The Straits Times, 22 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 2H.722 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 I MlIJ f: 3 Genuine Swiss Milk This cow's milk from the famous pastures of the Swiss Alps, stands unrivalleo for its RICHNESS AND FLAVOUR ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS soJc .-'.Rents: Joseph Travers Soos, Ltd. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE. THERE IS ONLY'ONE KODAK, all other apparatus being simply
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    • 273 1 f M^fcj^HHKrf pill K^"*""^ "His Masters Voice "^P THE MOST FAMOUS MUSICAL hoknless model, t INSTRUMENTS IN THE WORLD. Large new stocks just received. f* N The models illustrated are a few C^-"-jj of those in popular demand. They r^vr^r^^^^-_l__^,. r —r--r"7. i i-anpe in price from $75, and every
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    • 5 1 a i a 8 so
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  • 352 2 '.chance Expected Before End Of Year. There appears to be a fairly general 1 feeling that the sterling value of the rupee is about to rise. This feeling is certainly prevalent in India, especially in Bombay where the prediction has been male that th« rupee will be
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  • 261 2 The Company's Reconstruction Scheme. The liquidator of the Malayalam Rubber and Produce Company notifies that, in accordance with the resolutions of the shareholders, a new company has been registered under the names ol the Malayalam Plantations, Lul., having an authorised capital of £777,000, divided into £1 shares. The
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  • 168 2 The Que?n has sent a gracious message expressing her interet in the welfare work which has been inaugurated in India. It is published in the second issue of Maternity and Child Welfare in India, and runs as follows I have read with deep interest the first
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  • 34 2 Asked at Bow County Court if a Scottish claimant appeared to have his wits about him after an accident, a witness replied Rather he didn't forget to pick up a shilling he had dropped."
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  • 37 2 A pair of Chippendale settees and four chairs which had belonged to the sth Marquis of Hertford sold for 3,100 guineas at Christie's recently, while a Chippendale suite, comprising a nettee, armchair, and six chairs, brought £J,CSO.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 Your Children >. H need this safe Milk from British-bred Cows -if Glaxo is prepared from pure roic'j mill, made safe and y| comfortably digestible by the Gla:£o Process. Little bodies j^ "i#^ grow plump and rosy on it, and mother is happy in the R? knowledge that Glaxo is
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    • 740 2 Marine Engines Economical Standardind Enthusiastic owners claim that the Karmaih Marine Engine will run twice far as othar enginta on the sjubo amount of fuel. Kernuth engines are standardized throughout. Every part of every Kernuth from 1912 to 1921 is interchangeable. That is why Ker math service has become famous.
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    • 169 2 10 H.P. CITROEN OAR Tha excellence of French automobile enstaaarlag hM bag MH known and agreed by expert*. Th.« Citroaa U the aakaiwlianji 1 beat of thia school of production. See thia remarkable Car— compare it with aay other ll«at aai M %t Market. Take a demoastration ride— drive it
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 646 3 NOTICES THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1915. COMPANY, LIMITED, BY SHARES. SPECIAL RESOLUTION (Pursuant to lh< Companies Ordinance, ISIS, Section 70) of SUTRO CO. EASTERN, LTD. At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, duly convened nnd held at the Registered Office of the Company, at No. 7, Boat Quay, Singapore, on
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    • 780 3 NOTICES I GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tendors will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of August 2C 1921, for the following works 1. Construction of a Strong Room for the Registry of Deeds 2. Erection of a Dispensary and Quarter? at Bukit Timah 3. Erection of a Dispensary
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    • 1619 3 NOTICES fiQVEHUHENT NQTIRMTION TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES, MALACCA, 192Z NOTICE is hereby given thst tenders will be received at the Resident Councillor's Office, until noon, on September 9, 1921, for the exclusive right, subject to the limitations of the Liquors Revenae Ordinance, 1909, and to the Rules made thereunder,
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    • 1010 3 PROVINCE WELLESLEY (CENTRAL DISTRICT). 25 Alma I S 2 Maehang Buboh. 26 Ara Kuda S3- Pry 0 Estate. 21 Awanit Kongsi. I 34. Prye Road, near Prye Station. 28* Bukit Tenggah. 85. Prye Road, about IV4 miles from 29. Bukit Mertajam. Pry° Station. 301 Juru Estate. 36. Sangei Lembu. 31.
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    • 735 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office until noon on September i, 1921, for the following services for the "Jovernment Menopolies Department for the rear 1922 (1) Supply of best Amoy or Hongkong pots each capable of easily containing three chees of chandu. Tho pots to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 960 4 STEAMER SAIUH6S P. 0.- British India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's V.KU. SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON I TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dae
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    • 793 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED Steamers Intended U sail frem Blagspere K.NTA Monday, 4 p.m, for Port Swettenham and Penang. HYE LEONG— Monday, at 4Jt pjs, for Malacca and Mnar. KAKA— Tuesday, at 4JO pjn, for Malaces and Muar. IPOH— Wednesday, at 4 p.m, fer Port Swettenham and Penang.
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    • 401 4 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S.K. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. t, De Sonxa Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) i EUROPEAN LINE For Port Said, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dep. HIMALAYA MARU Aug. 27 Aug. 28 ALASKA MARU Sept. 14 Sept.
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    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURN PHILP UNE (Incorporated In Australia) Slngapora to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, vts Torres Straits, also with transhipment te uther Victorian, South Australian and Nartfc Queensland Ports, Britieh New Guinea, N«<* Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand Port*. APPROXIMATE SAILINGS MONTORO, 4.057
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 565 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PASSAGE HONGKONG The s.s. Namsang is expected to sail for above port about August 12. Has excellent first-class accommodation available. For further particulars, apply to BOUSTEAD A CO.. LTD, (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Agents. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE FOR HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI s.s. PYRRHUS sailing about August 27,
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    • 200 5 STEAMER SALMIS NIPPON VTSEN KAiSHA. Incorporated la Jaaaa) Ua4«t Mall Contract with the la»wM JatwaeM GsTerament. LONDON LINE Fortnightly Service For Marseilles, London and Antwerp, via Suez KLEIST Aug. 20 MISHIMA MAIIU Aug. 2* LIVERPOOL LINE Fort nightly Service Fur Marbeillrs and Liverpool, vis Ports MARU Sept. HAMBURG LINE Monthly
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    • 459 5 STEAMER SAILINGS WSL. P. JVC. KOMNKI.IJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporated in Holland) Telegram Address PAKETVAART 2 and 3, Collycr Quay. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENTS. I I A voyage on a sun-klsscd Tne wa > tnat every one sea. i^^^ft*^»L. would go. And juat what you would j^^k If.
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    • 144 5 WOOD-MILNE PATENT FOOT PUMP The reason for the success of the Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump lies not only in the fact that it is constructed on scientific lines, but also that it is, from first to last, a first-class engineer job. Thus, it is made as simple as is compatible
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 615 6 EMPIRE In the Shew, at 9.30 p.m. WOMAN IN THE WEB A s:ri:l of advmturr, iiiruue, mystery, vengeance znd love .a IJ rpifod-t or 30 j«els Ep. S. THE HAND OP MY&TERY Sp. 6. FULL SPEED AHEXD Followed by Harry Carer, kini o{ f»e gallopers, in A CUNFIGHTING GENTLEMAN
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    • 278 6 For all Defects of Vision. CONSULT Mr. K. r. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road SINGAPORE NTEHTAINMENTS MHAR OPERA OF SINCAPORI At thalr •ntirely new Beyronth
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  • 157 7 FIXTURBB Monday, August 22. High Water, 0.4 a.m.. 0.31 p.m. B. I.'homeward mail leaves. Ihefalo and Palermo, Vie. Theatre, 9.16. Morrow-McGregor Co., Liberty Hall, 10 p.m. Tuesday, August 21. High Water, 0.37 a.m., 0.57 p.m. Lodge St. George. Chefalo and Palermo, Vie. Theatre, 9.18. Preliminary heats, Wednesday,
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    • 95 7 Kaat Wharf Raaln-Ni'.. 1 t Wharl Saigon Main. Sheers Wharf llan Hong Liong. Main Wharf Teeeta, Uumphius. I'.mpire Dotk Kipjn^. Kislm .Maru, Ipoh. I Weal Wharf Glcntara. Jardines Wharf Chak Sang. J'ulo Branl Coal Wharf. MM. Kcppcl Harboar. Main Wharf S V Dir^itigliam. Al.era, P.e corder,
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    • 176 7 /MIRAL FOURICHON, .i,!Bi» tons, from Haiphong SO-t, for htaraenlM 'JO-K. HAK SANG, Brit., 1,170 tons, from Kobe 194, for Calcutta -2-s. lIALDIS. Nor., 1,065 ions, from Bangkok 22-8, for Banirkok 'JS-8. lI'OH, Brit.. IM tons, from Penang 22-S, for Penang 21-8. KINTA, Brit.. 509 tons, from Ponang 20-8,
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    • 81 7 TWay Per.ang and Calcutta P-m-Malacca an.i Muar P-m Batavic. Cheribon and Samarang S p.m. P>rt Swetterham and Penanv S p.m. li.ii Swetteaham, Penang. Madras aad N'".ipntam. taking mnila for Rurope, iic. (via Bombay) 3 p.m. ?upplemcntnry Mail by train to lenang, taking mails for Europe, »tc P-
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    • 47 7 Dally (Except Sunday) by Trata. federated Malay States, Pekan, Malace*. Uuar -ir.d I'enang P->». MAILS FOR EUROPE (OUcl&l I'oat Odea Report! Left t" mci. pure Arrived Londoa July I Auguat 1 July 7 August 4 July 11 August July 14 Aucuat 9 July I I August 17
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  • 135 7 XCHANGB, > ore, August 22. On London Bunk 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 On New York Demand 42 Private 90 days 45 tt )n France Bank 60ti On India Bank T.T. 162 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 20 p.c. pm. On
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  • 51 7 Tone of market.— Steady. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe doling Prices Buyer* Seller* !pot iept. >ct.-Dec. Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked She«i Closing Pricti Buvert Se»«n 28 29 28 «4 29 'A 31 31 Mi Spot Sept. Oct. -Dec. 12 o'clock noon, August
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    • 187 7 VaL Pd. >07«n. Salitri. 1 1 A»« Wm»« I.o* 1 1 Hitam Tin. 1.4. r > 1.55 1 1 Jelamoh O.M a fl Ktm Kamur.tinf 1.17.« f .2.8 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.00 Cl «1 Labat Miit«* 6 5 Lingui Tin 3.50 4.00 10 10 Malayan Co!!. 14.50 15.5(1
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    • 120 7 /ai. Pd. Boyen. Sallm. ;i £1 Br. Am. Tobacco X.0.0 1.10.0 .1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.25 6.75 >/ 6/ Electric T*way« 2/6 0 10 Fraser Nemves 27.60 29.00 .ii 50 W. Haramen Co. 75 85 IOOIOOKatz Bros. Def. 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 4.10.0 5.0.0 l 0 10
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    • 92 7 O. Eag. p.c. Sl^U^OO aar I»i p» Spore Electric Trunway* 6 p.e. £550,00f »om Spore Municipal p.e. $1,878,000 P*» Spore Mom. 4% P-a of l? 07 $1,000,000 »a di» Spore Man. 4H V* of 1909 £1,600,500 p.e. dU S'por* Mjc 4% y» of 1900 $1,600,000 It p.e. <Ji» Spore
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    • 371 7 Fraacr aad Co. and Lyatl and Eratf QvoUtlaaa. Ltttoat kvafiaU* BMrUa« Qaoutloaa are printed ca aaother aaga FrMar> Co. Allenby ($1) 0.35 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.90 1.00 Am. Malay (|2) 2.00 A Hitam ($5) 8.60 A. Xuning ($1) 1.00 A. Molek »«> A. Panas ($5) 5.50 Rn'»ownif
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 UNITED AMERICAN USES ING. Succasaort U UVBBMOBR DRABBOBN ft CO, IMC. (Incorporated in D.SJL) lad-ptndent Staaauhla Lisa Regular Serrlc* betwaaa Naw York Haigipora aad Java aorta aa4 rfca Ttraa FOB NIW TOBK via ICD HALF MOON aaxljr B«pt. WEST CALUMD O«t FROM NEW TOBK rm cAtirM in port F*i Jrtleht.
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    • 666 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS BOW will waken The Man In A Trance to-night, at 11, at Liberty Hill. BOLTER'S PRICES i French Vermouth $2.30. Cinzano $2.15, D. O. M. $4.20 qts., Malaga Wine Madeira Wine $3, Dutch Bitters VJt. WANTED, costs clerk. Apply Drew and N'upier, 10. Collyer Quay. "WANTED JAPANESE LESSONS.
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    • 28 7 St. Pauli "Girl" Brand Beer Supplies of this well-known and appreciated chop are expected shortly. Sole Agents. S.S. F.M.S. African Eastern Trade Corporation, Ltd. (Incorporated in England) Singapore
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    • 304 7 VICTORIA THEATRE Al^ TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK AT 9.15 THE MIGHTY MONARCHS OF MYSTERY. Singapore completely captivateH with this wonderful Pvrformancr. Singapore endorses what tho whole wcrld has already acclaimed THAT Chefalo and Palermo are the World's Greatest Magicians. The Hest Show that ever come to the Kar K:ist.
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    • 440 7 NOTICE TRADE COMMISSION The Commission recently appointed to ento und i. i iri "n (a) the present state of trade dopreision brought ahout, in the main, by the continued f'pprcsxion in tlio Rubber Industry, :inil ib) Ihc extension of credit facilities, will b< pltaaad in :id<liti.>ri t.i ta« Mid in.
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  • 47 8 MAGIXN.— Oa August 20. 1921, at Colombo (by cable), Francis John Maginn, beloved hvsbaatf of Dorothy Maglnn, aged 23 years ( of. The Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), I/.J., Singapore). WARRACK.- On A'-Rust 17, 1921, in England, A. r Warraci: of The Hongkong and Shanghui Banking Corpe.Mtion.
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  • 24 8 In ever lovin;* msmory of my darling husband Corr.uandcr Char', s Bertixm Ward, who (MM :avay at Malacca, Augu.«t z., l..i;i. ■Ki...i'-i.' •Moynic.'"
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  • 60 8 MtUI'S. Scot Cheng Hee, Sett Cheng Lin. keel Cheng Swi, Sect Cheng Tuan and their rwaeetiva families bee to thank their relatives :mJ friends, who rendered assistance in their -ad bereavement and also ■eat letters of onuolence. telegrams, WfMtfcl and Chinese scrolls on the death of their beloved father
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  • 1236 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY. AUGUST 22 RUBBER STATISTICS. I We are indebted to Messrs. Wilson, Hclgale and Co. for a copy of the monthly 'statistics issued by the Rubber Trade Association of London. It contains many interesting figures. Thanks to the very gnat improvement which is now being made in
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  • 10 8 A storm at Port Swettenham on Thursday did considerable damage.
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  • 26 8 A party of Dutch gentlemen interested in mining in Banca paid a visit to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. The Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt accompanied them.
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 158 to $100. The rate of payment of money orders from India and Ceyon. is Rs. 168 to $100.
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  • 26 8 The seaside bungalow, 27-4, Tunjong Katong, advertised by Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., for sale by public auction on the 29th inst., has been sold privately.
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  • 32 8 On account of a coconut tree fallng on the overhead tram cable owing to heavy wind near Lorong 35 the tram service was at a standstill at that part early this morning.
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  • 31 8 Information has been received frcm the Radio Telegraph stating that a two masted ship has sunk in Lat. 3.33 N. Long. 100.03 E. The masts are visible two feet above water.
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  • 40 8 Indian papers to hand bring very bad news about the tja industry. It is facing a very bad slump, and it is pointed out that many estates cannot run even to maintain their labour. It is having a voluntary restriction.
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  • 37 8 An agricultural conference of the English speaking Malay officers of the Agricultural Department will be held at the Agricultural Office, Kuala Lumpur on Monday, September 19 and the succeding two days. The public are invited to attend.
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  • 37 8 Are the dog catchers aware, writes a correspondent, that scores of unlicensed dogs art roaming about such crowded thoroughfares as B-ncoolen and Waterloo Streets. All night long this part of the town is infested with the brutes.
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  • 58 8 Shortly before noon on Saturday, an electric wire above the ice store the Singapore Ice and Ccld Storage premises at Kuala Lumpur fused and a few empty baskets stored near by caught fire. The employees of the Cold Storage, seeing the danger at once, emptied a few buckets of water
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  • 55 8 A sad discov2ry was made at Blakan Mati on Saturday morning when a young gunner of the R.G.A., named Winter, was found dead in the compound near the verandah of the barracks. The acting Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, along with Insp. Williams, viewed the body, and an inquest will
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  • 56 8 A Chinese, named Wee Hock Lam, was arrested by Insp. Dumbleton yesterday anJ produced by him before Mr. Bull today charged with being in possession of 2."> counterfeit ten cent noti^ of the old pattern not the new ones which they forger (ias not attempted as yet to imitate. The
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  • 63 8 According to a report from Gotemba, Japan, a few weeks back, the temperaturerecorded was as low as 37 degrees and snow b'gan to fall at midnight. The fall lasted until three 1 o'clock in the afternoon an-J the snow was three inches deep. A number of mountain-climbers wera snowbound in
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  • 79 8 It is not often that a Ceylon planter turns theatre-owner ami manager, but Mr. B. A. Meyer has done this very buccessfully. I fancy his father whom I met with him at Ifracombc during the war when 8.A." w^s in khaki— has his finger in many theatrical pies, says the
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  • 75 8 Last year was easily the best in the history of the port of Jesseltcn. High prices responsible for some of the increase in the import trade. Thr> most important increases were undvr cloth, ironware, provisions, flour, spirits and wine, su^ar, tobacco, railway and telegraph materials, machinery and vessels, building
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  • 98 8 For the past three or four months i.he drought in the Province has been very sewn ami in tIM upland villages and kampongs the wells were dried up. states ih. Pinang Gazette. The water special train from Prai has been running day and night to and from Pinang Tunngal, bringing
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  • 111 8 There has been considerable activity in the rice trad? for some weeks past and a fillip to it has been given by the removal of the export embargo to Singapore, after it had lasted about a week, says the Bangkok Daily Mail of August 4. There has been an exceptionally
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  • 140 8 The inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of Ho JTah Sentr, cook, at 2, Park Road, Penan*, which was postponed in order to call Mr. S. Codrintjton, President of the Penang Municipality, was resurrud in the Penang Police Court, on Saturday, before the Coroner, Mr. A. C. Baker, and
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  • 534 8 Mr. J. A. E. Bates, of the Chine>e Postal Administration, arrived in Singapore on Sunday. A Reuter telegram from Athens announces the death of M. Raiis, x-I'remier of Greece. Dr. A. L. Hcops and Mis- K. Hoops have returned from Java where they attended the recent sittings
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  • 21 8 The outward 8.1. packet Tboagwa, with mails from Europe, is expected I Penang «t six a.m. on Thur inst.
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  • 40 8 To dispol any doubt on ta Butter, we might mention that the South Staffordl are Mag relieved daring the ensuing trooping season by the L'no lin. Middk Regiment, who are eoaing d from Egypt.
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  • 58 8 The Hor. Mr. X, C. M. Kindersley, Mr. D. H. Hampshire, the Bon. Me. Mltchi :l and Ah-. A. K. Baddeley, arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Friday morning fn m Sihgapore, having attended the lirM im of the Trucle Commission. The I sion sits a^ain in Singapore
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  • 116 8 About seven o'clock last night a darintr gang robbery took place at 4!>'2, North Bridge Road, in which ten. men, armvd with knives, on.' of them also carrying a lin aim, entered the place, which is a jeweller's shop, and, having overawed the four occupants, smashed cpen
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  • 134 8 The question of the advisability of introducing legislation making it compulsory for owners of motor cars to affix their licences to the car in a similar manner to that now in force in (jr at Britain was again brought up for consideration at the last
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 311 8 Lambert Butler GA.RRICK tL, LQ tf* C VIRGINIA CIGARETTES THE ROTASTROP $ W[ "Mfcr*,/ Tm p EUFEcr THE FAMOUS RAZOR BLADE SHARPENER. JOHN LITTLE SI. LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE. Wbat Would You Do It a Fire Occurred Now a Would you ring for the Fire Brigade, and sUnd helplessly
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    • 110 8 ALHAMBRA To-night at TJt pm Patbea 1 Serl.l THE PHANTOM FOE IS Episodes or 81 reals Featuring JaaniU Haneen, Warner OUrd »nd Harry Seraeli Episodes 7 and 8 THE KING OP DIAMONDS (Featuring Harry T. Morey and Betty Blythe) S Harts New Harold l.loyd Comedy I PtR. BUMPING INTO BROADWAY
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  • 413 9 Consequences of Rejecting: Peace. Reuter Telegrams. London, August 19. In. the House of Commons, in moving: the adjournment, Mr. Lloyd George made a statement on the Irish situation. Ht> <)c--clarc<! that the Government's letter to De Valera contained everything they*thought they could possibly concede in order to purchase the
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 56 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 20. The Daily Mail Cairo" correspondent *tjttes that an air mail message from Bagdad reports that the Mesopotamia reftTt.idum resulted in the unanimous election of Emir Feisul as King of Mesopotamia. It adds that :'.00.000 people !mve flocked to Bagdad to participate in
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 62 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 20. Washington General Pershing has officially reported on the recent bombing test.-. He <!■ fends the retention of battleships and is of opinion that while aeroplanes and submarines have added to the battleship's danger.s the latter will remain tfca chief defence at sea, while safe
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 25 9 Reuter Telegram. Paris, August 19. According to L'Echo de Paris, Marshal Jotfrr will .sail on September 2 for Japan on a mission. (Havas.)
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  • 20 9 Riuter Telegram. London, August 19. Lille Fifty thousand are involved in the textile strike at Roubaix and Tourcoing.
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  • 205 9 Children Abandoned by Theij Parents. Eiutm Telegrams. London, August 19. Washington Mr. Hoover announces that complete agreement regarding food relief for Russia has been reacted at Riga. Preparations are being made for tha despatch of food ships from New York to Dantzig. Mr. Hoover has published a letter
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  • 260 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 19. Mr. Donald Macleod, in his weekly report, •ays it is reported that an English financial group has secured a long lease from the Soviet of the port of FVtrograd. If this is earriv?d out it should prove of great value to the shipping
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  • 41 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 20. The Georgian information bureau states that cholera and plague are ravaging Georgia. Thirty to forty deaths from cholera are occurring daily in Tiflis alone. The victims include Catholicos Leonide, head of the Georgian Church.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 42 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 20. New York The United States Steel Corporation announces that in view of the low selling price of steel another reduction of wages will be made in day labour from Zl to 3o tents an hour.
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  • 30 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 20. The trade returns of Holland for July show a decrease in imports of 17,000,000 florins and in exports pf 16,000,000 compared with June.
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  • 192 9 Th<? Upper Silesia Reference. Irkutsk Telegrams. Paris, August 18. an interview M. Briand stated that Hies' intimate union will appear as sary as ever after the settlement of >ilesian problem by the League of Nations. The Council of the League will meet at Geneva probably on August
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  • 291 9 Rf.uter Telegrams. London, August 20. New York.: The New York World in an editorial commenting am .Mr. Lloyd Gee Tee's speech in the Hcu.-t of Commons nn August IS. expresses the opinion that ihe Prime Minister's straightforward statement on the subject of the AngloJapanese alliance should pro
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 74 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 19. The Journal of Commerce announces that satisfactory trials have been completed on the Saone in, Franco with a new type of wat-r glider fitted with a GO cylinder motor. It was ordered by the Chinese Government for the conveyance of merchandise and passengers
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  • 51 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 19. Messrs. J. and P. Coats have inaugurated an important installation of oilburning apparatus at their Paisley thread mills where large units of old boilers have been converted. The results are excellent and there is every prospect of an extension of the oil fuel
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  • 2167 9 Totaiisator on English Courses. By Our Special Correspondent. London, July 21. There has often been abstract discussion of the question of introducing the pari-mutuel or totaiisator on British racecourses, but now for the first time we seem likely to see an experiment made with that institution upon a
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  • 534 9 Chefalo and Palermo at Victoria Theatre. Though Chefalo and Palermo came with excellent press notices from all parts of the world the Singapore public, renumbering past experiences, has become liy and cautious of stage folk, and for thia reason the audience for the op-nin« perfonaaaec at the Victoria
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  • 242 9 Details of the Disaster Still Lacking. Beyond the meagre information, that the Perlis has been wrecked, and that six of the survivors have been picked up by the Lian Choo nothing is known of the dtauter, or the circumstances which led up to it, states
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  • 82 9 Last night at the Liberty Hall Albert Morrow, illusionist and hypnotist, duly performed his advertised feat of putting a man in a trance, to sleep for tw.'tity-four hours. The subject, a young European, was quickly put under control and laid on a bed on the states-
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  • 43 9 A requiem high mass will be sun-; a f the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Opmr Road, by the Rev. Father L. Burphutf-r at 6.30 a.m. tomorrow for the sou! late Miss Mary Joseph who departed this life on August 2;i, 19U0.
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  • 962 10 First Yc:irs Report on Working Of Company. Tin- following re-port is officially supTin- lirxt annual general meeting of the Assurance Corporation was held on August IS. at ll.:S0 a.m. at the registered office. Mr. Lim Noc Soon, the acting chairman, prat Mad and the- following Mi-t-srs. On ing,
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  • 303 10 Mr. Marconi Tests New Reception Device. MV. Marconi, who has just returned to Louden, announces that he has been engaged for the past few weeks testing a new method of n.-ceiving wireless messages which has been developed by one of the company's eng-ineen. This method has enabled
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  • 331 10 Action Against a Bombay Club Committee. P.efore the Hon. Mr. Justice Pratt, at 3ombay. the case of Stephen John Scott ■plaintiff I v. Fred Gosney and others (defendants) \vas recently heard. The ilaintifT was a member of the Bombay "omnurcial Gymkhana, and he tiled a suit against
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  • 110 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, August 22. Silver.— :sB' 2 Hongkong 20 p.c. prem. Three months gold 4i' L Share Market.— Quiet. Rubbers Small enquiries, very little business passing. Tins.— Taipings 1 to 1.10, Norths 1.2.", to 1.30, Souths 65 to 70 cents, Nawngpets 1.45 to
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  • 43 10 The wedding has taken plaoa at the Grand Hotel, Glasgow, of Mr. James Gibb, of tit- (luiru red Bunk, formerly stationed in Kuala Lumpur, and Minnie Muir, younger daughter of thi- late Hugh Turne>r, Edinburgh, and of Mrs. Turner, 45, Rentinck Street, Glasgow.
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  • 87 10 The lute Rev. Fr. Julius Bcaublat of the Missions Etrangeres, was born in Moulins, Allier, France-, in 1869 and studied for the- prirstlu od at an early age in his nativi P*riaib In IS'iO, he joined the Missii na Ktrangeres in Paris und two years late-r came out to Hongkong,
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  • 644 10 Lord Thincellor Attacks Liquor Control. On July .19 in the House of Lords the Lord Chancellor fairly let himself go in an attack on the Liquor Popular Control Bill introduced by the Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Burge). The Bill, a very comprehensive one of 40 clause;, proposes to
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  • 186 10 Messrs. Morreau and Spiegelberg reporting from Manchester on July 20 state Our last report was dated the 13th inst. Cotton.— There has been a brisk trade done in the raw material during the week. Liverpool spot priced yesterday were American F.M. 8.77 d., last week 8 76d
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  • 165 10 Sir Edward Rosling, presiding at the meeting 'of the Federated (Selnngor) Rubber Co., Ltd., said that the outlook for therubber industry for the current year was far from promising. Their reduced crop for the past year had amounted to 316,077 lbs., of which they had sold forward
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 321 10 P. S. and Law and Services Draw. A draw with honours even was the result of the match between Public Services and Law and H. M. Services on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday. The Services batted Hrst, and after a poor start made 147 for eight at which they
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    • 342 10 The S.R.C. did distinctly well in their match against the Ceylon XI on Saturday, having the advantage of the draw. The club batted first and declared with the good total of 183. Lcijssius made 58 in a forceful innings, and E. E. de
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    • 247 10 A Reuttr wire from New York dated August 19 states In the Davis Cup Kumagae (Japan) beat Sleem (India) 9—7, ti 1, 6 l Shimidzu (Japan) beat P'yzee (India) 6 2, 6—l, 9—7. Except for the first set, when Sleem's great placing enabled him to work the
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    • 289 10 Hundred Yards Championship Race. The hundred yards championship race was swum off at the Swimming Club yesterday. Six entered, namely W. Penrice, last year's winner, J. Bristed, A. Sattin, E. J. Sutton, L. K. Davidson and A. H. Farr. The sea was calm and the tide slightly against
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    • 413 10 Sunday morning saw another of the races for Mr. Lundon's cup, the conditions for which are That no Malay shall be carried, and that the sails of the yachts are to be hoisted after the starting gun has gone. Six boats started, Margaret II being first
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    • 243 10 I The Malayan Loader states The con- grntulanions of all football aillllllllaata in thi.* State will go to the Se-langor eleven for the magnificent victory they gained o.i Saturday at the expense of Penang ip the first round of the H.M.S. Malaya Cup compe-tition. Truth to
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    • 113 10 The Liberty Hall, which has staged some goo"d boxing contests during the last few weeks, hones to do the same again on Wedncday evening, when foursix-roundconte-s's will be put on at ten o'clock. The popular Chinese boxer Teng Kee, who won the lightweight competition at the Palladium although he
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    • 30 10 A Reuter wire of August J9 states that Alan Breck, Plato and Bralefer have been scratched for tht St. Lege-r all at 9 a.m. on the 19th.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 241 10 Result of $50,000 Sweep. Glorious weather favoured the Ipoh races, and there was a record Catherine. The going was good. The results were' as follows Race One. Four furlongs. Violet, Mat Noor 9 ..1 Perfect Peace, Battersby 9 2 Noah, Hobbs 9 3 Tote S2O Race Two. Four
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    • 78 10 A Reuter wire of August 20 states The Australians' match against Gloucestershire was begun at Cheltenham u>day. The weather was glorious and the wicket easy. There were 10,000 spectators. The Australians made 425 for eight. Towards the end the bowling was very tired. Scoring was fast although
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    • 59 10 A Reuter wire of August 19 states Lancashire beat Worcestershire by an innings and 32. Sussex beat Gloucestershire by 137. Somerset beat Middleex on the first innings. Nottinghamshire beat Essex on the first innings. Middlesex's failure against Somerset place-s Surrey at the head of the table with a
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  • 324 10 In their report, dated London July 20 Messrs. William Jacks and Co. state The failure of the Government to induce the bankers to reduce the bank rate to 5 per cent, last Thursday was no doubt due to their dislike of the Safeguarding of Industries Bill. Trading
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  • 33 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Wednesday, August 24, 1921 Monday, 22nd.— 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill. Wednesday, 24th.— 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, Chinese Company (Musketry).
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  • 91 10 A few items of interest in the State of North Borneo during last year were Formation of British Borneo Timber Co.\ development works commenced at Sandakan Residency extermination of locust plague opening of branch of Guthrie aad Co., Ltd., of Singapore, at Jeaeaftaa outbreak of bubonic plague at Sundakan suppressed
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  • 1117 11 What a Pacific Conference Means. 1 Depend upon it, sir," said Dr. Johnson, wlit-ii a man knows he is to be hanjred in a fortnifcht it concentrates his mind wonderfully." With the above quotation as introduction, Mr. H. Wilson Harris writes up folloVs in the Daily News.
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  • 381 11 Changes Noted in Last Century Or Two. British types of faces are changing, Professor Sir Arthur Keith seems to sugge:>t in his annual report on the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, of which he is curator. He has charge of the most representative collection of
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  • 250 11 Back Home After 4,000 Mile Atlantic Voyage. who are assembling at Cowes for 11 -aita week haw k. ;i mattf intirested in the arrival of a little schoop*-r--ri^ni yacht, Diables.-e, which is lying ir, harhoar fymg the American flag, says the L-aily News of July 19. The
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  • 133 11 A Welsh princess's coffin which for two and a half centuries was used as a watering trough for farm housed, lies in the grounds of the Baron. Hill estate in Angbe s.ild by Messrs. Knight, Frank and Uutley. There, is an ohl-tiine vomanct■issociatcd with the relic,
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  • 54 11 The dead body of Major H. A. Denham, D.5.0., headn aster of Folke«fonv> Grammar School, was found in a wood at Hawkinge on July l<i. He had been missing since th preview Tuesday, when he complained of the h-'at. It is bt'ievtd he had lost his BsSBSOry. and had been
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 119 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS are still the most popular In the East The same high quality is maintained but IRof PRICES HAVE iCo/ f°BEEK REDUCED IV This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK Send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD. (laeorpocats4 la Hoafkoa*.) Raffles Place, SINGAPORE "S-
      119 words
    • 274 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tea Danssnt, 6 to 7 p.m. (Admission free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Guest* Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress ssssatlal f#» Dancing). FRIDAY. Special Lnnch— Orchestra. SATURDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dross esssntia) fof Dancing). SUNDAY.— Cinema after Dinner. NOTICE. Resident* and Dinen will
      274 words

  • 1006 12 Net Strong Enough to Fly And Take Risks." At the inquest at Hendon Town Hall on July 16 on the body of Mr. Harry Hawker, the airman, who was killed the previous Tuesday during a practice flight for th« Aerial Derby, evidence was given that he
    1,006 words
  • 123 12 The Daily News of July 19, in a reassuring statement, regarding the health of the Prince of Wales, -says Thj Prince of Wales has improved considerably in health during his stay at Brighton, which is shortly ending. Most of his time has been spent very
    123 words
  • 425 12 What Reduction of Bonus Would Mean. The following notes on Civil Service Pay from Truth of July 13 will be of! interest to Civil Servants all over the! Empire. There is still a great deal of wild talk in antiwaste quarters about extinguishing the whole of the
    425 words
  • 305 12 Higher Standards at all The Universities. Modern Bachelors of Science are much more brainy than the older generation. This, writes a London correspondent of a home paper applies not only to all the science men, but to the degrees in the liberal arts. Also it applies to all
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  • 224 12 Careers Now Open that Used To Be Closed. Careers open to the modern workwilling" woman are eptitomised in a useful little sheet issued by the London Society for Women's Service, of which Miss Phillipa Fawcett is president. Steps necessary in the preparation of many careers which used
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 115 12 To w tills Brand of Belting meut fc)\[/\ ■conomy. Saving of Money and i~"~?'JCj) VjS%!* Better Bcanlt. Its service speaks \/)f^y \7lf^7 for its quality. SBl^PP^^^^*nMnlMfa^J^P^ SeU Agrnti ,-HIIMHaV^ KIAM KIAT CO., i JgHllß|k t 138 and 10», MARKET STREET. gTj^Pyjflfjfri^J BORDEN'S MALTED MILK HAS NO EQUAL MILK /^V^ 3
      115 words
    • 148 12 HIGH— CLASS CIEARSTTES Their supreme quality make them the only Cigarette possible for Men of Taste VIRGINIA IN PATENT Ik 1 4*^ i?" F-~ VACUUM g\l |B SKfc <W TINSOF3O i^l^r <S»J CJebJ <*■■*» "WS, My Skin is Beautiful "A Jk n Spite of trie Sun rf if 9£S& can
      148 words

  • 421 13 Sa'V'.'uarding Tourists Against Fakes. Headed by Mr. Wu Lai-hsi, formerly editor of the Peking Daily News, and a number of other prominent Chinese of the capital, an innovation in curios establishments has been started in Peking with the opening of the Peking Art Gallery. It is to be
    421 words
  • 358 13 Extracting the Gas from The Air. A factory for the purpose of extracting oxygen from the air and of supplying it to consumers in lonir sausage like cylinders will be opened in Colombo before long. At the lower end of Skinner's Road South, says the Ceylon Observer,
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  • 95 13 Information has been received in Colombo, says the Ceylon Observer of August 8, that a Ceylon gentleman has been fortunate in finding iron ore on one of his estates at Kurunegala. It is understood that while coolies were employed in digging they found some peculiar
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  • 66 13 A paintng which has hung on the wall of a room at King's College, Strand, W.C., for many years has been identified as one of the best examples of the work of Vandyek. The discovery of its value was made recently when the picture was taken down to be cleaned.
    66 words
  • 38 13 The stump orator was getting wellwound up, and his audience was spellbound by the magic of his golden phrases. Well, this is wot I sez," he concluded, the capitalists' money is tainted taint yours. ami '1 ain't mint."
    38 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 263 13 piEAWAY'S ANNUAL JALE GREAT SPECIALITY WEEK. Remarkable Price Cutting Offers f f 300 DOZEN C\W\?nP^T L r e i Bordered, Fringed <— **??W 1 TURKISH TOWELS. OREAT CLEARANCE OF TIES. JlflL In all ihc latest designs nod colours. E£rTT\ Uftk, SS Paisley patterns, chzeka. spot*, U I stripe*, fijrured dc*\
      263 words
    • 464 13 C C E E E COMPANY reffPftlfe/cf/ 352 TJI N x y N T BY TEST THE BEST. 'J' Happily Growing ?fc A S your biby glows, his food should M *»£row with him -if he is to be !?j the nappy and contented baby that you g wanthimtobe. THE-ALLENBURYS
      464 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 735 14 SALES BY AUCTION tvLAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTI. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BT ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS. ft* and*r*ign*d hay* received instructions to sell by public auction (if not preTlously sold by private treaty) at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, on a date to be notified
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    • 502 14 CHEONG KOONSENG GO. auction" sale of valuable land and house properties. At Messrs. Choong Koon Scnp Co.'s saleroom, No. 30, Kling Street, on Wednesday, Augnst 24, at 2.30 p.m. 1. Mortgagee's sale of valuable freehold land aad residential property known as No. T. Jnlan Kamamnn, off Balestier Road, Singapore, area
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    • 1938 14 Assets ever $4,000,609 S.C. A«vance in force over $17,000,009 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Incorporates 1 is Strait* Settlements) HKAD OFFICE i WltuSMetei Hoes*. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, K.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with th* Snpram* Court *f Zealand aad compiles with the British Life
      1,938 words

  • 716 15 Cr:t.dfl» of Calcutta Business Circles. in Calcutta business circles considerable doubt is expressed as to the practical utility of the invention of Sir Henry Wickham, the well-known rubber expert, which, it is" claimed, will transform lac into hart! cured rubber within a few minutes and at a
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  • 134 15 One of the- most fantastic of sea legends U reported to have weathered the test of modern scepticism in the course of th" latest crossing from Christiania of th..-Norwegian-American liner Bergensfjor.i. According to the report, the vessel'ran into a storm in mid-Atlantic, and there were indications that
    134 words
  • 128 15 Injunctions to be sparing of water would not have wxed Robert Browning's father, 1 a; all events so far as drinking water it' MMWiuil, says a home paper. Th« poet uv<l t,, deicrib* his father's indignation when he <mre asked him for nation when iii' mice asked
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 353 15 J\ Good Cooking Deserves I Hs^\ Pytcbiey Hunt Sauce. i!P J¥\a« I] SKI) with discrimination a good sauce V,_ Vvu\Jv^^^m. 1 w rks wonders with Currios, Rajputs Xijlliw^^ and Stews- Tnat is wh y Pytchlcy Hunt J Sauce has pained such a big reputation NUHJA^^^ for its wonderful flavouring properties.
      353 words
    • 396 15 HAIPHONG #S% DRAGON )&S/, CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.MS. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singaporo ALAMO ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. THE AI.AHO UNIT is just what you had ill mind. A safe, silent, complete, efficient, trouble-proof, simple, compact
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 448 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of ■art* DapUx Die Plate* for Pipe* to screw In to 114 In. ■art* Daplex Die Plate* for Pipes to acrew 1 In. to 1 In. little Giant Screw Platra for Pipes to screw U In. to 1 In. EaeUrvrook English Make Gas Tkrwd Stocks and
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    • 466 16 TAY GUAN KIAT It, PHILLIP BTUET. Paoa* No*. SUM aa* BJI4. The raccemsfnl contractor for aapply af FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore Municipality taring tk« year IMI. GLOBJB BOILJM RIMDT For clearing and preserving tuu kalian of all type. Used by all factories, itnmm, •te, and
      466 words
    • 1841 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Th* PREPAID charge* for Wants, Far Sal*. To Let, etc, l« ordinary clos*-Mt type (average six words to line) an t Par line on* insertion 28 cts., two ins. 46 ets, three ins.. 64 cts, four ins. 88 eta- five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      1,841 words
    • 718 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LIT, stores ana offleas. Apply U. M. Nathan Co, 4, D* Pour» Street. TO LET, 22, Kling Street. Apply to Th* Si* Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co, Ltd. TO LET, offices and gcdowns at Cross Street and Cecil Street, immediate entry. Apply N. Reuben, 2,
      718 words
    • 400 16 Bellanger Th* King *f French; Cat* WITH SILVER RADIATOR a AND THH GOLDRN SILINCm, Jut ArrivKi Book Barf* First tw* Demonstratiaa cars ■re t* k* sold at Special Price*. The BBLLANGER is a ear of efficiency, economy and comfort. No donbt it Is luxurious and th* prie* is within th*
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 163 16 THE STRAITS TINES TELEPHONM Editorial and General M Manager's Office HIT Job Printing Office 1144 All communications relating t* editorial matters and news should b« nMtMaa* to THS EDITOR. All corjjntinicat!o-i relating tn bniisess matters— adv<- -men**, Bubscrip'.iom, acannts, prirtlaj,, etc., shonld be addreised to Ti'... MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Per
      163 words