The Straits Times, 7 October 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Strait Times. NO. 2 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 130 1 law! "REAR RRANO 9 A," > y«?) Swiss jC^w^ Milk TRADE MARK Trying It, Means Adopting It. SOLE \OENTS S.S F.M.S., BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS. LTD. (Incorporated iv .£n«l«nd SINGA f>ORE. Put this little Pal in your Pocket (jKt^\ and forget about it till .iumething happens P*"S?^ fc^f
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    • 74 1 Portable Ranges CARRON DOVER RANQE NO, .8 .33 inch. TO BIJPN Jj*^ ESss '^*«sSp nc^ WOOD OR COAL MUBLE OVEHS WITH BOILER. I W > COPPER BOILER. BEETON RANGE 36 inch. Robinson Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Singnporc) WHY PAY CASH WE SELL ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. FRANKELS, LTD. Furniture Manufacturers
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    • 9 1 I i |r i "-3 |3 5 i t
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  • 792 2 2.000- YEAR-OLD FINDS. r Wonderful Past of New Mexico Revealed: I When Europe was plunging through the terrors of the Middle Ages and somewhere about the time Attila the Hun was ravaging the civilisation of Rome^another civilisation of a different type was in a fairly well perfected state in western
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  • 268 2 BLACK TROOPS FILM. Prohibited by the German Authorities. Berlin is taking considerable interest in the films of other countries while wrestling with difficulties that seem peculiarly Germany's own. After much expense and bother the big propaganda film afrainst the black troops on the Rhine has been forbidden, both in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 320 2 Your Children H need this safe Milk j| from British-bred Cows Glaxo is prepared from pure cow's milk, made safe tnd kit Py comfortably digeitihle by the Glaxo Process. Little bodies igE 94 grow plump and rosy on it, and mother is happy in the K^ :)> knowledge that Glaxo
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    • 678 2 TftADC MM jfaZ Z^k *C***l**O FOUCAULD lycizn-FoueAULD BST? 18*7 AT \&r AT THE TAXIDERMISTS CO. •1, TANK ROAD, SINGAPORE. Birds and animal* mounted, etc., etc. i PAIN IN THE REGION OF THE HIPS Have you pains in the region of the hipi. Many people suffer from pain in the region
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    • 186 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CA»R The excellence of French automobile engineering has resg b«ea known and agreed by experts. The Citroen is the acknowledged best of this school of production. See this remarkable Car— compare it with any other light car on th« Market. Take a demonstration ride drive it yourself
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  • 510 3 Strange Warnings from Unseen Agencies. Messages received through suppose;! telephatic seem to be fairly common experiences. Sinn- the report in these columns of tincase of Mrs. Godriard, of Streatham, the Daily Chronicle has received a large nuinbti of k-tt'.-rs ralathkf recent incidents in th^ lives of
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  • 320 3 The Narcotic Weed as an Aid To Efficiency. Industrial specialist* have been making a series of tiwts U> determine the effects of tobacco on the efficiency of workers. So far as '.hey have gone, the tests soomed to prow that heavy smokers are more efficient than moderate users
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  • 133 3 I A large company accepted the lnvrta- Hun of the directors of the Hongkong and Whamnoa Dock Co., Ltd., on Saturday l wrek to witness the launching of the ■iinple mw vessel Paludina. birlt and t cn-.neH by the Dock Company for "he Antrlo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd.,
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  • 32 3 •Mr. Joseph WataOß, \v ■■ll known in racing ci rotes, has purchased from Lord Wiiloughßy de Broke the Comptbn Vftrney rotate near Kirt'T..n in Warwtekshin, the deal including a little ovit r>,030
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 520 3 j Dysentery and Wasting Dr. Cassell's Tablets Bring New Health and Vigour, and Safeguard You From Infection. Salonlca. South Africa. PrUa,te_a H. Tyler. 12lh Company. Mrs. Mien Fiontn, I. G>lerlilg>>-r"a<l R.A.M.7. writes: B«rTinjr In Bait rfiter. C.l.. Suulb Afr'oa. »niri«: Salon'ca. I caujht malnria. When I "I suffered terribly with
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    • 721 3 IN THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU Administration Suit No. .14 of 1921. NOTICE Application to this Court having been made by Krr.e*t L. Harris, Consul General for the United States of America of Singapore for Letters of Administration to the estate and effects of Dr. R. A. Powell late
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    • 208 3 TITAN The ONLY RELIABT.W European CEMENT ASK FOR QUOTATIONS Before Buying Elsewhere OUTSTATION AGENTS: Mevsr*. AYLBSBURY NUTTER, Ipoh, Tapah, Taiping, Teluk Anson, Penan* Kedah. WEARE CO., LTD., Seremban Kuala Lumpur. KENQ Mis CO., Malacca. Alao from G. AURELY CO., No. 2H. Kiiilaysou Groen, Singapore. Sole Importers for S.S.. F.M.S. and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 859 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.- British India AMD Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Udder Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Ceanany'a MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeeat aaaaeadaa LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dae
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    • 813 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STEAMER SAILINGS STRWTS Sir 0 DOLLAR LINE Haaaaa** tatraded U aall a*aai atc*as*n KLNTA Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Bwstt«n ham and Penang. HYE LEONG— Monday. s< 4M aau ««t Malacca and Muar. IAKA-Tueaday. at IM «.r Malaga SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK and Muar. i COH Wednesday, at
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    • 397 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. X. THE OSAKA SHOBEN KAISHA LTD. Incorporated la Japan) N*. t. Da Seasa Street Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN UNB Fa* Part Bald, Maraelllea, Loadoa, Aatwer*. Rotterdass and Haasbart »rr dep ALTAI MARU Oct. 16 Oct. 16 •AMAZON MARU Nov. 16
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    • 599 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (laeerporaud la AartraUa) Singapore to Java Porta, Part Uar» Tharaday lalaad, Brisbane, and Sydney. tU Torres Straits, al.o wit" transhipment to other Victorian, South Australian and Norti Queensland Ports, British New Guinea, Ne« Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Pert* APPROXIMATE a.A11.1*.;/ MONTORO, 4,067
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 289 5 STEAMER SAILIN6S Nippon Yusen Kaisha PASSAGES FOR EUROPE A few and second-class accommodation is available on the undermentioned steamers INABA MARU tailing Oct. 6* KAMO MARU sailing Oft. 19 IYO MARU sailing; Nov. 3 ATSUTA MARU sailing Nov. 17 For further particular!;, apply to NIPPON YUSEN KASSHA (Incorporated in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 mzm I EMPIRE Bio Part«. THROUGH W Al^X* In 6 Paris Hb one ><r (iiu imost I- i nd tartling ELMO THE FJCARLSSS m iifn rrJHtE PATH >■■ I A. VarORTAKT IPJ GRBY A World Production of Gfoat Dramatic Power I DeeldM I InSlMrts. THE! AWJ [NO In 5 Para.
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    • 194 6 ENTEftTAWMENTS Harmsfon's Circns AND ROYAL MENAGERIE Nightly, at 9.15 LOCATION BEACH ROAD Matinee To-morrow, Oct. 8, at 4 p.m. sharp Soldiers and Sailors in Uniform Half Price to Second Chairs Stalls only. hihlrcn half price to the Matinees only. Box plan at ROMNSOX PIANO CO., LTD. NAHAR OPERA sSSST OK
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    • 219 6 tn NEVER SAY DYE, SAY T I N TEX AT MAYNARD'S WINDOW We are showing a few samples of what can be done with ONE TEASPOOXFULL OF TINTFM I In I tA NEVER SAY DYE, SAY Foi sill Defects of Viflioa. CONSULT Mr. K. F CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle
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    • 334 6 STEAMER SAJLBHGS IHDO-CHIHA STEAM MAY. COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in England) Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong and Shanghai and to Calcutta via Penane. from Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills of Lad'nß for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Anioy, (jfcefoo, Teintain, Ntwehwug, YanKtsze ports, Formosa, the I'hilippinc!, etc. 0 FOB PBfANG AM)
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 283 7 Yesterday s rwwdii at th* S.CX. were a.follows Newcomers' Handicap. S. [Vrmsliirt, mre S faMt J. If. MmNM, |>1iik 0 K. B, Oabonw, owe :i beat I MukLonet-t, plun n, G— 0, 0— 4. W. B. Contcs. owe 4 )x>ii I. H.'ioldic. w.r. wo. F^H flM|wllnf iftr
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    • 220 7 The f rial hava .|ur\!if'icd for the linaN W) Vardi Membera Huudicap Si bndd, Thio n mj.ili 'liii- ana, Tan .-;oon Tye ";>uii Diving Coinpr-t'ticm V. Tewan, K. Kinv Tan Bong Qoan, \V. )ln iitnU i>|>,. M ChaaraioaaHh 0. Wataoa (Swimn :r.;. 1 tot J.
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    • 175 7 The qualifying round of the Si. Jame.-'s Cup, in eoßßeean with Keppel Golf Club. wifl bt playwl on the Hlh ami !Kli instant. I Carriaon timm plajaed Klang Mondaj '.I1 1 l.i:.i \\iunii:K .1 clone gaaw. Tlk following wan tlin KOna tht KUng players being liame'J j W.J. M.irOv.
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    • 102 7 i 1..- ruce iii buDoa) morning f<.r the 1 i ..its i lot th,' Ma^pMl II I undiT Ika] followiiin haiidioapa. Manka, liluabath] Btolla and l>.imthy. .•.uit al IU. Iklty, llck'ii. Marion, PnUfc and Kvc stiirt a 1 1O.;V Maigaret 11 ;.irt at lv.--KathUen aad (lartnide si.irt
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    • 47 7 ii..' [eDowing will hmbl Uw%jCjQ, N'.C.O.'s i.t Taniflin tomorrowt—A. U. •nhui^O. K. S., A. N. I.uyboumc 1 W. ii. Layboutnc, C. Graham Brown, Lit-ufc. Klliot. —Lieut. DidMna, 1.. SehoAeld, P. Stocks, B. 1.1 y«i and K. H. lm M«the. The dub will play in wliitf.
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    • 39 7 U. Rappa will captain tho Teachers' eleven «f the St. Joaaph'a Old Boys' Assoliution which will oppoae thy OKI Boys en their gtouni fur th*' MMM time toniorrow. Tiiu tir.--t moi'tintr wsulti'd in a win fur till" fni'iiu-r.
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  • 203 7 HXTl'BM -1 Friday. October 7. Ifiph Water, 1.5i» a.m., 1.29 p.m. JlomeTvord mail cl. Football SF.A. (up. S.R.C. v. R.E. Sports lub. S.C.C. Haruaton's Circus, Beach Road, 9.1S. Saturday, October 8. Jfieh Wnter, 2.46 a.m., 2.14 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Bukit K. B. MtL'.. Gattey's,
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    • 95 7 Kasl Wharf Hasin Ayuthia. l:.i-t Wharr l^ik. Gitaao, Islander. Hherrii »Vh»rf Mil. Main Whart Barontaz, Kv.:>i San^-, dc Witt. Fn.piro Dork < '.;in Maeindot, City of Delhi, jUtoar, x.-.i rempla^ ghuUoolca I Ve.t Wharf-Nil. Janlinrs Wharf KifLinczan Maru No. 2. I l'olo BranJ CMal Wharf
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    • 118 7 CADARETTA, Amer., 1.'i21 tons. ;rom I!on c- 10, for unc. CHINBUA, Brit, i..." toi.s, from Swatow C l". for Buiißkok «-10. CITY OF DCLHI, BHt, l£tt torn, from Rot-i-rlHn HO, for HV>nKl:on« 7-10. L'DENDAIJS, Brit, 708 tona, from Bataria 6-ia for .h.v.i boc EDENDALE, Bi m ion;, from
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  • 156 7 To-day Port .Sv.i'f.ev.l'.ani ta4 Tuluk Ar.son p.r.i. Malacca aad Muar p.m. P«mag and Calcutta 3 p.m. p.m. Ko.n Tir.REi 4 p.m. Pulan Guixnt' I p.m. i'.liio. AntiVu:;, N'atuna lalandi unj Sen.. .i.n 4 p.m. Batarday K. Dungun and TrcnKanii Miri. Lr.hunn, Jifssclton. Kuilnt, Sanuakon, Sul.i in 1
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  • 57 7 l!:kit Lintanc Estate.— l9,ooo lbs. C'iiempc(iak. 11,500 lbs. I'himpdl. 17.5UU lbs. Colinsbua'h.— :;^^o lbs. Heawood.— Ihs. ,1 a: ,i,,._y5.(M>0 lbs. Krubonj; o,f.i)3 lbs. Kenipas. -24,u"i»() lbs. I.'Tdu.— 2o,ooo lb.i. Meilimau.— lol,l9l lbs. I'irmala.— 4,376 lbs. J'egoh.— 4B,ooo lbs. fc Ileir.bia.— 25,000 lbs. 9 Kunjrei flajllli Hi.fltO
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  • 68 7 Hahman Hydraulic Tin. 275 piculs. Rahmaa Tin Co. SCt piculs, mill 2r>6.8."i triLuti-s 247.7:;. Ifitam Tin. 410.8.; picjls. 9 Ralrnt Tin DredKing Co. 4t)7 piiiuls, r,i»u boon worked, 72,#)0 cubir yards treated. J.arut Tin PrtHljr'nj:. Hours run 628, jraMßge treated t»5,000, piculs 5U2. Mnlayan I'.n Dredging.— Output
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  • 132 7 EXCnANGB Sinpaji'jLo, October C. On London, Bank 4 m s 2 4' Demnml 2/4 Private 3 m. credits 2/4)1 On New York Dt-man'l 4J^b Private !)0 days 46, On France Bank SSO On InHfa Dank T.T. 15b On Hnnskun'i', Bonk d/d .°.O! > p.c. prcm.i On Shanghai,
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  • 51 7 Tone of Mail.^i. Finn. Singapore Standard Palo Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers ::o :;i spot Jot. .>cl.-l)tt\ liiii.-Man pi Singapore Standard It;M>f<i Smoked Slieei Closing Prices Buyers Sellers ?,2 33 38H M C 7 Sum Uct. Ort.-Ikc. lan.-Mar DAILY PRICBS CURRENT. U nO'Mi, October
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    • 183 7 Iss. Val. I'd. Buyer*. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Wtnj; 1.00 1 1 liitam Tin 1.40 1.50 1 1 Jelantoh 0.40 0.60 tl £1 Kam. Kamunting 1.14.0 MC.Oxd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.00 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 5 6 Lingui Tin 556 3.75 10 10 Malayan Coll. 12.50 1:5.50 1
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    • 135 7 la. Vul Pd. Buyert. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.0.0 3.10.0 10 10 Central Kngines 15.50 16.50 10 10 Centra) H«tUI 3.50 4.00 n i"l E. Smelting Co. G.OO 6.30 i/-5/-Elcctnc TV;.;.b 2/6 10 10 Fraser Neaves 28.50 29.50 >0 50 W. Hammer Co. 75 86 LOO 100
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    • 100 7 U. Ens. 0 p.p. $1,234,300 par 5 p.c p.m. Spore Electric Tramways, 5 p.c. 1U50.000 Dom. S'porc Iviunicipa! 5 p.c. $1,878,000 P«J. Spore Mun. 4V4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 10 px. dia. 3'pore Mun. AM p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 10 p.c. dis. 3'poro Mun. 4V4 pc. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 372 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's QaoUtiuns. Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another pate on Friday. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Kvatt. ADcato i SI) 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.20 Alor Gajah (SI) ].00 0.90 1.00 A. Hi tarn (S3) 7.00 K.OO 7.00 H.OO Am.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 Those who have suffered from INFLUENZA roquiro a tonio to restore their normal appotito and strength. HCFMOGLOBIN DESCHIENS ia the tonio par cxculloncc. It alao gixea excellent results in case* of anaemia, chlorosis, incipient pthisis, diseases of the lungs and cheat, convalescence after malarial, typhoid and other fevers, neurasthenia and
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    • 874 7 latest Advertisements QUALIFIED PRIVATE NURSE diaeniTßjjpd Apply Sinicapore Naraiag Home. "OWING TO CIRCUMSTANCES there will '»<• no dancing in St. Andrew's Sell >ol to-nii-ht BOLTER'S ju-t landed 1' moth size white AtHiagai and Mnrnmoth «iic A«parnp:us Tip». W ANTEI JD N I O R~~CLE RIT Appl~by letter with copies of
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  • 37 8 Mrs. Ch:i7i Lcong Watt and son be(f to thank ail relatives and friends who very kindly I vraatks and letters of condolence and attendei tho funeral of the late Mr. Chan Lvong Watt, on October 4.
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  • 1258 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 NATIONAL PROBLEMS. It is something of a relief to find the Prime Minister stating that they wet* not increasing the national wealth ever) time they printed new treasury notes." 'Mr. Lloyd George has been suspected of a somewhat exaggerated estimation o: the powers of
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  • 34 8 The P. and O. steamer Banca has left Bombay, and is expected to arrive at thin port at noon on the 15th instant. She will proceed to the P. and O. WV.arf on 'arrival.
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  • 10 8 Sporting News and Notes will be found on page 7.
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  • 19 8 The Rent Assessment Board will sit in the Municipal Board Room on Tuesday the 11th instant at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 24 8 The Rev. J. Butterworth will conduct Divine Service at Johore Bahru on Sunday, evening at 6 p.m. and Monday, Hely communion at 7.30 a.m.
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  • 35 8 The Whist Drive craze in London has attained mammoth proportions, thirty-five thousand players participating in a drive, in. which the first prize was a house worth £1,000, with free coal and milk for a year.
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  • 38 8 A permanent Jewish Theatre is to be established in the West End London, this month, with the object of producing plays in English portraying the idealism of the Jewish race in contrast to the stage caricatures hitherto presented.
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  • 38 8 Should you discover land fit for 400,000 unemployed ex-service men, please annex it in our name." This was amongst the telegrams received by Sir Ernest Shackleton from ex-service men of the British Legion on his arrival in Plymouth.
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  • 43 8 Mr. Ang Teck Siew, better known as Joh Hood Teck, the eldest son of the Lit .'•lr. Ang Piatlv Ann, is engaged to Miss Tan rye Neo, the adopted daughter of Mr. Tan Ek Lee. The marriage will take place jn October 10.
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  • 39 8 Mr. R. Davidson, Manager of Sungei Sungkai Estate, Sunkai, is leaving for dome on leave in a day or two, and Mr. Chas. Wilkins, late Manager of Consolidated Estates, Sitiawan, will act for Mr. Davidson during the latter's absence.
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  • 35 8 Following arc the numbers of arrivals from and departures to the Madras Presidency for the month of September Arrivals Adults 842, minors 32 deparares adults 4,744, minors 396. The arrivals relate to aided passengers only.
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  • 43 8 A counterfeiting gang has been disovered work ng in the prison at Bilibid, hilippine Islands. A prison guard and wo convicts are charged with the offence, ihe at rest of a released prisoner led the • to the discovery of plant in operation.
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  • 46 8 The eighth ingathering service in conunction with the thirty-fifth anniversary f tne Tamil Methodist Church will he .2ld to-morrow at 4 p.m. at tho Short .treet Girls' School, when Bishop G. H. ..cldey will preside and address. The sale 4 articles ottered will foHow the service.
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  • 51 8 As the result of a collision which ocjrred between tram car 58- and motor bus 683 near the tram terminus in Changi .c>ad about 10 p.m. on Wednesday, Veera,amy, the Tamil driver of the former vehicle was produced by Insp. Dumbleton, efore Sir. Bull yesterday and the accused was fined
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  • 54 8 The Renong Tin Dredging Co. advi«< .he following output of tin ore for th< iocoryj half month ending September 3U Mo. 1 dredge 23 piculs, No. 3 dredge Mf .nculs, a total of 332 piculs. Approxinat? output for the month of Septc-mbei 1,060 piculs. The above output is ex .-lusive
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  • 53 8 During 1920 a further 10,000 acres for il palm cultivation in Johore was approved, but the prevailing financial stringency has prevented the accomplishment of anything more than exploratory surveys, .nd at the end of the year no palms had >een planted, says Mr. Marriott in his anlual report on the
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  • 55 8 The National Pawnbrokers' Association are considering the advisability of asking Parliament for authority to increase the rate of interest and other charges. It is declared that the pawnbroking business is at present unremunerative. Both rich and poor are anxious to pledge, but few redeem the goods, so causing a serious
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  • 55 8 The reassembling of the Public Schools it home has not been marked with thi lsual preliminary rush to the outfitters, Managers of a number of shops report hat parents are economising and sending jr>ys to schools with patched up outfits. The shops only managed to do business by penally featuring
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  • 57 8 In their produce report, dated the 6tl nst., Messrs. Barlow and Co. state 'opra: S.nce last reporting a large amount A business has been done in the abov onimodity but prices, after slight fluctuations,'close unchanged. Quotations are at follows No. 1 standard $11.75 to $12. No. 2 standard $11.25 to
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  • 66 8 Certain alterations in the F.MS, train »erviee are proposed to come onto effect on October 16. One or two minor local trains will be cancelled and the short serv'ces in tho Tronoh, Malacca Batu Caves and Seremban sections will undergo a few changes in adjustment to the needs of traffic.
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  • 69 8 The many friends cf Mr. J. R. McFariane, who was one of the oldest residents of Penang, a high Mason, and formerly a seen race horse owner will be sorry to hear of his death at Teluk j»nson whiUt staying with his son at Changkat Jong Estate. The late Mr.
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  • 68 8 According to Mr. H. Marriott's report on the SUte of Johore for 1920, one- huiiired and eighty-five private cars and (U4 hire cars were registered during tho year. The corresponding figures for 1919 were 117 and 361.0 One hundred end eight motor lorries compared with f>4 in 19ly, and 104
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  • 80 8 Consequent on an alleged assault a few days l^o by Dr. W»]pola, D.M.0., Badalla, Ceylon, on aa> oid female attendant of the hospitA), matters took a serious turn when tho woman's condition caused anxi'rty. Her dying declaration was recorded by 'he magistrate and death followed in the evening. The inquest
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  • 383 8 A Reuter wire from Washington *tafcs that Mr. Edward Brodie has been appointed American Minister to Siam. Mr. E. H. Bulford, of Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co., Penang, accompanied by Mt3. Bulford and their child, returned from Europe on Sunday. Mr. Gibbon, Advocate.Gi nciai of Bengal, and
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  • 30 8 Mails from Europe (London mails, dated September 15) ex 8.1. Thonjrwa, will arrive by train to-morrow morning. The hour if delivery of the mails will be announced later.
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  • 40 8 The Secretary of Urn Kuala Lumpur Committee of thu Rubber Growers' Asso.iation informs us that the following cabU dated October 4 was received from Loodon en Wednesday In view of insufficient support Rubber Producers' Corporation scheme abandoned.
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  • 116 8 Dr. J. A. R. Glennie, Municipal Health Officer, writes During the past four ..ionths ther.' have been 35 cases of sn.ailoox, viz. J,.ne 4, July 2, August 11 and September IH, with eight deaths. All nationalities have been affected. T her« is no distinct focus of
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  • 118 8 A R-jytor cable from Sydney announces che death of the Hon. Mr. John Storey, the Prime Minister of New South Wales. Although reassuring statements were itiued from time to time concerning his li.'ulth, his condition had been causing .crave anxiety among his intimate
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  • 127 8 -The Iran. Mr. V. Gibbons presided ovtr m extraordinary meeting of the Singapore Chamber of hfki in the Eldknc* Rooms yesterday. He said the meeting +hi! beer. Called in accordance with the rules of the Chamber in or<U-r lo confirm a resolution passed at the half
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 114 8 m the 153 "Three Castles" p|lj|j Cigarettes There's no sweeter Tobacco comes from Virginia and no better brand than the I "Three Castles" I THACKERAY THE VIRGINIANS JOHNNIE WALKER JtriGCl JLjcllOGi Whisky i INCRE SED SUPPLIE NOW AVAILABLE. $32.00 per case DUTY EXTRA. Sole Agents i JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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    • 188 8 ALHAMBRA Beach Bold. ■> Its. THE AWAKENING t PU. Featuring Dorothy Kelly Topical Budget* and Harold Lfoyd Comedy 5 rt». SAI.LY IN OUR ALLEY S PU. Featuring Muriel Ostriche And other interesting Cosed;. MARLBOROUGH Beach Road. Nick Winter detective drama TOE DKAMA OF THE ALHAMBRA Episode 2-4 reels 5 Pti.
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  • 255 9 Close of the Conference At Genev? Reuter's Service. London, October 5. ICtMVa Tho Assembly adopted the reted sc:ili cf contributions to the exLnses of the League previ^isly ayiounced. Hfeeen states signed the protocol of the Jk Slave Traflk Conwutian, incftding Bftn, Australia, Canacb^ South Africa, ew Ze-aland,
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  • 238 9 Reuter's Service. .w London, October 5. frmlrlTH at Inverness, Mr. I.luyc org.- referring to the Washington Conecce, iaid tha., if uuelv ftpproacMl d conducted il! ii broad .vvl eourag'.ouf irit, it would cor-otituU' one of thos<r tstandin^ events which would affect nan history foe generations. Thtitish Government would
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  • 34 9 Rf.tter's Service. London, October 5. ■itniltolll Submarine 08 when being d out at Dcnnelder naval station sank water entered the- after hatchway, re were no casualties and the vessel probably be re-raised.
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  • 40 9 Reuter's Service. London, October f>. iris The newspapers state that the in.l hai decided in principle in favour lie issue of a Chinese loan on the Pan. 1 Icet in connection with the Basque istriclle di> Chine.
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  • 33 9 Reuter's Service. London. October r >. i-rlin Owing to the depreciation of mark, the surcharga on import duties fceen raised us (r»m the 10th inst. l 000 to 1,900 per c«U
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  • 181 9 Trains Burning in a Paris Tunnel. Reuter's Service. London,* October G. Paris The suburban tunnel at Bntignolles has been the scene of an awful collision between two passenger trains followed by fire in which up to the present four are reported as killed, 18 seriously injured and 50
    181 words
  • 129 9 RtUTEB'a Service. London, October 5. New York The decision of Congress to icvesUjfate the activities of the Kuklux KlvT'has led to an amazing outburst by adherents of the Klan against the forces of law and order. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives who dared to
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  • 104 9 KiLTts's Servick. London, October 5. It is reported from Moscow that a revolution in agricultural methods is proceeding in Russia. The peasants are no longer content to rely on Providence for successful crops, but are proGting by the lessons of the drought and making extensive irrigation works. The
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  • 89 9 .euter's Service. London, October 5. Ottawa Following the dissolution ci Parliament, Mr. Meighen issued a manifesto i:i view of the general election in favour of the maintenance of the tariff and the British connection, declaring that for the maintenance of the British Empire as a league of autonomous
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  • 35 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 5. Lisbon Owing to adverse weather, the Quest has arrived here for overhaul < t engines. Sir Ernest Shackleton lunched with the British C#hsul and called at the Agation.
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  • 31 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 6. Pa^s It is reported from Kattowitz that b syndicate of British capitalists has bought vast tracts of a rich coalfield near Rybfe, hitherto unworked.
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  • 207 9 Situation in Burgenland. Renter's Service. London, October 5. Budapest Hungary has signed the protocol agreeing to the transfer cri Burgenland to Austria, and thus cleared the wny for an Austro-Hungarian agreement in conformity with the decision of the Conference of Ambassador.--. London, October 6. Vienna Official circles
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  • 83 9 Rsuter'b Service. London, October 5. New York The film actr?.*s, Madeline Davis, has mH a st-r-sational death On tht beach at Longbranch. In the presence of a crowd she was carrying- out a stunt »jv which she wax noted, namely, climbing from a motor ear at full
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  • 56 9 Kilter's Service. London, October 5. Christiania The physicist Gross has produced an accumulator of three cells, weighing 26 kilogrammes and giving a pressure of dx voits over two hundred watt hours per kilogramme, or six times more than the ordinary lead accumulator. It does not freeze and sustains
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  • 49 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 5. Mr. Urquhart has returned to London. having reached an agreement with the Bolshevist* on thirty-five out of the thirtynine pointH concerning the reopening of tho Ruaso-Asiatie Ccnsolidated Company's mining properties. He will discuss the retraining points with M. Krassin in London.
    49 words
  • 52 9 Reuter's Sec vice. London, October 5. The Inquest oo thu ilanston aeroplane disaster showed that the machine had behaved very satisfactorily in n flight a little Earlier. The opinion was expressed that the pilot turned too neai"-the ground without sufficient flying speed. A \erdict of cloath from misadventure
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  • 40 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 6. Joy bells announced the decision to reopen the North Wales collieries. [It was announced previously that all the collieries on North Wales had decided to close owing ta the high copt of working.]
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  • 44 9 Renter's Service. London, October 0. Eighty-six fer cent, cf the electorate of West Houghton polled at the bye-election held as a result cf the death of Mr. Tyson Wilson, Labour. The result was Mr- R^)avift, Labour, 14,876. Mr. J. Tonne, foalition, 10,867.
    44 words
  • 172 9 Hopeful View ty Prominent Banker. Riuter's Service. London, October 5. Mr- John Drum, president of the American Bankers' Association, sounded a new and cheerful note regarding industrial conditions at Los Angeles. 3lr. Drum, basing his statement on the report* of a thousand bankers throughout tht country, said there
    172 words
  • 132 9 Reuter's Service. London, October G. Calicut A communique states that 500 Moplnh.s were engaged by a detachment of Suffolk* on September 30 near Kumaramputhur. Between forty and fifty Moplahs were killed. London, October C. Bombay Forty-eight non-cooperation leaders, headed by Gandhi, have issued a .manifesto on the
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  • 70 9 Reuter's Service. London, October o. Constantinople Izzet Pasha voiced the growing Turkish disposition in favour of peace, drclaring that the Turks desired to se- the Sultiinttt) ar.u Kh'luftti (■trengthersed ».nd tne a'iministrnt.on ot Turkey derdopwi strict!;- on eon Mat total Iwct Pasha deciar.-J that Tj:l H
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  • 32 9 RIUTT.R'S SEBVICt London, October 5. Madrid Twenty-five thousand Spaniard? defeated 30,000 Moors, capturing important positions, including a strongly fortified area containing the Moorish centre of concentration and staff headquarters.
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  • 53 9 Reuter's Service. London, October 5. The r.ew papars state that the Duke of Westminster has sold Gainsborough'^ masterpiece The Blue Boy to an American purchaser at a price of £80,000. LondoD, October 3. The Duke of Westminster returnod to London to-day and denied that the pictur* Blue Boy
    53 words
  • 88 9 Macphail and Co.'s Dallj Report. Singapore, October 7. Silver 41 U. Hongkong 26 p.c. prem Thn.e months gold 45 Ms. Share Market.— Dull. Rubbers. 'Small (inquiry. Tins.— Taipings 1.02%-1.07%, Norths 1.22^-1.27'^, Souths 62%-67% cents, Nawng Pets 1.45-1.50, Papnns 42Vj-47^i cents, Padang Ptandoks 62% -37^4 cents, Rawaugs 52
    88 words
  • 333 9 Opening Performance On Tuesday. The Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee have had a severe disappointment, but it is a misfortune which they are doing their best to remedy. Last night when everything was ready for the dress rehearsal of Rollo's Wild Oat a message was received to the
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  • 335 9 Claim for Damages Over Crossley Car. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lenny:-;-, tho action was commenced in which Me;sr_-. WJlliam Jacks and Co., merchants, 'H, Ktuik-. Place, sued Tan Kwee- Chian, *radei-, :j6B, Beach Road, for damages amounting to $7,560 for alleged breach of contract
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  • 1302 9 To tho EJitor of the Strait? Times. Sir, I have the honour once more to ask. for the indulgence of your columns on a matter connected with Raffles' College. 2. In 1919, it will be remembered, the Government of the S.S. purchased 42 acres at
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  • 1938 10 The nensus and Some Comments. By Our Special Correspondent. London, September 10. Politics, with the exception of the Irish question, is a dead letter at this season of the year, and the Irish question is being discussed anew for the ninth time in Dublin by the Sinn Feiners,
    1,938 words
    • 134 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A third robbery resulting in the death of a third victim, took place this morning about 2.30 a.m. near Lorong 2, pposite the Gaylang Tannery and the: robbers were allowed to escape scot free,' t!i»re being nc policemen available
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    • 129 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Lorong 2fiA, off Gaylang Road, which is now crowded with houses, is in n very poor condition and needs repairing. In rainy days this loronp is entneiy converted in'.o a drain. Although a drain at one sid.' of tho roa.l,
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    • 1896 10 To the Editor of th« Straits Times. Sir, South Indian labour lirst began to i migrsts t:i this country early in the last century, in thj sh:ij,e of ctmp-follow?rf and small traders attached to the Ma<!rass\ regiment which at iha: time
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  • 341 10 Opening Night in Marquee On Beach Road. In the cast- of theatrical companies a ngapore audiences, as a rule, adopt tin .Asquithian motto of Wait end See." They look to the press notices on the first night's show and then mak? up thtir minds. In circuses it i?
    341 words
  • 146 10 Steady Market with Level Prices. Messrs. Dai low and Co. report: Singapore, October 8. The market has remained very stand) e'uring the past week and at the usui;! weekly auction on Wiednesciay prices were maintained at about last week's level. Standard sheet sold for to 31 butj
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  • 205 10 Very interesting proceedings took place; in the Judicial Commissioner's Court, Kuala Lumpur, during practically the]' whole of last week, says the Malayan i before Hon. Mr. Justice L. M. i Woodward when several counsel wer.' n arguing certain effects of the Will of the late Dr.
    205 words
  • 144 10 The Gaiety offers another excelU-nt prrf-l •rramn-.s" this week. The special pictur s' are Traps and Tant,lts. a new Larry Sem ml comedy. The Beloved Blackmailer, a bifrj boxing picture, episoih-s five and six of Thandsrkelt Jack serial, ar.d The Mating, l B p:;rticularly brilliant comedy drama w^th
    144 words
  • 42 10 Johore State has been lucky in regard i to its ctfonuts for, according to Mr. H.J Marriott's annual report on the State for. 1)2<3 coconuts do not. appear to havc^if-j faserf from" any alsrasi.- during i though Red Beetle was reported mon.
    42 words
  • 797 10 Some (Jood Contests At Star Opera. There was a large audienvf for the boxing contests held at the Star Opera last light under the auspices of the nonEuropean Unemployment Fund, and the boxing on the whole was voted the best feen since the present boom in the game
    797 words
  • 248 10 I'csterday lunrnfnif before Mr. Bull Major Langleyi M.0., the U.P.I., men ttnoed :i an-.' in which a Chinese name Ahg Koji «roir.plained thut two Chines i !c ■".ricians fiameri Lini Siew Bie an Tarv^Wew Thoi extorted $.>0 from him ijretfnding tj-be officials of the -Munici ;>ulity. He
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  • 26 10 The annual r:«ioi-t of the Inspector 1 Constabulary, Scotland, shows thut tH n amber of arrests for dninkcju I 1 iii exces; of last your.
    26 words

  • 772 11 Washington Con ference. Mr. Montague Ede on Chinese Situation. To the Editor of the Strai TittMa. Sir, As a Btudeiit >>f things CbU the past M 7 years end as on., who lias watched China's political struggles, both domestic and international. 1 see in the forthcoming Pacific Conferenci Washington ths
    772 words
  • 58 11 H the French chef made H)i>- Willinm Orpen's portrait of him H H«my,whohaa been exerart in London for some months, ia to Paris in deapair, declarin? English have no soul above Hand bacon. Hij efforts «t tanch at H appreciated, but Inn finest iuniphf at breakfa- 1 have been
    58 words
  • 929 11 Remonstrances at the Annual Meeting. Tin- iwelfih ordinary general me tintr of ihe Tambalak Rubber Batata*, Ltd., was nel(t at Qrasham House on Wednesday. Mr. 11. r-'rwmnn prt'sidintr- The others promt weie Messrs. H. B. Baker (director), .1. Forrester. K C. Peck and N. B. Hfoterfaoot (sharehol*Ur<). Mr.
    929 words
  • 94 11 Simla message of September 20 kiU's l Information has been receivi-d from Chakrata. Northern India, that on the 17th instant, a collision occurred in Kailans BUM between British soldiers and the i'ivil polii!'. The trouble arose owinjr to I (|uan«'i between two Bi tish soidiers and fruitataJ] man in which
    94 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 THE WHOLE WORLD SERIES THE MOST POPULAR SERIES THE OLIVER DITSON EDITION STERN'S LIBRARY MAGNUS ORGAN VOLUNTARIES SCOTTISH STUDENTS SONGS OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Also Piano and Vocal Operatic Scores, Francis and Days, Darewskl, Feldman, Planet, Sonc and Dance Annuals, Standard Folios Waltz, Song and Pianoforte Pieces. S. MCUTRIE
      171 words
    • 324 11 RAFFLE SJH OTEL. PRELIMINARY NOTICE AUTUMN |tACE MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 24.— Tea Dance, 5 to 7 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25.— Dance after Dinner (Evening Dress essential for Dancing). WEDNESDAY, OCTOPER 26.— Orchestral Concert, 9.45 p.m., Raffles Orchestra. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. Guest Night and Dance (Evening Drew css«nt;ial for Dancing). FRIDAY,
      324 words

  • 341 12 Par Exchange Value. Company. Prices. September 7 ti Aagto-lialajr 18/9 I £1 Bakap Plantation! 27/6 il iJantone (STngT) 21/3 4.1 Batu Caves ..15/ i I Hatu Tiprn 22 Bertam Consol. 3/6 I il Bidor Estates 22/6 El Bokit Kajanpr 20/ 2/ Boklt Mertajam 1/10% L7 Bukit
    341 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 229 12 T* «m thu Bma «f Mtng /F^L/l fisJh/\ BatUr B«««It IU •errfc* *>«iks \f l>7 fm iv quUty. y KIAM KIAT CO.j^^S* ins «a 4 1», M>RKKT STREtT H»l^"? 33 THE MASK OF PURITY PBACHES, APRICOTS PEARS OI! CHERRIES LIBBY'S EV/iPORATED MILK '"..;kv; an cxir-<! a «te dish. Remember, I
      229 words
    • 40 12 Paftara's Pure MOCHA COFFEE IS A Class by Itself Obtainable from all Dealers or direct from 2. PATTARA, High Street, 51NOAPORE. T l#j ;I Arabrosoli Stoppani& Co. V' V^^S W^ STOCKISTS Colonial Motor Co. 189, Orchard Road, SJprapore t.i. MO.
      40 words
    • 96 12 Add a ''W^% Spoonful of It makes the ivholcdish more nourishing. g Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED JOHNSON-PICKETT MANILA ROPE THE BEST THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST Buyers now-a-days are mure insistent upon superiority of quality than cheapness of price. They recognize that lowness of price often means lowness of
      96 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 132 13 Please DO YOU KNOW THAT '"VfrHITEAWAY'S ARE NOW OFFERING THEIR WELL-KNOWN TEMPUS WATCHES (STANDARD SIZE OR DWARF) 3.95 EACH. TEM^pi^PUS sc^ t3:a^^K A reliable watch that, with //f$C ~~.-J*7%V care wor^ s out at less t* 1811 (J!l!il^+^^ 'Mf one Quarter of a cent per WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., Singapore.
      132 words
    • 897 13 SALE OF H.M. TUG "ST. SAMPSON." Tenders are invited for the purchase of the above vessel with Engines and Boilers and Various Auxiliary Machinery on board. Full particulars of the vessel and conditions of sale may be obtained from the undersigned. The vessel will be on view at H.M. Dockyard,
      897 words
    • 596 13 The Brand of Confidence MUNICIPAL NOTICE ASSESSMENT LIST 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessment List containing the annual valuation of and amount of Assessment to be levied on all houses, buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of Singapore for the year 1922, is open to the inspection
      596 words
    • 169 13 Electric Lighting FROM THE Municipal Electricity Supply is now within reach of many who hitherto have been forced to use oil-lamps or gas AT TANGLIN AND SURROUNDING AREAS. Quotations for house wiring installations and for electrical fittings and accessories on application. UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED 1 Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements
      169 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1157 14 SALES BY AUCTION Pulau Bnlang Rubber Produce Co.. Ltd. PRELIMINARY NOTICE •T OKba,* OF THC TRUSTECS FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS yfc,, aatsralgned ha** receWed Instruction! to sell by public anetioa (If not pr**loa*i< b» private treaty) at their aala-roora. Raffle* Chamber*, Raffles Place, oa a date to be notified later t».
      1,157 words
    • 635 14 AMta |4,Mt,Mf 1.0. VHlranc* la fore* wr 1 17.00fJ.eH THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (laaaiaensad la Settleaieau) ■BAD OrflGl I Wlairt— tat Baaaa, ttafstm LONDON OFFICE 11. OM Jewry, aVC Th. Compaay ha* IM.Mt depoaltoe with A* Bopreai. Coart af England aad eomplle. »ith the British Ufa
      635 words
    • 434 14 NKDEKLANDSCB iNiHSI.'HE HANDELSBANIi OCTH I.VUIA CUMMEKCIAL BANatl tenahllaaad 18U. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (about £5,000,000). ISSUKD AND Fl. 65,000,000 (about PAID UP £4,600,000). RESERVE FUND Fl. 47,760.000 (about £4,000,000). lUAD OmCB IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. ri RANCHES Hongkong. Shanghai,* I>'» tfedin, Soorabayn, Samarang, Bandoeni (Velt«vreden, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongai Probulinggo,
      434 words
    • 446 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Imperial Charter in' Japan.) Capital Subscribed Y60.000.000 Capital Paid-up Y45,000,000 Reserve Funds Y11,080,000 Vice-President S. Mori, Esq. President K. Nakagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS S. Minami, Y.*<\. T. Hisamune, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinage, Esq. M. Esaki, Fsq. T. Ikeda, Ksu. Uenkichi
      446 words
    • 453 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (incorporated in England) Ftre. Life, Manna, Accident, Ouaranta*. aa*V Motor. AaarU IM.WMW W. A. SlMS— Manager and Und«r»ut»i. Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS UFE INS. CO. (Incorporated In Canada) All the latest plans of Ufa, K*d«VßM*». and Annuity pohi.iv. ia.ued. Assets M.000,00* OUTBBIE A
      453 words

  • 1150 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics Problems of Road Construction. No |hais« of human development oflers greater "pportnnity for interexting study thun tbe building of roadK. Civilinution has mnved for«md. ko to "peak, oror the highwajH that men hive built. War aud commerce have gon« hand in
    1,150 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 375 15 DUNLOP /*W£^ Solid 9 Tyres J^yStik FITTED ON THE Jf/ ffig j Jm Ib^bW^BSJ I THE OUNLOP 1 mil rubber co. Ma Ms? OUNLOP HOUSE, mM 'I ROBINSON ROAD, BR It /£J UPr O Aft Sol.' Airents. British Malaya. 'MlAQllll CC' ■VCCttUU 12. Cecil Street, Singapore. IflUlflfll LLO The nv.race
      375 words
    • 315 15 A A H^mV^aW 4aM^aV ai aM _•> A ROTO M I B£m^^9OmSmWMm^m\ a^BH^a^a^Hr^aßli^S^P W" HMeßv^ jJ^ '^•Bb^\ I^Ki^H tmTjri MOTOR Ai^ T?KJ i^^SZ xM'V Obtainable from all Physiological Laxative. Leading Chemists The only agent that effects the functional <he "tve v c SINGAPORE, MALACCA, RF.-EDUtATIOM OF THEINTkSTI f. -II'BOL illllPPPs
      315 words
    • 121 15 COMBINE OF ei.I'YTKB A CO. JAVA SEA FIRE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (lDc<>rp"-«t«-fl in ItntDTi*. Ja«>> N All LiKl ..mhlnMi Cai>iMl» full> •ntMrrtk«4 r'l 11.2H0.0H0 I K»««-r»*<1 prr Kr.rlnS.r 21. l»l» PI. .V093.41».9:i Hrad Offlces BATAVIA AND AMSTERDAM Branch Offirm SINGAPORE, J-b, FINLAYSON GBBBN Hedan, Semarang, Sourabaja, Haadoaag, Macataar, Rangoon, Shanghai,
      121 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 349 16 N«w Shipment Jost Arrived of: Carpenter's Smoothing and Jack Bram Hexagon Tapped Nnta, from CuTland'B Bra«< Butt Hinges, from 1H in. to 6 in. Clyhurn Screw Spanners, from 6 in. to laAlllll Cord or Yarn, all sizes Anb«-st<>« Pipe Lagging Rope. Patent Plaited Log I-"*. F.ur.Wa Oange GlaHseu, all sizes,
      349 words
    • 298 16 TAY QUAD KMT 86. PHILLIP STREET. Phone Noe. Sill and Silt The «nrce*»ful contractor for supply of FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to th# Singapore Municipality daring the year 1921. GLOBE BOILER REMEDY For clearing and preserving steam boilers of h'.l tvoes Used by all factories, steamera, el! and
      298 words
    • 922 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID chargea for Waata, For Sale, To Let. etc., la ordlnsr. cloae-aet type (average sir worda to line) are Per line one insertion 28 eta., two Ins M cts.. three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten in. II 40
      922 words
    • 754 16 LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE PRIVATELY, DOVE'S NEST, 102, River Valley Road, close to town. Por particulars, apply 26. Malacca Street. TO LET, Katong seaside furnished bungalow, electric lights, telephone, garage, servants' quarters. Including the use of a ear. Immediate entry. Apply 884, Straits Times. OFFICES AND GODOWN TO LET,
      754 words
    • 436 16 i EH CUT AWAY VIEW SHOWING Matthews Engine-Generator Unit $950 MODEL The Simplest Possible Combination of a Generator and .Gasoline Engine. "In 1914 Matthews 1 K.W. plants were selected by the U.S. Treasury Department Engineers for lighthouse installation and in each year since, additional Matthews plants have been selected." With
      436 words
    • 372 16 Bellanger The King of Frencn Cars WITH SILVER RADIATOK AND THE GOLDEN SILENCE. Just Arrived Book Early First tun Dem^airatun cam are la be sold af^peciaT Prices. The BFl.l.\M,i:i^i a car of ctf'ciuiicy. ...nomj and conrfort. No doubt it ia luxurious and the pricr is within the reach of the
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 202 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General S8 Manager's Office Ul7 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed :o THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, MANAGER." 1 ddres d l TIA ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants. For Sale.
      202 words