The Straits Times, 25 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2T,,77fi SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 i I^M Pilsener Beer p,;; i; lII^ Guinness's Stout i^gj j i SOLB. AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd. Incorporated in England) bEWARE, Mr. AMATEUR On no account buy Kodak films in the Tropics which are NOT packed in our Tropical Soft Tin. We import films in Tropical Tin Packing only,
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    • 144 1 special purchase: of— GOVERNMENT LINEN Made of Beautiful Texture Pure Irish Flax, width 36 ins. To be cleared at less than HALF the actual cost of Manufacture. SPECIAL CASH PRICE $1.00 per yard The Ideal Strong, Washing Material for making up into LADIES' DRESSES, CHILDREN'S FROCKS, HOYS' WASHING SUITS, GENTLEMEN'S
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    • 5 1 I i i i j
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  • 675 2 Ex-Enemy Right to Sue in Hongkong Disputed. The Van Wa firm, of 233, Quesn's lload. Central, Hungki nn, were suramonul b.fore MT. G. N. Orme, on October 5, at the instance of Messrs. Deacon, Looker, Deacon ar/d Harston, solicitors for Messrs. Jebsen and Company, of the Bund,
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  • 329 2 Five Million Pesos Asked For Improvements, The Manila Times states that 5,125,000 pesos have been requested by the Director of Public Works of the insular Government for the dredging and improvement of the Manila south harbour during the coining year. According to one of the department secretaries, this
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  • 12 2 Heard at Kalii".; WTio rip you Man I am my nephew's ancle-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 418 2 fßhainpiQii 1 Dependable Spark Plugs Choose Your Plugs ■jji^M as Carefully as You jßEfc Chose Your Car— &4JP The same good judgment that caused you to select *^Jif a serviceable motor car CHAMPt6"\ will cause you to demand Champion Dependable Spark Plugs. I^o F^^Hfc I Champion exclusive pat- I m
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    • 523 2 I t£AD BROKE OUT h mm VerynestlessNights. HairFellOut. Cuticura Healed In A Month. "I had tiny lumps come on the back of rr.y head, ar.d the following week they all broke out In sore eruptions of a wet nature. The irritation was so great I waa bound to scratch, and
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    • 156 2 INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, LTD. 193-a, ORCHARD ItOAD. Phone 2617. Overhauls and repairs of every description to all makes of cars and trucks. Painting, upholstering, batteries charged. Separate lock-up garages. NEW CARS ON HIRE. Customers having cars repaired at our works can hire four, seater cars at daily rates. SWINEHART TYRES AND
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  • 581 3 America's Effective Method of Mob Quelling. Bloodshed was necessary to disperse the mob which stormed the courthouse at Lexington a couple of years ago. agreed a dozen editors at that tim-, and the Pittsburgh Sun noted after the rio s in Chicago. Washington, Knoxville and Button
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  • 427 3 Mystery Atom to Solve Heredity Problem. Why does a red-haired child have red hair How is the Bourbon j«w transmitted for hundreds of years from one generation of Bourbons to another Why does some peculiar characteristic of bodily form or of temperament possessed by an ancestor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 0 1868 a 11x5 gassjjaa M^tsaßaßaaaßT 7 \w// Be sure of good tea always Ask tor Brooke Bond tea in the Patent Vacuum Tin. Climatic conditions cannot affect the tea in tins patent tin. Insects cannQt penetrate it. In camp— on shikar when travelling- during the hot weather or the
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    • 361 3 DAISY AIR RIFLES 1 Buy your boy a Daisy Air Kifle so he can learn how to shoot. Daisy Air Rifles are made of the finest tempered steel and lock like hi S h powered huming rifles. They operate by compressed air, not with explosives, and are just the thing
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    • 905 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB Ladies attending the races to-day, 27 and 2!), 1921. are reminded, that admission to the Claud Stand nnd Lawn will be by ticket omy. Ladies' tickets art obtainable through meianers of the Singapore Sporting Club, free, but they must bear the name of the bearqr and the
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    • 827 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tend.-r* will be received at the Offlee ol me Honourable the Colonial Secretary. Straits Btttltawta, up to noon of Monday, November 7, 1921, for the supply of ths undermentioned materials for manufacture! to the Singapore Prison during the y»ar 1921. 1. Fine white rattnn No. 1 (I.untee axport)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 696 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.-British India AND Apcar Line (•"oirpssir" lacea.pota.tea 1 I. Kagtead' MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICB* PKNINSULAR AND OKIKNTAL S. N. CO. I ndor Contract with Hi- Majesty* GoTernmenti rke v •a.i.-.;. HAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at presom .asaekdea I ONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FUOM LU.MJON I TO
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    • 381 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. K. TUB OSAKA SHOfIEN KAISHA LTD. Incorporated la Japan) I Ne. f. Da Keasa Street. i i Propeaea Salllag from Sln*ap»re fSnbjeet to change without nottee) r»:ROP».AS I.INU Fw Pert Ma >ai«un»| i«h«, Amtwar*. a»e»»r«tjßi aad Haavharf arr. dep. 'AMAZON MARU Nov. 16 Not. 18 j
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    • 462 4 STEiIIEH SaiUNgf DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ Grace Dollar LOADING NOVEMBER 3. 1 Throogb Ullli uf Ltalof ■aaaxd fros> Singapore to the Prineipsl CHtas of xb» United States and Canadt j For further Information as to Batei. <v., apply «<■ THaT ROBERT OOLLAR CO. No 117-121. Wsrkrt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 STEAMER SAILINGS HaWNXLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU (JtOYAL PACHTT NATICATION CO, OF BATATU) (Lieorporated In Holland) aiavaeae Noa. Pastas* Daat 1»L Pralckt Dept. IIM, Marine Dept. a»* TrmMklyaat Dept Itt7. Kaaajer-i De»k IMt. OKDCT CONTRACT WITH THI NITnrR' ANDSINDI^ OOVCBNiOEirT C. l)Ai:Mii:i.S Detebat M, Maalah anj l'alcmbang. SINdKEP-- October 26, Ton(?kal, Moeara-Knba
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    • 297 5 STEAWEa SAiUHSS STRAITS-AUSTRALIA-SERVICE Or l'H K P. M. (KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPY). REGULAR MONTHLY taQinga from Singapore to Sydney and Melbourne direct by the up-to-date passenger iteatnera HOUTMAN and "ROGGEVEEN."* PASSENGERS and CARGO can now be buuked from Singapore to Sydney and Melbourne WITHOUT TRANSHIPMENT. HOUTMAN (first and second cla: s)
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    • 323 5 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURB3 PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin,' Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Straits, also with tmnshipmnt to other Victorian, South Australian ond North Queensland Ports, British New Guinea. New Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MON'TOP.O, 4.057
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    • 258 5 STEAMER SAILSMGS THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, LTD. (Ttrnrporattd is rha United Kingdom) POI CHINA AND JAPAN BENVENUE early Nov. Na Paaae«g«r Areomiu'x(atlii>. PATERSON, SIMONS ft CO., LIMITED (lacorporatad in Cnfiaaa). ■afasst* TUE BUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LIMITED. (Incorporated in SUat) SINGAPORE &AKCBCOJi. For Kretay, Trengganu, Ke'.aLtan, E«ng nara, Telupin, Ps,tan<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 514 6 CINEMAS Liberty HALL, LIMITED North Bridge Road The Becnnd Slum at 9.1', p.m. BDDIK I'OLO and COBINNIi PORTKR la Universal'" socaaoci Mrlal Maaatkai KING OF THE CIRCUS Episode 16. THE WOMAN IN BLACK 3 Parts Epi»o«J« 16. THE ORADLEOF DE&TH 2 Parts All Dg v.i'h African I'ilm Production 6 acts
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    • 259 6 ENTERTAINMENTS Fri<lny, October 2ft, OfMtd Opening Night! of that Tropical Play THK VraXDBfcfTJL TRUNKS. m Book your «o.its now Tft Mlllllt I STAR OPERA MF-IllUlll AT THE THEATRE ROYAL Korth Bridge Road To-night To-mlf ht 1 1 VICTORIA THEATRE WINTER'S TALE K. H. CHEONG, ProprlaUr. Y. I- TAN. Kbugcr.
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    • 40 6 ML SPECIAL LINES i Window Envelopes BJx3j| SIO.OO per 1000. Commercial Manilla 6x3| $6.00 per 1000. Lion Manilla (Tissued) 6x3] $7.00 per 1000. Crown Envelopes i Suitable for Private Correspondence s|x3i %9 per 1000. RIGKARn Prompt Printers SINGAPORE U 'sMasaasaSsSca^saasassMssWSaawssaMßsawsaa
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  • 195 7 FIXTORU Tuesday, October 23. liu'h Water, -I 40 a.m., 4.8 p.m. day Autumn Rtc.s. ThnL'lin Club, at home, f.30 p.m. The circle. Vie. Theatre, 9.16. \\cdm«Uy. October 24 HiKh Wnter, fi.23 a.m., C.44 p.m. Rent Hoard, 2.10 I'olo, iali tv r, 4JO. Vprei Hall, Tonglin' Uarrack*.
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  • 148 7 FINANCE AND COM MERCE HICHANGB Singapore, October BS. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2 '4 3/16 Demand 2/3 15/1 C Private 3 in. credits 2; 4 15/33 Oa New York Demand 45 Private 90 days 48 On France Bank 665 On India, Hank T. T. 184 On Honjfkonp, Bank dAI
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  • 61 7 Tone of Mar kit Sti-ady. Spot Nov. Nov.-lW. Jan. -March April-June I Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices I Buyers Sellers Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Claming Prices Buyer* Sellen Spot 32% H November :t:S Va M November-December VA :<4H Januuiy-March StM :i»l April-Junr
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    • 184 7 ibs. Val. Pd. Bayer*. Scll«.i 1 1 Ayer Wen* 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.30 1.40 1 1 JeUntoh 0.40 0.60 H 11 Kam. Kamunting 1.12.6 1.16.0 1U 10 hinta Assoc. 6.00 II n Lahat Minea 5 o Lingui Tin 1.25 5.75 10 10 Malayan Coll. 12.00 13.00 1
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    • 132 7 Va.\. Pd. Bvycn. Seller*. fl £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 2.15.0 3.5.0 10 10 Central Engines 15.00 16.00 10 10 Central Motors 3.00 3.60 El £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.00 6.30 >/- 6/- Electric T'ways 2/6 10 10 PnMt Neaves 27.50 28.50 xd. j0 .".0 W. Hammer Co. 70 80
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    • 98 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 pmr Spore Electric Tramways, 5 i>.c. £350.000 Spore Municipal 5 px. 91,876,000 B'pore Mun. I' 4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 Spore Mun. 4% pc. of 1909 $1,600^00 Spore Mun. 4tt pc. of 1909 $1,500,000 5 p.c p.m. BOM 10 p*. dia. 10 px. dia.
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  • 366 7 Frmser and Co. and Lyap «o4 Bvatt'a Qaotatteaua. Latest available Sterling Quotation* are printed oa wretlw pat* oa Friday. Mm Co. Allenby (SI) 0.10 0.20 Aior Gajah ($1) 0.90 1.00 A. HlUm ($5) 7.00 8.00 Am. Mulay (*2) 1.00 \M A. Kuuinir Hi, LXXi A. MoiM (tl) 1.04
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    • 74 7 hat WTirf Baatn-Nil. laM Uharf J.ypor... Tee^ta. Shecri Wharf Nil. Vl:iin W iarf China. Koolt Sanu. Empire Dark city oi Adelaide. We*l l.arl Uontore. Hebe. Jardinet Wharf-Nil, l'olo Bmni Coal Wharf—NlL Keppel Harbear. Mjlii 'Vliarf Dtieefat, Artemis, Abella. 'eordi r. Coal Wiarf-Nil. VeeseU ia Dry Deck.
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    • 126 7 BRIGGAME, I in... l,;u;t tons, fi-um Saigoii JJ-10. in ■aneiUea 24-IU. < II V UK ADKLAIDE, Brit., 4,178 tont, from J-10. for China 26-10. I.AN McKENEIE. Brit., 4,141 tona, from ;-in. for Sibu 24-10. i -uiiK SANG, Hrit., I.US 7 ton«, from Caldutta 24-10, fo' H'int;koii>; 20-10. <:i\N(;
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  • 203 7 Te-4ay i:»i,i'r:ont;, Shi.nt-hai and Japan 3 p.m. Malacca and Muar 1 pjn. unii San Francisco :t p.m. Htla p.m: Wednesday Woeara-Saba and Djambi 9 a.m. i iuiiukii and BamaOlH a a.m. I. Samba, Mantok and I'alvmbang 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Nclnt Pandjang, l.i'ngkalit and Ilagao 1 p.m
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  • 29 7 (Oiflrl.l Hurt oft Sins* pore •i.ber K September 1:1 S«ptomb«r 16 September It September M Arrlrwi ImAom Hctober 8 October 10 October 10 October 1« October
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  • 158 7 A certain Indian policeman stationed at Ti mini has be.'ii blinded in both eyvs by make statea tht- LSritish North Borneo Jli-iuld of the Ist in»t. It goes on to say the policeman comes of a snake charming Indian family aßil enjoys reputation among hia fellows for his skilful manipulation
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 635 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS UOI.TKR'S f..r Ji.-.u-h. Knjdi.',, Prtnch and American MUMCM. WANTED TO Bl'Y, n uniHll freehold property. house ami land, close to Town. Apply 7HB, Straits Time*. FOR SALE. 4 h.p. nW HudsfnTwith nldTcar. Excellent condition. $S5O or nearest H*ply H- Buncalow, Tanjrlin Barracks. TVRKS SALESMAN, wanted Immediately capable Chinese
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    • 112 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE IHM KOR FIREWOOD. Tenders aiv invited by the Municipal Comlaiaaleaera <f Singapore, for the supply of .liikau Firewood to the Pumping .Station, Mackenzie Road and the Municipal Stores, Itivvr Valley ltoad. Tinih n may be 3ubmilU>d for ono year or two year period*, commencing January I, HO. Sp>-ciliration
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    • 173 7 NEW FRENCH LOAN "CREDIT NATIONAL 6 PER CENT. 1921" (Pur Ke<on»l ruction of Uevastated (ountritu In France). Issue of Francs .1,000,000,000 Bonds bearing interest at 0 per cent, per annum payaulu half yaarly on May 1 and Norember 1IVee of Income Tax or other duties in r*rancc. I'rice of luiue
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    • 286 7 A USEFUL ARTICLE AT BARGAIN j TRICE. LAC Oil An oil with wonderful drying properties. Eminently suited for use as a varnish and an anti-corrosive for metals, excellent for use in the treatment of wound* in rubber trees. No more rusty mudguards when Lac Oil is used. Obtainable at SOON
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  • 23 8 AHKA.MS. On October 22, 1921, at Slough, Kn-riunil. Edith Mary Abrams, the beloved wife of Charles W. Abrams of Singapore (By cable).
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  • 1168 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 HOPE FOR RUBBER. The Secretary of State docs not seem to place much reliance on our Trade Commission, and has nominated a committee, with Sir James Stevenson as Chairman, to report upon the condition of the rubber industry in the British Colonies. It would
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  • 30 8 The Rubber Age says it is reported that the Russian Government will shortly make arrangements to import rubber in large luantities to fill its very pressing demands for rubber goods.
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  • 32 8 Seventeen King's Bench judges, responding to an appeal by Lord Birkenhead, have forgone a week of their holiday to meet the pressure of cases awaiting trial and resumed work on October 5.
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  • 37 8 It has been reported from Geneva that a lieutenant in the army has invented a noiseless rifle, which has passed the Swiss military tests, and that he expects to be able to apply the invention to cannon.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money order* for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 162 to HOD. Tho rate of payment of money orders from India and Ceylon :s Its. 17:1 to $100.
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  • 27 8 The following telegram has been received from Rome, dated October 22 noon Exchange on London Lires 99.30 per sterling Italian War Loan five per cent. Lires 7G.03.
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  • 27 8 A prospectus, giving particulars rogarding the Welsh National Exhibition t be held at Cardiff in 1922, has been placed on the Press Table in the Colonial Secretariat.
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  • 42 8 Magistrates have granted numerous applications under the new Licensing Act to enable hotels to serve liquor with suppers until midnight Nearly all of the leading hotels, especially those in the Wfcst End, are preparing to return to London's pre-war era of gaiety.
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  • 46 8 Theodore Georgaeopoulis was, on October 13, in the Shanghai International Mixed Court found guilty of murderin? his wife and sentenced to fourteen years' imprisonment. A plea of insanity was not acc>.-pted. The accused was addicted to morphia and was referred to as being a mental degenerate.
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  • 64 8 Reduction of personnel seems to be the rule in American rubber factories. The Firestone Company claims to be makinff 28,000 tyres a day with 50 per cent, of the number of employee engaged in similar production in 1920. Akron reports state that the factories in that great centre of rubber
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  • 57 8 The Mercantile Marine Service Asso:iation. representing officers, is negotiating with the shipowners with reference to the latter's proposal to abolish the uffieers' overtime, to reduce wages on the weekly vessels, and to revise the erms of the annual leave. The association's officials say that unemployment is serious, and that many
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  • 73 8 Major-Ckneral Sir W. S. Brancker, in the course of a lecture, foretold another war in five years' time, starting with sudden aerial attack, without a formal leclaration. Major-General Sir W. S. Brancker served in India in Artillery and various staff appointments, 1903-12. He lew first as military observer in India
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  • 76 8 The Tanje-rang (Java) military, acting jn information furnished by the assistant Magistrate of Tjin Karang, in the Benda •Hstrict, succeeded in capturing a band of <0 gang robbers, several of whom weirknown and long wtnted by the police. A quantity of clandestine revolvers, in■iuriing several Brownings, were captured. The local
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  • 86 8 A man named Hall, alias James, a self-styled landowner, was charged n Cardiff with fraud involving, the sum it £40,000. It is allegiKl that Hall ran a turf syndicate prom:sing to investors interest at Uu rate of 12 per cent, weekly. Money pourec l in in thousands. The clients received
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  • 87 8 Mohamed Samin, President of the Local Sarikat Islam Society and a Committee Member of the Central Sarikat Islam Mohamvd Joenoes, President of the Cauffeurs Union and Mohamed Idiham, President of the Indian Shopkeepers' Association and also a member of the Comnositors' Union, and of the Sarikat Provident Society and the
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  • 104 8 At the general meeting of shareholders of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha held at Tokio recently a dividend of 8 per cent, was leclared. Reporting on the conditions of business during the past six months alluding to the depression of the ship>ing situation, Mr. Asano, President of the Company, in
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  • 100 8 A London wire \>i October 6 states The October heat wave, in defiance of the almanac and the threatened Atlantic depression, continues unabated. After a torrid night Londoners gasped in a shade temperature at noon four degrees above yesterday's and 84 was reached in the afternoon. These records arc unprecedented
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  • 113 8 A correspondent writes to the Straits Echo A few days ago one of the firry boats plying between Penang and Butterworth encountered exceptionally bad weather shortly after leaving the jetty and the rain was so extremely heavy that the captain could hardly see ahead. \ot having a mariner's compass on
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  • 522 8 Alor Star and Sungei Patani are going to haye 1 electric lighting on Christmas Day. Dr. Noel Clarke is proc<?e<liiur this week to the l-'.M.S. for a short period in order to recuperate after his recent serious illness. Mr. J. B. Harrop, the well-known Sitiawan planter, will
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  • 106 8 On the arrival of the Ellerman and Bucknall liner Katuivi in port from home yesterday 12 of the Bengali crew refused to work. That was at 7 a.m. At 11 o'clock there were all paraded by the master of the vessel, end again refused, with the
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  • 117 8 The Chief Judicial Commissioner, the Hon. Mr. Justice L. M. Wooh^l'H. in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on M -ti-j'ty delivered his judment in the summon* for the construction of v clause in the will of the late Loke Yew," heard before him some time ago.
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  • 114 8 The Times, in a leader Welcomes th« intelligence that there is a possible rout* 1 to Mount Everest. The journal points out that the expedition has now accomplished everything that it was hoped to achieve this year. Coming almost at thy eleventh hour of the climbing season,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 308 8 Presents *>« Friends Home MANILA CIGARS I ROM LONDON STOCKS. The rdbwiac prices include HOME DUTY POSTAGE and PACKING and are NETT. I A PERLA DEL OIMKNTE. LA INSULA. Pirlmol nctt. l'er box of nett. N.P.U.I ">° $23.50 Ferfbetoi ..25 $9.2". tha iii.t lUS liouquots ..25 :>.7."> !:,> ..100 20.00
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    • 146 8 ALHAMBRA B«ack Boat G I'M. JUST A WIFE C Pts. Topical Budget M. Prince Comedy Mid Harry Pollard Comedy I Pis. EVERYBODY'S GIRL S PU. And other Intereatiag Comedy. MARLBOROUGH Beach Road. THE CLUTCH OF CIRCUMSTANCE 6 Parts Featuring Corlnne Griffith Fint Bbow DAREDEVIL JACK l'pi>ode. .2, 13 and 14
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  • 1007 9 Grave Report on Hungarian Situation. Action Taken by Ambassadors Conference. Bkuteb's Service. London, October 23. Budapest Martial law has been declared in the city. The Government is becoming master of the situation and has decided to take energetic action to end Karl's adventure. It is simi-oflicially stated that
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  • 165 9 Renter's Service. Paris, October 22. In the course of a speech in the Chamber yesterday M. Briand stated that France and Turkey had came to an agreement which had just been ratified by the Turkish Parliament. According to L'Echo de Paris, Cilicia is to be evacuated by
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  • 99 9 Seuteb's Sebviol London, October 23. Lisbon, The British warship Calypso has arrived. The whole country is quiet. London, October 23. Mail rul News from Lisbon states that the revolutionary movement in Lisbon is directed by Colonel Are, commanding theinsurgent troops. The revolutionaries have liberated Corta, the murderer of
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  • 167 9 Mr. Churchill Appoints New Committee. Local Men Invited to Serve. Reuter's Service. London, October 23. Mr. Winston Churchill has appointed a committee, under the chairmanship of Sir James Stevenson, inclii'iing a number of prominent representatives of the rubber interests, for the purpose of investigating the present rubber
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  • 175 9 Renter's Service. London, October 23. Pretoria General Smuts, in a speech, referring to the composition of the Empire- delegation to Washington, said he .gathered from the press that the Dominions were not invited to the Conference He added that if ths Pacific Dominions attended without direct invitation from
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  • 112 9 Reuttb'b Slavics. London, October 24. Referring to the Japanese reply to China's Shantung note, the Times refrains from discussing the Japanese arguments on the ground that China, from the point of view of international relations, is largely a fiction in its present divided state, also because it
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  • 53 9 Kn Tin's Service. London, October 23. Paris Seven arrests have been made in connection with the bomb outrage, including a waitress, named Linthault, who is suspected of throwing the bomb, of which a similar one exploded in the house of the American Ambassador. The bomb is believed to be
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  • 45 9 REUTER'S StSVICE. London, October 24. Rotterdam A lifeboat capsized in endeavouring to save the crew of a lighter aground on the rocks. It is feared that the crew of the lifeboat was drowned except one man who managed to climb on lhe hi"-
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  • 176 9 Herr Wirth Reconstructs His Cabinet. Raima's Slavic*. London, October 23. Paris News from Berlin states that Herr Wirth has agreed to reconstruct the Cabinet on the same basis as at present. London, October 23. Paris The Conference of Ambassadors meets on October 24 to discuss the developments of
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  • 100 9 Rkiteb's Service. London, October 23. Chicago Trainmen on the Great Northern Railroad in Texa> have struck. Numerically they are insignificant, but it indicates a total disregard of the Labour Board's plan of settlement. WhiUr railway telegraphists voted in favour of a strike on October 30, the Shop
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  • 50 9 Bicteb's Slavics. London, October 23. The Observer learns that Kenya is about to raise a loan, probably of five millions sterling, in England for public works. A further 10 to 12 millions will be raised in the next few months by other Crown Colonies for development works.
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  • 31 9 Reutxb'B Service. London, October 13. Constantinople By the Franco- Kemnlist agreement, France undertakes to support the Turkish claims to Thrace and Smyrna in return for preferential commcrical treatment.
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  • 20 9 Raima's Service. London, October 24. Madra- The mill strike has ended and the strikers have surrendered unconditionally.
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  • 122 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 24. At the Rahman Hydraulic Tin. Company's annual meeting, Mr. G. N. Saye, presiding, said that the total output for the year was 2,488 piculs, compared, with 3,272 piculs for the previous year. The average price realised was $72.18 compared with
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  • 62 9 (From Our Own Corresponded.) Kuala Lumpur, October 25. The introduction of an income tax in the F.M.S- is freely discussed here, and from what the chairman of the Sanitary Board and several members stated at the last meeting of the board such a tax
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  • 163 9 Selections for To«day's Events. Upsets of form arc possible this afternoon, when the Singapore Sporting Club autumn meeting will bpjrin. The shower this morning is likely to make the top of the course very mushy, and it will not be so much a question of good going or
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  • 242 9 Two Interrogations of Public Interest. At the ordinary monthly meeting of the Municipal Commission to lx> held on Friday, there are two questions, the answers to which will be awaited with interest. Mr. E. A. Brown will ask "In view of the remarks passed by the Magistrate and
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  • 259 9 Mystery Unravelled al Serdang Station. The mysterious disappearance of culprits after cutting F.M.S. Railway telegraph wires necessitating the delay of many an important message for Mass hours has at last been solved by the Railway Police, who were working tooth and nail to get at the real
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  • 1229 9 Good Example of Advantages Of Amalgamation. Tho annual general meeting of Brunei United Plantations, Limited, was held at the registered offices of the company, French Bank building, yesterday under .tho chairmanship of Mr. W. A. Sims. The others present witc tho Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt, 0.8.E..
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  • Sporting News and Notes
    • 589 10 The Matches for the Macdougall Cup. The opening matches of the Race Week polo, those for the Mi.cdougall Cup, were played, off on the Balestier ground yesterday afternoon before a large number of spectators, who included Lady Guillemard. The condition* wen three fi-minutes chukll ham being allowed 6 ponies.
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    • 737 10 Yesterday's play in the S.C.C. Tennis Tournament resulted a? follows A Doubles. V.'. I>. YUsri and J. I'tirniar!., ?cr. v. K. \V. Sinclair and J. Donaldson, SOT. (unfinished.) It. K. Prentis and E. C. Milligi.n. owe 1 beat C. E. Winter and W. A. Wilson, scr. 6—l,
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    • 211 10 The following is the result of the match. Garrison Golf Club v. Sepoy Lines Gcif Club, played last Sunday. The Sepoy Lines members are mentioned first, J. D. Hall and Capt. Cumming, 1 v. F. S. Gibson and J. M. Sime 0. R. MacPhail and P. McKerron. 0 v.
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    • 25 10 A friendly game of soccer between S.C.C. II and S.R.C. II on the padang yesterday resulted in victory f i S.C.< II by 2—l.
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    • 49 10 The S.C.C. who will W« t meet th" A. P. C. tn-moirow. Tin- former team wUI be F. H. La Mothe ;A. K. Laybourne, E. B. Laybourne T. H. Holyoak, C. J. Hewitt, C. Graham Brown R. E. Prentis, Lt. Elliot, T. Turnbull, P. C. Stocks. F. Ruchwaldy.
      49 words
    • 78 10 The first match in the Southern section of the Rugby Malaya Cup competition will be played at Malacca on Saturday, October 21), when Malacca will oppos* Sembilan. The Malacca Uam will be as follows Stewart Gooiibody, Murphy, Adams Lander. Morrison Black, Bridge, Planer, Heybittlc, .Mann. Smith, Sykes.
      78 words
  • 216 10 From Java news is to hand that the Russian Light Opera and Operetta Company will pay a visit to Singapore j and open, at the victoria Theatre ember 4. Included in their repertoire are several well known and popular musical operas which have proved always to
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  • 24 10 Rallies Hutei advertise their arramr'nients for the autumn race week, drawing special attention to the pierrot and ]>iei ette costume ball on Saturday next.
    24 words
    • 427 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— ln the judgment delivered in the eai i of < how Moon v. hop Sa,n <i Urn, as reported in your Issue of October 21, I read the following sentence: 1; may be that in the Bast, where an overwhelming majority
      427 words
  • 472 10 Plaintiff's Statements Under CrossExamination. At the remaned hearing of the Perera Parsons case at Kuala Lumpur, on October I.M plaintiff, cross-examined 1»y Mr. Hastings, said he went to Mesopotamia in April, 1018, and served as a marine engineer up to the end of UM war when
    472 words
  • 370 10 How Festival Was Kept In Shanghai. Chinese National Day celebrations in Shanghai were conducted with greater than usual pomp. Judging from the in which the day was celebrated, the citizens were determined to show that they at least were united regardjess of the- political differences which exist
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  • 393 10 Successful Opening Performance Last Night. The Warwick Comedy Company, paying a welcome return visit with new plays, opened at the Victoria Theatre last Bight audience watched Lady Arthur. comedy, Brown Susar, and enjoy-: it. Coming out after ;he performance, 1 the comments one heard were not of
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  • 34 10 The case of Captain Herring *JBs rationed before Mr. Hull, second magis- < trate yesterday and his worship expressed his willingness to the withdrawal of the BS soon as the captain filed his bankruptcy petition.
    34 words
  • 41 10 A two sealer car, owtn-d by Mr. F. J. Atkins, knock. cl down a Sikh polite man in Selegie Road last evening while he was following a Hindu procession. The iuiuied limb of the law was removed t" hospital for treatment.
    41 words
  • 317 10 The health statement issued by the! Chief Health Officer, Dr. J. A. R. Glennie, for the week ending October 15 nhows that though the death rate. 43,97, was less than that, -14.12, of the preceding week it was considerably in excess of the 33.06 of the corresponding
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  • 462 10 The San Francisco Chamber Of Commerce Excursion. The Paetfic Mail Ntwims hip Company a liner Empire State will arrive at Sings- pore on »ovember v ll. She has on board: the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce excursion party comprising 140 person among whom are the following Mr.
    462 words
  • 204 10 Sets to Commemorate The Sexcentenary. The Italian Minister of Posts, at th instigation of the Societa Nazionale Dame Alighieri, haf authorised the ii 400,000 sets of Dante Centenary stamps. The stamps have been prepared in thr< c striking designs, one for each value, i the eminent Roman artist,
    204 words
  • 241 10 Japanese God Punishes An Unpopular Landlord. The gods of old Ja .an have taken hand in the agitation ugainst profiteering landlords. At the annual festival of the Haguro Shrine, in Shimodate, Japan, SCO! young men were carrying the shrine through the street. The god inside the ark
    241 words
  • 25 10 The management of Raffles Hotel beg to remind their patrons that the hotel or cbestra will play dvrmej Ltinch to-morrow, and on Friduy as usual.
    25 words
  • 1744 10 Differences on the Shantung Question. The Consul pore, forward eeived from the Foi ;:n the tion. W in full I. 1 Ministi r September pi kject i 1 ily into I October ■> la I hina retui h is anni xed Japanese Qovernmen ion following Memorandum I
    1,744 words

  • 759 11 The Grave Liability of Machine Owners. A lepal correspondent of the Morning Po«t writes as follows The fining of a well-knowh airman at '.'roydon for offences against the Aerial Navigation Regulations of 1919, including that of flying without a licence as a pilot, :s a reminder
    759 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 124 11 HcartficLatcst ™'l|l^P|^ 44 His Wwm^h Voice" wWwjftlk Records in tfic I^^*.vk if Audition Rooms fF^^^fe^ S. woutric M^R CO., LTD. f|M jffiy Raffles Place, Hfc^^B! SINGAPDRE. $$W r'T Value Must Justify Your Choice therefore: buy a "OLYNO" WE CARRY STOCKS OF SPARE PARTS SOLE AGENTS: William Jacks Co. SINGAPORE: What
      124 words
    • 433 11 RAFFLES HOTEL. *.t I 1 ARRANGEMENTS FOR AUTUMN RACE WEEK TUESDAY, OCTOBIR 25, -Spiciml Tiffin and Dinner. Dancing aftejp Dinner. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT, 8.4S p.m. by Raf Ma* Orchettra. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 97.- Special Tiffin and So«cial Dinnsr. Guest Night and Dancing. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28. -Tea Dane*, B to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 469 12 KIAM KIAT COMPANY Have just received a complete range of SHIPCHANDLERY STORES. UNRIVALLED QUALITY DATE PRICE When You Need A New Battery BUY "EXIDE" "EXIDE" Starting and Lighting Batteries for all makes of Cars. Adamson. Gilfillan Co., Ltd. (Incorjx. rated in En^and.) SINGAPORE. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION T>iAir< \.ill be iweafoad up
      469 words
    • 691 12 SALES BY AUCTION IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TBE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF MALACCA. Ia the Matter of the Estate of CHUA TIANG THAI, DECEASED IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable freehold lands and hous* situate in the town and Settlement of Malacca. At our (ale-room, No. 73, Riverside Malacca, on
      691 words
    • 789 12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE ANNUAL SUPPLIES. Tenders are invited under the following heads for supplies to the Municipality of Singapore, from January 1, 1922, for one year 1. labour for feeding crushern at Municipal Stores. 2. Supply of Dressed Rranite. 3. Supply of Cranite to District No. 1. 4. Supply of Cranite
      789 words
    • 147 12 t— 111 111 HI 111 111 l^l,,- V7ie ZftCosf U&scrnaht\g Cjjic /or a JCady of Quality is A COMPLETE SET OF THE ZMORNY FINS TOILST PRODUCTS, fragrant uoith MORNYrPARIS TXRFUM .§HAMINADE T^erfume Toilet Water BatK Salts (Crystals &Tablets) Complexion Powder, Solid Powder, BatK Dusting Powder, Talcum. Powder, Toilet Soap,
      147 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 The ONLY RELIABLE European ASK FOR QUOTATIONS Before Buying Elsewhere OUTBTATION AGENTS: Messrs. AYLESBUkY NUTTER. Ipuh, Tapah, Taipinjr, Ttluk Anson, Per a jj ktdah. WfcAKE Co, LTD Seremban Kuala Lumpur. HAHKF.P CO., LTD. Malacca. Also from G. AUMBI4T CO., Mo. t-B, Piabyaon >nea, Slap "I.S. anl Nsthadaadi i Teles ri.
      165 words
    • 978 13 SELANGOR COCONUTS, LTD. Proceedings at Tenth Annual Meeting. The tenth annual 'general meeting of Selangor Cocomrta, Limited, was held at Kuala iAimpur, on October 17, 1921, with Mr. J. A. Kussell in the chair. Tho representative of the secretaries, Messrs. Bonstead ami Co- Ltd., tiaviac' ;:cl the notice cunvcninj; th.-
      978 words
    • 295 13 The Brand of Confidence D IABLEJJEUCACIES m 43? 1 JwnfINGRNER-BCfTTIfDcrCAN4I)* v HJP^ Delicacies *r* QaaDty Parity ant/ 9frn<4n— i «gft.>.'-^ OKfORC f^mrflf. OKTMKM.. OJ VINCOAJ* TiNNKO ntti ■npMlii|i« ,CRosaE^& RAVENSWAY CO. 47-48. ORCHARD ROAD. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS AND MONUMENTAL MASON IN THE STRAITS. Have installed two Motor
      295 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1099 14 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE SALE 'ers^oo^^ <»«" On Mondar, October SI, 1921. at 2.30 p.m. The following Valuable Godown an niece of freehold land and the spacious Gortown with river frontage, known a* No IT, Jiak Kirn Street (off Kirn Sen B Road), area 7,268 sq. ft. ESTATE
      1,099 words
    • 1508 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,00« The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Houae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, EC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with th<! British Life Assurance Companies
      1,508 words
    • 416 14 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. CO. (Incorporated la Canada) All taa lateat plans of Life, Bade want* and Annoity policies issued. Assets «M«MM OUTHRIX A CO, LTD.— General Agea*. Singapore. ROTAL INSURANCI CQu LIMITED. (laeorporated in Great aMfcaeaO Specialitea la I MOTOR INSURANCE 1. Prompt I.oa. Settlemeata. I. Moderate Premiama. Write
      416 words

  • 1033 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics Italian Grand Prix Race. I The Italian Grand Prix race of 324 miles, run at Brescia, on September 4, in the presence of the King of Italy, was won by Jules Goux on a Ballot at an average speed of 90.4
    1,033 words
  • 14 15 My husband ig better at ifMfcwgr ■traijrht-forwnr.i th-n uc cro*«-cxamin nir." -Wife at Ealine.
    14 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 202 15 U 4 KILO-WATT 32 VOLT LALLY- LIGHT THE CHEAP BUT EFFICIENT HOME LIGHT AND POWER PLANT. ronsisting of water-cooled gas engine and generator in one unit and 16 cell 9 plate Williard Storage Battery. EXTRAORDINARY CAPACITY OF COMPLETE PLANT. 110, 20 Watt LAMPS 3 hours 100, 20 Watt LAMPS 5
      202 words
    • 326 15 "LIBERTY" SIX "There is a difference in the way the 'LIBERTY' rides and drives." 'Phone 39— to have us demonstrate this to you. STHE MOTOR AGENCY M 34, WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. JL ALAMO r^^Bi^i ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TOWER PLANT ftf*flfljS NO VIBRATION— NO NOISE MBm BftW I It is the
      326 words
    • 62 15 Prowse Jones Co. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS— (OLEMAN STREET. The Magneto is the Heart of an Engine. If your magneto does not function properly you are not -getting the best results. We specialise in the repair and tuning up of Magnetos and Carburaters If you are not getting the miles to the
      62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 231 16 WAN KIAT CO., LTB. 36. "Hip *tr«* l HJaOAFOa CRUCIBLES I CRUCIBLES I CRUCIBLES 1 1 r .,m Ncm. 20 to 100. Manufactured b> I MOKOXN CRUCIBLE CO, London. To be had at above address. DO YOU READ THIS %W 4 PAPJBB WITH DIFFICULTY Perhaps nearer or further than the
      231 words
    • 476 16 TAY GOAN KIAT »6, PHILLIP SIWOO I'hoM Noe 111! »■>" The aoccewfui coaiuactur (at tmviUS fIREWUOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS ETC l« thr Singapore JlMieia«»t' imnmt th* year 1921. GLOBE BOILER FLUID. for clearing and iin«nuii »ve*m BoUers I all type, Used br all f r1 ,"TJTh?i tta_ and found
      476 words
    • 866 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i li- PREPAID uu|H tn WaaU, F*r l>P4 iaitr>|c ill word* U arc: Per three ie« 64 ets., foar im. 83 ets, five ,■<■<• Idi fIJC, fifteen in*. 11.72, eighteen Minimum charge $1.00 AdTertiseins .ot iptelfitti *r» published until eounterma SITUATIONS VACANT MERCANTILE. WANTED, insurance clerk with knowledge
      866 words
    • 956 16 Sal*. I* Lat, etc~, la erdlaar; <loe« hi iine ona insertion 28 cts., two <ns 4( ins. fl-00, six ins. $1.18, tan Ins. 11.40, <ns. 11.87, 20 ins. »IJ6, t.9 ins i month) ntt of which the numbs* of Insertions ir iti «arf chare*' ♦c.ord^ijly A afcr-if-- »f LAND AND
      956 words
    • 413 16 ALAMO i ELECTRICITY ACTUAL CAPACITY OF GaWBRATOR. 50 Twenty Watt Lamps. FUEL CONSUMPTION. 2 Pints per Kilowatt-hour I'RICE COMPLETE. $1,750 Ask to see a Demonstrator at your own Home. G. B. TAYE. Sole Distributor "SEASON 1922 The following have iust arrived Annuals 1922 Rough Diaries for 1922 Pockot Diaries for
      413 words
    • 267 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd itCHABO RnAb M.le Distributors at BELLANGER fiiniciiM French Cur All kinds of ltepair> (> M< CarH and Lorri<-> nejeatcd (racked > Under*, (rank-t'aaen, Uean broken port* af all metals WesWed RELIABLE CARS ANP LORRIES HIRED ;i"rl< (I From *>ii:u>. (,"<!' I'rivstc Houses, etc A number <>(
      267 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 308 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial an.l General 5g Manacer'j Office 1117 Job TriMinc Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be tddreised to THE EDITOR. All communication! relating to business matters advertisements subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.. should be sddre<;e<i to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      308 words