The Straits Times, 1 March 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. _"">■- APOEE. THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 192." PEICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 l \^L* a> c THE OLD ORIGINAL j Bear Jjjk Brand j I GENUINE SWISS MILK „,UW I ortadsAElj: eveeytthere |i Sterilized Natural and Concentrated |ij IT tou haw not yet tried the "BEAB" Bnoi Conrrntrated Milk, ask^ yonr rr^ruiar dealer for a sample tin. SOLE AGENTS Joseph Travers Sons,
      100 words
    • 189 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. ~-nr~ j -COMBO" SK»ETS SHISTS V w mil i mm. n» n*. oa«. N HJ| cream Dm I v s rr7 T mam* "_ate^ w»d O. S. Ssa% PC Sbdteß s&d Lou p. X i 1 MTALrra BucUt end VTim- Loathcr Fastener. I a; r Price 51.75
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    • 1 1 'A^UjmhC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 jJ 1 Mrt. Af. m»» I" Mr <i«r liiiU 1 1ft irl it picture el health end ft §hippinei.. I ctnr.o* •p.elr M j t.o bifhlr ol Gl.e.: \L A Doctor says My baby has been fed on Glaxo since he was a t-j month old, and lias thrived splendidly
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    • 990 2 LISTENING-IN." How America Enjoys the New Pastime. It would be a commonplace remark to say that when wireless telephoning becarr.i practical, about tho year 1914, no one dreamed that itd use would ever be gi rural cr. popular. Even two years ago few enthusiasts would have dared to assert that
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    • 403 2 I ITCHING BURNING itM FACE la Large, Red SpoLs. Very Painful. Cmjcura Heals. My llttk g'.rl's face V okc out in a rash which took the form of lar^e. red spots and itchrd ar.J burned. They were very panful end were of a dry nature. They dis'igured her and I
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    • 110 2 Continental CORD TYRES DEFY COMPETITION Enormous Reduction in Prices AS FROM February 1, 1923 u« Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE AND BRANCHES. MMM«H»»»M>»«MHMM»»tMH«M»HM»MHIM»H» I 1I I I 'Hull/ LORRIES 3 Ton Chassis $4,000 1 Ton Chassis $2,250 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. Fall stock of spare parts always available. Bodies of
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  • 672 3 Economic Position of British Malaya. A review of trade is furnished by the correspondent of the Times, and appears in the trude summary, which states Thin- are :n:my interests in Malaya, but rubber and tin dominate them all. If these great industries are prospering, nothing else matters very
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  • 136 3 Calcutta Corporation propose using wireless in connection with the supervision of their :ie\v wattr scheme. An experiment \v;:s successfully carried out on FablUiy fc between thy City and the v. oiks at Pulta. The idea is to link up th" waterworks system by a speedy and
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  • 114 3 Hot weather and bad temper often po together, and the latter is frequently characterised by bad laneuajre. During the last few weeks swearing has been so frequent in the Brisbane streets, and in crowded tramcars and trains, says the Brisbane Courier of January 20, that 1.. i-l'i-
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  • 33 3 Orders for week ending March 4 Saturday, March 3.— Rally at Govcrnnunt House. All Troops Parade, back of V.M.C.A., 3.45 p.m. Full Dress uniform with staves.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 712 3 FOH FMMCH AND RICH MEN ONLY.) THE ROYAL YAKUTI UUM VILAS.) Tkis Ifakuti of lilt giving nectar ass beea i prepares frum th* best, choicest and richest 1 > drugs. It Las a wonderful proprrty of increasing the virile power and M ai! urinary disorders. In fact, it mnkes msr.
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    • 513 3 B£GAN WHEN A GIRL Rsjgtsct of symptoms which lirst bec:imc npnxrctit whin >ht vta<- SBBergiag from childhood into womanhood has caused many a frill long years of suffering in later life. Such wum thi- -art- with Mrs. Mabel Johnston, ;m Ar.nricnn lady rcsiJinp; at 67, Benninjrton Street, East Boston, Mass..
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    • 306 3 Th. Sh.^tocotca. TV. I Iliiii fci* i in sßsswfcU ism Sot. Thro At. inl.urnM Actull pbola n,ictofT>DHi uk<o to Ikl L.Lutal<»T. These are the cause of SORE THROATS Discus- spreading serins iwana in the air in countless millions, always seeking to attack through the moulh and throat. EVANS 9 P&stttfm
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    • 436 3 ICY -HOT BOTTLES (GUARANTEED TO KEEP LIQUIDS CoM for 2 Days H and Hot for 24 Hours |J| Pint size $4 and $5 Quart size $6 and $7 Obtainable at MAYNARD CO., LTD. 16, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. Cheap Sale COMMENCING FROM FEBRUARY S TO MARCH 7, 1923. Great opoortanitj for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 744 4 STEAMER SAILIIUS P. i 0 British India Apcar Line (Companies Ineorpuratcd la England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSI'LA AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract witk His Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICI TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWERP Dae Singapore Leave Singapore \ANKIN about Mar. t MOREA abent Mar. 14
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    • 841 4 STEAMER SAH.IHIS kohihklyk¥ paketvaart maatschappy (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS IXDIV COVEk MENr. Telephone Nos. Passage Dept. 131. Fright Dept.. 1202, Marine Dept. and Tran=hir,m«nt Dept. 1137, Manager's Dept. 10*3. DE KLERK— March 1, Penanc, Lho-Seumawc, Sigli, Oelee-Lheue, Sabanc Tjalan- Hi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 423 5 STEAMER SAIUNBS N.Y.K. LONDON UWI Kaahlms Mar* Mar. 6 Hakone Maru Mar. 20 LIVBRPOOL UNI 1 ■■•alma Kara aid Mar. HAMBURG UNI Matsuye Maru early Mar. Lima Maru mid. Apr. N«W YORK UNI rto SUM fIOPTH AMERICAN UNI Kanagawa Maru Apr. 21 BOMBAY LPH Wakssa Maru Mar. 6 Naeato Maru
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    • 429 5 STEAMER SAIUNfiS O.S.K. Ft*»— < Sailing* f rem •tu«»i>..-. object te ehaag* without previo* aotlce.j EITROI'EAN UMI Far Marseille*. London, Hambarg, Rotter«am, Antwerp, via Colombo, Sacs aad Port Said. An. Dep. TONTtON WARO Mar. 1* Mar. 1« PARIS MARU Apr. 12 Apr. 13 NBW TOBK UNI Far Baa Fraaclaeo, Panama,
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    • 874 5 STEAMER SAILINGS STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY "NEDERLAND" NEDERLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.) HOLLAND OOST AZIE LYN (of th* United Netherlands Navigation Company.) HOLLAND AND HAMBURG FREIGHT SERVICE. As from first prox., the above 'Lines will give FREQUENT regular sailings te ROTTERDAM and AMSTERDAM and MONTHLY .ailing* to HAMBURG direct and to BREMEN, DANZIG,
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    • 600 5 STEAMER SAILINGS KERR STEAMSHIP N IHC IUCCBWOB* TO UNITED AMERICAN LINES (Incorporated la U.BJL) i f«fTat Mirie* between New Teri Bingapor* aad Java Ports, aad r*M versa FOR NEW YORK VIA BUEZ HALFMOON In port For M«kt, apply sumo c co. f LiMiT-i). AgeaU. StralU g*ttl. M eau mU VMM.
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    • 339 5 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-GHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED. (IMorporated la Hsngiong) Direct Service t* Japaa via Hongkong aad Shanghai and to Calcatta via Praaag from Siagapore Taklag Cargo ea through Bill, of Lading for Caaton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Tangtas* port*, Formosa, th* Philippines, et*. FOB PENANG AND CALCUTTA
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 657 6 CINENAS PALAOEGAY CINEMA Second Show at 9.30 p.m. EVE'S FILM REVIEW Pathe Comedy RICH MAN POOR MAN GEORGE WALSH In a William Fox Production THE PRIDE OF NEW YORK A Stirring Patriotic Drama, in 5 parts. r A Two Reel Hank Mann Comedy, SUDS OF LOVE A Snob Pollard Comedy,
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    • 450 6 CINEMAS A Stupendous Feature Production that Everybody Has Been Waiting For EMPIRE CINEMA The New Home of Paramount Pictures In the Second Show Commencing at 9.30 p.m. A TRIP TO PARAMOUNTOWN In 2 Keels. Preceding a Paramount Artcraft Royalty Masterpiece foumleil on Sir J. M. BarriiV. Famous Play THE ADMIRABLE
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    • 218 6 1923 MODEL The mw Dodge Car is better value than ever as in addition to the general efficiency so long associated with Dodge Cars, there are vast improvements in the bodywork, the hood is of an improved type, Cord tyres of a larger size are iitted ail round, the upholstery
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  • 117 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, March 1 High Wi.tcr, s.l* a.m., 10.16 p.m. P. an.l O. homeward mail, train. l'hil. Orchestra. Mem. Hall, 6.18. ISuII-Ilng Drur.imom!, Victoria Theatre. lrida\. March 2 High Water, 9.41 a.m., 10.48 p.m. M. M. koawwttra mail leaves. If Four Wall.. Told, Victoria Theatre. Saturday. .March
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    • 96 7 Kast Whsrr Basin Nil. Kasl Wharf Toeate, Thong\va. Sheers Wharf Nil. Main Wharf Sjmki'ki Maru, Klang, Deut:\i:on. KmpiK' Hack l*nt»»ar Circe. Wet Wl-jrl Natal, Kilantan. Jardinc Wharf—Nil. I'ulo Ilrani Coal Wharf—Nil. Keppel Harbour. Main Wharf Han Hong Lcong, Patrol, Dredgfr Kuantan. Horn Shell, Tug Prince, .Sea
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    • 218 7 CIRCE, Brit, 314 teas, from Deli 1-3, foi Deli DX BERKS, ii 765 tons, frcm BandjcrmuJ. for itiuidji-rmaain 4-". DEUCALION, Hiii.. 1.W5 tons, from Birkcn-ln-:id l-:i. ro« Hontkoni: GLENFALLOCH, Hut.. 1,134 tons, from Penang ::s-L'. for Aiatacca 1-3. UINZAN MAIM". J»,... 1,000 tons, from Ban?kak tt-i, tot Bangkok
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  • 177 7 To-d«y. ?ulau Sambu 2.30 p.m. Malacca and Muar ..I i'atu UaliLt 3 p.m I'cnang, Tangoon and Calcutta 3 p.m l.n »<>.<:. n Bllik, Tandjong Bahi und Mtian 3 p.m. Bangkok 4 p.m Hoagkeng and bihnnghai 4 p.m. Kola linggi ..4 p.m. Malacca and Muar 4 p.m
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  • 33 7 P1»»«T Jan Pieterszoon Andre Lcboo S:irjini» Left S\on Jan. 1(1 Jan. 22 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 30 Arrd. London F«b. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 26
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  • 100 7 Mr. Heath, tha weH-kncivn Borah ■Mttaaaaat, liv* tfiven up racing temporarily. Added to hi- n-.ent luck on tht turf, Mr. Coolam Hussein Easaji, to call Ni i|«.r by hii real name, has not bean h—pim trn.d health lately. After a iiilftrimaKc l> Mecca, he is sroinfr tc England for medical
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  • 173 7 BX CHANGE. Singapore, March 1. On London, Bank m/t 2/4 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private B ms. credits 2/4 9/16 On New York Demand 64 Private 90 d/s 57% On France, Bank 830 On India, Bank T.T. 173 Vi On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1% p.c. dis. On Shanghai,
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  • 62 7 Tone of the market Steady. Latest London cables quote Spot sheet Is. 5%d. I Singapore Standard Palo Crepe Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers. Spot April-June July/Sept Oct.-Dec. Spot April-June July-Sept Oct-Dcc Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Bayers. Sellers. 62 62 >i 64 64V4
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    • 205 7 Issue Val. Pd. 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 HiUm Tin 1 1 Jelantoh 1 1 Johan Tin £1 £1 Kam. Kamunt. 10 10 Kinta Asscn. 5 5 Lingui Tin 10 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menglcmbu 1 1 Hiddleton 1 1 Murai Tin 1
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    • 143 7 Issue Val. Pd. £1 fl Br. Am. Tobacco 4.6.0 4.9.0 10 10 Central Engines 9.00 9.50 10 10 Central Motors SM 4.10 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.00 7.50 5/- 5/- Elec. Tr»mw«yt 1/- 2/- norn 10 10 Fraser Ncave 35.00 35.50 SO ')0 Hammer anil Co. 127.50 135
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    • 106 7 V. Eng. 6 p.c. <$1,254,800 par 6 px. p.m. 3'pcre Electrical Tramway*, 5 p.c. £860,000 ML Spore Municipal jj. 41,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4\i p.s, of 1907 $1,000,000 10 px. dli. Spore Municipal 4V4 pc of 1909 $1,600,500 10 p.e. dli Spore Municipal 4% p-e. of 1909 $1,500,000 16
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    • 403 7 Frater and Co. and Lyall and Eratt'i Quotation*. Latest available Stcrljnjr Quotations are printed on »noth»r page on Friday. iu-«n» i rues. Iraser I.) all A Co. Evatt. Ulenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 Mor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.63 1.40 1.60 V. Hitara (?5) 12.50 14.00 12.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 759 7 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 16. BORDEAUX St. EMILION', Modec, Barsac. ti nvcs, Santernes, Haut Sauternes, ex bond and duty puid wholesale nnd retail. H. Bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Illdg. WANTED Trivatc Hall. 1975, Straits Time. LADIESr^RETTY SILIc^ATS, llOtoilf., at the Parisian House, 5, Orchard Road,
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    • 798 7 SELANGOR TURF CLUB PROGRAMME OF SKYE MEETING. (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 16 and 17. 1923. FIRST DAY. SECOND DAY. Saturday, March 17. Mo^L 1C RACES 1, 2. 3, 4 and :>. Friday, March 16. JJO 4 4JO nd .pm RACES 1, 2. 3,
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  • 30 8 1 IJVRK On Kcbrusn- 2«. IW3. at Tan Tock Song 1 Hospital. Sinraporr. John CUrk. AssMtaat, B&rlow a Co. aard 40. Fvnrral at Bidadari CcmrUn- to-day, st 4.30 p.m.
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  • 1161 8 The Straits Times THURSDAY MARCH 1. FUTURE OF RUBBER. Th« report issued by the Rubber Grower!-' Association and printed in our i *ue yesterday is entirely satisfactory- Leader* of th« rubber industry in America have acknowledged the necessity of restriction. bat are rather afraid that the Stevenson scheme is not
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  • 53 8 In the Shanghai head office of the Chinese Pott Office, at lh< ;Vk:ng and Sxcchuan Roads, 2,000 private Soxes, the installation of which was berun prior to thr mWkk| <>f ti-<- MOsgl ,vjst ffices in China. In* practically b i. -cmpletcd, and the postal authonlu > a*. nounced the opening
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  • 64 8 After hearing Mr. Cobbett. on behalf if the Yokohama Specie Bank tris momnjr. the Chief Justice. Sir Walter Shaw, gave judgment for the bank in respect of two c r.tta,-:* made by them with Dawood, who did not put in an appear, ince. fh« claims, after difference made n exchange,
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  • 68 8 The death of Mr. Sect Wah at hu r«sidence K3 Tras Street, on February -J7. if moves ore < f the mot". re*pected membcra of the Chinese community. He came from China at an early age. He was a big contractor and had erected several large building* in Singapore. Sect
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  • 60 8 Captain D. M. Novsa-Lcwis. Adjutant of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, whn ha» bc*n in Penanr for the court* cf inntrurtion for the officers and N < the Penan* Volunteer Corp*, has returrcH to headquarters. Col F. E. Spetwr, Conimardinjr Straits Set "lenient* Vn'jr te*r Kokm, whe it In Penanr conducting
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  • 14 8 Telegraphic communication with Bangkok and Keianun over the Government line* was interrupted thi* mcrning.
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  • 30 8 The rate of istue cf Money Order* for Ind.a and Ceylon to-day 'it Rs. 169—1100. The rate of payment of Mrney Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 175— #100.
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  • 31 8 On page II appear the report* of thr mc*t njr of the Malaria Advisrry Board no r-ctur." Artion, while on page 12 will be found telegraphic matter. Aheu'l of the Mail.
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  • 32 8 Th" S>-outs Rally at Government House on Saturday next will commence a. I p.m.. and not at I.W as previously anTi >ps will parade back of VM C.A. at 4. 1S p.m.
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  • 26 8 Heavy gun |.ra»tiee w:!' t..' frwm for!, <-onim«-ncuig at a.m.. on th« ISth :n*tant srmilsr pra. take pmsM from PUikan Mati at the sam hour.
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  • 32 8 The dej.pat« ti ilirect nails to Tan^ j(n? Dalei-Kerimon ha* i I sequence <f the closing of the ar that place. Correspondence for Taml jong Balei-Keriiron is now forwarded vis Pulau Sambo.
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  • 39 8 As there an^eat* to b< th" patt of the p ;■> Mm i-»ue of nev onr-doltsr notes. i night be th:.t the ■in wru h \h>\ v.- bx thinner quailty than .the previous issue the rote* are quite vali'l.
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  • 45 8 The winner of the first prize in thr Siam Million Tical lot«er\ Tao Dam. from Nong Boa. i muhnr I i< nSingha, in the changvad of (ramlaburi A man who has carried a name «n address like this through life certainly deserve i some comp?n*a'
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  • 53 8 A case was commenced in th; Supreme C<urt thi* morning, before Sir Wi i Shaw in which Chop Siang Huat ciaim* from thr SiattMce Bteamship Co. a sum 04 in respect of dantage causoi to a cargo of betel nuts shipped on a twakow fer conveyance I Rajah of Sarawak
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  • 82 8 The Mnlaynlee Awooia 1 held a social in honoi'i of it- |«.itn>n. thi Hon. Mr. P. K. Nnmhyar, on Tuesday, it 6 p.m. Tli- fi:n.lion ws« ow .irely to Msiay»lc<*. I<v. K. Hajjhiir-.-han. who presided, n'r ..lured the gue*' n f<licitoi> r.r.i'-. and short speeches ir Kncli»h an<l Malayalam were
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  • 84 8 > 'Uy, the arrei-l was effected or the arrival of tro B. I. '(earner Thonirna from Cakur.a. of mi Amrriian named illrr \«ho wa« wantcl on a prot Moral warrant sent fror.-. alleired that Taller esstmttd s Maldivian it S.OOO iiitx. v trr i\ i >n in rewoet of
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  • 83 8 Thi* 'uorning. before the C!ii«f Justice, Sir Walt.r Shaw Mr. I-ayion moved n behalf of thr Official A*«ignee for an order for at a;. Seng ai «o bankruptcy took place in Singapo rhich the 1 :ni.r f'.ir a remuneration «f T. |vr eamV M BMssM <!ue by defendant, and which
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  • 109 8 The report of the Singapore Chamber :f Commerce Rubber Association for the yi-ar IS»2* ha* been issued, shew i tig ircome amounting to $45^56 and expenditure, including depreciation, to $43.9«5. i surplu.* of $1,366 on the year's working Seven flrnw were admitted to member>!.ip *il II resigned. The rtandard qualities
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  • 122 8 Th«- Directors of the Indo-Bumia Oil Fields, Ltd.. announce a scheme for t',r riiivanisa'mn of capital. It i* propose! subject to the debenture holdei to reduce the far,- v«lu.' ..f the or-linarv %harw at present issued (£1,500.000) from tl to ten shillings each, and to the unissued 600,000 £1 sharp*
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  • 123 8 Experience ha* proved, says contemporary, that the M.l'. 1 are eatirr to deal with, when thc>' are surrounded by an a'mospherr less official than in thr Waiehiaopu. Thin iv why ntorUinmcntu are given in a district well-known to every Pekinese umler the name cf EigV Big Huttings. Thrrr, among flowers
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  • 382 8 The Misses H-ldn ard Mb TVrßht are .<• (jlrnanlT.' A Rcutir cable of •<• i. .< ■MM that lUi- n lUya«hi hi,, wth Thnr MajtMic tha Kirn. ».tvl QtMtS. I a* fellow students j*st passed h* I^>n<lon Matrix u!.v amir.ut The death has occurred af Mr. Thoma
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  • 210 8 We regret to announ.-e the ilca'h. under very tragic cirrunvlar. John (lark, of Messrs. Barlow and Singapore, who did laM night at Tan Tock Semr's Hospital. The fact*, i> w know them at present, arc that th in*pe.-tor in charge at the Ksr: Police Station recc.vo<l a
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  • 198 8 A second performai. asH Lincoln was gmn by I mpany at the Victoria Th tart niuht. We have already NBHW on the irnat litrrary merit an<l drar quite nmarkabic play, ami it »nly r<m«u* t> eongratutatc Mf\ W. E. H >tc<l ;.<'<- p perfect whole which drarratistV tan.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 159 8 WINCHESTER RIFLES Cal 22. Winchester single shot Rifle, holt or thumb action. For small game. $19.50 Cal 22. Winchester Repeater, light in weight, Reliable and accurate $39.50 Winchester automatic self-loading Rifles. Suitable for medium or large game. Cal 32, 35 cr 351 $87.50 Extra Heavy model Cal 401 $95.00 Fr<»sli
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    • 112 8 ALHAMBRA KNOW YOI R MAN (Pnrl Wklte) < pU. pl> DONT DOI'BT (L«sli Balrd) I'alrvrtal Serial THE SECRET FOI R (EMI* Polo Episode* 1 snd t. 4 reels. (First Sa*w) MARLBOROUGH UNDER THE LASH pts. C pta. RENT FREE i pts. t pU. Pks«a rtar tWial Cat* THE MYSTERIOUS PEARL
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  • 518 9 Crave Issues with British Government. Reuter's Service. London, February 27. Bochum "fi-.e town was in mourning on the occasion of tho public funeral of the workman who was shot dead by a French poldier on February 23. Shops were closed along the route which was lined by
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  • 137 9 Reutek's Service. London, February 28. Owing to the deplorable state of trade, the American section cf the Master Cotton Spinners' Federation has recommended its members to curtail production in Match by ~>o per cent. London, February 28. W I m-t The Rubber Tyre and Automobile Accessories Manufacturers', Caafaraaa* passed
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  • 274 9 The Ship Subsidies Bill Dropped. Reuter's ServiceLondon, February 27. Washington President Harding has nominated Mr. Richard M. Tobin as Minister to the Netherlands. The Senate has confirmed the nomination cf the Postmaster-General, Mr. Work, to the Secretaryship of the- interior in succession to Senator Fall. The Foreign
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  • 124 9 Rxuter's Servicb London, February 28. Ottawa Government statistics show that there are 9,500 drug addicts in Canada of which 7,300 are in the wet provinces of Quebec and British Columbia. ilt is pointed out that Montreal and Vancouver, seaports, are the headquarters of the traffic, which is in
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  • 56 9 RXUTBK'S SIRVICB London, February 28. In the House of Commons, replying 10 questions, Mr. Ronald McNeill said the Government did not re-gard the AngloSiamese treaty of 1909 cr the agreement with the Rajah of Kelantan in 1910, as derogating from the sovereignty of Kelantan. The Government recognised
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  • 61 9 Reutxr's Service. London, February 23. The judge at the Old Bailey found Walter Tatam unfit to plead and ordered him to be detained during his Majesty's pleasure. [Tatam was arrested en a charge of sending poisoned chocolates to Sir William Horwood, but during his examination it was
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  • 31 9 Rkuth's Ssrvtcs London, February 28. i Delhi It is reliably learnt that substantial reductions are being contemplated in the present strength of British 11(1 ttMM ill I;
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  • 157 9 Curious Point in House Of Lords. Reuter's ServiceLondon, February 28. The House of Lords read a second time the bill, introduced by the Lord Chancellor, designed to abolish the ancient legal presumption that a wife is acting under her husband's coercion when she commits a crime in
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  • 170 9 League of Nations' Helpful Influence. Reuter's Service. Londen, February 28. A highly gratifying improvement in the condition of Austrian finances and internal conditions was described by Sir Henry Strakosch, of the League of Nations, in the course of an interview with i Reuter. He announced the success of
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  • 54 9 Reutes's Service. London, February 28. A noteworthy step has been taken by Mr. E. F. Wise, acting assistant secretary to the Board of Trade, who has resigned the Civil Service and joined the Central Union of Russian Co-operative Societies as economic adviser and director in the London office
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  • 43 9 Reuter's Service. London, February 28. After closing down for two years, Palmer's iron and steel works at Jarrow have resumed operations. Scottish stealmakers have advanced prices for boiler plates and ship plates, etc 4 an average of 15s. per ton.
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  • 39 9 Keuter's Service London, February 28. In a debate in the Dail Mr. Cosgravc .said that the most conservative estimate of the damage throughout Ireland due to disturbances was £40,000,000, the proportion of Dublin being £4,000,000.
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  • 40 9 Reutxr's Servici London, February 28. Ottawa The Government has granted permission to the Canadian Marccni Company to erect a wireless station at Vancouver, with a range of 7,000 miles. for the purpose of communicating with Australia, Japan and Montreal.
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  • 37 9 RIUTM'9 SERVICE London, March 1. The bye-election at Darlington necessitated by the elevation of Mr. Pike Pease to <dhc peerage resulte-d as follows Alderman Pease, Conservative,, 11,684 and Mr. Sl.evw.nd. Labour, 1 1 «7 1
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  • 1016 9 Dr. Schidrowitz Solves a Great Problem. A company called Vultex Limited has been incorporated in Jersey with a cap.tal of £100,000 to work the patents secured for the process of vulcanizing rubber latex, devised by Dr. Philip Schidrowitz, the famous chemist. Dr. Schidrowitz spent a considerable time on
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  • 115 9 NEWS FROM JAPAN. (By Courtesy of the Nichi-Nichi Shimbun.) T:kio, February 27. I Mr. Ichisuke. Nakagawa, the chief public procurator of Sapporo court of appeal, has committed suicide, disemboweling himself. The Bank of Taiwan has been authorized by the Government to loan another V. 50,000.000. from the Government's low interest
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  • 172 9 The 592 nd auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held yesterday, when there was 1 catalogued 1 ,523,967 lbs. or G80.:!4 tons. .Offered 1,148.361 lbs. or 512.66 tons. I Scld 834,567 lbs. or 372.57 tons. j London Is. 5%d. N. York 35% cts.
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  • 229 9 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent, writing yesterday, says There was tremendous excitement at that portion of Batu Road between the Malay and Java Streets junction at about 12.30 p.m. to-day when the alarm was given that house 11, was on fire. The brigade quickly arrived and, as
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  • 111 9 The fortnightly meeting of the Singapore branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya took place on Monday a« the Europe Hotel, Major Keys, D.S.O taMinjr the chair. Grants to the extent of $550 were made to necessitous cases from the Benevolent Fund, and it was mentioned that
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  • 301 9 We are indebted to Messrs. Wilson Holgate and Co., for the Rubber Trade Association of London Return showing the United Kingdom rubber imports and exports for the whole of 1922. The total imports in 1920 were 110,878 tons, 59,672 being from Malaya. In 1921 the figures i were
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  • 1679 9 Malaya's Part at Wembley Park. Arrangements Well in Hand In view of the widespread interest that is being evinced in the British Empire Exhibition that is to be held at Wembley Park, London, next year, the subjoined I particulars, which we have been able t>> > I obtain
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  • 175 10 A message from Sydney says ln a report furnished to the- Stewards' Union in Sydney, it is stated that on Christmas Day four stewards on the Esperance Bay seized several woman passengers and threw them into a bath. Some of the women, it is said, were
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  • 119 10 Evidence was called in the civil suit C. A. St. George and Denise Violet St. George, au-ainst the State of Negri Sembilan, in which plaintiffs claim $45,000 eaMavgeSi end costs ef suit, on account cf injuries received through th* alleged ne-gligence of the defendants, whereby n n
    119 words
  • 32 10 Viacauatesi Knellys left i' 7,700, William ltiucu, linoleum maker Kirckculdy, i.! 0.-.,000. Lotd Scott Dickson. f25,000 •nd Michael Grace of New York and l...mli>ii, fathtt "'f lllf Connie. „f Doaougtunortt O.WO^MH) dollai
    32 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 282 10 A. W. Gore and Oliver Win Doubles. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 28. Many spectators were present at the Golf Club courts" this evening to witness the lawn tennis match in which Mr. A. W. Gore, ex-champion of England, had arranged to take part.
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    • 75 10 The Telegraph XI will meet the Municipality at sozcer on the Malaya ground to-moiTow. It has been decided to continue to run an Association football team for the Singapore branch of the E\--SorvictK Association of Malaya. Mr. La Mot he has j accepted the position of captain. Will
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    • 19 10 The following are the scratching^ Race five Heartspeare, Killara. Race ten Mona. Race one has been cancelled.
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  • 791 10 President's Review of The Past Year. At the annual meeting of the Singapore Football Association held at the S.C.C. on Tuesday evening, the President, Mr. J. M. Sime, gave a review of the Association's activities in the 1922 season. The following is a full ree-ord of his remarks
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  • 131 10 Marphail and Co.'s Report. I Singapore, March 1. i Rubber.— LondoT l/5%d. Local G2. Tin.— London £210 ss. Lccal $107 Vi Buyers. Share Market.— Quiet. Rubbers. United Malaccas 1.57 1 j--1.62V.!. Bassetts 1.15-1.20. New Crai- jddeas 72V4-77 1 i cents. Tambalaks 80-8") cents. Tins. Mtnglembus 42/2-47/4 cents.
    131 words
  • 669 10 Singapore, March 1. r Tin.— £210 5s. r Rubbers.— Allenbyx l.l.'-J. Ayi-r P»- lias 7.50-S, Bassetts t.ISW-1.17^, Cruj;- 1 ieleas 70-75, Jeram Kuantans -11- 10, Jim- ahs 1.-15-J.55, Mentakabs 27Vil32li, Ut-in Simpans I.B2K-2, Pajains 7.10-7 CO. Tan.- 1 balaks 77',i-82Vi, Kuala Sidims *30-2. 10, 1 Alor
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  • 40 10 Mr. and Mis. R. D. Jackson are now j living in Jersey. Mx. R. D. Jackson w/s retired from tho P.WJX last November 1 on medical i minds He Ea sew Road I (Surveyor to the Suite of Jerm-.5." I
    40 words
  • 772 10 Position of Rubber and Tin Industries. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, February 28. A general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce* was held at the Mercantile Bank buildings, .to-day. Mr. D. H. Hampshire, president, occupied tho chair and the others present were the Hon.
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  • 205 10 This evening Mr. Otto Reivener and I his wife, who are staying at 90, Bencoolen I Street, will exhibit Jeremiah Daile, a horned man of the Batruto race, from South Africa, on the circus ground, Beach Road. According to accounts in Indian papers he formed the most
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  • 52 10 The committee of the Lion City Club will be At Hume to its membes on the rccasiou ct the Chap Goh Meh io-morrow. ar x p.m. Ronggeng presented by the rice-president Will be in attendance, and light refreshments will be No NIV.I XV" I*l .1 n.l i.. lwlllll
    52 words
    • 137 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In the interest of public hwltii, I hope this will catch the eyes of the authority concerned. Tajong Pagar Road has not been watered by the Municipality for many months, although they cannot deny that this is the busiest
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    • 1082 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— When reading your leader, France and Germany of yesterday.-, issue, one who knows but little about his- tory of Europe, may come to the conclusion that England, with the greatest disinterestedness, rendered help to France and Belgium, and that
      1,082 words
  • 510 10 Capable Officer in Pioneer Engineering We- are indented to a correspond, nt for the following obituary notice Mr. Alfred Bertramt Potts whoi<t death took place at the European Hospital, Kuiila Lumpur on Saturday, February M, joined the Public Works Depart- an assistant engineer in
    510 words
  • 42 10 Amount previously acknowledged :j Mr. Ong Soon He-e per Mr. Sour Chin Eng r/3 Further proceeds Yang Sing Dramatic Association Kntei tainmentK lit* < bineae Christian Association, collection at the oOrd anniversary 50 Total $33,378.5K GOH HOOD KIAT, Hon. Secretary.
    42 words
  • 77 10 The Empire to-night gives Paramoun' productions to their patrons for the firs: time, as follows A Trip to Puranmuir Town and Paramount Arteraft Masterpiece founded on Sir J. M. Barrie-'« famous play tre Admirable Crichton, and entitled Wale and Female, featuring Thomas Mefg-han, Gloria Swanson, Lifa Lee, Thpn
    77 words

  • 916 11 I'rosposals for Allocation Of Vote Thi following minutes of a meeting of ialaria Advisory Board, held in the Chamber. Government Office*. .1 Lumpur, on November 20, 1923 arc illy supplied Present Dr. F. E. n fee chairman). Dr. A. T. Stanton. Mr. .1. Strnchnn, Dr. A.
    916 words
  • 30 11 Mr. M. A. Hancox. a young member of thl RarcßiM Office staff, Hongkong, was i I in Ml bedroom, cnrbonie oxide bointr the cause. The tragedy U i.i-c lu-i-n accidental.
    30 words
  • 924 11 Judgment for Far Eastern Kiln Service. Before the Chief, Sir Walter Shaw, in the Supreme Court, yesterday, he case was continued and concluded in which the Far Eastern Film Service Limiid. Singapore, claimed sums amounting :o approximately $30,000 from the China Theatres, Limited, Tientsin, arising out of
    924 words
  • 118 11 The Siam Observer of February 23, status C'apt. Alb. Peterson, who was expected in Bangkok a few days ago, has, •*c learn, been detained at Penang surveying and negotiating the purchase of the hull of the Sappho from her owners the Straits Steamship Co. The Sappho
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 117 11 THE NAME THAT ESTABLISHES CONFIDENCE "His Master's Voice 11 Every article that carries the World-famous DOG CHOP is the result of years of practical experience and when you purchase a Gramophone or Record bearing this trade mark you know you have the best. Come in and let us demonstrate this
      117 words
    • 308 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Tai«i*«a« mm. cm NNSAPOUL Ta« Fiaatt Ballrooai it the Kart. THURSDAY Guest Night. Dinner Dance EDGAR HULLAND. •t tiie piano. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. SEAYIEW HOTEL, jO Kw t^. no SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, MARCH 2. HIGH 1 VDE 9.11 a.m. Special Dinner and Dance DINNER SERVED ON THE LAWN 6ROSVENOR
      308 words

  • 453 12 Supplementary Wires From Indian Exchanges. The following telegrams are taken from Indian exchanges to hand yesterday Liverpool Gas Explosion. London, February 14 There was a terrible roar, a sheet of flame and two house!! went up in a cloud dust is the frraphic description of a
    453 words
  • 413 12 Important Part Played by The Guinea-Pigs. Three bacteriologists to say nothing of a number of guinea-pigs have been mysteriously put out of action by a now microbe imported by the Lister Institute from America. The Bacillus Tularense was sent across the Atlantic to be added to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 343 12 BEACH HOUSE TANJOM; h.VTONG. f Tel. No. 6333. UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. Single and Double Rooms Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Tennis Every Modern Convenience Electric Light. SPECIAL TERMS TO MARRIED COUPLES. iuMYMEDE HOTELUMITED i Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) THE MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN PENANG Situated on the Sea Front
      343 words
    • 906 12 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONG KOON SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable town and country properties At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng k (v saleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, March 7, at L,.10 p.m. 1. A piece of valuable 999 years' leasehold land, together with the business premises erected
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  • 823 13 Estate in Excellent Order. The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of Tangkah Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held <on January 30 at the registered office of the company, 1-4, Great Tower-street E.C., Mr. H. J. Welch (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, The report and accounts which are being
    823 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 234 13 I P It's better to run I out for Bovril now than to run out of Bovril j when you need it. I 1 Always have Bovril in the House E ««».«4» mtmttiiinin»MMnii INDIA-RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYING. Built of th« best plantation robber and strongest
      234 words
    • 136 13 HAIPHONG DRAGON Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, FM.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. i DUPIRE EROS. Role Agent*, Singapore. MM—i-^uSiiuMJOlrirMjKjtiwsSiuur I "SEA-GULL" BRAND Condensed Sweetened Condensed Unsweetened Sterilized Natural Sole Importers: The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (L*»»r»ai*u<s la Dasaark) Singapore. ■»-«-*-»-»-*^'»-*-»-t-rf-r-»»« (tttiMMnmMitttMttt 1
      136 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 503 14 KENSITAS CIGARETTES "As good as good Cigarettes can be." STANDARD SIZE Kensitas Cigarettes are Wjjjfo carefully kept UP to the Wsr original high quality and DOWN in price as low as possible with the strict maintenance of that high On Knowing How IT isn't all in the tobacco, sir, it's
      503 words
    • 473 14 SBasilldßlsilllßßßlßßllfllllßaillßaiflßaißflßßflKasaiiflaiSflaflßßßßßKKßiaßflßtaßkaaiCßflßßßßflßßßßßflßßßflßßßßEflßßßßHHflMliaßßlilaisif Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated la Straits Settlements.) H£AD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old Jewrr, 1.0. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life
      473 words
    • 347 14 BANKING i INTERNATfONAt BANKING CORPGJIA¥*U3? (OWNBO BT TMM NATIONAL UTI BAS* OF MIW TOtH.:. Capital a UJ. I tjm,*t* Burplos aad Cadlvld«4 ProflU tj.». 1«4M.0M Haas OBte* < td, Wall StTMt, Ns* Ztxk. iaa Fraodfc* OCk* »»I, Street. Lraaaa OMca i l». SutM<(tS B.C. BABTXRM BKA^CaOM. tlSaa I Caatoa, Hankow,
      347 words
    • 561 14 BANKING P. AND O. BANKING CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England) With which is aTHicuted ALLAHABAD BANK, LTD., INDIA. Authorised Capital £5,000,000 Capital Subscribed and Paid Up £2,694,160 I'.eserve Fund 90,000 Board of Directors The Rt. Hon. LORD INCHCAPE, G.C.M.G., X.C.5.1., K.C.I.E. (Chairman) TTe P.t. Hon. The Earl of SELBORNE, K.C.
      561 words
    • 592 14 BAMONG NEDERLANDCHB HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY (EsUblisksd 1824.) PAID-UP CAPITAL Fl. 80,000,000 (aboal fi6.M7.000) STATUTORY RESERVE FUND Fl. 19,4«5,211.56 (aboal 11,620,484) EXTRAORDINARY KhSEUVI IL 22,660,000 (aUut «1,8S8,88S) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES*: Penang, Hongkosg, Shanghai, Kobe, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semaraaz, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Caeribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjap,
      592 words

  • 1009 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Revision of Motor Taxation. A sjHcial correspondent writes in the Financial News as follows It ll little to be wondered nt that theri is a trreat outcry aji"i !lgi <tic present system cf motor taxation in this country. Durintr the past
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 144 15 Just Arrived HUDSON 7 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR. PRICE GREATLY REDUCED Making the 1923 Model HUDSON undoubtedly the best proposition at present offered in the automobile market. A Limited Number Only Available. Further particulars and demonstration on application to Malayan Motors A. B and C, AMBER MANSIONS, ORCHARD ROAD. Til.
      144 words
    • 582 15 Model 1923 A new shipment of those is due on Friday, February 2.1. We have reduced the price to prewar price 98,160 The large number of -Hupp car owners in the Straits is a strong testimony of the popularity and the hiph opinion held by the public. Exceptionally lone life,
      582 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 269 16 TO LET Immediate entry. A large compound bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, at 1507, Joo Chiat Place, arc? 81,200 square feet. APPLY 35, PHILLIP STREET. SEE K LAZARUS OPTICIAN MEDICAL HALL BATTERY ROAD FIRST WIRE NETTING FOR TENNIS COURTS. Brass Wire Gauze 40, 50, 60 Mesh. I Obtainable from GAW BROS.,
      269 words
    • 482 16 A MATCH IS GOOD AND SAFE WHEN 1. It strikes EASILY. 2. And burns SLOWLY. BAD AND DANGEROUS WHEN 1. It has to be hammered HARD. 2. And ignites FIERCELY witn an explosion. Try CROCODn.E BRAND (chop Buaya) which is GOOD and SAFE, being manufactured under the supervision of an
      482 words
    • 911 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinary close get type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cents, two ins. 4G cts.. three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five in.. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      911 words
    • 951 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. 31, Meyer Road. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. i, ~6xlty Rise. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, immediate entry. No S>B-28, Cairn- 1 hill Road, Apply to Frankels, Ltd, 875, Victoria Street. TO LET FURNISHED, Purmea House, 614, Kampong Bahru
      951 words
    • 866 16 Try Tkem Once— And Voi Will Know that the Beat Motor Oils and Grease* are those which bear this Trade Mark The Mark of qaallty. AUTO X OlL.— Light, 1 lap. gal- tin $2.10 AUTO XX Oil Medina do. 2.40 AUTO XXX OlL.— Heavy do. 2.50 AUTO.XXX K. V.— Ex
      866 words
    • 213 16 1 FOURNIER'S Jfikx, COGNAC Best value U> <*&■ gA The Market t COGNAC' fl*O O^ DLTT PAID Sold everywhere. PHOTOGRAPHS For the best of everthing in every Branch of Photography Ring np MR, BUCKERIDGE Phone 1898 THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO in the COLONY, 65, ORCHARD ROAD. (next to Palladium). HIRE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 197 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General M Manager's Office I" 7 All communication* relating to editorial matters and new* should be addressed vo THE EDITOK. All communications relating to businoss matter*— advertisemer'*, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., ■hould be addressed to TIIE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT BATH Wants, For Sale, To Let,
      197 words