The Straits Times, 29 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,728 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 If 1^1 1 Pyi Pilsener Beer I|^P Guinnesses Stout j^^j SOLE AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) GRAFLEX The camera docs the difficult things in photography, and does them well. The focal plane shutters and highspeed lenses make "snapshots" possible under conditions where only time exposures could
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    • 168 1 Medium, in Ib. tins $1.45 Medium, Cartridges $1.45 Double Broad Cut, in Ib. tins $1.45 Guards Smoking Mixture, in Y 4 Ib. tins $1.65 Hankeys Smoking Mixture, in Ib. tins $1.75 Black Cat ir f ?S^ TURK MATURED VIRGINIA 50 Clffarcttes K££,J« J I Cigarettes $1.20 KJ J MAM'I ACTURED
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    • 4 1 i fj I 0]
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  • 710 2 Condition of Business at Koala Lumpur. Messrs. Fearon and Co., Kuala Lumpur in their weekly review, dated August 24, state Business has been somewhat restricted <uring the week and the general trend of i ciuotations has been on the weaker side. The bulk of transactions was again
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  • 147 2 There was an exciting interlude at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Shanghai on, the 2nd instant, when in the busy time of the forenoon's banking transactions an attempt was made by a I'ylish citizen to get away with a roll of banknotes valued at $1,000
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  • 109 2 Preparations are being made for the preat welcome to be tendered to the Crown Prince upon his return to Japan this month. The Imperial squadron will be received off the Formosttn coast by the combined fleet of the Japanese Navy. The Tokio station will be brilliantly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 For Reconstruction" after Illness BU for a!) w'.o are run-down, under-iveight for those who»e I Pp( digestion need* a rest, but who at the same time nerd building fV I RJ( up, Glaxo presents the potent bady-buildir.g, flesh-forming, «L I nerve-restoring elements o( pure cow'« milk in a form in
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    • 566 2 P KERMATH J Standardized in Every Part I I The Kermath Marine Ea(i"< ha H I been standardized ever lince it Avi» built. Every part of every E I K'rmith is interchangeable. M I Whr.i you want a new part you H I Kcrrr.ath it is easy M for yuur
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    • 186 2 10 H.P. CITROEN GAR Th« •xcellenc* of French antomobil* wirta«*rlag fcaa MH fcfibwr and agreed by experts. Th# Citron la tka MkMwtM«4f beat of txii* school of production. S*e this remarkable ."Tar— «ompar« it with any other Ugkl uiMtt Market Take a demonstration ride— driye it yuarvelf if yea Ul»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 736 3 NOTICES SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Singapore Cricket Club, will be held in the Club Pavilion on Wednesday. August 31, at 5 p.m. BISINESS. (a) To receive the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended June 30, 1921. (b) To consider
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    • 929 3 MTICES GOVERNMENT NOTICE TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES. SINGAPORE, 1f22. NOTICE i. hereby given that Tenders will o« received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, until noon, on September 9, 1921, for the exclusive right, subject to the limitations of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance, 1909, and to the Rules made thereunder,
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    • 1395 3 I NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES, MALACCA, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders will be received at the Resident Councillor's Office, until noon, on SepUmber 9, 1921, for the exclusive right, subject to the limitations of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance, 1909, and to the Rules made
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    • 725 3 PROVINCE WELLESLEY (CENTRAL DISTRICT). \l aITVuH. 22- Machjin^ Buboh. 25. Arm Kuda. 83. Prye Estate. ll' It' I 17 S oad> nMr Pr y« Station. 80. Juru Eitate. 8«. Suitgei Lembu. 81. Kubang Ulu. PROVINCE WELLESLEY (NORTHERN DISTRICT). 87. Bagan Luar. 44. Permatang Poh. 38. Bagan Tuan Keehil. 46. Pinang
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    • 244 3 NOTICE We have pleasure in informinc our customers in Johorr, that our Depot at M, J:ilan Trus, is now fully stocked anil that all types of mineral waters manufactured by us in Singapore, can be obtained at prices 10 cents per do/en, in excess of those charged in Singapore. Deliveries
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 980 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Undar Contract with Hia Majesty's Government) r»e Compaq's MAIL SERVICE BAST OF BOMBAY arc at preseat •■rpeaJed LONDON TAB-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON One
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    • 709 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. LIMITED OUaaen lateadad te call frafa Stagaacr* KINTA Monday, i p.m., for Port Swettennam a. id I'enang. HYE LEONG— Monday, at 4.M »jo, for Malacca and Muar. EAJ A Tu««d»y, at 4.10 pjt, f« r Malacca and Maar. IPOD— Wedneadar, at 4 pjn, Ut Port!
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    • 405 4 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S. K. THE OSAKA SHO3KN KAI3HA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2, I)« Soau Street. I Proposed Saving from Singapore (Subject to chance without notice) EUROPEAN LINE For Port Said. Maraelllea, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dep. •ALASKA MARU Sept. 14 Sept. 15 ALTAI MARU Oct. 15
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    • 632 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java. Potta, Port Derria, 'haraday lalaad, Brisbane and Sydney rta rjea Straita, alio with transhipment ta har Victorian, South Australian and Norta) ueeneland Ports, British Naw Guinea, Niv Britain, Tarmania and New Ze»Un« Port*. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MARKI.LA, 7,372
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 418 5 STEAMER SAILINGS THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. THK CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LTD. Survey* of Damaged Cargo Consigned of cargo ex undernoted steamer: are hereby informed that survey of broker and damaged packages will be held at the times and places stated, after which nc other survey will be
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    • 91 5 3 lb. Electric Irons 110 230 Volts. REDUCED f^^^^Lr §flmm Bach UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE. Phone No. Hi. Ijrsitggfs ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. 5, BatUry Road. Masticon ™™**v* plastic roofing compound invjefinitely in all kinds of Full particul*ra can be bad from L Y. SWEE CO., LTD.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 616 6 OWEMAS EMPIRE in the Seomtl Show, at 9. JO 'p.m. Maapaak'a HartaDoas ■hoto wrial of n» l<«fr;im:ilir adventure l-'eatiiriii- Uklclu Sofkand .1, ntaMafl THE WOMAN IN THE WEB 111 18 I^.^Wir M 10 r.'j!^ A soriul of :irl\<>ntun', intrigue, in mrv :in«l love Ep. 7. The Crate* of Oaath
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    • 214 6 ENTERTAINMENTS 'Hu?e Success Huge Success I CROWDS TURNED AWAY LAST NIGHT THE THEATRE ROYAL NORTH HRIDttE 111 (All. To-night To-night THE MIGHTY MONARCHS OF MYSTERY arn^Bßß^^ U/ITU |Mb4fl l£|av 9 H wiin *tH| WW J^ff^ THEIR aaY The world's fireatost Magicians will giv«a MaHsive Mystery Production that surpasses the attempts
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    • 97 6 e<« >1 1 MA»,tti.tM| |.tl» H'U For all Defect* of Vision. CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Inp titute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road SINGAPORE timiMiiiimm «-»-»> BUSINESS
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    • 270 6 PAPER CLIPS AND PINS of all sizes and kinds Ring Clips .35 box .45 box Owl .50 box ANY OFFICE STATIONERY Obtainable from RICKARD LI? Prompt Printers 76 Cecil Street, Siqgapore. Phone 2228. 45 b GET A SIMPLE BUT EFFICIENT FILING SYSTEM NOW l£Bsß|^l}i!3| Put the fi l' n of
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    • 56 6 ■JEI NEVER SAY DYE, SAt TINTEX Messrs. THE BORNEO Co., Ltd. Stile Agcats for I'enang. I. WrlKuley, Kedah, IVrak, hr l.i nt an. Trengganu, Siam, Sarawak. Messrs. A. C. HARPER Co., Ltd Sole Agent* for Si-lun^nr, I'ahanu, N'cjjri Sembilan, Malucru, Jnhiire. THE EASTERN DEPOTS AND AGENCIES, 1, CAIKNUII.I. IC()A1>. •I'hone
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  • 200 7 FIXTURE* Monday, August 2*. High Water, 7.21 a.m.. 6.18 p.m. hefalo and Palermo. Btat Opera, 9 p.m. LIHII I-uolball S.C.C. v. S.U.C. Taeaday. Aassaat 30. High Water; 8.44 a.m.. 7.3S p.m. 'hi-falo and Palermo, Star Opera, 9 p.m. Football. I'robiiMes v. Possibles. Wednesday, Aaguat 31. High Witter,
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    • 103 7 IV I Wharf Hasln Brig Dersingham. i:.i i Wharf Japan. Sheers \Vl«rf- Nil. Main Wharf Morloka Maru, Thongwn. Empire thick A.-cot, Himalaya Man, Ktirymachas. VSest Wharf MeJusa. Ipnh. Jardine.s Wharf Nil. Palo Brant Coal Wharf. NIL Keppel Barboar. Main Wharf Juno. Indo Mam, Aker. Recorder, MufT'ot,
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    • 251 7 ASDANG, «0B tons, from Bangkok or Bangkok 30-8. ASCOT, Brit, 2,786 tons, from Rangoon 27-8, for Hongkong 2.»-«. ARCTI KTS. Amer., .I^l6 tons, from Baltimore 28-8, for Batavia 1-9. BAN K(> BOON, Dut., 230 tons, from Pontianak laVf, lor Pontianak 111-.V BAN 11*> GUAM, Dnt.. H3O tusn,
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  • 198 7 Balu Puhat J P m Malacca and lluar ..8 pm Port Swettenhnm and Penang p.m. rn.iil.oi. and Japan I P™. Undon. Antwerp, Rottcrham anil llamliurg Tlangkok fun K aael itangoon jP* Pulau BaUm and Pulau Butane P-»-Hongkonc Shanghai and Japan 6 p.m. Tuesday Pulau Soegi m Cucob
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  • 143 7 F INANCE AND COMMERCE EICHANGH. Singapore, August 29. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16. Demand 2/3 18/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 42 Private 90 days 45 'A On France Bank 500 On India Bank T. T. 162 On Hongkong, Bank il il 20
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  • 49 7 Tone of market Steady. Ipot lept. )ct.-Dec. Singapore 9tandard Pal* Cr«pe CletinK Price* Buyen Sellert Spot Sept. Oct.-Dec. Singapore Standarc KibbeU Smoked She«1 Closing Pricti Barer* Scltan 27 Vj 28 2S 29 31 31V4 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock ni>.m. August 2'J, It>2l.
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    • 180 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers, 1 1 Ayer Wen* 1.00 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.60 1 1 MI 11 1 Kam Kamunting 1.17.G 2.2.C 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.00 £1 £1 I-ahat Minos 5 5 Lingui Tin 3.50 4.00 10 10 Malayan Coll. 14.75 15.75 1 1 Menglembu
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    • 123 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 1.0.0 1.10.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.26 6.76 6/ 6/ Electric T'wan 2/fl 10 10 Fraser Neavea 27.50 29.00 50 50 W. Hammen Co. 76 85 100 100 K»ti Bros. Dcf. 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 4.10.0 5.0.0 10
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    • 97 7 U. Eng. 6 p.e. f1.234.500 Ml I px. pa Spore Kectric Tramwaye, 5 p.c. £350,00 C aoic Spore Municipal 6 p.c $1,878,000 par Spore Mas. 4H p.e. of 1907 $1,000,000 H p.«. dii Spore Man. 4H P4. of IiMV) $1,600^00 It p-«. iU S'pora Man. 4K p.e. of 1909
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    • 372 7 rraaer amtl Co. aad Ljall anal Evatfi Qac4atl«aa. I.a Us* avaflaM* Htarhat QajetatloM are ptlmtti oa amotfce* pare a* FrUay To-4ay*i Price*. VrsMT Lyail A Co Evott Allenby ($1) 0.30 0.15 0.25 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.90 1.00 (1.90 1.10 Am. Malay («2> 8.00 1.40 2.00 A Hit:;m r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 743 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS LADY LEAVING for England can recommand ayah. Please apply Ayah, Straits Times. WANTED, an accountant for a temporary position. Apply Fraser A Neave, Ltd., The Arcade, Singapore. TO LET, heuse known as Essex Lodge, opposite Goodwood Hall, situated in Scott* Road. Apply to D. G. MaeLeod, 3, Finlayson
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    • 36 7 "ADA" The Queen of the Kitchen Cleans and polishes everything "RESTU" The Labour Saver For washing flannels and coloured fabrics, white materials, etc. You rest while Restu works Manufactured by > William Gossage Sons. Ltd. WIDNES, ENQLAND.
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    • 435 7 SHERIFFS SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In the cause of TAN CHA, Plaintiff TAN AH KOW A TAN IN SEOW, Defendants. AUCTION SALE of three twakowi Nos. 3739, 3745 and 3747, as they now lay in the Boat Harbour, at Teluk Ayer Reclamation,
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  • 59 8 MANN. On August 20, HO, William H. Mann, at iMMItM ilospititl, U.X.B. MUBOOASA PILLAI.— On Aueuat 2tf, 1921. ai kll rilHlin Vaddukkorflai, Jaffna, Ceylon, V. M'lrJtasu I'illai. >iuon>lui:i Chief Inspector of Roads Municipality, Singapore tad Superintendent of .Minor Ko ids, Ju.inu. Ceylon and fetW of M. V. l'-l'ai. Bairia-tcr-at-Lnw,
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  • 1134 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 29 MONEY AND CREDIT. We have received a copy of the petition forwarded to His Excellsncy the Governor by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya. Briefly, it proposes that the Government, through a Finance Bureau, Loan Bureau or Land Bank, become a general
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  • 23 8 Mr. J. A. Russell has bscn appointed to the Trade Commission, in place of th-. 1 Hon. Mr. J. H. M. Robson, resigned.
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  • 51 8 Chefalo and Palermo concluded their season at the Victoria Theatre with a matinee and night performance at the Victoria Theatre on. Saturday to appreciative houses. They have now commenced to show at the Star Opera in North -Bridge Road, and should attract large audiences to see their really first-class magical
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  • 12 8 The next Assize Court will be held in Singapore or. September 13.
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  • 24 8 For duty purposes the price of first grade rubber for the period August 26 to September 1, inclusive, is 28 V» cents per pound.
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  • 27 8 Owing to cholera, plague and small-pox, th? pert of Bombay is declared a suspected place for the purpos? of the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance 1915.
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  • 31 8 Captain Herring, who is alleged to have cheated the Europe Hotel in respect of a cheque of $100, has been arrested in Johore, and will be placed before Mr. Bull to-morrow.
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  • 29 8 During the quarter ended June 30, 340 inquests were held in the Straits Settlements, viz., 2C7 in Singapore, 41 Pcnang and the DinJings, 16 Province Wellesley and 20 Malacca.
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  • 34 8 On Friday evening, along Tanjons? Pagur Hoad, a Malay jumped off a bus whilst it was in motion. He fell down and received injuries, and was taken, to •he treneral hospital, where he died.
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  • 33 8 A bill to make such alterations in the fmperiul Order in Council relating to pc-act with Bulgaria, as are rendered necessary by local circumstances, is shortly to be introduced into th'j Legislative Council.
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  • 35 8 By kind permission of Lt.-Col. R. W. Hargtau C.M.G., D.5.0., the Drums end "ifes of the Ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment will plcy Retreat in the Botanic Gordons on Friday, September 2, at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 37 8 The authorities of the Winson Green Asylum. Birmingham, are applying for a license to show cinema pictures to ihe ir.mates, a Grateful Patient defraying the cost. Films of crook adventures- and cowboy stunts will naturally be banned.
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  • 36 8 Another American litigation sensation was announced at Shanghai on the 17th nst., W. S. Fleming, attorney, is sued jy the Philippine Bank for alleged hmilh of confidence. Six hundred thousand taeis arc claimed on two charges.
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  • 43 8 A copy of c memorandum, prepared by th? Board of Inland Revenue for issue tc, the public, regarding relief from Incomf Tax in th? United Kingdom on account of the payment of Income Tax in. the Dominions, is published on the Government Gazette.
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  • 41 8 The illustrate section "f The Times Weekly Edition contains photographs of various people invested with Orders at the investiture held by the Kin? at Buckingham Palace. Amongst the photographs s one of Colonel Hume in white uniform and wearing a topee.
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  • 44 8 Lloyd's are agitated by the r rent mystirious disappearance of 50 Greek v.s-els. which are alleged to have foundered since September. 1920, without, however, any loss of life. The vessels were insured for an aggregate of $3,500,000. Underwriters ar..- now refusing Greek shipping risks.
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  • 53 8 A liyli-m, n?med Kiang Ann, for committins housebreaking at 10. Paya Lane, occupied by Tan Ah Kit, on August 10 last, and who pleaded guilty to th? charge *U this morning sentenced by Mr. B. Nunn. District Judge, to six months' rigorous imprisonment, as accuse,! will probably bebanishvd, having had
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  • 70 8 According to the Times of Malaya, Mr Rostevor, who was found in a hotel at Ipoh with his throat badly cut, is reported to have resigned, his position with the Malayan Collieries at Batu Arani; of his own accord and gone to Ipoh with introductions to one or two local
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  • 82 8 There is a report in the Northern papers that the War Lord of Manchuria is offer'ng $200 a mon'h for a chauffeur for h's new armoured car (brought from the United States at a cost of G. $35,000), but that the post is gcing abegging. Evidently, says the report, eligible
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  • 86 8 The Ex-Servic? Association had another very enjoyable smoking concert at the S.C.C. on Saturday, under the chairmanship of Col. H. L. Pearson, D.5.0., the president. The following contributed to an excellent prugi-rrne Col. D. H. Pearson, Major TTwil*ll£ f '»nl. Messrs. Leo D. Gosling, R. Walters, GuU.rt Day, C. Gordon
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  • 106 8 The following is not from the Tailor rind Cutter, but is culled from a contribution in the Times of Ceylon by one who set himself the task of describing men's wear at a recent race meeting iti Colombo The Governor looked extremely gubernatorial in a suit of blue, with a
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  • 122 8 A general meeting of the Aryan Singhalese Fraternal Association was held on the 14th and 21st instant, in the hall of the Association, 103 Tank Road, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Hon. president, Mr. P. B. Dias hon. vice president. Dr. John de Silva hon.
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  • 332 8 Commodore F. Thomsen is leaving Bang kok homeward by the Falstria. Mr. A. H. Alston hes arrived in Sinpn pore on his return from Australia. Mr. A. E. Wyse, late of the Malay Mail paper, has left for Ba.igkok to take up the editorship of the Siam
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  • 86 8 Mr. R. F. Lnzaroo, who claimed to be a^ Siamese subject, app?ar-..d before Mr. Nunn, District Judge, on Friday afternoon in response to a summons issued at the instance of his wife for refusing to maintain her and her children. Mr. Butifhill appeared for the complainant and
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  • 102 8 The heavy demand for passages home which is always experienced in the early months of the year is now over, and generally speaking there is a liberal amount of accommodation available in all steamers, says the monthly publication of a well-known agency firm. Karly application is
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  • 160 8 In answer tv MVtnl enquires a correspondent cf the Malayan Leader had an interview with Mr. W. P. Handover and was informed that the Malayan Dwarf coconuts from Surcsrei Xipah Estate have been sent and an now growing in the most distant parts of the globe including Fiji,
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  • 210 8 The funeral of the late Mrs. T;m Soo Jin, wife of Mr. Tan Soo Jin, Municipal Commissioner, who, vith he;- husband, counted so many friends in thwa parts, took place from Morning Side, River Valley Road, yesterday morning, and wa« largely attended. The h-.-arsi',
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 137 8 Lambert Butler GARRICK VIRGINIA CIGARETTES 12 Bore Shot Guns. Single Barrel Stevens Hammer $31.50 Double Barrel Riverside Hammer 75.00 Stevens Hammerless 95.00 B.S.A. Hammerless 130.00 L. and C. Smith Hammerless 175.00 Ithaca Hammerless 175.00 ELEYS AND WINCHESTER CARTRIDGES At $12.50 per hundred JOHN LITTLE C 3, LTD. (Incorporated in England)
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    • 148 8 ALHAMBRA To-nltht at 74f pjt. rathe*' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE IS Episodat or SI ra«li Featuring Juanita Hamca, Waraar Oland and Harry Samala Kpisodcs 9 and 10 2 rt«. THE SHOOTLNG KID 2 I'ta. 7 Pa* THE BRAND 7 pta. By R«x Brach New Harold Lloyd Comedy Capt. kIDP'S KIDS
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  • 584 9 London-Brussels Mail Ship Explodes. Later Details of the Hull Disaster. Reuter Telegrams. London, August 26. The London-Brussels air mail exploded in mid air off Calais at midday and fell into the- sen. The mail bag was picked ni>. It is believed to be a Belgian owned machine. There
    Reuter  -  584 words
  • 39 9 Rkuter Telegram. London, August 2C. Scottish iron and steel works are increasing their working staffs preparatory to speedy reopening as substantial orders have already been received sufficient to inspire confidence in the recovering of overseas markets.
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  • 696 9 Malabar a Military Area. Some Troop Still Isolated. Reuteb Telegrams. London, August 26. Simla The latest information of the General Stiff shows that the situation in Calicut is quiet. The detachment at Malapuram has not been, further attacked. A fore; is moving to its relief from Calicut, whence
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  • 645 9 Unanimous Refusal From Dublin. Defiant Tone of Sinn Fein leaders. Reuter Telegrams. London, August 26. Official Dail Eircann's reply unanimously rejects the British offer of Dominion status for Ireland. It says it refuses to subordinate its independence to a powerful neighbour coveting t:rritory for military advantages and declares
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  • 34 9 It is reported at Shanghai that President Harding has ordered an investigation into the United States Court for China. Judge Lobingier is leaving for America and is expected to be away for three months.
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  • 310 9 REtrriß Telegrams. London, August 25. Berlin The peace treaty between the United States and Germany consists of three articles and reproduces the United States congressional resolution of July 2, 1921. Germany undertakes to grant all the rights and reparations indicated in the resolution and the Treaty of
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  • 53 9 Reuter Telegram. Paris, August 25. French public opinion is highly gratified at Lord Derby, former Ambassador in Paris, being elected president of the British Empire Union, as Lord Derby is fully conversant with French problems and is a steadfast supporter of the Entente Cordiale as the keystone of
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  • 37 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 26. Thj by-election for the Abbey Division of Westminister resulted as follows Mr. Nicholson, Independent Conservative and Anti-Waste, 0,204. Mr. Applin, Anti-Wfeste, 4,970. Mr. I. upton, Independent Liberal and \nti-Waste, 3,773.
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  • 53 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 26. Smyrna A Greek military communique of the 23rd in3t. states After long marches on both banks of the river Sakari and through the great salt deserts we came into contact with the main enemy force south of the river Gheouksou, a tributary
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  • 103 9 RIUTEB Telecrams London, August 27. Ottawa Sir Robert Borden and the Minister of Justice Mr. Doherty are the Canadian nominees for the international court of justice. London, August 25. The Mauretania will shortly be going into dock on the Tyne for the purpose of being converted into an oilburner.
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  • 97 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 26. Ottawa Sir Joseph Flavelle, director of the Grand Trunk Railway, has made a statement to the effect that he is optimistic with regard to the eventual success of the national railway system. He suggests the formation of a national railway company with a
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  • 88 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 25. Reuter learns that the meeting of the Russian relief commission will take plai in Paris on August 29, notwithstanding that the United States and Japan have not yet nominated their representatives. London, August 26. Paris It is reported from Riga that M. Hugo Stinnes
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  • 44 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 26. Washington Exports to Europe in July totalled $180,000,000, compared with 1341,000,000 last year. Imports from Europe w^re $57,000,000, compared with $119,000,000. London, August 27. Washington Mr. Brown has been appointed American representative to the Paris Conference.
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  • 310 9 Great Restorations Already Accomplished. Rumours have been spread in Germany that the French desire to leave unrepaired the ruins in the devastated regions in order to show the world the destructive results of war. This implies thjt France is doing nothing to restore these ruins
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  • 118 9 Outbreak on Eve of Sailing From Penanjj. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, August £9. Fire was di.cowred on the N.Y.K. steamer Mishima Maru, en route for Li.ndon, as she was lying in. the raada on tineve of sailing, between four and fiveo'clock, yesterday. It started aft,
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  • 510 9 The following circular has be; n issuei! to tv; shareholders of the Johan Tin Dredging, Ltd. by the secretaries, Mama, Sim.-, Darby and Co. In view of r 'quests from various shareholders as to th_> progress the company has made since its formation, the directors have instructei!
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  • 189 9 Series of Burglaries in Officials' Bungalows. A Secunderabad correspondent telegraphed to Madras on August 8:— Private Luke of the Bedfordshire Regiment, and Private Ross, of the Queen's Bays, who are in military custody at Trimulgherry, charged with a series of burglaries committed in the officials' bungalows at
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  • 97 9 Heavy weather anil dense fogs provided thrills for the adventurous TransAtlantic voyage of the 21-tcn cutter Neinth. which arrived at Burnham (Essex) from Halifax after a 21 days' trip in charg;of Commander Houghtun, a Brit'sh yachtsman, with a crew of four. The first week she was enveloped
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 491 10 S. C. C. beat Services. H. M. Services collapsed surprisingly in their tournament match with the S.C.C. on the letter's ground on Saturday. Winning: the toss and batting first, they were out for a mere 28. Craig and Westwood bowk-d unchanged, and their analysis cane ou; as follows —Craig
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    • 431 10 Yi-terday morninc saw the third rac« fc.r tlie Margaret II Cup, under the appended handicaps. Captain Flett sent Manka, Helen, Puteh and Marion away at 10 o'clock sharp, Margaret II and Betty at 10—11- 0, (iertrude at 10 9—o and Kathleen nt 10—11—0. It was a beautiful
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    • 814 10 The Singapore Recreation Club sports Maswd "tr m«.>t Moccsufully on Saturday. \v< re some good performances, beating those nut up at the recent sports i.n ttto Othft side of the padnriK. but not nn tin- tksh up to what has been done at th" S. M.
      814 words
    • 46 10 A Reuter wire of August 26 states Middlesex beat Kent by five wickets. Hampshire beet Warwickshire by five wickets. Gloucestershire beat Glamorganshire by seven wicke's. Lancashire beat Sussex by nine wickets. Surrey beat Leicestershire by 88 rups. Yorkshire beat Essex on the first innings.
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    • 32 10 The following will be the S.C.C. team to meet the S.R.C. in this afternoon's league match Glascoe Gale and Fenwick Edlin, Duff and Cushway Macdonald. Lynch, Smith, Jamieson and Winter.
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  • 85 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, August 29. Silver 3K. Hongkong 19 p.c. prem. Three months gold 45%. Share Market. Quiet. Rubbers. Practically no business passing. Tins— Taipinßß 97 4 1 .02 Vi Norths'l.2o--1.25. Souths 62»4-70 cents, Nawng P.'ta 1.47'L-l. r )2 l i., Papans 57V4-62Vi cents,
    85 words
  • 33 10 Programme of Drills, ate* for week ending Friday, September, 2 Monday, 2Mh.— T..16 p.m., Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill. Wednesday. 31st.— 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, > Chinese Company Recruits (Musketry).
    33 words
    • 360 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your leader in the Straits Times of the 28rd inst., in column 2, ending the paragraph you say, after conversing with a shrewd American friend on local tyre manufacturing," he replied, by saying prove to our boys that
      360 words
    • 612 10 Lack of Enterprise To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have been interested for some days past noting the Chief Secretary's report just published especially with regard to the present important item of New Industries and note he blames the general community of this country for lack of
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  • 667 10 Important Activities of the Shell Group. A correspondent signing himself O.M. kindly communicates the following interesting news On July 20, a new company was incorporated in Kuehing, Sarawak, to take over the oil interests previously administered by the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co. Ltd. in Miri. The new company
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  • 255 10 Directors' Report on Past Year's Working. The directors of the Trng Xi! Tin Mines, Limited in their report for the /ear ended April 30, 1921 state The profit for the yaar afUr providing for depreciation, directors' fees, auditors' fee and S.S. Income Tax amounts to
    255 words
  • 21 10 Kuala Geh— 15,470 Ita. Majedie (Johore) 1H.500 lbs. Maiaka Pinda.— 23,24B lbs. Perma*.— 7,9B4 lba. Sakong.— l3,ooo lbs.
    21 words
  • 1587 10 Whole-hearted Support from The Chinese Government. Mr. P. Durnerin, manager of the Singapore branch of the Banque IndustrielU de Chine has received a full report of the general meeting of shareholders of the bank held at Paris on July 25 which he forwards for publication. Mr. Andre Berthelot,
    1,587 words
  • 480 10 Before- Mr. Nunn. on Saturday the case was commenced concerning Mr. W. L. M. Regout whose extradition is applied for by the Dutch authorities, on a charge, accordance to the official correspondence, of embezzlement said to have been committed at Djocja in Java. Mr. J. Nolan con ducted
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  • 1750 11 Get Out of the Tropics How to Preserve Health in Hot Climates. S. V, Abraham, of laz Angeles, California has written the following interesting and instructive article for the columns of the Optical Journal and Review, for a copy of which we are indebted to Messrs. S. Smith and Son
    1,750 words
  • 303 11 Deposed but not yet Broken Financially A liook published on behalf of the Pnuaian MinUlry of Finance throws soino liplit on the lalaW'f taaaoM. Wilhelm sa\,-<l IHO.OOO marlib (tO.000) in the first year of his taiga, ami stoadih accumulated monr\ thereafter. In kM nisi yew OJ the war
    303 words
  • 172 11 The first excursion of the Singapore Natural History Society was held on Sunday morning last. The members met at a point just past Bukit Timah village and ascended the hill under the able leadership of Mr. C. L. Collenette (hon- treasurer). Many objects of interest were
    172 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 186 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS ■re still the most popular in the Bast The name High quality is maintained but til f BEEN REDUCED U 1° This Offer for Spot Caah Payment only ALL NEW STOCK Send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue 8. MOUTR.E ft CO.. LTD. [acorjK-rat»a la Hoirkoea;.) Naffto* Place, SINGAPORE .'t^TT.
      186 words
    • 249 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tta DaaaaaC, B to 7 p.m. (Admiwion fraa). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Moaieal Prograinina after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Gueit Night aad Dancing. (Evening Dreai aeaaatlal Im Dancing). FRIDAY.— Spe«ial Lnneh— Orchertra. SATURDAY.— Gueat Night and Daacing. (Evening Draw tiaantlal M Dancing). SUNDAY.— Cinema after Dinner. NOTICE. ReiJdent* and Diner* will
      249 words

  • 1925 12 Effort to Stabilise The Industry. The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Bidor Rubber Estate, LimiteJ, was held on July 27 in the counci'-room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastchcap, E.C., Mr. Edward Dane (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, you will
    1,925 words
  • 251 12 Governor Defends the Government Scheme. Bombay's big reclamation scheme has been very severely criticised lately by the Indian Press and Indian public bodies, and the Governor of Bombay came specially from Poona this week to meet the Indian Merchcnt?' Chamber and Bureau and to answer criticisms,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 125 12 To im thia Brand of B*ltinf mtimm A| 2^ Beoßcmy, Siring of Money nai f--v tx'=i) I-—y^«^j| BtlUr Result. IU •errice speaka Xfl^Z. \z)\^7 fo* its qntlity. wfcy KIAM KiAT CO. JJIIIL 108 and 108, KABKET STREET. ll^l*Vl S BORDEN'S MALTED MILK HAS NO EQUAL MILK r r -i A
      125 words
    • 101 12 FOR DISCRIMINATING SMOKERS CIGARETTES IN PATENT s ,j«v p. it M Your Transport It ia false economy to run your lorry if you are not getting full efficiency out of it, never know when it is going to breakdown and cause annoying delays to deliveries We specialise in the repair
      101 words

  • 914 13 [Confidence in the New Era Of Prosperity. The thirteenth annual general meeting of Kramat Pulai, Limited, was held on July 24 at the registered oflices of the company, Portland House, 73, Uusinghall Street, E.C., Mr. S. 11. llliimh (chuirrmin of the company) presiding. Tlip Chairman, in moving the
    914 words
  • 287 13 Prospectors in Papua After The Costly Metal. An interesting history uUaclir. to .1 small packet übout ilii-v sijuare which recently arrived in lx.ii.lun. says the Daily Mail. It weighed 'J^lbs. and was eagerly bought by an American firm for £1,200. The puck, t contained ..Minridium (osmium mid
    287 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 201 13 Whiteoway's ANNUAL SALE GREAT SPECIALITY WEEK. Remarkable Price Cutting Offers c 4^ "*N. 300 DOZEN I Ltrre, Bordered, Fringed r-'^ s *ise~WK 1 TURKISH TOWELS. ORHAT CLEARANCE OF THIS. In all the lattst designs and colours. £^$f O?k f^ Paisley patterns, checks, sfoti, W^PKI stripes, figured designa and In sell
      201 words
    • 412 13 E E M Proprietor.: fW J%^ "frjfe^si li/f KOHONB of ft aJ^%H Bl.Kling St. Ml BY TEST THE BEST. 'J 1 2 Specialists Recommend r-DECOIA for Your Eczema Dr. E. B. Holmes, the wellknown shin specialist, writes: "1 am rt.rvir.crj t'i-t t'.e DEXMA Prescription as nmcfe ;> sjeaa: (t>r tcaaaa
      412 words
    • 159 13 JUNE 1921 MOTOR CYCLE SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY RACE ISLE OF MAN TJHE "Trusty Triumphs again demonstrate their efficiency and speed. Of 24 machines which finished the race, 6 were TRIUMPH'S, gaining 4 Gold Medals. EDMOND created a record lap time, 40 mina. 8 sees. or 66.4 miles per hour. BREAKING
      159 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 904 14 SALES BY AUCTION twLAU BULANfi RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTI. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY OBDEB OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS. fas anderslgaed hsvs received Instructions to sell by public auction (If not previously sold by privste treaty) at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Rallies Place, on a date to be notified
      904 words
    • 717 14 AUCTION SALE of a set of new Aerated Water Machinery by Hayward-Tyler A Co., Ltd., London, (specially ordered and recently arrived from England). At No. 105, Rochorc Road, on Friday, September 2, at 2.30 p.m. I The above machinery are all packed in cases and comprise one AAI machine with
      717 words
    • 653 14 AaaWtl *TwT $4,000,e»t S.C Aaawrance In force orer 117,000,00* THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) MATt OFFICE I Wlmeaeoter Hease, lUgaporo. LONDON OFFICE SI, Old Jewry, X.C. The Company has 4*0,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of laglsid aad eoaiplies with the British Life Assurance
      653 words
    • 435 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANB (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK.) Established IMS. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (ebo»' £8,000,000). ISSUED AND Fl. 65,000,000 (about PAID UP i-4,686,000). RESERVE FUND Fl. 48,000.000 (abou53.d85.000). BEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Ko%« Hedan, Soerabaya, Samarang, Bandoeng Welte-vreden, Cberibon, Tegal, Pecalougan Probolinggo, Tjilatjap, Ampenan,
      435 words
    • 487 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (laoorporatod by Special Imperial Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed 160,000,000 Capital Paid-up T45.000.000 Reserve Funds Y10,»BO,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President S. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS 8. Mlnami, Esq. T. Hisamune, Es«. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinsge, Esq. M. EsakL Esq. T. Ikeda, Esq. HEAD
      487 words
    • 371 14 BAHKIHB BANK VOOR INDIE (Incorporated in Holland) Authorised Capital Fl. 60.000.0 M Paid up Capital Fl. 12,600,000 Head OBce at H ATA VIA Offices I SOERABAIA, BKMARANG, AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM. THE HAGUK. Every description of banking business transacted. H. W. WXTLIR, Maaa«es WSURMCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England)
      371 words

  • 916 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The "Pleasure Car" Delusion. Th General Motors Export Co., write as f jllows lt is probable that the day of the pleasure car will never pass. There is, however, a distinct propensity nowadays to interpret "pleasure" in terms of convenience, time-saving
    916 words
  • 90 15 Some Circus We understand that Messrs. Thomas Cook and Son have received a letter somewhat after the following :—Kucliapawuniatan, April 1, 1921. Sir,— l crave of you but a few moments. My son Ali has just faili'd to pass his Matric. but he is at running excellent, at gymnastics very
    90 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 328 15 Dunlop m/c Belts NEW STOCKS OF inch, inch and 1 inch, Just arrived. s THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. (Z) LTD. (iLcorporated IB Japan) a til U, ROBINSON BOAO. "CEDOS BRITISH MADE LIGHT-WEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE TWO-STROKE TWO-SPEED SPORTING FRAME. This Machine is not an assembly of other makers Specialities, it is
      328 words
    • 259 15 HAIPHONG Jojjk DRAGON WW CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M.S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Bole Agents, Singapore AL AMO" ELECTRIC UOHT PLANT. if te gK Jlliil O§yP3l*^ THE ALAMO UNIT is just what you had in mind. A safe,
      259 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 469 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of:--■arts Dsplox Die Platee for Pipea to screw \4 In to 114 la. ■arts Dapl*z Die Platee for Pipes to screw 1 In. to t In. Uttl* Giant Screw Platea for Pipes t« screw In. to 1 In. ■natarbraok English Make Gas Thread Stocks and Dies
      469 words
    • 445 16 TAY GUAN KIAT If, PHILLIP iTmEET. PkajSM Naa. tilt aad Ilia. Tha aneceasfal contractor for sapply af FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapors Maatelpality stetaf ta* year IML GLOBH BOILU 111(111 For clearing and preserving sUaai of all typ*. Uaed by all factories, staasasra, ate, aad
      445 words
    • 956 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PKEPAID charge* for Wants, Far Sal*. To Ut, ate. In ordinary daso aat 'rpe '>-T»rag* alz worda to Una) are Per Una; ona insertion 28 cts., two Ins. 44 eu- lar** ins. 64 cts., four Ins. 82 eta., fly* ins. fI.OO, six ins. 11.18, tan ins. $1.40,
      956 words
    • 895 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LKT, for one month from September 9, famished bungalow at Tanah Merah. Apply £04, Straits Times. WANTED, small furnished buniralow with tennis court about September 1. Term-' moderate. Apply 602, Straits Times. ~TCTIET ON LEASE ONLY. Bongal w No. 503, East Coast Roed, 9th mile, 4
      895 words
    • 502 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, stores and ofleas. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co, i, Da Sonsa Street TO LET, large and spacious godown No. 28, Kirn Song Boad, first and ground floor, road and river frontage. Immediate entry. For further particulars, apply Baffles Hotel. TO LET, newly-built well-lighted and ventilated
      502 words
    • 461 16 Bellanger Tks King of Freath Cart WITH SILVER RADUTOS a AND TUB GOLDBN SILSNCJL Jaat Arrival Book Bart* First two D««on-traMo» ears ar* to b* sold st Special Prices. The OXLLANGEB is a ear of efficiency. economy and comfort. No doubt it it Insurious and the prica i* within tL,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 167 16 THE STRAITS T9HES TKLEPUONC* Editorial and General It M*aa?er's OSlce 1111 Job Printing Office 1144 All communication* relating t* aditoria] matters and news ahonltf It ae'diasitc' to THE EDITOR. All eoDimanicatlotff relating to business mattsrs—advertise ments, subscriptions, accoaaia, printing. ate., ahould be addressed ta tU MANAGER. ADVEBTISEMBNT BATES Per Inch
      167 words