The Straits Times, 16 December 1922

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,127. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 288 1 r i*fffi > l Jt-^ |f^^ m jtjP mark What It Is PELDO is a remarkable new scientific discovery (patent applied for), the result of indefatigable research extending over a long period. "PELDO" is a cream which, when applied to the hands, quickly evaporates leaving a soluble skin en the
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    • 4 1 L^^aflv «.iu»» o o^vl
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  • 494 2 Exposition of the Body at Nova Goa. A Nova Goa message of December 3 states The town was full of pilgrims and full of colour on Saturday evening when the Church of Bom Jesus, was the seen* of great solemnities preliminary to the exposition of the body
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  • 280 2 Recovery from the Executioner.Knife. A remarkable escape from death is recorded in one cf the trials which tck place in Malabar during the recent rebellion, says '.he Picneer. Five Hindus captured by Moplah rebe!.; were given the chcice of death or embracing Molamedanism. They chase the former.
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  • 232 2 The Rev. A. R. Ebbs, national secre(.try of the C.E.M.S., delivered a vigorous address recently to a group meeting of members at St. Andrew's, South Brisbane, Australia. He spoke of the splendour of our heritage in being member of tl.f British Empire, and make special i( ten
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 A tale of two shelves which house would you rather visit Mrs. A heard of Brooke Bond tea, and, as she was very tired of the so-called tea she had 770/ been enjoying for a long time, she bought the round vacuumpacked tin, and took it home. That afternoon she
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    • 168 2 <f}f\ Cuficora Is Wonderful For Your Hair Cn retiring rub spots of dandruff and itchinu with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura So*>D I end hot w.ntcr. This cleanses the sea j of dandruff and promotes hair health. taf li»ci9 U Id.. Ol.ti-.nt 1. Jd tr* 1, 14 SoldthrouilhouttficKmiiir.
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  • 383 3 War Time Pictures From Aeroplanes. Arthur Budd writing in an Exchange says One of the surprises of the great war was the extraordinary development of photography as a feature of military operations. The photographic flying section of an army might comprise one hundred and fifty or
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  • 391 3 Zoological Rarity Found In Calcutta. The filtered water supplied to Calcutta has recently been found to contain worms. Dr. Crake, Health Officer of the Calcutta Corporation, told an Englishman representative that instances of worms being found in filtered pipe water were very few and far between.
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  • 243 3 Discovery at Calcutta General Post Office. Lecturing on Whispering Galleries at the annual science convention at Calcutta on November 25, Professor Raman said he had recently discovered that there was a remarkable whispering gallery above the public rotunda in the Calcutta General Post Office. Unfortunately the place was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 423 3 F. Z 2 and 4 H.P. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND HYDRANTS (MADE IN GERMANY.) 1 1ff '^ElS^Bn^ 4s^sHSDjl Rl 'c* J ■Bm SjL "'1 'mT^ 1 Stocks and Spare parts kept. For demonstration and prices apply. ALSAGOFF CO. (Import Department). Sole Agents. S.S, F.M.S, Slam IM Dutch Indies. •7, ARAB STREET.
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    • 406 3 THINKS THEY SAVED HER BABY'S LIFE Canadian mothers have known and trusteJ I'aby's Own Tablet* for years. Here is one such mother's experience: I think I can thank Baby's Own Tablets for my baby's life. He was badly constipated, but after giving him the Tablets they relieved him almost at
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    • 459 3 |"7» and •Wincarnis* 'gives new vitality to those who are Run-down because 'Wincarnis' is a Tonic, and a Re»torative, and a Blood-builder, ana a l Nerve Food— all combined in one j rich, delicious health-creating pre- paration. lAt a Tonic it tone s-up the whole I system. Asa Restorative it
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    • 138 3 VIOLET-RAYS Be EBurf^A Give You Radiant Beauty Glowing Health Throbbing Pulsing Vitality SO QUICKLY SO EASILY SO INEXPENSIVELY. Outfits to salt Individual tastes and needs. Prices on application, SOLE AGENTS SINGAPORE, t^il «Mtt>M«M MM 4MMM«>>«>tMMM»«U jfP\ TRY OUR POPULAR NEW; I »IM VISITOR !f<*J MANY TREASURES |g|j|||gi CIGARETTES «l'\MfilHWtei?i*liP^ Because
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 710 4 STEAMER StILIIMB P. 0. British India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated la England) MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULA AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Uadsr Contnet with Bis Majesty's Government) LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE TO MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP Dma Singapore Leave Singapore NELLORE about Dee. 24 1923 1923 I KASHGAS
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    • 668 4 STEftWB SfIHJNOS "ELLERMAN" LINE ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated U England) STEAMER Dm Singapore PASSENGER SERVICE OUTWARD. s.s. CITY OF YORK China Japan Dec. 15 s.s. CITE OF SIMLA China Japan Jan. 28 s.a. CITY OF POONA China Japan Mar. 9 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF PARIS Marseilles London Dec.
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    • 678 4 STEAMER SMUHCS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA, GOVERNMENT. Telephone Noa. Paasage Dept. 131, Fright Dept. 1202, Marine Dept. and Tranaaipment Dept 14J7, Manager's Dept. MM. SINGKAWANG— December 10, Singkawang, Selakau, Pemangkat nnd Sambas. VAN WAERWYCK— December 16,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 379 5 ITUIER SABJUS N. Y. K. LONDON UNB Kitano Maru Dee. 26 Haiuna M*ru Jsn. UVERPOOL UNB Tatsuno Waru Dec. 18 Tsuruga Earn early Jan. HAKBUBG UNB Lisbon M»ru about Dec. 29 Mlto Maru end Jan. NEW TORE UNB via SUEZ ■OTJTH AMERICAN UNB BOMBAY UNB Nagato Maru Dec. 18 Takaoka
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    • 475 5 CTEAiEB SAUJmS O.S.K. Proposed Sailings from Siagsper. (subject to chang. without prerioas no tie.) EUROPEAN LINI For Marseilles, London, Hambarf, Bettordam, Antwerp, ria Colombo, Baas and Port Said. An. Dep. SHUN SO MARU Dee. 28 Dee. 24 ATLAS MARU Jan. IS Jan. 18 •Omit Marseilles. NEW TORE LINB For Baa
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    • 695 5 STEAIKB SMIIHSS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED. LOCAL SAILINGS Intended to sail Steamer From Singapore to Moaday. 4 p jb, KINT A Port Swetteaham aad Peaaag. Monday, 5 pjn. HYE LEONG Malacca and Mnar. Taeaday. 1.80 yjM. POHANN Port Dickson, Taluk AaMa, Ba|M and Lomnt Taeaday, 5 p.m. KELANTAN Malacca
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    • 463 5 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRAUA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Dsrwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourn, via Torres Straits, also with transhipment to other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Ports, Bntisb New Guinea, N.w Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MONTOBO
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    • 819 5 SALES BY AUCTION MUAR LAND SALE No. 31/22. GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE IN THE SUPREME COURT AT MUAR. Miscellaneous Application No. 8 of 1921. S. L. S. P. L. PALANIAPPA CHETTY, Charfee Against TAN TENG KENG, Chargor. Particulars and conditions of sale of Valuable Rubber Estate, situated in the MUKIM OF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 501 6 OtHEiAS A VICTORIA THEATRE ATTRACTION Ln. To-uight at 1» o'clock ENTIRE NEW CHANGE OF PROGRAMMES MAX LINDER Sh New Australasia Gazette. In the Goldwyn Picture, A super comedy Tnt „,v ri rnnncu <3VRIAI of the highest order, presented by THE JUNGLE GODDESS SERIAL Episodes Four and Five. PATHE THE MOVIE
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    • 292 6 CHEWS Rialto Theatre MALACCA MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 and two following nights THE SCUTTLERS Featuring the ever-popular WILLIAM FARNUM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 and two following nights Charles Chaplin in his latest Comedy THE IDLE CLASS MARYBOROUGH Programme from Wednesday, Decemlier 13 to Tuesday, December 19, 1922. In the Second Show at
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  • 178 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, December 16 lliirh Water, h.4 a.m., 9.9 p.m. SI. Anthony's School Sports, 2 p.m. I.uni < lull Urffiitta, 2 p.m. Football 11. M.5. Despatch v. il'sex. Tangliß. Condia an.l BMvflakM, Goodwood Hall. Medical Social, S«poy Lines Hostel, 8.30. Tk» Follies «r UM, Vie. Theatre. Siiml.-n,
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    • 84 7 ■Ml Wharf Basin -Nil. K.i-1 l>:iri Naicora. Bkact W h»rf ili.KKcvcen. Mni'i Wharf Plomad. Krr.|nii- Dae* Java Mara, Si-anj? Baa, Ku' H. rf H Llci ont, KoaU J.trilin Drgon. Tulu lirani Coal Wharf— NU. Keppcl Harbour. Main Wharf Lch. Snnatar, Angler, i: Bertha, W B
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    • 152 7 7.1 tens, from Bangkok 15-12, for Banckok 'M Brit., 7:j7 tons, from Bankki>k 14-12, f»r line. IS-IZ. GORGON, Bri.., 1,784 tona, from Fremuntle 1 l-lg, Jl-IJ. JiVT m tons, from Malacca 1(1-12, 18-I*. JA\ v tOIM, from YokoBi nbay 17-12. KINIA. tram Penanc ia-12. for Pe*ng 18-I*. KISHIN
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  • 142 7 To-day .M.i.acra ar.d Muar 3 p.m. M"d:m 3 pjn. Fort Swettenham and Pcnang 8 p.m Muntuk nnd Palmabaag ..3 p.m. Hanc'coL 3 p.m Batavia 3 p.m. l>atu Pahat 3 p.m. >iuar 3 p.m. Batavia, Stiaarani nr.d flaiiriWju. lasia I via Frcmantle) 4 p.m. lini Swettenhoo, Pemag, Colambo,
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  • 19 7 Left S'pore. Arr. London. November 3 November 27'nbur U December 9 S'ovtnibi-r I" December 12
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  • 53 7 Thr Bombay Lefuiathrc Council has paaaed for Mc^nd uadinj; the Bill to tax entertainments. The Bill as it now stands a K'"«l (li-;il hcvdiul thi- prupo^fd naeaaufa which was originally rejected. Then the tv ajtptiad only t >> i>laot?s of amunement, inch ;:> thcatrrs and i-ini'ina halls. V.'W it
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  • 55 7 Tin- Euoton-Liverpool Express, on wiiirh. Princaaa H«lm ictoria was a passt-rt^er, narrowly ateeeped Minister white kraveSmg «i a mile ii minuir tivtwecii Wolverhampl.m ml t ;:-tl<-ihoi -pi-. Tru- cnirini-'s driving axi. brok* and the rijfhthand wheel came off. r'oi -innately thr i|.-l>iis fell lei r and the train oum i<>
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  • 171 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, December 16. On London, Bank m/s 2/4 5/32 Demand 2/4 1/lu fnvate 3 ms. credits 2/4 3/8 On New York Demand 54 Private 90 Alt &6>4 On France, Bank "710 On India. Bank T.T. 175\ On Hongkong, Bank d/d 2V6 p.c. dis. On Shanghai, Bank
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  • 57 7 Tone of Market Quiet. Latest London cables quote Spot Sheet Is. 2d. ■lafapor* Standard PaU Crept Cloriog PiieM Buy«n. S«U«n. ipot Ian. tpril-June Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Pi ices BnyfT-a. Seller*. Spot Ian. Ian-March 47V4 47V4 ■is', 48% 4!" i 50 52V4 52% DAILT
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    • 205 7 Issue ;il. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.55 0.60 1 1 Hitam Tin 132% 137% 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20 0.40 norn 1 1 Johan Tin 0.44 47% 1 £1 Kam. Kamunt. 1.15.0 1.17.0 c.d. 10 10 Knta Asscn. 6.50 7.00 5 5 Liiifrui Tin 4.80 4.90 10
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    • 143 7 k'al. Hd. Buyers. S*!lers. 1 (i Br. Am. Tobacco 4.7.6 4.10.0 10 10 Central Engines 8.75 9.25 10 10 Central Motors 2.25 2.75 ;i £1 E. Smelting Co. 7.15 7.35 i/- 5/- Electric Tramways 1/- 2/- ncm 0 10 Fraser Neave 33.75 34.25 >0 50 Hammer and Co. ISO
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    • 92 7 V. Eng. C p.e. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c. p.ip. S'pcre Electrcal Tramways, 5 p.f. £350,000 noni.S'pcre Municipal 5 p.c. .$1,878,000 par Spore Municipal ii p.c. of 1907*1,*****0 10 P.c.dis. of 1909 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dis. spore Muncipal 4Vi px. of 1909 $1,500,000 15 p.c. dis. I Spore Municipal 4Vi
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    • 407 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evan's Quotation*. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on' another page on Friday. To-day n Prices. Fraser LyalT& Co. Evatt Lllenby N'enr ($1) 0.65 0.75 0.60 0.70 Uor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.50 1.35 1.43 V. Hitam ($5) 12.50 13.00 12.00 13.00 Kuning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 956 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FRENCH A\'D SPANISH CI.AKKTS I'ricvs 7b ctl., $1.50, $2 and $2.75 per larfre 1 1 ttle. H. Roltcr, Direct Importer, Europ> Hqtel Uuildinf. BUY OMEGA~WATCHES FOB CHRIST MAS. (lp) CHRISTMAS TOYS, Season Co., Ltd, 111 nnd 113, North Bridge Road. (lp) PfcLDO YOUR HANDS FIRST See front l>-.tfe
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    • 70 7 Ropenduranee In these days buyers want articles that will last They do not wish to make frequent and expensive replacements. The shrewd buyers of cordage purchase what experience has taught them is the cheapest in the long run. JOHNSON-PICKETT MANILA ROPE Greatest Breaking Strain Greatest Length Per Pound —Greatest Value
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    • 105 7 ALMAZOFF'S GRAND SOUTH AFRICAN CIRCUS. The Wnild's (JreaU-Mt Wonder Sh»w will oven in !-'ing»;M)re. on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, at 9.15 p.m. LOCATION BEACH ROAD. A very Vesuvius of Brilliant Attractions for the 1922 Scanon. NEW ACTS NSW AHTISTS NKW AMMAI.-! Grand Matinee Saturday, lirci-mber I!.'!. at p.m. l'riee* $2.'>9. S2,
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  • 124 8 KHOO— On December 15, 1922, at his re sidence No. 2, Trafalgar Street, Mr. Kho Kirn Tea, late of McAlister Co., Ltd Aged 58 years. Funeral on Tuesday, De cember 19, 1923, to Bukit Brown Cemetery RAPPA. At the Kandang Kerbau Hospital Ellen Anne Rappa, widow of the late
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  • 1191 8 America is now the great neutral an:' we ask no more than that France wil judge our policy by American opinion.' Thus we wrote on November 13, and it i.curious to find the- same idea voiced b> M. Clemenceau on the
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  • 71 8 The Canadian Pacific has concluded details for the issue of round-the-world tickets in conjunction with ether steamship companies. These tours were fcrmerly very popular before 1914, but of necessity were cancelled during the war. Arrangements have already been entered into with the P. and 0., the Blue Funnel, the Nederland
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  • 84 8 Viscount Peel announced that not more than 30 Europeans will be appointed in the immediate future to Commissions in ■he Indian Medicafl Sarvice on spinal terms which include the right to retire in a gratuity of £1,000 with free return passages on the completion of five years' service, if they
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  • 12 8 The Premium (Leases) Ordnance 1922, is assured of non-disallovrance by the King.
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  • 15 8 It is proposed to tar all the public streets and reads within Penang Municipal limits.
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  • 16 8 The Tanglin Club are holding a fancy dress dance on the night of Friday, December 29.
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  • 15 8 Officially, the Amateur Drawing Association and the Straits Chinese Literary Association, have ceased to exist.
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  • 25 8 To-morrow there will be Holy Communion at 7 a.m. at St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines. There will be no evening services until January 21 next.
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  • 31 8 Mr. A. F. Goodrich, Penang, who is go ng home, has been nominated a mem ber of the honorary on the advisory com mittee in connection with the International Rubber Exhibition.
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  • 36 8 Mr. F. C. Peck whose civil action attains: Mr. J. A. Russell, Messrs. J. A. Russel' and Co., and the Malayan Collieries, Ltd. is down for hearing on the 18th instant has arrived in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 38 8 It is reported in Amoy that the chief light keeper of the Ockseu Island Light house shot his wife and also the assistan' keeper. Mr. G. T. Lloyd, Inspector oi Lights, left Amoy on December 8 to investigate.
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  • 38 8 We understand that the round the world touring steamer Samaria which will be arriving shortly at Singapore, carries about 400 passengers, not 150 as stated here the other day. The smaller figure was quoted frcm an Indian source.
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  • 46 8 The Chartered Bank have to-day received the following telegram frem their head office reading Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd. declared dividend at the rate of interim dividend 2s. per cent, share free of income tax payable January 5. Bearer coupon to be presentid No. 40.
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  • 47 8 Mr. W. Dunman is to be a Municipal Commiss oner for the Town of Singapore v-ice Mr. O. P. Griffith-J«ies, resigned. Messrs. F. J. Morten and A. H. L Allen are re-appointed Municipal Commissioners for the Town and Fort of Malacca, with effect from January 1 next.
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  • 57 8 Almazoff's Grand South African circus is making a visit to Singapore and intends opening en the Beach Road reclamation in Wednesday next with a Vesuvius of brilliant attractions," including new acts, new artists and new animals. The booking is open at the Robinson Piano Co. A grand matinee is fixed
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  • 61 8 A Chinese named Tan Temg Wah who was arrested on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $577 belong rig to his employers, Chop Chew Watt (fin, was produced in the Third Court, before Mr. Gourl'ay yesterday and renanded a week. Mr. St. George appear.--"or the prosecution
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  • 68 8 Mr. Gourlay passed sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment and fifteen strokes of the rattan on Goh Kit, on hi; being found guilty of theft of $468 frorr the person of one Koh Teck Tong in Cecil Street. On the way to the police station he tried to escape from
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  • 71 8 In view of the progress made Iwith the construction of the Johore Causeway, the fairway cf the Straits of Johcre in the v'cinity of the causeway will be nc longer safe for the purposes of navigation after December 31 and vessels should pass through the lock from January 1 1923.
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  • 64 8 One of Messrs. John Little's tea room beys was arrested by a policeman or duty in Battery Road on the night of Nfvember 20 with some of the firm's roods in his prssession. Accused was identified the following morning by the constable as well as by a ricksha puller. He
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  • 70 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes The case in which Suroh bin Wang so di Kumcs, the Javanese, who was charged with the murder of a Javanese police corpCTal en May 13 last at the 2H4 mile, Klang Morib Road, was continued before Sir Lionel Woodward, CJ.C, in tlve Assize Court).
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  • 102 8 Cicely Bryning, aged 32, and her sister Mabel, aged 26, were waiting for an appKachmg Baker-street train at Wendover Station when Mabel accidentally fel' on the metals. Cicely immediately jump, ed from the platform to rescue her. The driver applied his brakes and pulled up the train within 20 yards,
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  • 132 8 Two big jewel robberies occurred in London and Croydon respectively on the 3rd instant. A fireman at 3 a.m. discovered two men stripping Messrs. Mappin and Webb's shew cases in the vestibule cf the Carlton Hotel. One held up the fireman with a jemmy and the other opened the gate
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  • 414 8 Mr. E. L. Talma is to act ag Treasurer, Straits Settlements. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bishop have gona to Hongkcng for the Christinas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Grefqpry left on Thursday for Calcutta on a three months' holiday. Mr. B. H. F. Barnard is
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  • 30 8 The Colonial Secretary has written to the Penang Chamber of Commarce advising them of their rights, from ianuary I next, to elect one member to tho Legislative Council.
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  • 42 8 Our Penang correspondent, wires that at a meeting of the committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, a fetter was read from the Railway Advisory Board stating that it was not consid«rel time to reinstate the night mail train.
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  • 63 8 The Governor has granted commission* as Second Lieutenants in ;.he Straits Settlements Volunteer Force to the- following: Messrs. 1. J. Saunders, C D. Twynam, M.C., W. tf. jtfair, M.M.. R. M. Richards, M.8.E., at E. Watscn and W. A. F. Crosse. Second Lieutenant W. A. F. Crcsse
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  • 86 8 Mails frcm Europe, (London mails despatched November 23) by the B. I. steamer Ellenga will arrive, by train tomorrow morning. Correspondence wi.l be ready for delivery to boxholders about 10.30 a.m. The G. P. O. will be open to the public from 10.30 a.m. to noon and there
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  • 159 8 It is notified In the Government Gazette that privileges under the Inventions Ordnance have been granted to Mr. C. A. Brereton, rubber planter, Ceylon, for improvements in the manufacture of compositions for paving, roofing sheeting, clothes and other purposes; to Mr. W. Francis, planter, of Pontian Besar, Johore,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 Head Colds Avoid them They are nasty, they are expensive, and they are unnecessary MILTON is the answer fsSHeaD Just a few drops in tepid Tfagfj water, with a nasal spray *^^j it's so simple, so cheap, hfcMaif so completely satisfactory j^^^^^&fe, MT *1 r P'ri win i Your Doctor
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    • 91 8 ALHAMBRA A WONDERFUL WIFE 5 pts. 5 pts SINK OR SWIM 5 pts. 5 pts Pint Show GO-GET-EM HUTCH Episodes 3 and 4. CARNIVAL 7 pU. 7 pts (Mathcson Lang) ALWAYS AUDACIOUS 6 pts. 6 pts (Wallace Reid) First Show A SPORTING CHANCE 5 pts. 5 pts (Ethel Clayton) TAN
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  • 294 9 His Majesty's Speech On Prorogation. Incident in the Commons Reuter's Service. London, December 15. The King's Speech on the prorogation of Parliament earnestly trusts that a satisfactory solution cf the Near East problems will shortly be reached at Lausanne. The task cf restoring conditions favourable to economic stability in
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  • 107 9 Reuter's Service. Lonr'on, December 15. Washington Mr. Kelley, a Republican, who had prepared a report for the appropriations committee on the annual naval bill, spefcking in the House of Representatives in support of the bill, declared the committee ha 4 fixed the gross amount of appropriations as
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  • 103 9 Rii'ter's Service. London, December 15. Reports from New York that the rise ir. sterling is due to exceptional operations in which Britain is concerned, are denieel in London. A telegram from New Y»rk says the attention of financiers is concentrated on the spectacular t.oarin( pound, whose approach
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  • 87 9 Riuttb'h BumcbLondon, December 15. Berlin The two assailants of Maximilian Harden have been MtMBMd to 4% and 2\ years imprisonment respei 'ivelv. The trial revealed that they were members of societies closely conm«Ud with the "consul" organisation fo«^»d by Ehrhardt. Harden, leaning on a stuk, gave evidence that
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  • 134 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 15. The New York World's Washington correspondent states that though official confirmation is lacking, it is generally accepted that Mr. Morgan's visit to Mr. Hughes was connected with the possibility of a vast international loan to Germany, provided that France consents to
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  • 87 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 15. Riga A message from Moscow states that M. Litvinoff, chief Russian delegate at the Moscow Disarmament Conference, I in a statement to journalists, complained lof its breakdown. He declared that Russia I was not guaranteed 1 against Japanese I aggression or British intrigue
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  • 77 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 15. Paris The Franco-Canadian commercial convention has been signed. It is of indefinite duration, terminable by six months' notice. France grants to Canada ■a minimum tariff on 128 items, Canada receives on the remainder as favourable treatment as that granted to the United
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  • 293 9 Riuttr's Service. London, December 13. Mexico City Chile has invited Mexico to participate in the Pan-American Con- ference at Santiago de Chile in March. London, December 15. Lausanne The minorities sub-commis-sion sat for two hours. The Turks were present and good progress was made. The sut-commission meets again on
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  • 352 9 Debate on Reparations Problem. Reuter's Service. London, December 14. The House of Commons debated reparations, following a series of questions by Sir John Simon, framed' after consultation with Mr. Asquifch, Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Ramsay Macdonald. Replying to Sir John Simon's anxiety lest the effect of
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  • 164 9 London, December 15. Paris M. Poincare, in the Chamber, delivering his eagerly awaited statement on the recent London conference, contended that the rejected German proposals sought for substantial concessions without adopting the Allies' reforms for stabilisation cf the mark. Dealing with inter-Allied debts, he quoted the Versailles
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  • 57 9 RIUTIR'3 SIBVIC*. London, December 15. Washington The Republican, Senator Brockhart, proposed an amendment to the Ship Subsidy Bill granting a subsidy to American industrial and agricultural producers. He said he favoured a ten per cent, rebate in freight charges on products for export from the points of
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 18. Mexico City The leader of the Fascisti" here Eays the movement is extending all over the country. He expects a membership of a million in six months. He declares that the movement is not military but aims at controlling the Government through
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  • 166 9 Rioter's Service. London, December 15. The Hague In a memorandum, replying to the Second Chamber report on the Dutch East Indies, the Minister for the Colonies states Oil export duty will be definitely abolished on December 31 and any duty, subsequently paid, will be refunded after the abolition
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  • 44 9 Reuter's Service. London, December 15. Sir Eric Drummond, in an interview in London, said he believed that if the league of Nations got the full support of the Governments concerned, it might be able to suppress the cocaine traffic in five years.
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  • 156 9 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, December 15. Fcllowing a dull period the auctions cpened to a weak market and easier values. Standard sheet sold up to 48 "i cents, but was not in general request at that figure. Good f.a.q. and off sheet declined 1-1 cents.
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  • 350 9 Entertainment by Miss Newton's Pupils. j At Goodwccd Hall, yesterday afternoon, I the younger students of Miss Lillian Newton's School of Dancing gave a demonstration to mark the close of the school's first session. Attendance was by invitaticn and naturally there was a large gathering of parents
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  • 72 9 The executors of Mr. George Cadbury's will announce that he has left no bequests to public charities. He believed in giving during his lifetime, and two conspicuous examples of his generosity are to be found in the Bournville Village Trust, the latest valuation for which It £450,000, and the endowment
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  • 425 9 The Enchanted Lake and Fairy ML Madame Pavlowa anel her wonderful ballet charmed a targe audience at the Goodwood Hall last night when the principal items were a ballet, in one act. The Enchanted Cake, and a two scene ballet, The Fairy Doll. The former, set to Schubert's
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  • 338 9 The following letter from Mme. Anna Pavlowa relates to the home fcr Russian children in Paris, for the benefit of which the great dancer has arranged an entertainment in the Theatre and Memorial Hall on Monday next. Pavlowa writes Last summer, when in Pans, I was a
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    • 149 9 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt report under to-day's date Tin.— £l77 17s. od.— unchanged. Rubbers. Amalgamated Malays 2.15--2.30, Bassetts 0.95-1.05, Brogas 52V4-55, Changkat Serdangs 2.20-2.10, New Craigieleas 37^2-42'^. Indragiris buyers 4.50, Kedahs 2.15-2.25, New Sercndahs 2.25--2.50, Punggors 40-50, Temerlohs 70-80, Ulu Benuts 20-25, United Malaccas 1.17%--1.22",*!,
      149 words
  • 74 9 An agreement has been reached between the Federal committee of the British Medical Association in Australia and the Australasian Steamship Owners' Federation, in regard to the remuneration to. be paid to ships' doctors in the Australian mercantile marine service. The figure decided upon is £25 per menth, with t:>e right
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  • 1903 9 Home Office Ban on Prize Fights. By Our Special Correspondent. London, November If. Lord Derby's luck at Liverpool races has always been remarkable, and another Cu;> came his way last week by the easy victory of his filly Selene, who had started a good favourite. It is a
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  • 369 10 Forthcoming Expiration Of Sub-Lease. The annual general meeting of tho Simpam Valley Hydraulic Mines, Ltd., was held yesterday at the company's > AVer,, Chartered Bank Buildings, Singa- n. Mr. Chew Woon Poll presided and wns supported by the Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, Mr. W. L. Watkins
    369 words
  • 308 10 Boy, Cook, Coolie and Tukang Give Chase. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes Mr. T. Coe, of the Federal Secretariat, was' the victim of a daring bur;.'.\aiy. On the 6th in.--.., at abou; 'i. p.m. v hen Mr. Coe was in office a Malay. named Olat, entered his bedroom
    308 words
  • 226 10 Noisy Carpenter Confined in The Dock. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent] writes en Friday: There was a seen« j in the Assize Court this morning. For i a long time past the Chief Judicial Cora- 1 niissioncr. Sir Lionel Woodward, had, continually been disturbed by some noisy
    226 words
  • 75 10 The Warrior Strain, a thrilling drama, in which a representative of the Prince of Wales appears, is the Surma's star feature this week. In addition, there are new numbers of Australasian Gazette. Kve's Film Review, Vod-a-ville Movi.s and episodes 4 and 5 of Colon-! Solid's spectacular wild animal
    75 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 112 10 The following will represent Colours versus Whites at Rugger on the Padang on the ltfth inst Colours.— Roy D. Dykes: J. T. T. Webster, Lt. Hevwood and G. H. Warren J. W. Winter and J. S. Watson; W. C. Ramsay, H. R. S. Law, I. C. Macmillan, E. C.
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    • 53 10 The hockey match between teams representing the S.C.C. and the 2nd Middlesex regiment on the padang yesterday, resulted in a deservedly easy victory for the military team by three goals to nil. The soldiers showed splendid combination, especially among the forwards, and it was to this that they chiefly
      53 words
    • 47 10 R. F. Smith and C. E. Smith owe 30 bat Oh Jitt Siang and Tan Ah HunK scr. B—6, B—6. Tuesday's Ties.— R. F. Smith and C. E. Smith owe 30 v. Liro Bong Soo and Woon Seah Leng, plus 3.
      47 words
    • 589 10 A Bombay message of December S says The AlMndia Engl.sli u^m. assisted by Rhodes and Kilner, yesterday aiiTnoon defeated the All-India ludk.n team by seven wickets. The Indians increased their overliight total to 277, Kapad* and Vilhal jutting on 150 for the seventh wicket. The English
      589 words
  • 36 10 First List of Subscriptions H. E. Sir Laurence Guilltmard, K.C.B. 125.00 F. O. Rasmusjen 15.00 Mac io.oo W. H. Macgregor 100.00 Lieut. J. H. Jones, Whitstable 3.85 253.85 W. H. MACGREGOR, Hon. Treasurer.
    36 words
  • 26 10 Tronoh Mines.—Pis. 2.841. Ting Kil.—Plant piculs 120.74, tribute piculs 36.06, total piculs 156.80. Sungei Gau.—Ore treated 20fi tons, totnl tin won 7.">.5S piculs.
    26 words
    • 165 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It was announced in the papers that whi'e in Ceylon Mr. W. Duncan had an interview with the Planters' Association there. Let us hope that they realised that Mr. DuncarL*h:M most persistently "Hun'ed witb-the hounds and run
      165 words
    • 309 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Within the last few days cabled inquiries have reached me from the Straits Settlements with reference to the dis- covery I have succeeded, after three years of research, in making for the c!vstruction of all kinds of insect life. I
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  • 129 10 Ampat (Sumatra).— 2l,l7o lbs. Bedford Plantations.— 6,soo lbs. 8enar.— 9,669 lbs. Bernam Perak.— 24,l3l lbs. Bruas Perak.— ls,os2 lbs. Bukit Timah.— 9,oo7 lbs. Buloh Kasap.— l4,(soo lbs. Changkat Serdang.— 2s,oo4 lbs. Gadek.— 32,slB lbs. Glenealy.— 23,o43 lbs. Haytor.— 9,l66 lbs. Henrietta.— 29,ooo lbs. Hill Rise.— l:{,soo lbs.
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  • 193 10 St. Andrew's School Hall was transformed into a theatre this week when the boys gave three performances of Aladdin written and produced by one of the staff, Mr. L. C. H. Woodgate'. The wonderful lamp found in the cave when rubbed by Aladdin summoned the
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  • 15 10 Mrs. P. Sullivan is leaving for Bangalrro via ftLidrai by the Ellengn, the 21st liiiUunl.
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  • 1427 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bandoeng, December 4. The local p vernment has permitted the rc.TUitmeiit of labour from among the indigenous masses for service on the estates and timber lands in 9ritish North Borneo. The prriod of recruitment is a year, beginning from the 23"-d ultimo, and
    1,427 words
  • 303 10 The Rubber Deal Judgment Upheld. The Bingapare Court of Appeal sat yesterday when the Acting Chief Justice I Mr. .Testici! Sproule presided and >v;i .associated with Mr. Justice BarrettLenntrd and Mr. Justice Brown. The apI peal heard wns one against a Judgment given by the Chief Justice,
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  • 187 10 (By Courtesy of the Nichi Nichi Shimbun.) Tokio, December 11. To-day's bulletins state that the condition of H. H. the Crown Prince is sati.--''actory, his temperature being 38.<> and hi> pulse 86. There is no fear of any com--1 plication. The Hohtoku Bank of Tokio, and it
    187 words
  • 134 10 Some amusing itories were told by Mr. •John Murray, th/ publisher, in the Course of a lecture tJ the City Young Men':; Christian As^iution on "Diminutive Words." A veil-known public man, he said, was SSPrseshtg to a friend hi-; alarm at 0e advent of William 11. as
    134 words
  • 46 10 in tlic Pout <>f ComiMlMh it mi' 1 11 time (upt. QabUMM stated that the QJMStion of medals for the troops SOgMfd in ■npprWtinC the rebellions in M m j a in VX>O was still being considered. He understood that Lord Hald:ine had not pnwlMd medals.
    46 words

  • 1169 11 Company's Working Methods Under Criticism. The second annual general meeting of Papan Tin, Lt<!., was h.lcl in the Chambei of Conunerce, PcaaßsTi on Saturday. There were present Messrs. .1. Maumann (in the chaiil, V. a. GramHt, M. P. Walsh.-, 11. K. Sparke, M. D. Knapp, Lim Kian
    1,169 words
  • 118 11 The following subscriptions are fTatefully acknowledged Mr. J. A. Elias *10 E. A. Elias 10 W. E. Hooper 10 J. Meyer 20 Mrs. Swindell 5 Henderson Bros. 25 Mrs. Lowther Kemp 10 Mr. E. C. H. Wolff 10 Mrs. Lee Choon Guan 10 Mr. H. Tongue 20
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  • 63 11 Seventy-five per cent, of University students in Liverpool last year came from elementary schools, according to the annual report of Mr. Adams, ViceChancellor, who also stated that the head of a well-known college of one of the older Universities informed him that not one college scholarship in the past decade
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 517 11 CHURCH SERVICES. MMIAV. DECEMBER 17, 1*22 8t. Aadrew's C«tk«dr«l. 7.30 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion. (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followr.1 hy Holy Communion. 4 p.m. The Catechirm. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week Holy Communion on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday
      517 words
    • 51 11 New December Dance Records, X'mas Carols, Etc., Etc. ARE HERE "His Master's Voice" S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. "CLINCHER" TYRES ABE ALL BRITISH AND Give absolute Satisfaction William Jacks Co. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS WE INVITE ENQUIRIES FOR ALL CLASSES OF STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Ipentraj 1 Q [ENONE WORKS
      51 words
    • 209 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Telephone 2920. Cinema O-3O P.M. SHARP FRANK MAYO IN THE SHARK MASTER »>«♦♦«»»«♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦«>♦ Adelphl Hotel TO-NIGHT Special Dinner THH HOTEL ORCHESTRA WILL PLAT DHRING AND AFTER DINNHB IDELPHI HOTEL LI MIXED 'Phone 925. Proprietors, AIIKI.PHI HOTEL, LTD. ».>««»««».«»♦»««»«<♦«»♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦«»»♦»«»♦♦«»♦»»♦*♦♦♦»♦«♦»»»♦» Europe Hotel XMAS FESTIVITIES. SATURDAT, DECEMBER 23.— Illuminated X'mas Trees
      209 words

  • 503 12 Sir James Cantlie Discourses On Smoking. It was an interesting address which Sir James Can'^ie delivered recently at the Institute of Hygiene, and he had many things to say which will attract the attention of a much wider circle than his immediate audience. Taking for his subject
    503 words
  • 393 12 The following subscriptions towards the Teochew (Swatow) Relief Fund are acknowledged with many thank* Amount previously acknowledged f 167,221.63 Collected per Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Singkawang 1,218.35 Collected per Messrs. Soh Peng Tau and Wan Bee Soo, 32 items 533 Teachers and Students of Anglo Chinese School,
    393 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 361 12 HOTEL BRASTAGI SUMATRA BAST COAST. 4,800 feet above sea level T.lff raphic Address Poatal Addrea* BRASTAGIHOTEL, MBDAN. BRASTAGI, SUMATRA, O.K. Climate fresh, invigorating, equivalent to an English summer. General temperature E2 degrees to 60 degree* by night, 60 degree* to 75 degree* by day. NINE HOLE GOLF COURSE. TWO CEMENT
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    • 737 12 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE The undersigned have received instructions tv sell by public auction at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, on Monday, December 18, at 2.30 p.m. Lots 1 and 2. Valuable freehold building sites fronting Kobinson Road, area 2,160 square feet each lot, comprised in Statutory
      737 words
    • 202 12 SmWORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Pineapple Hams ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I "BETTER THAN THE BEST OF THE REST" HHMMMMHIH SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (laeorporated in th* Straits Settlement*) Retail Dept.: ORCHARD ROAD. «M»>IMIMMHIMM>MMI»MM>M»t»»M>>Mt>t»HMMMt) Wear T.K.K.'S Bell Brand Rubber Footwear Fine Quality Emit l\ Moderate Price FACTORY No. 43, Sumbawa Road. SALES DEPARTMENT
      202 words

  • 541 13 A "FREE SUEZ CANaL. French Propose To Treat Like Dardanelles. The Journal, in a leading article to-day, written by Deputy George Boussenot, advocates that France demand of England the same form of control for Suez and Gibraltar as for the Dardanelles, that is, control by the League of Nations. "In
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  • 285 13 Scotch Chemist Who Cheapened Rice. A Rangoon correspondent writes to the Pioneer Intelligence of the death of Mr. Charles R. Cowie who invented the process of utilising paddy husk as fuel nearly half a century ago has reached his firm in Rangoon. Up till Mr.
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  • 221 13 M. Andre Citroen, the head of the Paris motor manufacturing firm of Citroen, foreshadowed a number of developments in connection with his rirm at a luncheon at the Hotel Metropole on November 8. Mr. Benjamin King presided. M. Citroen said it had been possible so
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 105 13 SPERRY'S PURE Rolled Oats Quality cereal used in every Home Obtainable at all Grocery Stores Sole Import*™ KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. SINGAPORE. tiiiiititiiiinmntit WHY BUY AT. sO°/ O DISCOUNT ry°" XMAS GOODS at prices based wiUioat PROVISION for it Tuck's X'mas Cards in boxes, assorted, prices from 70 eta. to $1.80
      105 words
    • 110 13 «««<!«♦ ««»««♦♦♦««««>««♦♦♦«»♦♦»»♦♦»««« /he ?*PI Cir\d*nUd Ju»H Uhl\* Jfcoune E. C. MONOD CIE, Agents SINGAPORE and SIAM. If UL 111 tb Jh 53 4m lli^'ln SOLE IMPORTERS The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Denmark) SINGAPORE ♦«♦«♦♦«<».<«. ♦♦-»♦-♦■»♦-♦-♦-♦♦-♦♦-♦-»»♦♦-»♦■♦■»>■♦■♦♦■♦♦♦ 8». Jb 'ARMCO' CULVERTS WwJl&mKn "CALCO" WATER-GATES I|HB"*~!''*^*jW^*WP"BHM^y «r« the be«t and mont
      110 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 205 14 MOTOR UNION INSURANCE GO LTD. PRIVATE CARS. The comprehensive policy covers against Aerldent Malicious Act. Theft. Fire. Claims paid ia full. Third party claims— No Limit Law costs paid in settling or defendant claims. I"IHE Bent. Personal effects. Furnlturs. Stock-in-trade. Riot and Civil commotion. Earthquake. MARINE. Favourable tatss anoted for
      205 words
    • 534 14 AiMti aver $5,000,000 S.C, Aaiurance la force over $17,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) HEAD omCI Winchester House, Slsgapere, LONDON OFFICE t 82, Old Jewry, E.O. The Company has 120,000 coposiud wfth the Supreme Court of England and complies with ths British Life Assurance
      534 words
    • 537 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan.) CapiUl Subscribed Y60,000,000 CapiUl Paid-up Y52.600.000 Reserve Fund Yll»780,000 President s K. Nakagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS T. Hisamune, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Eaq. K. Monnago, Esq. M. Esaki, Esq. Denkichl Takita, Esq. HEAD OFFICE Taipea, Formosa (Taiwan). BRANCH AND AGENCIES
      537 words
    • 527 14 BANKING CAPITAL $4,000,000 SURPLUS $2,000,001 Asia Ban king ItWsgHsrtLl cm-^American- VSSHBiSr _r Institution/ HEAD OFFICB FOB TUB FAR EAST Shanghai. Singapore Office.— 22, Raffles Plac*. Current, Savings Accounts aid Fixed Deposits ia U. S. Gold, Sterling, Francs, Taels and Local Currency. Drafts Bought, Sold and Entered for Collection. Commercial &id
      527 words
    • 349 14 INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION (OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BAlfa OF NEW YORK.) CapiUl U.S. I 8,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits U.S. 10,400,000 Hesd Office I 80, Wall Street, New York. San Francisco Office 282, Montgomery Street. London Office 86, Bishopsgate, E.C. EASTERN BRANCHES. dim Canton, Hankow, Harbin, Hongkong, Pekla. Shanghai,
      349 words

  • 1026 15 Looking Forward to Profitable Future. The twelfth ordinary general meeting of the North Labis (Johore) Rubber and Produce C:., Ltd.. was held on November 10 at the registered office of the company, 1-4. Gfeat 'I'iwor Streu', E.C., Mr. HEric Milli-r (the chairman) presiding 1 Mr. B.
    1,026 words
  • 70 15 The widow of Major G. H. C'ary Wilkins, an officer retired from India, whose baity was found in the River Adur at Shorehani, says phi' does not believe that her husband's death whs accidental. She atatM that the Major's wallet containing i'i> and his eifrar case were missinjf. Atrain, she
    70 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      210 words
    • 293 15 X'mas UNRIVALLED FOR COLOURED AND ARTISTIC ENLARGEMENTS. PAUL CO. 57, SELECIE ROAD. X'MAS GIFTS Chinese Satin Shoes in ;tll colours. Bamboo Baskets. All kinds of Canton Embroideries and Drawn-thread Works. Can be had at lowest possible prices. Call at THE CHINESE DRAWN-THREA I WORK CO., 30, Coleman Street, Singapore. Catalogue
      293 words
    • 185 15 MOTORISTS LIKE FIRESTONES In because they can rely on the service thry FIRESTONE toughness strength and resiliency MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. ne BR A WKMAMH CO., I YOUR MOTOR LORRY is too important a factor in your business to destroy its smooth running by experimenting with solid .tyres of unknown
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 443 16 GUAN KIAT CO., LTD. »5, PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Received. Champion Portable Forge* with 18 in. hearth Champion Post Drilling Machine*, to drill from in. to 1 in. hole. Bourdons Steam Pressure Gauges, fitted with control cocks Sixes 4 in. dis. by 200 lbs. 6 by 200 lbs. fi
      443 words
    • 242 16 600 Hats HAVE JUST ARRIVED Strong, good quality and cheap in price. Pretty designs to choose from PARISIAN HOUSE, 5, ORCHARD ROAD. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO JOHN DOKJi. OPTICTAJ*. is, lATTUT KOAD. ULNGAPOEaV SPECIALITIES IN ESTATE SUPPLIES. LATEX CUPS different qualities manufactured at own potteries. Largest output in Malaya. CUP
      242 words
    • 935 16 CUSSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charge* for Want*, For Sale, To Let, ete^ in ordinary close set type (average six word* to line) are per line one insertion 28 cent*., two In*. 46 ets., three ins. 64 eta., four ins. 82 ets., five ins. $1.00, six in*. 1.18, ten in*. $1.40,
      935 words
    • 874 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, houis 70, Prinsep Street Immediate entry. Apply 9, Clarke Quay. TFURNISHED~HOUSE f(f~LET, Tangiin district. Tennis court and garage. For particulars, apply 1625, Straits Times. WANTED SHORTLY, Tangiin district, furnished compound house, must have electric light and fans. Apply 1604, Straits Times. TO LET, Immediate entry
      874 words
    • 654 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, Nos. 39 and 41, North Boat Quay, immediate entry. Apply 16, Change Alley. ~TO BE LET, office* and godowns to *ult all requirement*. Apply S. Manasseh A Co., No. 4, D'Almeida Street. TO BeTIET, excellent business premise*, corner of Cecil and Market Street*. Apply S.
      654 words
    • 213 16 PHOENIX HOSIERY PRINCESS GARMENTS GO. 4. RAFFLES CHAMBERS (Opposite Robinsons). BmslneM Hoar* a.m. to 1 9-m. CENTRAL MOTOR mm COMPANY 66, ORCHARD ROAD. HUPMOBILE CARS ON HIRE DAY AND NIGHT. 'Phone 1733. PHOTOGRAPHS For the best of everything in every Branch of Photography Ring up MR. BUCKERIDGE Phone IoS/O THE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 197 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TILEPHONIBi Editorial and General 38 Manager's Office 1117 All communication* relating to editorial matter* and new* should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT RATES. Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in
      197 words