The Straits Times, 28 December 1922

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 27,136, SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 197 1 ■naBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBHaBBBBBBBiaBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBJ REAL SWISS JliV CREAM JBear jjj^ Brand| TRADE MARK FROM THE FAMOUS PASTURES OF THE BERNESE ALPS, SWITZERLAND. j j Preserved in all its natural richness and without any added matter it is j very economical and can be used up to the last drop. "Bear Brand" Swiss Cream
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    • 209 1 MBBBBMBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBB.BBBBBBaiiIBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBIIBaBBBBBBBBBBs 1 Exquisite j S PGrfiim&s I Cotys High Glass Specialities 1 a J TAVTOTFTTE PRFFffI ESSENCE LA VIOLETTE k J MUGUET i POURPRE ESSENCE tds&K LAROSE I 'OR PI JAmUHiMIINUI COTY'S Ijgr Also Elegant Seal Leather Cases, POUDRE DE RIZ v containing 3 different 8 Assorted Colours and Perfumes.
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  • 429 2 Two Coburs at Single Operation. Jumpers and ntockings of various and daring jazz hues, and skeins of brightlycoloured silk, gave the demonstration bench of the chemical lecture theatre at the Manchester University a somewhat bright appearance. The usual chemical appliances were for the time being completely in the
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  • 527 2 American Kinema Realistic Enterprise. Th" Ingenuity anJ mterpriso H sj.!a>ci by \mcrican kinema producers in cbtain;np effects is proverbial. An •nstanco of t!r.< is qot>tM bi a recent number of Science and Invention (New York). The pfctuie was on which portravod an tarthquake accompanied by a volcanic
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  • 19 2 What is Moslem loyalty worth to the British Empire if it must bo bought by the sacrifice of Christians
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  • 22 2 The old idea was to put the Turk out of Europe ba»j and baforajre. Apparently h» must haVe forgotten couple of ralt-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 5 hIA vv Ek Gk tffSf l9CteßtO->KVtIKttS WTH RtMtNOUT FORMATES) lan v"* lii *7?'<?:-\ r/i-cr/ /or R-NBHft* GEKSr: A!. WEAKNESS m ro#*i* LOSS OP MERVic POWfeft ITH SieEPLtSSNe^S-INWGCSTIOH ■-STJ-'^ POG k. >r^ O, SLQOQ D£PRESSiONCbtai.i?r>fa c\ a.',' iftc 7j,-/iz of ■Jr*-*^**" INDIA -BURMAH-CCYLON-STR4ITS SETTLEMENTSMALAV PCN IWSUIA- MALTA- tGYPT-CAPE TOWN SHANGHAI
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    • 397 2 GUTSCiM HEALS PIMPLES 9^3 FACE Spread All Over Daughter's liead. Hadjjair Cut Off. r.Ty Jcaplitrr h=d a brtaking out x cf i:.-.!e pkr.plcs en her face and d *h: .h in l!i: course of a day c: tr/b filled with a watery subC2::c, tr.d then when they broke cjrcnl all
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    • 147 2 WHITE OPRQUE One of t i^Z^^p uolden benes I A. A F. PEARS, Ltd.. LONDON. P.NGLAND. J SOLE IMPORTERS KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. SINGAPORE. »■»■♦■♦-♦-«♦> »♦♦♦♦»♦>-»»♦.« tM>> WHY BUY ATSO 9 DISCOUNT 2V! NEW YEAR GOODS at prices based without PROVISION for it Tuck's New Year Cards in boxes, assorted, prices
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  • 679 3 Wonderful Story of Voyage From Africa. The steamer Hunstanworth, 1,434 tons register, of NiewcasUe-on-Tyne master, W. Robertson, <.f South Shields, who took command when the captain was stricken with sickness arrived up to time, at Rochester, from West Africa, with cargo on Friday. This is
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  • 349 3 How Amazonian Indians Deal With Their Enemies. Some of the grotesque practices of the Indian dwellers in the dense forests of the Amazon practices that in all probability are perpetuations of the remote cus- 1 toms of the lncas of Peru were recounte 1 1 by Sir
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  • 23 3 Strange that rival political candidates think it necessary to invent lies about each other when the plain truth would probably be bad enough.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 683 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE TENDERS FOR rOKTI.AM) CEMENT. Tenders arc invited for the supply of Portland Cement in casts nett weight to be »l"<H"'h in the following consignments: 1,000 casks between January 1 and January 18. 1,000 casks between I'Vbruary 1 and February IS, 1,000 casks between March 1 and March 15.
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    • 421 3 THE EMOTIONS AND DIGESTION WHY L.MT.nTER IS GOOD AT MEALTIMES. There is a curious relation between the emotions and the process of digestion. It is a scientific fact that sudden grief or joy will instantly arrest digestion and the functions oi the stomach will not be resumed until the i
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    • 274 3 Where there's life there's hope Even the apparently drowned can be restored to life provided help comes in time, but let your tea get so much as damp and no human power can bring back its purity and delicacy of flavour. See that yours is properly protected. You don't have
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    • 127 3 VIOLET-RAYS m' :Give[jYou Radiant BeautyGlowing Health Throbbing Pulsing Vitality SO QUICKLY SO EASILY SO INEXPENSIVELY, Outfits to salt individual tastes and necda. Prices oa application. SOLE AGENTS BINGAPOEE. «MMM«I«>»t>miIIIMIMMM«MHM»MII«»H«M.IIII TRY OUR POPULAR NE^l MANY TREASURES CIGARETTES '4skiiwiV*v^?J^^'^ Because of their Quality, AppearlimSß&w 'ofJSSSaA ance ant luxury. SS^-i- ,!l T 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 734 4 STEAMER SAHimS P. 0. British India Apcar Line TCompanles Ineervorated la England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PKNINSriA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Uader Contract with His Majesty's GoTerameat) LONDON FAIUEASTKRN SERVICB ntOM LONDON TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWKBP D»e Singapore Leave Singapore 192S W ISM DELTA (Traasport) abuat Jan.
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    • 635 4 STEAMER SAHJMBS "ELLERMAN" LINE ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ia England) B^EAMKR '^31aUfpog L PASSENGER SERVICB OUTWARD. s.s. CITY OF SIMLA China Japan F*h 1 s.s. CITY OF POONA China Japa. HOMEWARDS. •s.s. CITY OF PARIS Marseilles London Dec 2S •\t CITY OF SIMLA M«e,|le, ffiS RE S •S
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    • 539 4 STEAMER SfIILIHeS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (BOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated ia Holland) PNDEB CONTBACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS lADIA, GOVBBNMXAT. Telephone Nos. Passage Dept. IJI, Fright Dept. 12t2, Marine Dcpt. and Trauhlpaeat Dept. 1457. Manager's Dept. IM*. SINGKARA -December 28 Tanjong-Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong, Pamh, Berombanr Ananan ard Beluwnn-Dt*li. SlN haif^d
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 STEAMER SAUJNtS N. Y. K. LONDON UNB Haruns Maru K»mo Man Jun a LIVERPOOL UNB Tw&nm an i, J Uelngju Mara n» d «b. HAWBUBG UNB Lisbon Maru early Jan. Mlto Mam d pUteaye Maru "»u- Feb. NBW TOBK UNB via BUBB SOUTH AMERICAN UNB BOMBAY UNB Kamakura Maru J*n.
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    • 479 5 ITEAMEH SAHJUiS O.S.K. rraaasad Ratlings frost liagaaere (sabjsct to caange witkoat prevluas aotlee.) BCBOPBAN UNB For Marseilles, London, Bambarg. Bettordam, Aatwern, via Colombo, Baas aad Port Bald. Art. Dep. ATLAS MART' Jan. IB Jaa. I" ARGUN MARU Feb. 24 Feb. 26 'Omit Marseilles. NBW TOBK LINB Fer Baa rrandse*. Panama,
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    • 777 5 steamer simms STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED. LOCAL SAILINGS Intended to nail Steamer Front Singapore to Menaay, 4 DJB, KINTA Port Swetteaham and Peaang. Monday, 6 p.m. HYE LEONG Malacca and Muar. Tuesday, 4 p.m. KRIAN Port Otekaoa, Talok Ajaaoa, Bagan Da»e» aad Lamnt. Tuesday, 6 p.m. KELANTAN Malacca aad Muar.
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    • 304 5 STEAMER SAJLTOS GOMPANIA TRASATLANTIOA (SPANISH BOYAL MAO. LINK) The undermentioned steamer will have prompt despatch for the port, indicated FOB MANILA s.s. C. LOPEZ Y. LOPEZ due about January 19, 1923 FOB COLOMBO, SUEZ, POBT SAID, BARCELONA, VALENCIA AND CADIZ (with transhipment to other Spanish port.) C. LOPEZ Y. LOPEZ
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    • 229 5 NEW YEARS GIFTS I Chinese Satin Shoes in all colours. Bamboo Baskets. AU kinds of Canton Embroideries and Drawn-thread Works. Can be had at lowest possible prices. Call at THE CHINESE DRAWN-THREAD WORK CO., 10. Coleman Street, Singapore. PETER GHONG CO. The only Catholic Book-sellers, Ststioners snd Printers in Malaya.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 413 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Profranme from Monday, December ?5 to Saturday, December 30, 1522. In th« Secund Show at 9 p.m. TOPICAL BUDGET British Neva Filmi The Modern Dominant Society Drama, A Gr.ipiiic Description of the Modern Society Play JESSE L. LABKY presents CECIL 11. .MiI.LE'S Special Production WHY CHANGE
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    • 70 6 SURINA Theatre THE SfcASUiVo < v... Firat Show at 7.3. THE SILENT AVENGfff w H. >/' Kpisodes 12, 13, 14 and 15 L'Jtt 1 Second Show at 9:sx, NEW LAKRY SEMON COM Kb. £\e'a Film Review and Vod-a-Ville Mo\i THE PRINCE OF THE MOUNTAA T 5 Sensallunal hryond wordi. All
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    • 274 6 Ask for and vt* that 70a get MARSEILLES ROOFING TILES RIDGES AND VENTILATORS "HEART" BRAND Tata. Tilae kare Imu imported and maed in tkeae p.rt, for m It yean. Ertrr genuine Tile made in Marseilles (France) bears the same of makera In fall and aleo a brand. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS,
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    • 100 6 CAST IRON PIPES Manufactured in accordance with British Standards and at competitive prices by the PONT-A-MOUSSON FOUNDRIES (France). Large orders supplied to Foreign Governments and public bodies including GREAT BRITAIN SWITZERLAND BELGIUM BRAZIL GERMANY HOLLAND ITALY TURKEY SPAIN SUM etc, etc SOLE AGENTS FOB STRAITS AND STATES KTABLI0SKMXNT8 BROSSARD MOPIN
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  • 163 7 FIXTURES. Thnmdnv. December 2S Hich Water. !VJ7 n.m.. T..8 p.m. M. I. hemewnrd mall i Phil. Orchrslrn, Vie. Mem. Hall, 8.11. Hand in tin- Gardens, 5.15 p.m. I'ridny, Drcembrr 29 llicli W'nter. C:2l a.m., 7.17 p.m. Malaka Plnda Knbber, Chan Szc Onn's noon. Wearne Bros. Meeting, noon.
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    • 73 7 IM Wharf F..i«in— Nil. 1 \\harf -ElephanU. Sheem Whsrf Nil. Main >\ liar: Vaa OvcrstraUsuta Uaru, City of Paris, Empire Dork K-pun:;. Nankint Mam. Se- a, Lai Baag. West Wi i, M.1.J..M.5. Asama, Wharf Kuala. I'ulu Jlrani Coal Wharf— Nil. Keppel Harbour. Herat* Patrol, Lch.
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    • 125 7 1,959 tona, from Lon--28-11. Uut.. 7lio tons, from Bandjernaasia unc. FLKi'li s tons, fron: Rangocr. U7-IJ. .or i.-.n iuii 28-12. LOZAN «ARI 1.-... i.v.'i tons, from Sakit-. il L'-l. 1 UAH I!IX. h;:i.. I,I IJ tons, from Sourabaya 27-1 <<> unc. HONG Ho. Brit, :>."> tuns, from Trengganu
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    • 138 7 To-d»y Hotu I'i.hJit 3 p.m. :.;.lioe..n liilik. TanJjonj; Balel and 3 p.m i'enanx, B .i. tak- I 3 p.m Supplementary Mall 1;• train to Penang, taking mails for Europe, t'.c. 4 p.m. Malacca end Muar t p.m P-m lulau ..4 p.m Kudat and 11 a.m i
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    • 32 7 Left S pore. Arr. London. November 3 November 11 November 17 Novinibir II November L. November 24 November 27 December 9 December 12 December 18 December 18 December -1
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  • 170 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, December 28. )n London, Bank m/s 2/4 Vi lk-maml 2/4 o/32 Private o ms. credits 2/4 15/32 On New York Demand 54 tt Private 90 d/s 56% )n France, Bank 006 )n India, Bank T.T. 174% )n Honjrkonp;, Bank d/d :)'i p.c. dis. In Shanghai,
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  • 61 7 Tone of Market Steady. Latest London cables quote Spot Sheet Is. l%d. Pal* Crep« Clo»in« PrieM Bny«r». S«U«ri. ipot an. »n.-M»r*»H Vb-March ipril-Jun« Spot Jan. Jnn/ March Feb.-March April-June Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Cloiinf Prices 47<i 48 48 48Va 49 60 50 50^
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    • 203 7 MM Ul. Pd. 1 1 Batang Padang 1 1 Hitam Tin 1 1 Jelantoh I 1 Johan Tin II £1 Kam. Kamunt. 0 10 Kinta As.«cn. 5 5 Lingui Tin .0 10 Malayan Col. 1 1 Mambau Tin 1 1 Menglembu 1 1 MidcJleton 1 1 Murai Tin l
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    • 149 7 Issue U Pd. Buyen. Sellers. ti il Br. Am. Tobacco 4.8.3 cd. 10 10 Central Engines 8.75 9.25 10 10 Central Motors 2.25 2.75 C] £1 E. Smeltinjr Co. 7.10 T.'iO 5/- 5/- Electric Tramways 1/- 2/-nonn 10 10 Fraser Neave 33.">0 34.00 i 0 50 Hammer anil Co.
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    • 108 7 V. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 5 p.e". p.m. Spore Electrical Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. Spore Municipal 5 p.c. •$1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4>.i p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dU. Spore Municipal 4 'A p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 10 p.c. dis. Spore Municipal AY» p.c. of 1909
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  • 408 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall ana Evatt's Quotations. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Erstt \llenby Xew ($1) 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.75 Alor Gajah (SI) LS6 L4S US 1.45 A. Hitam ($5) 12.50 13.00 12.00 13.00 A. Kuning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 BLUE FUNNEL LINE S.S. TEIRESIAS ii.l. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI tad to ;.ail for übovi hi January Has limited Brat-ataa adation :ivalliible. MC*, apply MANSFIELD CO, LTD., Asp Ocvaa M.iim Ship Co., Limited and ■taal EtUaa NsTigattoa < lul St. HeUa'i Court
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    • 718 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS DESSERTS A huge variety Chestnut? I Syrup, Prunes, Ki^s, Cluster Raisins, Alnxinds and Raisins, Nougat Chocolates. Ii bolter, Direct Importer, Europe Hotel Build- q ii REQUIRKO by engineering firm, eood hoitinind typist. Apply 1073, StriiUJTime* "~FOE SALE, stuffed tigress nnd I cubs in class ca3c. Can be seen
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    • 57 7 INDIA-RUBBER AND CANVAS BELTING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYING. Built of the best plantation rubber and strongest cotton duck. Made in any length, width and strength. The ideal Belt for the tropical climate, economical, reliable damp-dust-acidproof. Prices on application to Singapore Rubber Works ■•a* Otic* aad W«rks i Tava O«c.
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    • 312 7 To Find the Circus Follow the Crowds. llmazoffs"grand south african circus. Location Beach Koad. o-mciit 9.15 to-nicht:: Grand 'Change of Programme. NEW ACTS NEW ANIMALS lEW HIGH TRAINED HORSES AI.I. NKW ALL INTERESTING. he only Show which plays Nightly hrfore Thousands. latinec-Sattirday, December 30, at 5 p.m. j AND (;ram)
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    • 143 7 Attention Please 2 BOXING AND WRESTLING CONTESTS Al Iho STAR OI'ERA THEATRE HAM.. .North r.ridm- Itoud. on To-night at 0 WRESTLING BOUT. Jl-JITSU v. INDIAN WKESTLING T. WATANABE <l'rof. of Ju-Jitsu) \AZ\M DIIIN (Indian Wrestling Instructor) BOXING MX 1 Tare* t Uampion Boxers of Malaya art Ukinp part including Battling
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  • 35 8 TAN ENG WATT.— On December 27, 132.>. it 173, Waterloo Street, Singapore. Age s>i. He leaves three sons, Messrs. Tan Soon Yun, Tan Jeo Jce and Tan Kye Kiat Funeral Sunday, January 4, 1923.
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  • 1129 8 A Parliament that contains some hall dozen parties, and is ruled by one of i! em which obtained about a third of the vote; polled at the general election, does no' command either our confidence or ou: admiration. It seems to
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  • 33 8 A new departure in the history of Dul wich College has been made by the elec :'on to a Governorship of the Labourite Mr. J. H. Thomas, who was nominated by the masters.
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  • 33 8 The Court of Liverpool University has instituted a degree of Master of Architecture awardable to a Bachelor of Architecture, of at least a decade's standing, who has designed a building of outstanding merit.
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  • 47 8 The London Observer says that Mr. A. S. Verney, the weil-known art connoisseur, is proceeding to India to meet Colonel Faunhorpe at Lucknow w.'th the object of forming a collection of mammals, reptiles, and birds of Ind a for presentation to the American Museum of Natural History.
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  • 63 8 Messrs. Mackinnon Mackenzie and Co., Calcutta, announce reduction in fares as from December 1 in the P. and O. Intermediate service and B. I. service between India, Ceylon and Europe of £6 in first saloon and iB in second saloon. Passengers who have already booked their accommodation in steamers which
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  • 81 8 Erskine Childers, the Anglo-Hibernian rebel recently shot at Dublin by the Irish Free State Government, was the son of a former Ceylon civilian. The home papers mentioned the fact that his father was the late Robert Caesar Childers, the pioneer Pali scholar and compiler of the first Pali Dictionary published
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  • 7 8 Glaxo"? almanac for 1923 is to hand,
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  • 15 8 K. Sultan Maricar Bros, and Co. send us a copy of their new wall calendar.
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  • 16 8 Tan Boon Liat, 4 Outram Road, forwards a useful calender for 1923 in English and Chinese.
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  • 21 8 A Chinese was found dead in a well in Tiong Bahru yesterday and the Coroner was called and viewed the body.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon So-day is Rs. 173 to ?100. The rate cf payment of money orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 176 to noo.
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  • 25 8 The Christmas Entertainment for the children cf the Church of St. Joseph, Singapore, will take place in the Church compound to-morrow commencing at 6.00 p.m.
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  • 26 8 The Daily Mail states that summonses have been issued against seven directors of Bevan's companes and also against certain officials of the City Equitable Insurance Company.
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  • 27 8 The following telegram has been received from Rome, dated December 23 noon Fxchange on London Lires 90.73 per sterling, Italian War Loan 5 per cent. Liras 87.37.
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  • 35 8 From the house of a Chinese in Payah Lebar, on the night of the 26th instant, some sheets of rubber, valued about $7.50, were removed by some member or members of the light fingered gentry.
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  • 37 8 The third annual report of the Eurasian Association, for the year ending June 30, states 'C:at there are 497 members on the register as against 432 in 1921. There ivt-re three resignations during the year under review.
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  • 41 8 Cheo Hok Kwee, merchant cf 17, Boat Quay, reports to the police that a head twakow coolie and a fellow worker, who were entrusted with the carriage of 210 Swgl cf rice valued at $2,600, have disappeared trge'.her with the twakew.
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  • 43 8 Owing to many engagements at Raffles Hotel on Monday next, there will be no tea dance that evening. At night, there will be New Year celebrations in the form of a carnival for which the hotel licence has betn extended till 2 a.m.
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  • 47 8 Nadasrn, the Tamil drifer of car 3431. was placed beflre Mr. Dawson yesterday jn a charrre of rash and negligent driving, liaving, it is alleged, knocked down a Hylam coolie at m 12th mile, Changi Road, and caused him several injuries. The case was po6'poned fcr trial.
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  • 47 8 With regard to the Sui An piracy, it is stated that the police at Canton are pursuing tiheir task of tracking down tho pirates with diligence. Good progress has been reported within the last few days, and it is hoped that some arrests will be made sh.-'ly.
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  • 48 8 AlmazofT's circus is still going strong. There will be a matinee on Saturday, and another on New Year's Day, at both of •.vhich Mr. Almazoff is arranging for special programmes for the children. There will be a complete change of pro■jramm? at the night shows, commencing from to-morrow.
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  • 53 8 Despite the alarming rumour that found currency in Bangkok on the 18th inst., and occasioned universal regret, the Bangkok Times says authoritatively that Prince Mahidol is neither dying nor even in any danger of h s life. Telegrams are being received from Paris from His Royal Highness as well a3
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  • 55 8 Elaborate arrangements have been made for the special dinner and dance at '.he Adelphi Hotel to-night where a larsse attendance is anticipated. A feature of the ball will be the Roulette Dance, at the conclusion of which valuable prizes will be awarded to the first and second best costumes worn
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  • 80 8 The Raja Hitam Coconut Estate Ltd. have had a quite successful year, but t is not likely that any dividend to shareholders will be declared, says the Bangkok Times. The December crop cf coconuts has now been picked, br'nping the lotil number of nuts picked in the year to 1,301,]
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  • 68 8 In connection with a proposal to raise the height of Peirce reservoir dam, for which a recommendation and estimate were placed before the Loans Committee of the Municipality on the 19th inst., the Engineer-in-Chief reports that borings disclose an unsatisfactory position as regards the water-tightness of the dam. It was
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  • 94 8 There have within the last few days been several cases of robbery violenc right in the heart of Bombay. On the night of December 18, an English lady was crossing the Maiden when she found herself surrounded by five men. Her silk bag conaining Rs. 40 was snatched away
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  • 110 8 As mentioned yesterday the case in wfcich three Chinese, Tan Ka Sanir, the manager of the Chong Shine Dispensary Tang Pang Kwang and another, stand charged with dishonestly retaining stolen property worth about $10,000, belonging to Messrs. John Little's, was again mentioned in the Third Court before Mr. Goarlay yesterday.
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  • 406 8 Mr. J. A. Russell is spending a short holiday at Pert Dickson. Lieut-Colonel A. J. Hull. F.R.r.S., R.A.M.C, is leaving Singapore for home next month. Among a number of naval officers who are passing through shortly for home by the Mentor, is Lieut. W. St. A. Mallesoi:,
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  • 68 8 Amcng tho arrivals by the N. Y. K. company's steamer Atsuta Man. wliii came in from European pcrts yesterday, and continues her voyage to the Far East to-morrow is Senhor Rodrigo Rodrijrues, the new Governor of Macao, accompanied by Senhrra Rcdrigues an 1 the '.wo Scnhoritas
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  • 76 8 The annual general meeting of t'.r Straits Trading Company, Ltd- was fixed to te held at the registered office of the cr.mpany, 'he Arcade, at noon to-day. Th-. 1 recommendations to come up before th? meeting were that a dividend of T'i etnta per share (free of
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  • 120 8 On Sunday. December 31, being the first Sunday after Christmas, the m rvieei will be festal. Eyre in E flat wii! again be sung a'; the 7.45 a. m. Choral Eucharist. At the 5.30 p.m. Evensong the following carols will be sung:— Whin the C'rimscn Sun had
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  • 169 8 The Installation Meeting of I.o»1s;p Zetland in the East was held last evenintr, amontr those attending bving Ihe District Grand Master, (W. F. Nutt, 0.8.X.) aH hip principal officers, H.E. General Sr Niell Malcolm and the Hon. Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard. W'or. Bro. E. Denninjj Kemp installed his successor, Brc
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 f^-wr/%1/%t\ BEST BRITISH /^••j%l/%#* cycles made cycles 4 Rover Saltley y^r j/ffl\< SaWey Jaelanco fi fj' Jaelanco Standard \^^0 J Standard ROVER ROADSTER Price $80.00 each net SALTLEY ROADSTER 72.50 JAELANCO ROADSTER 70.00 STANDARD ROADSTER 75,00 Cycle Accessories BROOKS 875, Cycle Saddles $13.50 each "LUCAS" No. 260, Acetylen2 Lamps 13.75
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    • 77 8 ALHAMBRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE In 7 Parts. TAV CHENG KEE ft TO, LTDProprietors. 1 New Records by Sir HENRY WOOD'S Orchestra PABLO CASALS W. H. SQUIRE LONDON SYMPHONY Orchestra etc., etc. Make Your Selection To-day ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITKD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Thoo* 929. CU. 1575. COH—
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  • 556 9 Sharp Differences Among Allies. American Views on Allied Debts. Reuters Service. London, December 2". Paris The importance attached to the ivieling of the French Cabinet is ap;>avmt!y borne out by the subsequent convtnmg of the Reparations Commission at short notice when the French delegate, wi'h the backing of the
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  • 122 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 27. Cairo Mr. Robscn, a Professor of '.he MM of Law, when cycling homewardthis afternoon was shot at with a revolver and killed by three natives. Another British subject, named Rowntree, accompanying him, was also fired on, but escaped. Mr. Kobson was quietly
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  • 418 9 Advocacy of a New Swaraj Policy. RKUTER'3 SERVICE. London. December 27. I Gaya Four thousand delegates were I present at the opening of the Congress. The tent was decorated with portraits of Gandhi and inscriptions like, Failure is a sign of success." The Das policy is not entirely
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  • 84 9 REI-TER'B SI.BVICE. Londen, December 27. Mariners tell thrilling storie3 of the Christmas storm which they declare was the worst in the Atlantic v.-ithin an extend- j ed experience. The toll of damage is not iyet measurable, but wreckage has been washed up of the London steamer Maid
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  • 353 9 The General Tone Becomes Pessimistic. Reuter's Service. London, December 27. Lausanne The general tone of conference circles again tends to be pessi-i mist c. The Turkish attitude, which at :>ne time seemed to promise a reasonable settlement, is now most recalcitrant. A long interview between Earl Curzon andi
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  • 42 9 RIUTEK'S SERVICE. London, December 26 Wellington The earthquake was confined to the upper and middle portions of South Island. The shock was particularly severe in North Canterbury. Practically every chimney at Waikari was brought down and householders were terrified.
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  • 58 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 27. Barilly The bodies of an Englishman and an Englishwoman travelling on the express train f Km Dehra Dun to Gaya were discovered on the railroad track, they apparently having been murdered after a severe struggle. Hillmen who boarded the train are suspected,
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  • 44 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 27. The papers devote much space to glow- j ing articles appreciative of Pasteur's work,' on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. He is hailed as one of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century.
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  • 35 9 Reuter's Service. Londen, December 27. Port Said The Japanese steamer London Maru, which was reported on December 22 to be in distress in latitude 37.8 North, i longitude 7.35 East, has arrived.
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  • 24 9 Keuteb's Service. London, December 27. A record obelisk, 133 feet long and wcghing nearly 1,200 tons, has be. n unearthed at Assouan.
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  • 45 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 27. Dcra Ismail Khan Aerial operations were carried out during the past week against enemy villages on the NorthWest Frontier. Sixteen and a half tons of bombs were dropped by the machines, which flew low and used their machineguns.
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  • 38 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 27. Washington Senator Nicholson has introduced a resolution asking the President to appoint a commission to communicate with the nations for the purpose of increasing the use of silver in monetary systems.
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  • 34 9 A high percentage of passes in the October army promotion examination is shown by the announcement of the results. Sixty-two lieutenants in Home commands out of 85 passed, and 49 captains out. of 60.
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  • 186 9 Miraculous Escape of A European. (From Our Own Correspondent. Penang, December 27. A successful* pantomime came off in the Town Hall yesterday Baker's Dream prcduced by Mesdames Hcgan and Reimann. Fifty children and amateurs took part. Mr. T. Allingham, icf Ch?ngkat, Province Wellesley, who was employed on the
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  • 104 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipdh, December 27. A series cf inter-State Chinese contests has been held here, 50 visitors coming from Selangor. Perak wen the cricket match by an innings and 107 runs a:so the tennis singles by six mattihes to one and the doubles by seven
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  • 263 9 (By Courtesy of the Nichi Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, December 24. As the Prince Bagwt is in need cf recruiting his health, the New Year's ceremony and banquet; are to be suspended. The T?!n? Taj branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank is reported to have been robbed of
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  • 144 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, December 26. In the Club, on Saturday evening last, the Italian Concert party under the readership of Signer D. V. Amelias enter-) tamed a somewhat small but enthusiastic j audience. The accompan st of the party unfortunately became indisposed, and fears were entertained
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  • 129 9 The Shanghai Journal of Commerce reports that, at a meevng held at the houso of Dr. Sun Yet Sen, recently, it was decided that steps towards the salvation of the country should be postponed until a suitable opportunity presented itself. This dec sion was arrived at only after it was
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  • 389 9 Negotiations with Shanghai Company. At a meeting of a committee of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on .December 22, Mr. Sims asked ln view of the reported activity of the Shanghai Tramway Company in connection with the Singapore tram system will you state whether the C< mmissioners have come
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  • 577 9 Native Boats Lost in Heavy Weather. On the arrival' of the R.I.M.S. Minto, I the l'ort Blair station vessel, in Rangoon jn the 14th inst., it became known that juring her voyage she saved the crew C 31' tne brig Mahomed Bux of Moulme.ii t j:f
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  • 1943 9 Remarkable Feats on Soccer Field. By Our Special Correspondent. London, November 30 The flat-racing: season wound up with a victory for the second favourits in the Manchester November Handicap— Sir H. Meux's Torelore, who started at G to 1. Inclusive of the Derby and the St. Lever. there
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    • 163 10 Singapore, December 28. Ruhlx r.— London 1/Sd. Local 47 'j. Tin.— London iibo/10/0. Local .syi r >« i !0 tone sold.) l Siiau- market. Quiet. Rubbers. Mentakabs 12',i-l"ij cents.' 2.75-8.05, New Craigieleas 40-45 cents. Kundong3 1.15-1.25, Eids are wanted j Dgmpore Uniteds. Tins.— Taipings
      163 words
    • 74 10 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt report under I to-day's date Tin.— llB4. Rubbers. Ailenbys 70-75, Bassetts Kjrtors &25-&50, Kempas 1.:j.",-l 10, L'lu Benuts 20-25, United .Malaccas l._'o-1.30. Minis.— Hitams 1.2.")-!.35. Johans 50--55, LiiiKui^ I.IH-1.5U. Mambaus 75-SO, Nawng Pe'< 1.07tt-1.12tt, Padang Plan(!<>ks Kt-45, Souths i'J -1(7 Taipin^s
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    • 455 10 Messrs. riaaei and Co.'s weekly report! j dated December 27, states: The incidence of the Christmas Ho.i- days has considerably disturbed business in the local share market and transactions in !K rally have been on a small scale. I alining stocks and rubbers remain
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    • 131 10 To the Editor of the Straits T.mes. Sir, Brownie's letter is an example of the (langcio from with n.'' The cause I cf the Eurasian community is not going to helped by rushing to print or offering 'superfluous or by any Uriah-Heep selections. If everybody did like
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    • 229 10 To the Editor of the Straits T.mes. Sir, According to Grcsham bad money diives out good money from circulation. But it appears in Germany the reverse is the case, and the money market here is flooded with the German inconvertible notes, and as they are in form and
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    • 366 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times, j Sir, May I claim a few lines in which to reply to Mr. Gudgeon's letter of the 22nd instant. 1. A nom-de-plume was used to avoid any appearance of self-advertisement if as your correspondent states
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  • 173 10 About one hundred and fifty members participated in the Christmas holidays picnic at Ben Led 1 Teluk Kerau which was kindly lent by Mr. T. S. Kung. Among the items of interest was a walking competition on Christmas morning from the Chinese Association. Beach Road to Ben
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  • 781 10 Remarkable Changes in South China. Hip Macjjregor, cf the English Presbyterian Mission of Amoy, writes very interestingly in an article which is the outcome of her thirty years' experience in China. The world has grown so accustomed tv thinking of China as a giant asleep that, now
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  • 90 10 The Empire Cinema is providing good entertainment to-n ght with two feature productions in the second show, and the first fwg episodes as well as the final episode of "two different serials in the first house. The second show features are a Universal production, A Parisian Scandal, a
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  • 164 10 One of Ceylon's little atrocities that is generally more or less ignored by all who write of the island, says the Ceylon Observer, is the superabundance of the Colombo crow. Odious birds. Noisy (you 1 can't hear yourself think when a (lock of I them get
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 273 10 Semi-Final of S. V. C. Cup. I On the S. C. C. ground yesterday j afternoon, B Company played the Chinese Company la the Semi-final of the Singapore Volunteer Cup competition when they were beaten 2 l. The Chinese opened ihe score in the early stages of the
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    • 366 10 Johore v. Malacca. The Cup match between Juhore and j Malacca whs played at Muar en Friday, j December 22, and resulted in a win for I the home side by 5 tries to nil— Total 15 The game was very scrappy for tho first quarter of an
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    • 246 10 Planters v. Government. A very enjoyable match between Planters and members of Government was played on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The Government won the single by two hole.-- and the Planters won the doubles by the same margin. Judging from the opinions expressed by the losers
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    • 174 10 A Johannesburg cable of December 27 states that the weather was fine and warm and the game was played on a fast wicket in the presence of 7,000 spectators. South Africa compiled 420 by very steady butting against excellent English bowling and fielding. Taylor put up 176 in 5
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    • 70 10 The following interesting bouts have been fixed to take place on Thursday, January 4, when Battling Key will meet E. Roots in a 10-round light-weight championship contest. Johnny Perreau 8.10 v. Johnny Won,; (Johore) 8.10. j Humbert Oliveiro 7.1C v. Chin Beng 7.1 Dudly Cambrooke 7.9 v. Choon Leung
      70 words
    • 66 10 The following are yesterday's results C Smith and It. r\ Smith, beat Lim I Eonj; Soo and Woon Seah Leng, 10 H, '4— ii, C— 3. The Y. M. C, A. tennis championship 'will be played between E. Smith and Hoy F. Smith this evening
      66 words
  • 292 10 A case of considerable interest to racing followers opened before Mr. Justee Rush in London on December L 9, when James White, described as a millionaire financier," claimed damages from Lady Sykes, widow of S.r Mark Sykcs, and the owner of the famous breeding stud, in
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  • 175 10 Huge Amount Saved to The Country. It was thought beneath the dignity of an officer and a gentleman to deal with the bones and waste fat," said Sir Archibald Wtigall, giving evidence before the Commission on Awards U> Inventors, and referring to the claim of -Major Ellis
    175 words
  • 101 10 On the arrival of the American liner Easterner at Sydney on November U. her win loss operator claimed that he ha I established n record by in en concerts broadcasted from Detroit, Chicago, and other stations when 3,600 mil-; distant. Captain O'Brien, master if the Easterner, said
    101 words
  • 107 10 Claimed to be the cleanest ship that has ever entered Sydney Heads, th" rhalatta, 7,085 tons gross, the first of Ihree sister motor ships for the Nor-wegian-Australian Line arrived at Sydney >n November 11. The liner s ;i funnel that has never smoked, nor will it
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  • 70 10 i The removal of the ashos of Chopin ron Pcle l-ai-haisi- ~:-irtiry to the liurch lit Warsaw while lii- (nan is (reserved was recently proposal. Int nil not be accomplished without >orn of ii French father :.r:il .i I'olii-h ■Other, »'hopin paSSfd 'he greater n.'irt if his life in Paris,
    70 words

  • 1702 11 Substantial Reduction In Costs. 'I hi seventeenth ordinary general meet|»g „f the Kuala Lumpur Rubber Co. Ltd was held M Nowiiilxt in the ,ium il Boon »f thy' Rubber Growers' Ansociation 2-4 Idol-lane, E.C., the Hon. Kvei-ard reilding (ths chairman) presidTiie Chairman amid GcBtIMMD, My '.a 4
    1,702 words
  • 268 11 World's Most Audacious And Reckless Burglar. Reginald Birt has been sentenced, according to a London message of December at the Old Bailey to seven years' imprisonment for the robbery of jewellery to the value of £9.000 from Lady Crosfield's house at Highgate. He is a welleducated Ausiralian, who
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  • 129 11 Net profit of Castlefield (Klang) Rubber Kstate for year ended June 30, after writing off £1,090 for depreciation mi buildings, machinery, etc., and charging £3,180 for income-tax, was £2,033, making with £7,875 brought in and 414,33'J excess profits duty recovered £24.247. Directors propose dividend of 10 per
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      144 words
    • 194 11 RAFFLES HOTEL TeL 2920 (10 lines) Guest Night, Dinner and Dance Music in Dining room during Dinner by ANNA RAE, R.C.M.L. the Famcius Scottish Violinist. EDGAR HULLAND, SARKIES BROTHERS, Mmical Director. Proprietors. ADELPHI HOTEL To-night SPECIAL DINNER AND PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS DALL During the evening the famous ROULETTE DANCE
      194 words

  • 642 12 The Valuable North American Habit. A Medical correspondent of the Observer wr.tes from New York Everywhere in Canada and the United States the first thing the waiter does is to place a jrlass of iced water before the quests. The meal is usually begun with a Few sips
    642 words
  • 213 12 Some interesting accounts are published in the London papers of the historic conference between General Sir Charles Hai-intfon and Ismet Pasha, at Mudania, in October the conference that undoubtedly prevented war between Britain and Turkey. The Morning Post gives a graphic picture of the
    213 words
  • 184 12 The Chamber of Deputies, states a Madrid message of November 22, was crowded in anticipation of the discussion of General Picasso's report dealing with the debacle at Mellila in July, 1921, when 10,000 Spanish soldiers were slaughtered by the Riff-. Senor Prieto, in opening the ikbate, said
    184 words
  • 12 12 Home is a place to ttay while the car i* bwing fixed.
    12 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES faf Jll^l j|| IF good judgment leads you to smoke Piccadilly Cigarettes you L JL'iJ B^B^^^*\^^B^^« will realise that their fine appearance is but a hint of the still tight K^sflHtjJjH^^jJ finer smoking qualities which he underneath the pure rice paper. t n ensures H/^»[^^r^^B The pure Virginia
      173 words
    • 793 12 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE The undersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction at tneir sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, on Tuesday, January 2, 1923, at 2.30 p.m. UPPER NANKIN STREET. Lot (1). Valuable 99 years' leasehold land and the three-storeyed brick and tile-roofed dwelling home No.
      793 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 178 13 Tangy® Engines awd Pumps Cm Knjiiiu- Suc'.i. n C::- I'iunl. Horizontal "Colonial" Steam Engine. Hoavy Oil Engine, (old Starling Type. v^^.^ Duplex Pump. Centrifueal Pump. "Tan Gyro." Above are illustrated a few of the many TANGYE lines of manufacture. We shall be pleased to furnish descriptive catalogues and any
      178 words
    • 91 13 HAIPHONG flgjk DRAGON HfS§7 CEMENT Supplied to the S'pore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, FM.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BEOS. Sole Agents, Singapore. S«LE 1MIORTERS: The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Denmark) SINGAPORE limilllllllMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMmilMMMIIMII Goodyear Tyres and Tubes, Solid Band Tyres for Motor Lorries
      91 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 278 14 MOTOR UNION INSURANCE GO LTI. PRIVATE CARS. Th» comprehensive policy covers against Aerident. Mallcioaa Act. Theft. Fire. Claims paid la falL Third Mrty claims -No LlaUt. Law coats paid In settling or defend- clalau. f FLRB K nt r rlon effects. Farnltare. Stock-in-trade, Riot aad Civil (••■Motion. Earthquake. MARINE. Favourable
      278 words
    • 526 14 Am«U •yr $5,000,001 B.C, AaWUN la fore* tver $17,u0u,0e« The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (lacorporated la Mreltt SettlemeaU.) UiD OiriCl t Wlnekester House, glafapere, LONDON OFFICE 12, Old JevTy, «.C. Tke Company ksi *2 0,000 ccposited vitk tke Supreme Court of England snd complies with tke Britlak Life
      526 words
    • 536 14 BANKING THB DANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (lacorporated by Special CkarUr ia Japan.) I Capital Subscribed m, T60,000,000 Capital Paid-op Y62,600,000 Beserre Fund Y11.,780,000 Presldeat K. Nakagaw*, Esq. DIBECTOKS T. Hlsamane, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinago, Esq. 11. Esakl, Esq. Ucnkicbt Takita, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipek, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCH AND
      536 words
    • 526 14 BANKING CAPITAL $4,000,00* SURPLUS fZ,M«,M* AsiaJßanking /^^m^orporation l(««ffl$]l aTV "Arnencaro n^OHRq/ Institution, HEAD OFFICB FOR TIIH FAR SAST Shanghai. Singapore Offlce.- 22, Baffles l'lace. Carreat, Savings AccouaU *ad Fixed Deposit* ia U. S. Gold, Sterling. Fiaacs, Taela aad Local Coneacy. Drafts Bought, Sold aad Entered for Collection. Commercial and Travellers
      526 words
    • 348 14 INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION (OWNED BY THI NATIONAL CITY BAA* OF NEW YORK.) Capital U.S. 5,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits U.S. 10,400,000 Head Office 80, Wall Street, New York. San Francisco Office 232, Montgomery Street. London Office 86, Blshopsgate, E.C. EASTERN BRANCHES. Clina Canton, Hankow, Harbin, Hongkong, Pekla. Shanghai, Tientsin. Japan
      348 words

  • 812 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Petrol Economy Trials. There were more than a dozen entrants j in the recent economy competition organised by the Japan Advertiser, Tckio, over j a 130-mi!? course from Tokio to Miyan"ilrita and, a course which include; a. 1,400 feet climb,
    812 words
  • 237 15 In Sydney the other day an alderman mentioned that the waste of water on .negating gardens was scandalous." Mr. Thomas Courtney, the veteran associate editor and principal leader writer of the Sydney Daily Telegraph, scarifies him in a special article, asking him if he
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 389 15 TO ARRIVE 1922 Models HUDSON AND ESSEX TOURING CARS Orders will now be accepted for above 1922 model cars. A small shipment is expected shortly and orders will be executed in rotation. Further particulars, etc. from MALAYAN MOTORS, A. H. C-, Amber Mansions, Orchard Road. »♦<♦♦♦-»♦♦ ♦♦♦««♦«♦♦»♦♦♦♦«♦♦»< CHEVROLET GARS jafcy
      389 words
    • 457 15 fr Feeder, wllk in teat and II 4 Baby loves the Glaxo Feeder I I Next in importance to Baby's food is Baby's feeder, I I and the Glaxo Feeder is denned to lighten work and to help Baby get the utmost benefit from his food. JW The Cloxo Feeder
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    • 233 15 COOLING CHAMBERS WITHOUT ICE Mr. D. W, HIGGINS, the Sole lepreuntethrt of Messrs. The Mineral Sponge Company, Limited, )f Perth, Western Australia, has irranged for a display of his Company's cooling apparatus to be nade at the Office of the Australian Frade Commissioner, 67, Robinson Road. The intention is to
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 358 16 lUAN KIAT CO., LTD. 85. PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Received. Champion Portable Forges with 18 in. hearth Champion Pont Drilling Machine*, to drill from '4 in. to 1 in. hole. Bourdon-. Steam Pressure Ganges, fitted with control cocks Sizes 4 in. dia. by 20( lbs. B by 200 lbs.
      358 words
    • 354 16 GOOD NEWS! 1 Ladies, you can buy a Corset now without hesitaing over the price or 1 j quality. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR FIGURE ANY LONGER i Special model washing low corset for the Colonies, i Special model belt corset. Special model maternity corset. Special strong model corset for stout figures.
      354 words
    • 926 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Want*. For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary close let type (average six word* to line) are per line one insertion 23 cent*- two Ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 ets., four ins. 82 eta, five ins. $1.00, six ins. 1.13, ten ins. 11.40,
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    • 800 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, house 70, Prinsep Street. Im- mediate entry. Apply 9, Clarke Quay. TO LET, 86-2 and 85-3, Cairnhill Road. Water and gas laid on. Apply 101, Chin Swee Road. TO LET, compound house No. 7, Chancery Lane, land about 8 acres, 14 bedrooms, ver.inj dahs, tennis
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    • 755 16 THE STRAITS TRADING CO., LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of The Strait* Trading Company, Limited, will be held at the Company's Registered Office, No. 11 Collyer Quay, on Thursday, December 28 1922, immediately after the Ordinary Genera) Meeting, which will bo held at noon, when
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    • 276 16 WELCOME NEWS MILANESE HOSIERY. X'mu Stocks of the famons Phoeni* have arrived. There are three qualities in silk and the prices are $8.75, $4.95 and $6.76 respectively. Size* Btt to 10, in White, Black and Colours. We have also a small supply <>' ta Hosiery of Hie renowned Kayscr
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 197 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TXLXPHONsVi Editorial and General ■> Manager* Office IU7 All communications relating to editorial matter* and new* should he addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications r» lating to business matters advertisement* subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.. should be addr?ssed to TIIR MANAGKC ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To L«t,
      197 words