The Straits Times, 13 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. io. 26,715 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 s >' MEUX'S fegjireStf CELEBRATED tesjgg WM LONDON PM J jL Ales s Stout JC 'IEUX^ NOW OBTAINABLE IN SINGAPORE Ml|]|P Lo'^d!# AND F.M.S. J London SOLE IMPORTERS JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS. LTD. (IneorporaUd in EagUad) S I TM G A PORE THERE IS ONLY ONE KODAK, all other apparatus being
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    • 200 1 ALFRED DUNHILL'S CEI EBRATED PIPES. from the root of the old Bruy'ere and is unsurpassA Large Assortment for |tg {ngnni <A of shapes in Stock. -Ht^**" on smoking qualities. A dis-Silver-mounted pipes in handBome P lush tlnctive P'P« for the <"*- lined cases, suitable criminating smoker. or presentation pur- U
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    • 1 1 I
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  • 323 2 I'a'e of a Man Who Breathes Fire and Water Dr. Farcz, in the Courier Medical, Kives particulars of an extraordinary case of merycism," a faculty shared by ruminants, of returning objects swallowed from the stomach to the mouth. The case is that of a Russian named Rofrin.-ky.
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  • 250 2 Proposal to Relieve Tedium Of Travel. The novel suggestion that railway companies should provide lending libraries on trains is made by a correspondent in a letter to the Daily Chronicle. Our correspondent writes Making a journey from London to Glasgow a few days ago it occurred
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  • 150 2 French Airman Enjoys Fine Weather In the Clouds. George Kirch, the famous airman and colleague of Sadi-Lecointe, alighted the other morning at Le Bourget aerodrome, after mounting to 9,000 metres (near'y 6V4 miles). Although he had failed to beat the American altitude record of
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  • 125 2 The Malayan Camera Club which held lU first monthly meeting in the Selangor Club on Friday evening promises well, says the Malay Mail. The president, Mr. F de la Mare Norris, and the hon. secretary, Mr. S. A. Yell, are keenness personified and are mines of information
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  • 62 2 At the request of their customers from S.S., F.M.S. and Dutch ports, the Chinese Directory and Press, Ltd, of Tank Roan, are translating the Chinese history Se h Jin Que» Cheng Say from Chinese characters into romanised Malay. The lull cunplete set contains 10 books and books Xos. I to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 Real Economy. Don't let the WHITE ANTS destroy your Rubber Estates but use "UNIVERSAL ANT-KILLERS. A > ~j^ t^aU t fig Sole AtrenU for 5.5. and F.M.S N V. STRAITS JAVA TRADING CO 114 Cecil strtet, SINOAPORE. JHLl^stil Sun Ad Go. 219 South Bridge Road, Singapore jfoA* atoofc for Sal*
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    • 586 2 1/> ('^w-. )A Let Cuticura Be Your First Thought Always When the first signs of pimples, ridiv or roughness appear, smear gently wilh Cuticurs Ointment to soothe and heal, then blithe wyth Cuticura Soap and not water to cleanse and purity. Finally duat on Ihe refreshing Cut km a Talcum,
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    • 196 2 10 H.P. I CITROEN CAR The excellence of French automobile eoffineerbsg has leaf i»a known and agreed by expert*. Tb» Citron Is ths Mka«wUlc«4 best of this school of production. 8«a thia remarkable Car— compan it with any other light «a) M Market Take a demoustration ride drira it yourself
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  • 667 3 Princess from Whom no Secret Is Hidden. People with a secret past will not want to interview Princess Wahletka, states the News of the World. The Princ:ss has the gift of second sight, and the candour to tell one all she sees, be it evil or
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  • 211 3 Hospital Ship Outrage to Be Investigated. In connection wiLh the Leipzig trial» a -cn'ation has been caused by the announcement that Firnt Lieutenant Boldt was arrested by the Hamburg police a: the instance of the British Government, and taken in fetters to Leipzig. He served on board
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  • 175 3 Dashing Bravery of a Missionary Lady. M<s« Alma Cook, who will sbort'y arrive In India r^s a missionary, performed a fpU-ndid act of heroism in Aberdeen. While a powerful motor car, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Grant of Lonjf Islaurf, Now York State, was- being:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 530 3 Sound Suitings direct from England You cut out e\Mt nitant profits this way. Buy sound suitings at prices direct from England, by post. Below you arc shown a few of the advantageous offers w<- are in the position tn make you. But don't delay. Buy now. Order now; Any
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    • 366 3 "Ohlyes/Wincarnis 1 j is invaluable in restoring health to those who are Weak, or Anaemic, or Nervous, i or Run-down." t a The outstandin.T advantage of Wincarnis in restoring health is due to the fact thzt Wiscarnis posscsts tfonr-f:idpovsct. C[ Wincarnis promotes ne-j: v Mrength, ntv> rich blood, nru nerve
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    • 299 3 M ORE S p EED MORECAMBE Th« Sportlnx Model which combines ipccd with comfort. 1,000 c.c. Sidecars (Expert Barred), W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist. Unlimited Sidecars (General), W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist. Unlimited Sidecars (Expert Barred), W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist. 1,000 c.c. Solo (General), A. J. Brewin (Zenith) 2nd.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 807 4 STEAHEB SMUWCS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at preoaat ■■■■»■<■■ LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dao
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    • 679 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. LIMIT*!) Steamers latraded to eat! from Slagamtrs KINTA Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. HTB LEONG Monday .1 i M B— fot Malacca and Muar. sVAKA— russday, at 4.10 p.m., for Malaoea DELI— Weilnesdsy, 12.80 pj«., for Mlri. Labuan. Jssselton, Kudat, Sandakan' Jolo
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    • 407 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. K. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2, De Soacn Street. Preojoaaa SalUag from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN UNE For Port Said. Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dep. HIMALAYA MART' Aue. 22 Aug. 28 'ALASKA MARU Sept. 14
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    • 386 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NIPPON YISEN HAISHA. Incorporated la Japaa> Under Mall Contract with tb« nnHii lapanaar Go»en>a»eat •abiert to alteration wlthont uKi< LONDON LINE Fortnightly Serrln Far Lead**, Aatwcrp tU (Malacca) Peatr* Cwloamfc*, Saaa, Port Said aad MaraellUa KLEIST Aug. 19 MIBHIMA MARY Ao» t« SADO MARU Sept 7 LIVERPOOL LINK
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 568 5 STEAMER SAILINGS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE Oador Contract with the French Government Mall aad Paaarager Services DIRECT MARSEILLES FAB EASTERN SERVICE HOMEWARD MAIM OUTWARD MAILS Te Marseilles via Colombo, To Japan via Salgoa, Haiphong, DjlboatL Port Said Hongkoag and Shanghai »ORTKn.« 1f1.900 tons Aug. U i ARMAND BEHIC 10.000 tons
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    • 125 5 I TBB SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LIMITED (Incorporated la flam) i SINGAPORE BANGKOK > For Iretay, Trenggana, Kelantaa, Baag J iara. Telnpin, Patani, Singora, Laces (ohtamui. Bandon, Langeoea, Chumpor «nd Bangkok l>«e Osw. VALAYA Aug. IS Aug. IT YIIGALA AuJ. 22 AtlJ. 24 PRACHATIPOI Au e 29 Aug. 31
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    • 532 5 I STEAMER SAILINGS M/S JUTLANDIA Sailing hence about August 14, for London hu accommodation for few first-class passengers. Fare £100. For further particulars, please apply to THE EAST ASIATIC CO, LTD, 8, D'Almeida Street. COMPANIA TRASALANTICA SAILING NOTICE For Colombo. Sues, Port Said, Barcelona, Valencia and Cadli. The Spanish mail
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    • 763 5 NOTICES NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY YARDLY DEIGHTON POTTER, DECEASED PURSUANT TO THE TRUSTEE ORDINANCE, '114, SECTION t« NOTICE I* hereby riven that all eredi and other persons having any claims or de inandi upon or aga'nst the Estate of Henri Yardley Deighton Potter, deceased lute of Singapore, who
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    • 559 5 I NOTICES NOTICE Mann. Fraser A N»«t«, Ltd, hara pleaI rara in announcing to their nnmarooi costomars 1b Johora that they ba»a derided, I >winif to tha increased daraand for their raters, aad in tha bast intaraita of all •oneerned, to opan a Depot In Johora Bharu, from August 8.
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    • 544 5 NOTICES NOTICE The post of a European BtawjJ. Sailors' Institute has become vacant. Thw salary is $150 per month, free board and lodging. A security of |60« will ha r»quired. The qualifications are— a good honest-, educated man, if possible an exservice man and a sailor. A knowledge of Malay
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 755 6 CINEMAS A. UISLIYI JOT*SL from Saturdig, August 1.1, to I'hursdiy, August 18, 1991, An All Britnh fioturo by that London Film Co. Featuring Bertram Borleigb, Vera Corniih, G«orge B-iljmy aid Enid Bell Id a story of nr .ng heart interest THE MOTHER'S INFLUENCE Sequ»l to Mother by George oaa Tucker,
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    • 294 6 THE < KEY REGISTRATION CO. EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE G. A. NUNN, Airent* THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS BILLPOSTING CO., 6, The Arcade, Singapore. The object of the Key Registration Co. is to provide a means of returning to regis- tared owners their lost keys. It costs $1.50 to register all persons 1
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  • 716 7 Colonial Secretary's Review Of Colony's Position. The report of the Coioaasl Seci etary on the Straite Stttleinents for 1920conUinsthe following illuminating observations in this part of the world in an extraordinary year. It says The year 1920 was not eventful in any peculiarly local sense, but it
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  • 87 7 An A!!-r!ritish production. Th? Mother's Infliienc. hy the I.iriin Film Co.. in two Mala, w 11 be screor^d at the Alhambra. tonitrht. bwidai the Topical Budget, a fivere:l GrMwjra featno, One of the F;n?st, pr i:t Bg Tom M^ore. and one of the be-t of the tw.i-reel Harold
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    • 92 7 r >.«rf Him* M" Kant Wharf Km Snn K. Tarn. SI f"«'rs Wliarf Singkawan;. Hata Wharf Tan,la. K itong. Kmi>ire I)«'<'k lnal>a Mara, Klpenor. >\c-t Wharf Cl.narifTc. Jardinm Wharf Nil. I'alu < „al Wharf. Ni! Kroprl H«rh..n. Main Wliarf Juno. Ban Whatt Hin, Retor.l.r. Akera.
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    • 46 7 ELPKNOR, Hrit., 4,824 tons, from Liverpool 18-8. for Hong on: 1 I I INAHA MARU, Jap, 3.CXI tuns, from London IS-, for Yokohama 14-h. KINTA. Brit. ton., from Pfnang IS-8, for I. nang l«-8. STAK\ Hrit, MU tons, from Madras IJ-8, for Madras 18-8.
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  • 150 7 FIXTITRFfI Saturday, Aagnst 13. High Water, 6.38 a.m., 5.54 p.m. P and O I imrward man elawi Cricket: P. Bert less and Law v. Ceylon XL Cricket LsejcW I S.C.C. v. 8.R.C., S <'.C. Amateur Boxing Palladium Theatre. >unday, Augaat 14. High Water. 13 a.m.. 7.12 p.m.
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  • 440 7 Sl/NDAY AUGUST 14 l Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). '.•.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. i p.m. Children's Service. r>.3o p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Burin. the following week Holy ommunion on Tuesday and Thursday at a.m. and on Wednesday and Friday at ;i
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  • 45 7 Programme of drills for the week ending Saturday, 20 I Monday, 15th. -5.16 p.m., Drill Hal!, Chines. 1 Company Recruits Drill. Wednesday, 17th.- 5.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, i. Chinese Company Recruits Drill. I, 1 Saturday, 20th.— 3 p.m., Drill Hall, S.F.A. Company.
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  • 135 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, August 13. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 15/J2 On New York Demand 41% Private 90 days 45 tt On t rani;e Bans •>*>* On India Bank T. T. IT-J'j On Hongkong Bank d/d 18% p.c.
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  • 53 7 Tone of market Easier. Singapore Standard Tale Crepe Closing Price* Buyers Sellers Spot Sept Vt-D#» Spot September October-December Si Kibt lingapore Standard ibed Smoked Sheet Closing Priett Buyen Sellers 28 29 29 2 9 Mi 31 31 H DAILY PRICED CURRENT. 11.30 a.m., Saturday,
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    • 168 7 V.LP4. i i Jelantoh 1 £1 Kara Kamuntinf 1.174 M-JJ 10 10 Kinta Asaoc. 6.50 »i L^nal ta.^«. 5 5 Lin*ui Tin 4^6 4.76 hi 10 Malayan Coll. 13.76 14.76 1 1 Minglembu 40 60 i Middknor. 50 -0' 1 1 Murai Tin 4.50 5.00 1 1 Nawng Pet
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    • 120 7 M pd Bayer*. S«ller« 1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco »0.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.25 6.78 H 5/ Electric r»»y« 10 10 Fraser Neavee 27.60 29.00 ,0 50 *W. Hammer Co. 80 90 IOOIOOKatz Bros. Def. 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 5.0.0 6.10.0 10 10 Maynard A
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    • 92 7 U. Eng 8 p.c. $i,254,30C oat p.c pev^ Spore Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £850.00 C lorn* Spore Municipal B p.c $1,878,000 D*» -pofe Mun. 4% v* 1907 $1,000,000 U 9*- d" Spore Man. 4% P* of 1909 $1,600,600 10 p.c d:i Spore Man. 4H p* ■f 1909 $1,600,000 P<".
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    • 381 7 rraser aa«J Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotation*. i atret sv.iiasl. SUrltef QaoUtinas are printed oa taotber »ag* Friday To-day*! Pric— Fraser LyuU A Co. Eratt Allenby (fl) 0.26 0.88 0.20 0.80 Alor Gajah (81) 1.00 1.26 1.00 1.26 Am. Malay (*2) 2.00 1.80 2.00 A Hitam ($6)
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  • 316 7 The Danish Consul acknowledges gratefully the following subscriptions to the Danish Unemployment Fund i The Pacific Trading: Co. fIOO Mr. Marstrand Dahl 25 Mr. S. Madscn 25 Mr. A. M. Sarkies 25 Mr. H. Lund strom 10 Mr. Sommer 10 Mr. Jorgensen 10 Mr. E. Sorensen 10
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  • 185 7 •»efl«n 5 P m P. Sambu and Medan 3 P •">■ tit '.icon, P. Swettenham and Penan(f 3 p.m. "ort SwettenhHm. Penanc Colombo, Aden. Port Said and Europe (via Murseilles) 3 P' m •'npDlementary Mail by train to Penang, taking mails for Europe, etc 4 P- m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 716 7 v-.^-*-. TVTrrTTtr-i in ~~3fc— LATiWr ADVERTISEMENTS MARY afeORSGOR. The wonin who*inARI) AND RKSIUENCE, < ptcmber i 46, Cairnhill Road. 10 Uet, Mcond Boot, lb, X.dl.. vju.y, bn t tit and airy erne*. Appiy ground floor. I I'IST WANTED, shorthand not HHItU, Ap y stating salary to 422. Straits Times.
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  • 47 8 MM.- -On August 13, 1921, at his residence No. 33, Kampong Bahru Road, Lim Kei Sicw, only brother of Mr. Lim Kee Cheok. aged 39 years. Funeral will take place to-morrow at 10 a.m.. at Lim Cemetery (Tionp Bahru 'F.M.S.. Penang and Bangkok papers pleaae copy).
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  • 43 8 The family of thi late Khoo Kit Siew, widow of the late Sons Hoot Khiam, beg to thank their relatives and friends who expressed their sympathy by their presence at the funeral, and also thove who sent wreath; and letters of condolence.
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  • 1095 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 BRITISH TRADE CONDITIONS. The July trade returns of the United Kingdom are the worst news we have had from Europe since the blackest days of the war. There is a fall of more than 50 per cent, in the value of imports, and of
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  • 31 8 The Dutch Customs Officials at Semarang seized on board the Kambangan on July 2U four kilograms of raw opium. 170 tubes of cooked opium besides li revolvers of the latest type.
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  • 39 8 Opium worth $250,000 was seized by the police in a godown in Tiendong Koau, Shanghai. This is the largest seizure in Shanghai. Two Chinese were arrested and allowed bail of Tls. 50,000 and Tls. JO.UOO respectively. They were remandeu.
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  • 97 8 At the instance of Insp. Venters, tw> Dutchmen, William Paulus Looes an Octave Magnee, were yesterday fined $40 each for failing to register themselves within forty-eight hours of their reside.the Colony. In addition the latter was fine $20 for subsequently leaving the Colony without having his passport endorsee. Insp. Venters
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  • 8 8 No public examinations in bankruptcy took place yesterday.
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  • 13 8 Monday being the Hari Raia Haji there is a public holiday in Selangor.
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  • 14 8 The judgment in the Kirn Seng Land Co.'s appeal is printed on page 11.
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  • 14 8 Mails from America are expected t arrive here on Sunday by the Granite State.
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  • 26 8 The King will not be advisad to exercise his power of disallowance with respect to the Ordinance to provide for raising a loan in the Colony.
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  • 25 8 The motor traffic control office at Fort de Kock, Sumatra, was broken into on Saturday night and some 3,000 guilders were stolen from the safe.
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  • 32 8 The jumble sale in aid of the funds of the Malacca Medical Mission will be held in the institution compound Tranquerah on Saturday, August 27. Gifts for sale will be gratefully received.
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  • 35 8 Receiving orders have been made agains 1 Mr. B. W. Barr, of Caimhill Road, And Cheng Beng Hee, otherwise chop Seng Kee, traders of Beach Road also chop Leong Seng, late of Beach Stieet, Penang.
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  • 42 8 Mr. A. Bower, 8.A., Cantab, has beer appointed an assistant master at the Diocesan Boys School, Hongkong, and v arrive some time in October. There i now a full staff of seven English masters and five English mistresses at the scho< i
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  • 46 8 A case was mentioned before Mr. Bull yesterday in which it was stated that a Macao woman, living in 77, Grange Road, tried to commit suicide by drinking caustic soda last Thursday afternoon, and is now in hospital suffering from the effects. The matter was postponed.
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  • 47 8 During the course of bankruptcy proceedings yesterday afternoon Mr. Justice Barret-Lennard called up before him a Chinese, who was in attendance in the witness room, for expectorating in court and disturbing the work by sundry clearings of his throat, and fined him $10, which was paid instant**.
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  • 62 8 The oldest French diver Louis Flament has died in his 90th year at Tonton. He was decorated in 1875 as a knight of the Lesion of Honour for th? part he took in salving the French battleship Magenta. A year ago while examining the wreck of a sunken torpedo boat
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  • 62 8 A Soerabaya cable states that Wangso the chauffeur of Overste (General) ten Seldam has been arrested on a charge of stealing 12,000 guilders' worth of jewellery and silverware from the premises of Messrs. Lowenhem, of Mas Street. He had buried seven rings and a silver casket in a garden and
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  • 55 8 The following extract is reproduced from the Gardens Bulletin for August, Attalea Cohune, the hard shell of the Cohune nut of Honduras, the fruit of the Manaca Palm, was found when carbonised to give protection against poison gases used in the war. Four of these palms may be seen growing
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  • 64 8 Mr. H. Porter, the British Consul at Harbin with his wife and a friend, when on a pleasure cruise on the Sungari on a motor boat, were fired on by some Hunghutse whom they encountered in several small junks not far from the town. The bullets hit the doors of
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  • 86 8 There was another sensational session of the United States Court for China, on July 28 (says the N. C. Daily News), when Mr. W. S. Fleming, senior partner of the law firm of Fleming, Davies and Bryan, was brought before Judge C. S. Lobingier en the charge for which he
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  • 112 8 The first ship to enter the new King George V Dock after its opening by the King on July 8 was the Aberdeen liner Demosthenes, a vessel with an inter st in.' career. She .was commando, reil before the end of 1914, and from then up to the time of
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  • 156 8 The following is an extract from a correspondent's letter to the Editor of the Financier on July 10, and gives a fair idea of HM difference i.i price between the manufactured article .md the crude product. The price of rubber is now ibout 2d. less than quoted local bootmaker, who
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  • 315 8 Mr. A. L. Birse is appointed Collector of income Tax for Singapore. Mr. Justice A. V. Brown will sit In the Chief Justice's court all next week. Lieut.-Col. W. H. Whyte is appoint i temporary Adjutant, Penang Volunteers. Mr. R. D. Acton, District Judge, Penan*, is to
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  • 32 8 We much regret to announce the death, which occurred suddenly at Johore, at this, ol Dr. R. A. Powell, acting Medical Omc r Johore.
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  • 45 8 The Coroner's verdict at th-j conclusion of yesterday's enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of the late Mr. A. K. Stephenson, chief officer of the A. P. Company's steamer Bucc.num, on Tuesday last, was that death was due to misadven-
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  • 125 8 The Singapore Assizes over which the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, presided with Mr. Lang-ley, D.f.P., prosecuting on behalf of the Crown, came to a conclusion yesterday. The case in. which Chew Chwee Chow and Yap Boon Chuan were charged with theft of jewellery on
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  • 226 8 The following: notice is circulated by the Master Attendant Information h;is j bo.n received from Messrs. Topham Jones 'and Railton, Ltd., that the lights mentioned in noticL' to mur.nurs' notihcation, dated May lb, ID2I, are now burning. Details r.-Kurdinjj their position received from the Captain of H. if.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 SPECIAL OFFER of WINCHESTER RIFLES COLT REVOLVERS ANO PISTOLS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LO>V PRICES Cal. 22 Winchester Repeater, full magazine $35.00 Cai. 44 Winchester Repeater Carbine, full magazine 47.50 Cal. 44 Winchester Repeater Rifle, full magazine 49.50 Cal. 351 Winchester Automatic Self Loading Rifle 75.00 Cal. 401 Winchester Automatic Self Loading
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    • 203 8 ALHAMBRA night at 1M pjb. Path**' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE 15 Episodes or SI real* Featuring Juanita Hansen, Wamar Oland and Harry Semels Episodes 6 and 6 ONE OF THE FINEST Featuring Tom Moore) THE MOTHErs INFLUINCI 2 Part* Topical Badge* and New Harold Uoyd Coaiady MARLBOROUGH A FIGHT FOR
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  • 867 9 Statement in the House Of Lords. Disease Rarrrpnnt, .Infection Spreading. RKI'TER TELECRAMB. London. August 11. In th'- House at Lord- Lord Askwith inquired regarding the famine in Kuss'a whether measures were being considered to prevent tl-.'' ipntl of cholera to the Dominions. Lord Emott said that Russia was
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  • 323 9 Rltim T» LncßWe. London, August 11. Wa-hington President Harding's formal invitations to the Disarmament and Far Eastern Conference have been despatched to Britain. France. Italy. Japan ami China. No limitation has be-n placed on the scope of the discussions. It has. however, been suggested that naval armament may
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  • 107 9 Retter Telegram. London, August 11 ».-hington The features of the July statement of the Department of Commerce are the enormousi drop in foreign trade compared with the corresponding month of last year and the big gold imports. The figures show that general exports were $::22.000,000 in July
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 40 9 Rki'ter Telegrams. London, August 11. Geneva The Dutch Government has ratified the statute of the permanent court 4 intern* tional justice. London, August 11. Madrid The cabinet has resigned. The King has asked Senor Maura to form a cabinet
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  • 440 9 Proceedings Pe?rribcd as Very Lively. Re'tkr TRiMMm Londun, 11. Paris If the French papers are to te believed, tits proceedings at th? Supremo Council we-e very lively. Le Matin says Lord Curzon and Signor Dells'.orr.-t a (Imamlil an ending of Allied military control in Germany. M. Briand
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  • 169 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 11. In the House of Commons, moving the second reading of the bill authorising the Duchy of Lancaster to realise the capital of £100,000 and to apply the proceeds to revenue, Mr. Chamberlain made interesting revelations with regard to His Majesty's civil list
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 58 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 11. Simla The Everest expedition is still exploring the country round Tingri. Six thousand five hundred square miles of new survey have now been completed. A photographic survey of Mount Everest has been commenced, but is hampered by th* monsoon and clouds. No practicable
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 271 9 Rumours About Ec Valera's Reply. Reuter TrumMMl London, August 11. Pars: Owing to he nature of De Valera's reply. Mr. Lloyd Gecrge is r?turning to Lcndon to-mcrrrw. L-rd Curzon and others are remaining in Paris. Lcndon, Augjst 11. Paris A Frervh source d<?clar?s that Mr. Lloyd Gecrge has rece'ved
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  • 111 9 RrxTEn Telegram. London, August 11. Athens A semi-official message from tha Minister for Wur, M. Theotokis, reviewing the military situation, said that the Ken.alist army was totally crushed, and was no longer of military importance. With regard to the prospect of peace M. Theotokis declared they did not
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  • 69 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 11. Paris Paul Coursier, who was court martia:ied a fortnight ago and sentenced to imprisonment as a spy and who employed the notorious blonde lady in denouncing compatriots to the Germans, has i scaped from the military prison at Lille with two other
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 71 9 Immediate Investigation By Commission. His Excellency the Governor has decided to appoint a commission to enquire into and report on the present state of trade depression brought about in the main b; the continued depression in the rubber industry and to make such recommendation as may appear necessary
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  • 89 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, August 12. An alarming accident occurred in Northern Road, when Mr. W. H. Summers and Mr. J. H. Saunders, both on the staff of Messrs. Pritchard and Co., were driving home in a motor car. In trying to avoid another car
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  • 1081 9 Singapore Natural History society. A meeting oi the Singapore Natural H. story Soc.etj was h?ld at the iiain s Museum en Monday, August 8, at 4.4) in. Majcr J. C Moultcn, rresueni, took the cha.r Tw^nty-thr^e members and v.sitors were pre.—nt. Ihe Hon. Secretary read the mmut.-s cf the last
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  • 1432 9 War Disastrously Affects Industry. The New York Journal of Commerce has the i^i.^w.i.j; UUH iivin a special correspondent en ihe r..n.(s of the war on iho r-Dotr using in^usu-ies of Germany .\...uu± .i..puru»iit (j.rniau mjdstr.cs MM mm m ibm nit by tne war as rubo^r. ih industry
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  • 356 10 New Fu'lv-I.icensed House For Singapore. of the next few r w. first-class hotel will be openin in Sir. ranore. in Bras Ra«::h Road, on f the old Stamford House and the more recently vacated Japanese Comr'n al Mjseum. Und -r the personal' m of Mr. G. P.
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  • 99 10 LM ri SiHfcriSori. Tr i ii'lv a-kr wl d-rod 174.850.86 P. R Pirh-rn (M nthlv sub.) 15 "H i mlcui Und s:b.) 50 ToUl $74,95 1.»9 P nrrprc rrrnch I'r !v I $14.85V32 Last we.k 2J6.59 Total up to July 31. $15,091.8'! Grand Total $91,***** Pinnofl**
    99 words
  • Sportiitg News and Notes.
    • 684 10 iitenatklg Matches HtsA Week. '1 attrJuy s championship cumpetition natch between Abaji iionila ana C. K. ireen resulted in victory for the Japanese 1, 3. Honua piayi a good Uauy game, some.hing alter the style >f Nakamura. Green did not produce his •ist torm. He appeared to go
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    • 145 10 The f<l!i wing are the weights for today Race 2.— Petit Noir 10, Wauk Over 9.7, Gentle Eva 8.9, Peace 7.7. Race 3.— Galacre 9.7, Kaipai 9.7, Bernlea 9.1, Pickle 8.7, Prudentious 8.6, Molly Mac 8.5. Redwira 8.2, Comkorah 8, ?unsprite 7.7, Red Pear 7.7. Race 4.- Tirrah
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    • 94 10 The Taee to-morrow morning: will be f r th^ Margaret II Cup. C>"T9» Ftnrt S.Y.C.. ro"nd mark boat off WHt*> Bencn. rm.nd n. Patrol, back to Y. C. Buoy, inside breakwater, back to .r.ark jcat "n~ White Beacon, round Malay ipil Buoy ai i rnish at S.Y.C.
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    • 62 10 During the school holidays the V.M.C.A. swimming pool will be open to all school boys as follows Monday, 9 10 10-30, Raffles School, St. Andrew's School, Anglo-Chinese School. Wednesday 9 to 10-30, Anglo-Chinese (Serangoon), Outran) Road School, St. Joseph Institution. H'riilav 2 to 3-30, any other schools not .-<
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    • 51 10 A Reuter wire of August 11 states The yachting series of six races for the six metre class for the British-American Cup at Cowes and Ryde alternatively, resulted in a win for Britain by 117 points to \inerica's 88. Both sides were r. presented by four
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    • 26 10 A team of St. Joseph's under captain C Pennefather will meet the teachers of the school at cricket to-day on their "round at 2.30 p.m.
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    • 139 10 The draw for the first round of the S.F.A. Cup competition is announced as follows R.G.A. v. S.C.F.A. I, bye v. S.R.C., bye Staffords I v. Borneo Co. S.G.C.L v. Staffords II S.C.F.A. II v. St. Joseph's 0.8. S.C.C. II r. R.E. Sports Club. The remaining first division
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    • 182 10 A Reuter wire of August 10 states The Australians v. Kent match was started at Canterbury to-(iay before 10,000 spectators. The weather was fine but dull rain" fell later in the day, and stumps were drawn at 5.40. The Australians made 297 for (number of wickets indecipherable).
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    • 154 10 A correspondent writes Singapore may be backward in many things, but at r'ast we can congratulate ours lyes on havinga more genuinely sports loving popuation than in. Calcutta, and also one thut nderstands the points of the game better Since th- rict at a football match on the
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  • 196 10 (Contributed.) HE. Sir L. N. Guillemard has cone up 1 1 T he Hon Mr W. Duncan ha. left by the mail When all Malaya's industries were tottering to a fall And her chief commercial product was scarce saleable at all Then Wulli» said to Gullie I
    196 words
  • 1099 10 Judgment for the Municipal Commissioners. Th following is the full text of the ud-nu'nt of the Chief Justice Sir Walter >haw, in the appeal of the Singapore Electric Tramways ap n-t the finding of fir. Justice Sproul., who gave judgment n favour of the Singapore Municipal Comnissioners. The
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  • 14 10 Mr. C. J P~«Una, n?her of s- cond court, if la.d up in hospital.
    14 words
    • 1427 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The statement regarding the case .nude in the Legislative Council on Moriay by the Hen. ih ("denial Secretary nd your comments then on charging the tiuard of Dirc-c. u » iceff of patriotism, makes it
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    • 161 10 To the Editor of the Strait! Ttaw* Sir, With refer r >nce to th 1 statement made by the Honourable the Colonial Secretary in the Le<ri?lativ Conn il. I notice that the Colonial Secretary reported to Sir Arthur Young and repeat d to the Council that I
      161 words
    • 149 10 Since Singapore Sleeps To th E 'itor of the Straits Times. Sir Mayhap your W-!or. Cold Feet, will have the effect of shaking up Malaya in time. If only your Government and rren ral msblic clearly realis cl that the next great •haptcr in human histcry will be Meted »roun
      149 words
    • 93 10 The Government Acts. The Rubber Circus. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your lead r of the loth ii I I the point. Please k 'ep at it. The I the street is with you he counts in the end. Th? Circus become? t resome. II E las
      UP  -  93 words
    • 331 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, At th: present moment the Supreme Council is sitting to d?ci !e many thorny questions. On? cf the«e wll be the Upper Silesia qu sticn and to F.n?land must be pat the blame. En-rhnd knowing France's sympathy for t
      331 words

  • 1640 11 Kirn Senjr Land Co.'s Successful Appeal. In the Supreme Court yesterday, ii appellate jurisdiction, judgment Was d* livtreil in the matter of the Income Taj Ordinance, 1920 and in the matter of th< petition of Kirn Seng Land Co. Ltd. Coram Shaw C. J., Barrett-Lennard J., Branch J.
    1,640 words
  • 504 11 The Position in Upper Silesia Improves. The following notes on Military Even:* for the seven days ti.ding 6th July, are prepared by the UaMBSI atan lor issue to the Press 1. Silesia. Ih-- withdrawal of the Polish insurgent Ma i-iic from the plebiscite area »a» carried odt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS arc still the most popular In the East The Mint high quality Is maintained but ICo/ PRICES HAVE iCo/ IV I BEEN REOUCEO 19 Thia utfer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK £<nd to-day for Illustrated catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD. (lacorporaUd la Hoagkoag.) Waffle* Place,
      279 words
    • 348 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tea Danaant, 5 to 7 p.m. (Admiaaion free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dinner. THURSDAY. Gueat Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress eeeentla] fet Dancing). FRlDAT.— Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY.— Gueat Night and Dancing. (Evening Drou eooratial fot Dancing). PICTURE! Sunday, Aognst 14, at 9.30 p.m. "CAVW AND
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 KIAM KIAT STANDS tor ATISFACTORY E Ft VICE Do not worry, w*b will Help you. DOT EMBOSSED Box Strapping IN CONTINUOUS LENGTH COILS OF SOO FEET Made of flexible, cold rolled atoet, lacquered to prevent rusting and •mboased to protect the bead of the nail. The «dgea are rounded to
      198 words
    • 1632 12 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES, MALACCA. 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders will be received at the Resident Councillor's Office, until noon, on September 9, 1921, for the exclusive right, subject to the limitations of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance, 1909, and to the Rules made thereunder,
      1,632 words
    • 509 12 PROVINCE WELLESLEY (CENTRAL DISTRICT). 25. Alma. I 82. Machang Buboh. 25. Ara Kuda. S3. 27. Awang Kongsi. 34. l'i>e Km, l. near i'rye Station. 28. Bukit TenKR.-ih 35. I'rye Road, about H4 miles from li'J. Bukit Mertajam. nft Station. 30. Juru EsUte. 36. Sungei Lembu. 31. Kubang Ulu. PROVINCE WELLESLEY
      509 words

  • 287 13 Waitresses' Course in The 'Ologies." One of the most unusual groups of students ever received at any school is composed, says the Central News Philahelphia correspondent of eighty-three women now undertaking a ten weeks' j course of studies at Bryn Mawr College. They include telephone operators,
    287 words
  • 353 13 Ceylon Doctor Urges Prompt Legislation. Last year when information was received in the island that there was a serious outbreak of yellow fever 17) Central America the Medical department expressed fear that the disease might find its way to Ceylon as conditions here are said to be
    353 words
  • 279 13 Unable to Carry Out Self-Mutilation. What th> magistrate in New York court called the strangest triangle story I have ever heard was unfolded when Benjamin Hoynoski, a young Russian Pole, was arraigned on a technical charge of felonious assault in presence of his wife Vera, who had accompanied
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 285 13 Whiteaway. Laidlaw's Annual Sale $8 NOW PROCEEDING fjpfl?^ I AMAZING REDUCTIONS IN \J*&^^£fm&_J ALL DEPARTMENTS. thb'big'vJlue' pad. Containing IM ShccU of superfine white lined Bank paper, STOCK TO BE CLEARED REGARDLESS «uitable for every type of Corns' rncT respondent*. OF COST. U BUal Price ,j 75 each Sale Price |IJ>
      285 words
    • 419 13 C f E /^Pl^x E M»>roprielor.: fef T A /I M) Ho*6 o( ft p] 61. Kling St. IVI |-js COMPANY FU JHpIW J^J 'Phone 352 <m s*. wJßyf N x N T BY TEST THE BEST. TT 1 ■»JSSS«JBSSsWB»SS»»SI««w SALES BY AUCTION MORTGAGEE'S SALE of valuable town business premises.
      419 words
    • 75 13 IFOH GYMKHANA CLUB RACE OAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 2$ ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 Non-Mlling Sweep 150.000 oa Raet> S. TICKETS 15 BACH. Railway tariff on all hone, entered at the meeting- win be paid fey tlie Ipofc Gymkhana dak H. L. ARMSTRONG. Tel.*-., Hon.Be«««T. RACING. IPOH. FIAT CARS LORRIES Marine
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 828 14 SALES BY AUCTION j r wLAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES KOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS r%. aadenlgned ha»* received instruction, to sell l by public auction (if not pr^Tluu.. !.ld hr nrivVte tre.ty) at their eele-room. Raffles Chamber.. Raffle. Place, **i« »y on
      828 words
    • 590 14 I IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUAF.LF ENGINEERING STORES AND PLANT. Oompri.-r c n ■<cond-Ji«»d 3& BJLP Bate*" Svmi-Dießel oi! engine. A 15 B.H.P. Tjth-. Z- i fairbanlu Morse oil i-ngine. a Scott s IT! by 18 smooth gfoevea rubber machine, a Sirun hand power rubber mnrhnv. seta of smooth, fd
      590 words
    • 633 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. AMnrance In force over $17,000,004 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Ineorporatea la Straits Settlement.) HEAD OFFICE I Wtaeaeetsr Haas*, ■iagapore. LONDON OFFICE *2. ON Jawry, EX. Th* Company ha* £10,000 deposited with the Sopnat Court ef EngUad tad eompli*. with th* British Ufe A.soranc.
      633 words
    • 589 14 BANKING HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital 115,000,00« Reierve Fund* Sterling I 2,500.000 Silver SSI.oOO.OOC Reserve Liability of Proprietor. f16.000.00C COURT OF DIRECTORS G. T. M. Edkina, Esq., Chairman (J. M. Dodwell, E.g., Deputy Chairma* J. G. M. Bernard, E.g. Hon. Mr. E. V. D. Par V.
      589 words
    • 495 14 BANKIWB THE OVERSEAS CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (laeurporaud in the StraiU SettlemenU) JIKAD OFKIC'E Singapore, 68, Kling Street. Telephone No. 1666. BRANCH i Penang, 28, Beach Street. AGENCIES Ipoh and Dell. CAPITAL Authorised (20,000,000 Issued 10,600.000 Paid-op 6,260,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 6,260,000 Reserve Fond and Surplus. 290,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
      495 words
    • 218 14 IWSURANCt: COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire, Life, Marine, Accidant, Guarantee, *aA Motor. Assets exceed £4O,O«O,0Ot W A. SIMS- Manager and UnderwriUr. Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS UFE INS. CO. i Incorporated in Canada) All th* latest plan* of Lif*, Endo*na*a) and Annuity policies issued. A.seti J«,POO,000
      218 words

  • 872 15 Current Year's Profit Fully Assured. The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Rosevale Rubber Company. Limited, was held on July 13 at the registered offices of the company, 139. Cannon Street, E.C. 4, Mr. Richard Arnold .chairman.) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, we only made the
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  • 209 15 Camera Men Disguised As Painters. After successfully resisting many previous attempts at invasion by film cameras, one of the most conservative institutions in the world, Lloyd's, the other day, fell a victim to the kinematograph, and for the first time the interior of the Royal Exchange has been
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 278 15 TH£ SFRVI3E SIGN AVERAGE SALES FOR LAST 9 MONTHS 70 CARS. Why are we se'Hng these large number of Fords in these times of depression Because it is the only car which can satisfy the present day call for economy and is cheapest in first cost and the most 111
      278 words
    • 268 15 BERGOU6NAN /j| TYRES lii-H MOTOR CARS, MOTOR CYCLES. BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE AOENTS FOR 5.5. and F.M.S. Dupire Bx»os. PETER CHONG CO. PLEASE CUSTOMERS. Although young, we claim that our (toes of books, stationery, etc., compare well with the largest establishment, in the whol* oi i Malaya. 1 W«
      268 words
    • 79 15 JUNE 1921 MOTOR CYCLE SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY RACE ISLE OF MAN The "Trusty Triumphs" again demonstrate their efficiency and speed. Of 24 machines which finished the race, 6 were TRIUMPH'S, gaining 4 Gold Medals. EDMOND created a record lap time, 40 mins. 8 sees, or 66.4 miles per hour. BREAKING
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 515 16 New Shipments Jurt Arrived Ctrl. Daplex Die Platos if or Pipes to screw hi in to 1% to. ■arts Daplex W» to for Pipes to screw 1 in. to I UUle Giant Screw Plate. for Pipes to screw K in. to 1 CaaterbroJi English Make Gu Tto-f to Sto«k« end
      515 words
    • 499 16 TAY GUAN KIAT M, PHILLIP 6TIIIT Phn«e Nn. (11l am« J'.lt The mcceaafnl contractor for supply ol FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC. to the Singapore Muieipattty 4wtag the year 1121. GLOBE BOILJH KMMMBJ For during and preserving ittta betlen of all type. Used by all factories, ■u.m.n ou., and
      499 words
    • 1826 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, Fer Sale, Te Let. etc. In ordinary dose set type (average six words to line) are Per line one insertion 28 ets, two ins 46 ets. three ins. 64 ets., four ins. 88 ets, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      1,826 words
    • 659 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNB TO LET, godown Noe. 44 and 46, Anson Road. Apply to G. S. Nathan, 13, Malacca Street TO LET, 22, Kling Street. Apply to The 3se Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. TO BE LET, OFFICES AND GODOWNS. Apply S. Manasseb Co, T. D'Almeid. Street. TO
      659 words
    • 268 16 traits Motorcar Service, Ltd. 11$-216, ORCHARD ROAD. Sole Distributor" of BELLANGER famous French Car II kinds of Repairs to Motor Cycle* Cars, and Lorries executed. racked Cylinders, Crank-Cases Gears sa4 broken parts of all metals Welles). RELIABLE CARS AND LORRIES HIRED. ooas Transported from Ships, (iodowa* Private Honsea, etc. i
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 199 16 THE STRAITS TIMES rELCPHONBt Editorial and General M Manager's Offlce Ill* Job Printing Office U44 All communications relating i* editor!* matters and news should be address**' to THE EDITOR. All communication relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc, should be addressed to TUB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATEB Wants, For
      199 words