The Straits Times, 12 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,197. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 167 1 MB|^f *,35*y2iBB# aBBaaaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaB.&BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBBBBaBBaBBBaBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaB Bl j THE OLD ORIGINAL 1 1 Bear jlm Brand!! GENUINE SWISS MILK [j 5 »«T»«t» H OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. S j S Sterilized Natural and Concentrated If yon have not yet tried the "BEAR" Brand Concentrated Milk, ask\ Itl your regular dealer for a sample tin. I
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    • 463 1 BaBIIBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBEBBBBBBBaBZHIEaBIBEa9IRBBEIBHBBSBQ99fIBBfIBBBBBBBBfIBBfIBBBBB I THE SUPER "J. P. L4WN Mower j BRITISH THROUGHOUT 5> A FEW 0F ITS S THIS SUPER MACHINE xT UNIQUE POINTS. is the result of long lyul ij FRICTION LESS.— Mechanism costly experiments in search 11^ runs in oil dirt-proof and a for the perfect lawn mo-
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    • 2 1 t' \H
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  • 1565 2 Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co.'s Claim. An action to enforce a trade agrecI ment entered into between employer anil employee was begun in H. M. Supreme Court, Shanghai, on February 22, reports the N. C. Daily News, before Sir Skinner Turner, Chief Judge, plaintiffs being I Messrs. Caldbeck,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 EL X <■* *'<■'*" Mid Al Ilirw mom hi Y Why Baby cries buy Baby cries to let you know that all is not well with i him thr pocr little fellow has no other way of V I ?Jp telling you. Health and happiness go hand in hand I
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    • 446 2 /LV* Businns aod profo. JL/Jl. «onal men and otben |V about lo proceed home on leave arr oHrtrd unusual facilities for acquiring a Light Car. Aulovryon Ltd., London's leading Light Car Sp;cia!ifii, have made arrangements by which any car may be purchased on payment of a small deposit (from £37
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    • 226 2 TO SOLID TYRE CONSUMERS. Continental SOLID BAND TYRES have the Approval of Lorry Owners BECAUSE— They furnish the Cushioning so Essential for Truck Economy. Their Long Wearing Quality makes them the CHEAPEST SOLID TYRES IN THE WORLD. The Correct Fitting of Solid Tyres IS ALSO OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. We have
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  • 168 3 Notwithstanding the general business depTWedon which existed during 1922 new insurance, cxocedinir I'B,'>, was issued by the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and the insurance in force now amounts to over £44,682,000. The ass^s increased by 1X74,579 and now amount to £8,648,649. Dividends paid to and Mt
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  • 134 3 Reports of the steady spread of unemployment amongst Europeans ami Anglo-Indians in Calcutta continue to be received, and it is apparent that something akin to serious alarm is being entertained in many quarters. There are, however, conflicting opinions regarding the actual extent of the epidemic. General agreement
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  • 118 3 u-jiaaajt It was a London cabby, with imbibed notions of the wealth of bishops, who told Dr. Temple, then Bishop of London, on receiving the exact two shillings of his fare to Fulham, "that if St. Paul had been Bishop of London he would not expect
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 319 3 STEAMER SAIUN6S THE BEN LIRE STEAMERS LTD. (!aeorpo<-»u>t la U» Uniud KlbsMob) ftlK CHINA AMI JAPAN ItKNVOiU.ICH due In port •BENIfOHR due Mar. 27 HKNARTY due Apr. 11 BENVENUE due May 3 HKNAVON due Way 22 No Passenger Accommodation. Calling at Manila. For freigSt, please apply to FATEftSQI. SUMS ft
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    • 692 3 COMMISSIONERS FOR THE PORT OF RANGOON FOR SALE TWIN SCREW, steel, self propelling suction dredger PKLICAX, built by Messrs. W. Simons and Company, Renfrew, 1908. DREDGER.- Length 208 feet by 36 feet beam maximum draught 10 feet by 7 inches. Two sets triple expansion surface condensing propelling and two sets
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    • 403 3 WONDERS OF YOUR BODY Important of the Blood Kvcryl)i>dy nil have some knowledge of the sssrhsnlsm of the body, and of the important functions which the blood performs. K\pry drop of blood in your body passi-s right through your veins many times every day, carrying off impurities and setting cleansed
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    • 154 3 ICY -HOT BOTTLES S GUARANTEED TO KEEP UQUIDS Cold for 2 Days Hot for 24 Hours 19 Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. NEW£PIANOS FOR HIRE SEASON COMPANY, LIMITED, (lacorpori.ted la tks B. 8.) HI and 111,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 808 4 tTCfIWEH S»HJWt» P. k Ik-British India -j Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hi:. Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON I ANTWERP Due Singapore Leave Singapore KARMAI.A ahout Mar. 12 MOREA
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    • 655 4 ITEfIMFB SaILIWW KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (KOYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OP BATAVU) (Incorporated in Holland) CNIMCB CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA t,i, 1>; Ml;. Telephone Noa. Passags Dept. 131, Fright Dept.. 1202, Msrine liept. *>.d 1 h:pn,«i. Dept. \UT, Manager's Dept. 10V3. COEN— March 14, MunUk and Palembang. SINGKEL— March 14,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 STEAMER SAIUNtS N.Y.K. LONDON LI.MI Hakone Maru Mar. 20 Suwa Maru Apr. 3 LIVERPOOL L*E Tsushima Maru Mar. 18 HAMBURG L'NE Lima Maru mi«. Apr. NEW YORK LINE wia SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN LINE Kaoagava Maru Aa*. tl BOMBAY i IXE Nagato Mara Mar. 17 Kamakura Maru Mar. 22 Genoa Maru
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    • 472 5 SVEAiER SAILIHfiS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore (subject to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. Arr. Dep. LOXPON MARU Mar. 16 Mar. 17 PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. IS NEW YORK LINE For 3an Francisco, Panama, New York,
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    • 203 5 KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. SUCCESSORS TO UNITE! AMERICAN LINES (Incorporated in U.S.A.) Regular service between New York, Singapore and Java Ports, and vice versa, FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ WEST CANON Mar. 15 jfjii 'For freight, apply to GUTHRIE CO., LIMITED, Agents, StraiU Settlements and I M s. THOS. COOK
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    • 31 5 OCEAN STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. CHINA MUTUAL" STEAM NAV. Co.. Ltd. T.S.S. PHILOCTETES sailing hence on March 19, can take cargj 'for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA aad SEATTLE. Apply MANSFIELD A CO., LTD, Agents.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 592 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA Wednesday, March 7 to Monday, March 12, 1923. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. CAPTURING LIONS BY AEROPLANE 1 Reel Pdthe Film. Daintiest Comedy-Drama of the Season. WILLIAM FOX Presents Shirley Mason In S Reels. The Little Wanderer LEWIS J. SELZNICK Presents Elaine Hammerstein in C Reels
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    • 412 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.30 Carl Laemmle offers the famous beauty MARY PHII.BIN The winner of a beauty contest at the Elko Convention in Chicago, is the star, of 5 parts, of DANGER AHEAD Supplemented by a two reels Century ccmedy anil Two episodes of TIGERS
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    • 232 6 WHITEAWAYS ifl^S I'lP^;' NEVERBREAK H^^N^^^&^W WARDROBE TRUNKS Kg I'nless t!ie Trunk* you aro !>u\injr are \rf*^^ w l^U '"iil( to KpeciHcationx like i I U-AK ENOUGH FOR \M p v Tw»*3 l 'l T) is is th(> fumcus nbvekbl KINDRED wurilroue trunk. Jf~s^. 300,000 in use to-day. Vuleanil ft/ tf^ih
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  • 163 7 FIXTURES. Mciulay, March II Ugh Water. r..'J7 n m.. 8.0 p.m. *->;>< :i i riu S. billiard rooms. Tunday, March IS Hi)-;. >V.,i MS a. iv., T I p.m. tralimn nail closet. Sangei C.iu Tin, Derrick's i'2.30 p.m. QaMIMMBt House at home. Hawaiian Troubadours, Vic. Theatre. Wednesday.
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    • 104 7 r:;i-l Wharf Itasin Nil. Baal Wharf Bllcnga, Meleatar Treub. Baeers Whart Vaa Ovtntnttaa. Main >\h.rl MindetO*. Kir.|iirt- Deck HavaJM M.uu, aMaaMSa, HyWent Whnrf Uedaam, Ayiithia. Jardim-s Whnrl Ipok. I'ulo JBrani Coal harf -Nil. Keppel Harbour, Wh.irf Drcdr r Knaataa, Hata S!u■)>. S.a Hellc. Owrie,
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    • 207 7 rXBVO, Bar, 119 (mm, r-mu S'.-bu JO-:S, f»: Baba i I. lIKI.KNT S. Brit, 4.s Ir. ions, from Yokohnm.. 11-3, for Soudan U-3. HYSON, Brit, t.195 tor.s, from Yokohama li>-.;. for Liverpool 15-3. BATTNAB, Nor, 781 tons, from Bangkok 12-3, fur Bangkok 1 l-:l. INLANDER, Rrit, !S1 tons,
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  • 172 7 To-dsj. PuUu Sambu 2.30 p.m T'ort Swettenhtm and Penang 8 p.m I'atu Bahat 3 p.m ?.inlacc:i 4 p.m Bourabaya ami Banijtrmaaln -I p.m. Kota TinE^i 4 p.m. ltl.u>. -1 p.m Hongkong 1 p.m. Dhtavta, Bmobm, Port Hedktad, Oa«--saek, O—low, Carßanrm :<ml Western Awrtsalia .6 p.m Parcels 4
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  • 24 7 ftndre Lebon Sardinia V'ondel Tutta Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. SO Feb. 5 I.ondoi F*k. II Feb. II Feb. 21 Mar.
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  • 74 7 Speaking at Perth, Western Australia, Sir Alfred l'ukf.irl. Imperial Commis-.-..•:,i r ft bojTSCOUtI hml migrations, said th.-.t :itrc:i(ly a fiw vrout immigrants had lu'< n sent f ri'-.n Croat Britain ti> Australia •nd they hoped to send many more to help to Till the racttl MM
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  • 171 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 12. On London, Bank ra/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3 nu. credits 2/4 9/16,' On New York Demand 54% Private 90 d/s 54% On Fmnce, Bank 840 On India, Bank T.T. 17C4 On Hongkong, Bank d/d p.c. dis.. On Shanghai, Bank d/d 72
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  • 65 7 Tone of the market Quiet. Latest London cables quote Spot crepe Is. sVid., Spot sheet Is. s'/«d. Spot ApriMuaa July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyer*. Sellers. 59 59 Vi Spot April-June July-Sept. O-.-t.-Dtc. Siapapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. 60
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    • 201 7 V'al. I'd. 1 1 BaUng Padang 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Jelantoh 1 1 Johan Tin d il K«.m. hVmunt. 10 M Kinta Assn. ."> 6 Lingui Tin in 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menglembu 1 1 Middleton 1 1 Murai Tin 1 1
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    • 141 7 Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. Cl £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 4.6.0 4.9.0 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.50 10 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.75 11 £1 B. Smelting Co. 7.50 8.00 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramwayt 1/- 2/-nom 10 10 Fraser Ncave 35.00 35.50 50 50 Hammer and Co. 130 135
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    • 110 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. S'pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. f.!50,000 nom. S'porc Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878,000 par. S'pore Municipal 4'i p.c. of 1907 $1,000,090 5 p.c. dis. S'pore Municipal 4V& p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 5 p.c. dis. S'pore Municipal 4',<> p.c. of 1909 $1,000,000
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    • 402 7 Fraaer and Co. and Iyall and ETatt'a Quotations. Latest available SterUnf Quotations are printed oil another page on FrMty. To-day s Prices. Fraser Ly«U Co. Evatt. UlenbyNew ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 Mor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.65 1.40 1.60 Hitam ($5) 12.50 14.00 12.50 13.50 Kuning ($1) 0.70
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 772 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., set pige 16. 10 PKR CENT. CASH DISCOUNT on all Liqueur, except D.O.M. Benedictine, I'epp«r am; Chtrry Brandy. H. Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Ruilding. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL N17HSI. d,s -.r-K-'i. Apply Y.W.C.A. MACK OLIVES, very best quality at lirothon, High Street. dpi POL1NE
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    • 58 7 INDIA-RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYING. Built of the best plantation rubber and strongest cotton duck. Made in any length, width and strength. The idea Belt for the tropical climate, economical, reliable damp-dust-acidproof. KOIKIIIIMW Prices on application to SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Head Office and Works Town Office
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    • 554 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the followin~ *'aeei is Singapore: Hotel van Wijk Money Changer, Grosvenor. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., Raffles Plae*. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel Money Changer, Europe Hotel Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Raffles Hotel Koh Co., Bras Basah Soad G. H. Kiat A Co., Ltd., Change
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  • 103 8 A High Mass of P.equirm will he sung at the Chuich of St. Joseph on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 a.m.. for the repo3e of the soul of the late Josephine Ethel, beloved wife of Arthur dc Sour.a. The marriace of Mr. Tar. ll". ur Ohim, of thi Oversea
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  • 1136 8 A local merchant, sending us a copy of Irving's Bank- (New York) review of business, remarks upon the extreme nervousness of the local market. The heart falls out of this (Singapore) market," he says, on the slightest suggestion of a falling off of buying orders
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  • 38 8 The Public Health Sub-Committee of the Lahore Municipality has recommended the total prohibition of the sale of liquor within the municipal limits. The General Committee of the Municipality has concurred with the decision and has informed Government accordingly.
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  • 54 8 It is notified in the Government Gazette that all claims by residents of the Straits Settlements for reparation in respect of loss or damage of the kind specified in the Reparation Clauses of the Treaty of Versailles must be sent in to the office of the Colonial Secretary not later
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  • 52 8 According to a Weltevreden message, the wireless communication service between the Dutch Indies and the Netherlands was to be opened to the public on March 1. It will be possible to send messages to' Holland at any time, whilst messages from Holland can be forwarded durbag Of seven hours of
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  • 27 8 Hi. H. Prior, the manager of the Union Jack Club, reports the theft of .TfiO2, which occurml on Friday last. The nicney was Mr. Prior's pprscnal property.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-dny is Rs. 161 The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 171 $100.
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  • 29 8 A Free State Surgeon, Lieut. Macquaide, has died from wounds sustained while attending a wounded soldier under fire. He is the first doctor to die in the Irish War.
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  • 34 8 A European seaman, at the instamv of the Blue Funnel Line, was to-day sentenced by the Master Attendant, ("apt. W. H. Calthrop Calthrop to one day's imprisonment for pilfering cargo on the ste'amer Hyson.
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  • 37 8 According to the Shanghai press. Japanese astronomers announce that a big s'orm is shortly to visit the China coart, including Shanghai, and will cause much damage. All boatmen and others are urged to take the necessary pra-au-ti<.ns.
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  • 44 8 The first factory for the production of the lightest solid known is Hearing comjilcticn. The substance is a product of vulcanised rubber expanded by gas undei pressure and named Onazote. and will be rrmembcrwl by all who visite'd th'. 1 Rubber Exhibition in 1921.
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  • 45 8 The e'nginecr-in-chief of the Lung-Hai and Picn-Lo railways states that the SaWßsl No. 4, on the Kuanyintang-Shan-chew section, has just boen holed through. This tunnel has a length of 1,780 metre.;. which will make it the longest one in Chira, at least for the present.
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  • 67 8 The annual meeting of the Diocesan Association will be held in tie Parish Kooni in St. Mary's Church cumnoun.l. Kuala Lumpur, to-day. The business is the passing of the- report and accounts which will be moved by the Bishop as President, and seconded by the Hon. Mr. E. S. Hose.
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  • 67 8 A Chinese who was convicted recently on a charge of kidnapping a boy of nine years of age was brought before the District Judge on Saturday for sentence. Mr. David committed him to 12 months' rigorous imprisonment and the man's wife wh:> was charged with him was sentenced to one
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  • 67 8 Tha mystery surrounding the disappearance of tha Bar. Frederick Waner. a well-known ('<::igiv;:i:tional minister, formerly of Sydney and Melbourne, was salved on February when he was found jead i:i a room attached to the City Congregational Chorea after he had been missing for two days. The cause of lcath is
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  • 81 8 Wiring from Kuala Lumpur, this morning, our MRWpcadHti says Two fires oeenrred at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, the first at:ut^ 12.50 p.m. on Maxwell Hill, where f«uo to five acres of jungle were burnt out. The brigade, which wts summoned, returned at l! p.m. and at 7-.'!o p.m. a small fire
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  • 95 8 Eighteen tenders were received for the erection e>f four class 111 quarters at Tanglin Hill, the successful tender being Teo Hong ar.d Teo Soo Piah, $68,000 the highest tender was $142,000. Teo Hong and Teo Soo Piah were also successful tenderers for :i new Marine Police Station, and inspectors' quarters
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  • 111 8 Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co. made a profit for the year ended December 31 last, of $8,256, showing a total debit belance to profit and loss account of $37,578, which is being carried forward A reduction in the capital of the company h being proposed. Since the end of the
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  • 114 8 The Sappho which is now to spend th? remainder of her days afloat as a pilot boat in Siamese waters, says the Bangkok Times, first came to Bangkok when she was a brand new beat. That was away in January, 1888, and she brought Major-General Sir Andrew Clarke, a former
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  • 142 8 F. M. S. (Malay States) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., propose increasing their capital to £150,000 by the creation of a further (55,000 shares. This step is being taken by reason of the board having en.Ured into an asrreement to acquire the Nai Hwa Hong Estate. The property is •-.ituated at Selambau
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  • 445 8 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lcnnard is duo to' r.mve in Singapore from Kuala Lu:npur on Wednesday. Mr. E. E. Pretty left on Friday to take up his appointment as Resident of Brunei. Mr. D. Wills is now acting as Private Secretary to Sir Frederick James. The death has taken
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  • 36 8 The annual general meeting of the Girl Guides, Singapore Division, will be held on Wednesday 14th fast at 1! a.m. at Mount Alma, M, Dalvey Road. All interested ::re asked to kindly attend.
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  • 86 8 The S ngapcre Traffic Department reMrt that no fatal accidents occurred during the month of February, but unfortunately this cannot be mm of March as two fatal accidents have already hi i :i reported. A young ChfaWM boy was run over by a motor enr yesterday afternoon
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  • 95 8 Professor Coomaraswamy, the ■v. 1 occultist, who won the encomiums amongst many others of His Royal Highness the Prin of Wales, ha* crowned his visit t'i tl-.Lse parts l>y being the recipient of a flattering testimonial from HN Excellency the Governor who, in a
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  • 343 8 One <.f the victims of the slump, U estate manager who lost his job when experience was being discarded, took his wife and two children to South Africa ami made a fresh start. We were privileged to see a letter from him recently, and X is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 There's no Sweeter Tobacco comes from Virginia and no Better Brand than the "THBEE CASTLES" THACKERAY— THE VIRGINIANS p| CIGARETTES fg ORDINARY WCastles^ magnum Cteareti^-- SUI>EU MAGNUM SMOKING TOBACCO ft^ftPffbinfcS 2 oz TINS FRY'S Chocohte Creme de Menthe Creams A DELICIOUS NEW CONFECTION. Just Introduced Packed in v i Ib.
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    • 158 8 ALHAMBRA THE LITTLE WANDERER (Shirley Mason) HANDCUFFS OR KISSES pts. C pts. Unlrersal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie Polo) Episodes 3 and 4. 4 reels. (Fint Show) "IVfIARLBO^OUGTT AFTER THE SHOW pts. 7 pts. HER FIRST ELOPEMENT pts. e pts. Photo Play B*rUl Cor» THE MYSTERIOUS PEARL lb epinodna. Episodes
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  • 1045 9 Grave Effect on Industrial Situation. Heavy Sentences on German Leaders. REtTER'S SERVICE. London, March 10. The British Cabinet has ratified the agreement between Generals Godley and Payot, granting franco the same transport facilities in the British zone as were enjoyed before file Ruhr occupation. London, March 10.
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  • 163 9 Relter's Service. London, March 10. Constantinople A courier has arrived with the Angora Government's note, worded in very moderate language, which states that fundamental modifications are not 1 proposed in the political clauses of the draft treaty, but it prefers small territorial requests, also that the Maritza
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  • 89 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 11.. Paris As an outcome of the IntarAllicd Finance Commission's meeting, dealing with the repayment of the cost of the American army of occupation, the American representative has referred the Allied proposals to the State Department, which comprise a plan to pay in
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  • 51 9 ■mart service. London, March 11. The Admiralty announces that one naval rating was killed and four seriously injured in the explosion on the cruiser Coventry at Gibraltar. Owing to a fracture of an nir pressure pipe a torpedo was expelled and the torpedo tube fell UMMg parly of
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  • 206 9 Firm Attitude of National Government. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. .The Free State Government have turned down the preliminary peace proposals submitted by Archbishop Cashel to the Irregular Commandant-General at Cork, containing the suggestion that arms should be dumped under the charge of battalion commanders, who should not
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  • 117 9 Relter's Service. I London, March 9. I Ottawa Replying to a question in the j House of Commons, Mr. J. A. Robb, Minister of Trade and Commerce, said Canada would decline to receive the Russian Trade I Mission as some of its members were un-j desirables. The
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  • 80 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Wellington A commission of the Methodist Church Conference which investigated the conditions of indentured labour throughout the South Seas has reported strongly supporting indentured labour and considering that indigenous free labour is impracticable in the present generation. As regards' Samoa, the report
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  • 94 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 11. Athens A transport, laden with 400 men on furlough from Salamis arsenal, tank in a storm off Pireaus. Two hundre'd were drowned. The vesssl, which was small and overcrowded with 250 officers and men from the Greek crtHsers, was struck, successively,
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  • 33 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Paris The Marquess of Crewe is suffering from influenza and his condition is disquieting. London, March 10. Paris The Marquess of Crewe has pneumonia.
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  • 91 9 Reiter's Service. London, March 11. Rome The Cabinet has decided t6 ratify tho Washington Labour Convention regarding female and youthful labour and an eight hour day. Mr. Albert Thomas, Director cf the International Labour Office, re-cently inter|v: cwed the Minister for/ Labour and exareased his gratification at
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  • 100 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 9. New York A dramatic theft of liquor by rum pirates was effected on the Royal Mail Steam Packet liner, Orbita, as f she lay alongside the landing pier. The adventurers stealthily boarded the liner at midnight while the crew were in the fore-
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  • 47 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Rangoon Five passengers were killed J and seven injured owing to the derailment i of a train proceeding to Moulzin. The i j engine was overturned and two coach^r, were telescoped. The malicious removal 1 of a rail is suspected.
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  • 34 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. rYork Mr. Gompers, the octogen-j '"Labourite, is seriously ill with pneumonia. London, March it. Malaga is declared to be pla^jue infected and all operations are effected by lighters.
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  • 49 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Niehl Shimbnn.) Tokio, March 9. The Peking Cabinet, oppressed by Tsuo Kun and Woo Pei-Fu, has resigned on the question of Military Governorship cf Fukicn and Cantor. I The Hone Racing Bill has passed by a largo majority in t'.:e Imperial Diet.
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  • 279 9 In their weekly review, dated London, Fibnrary 14, Mann. William Jacks and Co. state American financial papers gloat over the fortunes of war. which they say enabled them to sell their produce at twice its market value, and back their own securities in exchange on exceptionally
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  • 72 9 The following appointments ai e notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette Messrs. J. G. O'Reilly and J. Hobbs to be Supervisors of Customs, F.M.S., Mr. H. Miles to be a Foreman Mechanician. P. and T. Department, F.M.S.. Mr. A. Caldecott seconded for special duty in connecttcn Vith the
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  • 35 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Unlike most foods, the retail prices of which were recently falling, tea has again risen 2d. per lb., with indications of a fur-' I her increase. I
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  • 194 9 Annual General Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, March 10. At the annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., tho Hon. Mr. Kindersley, presiding, said, inter alia: At last year's meeting I said that the previous year had been the worst
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  • 296 9 President Lincoln's Smart Work. Passengers arriving at Hongkong on the President Lincoln, which was more than six days overdue, told of rescuing the steamer West Heffron on February 15, more than 300 miles outside Yckohama harbour. The. West Heffron, which is a freighter of 10,000 gross
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  • 156 9 Penang Assizes are opening to-morrow and will be attended with ceremonial. The Hon. Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule, Senior Puisne Judge, will be on the bench. There will be an Assizes service at 10.45 a.m. in St. George's Church, to which the public of both se-xes are
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  • 146 9 This morning before Mr. Gourlay, third magistrate, a Sikh, named Chanan Singh, was charged at the instance of Chief Detective Inspector Costello that he on or about January 7, this year, at Singapore, being a defendant and a witness in a case between one Bakhta.var Singh
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  • 126 9 In onler to save the Imperial Commercial Bank from going to the wall, Mr. R. Fujiyama, president of the bank, has offered private property valued at Y.800,000, which wiil be used to bring the in.-titution back to a firm footing. Other officials cf the bank are said to be contemplating
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  • 371 9 Judgment Given for Mr. Powell Robinson. The rase was concluded in the 1 Supreme 1 Court on Saturday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in wliich Mr. Thomas Powell Robinson, former advertising manager of the Malaya Tribune, and nlso described in the statement of claim as edi"or
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  • 551 9 Regarded as a Well-Handled Properly. The third annual report of the directors of Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co j Ltd., for the year ended December 81 last, states that the accounts for the year ended December SI, show a profit «,f $8,25G.57 which must be deducted from
    551 words
  • 111 9 Six men were ki!le<l outrißht—suffocated by the dense cloud of smoke an'l the fume* of burning oil and paint,— and several men of the rescue party injured by fire and smoke, on board the U. S. S. Hulbert, 342, one of the destroyers of Um 45th Division
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 909 10 Annual Gymkhana Marred By Rain. The honorary I ecrctary of the Singapore Polo Club had very evident misgMJafl on Saturday morning when telling u- of the .•<:mplctencss of the arrangements made by the committee for Iha cynikhniu. All we mw want," he *a I. "is tea wiathei.''
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    • 99 10 TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship. Preliminary. J. Donaldson v. Major Spring. Wardle v. Le Sueur. Gordon v. Col. Ha- lilino, w.o. Stringfellow v. Laybournc. Ha'oldine v. Osbourn*. Championship Singles. Lee-Warner v. Warren. Newcomers* Handicap. Giggins v. Glascoc. Kent v. Zimmerman. Palmer v. Craig. Wallich v. MrMichael. Gorsuch v. Bristed.
      99 words
    • 85 10 The following arc the ties in the S.C.C. lawn bowls tournament TO-DAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. R. O. H. Law v. E. H. R. Bowerman, H. Munro v. P. W. Smith. Dr. Chill v. R. H. Gale. TO-MORROW'S TIES. Single Handicap. H. E. Trenerry v. Rev. Douglas. D. Main
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    • 226 10 Result of the M. F. A. League Competition. The last match of the M. F. A. Leagu-2 Competition was played yesterday on the Reclamation Ground between the Simpolan "Moiiibbah Club and the Persenangan Stia Club. After a very interesting game the S.M.C. were beaten by three goals to
      226 words
    • 124 10 Owing to the rain on Saturday, the Married versus Singles match had to be abandoned after the first wicket fell, further play being out of the question. C. H. G. Clarke of the Married eleven gave a good display of hitting before stumps were drawn and made eight fours
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    • 200 10 The inter-club golf match, played between members of the Singapore Golf Club and the Garrison .Club during the week-end, resulted in a win for the Singapore Golf Club by 15 H to 2\. The following were the scores, Garrisoo Golf Club players being given first Everitt end
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    • 769 10 We are indebted to a correspondent for ■he folkwir.g account of the Royal Singapore Kicht Club racing on Sunday:— In the second race for the Somcrville Bowl, Mr. Perry sent tcii boats away at 10 a.m. yesterday over the Club Gourse fca strong winds and a lumpy
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    • 39 10 A Router wire of the 10th inst., states I Playing at Dublin, in cold end threatening weather though the ground was excellent, Ireland beat Wales at Rugby by five points to four. There were 15,000 spectators present.
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    • 25 10 H. E. the Governor will attend at the| Singapore Cricket Club this evening at 6.30 for the official opening of the newlycompleted billiard rooms.
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    • 138 10 Hongkong is to be visited in the near future by three boxers under the management of Mr. Jack Watson, late assistant manager to Stadium, Limited, of Australia, on a world's tour, says the China Mail of February 24. The boxers ■re Silvino Jamito, the Filipino star Billy Tingle
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  • 60 10 There are now twelve companies incorporated in the Philippines fe» the purpose of producing rubber hfi commercial quantities,. These companies, the Manila Times says, are operating plantations in various provinces and-^ departments from Sorsogon to Sulu AW j^ndanao, some having: but a. few hufflaVd bearing tree* while others boast of
    60 words
    • 197 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The chairman of the Directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank is reported in your issue of 6th as speaking at the recent annual meeting as follows I think it is time that the War Office realised that
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    • 372 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your remarks call for some reply. In so far as Mr. Darbishire, M.P., is! against Government interference with i trade I certainly consider that he is worthy of the support of all who have- the ultimate interests of British prestige and
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    • 863 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As a member of the Mercantile Community of some years standing in thi« Colony and as one who has paid very consiJcrablc sums in the past few years to the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., I may perhaps be permitted to
      863 words
  • 228 10 Allcnby.— i;'.,lOH lbs. Anglo-Mulay. 85,'J5, r lbs. Buloh Kasap.— lB,7oo lbs. Bikam. --21,000 Ib*. Broome (Selangor). 32,050 lbs. Batu Tiga.— s-V'OO lbs. Batu Anam.— 24,oBo lbs. Bukit Ka>.nfr. 17,065 lbs. C1uny.— 22,750 lbs. Changkat Sr.lak. 50,500 lbs. Cheng.— lo,olo lbs, Chemor United.— 2.S.74G lbs. Emerald.— "><i,l2o lbs.
    228 words
  • 83 10 Theatre-goers will appreciate the programme offered at the Empire Cihema to-night. The feature is Dang"i- Ahead, a screen version of Sara Ware Basset t's popular novel, The Harbour Road, with Mary Philbin in the leading- role. Two •jpisodos of Tigers Trail serial and a tworeel Century comedy will
    83 words
  • 79 10 Members of the Choir rehearsing the cantaU, the Story cf Calvary, are n»minded of the fact that there will be no rehearsal to-night (Monday). The next rehearsal will bo en Monday, the 19th in^., nt 9 p.m. prompt, in the Cathedral, ami there will be an
    79 words
    • 113 10 Singapore, March 12. Kubb.v.—London la. SH«L Laeal 60. Tin.—London, March 10, i'2l7 I.V;. I.' a I 111.9a buyers. Share Market.—Qliet Rubber-.—Ailcnbys 1.16-1.20, Changkat Serdangs 3.80-4. Tapahs Il'-12..">0, Taml laks 70-77'a cents, Ulu Benuts B?Vi-82Vfc cent;. Tin*, liawants 1 ■-'">-!.:!l). Nuwng Pels 1,,'11-l.fh':. Hitam- 1.52^-1.57%. Taipbwi '."T"
      113 words
    • 102 10 Singapore, March Tin.—mi 15a. Rubbers.—Qoiet. Baaaetta i.ot.!.:j: j a <liv., Mentakabs 27-;o, Im'iiiu.ris 5.20-5.30, .limahs 1.45-1.56, UnilH Halaecai 1.60-1.60. Mines.—Collferiei 20.00-20JSO, Iliiani--1.47',4-1.5:,, Petal ings 75-80, Nawng I'cU 1.56-1.66, Renonga 28a.-Z9a. («1., Pahangs 11s. Hd.-125., Chenderiangs It. 'M\.-x>. 3d., Titis 50-3.70, Kampoaga 44a. Bd. 48a., Taipinirs 95-1.00,
      102 words
  • 280 10 As is usual with the popular Children's (.cm-it-, th. Thc-.Urc was well paekcl with yc angaten on Saturday afternoon j long in advance Of the time for comlateaeemeat, and the eßtaftaJnancnt proved as treat a ißCce s any of its pred CCSsor-. A prcfrramnie of eleven items
    280 words
  • 185 10 The Hon. Dr. Claud Severn, C.M.G., who is going home on leave from Hongkong, accompanied by Mrs. Severn, is a passenger on board the P. and O. .steamer Moßa wMeh arrived iii port from the i-yr But ye Urday afternoon. It is with a sense
    185 words
  • 93 10 Scouts' Association. Donations have been received as follows H.K. Sir Laurence N. Guillemard, K.C.B. $100 Hon. Mr. E. C. H. Wolff 25 K. A. Brown 50 M. Meyer 66 W. T. Darton 10 I". It. Heron IT. Henderson Bros. 10U F.. Gattey
    93 words
  • 46 10 The Gciveinmei.t BtatiatiebuVa >-.-timate of Iba wheat yield to be harvested in the State cf New South Wales, was publishen on January V>. He placets, the yield of grain at 20,(ft>0,000 bushels, from S.TW.MfI ::.v. i hi i lu- rate of in. t bushels mi acre.
    46 words

  • 1048 11 Principle of Retaliation Urged. < >:u.i'iiiiinary meeting of the' ferehaata' Chamber and Bureau' bay on February 17, the follow-! injr resolution was passed "HhMI tha !ie;itment meted out to la the Ciliiuies has been un^at- ami has continued ti> be no in acute fans, iuil»ltlnUaiH»g the! effort!
    1,048 words
  • 521 11 Proposed Extension of Planted Area. j This first annual general meeting of the shareholders of- the Selangor Oil Palm 1 Syndicate, Ltd., was held recently, at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. J. .Murray was in I the chair and there were also present Messrs. Russell F. Grey, F. B.
    521 words
  • 224 11 Mr. Justice McCardie Puzzled In Court. At the resumed hearing of the action against Captain Nash in which a dressmaking firm sought to recover £657 for his wife's drases, Mr. Justice McCardie cross examined both counsel with a view to forming an opinion of a husband's
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  • 166 11 The directors' report to be presented at the sixth annual general meeting of shareholders at Shanghai on February 27 states that the acreage on October 31, 1922, was Planted, 1,383.08 acres unplanted, 541.71 acres. The crop of rubber harvested amounted to 72,442 lbs., against an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 LASTING QUALITY 1 When combined with sweetness of tone is the only Test of VALUE Built of teakwood, especially for the tropics and guaranteed for seven years. MOUTRIE PIANOS PROVE THIS. Ask for free illustrated catalogue. Prices from $675. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. WRIGHT'S WIRE ROPES MILD
      176 words
    • 412 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Telephone 2920. (10 Linos.) SINT.avuRE. The Finest Ballroom in the East. TEA DANSANT 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. EDGAR HULLAND, at the piano. SARKIES BROTIIEKS, I'roi.rictcri. SEA VIEW HOTEL TanJon Katon Mlltn IIVICiM Telephone 110 SINGAPORE. MONDAY, MARCH 12, HIGH TIDE 5.27 a.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 13, HIGH TIDE
      412 words

  • 673 12 Treasures of the Prophet's Tomb. Late yesterday afternoon, writes Mr. Perceval Landon, the Daily Telegraph's correspondent at the Lausanne Conference, on January patch of vivid colour was woven into the somewhat grey issue of this Conference. The subject of the discussion was nothing less than the restoration to
    673 words
  • 227 12 Drills for the Week Ending March 17. Monday, 12th.— 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall, A. Co., weapon training. 5 p.m., C. Co., bayonet fighting. 5 p.m., M. G. platoon, elementary training. 5 p.m., S. R. A. (V.), inspection of equipment, infantry drill. Tuesday, 13th.— 5 p.m. Drill Hall,
    227 words
  • 80 12 Accent apart (a correspondent avers, in the Morning Post) there is a tea-table test by which the nationality of a hostess may be determined. In serving tea the Englishwoman selects one or more lamps of sugar, according to the capacity of the cup. The Irish hostess hands
    80 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 545 12 SICK HEADACHES? ANY KIND OF HEADACHES "NO ONE NEED HAVE THEM NOW." There is only one certain, natural and permanent cure. Headache powders," opiates and narcotic drugs are only palliatives. They never cure. By Nurse AJice handles. Headaches are always caused by self-poisoning. Auto-intoxication, the medical men cull it. Liver
      545 words
    • 221 12 i /f|H!f MB MSB i A r f~T7*Z^J F M-'^£ < /**w\ JWff\ /IM|]K g v s*-4 #w t 555 are the fashion among high -class Cigarette 1,, J Smokers. Whether at Dinner, the Dance, at the Club, or in the Home.sssconveyan atmosphere of refinement and discrimination. This is because
      221 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1547 13 SALES BY AUCTION A gMsj opportunity for sound and profitable investment in land and house properties not to be missed b; r en'erprising capitalists. ESTATE OF MM ABOOBAKER BIN MOHAMED LAJAM, DECEASED IMPORTANT FOUR DAYS 9 AUCTION SALE of very valuable freehold and leasehold Singapore Town properties At M srs.
      1,547 words
    • 970 13 SALES BY AUCTION Important auction sale OF VALUABLE RUBBER ESTATE, ETC. IN JOHORE IN THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU, JOHORE. Miscellaneous Suit No. 37 of 1922. R. B. Rode of Johore Bahra Charges Agalast Tay Keng Bock and Ltm Geok Sim, Rengam, Johore Cbargors Lot (1). All that valuable
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    • 332 13 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF UNSERVICEABLE STORES, etc. To be held at The Ordnance Stores, Pulo Brani, on THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1923, at 1.30 p.m. Comprising red and white helmet bands, khaki and white helmet covers, white Fuggaries, navy blue sashes, serge trousers, coa s and putties, electric
      332 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 400 14 Heiiesen's Dry Cells TVPE 11, No. 4. "BUTLER" U and 4* Volts. For telephones, bells and general purposes. Invented in 1887, they arrived at their present high state and world-vide popularity after various improvements (protected) were made in 1895. Durable for years if used properly, their special feature being LONG
      400 words
    • 211 14 THE HORNED MAN FROM SOUTH AFRICA The world's greatest Wonder Shedding his horns. The Horns may drop any day so roll up in thousands before you miss your opportunity. ADMISSION GREATLY REDUCED. BEACH ROAD From 4 p.m. till 10 p.m. daily. GET A REAL SPARK PLUG THE BLOCK at the
      211 words
    • 793 14 m m AjmU •ver $5,000,000 S.C Aumranc* 1m force tver $17,000,0*0, I The Great Eastern life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (laeorporattd la Straita Settltmeau.) HAD OFFICI Winchester House, Slagapor*. LONDON OFFICE U, Old Jewry, M.O. Tat Compaay at* 120,000 deposited vita the Supreme Court of Eaglaad aad compiles vita tke
      793 words
    • 561 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is affiiicatcd ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD, INDIA. Authorised Capital £5,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up 12,594,160 Heserve Fund 80,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., K.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) TTe Rt. Hon. The Earl of SELBORNE, X.C.
      561 words
    • 592 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHB HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY NETHERLANDS TRADiNG SOCIETY (Established 1824.) PAID-UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (kbeal STATUTORY RESERVE FUND Fl. 19,4*3.1 ll.?fl abosl •1,820,04) f.XTRAORDI.,Att RESERVE Fl. t£,MO,OOO taMal BAM) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkoag, Baaaghai, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabays, Seraaraag, IVeltevrcden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjap,
      592 words

  • 616 15 Thirty-one Million Roubles a Month And Life of a Drudge. In the letter that was published in the N.C. Daily News, Shonghailandrr said Than nre over a hundred millions of ppopk' in Russia and it is high time we bejran to take the trouble to learn
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  • 330 15 Weapons Hawked in Calcutta Streets. Another ingenous case of the importation iif aims into Calcutta in spite of precautions taken by the authorities has, saw a Calcutta correspondent on February 27, just been discovered. German sword bayonets, numbering, it is said, about i.j.000, disguised as instruments named
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  • 159 15 Two official resolutions about assisted labour emigration to Ceylon and Malaya were dealt with at a meeting of the Indian Legislative Assembly on February 16. Mr. Sharma showed that the Ceylon Govcrmcnt had conceded everything that the Government of India, in conjunction with the elected Emigration
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 141 15 Just Arrived i^ 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR. PRICE GREATLY REDUCED Making the 1923 Model HUDSON undoubtedly the best proposition at present offered in the automobile market. A Limited Number Only Available. Further particulars and demonstration on application to Malayan Motors A, B and C, AMBER MANSIONS, ORCHARD ROAD. -r THE
      141 words
    • 172 15 I The Crest is the i LT mark of distinction. nj Cavander s //'Army Club" 11 CIGARETTES LI VIN TINS/ 2^' JH Retail Price 95 cents per tin of 50 7J Stockists ROBINSON k CO, LTD. and most dealers mfr *j The first practical portable typewriter. tLjKßgplfc Now at Pre-war
      172 words
    • 75 15 WOOD-MILNE PATENT FOOT PUMP The reason for the success of the Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump lies not only in the fact that it is constructed on scientific lines, but also that it is, from first to last, a first-class engineer job. Thus, it is made as simple as is compatible
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 178 16 6UAN KIAT CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) 15, PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Receive* Ex ba BEARPORT and CITY OF NORWICH. Garage Lock Washer*, File CanK Trojan Screw Drivers, and Never Slip Lock Washers. Assorted Panel Saws, Adjustable Brass Stencils, Alphabets and Figures, Pike Dumextie (irinders, Kxtra Corundum Wheels, etc.,
      178 words
    • 487 16 A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN h It strikes EASILY". 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be hammered HARD. 2. And ignites FIERCELY with an explosion. Try CROCODILE BRAND (chop Buaya) which is GOOD and SAFE, being manufactured under the supervision of an
      487 words
    • 886 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for-Wanti, For Sale, To L«t, etc., In ordinary close iet type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 eta., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      886 words
    • 904 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. 81, Meyer Road. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET,~No. 4, Oxley^Rise] Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. FOR SALE, shophouse No. 27-2, Sophia Road. Apply A. W. Brisk, 21, Chulia Street. TO LET, No. 2, Amber Road. Entry on March 1. Apply within or
      904 words
    • 768 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET GROUND FLOOR of Commercial Union Buildings, Robinson Road. Apply on the premises. SMALL STORE TO LET. EntranccsTrom Cattery Road and Collyer Quay. Apply to Medical Hall, Ltd. OFFICES TO LET, in De Sonza Street and Godowns in Cecil Street. Apply N. Reuben. 7, De Souza
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    • 258 16 FASHION AND HYGIENE Either or both may have created the vogue of the short skirt. It is the latter that has stimulated the manufacture of elegant and durable hosiery for which American Manufacturers hold a deservedly high reputation. We stock the famous Pha?nix and Kayser brands of ladies' silk hosiery.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 199 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES I Editorial and General m Manager's Offlee All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. AH communication* r»lating to business matters-advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, priming, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in
      199 words