The Straits Times, 17 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,718 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1921 PRICE 10 CENT&
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 132 1 c3 fir w 1 ilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUllllllllllllllH^^ lIIIIIIIIIIIIM HUM! **A» llliililllllltlllliiilirinriiilliiitil-iimt- >>>»>>>«>»»»»»♦» «>»>»>♦»>«>»»»«««» FRANKELS.Li j I j Furniture Manufacturers Importers I VICTORIA STREET, ALSO ORCHARD ROAD Beg to thank the public for their continued support -ANDbeg to announce the opening of a separat^xiepartment -AS I 1 AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS [STATE AGENTS. AX THEIR
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  • 928 2 Ho*? a Pure Thinker Thought It Out. Twenty-two years ago a tall, goldenbearded young tramp, speaking half a doz.n languages and reading twice as many, pitched his tent on the Cotswold Hills above this town, writes a special correspondent of the Daily News from StrouJ, Gloucestershire. He
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  • 93 2 Two ntw corridor trains, especially equipped for serving light refreshments at a moment's notice, are being built for the London and South-Western Railway. Painted a deep sage green, each train will consist of five coaches "firsts" and thirds," 67 ft. long 9 ft. wide. Electric
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  • 38 2 I Mr. N. Williams, a passenger from Singapiire to Hongkong by the Japan, lost from hi* cabin on the ship's arrival in port on July 28, a tin-lined box containing a kinema machine, and Bev«ral rolls of films.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 370 2 i*a v^! M and it's so splendid to see you getting strong again so quickly" What could be more gratifying to a woman burdened l>y ill-health, than to feel she is getting strong again— what a relief, after that depression and weakness, to experience a delicious feeling of renewed health,
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    • 672 2 BBftTMAM-a y-rola M Youir «kir, /ttaad M Cor. plexior, O& rola. It •»»<tiiiiil»""r I «nGV^ aS- B ro««hn»., reduuM t»T IT *W ■I imvAtK.b etc tii-it i« < i«i..,i I lufit'^i"" 1 -*-*h IS YOUR BABY HEALTHY? HERE IS A TEST. Happinesa is a sign of health in babies, if
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    • 232 2 10 H.P. CITROeiJ OAR Hi* •xcellence of French •ntomobll* tagin—rUkt b»» k«M known and agreed by expert* fb. Citru.n n tbi >«ka«irM|«4 t>«*t of thia school of production. i thu remarkable Car— eompar* it with any ottm Ufbi mn» "arfcet. Uke a demoostratioD ride— drive it youraelf t( roi Ukt
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  • 897 3 Accepted at Baghdad as King Of Iraquas. A Simla message of July 27 slates that the Associated Press special correspondent wires from Baghdad on July 26 giving details of the Emir Feisul's arrival and reception at Baghdad and other places. The Emir Feisul reached Basra on June 23
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  • 124 3 A telegram from Lion City, lilinoia, USA., says that Sarah Johnson, acred 21. ->f Wir.thron Harbour, near Lion City ia in •;uol, and will be tried for a triple violation of the Modest Dress Ordinance. Mrs. Johnson wsb arrested as fhe stepped from a train by
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  • 43 3 The holiday rush at home continues. The public, accustom pH for six years to restriction, are bewildered now by the flood of travel facilities. The railway companies arp restoring the pre-war excursions, week-end trips, restaurant ears, advance booking and numerous other pre-war privileges
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 464 3 g^gw H H VV BKIS3 \^jj? Ih tv i^i» Jku*' '^A awß COUGHS Soon Yield to Veno's Lightning Cough Cure. There is nothing like Veno's Lightning Cou^h Care (or those hard bronchitis coughs that strain your »Ik.!ij body, and hurt so much that you are afraid to cough hi all.
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    • 519 3 1 BS^ EVEKYBOUY NEEDS SUFFERERS from the throat, chest and lung ailments so prevalent in Far Eastern climates, g*in speedy relief through Peps. You simply divest Peps of their silver wrapping and dissolve the tablets in your mouth. Your breath carries the Pine vapours and other merncinal essences, which are
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    • 730 3 NOTICES KAMPONG KUANTAN CLUB KUALA SELANGOR. Annual (Tee Vai) Tennis Tournament wil b» held this year on September 10, 11 and IS 1. All Comers Open Singles for a Cu| presented by G. N. W. Oliver Eaq and the following Handicap Events 2. Mens Singles A. 8. Mens Singles B.
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    • 383 3 NOTICES NOTICE Hasan. Fraser A Neave, Ltd., have pleaore in announcing to their numerous cusomers in Johore that they have decided, wing to the increased demand for their eaters, and ia the bast interests of all unearned, to open a Depot in Johore Bharu. ta from August 8. All orders
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 892 4 oTEaMER SMUWS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England)' MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY arc at present saspcaded LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dae
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    • 746 4 STEAMER SAIUN6S STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. UMITBD Steamers lacwaded to aall from Slagaaere KINTA -Monday, 4 p.m, for Port Swettenhsri and Penang. HYE LEONG— Monday, at 4JI pa)., foi Malacca and Muar. KAKA— Tuesday, at 1 10 p.m, far Maleeea and Muar. IPOH— Wednesday, at 4 pji, for Port Swettenham and
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    • 53 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LIRE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK VIA SUEZ. Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 25 rkreagh Bills ef Ladlag Issacd treat Stage PCM to tke Prtaslpal Citle. el Ike DaHed Mate* aad Cease* Fat rirth.i laiermatie* a* to Batoa, aaaly to TBB BOBEBT DOLLAR CO, Ne. 117-111, Market Street. I
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    • 405 4 STEAMER SAIUNfiS^ 0. S. K. THE OSAKA BHOBKN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated In Japan) No. 2, D« Soaia Straat. rupnii Sailing fro* 9lnr»por« (Subject to change without no tic*) EUROPEAN LINE For Port Said. Mar«ellle*. Loadoa, Aatwarp, Rotterdam and Hamburg •rr. dtp. HIMALAYA MARU Aug. 27 Aug. 2» ALASKA MARU Sept.
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    • 349 4 STEAMER SfIHJWt NIPPON YIStN (Ueorpormt* In") l.«> IUII C*r»et wltfc tk. ftntUi »obj»«» »lt»r»tioni with»»l LONT>ON UNB F.rtnlf htljr B*rrl<W rw Llii--. A«tw*rp (MaUccm) P«buA flligV- Sm Port teM tad KmrwitlM. CLEIST mSHIMA MABU BADO MARU B*»t 7 LITKBPOOL UNI MMtkij B.m« HAMBUBG UNB tm Lw<i» »»<l Haakui tU Moathlj
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 586 5 STEAMER SAILINGS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE Dnder Contract with the French Government Mall sad Paaaeager Serricc* ■fflrtrV MARSEILLE* IHR MtyTTBN IERVICR lOMKWARD MAILS Ol TWARD MAILS l« Marseilles via Coloarbo, I To Japan via Saigon, Haiphoag, n J lh "»«<. P»rt Said HoiiKkong and Shanghai ""•TUns ifIOOO tons Aug. 21
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    • 200 5 IODWELL LINE FOR NEW YORK DIRECT VIA SUEZ r ,m r^STLF end Ac, EGREMONT CASTLE end Sept. KENDAL CASTLE mid. Oct WRAY CASTLE mid. Not. via Panama. For freight, please apply to :«TER&ON, SIMONS CO, LTD, Agesta PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICI FOR BOSTON AND NEW
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    • 508 5 STEAMER SAILINGS s.s. GLENARIFFE, AUGUST 11, ltll Consignees of cargo per the above steame' from Europe are hereby notified that r general survey of all cargo landed in damaged condition will be held on Fridaj August 19, in Godowns Nos. 4 and 6, a 8 s.m. No further survey will
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    • 256 5 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) aad CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) s.s. KEEMUN AND s.s. GLAUCU3 FROM LIVERPOOL. Consignees of cargo per the above steamers ■re hereby informed that survey of broken and damaged packages will be held as follows s.s. Keeraun,
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    • 152 5 JUNE 1921 MOTOR CYCLE SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY RACE ISLE OF MAN Ihe "Trusty Triumphs" again demonstrate their efficiency and speed. Of 24 machines which finished the race, 6 were TRIUMPH'S, gaining 4 Gold Medals. EDMOND created a record lap time, 40 mins. 8 sees, or 66.4 miles per hour. BREAKING
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 753 6 CINEMAS "GAIETY" CINEMA THURSDAY LAST NIGHT I Of the great Drury Lane mWo rjinatic success, produced by M >URICE TOURNEUR THE WHITE HEATHER By Cecil Rsleigh aud Henry Hamilton. A paramount artcraft special in six parts TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME At 7.30 "The Brass Bullet" earial, Episodes 1 1 12, 18 and
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    • 186 6 ENTERTAINMENTS MMAI OPERA OF KNGAPOBB At their entirely new Beyrouth Theatre opposite th* Gaylsn* Police Station, Gay lang- Road. To-sl fh t I To-alg» t PANJI ASMARA RaY AU »H.a. Macs lasasgst Propri.Ui i TTX/TQPWIS R 1K w I Jjf I fTI \_ji %-~4[ 32 volts. ELECTRIC LIOHTINO SET tbltdUU
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    • 136 6 (n preparation a New Chinese Play entitled PAT POHS<O*G (The Treasure Box) Watch for the Grand Opening date THE STAR OPERA A Iks TWtr* BeyaJ, North Briigs teas Ts-aJffct I To-aJgM Khai'udin and Misses Sarah and Habebah take the title roles in a M .lay Comedy ZULME AZLUM K. H.
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    • 53 6 TROPICO HOOFINC Solt AgenU BaRKER&CO.LTD. Ready Stocks of ■JTAW.CT.tJI TWO three: French Roofing Tiles RIDOES— VENTILATORS— (II.AhS I 11.E3 Abundant ready stocks held by A. CLOUET CO. 7 Raffles Quay, Singapore PROVED BEST TILE for the TRDPICS Scnq Your Enquiries to, Ets BROSSARD MOPIN (in* in BJSMnI SINGAPORE OR DUPIRE
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  • 156 7 FIXTURES Wednradav. AagD't 17. High Water, 10.H2 a.m., 9.M p.m. S.V.C. Meeting, Drill Hall, 6.16 p.m. Tanglin Club at Homo, «.16 p.m. Tharsday, A«gu»« 18. High Water, 11.1 a.m., 10 29 p.m. Homeward B. I. mail closes. Outward mail due. Johorr Plant:-r«. Juhore Bahru, 10.30 p.m. Orchetm
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    • 97 7 «a« Wharf Basin N.I East Wharf Tara, Lake Gilpen. Sheers Wharf Ban H ..g Liong. Main Wharf Singkawang. Hakodate Maru. Empire Dork Kifunezan Maru No. 2, Ypres Maru, Hakata Maru, Ceylon Maru, Sandon Hall. Bate West Wharf Nil Jardines Wharf— Nil. Palo Kraai Coal Wharf. Nil.
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    • 56 7 48DANG, Siam., «M tons, from Bangkok IML f»r Bangkok 17-8. BAN TF.CK GUAM, 133 tons, from Indragiri lfi-K. for Indragiri 17-8. HONG KKAT. Hrit.. H tuns, from Malacca lf,S. for Malacca 17-8. PRODUCE, Nor.. 743 tons, from Bangkok l'".-h, for Bangkok 17-*. VAN DE CAPKLLE, Dut., 773 tons,
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  • 244 7 l«4as Port Sweitenham and Penanf 3 p.m. Saigon 3 p.m. JiruHT 8 pm Moar and Malacca S pm P. Sambo, Bawean, Sourabaya, Stagtn, Kota Karoe, Balik Papan and Samarinda 4 p.m. Batavia and Samaran* ..4 Pcnanc, Colombo, London, Liverpool and Antwerp .4 p.m Bangkok 4 p.m
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  • 136 7 Some grim stories of cruelty to stage animals were told by theatrical witness before Un- Select Committee on the proMMd IVi forming Animals Bill in the House of Commons on July 29. Witnesses declared that win n a !iun showed fight' a trident was jabbed into its chest
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  • 106 7 Some eight fishing boats returning to Colombo after fishing in the sea were rapfiwd wh"n approach. ng Dehiwala near Urn ri-< f. The fishermen being Rood swimmers swam to their canoes and clung to them, in the meantime the people on th.- shore discovering their plight prepared to jrive assistance
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  • 132 7 BXCHANGB. Singapore, August 17. On London, Bank 4 m/a i/ l 6 Demand 2/8 Private 3 m. credits On New York Demand Private «0 days *»t* On France Bank n On India Bank T. T. 107% Or Hongkong Bank d/d 20 px. prem. Oa Shanghai Bank d/d
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  • 45 7 DAILY PRICKS CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon, August 17, 1921. Ton* of mar ket Easier. lisfapore ?t*nd*i Psle Crepe Cloiinj Price* Buyer* S«U« ipot ■Dm Spot Sept. Oct.-Dec. Closing Pricti Buyer* S«Ilei 27 27' 27 hi 28 30 30'
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    • 175 7 1 1 Hitam Tta H! 1 l 1 Jelantoh £1 tl K»m Kamuntin* 1.17 I.M 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6-00 it ti Labat H>u«. 5 5 Lingui Tin 3.75 4^5 Id 10 Malayan Coll. 14.25 15.25 1 1 Mcnglcmbu 0.35 0.45 i> ii. Miauietot l»-"» 1 1 Murai Tin
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    • 118 7 Val. Pd. Buyer*. S«U«rv £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobmcco 8.0.0 1.10 .1 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.25 6.76 6/ 6/ Electric Twayi 10 10 Fraser Neavea 27.60 29.00 50 60 W. Hammer A Co. 80 90 IOOIOOKatz Bro*. Def. 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 4.15.0 6.5.0 10 10
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    • 93 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. lUS4.SOO isi I 14. |a Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £860,0 M sort Spore Municipal p-« $1,878,000 P*' Spore Man. 4% V*■ of 1907 $1,000,000 II p* di* Spore Man. 4H v* of 1909 $1,600,600 II p.*. aU Sport Man. 4H pi of 1909 $I,fiOO,OOC
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    • 382 7 Fraaer aa« Co. and LjraTJ and Eratt't Qae«atlaaa. uwt •••Uabl* sMrbBg QnUtiWM printed oa amothn mi* FlMiJ To-d^t Pric-. rraicr LfU A Co F.»atf Allenby ($1) 0.35 0.15 0.25 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.25 Am. Mala; {Ut 2.00 IM> 2.00 A Hitam ($5) 8.60 8.00 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 940 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT* WANTED, heaHhy young man to hour trance. Albert Morrow, Liberty Imll. WANTED SINGING LESSONS. Api>!y stating terms, etc., to 4J9, Strait., Time. BOARD AND EKSIDENCK, single and do>ihle rooms to let with board. Apply N. I. Ox ley Road. JAVA. BAZAK DODB, COMMERCIAL TKAVI-.LLFRS ARK INVITKD TO COMMUNICAR
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    • 35 7 MOTOR SPIRIT CYLINDER OILS DUNLOP TYRES Stocked Fxpre.<sly lor the Convenience of Tanglin Residents FROM JULY 11 Order books on Application. i Note The Address M. A. AHMED DIN BROTHERS (Regimental Bui Company; TANGLIN ROAD
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    • 209 7 NEVER SAY DYE, SAY TINTEXI THE EASTERN DEPOTS J AND AGENCIES, 1, Cairnhill Koad. Phone 1177. a Itintexl J NEVER SAY DYE, SAY ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a VICTORIA w TH-a^RE STARTING SATURDAY, 9.15, AUGUST 20 The World Greatest Magicians. w^ II \N ITH f^9 THEIR w^ J I ENTIRE J4 WORLD'S WONDER SHOW
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    • 570 7 We 0\ gmile though Times are bad I 'Phone 228 > f There is always a demand for Prompt Printing and every-day Stationery WE SUPPLY BOTH RIGKARD LIMITED 76 Cecil St. Singapore. IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE of very valuable baaiaeei anptfaaa in tk> centre of the Town in Cecil Street aatc
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  • 94 8 CORNELIUS.- On August 14, 1821, at Banda Hilir. Malacca, Miss Paulina Comeliua sister of the late Capt. Johannes Cornelius Aged 80. GOH.- -On Augim 17, 1921, at S2-3. Kerbau Road. Mrs. (ioh Keng Hock, beloved mother of Mcsem. Goh Lai Kiat. Goh Liii Mone, Goh Lai Mi:i. Goh Lai
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  • 1086 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 UPPER SILESIA. m The Supreme Council has concluded its sittings in Paris and the entente rordiale still remains. The mischievous prognostications of evil have not be.>n justified, and the decision to refer the matters at issue to the League of Nations is perhaps the
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  • 28 8 The battleship Dreadnought built fifteen yean ago at a cost of £1,76U,000 has been ■old to shipbreakers for £44,000. A.I battleships of this class are to be scrapped.
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  • 29 8 The cream horses used by the King en ceremonial occasions by constant inbreeding have grown too small and have been distributed as drum horses for Roya 1 Cavalry Regiments.
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  • 31 8 1 Mr. John Herman Coolhaas, the Marin Superintendent or Nautical Inspector of the Java-China-Japan Line of Steamships, i.f Hongkong, has been granted patent tor improvements in releasing apparatus for life-buoys.
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  • 38 8 Messrs. L. A. Chitty and Co.'s sale of rubber plantation at Segamat, Johore, which was to take place at the.r sale-room on ThursJay the 18th inst is now poatpoo- d till a date which will be announced late*.
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  • 7 8 Soengei Radja harvested 130,000 coconuts in July.
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  • 34 8 I The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Ks. 169 to $100. The rate of payment of meney orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 175 to $100.
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  • 33 8 A movement is on foot to standardise all motor car road signs throughout the F.M.S. The Seremban Sani ary Board has prepared a special school design which it wants to introduce without de'ay.
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  • 34 8 The wooden box containing a kin m.i machine and films stole- from Mr. Wi'i ams, a passenger by the Japan, wh.L' th.' .hip was lying alongside the Kowloiwi wharf, has ben recovered in Singapore.
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  • 29 8 The iiii-niasti r, Kuala Lumpur, ■fc!><rts that mails for Penanjr. lospatched from Singapore by 7.7 a.m. rain yest >rday, missed connection with the Cuala Lumpur-Penang express last night.
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  • 44 8 The CoronVs enquiry, conducted by Insp. King, into the death of a Sikh woman, tamed Isahkur, on the 3rd inst., came to a nclusic.n on the 15th inst, Mr. F. G. Bourne bringing in a verdict of murd'T israinst a Sikh, nam.'d Goojah Singh.
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  • 41 8 Members and friends of the V.M.C.A. .re reminded that th> half-yearly sale of >apers (July-December) will be held at he Association to-morrow evening at 6.15. t is hoped that all int. rested will make i special effort to attend the sale.
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  • 47 8 A story was told in a Chicago court of aw by Bill Burns, the famous baseball player, member of the White Fox team, it a conspiracy to throw the world's hampionship series in 1919 to Cincinnati for £20.000. Bts were out, he said, to cover all requirements.
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  • 42 8 Endl;ss inconvenience and delay are ■•aused to passengers by the confußed and ■rritating manner in which th. new American immigration law is being enforced. The New York World describes the measure as the most asinine ever passed by a country claiming civilisation.
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  • 45 8 A hopper barjre, th.- property of the Penang Harbour Board, engage.) in carryng sand for the moat at Fort Corr.wailis, where filling in operations are being carried on satisfactorily, turned over and sank at her morrlngs on th? inside cf Swcttenham Jetty the other night.
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  • 53 8 There are six cases for argument on the list of the P:nang Court of Appeal, which commences with the Chief Justice as president on the 16th inst. Three are against decisions by Mr. Justice Woodward, one against a finding by Mr. Justice Bar-rett-Lennard and two against decisions of the District
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  • 59 8 In referenc: to the paragraph in our ■olumns rf the 12th ins.t. it should be stated that Mr. F. L. Hallam, being obliged f o leave the country owing to ill health, has ceased to be actively associated with he firm of Hallam and Co., Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Hallam's interests
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  • 56 8 Th Malay Mail of yesterday says As our comments on the ladies dresses at the races on Thursday appear to be opon misrepresentation, we wojld emphasise thai -our sole intention was to point out a result of the slump in the scarcity of attractiva toilettes. There was no idea of
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  • 66 8 G. $10,000 damages are asked for at hanghai for breach of promise of marriage by Henrietta Weil against J. T. Wright, an American resident of Shanghai. The case ■ame before Judge Lobingie r in th> United States Court on August 8. Mr. Goldring represented the plaintiff and Mr. Schuhl :he
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  • 69 8 In an article dealing w!th tht last renmis taken this year in Dutch Indies, the Locomotief says that th;.- population of Java rose from 30,100,580, fct the previous cirsus tak. n in 1905, to 35,017,204 in lttL The Kuropean population more than doubled itself during that period, the figures reading
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  • 77 8 The Rangoon Gazette of August 11 ""ays The director of publicity writes A .-tatein-nt has been published in New Burma to the effect that the Burma Gov.•rnm?nt hss gMBt provincial funds on the repatriation of the stranded Opera Company. is no truth whatever in the Etttti'rm.-t. The expenses of
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  • 91 8 Th- new Danish Minister to the court cf Stam is Captain Karr.raer junker Fritz Cramer. lie was born at St. Thomas, V~'st Indies in 1869, and married tl. Baron.'ss Haxthausen. Captain Cramer was a second lieutenant in 1889, first lieutenant 1894, passed through the staff course of the Officers College
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  • 117 8 1 Mr. C. Maxwell presided over the usual weekly meeting cf the Rent Board yesterday. Among th'. 1 cases was an application by the tenant of the ground floor at 18, iiok.jr. btreet, to h;>ve his rent fixed. Mr. Demuth said proceedings had already been taken in the District Court
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  • 413 8 1 Mrs. Barry, wife of Insp. Barry, Central Div'sion, was admitted into the General Hospital yesterday suffering with typhoid. Mr. S. Ukita, the newly-appoinfd Japanese Consul-General, at Sinpai. ro, li due to arrive here from Japan by the Kleist on Friday. Mr. KhooaSian Tan arrived thi? morning
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  • 101 8 Chefalo and Palermo, the illusionists and magicians, who are now announced to cpen at the \ictor.a 'Iheatre on Saturday, had a gri.*.: Mecca* in Hongkong, where hundreds had to be turned away. The Hongkong i ally Hress wrote This very unusual ocearrenee in Hongkong bor-j U-s-ti-mor.y to the
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  • 116 8 The Madras Daily Exprjsa on the 4th inst., stated that it had news -from a reliable informant in London thtaft the British Cabinet, acting on advice tender. <i by H.E. the Viceroy, have be.'n considering the special measures necessary to pacify political feeling in this country. We
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  • 130 8 The r.-port of the Selangor Coast Club for the period July 1, 1920 to June 30, 1921 states The year has been successful socially, but the committee has tj report a small deficit which is due to a much burger depreciation on the buildings huvirjr been written
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  • 154 8 At the ordinary tteru'ial meeting of Unite.! Malacca Rubber Estates, hull on \he 4th inst., the chairman, Mr. Tan Cheng: Lock, in the course of his remarks, said the loss on the year's workirs w«» 11,924.23. This was th<? first time in the history of the company
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 298 8 Lambert Butler GARRICK VIRGINIA CIGARETTES THE ROTASTROP $10.00 \ii iSs^aL">y rrtli PERFECI Nil' fc~J^^ 11. I) |> t V TMK FAMOUS RAZOR BLADE SHARPENER. JOHN LITTLE CO, LTD. 'Incorporated in England. SINGAPORE. What Would You Do 4 If a Ffre Occurred Now ffuald yvra ring fur the Ftre Brigade, and
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    • 161 8 ALHAMBRA To-alrht at T4S pm. Pathea* Berial THE PHANTOM FOE 16 Episodes or »1 reals Peatariac Juanita Hans«n, Warner Oland and Harry S»m«li Episodes 6 and 6 ONE OF THE FINEST (Featuring Tom Moore) S Parts THE MOTHERS INFUIINC. 2 Parts Topical Budget and New Harold Lloyd CesMdy MARLBOROUGH A
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  • 242 9 Russia Suggests Opposition Movement. Riuto Telegrams. London, August 16. A Riga telegram states that the Moscow papers report that the Bolshevist* are consldcringa proposal tosu/nmon a Pacific Conference in opposition to Washington. It is RpM that China, Mongolia, the Far Kast m Republic and various Soviet States should
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  • 72 9 RIUTO TELEGRAM. Paris. Aairast 16. An international conference for the relief of Russia has opened at Geneva, nine nation., notably Britain n:ui Holland, and thirty Rc-d Cross Mfmim&km being re-| presented. Very warm applause greeted the French Government's anmmriii m-nt that it is following the mown, m
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  • 72 9 Revtf.r Teleikim. London, A i_-ust 16. The South African liner S.i\on. which sailed with General Smuts on board en route to Cape Town, reports that a fire has broken out in two bunkers. She is proceeding to Sicira Leone accompanied by the steamship Waipara and is expected
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  • 54 9 From Our Own Correspondent.) H-.r-,konK, August 16. In the i pinion of the local manager of the bank, a combine will take over the alfnirs uf the BMkfH lr.dustrielle de Chine and pay the creditors in full. Reorganisation is imminent, and the winding up petition has consequently beon
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  • 152 9 Enormous Damage Done In Australia. Although the export of rabbits from Australia both frozen and skin;, came to £1,623,000 for th? year 1918-19, the damage done by these rodents and the cost to the agriculturist in keeping thorn in chock far outweighs the profit ga'nd iv their
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  • 11 9 Civ 'l l'rt pension* include U. war uKUt Frederic ViUiens iJOO.
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  • 168 9 Crown Prince of Japan Due Here To-morrow. The Japaivese warships Katori and Kashimn, the former with H.R.H. the! C'rcwn Prince of Japan on board, are due' to arrive in port from Europe at 10 o'clock I to-morrow morning. As our readers are awara the Prince is on his
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  • 781 9 Good Results from the Sale Of Building Sites. Thu Dire tcrs of Ulu Pandan (SingaMft) Rubb. r Estates report to shareholders for the year tnded April 30, 1921, as follows The net profit as shown by the profit nn loss i uunt aniountj to $100,915^2 which
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  • 23 9 A joke from the India Rubber Jijroal A rubber ir^down is n n':v <• Mta which rubber is put to go down in value."
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  • 1617 9 Administration Report For 1920. The Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks, Acting 1 Br.tish Resident, Solangor, 1920, in his I report on, the State for that year states The ravenue for 1920 amounted to $25,697,388.72 and expenditure was $;r. ,642,036.33. Trade.— The imports for 1920 amounted, to $102,410,392, an
    1,617 words
  • 247 9 Collision Due to Extraneous Contact. The repcrt of the railway inquiry bio the Burma railway eoWciofl on Juiy 25' have been issue 1. The committee in the course of their flnjjrir steto that it was established that I: miltr had a line-clear token which, ne picked up
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  • 99 9 Messrs Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co. .report a* follows Since our last report the market has res-urced extremely doll conditions. Rubbers have been practically untouched and transactions in local tins have been on a small sralo only and movement* in pric?s of ltt'e
    99 words
  • 864 9 Administration Report of The Collector General. Mr. E. L. Talma, Collector General of Income Tax, in his report to the Colonial Secretary, giv.s the following details of the working of the War Tax Ordinance 1919 since its inception explaining that the accounts have been mad? up to
    864 words
  • 74 9 Macphail and Co.*s Daily Report. Singapore, August 17. Silver 37V Hongkong 20 p.c. prem. Three months gold 45V6. Share market. Very dull. Rubbers. Practically no biisin ss paislng. Tin' —famines 1-1.05, Norths 1.27Mi--1.32tt, Souths 65-70 cents, Papuns 110-W Nawng Pets 1/45-1,59, Rawan~s 61-C5 Tongkah Harbours 14-14.50, Ulr,
    74 words
  • Sporting News and Notes
    • 335 9 Nakajnura in Final. Yesterday Nak:.mur;. —conqueror of Wheauey, Uean anu Donneli —gut into thu tinui ot me Singapore tennis championship oy aeteating ins fellow countryman uoizumi b —i, 6 —i. iho was by no means such an easy thug tor .Nukamura as these tigurea wou.d suggest Koizumi
      335 words
    • 273 9 The. tournament at the Ladies Lawu Tennis Ciuo was successfully concluded yesterday, when the members of tne ciub wire t». Nome to tncnaa to witness me unai tie of the Championshjp ra.rj, .u ■.-.■> suphenson unu Mr. n^im.!,.. v. R/a. '--f-f"t ana ."ir. ameron. After winning the hist
      273 words
    • 169 9 As already announced, boxing competitions at all weights from fly to heavy are to be held in October to decide the championships of the Straits and K.MS. Wo now learn that the <.ri<aniser, Mr. F. C. Johnson, has secured th<- Victoria Theatre frtJm October 17 to 22, and if
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    • 69 9 The following are the handicaps for the Ipoh Gymkhana on Saturday Race 2. Maharajah, Pekin, Angara. Kastan, Pegasus, Teddy (entries). Race 3.— Redwire 10, Red Peer 0.7, St. Fitz 8.12, Vanfox 8.2, Witty 6.10. Race 4.— Orthez 9.13, Avro 8.1, Nankin 8. Race 5. Goonhilly 10.7, Tapioci 9.2.
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    • 143 9 The S.R.C. annual athletic spor s will be held on Saturday, August 27, beginning at 2.30 p.m. The following heats and finals will he. held on Tuesday, 23rd inst., at 5 p.m.----100 yards flat race, hea s 15) r,s h'cap race, h-'ats hi'ih jimp, h a relay race,
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    • 190 10 According to the Siam Observer, the Siamese boxers had it all over the Chinese in the contest* in Bangkok on August 6. Nai Ch«-e Chant;, a veteran, was put out by Nai YBng in three minutes. Nai Too force Ngai Thyc Chin to. retire in a few
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  • 486 10 $4fi,000 Paid to Well Dressed Japanese. Ktfcrrnce was made briefly yesterday to the preliminary enquiry before Mr. H. K. Bull, second magistrate, in respect to a charge nf alleged cheating preferred aguinst a Japanes;, named Hideo Torigoe, who, it is alleged, presented, on June 11, a forged
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  • 242 10 Owini; to th- arrival in Singapore of Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din. 8.A., L.L.8., the weH-known Islamic missionary, and at his "nrKestion. an association has been formed here a? a brpnch of the Moslem Mission Wokinis. Kn K land. Some well-known «Z* STSIH", IIBVO P r °m' s "d their support
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  • 21 10 n» first *hip to fly the Czerho-Slovak msism in British waters was the steamer Legic. of 5,735 tora, built in Japan.
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  • 825 10 Fair Business Reported at Kuala Lumpur. Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co. Kuala Lumpur, reported at 6 p.m. on r nuay A successicn of holidays and races, either here or in the Colony, seems to have rendered six successive working days impossible for qui'.e some time. Nevertheless, there
    825 words
  • 214 10 The Liberty Hall wa» crowded to the doors last night for the opening performance of Albert Morrow, conjuror and ilusionist, and Mary McGregor, the Scottish seeress. Mr. Morrow began with some clever demonstrations of sleight of hand and soon had his audience in good humour. Then
    214 words
  • 1128 10 Observations of the Colonial Secretary. The Colonial Secretary (the Hon. Mr I F. S. James, C.M.G..) in .he course o. I his annual report on the Straits S.U.emem. I ior the year i -J-U says In the early part of 1920, the prict uf rut ber
    1,128 words
    • 276 10 Broad Road Bad Driver. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, shall most likely be taken for a harmless lunatic for suggesting that the cause of the many motor accidents in Singapore is because the roads are too broad, but as one who has considerable experience of driving- himself
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  • 496 10 Shrinkage of Exports from The F. M. S. Last year's export of tin from the FM S. amounted t<* 34,935 tons, valued ut £10 316,737, compared with 36,935 ton* in 1919, valued at £8,736,474. In ISIB the exports amounted to 37,370 tons. In his annual report, Mr.
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  • 14 10 The Guaranty Tr-st Cnmoinv has botjehf 'lonnortOO nf pvsunn'p- certificate* of in.'ettedness for $9,751,160.
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  • 1352 10 Why Timber is DHBodt To Obtain. Mr. B. H. F. Barnard, acting Conservator of Forests r .M.S. and S.S., in his report for the year 1920 states Thcrn has been consiuurabie deiay in settling the demarcation of new forest reserves, which is to bv deplored as u held
    1,352 words
  • 518 10 Customs Department on Trade Progress. From the report on the Customs Department, North Borneo, for IU2O wa ltarn that generally speaking the increase in the import trade for the State was mostly at Sandakan and Jesselton, th* former having considerably the larger share. Kudnt shows
    518 words
  • 32 10 Proaramme of drills for the week ending Saturday, 20. Wedne«day, 17th.— 5.15 p.m.. Drill BalL Ch. lesr O-m party Recruits Drill. S.turday, 20th.— 3 p.m., Drill HalL S.F.A. Company.
    32 words
  • 74 10 After M»''nu h~r mothpr throw wait* pap-r out through th» porthole nf th ir sf«»arr»«r rnbin. littln Miss J"an Mhtfard, who with ber mnthor. the wife of Dr. MinfoH of P°r>nl. was a pa«sprnrpr on the P.M.S. E-iador, thoueht she would trv h"r han'' at what she thought was (food
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  • 1232 11 Chief Secretary's Rej ;>rt Tor Past Year. In hia annual report on the r.M.S. for 1920, the Chief Secretary (Hon. Mr. W. Maxwell, C.M.G.) says ,ur which had opensd so brightly with rubber at a very remunerative price, with in at ii-cord figures, and with the Government
    1,232 words
  • 346 11 Famous French Experts on Newest Developments. General Ferric, who has been honoured by the Institute de France for the organisation and improvement of wirjdes* communications, sets forth in the Matin the present state of experiment in wireless and the strange problems which arise. Transmitting apparatus, although so
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  • 247 11 A Quarrel and a Resignation Reported. Count Kamei, a Chamberlain, who followed the Crown Prince to Europe as a member of his suite, was relieved of his membership of the Prince's suite under date of July 9, and is now staying in London. The official r:ason
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  • 178 11 Ordered the Enumerator Out Of His House. What is believed to be the first prosecution under the Census Act of 1920 came before the Marylebone magistrate the other day. A professional man, Mr. F. Gordon Pratt, of Orme-court, Bayswater, was summoned for refusing to make a census return.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 114 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS are still the most popular In ihe East The same M»rh quality is maintained but ICol PRICES NAVE 4 Co/ IW I BEEN REDUCED IV This Offer lor Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK Amd to-day for Illustrated Catalogue 8. MOUTRIE CO.. LTO. laeorpniataw Hoagkoaf.) Waffle* Place,
      114 words
    • 266 11 Raffles^ Hotel MONDAY.— Tea Danaant, sto 7 p.m (Admission free). WEDNESDAY. Special Musical Pr<>irramine after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Gu<-' Nipht ai. t Daneioß. Evening Dress *a**«tlat far rtancin?) FRlDAY.— Special Loach— Orchestra SATURDAY.— Gneat Nicht and Dancing. (Evenim Ores* essential Dancinff)., PICTURES Sunday, August 21, at 9.30 p.m. -BEARS AND BAD
      266 words

  • 1288 12 Memorandum on Recent R.G.A. Scheme. At the meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur on the ilth inst. at which Mr. T. J. Cumming was in the chair, the principal item of the agenda, says the Maiay Mail, was the circular of the Rubber
    1,288 words
  • 300 12 A Real League of Nations And Pacifists. A novel and ambitions plan of international settlement is outlined in the programme of the Land Colonisation and Industrial Guild. Their ideal is a real < League of Nations, a league of the com- j mon peoples of the world."
    300 words
  • 244 12 Wonderful Experiment on Girl In America. Scientists and welfare workers are deeply interested in the outcome of an operation performed on a 19-years old ,'irl, Mary Zenbec, whom the Humane Society's agents discovered in a Chicago ■ She is uelirmea in bouy and mind, and has been
    244 words
  • 26 12 A comntittee of the Royal Institute of ~!ritish Architects is sitting to inquire into .he desirability of hitrher buiHings in LonJon and what sites are suitable.
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 205 12 To aae tkla Braaa of Bettiag aeaas sVoßomy. Saving of Moaey aad Better BeaalC IU aerriee sa*ak> for IU quality. S.I. Aswta: KIAM KIAT CO. 10* aad 109. MARKET STREET DOT EMBOSSED Box Strapping IN CONTINUOUS LENGTH COILS OF 800 FEET Made of flexible, cold rolled steel, lacquered to prevent
      205 words
    • 304 12 W IRON J ELLOIDS A lON C IS NEEDED new and anain to mantain Ha th Hlt n -ocr uou /eel run'- own, out of otts an I detiiital •',r. in orce the red" con use es o the b ood I y a court? or iron Jelliids, the /<e
      304 words

  • 961 13 First Number of Publication Recalled. j Punch, which waa eighty last month, celebrated the occasion with a delightful Summer Number, largely devoted .0 humorous contrast between the ways of 1841 and 11*21. In some verses on the occasion the Editor, Sir Owen Seaman, writes To-day your
    961 words
  • 39 13 By soee'al request t>e Star of Hope will j r tag e the EnehantH Horse at Nahar Opera Hall. Gaylang. on Thursday. A jrirl of It "yearn takes the leading part with two clowtm and the Indian (John Ko-Ko).
    39 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 239 13 piEMM'S ANNUAL GREAT SPECIALITY WEEK. c Remarkable Price Cutting Offers mmmm^K s^ 300 DOZEN J—^Sj- 1 TURKISH TOWELS. Jfl I Size :54 in*, x25 ma. I'jffz^&r .f $1.50 each. nREAT CLEAKANCB OP TIES. in all ihe l«tr»t designs and colours. Paisley patterns, checka s sot«,r ot«, at ripe*, figured de.oiKn.*
      239 words
    • 486 13 y si v* w c c M proprietor. > /■iy' rvW' \t!\ IWff HOH6NB (oi sT*fe?W fo H BUNSt, IVI ECO»P«N» rL f|L J*) Phone 352 N X^m0 y N HP BY TEST THE BEST. SALES BY ftUCTIQW UREN COMPANY SALE OF VALUABLE RUBBER ESTATE The above Company have received
      486 words
    • 110 13 Qualis' Motor Transport Co. Those m. for COMFORTABLE CARS AND LORRIES FOR HIRE DAT AND NIGHT SPECIAL CHARGES 'or Picmle oatlaga, monthly hlrw aad nini hiring. DENTAL AND ORAL SURGERY IM. Orchard Boad R OHNISHI, D.D.S. Tel^phoa. MM. GREEN ISLAND CO. LTD r lncorporate* Is Hengkeag, Portland Cement IN CASKS
      110 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1520 14 SALES BY AUCTION «UU BULAHG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. I Preliminary notice BT ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS aaderslt-ed have received instructions to sell by public auction (if not previous. •old by srivate treaty) at their sale-room. Raffle. Chambers, Raffle. Place, on a date to be notified
      1,520 words
    • 1100 14 _—___>'—•— l_— <^nv«»i.aiß i ii wm 'wnwHwa— a«H—_ewsB i a BB ~a_B)_B_BjM_a__a_a___a__ A««ts over $4,000,000 S.C. Ajßaorance In force over $17,000,00w THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. 'Incorporates 1 la Straits Settlements) ■EAO OFFICE I vYiacaestoT Heasa, Hiatspor*. LONDON OFFICE J2. Olu Jewry, _C Tbe Company has £10,000 deposite
      1,100 words
    • 486 14 BANKINB THE BANK OF TAIWAN. LIMITED (laeerporsted by Special Imperial Charter in japan., Capital Subscribed r»0,000,000 Capital Paid-up T4S,ooti,oo« Reserve Funds TlO.tHO.OOO Pre.ident K Nakagawa, Eaq Vice-Pre.ident S. Mori, Esq DIRECTORS 8. Minami, Esq. T. Hisamune, Esj O. Kawasaki, Esq K. Morinage, Esq. U. Esaki, Esq. T. Ikeda, Esq HEAD
      486 words
    • 367 14 BANKING BANK VOOR INDIE (Incorporated in Holland) Authorised Capital Fl. &0,0O&J»n Paid up Capital Fl. IT.HO.tW Head OBce al BATAVU Offices i SOKKAB.MA, SE.MARANG. AMSTERDAk. ROTTEHIiAM. THE HAGUE. Every description of banking boasaeau transacted H. W. WETLER, Hew— INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO- LTD (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life, Marine,
      367 words

  • 893 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Racing at Brooklands. I One of tho greatest spectacles ever witnessed at Brooklands, and certainly in' the history of motor-racing, was provided fey the five hunoted miles race at W eybridge on July 2. The start was it- self of an
    893 words
  • 144 15 Mr. Justice Knnis and Mr. Justice de Sampayo delivered judgment at Colombo on the 2nd inst., in the case from the Colombo District Court in which Mr. A. C. Amjee, a merchant of 56, Fourth Cross Street, Colombo, sued the Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd., at the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 278 15 When You THINK of Tyres Think of DUNLOP fi« therr\ and you won't; think of Tyres fjr months and mo iths. TKE DUNLOP RUBBER CO CLV, LTD Ir.eorpuraied la Japan) U tn« 41 BOH N SON ROAD Mormiles tablet ia absolutely guaranteed not to rontain anything whatsoever in iti composition
      278 words
    • 352 15 BERGOUGNAN (A Ti/oro !it I w B f 1 1 1 il 1 4w «i I E iii»i# f *> MOTOR CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE AGENTS FOR 5.5. and F.M.S. Dupire Bros. ALAMO ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. THE ALAMO UNIT is ju.t what yon had in mind.
      352 words
    • 63 15 "MORELAND" Motor Lorries THERE IS NO BETTER LORRY AT ANY PRICE ON THE MARKET. IN STOCK: V/z ton Chassis only $6,500 2>/ 2 ton Staked Body and Cab Complete $8,500 2 1 2 ton Body and Cab Complete Firestone Giant Pneumatic Tyns with Kellogg Engine Air Pump InstaUed $9,500 PHONE
      63 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 462 16 New Shipments Jut Arrived ef ejarte Daplex Die Pletoe for Pipes to screw 1 ie. to I la. UtUe GUat Screw Platee for Pipes to screw \i in. U> 1 t Sto > cTT'and"Dre h s w" h' Ta" complete la box to screw in to In. SS TaVs^H. I.
      462 words
    • 437 16 TAY GUAN KIAT M, PHILLIP STRUTT Pfceae Nee. 811» anal BXI i. The SBceesafnl contractor for amamty af FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore MaaieipalitT dariag the year '.Ml. GLOBE BOILEB UUHBT For clearing and preserving steam sellers of all type. Used by all factories, steamers, eu..
      437 words
    • 924 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Waau, For Sale, Te Let. etc, la ordinary rloss set type (average six words to liae) are Per line one insertion 28 ets two ins 46 cts, three ins. 64 cts., four Ins. 82 cts- five ins. fl.oo, six ins. 1.18, ten ins $1
      924 words
    • 889 16 LAND AND HOUSES COMPOUND HOUSE WANTED by October 1, within reasonable distance of the Docks. Apply 444, Straits Times. TO LET, 111, Pasir Panjang Road, new seaside bungalow. Entry September 12. Apply Soon Kian Hean, 59, Stanley Street. "FOR SALE PBrVATELY7 DOVE'S NEST, 102, River Valley Road, close to town.
      889 words
    • 712 16 OFFICES AND JSODOWNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ba. M. Nathan Co., 4. De Souse Street. TO LET, second floor, 1-b, Raflea Quay bright and airy offlee. Apply ground floor TO LET, godows Noa. 44 and 46, Ansoa Road. Apply to G. S. Nathan, 18, Malacca Street. TO LETr**.
      712 words
    • 340 16 Rellanger The Ktag ef Preach Cars WITH SILVER KADIATO* AND THB GOLDBN SILBNCm Jut Arrive* Book Bart* Flast twe Demonstration ears are to be sold at Special Prices. The BEIXANGEB i« a car of efficiency. economy and comfort. No doubt it is luxurious and the price ia within the reach
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 204 16 TIE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONM Editorial and General M Manager's Offlee HIT Job Printing Offlee 1144 All communications relating te editorial matters aad news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. AH eommunieatieaal relating to business matters advertla*. menu, subscriptions, accounts, printtaaa etc., should be addressee! te T«5 ADVERTISEMENT BARS WanU, For
      204 words