The Straits Times, 22 September 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,?49 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 270 1 TTTGT RETCII/PH MW stocks of OUi3 1 HJDV JCiI W HIF SPORTS REQUISITES AYRES JAQUE'S CHAMPION ittIP TENNIS BALLS. ASSOCIATION CROQUET SETS. NO. 102 i V^ J//1 c!««s Badminton ''>&^ v msKe. THE PREMIER TENNIS ,^jjftSBfefr. A n?^ h P rade set containing four Ass Nation BAI I. Mallets, with
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    • 7 1 1 J s|if-.ij s I I to
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  • 447 2 The lying's Good wishes to A Missionary. (n rcs»«nse to an appeal for the services of clfrnyman-schoolmaater to meet the Lsjiiritual and educational needs of the islands of Tristan da Cunha, the Rev. Martyn Rogers, of Alexton Rectory, Uppinjrham. with his wife, both .of whom are
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  • 383 2 Conditions in a Pearl Merchant's Will. Mr. Henry frescott George iiiencowe. of 40, Montalru-!>quare, W.I, who died in Tunis ur. M;;y 7. last aped sixty-three years, lefi estate of the gross value of 1-4.4C1. He ■tatod in his will that it was several years since he
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  • 243 2 Interesting: Discovery At Dunfermline. Three Burns manuscript-, which, .-ays the Press Association, have all the appearance of beinp (genuine and are in an excellent state of preservation, have been found at Dunfermline. One is a letter, addressed to Mt>. Mcl.ehose, Potter-row, Edinburgh, dated St. James's-square, Edinburgh, t>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 "^>t MBS 2 Sjf > I T >y 6i Expectant and Nursing Mothers Jj i ia r !--o mrt vaL-.!;!c aid. for, uten regularly two Pf^ or i.. lay fagr &*o Modwr herself (both before and £j^ ber i>-.!>y), Glaxo not only maintains the J ?H: uithot-l taxing her direstion,
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    • 431 2 CUTICURA WEALS SKiNJpBLE in Red Blotches Ob Baby. Was Continually Scratching. Lost Rest. "My baby began to be restless at night, and was continually scratching. Finally he bioks out with red blotches that later turned out to b~ of i a wet nature. The poor child could not skxp. "I
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    • 208 2 10 HP. CITROEN OAR TM «eell«ar« oz Krsaeii antcaobill iagla<Mrrtet »a> ksf Mi knowH and agreed It npcrta. Tfaa Citrcaa is tk« •&***Uigi4 Hat of thia school vt prodietloa. Bm this ramarkabU Car— «ompara It with Mr/ ttfc«? UrM id A Market. Taka damoßstratlon ride— <Wt« it roimaU tt y««
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  • 440 3 .itfe Festival on a Surrey Lawn. 1 On a well-kept lawn adjoining the only Mohammedan Mosque in the British Isles, which stands, on the outskirts of Woking, men of many races, in curious garb, the other day took part in a ceremony that ■earned .^trant;e to Western eyes.
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  • 279 3 Doctor and Two Daughters Drowned. i Dr. Herbert EumunJ Cuff, Trincipa' Mi-dkal Officer of ths Medical Asylum Board, was ispi-nuinK a holiday witn hi. family at Burnhani Overyi a little hamlet en tlie north coast of Norfolk. On Aupust 1 IS he, his wife, his two young
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  • 217 3 Kill for Antidote Labels Welcomed. j Chemi.-t.s art- eOMstMaC the value of tli nnti-suicide bottle, i General Surt'.-es M.l., who has introj duced tho brll into Parliament providing thut poison bottles should be labelled with an anti'lot- direction, has taken the trade by surprise. "It is a
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  • 464 3 A COMMON FAILING. Many people have- themselves to blame for the fact that th#y are victims of indigestion, for the trouble is usually brought on cither through over-eating, an unsuitable diet, or faulty mastication. When the ailment becomes chronic victims sometimes fly to pre-digested foods, 1 or purgatives.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 AXD IRO.y JELLOID^^^OO WHEN YOU feel limp and icas!>cd-oul, weary and fatigued, with no tnclmaiba tor exertion -iou need some- Mm thina ,n nrl inlnyou- -tti/a Fortnight's Iron -M jclloids treatment, iron Jcl'o ds licip to make the blood VJ rich u.-.j from v iclillr- ulwlc tody benefits In restore
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    • 351 3 AVAILABLE FOR APPOINTMENT An Englishman Maatbar, Socinty of Industrial Kuginoer.--d.S.A.) oli- ted lor on trial UeonostrocUoa Council (Kngfamri) ia furthering "Scientific Management." movement hi England and for application of S. M. Principles iv business. Mctnbac, S.i'.p- Manager's Association 1 1 M\*, iraplyin,'; competcuc a^ a I<-tu-irnficr. and having held appointnu
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    • 515 3 NOTICES NOtIOT IN RE ESTATE OF HERBERT TAYNTON FOORD, DECEASED WHEREAS Letters of Administration It, ;he above Estate were granted on Angus 17, 19Z1 by His Britannic Majesty's Consu ar Court at Canton to the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons harm; slaims agrainst the estate of Herbert
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    • 817 3 NOTICES TENDERS INVITED PAWNBROKERS' LICENCES. NEGRI SEMUILAN. Tenders will bo received nt the office «t Uio Secretary to Resident, Negri Sembilan, Seremban, up to noon on September 30, 1921, for the right to receive a licence to net as Pawnbroker under The Pawnbrokers Enactment, 1914," in eftch of the undermentioned
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 817 4 STEAMER SfllLiHfiS P. o." British India AND Upcar Line (Conip.tnie. Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PKMNSULAR AND ORIKNTAL 8. N. CO. (Uadw Contract with His Majesty. Government) ■llllj'l MVIL SKRVICR KAST OF UOMBAY are at pieaeat .aaaanded MVNOUN FAR-E.VSTERN SERVICE PBOM LONDON TO MAR.HfcJI.LIS AND LONDON Dm Magaaan
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    • 704 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. umnm gt«amere LetradH to aati tVa* «t*re»*re KINTA Monday, j^m., for Port Svrttonhnm ard Penatti;. HYI lj;o.\r, Mnariay. et I*3 »m, Ur Malacca and Muar. lAK.A Tnfsdky, at <i.(O »js, fay Mil.em and ktaar. 0»OH- Wednesday, »t 4 pjt, far P.rt Swettenham and Penang. HfUE
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    • 59 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE 1 i SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ I Grace Dollar LOADING OCTOBER 25. i I Through Bill, of Lading Lsned from' I Singapore to the Principal Citte. of the 1 United State, and Canada. For further information as to Rate?, etc apply to THI ROBERT
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    • 410 4 STEAMER SAILINGS tin THI OSAKA SBOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. De Soiia Street. Proposed Sailing from Blng»pore (Subject to change without notice) ITTBOPEAN UNB "or Part Said, Haraetllea, Loodns, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamb.rg arr. Jep. ALTAI MABU Oct. 3 Oct. 0 •AMAZON MARU Nov. 2 Nov. 3 ATLAS
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    • 614 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA B^BURNJ PHILP LINE (lamrpcreted la Aa.traiU) .Singapore to Java Porta, Port DarrhTnnrtday, Brisbane and Bydury, rU Torre. Strait., also with transhipment other Victorian, South Australian and Ncr*-. Queensland Pori\ British Now Gn:nea, Nit Britain, Tasmania and Nev Zealand Porte. APPROXIMATE SAILING! MARELI.A, 7,872 tons, Twin .crew
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 655 5 STEAMER SAILINGS Nippon Yusen Kaisha PASSAGES FOR EUROPE A few first and second-class accommodation is available on the undermentioned steamers INABA MARU sailing C:t. C KAMO MARU sailing Oct. 19 IYO MARU sailing Nov. 3 ATSUTA MARU sailing Nov. 17 For further particulars, apply to NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in
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    • 278 5 SHEPCO'S Great Reconstruction Sale SALE LIST No. 1. Men's gturunlccd All Wool Sweaters 7..">!», $!l, ?10 Hlack Sateen Itunninc Knickers, (with Electric Waist).. IV."> per pair. Black Swansdown Football Knickers 2..">0 .Navy Serge l'ootball Knii-lu-n 4.00 ttaOcwka I'atent Football K<«.ts 12.00 Shepco's Famous Kusset Football Hoots !).O9 Shopco's Famous Tennis
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 610 6 CINEMAS E M P I R E th» Second Show at 9.30 The Laugntsr Riag CHABLIECHAPLminDOUGHNUTDESIGNERI The b Th> but known, bed wofMKn \'KRNON C^STLr! in VENGEANCE IS MINE A ■pastry story of unusual e.vclloncc that koUl )uu from lirst to last in lire thrilling reels. And episodes 5 aari
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    • 363 6 ENTERTAMMENTS Ilavo you ever seen ancirul Malay costumes 11.' NOT CO, TO STAR OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL North Bridg* Rond To-morrow £iiduv Tlu-y are showing h now full aat of tbeui II- a Malay Historical IJJay in C \r.\r\x DAN DAN STJAH Part V ■laMi l':iru-a nnd Sakdia Now
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    • 243 6 NEVER SAY DYE, SAY TINTEX HOW TO USE IT P Put n teaspoonful of Tintex in o a cup, itdd Bufficiout hut water to half All the cup, stir well and put contents into half gallon of cold water. First wash the material well and place while wot into intox
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    • 68 6 I Fields' fnk\ RED OR BLACK !> I Fields Ink will not clog jjj or corrode if clean ink- i pots and clean pen-nibs jj are used. It must not be j mixed with other inks. Obtainable In all sites from jjj Rickard Limited, jy 76, Cecil Street. SINGAPORE. J-
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 333 7 S. F. A. Cup Competition. At iii.m ii i Bopaaa utiii^ Urn on ill' p-i'i.ii: in tur S I' A. <U|» prwvd a ke. individual work 'inj; i feature of Mio game. The B.R.C. torv. ■•■ii-pi..".n>u> t i tli.'ii retourccfal U lulvcsi >.f both u.un^ imt in koUd work
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    • 45 7 Thr fiuul m.itdi I* Raffle* Reclamation Ground between tli.- Marine I'olicc fbothull Aa*oci«tii i. and tho -■nd wimiMiou will be l< WJdroii k, ich ran b* -tail.. J n Ke.' th».k. A It. which an- to ba tuned owor to ths NOB-Etuopeao
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    • 31 7 1 Law plavcd on Octotel matches trill oonolwo! meat and the raralt liet b«tw«m the I i >nd the Ceyka XI, but lha !>ttrr nool j y in tho i
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    • 69 7 Kroni AuguirriUK-on-'ta, 1)11 KliMiini.ti: tha Than ti :.vis loan ia TJLCJL hampiontiliip. In tlir V.H I I' Boil r. i.'»l 11. 1 1 a. -i ma i Tan I beaa I Khoo Teol; baal s. K. I'nJiun r, j, r, i. To-day\ 1 i ..ii. Khali I
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    • 38 7 A pioposn! hi Ml foot anionpr the lidirs <>f it,,- Belangor (i"lf Ctab to fi.rm a club i f then- i «m. lii connection with this m meeting of la.lii-s will be htlil in th.- Club. to-day.
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    • 63 7 The <••< ing aeei rut of the l|"<li (iymUmum Club f< the eight months cnilr.t August :;i nhi vs a i Only day in August, :u:u ffiii that, tote, lotteries anH r.-isii nwoep en; ,n 57,4.*.il ami the *>'i.OOO sweep M.'.'n:.. BUkiM totaled $2,885. Tin' revoßOC arrount of
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  • 163 7 riiTUttn Thnraday. September 22. Htch Water. 0.r.l, 0.48 p.m. Inter-Chib, rrcliminary Ilcata, S.C.C., 4.30. Krpprl Golf Club Mci'tinc C.30 p.m. Orchr.ttral (oncer 1 Vie. Thratrp, G pjn. Friday, September 23. Hieh Water. LM a.m.. 1.24 p.m. Drum; anil Kifes, Canlnnr.. 5.15 p.m. S.F.A. Cup, U.K. Sports
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  • 151 7 VESSELS AT Till: DOCKS Kast \\h*rf Ba»in MIL Kait Wharf -Ml. Sh*«m Wharf HU Main Wharf- Katontt. Ateata. Tmnirc Dik-'a I Sang, Earclia, Neleaa. \N<wl Wharf Klanr. Jardinr* Wharf— Nil. I'ulo (Irani Coal Wharf Nil. Krpprl Harbour. Main Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf— Nil. Ve«*rU in Dry Dock. j
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  • 181 7 To-day Port Diekson and Port Sv.cttcnham 3 pra Malacca ai]J Muar ..I p.m. t'on'.ian&k ..3 p.ra Veaaa s p.m -liycn and Haiphonij ..4 p.m .tr''<-lf- fur >. -!.ili:i by train in M«.:'>" ir.« lett r rate) I'■ >•• Rhio 4 pju Friday BaUvia, SMMttMg un« Soura'uaya.. 10
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  • 292 7 Messrs. Macphail and Co.'s Weekly Report. The market continues dull, and the un- 1 interesting. There is a small enquiry for j low-oriceii rubb'.i sharei but it is dnßeoH to do business. Rubbrr la Aram at 30 H centl Sept. 38 cents Oct.-Dtv. Tins have been <\ukt
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  • 138 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 22. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 C/ 32 Demand 2/3 2<J/32 Private m credits 2/4 7/lfi On New Yi.k Di-irand 42% Pi iv;iti- M days m <»n Kranc? Bunk S7O On India Uank T.T. 1 On IlonKkonK. Bank t!/d 23% p.c. pm. Op
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COM MERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Tone of market Quiet. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices ■Buyers Sellers Spot Sepi. Ofct Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Man Spot Srpt. Oct. Oit.-Pic. ■l;;n.-.Murch Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers Sellers lift :;n ::o ::o'/i 3014 a a 33 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12
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    • 181 7 Iss. Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1 1 HltMB Tin 1.40 1.50 1 1 Ulantoh 0.40 O.GO El i! Kam. Kamuntinß 1.14.0 1.10.0 cd. M M Kmta Assoc. 6.00 El O I.ahat Mines ."> 6 Lingui Tin 3.25 3.75 :< m Malamui Coll. 13.75 11.7")
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    • 117 7 Buyers. Seller*, Cl f 1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.0.0 3.10.0 -:l C1 B. Smelting Co. 650 6.50 :>/--, -Kicitr-c T'wnys 2/6 io v> fnmrt <"-• N«m 28.50 29.50 »0 50 \V. Hammer Co. 75 »<."> IOOIOOKatI Bros. IX, 110.00 iii 1(1 Mexican E> •■!<■ 4.1010 -".0.0 lit 10 Maynard
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    • 105 7 0. F.r.;'. f! p.c. IUBMJM par 5 p.c p.w ctric Tramways, r, ...c. CSSO4XW norn S"j>< re Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878 P ar un. 'Ii p.c. of >JO7 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dis. tfon. 4V4 p-c. of I'JOO $1,000,500 10 p*. dig. llaV. 4'i pc. ml 19(i'j 51, .100,000 15
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    • 357 7 Kraiier and Co. and Lyall utirf Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser I.yall Co. Kvatt. AlKnty ($1) 0.20 0.10 0.20 ■M.jr Galah <^1) 0.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 A. Hitam (|5) SJSO T. 50 7.00 7.50 Am. M:.iay i-2) 2.00 1.25 1.7.". V Kniiing ($1; 1.00 1.00 :> Mclek f«1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. •■"io ii in i I Inn t'. night Charlie I li.i|>l'll. iu 1 v V'tufeUH \,ti.cii i .i»il..ud htautoin kiI .i.l.ury in i role, iln following Woman io Um W.i, and >ni- th« -Lrik. well-known Ijihik- will Um Mirllx.'oaxh tonight. l«^uU~. t'.i'.l... lwu-r ''1 ui
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    • 661 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED TO BUY PI r,32, Straits Tune:,. liOOMS VACANT, comfortable home Cheerful, Strnits Times. OFFICE TO LET, first floor, rr.. K!i>:.Street. AVp'y "n the premises. WANTED, DJJ.V. hor^ 4R" Apply rjviac fullest p-irtieufcirs to 0^9 Straits Times. WANTED, a house, furnished t>rferrcd, foi i married couple. Tanglin district.
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    • 365 7 FORJSALE One ngiai wwka conaislin£ of one oil ■rn'inc, 10 h.p., hijrh spvtvl drilUng machine, lathes nia< 1> >!•• tt 14 ft.. 12 ft. ind C ft., steel i ts, emery .vhccly, all Itted complete, chain policy )loik :;-tf.ns,. :.ta|il". VI imiths anvils 224 lbs., improved jlock. l'i ft. .s.|..
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  • 20 8 UN On Wclnosi'sy. September 2!, 1921 „1 Kirn :^'ih. si 72, Waterloo Street I FnocraJ v.-.h ke aaaoaaeed U-.tcr.
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  • 1264 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 JAPAN AND CHINA. We huv.' tjidom published anything with ireater satisfaction than we felt in giving the public the full text of the telegram ■boat Shutang, which was courteously IB] plied to us by the Cor.sul-General of Jiil-aii in Sin;:apcn.\ The broad effect of
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  • 13 8 Sporting News and Notes will be found on page 7 of this issue.
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  • 14 8 A direct motor mail tfcrvici between Haub and Bentoni? was commenced on September 1.
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  • 17 8 A branch of the WC.T.U. has been formed in Bangkok with Mrs. Gaylord Xnox as hon. secretary.
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  • 25 8 The Siam Maru, which, as was reported in a recent issue of thi3 paper, went ashore iO miles south of Capo Guardafui, is now hopeless.
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  • 32 8 We are nsked to state that tickets for :his afternoon's orchestral conceri at the Victoria Theatre have all be>cn applied for. ;nd there will be no admission for others :han ticket holders.
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  • 35 8 An Australian mining journal state? ;hat the cost of building tin dredges bai alien considerably in consonance with the ;ost of materials and that this shoul.t >enefit the Australian companies drodgiag 'or tin in Malaya.
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  • 39 8 A Government Gazette Extraordinary -vas issued yesterday containing an order f the Governor in Council dissolving the leneral Association for Education, as beng used for a purpose incompatible with ts objects as set out in the Register of Societies.
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  • 44 8 On October 8 the King will open the ■nlarged Manchester Royal Exchange, vhich is the head<|uarters of the Lanca.hire cotton trade. The enlargement vhich was begun before the war, has cost :800,000, and makes the building the argest cf its kind in the world.
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  • 49 8 Messrs. Fraaet and Neare notify that hey have arranged with Messrs. John kittle Co., ana Meesn. Robinson and Zo. to place on their premises boxes ir. vhich orders for mineral waters may be ilaccd. These boxes will be cleared at il a.n>., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. each weekday.
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  • 47 8 Arrangements have been completed for he despatch of a representative of the Jritish Chamber cf Commerce for Netherdnds East Indies to take up his permanent riiid'.nce there. The Council hasjcen fortunate in securing the service;--)f Mr. C. M. Mcrrell as the r'-presentative it the Chamber in Java.
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  • 55 8 The Indische Courant, the new Soerajaya paper, made its debut on the 1 •"> t h instant. There were present at the ceremony, the Resident, the Chief of Police the Government Secretary, Heer Viehoof, the Oirc-tor of Aneta Press Bureau Heer Barretty and many laiiic. The premise.Acre beautifully decorated. Heer
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  • 60 8 Two D;inish naturalists Messrs. Morxaa and Jeaoaa, will shortly pass throogb Singapore en their way to the Dutch Inlies, where they will opon out v Riolofical Station. One of their initial effort! viil be to make a scientific examination if th-j f.;>ra and fauna of the Kei I.lur.ds ihey are
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  • 76 8 We are a'-ked by the management of Sanies Hotel to state that in connection .vilh Urn ccnccrt ir.. aid flf the Union Jack Pods on Friday the oOth instant, at ;ha Victoria Theatre, an extension ha.MOB "ranted to them for a dance to t. held in Raines' hall roum after
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  • 117 8 The eighth annual celebration of the Soon Hoe Kok Associati -n was held or. Saturday nnd Sunday, at I.A, Pa yah I/.'bai Soad, lent by Mr.YeoKengC: -ian. The compound was decorated and a ttnt was erect ed under which there was a ronggeng whi'e a Manila string band playeel selections
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  • 151 8 Tli-' for"mer Hotel de France, in Rue Mentauban, was the scene of an extraordinary acciebnt on Septemb-jr (5. Disaster was at ftrst feared, there being a number of Chinese workmen on the premises at the time, but so far as could bo BOC r tninei! an hour later, there were
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  • 147 8 A Hague cable of the loth last reports the arrival of ex-Gov-.Trjor-Gencral of the N.E.I. Graaf van Limburg Stirum there on the lUth on board the Rotterdam. Hjh Excell.ricy ami Lady Limburjr Stirum had travelled from the Dutch East Indie* via America. The mornir.s was stormy, but nevertheless there was
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  • 445 8 Mr. 11. G. L. Mdlea, of M Chartered Bank, Taisins;, and Mrs. Millet leave for Ere;larlll about the 25th of this month. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller arrived back from home by the Sardinia. Mr. Miller goes to I pel), on raasoniag duty in the Government Monopolies.
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  • 23 8 The outward B. I. packet Ttesta, with .nails froio Huropc is expected to reach Psaaag en Wodßeaday morning, the 28th
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  • 50 8 Nothins ii known at Govenußcnt House regarding a rumour emanating from Kualu Lumpur that His Excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Laurence Guillemard, CCJ3., may be proceeding to England shortly to conf.T with the Secretary of State about important matters affecting this part of the world.
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  • 100 8 A \Y(.IU\ reikn mes-nge to the Deli Courant says that the BOW Rotterdam Lloyd freighter Anger which hus accommodation lor '10 passengers will sail from HoKai'l for the N.E.I, on September !!•">. She will be followed in October by the Siantar and in Nor mber by the
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  • 88 8 At the conclusion <;f the caae at tha Arrlffft ob Monday, i.- which two Chinese were committed to penal servitude in cuiaeetion with the preparation for robbery, and tiring on the polic who surprised them at 78, Craig Road, Mr. Justice BurrcttLeimard commented on the bravery if
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  • 135 8 The hearing of the case in which Hideo Toripco. a Japanese, is charged with using as genuine a forged docum-nt, to wit, a bank draft for S-46,000. and obtaining payment of that sum from the local branch of the Xethi-rluiuls Trading Society Wll tc r.tinued
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 Special Offer of HENDERSON HATS A larje selection of these famous hats at exceptionally law prices tee S4.o©, $7.00 and $10.00 are noted for their durability and will not change their colour or lose their shap^. JOHN LITTLE CO LTD. lea Q SNdiOR- ft KUALA LUMPUR, TYRE CEBSENT VILCAXISING SUPERSEDED
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    • 153 8 ALHAMBRA Brarh Road. 5 ha, Tiir BSAVTirUL rambler s Its. Feetariaaj Grace Darraond T<i| Balaata and Harold Lloyd Comedy I PlB. THE SONT, OF THE SOUL S Pts. Featuring Alice Joyce And ether interfgtinif Comedy. MARLBO^OUGtT Beach Road. 5 Pts. a JA^ANKSE MGnTINf.ALE 3 PU. I". :turin,T Frnn;<> V. anl
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  • 269 9 Washington Conference Agenda. Far Eastern Questions Belter's Sehuce. London, September 20. Router states that nothin? is known in Lunelon of any invitations being issued to the British aosagabM to the Washington Conference. Nothing has been arranged. The latest note from Washington has not advanced matters, as no
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  • 131 9 Bcvra*l Service. London, September 20. The HagM On the rccasion of sat opening of parliament demonstrations >>ceened with the object of securing eh.' release of a man named Groeneudaal, who was imprisoned for refusing military s «rTice. The police arrested several petaoH attempting to approach the royal carriage.
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  • 102 9 KtITKII'.S SkRYICE. London, September 20. Geawva I M. Hymn::'.- painstaking efforts to solve the very thorny problem of Vilna ere rewaraad whoa the League Council pnakM wnt l>y Mr. Wellington Koo unanimously revised the settlement of the i'olo-I.ithuanian dispute which will now be submitted t-> the Assembly. The
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  • 40 9 RIXTER'S SKISMCE. 1. -union, Septe-nibcr :!0. Brisbane Hope has been abandoned of reJ-ruinj; tht entombed miners at Mount Mulligan collier-}-. Rescue work is hampered by bad gase.<. Up to the present twelve unrecognisable bodies have bed recovered.
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  • 236 9 Soviet's Campaign of Hostility Intensified. Rklteu's Service. London, September 20. Whilst since the conclusion of the AngloRussinn trade agreement the British Government has loyally kept its pledge to' abstain from offensive action against the] Russian Soviet Government the latter immediately after the signature intensified its campaign
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  • 167 9 Belter's Seevicb. London, September 20. Riga The first trains bringing children from Samara and Saratov have arrives at Gomel, in White Russia. According O a Moscow wireless message three steamers are ready to leave Petrograd for Europe with cargoes of nsbostofi anu timber. The Soviet press state;' that
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  • 79 9 Rei .teh's Service. London, September 21. Vienna Indignant at the recent excessive speculation in exchange, a big crowd attempted to storm the Bourse. Several brokers were maltreated and bank windows were smashed. The tx-State secretary declares that the incessant printing of new bank notes accounted for the
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  • 52 9 Reutek's Service. London September 20. I'aris. from Ajaccio The steamer Bcrgmeister Vonmelle has sailed for Constantinople. The French Foreign Minister states that the idea that the vessel was sailing for Odessa was clue to a misunderstanding. The French Government would never force Russian refugees to return to a
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  • 38 9 Relteu's Skrvice. London, September 21. Geneva A!! the judges elected to sit in the Court of International Justice have intimateei their acceptance. The committee of the League has recommended the admission of Lithuania to mpmrM>r<!hip
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  • 213 9 The Laws Relating to Naval Blockades. Kklteii's Service. London, September 20 Geneva The commission of the Assembly eif the League of Nations deal-ing with legal organisation has decided to adopt und submit to tin Assembly an amene'.mcnt to Article 16 of the Covenant, providing for the use
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  • 61 9 Helter's Segvice. London, September 21. NOW York T!-e latest example ol £ruft which lias come to light concerns the police commissioner Enright, who adnikted to the committee investigating the New York municipal cdministraticn that he benefit?ti to tho extent of $12,000 fr-ini the stcck exchange transaction curried out
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  • 132 9 Rri'tek's Service, London, September 20. Chalons The Saone Chinese Cantonment at Pont Jeanne Rose will soon be broken up. All foreign workers will be disbanclcci and repatriated as their contracts hare expired. London, September 21. Geneva The Pope has subscribed a million lire to the International Red Cros« for
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  • 226 9 Demand for Standard and Good (Jnality Sheet. Tl-.e 517 th auction of the SingaporeChamber of Commerce Rubber Association wa.s held on September 21, wh;-n there wa.s catalogued 1,279,545 lbs., equal to 571.2-J tons. Oflcred 1,130,885 lbs., equal to IwlM tone. So!d 934,189 lbs., eejual t. 417-05 tons.
    226 words
  • 3880 9 Damages Claimed from The Straits Times. Mr. Still (jiyes Evidence. The action in which the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., claim damages for libel from the Straits Tim' s Press, Ltd., and Mr. A. W. Still was continued in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice, Sir
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  • 215 10 the list of those re- rred ts m our Keogh and I:.S.M. \V. l>. ul 2nd Cl. Mr. British tt v and Victory Mr. N. I-'. Spencer, Miii'tary M dal si d 1914 ttei Srd d. Mr. 15 Star; QJ(A <!.<i.i K. Turner, Vieritorioui Service Medal B.SM
    215 words
  • 1895 10 Chairman's Survey of a Dark Si\ Months. Thr half-yearly g<mnd meeting <>f tiu Singapore Chumber of Commerce urn; r..\ change was h Id in tlv KxrhailKP Itooms yesterday under the presidency of the] Bon. Mi. C. V. Gibbon*. TliPrr was a| fair attendance oi nt< ml Thf
    1,895 words
  • 28 10 J'ri-v ii.usly acknnw letleed $",6«3.9' Kivtay KMatc staff 211 I'.intriliutiuns through tht Danih Consul 128.07 14,007.04 A. HVALSOF, I .il. vi for I tfiMu.u 1.
    28 words
  • 155 10 Three Arrests Including a Bank Clerk. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 22. Particulars of the ingenious bank fraud, which junt misfired, are disclosed locally. It appears that last week the Chartered rank received an order purporting to bo ier.ed by Eu Vdng Sen for a
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  • 457 10 (Passengers for Straits. China And Japan. Passengers on the P. and O. steamer Sardinia, which sailed from London, on August 15), and arrived here yesterday included China and Japan.— Mr. J. Alston, Mr. and Mrs. Baillie, Mr. K. Baldwin, Miss C. E. Baptie. Mr. R. H. Beavan, Mr.
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  • 275 10 I tfeaars. William Jacks nnd Co., writinv i from London on August 18, state Business all round continues on a wry Ismail scale, and there is little chance of any improvement until the price of fuel is brought to a reasonable level. Another important factor is the
    275 words
  • 75 10 Alacphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, September 22. Three months gold 4ri'». Silver. 40 Hongkong 8394 p.c. prem. Share Market. Dull.— Rubbers Practically no enquiry. Tins.-- Taipiiuc 1.02%-1.07'a, Northi 1.26-1.30, Souths 67tt-72V) cents. Liv I'iahs 1.2:>-1..!0, Nawng Pets 1..=.5-l.tii), Linji-uis 3.40-3.60. Tongkah Harbours 14 14.50, Renongs 2.">s.
    75 words
  • 1655 10 (From a Correspondent.) September 19. Tha weather has been, delightful evei since my last epistle, and the Ions: moonlight nights have been truly K°i"Kcnus. The capital bears little outward sign of the great slump in bsjataaas generally, but conversation, goon reveals the depression all r,pund. The planter has
    1,655 words
  • 340 10 Great Hindu Missionary Arrivinp. BwaaU Abhcdananda, the head of the Bamakriahna Mission in America, eo-wiu-k.r and KweeHor io Swami Vhrekanai:oa, the pioneer in the propagation of the- Hindu gospi 1 hi tin- West, will be in Singapore in a couple of days, lie is on his way
    340 words
  • 88 10 Previously acknowledged $H 1,809. 12 'Mrs. Ols^n IOO.Wi Lalance of money collected at i ftantau N. S. Our Day. 1918 83.W IH.T." -Mm T<»ui p^Mia Sinciipnre Ilinn-h Previously acknowledged $20,690.47 Crand total 1112^84.09 Singapore subsi riptior.s to tin.- above i Fund should b<- s^nt to the Manager,
    88 words

  • 2986 11 Its Origin and Character Explained. How it has Paralysed Russian Industn The loßooriag i- :i UtW* by ar. Kntrlishnii.n who had .-.pent many years in Kussia, and had built up a prosperous baataoaß. Bolshevism ruined him anil he was to escape with his life from the ehaoa which Communism
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 228 11 New Music, THE WHOLE WORLD SERIES THE MOST POPULAR SERIES THE OLIVER DITSON EDITION STERN'S LIBRARY MAGNUS ORGAN VOLUNTARIES SCOTTISH STUDENTS SONGS OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Also I'iano and Vocal Operatic Scores. Franci.s and Days. Durewxki, ft Mn. an. Pmaot, Bung and Dance Annuals Standard Folios Waltz, Sun;; and
      228 words
    • 482 11 Rafflesjidtel MONDAT— Tea Dansant, I to 7 p.m. (Admtasloa fi*e). WIDNBSDAI.— SpeciaI Masical Pi.)«r»mrr,e after Dinner. THURSDAY— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Drees essential Cm Dancing). FKIDAT.— Sp«ri»I Luneb— OrchMtrm. SATURDAY.— Goest Nigbt and Dsneing. (Craning Dresi essential Cet Dancing). PICTURES Sundn>, Seutembcr y.">. 192}, H..'!(l p.m. "MAGGIE'S FIRST FWLSK
      482 words

  • 205 12 Survey for New Naval Base In Madagascar. The prubability that France MBJtMI plates the establishment on the Madacascai coast of a new naval port is indicated ii: an interview mated by Commando l«-bejrui.-, of the French sloop of war Bel Intrix, whirl) is at present Ijiinjr
    205 words
  • 27 12 SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. I Orders for week ending September 25 Thursday, 22nd.— Third Troop Parade. Friilsiy, 23rd.— Band Practice, Mala> Volunteer Club. 5.15.
    27 words
  • 29 12 I The Kuli Court at Ipoh has di.'iuis.sf! i hi- appeal of the murderer of the late Mr. I mii at Tanjonjr Rambutan, without 'callinj: imon the Public Proxrcutor.
    29 words
  • 496 12 Zionists Backward in Providing Funds. A White Paper has been published containing tho interim report of Sir Herbert Samuel on the Civil Administration of Palestine from July 1, 1920, to June 30, 1921. It states that tho British garrison in Palestine lias been reduced to 5,000
    496 words
  • 198 12 Different Restaurant for Each Course. An American millionaire, desiring to vi«it the most exclusive restaurants ol ?aris, and having only one day at his disposal, spent £100 on his luncheon. He was accompanied by his wife and friend who knows the haunts of Paris thoroughly. The party decided
    198 words
  • 190 12 Wholesale Arrests Under a 11 Year-Old Law. RcfcraMX at Topeka, Kun?as, states :lic Daily Express, consider that their city has been greatly purititd by a wholesale cigarette raid the other day, when the members of thirty-five firms were arrested, and several thousand packages of cigarettes were seized. The
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 97 12 Kiam Kiat STANDS £oe ATISFACTORY ERYICB DO NOT WORRY, WE WILL HELP YOU. MBORDEN'S MALTED MILK HAS NO EQUAL MILK i r i s£^ rr -sii>\ A superior atrtnjrthenina: invigorating lood BEST QUALITY P^-.-t, CONNELL BROS. Company (inc. in U.S.A.) y l^fed SINGAPORE X^^£^^ Agent. The Twin Red Diamond (Marked
      97 words
    • 276 12 Your Trarisiocjftt It is false economy to run your 10rr.7 if you are not getting full efficiency out of it. nev^r know when it is going to breakdown an i cause annoying delays to deliveries We specialise in the repair and overhaul of lorries wh eh are executed with the
      276 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 878 13 Tfie Brand of Confidence *In X~j\ _K- I SALES BY AUCTION TO COLLECTORS AND LIBRARIANS 'important auction sale OK RARE AND VALUABLE HOOKS. i The undersigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at their sale-room, RafflcF Chambers, Raffles Place, on Saturday, September 21, commencing at 1O.:IO a.m. Pur;
      878 words
    • 878 13 SALES BY AUCTION ATTRACTIVE TANJONG KATONG AUCTION SALE Df 312 lots of superior Jacobean style teak household furniinrp, Kosenkranz piano, hornless Columbia gramophone, brass curios, etc. At No. 1-158. East Coast Road (opposite Ki'liuij *tanp;ee,i, on Saturday. Soptcmbfr 24, at 2 p.m. Comprising a goo 3 toned cottafrc p'mno by
      878 words
    • 146 13 I■ I 1 ___—___-^^^^^_>^ T I—l TsBSr I Jt_i \^aHl/ Ambrosoli Stoppani Co. Colonial Motor Co. 189, Orchard Koad, Singapore T«l. 960. Smoke A La Semeuse HIGH CLASS DUTCH CIGARS j^^ji Messrs. Mignot &de Block, Eindhoven. i, FLEUR de LUXE FLEUR de MALAKA j^;^ de PARIS de SUMATRA Hsk'll dv
      146 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      769 words
    • 207 14 MORTGAGEE'S SALE JUIfITIAII 081 V AUuliuN abALE of valuable freehold land and dwelling ttgfc^'&^^%*2£ st our salprt ""n5, ir./iR, Raffles Plac*. Sin^npore. on Toe« Jay. September 27, at 2JO p.m. PARTICULARS. All that piece of land situate in th. Dl»tHet of Roch^re in the I,*and of Sinn! *>*+ Mthaated t.
      207 words
    • 1949 14 Aa»ta tT-r 14,1 tt.Mf i.O, AjpTOrancw Ib foref^wTcr $17,000,««t THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO, ITi). a.eer»ersiel la Straits ■ettUnents) JUAD OmCI I Wtacaaster aeasa. lUgaiWM. LONDON OFFICF. Old Jewry, I.C. Tha Company has f3O,«M d.p0."... with th. Supreme Ceart af Eaglaad ftad compiles with the British Llfa Assurance Companies
      1,949 words

  • 867 15 .Nt that Lifted Hippodrome Safe. It was the turn of the trainers and circus managers to give evidence the other day before the House of Commons Select Committee on Performing Animals. Mr. Tussell, a former manager of the London Hippodrome, denied the charge of cruelty at that house
    867 words
  • 36 15 UuritiK October the steamer Halle will put into Bolawan. She belong* to the Gei man-Australian St-.'umslup Company (Deulsch-Australische Dajnpschiff Ge.sell.schaft) and will l>e the first German ship i v ,v -ie t:.i rmui tnca *i■ m.<
    36 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 160 15 This Tablet economises gMpHsM consumplion. Removes jmd prevents carl»>n deposits in motor. Insures power to engine usinj; petrol as fuel. And makes automobile 100 per cent, efficient. THE CBjmUL MOTORS. Ltd. Local distnl>u(or> THE CYCLE AM) CAMUAGfe Ltd. Uialers WantMl Wtitt for particulars and district sub-agency terms Sole Agents for
      160 words
    • 262 15 LIBEIcT V j #S^ 111 -J HAIPHONG DRAGON \L J/ CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singapore. Quahs' Motor Transport Co. 'Phone 299. for COMFORTABLE CARS AND LORRIES FOR HIRE DAT AND NIGHT
      262 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 261 16 New Shipment .fust Airivcd uf C-t >■■>[*> Smc.othinj; :ind Jark Hn» Ur.i-- BeMg— Tapped Nut-, from r rf in. to :v in. lutland's Brass Uutt Hinßes, from 1% in. to <i in. C'lyhnrn BcfCW Df-Mirs, from fi in. to •_'l in. Asbestos Cord or Yarn, all sizes. \wli,.^ l'i|«' I..
      261 words
    • 428 16 TAY GUAN KIAT SC, PHILLIP ST___CT. Phone No*. 3113 and 3114. The sncreiisfnl eontractnr for supply of FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC. to the Slngsixire Municipality daring the year 1921. GLOBE TOILER REMEDY For rlenring and pie.icrving ateam boilers jof all types. Used by all factories, steamers, j etc.,
      428 words
    • 948 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tfc- PBEPAID ehatrea for Wist* «sl% T. Let, etc, I. ordlaary eisss sst type (average six words to line) are t— Per line one insertion 28 cte, two la*, it ct«, three Ins. M eta., foor Ins. 8J ets- Dts ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, t*n Id*. $1.40,
      948 words
    • 829 16 LAND AND HOUSES TART OF HOUSE to let, furnished, with garage. Apply Ji95, Straits Times. TO LET, from 6ctober~l, comfortable two ■uorered compound house in heathy locality. and water laid on. Rrnt $275 pi-r month. Apply 618, Straits Times. TO LET, bungalow No. CO-1, East Coast r.oml, uhout 100
      829 words
    • 512 16 j «__«_»■_»_«> s» b£^ _B S_( i 4vH^BEu^^^|^9MMrfS| i CUT AWAY VIEW SHOWING Matthews Engine-Generator Unit $950 MODEL The Simplest Possible Combination of s Generator- and Gasoline Engine. In 1911 Matthews 1 K.W. plants were selected by the U.S. Treasury Department Engineers for lighthouse installation and in each year since,
      512 words
    • 325 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd. 213 Or.CIIARD MAD. Sole Distributors of BELLANGER famous French Car. All kinds of Repairs to Motor Cjtlw, Cars and Lorries executed. Cracked Cylinder*, Crank-Casei, Cenrs and Broken parts of all metals Welded. RELIABLE~~CARS AND LORRIES HIRED Goods Transported from Ships, Godowno, Private Houses, etc. A number
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 207 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES E'liiorlaJ an.l Ocneral SI Manueer's dfßcc 1117 .!..:> Trintinß Office 11M4 All Communications relating tv Mitarial I matters ar<l news should be addrtasad lv THE KDITOK. All communication!! 1 relating to busints* matters- mlvertiß'. I nients, «übscriptions. accounts, printing, .•tc. should be tddressed t'» THE M
      207 words