The Straits Times, 28 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. no. a SINGAPORE, FRIDVY. OCTOBER .28. '1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 3) i OBTAINABI.': I VERYWMERE BEAR g£< BRAND SWISS SSPltf MILK j Sol- Agent'- For S.S., X.M.S., and Brit:&h N-Ttb Borne" JOSrPH TRAVERS SONS LTD. -i.orporsted IB Kngltnd i I" •■Off. p BEWARE, Mr. AMATEUR LOn no account buy Kodak films in the Tropics which are NOT packed in our
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    • 109 1 SPECIAL PURCHASE >F GOVERNMENT LINEN Made of Beautiful Texture Pure Irish Flax, width 36 ins. To be cleared at less than HALF the actual cost of Manufacture. SPECIAL CASH PIUCE $1.00 per yard The Ideal Strong, Washing Material for making up into LADIES' DRESSES, CHILDREN'S FROCKS, BOYS' WASHING SUITS, GENTLEMEN'S
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  • 743 2 Cheaper Working Expected In Future. The twelfth ordinary general meeting of shareholders in the hVrak Kontfsi Coconut Co., Ltd., was held at Colombo on October 11. Mr. K. H. Layard, director, pn-sided, and there were present Messrs. M. Kelway Bamber, and K. Masters (Directors), F. F. Roe,
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  • 335 2 Sir A. Conan Doyle's Explanation Of His Name. Sir A. Conan Doyie wait one of the guests of the STening at the semi-annual Convention Dinner of the Stoll Film Company at the Trocadero Restaurant oo September 27, Mr. Jeffery Bernerd, managing director, who presided, mentioned that he had
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  • 14 2 i It takes a lot of horse sense to maintain a stable government. r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 239 2 Ropenduranee In these days buyers want articles that will last. They do not wish to make frequent and expensive replacements. The shrewd buyers of cordage purchase what experience has taught them is the cheapest in the long run. JOHKSON-PICKETT MANILA ROPE Greatest Breaking Strain— Greatest Length Per Pound Greatest Value
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    • 367 2 FOUCAULD aß^andy iee9 IUCJ»»fO*JCAUI©*(r^ EST? 18*7 AT \»>^ DON'T GIVE UP When you suffer the unbearable tiringes and tortures of Rheumatism, when yon are oppressed by the awful spectre of ceaseless pain, when you have tried all the cures you know and these cures have failed don't give up. The
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    • 155 2 INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, LTD. 195-a. ORCHARD ROAD. Phone 2617. Overhauls and repairs of every description to all makes of cars and trucks. Painting, upholstering, batteries charged. Separate lock-up garages. NEW CARS ON HIRE. Customers having cars repaired at our works can hire four seater cars at daily rates. SWINEHART TYRES AND
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  • 918 3 An Eye- Witness's Story of The Disaster. A special correspondent of the Times at Mannheim, writing on September 22, says In spite of the strong cordon which is drawn round Oppau and the site where the explosion occurred, it is now possible to fret a fairly
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  • 143 3 Th< late Pi. tenor Newton, wli was mm of the outstanding' fitrur<\s of Cam'jridßo .r.y years. w is a perpetual fountain of amusing aaeedbtc and reminiscence, in:l Mr. Wollaston's recent biography has nvived many memoriae of his wit. One of the simplest of his storus. anil one
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  • 19 3 The old black tin box containing- the. doerls of the old farm now has four rubb.-r--tirtd wheels on it.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 574 3 Heat Lassitude and Fever Dr. Cassell's Tablets Give Splendid Energy and Safeguard the System from Infection. India. I South Africa. .Mr n rp< T d J" ak J?r> h IJ Bmmhopadha- Mr*. Ellen Flowers. Colfridrwoad. 1? T T 0 1 1 L° 1B B lh ">*' d Salt K.ver. C.P..
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    • 343 3 WOMEN SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER that Constipation is th* cao*e of ninny o 'ho t rrui hi ps of 1 hrir «»v m.i tha PINKETTES are the rem-i' To en.v? daily regularity, to keep the compli-tijn .'re from spots and blemish.' i, and to prrven or dispel sick headaches, these dainty
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    • 896 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUE I. adics attending the races to-morro* Saturday are reminded, that admissioi to the Grand Stand and Lawn wil be by ticket only. Ladies' tickets an obtainable through memners of the Singapore Sporting Club, free, but they musi bear the name of the bearer and the iig>ature of
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    • 812 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received op to noon *n Friday, November 4, 1921, M the Resident Councillor's Ofßce. Malacca, from person i desirous of contracting for supplies, etc for the Government at Malacca, for a period of one year, commencing from January 1, Cartage. (b) Firewood, (c) Timber. (d)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 778 4 STEAMER SftILINBS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line t (Companies Incorp-rated ir T'Telant 11 HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES I'KNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. r Contract with Hie Majesty's GnTernment tVe OMaaww** HAIL SERVICE EAST OP BOMBAY are al prr*«ui ..<p...4«« LONDON PAR-EASTERN SERVICE rMO*l Ui>I)ON I TO MARSEIi.LRH
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    • 30 4 SEAN* LINE OF STEAMERS RANGOON AND CHINA UNB SEANG BEE -»,71»n too SEANG KOI M>« ton* SEANG LEE— 4,BBI ton* For freight or passage, apply ta OIONG HOE CO, Agents
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    • 375 4 STEAMER SAILINGS '.lit OSAKA BHOSEN KAIfBA LTD. Incorporated la Japan) Ne. I. He aVaaaa tree*. Protaast Salllag free. Blaganare (Sabjaet to change wlthont aotlae) CITROPBAN \SKU Far Pert Raid. Maraeillea, La««ew. AXwara, RetUrdaai sad Hsaibarr air. **P ■AMAZON MARU Not. 16 Not. 18 ATLAS MARU Dec. 11 Dee. 11 Omit
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    • 399 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ Grace Dollar LOADING NOVEMBER 3. tl. r ,.i, hl'.i» s4 La'iu* »«u«j froai Singapor* to ihf Prlnctpal PMae «< 'he United State* and Canad* I For further infortnatioc lo Rates, eta, j apply na ROBERT DOLLAR CO. No. 117-121. Market
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 503 5 STEAMER SAILINGS KONINKLMKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPM (KOTAL rACEH NATICATION CO, OF RATAVU) (laeorporaUd In Holland) Mo se»e No*. Fasssc* De»t Ml. Freight Dept. 1M«, Marias Deft. a»« Tr.aikfpmtai Dept. IU7, Managor'i Desk IW2. rjNDM CONTEACT WITH THI NITHIRLANDS INDIA GOYTINWBIT. MFICIIIOR TREUD-Octobor 28, Bntavia, Semßrnnir and Snurabayn with transhipment for ri».i«<«nir»r»
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    • 282 5 1 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS-AUSTRALIA-SERVICE OF T9B K. P. M. (KONTNKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPY). REGULAR MONTHLY Bailing* from Singapore to Sydney and Melbourne direct by the up-to-dato passenger tteamtrs HOUTMAN aad "ROGGEVEEN." PASSENGERS and CARGO can now be hooked from SiDwport to Sydney and Melbourne WITHOUT TRANSHIPMENT. IIOUTMAN (first and second da*s)
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    • 118 5 _STEAMER_ SAILINGS THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, LTD. (Incorporated In th» Vnitcd Ilngrdom) FOB CHINA AND JAPA9 BENVENUE aarly Nor. N« Paawnnr Aecoramo4atu>*. PATERSON, SIMONS ft CO., UWTCD (la«orporat«d in Kaglaad). AfHtl. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSIHP COMPANY Effective November 1, 1921, Messrs. IfMt Company, Collyer Quay, have been apiminUnl Agents for this
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    • 173 5 STEAMER SAILINGS TIIR SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LIMIT RD. (Incorporated ia Blast) SINGAPORE BANGKOK I For Kretay, Trenßiraiio, Kelantan, I'infnar\. Tclupin, P&'.ini. Sinjrora, Lacoa. Kohiiamui, Bamlo-. Lanztuan, C'aamgma aad Bangkok. Do* Dep. PRACHATirOK Oct. 31 Not. 2 VALAYA Nov. 7 Nov. !> TT7QALA K«r. 1 1 Nov. II Th«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 586 6 CINEMAS GAIETY?— 'r__Tsao Showing an Excdunt Race Programme To-night 1 In the i'tid Show at 9.15 p.m. THUNDERBOLT JACK Serial Sixtli Instalment. K;>isodcs oloven :md twelve. 4Nf P.irU. Principal Font ir\ Tin- Sncinl Viingmph Production DEADLINE AT ELEVEN Star Cast Corirnr Q_ _tte ilhor.n, the Romance of a society girl
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    • 389 6 I ENTERTAINMENTS I VICTORIA THEATRE TONIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! The Warwick Comedy Co. In Bernard shaws Ant i romantic Costume Comedy ARMS AND THE MAN Joan Maj tie as Rama FAREWELL PERFORMANCE TO-MORROW The Double Event Plan at MOUTRIE'S. AT THE NAHAR OPERA Beyrouth Theatre, opposite tho Havlaug Tolict Station, Gaylang li<
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    • 902 6 STiAHER SAILINGS SPECIAL LIHES AUSTR Sff P "S,,! ORIIS IN (Incorporated in' Aajtralia) 1^ P" I I\~ r Sinespor* to .I"* Torti, Port Darwin, bll V LLvl LU Thursday Inland. Hrishan. and «7dn«y, via Torro!« Strnita, also with tramhipmnt to ___ii_______________; other Victorian, South Australian and North j Quopnrland Port«.
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  • 187 7 FIXTURES Friday. October 28. High Wntcr, 5.27 a.m., «.37 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2.1» p.m. I'olo, Hnleaticr, 4.30. Band, Bot, dirdcns, 5.15 p.m. Boy SrooU Assn.. firm. mtif., 6.15 p.m. Arms an.l The Mnn, Vie. Thcntrc, 9.15. Raturday. October 29. Hii-li Water, 9.7 a.m., 9.82 p.m. Hoy Scouts
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    • 89 7 Eaat Wharf Baal n -Nil. K;im v hart Bl rata. Bbecn NNhurf HO. Minn Wharl Rbodctia, Air.iral Duperre. Kmp.rc Dock Cbak Suns;. Dainicbl Mara Kuala, Knipht Companion, Priam. Wet >\ turl Ayuthia, Uoxun Maru, Kurymachna. Jardines Wharf Mdchior Treub. Palo Branl Coal Vrharf— NU. Keppel Harkeai.
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    • 116 7 ASDAXG, Si tone, from Bangkok 87-10, for Bangkok 89-10. Brit, 237 ton... freai T. Nobong for Aaahan 31-lfc HAN WHAT! IIIN, Brit., 167 tons, from Malacca 28-10, :.>r Malacca 20-10. CHAK RANG, Brit, 1.470 tons, from Hongkong utta ;;i-10. KNIGHT COMPANfON, «,8M ton... froai New XT* fI-10, u.r
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  • 140 7 ttmm Pulau Sambu 2.30 p.m. l'ort SwetteOaam :ir.d Tolnk An?on 3 p.m. Malacca and Muar 5 p.m. Pcnani;, Rangoon and Calcutta 3 p.m. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, takm- mails for U.S.A. and Canada 3 p.m. Bangkok P-<" Puluu Galang 4 P-m. Billiton ;mJ Batarli -4 p.m. P">Sitardey
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  • 34 7 (Official Pol >st on Bee Keport) 't Singapore BcptemtJK G .-.-jj'.' mber 13 September 15 Krptsmber 19 September l''l Arrived London October 8 October ll) October 10 October H IMuiei U
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  • 55 7 !t wa aboard H.M-S. and there was id be n dance. Seeing Uill Smith, one it' the oldest Milan abwd the ship, pottering iibcjt with bit* »f rope and canvai :inil thinsr;. ur.d intiiit on rijevrtnte mi awnIng, a yoong A.B. a ked, \\\< .tclu-r tiymr. tCT do. Hill.'" "iii.ildin'
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  • 148 7 BICHANGB Singapore, October 2G. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 i>/."{2 Demand 2/* 29/32 Private m. cri<]its 2/4 7/ 111 On New Tort Demand **j i'rivate B 0 days 48 On France Hank COS On India, Bank T. T. 148 On Roagkong, Bank <IAI 11> p.c. pm.
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  • 51 7 Spot Mov.-Dec. t;ii -March April-June I Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing I'ricei Buyer3 Sellers Tone of Mr. Spot Xnv.-Dcc. Jan-JUteh April-Jon? i-ki-t.— Quiet. Stonptt* Standard Ribbed Smoked Shevt Closing Prices Bayer* Sellcn :C .14 34'/i 35 3GVi a? DAILY PRICKS CURRENT. 12 nuon, October.
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    • 187 7 ISS. Val. IM. Bayer*. Selle 1 1 Ayer Wenjr 1.00 1 1 Ilitam Tin 1.30 1.40 1 1 Jtlantoh 0.10 0.00 I'l £1 Kara. Kamunting 1.12.G 1.15.0 Ml 10 KinLa Assoc. 6.00 i'l i'l Lal'at Mines 5 6 Linjrui Tin 1.26 8.75 10 10 Malayan Coll. 12.00 I^.oo 1
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    • 131 7 Im. V'al. Pd. Bnyr*. Seller*. II £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 2.15.0 3.5.0 10 10 Central Engines 15.00 16.00 10 Cntral Motirs 3.00 3.50 tl aE. Smelting Co. 6.00 C.30 if- Eleetric T'wny? S/4 10 10 ft Wave 27.ft0 28.00 M W. Huunn Co. 70 80 ;00 100katz Bros
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    • 98 7 ■I. En?. 6 p.c. |I£Mj9M pw B p.c p.m 3*per« Electric Tramways, b p.c. OSfcOM noni Umlcipal 5 p.c (1,878,000 par I •'pnr:- Mun. iVi p.e. of I'JOT $1,000,000 10 p.c. dia. S;.c,rc Mun. 4H p.c. of 1909 $!,Goo,uoo 10 p.c. dia i Spore Mun. 4S pc. of 1909
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    • 367 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatfa QaotatfaM. j Latest ■raIUM Sterling Quotations are printed on another page na Friday. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall ft Co. Evatt. A!!rnby ($1) 0.10 0.20 0.10 050 Alor Gajah (Jl) 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 A. Hit.™ ($5) 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 ■lay
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 Bargain A. .1. S. MotniiycU' oiul Mikrar fiw months on the rouil, compltK ■/ita apu« whcil. Lur;.s KluttrU Ityimmo light in«jir> H lumps), New V.. ti,n;ir. B volt liuttciy iiooti. Lucus Klectric Horn, inter changeable wheels, tyri-s procti tically now, Amac Carburettor ajpn bulbs aiu! ti.>ols. KODAK, LIMITED, (Incetpaiatrt in
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    • 693 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS GAS-FITTINGS FOR BALE. M, Mooal dtarteU. BOLTERS n.i T: Barley, ('ornfloiir, Oatmeal aad Patent Croat*. To I.XT. No. M and 4:1, Anton Road Apply to K. 8. Nathan, 1 I, an-Y <h CUW IN ENGLISH PAHILI for Rrirtlimnii koardeT. Ktply Itelinemcnt. Strnitis Tiinrs. IMANIi.'TMIACI'iiFATLY^TJKW FOX SALE. $:t^ri. No.
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    • 142 7 IF YOU CHOOSE ECONOMY Move a bit alonjf nigh Street to North Dridge Road, No. 40, the first Indian Silk Store. AH Sorts of Burmese Silks, Georgette Crepes, Satin Crepes and Minons for Dresses. DIFFERENT QUALITIES AND SHADES. We guarantee our prices for a Week. 0. CHANDIRAM CO. 40, NORTH
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    • 179 7 3T00MVAART MAATSCHAPPU "NEOERlMD" I (XKUEULAND BOYAl MAIL LOT) Passages for Europe S.S. "VONDEL" Sailing from SINT.AI'ORK. on Novrmlicr IS, 1M1, hfls available .1 few first and second-class places available. For particulars, apply to tho AgenU KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIT, 2 and 3. Collyer Quay. I The Ideal Wood Preservative Sole Acrents
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  • 19 8 VAN DORT. On October I*3!, at H.-H rlagntclle I: I. Colombo; Ceylon. Dr i William Urexan van 1-iori.
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  • 1146 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 THE STRUGGLE FOR PEACE. If we m;:y rea.-tmably draw conclusions f'.iin ■vente, we timid say lhat \alera i:- lotting liis hold on the npMMStetfoM f Ireland who are taking part in the Load) I Ccnf Tlie telegram tent by l)e Valera to the
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  • 35 8 Mr. R. B. David of 8, Oxley Road reports to the police that he missed his gold watch valued at $80 from his room on Monday morning, and suspects his Hylam boy who has disappeared.
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  • 45 8 The placing of fish traps or other obstacles in the irrigation canals in Krian mid elsewhere is to be prohibited by law as also is the towing of boats along the canals. The reason is because these practices have damaged the banks of the cnnaK
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  • 9 8 The Kuala Muar lighthouse will be re lighted to-r.ight.
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  • 11 8 The Raffles Library will be closed to morrow at 1 p.m.
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  • 14 8 Preparations for the Armistice Day water fete '>n Taipln.g Lake arc well in hand.
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  • 14 8 Several earthquake shocks were experienced at 4 a.m. on the 18th inst. at ISoekabocmi.
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  • 16 8 A' strike has broker out amongst th? coolies employed by the Dutch Government at Mcester Cornells.
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  • 16 8 Th? extraordinary general meeting of Kerlirjr Tin Mines was held to-day, and adjourned till November 18.
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  • 20 8 The R?nt Assessment Board mr<>tinsr will be held in the Municipal Board Room on Tuesday, November 1, at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 27 8 A new light beacon ha-« been erecUd at the north entrance of th? Snmboc Harbour, on the north point of the reef of th: island Blakang Padang.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of^ money orders for India ar.l Ceylon to-day is Rs. 163 t" $100. The rat? of payment of money orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 17-'! to $100.
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  • 32 8 A freight motor ran into Chinese property at Pasar Baroe, Wcltcvreden, on the 19th and crashed into r. party of children one of whom was killed instantly »nd two others seriously hurt.
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  • 33 8 Th? monthly meeting of the Ladies' Work Party in connection with thf Presbyterian Church will be held at th« houw of MVs. T. J. B. Wearnc, Chatsworth Avcnu?, on Tuesday, at 4.46 p.m.
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  • 42 8 A Chinese woman who had opened, a savings bank at Mcdan was s-rr^stcrl at Pulau Brayan on the 19th instant. She had made off with 40,000 guilders of thi> bank's funds. Over 200 people •said to have been defrauded by her.
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  • 37 8 Yesterday morning, Insp. Bendle noticed a Chines? kickir..; a compatriot in North Bridge Road, and on arresting the as.«ail.Mit he found a large knife hidden underneath the man's clothing. H- is being pvcluceil bci;re Mt. Dawson to-day.
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  • 43 8 In honour of the Dcvali New Y'. ar Mr. Chimandas, J.P., manager of Hewn. Wassiamull As.<omull and Co-, the wellknown High Stroet merchants, will h^ld a r+c:ption At 66 and G7. High Street, on Sumiay, the 00th instant from C t< 10 p.m.
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  • 48 8 A Chinese arriving in Soerabaya by the steamer Sumatra on the lfth inst. was found to be in possession of .IS packets of illicit chandu, a revolver and 200 cartridges. A motor-boat hovering in the vicinity of the ship was ready to take delivery of the smuggled cargo.
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  • 49 8 It to very likely, says the L. and C. Express, that in the near futurs the Colonies b which Imperial garrisons arc maintained at the cost of the British taxpayer,, will hay? to follow the example set by the Straits Settlements and Hongkong and contribute mere or less jjen.-rously.
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  • 51 8 The Chine.-.- who was noticed by >. pointsman at the Tank Road station witl, h bag belonging to a gentleman, who wm buying his ticket at the time, and who was Secured by th? police was produced in the lower court by In.«p. Bendle. yestt-rday. and sentenced to a month's
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  • 64 8 In tbiir rt-port, dated October 28 Messrs. B3ri^w and Co. state Tht copra market has been very weak durinc, the teat wc-k, but has improved withir tho la.-t twi> day;. A fair amount of business has be?n donf and closing quotations are as follows No. 1 standard ?11 U $11.25,
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  • 72 8 Shanghai* forthcoming automobile show promises to be a bisr success. It will b held in th? Vrrdun Gnrdcns. All the TB available exhibition spaces in a vast build ing under construction have been disposer of. Additional space was tentatively ppok< n for by Mr. C. K. Burkill, chairman at the
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  • 76 8 A Vienna message says A panic ir, a crowded synagogue (touted in the raosi densely populated Jewish quarter during the Day it Atonement service was started i.5 a consequence of an explosion of a wagen loaded with hand grenades in th; main avenue of the quarter. Thu worshippers took refuge
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  • 93 8 We have received from H. H. the Deputy Minister of Commerce for Siam, a copy of the .statistical Year Book c\ the Kingriom cf Siam f^r the year 1920 It is beautifully got up and, some "'Ji pages of information on every kind of subject from Meteorology to the
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  • 93 8 At the meeting of the Y.M.CA. Literary. Society on Wednesday evening the proposition, that for the present an autocratic Government is preferable to a democratic government for Eastern peoples way debated- Th;? affirmative was conducted by Mr. A. V. Davies, who gave an excellent paper in which he maintained that
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  • 509 8 Mt?. Savill is staying at Govrmmcnt House. The name was incorrectly given yesterday as Mrs. Sawll. Hccr Boon, the chief editor nnd manager of the Soerabaya Handelsblad, Ii making a special trip through Sumatra. Taiping people regret very much to hear that the Hon. Mr. O. F.
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  • 27 8 All efforts to salve the wreck of the steamer Pcrlis have brvn abandoned and the buoy marking it will shortly be withdrawn.
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  • 24 8 It ia officially announced that the next meeting of the Federal Council fixed for November 22, has been postponed to November 20.
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  • 35 8 The Dutch Ka.-t Indian census givaa the population of Java and Madorra an liUfillMOi, nnd the remainder of the islands at 1 1,143.5J. n >. The ligme.s for New Guinea arc not included.
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  • 62 8 Mails fmni the Continent and New York, ex the French packet ftmsiroac wiii arrive by train to-night and will In- d.-alt with to-morrow marnir-r. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to b >.\hold<M-s about 8.30 a.m. Tlic next outward mail is expected to rvaeh l*enang per I*. and
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  • 197 8 A cable hna been received announcing the death of Or. William QngatJP Van Dort, the eminent Ceylon physieiun, at the ripe old a^e of l>2, death taking place on the 2Gth inst., at his residence, IV.'ita, Ila^atelle Road, Colombo, following within a fortniKht
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 THE Hill "Garrick" CIGARETTE psms^t Sold igOARETfi- l fsi&* "WESO^SHP' E very where* UUlv NEW SEASON'S CATALOGUE IS NOW READY Containing particulars of the latest and most up-to-d;ite goods stocked in our twelve departments. If you have not received a copy please send us your application. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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    • 263 8 MARLBOROUGH From Thursday. October 27 to Wednesday November 2, ((Alluding Sunday, October .10). A GOLDWYN BPBCIAL KKATIRE OF runs romaxce Fcatnriug MAI. MAKSII In a story which enthralls from beginning THE BELOVED TRAITOR In 6 Tarts A picture with n fine love theme in which tl;u intrri' t is well
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  • 248 9 Wellington Koo on Arms Limitation. Rei teu's Skrvice. London, October 20. t, lMewed prior to his departure for limp-ton, Mr. Wellington Koo declared the HaMtation of armaments depended St entirely upon the reconciliation of ictiny policies in the Kar Kast. He that China would naturally make. in claims
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  • 154 9 Reutek'3 Service. London, Oct. ber 26. rlin Hen Wivth is forming a new stry. Lcmlun, October 26. rlin The reconsti jcted Wirth cabshows that Dr. Rathenau, Ministry ruction, Herr Rosen, Foreign rs, ami Herr Schiffer, Justice, artted. Herr Wirth i.; combining the cellorship with th. Ministry of ign
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  • 117 9 Rkuter's Service. London, October St. rmingham, Alnb:i;«ii Prosidoat iin;r in a speech here advocated the t nf the American negro to broader leal spd educational advantages baaed arc pride, but never <m nc,-;rii aspirai lo i-ial equality. The world war ttvi. in the race question becoming not
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  • 50 9 Bel'tu's Service. London, October 26. I BagSJC The .Ministry of Marine rt> that a pilot ship with a crew of rhich wai craJasag at the mouth of the has been mi>sing since the recent A police l>uat and a destroyer, ted by seaplanes, are searching for hip.
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  • 157 9 Great Crowds Give Rousing Send-off. Reuter's Service. London, October 26. The Prince of Wale? left Victoria ot noon to-day to start on his tour to India. He was bade farewell by Their Majesties, the Duke of Connaught, other Royalties ami all the Cabiaoi Mlwliitfi Before entering the
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  • 111 9 Bettor's Service. Paris, October 26. The Government purposes reducing army expenditure next year by over £6,000,000. The Government's efforts to reduce the cost of living ar? bearing fruit. A substantial I'.bntemcnt in the price of wheat flour is announced. A thorough reorganisation of provincial and municipal administration
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  • 78 9 Rkbtu's Sebviol London, October 20. The management of the national Co-j operative Dank, which is not connected 1 with the banking (It partment of any co-j operative wholesale society, announces that there is ample margin after fully pay- j ing the holders' current deposit accounts.! Nearly all
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  • 45 9 KIITTR'3 SISVId. London, Octobt-r CO. Washington the Boast of Representatives passed by 109 votes to 117 a bill for the creation of a commission headed by the Secretary to the Treasury to fund tho foreign war dc!>ts owing to the United Btatos.
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  • 46 9 BruTEß's Service. London, Oclobrr 26. Karachi The trial h.T: opened of tfn Ali Brotlu-is arA five others. Tin- l'ul)!i-j Prosecutor requested that the chargo be, BSMaded to the effect that the accused' had been mgaged in a criminal conspiracy to reduce Musulmnn soldiers.
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  • 42 9 lUt-tir's Sebvici. Loadoa, (Jctobcr 26. A New Tech tv-l-'gram .states that a fifteen to twenty million dollar loan to China is being considered by an American group. Tht CUaese Consortium purposes BMOtSBSj the maturities falling due on November 1.
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  • 31 9 Reutm's Sxrvici. London, October 26. Budapest The Government his donianded that Karl must formally abdicate and surrender to the British authorities. London, October 26. Lille The textile strike has terminated.
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  • 153 9 Proposals for New Form Of Combination. Rkutek's Service. London, October 20. A meeting under the auspices of the Rubbrr Shareholders Association was heldl in Lond-.n. Mr. Zorn, the Chairman, explained that the Association's scheme! for the rcatody >,f the difficulties of t!i"| rubber market included the fom-.ation. of
    153 words
  • 56 9 Rinu's Sibvici. London, October 26. In the lloujc of Commons Mr. G. Bit wart asked a qsjestioa with regard to 1 the earrytag off of the Rev. Mr. Parker byj Chines? brigands. Mr. Harmsworth ropUad that the Fi rripn OiTico had received no reports from China in this
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  • 86 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) j Kuala Lumpur. October 28. The Hon. Mr. J. F. Owen is reported to have been appointed to succeed Captain C. W. Parr as Resident of Pahar.g, when the latter goes to Perak at the end of tlv current month. Mrs> G. Maxwell,
    86 words
  • 49 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pcnanjr, October 27. Mr. Justice Whitley awarded $000 daiMgas ana costs against the Kv/ong Wah Yit Poh Press Ltd. for in an fiction for libel brought by Cheah Seh Lim ns regards an article in tho paper's issue in Chinese on April 10.
    49 words
  • 309 9 Market Quieter and Decline In Prices. Thr <«*"l auction .>f tho Singapore (homber of Commerce Rubber Ayr.eriation was held on October 20, when there catalog—d 1,549.466 !bs., tors r,yi 70 offered 1.4U.128 lb«., tons H3L3I solfi 1,176,180 lb:<., tons 52.">.08. PRICES KEALISED. Rihhrd Smoked Shert Cent 3
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  • 1837 9 Very Wet Weather for Second Day. Rain And then more rain. This was the great feature of the racing yesterday, tho second day of tho Singapore Sporting Club's autumn meeting. After heavy showers in the morning ii seemed to have cleared up nbout an hour before the programme
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  • 52 9 The owners of open cast sataaa in the Kanching Valley, Selangor, have, it is said, been notified that they must have lampan licenses to continue working with j.rnvrl pumps. As it is well-known that all lampanning is to be stopped in Selungor they arc naturally rather alarmed, says the Times
    The Times  -  52 words
  • 1502 9 Effects of the General Trade Depression. The -eighth annual general meeting of, the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company 1-A Malacca Street, Singapore, yesterday at noon. There wrr« present Messrs. Tan Kheam Hock (chairman), See Teong Wah, Ong Soon
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  • 46 10 Aneta Service. U 1 Itevreiien, October 27. A fatal accident occurred to-day at the Sockamiskin flring ground, near Ban ioeng The Dutch pilot Capt. van Hour I ivaflying a new Havillaad machine aiul eßßaked from a height of 200 metres. Death was instantaneous.
    46 words
  • 40 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hoagkoafe October L'^. Lord Xorthclitre, intcrvitwed in Canton expressed the opinion that the influcntt of Japan would be sufficient to div?rt ChiriJ from a ntraightforward "attempt to state a case at the Washington Conference.
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  • 151 10 A Claim Over Non Acceptance I pheld. rday, in the Supreme Court. Mr, t-Lennard delivered jutlgment tn the action brought by M«asrs, William Jacks and < oropstny against Mr. Tun K' 1 i c bian Wr damages anriunting to $7,;.r,n from the latter for non aceeptaare of
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  • 71 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily KepoM. niHM.niH). Octobi-r 28. Silver 40. Hongkong ii"J p.c. prom. Three months gold is. Market.— Hull. Rubb -r-.— Small enquiry, little bm.ini'ss passing-. TtaM Tkipinca 1.0-"-..-1.07'j, Norths Li:.-!. ;n, Sontiu 67% 82Vi eente, Batatqi !'adnn,-s r)7 _--t',l) n-r.K. Kawiiiu rmt>. Pip. in- N:i\vnpr
    71 words
  • 31 10 Th' finals of the Singapore Boy Scouts inter troop spottS! be held to-morrow aftiinoon on the Ratrli s Institution round, at 1 p.m. A cordial invitation is given to all.
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  • 54 10 Th Gove nnunt of Jamaica is raising if £350,606 ior the eHttniito >>f t K p iii und Ha iu.pri vc 'th mpply. Included in the rater setWM i: fhe i tioti «f du'ies t> ini'ioui.d the wafer «w] tenting nnd hydro-elactrtc opei ki the uiwn iga w nrl street
    54 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 471 10 A Johore Bahru correspondent writes A team captained by Mr. Shcehan of Muar, who in at present acting as Post-Ttuwter-Onerßl o« Jfthore, met a. picked team of Johore Bahru in a friendly game of soccer on the Padunjr at 5 p.m. sharp on Wednesday—which was a public
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    • 81 10 Mr. C. E. Rooke. of Kuala Lumpur, on behalf of Chin Kirn and Gopalswamy, is challenging the two boxers who beat them in Singapore to fight eight 2 mm. rounds. The Selangor men admit the lattrr's righr to the flyweight and bantamweight championships respectively of the Straits,
      81 words
    • 50 10 A Reuter wire of the 2Cth inst. giv:s the result of the Cambridgeshire as follows 1. Milenko. 2- Leighton. Franklin. Won by a short head, half a length between second and third. Twenty-four ran. Betting 100 to 7 the winner, 6C to 1 Leighton, 2 to 1 Franklin.
      50 words
    • 36 10 The Odelt Cup will be raced for on Sunday morning by the big class. Club Course, :>',2 hours limit. Bredenberg handicaps. Start 10 o'clock. The smnll class will race for the VicoCommodore's Cup.
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    • 32 10 The Swimming Club's annual long dis'.anee race, from the club to Seavieiv Pier, will be held on Sunday morning. The V.M.C.A. swimming pool will be closed to-day and to-morrow for denting.
      32 words
    • 156 10 f!y the courtesy of Messrs. Pathe FVeres the representatives of the Press and a few others w?re, yesterday, invitjd to see a private exhibition of the film ttken by the firm illustrating the finals of the Straits and F.M.S. boxing championships. All the finalists are seen in
      156 words
    • 162 10 A variety entertainment and gymnastic display under the auspices of the St. Joseph. Old Pays' Association will be given at the Palladium on November and I respectively. The chief item on the programme will bo a sword-swinging display by Corporal Ilarsby. Tickets will be 92.. Rio,
      162 words
  • 975 10 A Reorganisation of Company Probable. The eleventh annunl general meeting of the Cheng Rubber Kstntes, Limited, whs held at Shanghai on October 14. Dr. R. S. Ivy president fttid was supported by Messrs. A. K. Craddock ntid A. .1. Welch (DireetoTs) and C. .1. L. Stewart representing
    975 words
  • 66 10 Thi' Oaiety's programme this week is tin excellent one. The main feature i IVa 'llinc at Eleven a special Vitauraph Production with Corrinne Griffith, Maurkr Costoi'o and Alice Calhoun. The addi->l attractions are Episod** 11 hiiil 12 of a Thun<lerbnlt .Ind: Serial. "The C»barrt" in 5 pwts and Tcosiea Bin)
    66 words
    • 116 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I urg? the laying of a main pipe at Lorong 25A, as the place is now, crowded and everyone of us has to, depend upon the tukang ayer for our; water supply This independent R«itle-! man is never regular
      116 words
    • 349 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, On Sunday morning: last a party of four, of whom two were Indies l?ft the Europe Hotel with a generous hamper and tho intention of spending a promising clay in the open air. By the time we reached our
      349 words
  • 252 10 There wai an appreciative audience at the Victoria Theatre last evening to witness the presentation by the Warwick Comedy Company of Clement Pane's much criticised play A Bill of Divorcement. It was certainly a miserable evening in which to travel t>v wards yet those enthusiasts who
    252 words
  • 112 10 The following cabli' has been rr-ceivedi by the Italian Consul The new attempt by the Hapsburp Created a vivid impression in the Press) <vhich unanimously mjrjjeßts the interven-. tion from the bit: nr.d smnll Entente' Sot-.h' papers point out that this attempt having taker plnce immediately
    112 words
  • 48 10 The local races are certainly getting due attention on the Screen. A special picture by Middle East Films, Ltd,, is now being shown at the Alhaftbru. illustrating all aspects of this popular event. If you are not in one picture then you OOCfei to hn tn linn vnur-
    48 words
  • 1333 10 I As the date set fur the commencement !of the Pacific Conference at Washington i* I drawing nearer, the question as to how the lease of China is to be presented is becoming more, and more insistent. That question mutt bo Itntcd and an->\vcred not only by
    1,333 words
  • 667 10 PER AK COCONUT PLANTATION. Operations During the Fir< Year. Th.> first ordinary general meetii the Coconut Plantations of I'ernk, Lii was held on September 28 at the c 1-4, Great Tower Street, 8.C., Mr ward Lawrence Hamilton (chairman COmpaqy) presiding. Mr. John F. Rutherford (reprc (rig the secretaries, Messrs. Har
    667 words
  • 46 10 Orders for week ending October Friday, 28th'.— Annual Meeting at^| quarters, 5.15 p.m. H Saturday, 2f'th. Sports, Finals, Institution Grounds, 3 p.m. H Sunday, ::Oth. Church Parade Andrcw'K Cathedral. Parade at quarters, 4..'i0 p.m. .sharp. Full Ui^H without staves.
    46 words
  • 44 10 v ta cable from Weltevreden the 2rt;h inst. states thut the total iv -l.ivii cause*! by hubi nic plague July the months 'of .Inly. ■Septembo we-rn 4:::', :rjw and 1.11 pecuvely. Of the latter total 402 o< in Rojoj.ili, 338 in Mal.mir and Salatiga.
    44 words

  • 829 11 "he Trans-Sibci..m Railway To-ci Ln eld rid diatingui P*Her, i ■mI London n his waj erica >sin. He- was la«1 then four v< mc the Miliuk.Mf ;;,,<l Keroasky period. s time be made three i xnths' journey ■n Peking to Prague, travelling front to end of the Trans-Siberian
    829 words
  • 654 11 Merioneth and Bronze Age Relics. d owing to the war. the sixth •oiunic dealing with the investigations and onclustons of the Koyal Commission on Ancient Uonmnentl in Wales (appoints m 1908) has row appeared. Jt is devoted to the County of Merioneth, and i><-nutifully illustrated, well
    654 words
  • 71 11 European Unemployment Fund. List of Butwcriben. Previously acknowledged $100,t>-U.r>ij KW..1." (further contiiiiutidn) inn Total *100,744.f>fl SinsMijoi-i- ftranch Previously scknuw lodged •521.i'.tu.17 Grand Total Singapore subscriptions to <be above Fund should be sent to the Manager, Honekonfr an.l Shanshai Bank. Singapore, who has kindly consented to receive them f>n behalf of
    71 words
  • 64 11 An Iriahaaan, with very '.hkJi htad of i:.i. wai ono day tho oaatM of a ring of Scottiih fanners, both young ari <>l,|, who dttvoortog to crwdk jokos at his Bxpcnae. Why." •■xclainiod one. you'vo a head of hair like a stack of Ivay Oh." returned Put, unruffletl. that's just
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 272 11 JHcarthciatcst Vl| \-tfh* -His WW&3Pk Mastert tftflSdKccortjs in tfe ''JPJ'' V\( W comfort of oar fr/MVsfe'iT* I* Aiuditionßbonn lllW'^SrM S. Montrie M^ CO., LTD. SHUpf Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. jSl&^f The "Aster" ALL-BRITISH LIGHTING SET SELF CONTAINED tj&p SEMI-AUTOMATIC and F > ric«« > J*^ n Application ~dn\J£ SOLE AGENTS William
      272 words
    • 232 11 RAFFLES HOTEL. ARRANGEMENTS FOR AUTUMN RACE WEEK FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. -Tea Dance, 6t07 p m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1921. GRAND PIERROT AND PIERRETTE COSTUME BALL DANCING TILL 1.45 AM. NOTICE Residents snd Diner* will have prior claim to seata in the Ball Room. I I F. A. COOKE, Mu.ical Director.
      232 words

  • 296 12 LONDON EXCHANGE STERLING PRICES SEPT. 28. p., »to«* tr 1 m Exchange Par »r«»h«M« Valua. Company. Price*. Vain* Company. PrteZT September 28 September 28 £1 Anglo-Malay 21/IOVi £1 Linjrffi 28/I^4 £1 Bakap Plantation! 27/6 £1 Lendu £1 Bantcnj? (Selanjor) 20/ £1 Lumut 21/8 £1 Batu Cave*
    296 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 153 12 KIAM KMT COMPANY Have just received a complete range of SIIIPCHANDLERY STORES. UNRIVALLED QUALITY DATE PRICE GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO, LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). Portland Cement /.V CASKS 375 LBS. NETT Telegraphic Address C. M. ALPOIIT, GREENLAND, 9LNGAPORE. Agent* Telephone Xo. 27.-.1. 23-1, Host Quay, Singapore. AI^O AGENTS FOR THE
      153 words
    • 418 12 tis^SftpßfF^ II A H s^a js^k n A M v Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received up to noon on Friday, November 4, 1951. at the Colonial Secretary's OflW, Singapore, the Resident Councillor's Office, Pecan:, end the Resident Councillor's Office, Malacca, from persons
      418 words
    • 156 12 ffw aB Defecta of YJaiea. CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Feflow of the Spectacle Maker*Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Follow of the Institute of Opthalmie Opticians (London) OFHCE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road SINGAPORE DESIRABLE HOUSES (nearing completion) IN BLAIR ROAD, Within easy access of
      156 words
    • 290 12 I FOR PRINCES AND RICH MEN O THE ROYAL YAKU (AXAXIi \<;-\S). This Yakuti or life-giving nectar has prepared from the best, choicest and rii vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful pro of increasing the virie powor and re< all urinary disorders. In fnct, it makes a man. This valuable
      290 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 220 13 Whifeaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. hING VOT* (Incorporate! in England.) "EUXESIS' A Wonderful Preparation ETfk Makinjr it possible for you In tp M. 9\mW\J have without ihe use of aoap, Per K e Tube Water or nrush "EUXESIS" Un Veritable Plaisir -«J P* Rasez vous sans .«*von sans tan jW
      220 words
    • 747 13 MUNICIPAL NOTICE ANNUAL SUPPLIES. Tender:) are invited under the following heads for supplies to the Municipality of Singapore, from January 1, 1922, for one year 1. Labour for feeding crushers at Municipal Stores. 2. Supply of Dressed Granite. 3. Supply of Cmnite to District No. 1. 4. Supply of Granite
      747 words
    • 607 13 The Brand of Confidence 3 lb. Electric Irons 110 230 Volts. REDUCED fr^^^^j^ PRICE 7?™ Bach UNITED ENGINEERS. IJMITED i.,-, i- Me v traiti« S«-'" «in«;apokf. *£> £>+^ Jmw ■'<•■ >< BI.ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Katt«rv Hoad. DO IT NOW It may be a small thing to-day, but it will soon
      607 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1470 14 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE SALE v a v o R xr^^^^ at th r On Mondar, October 31, 1921, at 2.30 p.m. The following Valuable Godown All that piece of freehold land and the spacious Godown with river frontage, known as No. 17, Jiak Kirn Street (off Kirn Seng
      1,470 words
    • 1916 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straita Settlements) HEAD OFFICI Wl. Chester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE S3, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has f29.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British I.i 'e
      1,916 words

  • 861 15 Satisfactory Reduction In Costs. Th? seventh annual general meeting of the Semenyih Rubber Estate, Limited, was i held at the offices of the compuny, 5, Kcnchurch Street, E. C, on, September 26, Mr. E. G. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. A representative of tne secretaries (Messrs.
    861 words
  • 220 15 l-ord Derby on Value Of Memorials. Lord Derby on September 28 unveiled in Victoria Park, Widnes, a war memorial of obelisk type, having round the plinth bronze panels bearing the names of the 818 local men who fell in the war. Mr. A. Henderson, M.P. for the borough,
    220 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 197 15 To Ford, Chevrolet and other Cars Owners DUNLOP 30 x 3H Covers can be obtained from all Garages and Dealers At $37 each THE BEST TYRE OM THE MARKET THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO, C) LTD. (Incorporated in Japan.) (Dunlop House, Robinson Road.) "CEDOS" BRITISH MADE LIGHT-WEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE. TWO-STROKE TWO-SPEED
      197 words
    • 208 15 fjlDEilil I «4rv w£& SrfTTT7 MOT OR A.TITT'Xr.HV HM'V A II JCd fir"winchest« H^.e.| >%.\jr -ElX>l V I > ±_T rJUBOLi Obtainable from all Physiological Laxative. Leading Chemists The only agent that effects the functional dj io of the lnl Une SINGAPORE, MALACCA, KUDKatIOI Ot TMt INTISTI E-JUBOI. 1-iHSa KUALA
      208 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 365 16 SUM KIAT I GO, LTI. M I'hilllp Strew singapoke CRUCIBLES I CRUMBLES I CRUCIBLES 1 1 From Nos. 2« 1«° Manufactured h> I ■OMAN CRUCIBLE <> t ondnn. WONPERFUL ms*.- ROOKEF' 'AfS* greater contributed) Optics than th« >>. Mr William CrooKP», of X-Ray fame, of a gla*« own <W per
      365 words
    • 480 16 TIY GUAM KMT 80, PHILUP STREET fkoo* Not. Ill* and 111* The ••eewwful coottrmctnr (or npptS FIREWOOD AND BASKET* AND BROOMS, ETC. t« the 8i»fapor« »U*lelp«Ut? ewtat the rear 1*11. GLOBE BOILER FLUID. for clearing and p-- «rviuj it»am >oller» of «U type*. Uted t» all factories. <«•■•". !m! and
      480 words
    • 901 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tae PREPAID ckargee far Waata, ft Sale, Te Ut, etc, la crdiaary ri..^ ■-ai (arerage alx vorde to Use) are Per line; one insertion 28 eta., two in> 44 three ics M cts., four ins. 82 eta, fire ins. 11.00. six ins. $1.18, ten ins ll. to, l«em
      901 words
    • 845 16 BOARD AND LODGING FURNISHED, ground floor, Thomson Road, !90. No objection children. Hillside, Straits fimes. WANTED, small furnished Hat in town, :> i 1 nil particulars to T'J3, traits Times. FURNISHED BOOM To LET. 5 minutes From Town, immediate entry Apply 691, -mm* Times il.r. rooms with b»tnronm» htiached anth
      845 words
    • 518 16 ALAMO ELECT IIICITY ACTUAL CAPACITT OF GENERATOR. 50 Twenty Watt L FUEL CONSUMPTION. 1 Tints per Kilowatt-hcur TRICE COMPLBTK. $1,750 A s k to Demon -trn'. i vu ir 6. B. TAVE, Sole Distributor SEASON 1922 The Mtewtaef have uvi irn>.-r! Annuals 1922 Rough Diaries for 1922 Pocket Diaries for
      518 words
    • 347 16 Bellanger The King of French Ohi WITH SILVER KADIATOK AND THE GOLDEN SILENCE. Jusi Arrived Book Early First two Demonstration can are to be sold at Special Trice*. The BEI.I A.NCKK is n c.r of efficiency. my and comfort. No doub' it luxurious Mid the price is within the reach
      347 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 206 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial nnd Genera! 58 Manneer's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matter* and new* should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communication! etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES j Wants, For Sale. To Let, etc., in ordinary i
      206 words