The Straits Times, 13 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times NO. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 "BEAR BRAND' Swiss jPIfIPM Milk TRADE MARK Trying* It, Means Adopting It. SOLE \OENTS S.S., F.M.S., HRITISH NORTH BORNEO. JOSFPH TRAVERS SONS. LTD. cirrorriormtod in England S 1 G A r»O R E. SMALL KODAK GREAT PICTURES jj^ 11. tin\ Vest-pocket kodak costs url> in it- case nrni will draw
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    • 265 1 Latest Novels SSS Ginger, by Isabel M. Peacock $2.50 The Jangle Girl, by Gordon Cossarly 2.75 The Highest Bidder, by Ruby M. Ayres 2.00 The Trail Hurde, by Charles Alden Seltzer 2.75 We Kay tons, by Steel Redd 2.75 The Story of an Ugly Man, by Ruby Ayres 1.50 Thirty
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    • 240 1 S I! j The Kajah's Daughter, by F. E. Penny $2.00 The Man Who Almost Lost, by Joseph Hocking 2.00 The Little Red Foot, by Robert W. Chamber 2.00 The Witness of the Ring, by Marie C. Leighton 0.50 The Obstacle Race, by Ethel M. Dell 2.00 The Strange Inheritance,
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  • 620 2 Mysteries for New Telescopes To Reveal. When the giant telescopes now under consideration bring Mars and Venus with:in two. sight-miles of the earth, what shall 'we see, asks a writer in a home paper. If the designers of these instruments realise their anticipations they will enable us
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  • 335 2 Glgaatfc Scheme to Trap London Investors. A plan originated in Chicago to organise a pijrantic swindle by the formation of a £125,000,000 corporation with a parent company in London and branches in Victoria (British Columbia) and throughout the I'nited States and Canada has been revealed in papers seized
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 264 2 For "Reconstruction" If I after Illness for all who are rur down, untler-weiglit for those whose v£ a_4 digestion needs a rest, but who at the Mm i t:in_ need building M<i 3( up, Cjlazo presents the potent bodVlxiilJip.^. flesh-forming, E nerve-restoring elements of pure cow's milk in a form
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    • 272 2 Cuticura Soap Shampoos Best For Children If you wish them to have thick, healthy hair through life shampoo regularly with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Before shampooing touch spots of dandruff ani itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointment. A clean, healthy scalp usually means good Hair. (HlllMnli Sd OOtaaatli )a
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    • 128 2 INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, LTD. i!ir>-a. ORCHARD ROAD. Phone 2617. Overhauls and repairs of every description to all makes of cars and trucks. Painting, upholstering, batteries charged. Separate lock-up garages. NEW CARS ON HIRE. Customers having cars repaired at our works can hire four seater cars at daily rates. SWINEHART jg& s
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  • 689 3 Triple Broods of Insects due To Drought. The prolonjred drought has had an exraordinary effect on insect life. Professor .efroy, of the Imperial College cf .Science and Technology, South Kensington, an eminent authority on entomology, in a statement to The Thnes said th it certain classes of
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  • 398 3 Sir Cooper Believes he Was Betrayed." Sir Richard Cooper, M.P., speaking at Walsall, made an extraordinary statement about the death of Lord Kitchener. Many wild rumours have from time to time been circulated concerning the sinking of the Hampshire, and S.r Richard highly improbable story may
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  • 299 3 INTERESTING CASE IN CEYLON. The crso of Mrs. E. M. Fernando, wife >f Mr. W. H. Fernando, station-master at NugeKoda, „n the Ceylon Government Railways, is of especial interest to women. Here ire the fact* an related by tail lady Aftrr the birth of my son Denzil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 381 3 WHEN YOU feel limp and washe<l-oul, Weary and fatigued, with no I nation for.exett'on •<u ne ■</ something !o put fresh £o into you- try a Fortnight s Iron Jrlloids treatment. Iron JeLo ds help In make the blood rkh ami vigorous fioti which th 1 whoU lody benefits to
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    • 264 3 I TMMEDIATELT yon feel the I I tint Bjmptomof acoldorcbiH, I I you should take s few Peps, the I I norel breatheable remedy. I I Pepsi are the woutierful healing I I and germici<isi medicine which you I I breathe from pleanant dissolving I I tableui direct into yonr
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    • 237 3 t GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO, LTD. Incorporate 1b Boofkong i. Portland Cement f W CASKS 375 LBS. NETT rclernphle Addre« i C. M. ALPOBT. GREENLAND, SINGAPORE. A f*nt, T.l.okon. N«. J7»l. M-I. Boat Quy. H| Br .»«r«. ALSO AGINTS FOI THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING COMPANT, LIMITED. (Incorporate ta Hon»k»nt Pare
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 722 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. A O. Q British India AND Apcar Line 'Companies Incorporated in England^ MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. Under Contract with Hi. Majesty's Government,) Che Cesai>*i<>'> MAII SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present saaaended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FkOM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. LIMITKD Steeaer. intended to Mil free* Uaaaaere KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettonbam and HYI LEONG Monday. .1 «.ta »jb_ fer Malacca and Muar. CAKA— Tuesday, at tM s for Malattn and Muar. iPOH Wednesday, at pja, fer Per* Swettenham and Penang. HBBK--
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    • 383 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. K. THI OSAKA BHOBEN KAISHA LTD (Ineorpor«t»d la Japan 1 Na. I. Oa Soaia gtraat Propoaed Sailing froa Magapara (Sobjeet to chant* without notloa) EUROPEAN LIN* Par Part Said. MaraallUa, Load**, Aatwarp, Rott*rdaai ana Hambarf rr Jap. ALTAI MARU Oct. 16 Oct. 18 'AMAZON MARU Nov.
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    • 553 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Straits, also with transhipmnt to other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Ports, firitish New Guinea, New Britain. Tasmania and Raw /..I'r.nd Ports. WTROXIMATE BAUNGfI JIONTORO, 4,0.-.7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 412 5 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in England) Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong and Shanghai and to Calcutta via l'enang, from Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills of T,adins for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Teinlsin, Ncwchwang, Yangtaze ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA
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    • 777 5 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Coloniai Secretary's Ofiicn, up to noon of October 14, 19C1, for the following works 1. Con.-truc'.ion of a cement concrete ih:iin In the ravine adjoining the Woodhu da Polios station Erection of 11 I.l.irricd Quarters for the Krcta Ayer Police Station 3.
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    • 1084 5 NOTICE NOI !<"!: i? hereby Riven that the partneri r> In i tofore Hballllßl between Moona I Sheriff nnd KaTtaa Kekuaed Sedik I he continuinc; partners) who have been enrryicK on buaiaaea as Greeen and Curry Stud Dciilers at Xo. 'J5L', Ti-lok Ayer Strett Sirigapore under the style or In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 593 6 CINEMAS LI H HALL, LIMITED North Bridge Road f Tlie Second Show at 9.1 5 p.m. ■DOn I'OLO and *****X1 I'ORTKR In Univernal's gorgeous serial sensation KING OF THE CIRCUS Episode 11. MAN AND BEAST 3 Parta Episode 12. DEEP WATERS 2 Parta Together with BaßsaUoas] Photo-play Adaptation ol Rex
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    • 294 6 BffaTAINMBITS i, VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT and OCTOBER 14 15, at 9.15 TUB SINOAPOKn AMATIHUK DRAMATIC COMMITTEH ntKSF.NTS Rollos Wild Oat A Comedy in Three Acts. Booking at Messrs. Moutrie Co. Ltd. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! at 9.15 LOCATION REACH ROAD. Harmston's Circus AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. Our First Change of Programme GREATER! GRANDER!
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    • 131 6 AT THE NAHAR OPERA IV'Uth Theatre, opposite the Gsylnng Police Station, CaUans; Road. SPEGIAL ATTRACTION Next Thursday night October SO. it 9.15 sharp Ma Zuma the Great, tho King of Devils, Magician, Hypnotiat and Thought-Reader. For one night only, therefore don't raim this golden opportunity of seeing thi9 wonderful man.
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    • 190 6 I 'My Printer' I !j IT has been common practice for S rg many years among business jg S men to refer to "my banker," "my jS S broker," "my tailor." That little jfi ft! word my means that the husi- Sj i ness man confines his business to Vn
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  • 207 7 FIXTURES rttei'-ay, October 13. Hi :h Water, 8.38 a.m., 8.29 p.m. Orchestra Practice, 6.16 p.m. H< uewaul B. I. mail closes. Ri lo's Wild Oat, Vie. Theatre, 9.15. Il.v iii-ton's Circus, Hcach lload, 9.16. friday. October 14. Hifh Water, 9.H a.m., 9.12 p.m. Hollo's V.U.I Oat, Vie.
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    • 96 7 Ea*t Wharf Basin-Nil. K^ist Wharf Alipore, Tlioii^'wa, Van 1m ).oi!'. Sherrs Wharf Nil. Main Wharf Kepong, Japan, (.Hidonti Xani, Certoa Macu. Rmpire Ihx-k Sandakan, Rdavaaa, Tutsum Mam, i 1..11,.,. Koala, i iree. Weal \\h...i Klaag, Glenifer. J.rdlnei Wharf Nil. J'ulo Brani Coal Wharf-Nil. Krppel Harboar. .Main
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    • 156 7 CIRCE, Krit.. lU4 ton.-, from Deli U-10 for Dell 1.'.-10. FLEVO, Bar, vi:> tons, from Sibu 12-10, fos Sihii uikc. GLKNIFFER, Brit, 0.1(21 tons, from LonJoi i 10, Hongkong 14-10. KQOKN FOENG, Dut, ESI tons, from Ton tiansk 13-10, for I'untißnak lii-10. KLANC, Brit, 732 tons, from
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  • 127 7 To-day :■>• ■> P- m H „;n Kangooa i^iul Culcutta 3 p-n> Pcnanx, Sabans, tc :i p.n. l'ort Dickson und I'orl Swcttenham :i p.m Molucca and Muar 3 p.m l'ort Swettenharo, Penang, Madras »nd NegapaUTn, tbkiuic mails for Kurope, «tc. (via Bombay) 3 p.m Kegintration up to
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  • 30 7 (Official Post Offict Report) Left Singapore Arrived London Septcsahe* 1 September 2U September 5 October Bcptembvr ii October 8 September I^. October M September l"i October lv
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  • 70 7 Programme of drills, etc., for week endiag Friday, October 14, IU2I Friday, 14th.— 515 p.m., "Drill Hall, S.F.A. Company. SIMiAI'OKE AND SOUTH MALAYA UOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending October 16 Thursday, lUth.— Third Troop PuraUc-. twlfi pm. Friday, 1-ltli. Baml Practice, Malay \'i.iuntiH-r Club, 5.15
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  • 22 7 Fire brain out at the Shanghai municipal übattuir in tin- llouykt-w district. Two Inin.ln-il and m-\ rly-nmc sheip and 34 ealvei perishes).
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  • 248 7 U. S. A. AND MALAYAN COPRA. Suntresled Imposition of Export Tax. The effect of the proposed new tariff against British and Dutch coconut oil and desiccated coconut should naturally bi. says the TiiiK'.s. that instead of the copra being crushed or desiccated us at present in British Malaya, Ceylon, and
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  • 101 7 List of Subscribers. Pravioftal* sjrlmtsiladjed fa5^32.6i Jjhon- Pliintirs' Association 500 Kendall (4th contribution i 26J| I-adics of the TVluk .\n>,':\ Church Association .;.i.; Taiping Chunh Worker*' Aatoriation 1,.!,,) L McLean ;;,)0 Total fWfIQZA; Sinftaporp branch Previouxl y ackn owlt'it»reil $20,890.47 F r m Ka.-tcrii "tc -174 $21,:J04.i;
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  • 38 7 A Btoek Exchan.'.-f d rit, iivir.^ a Brixton, vho «nu demobilised over tw Mall nzo, has ju.-t v jAn an ofliciai cotice of bis tieath. One la a while our frrsnd :1 iMtittttiom >ri- n ahead of time.
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  • 134 7 BXCHANGB PBODUCB. Sip.u-.poie, Otljoer IS. Singapore, October 13. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/4 Garnbier 9W Demand 2/4 (Cube No. 1) unpacked 13.00 Private I m. credit! 2/4 17/:?2 Copra, Suiulried llkTB On New York Demand ■!!'< mixed 11.2.' Private 90 days 47 Pepper black 14.00
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  • 48 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Frires Buyers Sellers Singapore Standav Ribbed Smoked Shee Closing Pric«» Buyer* Seller Spot Nov. -Dec. Jan. -March Jan^March 33 M M 87 Cone i.f 111 ftdy. DAILY HHGBa 5 KKK NT. U e'dpek r.<oti. October I.i. i!>2i.
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    • 183 7 Val. Pd. Buyer*. Rellera. 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin L3S 1.15 1 1 Jeluntoh i i.i.ii SI I Kum. Kumunting 1.14.0 1.16.0 xd. v) II) kir.ta S.OO :1 i'l I^ahat Mine* 3 5 Uagai Tin 5.25 3.75 10 lo Malayan Coll. 12.00 13J 0 1
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    • 121 7 Val". Pd. Buy> ri. Seller*. .1 fl Br. Am. Tobacco ".0.0 3.10.0 iO 10 Central Engines 15.00 10.50 10 10 Central Mot H 0.50 4.00 "1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 0.00 ">/- 6/- Electric 'i'w-ys 2/6 10 10 FIUOT Xcaves 23.50 2^.50 >0 CO V.\ Harmr.ei- Co. 75
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    • 91 7 J. t:i 6 p.c |1,234JM0 par 5 p.c p.m. I 5 p.c. SiiQMQ n< m. i'j. i. Mnnii*ip»l 5 p.c. ,'>:UO par. Vpore Mun. 4'i p.c. of 1907 $1,000,300 10 p.c. (ii*. •'poij Mun. -l.i p.c. of 1'JO? ?1 ,600^»00 10 p.c. dis. ■'un. 4Vi pc. of V.<o<j J1,500,000
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    • 339 7 Pruser and Co. and Lyall r.nd Lvatt'B Quotuuonn. To-day's Prices. FgMMI Lyall Co. Kvatt. X'lenby (11) 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.20 Uor Caj.-.ii iU) 040 1. I I 0* Hitam ($5) 7.00 K.Oii 7.00 8.00 Am. Malay I..VJ 1.25 J. 75 fcuua* <*a. Ufcl UW .ek (fl) M LOO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 307 7 CHOPS PENG SENG HONG PENG SENG HONG CHAN NOTICE is hereby given that Hasan Chan Cheow Juo and Chan Cheow Hem (executors oi Chan j»" Lin deceased), <h«-\ Scow Hour. Low Peng Fee, Low Beow Chua T..n T.I. Cheng, Choo Seng liak and Sir Kirn Rak have this day retired
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    • 223 7 CHOP THONG HUP AUCTION SALE no. B(»\T QUAY, SINGAPORE. exee!l< il w poW ihed teak i I NOTH E I. hereby rriven that the bus lithorto carried on v RuICD fll i a c:l sop "TUONG HUP" ban T< bo a. I OCII i >lt rs. Henry Gni i Co,
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    • 366 7 TRADE MARK NOTICE \'icho!s and Company, h i l N ..1 of Kin^r-. nml i,nn nnc. North Third i i I .ir'c thr OV The saiil il Ilaw. ;i. r. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ENOUBB LADY wished lcaxonx in Dutch 7.'!. r Straits Times. FOR SALE, well mannered hack nx years. App
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  • 62 8 Mrs. TAN SHOW JOO.-On October 2, 1921, at k«t residence No. 4, Seah Street, aged 7— r», the beloved mother of Messrs. Tan Ifiaas Song. Miang Yong, Miang CalanSi Miani: Phiow, Miang Kang and fir* other younger brothers. The cortege will I— n the above address at 10 a.m.
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  • 1156 8 The Straits Times THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 UNEMPLOYMENT. The question of unemployment is still the question of the day. Mr. Lloyd George i 3 giving much of his thought to it and we should not wonder if he is sifrhinpr for the comparative simplicity of the problems he had to grapple
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  • 16 8 Hundreds of people have befii seriously bitten by mosquitoes or some other poison)us insect at Kingston-on~Thames.
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  • 23 8 The British Resident of Perak has absolutely prohibited the shootir.?, killing >r taking of Rhinoceros, Sladang and Elephants, in certain districts of Perak.
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  • 27 8 The' following telegram has been received from Rome dated October 9, noon-: Exchange on London Lires 94.25 pel sterling, Italian War Loan 5 per cent Lires 74.97.
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  • 32 8 Chinese immigrants during September totalled 13,666 against 13,348 in September last year and emigrants 9,798 against 8,050. The total of these immigrants to date this year is 151,773 against 84,079 last year.
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  • 13 8 Inspector C. B- G. Bartels, Butterworth, comes to Singapore on transfer from Penang.
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  • 13 8 Mails from Western Australia are expected to arrive to-morrow afternoon by the Charon.
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  • 14 8 The Dutch East Indian troops have now returned to barracks after their fortnight's manoeuvres.
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  • 16 8 A new evening paper the Zaterdan Avondpest made its debut at Samarang on the Ist instant.
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  • 21 8 Mr. and Mrs. T. C. and M,iss 11 Van Langerberg havp returned to Kuala Lumpur after a short holiday in Ceylon.
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  • 27 8 It is stated that Mr. Frank Adam k coming out East again on a visit and will spend part of his time with his brother in Bangkok-
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  • 26 8 A lecture on the subject of Reunion will be given by the Bishop of Singapore at the Malacca Club on Wtdnesday, October 19, at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders fcr India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. IM to ?100. The rate of payment of monjy orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 165 to $100.
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  • 38 8 At the instance of Inspector Williams in charge of the Marine Police Hirioshi Izumi, steward on board the Ben Clench was mulcted in the sum of $25 in the Marine Court la&t weeic for deserting from the ship.
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  • 35 8 The 8.1. packet Tara which arrived at Penang yesterday brought mails from Tndia only. The mails will reach Singapore by train this evening and the corre spondenci- will be delivered by the first delivery to-morrow.
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  • 44 8 From Saturday to Monday last. Kangar. Perlis, was en fete for th; usual biannual buffalo fight. A gaily dr^setl crowd o< Malays, men, women and children, wittossed the contests and were rewarded by i good quarter of an hour's fight on th< first day.
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  • 32 8 Australia'stproduction for the 12 month: end»d June 30 is valued at t'300,000.000. composed as follows .'astoral, £98,000,000 manufactures £75,000,000 j agriculture. £58,000.000 mines, £26,000,000; dairies, &c. £33,000 000 forestry and fisheries, £7,000,000.
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  • 56 8 Mr. H. Mann of Tanjong Katong was fined $10 by Mr. B. Nunn, District Judge, yesterday for being in possession of a revolver without a licence. This is the revolver which it will be remembered, was found with other stolen property in the possession of a Malabari shopkeeper named Kassim,
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  • 64 8 Mr. H. M. Balhttchet, second «on of Mr C. A. Balhetchet. who is a teacher in S: Xavier's Institution, at Penang, will be leaving towards the end of the year for Hongkong to take up a two-years' cours, >f teaching in the University there. Mr. BUhetchet's eldest son, Mr. W.
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  • 64 8 Mr. Joe Ccnstantine, manager of thi Strand Hotel, Rangoon, and- formerly well-known und popular figure in. the Straits, observes the Straits Echo, gave i 'ance at the hotel recently in aid of tht ■x-Ssrvices Association which added R? J. 500 to the funds of the Association- Mr Constantine duly received
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  • 82 8 Chief Detective Insp. Costello in prr iucing a Chinese of alleged bad character before MY. Dawson, third magistrat yesterday, to show cause why he shoulc not be bound over, stated that accused wa: actively concerned during the local anti Japanese riots. Wh'.-n accused's houswas raided at the time, some bombs
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  • 109 8 As recorded in a telegram from Penang the blue funnel steamer Troilus arrived ir Penang Harbour from Liverpool after < voyage lasting 24 days. The actua' steaming time was 23 days, «verage> spee< Liverpool to Port Said 14.89 knots an Port Suez to Penan? 14.77 knots. Tht Troilus is a
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  • 118 8 The white cap characteristic of thos who believe in Mr. Gandhi as a saint an therefore a sound political guide, has, writes the Nova Goa paper Heraldo, giver rise to more controversy in Goa than ir British India itself. It appears, that sorm of the Hindu students of the Centra
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  • 134 8 The funeral of Olivia, the only daughter of the late Dr. J. M. Handy, M.D., and Mts. Handy, took place at the Bidadari cemetery at five p.m. yesterday. Archil aeon F. G. Swindell, assisted by thi Revs. J. Butterworth and J. Devapiriam conducted the services both in the chapel and
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  • 385 8 Mr- W. Graeme Anderson has returned from leave, and goes on, to Kelantan. Mr. T. Strachan, who played rugby for Silangor last season, is now in Califorria. Mr- and Mrs. Cruickshank and Mr. Symonds, all formerly of Klang, wenrecent passengers to Ceylon by the, Bibby steamer Lancashire.
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  • 21 8 foe next outward mail is jxpectod to reach Penang per P. and O. packet Nyanza ibout the 17th instant.
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  • 65 8 This morning motor bus 41 was proca^ling after a party from Katong towards Singapore when near Grove Estate the bus suddenly swerved to the right and overturned. Fortunately no passengers were hurt seriously. The Chinese driv r was produced by Insp. Joyce bef.rc .Mr. Bull this morning.
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  • 91 8 A case was commenced this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in which Messrs. Connell Bros, of Kaffk's Place, claimed to recover $11,538 money alleged to have been paid for playing cards bargained and sold. The defendants are Messrs. Buan S.-ng Leonjc and Cc,
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  • 85 8 With, reference to the notification in these columns with rnrarl to the formation of a committee for helpintr destitute •'ndian coolies, the Secretary writes to say that the committee appreciate the h.-lp rendered by Government in dealing with the situation, but feel that a depot should be
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  • 170 8 Saturday last the school prt-mises in, St. Francis Xavier's Church compound, Penan*, were th? scene of a lar^e feathering, the occasion being, says the Straits Echo, the farewell reception to the Rt. Rev. Father L. Perrichon who proceeds to SinKuporv to-morrow to be consecrated there as Bishop on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 Exclusive Evening Gowns ,j» LATEST PARIS |V r\ MODELS The new creations possess that 'j\ I indefinable charm which is aIjBLI/ ways associated with the leading Paris houses. They have the unmistakable touch of the SPECIAL DISPLAY IHB of Race Gowns and Millinery, T f Evening Dresses, Sunshades, l)\ Silks
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    • 129 8 ALHAMBRA Beach Road. 5 I'tv. THE DEATH DANCE S Pts Fenturing Alice Brady Topical Budgets and Harry Pollard Comedy S l*ts. DROKENS TIES S Fts. Featuring June Elvidge And other Interesting Comedy. MARLBOROUGH Beach Road. 5 Pta. SHAM. Wl FORGIVE HER 5 Tta Featuring June Klvidge First Show DAREDEVIL JACK
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  • 482 9 Anxiety about Upper Silesian (Jucstin. lUxter's Service. London, October 11. Th? Siltsian i .•commendations of the Committee <.f the League have now been communicate! 1 1 the Suprem? Council at Ptvia. Intil the Council publishes them, it lible to conlirm the reports from Puris and Geneva that the
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  • 68 9 Rei-ter's Service. London, Oetebet 12. ladle interest is k»'mt majfaatod plication which it is units HtiiHl made in the courts to-iiay to reH the Poplar Councillors. The whole ■en <-f the local government of Gwtlf is !:> be overhauled by a Koyal n under the i hairmanship of
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  • 53 9 HtiTKK's Service. London, Octol>.i IS. Bi In the course of an official reU> their- Belgian Majesties, who Hyimv a visit to Morocco, the Sultan the Slurilliaii military medal on fur her distinguished war serWit is significant that tin Haas. i< >m „n which the Sultan of has
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  • 258 9 Preliminary Discussions Proceeding. Reutek's Service. London, October 11. Washington Mr. Hughes, State Secretary, has summoned the first meeting of American repnesentatives at the Disarmament Conference for October 12. It is expe:ted that the meeting will consider tho reports of the progress of Government departments in working up data
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  • 244 9 Reuter's Service. London, Octob-r 11. Six Labour representatives held a two hours meeting with the Cabinet and tkt Unemployment Committee at Downing Street this evening, after the Irish Conference adjourned, and explained the labour proposal for dealing with unemployment, including the stimulation of production, housing, road making
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  • 42 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 12. Port Said: The American st amir East.m Admiral, from Shanghai for London and Rotterdam, has broken down 100 miles from Alexandria and is needing assistance. The steamer Eastern Importer i; proc-tciing to assist her.
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  • 39 9 Reuter's Slavics. London, Oatofcat 11Sir Eds)in Stockton, president of the Manchester Chanibi.r of Commerce, in c speech s^d that tho prospects of the cotton trade were brighter, thanks to more orders. Hsm machinery would be started shortly.
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  • 192 9 Sinn Fein Gunmen in London Streets. Reuteh's Service. London, October 11. i The Irish Conference has opened at 10, Downing Strcei. A crowd, chiefly composed of Irish sympathisers, che?red the Sinn Fein de-legates and sang hymns afWr the proceedings opened. Mr. Chambeilau; was ill with lumbago and was absent.
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  • 162 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 11. New York The press is actively discussing the Panama Bill. The World, in a leader, emphasises the embarrassment that President Harding muft feel ir inviting Great Britain to a disarmament conference while the Republican Congress is turning a solemn treaty with Britain
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  • 133 9 Riutu'3 Service. London, October 11. An incident, which, according to American despa.ches, was threatening to develop unfavourably for Anglo-American relations, is now apparently settled. General Pershing hed been waiting for the British Government to fix a date for the ceremony of laying a medal on the unknown warrior's
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  • 66 9 Reuter's Service. London. October 1!. Sydney The Treasurer, >lr. Lang, re- 1 ferring to the three million lean which New South Wales is raising in Lon lon, said that since the Government was formed in 1920 several offers of loans had been received from America, but none
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  • 61 9 Reuteh's Service. Londc-.i, October 12. Wellington Mr. Massey informed a deputation that the Government is placing an additional loan of half a million in the London market. He added, "We arc not going t«l America for this. We are not going to break relations with the people
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  • 251 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 11. Washington Under a bill which Was favourably reported on to-day by the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives, the emergency tariff at present in force, instead of expiring on November 27 will remain in force until February 1 next.
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  • 82 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 11. The Economy Committee, headed by Sir Eric Geddes, which is considering the expenditure of Government departments, hi Id its first meeting to-day at Glenapp Castle, the Scottish residence of Lcrd Ir:hcape. It is expected that the mtvtings will last for weeks. It is
    82 words
  • 53 9 Reotxr's Service. London, October 12. Trento The King and Queen of Italy were received with remarkable scenes of enthusiasm on visiting the new Italian province. LcnJon, October 11. Paris Ex-Conii.iander-in-Chief Niveile hu bean j»!ao»si on Uta teamed lisc. Imiea, October 12. Tha cffip-al d.ath n-ll in the Rowan disaster
    53 words
  • 176 9 Messrs. Macphail and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Macphail and Co.'s weekly report, dated October 12, states The market continues very quiet. Rubber is a little stronger at 32 >a cts. spot, 34 cts. October/December. Allenbys advanced and were done up to 20 cts., but there are now
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  • 124 9 The 620 th auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was hvld on October 12, when there wa; catalogued 1,40r>,842 lbs., G27.C1 tons Offered 1.251,078 lbs., 558.51 tors. Sold 1,161,562 lbs., 518.55 tons. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed smoked sheet Cents per lb. Spore std. quality Slttwttlf
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1514 9 S.C.C. Win a Good Game. For the first time in the cup's tw.ntynine years of existence the SCO. have won the local football trophy known as the S.F.A. cup. It was expected that they would prove the winners in the final with the R. E. Sports Club
      1,514 words
    • 249 9 To-day's ties at the S.C.C. are as follow I! Singles. E. J. Sutton scr. v. A. E. Bond scr. T. E. Edmett owe 1 v. E. J. Cassels scr. A. G. Stredwick scr. v. A. F. B. Livesay scr. F. G. Heath scr. v. C. V. Bailey
      249 words
    • 82 9 On the S.CC. ground yesterday tho S.C.C. beat No. 4 d.inpany R.G.A. by 4—l. A hockey mntch will be played tomorrow on the padang between the S.RT". and Staffords 1) (Vmpany. Tiie S-R.C. will be represented by the following G. G. Gray E. C. S. La Brooy ard C.
      82 words
    • 112 9 The first Kac-e for ILK. the Governor* Challenge Cup will bi raced oi Saturilu..", finishing at the Club Hous? about 5 ;1U p.m. A rowing race for fours will also take place, the teams being Mr. R. M. Williams,— Bow T. M. Winsley, No. 2 R. M.
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    • 138 9 In the Supreme Court this morning before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard there was a rather unusual action in which the local branch of the Bank of Taiwan v.:is sued by Mr. Jules Samuel in a rlaim for $14,719.42 as holder of several bills of exchange against the defendants.
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  • 2607 10 A New Star in League Football. By Our Special Correspondent. London, September IS. Tin- defeat of Craig an Eran is as remarkable an instance of the uncertainty of metal as has occurred since John Porter, trained both Matchbox and Throstle for the same race and was astounded to
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  • 197 10 Statement of Quantity and Value of Rubber Exported During September. The Registrar of Imports and Kxports, has sent us the following statement of the quantity and value of rubber exported from the Straits Settlements during September 1921. Total 17,«74.6 U4.532.3 112,206.9 137,55:!.7 1 1.722.1 37,068.0 70,159,000 266,707,000 Nett
    197 words
  • 263 10 Two Europeans Lose Their Lives. The Times of Malaya of Tuesday reports The report of a shocking tragedy, which occurred in the small hours of Sunday morning at Sabak Bernain, on the Sclangor side of the B.rnum River, reaches us from Teluk Anson to-duy. It appears that
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  • 502 10 Verdict of Death by Rash Act. The acting coroner's enquiry into the circumstances attending the deaths of two Chinese as the lesult of the overturning of bus 38;I7 near the Borneo Wharf on the morning of September 26 last was continued on Tuesday and yesterday. Goh Wan,
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  • 197 10 The following notes on Military events for the seven days ending September 14, have been issued Germany. Upper Silesia remains quiet and there is no military incident to report in the British area. General Heneker on September 7 moved his headquarters from Tarnowitz to Gr. Strehlitz. Some changes
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  • 110 10 Mr. Edgar Warwick's popular company is shortly paying a return visit to Singapore, and will play at the Victoria Theatre from October 24 to 21. Several new 1. ndon successes, are to be presemed. Brown Sugar, from the Gnrriek Theatre, will be staged on the opening night,
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  • 826 10 Powers of Local Rent Board In Question. An interesting case, wherein the powers of the Local Rent Assessment Board were quest ionetl, came on for hearing before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard on Tuesday afternoon. The application was for a Writ of Prohibition directed to the board, prohibiting it
    826 words
  • 88 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, October IS. Silver 42-V Hongkong 30Vi pc. prem. Three months gold 46%. Share market. Dull. Rubbers Small enquiry. Tin. Taipings 1.05-1.10, Norths 1.22'.-1.27',i, Souths 621L-»>7!i cents, Nawng Pets IM-IM, I'apans 42'j- -IT cents, Padang Plandoks CO-C5 cents, Kawangs S2ft-57ft cents, Linguis
    88 words
  • 127 10 The installation meeting of Klang Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall, Klang, or Saturday evening when Bro. L. Smith was installed as W. M. for the ensuing yaw. The other new officers are I.P.M., Wo Bro. P. B. Ford S. W.. Bro. S. Winthrop LW"., BYo.
    127 words
  • 728 10 Miscellaneous Investigations Ir 1920. From the report of the Director o' Agriculture, F.M..S. nr I S.S. f...- I9M m take the following dealing: will, niis.e! laneouK investigations Paper. A small committee was forme* during the year to consider the possibili ties of paper manufacture in this couiitlf
    728 words
  • 149 10 To-night at the Theatre Royal, Bridge Road, the Black Brigade Ai will stage The Prime of Ronianc show is under the patronapV of N Chin Kuan and cups and medals presented by Mr. H- C Tann. Harmston's Circus has comple first week on the Beach Road si good
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  • 1367 11 A Home of Many Illustrious Musicia. The Vienna i in i iw|>uihWiiil of Uw Time? write? Om of the curiosities of Austria's new provinc.-, the Buigcnland, and indeed of CYntrnl Europe, is the NVusiedl Set, a big Ink covering 131 to 136 ■•jnare miles, I .i Inik'th
    1,367 words
  • 680 11 Sir Henr> Hadow laments Studied Nejflect. An eloquent plea for the better understanding of music was made by Sir Henry Hadow at the meeting of the BriMsh Association. In general, he said, the erudite world it England regarded muiOc as something outside the scholar's province. As
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 HeartfieLatest %'r^L "His 1P»1^ Master^ Wm±r4^ "Voice** 'HtLvtuJ L/w* Becords in the i wvfub *U Jr comfort of our ■'m^m£L& Mi Audition T?ooms s. MOHtric mM^ CO., LTD. %Jfilj MXiW^ Raffles Place, ™^-^HI i SINGAPORE. 1 I A Powerful and Economical Disinfectant "SACOL" UNIVERSAL BRAND OBTAINABLE IN MUMS OF I
      123 words
    • 271 11 Raffles Hotel, A Supper Dance will be held at Raffles Hotel, aftcv the performance of "ROLLO'S WILD OAT" ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1921. Dancing till 1.45 a.m. F. A, COOKE. A. E. McCLAIT, MuHical Dim lor. Manager. Adelphi Hotel EVERY EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7 to 10 KDELPHI
      271 words

  • 684 12 Fellow r^aMMl on An Ocean Liner. Fox Smith writing in a home paper sa.vs Than are, perhaps, no conditions mor> favourable for observing the foibles and peculiarities of one's fellow humans than those afforded by an ocean voyage ani that for reasons which ara, on a brief
    684 words
  • 99 12 tnglo Sumatra.— so,s23 lbs. Asahan.— 3B,7B4 lbs. liai, Liaa Tobacco Rubber.— GB,l 12 lbs. Bandar Sumatra.— 4l, 3so lbs. liila i,Sumat»a) 2;J,400 ibs. Central (Sumatra).— l9,4B7 lbs. Easten Sumatra.— :{o,soo lb*. Glen Bervie.— o2,9B2 lbs. I.arv.'kat Sumatra.— 3s,ooo lbs.!:at.— 29,500 lbs. hteadaril (Sumatra)— BB,323 lbs. KubU-r
    99 words
  • 92 12 New Simplon Tunnel. The new Simplon tunnel, parallel with the old one, which is tho longest in the [world, was pierced on September 13. The I work on the masonry of the vault is 'also well advanced, ami it is hoped to ornplett' the second line by the end of
    92 words
  • 29 12 I Smoking compartments for women are to in 1 provide*! on Canadian Pacific Railroad trains. Tlv company states that tht equality of the sexes should be recognise in travelling."
    29 words
  • 620 12 Hishop as Market-Place Crusader. The Bishop of Woolwich, according to three shirt-tleeved potato porters who volunteered their views on September 13 at the Borough Market, S.E., is variously a toff," a sportin old boy," and a matey cove as makes you feel free-and-easy like." A fourth
    620 words
  • 360 12 Tetrazzini Reveals her Life Secrets. Mine. Tetrazzini has published M;. Life of Song. This famous prinia donna oi-.K from her earliest years. For me to sin*? was to live not to •sin* was to die If I could ha\ o ion; so I would have
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 152 12 Kiam Kiat STA??r>S fo? ATI3PACTORY ERVICDO NOT WORRY, WE WILL HELP YOU. /ft <f _>^-\. -a^^s— ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. lncorporated in England Soledistributora, S.S. and F.M.S. |ggtf "Throe Castles" Bg^ Cigarettes There's no sweeter Tobacco comes from Virginia and no belter brand than the "Tfiree cestfgs" THACKEhAY TKE VIRGINIANS
      152 words
    • 224 12 KEEP A Moving Record of the important Events of your Life Also make it possible for your children to review, when they grow up, their own progress through life PATHE places it's valuable experience at your disposal to enable these desirable results to be accomplished. It is the only firm
      224 words

  • 507 13 How the Body Responds to Smell Of Frizzled Bacon. In his Presidential address to the Section of Chemistry at the British Association conference Dr. M. O. Forster spoke on the Laboratory of the Living Organism, and asked what was breakfast to the average man A hurried compromise
    507 words
  • 263 13 LONDON HOTEL ROMANCE Brothers in Charge of Carlton And Ritz. A romance of hott'l life is revealed by the appointment of Mr. John S. Waiter as manager of the Ritz Hotel. Mr. W. Walter, his brother, is manager of the Carlton Hotel, though each started his career in a more
    263 words
  • 203 13 The Municipal Committee of Lahore having asked Mr. Newland, Superintendent of the Lahore Municipal Fire Brigade, to wear khaddar uniform, Mr. Newlanrl, who is an ex-soldier, promptly resigned his appointment. The Civil and Military Gazette, published at Lahore, referring to Mr. Newlasd's resignation, writes Every fair-minded
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 213 13 OWNER-DRIVER !L i 'li&J Comfort in keeping llit i^/vwj with iv appearance hf r \lttS3?^a-5 Pf of quiet elegance are !II t '"lures of tho Stan- *$»/JP»* B *s* i^ dard Light Cir that flyjf J has won the fr.vour of f the Overseas Owner- Driver. Tha All/|^pqgg^prlt ish, jT-3
      213 words
    • 282 13 The Brand of Confidence O 1871 a Bxaj T The 1 he damp neat or tht T ONLY RELIABLE Indian climate is essential for the cultivation of fine European CEMENT It is pestilential for its $4**? The Brooke Bond tin ASK FOR QUOTATIONS is impervious to climatic r w% n
      282 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 854 14 SALES BY AUCTION 1 PULAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORPER OF THE TRUSTKKS FOR DKBENTURE HOLDKRS. The Badersier.eil have received instruction- to sell by public auction <if not previously aold by private treaty I at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, on a date to
      854 words
    • 292 14 IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE larslgassl have baaa favoured with nstructions to -.11 by Public auction at their sale-room. RaSef Chambers. Raffle* Mac*, on M..nda>. O.lober 17. at 2.3» p.m. The following valuable town ai.d country proper! I.VDE ST. AM) JKDDAII STREET L..t 1. MM raara 1 leaaaaold laad to*— thai i-ith
      292 words
    • 1946 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,00$ The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Wincheater House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE J2. Old Jewry E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      1,946 words

  • 625 15 Jazz Bands Proposed to Wake Up The Girls. Moving the second reading 1 of the Bill, Mr. Kellaway said the five millions asked for, mainly for telephones, would last till the end of next April, when he hoped the House would have the report of the Select Committee
    625 words
  • 211 15 An event more like the sensational happenings in a cinema thrill film than any in reality occurred about 7 p.m. on the 3rd instant at Soerabaya where a dogcart was drawn up in Construction Street, near the Artillery Construction shops. Su sudden, and mysterious was the onslaught
    211 words
  • 158 15 Another attempt is being; made to solve the mystery of ttl? whispering gallery under the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral. The late Lord Rayleigh, who made a protracted investigation into the peculiar accoustics of this part of the building declared that the phenomenon was due to
    158 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 191 15 DLNLOP /*^^k. Solid Tyres M^Stik Mmt gs^gsKrTt FITTED ON THE ff THE DUNLOP Jliffi SB RUBBER CO. Wll mif (east) LTD. ■ill /jI/ OUNLOP HOUSE, lH ROBINSON ROAD. /■</ &/v[jOWU<W3 kee Singapore. i>|^ ISEMOVES AND PREVENTS CARBOX DEPOSITS >^P**W^?vV by leading M. engineer and member Wvfil SAVES GASOLINE CONSIMPTION //4&StKxXtyAsif
      191 words
    • 308 15 SrpTjTT MOTOR AgT^l^lMgOV VM^V HAIPHONG \s%) CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singapore. N.E.W. MOTORS AND DYNAMOS You cannot get a bettdr and cheaper Dynamo. Obtain prices from THE MOTOR CAR HIRING ENGINEERING
      308 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 298 16 >».-- M^if<i> t "<*4 Tint*. H in Ik u lfc I.urrk. '.*-ir I.I*pp«", ->l Ill- -V- T**1UAM KlfiT CO- LTI. in pnilUF BTBD* KRYPTOK j£"f BIFOCALS Tk< i*o -.1 i I— p ""I Liirrr I H.dfr.'. « Hm a 10*1 ia<m>. lti>_ Mimpnh' I" I H li-M.i. Bh4. -ln.»M" JOHB
      298 words
    • 335 16 TAT GUAN XIAT IB PHILLIP BTftLET l-l- llU «l* FJREWO(H> AND BASKETS AND BROOK*. ETC Ih* I"' L TfLOI* IHJ1LKH fLUIIX ii I f .^^1 f T~B fc rAl y«'f VJ 1 ki I r PU4,ij>w rea L'mawn i^i w* SHELL FIHIT T HIM WATT CO. SAL-MAKING M» CAMAS DEPOT
      335 words
    • 809 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tta tkEfAin h.n-i hi fui> r-i k. i» .1 He. i_ n»Fk(t f u Nhi m-— rn 'i- im HnHln A. r» |u t« rH_ Ik— h fcU IM- H rt*. l*i i>» llh. II w (I II I. |h 1IJC t*kl» l-ui r,r,-. n ;i M (|hd
      809 words
    • 740 16 LAND AND HOUSES Tip LET. T Ck.a*rr. l^w ti^ii aalir di ■imrh-1-l >M bhuri OKU y..'™. H, nmv lii I ET. I u'DHin '"■mTi" I drwf t*4rmi'. Mrilr (nini-l.-J. el-Mr m ",*hl —4 ■Hf T-I'in. Bnkl- T.UE h-*t W ■rf Mitt Appl, BufeH «i l*. IJ*. TO LET, H.ntjLiff- -id
      740 words
    • 411 16 I 1 I CUT *»*V Flfi" NHOWINC, H.rib-i I '■■I— S9Sn MODEL Th, F-plbli L..-H,n.i *l I G-- b-n-r >od u##»lib* bilir -I* mi H«tk«i 1 Hm* HlxKd bj IB* L'S- Trtimi nifT" liiniiiutu for hghUiiHM m *i pJi« udd -"H in nich sur pine, iddnii nil., T.L.IH fatif fc»Ti
      411 words
    • 522 16 Straits Motorcar Service. i Tii'iLi ip.i ikici iinir M* HAhlnn BELLANGEK fmniion I'n nrli *.<•• AH 1*4- *f K?p«i>< Iw V i" I <-'*- 4 r«*k*« I iLndni-H. Iii4-I uri N*ir» >^ In -km mN* i .Ml- «r1d-d RELIABLE 4 ARS AND LOKRIEH HIRED I.*** fmiMiU* I-*-"-P K r""il- hii«-P-
      522 words