The Straits Times, 3 January 1922

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. [SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1922 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 Pilsener Beer i^^S Spoilt i^rfl HO B AGBNTCi The Borreo 10., Ltd. mcorpj at.< !n t* I) (ineon I Peeting Pleasures into Permanent joys witli a Kodak odak Ltd., 3, Battery Road, Singapore. orporatM in r^iiidL lotor Car Cylinder Oils i c c. i I 53.40 C. 0. 7|er Imperial
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    • 115 1 "PETROMAX" 150-300-600 C. P. Tlie BEST INCANDESCENT OIL, LAMP MADE. i>-, A big* claim, but one that only continuous satisfaction can uphold. ]k With the advent of a better lamp its reputation will go, but meantime |L the claim stands. £j The lamps are complete with all accessories, self-contained and
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    • 9 1 MILKMAID ■»—t—«< c »■<»■»< ma Prlea hi $2t.4S par cma*
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  • 1124 2 Position of Negroes in Modern America. Mr. P. W. Wilson, the Daily News corrpspondent in America writes Since Harriett Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England poets— Lowell, Whittier, Longfellow —sang the sorrows of the slave, there have been no such terrible revelations as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 143 2 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). IN CASKS 37S LBS. NETT. Telegraphic Address C. M. ALPORT. GREENLAND. SINGAPORE. Ajeata, Telephone No. ML 33-1, Ho«t Quiy, Singapore. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE HONGKONG ROPE%ANI)FACTURIN( COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong). Pure Manila Herap Rop« Tel*gTaph:r Address: COKnAGE. SINGAPOKE, Telephone No. 2751
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    • 270 2 jgJS- A Steel hair dens 1 iDtcUUy luittbH (of "oor» ol «»uen» »ccuijc> K9 A Oil-hardening Steel V* can therefore be used wuhcor.tul.ncc 3? S for Dm S'lv Tjp». Millint Conen V,. eK A unill p«ce (o»ln»l por JTJ pcM»wlllke»«mlleeoli.«fipl > of > rtquMl lUlins name o[ >. t t
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    • 130 2 «ttiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii!iif>iiiiiiii!i!iiinir H HHiii !iofniiniiii i I Cartri jes for Big Cl |H -450 EXPRESS I Solid Exprw Black Fowder 3 i. Cartridges fof Express Rifles Sj -500 EXPRESS I O 1 Solid Kxpress Black Powder 2 t Cart;iiii:es for Kxpress Rirte» I'm 6-3^ J)MANNLICHEr, g V ..jJB 256 Manniirher C:irtI
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  • 436 3 h Reunion In Ipoh. ci anniversary celebration aran Malaya (Sikh Asac) was most successfully ti December 24 to 127 ed by thousands of Sikhs N the Peninsula, visitors i I far as Perlis, Pahanu, imatra. At the request leadiTS, the Chief PoliM cry kindly prohibited the to any
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  • 270 3 al Servant Forger And Bogus Baron. c Beanriek writes to the Dail; I ai follows from Berlin undei Maakcf -4 f Europe* moat picturis<me swin s died in a prison cell in Berlin ■rahard Fiana Seraphim Gruen v.ho bt^an his career as a boy ir ibles of
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  • 76 3 In addition to the following works, ?Uvtion of fiction and juvenile literatim as been aiMed to the Raffles Library, ant s now ready for issue Ben if (J. M.I The Old lx>dy Shows fir Mattel* U-iiiilton (Sir lan) The Soul and Botlj ,f an Army. Fabrs (Abbe A.)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 591 3 Mrs. Lowe Tells How Cuticnra Healed Eczema My child was suffering with wet cczcr-.a which first came out in a rash §of small pimples on her face. L-.ter places came out on her hands and arms.alsoon her body. It made her restlessat night, and I thought I should have to
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    • 267 3 O 2797 a 11 x 4J 4^jf ===^^^^^Y^ i^^^^' 44* See that this Tin gets packed fGive the place of honour \.<\B& Bond tea in the vacuum tin^On n picnic, n camp, when traveling, this tin will guarantee you a pemot unspoilt cup of tea wheneVel^ ou want it. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 776 4 si mm sfiiUKSs P. India "ncF Apcar Line I iCompr.nies Ircorporn't-d in Eni''r.nJ) MATT. ASI) PASSENGER SERVICES PmHUWJLAB AMD OHIKNTAI. S. N. CO. I i r i with BU.Kajs »-nt) Tae Company's MAIL SKUVICE EAST OK BnMBAV «re prmvnt ao»p«nd«<t LONtKIM KAU-EASVLRV BKRVICB. FROM HiMiiiN TO MAESEILLM AND IfIMWJI Dc«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 318 5 pHjAjjjjjjßS pKETVAfiRTIiA&YeiiAPiJ SWICATION CO.. OF BATATU) crporated in Holland) Freight Dept. 120!, Marine Dept. and rsasklp«*nl 7, Manager's Dept. 1002. ■HE NETHERLANDS INDIA r ok and Piilrir.bang. ru-Saba ami bjnmbi. Lho-Seumawe, Si i: ii, Subanc, i»l<"i«r. Singkel, Si-Bol Ka (iovuocng-. Nakolo. Natal aad I*b3mW. 'ombaag, A akaa bm Bwavaa at.R,
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    • 630 5 JSTEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURW fMI LHU (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Strait*, bJm with transhipment to other Victorian, South Anstralian and North Queensland Ports, British New Guinea, New Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS .MARKLLA, 7,372
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    • 298 5 STEAMER SAILINGS united American i Lines inc. I IVERMORE DEARBORN CO.. LIMITED. Incorporated in U.S.A.) INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINE Rrgasar Service between New York Singapore and Java ports and vice versa FOR NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suez) CLL-ARWATER Jan. 18. HALF MOON end Feb. WEST CAMPGAW end Mar. FROM NEW YORK
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    • 275 5 r*ackagea Parcfla for Hum* Abroad Forelga 8klppl«( snd rnrwarding Ageaia. To and from all p*'t« of th. Worlit Lowest ratee, eArirnt attention. Ageata, for fITT a BCOTT. LTD. Leadea, Uverpool, Ctacfuw. Paria, New Ters Inxurance KflVrtrd. PAB IA3TKKN TOUBiST AGKNCT, OMew, l«-». tktmm 3in(«a*re. rai BEi PHOTO&RAPHIG CO. v, KOitra
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    • 334 5 CHOP THYE SENG CO. NOTICE is hereby giver that a'l contracts j.r other business trKtisuctions cnterci irto lat i,ny time hereafter on behalf of the >ioovh chop whiirli carries on busings at Sn. S3, .HocM ■a Street Hr.J No. -M, New Briefs Wmmi, Singapore, will he deemed null ami vuii)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 610 6 «M:im In the Second Show at 9.30 p. m. An pic client Universal feature production presenting bewitching C ARM K I- MYERS in a Komantic story interestingly and charmingly told. THE MAD MARRIAGE 5 parts Supplemented by episodes 1:. and 14 of the serial THE HAWKS TRAIL First Show at
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    • 345 6 From Thursday, December 29, to Wednesday, Janmry 4, 1922 (excluding Sunday, January 1, 1952) A Big Pathe Multi-reel feature With an enthralling story that absorbs the attention from start to finish A THRILLING ADVENTURE In 7 Parts A picture th*t sustains tho interest throughout and has an unexpected ending. Together
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    • 162 6 When yor Eyes Give Trouble (JsPl or You aren' Satisfied with your praent glasses Hag or No mdieine cures your Thtn leadache ft ig M)NSULT Cum Mr. Xl F. CHONG, F.S.M.C., F.^O., etc. (LOMXINi NonCT AT THE UNITED PHARMACY THE taOAPOtt. <9 ICu 'T- *^B^ > If your vrricis are
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  • 147 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, January 3, 1922. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/8, Demand 2/3 7/8. Trivate 3 m. credits 2/4 3/8 On New Vcik Demand 48 Private N dayi 50 Vs. Un France Bank 5!!0 Da India. Usnk T.T. 173' Un HonKkoiiK, Bank d/d 13li p.c. prem.
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  • 53 7 of marl I St«i.i!y. I'ali- CMp« (Sating Prim Bqrati. Sellers. Spot Jan. Jan. -March April -June Singapore Stamlan: Ribbed Bmokad Sheet <'lc:;in^ Trices Eiiyi-rs. Sellers. Spot January •'\ March ■Jane MM '•'■■> 30% 40 42 42V 4-114 45 DAILY PRICE- CUKKENT. 12 o'clock
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    • 182 7 Vai. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Wi-np 1.00 1 111 ;am Tm Uf 1.4:'. 1 1 Jclantoh O.CO El £1 Kam Kumunting l.l:i.O 1.16.0 cd. 10 10 Kinta Asoc. :i.50 4.5U D £1 Lahut Minc3 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.25 4.75 10 10 Malayan Coil. 14.75 1 •'..',">
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    • 122 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Se'.lcrs. Cl £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.0.0-3.5.0 10 10 Centra] Engines 15.D0 1C.50 10 10 Central Motors 3.50 UN Q A E. Smelting Co. COO C.60 3/- 5/- Electric T'ways 2 >J 1,0 30 Frasor Nchvc* 2<i.35 27.25 '■0 50 Co. 9S lus 100 100
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    • 101 7 O. Eug. 6 p.o. 11/^U.IOG vu i p.e p.m. S'p'jre Electr.c Xn»«mrs, p p.c. ticOXOO iiob. ■j'poie Hoaldpal s p.*. tUmjm par pore i-i o«. of iul7 ll.i JO,.>i..j «0 pt 4'r. "pom Mu* i% p.c of 19W |I,6UQ>UO li ri«. dia. p ire Mun. ♦> r~ of
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    • 417 7 Fras<r and Co. ::nd I.val! Bad l.iul'.'s Quotations. Latest available Surfing Quotations are >rint<H on another page on Friday. To-ciay's Price 3. Fm>-er Lw.ll Co. Kvs-.t. V Ulonby <»l) 0.20 0.30 U.20 O.SO»! Uor Cajah ($1) 5.10 1.00 1.40 LM V. Ilium ($V 10.00 11.(10$ 10.00 11.00* \m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 Ice. Ilunr-.-, Umach il. VieIn'll No. ■-■o. No. 1..i Im Ba- Ij. 11. i Hen 1-1. H H-->:' 3-1. H Nefwfrom I Mi ike 1-1. .r<n amh 6 Ti lg ..11 ».ln ki^aj HI i> p I 9 am I 1 p.m. B S p m. HJ p<". I pn>
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    • 685 7 LATEST ADVEUTISEMEyrS TO LET, 99-1, Panir l'anjang Road. Intry Pebrnar| 1 Apply Stanlei 3 TRAINED KUROPEAN KURSK. ,«|V Gov*rnm»nt MTH<, good W'timo Apply MR. S'r»i|fc Tint INCORPORATED AC< "VM »t liberty, daalrei •»nt'ibi' I Jpo»ition llKh«»t reform. I, Mraltl 1 W \\, a rcliahl" preferred) with it 00 1 knowledge
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    • 23 7 Afternoon and Exenizig GOWNS, SPORT APPAREL, HATS and CORSETS y^mtg^Bp l» NEW YORK j' ."i> RAFFLKS HOTEL ->' j Room 80. <^* 'l^ EDITH IGQE. >~"
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    • 328 7 MICHELIN CABLE CORD TYRES The greatest progress in tyre-making «a 4 PRICES f GREATLY REDUCED All sizes ol' those tamous Tyrea are now available. A. MIOHELIN Co, Kc:.d Office: Clermo it-Ferrand, f'rance. iTOCKISTS THRCJGHOUT THE EAST ASiITfC CO., LTD. <-d i Deanark) >i g JUTLANDIA This rassd is ex; r.c;'
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  • 28 8 'I. f aiily i-r.l rrlstivji of the late Jo-rp I Nieuoia v.-.i a*r Beck th mk ti.ur -I kia f'-.n ral and s;nt tt con.lo.cnce. i. 1
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  • 1235 8 The Straits Times T UESDAY JANUARY 3 PREVENTION OF MALARIA. T Vo jjive cor lial welcome to a secor.p ti n of r>» Malcolm Watson's Prevcn of Malaria In the Federated Malay j Slates." The fir*t eJitloii was issued ir. 11, tad it was soon sold out, but I. Watson
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  • 21 8 rhe Ass(K-i(jtion of British M:ila;.;« haal reiiovtil its It-adquarters to .:.')(t, Uansi n Haaae Chamijturs, Queen Victoria Street. Louden, K.C. 1
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  • 34 8 Ihere is tJ be a service for laying hanls on the kick it 6 p.m. Beat Friday at St. Andrew "I Cathedral. Entrmnee wul be tie Wist Dtor where form.; for tillinn*y be hadJ
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  • 33 8 Al Eurasian.^ are reminded that a mass mectng will bk- held at tho SJnicaporo Recnttion Clutt on Friday U 5..10 p.m.. to alajm the Vblunteer Bill ap.l if necessary k pass a Absolution.
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  • 33 8 A liuter telArram from New York, dated lie Ist inlt., states thut L;:> n Rosci.l the ex-I*isi:ian Aatbaaaador tin Was iifcton, ha* aoewaafaed to injariv resulir* from Being run over by i. caxi(.h'
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  • 39 8 w iian GovAriincnl's rush of onkis foi (j.Bhartcr of i million tofll an ■mouth cc-il for immediate shipm«..iriß_»nd similar orders for South Atalißloal are attributed, atya a Kadrai n ..V"f the 14th ultimo to apprehensi(> Bin Indian 1-oal strike.
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  • 44 8 y^wf Americpn navy blimp CT. infl.'i.V^kh heliunk ga.', tv given an extenaVeSt, which Maiaomtiated the hiuh value jf Hum. "fhlere was no dis of gai^duEi; the t lip, and no danger of explosiHi, lth complk-te control. The test was saisfi ory in efvery way.
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  • 54 8 Thomrs (Ikerby. merchant, who wai 1 cently extlditvd tb AostraJia from I America, wl broughtt before the Pcrti Police Cour%n Decenkber i>. ard «nu r i inanded on If on a chbrirf uj the li.i^i.latcrs of OckAy anil (to.. Ltd, of havii- 1 been in possftion of Oi,i)ul, the properly
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  • 41 8 In their ce4» rcpoi'L dated Decomoo.--31, Messi-3. B«pw and\Co. atate There been pralcally nt charge in ti market since 11 reporting. Bui: been fair andßosin:; Auotatb:i follows No. mtanc'aiyi Siu.-.'.") to Xo. 2 standarl $r..7.-, Hq $10.0.-, standard ?'J.2.')k $9.;.-,. V
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  • 57 8 Holders of pfc-sijnai IpeceipU of the S ,3 P r u f- War I Loan (1921) should note thaA, .idinitlive bomis may I low be obtain-|r n-. I bank *hich applicatio|r.i r the.J was natoV The bonrls wrll b*s U r,| onlappfication t -.h.. bank in exchi- 3 f, L
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  • 63 8 I The Rafl W, Mr. -Ira v. ill pfc<. •he following pryi-.;,;! iH If n norrow at 9M p.. under It 2l M f: F Cook*:— s.. I rhe Kmerad l! P Sdlliva, German; i.iyll. P j n na!if- I:.--lance Hungarian y.. |j:, '-nt».isi-. l_..i>i. n>> j I. Toselli morccau.
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  • 81 8 The Pall Mall (iazl pre .ii ct s tfcit tlu next Budget will p* a n l':. tVm 1/6 in the income ta»- 8/ j n t fc an.i proportionate cut n e 3 IHI4 fnedmi: ta^afu- ii:*T t1.i68.591,68a. [The fir £225 of t able iiicoma in Br?taii»s ehargi Rble
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  • 78 8 A sum of $81 ti has i Mary's Home by th»: iedral c!ioi: ■"arol singing on The chi.ii '■isited the hotels and t] T.inylin ("lub. thanks are due t.i I ;;;v: to those vho so fteneronaly re-=pon'^ to th.In the n iddle of Dec n j r, St. vp.s
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  • 118 8 The Btisbanc Courier December I ays: The Federated > ay S.. i.fering in London a loar. i">.l" "7 per cent., bearing 6 p^ cent The repayment is ta be 18S^tl. T are better than any rcctr.i AWtrmli ■Vhy, it is hard to say. tlleai it be ir. bo fact that
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  • 144 8 A sensaron was cr-.usod d Kandy the ->ther morning when it becarrt known that Mr. John NtMMW, A I .in virc Consul in L'ombay, ha s l ju .ake opposite the Suisse 11 A and bad n rescued by two hctel nrenta. Mr Muumiaw mi t with a icotoi accMeni
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  • 152 8 On the last day (if tht \vnr. at Urn closing of the Municipal OCce, ;> ur tion of a silver salver was ]:\nh- l>, hi--colleagues to Mr. W. <"amplx.ll Omar.. F.K.1. 8.A., Municipal Archittck <»n b s retirement from the Mrriei) by Mr. Farrer, Municipal President. fWi i-.t.ri-staff of senior
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 Furniture wj ix. v e» n i t .i r-a nd a ktlk Dra%a o' Furniiurr. „1 il l.c i .i. caa >vr > it iur Furoit>j^e t>e-i>art'»-er. t .-r. w K.i.i I.JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. ttatai in £ng.«nrl i I N APORH V-- 5 T 1::. UK L x
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    • 142 8 ALHAMBRA Ucach Road. I I'l*. THE PATH FOUDIDDEN 3 Pta. U I'tii. HIS LAST DOLLAR 4TU IWatel I'.udzct and lollard Comedy Novelty Serial TIIE MYSTERY MIND Kpiaode* 13, M and 13 MARLBOROUGH Beach UoM 7 Its. A THRILLING ADVENTURE 7 Pt». T*o-reel Western Drama I'ollard Comedy Plrat BKow 6 Its.
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  • 1294 9 Hi China I HLcn issued H, pr.sent-HJiiniilti-e on HJlarm;; that HflumarH' HI H .i'.:c.« any Hj orders of j^Hl ba liable I for an act uuthoriHJ,;inn who;.' Hjt-ii.luT -'>0. i(inim:tU< HJi:.t>r Koot'is H 'j.c obaarrHJ>rinrip!i"s la The H Senator I 'ii o;riiisinv: using ■HbH d ciurrii tlui iuMan> H
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  • 170 9 Mmotmfa tamcm. Londun. DectmU I —T&T'Preti&nl c-f tn« Aru'iur Heartoni Memorial Fun.i, l«. P*jr— m^We* a warm appeal to the Urit:tii DmbJbImI on behalf of the permanent endowment op all charities fcr which the late Sir AHhur laboured during his life time. The Wind would be divided
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  • 134 9 Reuter's Sekvick. London, December 31. Ahmt.labad A fiery plea for a republic which will be called "The United States of India has been submitted by Hazral Mohani in the presidential address at the annual session of the All-India Moslem league, at which Gandhi was present. Mohani losing no
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  • 62 9 Ancta Service. Wcltevreden, December 31. Thi- Engineers' Union has decided not to I accept the salary reduction of 10 per cent, proposed by the Koyal Packet Company. They recognise that the consequence may be their eventual illsmirsal. I This attitude \J.H ba ir.ninfciincJ until they know which
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  • 269 9 Reuter's Service. London, December IL Paris The Industrial Economic Conference has been concluded after recommending the establishment of nn international industrial corporation, comprising Great Britain, France, Germany and the United States, each country participating equally in the capital, while the other Allies and certain neutrals should be invited
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  • 104 9 Reutek's Sr.RvicE. Paris. December 30. Th3 Parliament iry cunmiltce to pass on the Government"* plan f«.r rrfloatin/ the Bangui' Industrie-He da Chine has deei<W first to hear Uh bodg«t reporter. M. Bokanowski. on the general financial i situation before appointing its own reporter. The C>lonial and Ftarifji Affairs
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  • 48 9 Rwftt'a heavier. nl:n, Dtnte SL Thv Hague GsrcnHMBt has assigned the first instalment uf the 40 million dollars of the Dutch Lmb in America to the Guaranty Trust Company of KtW York. The actual BWCngi iBlMMt payable will nork out at unJer MM per cent.
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  • 40 9 Rkiter's Service. London, Dec inter 30. Lisbon The new Premier, Senhor Cunha!^al promptly checked the revolutionary movement on the nij;ht of December 28 by ■:onc<-ntrating tk-i troop? in the city tni arresting the ringleaders. The city it again normal.
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  • 34 9 Reutek's Service. London, December 30. The French census for IMI shows that the population of France, including Alsace Lorraine, wa539,402,000, including 1,550,000 foreigners, compared w iih ;;'.),<j04,000, including 1,132,000 foreigners, in 1911.
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  • 216 9 Rr'jTrr.'s Service. London, Daccuibtv .\l With referent o te> its circular n. continuance of th. schent? of re-stricti :n \f j output, the Counci'. of th-j Ku'.b. Growers' Association reports that the te-l quired minimum of assents has not L-'.er received, the members assenting ivpi:-! sentmg only 55
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  • 204 9 Relter's Service. London, December 31. According to the Petit Journal the declarations relating to ths resumption of commercial relations with Russia have bce-n I unanimously adopted by the Inter-Ailit-u Economic Conference, with a --uppleintnt- 1 ary Italian proposal, making even scwrtrj conditions than originally submifrJ. London, Dtcembfr 31.
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  • 131 9 liri'TKi:'s Service. London, Dcocmbir 30. I Cliicncto A statement, issui-d by the) Sears, Roebuck Company, onj of the largest trading organisations in U--country, t.a..s that in vitw of the !arg. I ■at loss anticipated for 1921, tho nla hits been consummated of 16 million dollars worth of the
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  • 59 9 Reiteu's Sekvice. London, December SO. Rome*^Th? n. vipapcrs state that there is no fear that tlu suspension of the Banca Italiano will adversely affect other big banks. It is stated that the GovernJ ment, besides granting a moratorium, h^J taken itepts to guarantee the bank's crc^H tors and
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  • 108 9 Reuter's Service. Paris, January 2. According to the papers expressing views on the new year's trade prospects, the crisis is receding on all sides. The momentum taken lately by the iron and steel industry U especially noticeable. Thanks to lower prices for coal, better railroad facilities and cheapness
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  • 193 9 brilliant Welcome Given At Rangoon. Kki Tt:::'s ?>.:;'. Kft London, Janjary 1. L r.cutta The Prince of Wales la* a»tt" V for Rangoon. He waved a farewell to trY cheering crowd present. Despite th» h A 1 il observed from the day of his irrlt 1 the
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  • 143 9 Reitkr's Buvkx. London, Ui mbor Ml Rome Tho newf papers state the Prime Mj.iister, Si-rnor Boriomi the Foreign Minister, Marquis <lc uu Torructa the Finance Minister, Sii:;ior Solori and it number of Italian uytrta vOl attend the Cannes conference. I.o:i 1 ;n, December 30. Paris M. Loucheur presided
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  • 62 9 REUTKft'I SKBVMX. London, December M. Paris A nu!.-.agc from Mayence jtate* that the Mayence and Fi-ankfort districts are in the grip of an epidemic resembling Spanish influenza. This is accompanied by a rapid mortality. There are over 7,000 rases in the town of Mayence, while ail the Frankfort
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  • 60 9 KEITUft Service. London, January I. Cairo In an appeal addressed to Ac Nation, Madame Zaghlul urges unity T>f discipline and adds Ignore the English and do net cooperate." It Mfei etch man an<l woman to say the following prayer .-Mmifhty God five back our diar exiles to their country.
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  • 66 9 Redraft Bon kb> London, Dccembir 30. Berlin A company cav-ilr.'ised at 200 million marks hss ban taem&A at Munich for the purpose, of constructing a Rhine-Maine-Danube canul linking the North Sea and the Black Sea. It is e.s'tin- iU<l thnt it will take tv.entv JTMUTI to complete. The
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  • 57 9 Reitek's Service. London, December SO. Santiago dc Chili- Ir. reply to the proposal by the Peruvian Gok'enit.ient, tho Chilian Go\ eminent says it will only accept arbitration with regard to th* application of the third clause of the Treaty of An-on of 1883 in reforest-* to Tkcub
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  • 140 10 Rn ter's Service. London, December 30. Cape Town The latest developments of the situation m the Transvaal mining industries indicate that a strike of edUata on January 1 is almost inevftable. The, I main cause of dispute is the endeavoiJf by the mines to reorganise labour by
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  • 39 10 r.r.t -n:.:':; ?.:;:\ice. London, January 2. I Treasury returns show that the :m taring thj -nine DMBCfcl endul I>i^ ibet 1 m t&TiJDOQJBQQ, a decrease of i ami with IS) i ii:<- BBMBI prafti duty uceounts ■•.'"1,1.
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  • 76 10 Bl vi:u's BIURIi Lasjian, Daatssfcar ".0. I.i>-bon Senhor Kicnrdo Jorge, Director Portugal, is leaving for the Bast on an international mission for the t sUwlying tile question of the c fence of Ka.i p.- ;-.','ain.<t the invasion of :;es. London, Deeaaaber 31. Earl Lyttnn has bt-jn appointed to suceeod
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  • 411 10 Official Notes on a Portion of the Programme. the Prince of Wales. I HmtW, leaves Port .:n on the night of Thursday, i t h :;o in the Renown and reaches L M the morning of Friday, Royal Ili-'hne.-s will land k ;:t Johnston'i Pier, but
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  • 56 10 Calendars, etc havr Iwen received from K. Su't.-iii Maricnn. the Cold Storage Co., r :mil Co., The Ho Hong Co., Typewriters. Frankcl and Co., Keßt und Walsh. k < '.•> o. h. Kofe aid (":>.. Thf Imlia Dispensary, John Little and !a1 miiH Co.. W. J. Bush and k <
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  • 312 10 Eurasian Kills Wife and Little Son. /One of the worst crimes that has #vcurred in Singapore for a long 'time took Mace at house 421, fifth mile, Bukit Timah Koad, on the morning of the 30th ultimo, when a Eurasian, named George William Gomes, employed in the
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  • 299 10 Elaborate Programmes in Pretty Settings. The week of festivities commenced at Raffles Hotel on Christmas Eve when a /.incy Dress Ball was held anil the spacius ballroom was a scene of colour and aiely. There were many charming and r-jrinal costumes, which Rave the judges ..>.uch
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  • 193 10 The inventor of a new loud-speaking 1 h'phone has aimed at a purity of sound .hat is not obtainable with devices that liukr. use of metallic diaphragms operating I r'.ciintd quarters and subject to all iiii'ls of parasitic sound waves and .ip»'<!ances due to air compressions. The
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  • 145 10 About 6.45 p.m. on New Year's Day a Tamil, named Packirisamy, accompan»?d >y his i:istress. went to visit a clerk living Incinerator. Unnoticed to them another Tamil., named Krishna, who saw the read, following the pair to th: eik's h,u c which he enttmd. It
    145 words
    • 422 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I again crave the use of your Columns "to bring to the notice of the Straits Chinese the fact that there is itill room in the Chinese Co., S.V.I, for strong healthy men. Friday 'the 30th inst.the first enrolment
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    • 282 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The writer and another ft h to the Drill Hall for enlistment on the opening day and were informed by the Officer in Charge that there was no Indian Unit at the present moment and the only unfts existing
      282 words
  • 90 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, January Silver 34%. Hongkong IV><; p.c. prOBL -'han^'hai 64%. Three months gold 50-xi. Shar? Market. Quiet. Rubbers. Practically no enquiry. Tins.— Taipings 1.12 Vi, Norths 1.17<i, Souths !i2 1 4 c?nts, Nawag Pea i.^'-.i. Papans 27>i cents, Kawaag* !7Vs 0 nta,
    90 words
  • 119 10 The Daily MaMs Paris correspondent wires French frontier Customs officicls it La Chappelle and Sedan, acting on information, ambush a a c )uple of amuggior motor vans laden with tobacco at mid. night The vans were dashing through a wood. They disregarded the challenge of the Customs
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  • 1015 10 How Iron and Steel Resist Corrosion. (By Geo. W. Grey," F. 5.1., M.C.1.) The numerous reinforced concrete structures built in Singapore have given rise to the often repeated question as to what may happen to the steel enclosed by the concrete. Pmm of corrosion are often exprss <i
    1,015 words
  • 310 10 Upward Tendency After Xmas Holidays. M-.ssrs. Guthrie and Co. roport Singapore, December 111. The set back report-. i la i. '•< proved to bi.' of a temporary Baton?, values show' ing a distinct recjvery after the Christmas asadays. Prior ta the aaetioni yest rday, the tone was
    310 words
  • 278 10 Welcome Return to the Pre-Wir Spirit. A London wire of December J fhililmaaliik this year pjsmisei t>> :ncrrier than any since^*he war. Most trl-^ne-raifijur^ nwfryjii aW>i'iff*rrjßiat cursion trains at cheap fares for the benefit of exiles returning to th?ir hontes or those nreforring to spend Christmas ut
    278 words
  • 122 10 An who n Ac exof IUI3 was beard in I f Session e.t tmburgn when Lord Ashmore granted»ttie prayer of :i pet tion to presume th date of the !)r. Ali:;ter Xi was surgeon to the expedition, and was >n board the Karluk when she was caught
    122 words
  • 86 10 Wiiilj v. asw me 4 r aamnnti .ship, the ')umra, wa.-, being Inonehed Cram U yard of Messrs. c ll ill and Sons, n n-iai.i w ek it gathtrad rat <i>iinary speed tiiroagb a check ehaia i\ bag way. The Vi >*<.\ acfc3s
    86 words
  • 188 10 The Ovl 'ii' %< n v^M Jl'Uy: cription.H .airly ea^| md two -n~ ;■> :s handli^H, ossifa gafS ible. The l.aß Ovei iiutley. LeM raid ArH G. Hus I. R. M;.irß Under :;<H ■utton, M^| The he Und M '.r.-t time y -^M md in Hiddleb forward H the
    188 words
  • 384 10 The "'ay w and tort thi to work and a' vight and very Wt up. There ill thItnts as far as ■it. (1. Owing vind the hiir fiv :\l the pi difficult vitlj h r the j I The rat I: I aaaanl m M m boat ln.igH HJrfflU
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  • 616 11 Estate in a Satisfactory Condition. The twelfth annual general meeting of the Glenealy Plantations Limited, was held in the registered offices of the company, dresham House, on Saturday. Owing to a bad throat Mr. H. Robinson, who was, however, present, vacated his seat is chairman to Mr. W.
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  • 234 11 The all Chaplin programme at the ■.'ictoria Theatre was enthusiastically received by a large audience last night. hciv wire four separate stories shown Deluding those ever popular successes, A ay- Fttastare, awi A'Dog'a Life" though he first picture shewn Shanghaid was perhaps the most screamingly funny, in abaniicn,
    234 words
  • 47 11 Amount previously acknowledged $6,905.60 Wha Kve Kok Association 10 Ho Ho Biscuit Factory, Ltd. 60 Meyer Bros 100 Naina Mohamed and Sons, 10 W. P. W. Kerr, Ssq. 60 Straits Chinese Physical Culturists 20 Chinese Christian Association 32 $7,177.60 GOH HOOD KIAT, Hon. Secretary.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 MOUTRIE'S Wish their Many Patrons The Compliments of the Season S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Honfkoag) KAFFLIiS HI ACH, SINUAHOKE. Malay a Borneo Exhibition Use "VERIBEST" Roofing Painted with DULL RED op DULL CREAM Roofing Paint PROTECT BEAUTIFY YOUR WOODWORK with "HUSTIKOL" <>l > 4 shades. THEY ARE: ALL.
      182 words
    • 295 11 Raffles Hotel. MONDAY. Tea Dansant, 5 to 7 p.m. (Admission free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dinner. THURSDAY. Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress essential fur Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress essential for Dancing). _^____^___»> NOTlCE.— Residents and Diners will have prior claim
      295 words

  • 685 12 Satisfactory Report at Annual The aeeond ordbimry awmal me?tin(? of Data rtubbcr Coaaparqr, Limitpd, wai Ih'l<l at the rvgiatertd office of thej company, B< ach Street, Penan-,', on Pecember 80. 'I re were preaeot the Hon. Mr. W. H. Thome (in the chair), the Hon. .Mr. .John
    685 words
  • 130 12 The nrmt liuect wireless Press mc»saj^ tglaad to Australia were receive*! it MelboOTM on Deccinber 5. A mes.<ajre '-■> '.lie f-omlnn office of the Australian oeiation to the head offire in hint from the Marconi Tnui Atlantic ?tation, Carnan'on, Wales to the experimental Ions: distance re.
    130 words
  • 138 12 Thi- old story tol.l of I lady who reKsted the iilca that her bank account was BOM she hadn't used up all the cheques in lwr book han been equalled i by a happenlr n rorded by the Financial i'iinv.-. London. The Xalf is told thus: Thi* time i! i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 307 12 m^yfs^^r] M R«" 3l ey reused means |l "RAISLEY" praise d. jUI-^kjHH'^^ s Home b:.k«l tea-time dnintir* ti'di at Ml >^ l am S^mhwn, arid Swiss Roll arc sure I^^aa^.^ lo mctt Wlt 1 c "fchtful appreciation if lo jSj .Ij I i a^» Kaisley is used for the leavening.
      307 words
    • 383 12 Orctiids VANDA JOAQUIMS 70 cents per dozen. With stalks $1.20 per dozen. BASKETS $5 per basket. WREATHS $5 each. Fresh Cut Flowers Daily. Special attention given to steamer orders. Free delivery anywhere. MOBERN APPLIANCE CO. 26-3, Orchard Ruad. Tel. 2631. For night orders call up 'Phone 682. THE NEW YEAR
      383 words
    • 67 12 Sij'i nym is mts fß.efinemenU&';--gjpjpJßß B I.N PATENT W&0 VACL'I'M TINS OF SO. JjkHJll AUDATII TOBACCO CO., LmHS Price Rediucfl i Plain y $25.00 WM 31 by 4 31.50 by 4 ."2.75 34 by 1 j 53.25 aaH 7iO*by -12~:?r> *"^B| TOO by 90 \23.75 LM 873 by 105 37.25
      67 words

  • 689 13 Its Causes and How They May Be Avoided. Swimmer's cramp is a spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, as in the calves of the legs, the arms or the belly wall, writes, J. S. Taylor, Captain, Medical Corps, U.S.N. Muscle cramp or tetanic contracture results
    689 words
  • 220 13 Mr. Schlesingcr Buys the New York Mutual. It is announced that Mr. I. W. Schlesinger has, on behalf of the African Life Assurance Society, bought the entire African business of the New York Mutual. This, says the Sunday Times, incurs the transference of over £1,000,000, which is
    220 words
  • 53 13 When asked on the eve of his execution what he fancied for breakfast, which was to be his last meal, a murderer replied Lobster, dt^-scnl in American fashion, it always templed me, but I have not basted it for years, because it ffives me violent indigos! inn. Tail l.i-monow I
    53 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 145 13 ■BIS®!! ibleSpaik Plugs H /CHA'-^i^H I HflH^V -i3r<B^i H2 Hing taken apart for cleaning. s arc made for every type of your local Garage install a set laiting qualities and Hi the Ir.aulator. Champion less than other plugs. Hark plug company Ho. Ohio, U. S. A. later Hiring Co. Hz,
      145 words
    • 149 13 The Mile at /^prerwar cost M isß 'Ui >>>lWiW^^ All users U II rofthenewMICHELIN'CABLt fc 5 f find that their tyre expenses teal I return to their pre-war level: pltes 4ffl the increase in initial cost ui\\ j s i n fact, made up and over wlSy o\ bvthe increase
      149 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 468 14 SALES BY AUCTION CHEOPS KOONSENG CO. MORTGAGEE'S SALE of Ta'iuaMe fr<-<--i«l<l lsnd and rubber fnctory known as No. 2.157 off Jca Chiat Road. etc. At Msssn, O— I Koon Pprii: and Co.'s rale-room, No. SO, Kline Street, on Wedneiday, Jnnuary 11. 1022. at 2.3» pjn. 1. TalaaM. tNahsU Innd together
      468 words
    • 731 14 Amcta tver $4,000.90* S.C. Asmel The Great Eastern Life Assuran^^B f lncorporated to Btraita Settlem.ota) 'ilm&L^i''BKAD OFFICE I Wisvheetn Haa.e, flKgapor*. 1 The Company ha. 120,000 deposited vith ths Saprome Conrt of Knglaad and compile, vith the Britl.h Life aMir.aaM I ATTaACTIV± rLAN3 OF ASSURANCK. l^ElilF SeereUry Managing Director Director
      731 words
    • 446 14 I BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, UMITED (lae«rv«Tat«d by Special Imperial Charter la Japam.) Capital (Subscribed T60,000,(r30 Capital Paid-up Y45,000,000 Sesarvs Fnnd. Y11.080.0C0 rr>!iident K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vfes-Pra.ident fl. Mori, Eaq. DIRECTORS I T. Hisamune, Eaq. I G. Kawasaki, Eaq. K. Morinags. Esq. M. Siakl, Esq. T. Ikeda, Eaq. Denkichl
      446 words
    • 625 14 ~nisiriiii(!!NGcH (Incorporated Ne^J STOCEHCLCG I Aarlo and I.ondoa Paris Natfl fl BanVcra Trust Coßipany, N>w r |iH Continental and Commercial >iH Gnaranty Tmet Co. of New Gnardian Surinfrs and Tract Cii.^tH Mercantile Bank of the Am.-r i I National Sbawmnt Panic, G^t.'Jß NEW TORK ■,9 SAN FRANCISCO J FAR .'^H
      625 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 121 15 -watt I- LIGHT BICIENT HOME LIGHT AND lli PLANT. B^ gas engine and generator in B)late Williard Storage Battery. capacity ■M.ETE PLANT. It LAMPS 3 hours It LAMPS 5 hours ■t LAMPS 8 hours economical Hoiowledge necessary. H^ed by pressing button. H>ps when batteries are fully charged. HCE $1,750 FOR
      121 words
    • 302 15 Our Personal Guarantee to All Skin Sufferers ~W yOVR chemist has our m' authority to absolutely m guarantee relief from the -M. first bottle of DEXMA. Your money will be returned without a word if you tell him that the first bottle of DEXMAdid not atop that itch, did not
      302 words
    • 318 15 NEW SALES ROOM Open January Ist immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmamm LIBERTY CBOW-ELKHABT ROAMEB Phone SB to have us damomtrtta any of these Cars to you. MOTOR CAR REPAIRINO— ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS. Ordca taken foi> Covering Cars completely with Fabrikoid lest her. M THE MOTOR AGENCY M xJL^ 206-7, ORCHARD ROAD (MIDFILM HOUSE).
      318 words
    • 51 15 WIRE WHEELS FITTED TO YOUR CAR CHEVROLET FORD I Sl5O OAKLAND HUPMOBILE PER SET OF FIVE. Bting; your car to us To-morrow morning:. It will be ready for you in the evening. MOTBR CAR FOR HIRE Special rates for retaining Cars when not running PROWSE JONES CO. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, COLEMAN
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 863 16 NEW STOCK IN HAND TAy pi|A|| If lAT Emery Cloth and sUnd Paper IHI U U Mil IVIAI Emery and Glaa« Powder Js rU lir STRFET, Jackaon'a Floor Stain anlnh 'Pi™.. imi amm French PolLh and Cold Site Varnish hon Nos 3113 nd 31U Copal. Oak and Black Japan Varnlah
      863 words
    • 930 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PRBPAID chargea for Waata, For Sale, To Let, etc. la ordinary cloee-«et *TPe (arerage aiz words to line) are Per line one insertion 28 eta, two Ins. 46 -:ie, three ma. 64 eta., four ins. 82 eta, fire Ins. $1.00. six ins. 11.18, Un ins. |1.40, •*ilt«
      930 words
    • 947 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET No. 6, Oxley Road, entry from January 1, 1922. Apply to Meyer Brothers. BUNGALOW, to let, 16-a, Thomson Road. Apply to Chop Fook Yuen 219, South Bridge Road. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET, in Ceylon Road. Cool and healthy. Rent $40. Apply S.T., Straits Times. FOR
      947 words
    • 488 16 lldH^B^EiSalll^Si tauim WHY YOU SHOITLn CHOOSE SILENT AI.AMO It la the most per'ect balanced plant on the market. Yon do not require experts to ma and maintain it Full year's guarantee againat defective workmanship or material. We carry spares to build complete plants. Call and see a Demonstrator. MODERN APPLIANCE
      488 words
    • 77 16 aS nl 1 I neß CO.H gaHH I ml TclepholH TO ADVERTISERS Requests to alter quently reach ns too with the same day aaked to forward to the previous day. II quested that the num quired be clearly md 14 copy "be legible. V should line blocks i menta can
      77 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 98 16 Editorial atH Manager's Job Printiß-J^B All comm-jnic^B matters ar.d^H to THE i,B relating to ments, subs H I etc, sho v U MANAGER. Rl^t? ADVEaH Wants, For S *H type close sel^H are charged ~^H Per Line, prepa^B I insertions 48 four insertion^H six insertions H I 1 $1.00. I
      98 words