The Straits Times, 6 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 27,192. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 |^Tf!j# all. KaMB*H»«BnnBBBBUBMBaBBBHBaBanaBaBBBaBBaaBBunBEaBaraaBnBaBBasBUBfIsaKBnBBKBamB TYPEWRITERS. B I The Empire The Oliver I t> p U B Model No. 1. 29 Keys 84 characters Model No. 9. 28 Keys 84 characters I Model No. 2. 30 Keys 90 characters Model No. 10. 32 Keys 96 characters J i I THEIR SPEED AND
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    • 335 1 B«BfI!nMBZBBaBnBanB«BBaBaBUUniBBfIB«BnnffaiinBBaBB2ISaBBCaa a98B^«BHKEZKBBBnBBBBHBanBBBV CONSIGNMENT OF CHILDREN'S TRICYCI ES Just Received J^?Oll BUILT LIKE A BICYCLE BUT SOLD AT A MODERATE PRICE. t H F^^^^tol Frame of English Drawn Steel Tubing finished in 1 i Maroon coloured enamel. Cushion tyres 1 inch dia- vAt-uk ffi '^^m metre. Saddle well-made and comfortable. Rubber
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    • 2 1 i fooo
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  • 468 2 Problem for Young Men Of Ashanti. Captain Rattray, of the Political Service, who WfSJ seconded to Ashanti as an i I :iiit hropolu.eist, gives some details of the i work oi" the Anthropological Department! I in the- annual report on Ashanti for 1921. 1 The
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  • 410 2 A Woman's Memories of Indian Mutiny. Mrs. Lynch StapTeton Cotton, who died recently ct Worden Lodge, Leyland, at the age of 98, was probably the oldest survivor or the Indian Mutiny, says The Times. When it broke out, she was at Peshawar with her father-in-law, General Sir
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  • 151 2 New Tenement Houses Only For Families. The Duke of Westminster has taken a welcome st.p by stipulating that none of tho tenement houses to be erected on his land in Pimlico Road, Ebury Bridge, are to be let to people without children living with them. The Daily News
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 529 2 *^v**\/ The New Remington 'V^ Bolt Action Sporting Rifle M<^ EL A M^^'S RIFLE-Built on rugged lines to withstand rough 30 A usage, this rifle is well balanced and powerful. Thoroughly tested in Alaska, Canada, India and other big game fields. Weight 8 lbs. Accurately sighted up to 550 yards.
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    • 193 2 Cuticuri Complexions Are Usually Healthy The daily use of '.he Soap prevents clogging nnd irritation of thr pores, the U3ual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes and btals. Cuticura Talcum is delicate, d:i:gliu'ul, dirtingue. ttttU..T%ic-.ait 3J.o.i>tn.Ti :>*tt. BoHlhTWJlhouM^rinvr^ Dril shLVOJI T •<.«• WTr«!Kni.I.U ,17.Jb-; !<n]. --it?,
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  • 1210 3 A District Officer's Day in The Jungle. Long: a^o, in those all too distant days when I could still number the years uf my service on the fingers of our hand, 1 s|>< •■t several happy years in one of those remote, Jungley districts' where the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 566 3 riven that the abovo Trade Murk is the property of the NANYANU 1 ROTHERS 'HiUACCO CO., LIMITED, carryI at No. 181, South Bridge n mm, and is used by the saiJ in mill l|e«t lon with Cigarettes ll umlrcd Sparrows" Cigarette* manufaetnred und imjiorted by the said NOTICE i* further
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    • 599 3 A WOMAN'S FIGURE AND COMPLEXION iv' best preserved by natural means. Taken v. len necessary, Pinkettcs gently assist Nature and therefore are every woman's need. They induce daily regularity, banish biliousness and sick headaches, clear the skin and purify the breath. Your chemist sells Pinkittis, or post free, 60 cents
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    • 401 3 brain. The second barrii nevd not have be«B filed, but at smh dosw q'mrters no in <lit i-;ui be givim tfal t!Kt-r lay but a short twelve paces from where 1 sat. The beat) rs wm aooa leathered round. the tiirei was padiled M the elephant, and we retained to
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    • 264 3 ICY -HOT BOTTLES ■G| GUARANTEED TO KEEP LIQUIDS 1 HI Cold for Daysl HI Hoi for 24 Hours Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. aia-MMM* c t.ece.e < ».»> ».C« c c f s IiJUM KITSON-UTLEY PUMPS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 jjfflMEß ofIHIMW P. 0.-Britisii India Apcar Line (Companies lacorpuruted la England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Gorernment) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICB TO MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWBBP Dae Singapore Leara Singapore XWKIN about Mar. 6 MOREA abont Mar. 14 KAI'.MALA
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    • 806 4 STEJ.KFB SAILffilS KOMKIrKE PAKETVAART MAflTse^l??y (BOVU, PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Hulland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA eMVaBMaOERT Telephone Noe. Passage Dept. 131. Fright Dept. 1192, Marine DepL and Tisaahkjaist Dept. 1437, Manager's Dept. 1003. VAN GOEXS— March 6, Letong, Tarempa, Midai, Pocloe-PanJjnr.i, Serassan aril Qentlnc SINGKARA—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 437 5 STEAMER SAIUNiS N. Y. K. LONDON LINB Kashima Mara Mar. 8 Hakone Maru Mar. 20 LIVERPOOL LINB Tsashima Mara mid Mar. HAMBURG UNB Matsuyo Mam Mar. Lima Maru mid. Apr. NEW YORK UNB Tta SUBS BOCTH AMERICAN LINE Ka'negawa Mara Apr. 21 BOMBAT LINB Wakasa Mara Mar. 6 Nsgato Maru
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    • 424 5 STEAMER SAIUNeS O.S.K. Ptaassid BallUts from 11aaa**c* (aabjast to ckaage without prerioas notice.) EUROPEAN LINB Fer Marseilles. London, Haahsrg, Utttraam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Sees aad Part laid. An. Dep. LONDON MARU Mar. 11 Mar. IB PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. IS NBW TORE LINB Par Baa Fraadaeay Paaama, New Tack,
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    • 477 5 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (lacorporated la Australia) Slagapor* to Java Forts, Port Darwin, Tsarsday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne via Torres Straits, alto with traashlpmeat to other Vleterlaa, Soath Anstraliaa aad North Qaeaaalaad Ports, British New Galaea, New Britain, Taamaala aad New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MONTORO
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    • 764 5 SALES BY AUCTION GHEONG KOON SENS GO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable town and country properties and the steam Launch KAPONG. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, March 7, at 2.30 p.m. 1. A piece of valuable 999 years' leasehold land, together with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 550 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA From Thursday, March 1 to Tuesday, March 6, 1923. Id the Second Show at t p.m. TOPICAL BUDGET BRITISH SCREEN NEWS. WILLIAM FOX Presents PEARL WHITE in 6 Parti Know Your Man A Drama of domestic difficulties concerning a woman who did know men. Know your Men-it will
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    • 251 6 CINEMAS GAIETY CINEMA First Show at 7.30 sharp Wallace Reid in the Paramount Picture. THE VALLEY OF THE XiIANTS In Five Parta. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. 2 Act Comedy Second Show at 9.15 p.m. Latest Pathe Gazette Two new episodes oi THE GREAT HAIGH SERIAL Mother's Darling and Lost
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    • 73 6 SURINA THEATRE NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. FATE SERIAL PflM^lwl THE HEAD WAITER, 2 parts Larry Semon. Second Show at 9.30 CHARLIE CIIAPI .I.VS A DAY'S PLEASURE Fourth Million Dollar Comedy CONVICT 99 CONVICT A^ cei.t amons Pictures as the play is among plays From the Famous Novel by M. C. and
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  • 140 7 Fl XT HUES. Tiif 'lj>. March f> High Water, n.J^ a.m., o..ig p.m. Ooverament II >u^ ;.t Home. At ", March 7 K-n Water, am., 1.21 p.m. B. I. I ill cl >scs. Theatre, 9.."»0 p.m. Thursday, March S IHch Water, 1.3.1 a.m, 2.11 p.m. Phil. Orchestra,
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    • 104 7 East Vh.irf Ba%in-N:l. W Thongwa. Siieei- Wliarl Nil. Vain Wha.-I -Kathima Man, Wakasa Maru. Armci i Behic, Westr. Empire Ncfc Le tfaire, Rheloland. \\.,i Whnr' Clenade. Jardlaca Wharf I I'ulu lirani Coal Wharf— Nil. keppel Harbour. Mala' Icong. Dredger Kaantan, llorn i ii^ Prince, Sea
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    • 126 7 Al STRAI '(1 tons, from Vladii :ilii>sen G-S. AYUTHIA. ':rii.. 370 tona, ttvm T. Bali 5-o. ahaa BAN WHAI i BOON, !<i'J tona, from Maine...-. BELLE ISLE, f C,OSI I U, .'ror.i Haiphong 8-3, f. r Mbraeillei HONG Xl tona, from P. Bare) <;-.'.. it., Til's tois, from
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    • 166 7 Rmaphiai in rotay, iflaaea I. and Colour, Ura. i.'. Campbell Jadaje, in, .Ir. M. \V. Culoi-r. Mr. Uiincar. (I t.r, Mc-vr. Ver- Mr. and .Mr*. S. L. Kaltcr, Mr. RudJ, Mi kt J. M. Green, MUI A. L CM. Green, :.!r. N. Matsuinotu, Mr ekloy, Mr. M. N. M..
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  • 194 7 To-day. i'uiau Samba 2.30 p.m. L'atu Pa)>at 3 Bata\ i; I n end Pangkal i' ir;iiK :i p.m 8 angbai and Japaa p.m. Malacca ».tI Muar 4 p.m. ami Goebilt ..4 p.m Tundjonz Balel p.m Sungi i Lial od BaUvia ..4 p.m. Kota rißa«l 4 p.m.
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  • 36 7 By Left Air*. S", or*. I<ob4ob Jan TirterszuoD Jan.%2 Feb. 14 Andre Lebcn J»r.. 19 Feb. 16 Kllr.ea J.n. 24 Feb. 1* Sardinia Jan. 30 Feb. 26 ond I Pfh. I Mar. 2
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  • 170 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March C. On London, Bank m/» 2/4% Demand 2/4 5/32 Private S ms. credits 2/4 9/1 C On New York Demand 54% Private 90 d/s 5714 On France, Bank 830 On Ind ,i, Bank T. T. 173V4 On Honsrkonp, Bank <l/d p.c. dis. On San^hai,
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  • 58 7 Tone of the market.— Weak. Latest London cables quot? Spot sheet Is. T-. ',-_.<!. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Pricei Buyers. Sellers. !pot ipril-Juie uly-Scpt. kt.-Dcc. Spot April-June July-Sept. Oct.-Dcc. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. 60 60 >4 61 61 62 <£
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    • 205 7 issue Val. I'd. 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Hi'am Tin 1 1 Jelantoh 1 1 Johan Tin 1 1 1 Kam. Kamunt. 10 ]0 Kinta Assn. 5 5 Lingui Tin 10 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menglvmbu 1 1 Middle-on 1 1 Murai Tin
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    • 145 7 Issue \a\. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. il £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 4.6.0 4.9.0 L 0 10 Central Engine! 9.00 9.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.80 4.10 D nE. Smelting Co. 7.20 7.50 >/- 5/- Elee. Tramways 1/- 2/-nom 10 10 Fraser Neave 35.00 55.50 30 50 Hammer and Co. 130
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    • 105 7 U. En». 0 p.c. $1,284,800 par 6 p.e. pja. Spore Electrical Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 im, Spore Municipal p.*. $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4% p.e, of 1907 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dl». Spore Mnnjcipal 4V4 p.e* of 1909 81,600,600 10 ?.e. dU. Spore Muxxipal 44 p^. of 1909 $1,600,000 IS
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    • 401 7 __Fraierjnd Co. and Lyall and Evatt'e Quotation. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. Fraser Lyali'ft Co. Evatt. Allenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.16 1.25 Alor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.65 1.40 1.60 A. HiUm ($5) 12.50 14.00 12.50 13.50 A. Kuninp ($1) 0.70 0.80
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 888 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS i Other Classified Advts., see page 16. i ntBNCH ntUn SYRUPS at lUtt per itre bottle. Pale Old Khum at $3.50 per litre bottle, Craae de Prunellc tit *'_'.23 per quart bottle, Duty included or |LM per pint bottle. Duty included. H. Bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Building.
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    • 260 7 IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE SEA-SIDE HEALTH RESORT, RUBBER ESTATE, «tc. 'file undersigned have been favoured with inttsuetfons to sell by public auction at their .sale-room. Raffle* Chambers, Raffles Place, On Monday, March 12, at 2.30 p.m. TANJONG KATONG Lot 1. Valuable freehold land, together with the bungalow (having a
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    • 723 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the followi->~ *'aces i> Singapore: Hotel van Wijk Money Changer, Groivenor. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., Rafflei Plac*. Monay Changer, Adelphi Hotel Money Changer, Europe Hotel Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Raffles Hotel Koh t Co., Bras Baaah Road G. H. Kiat Co., Ltd.. Change
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    • 278 7 VICTORIA THEATRE BANDMAN EASTERN CIRCUIT l're«ert KAAI'S NEW HAWAIIAN'S TROUBADOURS A New Company Direct froir. lla«aii. 12 ARTISTES |2 Tuesday, March U. oramra pcsVobmamci HONOLULU BY NIGHT. Wednesday. March 14. HAWAIIAN SMILES. Thursday. Mi-.rch l.'i. A PACIFIC PHANTASY. Friday. Hard It MOONLIGHT IN HAWAII. 1 v Saturday. March IT. A
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  • 36 8 Messrs, Sect Tiam Siew and Sect Tium Ynn nml family than!: nil their relatives and friends who kindly stteadsd the funeral of their father, Sect Wah ami also those who sent wreaths end letters condolence.
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  • 1105 8 Three solid publications about Australasia lie before us and welcome them. Occasionally we have commented on things Australian, and we have always taken the view that if it is to be claimed as a whito man's country the white men who art there
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  • 20 8 A big avalanche swept the foot of Mt. Fuji, Japan, recently, burying 120 houses and killing o\er a hundred people.
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  • 20 8 The residence of the Earl of Ypres at Dromdoe was raided and costly furniture md valuable pictures, cutlery, etc., cot.:l.
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  • 33 8 The cross of the Legion of Honour was .'cremoniously bestowed upon a valiant, crippled X-ray expert in Paris. He had lost both hands and an arm as the result of conducting thirteen operations.
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  • 34 8 Yesterday afternoon, at the sale-room *f Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., freehold land and compound house, 1, Killiney Road, area 18,406 sq. feet, was sold by auction to Mr. Chia Tion? Kirn for ?20,000.
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  • 36 8 The biggest passenger air liner built for the Continental airways is nearing completion in the Handley Page sheds at the London air station, Croydon. The machine is driven by two Rolls Royce engines totalling 750 horse-power.
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  • 36 8 A Bandjermassin message says that plans are afoot for the introduction of lightship services on the South Ccast of Borneo. Store ships will be statione.l in places difficult of navigation by the Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy's vessels.
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  • 60 8 The Senate of the University of London has adopted a scheme for the application of the late Sir William Meyer's bequest of £3,000 to University College, London, to encourage proficiency in European history and the history and geography of India. Under the scheme studentships are tenable by graduates of British
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  • 17 8 The half-yearly sale of papers and Tiajrazines wiil tike place at the V.M.C.A. it (J.:iO p.m. to-day.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders fnr India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. IG9 ?100. Vac rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 174 $100.
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  • 29 8 Two of the persons accused of being concerned in the attack on Mr. Bagger and Mr. Madsen at Bangkok have been committed for trial and three have been acquitted.
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  • 31 8 Mr. Donald Aitken of Woodford, Essex, a :.on of Captain A. Aitken, of Singapore, won a prize of £5 for tV irize essay in a recent issue of The Sunday Finraaf
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  • 32 8 At an extraordinary MKfal meeting held at. the Hcc Ilean Club on Sunday :iis'. Mr. Tan Kah Kee WM dily elected President in place of the late of Mr. Lim Cfcwee Chian.
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  • 36 8 The King of Siam is now en the east coast having left Bangkok or. March 1 on board the Mnha Chakri for the purpose of witnessing naval ir.anoeuvres. He returns to Bangkok on the 15th instant.
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  • 39 8 The War Office has transmitted orders to Sheffield to build a fleet of seventeen combined turr;ttei taiiks and caterpillar tractors able to transport heavy jruns a" 22 miles an hour. The eventu il object is to supersede horse artillery.
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  • 42 8 Our Pcnanjr correspondent telegraphs that a Chinese lad has be«n killed by a Chinese-owned pas=cnirer leiry in front o{ Pulau Tikus police station. The driver ->t the bus is beinp .-harped with rjsh Irivinjr, and has been ivmandcd in bail of $1,000.
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  • 44 8 The latest papers from Japan state that an epidemic of influenza has been spreadinp with alarming rapid'ty in Tokio. Between January 1 and February t>SM fatal cases were reported in Tokio, and people were dying Rom influenza at the rate of :iOO a day.
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  • 44 8 On Thursday the Bih inst., at 8 p.m. l manuscript magazine reading on various Interesting subjects will bo given by members of the Straits Chinese Reading Club in the C. C. A. Hall, at Prinsep Street. All members, friends and th<> public arc welcome.
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  • 53 8 Those who have not heard real good Japanese music will have an opportunity of doing fo on Tuesday, the 20th, at 8.45 p.m. when a Japanese concert will be held in the Y. M. C. A. by the ladies of the Japanese Presbyterian Church, 2, Adis Ro;:'l, in aid
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  • 44 8 The deaths arc announced of Sir Frederick Graham, late assistant under secretary, Colonial Office, Sir Charles Gill, the famous Old Bailey prosecutor, six! Mr. George Crockers, C. 8., formerly manager of Devon port Dockyard, and at one time Naval constructor in Bombay and Calcutta.
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  • 52 8 The Rev. R. J. Hitchcock is leaving Bangkok for Chicngmai and the north on '.he arrival of the Chaplain of Chri--. Church from h >me. On his return t Bangkok he will proceed to tour through the Siamese peninsula, thence procee ling to Trcngganißi. Kelantan and Kuantan before coming on
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  • 56 8 Tutankhamen's dust will not be disturbed this season. The inner chamber will probably be screened otf and debris pile I at the entrance to the tomb shaft a? the most effective protection against theft. A police guard will remain throughout the summer. Meanwhile the excavators will devote themselves to laboratory
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  • 69 8 A meeting of Englishmen was held on Saturday evening at the Belangor Club to iieeusa the question of celebrating St. Geoigc's Day by a dunce. The Hon. Mr. O. F. Stonor was in the chair, and he raa supported by the Hon. Mr. J. 11. M. Robson and Dr. Tiayers.
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  • 58 8 Following the strike of the railwaymen in Ceylon in which about 1,200 persons were involved, 700 employees of the Government Factory (truck work on February 17 demanding more pay. They further demanded that *■> far as the railvvaynun were concerned their alleged grievance that power had been given tj the
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  • 60 8 The death took place at Rangoon last month of Mr. Edward Fowle, M.8.E., retired extra First Commissioner. Three generations of the family were connected with Burma and Mr. Edward Powie's father was attached to the Siamese embassy sent by King Mongkut t England in 18,">7. He afterwards became Consul for
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  • 90 8 A baby show took place at CastlefieH Estate, Fuohnng, on Sunday afternoon. Abcut 100 bj.liits were brought from all the estates belonging to the group for which Dr. Day is Medical Officer, ami the Chief Secretary and Mrs. Ifi swell were present. When the judges, Dr. Wellington and Miss Ahearn,
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  • 120 8 With reference to the paragraph in our (MM of yesterday, it seoms that the M.M. Cordi'lere, which arrivsd at Colombo tally in the afternoon of February 22, touched bottom as sh- was entering the harbour by \v;iy of the Korth-EMt tntiance. Capt. G. A. V. Howes was the pilot in
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  • 398 8 Mr. W. E. Hooper. Registrar of Vehicle: i ttires in April. Mr. F. T. Kinder, executive engineer, fW.P.. Penang, has duties. The death has occurred of Sir William Garth, ex-advocate of the Calcutta Hi^;i Court. The Marquis of Chohnon-l-'ley \v;i^ thrown and badly injured while bunting with
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  • 27 8 A mail from Europe hi being brought which is due at Pensng on Friday, si > aja. The mail should i;<delivered in Singapore c;i Saturday morning.
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  • 55 8 I A lift is being Installed at the Hospital, bat considerable delay i likely to reaaH from what, we believe, is a ander the main shaft, i ilditi^ our rcithre saw a no) ie ab the main and the new erection. The matter will, no doubt,
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  • 57 8 In the article headed Yuit >: Limited," publi.-hed a few days ago the impreeaton may inadvertently have be n given that Dr. Philip SchidrowHz personally worked at bia ezperi Devon Estate, Malacca. This is not so. Thj experiments at Devon were carried out by Mr. J. R. Bumand
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  • 139 8 We are glad, very plad, that a most kindly response has been made by a few of our readers to Lord Weardale's appeal on behalf of Britain's Help the Children Fund. In the W'de area covercl by war and revolution tho raftering! of little children have
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  • 170 8 The director! of the Songei Ciau Tin Mining Co.. Ltd., in their rtport for thryc;ir I mlcd December SI, i'.i-J, ihow a load '0, subject to directors' fees, which added to the debit balance of profit and loss account, lcr.c; ;iii advene balance of $26,401.89.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 THE FAMOUS NORTON 3i H.?, MOTOR CYCLE Winner of the Harley-Davidson Trophy at the Reliability Trials held by the Selangor Automobile Association at Kuala Lumpur, Sunday, February 25 last. SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. GRIFFIN SOLID WOVEN HAIR Solvent. BLLTING IPENTRAI The
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    • 111 8 ALHAMBRA KNOW YOUR MAN (Pearl White) 6 pts. G pts. DON'T DOUBT (Leah Baird) Universal Serial THE SECRET FOUR (Eddie Polo) Episodca 1 and 2. 4 reela. (Firat Show) MARLBOROUGH UNDER THE LASH 6 pts. 6 pts. RENT FREE 5 pti. 5 pts. Photo Play Serial Corp THE MYSTERIOUS PKARL
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  • 225 9 Electoral Rebuffs to the New Government. Rll.TIR'3 SEEV1CX London, March .">. At Ihc Mitflw y-ilection the Cabinet Minist r. Sir A. Griflith-Bo'cawen, was defeated The Labourite, Mr. Iv.Ie, polle<l 8.020, Sir Griffith-Bosc-awen IJUt, the l.ibiial, Mr. Brown, ;!;'ll anJ the Independent Conservative, Mr. Cattcrall, (Hi The election was
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  • 103 9 RnuTia's Sekvicx. London. March 5. Cairo: In coaaaqacaea of the bomb OBtngM on PefanUUT] -7 and March 1, k:x numbers of the Wafd haw bven arrested Bad iataraad because "their net ion i wen of a nature to destroy public order and security." All the arrested w*n ror'.-ntly
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  • 107 9 Reuter's Service. London, March ">. Christiania Captain Amundsen has completed his plans for a flight acrosa the N ith I'ole. He expects to Start at the end of June. lit may be recalled that Capt. Roald Amundsen was the first man ta accoml lish the navigation of the
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  • 78 9 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. The HagM Tiie King cf Sweden who has euneludeil ;> visit to Holland was warmly weaa nu-d at The Hague, Delft and other testae. He was bidden farewell at the station liy Quiiii Wilhelmina, Prince Henry and the Premier and ministers. The
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  • 60 9 Relteb's Service. as, March 6. The Colonial Office announces that exports Ueeaaad under the Rubber Expor'.s Restrict: totalled in Ceylon. for the three numths ended January, 12..">:'.-> teas and in Malaya for the first (juartir 45,500 tOBS, in.luding 7,000 tors «ii the mainland. The total for the I
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  • 266 9 Decision on the Shipping Question. Reitter's Service. London, March 5. A Washington message states that Mr. Laakar, chairman of the Shipping Board, has issued nn official statement indicating that the failure of the Subsidy Bill wili not a.Tect the (it termination of the administration to tran-fer the
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  • 138 9 Reuter'3 ServiceLondon, March 5. Questicned with regard to the FrancoBelgian occupation of territory between Mayence-Coblcnce and Coblencc-Cologne bridgeheads, Mr. R. McN'cill said that the Government had been advised that under no provision of the Treaty of Versailles or the Khineland Agreement could the Khine-land High-Commission claim jurisdiction
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  • 52 9 Reiter's Service. London, March 5. In the House of Commons at question time, Sir W. Joynson-Hicks said that the expenditure on the British Empire Exhibition had up till now been £7.')0,000 and the total gross expenditure at the close is estimated to be £2,4:;5,000 while the total guarantees
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  • 45 9 Reuter's ServiceLondon, March 5. Paris Lieutenant Andre Benoit has n Baft .1 a height e>f 5,000 metres at the Villacoublay aerodrome on a Braguet biplane with a load of r>oo kilogrammes. If this is officially recognised it beats Casale's world's record of 4,731 metres.
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  • 29 9 Rioter's Pcbvicb Loaiaa, March c. ■ania Ha!v,T in, Pwsidcnt of the) Storthing, has formed a ministry I which emprises six ■hsistara of Halvor- sen's lOl'o Cahlaat.
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  • 137 9 Private Licences Being Granted. Rutter's Service. London, March 5. In the House of Commons at question time Mr. Bonar Law sated that in view of the development of wireless and other circumstances since the late Government decided on a state-supported wireless chain, it was not conridercd neces.'ary
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  • 68 9 Rkuter's Service. London, March C. New York Thousands of spectators, j including his wife, were horrified to see Howard Young, who had obtained conI ridcrable note as the human fly fall eight storeys from the face of the Hotel Martinique, which he was trying to scale. He
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  • 52 9 Rkittxk's Servicx London, March 5. The Malacca Rubber Plantations' issue of share lists was closed early this morning-. London, March 5. Colonel G. F. Stanley, who was defeated at East Willesden, has resigned. London, March 5. The Civil Service estimates fcr l<»23/4 are £314,000,000 compared wkh i'4 12,000,000 the
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  • 99 9 Winding-up Order Granted By Supreme Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, March G. The Supreme Court has granted a wind-ing-up order in respect of the China Specie Bank which is stated to be "hopelessly insolvent." 1 The head office of the China Specie Bank, Ltd., is in
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  • 174 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March G. The full Court of Appeal commenced yesterday the presiding judges beinjr, the Chief Judicial Commissioner, Mr. justice Farrer-Manby and Mr. Justice McCabc Reay. Several Ipoh criminal appeals, chiefly murder, were heard and in all cases the convictions and
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  • 95 9 (By Courtery of the Nichi-Nichi Shimbnn.) Tckio, March S. Buoa Kairanori Xawa, has applied to the Government lor permission to cstab- j li^n wireless services under the title of the Far-Eastern Wireless Service Company wi'.h a capital cf Y. 5,000,000. The con.pany is to construct a radio
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  • 1220 9 Attractions for Settlers from The Tropics. Australia as a place of permanent residence for British subjects who have lived and worked, offers inducements possessed by none other of the Overseas Dominion and of all the States of the j Commonwealth Western Australia possesses those inducements to a marked
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  • 509 9 Unfortunate Indisposition of A Witness. In the Supreme Court, before tha Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, two cawes were listed for hearing this morning, one bung that of Wong Gar. Lai, known as Wong Koon Sam, versus Tai Cheong Guan Kee Tong, and the ether that of
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  • 318 9 Symington's and Sinclair's Weekly Report. Messrs. Symington and Sinclair's weekly market report dated, London Feb-. ruary 1, states Although the market has been active throughout the week, and large quantities have changed hands daily, the price has sagged. Prices, as will be seen from '.he table below,
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  • 1415 9 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following telegrams are taken from Indian exchanges to hand yesterday Labour M. P.'s Challenge to Fight. London, February 1"> Muscular Labourites prevented a display of tbticuffs in Im House cf Commons when theCommunist, Mr. N'owbold, criticising the Labour Party, referred
    1,415 words

    • 88 10 Singapore, March C. Rubber.—London 1-s'jd. Local 60. Tin.—Lcndon MM/I/*. Local 51O8i» Buyers. Shaie Market. —Quiet. Rubbers.--Connemaras ITl\k-lM\k, Allenbfs 1.17H-LJIVs. Tins.—Taipings i>7'--Lul' 1-, Nortks 1.22 1.--l.L >7'j. Soothi I.UVi-LI7K, Padang Piandoka 45-50 cents, Httams 1 16--1.40, L'lu Piahs !.7'>-l.><". Mambaus 80-M {1 1.26-IJQ, Nawng Pets l.iT -l.'-J'
      88 words
    • 146 10 Singapore, March 15. Tin.— £210 .">s. 108>a, no sales. Rqbbcr«. Quiet. Bmm tti at 1.17 LS1H cum div. t liukit Jelotonjfs 70 cents Bellas, Mwitakabs 2841, Indragiris 5.405.60, Jimahs L4S-1J6, (JsJtfld Malaccas ixo-i.t;:>. Sterling Bobbers. Buyer.-; of United BerdftRfS 3s. 8%<L, Bukit Kajanjjs 32s. CU., Kemljia
      146 words
  • 23 10 Kuala Gch.— 26.500 lbs. Kuala Xa1.— 22.500 lbs. Majodie (— 1r»,.->OOl r »,.->00 lbs. Perm:.*.— ls,(ll4 lbs. Befcoag.— l7.9M iv.
    23 words
  • 95 10 A London message uf February 17, says AJthottgfa the olVicial regulation for the forthcoming evening Courts at Buckingham Palace have not been issued it is ood they include an almost revolutionary change. l>.-hutantps will be per-n-.itU'd to wear coloured dress and gloves ;i change, i( ii
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  • 60 10 Cheonjr Koon Seng .md Co. make the followingcorrectionof their land sale report :.a s! Nt to the Btraitl Time! uf the 3rd inst. IH. Hi^ii Street, reported to have been bought by Mr. Sliuik Sallim bin Talip for 924.M0 >hould be Mr. Syed I IgoaT for $49,000 and 17. Arab
    60 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 176 10 S. F. A. League Competition. Th Singapore Football Association has informed all clubs in membership that tin- kajrue season begin* early in April and entries MF0 to be sent to the hon. secretary, Mr. S. Mclntyre, c/o United Kiurim-ers, Damar Read, before the 15th instant. We understand that
      176 words
    • 313 10 S. C. C TENNIS TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Newcomers' Handicap. A. Stevens, owe 15.3 beat G. Goldsack, scr., 6—3, 6—2. A. W. Blackford, scr. beat H. E. Treneiry, plus ;>, w.o. C. H. Kent, scr. beat A. Poole, owe 1, C— 3, 6—4. T. L. Palmer, owe 15 beat B. J.
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    • 50 10 M. C. C. in South Africa. A Reuter wire of the sth inst. states At Capetown the M. C. C. made 236. Mann and Kennedy scored 47 and M respectively. The Western Province scored 163 for six wickets. P. Hands made a splendid M, including a six and ten fours.
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    • 67 10 M. C. C. in Australia. A Sydney wire of the sth inst. states that the M. C. C. made 275 in their first innings. Chapman scored 91. They made 296 in their second innings and Calthorpe scored 110. New South Wales scored 814, Bardsley and Taylor made 90 and 7:;
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    • 24 10 A Reuter wire of the sth inst. states At Cardiff, Wales and England drew in the Association International with two goals all.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 87 10 A Reuter wire of the sth inst. states The Lawn Tennis Association has unanimously passed a resolution abolishing the title of world's championship.-; after January 1, 1924, formally granted »t the Wimbledon meeting. Lord Desbcrough presiding, said that so long as one country had the world's championships in
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    • 67 10 Following are the weights for the two races at the Polo Club Gymkhana on Saturday afternoon next Roadster Race. Marella 13, Drummer Boy 12.8, Black Prince 11.12, Randana 11.10, Lady Bird 11.10, Tiger Lily 11.4, Corydon 11, Palm Oil 10.10. Open Pony Handicap. Digger 13.7, Capt. Cuttle
      67 words
    • 52 10 Judging from what transpired at the Ipoh Gymkhana on Saturday in respect of tho lotteries and from what has since occurred, locally, i; would appear that the action of the authorities in India regarding tho Calcutta Sweep is being reflected 11. Malaya. Forthcoming events will he watches!
      52 words
    • 180 10 I The result of mntch played at Tanglin >.n Sundaj Match 1, IMS Between Mm Garrison Golf Club and the Sepoy Lines Golf Club is as follows The Garrison Cfcsh players are mentioned first. Fordc and Wodehouse, IV4 v. Lornie and Ward 0. Everitt and Calthrop V» v. English
      180 words
  • 212 10 Forthcoming Visit to Victoria Theatre. The public of Singapore is shortly t'> receive a visit from a new company of Hawaiian troubadours. Mr. Kaai has been to Honolulu and now returns at the head of a new company of 12 artistes, included in which are some of the
    212 words
  • 151 10 The Municip.-.l health statement for tha week ending February 21 gives tho total number of deaths as 169, representing a death rate of 2.1. 53 per niillf, compared with 21. 12 in tl.e precditig wctk, and with iS.P2 in the corresponding mask of last year. The chief
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  • 78 10 Wallace Reid is at the Gaiety to-night in the Paramount Picture, The Valley of the Giants, which is in the first show alon£ with Too Good to be True, a twopart comedy. The second house attraction is Gorge Adc's comedy, Just Out of College, presented by the Frohman
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  • 102 10 A special ocean passenger and mail train left Plymouth G. W. Docks at 10.:j:5 a.m. on a recent Wednesday and ran into Paddinirton Station at 2.19 p.m., thus accomplishing the journey, a distance of 227 miles, in 226 minutes, notwithstand- intr that the train suffered
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  • 74 10 Prcfessor Rene, the famous French Egyptologist, declares that the Luxor j tomb is not the Royal tomb and docs not I contain the mummy of Tutankhamen, jvhich was undoubtedly discovered by the Egyptologist, Prof. Davis, in 1912, at Luxor. He avers that the present is merely a
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  • 73 10 The list of prize winners in the recent Colombo Town Hall and Municipal Offices competition is as follows 1. Mr. S. J. Edwards, M.A., A.R.1.8.A., P.A.5.1., Messrs. Ralph Booty and Co., Singapore. 2. Mr. \V. H. Bourne, F.8.1.8.A., Allahabad, India. 3. Mr. Frank Lishman, F.R.1.8.A., Consulting Architect
    73 words
  • 30 10 "I know tcmethiag I won't tell," sang 1 a little girl, as littl* giri»'<^ .Sjvr mind, child," said the old bachelor. Tou'll ..\.-i ill. 11 when you're v lini.; o.d^r."
    30 words
    • 438 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I shall be much obliged if you will allow me spa^e in your columns to comment on the letter in your issue of, 1st inst. signed Historicus. If your correspondent lays claim to such a titlo he should surely
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  • 102 10 Drills for Week Ending March 10. Tuesday, 6th.— 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall, A. Company, Lewis Gun instruction, musketry. C. Company, musketry. Wednesday, 7th. -5.10 p.m. Drill. Hall, A. Company, all N.C.O.'s under C.S.M. 5 p.m. C. Company, Lewis Gun instruction. Thursday. 8th.— 3.10 p.m. Drill Hal!, A.
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  • 193 10 The following are the returns of Larut and associated Companies for February Ljrut. Dredge worked hours 552, yardage treated 76.000, piculs 674.69. The dredge lest 48 hours on account of Chinese Mew Yrar. Tupai.— Dredire worked hours 539, yardage treated 74,000, piculs 637.84. The dredge lost 48
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  • 4876 10 Chairman's Review of Trade Conditions. Rubber and Tin Prospects. The annual general meeting of the Hongkong ami Shanghai Banking C"ip->-ration wm« held at the City Hall 1 Hongkong, on February -4. Then were pre-1 sent: Mr. A. O. Lanj," (Chairman of the Court of Directors), who pwidsd, Mr.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 316 11 HAVE YOU INSPECTED THE Moutrie Player-Piano SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR THE TROPICS. It combines the perfect piano with the perfect player action, reproducing the music of the world's greatest composers with the fidelity and expression of the finished artiste. Call to-day. We shall be pleased to demonstrate to you
      316 words
    • 348 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Telephone 2920. (10 Lines.) SINGAPORE. The Finest Unllroom in (he b t. MONDAY.— Tea Dansant 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY.— Orchestral Concert, 0.46 p.m. THURSDAY.— Guest Night, Dinnt-r and Dame. FRIDAY.— Tea Dansant 5 to 7 p.m. SATURDAY.— Guest Night, Dinner and Dance, SATURDAY.— Cinema, 9.45 p.r».
      348 words

  • 414 12 High Standard of Efficiency To Be Maintained. A statement issued by the Defence Department of the Commonwealth of Australia, outlined the training policy of the Royal Australian Air Force for 1923. Training, which is to be conducted as far as practicable on the standard of the Royal
    414 words
  • 83 12 The Swedish missionaries in Mongolia now traverse its stony plains, in motorcars, whose Chinese drivers show ijrcat skill in dodging: boulders. Ten years ago the usual vehicle was a slow and painful Chinese cart. When Gilbour walked thirty years ago he found it slower and more painful still. Into the
    83 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 383 12 RONNYMEDE HOTEL, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) THE MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN PENANG Situated on the Sea Front Accommodation, Service and Table Excellent TERMS MODERATE Special rate for visitors having bed and breakfast. Dancing every Saturday night. Music every night by first-class Orchestra. Telegraphic Address IM NW.MKDE, I'ENANG, M.
      383 words
    • 503 12 INDIA-RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYING. Built of the best plantation rubber and strongest cotton dock. Made in any length, width and •trength. Th« ideal Belt for the tropical climate, economical, reliable damp-duat-acidproof. Price, ea afyUeatlea U Singapore Rubber Works Hesd OBe* and Works t Town Office
      503 words

  • 493 13 Profits Expected from Rubber And Coconuts. The meeting of the Batu Kawan Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Ltd., was held on January 19 at the company's offices, Mincing-lane House, 51), Kastchea-p, E.C. Mr. Frank Copcman, chairman of the jompany, presided, and in moving the adoption of the report
    493 words
  • 314 13 Governor Reports a State Of Stagnation. Papuu is in for a period of almost ompleti 1 stagnation," said Judge Murray, .ieutenant-Gcvcrnor of the island, in the oarso of an interview in Melbourne. Tliere hud been four phases in the brief history of the country, said the judge. The
    314 words
  • 235 13 A visitor from South America after viewinp: Calcutta from the top of the Ochterlony Monument says it reminds him of Buenos Ayres What prave the impression, says the Calcutta Englishman, was the palatial buildings and the avenues of i rees intersecting; the maiden. He was
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 962 13 salesjy mim ~SENG KEE CO. !?«PORTAHT AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JOHORS, AT MUAR. MISCELLANEOUS SUIT No. IS7 of I»2J. between P. A. K. N. SOtKALINCAM CHETTT CkargM aad i Y. SCAN «!>«• 1.1 KUAN Ckar(«c FOR THE RECOVERY OF $128,392 AND COSTS. T!.e ■■ell reiaieJ
      962 words
    • 497 13 ii ii Details from M Details from*****— capt. c. F. blunt, Mi^rZ- J wJ'^L—jsl& m^7' CAPT c F BLUNT> j Hoafkoai 9 Sainfkai Ag«^ *^^£g rolV *J l Ho ko S Sainfkai Banltinf Corporatioa, .^■fijijjpt'^ Wr I Baakiaf Coreeratiaa, t j Soarabara, Java. Soarakaya, Java. I 1923 Models I .___S7
      497 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 272 14 KENSITAS CIGARETTES "As good as good Cigarettes can be." mkS STANDARD SIZE I^^^P^ Kensitas Cigarettes are tijS& carefuUy kept UP to the original high quality and I DOWN in price as low as possible with the strict maintenance of that high On Knowing How IT isn't all in the tobacco,
      272 words
    • 1963 14 lIUHHM I Assets over 95,000,000 S.C. Aasßxance is force ever $17,000,000. The Great Eastern life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated la Strait. Settlements.; HkIAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company ha. £20,000 depoiited with the Supreme Court of Ecgland and compile, with tee British
      1,963 words

  • 1084 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Coil Ignition Incnaaing attention has of late been paid tv ttn; claims i.f trie ignition coil, litlicr as- Urn iota HtM of ignition of in conjunction with the magneto. Coil ignition has, of eoursi-, much to recommend it. Kirst, from the
    1,084 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 463 15 New York's Choice New York City, the richest, most discriminating and most competitive automobile market on earth, a?ain in 1922 bought more Studebaker cars than any other make, except Ford. More Studcbaker cars were sold in the Metropolitan District, which includes five counties adjoining New York City, than any other
      463 words
    • 229 15 Model 1923 The new shipment of these cars has NOW arrived and demonstration runs can be arranged for at any time. All cars fitted with detachable wive whorls, and can be interchanged in a few minutes the annoyance oL V Bg delays in case of puncture is thus removed. REMEML'ER.
      229 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 266 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms,' at 1507, Joo Chiat Place, area 81,200 square feet. APPLY 35, FHILUP STREET. SEE N. LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTERY KOAD FIRST WIRE NETTING FOR TENNIS COURTS. Brass Wire Ga«ze 40, 50. fiO Mesh. Obtainable from GAW BROS,, LTD,
      266 words
    • 444 16 A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be hammered HARD. 2. And ignites FIERCELY with an explosion. Try CROCODILE BRAND (chop Baaya) which is GOOD p.nd SAFE, being manufactured under the supervision of an
      444 words
    • 882 16 "d^DID ADVERTISEMENTS The PHEPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 eta. three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      882 words
    • 870 16 BOARD AND LODGING VACANCIES, 6, Oxley Rise, English home, electric light, tennis, garage. Tel. 2580. VACANCIES, 1, OxleyniUse, near Tank Hoad Station, Central, every convenience. WANTED TO RENT, part of house. Kurn-isK-d or unfurnished. Reply 198 C, Straits Times. VACANCIES at The Mansion, Oxley Rise. Tel. 681. Single $100 to
      870 words
    • 782 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO I FT GROUND FLOOR of Corrm«rei»l Union Uuildings, Robinson Road. Apply on he premises. OFFICES TO LET, in De i-ouxa Str-e». an Oodowns in Cecil Street. Apply N. Reuben. 7, De Soii»» Street. TO LET, godown riverside, No. 4», Norti Hoat Quay. Immediate entry. Apply A
      782 words
    • 259 16 FASHSON AND HYGIENE Either or both may have created the vogue of the inort skirt. r t is the latter that has stimulated the manufacture of el igai and durable hosiery for which Amori:in .Manufacturers hold a da iy high reputation. We stock the famous Plicrnix and Kayser brands of
      259 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 196 16 The strasts times TELEPHONES I Editorisl *nd General W Manager's Office 1117 Ml communications relating to editorlj* matters and news shouU be siidrcared to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—advertisement, subscriptions, accounts, printing, cc, should be addressed *.o THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Vants, For Sale, To Let, etc.,
      196 words