12,250 tons about Mar. 30 CARL LEGIEN, 9,000 tons about Apr.
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    • 667 5 STEAMER SOILINGS ELLERM ASST'TINfc BLLBRMAN A BUCKNAL', STSAMSHIP Co.. LM. (Incorporated in England) STEAMER One Singapore PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWAKOS. HOMBWAPDS. CUT OF SIMLA Marseilles London April 1 •m. CITY OF POONA Marseilles London Alay a PABSAGB RATES. A Class steamer Ist class £87, 2nd class £60, Deck £2?, t B
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    • 90 5 Cables 1 TOURIST." -JL FAR EASTERN ■f^Styffr* TOURIST AGENCY Packers, Carriers, /J? By Remover*, General Shipping ■>'Z. and Forwarding AgenU, ♦TS^ Jg*M Freight and Insurance Passenger Agents. Merchandise of all kinds carried to any part of the World— cargo Lightered from Wharf to Steamer Shipping space Contracted for —Insurances Effected—
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 421 6 CINEMAS MARYBOROUGH Wednesday, March 28 to Tnesds', April 3, 1»23. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. CAPTURE OF THE CANADIAN LYNX 1 Reel Pathe Film. Paramount Magazine. Famous Players-Lasky Corporation Presents MARION DAVIES Enchantment In a Special Seven Part Production. UP IN ALF*S PLACE A 2 Reel Mack-Sennett Comedy.
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    • 317 6 CIKEMAS Yon'll Jaugh as you never laughed before at the EMPIRE CINEMA J!('Kinniiv)r Monday CELEBRATING LUCKY WEEK A Goldwyn super-special five thousand funny feet BE MY WIFE with MAX UMDU The Finniest 5-i'fjl comeily ever inailc THE DANGEROUS LITTLE DEMON featuring Mnric I'rtvost, in I paiH ROINI) ONE LETS GO
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    • 249 6 ENTERTAINMENTS VICTORIA THEATRE FOR ONE RECITAL ONLY TO-NfGHT at 0.00 CELEBRITY TOURS MAY MUKLE TRIO Prices $4. $2 and $1. Uouking at the THEATRE. Tel. 826. VICTORIA THEATRE Commencing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, at 9.30 p.m. A TALE OF TWO CITIES Booking now Open At the THEATRE, Tel. 826. Trices $2
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    • 175 6 Miss TIJAH t;;kes a faVMMM hit In QfWl JavUMf I'l;iy in tfcr Coming Oaastag THE STAR OPERA At lie IHKATItr. ROTAL North llridse H<i:kl. The ricce aatiUl I pamji imuira Part Laat o-.ii PiMajr, \;irii fi. SPECIAL PBOGKAMMI K. If. CHXONOi rroprictor. t. L TAN, Manager. Tiione l.V:fi for seats.
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  • 98 7 FIXTURES. Tuekdsy. April 3 High Wu'.cr, 11.42 a.m., 11.55 j.jn. May Mukle Tiio, Theatre, y.30 p.m. Wednesday. April 4 High Water, 0.20 a.m. Tai ta, Vir. Theatre. 1;. i. aaaii ward m^il Uavaa, Thursday. April 5 High Water, OJO a.m., 1.11 p.m. Phil. Orchestra, Mem. Hall, 5.16.
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  • 105 7 VESBELS AT THE DOCKS. East Wharf Basin— Nil. ■Ml Wharf Thooffwa, H.M.S. Blue Bell. .Sheen Wharf— Nil. Main Wharf S",v;i Ham, City of Birming) An,!.- 1.. 1 „ii. Mi duaa. Empire Dori. Mia, Bengal Mum. Tateishi Maru. tilem -ul« \\e>l '.N(..irl (ion;< i.. Calypso. Jarrtines WC.Tr/ Nil. Palo
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  • 125 7 To-day. I ulau Sambu 2.30 p.m. lianojeimnsin 3 p.m. Kuiiiroon am Bangkok 3 p.m. Malacca and Munr 4 p.m. I ulau RcUwii and I'ulau Pulang 4 p.m. Kota Tingtri 4 p.m. Sarawak and Cocbilt ..4 p.m. Ilhio 4 p.m Bangkok 4 p.m lolombc. Jeddah aad ..l.axilles 4
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  • 35 7 BlUnga Anekor Khiva Armors I*. JuliuiKi Thoituvvu 8'. >i Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 M:ir. 2 Mar. 5 Har. 7 Mar. IS Mar. 21 Mar. 2* Mar. 29 Max. Apr. I
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  • 10 7 I'ljiiuf's new slojjan lo be "They not pass-thoir payments."
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  • 124 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Ap-il 3. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4',i Demand 2/4 6/32 Private 3 m/s credit. 2/4 19/32 On New York Demand MM Private 90 d/s 50% On France Bank 750 On lnd.a Bank T.T. 174% On d/d 2', p.c. Mi Bank ol England rate px.
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  • 61 7 Tone of the market Quiet. Latest London cables quote: Spot sheet Is. 4"\d. spot Ipril-June uly-Sept )ct-Dec Hug-spore Standard P»J« Crepa Closing Price* Buyers. Sellers. Spot April-June July-Sept Oct-Doc Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Seller*. 57 \zi 58 58 58>4 59>i
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    • 210 7 V al. I'd. Buyers. Seller*. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.42 Vfc 0.47% 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.50 1.60 cd. 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 norn I 1 Jchan Tin 0.50 0.55 '1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.2.0 2.4.0 xd. 0 10 Kiuta Assn. 7.75 8.25 5 5 Lingui Tin 5.00
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    • 151 7 issue V*l Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 21 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 4.8.0 4.11.0 L 0 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.60 L 0 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.75 El £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.40 7.75 >/- 5/- Elec Tramway* 1/- 2/-aom L 0 10 «fe Xcave 36.00 37.00 >0 60
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    • 114 7 v. Kng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.e. p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 iom. Spore Municipal 6 p.c $1,875,000 par. Spore Municipal 4% p*. of 1907 $1,000 000 sP.c.di..5 P.c.di.. Spore Municipal 4% p.c ~t icu\a »i Mn E^r. r of 1909 $1,000,500 6 p.c. di». Spore
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    • 407 7 Fraaer and Co. and Lyall and E.-att'a QooUtioaa. Utest available SUrUoa; Quotation are printed on aaotaar fa C Frtamy. To-day's Prices. Frms«r Ly.ll A Co. Evatt. Allenby New(sl> 1.00 1.15 1.05 1.15 Alcr Gajah ($1 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.40 A. Hitani (?5) 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.50 A. Kuning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 299 7 OWEN ROE COMPANY, AUCnONSHtS, VALUERS, etc. 14-1, Collycr Quay, Singapore. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE rf v..luub!e freehold nnd leasehold properties. At Mtetia OWEN ROE Co.'s .-.ale-room. 14-1, COLI.YER QUAY, on Tuesday, April 10. at 2.30 p.m. 1. Valuable fit r hold land at Changi Koad. i.i\a I acrea, io.ul aad :u
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    • 761 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified AdTts., see page 16. KIRSCHWASSER, Dubonnet, Amer Picon, Cxtrscts for Cocktails. U. Bolter, Europe Hotel Building. FOR SALE, 800 plants in lots of 25, orchids, I.pmbang roses, maidenhair ferns, etc. 2086, Straits Times. (lp) FOR SALE, wardrobe trunk, new, large ;i7.e. 2087, Straits Times. (lp) FOR
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    • 74 7 WOOD-MILNE PATENT FOOT POMP, The reason for the success of the Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump lies not only in the fact that it is constructed on scientific lines, but also that it is, from first to last, a first-class engineer job. Thus, it is made as simple aa is compatible
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    • 656 7 MACHINERY REPAIRS D. G. Robertson, Ltd. KUALA LUMPUR Telephone No. 177. Telegrams BONACCORD." ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦»<»♦»♦♦«♦»♦ SALE BY ORDEU OF THE SUPREME COIRT. ESTATE OF HADJEE ESMAIL BIN KASSIM, DECEASED. IMPORTANT TWO BAYS' AUCTION SALE of valuable freehold iand am! dwelling beoaaa, At Messrs. Throng Koon S;mi<> '.i.'h alia I—. Ma. W,
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  • 134 8 GHONG.-On .March 31, 1923, Chon c Tian Fah alias Chang Chin Scnp, aged 67 y3ars, Sole Proprietor, Chop Ten? Yee Hin, at No. 11, Stanley Street. He leaves behind him a widow, 9 sons, Messrs. Chong Sze Leone Sze Au and brothers, 3 daughters and 7 grandchildren to ractrn
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  • 1168 8 The revenue of the United Kingdom for the year ended March 31, 1923, amounted to £914,000,000, a decrease of £211,000,000 compared with the previous year. There is a budget surplus of £101,500 000, but the taxpayers are warned not to be over
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  • 31 8 A Shanghai cable says a fire has broken out in No. 4 hold of the Japanese steamer Wakasa Maru. Her cargo of jute, rice and rape seed has been seriously damaged.
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  • 34 8 The monthly service of Laying on of Hands on the sick will be held next Friday, at 5.15 p.m. in St. Andrew's Cathedral. All persons interested in this Healing Mission are asked to attend.
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  • 33 8 When the new rigid helium-filled airship now under construction for the United States is completed and testeJ it is hoped to make journeys to the North and South Pole and round the world.
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  • 29 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires The case against Muthukumaru, a clerk employed in the Surveyor General's office, for alleged theft of Rubber coupons amounting to about $30,000 hkbeen withdrawn.
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  • 10 8 An automatic telephone exchange is lo be installed at Shanghai.
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  • 14 8 The Band of Hope will meet at the Y.W.C.A. on Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 17 8 The aeroplane service! between Holland and the N. E. I. will be Inaugurated on the 15th inst.
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  • 17 8 A Saigon contemporary strongly advocates the formation of a bureau oi control for rice and paddy there.
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  • 25 8 The Rev. J. A. B. Cook will conduct a service in English at the Jalan Sulleh Church, Muar, on Sunday April 8, at 5 p.m.
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  • 21 8 Several heavy fojrs have been experienced in Changi district in the early mornings and in the evenings during thepast few days.
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  • 23 8 It was recently announced in Hongkong that, while the creditors of the China Specie Bank would be paid, shareholder? were likely to lose.
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  • 23 8 Singapore schools reopened to-day af'.er he Easter holidays. They will the longer holidays at the end of the •.err.i on the 13th inst.
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  • 26 8 A Ilylam named Chiang Kia Jin was Sned $50 in the third court on Thursday for being in possession cf a Browning pistol without a licence.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders frcm India and Ceylon is Rs. 176= 5100.
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  • 38 8 The sole of lands and houses comprised n the estate cf Syod Abdulrahaman bin Abdullah Alkaff, deceased takes place at the sale room of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co. to-morrow and Thursday at 2.30 p.m. each day.
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  • 54 8 The draft of the Ordinance to amend the law relating to Indian immigrant labourers is published in Colombo. The purpose of the new Ordinance is to give effect to the recent agreement arrived at between the Governments of Ceylon and India, and to the recent Indian Emigration ,Act passed by
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  • 53 8 Among the passengers wh9 recently passed through Singapore by the Hakoiaki Maru on their way to Japan were -he four members forming the Belgian Industrial Missicn to Japan, the chairman )f which is M. Canon Legarand. The party's arrival at this port was kept very :juiet, but their mission is
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  • 54 8 The Report of the Ullswater Royal Commission rejects the London County Council's plan for a Greater London by the inclusion of outer districts in a centralised Government, as likely to increase ■he cost of the Local Government, but recommends the equalisation of rates in ■lfty-five areas within a ten miles
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  • 50 8 The New Orient Park was visited by jver 4,000 patrons during the holidays The entertainment programme was thoouj'.hly appreciated, transport arrange•nents were efficiently managed, and unloubtedly a most enjoyable week end provided. The management announce the ■n^agement of a p2rmanent orches»a and further improvements during the course >f this week.
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  • 59 8 A London message of March 13 says ;hat illustrating the effect of Gandhi's non-co-operation movement on trade with Lancashire, the Board of Trade returns fcr February shew that 22,140,000 yards cf printed dyed cotton piecegoods were exported, compared with 9,130,000 yards in February of last year, and a monthly average
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  • 62 8 Judge Lobinirer at Shanghai recently granted probate en s photographed copy of a will. The original of the will of the late Mr. A. W Pontius, American Consul-General in Mukncn, was lost, but Mrs. Pontius, to whom her late husband had left everv'hin<c he possessed and the care of the
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  • 67 8 Apparently Oylon is not prepared to remain under the stigma of not participating- in the British Empire Exhibition. At a recent meeting of the LegislativeCouncil the Colonial Secretary gave notice jf the following motion That this council do approve of the provision from .•evenue.of the sum of Its. 150,000 as
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  • 69 8 The output of Cromlix Rubber Estate and Produce Syndicate for 1922 was 279,192 lbs. compared with 243,600 lbs. in 1921. Crop realised average gross price cf lid. per p;>und, and cost of production was 7.64 d. per pound. Net profit was £4,232. plus £6,1 1", brought in, making £10 345.
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  • 68 8 By kind permission of hir. Highness The Sultan, Colcnel Commandant Johore Military Forces, the band of the Forces will play the following selection of music on Sunday, the Bth instant, at the Band Stand, Johore Bahru, commencing from 5 p.m. Overture, La Fiancee (Auber) selection, The Cabaret Girl. iKcm) clarinel
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  • 76 8 The Daily Chronicle's aviation expert says that experiments arc being conducted with a view to constructing an invisible warplane. Despite secrecy, it is known that the authorities have produced a machine which is nothing more than one slender widespread flying winjr, the engines, crew, and fuel all being hidden within
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  • 467 8 Mirs J. P. I. Strachty, an ex-Newnha-mite, ha.-, limi elected principal of Xt-v.ii-ham College. Major Hitchins, former re^retary of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, has joined a commercial firm in London. Mis. W. .1. ,\h.;. ,m returned from borne Ly the P. and O. Kashgar on Sunday
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  • 73 8 Some thief or thieves got through the roof of the premise! of Messrs. H md Co. on Sunday night. Apparently the robbers were disturbed by the employees jf the Free Press office being on night July next duor and decamped with com>nratively small booty to the
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  • 108 8 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, has fixed the date's of hearing of the cases during the current month. Th" list is a comparatively short one, and am.*,' the cases are those <;f M. A. N'amazie v. S. J. Manasseh, the bearing of which is fixed
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  • 338 8 The death of Mr. J. A. Farmer, late vharf representative of Man.-iiiM aw! Co., at Seranjfoon Road on March 28, v.;is not altogether unexpected, blili Ml failing health about two years Bga lad him to take a trip to Australia nd I I m.-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 113 8 ALHAMBRA THE MAN OF THE FOREST '6 pts. C pts. SUNSHINE HARBOUR pts. 5 pts. (Margaret Deecher) Universal Serial THE SECRET FOUB (fddU Folo) Epiaodes 11 and 12. 4 reels. (First Show) MARLBOROUGH ENCHANTMENT (Marion Davies) 7 pti. 7 pts. JOURNEY'S END (Mabel Ballin) 7 pts. 7 pts. (First Show)
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  • 457 9 Terrible Result of Reckless Speed. Rklteb's Service. I.i nci.n, April 2. Heine J It MM Princess Kitashirakawa, and not Princess XHa, who was injarad in the motor car accident. Prince Asaka, who \va? also injured, is a brother-in-law of the Bmporer of Japan. I. mien, April 2.
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  • 74 9 Rioter's Service. London, April 2. Athens A maasnge from Tiflis states that a lire has destroyed cue of the inimanat warehouses of the Near East ReHaf at Alexandropol where 16,000 Armenian children were housed. It is the lacyest orphanage in the world ar.d several etphanagO buildings were
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  • 47 9 KltTCß's StaviCK. London, April 2. A strike is due owing to a proposed wage cut of 20 per cent. London, April 2. Bombay The majority of the 5»,000 mill handj ;!t Ahmedabad have struck owing te redaction of wages. A long Birujfi;!"-' is expected.
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  • 60 9 Sauna's Bcßvicn. London, April 2. A New York maeeami s ays the wonder »!irjgible is expected to be ready in September. It will be capable of carrying snes which it can release for bombing excursions and then collect by Bseana ef huge hooks. It will be. inflated
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  • 211 9 Marconi Company's Great Scheme. RIUTER'S SFRVICE. London, April 2. Mr. Godfrey Isaacß states that he is only awaiting the issue of a licence by Government, to begin immediately the: erecticn in England of the first of a! series of powerful Marc:ni transmitting stations forming a world chain for
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  • 108 9 HKUTEK'B ScBVId London, April 2. Berlin Following the incident at Krupps, President Ebert has telegraphed to the proprietor and management of Krupps expressing horror at this monstious bloodbath which the French military have wr.ught amon* peaceful, defenceless workmen." The Chancellor also telegraphed, emphasising that the workmen were
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  • 87 9 Hbutxb'b Sebvic*. Lon.ion, April 2. Santiago de Chile: The United States delegates have submitted at the PanAmerican Conference their proposals for I the improvement of Inter-American trade relationships, including the uniformity of custom.-. A juridical committee is studying the project for the establishment of a code! i.f internaticnal
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  • 230 9 Rkutib's Sxkvice. London, April 2. Forty-six thousand minors in the Rhondda valley are striking to-day on the non-unionist question. The Indian Association. A correspondent writes to inform us that, on March 30, »t 3.30 p.m., the Indian residents of Singapore mustered in large numivis at Rr.ffles Institution
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  • 32 9 The following notice is issued by Uu Master Attendant's office From April 1. IMS. the red light situated in the mangroves at the first mile coast road, Port DicLson, has been discontinued.
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  • 852 9 Easter Meetings of Malaya Branch. There was a larjre gathering of medical men from all parts of British Malaya on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Malaya branch of the British Medical Association. On Friday morning an important clinical meeting was held in Tan Tock Seng's
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  • 81 9 In an elaborate ra;; Cambridge undergraduates re-enacted a play on the events at Luxor with the opening of Toot-pn-|Comin's" tomb in the market square, says a London message. There were native police, infantry and high dignitaries, andj finally Cleopatra, Mr. Howard Carter, and! Lord Carnarvon arrived. A
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  • 17 9 Padang Plandok. piculs. Nav.-njr Pet. Haurs worked 302, yards treated 25,676, ore recovered 379 piculs.
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  • 1084 9 Trade Split on Scheme to Grow I Rubber. The following article appeared in the New York Commercial dated March 2, 1923 The Rubber Conference at Washington has stirred up a hornet's nest among leading rubber and tyre manufacturers of this country w!:o have read with growing dissatisfaction
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  • 2247 9 New Men in the House— And Others. By Our Special Correspondent.' I London, March 1. The session of Parliament is sufficiently advanced for one to make a survey of men and parties and to consider some of the vnost urgent problems that lie before the GovernmT.:. Each of
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    • 71 10 To the Editor cf the Straits Time? Sir,—The following is U extract from a letter in The Times from Mr. St. Loe Strachey. France, instead of getting security, is endowing herself with the dreadful inheritance of hate—the chief of insecurities. She is sowing the crop of
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  • 244 10 Alleged Forgery of Rubber Coupons. The Singapore Assies were resume:! this morning after the Easter vacation with the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, presiding. A Chinese boy. named Lee Chow Yoon, aged 15, was charged with us^iie; ;ss genuine a foigid document and it \v;is explained by Major
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  • 79 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 3. Mrs. Guest, the newly-arrived matron of the Ipoh Hospital, was seeing eff friends at Ipoh Station, on Sunday, when she slipped and fell between the platform and the moving train. A dresser, named Carim, promptly pressed her down to the
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  • 163 10 Mr. Alan J. Cobham is setting off on a 10,000 mile trip to India and back by air in a month otr-^ehalf of the Daily Sketch. As the thunder-god of the Tiznit Africans and chief pilot of the De Haviland Aircraft Company the daring airman who
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  • 44 10 The directors' report of the Siamese Tramway Company shows that the gross profit for the y.-ar was T and the nett profit Tcs. 201,057.12, which, with last year's balance of Tcs. 49,310.87, makes a total at the disposal of the Company of Tcs. 250,373.99.
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  • 57 10 Captain Nash has secured a decree nisi. The respondent was not represented. II will be recalled that caustic comment* on drees ■KtmVMBJMe were made by the bachelor judge, Mr. Justice McCardie, in giving judgment in the King's Bench for Captain J. V. Nash, who was sued by Callot Soeurs for
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 188 10 British Malaya Team Twice Beaten. (Aneta's Service.) Wcltevreden, April 2. The R.sL of Batavia beat the British Malaya team by one goal to nil. Tnousands were present on Saturday jtfternoon for the match Rest of Batavia erase the team from British Malaya. Soon after the game commenced
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    • 283 10 Results At the Easter Meeting. The two days' Easter rifle shooting meeting was brought to a close at Siletar range yesterday morning, when I there was again keen competition, as on i Saturday. The shooting at the meeting was, on the whole, good. Full results were a.s follows
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    • 163 10 (From Our Own Coirespctident). Kuala Lumpur, April 3. The Straits and F. M. S. Golf ChamP'onship Meeting opened here on March N and has been continued over the holidays. The first round in the Championship resulted as follows Ell ins (Selangor) beat EUes (Selangor) at the 19th. Kyle
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    • 27 10 TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodehoose v. Laybeurne and Roy Smith. i. Sinclair and Doig v. Lee Warner and Tyler, postponed.
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    • 61 10 TO-DAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. I Evans v. Bowerman. 1 Goldie v. Gale. 1, Championship. Jamieson v. Mel. Brown. WEDNESDAY'S TIES. Doubles Handicap. Chater and Haigh v. Smith and Bowerman. Goldie and Chill v. Jamieson and Barnes. THURSDAY'S TIES. 1 Doubles Handicap. 11 Tllascoe and Romney v. Rev. G.
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    • 172 10 [Renter's Service]. London, April 2. Playing at Paris, England beat France ij at Rugby football by twelve points, to three. I A later wire states The weather was I perfect and there were 40,000 spectator*. France scored from a free kisir in the Jirst five minutes and England
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    • 262 10 Following were results on March 24 League Division I. Oldham Athletic 0, Arsenal 0 Aston Villa 1, Birmingham 0 Nottingham 1, Blackburn Rovers 0 Burnley 0, Huddersfield 2; Middlesboro 0, Cardiff City 1 Liverpool 2, Manchester 0 Preston North End 2, Sunderland 0 Tottenham Hotspurs 8, Stoke 1.
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    • 107 10 I At the National Sporting Club on March 26 in the contest for the British Empire cruiser weight championship, Jack Bloomfield (British champion) beat SolJier Jones (Canadian champion), who retired in the fifth round. Jones began briskly, but after ome quick exchanges in the second round Blcomfield sent a
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    • 145 10 The Earl of Cavan announces that it is quite impossible for the British War Office to find money for the expenses of officers competing in international horst* shows. It has been unanimously decided that jumping is essential to war training. but in view of the need for the most
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  • 77 10 Macphail and Co.'a Report. Singapore, April 3. I I Rubber.—Londcn Is. 4Hd. Lo?al 57%i.| I Tin.—Londcn £219 10s. Local $113 ,s (200 tons sold). Share Market.—Quiet. Rubbers.—Few enquiries. Tins.—Rswangs 1.25-1.30. Taipings 95--1. Norths 1.17^-I^2^. Souths 1.15--1.20. Nawng Pets 1.32>4-1.37V». Petalings 77V»-88',i. Linguis 4.90-5.05. Tonpkah Harbours 11.50-12. iGeneral.— Uniteers 12.20-12.50. Straits
    77 words
  • 65 10 Singapore, April 3. Tin.—£2l9 10e. Rubberr.—Malaka Pindas 1.t7V2-lo"», Kuala Sidims 2.o7'ir^. 15, Bukit JclotonKS 66-60, United Malaccas 1.40-1.45. Minings—Petalings 77's-81li, Nawng Pets 1.30-1.40, Kampong Kaniunttngs 425.--4^a. 6d., Collieries 19-19.50, Souths I.IC 1.19, Linguis -1.90-5, Mainbaus 90-94, Talams 61-6.1. Industrials.—Traders 23.26-23.75, Central Motors 4.35-4.45, Ribeiros 10.40-10.60, Engineers
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  • 36 10 I The Civil Service estmates for 1923-24 1 include 25,000, towards the cost of the erection of a memorial to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, £7,000 for on* to Lord Kitchener, and £5,040 for one to Lord Roberts.
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  • 58 10 After 35 years' service in the Chinese Maritime Customs, Captain H. 6. Myhre, Harbourmaster at Shanghai, has resigned. Captain Myhre, who is a Norwegian, entered the service in 1888 as third officer on one of the revenue cruisers, becoming commander in 1891. Since then his promotion has been cantioiMWK, -until
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  • 2895 10 Singapore Beaten by Seven Wickets. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 1. Considerable interest was centred in the match, Singapore v. Selangor, which began on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock en the local padang in delightful weather. It Maajad to be an ideal day for cricket,! and
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  • 13 10 The difference between happiness and contentment is that happiness isn't nine part* latintss.
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  • 1701 11 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following supplementary cables are taken from Indian exchanges to hand l.\ 'iiiMi Ministers' Tensions. London, March 20 The question of pensions to ex-Cab not Mii.'sters was again rained in the House of Commons to-day by Mr. George Lansbury (Lab., Poplar),
    1,701 words
  • 162 11 Indian trade returns for February (jivp the most promising signs of a real revival fcr many months past. The value of exports of Indian produce and manufactures surpassed even the high record of the preceding month, and amounted to JJ.060 lakhs of rupees, the highest figure ever
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  • 108 11 Two buffaloes from the largest herd cf these animals itv tie Canadian N'^'ional Park at Wainwright, AlberU, is to be given by the Parks Branch of the Dominion Government Department of the Interior are to be given to the winter carnival committee (if Montreal for a monster
    108 words
  • 54 11 Savings deposits in Canadian banks •bowed an increase of seventeen millions lin December, IM2, when compared with the preriooa nuatb. Call loans, both in Canada and ovtskfe Canada, showed a reAntiMl in comparison with November current loans in Canada are «k,wn forty millions; current loans outside Canada arc up Kiilipr
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 188 11 HAVE YOU INSPECTED THE Moutrie Player-Piano SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR THE TROPICS. It combines the perfect piano with the perfect player action, reproducing the music of the world's greatest composers with the fidelity and expression of the finished artiste. Call to-day. We shall be pleased to demonstrate to you
      188 words
    • 349 11 RAFFLES HOTEL "55 T 1 1 EsDAi IJinnrr Danre. Telephone 2920. (10 Line*.) WEDNESDAY.-OrcheMr.l Concert. The Finest Ballroom in the East. THITRSDAY.-Guest Night. Dinner and Dance. FRIDAY.— Tea Dangant. DINNERDANCE IETT SEA VIEW HOTEL Tan}onK Ka(on Tel No no SINGAPORE. An exclusive Residential Ilotel alTordinr the dtnity and ele K
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1116 12 Sale of Lajam's Estate. Over Million Dollars Realised At Local Auction. The last two of the four days' sale of land and house properties, belonging to the tistate of Shaik Aboobakar bin Mohamed Lajam, deceased, was held at the saleroom of Messrs. Chcong Koon Scnf; and Co., 30, Chulia Street,
      1,116 words
    • 569 12 f?*r#fS l^mf-MP' lAYCHDM&C? m^»% l!|||^^\lflfi-# SINGAPORE LIM KIE TIONG AMOY CHAV CHOE flftg KOKSECEN2ITAY f»l NOTICE NOTICE is hereby jriven that the above Trade Marks are the properties of CHOP LAY QHUAN, Tea Merchants carrvine on business at No 35, Pekin Street, Singapore, and are used by them in connection
      569 words
    • 821 12 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONG ROOM SENS ft GO. AUCTION SALE of valuable properties and rubber plantalAt Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng: t Co.'s saleroom, No. 03, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, April 4, at I". .10 p.m. MORTGAGEE'S SALE I 1. Valuable freehold land and the shophouse permises known as Xos. 29
      821 words

  • 903 13 American Co.'s Educational Scheme. The N.-C. Daily News of the 7th inst. says A new era is before China in the imusement world, for a modern system if taking, assembling and distributing notion pictures is under way and will be unctioning actively shortly, said the general
    903 words
  • 56 13 It is reported from Hanjrchow that two of the cooks who were arrested have confessed to poisoning the students. It is alleged that they were bribed to do so by Yuer Heng, chairman of the Students' Self-Government Association, in order to conceal the latter's peculation of the association's funds. Yuer
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  • 60 13 Thirty European nurses attached to the Calcutta Medical College group of hospitals were taken ill the other night. As a result of an analysis of the food eaten by the nurses it appears that the cause of the trouble was bacterial toxin which had developed in the custard served with
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 133 13 lHust£e ma/c mrfi LIQUEUR WHISKY The Original Brand SOLE AGENTS [ADAM SON, GI LFI LLAN 6 C? LTP 1 Singapore, Penang, Malacca. A NEW MODELS OF THE FOLLOWING HAVE ARRIVED 10 Y 2 in., 14 in., 18 in., 20 in., 26 in. EX CITY OF LINCOLN IMPROVED PORTABLE MODEL Price
      133 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 368 14 KEIMSITAS CIGARETTES "As good as good Cigarettes can be." t STANDARD SIZE Kensitas Cigarettes are carefully kept UP to the original high quality and DOWN in price as low as possible with the strict maintenance of that high On Knowing How IT isn't all in the* tobacco, sir, it's the
      368 words
    • 444 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with tho Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assuranoe
      444 words
    • 385 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is affllieated ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD, INDIA. Authorised Capital «5,000,C00 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up £2,594,180 Reserve Fund 80 000 Board of Director* Th* Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, O.CJf.G., X.C.5.1., X.C.I.X. (Chairmaa) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of SELBORNE,
      385 words
    • 496 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter In Japan.) Capital Subscribed Y40,000,000 CapiUl Paid-np Y62,600,000 reserve Fond m V 11,780.000 President K. Nakagawa, K*q. DIRECTORS T. Hiiamnna, Eaq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinago, Esq. M. Esakl, Ksq. Decnkichl Taklta, Esq. BEAD OFFICK Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AMD
      496 words
    • 584 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHE HAND2L-MAATSCHAPPY NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY (Established 1824.) TAID-UP CAIMTAL Fl. 80,000,000 (about £6,607,000) STATUTORY RESERVE FUND Fl. 19,445,211.36 (about £1,620,434) EXTRAORDINARY RESERVE Fl. 22,(560,000 (about £1,888,388) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Wcltcvredcn, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Peculongon, Tjilatjap,
      584 words

  • 677 15 A Small Profit with Improved Prospect. The 14th ordinary general meeting of the Rembia Rubber Estates, Limited was I held on February 20, at the offices of I the company, 4, Lloyds Avenue, E.C., Mr. T. C. Owen (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,
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  • 402 15 Young English Girl Adopted By Eurasians. A Maflras message of March 20, says:— The Commissioner of Police has reported the facts of the Doris Hawker case to the Madras Government, and has recommended that she should either be sent home or sent to the Lawrence Memorial School,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 257 15 New York's Choice New York City, the richest, most discriminating and most competitive automobile market on earth, again in 1922 bought more Studebaker cars than any other make, except Ford. More Studebaker cars were sold in the Metropolitan District, which includes live counties adjoining New York City, than any other
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    • 573 15 Model 1923 Now in stock with regular monthly shipments following. It is easy to understand why owners are so enthusiastic over Hups. The Hupmobile has the reputation throughout the world as an extraordinary good car. The reason is simply its ability to remain at its best for months without expert
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 459 16 6UAN KIAT CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) iJ, PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Arrived. Ex. «.s. PYRRHUS and s.s. NANKIN Brass and Iron Woodscrewg I'.cst Quality Steel Wire Riddle* Oval <i. M. I'aint Brushes Copper Hnse Kivets and Washers Stapled, Mixed, Hair Uroom Head* Asbestos Plaited Yarn Packing Brass Eyelets
      459 words
    • 501 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical Association. Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers. Freemsn of the City of London. Late of Old Broad St. London. 5 YEARS' LONDON EXPERIENCE IN SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. A HATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes
      501 words
    • 923 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., In ordinary eloie let type (average six worda to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two iai. 46 cts., three in*. 64 cts., four ins. 82 eta., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      923 words
    • 841 16 LAND^ND HOUSES TO LET, NO. 4, Oxley Rise. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LETrNoTeirMeyer Roa«. Entry immediate. Apply Meyer Brothers. To LET, unfurnished, Sherwood, Patc'rson Road. Apply Putcrson, Simons tc Co., Ltd. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply wit-hin or to Messrs. Meyer Brothers.
      841 words
    • 660 16 All BON MARCHE (G. BONNARDEL). The Opportunity you. Ladies have Waited for OUR SALE OF HATS AND DRESSES IS ON! Opening soon at GROSVENOR HOTEL, 16, STAMFORD ROAD. SALE OF H.H.B. MERLIN. Tenders bM invited dp to April 30, 192.1. for the purchase of thi> ahovu named vessel WI'IH ENGINES
      660 words
    • 175 16 Ask Your Friend She will tell you of the excellence and economy of Phoenix Hosiery and H. P. Corsets. We cater for discriminating ladies and sto^k only the mo*t superior. Gowns, Lingerie, Hosiery and Corsets. High Class Store Goods at Bazaar Prices. European Attendance. Goods sent C.O.D. PRIHOESS &AS.ME3TS GO.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 302 16 ~m~STRJUTS Tiif.ES TELEPHONES: Editoria 1 and General "8 Manager's »U1 \l\ communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All cunimunicflions relating to business matters—•dvWtiMMßta, subscriptions, accents, printing, etc., should bo addressed to THE .MANAGER. AUVEKTISEMKNT KATES. Wants, For i>i-le, To Let, etc., in
      302 words