The Straits Times, 16 January 1922

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1922 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 ii r W t Halted Z 2 g i tgivz, a "BEAR BRAND" QUALITY Swiss <J||y|^ Milk OBTAINABLE M Vu /3fe > EVERYWHERE TRADE MAKK Especially Suitable for Infants and Invalids. The Bernese Alps Milk Co., Switzerland, declared Hors Concours Membrc I)u Jury International" Paris Exhibition 1900, also Grand Prix
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    • 220 1 w A Suggestion (i^^-| A ROBINSON'S \MU Jfi ti Guaranteed Watches Jo&^PsS^ fj'tf) y l \i\ As s i(al)le Resents for the jSzV- <^^k DRESS WATCHES. ROBINSON'S GUARANTEED PERFECT I'ATENT LEVER WATCHES TIME KEEPERS. ROBINSON'S NON-MAGNETIC. Silver dials, as illustrated. PATENT LEVER WRISTLET WATCH. Sue No 3> as lllustratlon fecst
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    • 7 1 milkmaid ilwNtaWCMtaMlWn; 1 PriM hi M».41 par <
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  • 955 2 Offii ial Text of Old Horn- Of Contention. We h»v« received from the I»ep»rtment of Fouif* Affairs in Tokio the following official text of the Yap Agreement, says the Japan Chronicle. The United States ned Japan have reached an agreement with respect to the Island of Yap
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  • 182 2 Dean Inge as a Composer Of Limericks. i Dean baga iippcar? in a new rok- that of a composer of Limericks in the Evening Standard. He recalls how after a visit to Durham he composed the followjinp: i There Ml ;i uouil Canon of Durham, Who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 The Old Country's F 1 m. IB Leading Magazine .J** wfl\ iwie ol tkc London Magazine Wtf rWfL wjS \\\vfu\ It parked FIRST-RATE mf' "Mil firtion by the 1>vm nnd most enter- PVjl .BT* viVAUl JOHN GALSWORTHY p°* A Grand New Novel by iTr**" 1 JOHN BUCHAN 1 1
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    • 346 2 0 2717 b 8 x 2J i ■> Fine tea is as susceptible to climatic changes as a delicately adjusted barometer. Damp and heat soon destroy the aroma of your tea, leaving it flat and tasteless. Only by buying Brooke Bond tea in the patent vacuum tin can you be
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    • 155 2 SWINE HART x TYRES AND TU] Kg I Pacific fradM Co., Ltd. f){\^ I! *7 6» BOWWOW ROAfi wTjT vt mv r NEGRESCO CIGARS PRICES ARE REDUCED ROM JANUARY 1, 1922 SULTANA 15.00 per box of 50 cigars BOUQUETS $10 per box of 50 cigars COMERCIALES 13.20 per box of
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  • 876 3 Production Costs Reduced All Round. A meeting of tho Alma Kstatoa Ltd., was held at Shanghai on o«cemecr 2:> 14 015 aliarcE being represented. Mr. K. T. liyrno preside*' MHHHirtajl b> [Mr. N. Maitland and C. J. L. SU'w.irt, dir.ctors, and Mr. A. J. Welch representing the
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  • 258 3 Wants own Bank notes Printed For Wife. BCCMU iv- l.ti'i :n-t. or bten cheateel,"| M ha put it. of (1,000 while in Shanghai,' tnd wBl af."'.:«l to go horn? and meet his] wife at Any.ii, an untmployctl Chinese ■track upon Ih l..illiant il-a af making; l,i own
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  • 77 3 A m .-tfp in CkiMM communications v. tastrodand recently when the first 'l)us df the Shanirhai-TaitsanK Mctor Servlee Co.. Ltd, started on its first journey from New Kunjf-ho Road, Chapei, to an interraerKato stntion eallod Tazanir, IH li (^ix miles) from Shanghai. These trijis MR, m< v i i li'ss.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 235 3 Fnm mftftt I Britain's I Bonniest Babies are GLAXO Babies "me. r^ Infant Welfare Centres have been formed all over Great Britain to help mothers renr better babies. An official E government list recently published pves the addresses of SI 1,517 Centres. Occr 1,200 such Centres are regularly E \~$J.
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    • 537 3 Eczema Germ fovered-, DEXMA Is Helping Hundreds! A new scientific discovery an external wash, for skin i diseases is attracting tne attention of doctors. This discovery irives instant relief to the most aggravated ecription is caßcd DEXAIA. Apparently no cases of Eczema can stand fJPS!L 9 118 «unp!e remedy. As
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    • 709 3 FOR A BETTER DIGESTION If you have indiife-tion. (fas on the stomach, <our Btoinach, acid stomach, belching or irirthurn if you cannot cat substantial, vouri'hing food without di-,tro*s your stomneh is wonk. As a fftsat deal of your ,-omfort, hipoin.- sod sui ISSS iKpends on a jrood digestion, y mi
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    • 649 3 THE STRAITS TRADING CO., LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that an ordinnvr ieneral Meeting of Th.- Slrr- Trh'iir, Company. Limited, will b. heM ttu* Com panv's Registered Office, 11, Collj on Monday. January IS, 188 toon, fur llie purposes following namely 1. To receive and consider th" ■.tntem»nt if Account"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 785 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.-British India <"<<* Apcar Line v (Companies Incorporated in England) i y MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company'a MAIL SKKVKE EAST OK BOMBAY are at present suspended LONDON FAR-EABTKHN SERVICE. FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND
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    • 716 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATCHAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland) Telephone Noa. Paaaage Dept. 131, Freight Dept. 1202, Marine Dept. and TranakJoi-*" Dept. 1437, Manager's Dept. IM2. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. G. G. DAENDELS— January IS, Muntok and Pnlcmhnnir. SINt.kKI' January 18, Tonckal,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 578 5 STEAMER SAILINBS TEAN« A cinC (UcorporaU. «> TRANB ATL4NTIC QUICKEST TIME ACROSS THE PACIFIC EMPRESS OF ASIA AND EMPRESS OF RUSSIA 16,860 ton. Quadruple Screw.. Speed 21 knota. Hongkong to Vancouver 18 days G. $375.00 Hongkong to Europe 29 days G. $681.25 EMPRESS OF JAPAN (6,000 tons) MONTEAGLE (6,163 tons)
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    • 129 5 DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE to NEW YORK VIA SUEZ s.s. Robert Dollar LOADING SINGAPORE FEBRUARY 8. s.s. Esther Dollar LOADING SINGAPORE FEBRUARY 20. Through Bills of Lading issued from SincHpi're to the I'rincipal Cities of the United Stales and Canada. For furher information as to Rates, etc., apply to THE DOLLAR
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    • 454 5 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. mi OSAB.A BHOBH.N KAIBHA LTD. laeorpormUd la Japan) N*. I, Do Boaaa Btroet. Proseawdi Sailing frosa Blmcaavra (Hobjeet to change without notle*) EUROPEAN UNW ft Port Baial. Jlareelllea, L»mtmm. Aatw*.* Bottentaai aac Hasabarg ARGUN MARU Jam. II jaa. 14 'Omit Mar— ill.. ANDES MARU Feb. 23 Feb.
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    • 305 5 STEAMER SAH.MCS United American Lines inc. Successors to LIVERMORE DEARBORN CO., LIMITED. (Incorporated in U.SJL) INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINE Regular Service between New York Singapore and Java ports and vice veraa FOR NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suez) CLEARWATER In port. HALF MOON end Feb. WEST CAMPGAW end Mar. FROM NEW YORK
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    • 133 5 Bergougnan Tyres (MADE IN FRANCS.) ft? I w/ W^ IVrah stock* arc now available from all leading garage* and from Sola Agents (or S.S. and Malay Peninsula. A. CLOUET Co. KSSS Tel. No. 240. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS NETHERLANDS GUTTA-PEKCHA COMPANY. Read Ofßre and Works Town-Office and Showroom PASIK PANJANG. 5,
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    • 49 5 BUN BEE CO, 11, B«ck*rs iUaa. Hlagajore. GROCERS, WINE AMD SPIRIT MERCHANTS bb4 n»r!Un as? COLD STORAGI FKOZIN MEATS, PRODUCE, ITC IF IT IS ANYTHING REGARDING SPORTS OK ATHLETIC GOODS (Tennis Rackets roatringed with beet black gat $6.00 only), write to BOSS it COMPANY, 187, North Bridge Road, Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 637 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA From Thur^daT. Jai.uary IJ, to Tufbday, Jm.uary 17, I!H2 In the Pcouml Sh-.w. oommencirg at 9.15 p.m. Picturca of highly Cnt«rt->ining Powert, Melodramatio and humorous j A P.ithe Melodrama quite one of tho beattl 111 Uai, though different from anything of its THE CARNIVAL CHILD In I R.
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    • 485 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Shorv at 9.30 p. m. TWO KINDS OF LOVE An absorbing picture of how n womnn'd \tls::> II tanglod up three lives until it -i-eined ax if the unarl would uover be straightened A vorv human dwnia full of breathless momont' in which dear
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    • 323 6 THE NEW YEAR gm -r, Gives promise of better things! with more business doing and more j JM money. Lay in a good stock whe- imHIiII ther you are Shipper, Miner or |M Planter. We are in a position to supply each one of you with what Hgf you may
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  • 182 7 Colonial and Sports Club It R*| Formed. Al ;i aieiHna, baM in the If amor al Hall, ter, i>n s- ptember 89 it wa.-unani-nously <lr:iii.:.i to fora a dob which *houia cater 1 who have lived that Ovi «lurf I 1 1. h'xril .a il. la. per
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  • 51 7 Macphail and Dally Report. January Id Silver 36*4. H n < e lit praa. Three BHathi (old Share Marki <^ui-t. ber«.— Practically no enquiry. Ijn. l.llvi, c renta, Rawai 1.06-1.10. Padang paid), Johan l«iur> I Industrials.—! nit< 50 Tra new 12.50-13, ex, Mala ii, am Ken
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  • 107 7 DECEMBER RUBBER R ETURNS. Ar.-r'i-Mnlay.- Allonby.— 1.:.. Broom '.—43,956 lbs. Bikam. 21.' 0o 11, >. Batu i Him- h Tin and R MM) lbs r.nk.t Km •'h.-.-:-k;;t Salak. 5 1.0 0 llis. Emerald Rub. Glenirowrie. j' 0(1 il,:. Golden ii H H yea (Jobore).— 2l^4o \b< Koala Kulu 18,31 1
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  • 87 7 That Sinn in fta troulili's with chauffurs would Kern -1» ptwred by tl-.. f illov ins »'hli I l'(l ,n ,i i trmporar: for their I Btrencth whic i tly in wiping mil p j v >y with cn< i piu.lhi r or i-.t rena. i wnt.r
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  • 109 7 )i, Ral V :i in- Shaw, BarrettLrimarrl I I I>i-.i! in which Lim Cheng Swco amisd I lust Rl farwir i I appellant wat i'Ti-1 -..I.:. l>] -i Xi while Mr. C i pondent, Mra. Mi md at in th rowrt I" of li"v 10,
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  • 99 7 DAILY TIM E TABLE rue rota "h.nrtay, January 16. Ililfh Water, 0.17 a.m., 0.37 p.m. iursd.iv. January 17. 1 I i.m, Ml p.m. 1 Ml r .in. U i\:r.,dny, January IK. High Water, l.xj a .i.i., 121 p.m r«nir!in CM at Hon., »;n ».<u. January 19. Hif* Water, 1.14 a.m.,
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    • 66 7 r*t,t Wharf Kantn MM r Sheer* U harf Nil. Melehlor Treub M dnaa, Vanstata, iada. I rdtaea W h.-u I'ulo Urani Coal tMtaxf Nil. K<!|>«: ■hilh.ui Main Wliarf Magset, Launch Lady Evelyn Coal Wharf 1.-.- V.;\irc. Vc.m-1, ia Do ri<»rti Nii. VieKrpiMl 11.-.rhour Kinj'a Vock Nil.
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    • 106 7 I a I' New York ton-, from. S marinda l'J-i. -it.. Ifiai torn, f.v.-n New i;. DAEKDELB, Out.. 773 ions, from Pai. for rai-.-mbanß 18-1. na, from 16-1. 1 toi fro 18-1. Shanghai Ik, frori Loiido:: line. II 1, fu: Bombay 15-1. HI, Dnt, :.:!4 ton*, f:om I'on--1
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  • 133 7 To-day n and Lnriilon :inl Peaaag S p. Pi <i!accii ar.J Muar ..I 4 p.m. IB nnd I'ulnu Bu'.arj; 4 p.m u;^l:ck 4 p.m Tuesday i 9 a.m 10 a.m. alaeca mil y.'iur ..4 p.m. Wednesday iri. Labvan, Jes'clton, Kudat, San<!nknn. Ball nnl Znmboar.ja 11 a.m.!
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  • 22 7 (on--<ii r< 'Odt Office U«purt) til Sli>;«purF i akar R Deo ibei r. .iHnuaiy I .lan.iary l> ry Il'
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  • 41 7 Mnrai Tin. afcaJa rlawans Mine. Ron Ka, IS. tntk i 15 i i January I, bovn worked I .i 32,060 caJMe \ur::.-, output Tin. I'liini pieola l'2o, tribut 1.40. iii.'T, a total of pk-uls I BTB.W pis.
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  • 68 7 Our I; h C>rreipood*nl wires: Tl.c in1 1 ton i death oi pnpH of the Mate) t Koa'a Kan^sai hold v 'aturday l)\ thi* itistrict ofti; r, Mr. Criih<>n. Hfa death m the result of iiijurii-- i!l match, in whii b allCKed he tv foulfd. Th< inj.i Bmdahan and
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  • 146 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, January IG. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2 4 1/16 I 2/3 13/13 Private m. credits 2/4 5/16 On New York Dnn-.and 48 H Private M days so'-a On Fiance, Bl nk 670 On India, Bank T. T. 17:>'i On Hongkong, Bank dAI 14
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  • 46 7 I n,- of mat et Quiet. B Singapore Standan Pale Crepe P.'iy H Sellers n Spot >!. -March. Lpril-JuM Ribfccd -k- -j Sf durii :t-i-Rum Sdlw Spot "cb.-Maich April-June 36 36H 37% 38 40 40ft 12 n'clock noon, January 16, 1922.
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    • 176 7 urn. *'al- Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Won* 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.30 1.40 I 1 Jelant.oh O.tiO I tl Kam Kamuntinir 1.17.6 2 O.U xd. 1 10 Kinta Asoc. 3.50 4.50 :t £1 Ijihat Mines r > 6 I-ir.cui Tin 4.00 4.50 10 10 Malayan Coll.
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    • 114 7 l»3. Fd. Barer*. 1 Cl Br. Am. Tobacco 3.3.0 10 10 Central En^ne? VUO E. Smetthig Co. 5.78 r;.ettr;c Tvn-.v^ LO Fruai A Neve 24.50 5 1 Hmmmai Co. 100 10 :0 10 Mcyiean Eajrle 3.10.0 10 10 Slaynar'l and Co. Mm I 3.8.0 cd. lfi.ou C 25.50 110
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    • 37 7 T-- -,-vir.. :J ■t Muni.-^*' naj. *>>, J5 v >-■ k-m dh •M-.710.100 »>4.i. S. p.. ?2^.6-".:i.700 94 W<\. Si- M E i BonJs 1920 $15,078,. f :00 90 ir.'ci i V t nr.r t"<^: $20,ofn),ooi> ioi MM
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  • 419 7 Krast-r and Co. and I.yall n.i Kvatt's Quotntlfinn. Latent availaalc Sterling Quotation* are printed on another p»r» on Fridur To-Uay'g Price*. Fraaer f.yix'.i A Co. Evstt. Vllenby (SI) 015 0.23 0.15 0.25 Uor Gaiah (?1) 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.40 Hitam ($5) 9.50 10.50 9.50 10.50 ..-<<:■ r i
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 175 7 GOODWOOD HALL, tXi H'-staurant— Caff— Kdrertsitjmciit NaMi GRfINDOPENING NIGHT Wednesday, y '92V FANCY DRESS BALL (Fnrcy DeaM Optioiulj Fro-. 9.30 O 12 midn'tfht SPECIAL UIMISfHR Dinnor-Danot $4 Da -co $2 liitondiDy diners urn reiiuestcd to book tabl s not Uter than January 2H. Tiokots uvailHl>l« the hall Goodwood Hall Specinl
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    • 301 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS KU roi lAN STATE, raca'nej arker ->.. l-td. MON! I TO 1 Mf mI fsuir. Com- <• •< Btrait Timoi._ FOR BALE, on.- p:iir blask (quite new) anJ laa pair brown Pole '»>">'■ I, ll« .tbo. :t 8. Replj H.. Strait 1 x;.r--. REQUIRED, n O wn «paco
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    • 201 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICE A v»r:nncy i.cours f>r ill Sorga«nt in ehai Station. Sn'ary tS.-iOO 1 Sy VK> per annum to forntalied marr! 1 q 1 tompora 10 thi- abore aalary THo appointmen. it Qualifications \K' P»t over 4 r >. Applii ledge "f the liit. aal J.'uii ho a. i.i la
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  • 1122 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, JANUARY 16 M. BRIAND RETIRES. The French political crisis is a very v misfortune, but we do not see how M. ilriand could have remained in the Premienhip under the conditions which prevailed. Be hits had to carry on most difficult and viully important nefjotiationsWitt Mr.
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  • 32 8 Mr. Charles Pilley, assistant editor, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Horatio Bottom ey as editor of John Bull. Mr Bottomley will now devote his whole attention to personal and political affairs.
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  • 45 8 Socrabaya's Custom House receipts for 1921 show an incroase of about 3V6 milicn guilders over those fir 1920 and II million moi? than in 1919. The actua figures read 1921, 24,828,552 guilders 28 cents 1920, 21,335,415 guilders 62 cents and 1919, 12,730,217 guilders IE ?.'nto.
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  • 54 8 The Pao Yuen Paper Mill at Pootung, the largest establishment of its kind in China, was destroyed by fire on January 5. The damag? in estimated at Tls. 350,000. The fire b'azed a!! day. Six persons were injured. Fir?men had narrow escfpes. The mill was insured fully with the American
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  • 11 8 Reviews of new books appear on page 13 of to-day's issue.
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  • 18 8 An advertiser in a Yokohama paper is prepared to part with two million Russian roubles for 600 yen
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  • 15 8 The Japanes? stPamer Hokuyo Maru which was overdue from Bombay arrived here safely on Saturday.
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  • 22 8 The text of the oral evidence taken by the Commission to inquire into the financial position of the Municipality has been pub:ished.
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  • 28 8 The South Australian Premier, Mr. Barwell, writing in the Adelaide Register, advocates the development of the Northern Territory by the settlement of selected Asiatics with fuli citizen rights.
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  • 33 8 This morning before Mr. B. Nunn, District Judge, the Traffic Department, pro-lecut-'d in a number of caaes for offences ■igainst the Traction Engine and Motor Cars Ordinance. There were many endorsements of licences.
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  • 36 8 The health authorities at Manila have Seen engaged in an intensive vaccination campaign for the prevention of an ■pidemic of cholora which was seen to be threatening. Over 15,000 vaccinations pan done in Manila last month.
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  • 45 8 According to Dutch contemporaries, He-er Smcets, "the Custom House ac■c.untant, at Weltevreden has been arrest•d in connection with the Custom Hous" "rauds which have recently come to light. Investigations arc stii proceeding and the exact amount, which runs into thousands, ms not yet been computed.
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  • 63 8 The opportunity for enlisting in the 'Chinese Co., will be offered to intending nembers next Friday, the 20th inst. There *-ill be no more chances for the men who ire still hesitating, as only about twenty Tien are now required to bring the com>an> up to its full establishment.
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  • 65 8 According to the Chief Health Officer's statement for the week ending January 7 cases of small-pox were reporteel, of •vhich four were fatal ones. There was ne case each in Enggor and Malacca Streets, Target, Tank and Ballestier /toads, in Tampenis and at Jalan Pisanp espectively. One case reported was
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  • 69 8 A marriage is arranged and will take ;>lace at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Satur!ay, the 21st inst., at 4.30. p.m., between Mr. Douglas Wilson, Sanitary Inspector of he Municipality, Singapore, and Miss Leonora Irene Perreau, eldest daughtei <f Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Perreau of 9 Burma). ioad, and niece
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  • 68 8 A family named Schwarz, of Constance, Saden, were left 4 fortune of £20,000,000 >y an old aunt in America, says a home >aper. The nephews and nieces, who lived n most reduced circumstances, were look •d on as future rivals in wealth of Stinnes, the German multi-millionaire. Phey have now
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  • 101 8 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has just given to Daircn, as :o several other commercial centres in Via, a building which is regarded as an architectural ornament to the City." The new premises were to be opened for msiness on the 4th instant. It is a reinforced concrete building
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  • 104 8 On the evening of the 6th inst. Mr. C. Gardiner, exports Manager of Messrs. vV. P. Lowe and Co., Ice House Street, iongkong. was attacked by two Chinese, irmed with brand new hatchets, and •eriously injured, a e!eep -wound being nfii'.td at the base of his skull and ir.oU;er wound
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  • 116 8 On returning from his trip to Cam>odia where he had accompanied Marshal Joffre, the Governor-General of Inelo"hina, M. Maurice Long discovered that a <afe in his private office had been broken riti and a larg? sum in money and jewel'erv including a famous r.?ck'ace of pearls had been stolen. Suspicion
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  • 170 8 A very enjoyable ronggeng party was held on the grounds of the Master Attendant's, office on Saturday evening under the auspices of the Marine Departments the occasion being partly in celebration of the New Year, as is done every year, and also in connection with the award recently bestowed on
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  • 444 8 Mr. H. Oxcnham has return d Penan;,'. Insp. Bartels, accompanied by Mrs. Bartels and fami.y, leave by the P. and O. Khiva for London on March 21. Mrs. J. S. Kerruish, wife of Mr. J. S. Kerruish of this city, le-aves by thy "har>:n for Fremantle en
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  • 27 8 The fo'lowing additional subscriptions have been received Already acknowle-dgeel $6T> J. Forbe-s 10 J. Ne-ave f> H. G. Hodder 10 I. H. Burkill 10
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  • 130 8 At Phuochoa, Baria, during the early part of December a number of guests were present at a wedding feast. Several ehiys afterwards HO of them were suddenly seized with fits of vomiting and colic. Twelve died in a short time and the epidemic was put down to
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  • 131 8 The next meting of the Legislative Council will be held on Monday next and li'-n. members ai confronted with a long Orders of th- Day. The Treasurer will |vi an extension of $20,d,M) to the ¥Oi pataagl of police to and from the Colony also to approve
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  • 153 8 Before the Chief Justice, Sir Whiter 'Shaw, a case was commenced last wick and continued to-day in which Strachan Osw.-ll and Co. sue Tan Kia W'il.. carrying on businiss under tin style if the United Import and Trading: Co. f0r51,210.35 as acceptor of a foreipn bil! of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 5 FELUCCA CIGARETTES THE BEST. SALE NOW PROCEEDING. Bargains in ail Departments At Prices to ensure a quick Clearance GOODS MARKED DOWN BELOW REPLACEMENT VALUE. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England 51\<i tfORU AND KUALA IX'MI'UR. Typewriters THE EMPIRE No. 1 and No. 2 OLIVER No. 9 Md No.
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    • 169 8 ALHAMBRA Beach Road. 5 Pis. THE CARNIVAL CHILI) 5 p tt 5 rts. HIGH FINANCE s p,., Featuring Geo. Walsh. First Show. 5 Pta. THE SWOT BREAKERS 5 I>tg. Featuring 11. B. Warner. MARLBOROUGH Beach Road 4 Vl*. THE HAUNTING TERROR 4 pt,, I rtß, T'li; GOLDEN WALL 5 It,.
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  • 872 9 Disappointment of British Hopes. M. Poincare does to the Cannes Conference. I Reutf.r's Primer. London, January 13. Mr. Briands Naigaatfaa comes as a bitter disappointment to British hopes. It has torped; ed the Cannes conference nn»l possibly also the Genoa conference, for it is considered impossible to
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  • 140 9 London, January 13. Cannes In the course of a friendly memorandum to Mr. Lloyd George Italy betrays regret at the Anglo-French pact being limited to one frontier, expressing the opinion that an agreement covering the whole Entente would better serve the aims of the pact. Mr.
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  • 111 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 14. Johannesburg The Workers' Federation has taken a drastic step, announcing that all essential services will be withdrawn on Saturday morning, protesting that employers were substituting scab labour, al o that the Government rejected the Federation's offer to work the coal mines. London,
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  • 106 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 14. The Southern Parliament met at Dublin and unanimously ratified the AngloIrish treaty. The Do Yaleraites were absent. London, January 14. The Southern Parliament of Ireland has appointed a provisional government, several of whom arc Dail ministers, including Michael Collins and also Professor MacNeill,
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  • 59 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. Cairo General Allenby has rescinded the onier regarding the seizure of the Zaghlulitc funds. London, January 14. Cairo It is officially explained that General Allenby's proclamation does not imply relaxation of control of the Zaghlulite funds. On the contrary measures will be taken to
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  • 526 9 Administration of Shantung Decided. Reuter's Service. London, January 13. Rcutcr learns that several members of the British delegation at Washington are proceeding home on January 14, but Mr. Balfour and Lord Lee have decided that it is necessary for them to remain, and the date of their return
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  • 109 9 Reuter's Service. Lonuon, January 13. Messrs. S. Figgis and Company's annual indiarubber market review estimates that the total shipments from the East in 1921 were 268,000 tons. Stocks in London and Liverpool increased from 56,000 to 77,000, but stocks in the East and America were reduced by about
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  • 299 9 Cordial Welcome Given At Madras. Reuter's Service. Madras, January 14. There was a rumour that there has been killing of rioters wholesale since the Prince of Wales arrived. Making enquiries from the highest official sources late last night, it was learnt that it is known that the
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  • 121 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 14. The Court of Session at Edinburgh today found for the plaintiffs in the action by the Standard Oil Company of New York versus the Clan Line, for loss of :argo aboard the Clan Gordon in July, 1919. The vessel was loaded in
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  • 53 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 14. Paris The commission of inter-Allied jurists which was invited by the Supreme Council to give an opinion on the Leipzig judgments on war criminals has submitted a unanimous resolution demanding that Germany be required to surrender the accused men for judgment by
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  • 33 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. Adelaide Alarmed at Mr. Barwell's statement, the Labour party has issued a manifesto urging the workers to fight the movement for the introduction of coloured labour.
    33 words
  • 32 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. A new Commonweaith of Australia loan of £5,000,000 at six per cent, stock being redeemable from 1931-41 at a price of 97 is being underwritten.
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  • 28 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. The issue of £4,000,000 ordinary and eight par cent, preference shares in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company is being underwritten next week.
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  • 23 9 Reuter's Service. Lsndi :i, January 14. Manila Eight dsaths from cholera occurred in the past fortnight. Eighty-one sufferers are isolated.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 76 9 Hopes of a Settlement Now Dispelled. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 16. Contrary to expectations, the Chinese seamen's return at noon to-day is now highly improbable, the strikers demanding written promises of reasonable increases before arbitration. The strike is now spreading to ocean liners. The Chinese
    76 words
  • 128 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. New York Three were killed and 50 injured through a hurricane. The wind sometimes blew at a hundred miles an hour. Pedestrians were often btown under the wheels of traffic. London, January 14. Washington The Senate has upheld the right of Senator
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  • 53 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 14. Madrid It is now stated that the report that the King refused to sign the lecree abolishing the officers' organisation was inaccurate. It is explained that His Majesty only wished to postpone signature. It is expected that Senor Maura will form a new cabinet,
    53 words
  • 51 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 13. Geneva The Council of the League of Nations adopted a resolution moved by the Chinese representative for the purpose >f obtaining necessary information from the Governments concerned. Th 3 Secre-cary-General was authorised to convoke a second meeting of the consultative opium •ommission on April
    51 words
  • 37 9 Escaped Straits Chinese Rearrested. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 14. David Tsoy, the Straits Chinese who escaped from his detention cell on Christmas night, has been arrested in Canton and brought back to Hongkong.
    37 words
  • 327 9 We have received No. 84 of the Journal of the Straits branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. It deals with the very little known subject of Malayan Fishes and is written by Mr. C. N. Maxwell, Director of Supplies, S.S. and F.M.S. A better could not have
    327 words
  • 1342 9 The Lord Chancellor and Lord Carson. By Our Special Correspondent London, December 23. After three days of persistent effort in both House of Parliament the Diehards who are opposed to the ratification of the treaty of peace wfth the Irish Free State have been utterly routed. Led by
    1,342 words

  • 34 10 I Mtdon), 1 ILond in. i< ti 1 MS.; Ml. R. M. Fry i i. I P lice Ii .M.S. rth, a cadet In i Mr Kendall i>i f thi* B i of 1"\
    34 words
    • 156 10 To the Editor of the Strails Ttmm. n from the n tic in your acivtrti-imt nt column*, ipacial reruitinir <!.iys mi tKA t- u:ir set aside- it; future. liv nding recruiti nay get their enrol'•.■nit firms either from th:' Drill Hall W 'In 1 Clubs, Mini copii/s are
      156 words
    • 221 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 1 i fact in poor \hi' Kilted Company fiasco last; attained i" ir flrai There appiaivi! to be km hitch, etc" mlc wh p v fi t th< i And why. having trikcn »o an tity. ht or they tailed
      221 words
    • 664 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. The re-cent unprt cc tented fall in 1 Mark and th. ivy deals in them in Malaya md eltewhere in anticipation a ris. the ap..i' th Mark in >•■!■ i ar future. In irr.i ance in the -■> :.s
      664 words
  • 569 10 Further Arranjremenls f:>r Visit To Singapore. H. M. B. Baaowu will reach Singapore 0 ajn. c:i Friday, March 31. !Ii- j'.oy..' Highness will leave the snip his own 1 land at Jo' DUKCtU- y ;.t 10 u.r... but, all .i will tak- Statue where a reception
    569 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 669 10 S. C. C. and the Stafford*. The match which opened the S.C.C. Ticket season on Saturday had some feel-i irg.- of regret attached to it, for it was in the nature of a farewell to those very good friends of the club's, the eleven of it:c Ist South Staffords,
      669 words
    • 273 10 The V.M.C.A., who are becoming a force ;.i be reckoned with in local cricket, scored a good win over the S.R.C. on Saturday. The club batted first and were out for iS, af which f aljsslaa made a vary good Btack had
      273 words
    • 499 10 The third ..i" che races fur the Somer- i ville Bowl was saileil on Sunday morning. 'in beats starting in light weather and i cairn sea, a change from the weather which has prevailed for some time. The Kathleen crossed first, just ahead, and the boat* spread
      499 words
    • 262 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanp, January 14. Excellent weather prevailed for tht third day's racinjr bmJ there was a good attendance. The results were n fo!--ows Race 1. <One mile). Babz (Suttl«i. i Two i an. —Won by five lengths. That ..5:;. Tote. $10. Race 2.— (Six furlongrs).
      262 words
    • 47 10 A Reuter wire of Januaijj 11 -tate: hat in Norfbera Union Rugby footbal sajßland blat the Australasian-; by tohtts u> ii at Aalford. TUa was tin ast test match of the Australasians' tour England thus WOB the rubber by twv BkaMs to one.
      47 words
    • 119 10 A Banter wire of January 13 ,-t ites :hat Des.awps, Carpentier*! man: :hat after the match with I..'\v,> vili possibly seek another fight with Deasaaay. Etwantly Carpentier*! victory over Oook has ;»iven him eonfldeace a»ruin. A Reutc- wire from New York stnUs 'hat in a twelve round contest
      119 words
    • 48 10 The boxen of ti I Si. Joseph's Old Boys" Association are ugi i..| to at meeting which wit be hM to-morrow al 5.15 p.m. to dfacusa the programma and to elect a eeatjaittee. Mr. I'at Ryan w- ll ectur. SM the Hi \ti%h V tion rules.
      48 words
    • 527 10 Malacca Heats Negri Sembilan. A Rugger Batch Negrl Scmbilan v. .M:ii;ni.i «;i> played ;t Serembaa oa bef< n a large leathering <if spectators, Negri S a weakned tide, taking the field minus tn <■( heir regular team, Forbes, Foster, Duns-.oi-.i, EtNfoo and I foOl (1< heav ly. ilala sea
      527 words
    • 40 10 I ti,.- s. c. mi to hsM t he puif ;ibi.u>. i ,ta--t 15. rwing the am fm- Thorn- r. A. >. i: s. N. Wai ;on r. i:. Brw I Brown. !.-:v. V. i' Dr. < \i:r v.l Mm I:i!iotlier next
      40 words
  • 68 10 The i the SI I VitdreVa Mission 1. ng fun' the followini on-i ntnl .it to ""'d Mt lonth !it the SI Andrew' Victoria Theat i will be duiv acknov I Ho Hong I'a-ik. X,r Ah Si D. Kitovitx in Mr. and Mi 10 Advert isenv I"
    68 words

  • 1419 11 Memorandum of the Municipal Assessor. ,c th following fr- ni the Municiiniiilum on t i w nt "f thl I! ii!' air Board j 1 1 1 1. ulmiilti .1 to tin- c'liimitsion appoint d by the Qovamor 1 1 qttil into the financial position of t!i"
    1,419 words
  • 170 11 A< :i tout ii not, Francii Chryital V.i. .inn. of Hew Ki-'!aii(! i.V. S.W.I, is Ii >r,l to I. .it. Sj dn.y Bulletin. He i. un the I evidence, i■' i. i. b! »r, t eth and ref i-> i ii ride a tobei d. Receatly mj
    170 words
  • 107 11 Melbourne on tag* :.f rtnrnmhw M i::tis that ikippinK loinpanics have discovered t!i;ii coal can be lumM in Austra-I lia from Gi :ii Britain ffitmprr than the pn.r ;ii whiih Meweutie (Nea Beutli] V.'.i t-s i cad an ho **********11. :.:ni have fodbd it store profitable
    107 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 Pianos! Pianos!! Pianos!!! ON EASY TERMS. When buying your PIANO insist on having the BEST. MOUTRIE PIANOS are REST. This is proven by the many hundreds in use throughout Malaya. By our system of EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS we have made it possible for everyone to own one of these Superb
      152 words
    • 272 11 Raffles Hotel. MONDAY.— Tea Dansant. 5 to 7 p.m. (A b.ssion frw). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme «.f i THURSDAY.— Guest Nijrht and Dnming. (Tiaalng Dn MMftH for Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY. Guest Night and Dancicx- (Eraaiag Dress essential for Dancing). NOTICE. Residents and Diners will have prior claim
      272 words

  • 783 12 Marvels at Bird's Nest Rocks And Islands. Mr. Alma Baker, C.8.E., and his family and party, also Mr. C. F. S. Bilbrough (who acted as skipper for most of the trip), have returned from their yachting trip in Siamese and Burmese waters, in Mr. Baker's yacht Niuhi
    783 words
  • 90 12 All the Location Guards at Peking sent parties to the railway station on December 19 on the occasion of the departure of A Company of the Wiltshires. The American Marines Band was also in attendance, and a very hearty sendof? was jriven to this popular Company by a large and
    90 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 628 12 SALES BY AUCTION TO HEADS OF FIRMS AN EXCEPTIONAL OrrORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE RIVERSIDE GODOWNS WITHIN SHORE DISTANCE OF THE TOWN. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE The undersigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore, ON MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1922, at 2.30 p.m. All
      628 words
    • 554 12 CHOP THYE SENG CO. NOTICE is hereby given that all contracts or other business transactions entered into at any time hereafter on behalf of th* above chop which carries on business at No. 86, Hockien Street and No. 21, New Bridge Road, Singapore, will be deemed null and void as
      554 words
    • 61 12 Non-European Unemployment Fund. Amount previously acknowledged $7,177.60 Per Mr. N. B Westerhout— Mr. B. K. Hassan Marican $10 Mr. Ona Shaik Mohamed 25 Messrs. M. Akisamalin Bros 10 Hadji Abdul Kalib 5 C. Y. S. 1 Mr. P. M. Sultan 10 61 The Hon. Mr. Sonp Ong Sianjr SO Nett
      61 words
    • 274 12 CSQARETTES NUMBER J RrjL VIRGINIA Unvaryirg in Qi, lity tfje World over. IN PATENT m ?ATBNT VACUUM VACUUM TINS OF 50. TINS OF 60. Sole Manufactnrere ARDATII TOBACCO CO., LTD., LONDON. M*KUr*GiuR£D&Y j •jf' p pSS^fTj ft NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Marks are the property of
      274 words

  • 1104 13 A Famous Figure of the Nineteenth Century. The life of the First Marquess of Ripon, by Lucien Wolf. Messrs. John Murray, Albcmarle Street, London. Two vols. 425. net. Thinprs move so fast and figures crowd so swiftly on to 'the stage of public life that the giants of
    1,104 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 183 13 Whiteaway's Jn, (JITF January 16 O\J\J pieces Onl y WHITE ONGCLOTH 35 inches Pure Finish IN 2O YARD PIECES TO BE OFFERED DURING THE FIRST DAY OF SALE AT 9A Per Piece of #I \J Twenty yds. Do You Know WHITEAWAY'S ARE OFFERING MARPLE'S SHEETS BELOW PRE-WAR PRICES SIZE 90
      183 words
    • 209 13 Enquir e |^lP^i THE PRICE OF TITAN Before buying other Cement '-DUiTkXrir G. AURELY CO., FiIUJNJu 1 No. a-b, FINLAVSON ORBBN, BINOAPORB. Telegrams: AIRELY. Bole Importer, for 8.8.. F.M.S. »nd Ncth.rl.nd. Indie.. ,^€P^?\ "nk'TFMFNT A V^- o yf T'TTTT "RITCIT Ca^S^^^'f^ j/& XIJL -Dili o J. wbi "TT"i SOLE IMPORTERS
      209 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 657 14 SALES BY AUCTION CHEONG KOON SENG CO. AUCTION SALE of two steam nn.i oni- motor launches *ni! three tank lm.tor boat?", etc. At ■aaswa. <'h "nj; Koon Seng and Co.'s aU r. M*. M, Chuli* Street, ■Smcupore. on Wednesday. January 18, at 2.50 p.m. I. The Brlttaa steam launch called
      657 words
    • 624 14 INSURANCE THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INtf. CO. (Incorporated sa Canada) All tfc* latest plan* of Life, Cndowmert and Annuity poliei«* Usued. Assets £(1,000,000 OTTTBRIS CO M LTD.— General Agent*. Singapore. ROYAL INSURANCE CO-. LIMITED. (Incorporated in Great Britain) Specialise* in MOTOR INSURANCE. I. Prompt Loss SottlenmaU. S. Moderate Premiums. Wri^o for
      624 words
    • 277 14 Aawcts wTtr $4,006, eM S.C. Amur* tie* la forte) «r*r H7.fIM,OH The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. ■ud ornci w**m* mm Mn. «...^.™w i. M ln<y 1C The Company ha* daposltad with the Supreme Conrt of England and eompll** with the British Life Assorsnc* ompsnlss Act In ever;
      277 words
    • 481 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (laearf«rat*al by Special Imperial Chatter la Japaa.) Capital Snbierlbed TM.OOO.Wt i Capital Paid-np YiB^OO.Mf Boatrre Funds Yll^WO^O* Pn.ldrat t X Nakagawa, %»q. Vie*-Pr**ident I 8. Mori, E««. DIRECTORS i T. Hiiamnn*, Fsq. O. Cavasakl, Sag. K. Morlnaga, Cm. M. Eaakl, Esq. T. Iksda, Es«.
      481 words
    • 571 14 BANKING ASIA BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in New York) STOCKHOLDING BANKS. Anflo and London Part* National Bank of San Fraarlaco. Bankers Trut Company, Ne<v York City. Continental and Commercial National Back of Chicago. Guaranty Trn.t Co. of New fork. Guardian Sartnga and Trn.l Company, Cleveland. Mercantile Bank of the Amtricas, New
      571 words
    • 420 14 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated is Hongkong). Capital, all paid up $20,000,000 Silver Resirve $21. .'00,000 Sterling Reserve, held in London 4,600,0^ Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. G. T. M. Edkins, Esq.- Chairman. G. 11. Dodwell, Eiq.~ Deputy Chairman. P. Q. M. Bernard. Esq. EV. D. Parr.
      420 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 Important DUNLOP MAGNUMS These tyres are of greatly improved type as compared j with any previous construction. The results that have l)cen obtained after one year's experience of them enable us to positively state that no other make of canvas tyre can give such good results. The Dunlop Rubber Co.
      154 words
    • 251 15 -B-M" :$240: Will buy the i Typewriter Supreme it -TKe- J Woodstock It is a Machine with Latest Improvements, Ball Bearings, 2 Colour Ribbon, m Tabulator Attachments, f m i T Takes paper 11 inches wide 7 j Rickard Ltd. j i Prompt Printers, f SOLE AGENTS, v 76 Cecil
      251 words
    • 193 15 \A The extra Mileage derived from ■w iV% a a^^ Cover more than repays ♦'btS^iY^ w'h ou or c ex^ ra i ß^ial outlay. 1-S jKj MICHELIN r»W W5l rOVFRS y7 c atesl development in Cord Tyres,, anc^ our re k*M 5 seas o n w iH JBpr be no
      193 words
    • 32 15 Jazz Band Instruments. Complete Outfits an use<^ Suitable for Dances i>jf~3k^sl^fegk a^ home with and Orchestras. {d| T mj/Bm Piano (IneorporsUd in the S.S.) 11l art 111, NORTH BRIDGB KOAD. Storied BaUtofs)
      32 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 313 16 WAN MAT ft CO., LTD. SS, STREET. NEW STOCKS IN HAND OF Bright Handled Claw Hummers Engineer* Ball Pane llnmmrrs Double Fared Sledce Hummers. Koilir Si.ilinK Hammtri. Best Cant Steel Tenon Saws ('»»t Ste< Double edge Pruning Saws Cast Steel Single edge Pruning Saws Europe made Tin Bunkrr Hand
      313 words
    • 423 16 TAY GUAN KIAT S(, PHILLIP STREET, Thone Noa. 3113 and 1114. The MieceMfal contractor for (apply of MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, BROOMS, BASKETS, etc, etc., etc To The Singapore Municipality. MR. BUCKERIDGE'S NEW STUDIO 65, ORCHARD ROAD (next to the Palladium.) Phone ISQS HUBBUCK'S PAINTS AND OIL VARIOUS COLOURS. Large stock obtainable
      423 words
    • 916 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID chargea for Want*. For Sale, To Let, etc, la ordinary close-set type (average six words to line) are per line one insertion 28 cts., two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 61 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins., $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      916 words
    • 1003 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 99-1, Pasir Panjane. Road. Entry February 1. Apply 69. Stanley Street. TO LET, a flat at "The Crescent," Tanjonir Katong. Apply to Meyer Brothers. BUNGALOW, to let, 16-a, Thomson Road. Apply to Chop Fook Yuen 219, South Bridge Eosd. TO LET, new bungalow, 7, Cuscaden
      1,003 words
    • 640 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, No. 40 sad Anfon Apply to K. S. Nathan, IS, Malacca Street 10 LET, from laiy i, Rodown No. 41, North Boat Quay. Apply It. Change Alley. TO LET, new prrmisea, 117 and 118, Cecil Street. Apply il. liu.<t..n, 4, De Souxa Street. OFFICES
      640 words
    • 200 16 Notice We beg to advise our customer* that our Repairing Department ii dow under expert European supervision. All sorts of repairs to cars, lorries and motor cycles ez> ecuted. We have also reduced our rates of car and lorry hirer Telephone: 1233 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd. 11$ 111, OKCHARD KOAD.
      200 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 210 16 THE STMTTS TI1ES TKLKPHOIOS Editorial and General H Manage r'a Office p. HIT Job Printing Offlee 1244 All communication! relating to editorial matter* and new* ihooU be *ddrj»ej to THE EDITOR. All eommonieatloa* relating to bu«in«m toattera adTerttaomenta, lubicriptiom, aecoonta, pnntla». •tc., ihould b* addressed to THU MANAGER. ADVERTISEIfKNT KATXS
      210 words