The Straits Times, 20 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,721 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 109 1 Isl^ij i pl| CELEBRATED |||i |j| LONDON i\ Ales Stout I ESTABLISHED^I7e«) NOW OBTAINABLE IN SINGAPORE w\£^lj§p\ [W£M\ ANDF.M.S. do SOLE IMPORTERS I_!W JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS. LTD. (Incorporated in England) SING A PORE THERE IS ONLY ONE KODAK, all other apparatus being cimpty cameras, not manufactured by The Kodak Company.
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    • 259 1 <■**♦« »««»*-*«»»*»»«-*-i4^HEjj ibMM i^B»-»-»» i- -j^**~ j"His Masters Voice" THE MOST FAMOUS MUSICAL ■omiubm MNk INSTRUMENTS IN THE WORLD. t. Large new stocks just received. f *i '""X The models illustrated are a few Cf^- I 4 of those in popular demand. They J F^Sv JjS'-T range in price from
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    • 7 1 I n S-Sl *_E<SEP>» tl i i
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  • 497 2 A Society that Will Not Be Baffled. A young man a few <!uys ago hurried into a tall building overlooking Piccadilly, states a correspondent in the Morning Post.went upstairs two at a time without waiting for the lift, pushed through an office door without knocking, and oemandtdofalady at
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  • 302 2 Democratic Conduct Shocks Many Japanese. I The Crown Prince's reception in England has given the frtatest satisfaction in Japan, but there is much headshakir.g amo.-.c old-fashioned Japanese about tlv relaxation of the severe etiquette which has hitherto surrounded the personality of tha heir to the Phoenix throne, scys
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  • 166 2 Rubber crop of Sapong Rubber and Tobacco Estates for 1920 totalled 730,260 lbs. Price realised (386,360 lbs. Singapore for Is. 11.07 d. pound and 343,900 lbs. London for 10.85 d. pound) was Is. 5.32 d. which includes valuation of stock on hand at market prices. Cost of
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  • 23 2 Usher at Bow County Court: Repeat after me, "I swear. Woman: J»o, I don't We don't want two in the family at it.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 232 2 SO hp. 10 itater A'Mon Charabanc. One of Flttt of 31 Albion Vehicles supplied to Meats Serimbmn Motor Stnict Co.. Ltd.. Malay Slates. Pre eminent among British Vehicles— AMONG all Commercial Motors built in Britain the Albion stands pre-eminent for reliability, length of life, ami low cost of maintenance. It
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    • 582 2 CUTIdA HEALS PAINFIOASH On Arms, Neck, limbs and Face. Could Not Rest "For six months 1 -jme out in a dry, scurry rash on my arms, neck and limbs, and then I had it very btdly on my lace, so faasjai and irritating I could not E et rjiy rest
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    • 165 2 A REVELATION IN COMFORT A REVOLUTION IN ECONOMY r^;i ".18 .dTHE CAR' FITTED_*WITH iO Triplex Springs CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO./ LTD., SINQAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, PENANQ AND JPOH. 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR Tha •xcellecce at French aatomobUa engin—^ag aw laci h*« hT.^f'S? Bg l fi9d i b 7. Tha Citroan ia
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  • 805 3 His Big Estate Disputed By Relatives. The estate of a persevering Chinese who, beginning life as a labourer in the fields, worked his way up the ladder of success until he had won a large fortune in China, Saigon and Hongkong formed the subject of an interesting
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  • 217 3 Big White Star Liner on Service Again. One of the finest and most popular of tlit- White Star liners, the Baltic— vessel which during the war rendered great service to the country by bringing over to the European battlefields no fewer than 32,000 Canadian and American troops —resumed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 $&T JHi MERIT w In Fountain Pens, as in'cvoryOiing JR fij else, it is mer.t that toils, and tlat is Jk wliy the "Swan" has for a quarter ti S| rf a Cehtury gained more user* i very iM year. Wlieu you buy a fin SSI *Jl you know you
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    • 438 3 and 'Wincarnis' ensures a progressive increase of renewed health for those who are Weak, Anaemic, Nervousorßon-down" •f A most satisfactory feature of Wincarnis is that it ensures a progressive increase of renewed health— a day-by-day improvement in the vigour and vitality of the body. f[ And the reason is that
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    • 799 3 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonia Secretary's Office, up to noon of August 26, 1921, for the following works 1. Construction of n Strong Room for the Registry of Deeds 2. Erection of n Dispensary and Quarters at Bukit Tiinnh 3. Krection of a Dispensary and
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    • 803 3 NOTICES NOTICE IN THK ESTATE OF CHARLES MATTHEW, DECEASED rrusrwr to thk tkcstfk OKIHN \.\CK, 1914. SECTION M. NOTICE is BfTeb; riven that all creditor* Mid other perron* having any claims against tire Estate of Charlea Uattaew, deceased, late of Weltevicdin, Java, who died there on April 2G, V.IM, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 965 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.- British India f AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSUIAR AM) ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tba i«mpany'a MAIL SKKVICE EAST OK liO.MHAY are at present saspeaded LONDON FAR-EASTKRN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO HAIISKILLEH AND LONDON
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    • 740 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. LIMTTKD Bttaaur. Intended to aali fr*a» llafapara KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. H\K LEONG— Monday, at iH pjn, for Malacca and Muar. KAIIA— Tuesday, at 4.10 pjn.. for Malacca and Maar. IPOn— Wednesday, at 4 pjbl, for Port! Swettenham and Panang.
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    • 50 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ. Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 25 Ta>tcs» BUI. L*4l»i Issued trim HUgapon Ike Priaelsa! Cs«»i *l t»a DaJ«a4 States aa4 Caaada. t-.t «t-ti«r ,Ef«rsi»;:»» m i* Kaaca, *Ac aeol» te 78* JLOBCK DOLLA* 00. No. 117-121, Market Street MasfcaM N»- 11.
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    • 409 4 STEAMER SAIUNSS 0. S. K. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. J. De Soma Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapora (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN LINE For Port Said, Marseilles, London, A«twar», Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dep. HIMALAYA MARU Aug. 27 Aug. 28 ALASKA MARU Sept. 14
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    • 435 4 STEAMER SAILiNfiS NIPPON YIISEN HAISHA. n B eorpor»ta4 ta Ja»a») Date Mall Caatnct witk thai II ■■srist J*bmcm Qvrtnm**LONDON UNE Fortnightly Service For Marseilles, London and Antwerp, via Suez KLEIST Au 20 MISHIMA MARU Aug. 24 LIVERPOOL LINE Fortnightly Service For Marseilles and Liverpool, via Ports MARU Srpt. HAMBURG LINE
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 901 5 STEAMER SAILINGS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE i Onder Contract with tha French Government f Mall and Paaaenger Seirire* DIRECT MAKSEILLES FAR EASTERN SEKVICI M HOMEWARD MAILS OITWARD MAIU Te Biarnelllea Tia Colombo, To Japan via Saigon, Haiphong, Djibouti. Port Said Hongkong and Shanghai POBTHOS I«.9<V> tons Aug. 2B ARMAND BKHIC
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    • 313 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PASSAGE HONGKONG The s.n. Namsang is expected to sail fot above port about August 22. Has excellent firm class accommodation available. For further particular!!, apply to BOUSTEAD A CO., LTD, (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Agents. PASSAGE mongkom; anu shanghai Hi- M.V. Qlaatan is expected to *»i| for HungkoßK.
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    • 280 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS INIQ-CHINA STEAM NAY. COMPANT, LIMITED (Incorporated la Englaad) Direct Serrlca te Japaa Tia Hoagkeag aad Shanghai aad to CalcatU tU Pmsaac, trum Slngapora. Taking Cargo bo through Bills of I«4lag for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy. Chatoo, Tfiott 1 Newchwang, Tasgrase porta, Ferisosa, tik* Philippines, etc FOR PKNANG AND
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    • 147 5 ■mm CARS LORRIES Marine Engines FOR LOW COST RELIABILITY DURABILITY ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY. Most favour.: b c arrangements made to suit all Customers. apply Colonial oio c. ORCHARD ROAD 'PHONE 950 SPEED M^lißS ACCURACY DURABILITY The A\achine you will tventuully Muy Mi PATERSON, SIMONS CO, LTD, (Incorporated in Kcclar i:
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 709 6 CINEMAS Frjm fMiap, I'i7'(i/ n. to WUUmttH, .l«'»"'', M, 1021. A Vitngraoh Dram* of Powerful Human-lnternt Featuriou Harry i. Morev «n<J kto ty Hlvfie ia an a p-aiii.g «t jry brimmiog with irtaWtk lituatiom THE KING OF DIAMONDS Iv S Parts A picture which c >thrillt with it* infeastly i
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    • 175 6 EHTEQTAINMENTS RAMAR OPERA Or BUfGAPORa At their entirely new Beyrouth Theatre oppnait« th« GayUng Police Station, Gay Unit Ro*d fi ,j t 3 i Co-nifhti 10-mlfhtl ADIAMA Sunday, Aucust 21 f YAMOUOA TASHON KASSIM «r«D 4iJ a. Mr% MIDDLE EAST FILMS, LTD. Announcement Extraordinary. 1 k.w7ilvisco ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS 32
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    • 68 6 Csmmencinc f.'om Sunday August 21 A Malay H statical Pray in two parU SLENOANQ DEtIMA will be staged By Special Mrqaest THE STAR OPERA Urn Thmtn Royal, Nortk Brtif Su4 To-oight 1 To-Mifht A Javmesr Realistic Piec: NJAI DAC I VIA and Edward William Caste Nj«i Dacimi, Mi»s Sarah Nino
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    • 202 6 M NEVER SAY DYE, SAY ITINfEKI i s s i s THE EASTERN DEPOTS J AND AGENCIES, 1, Cairnhill Road, Phone 1177. 5 JTi||Trif E TNIEH i NEVER SAY DYE, SAY laiMiiiiiiaiiiHiiieKi PROVED BEST TILE tor the TRDPICS S Send Your Enquiries to, >■ Ets .BROSSARD MOPIN' (,nc\ in immiw).
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    • 33 6 OFFICE STATIONERY BRITISH MADE TWO f^ |ht O-?Rfl GAUGES A B 0)1 0U FILING PERFORATOR H£ SPECIAL VALUE H.B. LEAD PENCILS Vindictive 75 cts. doz. Obtainable from PROMPT PRINTERS 76, Cecil Street, Singapore,
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  • 472 7 SUNDAY. AUGUST 21. fit Andrew* CathsdraL 7.:!0 a.m. Litany. 7.48 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.18 a. Hi. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 a.m. No CatticliiMii (Hrilidays). f>.;»o p.m. Kvttnmnif and Scrroon, follow<nl by cf.iiKrctfatinnul Hymn Practice. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 7 a.m. (No Holy Communion). 8.30 p.m.
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  • 165 7 FIXTUBBB Saturday. Angast M. High Water. 11.4H a.m., 11^2 p.m. 1..., I K Johore Royal (Innt.) Ipob (iymkhana. Cricket I«agu« P. SairJaas and Law Services. Cricket Ceylon XI v. S.R.C. Chefalo and Palermo, Vlt. Theatre, 9.18 Msrr»w- McGregor Co., Liberty Hall, 10 p.m. Sunday, August 21. High
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  • 270 7 VESSELS AT TEE DOCKS Xaat Wharf Basis— Nil. Kast Wharf— Nil. Sheera Wharf Can Hong Liong. Main Wharf- TeesU, Muttru, Nam Sang, Aul. i;*. Kleist. Eiupirc Ottck Kuala. Kepong, Heli>nus. Wi-Mt Wharf -Eurypylus. Chosen Maru. Jardines Whafr— Clink Sang. Polo Braai Coal Wharf. UiU K«imml Harboar. Main Wharf-
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  • 189 7 T«-4aj lluar and Malacca S p.m. Mal.iccj, I'ort Swcttenham and Penanir 3 p.m. Bangkok 3 p.m. Colombo, Sue/., Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool 3 p.m. Patnvia sr.<i Sourabaya 4 p.m. Kota Tinggi 4 p.m. -"aifcon 4 p.m. I Baiirkok 4 p.m. I Cucob 4 p.m. Hongkong, Sw;>tow and
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  • 138 7 BXCHANGR Singapore, Aujnwt 20. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 18/16 Private m. credits 2/4 3 ,4 On New York Demand 42 I'm ate 00 days 45Vi On KYarce Funk On Imlcia, Bank T. T. 161> On Ho.:trk(rnjr, Bank <l/d 20 p.c. pm. On
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  • 47 7 Tone of market. Steady. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Price* Buyeri Sellers JMt fcpt. )ct.-Dcc. Spot Sept. Ort.-Dcc. Singapore St»nd.-. c Ribbed Smoked Shev Closing Priecs Buyer* Sellen 27Vi 28Vj 28 29 :;i 32 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. ll.Sfl 8/jn., August 20.
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    • 183 7 Tmm VmL Ti. lorwri. 8«il«n. 1 1 At« 'W«ni I.OC 1 1 BlUm Tia I.M 1.70 1 1 Jelantoh 0-*« £1 tl Kirn Kamontinj 1.17.1 *.%f 10 10 Kinta Assot. 6.00 ti el Labat Mn.— 5 5 Linpui Tin 3.75 425 10 10 Malayan Coll. 14.25 1u.25 1 1
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    • 122 7 V*l. Pd. Bet***- S«l!«r»--£1 £1 Br. Ara. Tobneco S.O.n g.10.C £1 £1 E. Swfltinj Co. 6.25 6.76 6/ 5/ Electric T'nyi 1/e 10 10 Franer Neaves 27.50 29.00 50 .*0 W. Ham men Co. 73 85 lOOlOOKat: Bros. Det. 140.yn 10 10 Mexican Eajc'e 4.10.0 8.0.0 10 10 May
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    • 91 7 U. Enj. P-t |1,5»4,?0t- t*f *P^ pa. S'por* Electric TnuaVcys b p.e. t»L,VOt v«= Spore Mamcipal p.< 51,57b,00i. P»r Spore Mttn. 4H p.* of 1307 *1,000,C00 P.t. tilat S'por« Man- 4'-i p.t of 1309 f1,000,000 II p.* dii Spore lion. 4Vi p.s. of XSOB $1,000,000 II p.e. dl* Spore
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    • 364 7 Praarr an. Co. aud l.yall and Evstt'e Qaotatkwa. To-day's Price*. Fra»er Lyali Co F>att A!l«nby ($1) 0.33 0.15 6.25 Xlcr Gajah <?1) <V.>o l.tV) 0.90 I.JO Ar... M*l»> ls2i 2.00 1.c.0 2.00 A HiUm <*5) 8.66 B.M A. Kar.inj <$1) I.OC 1.00 A. Molek ($J V ll» t.OO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 NOTICE W. S. FRASER BUILDING CONTRACTOR, t-b, Malacca Street, Singapore. Undertakos all jobs large or small repairs, alterations, additions, painting or colourwashing. Write or call. OTQUDNE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la Ja»aa) NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. MO MI CHESTS WINDOW GLASS 2 M M GLASS LATEX CUPS, *tc. Kindly refer to
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    • 82 7 Sunbeams THE 1920 TODRIST TROPHY WINNERS SUNBEAM 3«/ 2 HP. MOTOR CYCLES arc littid with DBTACHABLE AND LNTRnCHANGEABLB WHEELS. PATENT LEAF SPRING VOBK, CHAIN TRANSMISSION B»NTUy:LY ENCLOSE!} IN OIL BATH CHAIN CASE EFFICIENT MUDGUARDS. The Sunbeam Three*Spe«d Countershaft Gear is the best of ita kind there are no sliding pinions
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    • 733 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE MAN IN A TRANCE. Sunday nicht, Liberty Hall. TO I.XT, office No. 3-b, Malacca Street. For particulars, apply Meyer Brothers. TO LMi'i, Meood floor, 1-b, Kadl«« wu»j bright and airy office. Apply ground f.uo BOARU~AND LODGlNTiravailable in privaic fmuly, oir Orchard Rcud, It miaau Irjm town. Aiiply
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    • 471 7 VICTORIA THEATRE J GRAND OPENING NIGHT 9.1S THE WORLDS MASTKIS MAGICIANS 4#^LPm lliilillv rfl Mi Bj K\'l" I K K ]1\ I'EKFOKMANCK r«-nir;ht you will witness the most wonderful that ever came to the K:i-i. Tons of gorgeous coslunie. 1 scinic elfe;l* and .spectacular illu-iims. i'hc most sensatinnal tlieatrical evrnl
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  • 1161 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 IRELAND. When the Irish peace proposals were mooted wa v.nturcd to express doubt as to whether they would bo of any use. We had a suspicion at the back of our minds that a truce was arranged in order to avoid the occurrence of
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  • 15 8 The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act 1920 is now applicable to the Straits Settlements.
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  • 45 8 British claimants are notified that th.> period within which claims against German nationals may be accepted has been further extended and will expire on September ."SO, 1921. After that -tate no claims under Article 29(> of the Treaty of Peace with Germany will be accepted.
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  • 51 8 According to the 1920 report of the Java-China-Japan Line, the competition of Japanese and American Shipping Board vessels seriously affected the company. The violent fluctuations in the rate of the Mexican dollar had a disturbing effect on business life in Eastern Asia. A dividend of 15 per cent, has been
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  • 79 8 lt is believed that the appeal by the Crown against the decision in what i 3 known as the Merlimau case will, in. all probability, be heard in the Court of Appeal in the early part of October next. The question is of the first degre? of importance to practically
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  • 13 8 tfidnight on August S] is the date of the termination of the war.
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  • 11 8 The, Singnpore. har beea rfgi. tered under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 18 8 Sii* Ernest Shackleton is due to »tart on the Quest from London on his third Polar expedition to-day.
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  • 18 8 The Assißtant Officinl Assignee, Singa pore i:; to bi« Assisting Registrar of Com pani(.- f i r Singapore.
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  • 25 8 Members of the Mutual Improvement Association are reminded that a special faMtal meeting will bo held to-morrow at their club house at 2.45 p.m. sharp.
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  • 21 8 The Singapore mail did not arrive in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning until 9..V7 owing to an. engine failur: at Rengam. Johore.
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  • 30 8 The M.M. branch line steamer Haiphong is expected here from Saigon on Monday, at 10 a.m. She will tail for Saigon on Thursday morning, the 25th inst., at 7 a.m.
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  • 50 8 The British Consul General at Bangkok states that accerding to a report from the Capt. of H.M.S. Jane Thale, the black and white can buoy at Goh Lan has disappeared. Further notice will be given when the rock has been aiarinMl again. Position Approximately Lai VZMS, V, Long 100.17.."i. K.
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  • 61 8 The American Consul at Colombc Mr. Robert L. Keiser, exp.cts to be leaving Ceylon abcut the first week in September. Mr. Keiser, it is understood, has been promoted to a higher grade la the American Consular Service, and assigned to a more responsible pest. Mr. Marshall M. Vance, American Career
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  • 70 8 At the last meeting of the Kuala I.umpur Sanitary Board, M*r. Khoo Keng Hooi drew attention to the QMM statement which appeared in on. 1 of the Kuala Lumpur newspapers recently that upwards of 1.000 houses in Kuala Lumpur are vacant. Thechairman replied that he thowght the stnte-t.-int v •>;.•
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  • 84 8 The P. and O. Nagpui* put into Colombo Harbour on August with a rather serious fire in her bunk°rs. She was guing from Bombay to Calcutta via Madras, and had no intention of calling at Co! u ::i'oo an rout?, but in consequence of the fire was 'ompcllel to make
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  • 86 8 The Xetherland Oversea Trade Co. at The BagM in 1920 extended its capital from FL 1 „100,000 to PL 2,500,000. The trade in colonial produce iiad in the second half of that year io contend with groat lifficulti^s. The rf.mpar.v did not sutFer nny heavy losses, however, and did a
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  • 86 8 ihiro coiiiniencd in the Supivme Court, -\uala Lumpur, on August 17, before the H->r.. Justice L. M. Wei dward a will MM of interest to Malays, in wr.i h property .alue.l at ?560,000 is involved. Tlu plaintiff is Saida binta Abobakor and the defendents are Haji Abdul Ranmsn bin Haji
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  • 121 8 Morris, a FlevuUu Office.' ()f the J^ombay Customs, and Dcn.iison, a European residing at Colaba in Bombay, have bc^n arrested in connection which the murder on the railway lir,2 between Igatpuri ami Pechora of a railway pay clerk ami !ii< peon. Morris was hrst arrested at Igatpuri, and it was
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  • 125 8 A R.don message of Jufy 19 states that Sir Ross Smith, the aviator, has been appointed Australian expert on the special bcird which will prepare a concrete .;cheme for empire airship communications. Eritain and Australia being taken as a typical case, the experts propose to examine eveiy phase, including primary
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  • 139 8 Pronounced dead 1 by two well-known Colombo doctors Mr. Baron dv I.ivra, of the Anchorage, Station Road, Wellawatte, was paid aU ihe customary attentions due to a deceased person. His, feet and hands were tied in the usual way, his eyes were closed, and it not until two
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  • 411 8 Mr. P. A. F. David is granted leave of absence f<:r six months. The Hon. Mr. O. F. Stonor and '.Mrs Stonor are staying at The Box, on Taipir.t Hill. Capt. .1. F. Ilennansen, formerly of the Nan Steam Navigation Co., 1,t<1., lr\s .■settled down in Tacoma,
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  • 56 8 Tie following passengers are leaving Sffigapoffe by th.- X.Y.K. steamer Kleist for London tc-morrow morning Mr. and Mrs. A. E. i.aver, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Pay and Miss Van Ray, Mrs. U J. SimpMO, Messrs. C. Ho-arth, G. J. A. Justement, M. C. H. Motte, D.
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  • 55 8 It is officially announced that Urn following receiving orders have been made Yong Kee and Co., traders .»f Malabar Str;et Clioo Lam and Co., traders, of Telok Ayer Street Chop Lam Soon, tndk i of Beach Road Kg Siang Sung, trader, of Xorth Bridge Road aivd Wong Sow
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  • 165 8 Thi? case in which two former coolies of the Botanical Gardens, Mahalingain and Kandasamy, were charged with assaulting Mr. J. W. Horn, assistant Curator, on June "0 last, concluded before Mr. B. Nunn, District Judge, this morning. His Worship recalled Mr. Horn
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  • 183 8 The marriasre took place on July 11, at Holy Trinity Church, Bronip Mr. Victor Harry Jones, 14th Kimr'* Hussars, second son of Mr. H. D. C., Hongkong and Shanghai liank, London, and Mrs. Jones, 7, Hanoverterracj?, Regent's Park, and Emily Charlotte (Milly), rtrttlt daughter of Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 116 8 ii^_'m Races W. BRANDISH, Jun\ on his ROVER did the most Consistent Lap Times as the followinv. Igsraa show LAP No. TIME 1 44 mins. 31 sees. 2 14 41 > 46 6 (fill up petrol, etc.) 44 32 5 4G 3 (fill up petroh etc.) 6 44 40 A
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    • 168 8 ALHAMBRA To-nlfht mt 7.J0 pjn. Path**' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE IS }.\>\*o Irs or 31 reels FMtoricg Jnanita Hnm, Wtrntr OUnd knd Harry SemcU K..i .■<..(<.•.( 7 «nd m UNG OF HIAMONDS [*%«>«rl»g Il«r:-y T. Morcy and Betty Blythe) Parts \c»v Harold I.lpyd Comedy 2 VI:. iHMI'INC INTO BROADWAY 2
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  • 487 9 Mr. Lloyd George on Japan's Loyalty. Rei-ter Telegrams. London, August 18. In the House of dommons Mr. Lloyd George, reviewing the Imperial Coherence, dwelt on Japan's loyal interpretation of tlie alliance enabling us to guarantee j the transport of overseas troops, which otherwise would have been impossible. As
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  • 86 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 18. Stockholm The Interparliamentary Union Conference was opened in the Kiksdag by the President, Lord W.eardale. After the Prime Minister, M. von Sydow,' had welcomed the members, six vicepresidents were appointed, including Mr. Nakanishi, representing Japan. A resolution proposed by the United States' representative,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 94 9 Reutek Telegram. London, August 18. In the House of Commons, questioned as to how the League of Nations proposes to enforce its decrees with regard to the discouragement of illicit opium in countries like China and Persia, Mr. Shortt replied that the League was entrusted with the
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  • 344 9 Conference Between Poles And Germans. Reutxr Telegrams. London, August 18. Berlin It is reported from Kattowitz that the prospects of reconciliation be- tween the contending parties in Upper 'Silesia are indicated as a result of the conference between leading German industrialists and representatives of the Polish parties, at
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  • 70 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 18. Washington The committee of the National League of Wtomen Voters called at White House and asked President Harding to appoint a woman member to the American delegation at the Disarmament Conference. Upon departing they quoted Mr. Harding as saying that he was most
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 53 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 18. i D»il Kircann met in secret session tod«y. London, August 18. i Owing to the uncertainty of the Irish 'situation Parliament is not being pro-, rogucd, but both Houses are adjourning to- morrow until October 18, the Speaker having power to summon a meeting
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  • 55 9 Reutek Telegram. London, August 18. A number of the leading London brokers have circularised shareholders of > i übb.r companies suggesting the formation of an association to protect shareholders' interests in view of the serious crisis through which the industry is passling, and the possibility that many
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  • 38 9 Riutes Telbgkah. London, August 18. The first station of the Imperial wireless chain, erected at Oxford, was opened to-day by the Postmaster-General, who sent a i message of greetings to all British sta'tionx within ran'cr. t
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  • 146 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 18. The Financial News Paris correspondent quotes the Agencc Economique et Financiere as stating that the last business year of the SocietO <!u Pacifique resulted in a loss exceeding 50,000,000 francs, of which 45,000.000 is exploitation loss. The loss exceeds threequarters of the capital,
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  • 55 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 18. After a strike lasting eight months, which has incalculably injured a number of industries, the shipyard joiners arc resuming on a basis of an immediate reduction of wages by 6s. a week and a further reduction of l>s. in October, with a
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 332 9 Penanß Insp. Appeals Against Judgment. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penar.g, August 19. The case Bartels v. the Crown, was commenced before a full Court of Appeal at Penang on Thursday. The appeal was heard before Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw, and Justices Whitley and Branch. The case was
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  • 58 9 Heavy Loss of Life Near Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, August 19. The Eastern Shipping Company* steamer Perlis, which left Trang on Wednesday, has been wrecked off Pu!> Pisang. Six of the crevr, out of a total of 37, have been saved. The Perlis was of
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  • 84 9 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended August ti was 35.10. The total number of deaths was 271 of which 198 were male subjects and 7.3 female. Convulsions claimed 24, phthisis 38, malaria fever 31, dysentery 16. bcri-beri 19, pneumonia 24,
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  • 856 9 The Bankruptcy of a Well Known Merchant. Yesterday, before Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, the public examination in bankruptcy was commenced of Low Teng Leng general merchant of Robinson Road, and who carried on a large business at Chop Guan Chin Hong in Robinson Road. The bankrupt,
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  • 189 9 Messrs. Lewis and Peat report Singapore, August 19. The tone of the market has continued dull and the tendency is on the lower side. The demand from the trade seems to have 'slackened and a quicker decline would, no doubt, have taken place, had it not been
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  • 1832 9 The Peer and the Prime Minister. By Our Special Correspondent. London, July 22. The angry and rather rude leader in The Times about the Prime Minister nnd the Foreign Secretary, to which I referred briefly last week, has not been allowed to pass unnoticed in high quarters. That
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  • 105 9 The Resident Engineer, Johore Causeway, Johore Bahru, forwards the following information The construction of the causeway is being carried on from both sides of the Straits simultaneously, and the underwater portions of the work have now been brought up to a level which constitutes them a danger to
    105 words
  • 54 9 The engagement il announced of the Marquis of Northampton to Lady Emma Thynne. This recalls the famous case in which the Marquis of Northampton was ordered to pay i' 30,000 as damages fur a breach of promise to the actress Daisy Marksan. Lady Emma Thynne, is the second daughter of
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  • 990 10 Disposal of the Canteen Property. A meeting was held in the Drill hall on Auj'" t IT ti> consider the questions of the disposal of the Canteen property I the custody of the Corps photographs and the disposal of funos. The following w;re present W. MakeV. ace int.
    990 words
  • 18 10 Arrun Being niadv by the nmittee "f thr I\.i. rated tn welJohngon mi lii forth(oiniiiK arrival in Ceylon.
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    • 184 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It would be interesting if youwould oblige many members of the community with some more details profes-| sion, etc. of the gentlemen who have, this week, luen appointed to tin- commission to enquire into the causes, etc., of trade
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    • 590 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. j Sir,— H's letter of the 6th inst., ap-! pearing in your columns of the 9th, j rightly expresses his belief in the inevitable massacre of the innocent shareholders who trusted their savings to the directors of this ill-fated concern.
      590 words
  • 50 10 A post-card, posted seven years ago at Liverpool, has just been delivered at Castlcton, mar atetataie. It bears an official stamp showing the time of postage was 10. IT) p.m.. July 3, 1914. Tt had (lily ;i halfpenny stamp affixed, and the recipient has I. in ■urcbarcvd twopence e\tr;> postage,
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  • 1408 10 The Secretary of State Under Criticism. The fifth annual general meeting of Scudai Limited, was held yesterday at the registered offices of the company, 64, 65 and tiG Market Street. Mr. J. M. j Sime took the chair in place of the Hon. j I>r. Lim Boon Keng
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  • 325 10 The Director of Agriculture Shoots Himself. The following further details of this .tragedy are now available in a Madras message dated August 8 I regret to announce the death of Mr. G. A. D. Stuart 1.C.5., the Director of Agriculture, Madras. Mr. Stuart was suffering from
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  • 317 10 Determined Attack on Age Old Ritual. China continues to change, with chameleon facility having in mind a sort of worn and leisurely chameleon. The kinema, chewing gum, cigarettes ar.d Paris garters and meny another ulicn innovation have been adopted with such bpeed and lack of d!s.°ent that they
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  • 61 10 Tli.- debate in the Reichstag on the supplementary estimates for the German navy tendnl to show that an organisation capable of rapid expansion in case of war is being retained. It wrs brought to lifcht that the personnel of the naval administration (apart from tM staffs at the naval bases
    61 words
  • 270 10 Application for Committal Order Dismissed. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice Brown, the assistant Official Assignee and Mr. Dudley Parsons applied by motion to have K. Hadjee Kader Tamby committed to prison for such term not exceeding three months as the Court thought tit for failing to
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  • 355 10 Danger nf Breaking Its Bank And Making New Channel. Following an inspection of the bank protection works of the Yellow River in Shantung. Mr. Z. Y. Chow, Chief Technical Expert of the Ministry of the Interior at Peking, has submitted a report upon their present condition and
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  • 94 10 Chefalo and Palermo, who op--n at the' Victoria Theatre tb-night, must not, we are told, be confused with the usual fifteen minutes sleight-of-hand entjrtainers. They and their company of ten artists embrace the whole gamut of the art, with lons if scenery, costumes and effects. Mdlle. Palermo changes
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  • 122 10 Ov. Sunday night during hi.*, performance at the Liberty Hall, Albeit Morrow, hypnotist, will place a man in a trance for a period of twenty-four hours. The man' will be first hypnotised and then Morrow will suggest that he remains asleep for twenty-four hours. The subject
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  • 125 10 1 1 Lieut.-Gcneral Sir David Henderson, X.C.8., X.C.V.0.. D.5.0., whose death is .reported by a Reuter wirr> from Londin, date August 18, was the Director-General of the League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva. He was born in 1862 and was the son of the late Mr. David Henderson of Glasgow.
    125 words
  • 457 10 GAUNT CUP. Nejfri Kcmbilan's Representative. The final of the* competition tt decide NcK'i Sembiian's representative in the Gaunt Cup competition was piayed on Thursday at the Sungei Ujong Club between J. .S. Johnston*; and H. A. S. Christophers, .lohnstone won <> 1, 6 3, though tht
    457 words
  • 384 10 Claims of non-Drahmins To Posts Under Government. I At tht Madras Legislative Council meeting en August 5 a resolution was moved that officers authorised to make appointments to the public service should give preference to non-Brahmins until a propo.ti(.n of at lea.- 1 <><> per cent, is
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  • 41 10 I'p>rr»mnie if Drills, etc., for week ending WedHesilay. August 24, VJ'il Saturday, 20th.— S p.m., Drill Hall, S.F.A. Company. Monday, 22nd BJS p.m., Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill. Wednesday, 24th.— .V15 p.m., Drill Hall. Chinese Company (Musketry).
    41 words

  • 1049 11 KnightoftheAirHadaCharined Life. We had come to think that nawner could not be killed, wrote Majoi^ Turmr to the Daily lelegraph; after Hawker was killed at Hendon on July IS. He seemed, to lead a charmed lif?, and one might almost say he seemed to rely upon it and
    1,049 words
  • 957 11 A Return to Primitive Methods In Wales. (.oai was actually being obtained from mines opened in backyards and gardens by out-of-work colliers at Ponkey and Rhosllanerchrugog, in East Denbighshire, last month. These large mining villages are situated on the hillside overlooking the valley alone which tho Wrexham
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  • 130 11 In court ptONVdipcs for the attachment! of a limousine valued at 5,000 guineas Ik--| longing to Ueiupsey for alleged breach ofi contract over v moving picture drama' eooaael for applicant said neither Dempsey' nor Kcariu, his manager, had ewr taken enoujrn interest in the affairs of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 172 11 MOUTRI E PIANOS are still the most popular in the &ist SThe same bi*h quality U maintained bui o/ rtICESHAVE 4 Co/ BEEN REDUCED This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK 5«-nd to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE ft CO.. LTD. (laeorporsM Homgkoag.) Raffles Place, StNQAPORB Crossley
      172 words
    • 369 11 Raffles Hotel 1 1 MONDAY.— Tea Dansant, 5 to 7 p.m. (Admission tree). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Muiical Programme after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Erenmg Dress «ssutlal fti Dancing). FRIDAY. Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY. Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dr«si «ss«ntlal Dancing). PICTURES Sunday, August 21, at 9.30 p.m. "BEARS
      369 words

  • 440 12 NolaMe Abandonment of A Precedent. w -jch-markingr event recorded in the Tokio press is that on a recent occasion His Majesty the Emperor of Japan proceeded from the palace to the Tokio railway station in a motor car without the usual ceremony and precautionary measures. His
    440 words
  • 375 12 Enterprise of Straits-Born Chinese. We, Finance and Commerce, have always believed in the possibilities of i development in Hainan, that wellj favoured islar.d at the toe of the province of Kwangtung. During recent year considerable progress has been made in certain directions, and it is to the
    375 words
  • 129 12 It is a curious coincidence, says a home paper, that, with railway decontrol imminent, Sir Eric Geddes thinks there is a prospect of lower fares. Or, rather, it is not a coincidence at all. As the business clement begins to reassert itself in railway management there is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 KIAM KIAT STANDS tor ATISFACTORY ERVICB Do not worry, w*a will Help you. <^CME> DOT EMBOSSED Box Strapping IN CONTINUOUS LENGTH COILS OF SOO FEET Made of flexible, cold rolled tteel, lacquered to prevent mating and unboned to protect the head of the nail. The edget are rounded to prevent
      213 words
    • 356 12 Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheets best substitute for Corrugated Iron, having all its advantages, none of its disadvantages, and does not rnst. Asbestos Cement Flat Sheets, Slates and Tiles the ideal roofing and building material for all types of buildings in tropical climates. INITIAL COST ONLY COST Samples and full particular*
      356 words
    • 44 12 iSbslkl^ Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED BfIRKER&zCXJXia Engineering Department OFFICE 6, BATTERY FtOAD. HEW GARAGE FOR STORING. CLEANING, AND REPAIRING Motor Lorries NORTH BKIUOB ROAD, ELOIN BRIDGE 50 Yards from HIGH STREET Lambert Butler GARRICK BX ■•20i|||||| per tin I"/ VIRGINIA CIGARETTES
      44 words

  • 489 13 Patient Apparently an April Fool. As ar. exponent of the healing art, Hans Terblanche, a coloured man, is far from being up to date judging by the story which, says the Central News Johannesburg correspondent, was told in the Scmerset East Magistrate's Court, where he was remanded on
    489 words
  • 355 13 Large Enough to Accommodate The Mauretania. I The new extention of the Royal Vie-] j toria and Albert Docks system, which the King opened with such ceremony the other day is the largest work yet un- 1 deriaken by the Port of London Authority and some idea
    355 words
  • 165 13 With £20,000 given by an anonymous donor an Institute of Historical Research' has been eratcd in Malet Street, near the British Museum, and valuable work is to be conducted there under the auspices of the University of London. Declaring: tha building open, last month Mr.
    165 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 259 13 PIE/WAYS ANNUAL $AIE GREAT SPECIALITY WEEK. Remarkable Price Cutting Offers ■"-*%>. 300 DOZEN C\VWHP*T L r K«i Bordered, Fringed *rr-*=SSsp- I TURKISH TOWELS. (ikl!\l CLEARANCE Ol TIKS. |m *M9k In all the latest designs and colours. jp cd raEL 18 Paisley patterns, cnecks. spots, m stripes, figured designs and in
      259 words
    • 534 13 !?iR^MRC2'S »-fe OUAUTV »^-©fcoMQMv c c HOI HO HONG [o[ 61. Kling St. JVI "»pt COMPANY W'f lpllone 352 f BY TEST THE BEST. WHAT 18 THE CORDITIOI \m 8F YGUR HAIR? Ashpt tke Pepular Benefldal "Hariaw HaJr-DrilL" Balr-Cro !r< and Halr» ■s— Ujimg Omfiis FBEB I* AA P"» are
      534 words
    • 159 13 TO MOTOR CAR OWNEM When next your ear it oat of order either dne to Tjre troobla. Battery, Dynamo, Eleetrie starter. Magneto, Valrei, or Bearings, etc., >end it to The Patent Patehquiek Co., who hare Us Plant and Experience to tackle all kinds of Repair. A f*«4 sound Job— No
      159 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 840 14 SALES BY AUCTION cwLAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BT ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS. fte Udanlgned have received instructions to sell by public auction (if not previously sold by private treaty) at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place on a date to be notified
      840 words
    • 323 14 We are meantime translating the Chi- &s£a^ nese History Seeh CV^V^^ Jin Quee" Cheng Say )»«^asv from Chinese charac- f\. (W^bbHsbw ters into Romanised li.. cffit-.ffY complete set eon- !mV^ tains 10 books for BVL^V^mV $9. Nos. 1 to 3 are W^^sssmV now ready. Those A|B who are willing to
      323 words
    • 652 14 Assets over $4,000,00« S.C. AMwance in force over $17,000,009 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. CfaooTfwtatec la Strait. Settlements) BEAD OFFICE I Winchester Hease, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE U, Old Jewry, E.C, The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court ef England and eompliss with the British Life Assurance
      652 words
    • 438 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANE (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANS.) EsUblished ;S6S. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,006 (abooi iS.000,000). ISSUED AND Fl. 65,(K0,000 (abom PAID UP *4,585,000). RESERVE FUND Fl. 48,000,000 (abom f5,585,000). HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kf'j* Mcdan, Soerabaya, Samarang, Bandoeng Weitevreden, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongar Probolinggo, Tjilatjap,
      438 words
    • 488 14 BAWKIWQ THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Imperial Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed Y 80,000,000 Capital Paid-up T45.000.000 Reserve Fnnds 710^80,000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President 8. Mori, Eaq. DIRECTORS S. Minaml, Esq. T. Hisamane, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. K. Morinage, Esq. M. Esaki, Eaq. T. Ikeda, Esq.
      488 words
    • 368 14 BAHKW9 BANK VOOR INDIE (Incorporate! in Holland) Authorised Capital F 50,000,00s Paid np Capital Fl. 12,500.00* Head Office at BAT/ VIA Offices i SOESABAIA, SEMARANG, AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, THK HAGUB. Every description of banking business transacted. H. W. WEYLSR, sUaatei ■«SURANO£ COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. > (Incorporated in England) 'iFire,
      368 words

  • 403 15 Shanghai Health Commissioner's; Advice. The Report of the Acting Con er of Public Health at Shangh.-u i.>r the month of June includes the following j A few remarks on personal hygiene, I thcuph rather of the nature of platitudes, I m-ty not be out of place.
    403 words
  • 383 15 Where Caesar May Have Crossed The River. The members of the London and Mid- I i dlcsex Archaeological Society visited I Mviial places of interest on Thames biu' the other afternoon under the guidance*"*Mr. Arthur Bonnor, F.SJV. Thf print of call was Walton Parish which, Mr Bor.ner explained,
    383 words
  • 178 15 The decision of the London County (ouncil to reduce the number of teachers from 9^o to 000 was severely criticized at i the 21st conference of the London Teachers Association recently at which Mr. Walter bharman, the president, occupied the chair. ,411-. J. Litt said the shortage
    178 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 251 15 THE SEBVIjEjIGN AVERAGE SALES FOR LAST 9 MONTHS 70 CARS. Why are we selling these large number of Fords in these times of depression Because it is the only car which can satisfy the present day call for economy and is cheapest in first cost and the most economical to
      251 words
    • 459 15 BttiuflUGNAN I lilltu I Wfe aHuV ''.ma iBW T**^l^ MOTOR CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE AOENTS FOR S.S. and F.M.S. Dupire Bx»os. Qualis' Motor Transport Co, •Pho.c SM. for COMFORTABLE CARS AND LORRIES FOB HJKH DAT AND NIGHT SPECIAL CHARGES .'or Plealc •aUafa, noatUj kirw wU m«lai
      459 words
    • 34 15 IVSangeodine Owing to rise in price of chemicals we are obliged to raise the price of Mangeodine from 80 cents to $L We hope our patrons will not grudge to pay this amaU Increase.
      34 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 397 16 INew Shipments Just Arrived •f *UrU Daplex Die Plates for Pipes to screw V* in to IH IsParts Daplex Die Plates for Pipes to screw I in. to I in. little Giant Screw Plate* for Pipe* to screw V. in. to 1 in. SJasiMliiii V English Make Gas Thread Stocks
      397 words
    • 482 16 TAY GUAN KIAT It, PHILLIP BTBZCT. Pfceae Nee. lilt aaa 1114. The saccessfal contractor for sapply sf FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC. to the Singapore Manicipalltr dariai the year I*2l. GLOBE BOILBK EBMaTOT For clearing acd preserving steam tellers of all type. Used by all factories,, etc., and
      482 words
    • 915 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wanta, For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary dose-set type (srerage six words to line) are Per line one insertion 28 cts, two ma. 46 cv., throe ins. 64 cts, four ins. 82 eta, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      915 words
    • 971 16 VERTISEMENTS r Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary dose-set r line one insertion 28 cts, two ins. 46 c ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40, n ins. $1.87, 20 ins. $1.99, 28 ins. (1 month) ents of which the number of insertion* is nded and charged accordingly. A
      971 words
    • 519 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LIT, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co, 4, Do Sonaa Btreet. TO LEtTMi Kling Street. Apply to The Sxe Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co, Ltd. ~TO~~LET, offices and godown.l at Cross Street and Cecil Street, immediate entry. Apply F- Reuben, 2, De Souza
      519 words
    • 291 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd. Ilt-110, ORCHARD ROAD. Sol* Distributors of BELLANGER famous French Car All kinds of Repairs to Motor Cycle* Cars* sad Lorries executed. Cracked Cylinders, Crank-Cssee Gears am 4 broken parts of sll metals Welded. RELIABLE CARS AND LORRIES HIRED. Goods Transported from Ships, Goetowa* Private Houses, etc
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 200 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General < >* IS Manager's Office HIT Job Printing Office 1144 All commnnications relating 4e editorial matters and news ahc-ld j* aadreasac to THE EDITOR. AH eommun'.eaUoax relating to r>uflines« matters— advertis*. ments, Ri;b*criptioi.s, seconnte, printing etc.,_ abnuld be addressed te TK3 ADVERTISEMENT RATES
      200 words