The Straits Times, 24 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,208. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 •e^T^RC' ">oob I'sCW^^H YOU WILL PRONOUNCE I j TO h IIC DO' Bar utt Ar |l FINE OLD PALE j pijr n n ii I IN RED. UPON EVERY J<L flg h" W BOTTLE ;i it B Sill I II k II II I 3 a I THE BEST YOU
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    • 207 1 I ELECTRO-PLATED PRIZE CUPS j I Q*s=d) I 1 1 fir: :ETS: rjtfs- :<*£„, NjSHv^ I J PLAIN INSIDE tf^* E.P.N.S. SOUVENIR CUPS. I Xo. 7173. Small Price $3.00 sfe^ 'l^tEHl PL.MN IXSID2 H No. 7174. Medium Trice $4.50 Nj 7] g Sm M p rice ,j ,J t^ o
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  • 538 2 Specimens of Queensland Flora And Fauna. Captain G. H. Wilkins, of Adelaide, who is undertaking an Australian expedition under the auspipes of the Britisn Museum and the Natural History Museum in order to make a biological collection, stated in an interview with the Australian Press Association that the
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  • 480 2 Passport Office Reply to Mr. A. P. Herbert. The following statement has been made on behalf of the Passport Office in answer to the letter from Mr. A. P. Herbert which appeared in The Times, reproduced in our columns, criticising the official category of respectability" set up
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 398 2 Perfect Gifts The leading pen i> always E^h^pW an acceptable gift. It is r^^w|b the symbol of friendship, for with every use it will inspire a kindly thought of the donor. It is a beautiful gift, yet useful and lasting, and will prove a constant S^^ixSk. pocket or desk companion.
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    • 305 2 Don't Worry About Your Complexion Cuticura Will Take Care of It If you make the Cuticura Trio your everyday toilet preparations you will have a clear, healthy skin, good hair, and soft white hancte. Soap to cleanse, Ointment to heal. Talcum to powder and perfume. FcivH ,T«lt»mli 3d .Ou'.otMli U.u<ll
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    • 147 2 I KINGSWAY A.G. Ceiling Fans FOR TANGLIN SUPPLY <--T^iL BRITISH MADE WHITE FINISH > ~~^f^3 ALUMINIUM BLADES. Guaranteed slow running. Speed may be adjusted to anything between 200 and 4O R.P.M. SHE. DARBY 6, CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. Cars, Lorries AND
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  • 547 3 Reminiscences or the Calcutta Police Court. The most interesting of the contributions to the controversy now taking place in Calcutta on the subject of the proper method of filling the post of Chief Presidency Magistrate consists of a letter to The Statesman from Mr. A. H. Kingsforrl,
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  • 506 3 Tenders for Sydney's Gigantic Scheme. Mr. BradtieUi, chief engineer for railways in X.S.W., who last year travelled throujfh America, Canada and Europe to interview prospective tenderers for the North Shore bridge said that there maybe- eighteen tenders submitted to the Government for the huge undertaking, says
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 645 3 STEAMER SAHINBS PRINCE LINE, LIMITED (lacorporated in Bh(laa4) IAK BAST SKRVICE. Itegular Monthly Service rrnt BOSTON AM) new YORK CELTIC I'IMNCK due Apr. 7 BLAYIG I'UIXCK due Apr. 25 I informntion, apply to \li\MSO\, (iII.FM.I.AN CO, LTD, (Incorporated in England) At," Gates*' I "TOURIST." FAR EASTERN .-tZnh'Kf* TOl KIST AGENCY
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    • 447 3 I THIS BABY'S CONDITION Seinud Almost Hopeless Until Baliys Own Tablets Were Tried. 'llun His Maladies Disappeared Hers i* a message of praise and thanks froa India. Its writer, Mr. B. Sharma, head cierk at the Cavalry School, Saugor, < i-tit ml Prvrinc M; ba'uy son, aged 9 months, has
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    • 310 3 "OMyes/Wincartitfj is invaluable in restoring health to 1 those! who t ar« Weak, j or Anaemic, jj I or Nervous, j or ßun-down. Vf L I #A Th« outstanding advantage; of Wincarnis' in restoring* health is due to the fact that Wincarnis possesses 5 a four-fold power. Wincarnis promotes mrmf
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    • 129 3 Dunhills Pipes GUARANTEED BY NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED PLAIN BRIARS $10.85 to $13.23 SHELL $12.50 Agents 'MtynanfiM Wear T.K.K. 'S Bell Brand Rubber Footwear Fine Quality Moderate Price 4&L. FACTORY No. 43, Sumbawa Road. SALES DEPiVRTMENT 215, South Bridge Road, Singapore. »>MH«> »»MMI MMMM >♦-»-»»♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ JUNIOR 2% H.P. TWO STROKE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 831 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0 British India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated In England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSII.A AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWERP Dae Singspore Leave Singapore XASHGAR about Apr. 1 KASHMIR aboot Mar.
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    • 738 4 STEAMER SfIiUHGS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO.. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland i UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NEI HERI .AMIS INDIA GOVERNMENT Telephone Nos. Passage Dept.. 1.11. Freight Dcpt., 120.!. Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dcpt. 1437, Manajrar'a Dcpt. 1003. Ji N vi?K?i l I I ar< i. h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 539 5 STEAMER SABLINit N.Y.K. LONDON LJNW Ruwi, Maru Apr. 8 Funhimi Maru Apr. 17 LIVERPOOL L'KE Lyon. Maru mid. Apr. HAMBURG UVX Lima Mnru Apr. 14 Mataumoto Maru end Apr. NEW YORK LINE wla SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN UNE Kanetfawa Mara Aar. 11 BOMBAY UNI Kamaxara Mann Mar. "2 Geaoa Maru Mir.
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    • 428 5 STEAMER SAitimSS O.S.K. Proposed Sailing, from Singapore (subject to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Marseilles. London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, S.ei and Port Said. Arr. Dep. PARIS MARU Apr. 11 Apr. It AMAZON MARU May 21 May 22 Omit Marseilles. NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco, Panama,
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    • 722 5 STEAMER SAIUB6S ELLERMAN" LINE ELLERMAN A BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Lt* (Incorporated <n England) STEAMER Dae Singapore PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARDS. HOMEWARDS. abont •■.a. CUT OF SIMLA MumHlm London April 1 *Ml CITY OF POONA Marseilles London May 3 PASSAGE RATES. A Class steamer Ist class £87, 2nd class £fio. Deck £22.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 CINEMAS MARL.BOROUGH Wednesday, March 21 to Tuesday, March 27, IS2J. In the Second Show at 9 pm. FACE THE CAMERA 1 Reel Pathe Comedy. Realart Pictures Present* MARY MILES MINTER in Reela. A Cumberland Romance Realart Picturea Presenta JUSTINE JOHNSTONS in S Rcela. Black Birds In the First Show at
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    • 399 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.30 Associated Exhihitors Inc. presenti GEOKGE AKI.ISS in ansociation «ith SYLVIA BREAMER, LL'CY COTTON and HOLLAND BOTTOMLEY in nn intensely dramatic story in 6 parts THE DEVIL A story of the men nnd women of to-day. The first two chapters of thrillinpr
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    • 171 6 Ask for and see that you get MARSEILLES ROOFING TILES niDGES AM) VENTILATORS "HEART" BRAND Thene Ti)*» have l>*rn imported nnd used in these pnrln for over 20 years. k M_^ Every genuine Tile made in Marncil!es (France) bears the name of makers In fall and also a brand. BEWARE
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  • 122 7 FIXTURES. Batareay, Maiei 2» High Water, IM am., 2.JR p.m. Tr.ldy Waatl Wife, Vie. Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Suntl.iv. March 25 lIiKD Water, 231 p.m., ".50 p.m. > p.m. Monday, March -C llijth Water, a.m., 5.13 p.m. Rnfli %M p.m. TucNday, March 27 lli^-li D :n., fi..-i6 p.m.
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    • 80 7 Fast Wharf Basin Nl. Kasl Wknt Nil Sheen Wharf Nil. Mala ti-.ri Seland Brl PaEaiplr* Dsd VamagaU Mam. Wet Wharr Nil Jardin*- Wharf—Nil. Pulo Urani Coal Wharf—NU. Kvppel Harnoar. Main Knantan, trade, Han Hin, Cowri<. Ol*andrc, U i. G» ililo, Lch. Baaga. Coal Whar; Nil. V««l»
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    • 12 7 teas, from Baeavie i.. v.nn Usaafj 21-3, for Penang it
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  • 202 7 Ti iaj. Muntok and Paleaibaag ..3 p.m. I'urt S*v ttenhain and Penang S p.m. Jiuar a p.n. Patu Bahat 3 p.m. P«l< moan* -I p.m. t Uatu Paaat 4 p.m. Hoihow, 1!. ;:ml Amoy 4 p.m. I'.hio .4 p.m. Sibu 4 p.m. < I ulau Batata and
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  • 41 7 By Teest* Data CorJillir.: I', 'lor KcdnlauJcn KlKUi;u Aacfcor S 1 or-. Icb. 7 IVb. 11 IVb. 17 Fab. i a Fab. n lcb. 24 Loadoa Mar. 6 Mar. 12 Mar. U Mar. 14 Mar. 19 Mar. 21
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  • 172 7 Should women serve on juries See Florence Reed to-nigfal at the Snriaa Theal >-, in the role of U c Bra) woman juror in Ihc Woman Under Oatli. -Supporting picture! arc the final of Fighting Fate aerial, Brat nine reds of The Miraelw of the Jangle siii. and
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  • 123 7 The djaappeannee of MM from a lockfast drawer in Urn aflke of the Penang Cricket Club, formed the subject of a cast before Mr. H. C. Bathurst in the ■urt, Pettanjr, on March 21, when Kajah plcuilcri not guilty to a charge of theft as servant in itspeet of the
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  • 428 7 Facilitating Increase in Use Of Gas. The following action was taken at a meeting on committee No. 5 of the Muni.■ipal Commissioners on March 10 Water Mains, Renewals, Stocks, etc. Approved the laying of six inch and four men mains in Prince Edward Road, to the F.M.S.
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  • 245 7 Programme of Drills, etc., for wcvk ewHas; Saturday, March .'!1 Saturday, 24th. 2..'i0 p.m., Chinese Co., annual musketry course, Scletar Range. The practice shoot with 4.5 Howitzers will be carried out at Blakan Mati or Sunday next, 25th inst. A launch will leave Johnston's Pier at 8.30
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  • 172 7 The manager of the Alexandra Brick •Works reports another case of theft at :he brickworks, this time one of bricks. Mr. Finlay reported to Insp. King, yesterday afternoon, at the Sepoy Lines Station, that he followed a motor lorry which was taking a load of bricks from lhe brickworks to
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  • 75 7 In connection with the pang robbery it Simpah. the Malay Mail states that BO <ljii;K deposition was taken, "as iniccurately reported in another paper." We have not seen the journal in which -mil a statment was made. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wired that a mag-stiato was procL^ding- Ho the hospital
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  • 174 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 2-1. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 U Demand 2/4 6/32 Private 3 m/s credits 2/4 19/32 On New York Demand 54% Private 'JO d s G7 On France, Bank 750 noni. Or. India, Bank T.T. 174 M On Honkcnjr, Bank d/d p.c. pm.
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  • 57 7 Tone of the market Quiot. Lateef London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 4 'id. •pot Vpril-June uly-Sept )ct-Dec a Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Pricea Buyers. Sellers. Spot April -June .July-Sept Oct-1). Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. :>x'i MM Whk 60 DAILY
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    • 216 7 issue t al. Id. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ba'.ang Padang 0.4."i 0.50 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.55 1.60 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.30 norn 1 1 J-chan Tin 0.52 -4 0.57% 1 fl Kam. Mamunting 2.5.0 2.«.Gcd. 0 10 Kinta Assn. 7.71 X.25 5 5 Linjrui Tin 5.00 5.10
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    • 146 7 Issue VaL Pd. Buyers. Seller*. Jl £1 lir. Am. Tobacco 4.8.'» 4.11.3 10 10 Central Engine* 9.00 9.60 10 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.75 .1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.60 8.00 <• 6/- Eiec. Tramway* 1/- II- norn 0 10 Frascr Neavc 37.50 39.00 c.d. >0 50 Hammer and
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    • 112 7 J. En?. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. J'pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. i' 350,000 aom. >'pore Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878,000 par. j'pore Municipal 414 p.c. of 1907 ?1,000,000 6 p.c. die. Spore Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 $1,000,500 6 p.c. dis. i'pore Municipal 4V& p.c. of IM'J
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    • 389 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Eratt's Quotations. To-d«y'B Prices. F riser Lyal) Co. Evatt. \HenbyNcw ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.10 1.20 Alcr Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.150 1.20 1.40 A. Hitam ($5) 12.50 13.00 12.50 MM Kuning (?1) 0.60 0.70 0.65 0.75 Am. Malay ($2) 2.10 2.30 2.20 2.3(A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 Latest araOable Sterling Quotations are printed on another pace ea Friday. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) S.S. KUTSANG (Tonnage 5,847) FOR HONGKONG, AMOY, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. This fast, new, oil-burning steamer expected to sail about March 27, has excellent passenger accommodation. For further particulars, apply BOUSTEAD CO.,
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    • 738 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see pace 16. KIRSCHWASSER, Dubonnet. Amcr Picon. Extracts for Cocktails. H. Bolter, Europe Hotei Bailaia* EXCELLENT accommodation, tooJ table. electric light, terms niod»ra:<<. Ga:;n;c. ten-' nis. Close to town. Tel. 2580. Ip. REQUIRED l>y British firm in Ilatavig. cop:.l>l<' ihorthnnd-typint. Applications, stating salary required ami
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    • 335 7 TO-NIGHT Monday, March 2b, Tuesday, Much 27, Wednesday, Maid tt, Thursday, March 29, Saturday, Hatch .:l. Rooking now open «t Ike THBATBB, Book well ahead. T«-l. ,S2C. PJBCn 14, Si, 12, aaa $1. Nahar Opera The Pioneer Malay Opera in Singapore whi<- i Icada, others follow and xlill going utron<.
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  • 25 8 THACKWELL.— On February 21. 1923, at Teipnmouth, Kaihvrine, wife of Edward Krancin Thuckwell, end widow of Sir John Pope-Hennessy, K.C.M.G., M.P., aged 72 years.
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  • 1275 8 Congratulations to Mr. Sidney Morgan on the appearance of his new book, The Preparation of Plantation Rubber." He is at present, probably, the best known Visiting Agent in Malaya, but he was formerly Senior Scientific Officer to the Rubber Growers' Association
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171= $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders frcm India and Ceylon is Rs. 176= 5100.
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  • 32 8 A meeting of the Perak St. George's Society was held on Monday, and it is understood that the meeting agreed to have a fancy dress dance and a supper on April 23.
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  • 14 8 The steamer Sealda left Singapore yesterday with 950 pilgrims on board bewad for Mecca.
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  • 17 8 Malakoff Rubber meeting and Fr.-.ser r.nd Neave's annual meeting were Bzed to be held at noon tc-day.
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  • 17 8 The further amended statutes of the Order of the British Empire are published in the Government Gazette.
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  • 20 8 The P. and O. steamer sTmTikit with details aboard for the Straits command is due at Singapore aboot April 1.
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  • 26 8 Ipoh is to be lighted with electricity on March 30, according to the chairman of the Kinta Sanitary Board. This does not refer to street lighting.
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  • 26 8 The King will not be advise. l to exercise his powers; cf disallowance of the Merchant Shipping (amendment) Repeal and F.M.S. Export Duties collection or dinances.
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  • 27 8 The continuation of t'le puhiic examination of Mr. Raheem of Ismail anil Rahim, which was Used for hearing hefore Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, yesterday, is postponed till Tuesday.
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  • 37 8 In the collision between a motor bus and a tramejr which occurred in the Gaylang district on Thursday, we understand that there were no natalities but several people were injured and had to be conveyed to hospital.
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  • 37 8 Proclamations are published in the Government Gazette bringing into effect the Extradition Ordinance, \'J22, sad the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, 1922. without modification cr alteration as if they were part of the acts of 1870 and 1881, respectively.
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  • 51 8 The Official Secrets Enactment is being introduced on the Johore State Council in order to give to official secrets the sam-; protection which obtains in the Colony and the Federated Malay States. Th< Bill reproduces with certain minor but necessary alterations the text of the Offijial Secrets Acts 1911 and
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  • 52 8 Under the export of Rubber (Restriction) Ordinance, Mr. A. B. Hunter is to be a member of the Central Committee as a repre\ of Malacca in place of Mr. H. E. Mjxon, resigned. Mr. H. E. Sparke, a representative of Penang. has resigned his appointment as a member of the
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  • 56 8 In connection with the attack on Mr. A. logers, Executive Engineer, P.W.D., last ■Saturday, three men have been arrested. >ut their identification is rather doubtf-l. says the Straits Echo. The Government irive given a reward of $")0 and have sent i letter of appreciation to the driver of Mr. Rogers'
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  • 83 8 We are informed that the Malacca JhiaaM Football Club dramatic section .vill probably pay a short visit to Bingajore during the Baste* holidays. The] .vill stage a play entitled The Two Faith. •1 Brothers, in aid of soaae local .harities (Singapore an.l Malacca) and initiations are proceeding with regard o
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  • 77 8 The book reviewed in our leader columns to-day is The Preparation of Plantation Rubber, by Sidney Morgan, A.R.C.S., Visiting Agent for Estates in the- Kast. formerly Senior Scientific Officer and now Honorary Adviser to the Rubber Grower*' Association in Malaya, with a Preface and a Chapter on Vulcanization by Henry
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  • 91 8 The Chartered Bank advise having reeived the following telegram from their lead office, London, dated 22ml instant \t the approaching annual general meetng of shareholder- the directors will ecommend that a dividend be declared for the past half year at the rate of 14 >er cent, per annum and a
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  • 73 8 A cable has bata received from Cambridge announcing that fourtein of he fifteen Seniors of the Methodist Boys" School, Kuala Lumpur, who sat for Exur.ination in Deeutber last, were necesa"ul. The following the names of the successful candidates Alfr. d Kandiah, \rumugam Chellapah, Gorbex Sin^h, Hcrbant Singh. Kandir.h
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  • 98 8 The second Perak Assizes for this year commenced baforc Mr. Justice Watson U Ipol. on Wednesday. Amonc tha ?ases taken un was that against the Chinese, Hoon Wuon, who was charged with voluntarily causing' grievous hurt to Mr. Mark Graham of the :;i!il>in Mines, Mr. Graham had ordered the accused
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  • 107 8 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard presiding aver the Bankruptcy Court yesterday refused the application cf Mr. L. Stuart Bell en behalf of a bankrupt named Joseph (International Overseas Company) for perniissicn to leave the Colony and (fo to Kuala Lumpur on v business undertaking. In doing so his Lordship said the Govemnent
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  • 445 8 Capt. N. Ji! Mt'. la appointed a Controller of L.ihour. Mr. and Mrs. J. C If. Matthewt have ret ui nod to Kuala Lumpur from home. Hr. C M. O. Strettell. manager of Sungkai Klebang Estate, Chemor, Is shortly goin^r to England on leave. Mr. A. W.
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  • 78 8 Captain Watson, of the SorjUtan, which h::s arrived in Singapore fiom Hongkong reports that he pa mi d ■rithin three miles of the new island which was found by the captain of H..M.S. Carlisle and was the outcome <>f the .oleanic eruption witnessed by
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  • 85 8 We are informed thut the Court of Enquiry into the- cause of the recent disaster, when the Strait; Steamship Company's vessel Ranee was unk, will be held on Tuesday morning next, commencing at 10.; i(). The proceedings will take place in the Fir.-t .Mi. tratc':; Court
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  • 126 8 There is at present no bankruptcy lav; in the State or' Johore. A Bill, the object of which is to fill the gap, ntroduccd into the State Council. It is based on the present bankruptcy law of he Colony. It is obviously d •hat betwen two places
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  • 174 8 We have licen awaiting some'hintr of the following nature in Singapore it will doubtless come. The Malay Mail of March 23 says :--A BlSlllhsi f the Malay Mail stuff hail a miraculcus escape from death at 10.45 this morninir a flew yard* away from this office,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 117 8 SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEWEST STYLES IN MILLINERY FOR THE RACES JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. in England) SINGAPORE. FOR ENGINEERING REPAIRS inENTRAi 1 OF EVERY <<Jk ~Jf DESCRIPTION /.nil ■i i i i.. i. »T.\ i■, Siderosthen ANTI-CORRGSISE PAINT Forms a permanent and complete protection for iron and steel against RUST
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    • 133 8 ALHAMBRA TOP O' THE MORNING (Gladys Walton) 5 pti. c pts. LEAVE IT TO ME (William Russell) 5 pts. 5 pts. Universal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie Pol*) Episodes 7 and 8. 4 reels. (First Shaw) MARLBOROUGH A CUMBERLAND ROMANCE (Mary Miles Minter) 6 pts. 6 pts. BLACK-BIRDS (Justine Johnstone)
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  • 665 9 Is Germany Preparing To Surrender Evacuation Demanded. Riutir's Service. London, March 23. No Infill Will Kill has been received in authoritative circles in London to confirm .ipl ion, widely haM in France, that Germany la oa the m <>f surrender. On lh' eiUiIKMJ, ions like Chancellor Ctffio'l
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  • 130 9 Overseas Delegates to Initiate Discussions. RX<TH'« BEBVICT London, March 23. The agenda of the lirperial Education Conference in London from June 25 to July 6 has been completed. It co\ers the widest range. It includes all the topics submitted by the overseas governments. In connection with cne item,
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  • 133 9 Suggested Reunion of The Liberal Groups. Rxuteb'b ServiceLondon, March 23. Negotiations for reunion of the Liberal groups, which have been the topic of the speeches by Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Asquith to their supporters for some time past, have definitely broken down. Mr. Lloyd George had suppirted
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  • 63 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 23. In the important decision of the House of Lords in the appeal by the Merlimau Rubber Kstatcs, Ltd., against the assessment of excess profits duty, the question at issue was whether the purchase of an immature estate should bo regarded as the
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  • 69 9 Reuteb's Service. London, March 2f. Paris The Chicago Tribune's Constantinople correspondent states that despite the heroic efforts of the crew of the American destroyer Gilmer, the American Consulate at Smyrna was destroyed by lire. The cause is unknown. The ViceConsul was asleep when the alarm was
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  • 59 9 Reuteb's Service. London, March 23. j Paris The voluminous dossier of the examining magistrate on the charges against the management of the Banque lndustrielli- de Chine, has been handed into the Public Prosecutor's Office. The charges are on an infraction of the com- pany laws w.ith regard to
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  • 44 9 Bctmi'B Service Lcndon, March 23. Melbourne The Herald states that as a result of a meeting of the Defence Council, the Federal Government will provide in its estimates for a more effective navy and the development of the military and air forces.
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  • 191 9 The Electric Propulsion Of Battleships. Astounding Achievements. Reuteb's Service. London, March 23. New York The possibilities of wireless electrical transmission in naval warfare was strikingly shown yesterday when the battleship lowa was steaming at full speed with nobody aboard and was perfectly controlled wirelessly from the U. S.
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  • 66 9 Reuteb's Service. London, March 23. Washington The Budget Director, Mr. Lord, estimates a deficit for the fiscal year of $160,000,000. The Budget Bureau expected that Britain would pay about $69,000,000 cash on the debt before the tnd of the fiscal year, but il now appear! that any
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  • 58 9 Reuteu's Sekviok. London, March 23. It U stated officially that for purposes !of the rubber exports restriction legisla- tion in Ceylon and Malaya, the standard production of rubber will be calculated as j follows for the twelve months beginning November 1, 1922 Ceylon 60,034 tons, Malaya mainland
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  • 164 9 Reuteb'B ServiceLondon, March 23. Delhi The Council of State by 28 votes ;to 10 has accepted the Government amendment for doubling the salt tax. London, March 23. There is an issue of £5,000,000 4 per cent, treasury bonds at a price of 94 i redeemable in 1931-3. They are
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  • 29 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, March 22. The Hcuse of Peers has passed the Jury System Bill, which recently passed the House cf Representative.
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  • 110 9 At the fortnightly meeting of the Penang Municipal Commission, the President, Mr. S. Codrington said that the conservancy charges had been raised 50 1 per cent, in January, 1921, and suggested that they be reduced to their old level las from July 1 next. It would mean a > loss
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  • 1766 9 Chairman's Review for Past Year. Position of Staple Industries. The annual general Meting of members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange was held in the Exchange Room, yesterday. Mr. W. P. W. Ker presided, and amongst those present were Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, Messrs.
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  • 203 9 Mes:-rs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, March 23. The past week has been a quiet market, not very steady. Spot values improved to M cents, but future enquiry has not been good and only small business was transacted in April to June 57',(. to t&M cents, July
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  • 143 9 This morning, the Chief Just'ce, Sir Walter Shaw and Mr. Justice BarrettLennard delivered judgment in respect of the appeal by Mr. C. Hunslcy against the decision of the District Judge in the action by the Municipal Commissioners charging the appellant with the cost of a road frontage of premises abutting
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  • 409 9 Holt's New Offices Formally Opened. Blue Funnel Develophunts. The imposing five-storied Itructure, which was commenced on the site of the premises, formerly en-rupie.l b] hfessn. Mansfield and Co., in lDl'.i, at the cornet of Collyer Quay and Prince Street, and which was described at length in these columns
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  • 576 9 American Tourists Due On Sunday. Another toar Ist ship f rum A tnerica is due in Singapore to-morrow niurning on a lound-the-woilei ci-uise, with i;ear!y 400 DMNHM «n board. She is the Cunar.l liner Samaria, of 20,0011 tons i specially chartered for th's trip l>y Thos. Cook
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  • 1474 10 Mr. Baddeley Considers Policy Too Conservative. The iiiinunl general meeting of the Tapah Ku'obiT Estates, Ltd. wu held at noon ye.- Unlay. ll of the company, French Hank Buildings. Mr. W. H. afaegregor" pie-sided, and others present were Mci srs. li. I). Muntiell and H. H. Ward,
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  • 121 10 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, March 24. Tin.— £224 15s. Rubber*.— lnactive. Bukit Sembawangs ■-.-l it) 1 id. Miw Petalings 70-81, Collieries 19--19.00, Nawng Pets 1.42 \5 -1.30, Kampong Kamnntings 44a. 6d.-465., Souths l.lT'-j--1.20, Norths 1.20-1.25 ex djv., Linguis 6-6.10, Mambaus 90-!)."., Rawanps I.27V*IJS2'/i, Morals 4.:i0-4.40, Johan?
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  • 127 10 A communique' 1 by the Ministry of Finance; Skua, dated March lft, says The Ministry of finance regrets to learn that business is being hampered owing to uncertainty as regards the future of exchange, and that .-umours are rife to the effect that a further alteration
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  • 50 10 There will be a special enrolment, day for Europeans at the Drill Hall, Beach Bead, on Friday, April G. This day is arranged to meet the requirements of these men who have recently signified their intention of joining. Hour of enrol- ment o p.m. to 7 pjn.
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  • 197 10 Tbe lilue P'unnel steamer Autolycus, whkh arrived in port this morning, reet nrad the aarnaat attention of tho Singapore police-. A message was sent to the pel ice by the agents, Messrs. Mansfield and Ce., to the effect that certain of the ship's cargo was missing and asking for assistance
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  • 18 10 Under tho Societies Ordinance, the Ballcstier Friendly Society and the Poih Bang Picnic Association have ceased to exist.
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    • 165 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Is it not time that some information was forthcoming in regarJ tothU bus:nes?. Lately another $20,000 was voted on this account, in addition to the original 1-100,000 and $25,000, and yet no one seemed to know the position. But
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    • 255 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have read your account of the trouble with the Hylam boys at tho Europe Hutel. In my opinion the attitude taken up by the management is quite correct and the only one possible in the circumstance-. The two boys
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    • 1598 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l have read the minutes of th-j los M.P.A. meeting in your issue of the 20 inst., and I regret to say that in my opinion the only sense talked at that meeting was spoken by Mr. Tan Chentr
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  • 50 10 Accepted tenders published in the Government Gazette include Soh Whay Seoh for two Class II quarters on Mount Rosie, 849,000; Teo Hcng and Teo Soo| Ptali for a new armoury in Beach Road. near the S.V.C. Drill Hall. $23,000, and Poh Ghee two Class HI quarters in Scott's Road. $45,000.
    50 words
  • 49 10 At* the A.^si;:ej yesterday, presided over by the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, the Javanese motor car driver named Sainijan bin Bini, charged with murder, was unanimously found guilty by th, 1 special jury and was sentenced to death by his Lordship. The. Ajsizes will be resumed on Monday.
    49 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1003 10 The Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club was held last < evening in the Club House. His Excellency the Governor presided a= commodore i of the club and there was a representative gathering of officials und members. The 1
      1,003 words
    • 319 10 The race at the Yacht Club, ti-morn,w. will be for the Whimbrel Cup presented by Mrs. Penny, second, third and fourth prizes being presented by Miss Pierce. The course is as follows Starting line between Club Buoy and L'nited Engineers' launch. If United Engineers' launch not in
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    • 92 10 The Hongkong Daily Press of March 17 laya 'Ihe exhibition tennis match i for yesterday afternoon in which Mr. A. W. Gore, a former English and Scottish tennii champion, was to have pai .icipated, did not take place. Mr. Gore has arrived from Singapore by the City of
      92 words
    • 50 10 YESTERDAYS PLAY. Champion-hip. MeKean heat Geddes, 21—11. Smith beat Main, 21—17. Goldie beat Hammond, 21 6. MONDAY'S TIES. Championship. Chill v. Toggle. Chater v. Van Cuylenberg. DaaMe Handicap. Gale and Law v. Hammond and McKean. TUESDAY'S TIES. Singles Handicap. Kvans v. Hammond. Smith v. Main. Goldie v. Gale.
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    • 77 10 The following will represent the S.V.C. versus the Garrison at cricket this afternoon commencing at 2 p.m. G. Clarke, c. H. Clarke, B. J. Biefaea, A. H. A-iter, K. L. D. Wodehouse, F. R. Craig, H. M. Cant! ell, E. C. Puzer, G. H. Warren, R. T. Holder and
      77 words
    • 166 10 A Bcmbau correspondent writes: On the Singapore St. Joseph's Old Boys' return from Kuala Lumpur where they an t 'iiiy to Uy conclusions in sports with their lister association, the St. John's Old Boys, during Easter holidays, Mr. D. J. Leerdain, the sports secretary of the Tampin
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    • 58 10 [Reuter's Service]. London, March 23. The following is the result of the Grand r Notional run at Aintree, England Sergeant Murphy 1 Shaun Spadah 2 Conjuror the Second 3 Twenty-oight ran. Won by three lengths, with six lengths between second and third. Betting Sergeant Murphy I 100-G,
      58 words
    • 42 10 With reference to the Rifle Association shoot which takes place on March 31 and 2, there has been an addition to the prizes already announced. There will also be two handicap prizes for the best grand aggregate score*.
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    • 60 10 The Ipoh Cjymkhana Club's Skye meeting takes place on April 0 and 7, and it El understood, says the Times of Malaya, that H. E. Sir Laurence Guillemui'd and Lady Guillemard will be present. Lady Guillemard will probably enti r a pony f>r the races, and .she
      60 words
    • 23 10 The molt of the Ladies Prize com--1 petition was a win for Miss Weatherstono flv«r Mrs. Wtbb at th« 10th.
      23 words

  • 763 11 Supplementary Wires From Ceylon Exchanges. The following supplementary cable* are taken from Ceylon exchanges to hand Reducing Military Expenditure. London, March 12 A memorandum on the Army estimates by Lord Derby states that in addition to a reduction of iy.000,000 for the last two years in
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  • 261 11 SpcokiM tho annual nwtinK of the lYmtnjr Chamber of Commerce. tfw President, Mr. A. W. Blacksteno. said We Iran promised that tho Hill Railway would be finished by next month, I, ut w« iire now told it will not be open to tho public before September.
    261 words
  • 647 11 SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1»-T Palm Sunday. St. Andrew 1 Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 am Holy Communion. (Choral). P. 15 a.m. Matins and I.itany. 4 p.m. The Catechinm. r>.3o p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday n' 7.30 a.m.
    647 words
  • 136 11 The Straits Echo, of 'March 22, says Captain T. Sekir.e, master of the N. Y. K. steamer Hakone Maru, on arrival here this morning: reported that a European second-class passenger, named Robert Thorburn, was found to be missing between Malacca and Penang. The missing man, who was an
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  • 12 11 London Nation is Sold." Leaving of Englrnd and Wales without a capita]
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 234 11 THE NAME THAT ESTABLISHES CONFIDENCE 44 His Master's Voice" Every article that carries the World-famous "DOG CHOP" is the result of years of practical experience and when you purchase a Gramophone or Record bearing this trade mark you know you have the best. Come in and let us demonstrate this
      234 words
    • 209 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone No. 2920. (10 Linen.) SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1923. Guest Night, Dinner Dance SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1923. S.S. SAMARIA IN PORT. Golden Jubilee Cruise Organized and Conducted by Messrs. THOS. COOK SON. Rendezvous for all Samaria Passengers RAFFLES HOTEL. SPECIAL CRUISE TIFFIN.— I 2 noon to 2 p.m.
      209 words

  • 455 12 Features of London's Latest Building. Bush House, the huge white building on the island site in Aldwych, is neariner completion. Technically, it is "finished in carcase," and will be ready fcr its first tenants by May. It is designed for a modern commercial house, and already tenancies
    455 words
  • 422 12 Advantageous Situation 'Of Singapore. In dealing with his investigations into the Fisheries of British Malaya, Mr. David G. Stead, the Australian Fisheriec expert and Scientist, speaking at the V.M.C.A. Hall on Wednesday night stated that he believed that there were immense prospects ahead. He said that even
    422 words
  • 62 12 Last week, at the Club premises, 32 Mosque Street, the members of the Golden Star Friendly Society entertained their friends in honour of the Society's third anniversary. Teochew and Kongfu wayangs were staged for eight days and for two days Kongfu wayangs were presented by the President, Mr. Tan Quee
    62 words
  • 53 12 A correspondent writes to the Malay Moil Wishing to replenish my stock of white suits, I gave an order to three different tailors in Kuala Luniour to make me a suit. The prices charged were s9, $6.50 and $fi, and the best of the three apponr to he the one
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 262 12 QUALITY> 4* < PURITY /O/ \O\ <^/ x ECONOIVIY N^J^ **»******»***»»*******»*•*************< THE BEST PACKING OF RUBBER Canvas Bags GUARANTEED 130 TIMES USE. Price only $6.50 Ordinary sizes 19 in. by 19 in. by 24 in. ARISAKA CANVAS BAG MFG. CO., LTD. 96, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Ttl. 1464. trrpjTrrmrnTpiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiJiumiiiiimiiimuimiiiiiiiKiuiMiiiiiiin "Best I've
      262 words
    • 491 12 lihanns HOLDER TOP SHAVING STICK The Perpetual Stick in the "Holder that Holds" Get one. Look it over. Examine the threaded metal collar. See how firmly this is set in the holder device. No chance of its getting loose or wobbly. Then use the soap. Note how the won- j*
      491 words
    • 195 12 watch AN MAKERS jfffffifl JEWELLERS. To H.M. The King of Siam. Societe Anonyme Beige. Locally known as the S.A.H. BANGKOK (siam) WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS PRECIOUS STONES COLD AND SILVERWARE (SIAMESE M EIKOPEAN). REPAIR DEPARTMENT Under European Super\ision. Recommended by Tourists. The First To-day IN Prompt Printing consult RICKARD
      195 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1101 13 SALES BY AUCTION REMINDER On Wednesday Thursday, March 28 29, 1923, commencing each day at 2.30 p.m. A good opportunity for sound and profitable investment in land and house properties not to be missed by enterprising capitalists. ESTATE OF SHAIK ABOOBAKER BIN MOHAMED LAJAM, DECEASED IMPORTANT 2 DAYS' AUCTION SALE
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    • 662 13 SALES BY AUCTION IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. IN THE ESTATE OF GRACE D'ALMEIDA, DECEASED Originating Summons No. 131 of 1921, Between ALFRED D'ALMEIDA Plaintiff and F. C. D'ALMEIDA, B. JOHANNES and IDA JOHANNES Defendant* The undersigned have received instructions to sell by public
      662 words
    • 191 13 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable S9 years' leasehold property known as Lot No. 1. 76, Upper Hokien Street, Singapore. Lot No. 2. 2".r,. South Bridge Road and 46 and 47, Carpenter Street, Singapore. Messrs. Allen Gledhill, Solicitors. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Lot No. 3. A valuable vacant piece of land under Statutory
      191 words
    • 315 13 Sparking* Plugs BEST EUROPEAN MAKES ONLY (Air Force Disposal) Tested and passed by the British Government for the most strenuous work (The British Air Force). WE CAN SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING FROM STOCK. FORWARD W 75 cts. each. APOLLO 50 OLEO 50 GREEN JACKET- 50 VALLIER 50 LEDA (Self Cooling) 50
      315 words
    • 162 13 VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT 2nd. and 3rd Singapore Companies Girl Guides. V.M.C.A. HALL MARCH 24, 1923, at 5 p.m. Proceeds for Company Funds. Tickets $1.00. Refreshments will be sold. BEE HUAT CO. 29, BEACH ROAD, SINGAPORE. Telephone 1807. Telefram BEEHUAT. For LUBRICATING OILS and GREASES, etc CONSULT US. Always ready for delWery.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 205 14 Arnotfs Biscuits The way they vanish shows how they stand as favourites. Everyday in the year these Biscuits belong on the grocery list. They are so good one never knows when to stop eating them, and are made in a large variety to suit all tastes. ARN O T T'S.—
      205 words
    • 895 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,000. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I (Iseorporetsd la Straits Ssttlsasmta.) MAD OJTICJB i Wlacasster Hoass, Singapore. LONDON OTFICI i (S, Old Tswtt, I.C The Compaay has CSO.OOO deposited with the Snpreme Court of Xaglaad aad complies with the
      895 words
    • 499 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter tn Japan.) CapiUl Subscribed Y60,000,000 CapiUl Paid-np Y52,500,000 Reserve Fund Y11.780.000 President K. Nskagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS T. Hfeamnne, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinago, Esq. M. Esaki, Esq. Lecnkichi Takita, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Kcelung,
      499 words
    • 601 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHI H ANDEL-MAATSCH APPT NITHKSLANDS TRADING SOCHITT (EsUbliaked 1821.) PUP- UP CAPITAL n. 80,CS8,M« Ctta*l <6,(t«T,000) STATCTORT B!tSERV« FUND f\. H.44M11 38 aseirt ■UMyOi) EITRAOSDWAST EtStfiM n. 53.4«0,004 »>♦"* hjmmm) HKAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM UF\D AGENCY FN BATAVIA BRANCHES Pantrg, Hongkcag. Bsaag> hai, Kobe, Rangooa, Soeraljaya, S«rakra»{ Vr*eltevred«n, Viandoeng
      601 words

  • 812 15 Claim to Prove Link Between Two Continents. A remarkable set of fossils which havo arrived at the American Museum of Natural History from the Third Astatic Expedition definitely prove, according to President Henry Fairtield Osborn, that a broad land connection once existed between Ncrth America and Asia and
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  • 240 15 The directors of the Anglo-Dutch Plantations of Java advise the recent purchases of 14 tea, etc., estates, at a total cost of 5,357,500 guilders (say £466,460). The aggregate acreage is 30,677 and 16,719 acres are planted. The purchase price is the equivalent of £26 10s. per planted acre,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 i .O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. 8ol«
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 377 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1507, Joo Chiat Place, area 81,200 square feet APPLY 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE J. LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTER t SOAD FIRST WIRE NETTING FOR TENNIS COURTS. Brass Wire Gauze 40, 50, 60 Mesh. Obtainable froCAW BROS., LTD.
      377 words
    • 428 16 John Duke OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical Association. Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the Cily of London. Late of Old liroad Si. London. 3 YEAUS" LONDON EXPERIENCE IN SPECTACLE FITTING. 12, Battery Road, Singapore. A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes
      428 words
    • 890 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary dose let type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two mi. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ma. $1.13, ten int. $1.40,
      890 words
    • 871 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 215, Orchard Road. Apply S. S Altway, 24, Change Alley. TO LET, No. Oxley Rise. Tmmedlatt entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Aoad. Entn March 1. Apply within or to Messrs tfeyn Brothers. TO LET,' immediate entry, No t6-28, Cairn hill Road,
      871 words
    • 877 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, new offices »nd godowns, 117 and 118, Cecil Street. Apply M. Guston, 8 b, Dc Souza Street. TO LET, a good office, ground floor, KaSeh Chambers, rent moderate, immediate entry Apply to Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd., Raffles Chambers. TO LET OFFICE at 4 and 4-a,
      877 words
    • 272 16 INOXYBIUM Is the trade mark of the perfect washable and hygenic H.P. corset with rustless fittii Model Parisian Gowns for day and evening wear. The most elegant and unrable silk hosiery bcai.s li:e Phoenix brand. PRINCESS GARMENTS CO. 4, RAITIXS CHAJtB-KS, (Opposite Robinson*) Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 195 16 THE STRAITS T.H-3 TXLEPHONtt :-.<lttorUl and Geaeral >• Manager's Office Ul communications t»hHl»| (0 matters and news should be atidr«u*vti rHK EDITOR. All nunlcattoi lating to business matters -adv.-, ■(übsiriptions, accounts, v< should be addressed to THE MANAOr.i. ADVERTISEMENT P.ATE9. Wants, For Sale, To Ltt, etc., in oraiAxi,type closi set
      195 words