The Straits Times, 14 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 26,768 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 3^l Dear Brand GENUINE *jSK/ SWISS Milk The Household Words for Quality, Purity and Richness." SOLE AGENTS JOSEPH TBAVfcRS Ik SONS, LTD. r*t«n to England' SlNii AF»O1F? SMALL KODAK GREAT PICTURES itf^i 'I lv tinj Vest- rocket koda* cost* <>nX p* C? 4 t^MM in it* ca«e and will draw
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    • 458 1 Latest Novels SEE The Rajah's Daughter, by F. E. Penny $2.00 The Man Who Almost Lost, by Joseph Hockinf? 2.00 The Little Red Foot, by Robert W. Chamber 2.00 The Witness of the Ring, by Marie C. Leighton 0.50 The Obstacle Race, by Ethel M. Dell 2.00 The Strange Inheritance,
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    • 5 1 i i 11 i j
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  • 418 2 . Indian Troops Encounters With Bolsheviks. Lord Rawlinson's despatch on minor operations in North anl isorth-East Persia from 11H7 to li»21 w-s {.libiisrJ li at Simla on September 22. During l'Jl7 German and Turkish in'r\guv was dirucUd towards the stirring up the Pan-Islamic elements in Persia and '1 ranscaspia
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  • 483 2 . Memory of Work for Welfare Of India. The Grand Hotel at Simla, on September 26, was the scene of a brilliant and distinguished gathering of over 90, assembled to meet their Excellencies the Viceroy and the Countess of Reading at a dinner given in their honour by Lain
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  • 131 2 Mr. F. A. McKonzie. the well-known authority on the Far East, writing m the Daily Mail on Japan's Wealth in London, says. Some of the Japanese in London rank amnnt; the mci chant kinjjs of the world." He adds Oi:e feature of the Japanese colony here is ths large number
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 WO? (^^^^LCRRy KAIN SULTANH NOTUK Is herein civeii that tile above Trade Mark is the property of Kavena Mohumvd Sultnii carrying on busines- al Xo. M, Arab Street, Singapore. hihl is used by him in respect of SARONGS imported nn<| sold by him in the Colony of the S'raits Settlements.
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    • 327 2 ;£«£*3as!-a FOUCAULD > '^'/^^wk 6<^ ISICIKW-fO«»CAMtD *CNS^S^ EST? 18*7 AT Xa»^ 7 O CLOCK SAFETY RAZOR Stropped without removing b.ade. Ask your dealer to show it to you. O 1879 a 4 2J Tea The Inquest on most teas reveals the fact that they died of exhaustion following on exposure.
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    • 155 2 INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, LTD. 195-s, ORCHAIM) ROM). Phone 2617. Overhauls and repairs of every description to all makes of cars and trucks. Painting, upholstering, batteries charged. Separate lock-up garages. NEW CARS ON HIRE. Customers having cars repaired at our works can hire four seater cars at daily rates. SWINEHART TYRES AND
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  • 1359 3 One Healthy Result of The Slump. The ninth annual meeting of thr Emerald Rubber and Coconut Company, Ltd., was held in the reinsured office, 124, t>t Vinc-nt-strwl, Glas>;.>w, on September CotMMl Sir Kober: D. Moncreiffe, Bait., V.1).. T.D, A.D.C., CJLG. (Cha.rman of tha company), presiding. The Chairman said
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 572 3 Kidney Bladder Troubles Grateful Testimony from Former Sufferers Now Cured by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. India. South Africa. Mr. Upemtrakrishna. Br.'infi ipada* Private J. P. Van Der Herwe. laya. Pnrodaha PO !B Railway, Waterfall, P<wt Wntertrurg-hotel. wr rv I an enjoy Acl»i:i i!e. C.P. South Africa. wrTt«e: I I health h.i*«
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    • 294 3 Ven-Yusa Oxygen FACE CREAM MOTHING is so rcfrahmf and reiuvensiiinp, to the skin as Wn-Yusa. ihe Ov\£*n Face Cre»m. By reason of the oxygen it gives off when applied to the skin. Ven-Yusa puis new viiainy into the ps>ues and brings out the ntuurad softness and youihtul freshntss of the
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    • 765 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB AUTUMN RACE MEETING. 1921. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. October 25. 11 and 29. NOTICE The Non-Members Poruoa af the Grand Stand will not be available for non-mem-bers st the above meeting and tickets for this stand will not be issued. Visitors' Tickets.— These will be issued as
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    • 862 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of October 20, 1921, for the supply of Rations and Sundries for ilo.ipitnls for the period January 1, 1922 to December 31. 1922. Tenders should be on 'he authorised forms obtainable on application to the Chief
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 819 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. O.»British India AND /\pcar Line i Jompaniee Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES NINHCLAR AND OBIENTAL S. N. CO. Inder Contract with His Majesty's Gorernment; The Ceami>au<-« MA I. SEBVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present saspeadee LONDON FAR-KASTKRN SERVICE nujM LONDON I TO MARSEILLES AND
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    • 747 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STEAMER SAILINGS STRAPS STEAMSHIP CO. DQLLAR UNE Maaatsfs (•.tended te eat) trew ■lagaster* m KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swertanham and Penang. >*YB LBONG^ Monday. 4W le, SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK Malacca and Mnar. A^n7^lna^* Tl VTA SUEZ lI'OH- Wednesday, at 4 pja, let Fert Swettenham and
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    • 400 4 STEAMER SAILINGS ~STk. TH« OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. la Japan) Ne. t, De Scan Street Prepeeed Sailing from Slnganere (Subject to change without notice) ■DBOPBAN LINB Fee Pert Said. Maraelllea, Loadaa. Aatwera, Betterdaai and Bamban arr. dep. ALTAI MARU Oct. 16 Oct. II •AMAZON MARU Nor. 16 Nor. 16 ATLAS
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    • 599 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA RY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Straits, also -with transhipmnt to other Victorian, South Australian anil North Qupcnslnrul Ports, British New Guinea, New Britnin, Taamaaia aad New Zealand Ports. APPROXIMATE IAIUNGfI MONTORO, 4,057
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 294 5 STEfIfiSER SAjUHgS STOOMVAART IfIAATSCKAPPM NEDERURO (NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL LL\E) The Undermentioned are the Companj'.i Intended Failings FOR CENOA AND AMSTERDAM ORANJE Snilipf Oct. 21 I P. JL'L'AXA r>-e 11 J. P. COEN Sailing Not. KON. D. NEDERLANDEN I>. c. VOMDKI Sailing Not. IX I'.KMKRANDT Dec. CO P. D. NEDERLANDEN Dec.
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    • 172 5 _SIHKERJ_A^!X6S VE»E£iISSO^ HE&SRLAKBSfiK£ SeKE£PVAA?!T ■AATSCBAPPU (United Nctherlnnrfg Ifartyatln Companj) ■OtXAXD-OOfT-AZIE-LUN (H(.llind-r.i!i:-As:n-Unr) (Mi'mbcr of the Straits, Chin nn.l .1.-.pun rices) S.S. ALKSJUUSH Abore ttHuncr i- to arrive bera <>n ra .■'!>«■'.:( Od 1021, ami will tak« cnr'-.i f r Htmlmrffi Bremen, Dai bergi nn <-' Finnish Torts (with tramhipment at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 440 6 CIKEMfIS "GAIETY" CINEMA To-night to Monday October 17. I •vm. D i A 1> \\A in false: eyxjbence i Secret, so come. T;l «w hat fortho racts, >w what tl'it f j!!owc<l by THUNDERBOLT JACK WIM ri(!inq and fr.ri nghtt&g in Iha bad whan might makes right. in Urn GIRLIES
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    • 407 6 EttttRTAINMEMtS TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT i at 9.15 LOCATION BEACH ROAD. Harmston's Circus AND ROYAL MEInAGERIE. Our First Change of Programme GREATER! GRANDER! AND MORE GORGEOUS! New Artists New Acts Everything New Please Note When we advertise a Chance of Programme, we Rive a complete Chaaga. COME, SEE, AND JUDGE YOURSELF. BEAK
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    • 436 6 NEVER SAY DYE, SAT TINIEK AT MAYNARD'S WINDOW We are showing a few samples of what can be done with ONE TEASPOOHFUIL OF TIHTEX NEVER SAY DYE, SAY FOR I'RINCES AND KICII MEN ONLY THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANAN(; VILAS). This Yol:uti or life-giving nectar has been j prepared from the
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    • 326 6 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, I.IMITF.I) (Incorporated in England) Direct Service to J«p»n via Honßkonf and Shanghai anrt to :il<-utta via IVnang. from Singapore. TuliltiK Cnrco on through Bills of Lading d>r Canton. M ■<•■<., Swatow. Anioy, Chefoo, Xeintain, fangtasi ports, Kurpyiasa, etr. FOB MDfANG AM) r.M.CUTTA LATSANG Oct.
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  • 188 7 TIXTURE3 'riday, October 11. Ilitrii Water, 0.8 a.m., 9.12 pm. BoTlo'a Wild Oat, Vie. Theatre, 9.15. Harmstott's Circuit, Heach Road, 9.18. Satordar. October li. Hi B h Water, »M a.m., 9.«7 p.m. .liniuh Rulibor. (jattey'a, noon. Yacht Club Keenttn. Rollo's Wild Oat, Vie. Theatre, 9.18. Harmston's Circus,
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    • 89 7 East Wharf Basin—Nil. Kast Wharf Aii|M»rc, Vaa Imhoff. Shrrri Wharf- Hordyek. Main \\hjri X;., Cummandant Dorisr Troilu-. Oridano llaru, Ceylon :>laru. Bsnpire Dock Knreha Man; Sanno .'.iar-j iv lala. West Wharr Thi eu Glcniffer, Mclchior Treub. Jardincs Wharf—Nil. I'nlo Branl Coal Wharf—Nil. Keppel Harbour. Msin Wharf
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    • 53 7 BAN WHATT. lii.V. Brit, 197 Uu Malacca U-10, f.- Malacca K-io. COMMANDANT DO RISE. Frcn., ."..170 torn Pondieherry 14-ln. for Saigon 13-10 KAJAN'G, i:rit.. i::'■'■ tons, irom Sandakai lt-lu, MELCHIOR TREUB, Dut, I/.I'J tons, froir Dell tavta 14-10. NAM SANG, !:r from Calcutt l 1-10, i llonekonz 'Jnc.
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  • 112 7 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-day rulan Sambu 2.30 p.m Manila l'ort Swettenham and Tcluk Anson p.r Malacca and Muar 3 p.n. I n.rr-. I*. Samb ;uk p.n-. Hanpkok 3 p.m I'ulnii Galang 4 p.m Satarday P. Baabn, nil!if>n and BataTia 9 a.m Merslng, Kompin, Kuala Pahaas; end i 11 a.m
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  • 32 7 (Official rout Office Report) Left Singapore Arrived London September 1 Sc|>t.L-m')er 29 September 5 "ciolier 6 September G October 8 September 13 Octob' r in iicr 15 October 10
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  • 113 7 Mr. Otto Kahn, a prominent American baaker and a recogn a Wa!i Street, returned to New York on September 1, after fiur monthi abroad. He declar-jii that !)<■ found Europe entirety the Red ni nac< Tin th ori( uf BsLghcviam had beer th..rou«lil\ rliscrcdjtvd. :in<l were no longer
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  • 66 7 I'iim^ of ilriiN, etc, for week ending Friday, October 11, lUL'I V'riil.-iv. Mil., 641 I.ii., Drill Ball s.i ".a. Compaagr. SINGAPORE AM) SOUTH M MAY liOY BOOUII ASSOCIATION. (Man fot weak ending October 1C Friday, 14lh.— Bnitd Practice, Malay Volunteer Club, G. 15 p.m. _w Saturday, 15th.
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  • 131 7 EXCHANGH Sinpaporc, October 13. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/4 Demand 2/4 jiivatr I m. credits 2/4 17/38 On New York Demand 41' i Private !)0 days 47 On France F?ank SSO On India. Bank T. T. 156>6 On Hongkong, Bank d/<i SO'i p.c. prem. On
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  • 51 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Sinpanore jstandani Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers >pot \ov.-Dec. i;."..-M;:rch A]>ril-Ju Tone of Mai Spot Oct Nov. -Occ. Jan.-March April-Jmu kef.— Firm. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyer* Sellers M MS M •""■'j M SBH 37% M DAILY PSKSB CURRENT. U n>wn. OctnbiT
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    • 176 7 Fal. P<i. Euyer*. Sellers 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 Hilam Tin LSS L4B 1 1 Jelantoh 0.40 0.60 .1 £1 Kam. Kamuntinjf 1.14.0 MO.Oxd. 1" Knta A^oc. 5.00 .1 £1 La:ie' Mine* 6 5 Lingui Tin S2b S.TS .0 10 Mftlaymn Coll. 12.00 rs.oo 1 1 Monglen.bu
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    • 130 7 GENERALS. V'al. Pd. Buyer*. Seller*, il £1 Br. Am. Tcbasco 3.0.0 3.10.0 (0 10 Central Engines 13.60 16.50 ral Motor* 8.2S 8.78 si il E. Smelting Co. li.oo 6.80 i/- 5/- Electric I 'ways LV6 10 10 Frascr Kcnver 25.50 29.50 50 50 \V. Hammer Co. 73 £3 K*tS Bros.
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    • 99 7 Ens. 6 p.c. $1,23-1,300 par 6 p.c p.m. pure Electric Tramways, j p.c. £350.000 nom. p re Municipal 5 p.c 000 par. pore Mun. i\i p.c. cf 1007 $1,000,000 10 px. dis. poet Mun. 4'j p.c of 1909 $1,G00,5C0 10 p.c. dis. pore Mun. 4H pc. ef J909 $l.50'.).0OO
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    • 360 7 RU BBER SHARES. Fraser and Co. and Lyall .nd Etatfa Qnotations. IcMlay's Prices. Fraser Lyall A Co Evatt Ulcnby ($1) 0.10 050 0.10 0.20 Gajah (SI) 0.90 1.00 O.yO 1.00 A. Htam ($6) 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 Am. Malay (ft) 1.50 1.25 1.75 iiumny (si jOI I K M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 597 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS BOLTER'S for Tomato Puree, Sola Macoilolna. Choux Flears, Maiwts, YOUNG ENGUSH GIRL |«M nhnnai pesUlan as nursery fovaraess. Apply Tin, Straits Times. WANTED, Chines* clerk with good knowled of Fire mill Marine insurance. Apply to 74J, Straits times. WANfED T(i BUT, motorcar iR perfee) condition. State particulars ami
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    • 18 7 (BEST PORTLAND CEMENT) IN STOCK Offered at Special Low Price Nunoi Shoten 10, WINCHESTER HOITSH. Telephone 336. SINGAPORE.
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    • 359 7 CHOPS PENG SENG HONG AMI PENG SENG HONG CHAN NOTICE is hereby (riven thnt Messr* Chan Cheow Joo and Chan Choaw Ilc-np (OXOtaton of Chan Joo deceased). Chew Scow Boon, Low I'enn Foe, Low Scow Chun Tan Tok Cheng, Ck*a Baag Hak and SinKirn Hak bam I'nis gay retired
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    • 170 7 'My Printer'! IT has been common practice forH re many years among business I •5 men to refer to "my hnnkcr," "my I jjj broker," "my tailor." That little I rtf word my means that the bust- I ness man confines his business to I one banker, one broker or
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  • 28 8 C," Moant Kcho. Jcrvoir •iiico father. ne of B. i. O.iK-ho'.'.. of Th' H nk, BirKapore in October 12, ll>2l. al Delts I Sophia Marion van Port.
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  • 24 8 IN MEMORIAM and lovinc memory of m; Than Tin .i Heng >\hii. who da- car a". October 14 l.f-rtt v if i' ni>d fa-.r.ily
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  • 1093 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 RUBBER COMBINE. ■c hopinj to have 500:1 tho report immisslon and to be greatly Still, tbl iv lave keen so i'ic grr:-.t flump :;ct t a:,'o I'ir.t even this ConmiHiMi prove a d I'j.sicn, and the industry t:.-:>-.v:i bsck upon itself, to worry i
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  • 39 8 The cx-Serviccs Association of Singapore state It i.i notified that the War Office Medals Branch (A.G. 10) 27, Piljrrim Street E.C, will be fclad to receive applications from all those ex-officers w ho have aot yet receiveJ their medals.
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  • 44 8 Chief Di-tcctivu In.sp. Costello arrested ivc Chinese yes'erday moniinp in connection with the Rang robbery which took )!ace at Pasir I'anianir on the morning of che 7th instant in which a Chinese kedai >vas broken into and $600 in cash and articles wen removed.
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  • 50 8 In their prodOM report dated October imn. Barlow and Co. state The ■opra market has been weak duriiiß th? ;>ast woek and the volume of business "ias bi'en itnall. Closing quotations ar? follows No. 1 standard $11 to >11..-)0 No. 2 htandavd 510.50 to Sll No. taniJ:u) MO v "io.:o.
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  • 12 8 The annual meeting of Kcrlin.': Tin Mines was held at noon to-day.
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  • 14 8 Th'- Colombo harbour is to be deepene in order to berth the H.M.S. Renown.
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  • 27 8 The census figures show on increase cf 391,336 in the population of Ceylon during the last decade. The only race that shows a decrease is the Vedda.
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  • 34 8 It is estimated that the Burma r.<>w crop will be a bumper one, and, granted tn I nccesrary October ripening shower?, li surplus next year should b close on 2,750,000 tons of cargo rice.
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  • 39 8 Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co. announce that the auction sale of the property No. 49, Padang which was originally fixed for the 6th inst. and v.apostponed will now be held on WIBMS :iay 1!) inst. at 2.:i0 p.m.
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  • 49 8 Mes?TS. L. A. Chitty and Co.'s sule c< "•and at Sungei Udang an<l Tanjong MinycV is postponed to next Thursday, th_- 20t! insc. at 12 noors nnd their SHie of land a' Me-limau. and land and premises, :!."> an M, Java Uir.e. Malsccn, is postponsd t Thursday, the 27th inst.
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  • 52 8 We have lrerived a copy of .■!< Anthony's report on the F-M.S. Railway: for 1920, with which are includod some in te-resting photographs of ocean-goin; vessels alongside the wharf at Port Swet feenham, wharf constrjct on at Prai, com paratfvc diagiams for tha past ten year and a map of
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  • 60 8 Yesterday Insp. Williams, in charge of the marine police, arrested a European named H. E. Thurklc on boar-l the Rt.-amer Krian in harbour yesterday on instructions from Kehnran where it is all-ged Thurkle is wanted on charges of cheat ng. The case was mentioned yesterday before Mr. Daw.son, and the
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  • 73 8 Central Motors Limited, have just received an advice frcm the Ariel Works, Ltd., of Birmingham, tlic makers of Arid motor cycles, that machines of their make in the recent Auto Cycle Union Open Trials ISI ill mi the team prize, thrco ftold medals a:;-l three silver me.als. l-'urthermon every Ariel
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  • 77 8 Before the Chief Justice, Sir Willtn Rfaaw, this morning, the claim was henrd in which (no S. Saminathan. of the Singapore Harbour Board, claims the sum ci $2,C00 from I. W. 1). Kajapr.ksa aivl K l^arayanasamy, r.l!?ged to hay? ber advanced for the purchase of T. Oatram Road, jointly owned
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  • 74 8 There will be a general masting of Uh Malacca Planters' Association in ttw Malacca Club rr. Sunday, October 2^!, ar 10 a.m. Baateesi Minutes of prcvioui general meetteg, c( rabbet assessment, quit rent, labour rats, moulJy rot, general. A r.rte on Hrn nsrenda sayj Mouldy rot broken out ir.
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  • 80 8 Sanc'akan continues as gay at ever reports the British North Borneo Herald The following wan a fi-w of the aftemOM ami eveaSag At Bomes which have rec-r.'-ly taken place or were projected during September Ist, at Government House aftsmocn, dancing anil bridge Cth. Mrs Sherlock, afternoon, dancing nr.d bridge 10th,
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  • 99 8 At a masting of the Municipal Commlsllumn. Pensng, the Hon. W. II Thome said he heard there existed nmonc th? flhebios certain contagious diseases such as rinjr worm, Ecabics and oth:rs. 1!( sujrgestexl that the matter be brought t the notice of the Health Officer, who could report as to
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  • 105 8 Japan's new wltelesi station, which i situated on a 1 w point at Uie southern e-ul of Tahuctao hnrboar. will be ready for operation by November. Construction WOtt <-\ the statinr wa? begun by the Japanese military authorities la^t whiter. H us sted meats more thnn 400 f?e; ln;;n and
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  • 212 8 The following Siiiisapore properties were sold by auction l>y Messrs. Cheong Koon Sens Cc. at their sale-room. 30, KlinK Street on Wednesday, nfti-nvion: Freehold land and housu •>. Kirk Terrace, area 1,049 sq. ft., bought by Mr. O. Uamnsamy Nattar for $.">,OOO freehold land house 10 Kirk Terrace, ami 1,669
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  • 364 8 It is understood thnt the Malacca C.P.0., Mnjor Bower, will ;-bc:t!y l>e ;:or\g hum;.' on leave. Th.- Bishop of LabßM and Mrs. Hanson loavp Jesaelton for Manila and Singapore on the 17th :,fr. de Eois Maclaren, the late proprietor of the India r.ubhi'v Journal, left personal
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  • 90 8 Homeward Mails Delayed. The P. O. mail i Soudan, which was to have left Bombay on 0 with 100 passengers ar.:l mails, eolUded with the < "ck wall while leaving AU-x-■ir!-a Dock. The how sustained dsmages which will necsssitate her enterir.i; dry ilock for examination and repairs. It believed that
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  • 113 8 Three Charges of Breach of Trust. Detective In>p. Fanner produced a Chine??, named Oh Tiam, befw Dawaon, t'nis morning, charging him with alleged criminal breach >.f i. of 65 hags of linseed, valued at $1,040, the property of Guan Seng Kee, on September 1, also with alleged criminal hi each
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  • 98 8 Bukit Tambun Coconuts. The r inal coconut crop Rgur< Bukit Tsmbun Estates for the financial :ni, have now been received .n London and show i substantial ove r pri 'i he mi nthl :si follows 1920— July 29,700, August 60,620, September 277,;>".T. 15,000, >• mber 208,731, I 1 137^00. Mil
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  • 143 8 Death of Well-Known Ceylon Lady. Tha death occurred ;it her raskl Delta, Bagatelle Road, Colombo, on the I2;h instant, of Mrs. \v. O. van wife of the imir Mt Ceylon physician, Dr. van Doi-t. for sometime Burgher member i f the Ceylon \a I moth' rof Dr. H. A. van
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 THE fc° "Three Castles" Cigarettes eetcr Tobacco comes from Virginia Mi!o better brand than the 'lire Costles" Finest Quality PELSENER BEER Brand liipment just arrived ot Condition. Sola Agents i LITTLE CO., LTD. in Eaglaa4) SINOAPORE cnJ KUALA LUMPUR. o. v o cj t fffi o m ANTI-CORROSIVE PAiHT I
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    • 159 8 ALHAMBRA Rene* Rot*. 5 Ttt. T!IE DEATH DANTE 5 Pt«. 1-Vaturinj: Alico Prmly T»piial Ruilcctii nnd Harry I'ullard Comedy l| IMb. KROKENS TIES 5 Pu. June DvUge AnJ other ir.tfreaHnsr Com^y. MARLBOROUGH r.i>:u-h Road. BHAIX WE POBGIYI HER I Ptt ring Jaai EtrMfS nvat m-« BaUIMtflL JACK 1";, i p,
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  • 106 9 President's View of General Disj'.rmament. Reuter's Service. ber L 2. ru-jt Balfour wl! the Waahnd will head the Brl tish ber 12. What is President liar dini; 1 tpinicn of the pe&sibility of mihe ' asked declares that i!;is Is m and is perI I volutioaary -;.i dis-
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  • 49 9 Ekctzk'i Surra. v. I Mr. Mellon i with plenary powers as ::n debt ed, will on under !J. r of tl lirmanof md Bank, has He v.-.-i met ntativc, :-r. iit is lie will confer regarding inLoans. Lob 0 12. i in ha i in America.
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  • 90 9 Reutkk's Servioc. Li a 12. A fi r support of the toil mb!?y Park in 1' by thj Prince of Wall ,|g t t thi H*n i r furthi ranee of the project. The Ih-ince arged that in order I'■ t for *me > r tk< M
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  • 153 9 League of Nations' Complex Scheme. Rcutir'3 Service. Lond'ii, October 12. Geneva The Council of the Leajrue of Nations has forwarded to H. Briand its recommendatii ns with regard to Upper Silesia, which are complex in character l.ut substantially amount to a proposal for the establishment of a political
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  • 121 9 r.r.Mint's Snisvicn. Lon.ion. October 12. Americana are boldly bidding investments In Australia. A i t American is reported to ha\ Mid America is prepared to lend New South Wales an Extra hundred millions I 1 1 difficulty in London in regard ;o renewals. It is argued here
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  • 103 9 RIUTTB'S SERVICt. London. October 12. Lord Robert Cecil has been published supportinfr Viscount Grey's eriof Government He says. "We want sn administration which will have a clear and definite programme and will pursue the even tenour of its way undisturbed by passing gusts of popular excitement" lie
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  • 98 9 UrtTFK'a SEKVICf. London, October It, It is stated that the Irish Peace Ccnference has appointed a committee coi:--f i:-tir;r of three representatives from each Bide t.» consider questions r. luting to a stricter observation cf the truce in Ireland. London, October I.'. Sir Haiaar Greenwood and Sir L. Worth-ington-Evans
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  • 58 9 RIUTER'S SEKVICX. Loadon, (Mubcr 12. The Divisional Court hat ordered the release of the I'oplar councillors. I. und. iii, October Th.' release ■>; the Poplar councillors was the result of a petition in which they apologised to the Court and expressed a to ;t>M.vt the authorities iii lvachinjr
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  • 147 9 Satisfactory Arrangements Impossible. Renter's Service. London, October 12. Contrary to anticipations, the RussoAsiatic Consolidated ennounces the faiiur? of tho protractetl negotiation* with the Soviet Government for the return of the company's properties The company's chairman, Mr. Urquhart, who spent three weeks in Moscow negotiating a draft contract,
    147 words
  • 67 9 Reite::'s Service. Londoni October 12. New Fierce press criticism of the Panama Canal iJili continues. The New Jfork T that Senator Lodge voiced President Harding'! opinion in un.;.':;:r rejection i f the bill. It describes its as thoroughly bo:i should be taken t > u:-;!o the mischief.
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  • 41 9 Bsomfi Seevh.l. London, October 12. Paris General Penhing has accepted t!ie Eriiis'i Government's invitation to attend the laying of th" Congressional medal M the tomb of the British unknown warrior, lie suggested October i: tha aal f the ceremony.
    41 words
  • 31 9 German Ex-Officers. Rbutir's Service. L n lon, October lu 1 ■.rian military bare arrested at Crefeld s numb r of officers cf the German army who weri hold a secret meeting.
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  • 28 9 Riltir's Seevici. London, October 13. Venic The Auntrian and Hungarian of th i Affairs, have arrived at a settlement of th dispute over West Hi-
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  • 39 9 Reuter's Service. f' i lon, October l& Thi abii I to-day discuss d the Gei ernmenl plans for dealing with uneaployi trade revival, the Washington Confei (ncs, and proposals for altering t!-. form tf the German indemnity.
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  • 30 9 RIUTER'S SEKVICI. London, OcLobi-r 13. Sofia Tho trial of Un Badaslavoff Cabinet, which was in office at Bulgaria's entry into tj:e w.r, has been opened in. the high emit.
    30 words
  • 25 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 12. Jt i.« learned that the Spanish capture of (|nrugu makes any farther resistancs by tba HV n wdOtel]
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 262 9 . Transfer to Important Post In London. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce lasi niffht pave a farewell dinner to Mr. Tszanr Woo-huan, the Chinese Consul-Gcnoral in Singapore, on the eve of his departure to Like up the important post of ConsulGeneral in London. There was n large attendance of
    262 words
  • 299 9 . Judgment in Favour of The Holder. before li^re was a cas. n ">« rt yesterday befor.'■:r Jw Lennard in which Dr. Jules Samusla sued the Bank of Taiwan Ul.. for $6,100, money had and i nts in June, 1921 for c«e of plaiciiff. Plaintiff also claimed H4.719.42 as
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  • 332 9 SEA TRAGEDY AT COLOMBO. Supposed FJLS. Pautcr Found Drowned. The Times of Ceylon of October 4 sates lt is believed that the body found )i th< .;?asliare near Gallr Buck morning ia that of an FMJB- robber named J. A. Hail, who arrived ;.i i Singapore month ago. Hall is
    332 words
  • 41 9 It ir. anneunced that the statements re-|j garding the stores to be carried by H. M.S. if Renown are unauthorised and exagger-'] ated in several raapU-ts, particularly as; 8 regards the' alleged provision for the i t Wall p.i- tv.i d
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  • 1521 9 Intercstinjf Review of Products In 1920. The report of Mr. L. Lewton-Brain Director of Agriculture, Federated Mala.. S:ates and Straits Settlements, for lasi year is an interesting document. At thi outset is given the estimated and ae'ua expenditure and revenue of the department since 19:21 which shows
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  • 170 9 (iood Business in Forward Positions. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, October 13. The en firm during the •<l business has been 1..r::- i,: forward positions fcr standard ■ualities. The usual weekly auction on Wednesday opened with a quiet tone pre/ailing at slightly better prices than ofa
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  • 91 9 LOCAL SHARE MARKET. Macphaii and Co.'s Daily Keport. Singapore, October 1 i. Silver U 7 Hongkong per cent. months sold MM Share Market. Dull. liubbeis. Small enquiry. Tint.— Taipingi 1.05-1.10, Norths 1 j27«4, Souths 62Vi-67>j rents. Nawng 'ets 1.1Ti,-l.;,Ji_.. vl |,a,,s 42^-47^ cuts, Padang Plandoks 60-66 cents 62>i-57% cents, Uhi
    91 words
  • 178 9 This fnmi a Loajdoa weakly ihoold be w interest to ;t number .f peopl in the Straits:— The examination held by the Service Commissioners last winter tor the admission of ex-Service man to the Civil Service was io unsatisfactory that a committee of investigation hat Seen
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 153 10 George Gray Arrives. Mr. George Gray, the famous billiardrt. arrived in Singapon this morning, comin; earlier than was expected. II v ill st:i> here about tea days, daring: which h< hopes to rive several exhibitions, nr> visit '.he F.M.s., afterwards troi. on a tour of ilunria and tndia. Mr. Gnjr't
      153 words
    • 412 10 •,':iy's play in the B.C.C. tournament resulted as folloWl U Bfaagfa B. I. Button, scr. v. A. E. Bond, scr. unfinished. T. E. Kdme't. owe 1 v. E. I sci. unAnished. A. O. Stredwick, scr. beat A. F. B. Livesa] c. Bailey, om 5 beat K. Hc,<tii
      412 words
    • 92 10 Football. We "<■!•■ m-ong m stating that th" S.I V. <up for :lv- Brsl tim .n \\< «day. The <Ijl> wob the trophy in 1901, beating the K. A., and in ll'(i,!. when they defeated the Kort t'ai n-int: Recreatirn Club, the cup was lost at the tim<- i'd
      92 words
    • 48 10 The Cesarewitch Result. A Reutei v:.- of October 12 states that the r -i.i: of tin- Cenarewitch «:i sj I Yutoi. j. I artevillc. llani'jr. Seven' Won bj four lengths, ftve bi and third. Bettin LOO I I 8 Vutoi. 10 lv 1 Churlcville, 6 to I II
      48 words
    • 51 10 T'.c fol owing will n-pretcnt the V.MC.A. against the St. Jonah's Old on J>t nickel tu-nv.rrow on ihe Intt. r ground: C. P. Burke, T. i I. I 1 'il SfcJ Kanin;., i Moss, l>. W. Scot-, IT. G. Stack (cant), ti. I. Vyns>. T. Weerakody, i I G.
      51 words
    • 83 10 Tin- ft r t race for II. I", the Gowmor'n ml ai ovef the Burton Cap course. Br< handicap?, SV4 hourr- limit. Start at p.m. The .--mall class will nee for the Vi< Commodore's Cup. Stan [ Course later. The Race cri Sunday momiuu for t(tbig class
      83 words
    • 44 10 Local Boxing. We are infirmed that Johnny Carvslho, lb> well-known Johnre boxer, is prepare! to meet John Moran. who recently iss i< an "open challenge at 9st. (Jib. Carvalho, however, cannot box for a j>urse. as hi > an ariiateur and intends to remain so.
      44 words
    • 487 10 . September Shoots, open to all comer: 22 if.i ii lired. Sjioon was shot for or October 1 and !>. It men fired. Condition! 10 rounds at 200 and 500. Pronw p sitio V. R. A. Tag ng Scores. Davis (up >.'• -;ory. of our players here
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  • 196 10 Rollo's Wild Oat. w*fld Oat the altotrahcr Dramanittee had go Bed with ir.-. latest i All the anist«-s di.J well, but it of the ..•Mir w;. certainly cored by Mr. Graham M the soulful and sensi t:w Rollo. He realised the part thoroujrh!y, ami RoUo earned all oi-.r sympathy, tat
    196 words
  • 34 10 ()uv Penang correspondent wires that v few unreported cases of cholera on a ]i have been successfully dealt with at Bejawan. Currenl reports that tineast coast of Sumatra is affected, is ofli ally denied.
    34 words
  • 60 10 I' i" \h:- auspices of tho Hindu Young Men's Literary Union Mt. <'. B. Mcilftn of tli<' Anglo Chinese School h.<- kmdlv •mi -<-nt«'l te'rTi iver a lecture on the Hindu Ideal <T Happiness tB-moVro»- at 7.:">0 of i'ie Ceylon Tamils' Associate -i. 11. Dhoby Ghuut. It hoped that tnere
    60 words
    • 461 10 . To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A recent article in the correspon-, dence column of your paper on the above made pretty clear that when SJubt'T does Come Back the labour is jroinjr to be fur more acute \er before experiencsd. Despite tin parent surplus of
      461 words
    • 523 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. All the dollar rubber companies ami forling rubber companies must have some binding combination to weather nt crisis. At the present time of ;il eompanii are not Wench company has its own standard cf output, ;tnd its profit depend! upon
      523 words
  • 454 10 . Brilliant Functions Fixed For Calcutta. It is understood that the following is the tinal programme arranged for Hi* Royal Highness the Prince of Wales durine; his stay in Calcutta December 24, I*ublic arrival. Presentation of an address by the Corporation of Calcutta. Looeh with the stewards
    454 words
  • 180 10 Presiding: on September 1 at the meeting of the Bode Rubber Estates, Ltd.. Sit C. H. Rason said the results of the ye: would have been- considerably leas but foi a forward sa of rubber for Sbtgapori delivery at <'d. per lb. It wji-impos.-ibu 1 1 declare
    180 words
  • 143 10 . If you want a night's pood entertainment £O to th;- Gaiety and see False Evidence. Ft i«i Viola Dana's best picture. We say SO. with a guarantee from the management. Other pictures in the programme are the 7th and sth Episodes of Thunderbolt jack Serial, Cirlics and Grubbers
    143 words
  • 61 10 The Ti:nes nf Ceylon UUaswtanrll that, in view of the Prince of Wales's visit, it ii proposed to make, additions to Queen's Howe, Colombo, at a cost of aboul h lakh of rapecs. The additions will tajtu tin form of the c— version of the preseat single storey, wing of
    61 words
  • 25 10 Probably for tho time in the history of British occupation the whole of *ylon has been entirely fr<?e of riadwpwl for five whole uohMm,
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  • 1263 10 Important Rules at Recent Hague Conference. The most important piece of work done by the International Law Association at its thirtieth confercnev, which concluded on September o, is undoubtedly the Haj;ue rules, which deline the risks to be assumed by "sea carriers under a bill of UmUbo.
    1,263 words
  • 221 10 BREACH OF TRUST ACTION. Interestinf,' Point Arising Out Of Bankruptcy. Some time apo a Chinese named Snp Enp KioiiK alias Snjr Hock San was charged in the District I'oui". with criminal breach of trust in respect of s:!,r>oo and was committed to tuk his trial at the last Assntes. A*
    221 words
  • 353 10 "UNKNOWN AUSTRALIA." is the I«t»c F,ouis de Rougemont Vindicated Twice daily Mr. Robert Courtaeidge is )ic*.-nt'"i' at the Philharmonic Hall, Lonlon, a rcniarkable film, Australia's Wild \or'-We«t, which was secured by members of the North-West Expedition, which iucceeded in obtaining photographs <>f dis'.ricts which ha I nevir before been visited
    353 words
  • 179 10 Harmston's Circus. The i was s large and ap] i audience at the change of programme performance In the spacious ten! of Harmston's Circus last ni:rht. The chang was not a new tarn ben -ir-d there but a whole ime of ii. W feats which we would leave our readers
    179 words

  • 1753 11 China's Trading and Financial Position. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Sine-.- President Harding issued bit invitation to Britain, China, France and Japnn to send a Cosjfanaee to discuss, and if possible, sett'e, the problems of the Pacific, there lias been an almost bewikk rins; crescendo
    1,753 words
  • 275 11 Vessels to Replace Ships Lost In War Time. Thf KakotM Main which is 'learinc sompletton at tho Mitaabiahi yards 3 Nagasaki is tn he the bc*t visscl on the N.V.K. i-un from Yokohama to Europe. !«<L > ordinß" to an annoutwnKnt Bjada by jtKe eompmjr in
    275 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 JtWtfieLatwt %-jsL "His |W^ Master* MjvV* Voice" flllvfWjHMKfecordsintße 'WJCik W" comfcpt of our ''<Hp,»ft> I 1 Auditionßooms S. Moutric M£W?i. co, ltd. wm^wglP Raffles Place, jlfe^"'--- I j SINGAPDUE. iS/fW^' 1 The "Aster" AIL-BRITISH LIGHTING SET SELF CONTAINED SEMI-AUTOMATIC SOLE AGENTS William Jacks Co. S INGAPOR E CAMPBELL GAS ENGINE
      132 words
    • 251 11 Raffles Hotel. A Supper Dance will be held at Raffles Hotel, after the performance of "HOLLO'S WILD OAT" ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1921 Dancing till 1.45 a.m. F. A. COOKE, A. E. MrCI.ARY. Musical Director. Manager. Adelphi Hotel >^VERY EVENINQ OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7 to 10 ADELPHI HOTEL
      251 words

  • 1505 12 Contemplation in the Grand Canyon. A special correspondent of the Times, writir.i; from Grand Canyon, Arizona, on Aufrust 2", states Fcr a .space— it may have born hours, may ha\ been days, time mattered not —1 have lived among the silent gods, in an ecstas of contemplation. I
    1,505 words
  • 469 12 . Liner Leviathan Threatened With Destruction. A tire which for a time threatened, to destroy all tlv army piers ia Hoboken, the huge liner Leviathan, and to jump River Street and invade the city itself, g*ve the Hobokcn Kire Department, with aid. from Jersey City »nd New York,
    469 words
  • 121 12 Prince's First Day on Indian Soil. Tfca H. M. S. Kcnown witli the Prince of Wales on hoard arrives at Bombay at KjtM on the morning of November 17. The Commander-in-Chief doe* on hourd imir'.tiiatfly. H. E. the Viceroy arrive at Ballard Pvr «nd proceeds on board at S.:iO a.m.
    121 words
  • 327 12 Par Vain*. Stock Exchange Par Company. Prices. Value. Stock Exchange Company. Price*. September 14 September 14 £1 £1 £1 ft £1 2/ tfi ii 2/ 2/ £1 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ £1 i'l £1 £1 11 £1 11 11 £1 £1 il £1 £1 2/ 2/
    327 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 121 12 Te UP* IbU »m»«l ot llvUlbk #Nv\l>^> Iwioirj. «i»rißf of Vn-rry \»4 ti.'ttc| p7TI) bbM Ita »«rT'r« *9*n'ti> \tf fi^Z X7 I(^7 *->v 4f««ts gMBBBHHML^ KMM KMT CQLjgijgS^ NEGRESCO CIGARS Trrm Messrs. N. V. NEGRESCO, DJOCJA. SULTANA $.-.09 per box of 50 cigars. ttOUQUET 4» 50 IMERCIALES 50 REINITAS ;;.vi
      121 words
    • 111 12 Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED CARBIDE (ELEPHANT BRAND) 194 Iba p«r ii*m, "ITO" ACETIC ACID 99 PER CENT 441 Iba pv Jar COTTON DUCKS AND COLOURED PAINTS, GLAS C PAPER AND EMERY CLOTH, REFINED CAMPHOR T. NAGAI AND COMPANY. Mijth Street, or Phone 1113. Here's Health if you
      111 words

  • 533 13 . Local (lovernment Refuses Recognition. The folW.-winj.' article appeared in thej Canton Times of the Ist inst It has beon rumoured that the Canton Government recently refused to recofi^iize a jrontleman who applied for recognition as Vice-Consul for Germany at Canton. As there is considerable misunderstanding: regarding
    533 words
  • 412 13 U. S. DIPLOMATS STORY. 1.000.000 Roubles for One Day's Provisions. Mr. Chattel R. Cmh, fnmwrlj nitad smu-s Mtaiatat to China, lias reached Rip »ftor •odaad <>f mm 7.000 miii^ from raUna In .< rtatwnmit to the tlic Cnieaga Tribune (Paria edition) Mr. (nine ■Ud that it iv;ts imn<i~»ii lc to
    412 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 WHITEAWAY LAIDLAW CO. LTD. Incorporated in England! g SINGAPORE. £J ,Jr9 O-Ccdar HflfW VARNISH'S FRIEND. or c^ ean^ n S an^ polishing Hardwood Floors, Furni- ture, Woodwork, Pianos, I S I Automobiles and Carriages, "i^^^ f r ren6Wing 3ny Use OCedarltilish Polish that does not the— urn or Veneer. OCedar
      139 words
    • 160 13 The Brand of Confidence For all Defects of Vista CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association FeUow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE Ai THE United Pharmacy, 305. North Hrtdxr RoAd SINGAPORE; Quahs' Motor Transport Co Paoae t»»
      160 words
      96 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1308 14 SALES BY AUCTION PULAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDER OF THK I'RUBIEU FOB liKHKNTURE HOLDERS. Ta* undersigned have rcceivnl instructions to sell by public auction (if not previously sold by private treaty) at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Ruffles Place, on a date to be notified
      1,308 words
    • 562 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Assunince in force over $17,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFK F. .12, Old Je»rv, B.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance
      562 words
    • 441 14 NEDERLANr^CH INDISCUE HANPKLSBANI4 NCTH INDU COMMr.Bi.IAI BAN* laUbUaaad IMS. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (about £5,000,000). ISSUED AND Fl. 55,000,000 (about PAID UP £4,600,000). RESERVE FUND Fl. 47,750,000 (about £4,000,000). < >mc» in am^tibdam HXAf) AGENCY IN BaTAVU. 1 bKANCHt:- Hongkong, Shanghai, M.Vjt Med.n, Soarabaya, Samarang, Bandoang 1 Wcltcmden, Cheriboa, Tegal, Pecalongao
      441 words
    • 457 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Imperial Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed Y60,000,0n0 Capital Paid-up Y45.000.000 Reserve Funds YU.080,000 Vice-President S. Mori. Esq. President K. Nakagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS S. Minami, Esq. T. Hisamune, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinage, E.«q. i M. Esaki, Esq. T. Ueds, Esq.
      457 words
    • 478 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD Incorporated in England) Fir*. Life, Marin*. Accident. Guarantee. Motoi t«>c» exceed i i'< A SlMB— Manager and Underwrlt.i l"k«t«r>, Branch. Singapore THE MANUFACTUJIEite LIFE INS. CO. (Incorporated ia Caaada) AH ta* Ute.t plan, of Lif*. lii)*«a» and Annuity policies ia.ued Assets M.OM.6XW UUTHUIE
      478 words

  • 470 15 NEGLECT OF GEOGRAPHY. Alleged Defects in Secondary Education. Dr. D. G. Hogarth delivered the Presi(lintial A(!dri'.:.s to tho Cieofrraphy Section of the British Association in mail week. He said that the actual policy of the English Board of Education seemed to contemplate that geography should be taught to secondary students
    470 words
  • 426 15 . Warning to De Valera Regarding British Offers. If Mr l>e Valcra is mO a<l.i-«.I lie wi'.i, acordiuß t.i .i inc > sai;c from the DailrTalngnph'i New York correspoudent, datid S*|>: hay.: lenrned from inftuential Irisili-Anierir ins :h. i' r.eral Muuth ci^ke a solemn tr ith when I tin liUli
    426 words
  • 115 15 Bince the Japanese Crowa Prince larue Co make friends with the Knsjlish people there has been a revival of interest in the exquisite miniature gardens which Japanese householders sometimes place on the floor of the alcove of their reception room, in front of the kakemoia, or special picture.
    115 words
  • 47 15 tlrtwHng n?ults have been obtained by the Norwegian Expedition to Nova Zcmbla, which has now returned home. f land vegetation and fresh-water lish, dating from the later Devonian Ak 4 win- fond, urd 12 ocean level marks ■hlmiqiiiinl to tVi Glacial A;'c. Sea-shelli wi iv discover* I
    47 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 157 15 DDNLOP /*W^s Solid Tyres Jrw^ FITTED ON THE 0 W\ THE DUNLOP BtM J f 3UBBER co. ma MSj <ss,) lto. mill rW OUNLOP HOUSE, juj ROBINSON ROAD, H "CEDOS BRITISH MADE LIGHT-WEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE TWO-STROKE TWO-SPEED SPORTING FRAME. Tiiis Machine is not an assembly of other makers Specialities, it
      157 words
    • 211 15 "LIBERTY"/ 4^> nr uit m_ojtjo r Ar^irxri^'v t^M^V JUBOL' Physiological Laxative. The only agent that effects the functional re-education of the Intestine. RF.-KDUIAriOX OV THE INTISTI F. -*****1. lauliti -«.r*t Iror<.t*tbe niivw M n« .1 Ih. 'uei i. ..-<.Lt- „r,.,r,,,i. >..,i I t.ii n.* if,ot »1.,.h ii lr>tiu«< (IMtfl duwlirn
      211 words
      25 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 311 16 GUAN KIAT CO., LTD. I'hillip Bull. BIKG M'OKK. CRUCIBLES! CRUCirESH CRUCIBLES!!! From No*. 20 U 100. Manul'ai-turrd by MOKOAN CRUCIBLE CO. I ondon. To h. had at hKmim- address. TTII7 1 1 Miii WONDERFUL WSj± CROOKES' 'A3F.'GLASS There has been no greater contribution to the Ktudy of Optics than th.
      311 words
    • 504 16 TAY GUAN KIAT M, PHILLIP STREET. Phoao Nos. till aaal 1114. The sacreaafai comtraetor tor aapply af FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS. ETC to the Singapore MnnicipalitT •tnsi the year 1921. GLOBE BOILER FLUID. for clearing and preserving steam boilers of all types. Used by all factories,, etc, snd
      504 words
    • 765 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Th* PREPAID charge* far Waata, Far Saia, T* Lot. at*_ t> «n>* (average six words to II..) m ,_p. r |C| on. ine.rtio'n !g^f!'*^ rl T^i cts. three ins. 84 ets., four ins. 83 ets, five ins 11.00 s," ins si 18 t. T ln J; SITUATIONS VACANT
      765 words
    • 709 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 7 Chancery Lane newly painted and over-hauled. Immediate entry. Apply Hohamed Ghou»e Maricar, 22. Sungei Road. OFFICES AND GODOWN TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed M Nathan A Co, 4, De Souxa TO LIT, second floor, l-b, Raffles Quay bright and airy office.
      709 words
    • 416 16 CUT AWAY VIiSW SHOWING Mstthews Engine-Geoerator Colt $950 MODEL Th* Simplest Possible Combination of a Generator and Gasoline Engine. "In 1914 Matthews 1 K.W. plants were selected by the U.S. Treasury Department Engineers for lighthouse installation and in each year sine*, additional Matthews plants have been selected." With the U.S.
      416 words
    • 337 16 Bellanger The Kin« of I ronch Cars WITH SILVER IMM.VrOK AND THE GOLDEN SILENCE. Just Arrived Book Early Kir»t twa Demonxtrailnn .arare to be sold st Special Prices The BKLI.AM.KR is a car of a'fl< economy and comfor'. N* la luxurious and the j,rice is v.ithin the reach of the
      337 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 127 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES „?2 124« All communications relating to i II matters—.-, rption-. accounts, Mamager!'" be tddre d ADVBKTIUWBVT RATES r" S le> T Ut in ordinary Per Lin*, prepaid, one insertion 28 et« two insertions 46 cts.. three iw.-rtions 64" ct« four r five ins*rtioi rt.on, $1.13, Me.
      127 words