The Straits Times, 7 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,193 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1923, PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 279 1 y^r^^ff^*^^ IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SAY TRADE MARK i SWISS MII^K 1. BEAR BRAND SWISS MILK is a very rich and specially selected Cow's Milk from the famous pastures of the Swiss Alps, preserved in all its Natural Richness and Purity. 2. IT is collected under conditions of
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    • 4 1 iL^flKf MATORA^ ,o« if^Ml
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  • 604 2 British Chamber of Commerce Conference. A Shanghai cable of February 23, reporis This conference welcomes the ar> nouncement of the intention of His Majesty's Government to devote the British share of ihe outstanding portion ot the Boxer Indemnity to purposes I mutually beneficial to Great Britain and
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  • 154 2 The Govvrnor presided at a meeting of I the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Sodely on February 16 and presented the j Cnmpbcll Memorial Medal to Mr. P. V. j Joshi in recognition of his scholarship. His Excellency recalled with pleasure how formerly hie eminent
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  • 104 2 A remarkable indication of the inciMascd cost of armaments is given in a reply to a Parliamentary question. It is stated that the previous cost involved in the building of a first-class battleship in 1914 was approximately £500,000. The cost involved in the- building of a
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  • 101 2 I It is reported, on reliable authority, that j if the Whaddon Chase Hunt Committee persist in Lord Dalmony being the Master !of the Hounds, another pack will be brought into the northern part of the country. Another pack of hounds has i been offered and
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  • 9 2 The Turkish solution of tlw Armoninn problem is dissolution.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 Beautiful, Brilliant Finish instead of Rust and Decay TO male* an articl* bright and attractive, to give it a smooth and washabla silver finish, us* SAPOLIN ALUMINUM ENAMEL. Easy to apply on any surface for fitting of all kinds, for rails, lawn furniture, iron fences, rcail boxes, hydrants, metres, lamp
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    • 211 2 ■m BE ET H A MS ICs,-rol»3i m TOIK SMN AND Jk m complexion LI K irritation, at.,' nil l.i'lul>«!'t uT' I of *11 hlgh-i'i-vM cfiemiite and mfcSijjMM >r lif«»ti»ii"i' r ioii jr I < ',1 DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS Repair Wear and Tear of Nerrc and Body Price Is. 9d.
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    • 192 2 6 in. ELECTRIC FANS FOR A.C. or D.C. SUPPLY All-Nickel Finish COMPLETE WITH FLEXIBLE AND ADAPTOR, READY FOR USE $1G.50 SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ELECTHICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2651. t.MM.MMI HMI4>MIHMHUH »HM »»S» /'^BlViK^B^B^BeM^Baaa^ava^BM^aaaKjiiaiaawiaHnM^u.M^^M^vH^^L fijjL EC'I \U(, REDUCTION IN ALL SIZES. fKm ftß> x
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  • 573 3 Details of the Reconstruction Scheme. An extraordinary general meeting of the Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Kstates. Ltd.. was held at Shanghai on February M. Mr. N. G. Maitland presided. The Chairman said Gentleman, the circular convening this meeting has been in your hands for several days
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  • 338 3 Rumoured Capture of 100 Passengers. Further detail* are now to hand, says the Hongkong Daily Press, of February 20, of the train robbery whii'h occurred on the Kowloon-Canton Railway on Friday morninjr, when the slow train from Canton to Kowloon was held up by robbers about half-a-mile
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  • 119 3 The contention of the Great Western Railway Company that injuries sustained by a passenger in their steamer from Weymouth to Guernsey during the recent severe storm were due to an Act of God was rejected by Justice Coleridge, King's Bench, who awarded plaintiff £250 damages. It appeared
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 563 3 ■■V-v.v^O'Jsß itii NOTICE la hereby given that the above I property of the NANYAN'G I ROTHERS TOBACCO CO., UMITKD, carryii, mi business at No. 181, South Bridge :.p. re, i:ml is used by the suid < ompany, to cui.mction with Cigarette! llr.dnd Sparrows" Cifarettes ::ri d and imported by the
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    • 427 3 DEXMA for Eczema RingwormScalp Sores If you want speedy help try the Dexma Prescription. So easy to apply, not tp-easy or messy. It washes into the vcalp and thi- relief is instant. Try it to-day. For sale at all chemists shops, druggists, etc. DEXMA for Eczema Citroen Gars NEW SHIPMENT
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    • 324 3 WHEN LOSS OF TIME WOULD BE DANGEROUS lla!.;. s Own Tablet* Save Children's Lives. Your little MM Rots hot nt play, then sits down and takes a chill or kicks off the bed-covering at night and is attacked by colic parents do not need to be told how tragic may
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    • 167 3 ICY -HOT BOTTLES Mill GUARANTEED TO KEEP LIQUIDS BBS Cold for Z Days JIB II ot or Hours wIM Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. Special offer for one week only of Photo Albums at less than
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 669 4 STEfIMEB SAHJHS P. E British India «nd Apcar Line (Coopanies Ineorpurated ia England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (t'ndar Contract with His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAB-KASTERN BEKVICI FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWKBP Daa f(lngapora Laara Biagapora nbuut Mar. 7 MOREA about Mar.
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    • 820 4 STEAMFB SA.LIEES KORMKLYKE PAKETVAART HMTKRJIIVU (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) UNUU CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA «OVEU HUNT Talevkaa. Noa. Paesag. Bag. 111. Fright 1202, M.rln. Dept and TtaadrfaaMat Dept. 1437, Manager's Dept. 1603. VlAE bl S a YCKER MCrCh 7 Batavia Che-ibon, S^mar:.,,;:. A-up.-n..,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 STEAMER SAHINtS N.Y.K. LONDON LIMB Hakone Maru Mar. 20 Suwa Muru Apr. 3 LIVERPOOL IJNB Tsashlma Mara mU Mar. HAMBURG LINB Matsuyo Maru Mar. 7 Lima Maru mii. Apr. NEW TORK UNI vU BUM SOUTH AMERICAN LINB Kaoagawa Maru A*/. SI BOMBAT LINE Nagato Maru Mar. IT Kamakura Maru Mar.
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    • 430 5 STEAMER SAIUNOS O.S.K. Pi**-sd BaiUaga treat Masaawre (sabjeet to change withoot previous aotiaa.) EUROPEAN LINB Per Marseille*. London, Hambcrg, Better4aav Aatwerp, via Colombo, Sacs aae! Part Said. An. Dep. LONDON MABO Mar. 1» Mar. It PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. IS NBW TOM LINB Per Baa, Panama, New Terk,
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    • 482 5 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (laeorporatod in Australia) Singapore to Java Port*, Port Datwin, Tharaday laland, Brisbane, Sydney aad Melbourn* ria Torre* Strait*, also with traashipaeat to other Victorian, Soath AuitraUaa and North Queensland Port*, Britiat New Oalaea, New Britain, TaraunU aad New Zealand Port*. APPROXIMATI SAILINGS MONTORO
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    • 377 5 STEAMER SAiUNOS INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANT, LIMTTID. (laeorporated la Hoagkoag) Direct Service to Japaa ria Hongkong aad] Shanghai and te Calcutta via Peaang irom Siagaaore. Taklag Cargo ea throagh Bill, of Lading for Caatoa, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Caefoo, Tieatsin, Nawchwang, Yengtax* port*, Forme**, th* Philippine*, etc. FOB PKNANG AND CALCUTTA
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 549 6 CINEMAS MARLBOROUGH Wedneaday, March 7 to Tuesday, March 13. 1923. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. LAND LUBBER 1 Reel Vathe Kilm. JESSE L. LASKY Presents A. William De Mille Production. Jack Holt and Lila Lee AFTER THE SHOW Realart Prnents WANDA HAW LEY in j Parts HER FIRST
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    • 321 6 CINEMJIS SURINA THEATRE Complete Change of I'rogramme. First Show at 7.30 sharp NEW MONTGOMERY aru: ROCK COMEDY May Allision The American Beauty in the METRO Comedy Play PEGGY DOES HER DARNDEST Tho story of a livable madcap. In 5 Paris. NEW LAW SEMON COMEDY Second Show at 9.30 p.m. Eve's
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    • 96 6 WHITEAWAYS Trimmed Millinery and Ready to Wear Hats WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. LTD., SKAFOHL Incorporated ia England). If you are interested in seeing how Electric Lamps are made VISIT THE Gaiety Cinema THIS WEEK And see THE ECONOMIST ERASER CHALMERg ENGTNEEUING WORKS. Proprs. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Magurt
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  • 158 7 FIXTUItES. Vrdnesday, March 7 II «tr)i Water, O.W a.m., 1.21 p.m. It. I. koeaeward Mail closes. Sonia iit Viot.v: i.» Tlieatre, 9.30 p.m. Thursday, March S liiirh Water, UU am., 2.11 p.m. l'!iii. Orchestra, Mem. Hall, r,.15.;i tit Vicliiria Tlieatre, 'J. 30 p.m. Friday. March 9
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    • 102 7 Wliirf BaHin X,l. East V.harf Altai Uaru, Thongwa. Sheers Wharf Nil. Haisl Wiiarl Ixion. Empire Dock I.c Hair*, Ekma, Willesdcn. Weot Wharl llyv I.cum;. Jardines W h;:r! Calypso. I'uli. Ilrani Coal Wharf— Nil. hi s>el Harboor. Main Wlisrf Kan Hong Leong, Dredger Kaasttaa, Horn Shell,
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    • 137 7 ALTAI MARf. J;i|>.. I.S'.C tons, from Oankc (i-:i, for n:.n«oon and Calcutta 7-3. BAM BION6 BKE, Bar, tons, from Scbu i>-'.. f..r Sebu unc. KKMA. .nit.. 'J, ?..V, tons, from Calcutta 7-3. foe Calcutta 8-3. CLENADE, !lr.<.. 1,1 r: tatM, from London 0-3, •or ll< njrkoni HERVAB, Nor.,
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    • 116 7 rs arrirtng I>\ the Ai.nand Behii were: -MadnEit L. Fintnt-r ;nil daushi Madame Caloudia, Mr. and Madame Catocnn The V. as I 0. .'mvi Inn brought the followinp; passengers From Colomb I Mr. I, V. C r and .Mrs 11. M. Devitt end Miami Mrs. J. A. Sinclair. Th"
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  • 245 7 To-day. Pulaii Samba 2.30 p.m Muntok, Djebocs, Blinjov and PangkM Pinnnj; 3 p.m Port Swettt nh»m and Punang S p.m Malacca and M«mr 8 p.m Mcdnn S p.m Kola rin«i 4 p.n> IJangkok 4 p.m I iiankuni. Ampy ;n»' Bwatca -1 pjtj ,^i.ncei I.iat and Hutavia 4
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  • 36 7 By Left And. Si ore London Andre Ltbon Jan. 1» Feb. 16 Eltanca Jan. 24 Feb. 19 Sardinia Jan. 30 Feb. 26 VondM I>h. I Mnr. 2 T.'.'sl.! I 1.. I \J,I. I
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  • 169 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 7. On London, Bank m/i 2/4% Demand 2/4 6/32 Private 3 ms. credits 2/4 9/1G On Xi'w York Demand 54% Private 00 cl/s 57 On France, Bank 830 On India, Bank T.T. 17.1 On HonjrkonR, Bank <l/d p.c. dis. On Sanghai, Bank d/d 71%
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  • 61 7 Tone of the market.— Weak. Latest London jables quoto Spot sheet l/sVid. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. !pot ipril-Juie uly-Scpt. )ct.-Dec. Spot Vpril-June 'uly-Stpt )ct-Dcc Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Seller*. 58 59Vi GO CO 1 Gl 61
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    • 200 7 Imsuo kal. I'd. 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Jelantoh 1 1 Johnn Tin tl £1 Kam. Kamunt. 10 10 Kinta Assn. ,"> S I.iiijiiii Tin 10 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menplcmbu 1 1 Jfiddleton J 1 Muiai Tin 1
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    • 143 7 Issue Val. I'd. Buyers.- Sellers. El £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 4.6.0 4.9.0 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.50 10 10 Central Motors :!.8O 4.10 U il E. Smelting: Co. 7.20 7.50 >/- 5/- Elec. Tramways 1/- 2/-nom 10 10 Fraser Neave 35.00 35.50 >0 50 Hammer and Co. 130
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    • 116 7 U. Bag, 0 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.m. i S'pcrc Kbctric Tramways, 5 p.c. i':;50,000 nom. S'poro Municipal 5 p.c. $1,H78.000 par. Spore Municipal 4 4 p.c. of 1907 81,000,000 5 p.c. dis. i Spo re Municipal 4'i p.c. of 1909 $1,000,500 5 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal 4'j
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    • 397 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Eratfs Quotations, Latest arailable Sterling QnoUtions are printed on another page on Friday. Fraier l.vall Co. Evatt. Ulenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 Nor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.(55 1.40 1.60 L Hitam ($5) 12.50 14.00 12.50 13.50 Kilning (*1) 0.70 0.80
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 724 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 16. TARRAGONA PORT WINi; from $pnin w liolesale t\ l'.onu W0 per cask of 30 gallons, oi $3 per gallon, or 50 cts. per quart bottle. ii Boitcr, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Big. WANTED A SALESMAN. Apply personally, 7"i, Hrns Ha;ali Road, S'ngapore.
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    • 727 7 THE LATEST SOCIETY BALLROOM D ANC ING Exponent and Teacher MISS JILL. HILL STUDIO 128, Raffles Hotel. DIPLOMA (GOLD MEDAL BRAND). 1 l^^^/^^^ 6NGUSM ''^"^^^vS.^^NN Ky^JrrTHE best f Ja; j for infants ]Wy pj^2liiiiSl?l DIPLOMA (PAGODA BRAND). NOTICE is hereby given that the Marks depicted above ire the property of
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  • 42 8 .Vrs. Ang Soo Leone, Ar.jr Chwee Ilock. Ans Sf/ee l.onj.' and wee Ban Swec b?R to thank their relatives and friends who kindly attended the funeral of t.'ie late Ang Soo Leonjr and those who sent let.en oi condolence and wr.nth.s.
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  • 1147 8 We always read the speech of the chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank with a feeling that it contains the most illuminating fact 3 about China. In that country finance is almost more closely connected with politics than it is
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  • 89 8 Yet another stabbing case has been added to the long list of recent crimes in Singapore. At about one o'clock this morning, a Malay was stabbed at a house in the district of Tanjcng Glout and was removed to hospital in an unconscious condition. Nothing is known about the natter
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  • 103 8 In the Selangor Court of Appeal, the Chief Judicial Commissioner commented strongly on the fact that those responsible did not do what was required of them. A prisoner who ought to be in the dock was not there. He was said to be ill, and somebody had addressed somebody about
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  • 25 8 The cable ship Patrol arrived in P«aang harbour on Monday for the purpc«e> of relaying cable;-. She will be' away from Singapore for several weeks.
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  • 28 8 The inquest of th? late Mr. Clark of Mc-?srs. Barlow ar.d Co., who died undo such tragic circumstances, has been h'x n d far next Wednesday, March 14.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Us. 168— $100. Tfce rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 174 $100.
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  • 27 8 Kwce Kheng Liong, who is strolling around '.he world without a cent from home reached Bangkok on February 23. He left Batavia on August 30 last year.
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  • 29 8 Th? following telegram has been received from Home dated noon of the 4th instant Exchange on London lires 98.15 per sterling, Italian War Loan 5 per cent, lires 86.32.
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  • 27 8 Our Ipoh correspondent wires The trunk telephone betwein Kuala Lampa and Ipoh was inaugurated to-day. This means that there will be direct eommimication between Seremban and Taiping.
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  • 41 8 In the District Court this morning, Mr David heard cases of us'ng unjust we-ight.-and measures and line's to a total of nearly $350 were inflicted. Inspector Millard of the Weights and Measure. Department found most of the cases on I'ulau Tekoiijj.
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  • 43 8 The M.M. steamer Angers, which left Penang en Sunday morning home-ward bound, was called back by wireless to take in al'out 400 fons of coui, owinjr, as the agents at Penang were advised from Singapore of a strike of coal coolies in Colombo.
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  • 54 8 Of four men concerned in the murder ot a Burmese, his wife and baby on board a pilot schooner at Bangkok on February 14, one ha;- now been arrested. Part of the property stolen has also been recovered. A boy of eight who saw the crimet committed may be able
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  • 56 8 While mo'.cr-cycling from Siantar U 3oekit Maradja, Sumatra, Mr. Cecil NV'hit injr, an assistant on the last mentioned rubber estate and formerly of the Koysi Engineers, collided with a wild boar. Th« cycle and side-car overturned, pinnin. 'he rider underneath. As a result of hi: injurier. Mr. Whit ins died
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  • 69 8 The following programme of music wil! be preroiHcil at Raffles Hotel to-night Overture, Si J'E'ais Rri (Adam) Two Old French Dances, 1 Menuet 3 la Princesse, 2 Petit Coeur, (Bombic) Indiar l.ovc Lyrics (by request) Temple Bells Lots than the Dust, Kashmiri Song, Til.' I Wake, (W. Finden) Piar.o Sclo,
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  • 102 8 On the afternoon of February 24. a boiler exploded in a saw-mil 1 belonging' to the Chinese firm of Xam Heng Long, at Bang I.ampoa at the mouth of IClong Wat Bororanhres. It appears, according to the Ban'ikck Times, that the boiler had been allowo 1 to go nearly dry
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  • 102 8 The case hi which a Japanese interpreter, nanipd Koide. is charged v.'laccepting gratification is still claiming the attention of the District Judge, and the last two days have been spent in hearing the statements of tht accused man. which bore out those made by Mr. Drmuth in his address,
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  • 109 8 Sentences of II years' penal servitude Have been brought to the notice of the Selangor Appeal Court, the Chief Judicial Commissioner inquiring if tb*» wciv any orransrements at the Taipinjr Convict Establishment to provide for penal servitude prisoners, as distinct from those sentenced to rigorous imprisonment. The D. P. P.
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  • 109 8 The action brought by the Xichiran Trading Company Ltd., incorporated In Japan, against Chcp Swee Thye. claiming $2,604 damages for r-reach of contract by the latter to deliver five tons of ribbed smoked shce'; came on before the Chief Justicj, Sir Walter Shaw yesterday an! was acijourned for the attendance
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  • 119 8 The annual general meeting of the Malayalee Association was held on Saturday at 148 Prinsep Street. The hon. secretary, Mr. J. A. Dorai Raj, presented to the assembly a report of thp working of the Association together with audited statements of accounts which wore passed. The following office-bearers were thfc
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  • 459 8 The death is announced of Doctor James Gow, formerly he-admastcr of Westminster School. Mr. W. Prydc M.A.. who, has just re turned from home, takes over from Mi C;. Hemmant the duties of First Magist rate. Kuala Lumpur. Colonel John Ward, M.P., is seriously ill and unable-
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  • 98 8 The first civil appeal to be argued at Kucla Lumpur on .Monday before th Appeal Court was the application of the Pertang Rubber Estate*, Ltd, for leave to appeal to the Privy Council against the decision of th? last Court of Appeal in their action against the
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  • 105 8 Th second magistrate heard a c:is;> yesterday in which a Chine's I.',1 named .N'u Hong Guan, is charge! with criminal intimidation to Mr. J. A. Ram 11, in Kuala Lumpur, on February 9. The charge bean upon the evidence given by Ng Hong Guan in the recent Malayan
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  • 130 8 We are glad, very glad, that a most kindly response has been made by a tow of our readers to Lord Weardale's appeal on behalf of Britain'! E Children Fund. In the wide area covered by war and revolution the sufferings of little children have been
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  • 154 8 Several copies have- been broactlt to OUT notice of a folded card. 0:1 th- outside of which are the words French Militarism and Threat to the World Inside then are two pictures— on t!> Field-Marshal Foch and General Wsygand walkin;: peacefully along in civilian dress, and under ihii tkl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 There's no Sweeter Tobacco comes from Virginia and no Better Brand than the "THREE CASTLES" THACUEKAT— THE VIRGINIANS tfyj ■^^S ORDINARY SWCastk»l magnum Glared tonM MAGNUM SMOKING TOBACCO O^^ffil oz'. t!nS. Bestonc Gramophone Price $80. JOHN UTTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. I MTI-GOBEOSiVE PAINT Forms
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    • 185 8 ALHAMBRA THE LITTLE WANDERER (Shirley Mason) 5 pts. 5 pts. HANDCUFFS OR KISSES 6 pts. C pts. Unircraal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie l'olo) Episodes 3 and 4. 4 reels. (Fint Show) ~MAW^ROU<ar AFTER THE SHOW 7 pts. 7 pts. HER FIRST ELOPEMENT S pts. 6 pta. I'hoto Play garUl
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  • 829 9 British View of the Present Situation. Reiter's Service. Londen, March 6. In a House of Commons debate on a Labour motion relative to the Ruhr, Mr. Eonnr Law reaffirmed that the Government believed that intervention at tho mement would be regarded as a hostile act by France,
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  • 108 9 Reuter's Service. London, Macrh G. In the House of Commons replying to Sir W. Dc Frece, Mr. R. McNeill stated that instalments of the Boxer indemnity were being paid into a suspense account pending further decisions with regard to the disposal of the funds. The question as to
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  • 97 9 Keuter's Service- London, March 6, Paris Th? difficulty of discovering I suitab!.? method of recouping America the cost of her army of occupation is proving an obstacle to the negotiations of the inter-Allied financial committee, objections having bc-c-n forthcoming to most of Urn Allied suggestions. The committee
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  • 109 9 Reuter's Service- London, March 6, Budapest A young Hungarian engineer, Dezsoffy, has invented an apparatus, for extracting electric current from the air without expense. The chief feature of the device U a mast similar to those used in wireless telegraphy and the electric energy gained frcm the
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  • 65 9 Reutiu's Service. London, March fi. Helsingfors A message from Moscow states that Mr. Dcdge, representing the Standard Oil Company, has arrived to negotiate with the Government regarding the restoration of the Russian oil industry. London, March C. A Copenhagen message states that according to arrangement between the I Soviet
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  • 27 9 RtuTEß's Service. London, March 6, Copenhagen The Queen of Denmark has had a rather serious abdominal operation which was successful. Her condition is satisfactory.
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  • 24 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 6, Constantinople The two British airmen have been released at Smyrna and handed over to the British naval autho-
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 160 9 Reductions Urged to Balance Budget. Rxtmcß's Stimci London, March 6. Delhi At the Legislative Assembly in the Budget debate, Lord Rawlinson announced that the Imperial Government had accepted the Inchcape reductions for the infantry, but the proncsals with regard to cavalry and artillery were still being consideretl.
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  • 159 9 Rn.Tiß's Service. Londen, March 6. The wireless decision has been hailed with great approval, a minor disagreement being voiced by the Daily Telegraph, I objecting to a Government station competing with private interests, declaring that the Government should confine itse!f to official business and pointing out that within
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  • 66 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 6, Cairo The authorities are offering a reward of £10,000 for the apprehension of the criminal;; concerned in the recent three bombing outrages, also £1,000 to the captor of any future aggressor. The arrest has been ordered of Sadzch Bcyhanein who was arrested with
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  • 61 9 RIUTER's SERVICE. London, March 6 Yet another minister has failed tj secure a foothold in the House of Commons, Major Hills, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, being rejected at Edgehill, Liverpool, at the by-election created by the resignation of Sir W. W. Rutherfo-.i!. Mr. J. H. Hayes, Labour,
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  • 62 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 6 Buenos Aires In the Chamber of the House of Deputies the Minister for Foreign Affairs declared that the withdrawal of the Argentine delegation from the League of Nations Assembly in 1920 did not mean that Argentina no longer belonged to the League.
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  • 51 9 Riutkr's Service London, March 6. The Malacca Rubber Plantations' issue was oversubscribed ten times largely owing to the relatively low price of issue, but The Times points out the result as a remarkable instance of the changed sentjment from the gloom surrounding the market until a few months
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  • 741 9 Defends His Views by Grossly Misleading. The following letter appeared in the Westminster Gazette under th? heading Rubber Restriction Sir, Does your correspondent "25 ytars in the Straits not realise that the plantation rubber industry was developed because the price was run up to 5s and over,
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  • 34 9 A concert free to all children will b.held in Victoria Theatre on Saturday next, 10th inst., nt 5 p.m. sharp. Doors will open at 4.45 p.m. Adults attending will !n« chargi'il SI.
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  • 485 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to your leading' article of January 4, which contained an attack on the Submarine Cable Service in which it was stated that telegrams paid for at the ordinary rate were treated as of no consequence, the suggestion being
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  • 419 9 Dr. Sherwood Eddy, who recently gave! an able lecture in Singapore on a Review of the World, at which the Bishop of. Singapore presided at the Y. M. C. A., ha 3 just written on the Social conditions in China which came under his personal observation.
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  • 119 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March f>. In the Supremo Court, yesterday, before the Kedah Court of Appeal comprising Justices Sproule, Barrett-Lennard, and Brown, the hearing of the appeal in the matter of the estate of Chong Sin Yew, deceased, was concluded. One of the questions at
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  • 2228 9 British Neutrality and The Ruhr. By Our Special Correspondent. London, February 8. The Marquess Curzon is home from Lausanne, and Mr. Lloyd George is home from Algeciraa. One has been trying to straighten out a treaty with th«Turks, and so far that treaty awaits signature the other has
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  • 321 10 Proceedings of Committee to Be Made Public. The following is communicated by the honorary secretary of the Straits Settle- j ments (Singapore) Association At a meeting of the oemmittee held in the Board Room of the Straits Trad- 1 ing Co., Ltd., on Friday, March 2, there'
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  • 100 10 (By Courtesy of .he Nichi-Nichi Snimbon.) Tokic, March 6. Tin is quoted here at V.140, owing to the recent rise in the producing countries and the rising tendency of the cost of living in Japan. Cotton yarn is cheaper at Y.2CI. contrary to the recent prospect. Mr.
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  • 129 10 I Mr. Tann has put on quite an attractive set of Universal pictures at the Palladium, commencing from last night until the 10th instant inclusive. These include the filming of Kyne's thrilling story The Long Chance, which is also worth seeing from a spectacular point of view. False
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  • 99 10 Y. W. C. A. Sale. The Y.W.C.A. are 'anxious to open their new lunch and rest room building free from debt. They are making a great effort to complete the. $30,000 thfy started out to t'ct for the purpose and are planning to have two special effort;--. The first is
    99 words
    • 171 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to 'the correspondence that has been app:«ring in your paper recently e Malacca and its internal aftairs, it is incredible to me that so many people find time to worry themselves into producing these effusions. Malacca is not
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  • 113 10 Macphail and Co.'s Report. Singapore, March 7. Rubber.— ls. f%4 London. Local 59. Tin.— London £212 15s. Local 109 Vj buyers. Share Market.— Quiet. Rubbers. Mentakabs 28-31 cents, Allenbys I.l7ft»lJt%, Connemaras DB-1. Tins.— Taipings 97^4-1, Norths 1.22H-, 1.27'j, Souths 1.12-1.15, Mambaus 90-95 cents, Hitams 1.42'/s-1.47&, Rawangs 1.27V4-1.82
    113 words
  • 89 10 Singapore, March 7. Tin.— £2l2 lf.s. Rubbers.— Quiet. Bassetts 1.17 --1.2 2.. cum. div., Bukit Jelotongs offer at 70 cents, Mentakabs 2D-31, Indragiris 5.J0--5.60, Jimahs 1.45-1.55, United Malaccas 1.60-1.65. Mine?.— Collieries 20.50-21.00, Hitams 1.86-1.46, Petalings 7gK-77Hi Nawng 1 Pets 1.17^-1.55, Ronongs 275. fid.-28s. 6d.,| Pahangs Us.
    89 words
  • 151 10 The second case fixed for hearing before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw, to-day was that of Frank Septimus, Goodall, trading p.s Goodall and Co., versus Chop Khoo Swee Thye, in respect of an alleged breach of contract by the, latter with regard to rubber and
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  • 114 10 In the Colombo Police Coart on February 22, the preliminary magisterial enquiry into, the case in which Mr. D. M. D. Stephen, J.P., is charged by Messrs. h. B. Creasy and Co., with cheating in respect of a sum cf Rs. 45.87J.74, being
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  • 60 10 Messrs. Beardmore and Company, of: Glasgow, announce that rhcy have secured an order for 17 locomotive*, part of; a con'raot for 100 locomotives for Indian State raihvay* and ther expect tri receive an order for more. It is believed that the total «ontrtct wfll reprcseu" a* least thrte^aarters of a
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  • 476 10 Cordial Welcome on his First Visit A correspondent -at Malacca forwards the following, dated the 5th instant More than a decade has passed since the parishioners of the Portuguese Church of Malacca under the diocese of the Bishop of Macao were honoured with a from
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  • 282 10 Batu Anam (Johore) Club was woll filled on Saturday evening when an excellent concert was given in aid of the funds of the North Johore Association football Club by a concert party organiscd by Mr. N. Gooch. The programme was exceptionally well rendered and encores were
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  • 135 10 The management of the Teng Sin Chinese Boys School, at Amoy Street, beg to tender their heartiest thanks to the undermentioned gentlemen and firms for, their kind aid towards the above fund, i which was collected during February, 1922 to February, 1923 Henderson I
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  • 21 10 Mr. K. M. Mukerjee, of Messrs. E. O. Cnininet. r nni! Cn., 1; fotvfitft Bhsgannrp' dv Iniiui, by tli.- sleumer Torills.
    21 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 326 10 S. S. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Newcomers' Handicap. H. S. Hdlmes, scr. beat J. T. T. Webster, owe 15.J, I 6, 6—3, 6 0. J. J. McMichacl. scr. beat W. M. McCrae, owe 1, 6 0, 6 1. J. P. Bristed, owe :!0 beat VV. B. Cuthbcrt, plus 3,
      326 words
    • 46 10 M. C. C. in South Africa. A Renter wire of the 6th inst. states: At Cape Town, the Western Province made 181 in their second innings. Kennedy took five wickets for 35 runs. The M.C.r. replied with 64 for no wickets, and won by ten wickets.
      46 words
    • 114 10 Members are notified that the fust round of the Duffer's Cup, kjndly presented by Messrs. Robinson and Co., will not be played off until on or before the 25th inRtant. The entrance list will remain open until the evening of the 11th instant. All members and supcmuineraiy
      114 words
    • 49 10 The Spring Meeting 1923 horse and pony Griffins have arriven and will be drawn for to-day at Uedfearn's Repository, Orchard Road, at 5 p.m. The horses arrived in excellent condition and were accompanied on their journey by Mr. A. H. Powell from whom they were ordered.
      49 words
    • 316 10 A correspondent sends us the following account of a match played at Malacca on Monday. The United Chinese Football team opposed the second eleven of the St. Francis' Association on the Police Depot field yesterday, Monday. Whereas the former had many of their star men outo, the
      316 words
    • 294 10 A I.ondcn e-able of February 24, states that the following are Association football results Second Division. Blackpool Wiiveihampton 1 Bradford City 4, Coventry 0 Crystal Palace 2, Clapton 0 Kulhrun 1, !tothc>-ham 2; Hull 1, Stockport 0; eels 1, Barnsle-y 1. Third Division (NY rthcrn Sect inn). Barrow
      294 words
  • 476 10 Testing Legality of Subsequent Seizure. An action was commenced in the Supreme Court, before the Chief .Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, this morning, the parties heing Koh Cheng Pow versus Chop Canon Hong Huat. Mr. V. D. Knowles was for the plaintiff, and the Hon. Mr. C.
    476 words
  • 195 10 Reference has already been made in these columns to the arrest of Dukr Zcllar in Singapore O n a warrant, eigaad b> the IV] ice Magistrate, Colombo, on the information of Mr. T. A. J. Noorbhai, proprietor of the Kastern Film Company, which i-uns the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 Export of Rubber Under Restriction. Return of rubber which passed through the Custom* offices in the Straits Settlements (Province Wcllcsley, the Dindings and Malacca) and the Federated Malay States from November 1, 1922, to February 28, 1923 Rubber which 15 |j.c. of Total Rubber which pu.-.«ed through Total llaiancc passe'l
      104 words

  • 1485 11 Supplementary Wires From Ceylon Exchanges. tdegtmau «rt taken from (changes t" kmad yesterday ScsttM Studfiits. 16 At the annual n urn' Trust for the UM, the Chairman lid thai ;is regard! assis- I :.ftvr the w:ir the rush but the Trust was foil Mi to »n
    1,485 words
  • 303 11 The Appropriation of the Year's Profits. The report of the directors of the Bassett Rubber Co., Ltd., for the year! ended December 31, 11)22, states that the cultivated area remains at the same i figure as before, viz: 1,022.78 acres of which 962.08 acres are under rubber
    303 words
  • 53 11 Kitty had been very naughty the other morning, and her father deemed it necessary to administer vigorous correction before setting off for t'.ie city. That an impression had b'vn 1 iade waa apparent when, on his return from business in the evening, little Kit'.y caUed upstairs with frigid politeness Mother,
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 MODETl^^f^ooo. double-spring motor, ptaying 10 in. and 12 in. Records. WV havr just received stocks of this and othe-- Models. f Call and let u< demonstrate the superior rtproducinc m^^_J||M > J C|u:ilili«-s found onl> in Gramophone^ txarins the fam- \H^rT!SffSm/ ous Trade Mark. >^ r^jj^^ar Latest Record Lists on
      182 words
    • 402 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Telephone 2920. (10 Lines.) SINGAPORE. The Finest Ballroom in (!il- I ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 9.45 p.m. EDGAR HULLAND, at the piano. SARKIES BROTIIEKH. filiiMis. SEAVIEW HOTEL Tanjon X"'""K OCHfSCfi mil Eli Tilfifcw no SINGAPORE. HIGH TIDE 1.21 p.m. Dinner a«rved on the lawn. Music During Dinner. Every Wednesday, Friday
      402 words

  • 326 12 Hull Scheme to Reclaim 10,000 Acres. Approximately 10,000 acres of land are involved in the reclamation scheme propounded by Mr. Thomas Blenkin, of Hull, and placed before the Ministry of Labour, says an exchange. The land is in the vicinity of the River Humber. In Mr.
    326 words
  • 267 12 Testing a Smuggling Legend Near Bristol. What appears to be a secret passage formerly used by smugglers has been discovered at Durdham Lodge, a picturesque residence on the fringe of Durdham Down. The house was recently acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Nevil Lavington, who were aware
    267 words
  • 87 12 Drills for Week Ending March 10. Wednesday, 7th.— 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall, A. Company, all N.C.O.'s under C.S.M. 5 p.m. C. Company, Lewis Gun instruction. Thursday, 8th.— 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall, A. Company, Lewis Gun, bayonet fighting and bombing. Friday, 9th.- 5.10 p.m. Raeburn House, A. Company,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      1,189 words
    • 498 12 Shave yourself with perfect comfort AS you shave with the New Improved Gillette, notice how softly it glides over your face without the slightest MADtiM^-ssaataij^a*. suggestion of "pulling." "^•sSaff fip v T« 3«^»^* > After the shave, sec how smooth u:iu KNow^ ova. clean >' our face >s— h ow
      498 words

  • 595 13 The Secret Liqueurs Of Somerset. Marrows with the measks, blind straw■jerries, and tomatoes s-Jtfering from sleeping sickness. These are among the sadrt'.st cases recently treated on Long \«hton, Somerset, at one of the strangest Hospitals in the- country. It isn't exclusively a hospital either. It s
    595 words
  • 218 13 Kowloon Institute Re-Opened At Hongkong. Old seafarers and others will doubtless be interested to know, says the Hongkong Daily Press, that the building in Kowloon used during the past twelve years as a Masonic Hall is being re-opened as a Seamen's Institute and Men's Club. Situated at
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 468 13 HOW SKIN TRODBLES BEGIN Itchy Spots, Eruptions Insect Bites May Develop into Eczema or Poisoned Sores. TO guard against the ever-present perils of skin-disease, promptly treat the least sign of trouble with that great herbal antiseptic healer— Zam-Buk. Whether it be insect bites on the arms or legs, heat rash
      468 words
    • 117 13 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS The make YOU will Eventually Buy NEW SHIPMENTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. 10^ in., 14 in., 18 in., 20 in., 26 in., Portable. ALL STANDARD KEYBOARDS. Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England) SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR Sub- Agents STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY, Singapore. SIME, DARBY CO., LTD.,
      117 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 193 14 %Jf N JL I %X am a SOAP guarantee i^>^^(JisAj?}^T^ th\ v of purity 5 •??WBlli' i d lutely pure The best for all Household and Laundry purposes. SALTEFTSTSCALES White enamelled pans. <^gs ai Marked in lbs. and catties. Stocked in 14, 28 and X^J Accurate and simple. CREATE CUSTOMERS'
      193 words
    • 471 14 Assets over 15,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force ever 117,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated la Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE <2, Old Jevr>, E.O. Tha Company haa 120,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance
      471 words
    • 325 14 BANKING 'INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION (OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK.) Capital U.S. 6,000,000 Surplus and Undivided ProlHs VJ.S. 10,400,000 Head Oflice CO, Wull Btroft, New York San Francisco Officr fjt, Montgomery Street. London Office Hishoi ■sjiate, E.C. EASTERN HKANCIIES. China Canton, Hankow, Harbin, Hongkong. IVk;.i Shanghai, Tientsin.
      325 words
    • 564 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is aftlicated ALLAHABAD BANK. LTD, INDIA. Authorised Capital £5,000,000 Capital Sub.icriDed and Paid Up £^,594, 1C0 Reserve Fund 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) TTe Rt. Hon. The Earl of SELBORNE,
      564 words
    • 602 14 BANKING NEDERLANDCHE H ANDEL-M AATSCH APPT NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIXIY (£aUbU»aed 1824.) PAID-UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (at>e«l mjmjm) STATUTOEY HE3ERVE FUND Ft 1M46.211.58 (aboat fIjHMM) LXTRAORDI\A*T K&SEBVE IX 12.e50.000 (abual MJHMM) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Peoang, Hongkoag, Bkaaghai, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semaracg, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Ckeribon,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value now only $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at rear of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. Wearne Brothers., Ltd. Sole Distributors
      154 words
    • 777 15 SALES BT AOCTION GHEONG KOON SEN 6 ft CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of vnluabU' town and country properties »ncl the steam Launch KAPONG. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, ChulU Street, On Thursday. March 8, 1923, at 2JO p.m. MORTGAGEE'S SALE 8. Valuable freehold land and
      777 words
    • 219 15 HAIPHONG DRAGON Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F M.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Bole Affents, Sinffapore. t > hi v >.»;*-> »«»>«»>»»»»♦»♦♦♦ »♦♦»«♦*> PHONEjn Your Garden THE TANGLIN MOTOR A i ove i y background for a family group. HOUSE
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 177 16 GUAN KIAT CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) 85, PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Receive* Ex s.s. REARPORT and CITY OF NORWICH. Garage Lock Washers, File Cards, Trojar Screw Drivers, and Never Slip Lock Washers. Assorted Panel Saws, Adjustable Brass Stencils, Alphabets and Figures, Pikt Domeatie Grinders, Extra Corundum Wheels, etc,
      177 words
    • 417 16 A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It Btrikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be hammered HARD. 2. And ignites FIERCELY with an explosion. Try CROCODILE BRAND (chop Buaya) which is GOOD and SAFE, being manufactured under the supervision of an
      417 words
    • 877 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc.. In ordinary close set type (average six word* to line) are per line one insertion 28 cent*, two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      877 words
    • 899 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. 51, Meyer Road. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 4, Oxley Rise. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. FOR SALE, shophouse No. 27-2, Sophia Road. Apply A. W. Brisk, 21, Chulia Street TO LET, unfurnished, Sherwood, Paterson Road. Apply Paterson, Simons A Co.,
      899 words
    • 731 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET GROUND FLOOR of Commereisl Union Buildings, Robinson Road. Apply on the premises. SMALL STORE TO LEt7 Entrances frc^ii Battery Road and Collyer Quay. Apply to Medical Hall, Ltd. OFFICES TO LET, in De Souxa Street and Godowns in Cecil Street. Apply N. Reuben, 7, De
      731 words
    • 454 16 FASHION AND HYGIENE Either or both may have created the vogue of the short skirt. It is the latter that has stimulated the manufacture of elegant and durable hosiery for which American Manufacturers hold a deservedly high reputation. We stock the famous Phoenix and Kayser brands of ladies' silk hosiery.
      454 words