The Straits Times, 30 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,720 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 5*3: rf SWISS MILK TRADE MARK. Trying It, Means Adopting It. SOLE AOENTS: JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS, LTD. (Incorporated in EdcUdj) SINGAPORE GRAFLEX The camera that docs the difficult things in photography, and dors them well. The focal plane shutters and highspeed lenses make snapshots possible under conditions where only time
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    • 144 1 Medium, in lb. tins <j;i .i 5 Medium, Cartridges $1.45 Double Broad Cut, in lb. tins $1.45 Guards Smoking Mixture, in lb. tins $1.63 Hankey's Smoking Mixture, in lb. tins $1.73 j^| 'I Black Cat ot fe PURE MATURED vikuinia 50 Cigarettes [v2S,«J| I Cigarettes $1.20 §^J MAXLFACTLUED IJY CARRERAS,
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    • 3 1 i 1 j
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  • 825 2 State to Undertake Planting Of] Forests. The first annual report of the Forestry Commissioners was issued in mail week. The Commission are now in possession of 103,100 acres of land, of which 68,100 acres are classified as plantable. The planting programme of 1920-21 has been successfully carried out,
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  • 248 2 Scottish Nurse and Italian Prince. A real Ufa li.m.mcc. us lUi'ly H :I |iv t-o be fonml in the moat imaginative nuvolx of the Hciirv Qarlaad Kroup. lm- bean oon»<wiqa»t4d .icrorclint; to the Daily Skcifch by tho mavrria^o ol I'rinc.' l'ili[ipo AndtM [)oria I'amphiH. tbo scion of
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  • 25 2 Mr. Ycoh Soon Honjr, a Native of China, who has resided in the Straits Settlements, for 25 years, has becomr naturalized as n liritish Suhjirt.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 I ffifrjgw JmHSbMSM^^-^ Every sport-man knows what it I IMU^nyjyWMHw^^FT means to have his day's hunting l^^Bjj^^HWT i\|/ spelled on ixcour.t of his enr' ffli! 5 '/< )Wsw£\ \Vjy trf <fe cs becoming damp and unfit for use. $Wui\V\ty/\^rW r '"^y years c^ridS 0 manufacturers \hh!jr frAji*nh/t/ IVC tx crirßcritcd
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    • 553 2 liclii mm face Could Not Sleep. Used To Rub Face. Cuticura Heals. "My face broke out in small pimples and tlen wr.s c mass of Bore V— r-v eruptions. I could net ro£r%£tti sleep at night with the £I?*'wm ilc lin and burning, and Vf when my face got hot
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    • 212 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR Tb« •xeellenc. of French kntomobiU mffin.trbig km* MH known and agreed by experts. Tb. Citrora is th« ackx«wM(W but of this scbool of production. Ba. this remarkable Car eompar* it with any tthn Uffci M* W$ MM Market Tak. a demonstration ride— drire it youri.lf if
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  • 602 3 •■\fuliar Methods of Reaching A Verdict. That famous advocate at the criminal Bar, Sir Edward Marshall Hall, K.C., has contributed a remarkable article to the current Strand Magazine on the Psychology o.f the Jury. Juries," he says, are very human and they are apt to take notice of
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  • 397 3 The German Law and a Feminine Failing;. i Two judicial rulings in regard to divorce 1 have occasioned great interest among German lawyers. Tin- fir;;t arose on an action for divorce lir in ht by a Dresden officer, who alleged that his wife, married by him
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 509 3 KHGLISH 2-47' I* 14.6-21 Ihe royal bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. LONDON. (NO. >^E^X WKW YORK. PRINCES ST.. I.C. iKjAySa 68. WILLIAM ST. PARia. fPAwcs- Vsvff/y ■ancsn.ona. Tut ROYAL BANK sr CANADA IFMkCII m l# PLAZA DE CATALUNA 6. 731 'BRANCHES 624 Branches in Canada and Newfoundland, also 107
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    • 653 3 SconesV?^ If are scrumptious. Vy Ask Cook to try this recipe. SCOTCH SCONES. 2-ot. Raider." 1-lb. Floor. A •mall teaspoonful of Salt. About a bretklatt-cuplul of Milk (A-pinl). Mix Ihe flour, "Raisley and nit well together in a bowl, dry. Midte into a dough quickly with the milk, adding ihe
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    • 641 3 NOTICES SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of the Mem bers of the Singapore Cricket Club, will be held in the Club Pavilion on Wednesday, August 31, at 5 p.m. BUSINESS. (a) To receive the Annual Report and Accounts for tho year ended June 30. 1921. (b) To
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    • 386 3 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE 13 hereby given that the Power of Attorney dated June 16, 1911, granted by Syed Abdulrahman bin Shaik AlknlT ami Syed Aboobakar bin Hooaein AlkatT to Shaik Abdullah bin Sallim Daharood. Sycd Mohami'd bin Zoin bin Somit, Syed Ibrahim bin Zein Uin Sonilt, Shaik Omar bin Saied
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 918 4 STEfIMER 3AJLIH6S j P. 0.-British India Apcap Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND OBIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tae Cocnptnj's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY ara at present saspeudea LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON I TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON I'ne
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    • 732 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. LDOTID Steaawrs Intended ta sad tnm Uafaaare KINTA -Mondaj, 4 p.m, for Port Swettenbsm and Penang. HTB LEONG— Monday, at 4M PJ>, *er Malacca and Muar. KAKA— Tuesday, at 4JO pjst, #ar Malacca and Muar. IPOH -Wednesday, at 4 pj», <ar Port Ewettsnham and Psnaag.
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    • 54 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ. Esther Dollar In Port Sails September 1. Through Bills of Lading issued from Singapore to the Principal Cities of the United States and Canada. For further information as to Ratuj, etc., apply to THE ROBERT DOLLAR GO. No. 117-121, Market
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    • 401 4 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated In Japan) No. 2, Da Soaia Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN LINB For Port Bald. Marseille* London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dap. ALASKA MARU Sept. 14 Sept. IB ALTAI MARU Oct. 15 Oct. 16
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    • 639 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURN!S PHILP LINE (Incorporated tn Australia) c fllngapore ta Java Porta, Port Danrff, Thartday Island, Brisbane and Bydney, vi. Torres StraiU, also with transhipment M I other Victorian, South Australian and NorH Queensland Portn, British New Guinea, Nt<r 1 Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Ports, APPROXIMATE
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 360 5 STEAMER SfIILINCS K. P. M. KONLNKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU (Incorporated in Hollnnd) Telegram AddreM PAKETVAART 2 and 3. Collyer Quay. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENTS. < > A rovag* on a snn-klssed Wjfr**!*, Th T lh tTWJ sem. would go. And just »hat jou would IT «cry one did
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    • 108 5 STEAMER SAILINGS TNE BLUE FUNNEL LINE PA3BKNGER SERVICE Sailings from Singapore to London MENTOR Not. 28, 1941 i TKIRESIAS Jan. 10, 1922 First-class only. FARE £M or 1771 For further Information, pleas* apply to W. MANSFIELD A CO, LTD, (Incorporated in England) TRIESTE-HAMBURG s.s. "CROOK" Sailing from Singapore, September 17,
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    • 272 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ~BODWELL UNIT (Incorporated la England) FOR XKW YORK DIRECT VIA SUEZ EORXMONT CASTLE Srpi. U KKND.U. CASTIJ-: mid. Oct. WRAY CASTLE mid. Noy. For freight, please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD.. Agents. GREEN STAR LINE Strainer Destination Dae dale ARCTURUS New York an.l I'uliimore via Su.' in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 641 6 CIHEMAS "GAIETY" CINEMA CHANGS OF PROGRAMME! At 7.30 tShmp Larry Semen in DULL CARE. Hi, UlMl Md IVst Comedy THE SECRET KINGDOM Md V ta K rn,.li\ in Ifl chapters, or U ml-. To-night No. 1 and 2 in C parts. SMASHING BARRIERS 5,,i.,l lVMunu« Wiiiinn Duncan aal i-:uitli Johnston.
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    • 370 6 I Hair Price sale iKOH COMPANY BRAS BASAH ROAD ALSO ROBINSON ROAD Perfumery, Stationery, Books, Fountain Pens, Chocolates, etc. OFFERED AT HALF THE USUAL PRICES. Real Bargains! Don't lose this Chance!! Periodical a and Magazines also offered at half Price during the Sale. KOH COMPANY TO OUR PENAN& FRIENDS AND
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    • 166 6 PAPER CLIPS AND PINS of all sizes and kinds* Ring Clips Ideal .35 box .45 box Owl .50 box ANY OFFICE STATIONERY Obtainable from RICKARD LT? Prompt Printers 76 Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 2228. M W'j >' 4 V n^a [-PROVED B I FDR Th. Sr.-. row- L Etc 7T:T
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    • 55 6 ■JU NEVER SAY DYE, SAY TINTEX Messrs. THE BORNEO Co., Ltd. Sole Agents for Penan*. P. Wellesley, Kednh, Peralc, Kclantan, Trenßganu,, Sarawak. Messrs. A. C. HARPER Co., Ltd. Sole Agent* for Selangor,, Xegri Sembilan, Malacca, Jo ho re. THE EASTERN DEPOTS AND AGENCIES, I, CAIRNHILL ROAD. 'Phone 1177.
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  • 201 7 FIXTURES Taesday. August 3*. high Water, H4! a.m.. 7.38 p.m. Chefalo nnd rulfrmo, Star Opera, a p.m. I ,n. Prebi atei v. I*imliln Wnlnenday, AußU<it 31. High Watoa. y.lO a.m.. 8.46 p.ra. Queua of Bbi'and's Birthday. Emperor of .Itip:m's Birthday. I<odce Ailsa. a Muar K "bber, Evutt's,
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  • 176 7 VESSELS ARRIVED. IjIIAUATA. Brit, I*6l tons, from Calcutta 30 x. foi < alcutta 8-». HAN \VH.\TT SOON, Urit.. \m t Penang I, tot nan .11-8. COEN, D ,'ro!.-. Pateml CMI.CO.V. Prit., 1,7*4 tonf. from Fremantlc SO R. unc. 1 1 V: I t Brit, M< ton», from Part
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  • 202 7 To-day end Muar P* Rilliton and Sourabayn 4 p.m Banirkok P' Khio P-m IVimng, Rangoon and Calcutta 4 p.m Wednesday P. Sambu. Mce.ira-Salia nnd Djambi 9 a.m tok and IVlembang .11 a.m nhio an. l 11 a.m Kaigon a.m ( nnd Ilombay ..1 p.m Kretay, Trcncsa.'iu,
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  • 114 7 Sir Kin ii Shaekletoii was received b> the King and Queen at liuckin^ham Palact anil i-xpliiiii'-l t!i- object* of the Sh:ickletor: expedition of diacewry amonjr litUe-knowl itlaadl of the Atlantic and the Pacific and the uncharted uraa of tht Bouth P"le. Tlie Kinir |tn him a silken Union
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  • 99 7 i: rmm dated Sjdiu'.v, July 3 Tin- jury to-cay returned a verdict I r thi defendant in the cue in which an MCCp 'I nun, Sister I.iiruori, buv<l THjrr. t»\vyer, tht; Koman Catholit- Bishop of Wairsru Wacgs, lot X.DM ftr wrongful arrest. A -u.y of proceedings
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  • 142 7 BXCHANUB. Sintrapnrc, August 30. On London, Bank 4 m/t 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 42% Private 00 days 45 V 4 On France Bank 500 On India Bank T. T. 163 On Hcnßkonp, Kank d/d 22 V4 p.c
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  • 50 7 Tone of market Quiet. Spot Sept. Oct.-Dcc. I Singapore SUnd«r.l Pale Cr»po Closing Price* Buyers Sellers Singapore Standarc Ribbed Smoked She*< Closing Prieta Bnyer» Sell«n 27 27% 27 'i 28 30'^ 31 ipot icpt. )ct.-Dec. DAILY PRICBS CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon, August 30, 1921
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    • 185 7 Is*. Val. I'd. Buyers. Sellers, 1 1 Aycr Wong 1.00 1 1 HiUm Tin 1.40 1.60 1 1 Jelantoh 0.80 xl il Kam Kamunting 1.17.6 2.2.6 10 10 Ivinta Assoc. 6.00 £1 £1 I-ahat Mines 5 5 Lingui Tin 3.50 4.00 II) 10 Malayan Coil. 14J* 15.25 1 1
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    • 122 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers fl 21 Bt. Am. Tobacco t 0.0 5.10.C £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.25 6.76 6/ 6/ Electric T'wayt 10 10 Fraßer Ncaves 27.50 29.00 30 50 W. Hair.i:icn Co. 75 83 IOOIOOKatz Bros. Def. 140.0U 10 10 Mexican Eau'-e 4.10.0 5.0.0 10 10
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    • 97 7 U. Eng. 6 p.e. $1,234,800 H? »P* P» .Spi.-o Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £360,000 iok 3'pore Municipal b p.e. $1,878,000 pai Spore Mud. «Vi p-» of ISO- 7 t1.0C9.000 i« J>.t di» S'porc Mun. 4tt •f iboj $1,600,500 <» p.i <Sl» S'por« Muc *V 4 p.*. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 378 7 rraeer aad Co. and Ljall and Evatf Q»oUUoa«. Latatt arailaklt Sterliag QaoUUoaa are printed oa aaother HP Friday. To-day 1 Prictt. A Co. Allenby (?1> 0.00 Alor Gajah (11) 0.90 1.00 Am. Mala} iVi £-00 A HiUm (£5l 8.00 A. Knning (11) 1.00 A. Molek (SI) 1.00 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 856 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS! WANTED KURP, 1-ton truck. Apply r.20. Straits Timoa. TO l.i-X 31, Phillip Street. Apply M. Gustun. 4, de Souzh Street or J. 11. Ellis, Malacca Street. TO LKT, lil, Paair Panjnng Koart, new Kitfde bungalow. Entry hVptcmber 12. Apnl) Soon Kirn ii.-m. Stanley Street. BACHELOR n^uirr.* board
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    • 62 7 MINING Capital required for Prospecting two areas of 24,000 and 17,000 acres alongside Railway, near Soerabaya, Java, in OIL-BEARING FORMATION. Usual licences just gnptpA for term of Three Years. Apply 521, Straits Times. CANVAS BAGS FOR PACKING RUBBER Cotton Canvas, Cotton Ducks and Coloured Water-proof Canvas. ARISAKA CANVAS BAG Mfg.
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    • 47 7 AUCTION SALE of excellent household furniture, braes curios, hornless Amorican-inidc gramophone, singing canary, crockery, clnxswnre, etc. T!ie property of Mrs. S. A. Smith, No. 23-2, Kucc Course l'.o:id, on Saturday, .September 3. at 2.10 p.m. On view on Thursday. Catalogues issued. CHEONG KOON SENG 4 CO., Auctioneers.
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    • 663 7 A PUBLIC MEETING to be arranged by the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (SINGAPORE) ASSOCIATION will be heM in the VICTORIA THEATRE on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 at 5.15 p.m. When the following resolutions will be considered RESOLUTION I.- This Meeting views with preat concern the prolonged neglect of the Government to adopt, announce
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    • 326 7 THE STRAITS TIMES an be obtained at the Mlawtac »lac« Singapore ■lotel ran Wijk Kelly and Walsh, Ltd, Raffles Plae. Money Chaucer, Adelphl Hotel Money Changer, Europe Hate) Money Changer, Baffles Hotel Sob A Co., Brat Baiah Boai Soh A Co., 1-b, Robinson Roa« Low Tone Sw.e, 1, Middle Roai
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  • 1215 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY. AUGUST 30 THE TIN OUTLOOK. It is not Eayinß much for the tin industry to say that its position is not quite so bad as that of rubber. Tin- simple fact is that thero arc very few mines working at a profit. Of course some very
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  • 19 8 During the week ended August 20, 10,240 tons of rice were imported into Semarong from Rangoon, Bangkok and Saigon.
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  • 30 8 Two coclies have been charged befon the second magistrate by Detectivj Insp Farmer for trying to dispose of a lady's gold and platinum brooch evidently worth $200 for a dollar
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  • 44 8 The Sarikat Islammcrs at Semaran;? made merry on the evening of August 20th to celebrate the anniversary of release of Mohammed Kassan from gaol, where he had served a ten years' sentence for the murder of a Chinese during the first Sarikat Islam riots.
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  • 16 8 The current F.M.S. Government Gaaette announces 28 orders of sale of land r.t inslniv of chargces.
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  • 16 8 5.A.H.8." contributes an appreciation of the Hon. Mr. Oliver Mirks to Saturday' 3 Times of Malaya.
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  • 25 8 Fee t Piles for the manufacture of kapok {tree cotton) have been erected in Loinbok and in the Celebes and will shortly be in operation.
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  • 27 8 The new export duties on copra nnd pepper from the Dutch East Indie* came into frrce on the 16th inst. and will operate till February 28, 1922.
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  • 31 8 A Padang (Sumatra) telegram of the 20th inst. to the Locomoti<>f i-tatis that luring the night of the 19th nnd 20th tw.rrty prisoners made thrir escap? from the old prison there.
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  • 39 8 Plague claimed 109 victims in Java iur ng July as against 350 in June. Bojo- ali had the largest total of casualties, 158, while Soerabaya, Soorakata and Semarang were practically free from the scourge, each having only enc case.
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  • 49 8 Th? R:v. Father P. M. Lynch C.S.S.R. will hold a retreat in the Church of St. Joseph at Victoria Street on Friday and Saturday next. September, 2 and t, at 6.30 n. m. He will also preach on Sunday, the 4th inst. at the High Ma.s at 8 a.m.
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  • 41 8 Detective Insp. Farmer has bc:n successful in effecting the arrest of three raoro men alleged to be concerned in the daring gang robbery in North Bridge Road on Sunday waek last. Tho gun used in the affair, has also been recovered.
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  • 43 8 Captain Herring, who is charged with 'laving cheated th_> Europe Hotel in respect :f two cheques on the loth irrst., was pro,luccd by Detective Insp. Phear before Mr Bull to-day. The Captain pleaded not rui'ty, and the cas.' was postponed for t reek.
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  • 51 8 The Batavia NicwsLlad states that the irrival of two Danish naturalists, Messrs. Mortens and Jensen, is shortly expected They will open up a biological station in .he Dutch Indies, and one of their initial Torts wiil be to make a scientific examination rf the flcra and fnuna of the Kei
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  • 55 8 The Sockabo'-mi field police of Ja»a are to be congratulated on a smart capture, for Thang Tek Tjcng, when arrested, by them on the 20th inst., was found to be in possession of large stocks of morphine injections and other drugs, besides a considerable amount of illicit chandu which hi
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  • 57 8 The Soerabaya Handelsblad leaixs that a protest has been raised in th? Australian Parliament anent the presence of officers of the Netherlands Indian Army in Australia for the purpose of buying recounts. It was suggested, it soys, to impose a heavy export tax. The Prime Min'sccr, according to the niessage,
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  • 59 8 A general meeting of tne subscriber? to the F.M.S. War Relief Fund is being held in the Committee Room of the Federal Secretariat, Kuala Lumpur to-day. The Hon. the Chief Secretary will preside. The business is the question of making farther deration from the Fund to tho Unemployment Fund for
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  • 78 8 A Sikh wns produced by Insp. Porter before Mr. Bull, to-day, for driving a car without a licence in Sclegie Road at i.'.V p.m. yesterday, and with rash driving by rautiag and damaging a stationary ricksha. Accused was fined $10 on the first charge, but sentence on the second
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  • 65 8 The programme of music to be playe.. by Rallies Hotel orchestra in th> bnll room to-morrow at 9.45 p.m. will include the following Selection, The Kos.\ Myddleton twa scenes, from Miniaturr Ballet, Aiteell songs, (arranged fo; orchestra), Sweet Early Violets, Sheriffton Within Your Eyes Love, Lincke fantaisic, Madame Butterfly, Puccini
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  • 81 8 At the annual general meeting of the Straits Bachelors' Physical Culture held en Sunday, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year :—President Chua Kee Yang vice-president Nco Chin Siew hon. secretary L;m Teck Whye asst. Hon. secretary Tan Chwee Soor. hon. treasurer Lim Hock Yiin Mat hon. treasurer
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  • 118 8 A. K. P. writes from Malacca as follows The Malacca Library (Reading) Rorm i: becoming very doscrtcd. I understand through the loss of a black tape measure, more orkss Hi ft., the honorary secretary has stopped issuing all thi? morning papers for reading to the general public and clerks. It
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  • 115 8 Ng lleng lin wns convicted some time ago before a magistrate of dishonestly misappropriating 8C- doz. empty soda water bottles belonging to Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. He entered an appeal and Ihe case was opened yesterday in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justic'. Sir Walt.r Shaw, Mr. M.
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  • 494 8 The engagement is nnnouncd of Mr P. F. Pereira. of the Malacca Ili'rh Si bool, .son of .Mr. and Mrs. D. IC. Pereira, to -Miss Oi.irl< tte <ie Rosario, dairrhter (.f .-.r.u Mrs. A. A. de Rosa:io. At Aberdeen University, the degree of D.l). was conferred upon
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  • 21 8 Boycotted in Singapore." We have to acknowledge from Anonymous on behalf of the mercantile marine officer who deairCfl a pj Hongkong.
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  • 91 8 Mr. van dor Roer is at prwnt in SingmMre in the interests of Do Indinclu' Courant. ;.ew daily paper which Starts publication in Sourabaya on Btyteflsb ir 15. The proprietors ure a limited company, eompriliog numbers of no leal than 1"> unions, including the federation, of sugar
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  • 127 8 The following appointments and promotions are notified on the K. M.S. Government Gazette Mr. U. M. "Richards to be a European master. Education Department, S.S. and F.M.S. Mr. W. Douglas to be an ofrice.- cf Class lb as Supernumerary for Unfederated Malay States Raja Abdul tfurad
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  • 241 8 Mr. 15. M. Donati. who has tin- solirights to exhibit the film of the fight bitwecn Denipsey and CarpcnliiT in M«laya and neighbouring countries, received his copy of the picture by the last mail, and it was shown privately to press representatives this morning. We can truthfully
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 SILVER EePeN.S. and NICKEL (^OCKTAIL RHAKERS In In E.P.N.S. >^L Nickel Two G^Sf Two Sizes if; Sizes $7.50 \ii $4.75 $10.50 5.50 PUU KS OF SII.VKK SPECIAL QUALITY ENGLISH SILVEIt PLATED COCKTAIL COCKTAIL SHAKERS SH AKEKS AT ON APPLICATION. $18. SO and $21.00 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England)
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    • 143 8 ALHAMBRA To-night at 1M pja. Pathes' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE 16 Kplaodei or SI r«e!i Fe»tcrlnt Juanit* Hansen, Warnar Oland and Hariy Sanela and 10 2 Pts. THE SHOOTLMG KID 2 Pta. 7 P»«. THE IlltAM) 7 PU. lly Rrx Beach New Harold Lloyd Comedy Capt. KIDD'S KIDS Pathe Gazette
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  • 325 9 Dramatic Demand for Home Rule. Savage Attacks on the Hindu Population. Reutfr Telegrams. London, August 2H. Calicut The Moplahs looted the treasury at Ernad and secured six lakhs' of rupees. They libcrateel gaol birds and forced two prisoners and a warder to Mohammedanism. They attacked a motor bus
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 83 9 Reuter Telegrams London, August 29. Toronto Four of the Chinese crew of the Dominion Coal Company's steamer Maskinongr were killed and two wounded by revolver shots in the forecastle of tlie steamer which had anchored near Quebec. No weapon has been discovered and the surviving Chinese refuse
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  • 77 9 Reuter Tklecram. London, August 27. Simla The operations of the Mcunt Kvcivst expedition to the north and west have been completed without dis(iosinc a route to the summit. Slight hopes of success are enter*.ai.i^d with kspect to the north-ca'-t rtan'< when thr itiinsoun abates. Headquarters hftvc Icon moved
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  • 44 9 Rkuter Telegram. London, Auirust 27. Ottawa The Department of Trade and Commerce announces the appointment of Mr. H. A. Chisholm, at present trade commissioner in Cuba, to a new office in Calcutta and Mr. P. W. Ward, at present in Capetown, to Singapore.
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  • 44 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August, 29. Berlin The German Gazette has published a table showing that 5J steamers have been launched from German yards since January 1, of which all but four aro fur German account. The average toiinaiT r* fi.OOO. j gi
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  • 372 9 Reuter Telegrams. Paris, August 27. M. Loucheurr Minister of the Devastated Regions, has arrived at Wiesbaden, Rhincland, wh?rc he will have an opportunity of discussing with ..he Cabinet Minister Dr. Rathcnau the question of German reparations in kind. Paris, August 27. M. Louchour and Dr. Rathenau have
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  • 75 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 28. Mr. Lloyd George, acknowledging the freedom of Barnsley, said Britain had risen above all prejudices and had proposed unprecedented terms to Ireland, which commended themselves to the whole civilised world. He trusted that common sense would prevail. "We cannot countenance separation. (Chicrs.) It would
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  • 70 9 Reuter Telegram. M. Paul Clandel, the new Ambassador to Japan, will sail on September 2. In an interview in Excelsior M. Clandel expressed himself as proud and sincerely pleased to represent Franco in an Allied nation whose civilisation he greatly admires and in whose destiny he firmly
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  • 78 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 29. The protracted dispute between the United States and Japan as regards the mandate given la; the latter by the League of Nations, over the island of Yap, to which the United States "objected, has now been settled. According to the Morning Post
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  • 205 9 RIUTBR TELECRAMS. London, August 28. Geneva Lithuania has rencweel her request for admission to the League of Nations. London, August 28. Berne The new Swiss wireless station at Muenchenbuchsce, which will be used by the League of Nations, has been opened. The first messages were transmitted by
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  • 148 9 Rttim Telegrams. London, August 28. New York The railways east of the Mississippi have been authorised to reduce export rates on iron and steel products twenty to twenty-five per cent, in consequence of representations by the metal inelustrics that they are necessary to enable Americans to mc;et
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  • 45 9 Reuter Tei.egr.vms London-, August 28. Sir Masierton- Smith has been appointed permanent Under-Sccretary to the Colonies in succession to Sir George Fiddes. London, August 29. Lisbon The cabinet has resigned owing to differences as regards the decree for the repression of gambling in exchange.
    45 words
  • 44 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 28. Rome Seventeen seaside holidaymakers from Ladispoli were killed and eighty are in hospital through a train, collision outside' Rome. Later Thirty dead have been recovered from the wreckage of the train collision. Over a hundred were injured.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 45 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 27. A receiver has been appointed for the Fenton Textile Association. The issued capital exc.eds £1,000,000, chiefly held by the chairman, Mr. Henry Fenton, also £600,000 five year debenture notes offered to the public at 95 two years ago.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 75 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 30. The Royal College of Music examination un Theory, the results of the local centre just published, shew 100 per cent, passes. All are pupils of Miss A. Wecrwan, whose aucocss in these examinations are unprecedented. General Fowler in tlue
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  • 173 9 Reutxr Telegrams. London, August 28. Berlin Public feeling over Erzberger's death has culminated in the organisation of huge demonstrations against the white terrer on the 31st inst. on the occasion cf Erzbergcr's funeral. The Left Party announces that it does not intend to allow future militarist demonstrations without
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 267 9 Further Decreases in Imports And Exports. The following returns of import 3 and exports for the second quarter of the current year cempar.-d with similar totals for the corresponding second quarter of 1920 have been issued. The figures under both headings shew a considerable decrease Imports. M
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  • 273 9 Midnight Mystery Reported From Gaylang. The hot weather in Singapore has been and is continuing tc b.- a contributing cause to a good deal of sickness in town. The rain that has fallen has been far from sufficient to cool the atmosphere. For the last few days
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  • 67 9 Messrs. Powell and Co. invite the attention of the public to their sale to-day at 2.30 p.m. of valuable town property including -28, Market Street, an ideal site for a bank building- also U, 10 and 10-1, Cecil Street, a very centrally situated block in the heart of the business
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  • 1748 9 The New Licensing Bill— And Others. By Our Special Correspondent. London, July 20. In the fifth week of what in this country is called the great drought and in yours would probably be described as a dry spell," the Government with subtle humour has contrived to introduce a
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  • 64 9 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, August N. Silver :;x Hangkong 19 ;>.c pren Share Market. Quiet. Rubbers. Practically business passin.'. Tins.— Taipings l-1.0">. North:-. 1.26-1.30, Souths 62H-70 cents. Bawangi 67V4-8S cents, N'awng Pets 1.4."i-l .r>(i, Papaai 66-60 cents, Linguis 3.5C-3.90, Ton^'kan Harbours 13.5014. Industrials.— Unitetrs 10.L>">-]7,
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  • 56 9 The Russian Opera Company still con tinue to attract large hoiws In Java Their programme fur the condition o: thi;ir tour was as follows August L'l. Djomb.r; 25th and Mth, at Ms'.anir 27ti Blitur 28th Koitiri. 'J9th sn<l .'.Oth Djokja September 2, and 4 Bandoeng aftci
    56 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 419 10 S. C. C beat S. R. C. The S.('.»'. scored a good win over the S.K.C in the league match played yesterday, in spite of the fact that the team OW the i^uul strength and the S.K.C. had their full te-ani except for the Important emiaaion of Olivetro
      419 words
    • 569 10 Mr. i". .lohnson. organiser of the forthcominß Straits ;ind X.M.S. boxing championship competitiona, writes I have rcccivid a letter from a Selaniror intending competitor in the S.S. and K.M.S boxing championship tourname-nt who re- ion on the following quesi which I would like to answer through the medium of
      569 words
    • 285 10 A wire of th. 27th statist K-umagae beat Anderson. B— C, 7—5, 2—6, 6—2, 6—l, Japan thus qualifying to meet America in the challenge round. A wire of the 27th stet.s In the doubles the Japanese started well with drives and half volleys, crisp and well directed.
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    • 61 10 H. M. S. Malaya Cup. Selangor beat Perak in the H. M. S. Malaya football cup match at Ipoh on Saturday by 2 l, and will thus represent northern Malaya in the final, having previously beaten Penang. Tho competition to decide who will represent the southern portion of the country,
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    • 101 10 A Reuter wire cf August 27 states The Australians v. All England XI match was begun at Eastbourn; to-day. There were 6,000 spectators. The weather was dull and the wicket hard and fast. The England eleven consisted entirely of amateurs. They were out for 43 in 7.'!
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    • 42 10 The August monthly medal was won by Mr. F. H. Dupre-^ with a score of 81 net. The bail sweep on the best 9 holos was won by Mr. I. W. Smith with a score of 40 ret.
      42 words
    • 26 10 Members of the V.M.C.A. are asked to note that ir future volley ball practice Will b. bekj on Thursday and basket ball jn Wednesday.
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    • 30 10 The Singapore Golf Club monthly medal competition for September will be played on Saturday and Sunday. September 3 and i and thp Ladies' Spoon competition on Monday, September i.
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    • 99 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wire:; to-day In the competition held yesterday to select th? Selangor representative for the Gaunt Cup competition, W. N. Oliver beat Ko-r'under o—4, C The game was played on Oliver's own court at K!ang and attracted many spectators. Foenander played veil and gave
      99 words
  • 201 10 Claim by Cycle and Carriage Company. The case was commenced before Mr Justice Barrett Lcaaard this morning m which the Cycis and Carriage Conpaaj bMh i'roin Mr. Angulia $25,000, as balance of the price of six motor trucks sold by them to the (ief.ndant, and which
    201 words
  • 32 10 Programme of Prills, etc., for week ending .Friday, September, 2 Wednesday, :;ist. 5.16 p.m., Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits (Musketry). Krui:iy. 2ml. r, pm., Drill Unit, B.F.A. Company.
    32 words
    • 226 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I draw the specie' attentiua of your readers to the Public Meeting ta be held on Monday next us announced in your advertisement columns., and poir.t out that the lirst two resolutions are not put forward in
      226 words
    • 227 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Although quite in favour of sport in any shape or form, i am of opinion that the boxing craze now prevalent should have a limit, and those responsible for making arrangements for bouts and exhibitions, etc., should be recognised authorities
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    • 706 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am ashamed to feel myself compelled to wiite this letter to you and to your readers. From what I have seen in your references to the subject it appears that the Municipal Commissioners, who have
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  • 698 10 American M«thods Adopted In France. The idea of the children's library is slowly making progress in England, but we have much to learn from America, which has more widely recognised the child's right to read alongside the more nature citizen, remarks a writer in The Times. New
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  • 202 10 Before Mr. Justice Barrett- Lennard in the Supreme Court on Saturday, John Longue petitioned for the dissolution of his marriage with Albina Virginia Longue, otherwise called Albina Virginia Olivciro. to whom he was married in Singapore on October 21, 1890, on the grounds of her misconduct with
    202 words
  • 306 10 15,000 Tons for the Straits Settlements. The Rangoon Gazette of August M states Officially the rice market was not opened yesterday but the week-end news had brought such n chang? over the look of t!ie rice position that considerable outside ousi'ness was done, speculators hurrying t>> cover.
    306 words
  • 327 10 Sequel to Making Disturbance In Barracks. It was reported in this paper at tho timthat a gunner of th; Royal Garrison Artillery, named Winters, station! at Blakan Mati, was found dead on tho ground below his bungalow of the barracks on th.' morning of August 20 last. At
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  • 233 10 Specials of Civil Wars to Be Sold. Copies of English newspapers nearly 300 years old are to be sold at Sotheby's. It is very exceptional for so large a number of these scarce prints to corns into the public auction room. Two of the rarest were
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  • 86 10 Prince, an Irish terrier, which has just died at Stafford, was the hero of a remarkable war adv.Tturi'. In 1914 Private Brown, of the Staffordshire Regiment, the owner of Prince, went to France. A few days later Prince was missed from his home at Hammersmith and within
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  • 343 10 Dutch Official Assassinated At Djatibarang. From Cheribon, say 3 the Socrabaya Courant, of the 20th instant, comes the news of a fresh outbreak of Sarikat Islam irauble. Opzichter (Inspector) S. S. Laurens and Opzichter Koenraad, of the railway Signal Department, were taking a walk on the evening
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  • 161 10 Returns Home and Gets Life Imprisonment. Three days after Sergeant Andro Blanrhard, of the 25") th Regim.'nt of Infantry, reached the French sector at Avncourt (north of west from Verdun) in August, 1S»17, he deserted to the en;my and divulged the position, of the French troops
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  • 83 10 At Liberty Hail, William Fox's .super feature production. The Honour Syst n.. the most tremendous human drama and an unequalled pathetic .spectacle, in ten reels, that is acclnimcl by press and public the supreme presentation of mode-rn American life and character, will be acreamd in the second show
    83 words
  • 194 10 Death of Mr. V. Muru gasa Pillai. The many friends, of Mr. V. Muruga a Pillui will sincerely regret to learn that MWI was receiver! by cable on Sunday that he- WMd ajfay at Vaddukkoddai, Jaffna, Ceylon, on the :28th instant at the age of 70 years. Mr. V. Murugasa
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  • 147 10 In the Supreme Court yesterday tinChief Jostle I, Sir Walter .Shaw, was er gaged in hearing an action brought against the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., by Chew Jim Hin, trading under the Mtoe of Chop Chew Gh le Teck, for 9700.32, in rsspect to loss
    147 words
  • 75 10 Among pur >\pcricnj:s of Mm lift weather ha.-, been an introduction to the national drink of Japan, My* i horn.paper. Have you ever tasted suki It is vi.ry like whisky- "xcepl that it is ulightly paler in colour, and not so potent. Although a spirit,
    75 words

  • 1162 11 Effects of Kloet Eruption In 'I W eleventh nmiual general laosjIllH nf the Badek Rubber Estate, Ud., was held on July 27 at 49 ami r >], Kastchcafc, E.C., Mr. Alfred R Warren (the rhairmn siding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, il appears from th:- accounts that after
    1,162 words
  • 590 11 New Method of Procedure to Be Adopted. In view of the present financial position of the Colony unusual interest is beinji taken in the forthcoming Budget, ant we, the Times of Ceylon, learn that the (lovernmer.t has this year adopted an entin !y new method of procedure in
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  • 301 11 Great Exhibition Plan Fur 1923. The Prince of Wall's has made an appeal to the heads of public bodies throughout the United Kingdom to support the LJriti-;h Empire Exhibition. The reiponse to that appeal, stales Mr. Robert Donald, chairman of the Publicity Committee, \vi!! determine whether the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 203 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS are still the most popular in the East The same l>i/!i quality is maintained but •fCo/ FSISESHAVE 4Eo/ W /"SEES REDUCED l» This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (lacozporatsd 2a Hoaykoas;.) Raffles Place, SINdAPORB Collapsible
      203 words
    • 264 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAT.— Tea Danssnt, 6 to 7 pan. (Admission free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Erening Dress esssatlal I«i Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY. Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress siientta! ic9 Dancing). SUNDAY.— Cinema after Dinner. NOTlCE.— Besidtnts and Dicrs will
      264 words

  • 817 12 Continent. Sir W. Boyd Dawkins writing in the Manchester Guardian, says The history of life on earth, revealed by the fossils in the rocks, shows that the animals appear in due order according to thrir organisation. The simplest the infinite variety of sponges, coral-, molluscs, etc.,
    817 words
  • 121 12 General of the Directorate On Tour. A Madras wire of August 11 says Lieutenant-Colonel E. K. W. Lasd-lles, •'!rd Dragoon fiuariis, General of the Directorate of the Indian Army, is paying a visit to Madras in connection with army pilucatitn, and is the guest of Lord
    121 words
  • 72 12 The Oxford University Scientific Expedition to Spitsbergen have found extra hitherto unseen in England, namely, those of the barnacle goose. The bird is a mystery, deriving its name from the mediaeval myth that it was not hatched from im but had an origin similar to that
    72 words
  • 582 12 Genera] Manager's Tragic End. The following are further details of the Icath of the Badak Tin Mining Company's general manager, Mr. .1. R. Raleigh, vho was drowned at Bilimba, Queensaml, as already state.:. Mr. Raleigh vas returning to Melbourne from Singa)oro by the s.s. Montoro. While he was
    582 words
  • 180 12 More Discoveries on the Site Of Segonfium. Further excavations at the place of the Roman site of Segontium, at Carnarvon, show that the gateway which was uncovered recently was built within the last 50 years of the Roman, occupation, at a time v. hen the Irish and
    180 words
  • 146 12 Should Clergy Marry Should the clergy marry was a question touched upon by Canon C. N. Long, of Birmingham in a paper on The Priest's Rule of Life, at the Anglo-Catholic Priests' Convention at Oxford. He deplored 1 the way many of the young clergy of the day rushed or
    146 words
  • 62 12 From a Shanghai paper of February 8, 1870, w." take, says Finance and Commerce of August t. the following informative extracts We have received the English mail of December 17. The Titania has made th_> return trip from Shanghai home and back in the remarkably short time of seven months
    62 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 Kiam Kiat STANDS toe ATISFACTORY ERVICE DO NOT WORRY, WE WILL HELP YOU. THE MARK OF PURITY /I g m^A^ PEACHES, APRICOTS PEARS OR CHERRIES served with LIBBY'S EVAPORATED MILK Make an exquisite dish. Remember, Mbby't Evaporated Milk U the milk with that creamy taste and Libby's frulti are the
      93 words
    • 122 12 TROHCO ROOFING Sole Agents BaBKER&CO.,Lm Ready Stock* of 8 ONE TWO j_ "'ffl THREE v -> Lambert Butler GARRICK ||||§g|§ J I.ZO t^r§g|i! pMBRTE "fiftiif p er ti n 6c«f! VIRGINIA CIGARETTES SOO Miles Track Trial Results prove the DEPENDABILITY of the SEVEN Zeniths started in the big B.M.R.C.R. Race
      122 words

  • 1014 13 How Snf was Lost South Of Cape Guardafui. The story of the wreck of the Siani Maru, of the coast of Italian Somaliland not far south ol Cape f'.uardafui at the entrance to the fiulf o Aden, of tho subsequent exciting rescue of the officer* and crew
    1,014 words
  • 217 13 Opposition to New Zealand's New Law. FoUowillg i» a Statesman special Cdlilu Tho subjoct of divorce by consent has beon OMatMag the Anglican Diocesan Synod ut Wellington (New Zealand), whii-h has unanimously di»upproved the amended Divorce Act in New Zealand, which authorises a divorce to be granted
    217 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 112 13 FIAT CARS LORRIES Marine Engines FOR LOW COST RELIABILITY DURABILITY ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY. Most favourable arrangements made to suit all Customers. APPLY Colonial Motor Go. ORCHARD ROAD 'PHONE 950 MOTOR CYCLES Cleveland Motor Cycle, 3>/ 2 HP. $550 Reading Standard Motor Cycle (twin cylinder) 950 B.S.A. Motor Cycle, 4>/« HP.
      112 words
    • 317 13 |lir IToprlrfr.: q g AnL/^U M l\/| JjfX HO HONG Si V^^ '$I*l 61>KlingSt *y* E COMPANY V Jj^^^^/ 'Phone 352 THE BRAND OF CONFIDENCE T BY TEST THE BEST. Idaisy Air. rifjles Just think of the fun ypu can have with a gunt Daisy A r Rifles are mads
      317 words
    • 154 13 GARAGE AND MACHINERY PROPRIETORS INSTALL A DRUMMOND LATHE and execute your own running repairs at lowest possible cost. Illustration shows TYPE "M" ZVi in. CENTRE LATHE, which we supply on stand with treadle drive, and with which all usual repairs to MOTOR CARS AND LORRIES can be effected. Other types
      154 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 713 14 SALES BY AUCTION cvLAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTI. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS. tie aaeerslgn*d have reeelyed instructions to sell by public auction (if not previoasi^ sold by rrivate treaty) at their sale-room, Rnffles Chambers, Raffles Place on a date to be notified
      713 words
    • 707 14 I AUCTION SALE i of a sot of new Aerated Water Machine™ by Hayward-Tylcr 4 Co., Ltd., London i specially ordered and. recently arrived from England). At No. 105, Rochore Road, on Friday, September 2, at 2.3W p.m. I The above machinery are all packed in cases and comprise one
      707 words
    • 644 14 Asset* »>ver $4,000,W« S.C. Aw-rance In force over $17,000,009 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (iMOraeratec la Straits Settlements) BKAD OFFICE I Winchester Heaae, Slagapore. LONDON OFFICE 32. Old Jewry, E.C The Company has £20,000 ceposited with the Supreme Court ef Caglaal aad compiles with ths British Life Aseurance
      644 words
    • 423 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANB (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK.) Established IMS. CAPITAL Fl. «t,0«»,M0 (abov .030,000). ISSUED AND Fl. SSOOO3M (*boo< PAID UP £ij&8i,000). RESERVE FUND Fl. 48,000,000 (»»ao £3^86,000). HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCT IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, K» Mcdan, Soerabaya, Samarang, Bandoeng Weltcyrcden, Chcnbon, Tegal, Pecalongar ?roboliiiggo, Tji!st]ap,
      423 words
    • 482 14 BAIiKIWe THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (laeorporated by Special laaorial Charter in Japan.) i Capital Bubseribed TW.000.000 Capital Paid-up T46,000,000 Reserve Funds Y10.180,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President S. H ori, Eaq. lURKCTORS B. Mlnami, Esq. T. Hlsamune, Rsi. O. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinage, Esq. M. Esaki, Esq. T. Ikeda,
      482 words
    • 373 14 BAWKIWe BANK VOOR INDIE (Incorporated in Holland) Authorised Capital Ft. 60,000 00t Paid np Capital Fl. 12.600.00* Head Ofllre at BATAVU Office* i SOKBABAIA, SKMARA.NG. AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, THE HAGUE. K uJ!S^* artXrt!Oa Of bankln b 0""»« B- W. WIYLIE, Xiui» COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. 'Incorporated in England) Fire, Life.
      373 words

  • 407 15 Ri calls Memories of Early Shipping Era. Memories of an earlier era of shipping are. recalled by the death in London in April of Captain Alexander Simpson, who was for nearly half a century continuously employed in ships (sail and steam) ow ltd by the Aberdeen White
    407 words
  • 357 15 Conspicuously Cheerful Tone At Colombo. The copra market has been conspicuously cheerful of late, and on August 8 was going strong" at Rs 114 per candy, un the following day, however, there was a big decline as buyers were not willing to •niote higher Rs.
    357 words
  • 185 15 According to a Calcutta message o£ August 8 on the arrival of Mo Gorman steamer Limitfeh'iii Calcutta two .Russians, from Naples, wer J'ort Police and kept hi the While beinjr brought to t!i I i, they attempted to eMM hole in the prison v;ui. ,r maiiUui
    185 words
  • 26 15 Three hundred and seventy Labour can^ Including seven women, have already definitely announced themselves ready to stand at the next jreneral election. Others arc contemplating similar
    26 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 321 15 Spgrpn I Km mm I__b# DURABILITY, ECONOMY AND COMFORT AXE EMBODIED IN I he World s Kilometer at IS §F 1 W M H« nS TrM II I W Ol 3 H.P. twin horizontally opposed, 4-spced with gate change, hand clutch, chain drive, drum brakes and leaf sprung throughout. In
      321 words
    • 254 15 OOTY France's Finest and Unrivalled Production in Perfumery. E. C. Monod Co., Successors in Singapore to DUPIRE BROTHERS 50LE AGENTS FOR S.S., F.M.S., and SIMA -iHf Jfjf 3i S £nsm Lv^^Hsl ?t Vk swism^ til tr 'VC m Pi I »**'*Nsn®iGnNffi-BOfrniDopCANra* t# lyF t^7 ax^^ awo£ QQOSSE Si BLACFTWBU, WB^
      254 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 449 16 New Shipment* Just Arrived of ■arts Daplei Die PUtea for Pipe, to .crew tt in te 114 la. ■arts Daplei Die PUtee for Pipes to screw 1 In. to I la. Little Giant Screw PUtea for Pipes to screw In. to 1 la. ■aaterbrook Engliah Make Gas Thread Stocks and
      449 words
    • 445 16 TAY GUAN KIAT U, PHILLIP ITBZBT. Phaaw Nee. nil aaa 1114, Tke sMceasfsJ contractor far sapphr sf FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore ManieipaHtj, darUf tae year 1»21. GLOBB BOILJU BHMXBT Fer eleariog and preaerviaf steam kellen of all type. Used by all factoriea, steassen, et&, ana
      445 words
    • 945 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Waata, Far Sale, To Let, etc, I. ordinary de.. .et ty»e (average alx worda to Una) are Per line one Insertion 28 eta, two lna. 48 ets, three ins. 64 eta, four ins. 82 ets, lire ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      945 words
    • 898 16 LAND AND HOUSES WANTED, email furnished bungalow with tennis court about September 1. Terms moderate. Apply 602, Straits Times. TO LET ON LEASE ONLT, Bnngal No. '.03, East Coast Road, oth mile, 4 bed rooms and bathroom attached, unfurnished, electric light, sea frontage. Apply Selat Trading Co. 42, King Street.
      898 words
    • 521 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, ventilated office", near Telegraph Company, store available if desired, electricity and water laid on, rent moderate. Entry September 1. Apply 517, Straits Times. ~fb""LET, large and spaciou. godown No. 28, Kirn Seng Road, first and ground floor, road and river frontage. Immediate ntry For further
      521 words
    • 397 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd. Ilt-216, ORCHARD BOAO. Bole Diatribntom of BELLANGER famon. Trench Cat AD kteda of Repairs to Motor Cycle* Cars, and Lorrie* executed. CradtVd Cylinder*. Crank-Canes Gears a*4 broken parts of all metala W'lded. RELIABLE CARS AND LORRIES HIRED. Goods Transported from Ship., Godowwe, Private Honsea, etc A
      397 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 164 16 THE STRAITS TIKES TTLETHOjnt* Editorial and General U Hanactr'a Oflte Hit Job Printing Office 12U All eommanieations relating te eeitorlei mattars and news jhosld t« ad>'res«7t to THJE EDITOH. All eomt>;!«kv relating to busicess matters- eaven.s*metits, subscriptions, accounts, prit.tlftv, etc- should bo addressed te TJiMANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT SA7XA Per inch one
      164 words