The Straits Times, 10 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,196. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1923. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 wjKs23kEr I U *.^n>P i\. j YOU WILL PRONOUNCE I TfiAiirno' SEE THE SHIP II Mm BKAND £1 Will I 1 8 9 vRI W on I m \M (n w''i« nl FINE OLD PALE a fi ii r n n u V H L K K V IN KF.I),
      235 words
    • 268 1 THE SUPER "J. P." Lawn Mower BRITISH THROUGHOUT fr^^^ A FEW OF ITS THIS SUPER MACHINE II is<7 UNIQUE POINTS, ia the result of long and II FRICTION LESS.— Mechanism costly experiments in search II jy runs in oil dirt-proof and for the perfect lawn mo- Q dust-proof, wer, a
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    • 5 1 hi AW jit I kUulifß
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  • 1237 2 Significant Phases of Religious Evolution. Canon Barnes, F.R.S., discussing in the Sunday Times the significance of the discoveries at Luxor in view of the light they may throw upon the history of tarly religion, writes To Christians and Jews alike the origins of Hebrew religion are of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 WHY PAY MORE WHEN FOR A SHALL pUTLAY YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN. lip; EAT LESS THAN 15 cents PER WATER I DOZEN (LARGE BOTTLES). GINGEtt BEER, LEMONADE and OTHER SWEET DRINKS oi' exactly th? san'e flavour and quality as MirrUßß to son of the leading MOM of England. !t
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    • 294 2 Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soap Because it is best for their tender akins. Help it cow and then with touches of Cuticura Ointment applied to first signs of redness or roughness. Cuticura Talcum is also excellent for children. Sou li.. Tileesll. M OUtarlt It. Id ultiH Sr>:.l throughout thr
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  • 464 3 A "Schoolboy"' Action Near Mt. Ararat. The newspapers in London have been giving prominence to the story, which was told by the Governor of South Australia (Sir Tom Bridges), at the annual prizegiving in St. Peter's College, Adelaide, in December last. It has now been re- ealed
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  • 287 3 Position in the Commissioned Officer Ranks. The Morning Post, commenting on Indian army reform, remarks that since the bar preventing Indians from holding the King's Commission was taken off in war time, the process known as Indianisation has been steadily progressing. Though this departure is deliberate the
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  • 13 3 Ateut all that Kuropp has sc-ji of the peace dove is the bill.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 547 3 STEAMER SAILINGS HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE MontMv *ml|* t» Philippine, China and Japan. Til! S.S BANK A will load on or about March 9, for MANILA, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. KOBE, YOKOHAMA, DAI.NY ami TSINGTAO. The struim r Ims intermediate clas». pa;atagtr accoir.niorlation available. Pl*M* npply to STOOMVAART MAATSCHAI'PY NEDERLAND CG T.B,
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    • 465 3 MOTHERS IN AMERICA Krrp Their Children Well With Baby's Own Tablets. Here In The Evidence of one of Them. Tens of thousands of mothers sleep •ounclly at night throughout the length and breath of America, knowing that with Kaby's Own Tablets in the house their little MbMi s:i!V);uimled in case
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    • 430 3 and •Wincarim* gives new vitality i to those who are Run-down because i Wincarnis is a Tonic, and a ResI torative, and a Hlood-bu"lder, ,and a Nerve Food all combined in one rich, delicious health-creating- pro paration. lAs a Tonic it tones-up the who)* I system. As a Restorative it
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    • 104 3 ICY HOT L BOTTLES 8 GUARANTEED TO KEEP LIQUIDS Cold for 2 Days Hot for 24 Hours |yaj Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. ■W nni i ***v*\>^****»***T'*-r**v**TnrTrw*--****-f mm SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO LTD. New Shipment FRESH
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 812 4 XTEAIEW SiitiWtS P. 0 British India Apcar Line (Conpanlei laaorporated la Engiaad.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PKNINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (TJadar Contract with Hia Majesty'! Goveramaat) LONDON FAR-BASTERN SERVICI FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWBRP Daa Singapore I «a»e Singapore KARMALA ahoat Mar IB KASHMIR
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    • 730 4 aTEfIUFR SfluMBW lamKLiiLT" PAKETVAART MAATSHArW (ROYiL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVU) (Incorporated in Holland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA nOTTr-.VMK.-'T. Telephone Noo. Paansga Dept. 131, Fright Kept.. 1202, Marine P-pt. «nd YrmaMaaMatf Dept. 1437, Manager's Dept. 1003. BENOA— March 10, Pontianak. WWBKAWAKC— March 10, Blagkawaag; Balaltai. PemnnKkat ami Baatfcaa.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 534 5 STEAMER SAIUNSS N. Y. K. LONDON LINK Hakone Marn Mar. 20 Suwa Maru Apr. 3 I.IVKItI'OOI. L'NE Tsushima Mnru Mar. 18 HAMBURG L' VE Lima Maru mid. Apr. NEW YORK LINE rta SI E7. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE Kanaaawa Mara Arr tl BOMBAY F INK Nagato Maru Mar. IT Kamakura Mara
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    • 432 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Singapore 'Miliject to change without previous notice.) EUROPEAN LINE l'or Marseilles. London. Hamburg, Rotterdam. Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. Arr. Dcp. F ONDON IIARO Mar. II Ma*. PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. 18 NEW YORK LINE For San Francisco. Panama, New York,
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    • 219 5 Jkm STEAMSHIP IRC tncCCMOM TO UNITEI AMERICAN UNES (I»eoTpor*ted la TJ.SJL) K.rmiaf MTffM bertwwa New Terk, Siocapor* aa4 /a?a Porte, mmi tU« »ema, FOR NEW YORK VIA SUEZ WEST CANON Mar. 15 r«r fMgkt, applr M GU7HIH A CO^ LIMITID, Aceeiti, gtratta JUH(e»»»>»t aa4 VMM. I Cabin TOURIST." ,~*trm FAR
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 542 6 CINEMAS WARLBOROU O H Wednesday, March 7 to Tuesday. March 13, 19J3. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. LAND LUBBER 1 Reel Pathe Film. JESSE L. LASKY Presents A. William De Mille Production. Jack Holt and Lila Lea AFTER THE SHOW Realart Presents WANDA HAW LEY in 5 Parts
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    • 299 6 CIKEMftS EMPIRE CINEMA In Hi- Second Show at 9.39 Samuel Goldwyn and Rex Beach r resent the comedy hit o( the year SCRATCH MY BACK In 7 Kicl.s. A Scream from first flash to final flicker. R'jp?'.t Hughes famous story. DESPERATION A Westorn drama fiaturii^ Elmo Lincoln in 2 parts.
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    • 287 6 1923 MODEL i i The new Dodge Car is better valun than ever as in addition to the general efficiency so long associated with Dodge Cars, there are vast improvements in the bodywork, the hood is of tin improved type, Cord tyres of a larger size are fitted all round,
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    • 68 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore linvite tenders fur the porehl '1' 'from May 1. IMS, ol Surplus Tar, appr.. ute iiuar.tity 1,300 1,480 picuis par month. The contractor nr. rj own casks from the Ga Work-. Tenders endorsed "Purchase of Tsr" t:'.'.\ be received by t!ie undersigned up
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  • 169 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. Manh 10 Hiitli Water, ::.7 a.m., 4.30 p.m.. Aaatfalasia n a'l elatjaa. Polo i aa. Race Course, 2.30 Children'! Concert, Vic. Thnutrc, 6 p.m. Soniii m Victoria Theatre, 8.30 p.m. Sundsy, March II Hißh Water, 4.11 a.m., C.22 p.m. Mcnday, Mat ft 12 Blgk Water,
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    • 104 7 I S AT THE DOCKS Ea.-l Whftrf ILisin Nil. Ka.i IVlkßfl i\il Sin liar! u i i .Iraten. Main Wharf Sodo Man, Took Sang. City < i Poona, K: Empire Dod i „..-.r Taxman, l.i llaira, WcM Wharr Pyrrhaa. Jardinr Wharf .Nil. I'ulo «rani :>al Wharf-Nil. Keppel Ilarbonr. Main Wl.arl
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    • 230 7 lUVKA, In i.: 1::, fNM, iron H-.n-bnig 9-:,, For e CAN HO GUAN, Djl.. hc:, tons, from Sourai 13-3. ING, I:• i.. IJW7 tons, from Calcutta r Ifokohktta iu-;i. 1 ANCAROO, iirii., 2,706 tons, from FremanFremantls li-3. LYCAOX, BHt., \Jtti tons, 'rom I.i\erpoci fi in-:!. MINPFitOC Bril I/OO
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    • 36 7 by 11:«- Mlnilerco ye.,includod Al!^. K. RlekßMkMa, Mr V. E. Kir-;t»ury, Jlrs. Kttlie. Hr. mat lira. Plsber and Infant, Miss Fisher, Mr. D. V. „i Mrs. A Kleniiny ami .Mr. und Mr,. BaaWck ami child.
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  • 200 7 To-day. r.!unt»k anil P.-lembantr ..3 p.m. I'anßkok 3 p.m. Muar and Malacca ..3 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Penang 8 p.m. Medaii 3 p.m Patu Bahat S p.m. Hongkong, Shanghai a:;.'. Japan 3 p.m. Batarla, Bamarsag ami Sourabuya 4 p.m. Sibu 4 p.m. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan 4
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  • 31 7 flnUra Lebcn Kllenrm v I S'. on Loadoa Jan. 1» F«k. 15 Jan. 24 K.b. 19 Jan. 30 Feb. 36 Frb. S Mar. 2 r. _w vt_. c
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  • 167 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 10. On London, Bank ni/s 2/4% Demand 2/4 6/32 Private 3 ms. crcHita 2/4 9/1G On New York Demand 54% Private 90 d/s 54% On Finnc<\ Bank 840 On India, Bank T.T. 17:1V; On Hongkong, Bank <l/d lVx p.c. dis. On Shanghai, Bank d/d
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  • 74 7 Tone of the mar kct Steady. I. ..test London cables quote Spot crep'j Is. 4 7 »<1., spot sheet I*. 4 7 B d. Spot \pnl-Ju«e July-Sept. Oct.-Dec. S: Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Pricei Bayers. Seller*. 5<j m% Spot April-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dcc. Siapanore
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    • 202 7 Vat Pd. 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Jelantoh 1 1 Johan Tin Q £1 Kam. Kamunt. .0 10 Kinta Assn. 6 r > l.meji Tin .0 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menglembu 1 1 Middleton 1 1 Murai Tin 1
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    • 143 7 Issue ;il. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. :i £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 4.6.0 4.9.0 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.60 L0 10 Central Motors 4.25 4.75 El £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.25 7.75 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/- 2/-oon 10 10 Fraser Neave 35.00 35.50 ill 50 Hammer and Co. 130
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    • 112 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. S'pore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. S'pore Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878,000 par. S'pore Municipal 4>4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 5 p.c. dis. S'pore Municipal 414 p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 5 p.c. dis. i 3'poro Municipal 4 V4 p.c. of
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    • 403 7 Fraaer and Co. and Lyall and Evatta Quotations. Latest available Sterling Quotations arc printed on another page on Friday. To-day s Prices. Frawr Lytll Co. Kvai Ulenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 Uor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.65' 1.40 1.60 V. HiUm ($5) 12.50 14.00 12.50 13.50 Kuning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 796 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., sec page 16. 10 PER CENT. CASH DISCOUNT on al! Liqueur, except D.O.M. Benedictine, a id Cherry Brandy. II. Bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Building. BLACK OLIVKS. very best fftalttgr at Patlaia Brothers, High Street. Up) ROOMS, comforUble, wat.a. electric. Apply personally 75, Bras
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    • 167 7 COLISEUM, LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation). NOTICE of Final winding up Meeting Pursuant to Section 220 (1) of the Companies Enactment No. 20 of 1917. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of Section 220 1 of the Companies Enactment No. 20 of 1917, that a General Meeting oi the above named
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    • 168 7 THE MALAYAN OIL MILLS, LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation i. NOTICE of Final winding up Meeting Tursuant to Section 220 (1) of the Companies Enactment No. 20 of 1917. NOTICE in hereby given In pursuance oi Section 220 1 1 1 of the Coatpanies Enactment No. 20 of 1917, that a
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    • 354 7 THE LATEST SOCIETY BALLROOM DANC I NO Exponent and Teacher MISS JILL, HILL STUDIO 128, Raffles Hotel. BERG-EN-DAL HOTEL BRABTAGI, SUMATRA, E.C. TeL Addreee BEHGENDAL. SITUATION SPLENDID. TERMS MODERATE. HUM otiim mmt» ».->-».^+..«. "Diamine" Blue Black Red Writing Ink Powders The only perfect Ink Powders for producing permanent writing ink
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  • 46 8 I HUA.— Angelica I'hua Ah Liao. Aged years. Funeral leaves 74-5, Bras Basili Road, at 4.30 p.m. on Sunday, March 11. 1923, to the Church of St. Peter and St. I'atil, ihi'.cc to the Cemetery at Bidadi.ii for intermerit. Penang and Bargkok papers please copy.
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  • 1277 8 We have read and we have pondere.l The Decadence of Europe," a new and remarkable book by Signor Nitti, former Prime Minister of Italy. The book is one that could have been written only by a man whose official position gave him access to
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  • 30 8 The ra'.e of issue of Money Order? for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs 170=$100. The rate of payment of Money Orders frcm India and Ceylon is Rs. 175 $100.
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  • 47 8 Mr. Lim Ken? Choy, Ssnior Chinese Interpreter in the Kuching Court, died in Kuching at his residence in Satok Road >n February 7 after an illness of a few weeks only. Deceased was born in Canton in 1873 and joined the Sarawak Government Medical Service in 1889.
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  • 10 8 The Batu Fahat Assizes have been portpor.ed until March 2C.
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  • 16 8 The report of the annual meeting of the New Serendah Rubber Co. appears on page 11.
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  • 22 8 Mr. G. S. Carver is a passenger outwards by the Gloucestershire of the Bibby line, due at Rangoon in a few day.-.
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  • 23 8 The P. and O. tttamer Karmala, waieri is due here from London on the 18th inst., is bringing .reliefs for the Straits Garrison.
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  • 24 8 The postage on letters from New Zealand for the Straits Settlements is BOW IVxd. for the first ounce and Id. fcr each additional ounce.
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  • 22 8 Letters Patent have been i.srued by theGovernor in Council f-jr an invention by Mr. Federick Kaye for improvements relating to paper making."
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  • 24 8 The King will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of the Ordinance to amend the Rubber Lands Assessment Ordinance.
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  • 27 8 We have received from the Dcpartmen of General Statistics, Ministry of Fir. ance, Siam, a copy of the Statistical Yea Book cf the Kingdom of Siam, 1922.
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  • 27 8 The lists of persons in Singapore, Penang and Malacca licensed under tho Poisons and Dele'.erious Drugs Ordinances are published in the current issue of thj Govenment Gazette.
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  • 28 8 Chinese deck passengers who left Singapore in February numbered MM. against 4,191, in February last year, 'flic arrivals were .'!,508 in February l:*st and 2,049 in February, 1922.
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  • 29 8 The movement of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment to N'orth China has been deferred until the trooping seas:n in 192.J-24. It will proceed to Malta en release from Constantinople.
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  • 33 8 Second-Lieut. J. J. Saunders is to be acting Captain whilst second-in-command of B Co. Penanjr Volunteer Infantry and Seccnd-Lieut. W. H. Mair, M.M. is to hold similar rank whilst sec:r.d-in-command of D Co.
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  • 45 8 The current i.ssje of the Governmon: Gazette amends a notification relating to rules under the Petroleum Ordinance published on March 4, 1910. The words and letters G5 gallons eac h aro substituted for the words and letter 8 gallons each in Rule 14 (2) (b).
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  • 48 8 It is reported that the Government of British North Borneo has be?n cllowed fcr a period of one year, beginning en November 28 last, to engage three thousand natives from Java (men an i women) for agricultural work and rr.alc coolies fcr woodcutting enterprises in British North Borneo.
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  • 51 8 It if currently reported in Bangkcl: that Nni Chuen Tao Dam, who won the hr.-t prize in the recent million Tical Lottery, was muiderod by robbers on hi.? return with 'he money to Chantaboon. The reprrt, which lacks confirmation at present, states that the affair happened before he had reached
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  • 50 8 For mom days excitement was caused a'' Pattani by the authorities arresting a Haji and severnl local Malays, said to be Udders of an attempt to be made to raid Pattani tewn en February 20 or 27. Extraordinary military precautions were taken. However, everything parsed olf quietly and nothing happened.
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  • 51 8 Mrs. Josephine Sacz, who is reported to have committed suicide in Shanghai by taking strychnine, was still recently a member of the cafe concert at the Commercial Hotel, Bcnykck. During her stay at Bangkok, says the Siam Observer, she married .Mr. Miguel Saez, who play; 'he cell: in Mr. Rene's
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  • 65 8 The programme of the visit to Singapore of several hundred American tourist? on board of the Resolute has new been issued. The. liner is due here early n;xi Saturday morning and leaves again about 5 p.m. Their headquarters while here will be at Raffles Ho. el from where trips will
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  • 67 8 A French fleet consisting of cruiser:; and torpedo boats which is on a tour around the world in the interest of French trade is due to arrive at Yokohama on February 25 and at Kobe on March 8. The ships will Ipavc Kobe on March 14 and stay at Nagasaki
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  • 76 8 New rubber flotations are in course of preparation. One concerns a small estate on the Perak River, near Telok Anson, to be issued under the auspices of Moaafa. Howe White, who also have a Sarawak, Borneo, proposition in hand. Mcrsrs. Guthric have one or more propositions, apart from the K.M.S.
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  • 86 8 A number of merchants have r^.uested the Shanghai Commercial Federation to take action in preventing the sale of percussion crackers. They allege that these and other fireworks are constantly being thrown nt ladies travelling in rickshas, carriages and motor cars, and when they strike their object, they explode and burn,
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  • 95 8 Information has been received in Delhi from the Secretary General Post Office. London* that the following mail bags containing mails from India received in London on February 12, were rifled while in transit from Marseilles to Paris Ten baus frcm Bombay, one bag from the Jubbulpore-Bombay section, three bags from
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 441 8 Mr. I. 11. Burkill, Director of Gardens, has gone on eight months' leave. Mr. T. H. Cocker is to act temporarily as an assistant Controller of Labour. Mr. IV A. Pledger takis Mr. J. 1,. Lonie'i seat on the Pvnang Pilot Board. The Chief Sccivtary, F. M.
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  • 31 8 Mr. J. G. Black ii .v>p inted coroner (or Malacca, Capt. I>. P. White is t'i '„>• a police magistrate, .Malacca, and assistant District Judge for Singapore, Penang and Malacca.
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  • 40 8 The secretarii.; of North Taiping Tin Dredging Co. ri;iort that the company has declared an interim dividend of live per cent, for 192.'i and recommends a final dividend of two and a half per cent, for 11)22.
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  • 63 8 A very entertaining programme has been arranged for ihe Children's Conceit '.o be given in the Victoria Theatre this afternoon, commencing at five o'clock. In addition to appropriate instrumental selections, there will be humorous items and none daivjing by pupils of Mis-, Newton. The children gain frw tance,
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  • 84 8 Th2 following are the members of the Hospitals Board for the year \'j'i-> The Principal Civil Medical Oilner (chairman) Resident-Councillor, Penang; i:t-Councillor, Malacca Treasurer, Straits Settlements Chief Medical Officer, Penang Chiif Medical Officer, Malacca ex-officio: Mr. H. B. Ward, Mr. .1 Cobbett, Dr. Cheong Chee llai, Dr. E.
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  • 181 8 The United American Line':; steamer Resolute, flying the Panama fla.T. arrive d in Hongkong on March 1 with M8 American tourists on board, on a tour r.iun'l the world. The roaiel started on her voyage from New York, and came through the Panama Canal, on to various poris
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 THG FAMOUS NORTON 3J HP MOTOR CYCLE Winner of the Harley-Davidson Trophy at the Reliability Trials held by the Selangor Automobile Association at Kuala Lumpur, Sunday, February 25 last. SOLE AGENTS JOHN J i Lfc CO., LTD. (Incorporated in £nglanri SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR THE CHRONHODOGRAPH SOLE AGENTS A recording
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    • 110 8 THE LITTLE WANDERER (Shirlty Mason) 5 ptt. 6 pts. HANDCUFFS OR KISSES C pts. 6 pts Universal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie Polo) Episodes 3 and 4. 4 reels. (Flnt Show) "MARLBOROUGJT AFTER THE SHOW 7 pts. 7 pts. HER FIRST ELOPEMENT 6 pta. 6 pto. f'hot.. Play a.rlal t
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  • 428 9 "The Times for Mildness Past." Recter's Service. London, March 9. Cologne: The Illllljj tSlSlltilheJ BelMilitary summary court at News has disposed of 20 Germane the first day. Announcing that the "time for mildness j' the president inflicted punish-' meats from 100,000 marks to six months 1 imprisonment,
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  • 131 9 Kkutkk's Scbvicb London. March 9. The' cutlery manufactuiet, Mr. Howard lie*'. ague Pcgden Humphreys, was remanui't! at the Guildhall, on bail of I, on a charge of offering to produco •ii. rphi'ie, cocaine and heroin for a firm in the Far East. A detective said that i; was
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  • 48 9 Reitter's ServiceLondon, March 9. A Melbourne message states that the British steamer Mindini is ashore on Millish lvof. Forty passengers and all hands have been safely landed. The steaater Tokio Mam intercepted a wireI i. N miles from the Mindini and proceeded to her assistance.
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  • 25 9 Riutm'B Service. London, March 9. Htm York There* have been 260 cases rkness and 112 deaths in New York City since January 1.
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  • 153 9 Lord Balfour on the Recent Agreement. Reuter's Service. London, March 8. In the House of Lords the Earl of Balfour defended his sentence in the Balfour note of August 1, 1922, relative to' the United States having insisted on British security for money to be epent by
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  • 69 9 Rll Tlk's SEBVTCI London, March 9. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has dismissed the petition of Zaghlul Pasha for leave to appeal r.gainft the decision of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar under which he was now a political prisoner there. The Privy Council found that British
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  • 55 9 London, March 9. New York Successful tests, proving' the possibility of furnishing necessaries' to aeroplanes whils'j flying, were made' with an eighteen-foot courier plane, weighing under 1,000 pounds, which hooked on to a trapezelike contrivance lower- eJ from a larger plane overhead whilst' flying at various altitudes. Altogether 1
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  • 58 9 Riuteb's Service. L:ndon, March 9. Paris: The Budget Bill has been re-; turned to the Chamber of Deputies which adopted it by 321 votes to 2.'t2, including the amendment to balance the Budget by the isrue of treasury bonds. The Cham-; ber postponed the consideration of the Sccialist
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  • 41 9 London, March 9. I A Mexico City message states that Congres? has approved the Petroleum Bill retaining for the state the ownership of the subsoil and therefore contradicting the reports that Mexico had intention to m«et Pie.-iiient Hardi-i^'is requirements.
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  • 39 9 Riutxb's Service. Lcmdon, March 9. The German Government's gold loan has considerably improved the mark, which touched 90,000 in London yesterday and clc?ed at 97,000 contrasted with ,240,000 at the beginning of the occupation of the Ruhr.
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  • 26 9 Kelter's Service. London, March 9. Copenhagen A former high official of the Landmannsbank has been arrested on' charges relating to the bank's balance sheet.
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  • 31 9 Reuteb's Service. London, March 9. Gibraltar Two naval ratings were killed and four injured in an explosion ori the light-cruiser Coventry. A court of inquiry is being held.
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  • 29 9 RIUTXB'S SiRVIC*. London, March 9. Colombo The harbour is completely paralysed cwing to the strike of cargo coolies ana no loading or unloading of coal is possible.
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  • 157 9 Mr. Lloyd George Leaves The Conservatives. Reuter's Service. London, March 9. Correspondence between Mr. Lloyd Ceorge and the Liberal M.P., Mr Entwistle, in whi.-h the Centre party idea is frankly abandoned, is regarded in the Lobby as a distinct advance in the direction of a Liberal reunion. It
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  • 40 9 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, March 9. I Herr Wellenstein, vice-president of the Tax Commission of the Dutch Indies, is leaving for Singapore to-morrow on the orders of the Government to study the system of taxation in the Straits Settlements.
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  • 81 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Nichi Sfaimbon.) Tokio, March 8. I A bill to mediate in tenant farmers' i disputes has been presented to the Com- mons by the Government. 1 The Committee of the Imperial Diet his adopted the Horse Race Bill, which was returned by the
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  • 270 9 Not since the Cherniavsky BfOlhsi'S paid their last visit some years ago has Singapore had the opportunity of hearing chamber music by competent artists. It 'is good news, therefore, that the Misses May Mukle (ccl!o), Rebecca Clarke (violin) and Gertrude Watson (piano), who arc touring this part
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  • 246 9 The Daily Express states that the! distilling of Scotch whisky will socn be in the hands of a monopoly, comprising 1 two or three groups, one being the Dis- tillers' Company with a capital of £3,000,000, and the other the Buchanan- i Dewar combination, with a capital
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  • 96 9 Warm Welcome in Dutch East Indies. (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, March 9. I The American squadron from Manila, consisting of the cruiser Huron and six destroyers, arrive.l yesterday morning. In the evening, a gala ball was held at the I Harmonic Club. To-night, Admiral Andfer-, son and :r.embers of
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  • 611 9 A Sidelight on Malaya-Borneo Exhibition. The case was resumed in the Supreme j Court to-day before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in which Mr. Thomas Poweil Robinson, quondam advertising manager of the Malaya Tribune, and also described in the statement of claim as editor of The j
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  • 49 9 'Previously acknowledged $1,215,070.99 j Per Mr. G. Lyor.-Mac-kenzi/;, hen. treasurer, Johore Subscriptions collected in Johore and district trans- f erred to Singapore 1,409.33 jGovern merit of Kcdah (second contribution) 5,000.00 $1,221,480.32 The above contributions are gratefully i acknowledged by the committee. A. .W. VICK, Hon. Treasurer.
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  • 126 9 Among the passengers sailing for home on the Pyrrhus to-morrow are Mr. and Mrs. David B. McLay. Mr. D. B. McLay, B.Sc, came out three years ago on beI half of Messrs Mansfield and Co. to erect their new offices on Collyer Quay. He had many difficulties to contend with,
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  • 738 9 The Real Object of Bankruptcy Ordinance. Immediately after the luncheon interval I yesterday Mr. Kellagher, the Official i I Assignee, made an application in the Bank- 1 1 rjptcy Court before the Chief Justice, for the committal of a Harbour Board clerk, 1 namccl Bodeustein, for failing to
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  • 329 9 T!ie following appreciation of the late Archdeaccn Dunkerley of Singapore appeared in the Church Times of September j 1 William Herbert Cecil Dunkerley was laid to rest in thr churchyard of th-; little Knit village of Leybourne on St. Bartholomew's Day. The only son of j
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  • 2172 9 The Woes of a Violinist In Malaya. In the February issue of The Strad. the ■veil known musical monthly, appe irticle by Mr. J. W. Sharp on Somu Musical Experiences Out East, which will 3e read with Interest -and some amu*ctnent—by those who alTect the playing if
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  • 69 10 kamunting Tin Dredging. 350 piculs. Cbenderiang Tin Dredging. Trib KW, ilre.l MB piculs, total 453 piculs. Ratrut Basm Tin Dredging Co. 220 piculs, 541 hours worked, 68,000 cubic yards treated. Stopped three days Chinese holidays. Lingui Tin.— Sluicing 300.21 piculs, mm I4M piculs. Total 315.20 piculs. Muiai
    69 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 133 10 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Championship. Wodehouse beat Donnell, 6 —2, 9—7. Utermark beat Linton, 6 —2, 6 —l. Newcomers' Handicap. Dunbar, scr. beat Brooke, scr., 6^ —3, 6—2. Zimmerman, scr. beat Streatfield, plus 3, w.o. Carver, owe 15 beat McMillan, scr, C—o, 6—2. Bristed, owe 30 beat
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    • 85 10 The following are the ties in the S.C.C. lawn bowls tournament MONDAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. R. O. H. Law v. K. H. R. Bowerman, H. Munro v. P. W. Smith. Dr. Chill v. R. H. Gale. TUESDAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. H. E. Trenerry v. Rev. Douglas. D. Main
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    • 39 10 The S. C. C. Tournament match, Services v. Merchants, arranged for March 17 has been postponed until June 2 and the game arranged for June 2, Merchants v. Public Services and Law, will be played on March 17.
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  • 153 10 Anglo-Johore Consolidated. 14,857 lbs. Burmah Syndicate. 5,385 lbs. Bukit Pa10ng.— 9,728 lbs. Banteng (Selangor). 38,462 lbs. Bintang.— l2,6oo lbs. Chembong. 26,981 lbs. <"lovelly.-6.400 lbs. Consolidated Malay. 54,150 lbs. Chulsa (Selangor).— l7,ooo lbs. Ohrviot.— s6,4oo lbs. K.M.S. Rubber Planters.— s7,loo lbs. Galang Besar.- 38,000 lbs. Juru.— 7,ooo lbs.
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  • 119 10 The March number of The Planter is through the press and copies circulated I among subscribers, who will doubtless agree that it maintains its high standard of interest for members of the I.C.S. and others associated with the planting industry. The .month's biographical sketch is of the Hon.
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  • 116 10 A musical offering of particular merit and novelty tc be provided for Singapore is that of Kaai's New Hawaiian Troubadours, who open a short engagement at the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday next, the 13th inst. under the direction of Bandman's Eastern Circuit Ltd. Mr. Kaai has
    116 words
  • 45 10 We greatly regret to record the death of Mrs. Frederick W. Palmer, which took place at Padstcw, England, on the 6'h inst. Mrs. Palmer was resident in Kuala Lumpur for about a year and a half and ltft for home in Juns or July last.
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    • 100 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am afraid it's useless anyone of us trying to butt in or argue the point re the cable service to Europe. Whether you are selling wires or soan it amounts to the same thing yon must have
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    • 199 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Is there nobody who is responsi- 1 ble for the welfare of the road-side trees If there is such an officer, I would lik>> to know how long it is since he took a drive along Kranji and Woodlands roads.
      199 words
  • 279 10 Drills for the Week Ending March 17. Saturday, 10th.— 2.30 p.m. Sektar Range, S: R. E. (V.), annual musketiy course. Sunday, 11th. 7.30 a.m. Seletnr Range, I S. R. E. (V.), annual musketry course. 2 p.m., Seletar Range, Chinuse Co., an- nual musketry course. 7 a.m. Drill
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  • 276 10 1 The annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Bangkok Dock Company, Ltd., was held on March 1 evening, Dr. T. Hey ward Hays presiding. The I Chairman in moving the adoption of the directors' report and the balance sheet said A glance at the present
    276 words
  • 46 10 On the eve of his departure forEurope on retirement, Mr. F. Norman SaWepjpn. the well-known Ipoh lawyer, was enwrtained to a farewell dinner by Chine* friends at the residence of M. Chan Phoni Hoon Hoong in Gopeng Road. Mr. Lee Soo Wang was U1« chief hoit.
    46 words
  • 2485 10 Lord Rothermere's Strong Views. So much has been saiJ in criticism of the French policy in the Ruhr that it seems no more than simple justice to give, the very strongly expressed views of Lord Rothermere in the Sunday, I Pictorial, who also makes some very interesting
    2,485 words
  • 580 10 Lyall and Evatt's Report. Singapore, March JO. Tin.— €2l7 16b. Rubbers. Quiet. Bassetls 1.07' j-1.12 1 j rx div., Bnkit Jelotongl offer at 70 cents, Mentakabs 27-:t(l. Indrajrjris 5.20-5.30, .limahs 1.1.V1. ."..">, Cr.ited Malaccas L.GO--1.00. Mines.— Collieries 20-20.:>0, Ilitams 1.50-I.UO. I'etalings 75-80, N:iwng Pets 1.57 Mi -1.65,
    580 words
  • 125 10 There will be a complete change of programme at the Palladium, starling from to-morrow night. To-night is the last showing of that fine film The Lmg Chance, which has been drawing good houses. There is the usual matinee this afternoon. Wcman, Maurice Toumeur's startling offer to the screen,
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  • 1612 11 Payment of a Ten Per Cent. Dividend Endorsed. Ttom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 8. The thirteenth annual general meeting New Semiciah Kub- NMiy, Ltd., was lu-hl to-,!ay at the of i Bgi :ts and secretaries, Booatead a»d Co.. Ltd. There were present Mr. 1. A.
    1,612 words
  • 256 11 A wide circle of friends, particularly among the planters of the Darjeelinp term, will be shocked to learn of the brutal of Mr. Sydney M. Smith, of Oksa, by a iranjr o f <iaeoits in January. He was at-.ucki-d while asleep in a lonely
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  • 210 11 Parsimony at New Delhi." A London message of February 20 states A curiously humorous example of British misunderstanding of Indian view prints is furnished by the latest weekly report of the Press department of the Federation of British Industries, in which prominence .s given to the Government's alleged short-sighted parsimony
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 285 11 THE NAME THAT ESTABLISHES CONFIDENCE "His Master's Voice'' Every article that carries the World-famous "DOG CHOP" is the result of years of practical experience and when you purchase a Gramophone or Record bearing this trade mark you know you have the best. Come in and let us demonstrate this to
      285 words
    • 292 11 UFRES HOTEL, Telephone 2920. (10 lino?.) SINGAPORE. The Finest Rallronm in the East. SATURDAY Guest Night, Dinner Dance SUNDAY CINEMA, 9.30 p.m. EDGAR HULLAND, at the piano. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. SEA VIEW HOTEL Tan on K3ton OCHflCfff nUIEfc» Telephone 110 SINGAPORE. SI N DAY. MAKCII 11. HK.H lIDK M| p.m.
      292 words

  • 602 12 SUNDAY. MARCH 11. 1923. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion. (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 pm. Evensong and Sermon. Preacher The Archdeacon. During the following week Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. on
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  • 183 12 The house of Major Kirkpatrick, at Tientsin, was destroyed by fire during the last week of February. About 5 a.m., Major and Mrs. Kirkpatrick were awakened to find clouds of smoke Ailing their room, and while Major Kirkpatrick went downstairs to see whether something could not be done
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 439 12 A f| /Q SINGAPORE ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS, LTD. (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) REDUCTION OF FARES. nmmencinc from the 12th instant, the Ist Class fares on the Raffles Hotel— I'.iya I^bar, and Tanjong Pagar— Gaylang Routes will be reduced, the new charges being RAFFLES HOTEL— PAYA LEBAR. TANJONG PAGAR— GAYLANG. 1
      439 words
    • 685 12 POM PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLT. THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG VII.AS.) Thi. Takuti of life-giving nectar ha. bnea prepared from the best, choicest and rieheet regetable drugs. It ha. a wonderful property of increasing th- virile power and Testifies all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes man a man. This
      685 words
    • 180 12 HOTEL ESPLANADE rWKTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA. With large commodious balconies overlooking the Swan River this Hot#l haa no rivals for location, comfort and coolness in Western Anatralia Inclusive Tariff. Under personal sopervisloa ef Proprietor J. S. W. P4XTON. Tetoaraahic Aridraea HOTII, ESPLANADE. PERTH. hhm ■»»-«-»«-»»> x >t>>niin>>i««»»»»«t »e W Flat Back
      180 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1131 13 SALES BY AUCTION OF VALUABLE RUBBER ESTATE, ETC. IN JOHORE IN THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU, JOHORE. Miscellaneous Stiit No. 37 of 1922. R. It. HoAf of Johore Bahru Charge* Againat Tut Kent Hock and Lira Geok Sim, Rengam, Johore Chargora Lot (11. All that vnlunh'.e rubber estate, titaate
      1,131 words
    • 868 13 SALES^ BY jUCTHON GHEON6 KOON SENS GO. AUCTION SALE of valuable land and house properties. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday March 14, at 2..10 p.m. Lot 1 to 3. Valuable 090 years' leasehold Hnd and the brick and tile roofed shophousc dwellings
      868 words
    • 85 13 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS The make YOU will Eventually Buy NEW SHIPMENTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. 10% in., 14 in., 18 in., 20 in., 26 in., Portable. ALL STANDARD KEYBOARDS. Sole Agents Patcrson, Simons Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR Sub-Agents STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY, Singapore. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD., Ipoh,
      85 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 239 14 SUNLIGHT SOAP The best for all Household and Laundry purposes. SALTER^CALES White enamelled pans. Marked in lbs. and catties. Stocked in 14, 28 and vy4 50 lbs. J&s Accurate and simple. <§i§^ CREATE CUSTOMERS' CONFIDENCE. Sole Agents HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS SONS, LTD. SINGAPORE. r*~*-*~* »»ir< johnson-Pichett Monila Rope THE BEST THEREFORE
      239 words
    • 2044 14 (■■B«BB««««B»«WB»WBMBBB«WMM«CT»M»wTE«BBW^ Aisets over $5,000,000 S.C. Amvun la force »ver $17,000,000. j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 1 (UeorporaUd la Straits Settlement!.) BEAD OFFICE Winchester Hooss, Singapore, LONDON OFFICE U, Old Jtvry, ■C. The Company has 120,000 dsposited with the Snpreme Conrt of England and eompliei with the Rrltlsh
      2,044 words

  • 1107 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The New York Show. II ('apt. Victor Beveridge's concluding article on the New York Show is as follows Side by side with Buick, and competing tot pride of place, is the Dodge Brothers display. I can weil understand why many owners
    1,107 words
  • 11 15 How Germany does g»g at a do«e of bsr own npdicine.
    11 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. Sol* Distributors
      128 words
    • 582 15 F. Z. 2& 4 German lI. P. or 3& 6 English HJ>. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND HYDRANTS (MAGI IN GERMANY.) H i 111 aaafeA«*~ Stocks and Sparc parts kept. For demonxtration and prices apply ALSAGOFF CO. (Import Department). kit A«.oU. 8.5., F.M.9, Slam IH Oateh Indies. W. AEAB t>TREET. BINftAPOM. 'Phone
      582 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 486 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1507, Joo Chiat Place, area 81,200 square feet AITLY 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE N. LAZABTJS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTERY ROAD FIRST WIRE NETTING FOR TENNIS COURTS. Brass Wire Gauze 40, 50. 60 Mesh. Obtainable froa GAW BROS., LTD.
      486 words
    • 471 16 A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And bums SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be hammered HARD. 2. And ignites FIERCELY with an explosion. Try CROCODILE BRAND (chop Buaya) which is GOOD and SAFE, being manufactured under the supervision of an
      471 words
    • 887 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set type (sverage six words to line) are par line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      887 words
    • 900 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. SI, Meyer Road. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO I.KT, No. Oxley Rise. Immedifci entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. "TOR SALE, shophous«~No. ~27T, Sophia Road. Apply A. W. Brisk, 21, Chulia Street. TO LET, No. Amber ?.oad. Entry on March 1. Apply within or to
      900 words
    • 751 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET GROUND FLOOR of Commercial Union Buildings, Robinson Road. Apply on the premises. OFFICES TO UET, iu De Sousa Street and Godowns in Cecil Street. Apply N. Rt-uhtn 7, De Souza Street. OFFICES TO LET, Ist and 2nd floor, M Robinson Road. Apply Nunyang Brother* Tobacca
      751 words
    • 261 16 FASHION AND HYQ2ENS Either or both may have created the vogue of the short skirt. It is the latter that has stimulated the manufacture of desant and durable hosiery for which American Manufacturers hold a deservedly high reputation. We stock the famous Phoenix and Kayser brands of ladies' siik hosiery.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 198 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES I Editorial and General Manager's Olßce 111T All communication* relating to cditonai matters and naw* ihould be addressed to THE EDITOR. AH communication* relating to business matter*— advertisements, •übEcription*, accounts, printing, ttc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT KATK3. Wants, For Sele, To Let, etc.,
      198 words