The Straits Times, 10 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, -AUGUST 10, 1921 NO. 2(5,712 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1025 2 Three Hundred and Fifty Years At The Hill." I An O'.ri Harrovian, writing i;i a home paper says Three hundred and fifty years ago L,yon of Preston, Yeoman, 'John."' made- his historic bow to good Queen Bess and wen from her the Charter firm and free which
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  • 23 2 His Highr.«ss the SulUn of Johore has been pleased to appoint Inche Omar bin Endot, S.M.J., Magistrate, Kluang, to bi District Officer, Sejcamat.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 391 2 I z r Z%£& i S MI— MIMIMIIIM The Fence that Stands the Climate runinr r*«OM i? iattlo-priK)f. vrrmin-proof, uiul c-limatt-pruof. LlTirilvCi Madt- af tinost hard >l<-i-1 wire galvanized against rust ami secured at tvory inti-rsectioii by our patent "Empire" Knot. No form af fencinj: is so handy, adaptable, economical
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    • 410 2 la.-rol_i M Your Ikln And J% m Complexion Jfc >Lffs___^_i» DR CASSELL'S 1 TABLETS Sapalr W«ar and T«ar af Narva and Body J Priea 1». M. ana- 4i. THE PRICE OF PAINSCIATICA No one wanta pain atill w« pay for li heavily in loat health lost energy loat ambition- often
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    • 198 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR The excellence of French automubile engineering hat loag known and agreed by experts. Ihe Citroen U the acknewtadc** 1 be*t of this school of production. S«e this remarkable Car compare it with an; other light eat M Ml Market. Take a demonstration ride— drive it yourself
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  • 1146 3 M. Reinach on the Auverjrne Discoveries. A special correspondent writing to the Observer from Paris, states:— "The perishable materials found in these tombs at Martres-de-Veyre, dating from the first century. u» the Galio-Roman period, are," '•aid M. Salomon Reinach, in ,»n unpreceiicntivl state of preservation. In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 441 3 1972 ■■Thorn word" Chicago Montgomery Ward Co. CHICAGO, U S. A. CATALOGUE FOR 1921 M IS NOW READY Describing a Complete Line of High Grade General Merchandise H\ I cSaß^^r Musical Instruments Notions V TMWb '3} ErerTthin forYourHoro School f K^af > J~ r ji^B v^oi S lowert pricM obtainable
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    • 548 3 BABY'S GOOD DAYS AFTER |M)SK OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS. "''"r," 1 ■SSfi P<">d <"«y»" means that tour rhil.l thrivinir and fr»o from juvenilr .hsordcr... Baby 1 Own TnblrtH bring all r o< £.Vi HVS int a child> lif<i f ">- ightful prvparntion for little onr< dfsMh »n»tipation and »tomHCh di*ordrr^.
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    • 688 3 Straits Settlements Loan, 1921 <MM»M>HII»I ISSUE OF $20,000,000 LOAN Hearing interest from the dste of purchase at 7 per e«at per annum payable half yearly oa May 1 snd November I. repayable: ax par on may i, loae FREE OF INCOME TAX ANO OTHER DUTIES PRICE OF ISSUE 100 PER
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 927 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.-Britlsh India Mat) A pear Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hi* Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present saspended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Deo
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED Sleaatoi. Intended te sail frea* tlagaper. KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenbam and Penang. BYR LM>NG— Monday, at til pjn, for Malacca and Mnar. JLAKA Tuesday, at 4.»u pjn for Malacca and Muar. IPOB— Wednesday, at 4 p.m. for Port Swettenham and Penang.
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    • 61 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR UNE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. Hubert Dollar IN PORT Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 21 j Tareagh Bills el Ladiag l.ssed fres Maga pere to tke Priaelpal Citle. af Ike United States asl Oeaada. fat tartaer Uf ermatlea aa te Kate*. a«e. •aplf te
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    • 383 4 STEAMER SAILINGS ttK. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japnn) No. 2, De Souxa Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN LINE For Port Said. Marseilles London, Antwerp, Rotterdam nnd Hamburg arr. dep. HIMALAYA MAI!! Aag. 22 Aur. 23 ALASKA MARt v.pi 14 Sept i^
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    • 394 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NIPPON VISIA* i Incorporated ts Jepat) (>»d*i Mail Contract with tke >a»perU> Japanese Governs. ot I 4 (;,ri to alterations without aetl«« LONDON LINE Furtalghtly Service Fer Leaaita. Antwerp via (Malacca) Psatra. Cetembo, Sacs, Port Said aad Maraetllta YOKOHAMA MARU Aug. 11 KLEIST Aug. 1» MISHIMA MARD Ang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 592 5 STEAMER SAIUNiS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE Under Contract with the French Government Mall aad Passenger Services DIRECT MARSEILLES FAR EASTERN SERVICE HOMEWARD MAILS OUTWARD MAILS Te Marseilles via Colombo, I to Japan, via Saigon, Hongkong Djibouti, Port Said I and Shanghai CAP ARCON'A 15.000 tons Aug. 11 ARMAND BEHIC 10,000
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    • 261 5 PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST BEBYICI FOR BOSTON AND NEW TORE Tia Sues CELTIC PRINCE, due Ist half Sept TUSCAN PRINCE due lit half Oct. For all information, apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated In England) Agents. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, LIMITED (Incorporated in th. United
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    • 355 5 STEAMER SaiLiHCS K. P. M. STRAITS CHINA LINE s.s. VAN CLOON will sail on August 15, for Hongkong, Siratow and Amoy. The steamer is provMed with excellent first-class saloon accommodation. For freight and passage, please apply to KONINKLJJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, 2 and 8 Collyer Quay. PASSAGE TO EUROPE VEREENIGDE NEDERLANDSCKE
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    • 133 5 IPOH GYMKHANA CLUB RACE DAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 Non-selling Sweep $50,000 on Race 5. TICKETS IS BACH. Railway tariff on all horses entered at the meeting will be paid bj the Ipoh Gymkhana Club. H. L. ARMSTRONG. Hon. Secretary. Telegrams RACING, IPOH. TOOTHACHE-A DURDEN ALMOST
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    • 124 5 TROPICO R OOriNG Sale Agents BaHKER&zOXHT). Ready Stooka of ONE -.-;-hf two I fANDOw 'TTJDPICO dt ".mnplffll *mim and iflUrlwU IE i ROQHNGj. Md 'poenNG;! THREE fa«un«,a»MHt.ii<fl J PLY Asahi Cemen (BEST PORTLAND CEMENT) IN STOCK Offered at Special Low Price NUNOI SHOTEN ii, wiNCHmrra Hocim. Teleaaeae NN6APORB. OTOMUNE it
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 635 6 CINEMAS From Thursday, August 4, to Wc&ntsday, August 10, 1991. (Excluding Sunday. August J) Aa the show la now closed on Sunday* A Goldwyn Production Full of Live Interest Featurirg ME\ MARSH in a story of romance and the turf In S ParU. THE RACING STRAIN In 5 ParU. A
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    • 126 6 For all Defects of Vision. CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road Singapore: AH UNTIDY DESK is a cause of confusion. Important facts
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    • 84 6 (111)1 V SINGAPORE, .y j Blow away the old tradi- j tion about "Printer'g de- lay." There are probably some things Rickard Ltd. cannot do in the matter j of being on time, but they j haven't encountered any of them yet. There always S seems to be another link
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  • 492 7 Kind's Adnii ji'mn of Gallant Deeds. '1 he King delivered a stirring address to tb<- tiyhi i iho brigade of (jiiurus on t; jlorsc' Parade on July tion ut new colours. Hrn baiuiiu.i..- the Ist, 2nd and 3rd lii-i i. .i.i. rr.-. the Ist, l
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  • 114 7 Marph<iil and Co.'s Daily Report. nirairr Aupjrt 10. Si'v r :>••-.. Hon-.kon:,' M« p.o. prem. Shnnehal 82, Thre montb?' gold 1"' Pt'nre mi-rkot. Quiot".— Rubbers. A lit^'o nirr" eiluulry. T r=.—T»ininp.-' 1.10-1.15, Norths 135- Bouth* 70-7.') crnts. Papans 6SHTT 1 rrnt; \vvn-r !'.^-s 1:: -i :._i ]->i.,
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  • 208 7 tit "rMan and Malacca tpA. .3 p in P fr-nang p.m P''">n nnd Sn'irnlmya 4 p.n n Ko'.a Bsroe, !■••:>.•. and Bw»riw»« 4 p.m Pen* Rwiironn *»nd 4 p.m PinaßSi I'ntnvin and SaXi- y. Trci-v-nnu, Kelnntan. Patani, Singora, Ban4ea and Bangkok 4 p.m. 1* p m ■aagtoad
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  • 20 7 Programme of Prills, etc.. §m week emiintr Wednesday, Aupust 10, 1921 Wdnesday, 10th.— 6.15 pjn.. Drill Hall,
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  • 155 7 FIXTITRRS tVedneaday, Aatast Ib. High Water, 2.35 p.m. 2.49 p.m., 1 .nrlin ib at Hmm, It p., u inter-Sc'uii I Bporta, 2.30. S.C.C. Aaaalaw Bosiag Pailadi.m Theatre I :rsday. Auguit 11. I Kh Water. :!.34 a.m., 3.40 p.m. .i.M. Homeward mail leaves, rcheitra P: .-nee. To ml
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  • 174 7 VESSELS Ai THE DOCKS (Ml Aharf Baala -Nil East Wharf- -Gregory Apcar. h^i- Whorl till. :!nin Wharf Took Sang, Znida, Glaucus. Lmpire Dork- Malay Maru, Mito Maru, Ka■'.iininjT, Carndian Leader. <■ i Whart -Haarh*. Le Maire, Ekma. Jardines Wharf— Mata Hari. ul.. Brani Coal Wharf. Nil. hepi.el Harboar.
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  • 139 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, August 10. On London, Bank 4 m/a 2/4 Demand 2/3 3/4 Private 3 m. credit* 2/4 7/l« On Mew York Demand 41% Pr.vate 00 days 45 V 4 On 1- ranefc Bank On India Bank T. T. 175% On H.ngkong Bank d/d 17% p.c. prem.
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  • 45 7 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyeri Sellers ipot Sept tet.-Dee 1(081 Sp.t Sept. vX-t.-Dec. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Price* Buyers Sellers 28 29 ..29 30 3.1% 32 •:et Steady.
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  • 16 7 Issued b> r'ranrr and Co.. Exchange and Stock Brokers, Singapore, Aug. 10, noon.
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  • 181 7 IM. at. >M Bu7«r» S*llm 1 1 Ay». Went I.UC I] £1 K»n» Kamuntin» 1.17.6 22' 10 10 Kinta Asgoc. 6.50 I 1 '1 In 1 S8 1..L I 1 Jelantoh O.BC '1 Lahat Mil*> 5 5 Linifui Tin 4.28 4.75. 10 10 Malayan Coll. 13.75 14.75 1 1
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  • 120 7 IM. Val. Pd. Buyeri Stlleri ti £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.0 U 8.10.f £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.25 6.75 6/t/Ktaetnc rwav*. I «i 10 10 Fraser Neaves 27.50 29.U0 M ou W. Hammer Co. 00 M lOOlOOKat? Bro« deb 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 5.0.0 5.10.0 10 10
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  • 98 7 U Kcr 0 p.c. $1^34,»0t' Ml fpc pm I spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,00' torn* Spore Municipal 5 p.c $1,878,000 par Spore Mun. 4H Pt of 1907 $1,0C0,000 iO ?.e mi Spore Mud. 4tt px of 10(K) $1, 600,600 10 p.c dU S'pure Mun. 4Vi p.t of lull.-
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  • 398 7 Fraser aad Co. and Ljall and Eratt'i Qiirtstinaa To-day 'l Prices. I raiei Lyali 4 Co. Evatt Allenby (fl) 0.26 0.36 0.20 O.Si' Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 Am. Malay ($2) 2.00 1.60 2.00 A HiUm (|6) 8.60 8.00 A Kilning ($1) 1.00 1.00 A Molpk
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 447 7 NOTICE PENINSULAR INDUSTRIAL COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that the partner■orto rubsi'tin? between Mr. Chia }ue» Rene and me. the undersigned Kow :m the .:> named Una d:sthls day tad thai I h»\e >-equir"d Ckia O'u-e Reng's shares in the said rm nnd will continue to carry on tho busi-
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    • 222 7 LLOYD TRIESTINO s-s. TRIESTE, AUGUST 8, 1921 Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Italy are hereby notified that she has i.rrived and has discharged her cargo at Codown 11, Tunjong Pagar Wharf. SOCIETA COMMISSIONARIA DI ESPORTAZIONE E DI IMPORT AZIONE, Agents. PIANO PIANO PIANO DEAR LOVERS OF ART
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    • 32 7 MS JUTLANDIA Sailing hence about August 14, for London has accommodation for a few first-class passengers. Fare £100. For further particulars, please apply to THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., 3, D'Almeida Street.
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    • 691 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT? FOR SALE, 20-passenger motor bus, good r inning order. Geok, Straits Times. WANTED, lessons in colloquial French Please state ternis tv 418. Strait- Times. J WANTED TcTbOARD, a furnished room with a respectable family. Apply 41 1, Straits "> 'ii:r»s. )0 >q TO LET, house known an Essex
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    • 449 7 FORM "C" id h (PURSUANT TO SECTION 109 OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 1»15). Statement by C 'ERSEA CHfNESE BANK, LIMITED AS AT JUNE 30, 1921. t The gam Capital of the Company i» $20 000.000 diviuffd into 200,000 shares of 9 $100 each. The number of shares issued is 105,000.
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  • 1175 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10 THE GOVERNMENT ACTS. We really do not know whether w? ought to heave a sigh of relief or utt:r a groan of despair. So we submit our perplexity to the public. W.- have here a Government over which we have no control and which
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  • 14 8 The import duty on petroleum in the F.M.S. is now five cents per gallon.
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  • 22 8 A meeting of Mergui Rubber Co. was fixed for noon to-day, but a quorum was not present when we went to press.
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  • 28 8 Before the acting Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, to-day, Insp. King opened the enquiry into the circumstances of the brut; murder of a Sikh woman early last week
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  • 45 8 Detective Insp. Phoar this morning airested a Chinese at the 11H milestone, lurong Road, with thrse bicycles in his pos. session and which are now at the Detective Station. The man is to be charged to-day >efore Mr. Dawson with fraudulent posuiMion of the machines.
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  • 7 8 Telegraphic communication with Kelantan is again interrupted.
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  • 14 8 Sir Harry Lauder is se'lingover 12,000 acres in Argyll acquired a few years ago.
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  • 23 8 The Asahan River is again in flood. The adjoining districts to a distance of 15 kilometres are affected. Several lives have been lost
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 173 equal $100. The rate of payment of Mjney Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 178 equal $100.
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  • 25 8 It is reported that Commonwealth steamers will inaugurate a fast four weekly service to india and the Suez Canal about the end of the year.
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  • 29 8 The Deli Courant learns that a Russian agent of German nationality has arrived on the East Coast of Sumatra and is. selling Russian paper money at a low price.
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  • 38 8 A special general meeting of the Anjaman-i-Islam will be held at 39, Sungei Road on Thursday, 11th instant at 5 p.m. to consider a letter from the Registrar of Societies granting registration instead of exemption, to the Anjaman.
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  • 40 8 Charles F. M. Brown, a negro messenger of the British Embassy, Washington, has received the medal of the Order of the British Empire, in consideration of his 35 years' service. Sir Auckland Geddes himself pinned the decoration on Brown's breast.
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  • 50 8 The family bible belonging to Robert Burns' father containing the date of the poet's birth and also of the death of the father entered by Robert Burns himself realised £450 at Sotheby's. It is to be placed along with the poet's own family bible in the Burns' Museum at Alloway.
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  • 52 8 A Honolulu correspondent states in The Times that an ancient temple at Napoopoo, in which Captain Cook, discoverer of the Hawaiian Islands, lived, and was worshipped by the natives as a god, has been restored. Hundreds of skeletons of Hawaiian chiefs and their wives were found beneath the floor of
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  • 59 8 In the House of Commons Col. Yate asked if the blue serge frock or trousers now worn as mess dress in the British service would be considered as the permanent mess dres.s of Indian army officers. Mr. Montagu said that reports from recent committees both :n England and India strongly
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  • 79 8 The submarine X.15, which sank recently at Portsmouth, has been raised by a naval salvage party. After all the ven.*s of the X.15 had been closed by divers, maVng her watertight, air was pumped into her hold by another submarine. She began to! lift very soon, and came to the
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  • 82 8 There has been some discussion relat- ing to cocktails and specially their consumption by girls, observes a London Journal, une paper r. marks that time was when the cocktail zone of the world laj between New York and Hongkong, whilt md.a devoted itself to "pegs," the Malaj i Peninsula to
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  • 92 8 Pussyfoot Johnson was to sail Im India and Ceylon by the Malta on August 3, but is unable to accept a pressing tation to visit Burma. In the course of! an interview with lieuter's representative I ■Pussyfoot" emphas.sed that it was his' intention not to intervene in current Indian
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  • 117 8 Many of the leading banks, have paid their tribute to the memory of the fail n among their staffs. In mail week directors, officials and staff of the Chartered Bank of India, together with relatives, foregathered in the large hall on the ground floor of the head office in London
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  • 123 8 Apropos of the hot weather, sayu the L. and C. law of July 14, a visitor from Sin^apjre writs We do not often have more oppressive days in Malaya than the last few in London. Yesterday 1 put on a white cotton drill because it is the ni ■> sensible
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  • 342 8 Dr. J. Gossip is in hospital in lVn.inK suffering from mild blood-poisoning as the result of a slight accident at th.' Swimming Club. The Central Engine Works, Ltd., had a staff dinner at the Europe Hotel on Saturday evening in honour of Mr. J. A. Hamilton's return
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  • 71 8 The Jamaican Legislature has passed the Bill to assist the sugar industry. Mr. Churchill directs that the advance should mot exceed £10 a ton. Th? Legislature appointed a Committee at the end of June to inquire into the advisability of aiding the sugar industry, and this
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  • 132 8 The full programme of th F'rince's Inlian tour has been issued officially. He will spend (oat months in India in all, ICTMbs in Bombay on the morning of Vovemb r 17 anil leaving Karachi after th» nost extensive Royal tour yet Bade in the Indian
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  • 183 8 Yesterday, between five and six p.m., in Ciruv. iv ad, motor cur l'J4o, with a European lady, child and amah as occupant*, ami wi.ich was Mag driven also by a European, ran into the bordering creek, an 1 turned upside down in the water. A longkang in
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  • 234 8 I A revised list of export duties, published in the Johore Government Gazette of August H, include the following :—Cultivated rubber, when the title of land is issued by or on behalf s£ the Sultan Exempted from duty, nil reserves to State any rent, royalty or duty,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 156 8 m plll t Exclusive Tailoring BEVI^D PRICES Latest Novtlties in Materials Suitable tor Tropical or Home Wear We specialize in SPORTS COATS and FLANNEL IROUSERS at very moderate t rice*. JOHN LITTLE COMPANY. LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE KUALA t UMPUR. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm>i iM\wmmmmmmm Siderosthen ANTI-CORROSIVF PAINT Forms a permanent
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    • 179 8 ALHAMBRA To-mlcht at 7.30 p.m Pathrs' Serial THE PHANTOM POR IS Episodes or 81 reels Featuring JuaniU Hansen, Warner Oland and Harry Semils Epiaodai 3 and 4 7 Pta. LAUGHING BILL HYDE T Pta. Topical Budget and New Harold Lloyd CatMdy MARLBOROUGH 4 Episodes CAB No. II Episodes B—48 4
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  • 705 9 Momentous Issues Fending Settlement. Press Speculations fcravely Anxious. Kbi'ihh 1 11m;i.., w.London, August 7. h Preparation* f. r th- opening of the r momentous meeting of the Suprer:. 1 Coun- I ril in Paris to-morrow are almost complete. <i Mr. Lloy.! Geirg-. ',ord Curzon, Sir Robert I Home
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  • 166 9 Reuteb Tklegrams. London, August 7. Washington Mr. We»ks and Mr. Denby have written to the Senate finance coni-:,iitt->e favouring retention in the pending I'ordney Tariff Bill of the embargo on dyes and chemicals which the House of Representatives struck out. The argument of the secretaries was that
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  • 120 9 Reiter Telegrams. London, August 8. There has been ;i r.m;ir';able sequel to thi- shooting of a constable at Belfast on Saturday. O'Duffy, the Sinn Fein truct ;>mcir for Ulster. call:d at the hospital and apologised to the constable. He said tVi;it the two ivilian assailants were on duty and
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 127 9 km Buatm Paris, Augu t ■'>. The French High Commissioner at Berlin ..;.> r quest 4 the Gvrman Government to institute criminal proceeding's against the n^saulters of the French Captain Langevin i [•ad tn dismiss t),e Chief of Polic:- as an ii.cttor. According: to a Pn;gu report
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  • 130 9 ter Telegram. London, August 8. Mr. F. L. Thompson, representative of the American relief administration in the Brest-Litovslc-Pinsk area, has arrived in I London. He says that whin he left were pouring into Brest-Litovsk at the rate of two thousand a day. They ha<l nowhere to live
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  • 193 9 Reuter Tel^or^ms. London. August 8. Lahore One of th anr-sted m"n in the N rkanasahib fightin has eonfessH how tfcfl priest se-.-retly collected hundreds of Tord fi?ht"rs, in-iuding Pathans, who masracr H the Skhs wh»n the latter f arrived. The priest, mounted on a horse, v with
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  • 188 9 Reuter Telegrams. r London. August 8. t ".v. Lloyd George's announcement from t PWfa that h: will not attend th; Washing- y ton Conference surprised London, where t jvernment circles attribute th? decision t th enormous accumulation of work re- 1 iiuiriiiK his personal attention in the
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 127 9 Reiter Thlecrams. London, August 8. I In the House of Commons, Mr. Harmsworth, replying to Sir John Rees, asserted that the Anglo-Japanese Treaty did not provide for Japanese assistance to Great Britain in the event of internal disturbances in India. Sir John Rees said that the contrary
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  • 70 9 I Reuteb Telegram. London, August 7. Mexico City A committee representing the majority party of the House of Representatives submitted to President Obregon proposals for legislation for the immediate settlement of Mexico's oil proi blems. The President, in sending the Chamber a list of modifications to the proposals, suggests
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 45 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 8. In the House of Commons, Mr. T. Wintrin^ham, the Independent I Member for Louth, fell dead during the evening tn the reading room of the House of Commons. The House adjourned as a mark of respect.
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  • 31 9 Reutm Telegram. London, August 8. Stockholm Betwe n one and two million kronor damage has been done at a fire which destroyed the storehouses at the naval dockyard.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 287 9 Reuter Telesrams. London, August 8. Van?ouver Lord Nortbeliffe, pricr > his departur from Canada fcT H-nol'ilu. spea'< n<» at the Canadiu. Club on the sub-'ect of disarmament, referred to British Columbia as the nearest window through which one could look upon the Pacific and the whole eastern world.
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  • 41 9 REtTER TELEGRAM. Londen, August B. Reuter is informed that in consequence of Turkish attacks upon for igners on the Asia Minor coast, Gre k warships have fcombaH*! Trcbizond, Samsun and other port? Tt it not known with wK'd off
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 41 9 Reuter Telegrams. .rid- :i. A S;. 1 In. isc. Tw> ty-.-ix j .^eiu'er? sn.l sixteen numbers -f the crew of the steam. r Alaska ar«> missing. London, Auirurt 8. Allahabad The P:rsian province of ICohorassan has proclaim. d its independence.
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  • 256 9 Syria's Commander and Surgeon Fined. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan?, August 9. The District Judge at the Police Court h ard the cas. of the Crown versus Captain Raehead, commander, and Vincent Moxey, surgeon, of the steamer Syria, arising from their declaration that the v.ssel was free from
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  • 16 9 An Irish wake may have its attractions, but a Scotch funeral is a scream of joy.
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  • 340 9 Singapore Mail Held up At Gemas. (Frori. Our Own Correspondent;. Kuala Lumpur, August 10. The Singapore mails arrive! yest rday iter five o'clock in the evening, to a breakdown at Gemas. This is the second .ime the new type of American engine has run off the rails
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  • 72 9 Kklier Telegram. London, August 8. Glicksten's timberyard at Straford, London, with an area of 21 acres, th largest in the United Kingdom, with stocks valued at a million sterling, was practically destroyed by fire to-day after a disturbance caused by some thousands of men, who had applied for, but
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  • 42 9 Better Telegram. London, August 8. The fifth annual report of the National Savings Committee shows £44,000,000 in savings certiiicat s sold in 1920, compared with £79,000.000 in 191.. Th-.- de rease is attributed to the trade (i pression and unemployment
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  • 42 9 Reiteb Telegram. London, August 8. Financial writers point out in connection with the trade losses incurred, that Rylands are abb to claim a refund of over £1,200,000 profits duty paid by them. Therefore, the actual loss is only £62,000.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 167 9 The following npoit is issued by the Curreuc) Curun is ioih rt i A) Whole inniiiii of Currency Notes in Circulation' on }M July, 1921 84,161, .BS.BO Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulalion dun:., Me month of July, 84.376.821 to \H) Coin Portion of the Note
    167 words
  • 2043 9 London on the Washington Conference. By Our Special Correspondent. London, July 15. The fortunes of a British Government seem to be r.gulated by a compensation balance. When affairs at home go wron'.'. something happens on the oth i .«ide of the Urals on MM Rockies, which immvdiat ly
    2,043 words

  • 1367 10 c olony's Affairs to be Publicly t I I CUvIU A meeting of the Committee of the i 11 wai hud iasi in tne CbarlmeJ .:mk vii.. r Mr. A. brown in i eat r. Air. i Kk ut tne outset of the proceedinss l.u-ijnt
    1,367 words
    • 1188 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The consideration of Europeans who the Comm.ttee of the Unemployed v und consider are not entitled to their support may be of interest to those of your readers who are, Horn time to time, annoyed with applications I'or assistance.
      1,188 words
  • 751 10 Sudden Termination of Murder Case. The trial of Andiappen for th murder vt a compatriot named J'alani on Jun 12 laat) came to a conclusion on Monday. The jury unanimously found the accus d ".ot jruilty, and his lordship accordingly iischargefi him. Yesterday the case which was
    751 words
  • 470 10 TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP. Nakamura Beats Dean. Great interest was taken in tho Singa?ord ..»wn tennis chanipn-nship t.e j jruugta fcn-iijuo tiaaamut** "«j| L>> ai. togetiur on Uic iMiAi ttiilre soot" jeslerday. Nakan.ura came well tha iawn icnnis limelight by his] victory over Wheatley, champ.on OX
    470 words
  • 117 10 The August modal competition at the Singapore Golf Club was won by Mr. C. Graham Brown with th 3 net score of Ho. Forty-two cards were taken out, and the following were returned C. Graham Brown 41+36 12 65 F. W. Lyall 39 C9-8 70 C. V.
    117 words
  • 257 10 The monthly medal (bogey) competition at the Garrison Golf Club result. d as folMonthly Medal (Bogey) held on 6 anJ Handicap. Capt. M. Calthrop Calthrop 13 oup Mr. E. Grepory Jones 14 1 up Mr. J. S. Miller U 2 clown Mr. H. L. Patterson 18 4
    257 words
  • 875 10 Good Bouts at Victoria Theatre. There was some interesting boxing at the v icti-r.a Iheatre last mgiit, anu th« .uu.eiue- uppeareu to cn^oy iho evening ihoiw o hiy. ihe arrangements weie very, a U-aturj the excellent iiiij;, winch was coi.strJituJ on the up-Lo-uate principle of the ropes
    875 words
  • 55 10 The second divisirn "ea-ru" match S'affords II v. St. Joseph's, arranir'd for to■»icr'ow. has beer post-win? 1. Th ing fixtures in the division are h-'re r"--nnaß^ed, mH the lant s piwu 1 n' ly the rnse w th tin- firs* d vi<= 'n. wh-re there are also several
    55 words
  • 95 10 A Reuter wire of A"(ri=t 8, d?s-r 'Mnfr the se-on'l r!av of the Australians v. Warwickshire r»r>t-h nt Bir- irfr'ia"! states The w?ather was naaatttwl and the wi-ket rof* WrrwVl-chir- were cut f"r 133. Arrrstron«r took fiv» wickets fw 33. Ai the clcsp of p'av the Anatnl'aas
    95 words
  • 58 10 Orders for week ending August 14. 1921. Tb"r«'lnv. August 11.— Third Troop pnrnrto. 5 15 pro. Ther» will be no Association Parade* fw~ Vi«-i«t 1? to S.'iupt. h,. r 17 In-,)>•;,i--n) Tr">"T>< will pnroHe as nr Vrr-d. npr>Hon!ir*<»r^ w'l' *>» or»«>n on M
    58 words

  • 682 11 Experiments by United States Navy The I'nitcd States Vavy. whirh maintains it- own Aviation Service, is at the moment, Bg IV.-t, engaged in a scries of knl retting experiments in PJ— etfaa with aerial attuck on warships. W— 1 1 nui tai n provided, which, in addition i"
    682 words
  • 279 11 PREFECTS ADVENT URE. Midnight Tru.i nmedy on The i nki of the Seine. M. Lnfller, the HW Police Prefect of i experience of the capital, the methods of Har iim rder to linrn its ways, is tindinp his noctumbulism is lirm^inir adviir.un s with it. At i idnignl tl.
    279 words
  • 19 11 Man i. in onl> appraise his ri-al value when ha has ban sui-d for breach of pro- II misr.
    19 words
  • 519 11 New Machine Acquired to Expedite Boring. Presiding at the annual meeting of the members of the Channel Tunnel Company Limited, hold at the Cannon-street Hotel iaron Emile B. d'Erlanger, in moving the adoption of the report and ■MOOOta, said the accounts were in what he might term stereotyped
    519 words
  • 438 11 Novel Motor Car for Governor Of Manchuria. Armoury! cars do not usually possess limousine littin.irs of silver ami closonne cushions and auxilliary arm-chair seats upholstered in purple and gold mohair or interior door panels of flowered marquetry in which more than 20 different kinds of W»od aroused. Yet
    438 words
  • 131 11 I Parisians hnve been much touch:<l by the tuimat.. met of a Japanese prentleman now in Tans. A bi* blavk mare drawing a htax ily-laden wajron through the Place de la Bastille slipped and fell, and immediately a crowd surrounded the animal nuking vain attempts to
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 146 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS ■re still the most popular in the East The same high quality is maintained but ■ICo/ PRICES HAVE ifio/ 9 BEEN REDUCED 10 /<> This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK Send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE A CO.. LTD. Incorporated hi Hoafkonf.) Raffles
      146 words
    • 259 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.-Tea Dan.ant, 6 to 7 p.m. (Admission fret). WEDNESDAY—SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dinner. THU DaSnJ)~° UeSt Night Md D ncin Ev w«« Ores, essential fot FRIDAY. Special Lunch Orchestra. BAT DMc£Jr Guegt Night Md Dmncin (Evening Dress essential for SUNDAY.— Cine ma after Dinner. NOTlCE.— Residents and Diners
      259 words

  • 1040 12 The Greatest Scientist Since Newton. On Wednesday, May 4, Dr. William Cawthorne Unwin received one of the new and most coveted honours of the world of applied science, the Kelvin Medal. It was' the crown of a Ion? life of scientific service. Still fresh and keen of mind
    1,040 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 183 12 To «m this Brand of Mting mesas AvWO JLxl^J^ ■conomy, Saving of Money snd V^ife^' VyVSJ!' Bettor Result. Its service speak* mm mmtmmm^>J^^ Sole Agent* t &H^ KIAM KiAT g«a 108 and 109, MARKET STREET. I'B-fl 1 ITr^-J <£cm|> DOT EMBOSSED Box Strapping IN CONTINUOUS LENGTH COILS OF 300 FEET
      183 words
    • 508 12 PiPiElß] FMBfIOY Itched and Burned. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "I had been a long sufferer from pimples and blotches all over my face and body. They used to itch and burn so that I could not sleep at night, and they came to a head and burst. I was ashamed
      508 words
    • 293 12 AND IRON jELLOlD^^^^of WHEN YOU feel limp and washed-out, weary and fatigued, with no inclination for exertion t,ou need something fo put fresh "go" into you try a Fortnight's Iron Jelloids treatment. Iron Jelloids help to make the blood rich and vigorous— from which the whole body benefits to restore
      293 words

  • 1053 13 Where the Watchman Cries The Hours. Mr. Walter G. Bell is a sentimental antiquary who writes about London attractively and authoritatively, says Robert .I.yml in a home paper. His new book, More About Unknown London, it a pleasant scrapbook, in the course of which we pass from Gog:
    1,053 words
  • 23 13 If you n-arry the rigrht woman there is ii' thine like it and if vnu marry the i ihir- is nothing like it.
    23 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 WHITEAWAY. LMDLAW CO LTD. !crcrp"rswj in England) SINGAPORE Annual Clearance Sale Nov- Proceeding AMAZING BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Hundreds of pairs of Footwear to be cleared nt HALF PRICE; also great reductions in G^nr/s Wear, Toiiet Specialities, Hardware, Furnishing Goods, Stationery, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothng. BUY NOW AN
      135 words
    • 340 13 WEILL MONTOR, A /^^S, Ifj f mm x Co. HANICURI AND MASBAGI Wi tin. HARD ..e Mlm HAN* SINGAPORE Takl^aassiAßm* Ma 1 AMI IMUMM nm I4VT E E M Proprietor,: jif* T IWI ho Hone o a P 61 K NSt. IVI E COMPANY FL fi J^l '^hone 352 -w
      340 words
    • 112 13 Truscon Waterproofing Paste CONCENTBXTED Far Concrete TRUSCON WATERPROOFING PASTE is the only waterproofing compound that embodies the essential qualities of a true integral waterproofing. The absolute RELIABILITY and ECONOMY of the product have established it as THE STANDARD. It is a necessity for concrete work of all kinds, especially in
      112 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1067 14 SALES BY AUCTION wLAU BULAN6 RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDKR OF THE TRUSTEES FOR lIIMIIIM HOLDERS received instructions to sell by public auction (if not pr«»iuu.. d M*- l »"-ri».V. treat y) at "heir .ale- room. Raffle. Chamber.. Raffle. Plac*. asld by pmai* tr«. »on m
      1,067 words
    • 616 14 Assets over M.000,000 S.C. A«~ance in force over $17,eW,8-« THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (IneorporaU* ta Straits Settlements) BEAD OFFICE: Wtaeh-Ur H..M. «a..-~ f" 1 U K. Co-ps-y ha. 00.000 with th. Ce-r. et b.Ua« eo.pU.s with th. Brltl.h IM A..ur..nce Comp.n.e. Act ,n f^g^*^ ATTRACTIVE
      616 words
    • 592 14 BANKING j HONGKONG SHANGHA BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital I1S,000,00« Reserve Funds I ohmam Sterling 2,600.00» SiWer 521.500.0©* Reserve -Liability of „«A««ftn« Proprietor* »lo,OOO.oo« COURT OF DIRECTOHS G. T. 81. Edkins, Esq., Chairman G. 11. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chalnaaa DG. M. Bernard, E»q. Hon. Mr. E. V. D.
      592 words
    • 500 14 BANKING THE OVERSEAS CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Ineorpurs'i'U m ikf Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Singapore, 63, Kling Stre«i Telephone No. 1666. BRANCH Penang, 28, Beach Street AGENCIES [poh and Dell. CAPITAL Authorised M 0.000,000 I., ue< j 10.500,000 Paid-up 6.250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,260,000 Reserve Fund and Surplus 290.000 BOARD
      500 words
    • 217 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO^ LTD. I lncor|.oratril in Engl >ml r* Life, Marine, Accirtcnt, Guarantee, and Motor. Aasela exceed l«.l»00,00» W. A. tlatl H.atlfrr and Underwriter. Eaatern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS UFE INS. CO. (Incorporated in Canada) All tha latest plan, of Life, Endowman and Annuity policies issued. Asset.
      217 words

  • 712 15 Remarkable Mentality of A Modern Prophet. We recently received from Messrs. Macmi'.lan and Co. a small volume entitled. The Sadhu A Study in Mysticism and Practical Religion, and were interested in the work because Sadhu Sundar Singh wh.n passing through Singapore on his world travels delivered a
    712 words
  • 307 15 U. S. COINING TO BE RES UMED. Silver Dollars to Be Struck After Lapse of 17 Years. Coinage of silver dollars has been resumed by the Washington mint ufti-r a lapse m seventeen years, and the work ■T replacmg 270,000.000 standard silver dollars taken from the treasury during the war
    307 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 283 15 The DuiiJop specialists, Chem§ists. Engineers, Operatives Combining thf longest experience in tyre manufacture, assert Dunlop superiority, and produce in the Dunlop a tyre that gives unequalled mileage and therefore the cheapest on a miles-for-money basis. THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO (Z, LTD. (Incorporated id Japan) 42 sad 4S. ROniNSON ROAD MARINE
      283 words
    • 236 15 BERGOU6NAN ih o TYRES 111 MOTOR GARS, MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE A Or-: VIS FOR 5.5. and F.M.S. Dujc>ix»e Bros. LHH ."MO. Ma,. V^al at LAZARUS-OPTICIAN, MEDICAL MAI I BUILDINO, Battery Road. NEW ENTERTAINMENT SERIES Magic and its Professors $4.20 Conjuring and Magic by Professor Hoffmam $.00
      236 words
    • 87 15 Ms)Ctif*Ari is the indomitable IVlUclllViUll plastic roofing compound «^—^»<iM^Bßß Full particulars can be had from L. Y. SWEE CO., LTD. (IncorpoiaU-.l in F.M.S.) SINGAPORE, PENAM. V-\D KUALA I.IMI'CR. Sole Agents for BRITISH MALAYA. T TITAN »78 Ib« A »78 lbs Bftt N mrti THE BEST N THE WORLD THE BEST
      87 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 510 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of:— M*ru bap*» Die Plate* for Pipe, to *cr*w V. in to 1% la. flarta D-plex Die Plate. for Pipe* to screw 1 in. te i In. UtUe Giant Screw Plate. for Vipes to screw 14 in. te 1 In. Caaterbrouk Kngll.h Mi** Ga* Thread Stock*
      510 words
    • 576 16 TAY GUM KIAT POl'^Lir JTBUr. Chan* N... mi mt jd v Th> hu<jervsfnl contractor for upply or HREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore MaaicipaUtv taring th* year 1921. ULOBB BOILER IBMBDT For clearing and preserving tma beilsr* of all type. Used by all factories, steaoers, etc, and
      576 words
    • 921 16 CLASSIfYED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charge, for Waate, Far Sale, To Let, etc. In ordinary close-set type (average *ix word, to line) are <— Per line one insertion 28 ct»., two in* 40 cts., three ins. 04 cts., fonr ins. 82 eta., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, tan ins t'l
      921 words
    • 874 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, Henderson Motor Cycle, side car ($760). Apply 409, Straits Times. MOTOSACOCUE, two-speed free engine, hand start, good running order, for sale $165. Arrange T. C. Yang, Harbour Johnson Co, Malacca. FOR SALE, Triumph, 4 h.p 1921 model. Purchased new last March, condition perfect. Ridden possibly 600
      874 words
    • 896 16 OFFICES AND GOPOWNS TO LET, stores «nd offices. Apply 1.4 H Nathan ft Co., 4, De Sense Street TO LET, second floor, 1-b, Raffle* Quay, bright and airy office. Apply ground floor TO LET, 227 Kling" Street. Apply to~The Sse Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co, Ltd. TO LET, No.
      896 words
    • 368 16 Bellanger The ting ef Preach Car* WITH SILVER KADIATOB AND THB GOLDEN BILBNCI Jut Arrive* Book Btrti First* Iw* Demoastrstiuß ears ■re to be sold at Special Price Th* BKIXANGER is a cat of *ffieit3cv economy and comfort. No doubt it 1> luxurious and the price is within th» reach
      368 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 192 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General H Manager* Offlce HIT Job Printing Office 1144 All communications relating te editorial matters and news shoald be sddree*«t to THE EDITOR. All communication relating to business matters advertis*. ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing MANAGER.'' ADVERTISEMENT SATES Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc.. In
      192 words