The Straits Times, 9 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. o. 26,711 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 i La i Hi c Ml jBM PHsener. Beer B^Sl Guinness Stout |^M| Bole Agantu THE BORNEO Co., Ltd. THEKE IS ONLY O tf E KODAK, all other apparatus being simply cameras, not manufactured by The Kodak Company. YOU CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE, when buying a camera, even M it
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    • 182 1 C^J ITPh V MANICURE SETS V>LJ I JC^\ AND PREPARATIONS Cutex Manicure acts are immensely popular and thoroughly practical, enabling anyone to manicure perfectly his or her own nails. THREE SIZES CUTEX COMPACT SET In the new black and pink box, contain? trial sizes of four Cutex products, also small
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    • 22 1 8 AUCTION DEPARIMENT. FRANKELS, LTO. Corner of Orchard R iad and Tank Road. OUR FIRST AUCTION Saturday, August 13 Commencing a p.m.
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  • 649 2 I Adir frustration Report for Past Year. The following items are taken from the report for 1920 of Mr. A. B. Voules, actinjr British Resicknt, Nejrri Sembilan The rrvenut- for 1920 amounted to $5,942,205 as compared with $7,111,538 in 1919. The expenditure was $7,635,239 on an estimate of
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  • 402 2 Fun and Thrills Before the King At Hendon. Flight Lieut. Noake?, who was congratulated by the King on his exhibition of crazy flying at Hendon on July 2, is the first airman to get a laugh out of an aeroplane. He is the heavier-than-air comedian.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT II PrtsbyleHm* AsstmUy Hall. Milbounu. Floors ReinforcU >SSI §1 uMk B.R.C. FrtrU. This prove* the absolute perfection of the Weld in the finest system of Concrete Reinforcement in the H|^ World. |a >x rpHE weld between the longitudinal and transss; SS I verse wires of the B.R.C. Electrically
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    • 354 2 1 f£*\ Cuticura Is Just Right For Bahy's Tender Skin Bathe him wilh Cuticura &.^p .met wa -m v..i r. Dry Rcntly md if 2nvsi*nn{r »I|™**" irntaimn or raw is pn* mi anoint with Cuiicura Ointment li soften, soothe ami heal. Finally dust on a f< grains of thefrafnnt, delicstay
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    • 199 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR Tb« excellence of French automobile engineering hat leaf heM known and agreed by experts. The Citroan is th* acanowls4««4 best of this school of production. See this remarkable Car compare it with any other light sat )H Market. Take a demonstration ride drive it yourself if
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  • 984 3 Japanese and Chinese Official* Charged. The opium scandal investigation ha: been brought to a close as far as tin preliminary examination is concerned states a message from Port Arthur to th< Japan Times and Mail. As the result 11 persons, including Mr. Renzo Koga formerly chief of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 Children clamour for them. A 1 liey are so i^ooil ll>ose l»lanc- Jh manges and custards made with (|^w^Ja[ jA^— JJ >ffl>v Brown I'olson's Corn Flour. I— l^irff mTYVX^ Nothing is more bcnrlicial to the H "*H^j|w'^=*" licalth of the little ones during hot v_ >^ weather- cool and creamy,
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    • 420 3 NEEDED IN EVERY STRAITS NOME TO HEAL GUTS CURE SORES SKIN DISEASE. 7AM BUK is the mod wonderful remedy introduced into India. It po«jestc» healing, soothing, and antiseptic qualities of extraordinary power. It it quick in action, and always reliable. It heals by growing healthy new skin, it pays to
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    • 213 3 Motor Cycles Cleveland Motor Cycle, 3'/ 2 H.P. 550 Reading Standard Motor Cycle (twin cylinder) 950 RS. A. Motor Cycle, 4' 4 HJ\ 1.050 (All complete with tools, lamp and horn). SIDE-CARS to suit Reading Standard, B.S.A. and other Makes of Motor Cycles can be had. CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 900 4 BTEMIEB SMLIMS P. 0--BritiBh India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hl» Majesty's Government) Tk« Caaaaaay's MAIL SERVICE EAST O|F BOMBAY are at present aaapcaded LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dae Singapore
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    • 688 4 STTAMER SAILINGS j 1 j STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. UMITED Ale.a Mr* lateaded ta sail fraaj Magaaar* r KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettonhim and Penang. HTE LEONG— Monday, at IM pjn. for: Malacca and Mnar. RAKA Tuesday, at 4JO pa, tor M.latta and Mnar. IPOH -Wednesday, at 4 pa,
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    • 67 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE i SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK j AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. I Robert Hollar IN PORT Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 21 1 1 Through Bill, at Lad lat 15 treat Btmgapere to th. Principal Cities el the Daltod Stataa aad f.aada I F er farther laf .rmati*.
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    • 399 4 STEAMER SAILINGS (UK. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. < Incorporated in Japan) No. 2. De Soasa Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN LINE Por Port Said, Marseilles. London, Antwerp. Rotterdam and Hamburg arr. dep. HIMALAYA MARU Auk. 22 Aug. 23 ALASKA MARL dept. 14 Sept.
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    • 386 4 STEaMEB SAIUJUS NIPPON YISEN HAISHV i Incorporated Id Japa» Fea#r Mai! Coatraet with th. tsaaertat Japaacse Govaraaseat »ab>et ta sltsretlon* without aetle* LONDON LINE Fortnightly Service Par London, Antwerp vU (Malacca) Pea*** Colombo, Sue*. Port Said and MaraeiUaa. YOKOHAMA MABU Aug. U IXEIST Au l MI9HIMA MABU Au« U SADO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 579 5 STEAMER SANJNtS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE ler Contract with the French Government f Mall aad Paaaeager Services DIRECT MARSEILLES PAR EASTERN BEBTICB HOMEWARD MAILS OrrwAßD MAILS r« Marseilles via Colombo, I To Japan via Salgoa, Beagksag Djibouti. Port Said asm Shaaghal CAP ARCONA 16,000 tons Aug. 11 ARMAND BEHIC 10,000
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    • 267 5 PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAB EAST SERVICB POB BOSTON AND NEW TOBB via Sacs CELTIC PRINCE, due Ist half Sept. TUSCAN PBINCE due Ist half Oct. For all Information, apply to ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated In England) Aganta THE BEN LINE STEAMERS. LIMITED < Incorporated In the
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    • 333 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PASSAGES LONDON THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. s.s. TEIRESIAS sailing for London, about Aupust 22, has a limited amount of flrst-elast accommodation available. Fare $770. For passage and further information please apply to W. MANSFIELD CO, LTD., Agents, Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in "England). UNITED AMERICAN LIMES MC
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    • 351 5 FOB PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLI THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG VILAB). This Yakuti or life-giving nectar haa beet prepared from the best, choicest and rieheei vegetable drags. It hss s wonderful proper*} of increasing the virile power and leslUoi all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mai a man. This
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    • 365 5 MARINE R i^^Pil 1 Pflß «OPE g I EXCELLENCE PURE MANILA ROPE SUPERIOR QUALITY A CORDAGE WOBTHY OF VOUB CONFIDENCE Approved and purchased by the United States Navy and Army the Philippine Government and also the leading shipowners SOLE AGENTS KEAT CHEANG COMPANY 41, Market Street, Singapore.— Tel. 226*. 41S,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 683 6 CINEMAS ml* XVJL Mr" JL JCIL JLCs. To night in the Second Show, at 9.30 p m. VitasrapVs marvelku; ihoio at rial <f nielooramaiic adventure fetturing HEDDK NOVA and J. FK-NK GL-NDON bnslirg«ith action acd showirg woDOeiful thrillip|i« ard sentationat stuns THE WOMAN IN THE WEB In I f eoi-odes
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    • 122 6 818 BOXING TOURNAMENT ONE NIGHT ONLY VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT, AT 9.1S Inter-Comnany Welterweight Championship Ist South Staffordshire Regiment Chosen men. A. Coy. Pte. l.oftu» B. Coy. Pte. Peach. < Coy. Pte. Gould. D. Coy. Pte. CarroL Mr. G. Austin, st. r. Pte. Barns, t at Mr. Jack Ferrers, I»JS r.
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    • 122 6 For all Defects of Vision CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OPPICE AT THE United Pharmacy. 305, North Bride c Road SINGAPORE: AN UNTIDY DESK is a cause of confusion. Important
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    • 74 6 (USD) 1 V SINGAPORE.^/ I Blow away the old tradi- tion about "Printer's de- lay." There are probably some things Rickard Ltd. cannot do in the matter of being on time, but they haven't encountered any of them yet. There always seems to be another link to let out, and
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    • 78 7 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir.- ti tfca 'loverrmcnt would print the rurrency BotM in their rubber sheets the rubber (lilliculty would be immediately solved :.Tid instead of the present filthy notes w« lx uld gt t a sanitary one which rould be WMfctd as
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    • 189 7 Gram m a tical. To l! Bdlt«C. f the Btntkl Times. Sir, 1 read with intercut .1 1 tt.r which U Id jour is--ue df In.' Oth inst., 1!: editorial footn.te, ;i\intr a solutkn to the discussion of ivrtiin grammatical MlMtmetioaa. Tho vmm you gave is correct. li.mans publication entitled
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    • 182 7 T.. the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I had occasion to write a few months ago to the prevalent nuisance of obstructions of roads by hawkers. May I rail the attention of the Traffic Departncnt and any other departments that may hrn concern in this obstruction along
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    • 424 7 To th- Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Allow me a f»>w lines in your valued Dap r to say a Urn word? about Pulau Bulantr. Th.- Miwr of the innocents i* to take place soon. Is there no mercy for th; poor sharehold n seme of whom
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    • 317 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The European Unemployment Committee in supposed to be a body which scrutinises all applications for assistance Mnt it, and to adjudicate on their merits and giving help where needed. That is what, anyway, it purports to be, but as
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  • 174 7 FIXTURES rurada*, August 9. High Water, 1.44 ».m., 2.8 p.m. Rent Board., pm S.S. Assn. Mtir.. Barker*, p.m. Boxing Tournament, Vie. Theatre, X.16. Wednesday, Auru-i 10. High Water, 2.36 a.m., 2.49 p.m.. Mcrgui Meeting, Evatt's, noon. Football League S.C.C. 11, v. Ex-Servic«» sec Tanglin Club
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  • 2 7
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  • 88 7 Eaat Wharf Basin Anatina. East Wharf Gregory Apcur, Zaida. -ihM-m Wharf— Nil. Mail Wharf Fook Sang. Empre Hock Mu!ay Harm, Jaiu*. Hebe. \V.»! Wharf TTlrflT iardinro Wharf— Nil. Pulo Bran! Coal Wharf. Nil. Keppel Harboar. Main Wharf- Hulvard, Vulcanus, Bon Whatt Hin. Juno. Patrol. S V
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  • 126 7 Ml Ail. Yir. Chinese. 3.318 tons, from Bombay 9-K, for unc. ;lEBE. Brit., 346 tons, from Port Swettenham 9-8. for Port owcttenham 11-8. lAXUS. Brit., 3.078 tons, from Calcutta »-8, for Australr. 10-8. KHYBER, Brit., 5,685 tons, from London £-8. fir Yokohama 10-8. MAN CHE, Fren., 1495 tons,
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  • 221 7 IV-daj 'ulnrc. and Muar S p.m I i I'ahat 3 p.i>. tiongkuiv, Shanghai and Japan 4 I thio p.n. Vnamh.i un<l Natuna Island* 4 p.m I Calcutta, Uumhny, Suez and New York 4 p.m. I Wednaaday 8 a.m. I :'<nan(t, Colombo and LSombay 9
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  • 142 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, August 8. On London, Bank 4 ro/t 2/4 1 Demand 2/3 3/4 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 41 Private 90 days On Franc* Bank W>° On India Bank T. T. 175% On Hongkong Bank d/d 22 M p.c prem. 1
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  • 54 7 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon, August 9. 1921. Tone of market Easii-r. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Seller* 29 M- Wz L'pt. >ot.-] S Ribl Singapore Stsndar >bed Smoked Shot Closing Prices Buyen Sellei 28 29 28V4 29% 31 3H ipot
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    • 181 7 It*. V*L Fa Buy.r. 1 1 Kymt Weng £1 £1 Ktun Kamuntint 1.174 10 10 Kinta Asaoc. 1 1 HiUm Tin 1H 1 1 JeUntoh fl <1 l.ahat Micw 5 6 Lingui Tin 4.25 10 10 Malayan ColL 14.00 1 1 Menglembu 40 10 10 MiddletoL 1 1 Murai
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    • 116 7 /al. Pd. Bnyen Salle B £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.0.0 1.10.C 111 E. Smelting Co. 8.60 7.00 >/ 5/ Electric T'ways 2/6 10 10 Fra.sor A Neaves 27.50 29.50 iO 50 W. Hammer Co. 80 90 ,00 100 Katz Bros, deb 140.00 .0 10 Mexican Eagle 6.2.6. 6.12.6 0
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    • 97 7 U. Eng. P-e- $1,234,800 pax I px. pm. Spore Electric Tramway* 6 p.c. £360,000 lorn. Spore Municipal 6 p.e $1,878,000 pmr. Spore Man. 4% pt of 1907 $1,000,000 II p.e. di* Spore Mun. 4V4 p.e of 1909 J1,600,600 10 p.c dU Spore Man. 4V4 p.e of 1909 $I^oo,ooo U
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  • 381 7 Fraser and Co. and LyaO and Kvatt't QooUtioma. Latest arallakU HUtHmj Qaotatiuaa are printed oa aaothar FYHay. To-day's Price* Frmier Lyall A Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.26 0.56 0.20 O.BC Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 1.26 1.00 1.25 Am. Malay (12) 2.00 1.60 2.00 A Hitam ($6) 8.60 8.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 25 7 Michelin Cord Tyres (STRAIGHT SIDE) 33 by 4 34 by 41/2 32 by 31/2 STOCKISTS CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING COMPANY Ui, South Bride* Koad.
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    • 603 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE. Henderson Motor Cycle, side car ($750). Apply 4l>;i. Straits Times. WANTED hy Englishwoman homr with private family near town. Apply 405, Straits Times. FOR SALE, perambulator (Littles'), new 6 months ago, cust $IJO. would sell $80. 108, Straits Times. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND VERANDAH $300, inclusive
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    • 749 7 BANQUE INDUSTRIELUE DE CHINE NOTICE The Singapore Branch of the rUnquInduatrielle de Chine is forwarding the f»i lowing circular to all local erediten miut'rnames appear a* s >eh in their hooks "As per instructions cabled by our Parr. Head Office and in execution of an order of the Commercial Tribunal
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  • 1091 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 IMPERIAL CONFERENCE. The close of the Imperial Conference appears to have been as gratifying as its beginning. There has been keen discussion of many questions foreign politics, interimperial news, defence, communications and the like, and on the whole there has been a wonderful harmony
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  • 154 8 The stat:ment made by Mr. James at the Legislative Council moeting yesterday appears to us to be definite and conclusive. It I ayes no possible room for doubt that the Eastern Shipping Company refus.-d terms which every other shipping company accepted, and that its refusal was purely and simply has
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  • 14 8 The death roll in the recent railwa; disaster in Burma is given as 104.
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  • 19 8 The Rent Assessment Board will sit in the Municipal Board Room on Tuesday, the 10th instant, at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 21 8 A lady assistant superintendent is required for St. Mary's Home. Details of the appointment will be found in our advertisement columns.
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  • 34 8 The Food Controller, Colombo, announced on July 27 that the Government of India had authorised one allotment of 25,000 tons of rice for Ceylon, and would reconsider the position at the end of September.
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  • 44 8 The Great Chung Hua Conjuring Company drew a crowded audience at _the Theatre Royal. North Bridge Rd. last iwght Miss Ching Moi performed very cri'Jibly and deserved her tit c The Wonder of the Day. The show will be on foir another three nights.
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  • 49 8 At the Colombo Police Court Europsan Police Sergt. Carnes charged Pandar. Sevan Pulle, a dealer in rice, with havins sold half a bushel of Muttusamba rire for Rs. 5, bein; Re. 1.12 above the c. ntrolled price. The accused admitted his guilt. A fine of Ra. 200 was imposed.
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  • 72 8 The sailing from London, of the P. and 9. steamer Naldera for Colombo and Australia was delayed by a collision with the Clan Liner Clan Lamont," which was anchored in the stream. Some of the Naldera's plates were strained and sh< i.-ntered dry dock: to sea exactly what damage had
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  • 65 8 An extraordinary general meeting of the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association was held on Sunday at the" school under the presidency of Mr. See Teong WVah The revised rules were passed with tome alterations. Mr. F. Gomes was appointed sports secretary and the following as games committee. Messrs. Teo Kwan;
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  • 157 8 The earliest possible year by which the Sydney Harbour Bridge will be opened t. traffic is 1930, providing a favourable tender be received by T-eptember, 1922. The Railway Commissioner estimates that, after payment of interest of £220,000, cr s^3 per cent., on the railway moiety of £4,000,000, all working expenses
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  • 75 8 By kind permission of Lt.-Col. R. W. Morgan CAi.G., D.S.O. and Officers the Band of the Ist Battalion South Staffordinre Regiment will play the following programme in the Botanic Gardens on Sunday, the 14tii August Mil at tt.::O i>. tn. March, Cleopatra, Manicnel i selecI on, The musical Switch, Alford
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  • 94 8 The Rime correspondent of The Time* says that important new discoveries of treasures were r-,-cently made at Pompei. as the result of excavations which havi been carried out since 1911. Th.-y include a number of fine paintings, one depicting the 12 Custodians of the City, a house wjtfc the remains
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  • 86 8 Extraordinary police precautions were necessitated at Abertillery for the protection of the fifteen year old boy Harold Jones, who a few weeks ago received a popular ovation when acquitted of th< murder of ar, eight year old girl. A Urn days ago the dead body of anoth?i small girl was
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  • 98 8 At the annual general meeting 1 of theStraits Athletic Club held at the Club House in July the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year President Mr. Tan. Kirn Hoe, vics-president Mr. Khoo Ho Swee, hon. secretary and trustee Mr. Chua Kheng Bin, asst. hun. secretary Mr. co
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  • 153 8 The Islamic Review for June— July edited by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, migh almost be called a Singapore number, s much of its contents being taken u> with art^clos from this city. But this isno wonder for the number followed its editor's visit here. The second illustra-t-on in the book is one
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  • 314 8 Mr. G. L. Farrant leaves for home at the end of th's week. Mr. G. F. Morice has b^en appointed mh Acting TelegTaph Engineer, Johore. The bilbar-J player, Charl s Pawson dioi in an asylum waeTC he had boon intern <1 many years. John Brooks, leath-T ami
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  • 63 8 Mr. F. G. Smith, secretary of the Rubbei Growers' Association, London, writ-s The attention of my committ has be.ii Jrawn to a r ference in the Press purpi 11--ng to be details of proposals of this Association for a Rubber Producers' Corporation. I am directed to say
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  • 76 8 This moning's postal express stated Owing to a derailment near Gemas it is uncertain when the mails from F.M.Sv and Penang wi.'l arrive to-uay. We further learn that the mail train whirhus'ially leaves Gemas at 1.41 a.m., was unable to proceed until 10.50 to-day, and the mail
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  • 109 8 The decrease in the population of tho Highlands is the main feature of the Sottish Census returns. Ab.-rdeenshi.-e, Banffshire, Caithness, Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, and Sutherlandshire, show d. j- Teases of from 2,000 to 11,000, and Dundee •A 8,000. In reply to a question in the
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  • 141 8 The action bl which Mr. Juhn Ch*r!e* Bmmarvn, th wrtt liaaa. mining engineer and export, af Tapah. is suin^ tbesqually well-known brother! Man I Frank Corbett, of Ipoh, to recover f;i00 ($2,571) paid by him for the extension of in option, and for delivery of 15,000 fu'ly
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  • 154 8 It has been decided to perp^tuatt the memory of the late Rev. G. J. Tr n-.ner. who was 43 years in Jaffna, by raising a Memorial Fund of Rs. ir>,ooo, the interest on which will provide a scholarship at the j Union Theological College, Bangalore,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 240 8 i SPECIAL OFFER of WINCHESTER RIFLES j COLT REVOLVERS AND PISTOLS AT EXCEPTIONALLY LO V PRICES lal M VVinchrnter KepeaUr, full magazine $35.00 j Cal. 44 Winchester Kepeater Carbine, full magiiiiif 47.50 Cal. 44 Winchester Kepeater Kille. full magazine 49.50 t» 1 Cal. S5l Winchester Automatic Self loading Rifle 75.00
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    • 238 8 ALHAMBRA To-night at T.M pjsu rathe*' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE 16 Episodes or 81 r««ls Featuring Juanita Hansen, Warner Oland and Harry Semels Episodes 8 and 4 7 Pta. LAUGHING BILL HTDE 7 Pts. Topical Budget aad New Harold Lloyd Ciaiidy MARLBOROUGH 4 Episodes CAB No. It Episodes B—l8 1
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  • 268 9 RtITU TZLMBAHS. London, August 9. The Government has decided to release forthwith and unconditionally all members of Pail F.irain who are now intrned or imprisoned, in accordance with the Prime Ministers promise to facilitate to the utmost the peace steps. London, August 6. Five armed men entered
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  • 159 9 Rei'tlr Telegrams. London, Augu-t I Paris The Supreme Council is likely to receive little assistance from the exp. rt committee which is discussing the partition of Upper Silesia. The committ c .s convinced of the impossibility of r .h;ng a unanimous agreement. The have decided to present a
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  • 154 9 Reuteb Tflegram. London, August V. The address of the Imperial to the King, after reaffirming d.votior i > the throne, States We were conscious tl roughout our deliberation* of the unanimous conviction that the most essential of the links binding, our widely spread peoples ia the Crown.
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  • 47 9 RriTEK TELKCKAM. Lort'nn, August 6. Ctrevm Th" In? "r.i.itir-ni Red Cross Co-ncil h..s issue-! invi'p.' to a meeting to »:e held on Aj-' i«i II th a view to the formati< n <>f n-» i^nal orga■f—t'rai to cfr-.t:-'':«i' t'.-,.- •■;bution of i to Russia.
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  • 206 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 7. Paris, from Morocco News of events in the Spanish zona has created excitement among the discontented tribesmen of the Wazan region of the French rone. Several attacks have been delivered and repulsed. Precautions are being taken. London, August c That Spain is
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  • 181 9 REI'TER Tkleorams. London, August 6. The will of the Pittsburg pickle king, Henry Heinz, shows that his Englisn estate is nominally i'l and his American K-tate $4,000,000. The will openv with an HIMSt confession of hi< faith in Christ He bequeaths £50,000 to the University of Pittsburg,
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  • 76 9 Relter Telegram. l Aindon, A Jgus.t •>. New: from an authoritative Jap;me t•>urce, claiming to interpret Japanese ..pinion as regards the Washington con ren deduw ihatatthe prcawt mh>.ient although American CVMatMM a;ni I .-;nti-resu-dr.ess ar.- generally taken fi>r granted, there is v certain current of pinidp unfavourable
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 71 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, August 7. The intervention of providence averted a most appalling disaster at Selby, where the Newcastle- London express dashed into a stationary holiday train, the rear coaches of which were packed with luggage. They took the impact and were hurled at a signalbox, which was
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  • 59 9 Reutem Telegram. London, August 6. The trade slump is strikingly evidenced In the si:nual report of the Manchester inn of Messrs. Rylands showing a loss n the past six months of £1,263,000. The mprovement in the unemployment figures -.ince the cessation of the coal strike continues to be
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 200 9 Reutm Telegrams. London. August 6. Warsaw The Polish Government has decided to join Mr. Hoover's relief work among famin; stricken Russians. London, August 6. Representatives of the Russian delegation in London have interviewed Mr. Lloyd George on the subject of the Russian famine. Extension of the export cr.dit
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  • 60 9 Rei'ter Telegrams. London, August 6. Paris On instructions from the British Government, the British Embassy -•efusfd to visa the passport of the .Polish leader, Korfanty who is desirous of going to London. London, August 7. Paris A Constantinople telegram stat.' that the Kemalists have decided to cv ■uate Angora.
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  • 75 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, August 8. It is stated that a number of Javanese coolies who have been dismissed from 'ocal rubber estates, are terrorising people in Province Wellesley. They are guilty daily of crim.s of violence and highway robbery. A Chinese woman was hacked with v
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  • 113 9 Provision for InereasinK DutieH. A Government Gazttte Extraordinary published late yesterday contains orders under the Tobacco and Liquors Revenue Ordinances, increasing the duties payable. Under Tobacco, cigars and snuff are $1.2 C a lb cigarettes and manufactured jbaceo 80 cents per !b unmanufactured tobacco and native tobacco,
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  • 196 9 An Englishwoman's Terrible Fate. of the most cherished spots in Jerusalem—in some ways even more so than n h of the Hol .y Sepulchre— is the warden Tomb which lies just outside the Damascus Gate. On Jun? 8, British residents were wr-flcd v Lcj; that the
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  • 26 9 It was an old Highlander in a remote glen who said, Man, but it's grand to see how the English backed us up in the war.'
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  • 6947 9 Eastern Shipping Company Case. Statement by Colonial Secretary A statement by the Colonial Secretary (the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G.), who is now also Governor's Deputy, on what has come to be known as the Eastern Shipping Company case was the, principal feature of the meeting of
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  • 184 10 Ayer M01ek.— 24,302 lbs. Bertam Cor-solidated.— l27,ooo lbs. Bar.teng (5e1ang0r).— 36,323 lbs. Bassett.— ll,9oo lbs. Bagan Serai.— 24,ooo lbs. Batak Rabit.— 33,ooo lbs. Balgownie.— l9,l4o lbs. Bukit Lintang.— 22,soo lbs. Bernani Perak.— 2o,79s lbs. Bruas-Perak.— l3,soo lbs. Cheviot.— 77,4B4 lbs. Consolidated Rubber.— 6l,lo9 lbs. Cicely.— s3,4oo lbs.
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  • 275 10 In addition to a selection of Fiction and Juvenile Books, the following new works were ready for issue on. Saturday last Bain, A. Watson, The Modern. Teacher I 452 Belloc, H.. Europe and the Faith ..A 3965 Buchanan, Alfred, The Real Australia A 896)3 Clodd, Edward, Magic in
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  • 83 10 Another form of auctioneers has come into the field and is carrying on as Uren and Co. Ltd., on the third floor, of the New Arcade, Battery Road where, undeT personal European supervision and attention the business of auctioneers, valuers, house, land and general commission
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  • 4 10
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  • 199 10 Yesterday.- mitches in the Singapore luwn tennis opeii championship were all wisilv mt, as the appended detail- mom J. D. HaUbeat Cbeong Oli.« Hai. (1 t, fl i Chua Choon Looog boat K. C. Million. 0 0, 6—B. C. F. Oreen, bo»t 0. A. Norris. 6-
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  • 29 10 A Reuter wire from Boston ilHt.«l utates Mike Gibbons easily outpointed the Britisher Ou» Platts in a tan round rr.ntost. QMoM had I matters all his own way
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  • 119 10 A Rcuter wire from I'ittsburg dated August b Htates that in the Davis Cup aingle* Anderson. Australasia. bvßt I.mve. BliUin. 6 J. <■ :t 6—3. A wirr of Aiigu.-t 7 it. Australia beat Hrilain in the Davis lup Anderson boat Lowe, 6 2, 6 3. 3- -6.
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  • 170 10 A meeting of delegates in comuwlion uilL liAmateur Athletic Association of British Malawi will be held in Kuala Lumpur in the near future. At thnt meeting, the whole quention of qualification will he disrussed, ;ind there is good reason to think that in future the Malayan Athletic
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  • 90 10 The Australians' match against Warurick-hir. was begun »t Birmingham to-day before 8,000 people. The wicket was wet and th. NOethM dull, rain interfering with |>Ihv Win i -lumps were drawn Warwickshire bad 90 for six Charlesworth made 51. including a six ami nY four*. Tlu following bay.
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  • 39 10 The ruee course will bo officially open U>r training on Saturday, September 3. The usual arrangements as regards .-otTeo for uieinlK-r- will be in force, and the lottery sheets far im-iul<r-will be open on that date.
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  • 44 10 Yesterday's play resulted as follows LABIKS POIBI.KS OPEN. Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Morrell Lid> Murison and Miss Shaw, w.o. Mixed Douhlk. a Final. Mrs. Stookes and Mr. Cameron heat Mrs. Swindell and the Rev Mr. Griffin. l, G
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  • 116 10 The annual general m-eting of the Singapore Recreation Club was held in the Pavilion yesterday afternoon, Mr. K. Tessensohu presiding. The report and accounts were read and confirmed. The following were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mr. E. Tessensohn Vice President, Mr. C. A. Da Silva
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  • 65 10 A hockey match will be played to-morrow at Tanglin between .he battalion team of the Staffordshire Regiment and the Asiatic Petroleum Company. The following will represent the A.P.C. O. O. Gray M. D. Rutloy and H. B. S. Law; C. A. IVuuetather. H. C. Cooper and L. Oammell C
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  • 97 10 The following is the programme of to-night's boxing tournament at the Victoria Theatre in the order in which it will be carried out Two preliminary bouU in the- Stafford*' inter company competition Selected men Pte I.oftus. A Coy.; fU. Peoch, BC I't•iould C Coy. It, i imj, 1).
    97 words
  • 459 10 '1 he preliminary hiats in the interscluKil sports which are to be held on the S.C.C. ground to-morrow afttrnoon, wen run off on the Raffles School grot ad on Saturday afternoon, resulting in the following being those to compete in the various finals 100 yards scratch, Class I.
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  • 70 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, August 9. Silver :iBV». Hongkong 204 p.c. prem. Thres months' gold 45H. Share market. St. ady —Rubbers.— cry little business passing. Tins.— Taipings 1.10-1.15, Norths 1.35--1.42'/a, Souths 70-75 cents, Papans 65-70 cents, Xawng Pets 1.32^-1.40, Kawanga 62H-fi,|* cents, M.nglembus 4"-J7'. cents,
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  • 115 10 Malayan Tin Dredging. .Output 1,450 piculs, yardage 344,000 cubic yards. Rahman Tin Co.-442 piculi mill "24 97 tributes 217.30. Hitam Tin.— 460.2:; piculs. Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co., N. L.— Output 400 piculs, t2!> hours worked, 71,000 cubic yards treated. Tin Bentong no Liability. Hours 642, piculs
    115 words
  • 135 10 Maurice Tournejr's latest melodrama, The Wihiti.- Heather, adapted lfrom th famous Urury Lane play of the same name is th- real thrill of the year. This stupendous production will b? screened on Friday at the Gaiety Cinema. The change in to-night's programme is in the first show eight
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  • 80 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Wednesday, 11th, August 1921. Wednesday, 11th.— 6,15 p.m. Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill. SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending August 14, 1921. Thursday, August 11. Third Troop parade, 5.15 p.m. There will be no
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  • 767 11 Cruel Treatment Mete«; Oul To Russians. Th« Peking correspondent of the Shanghai Times, writing on July 10, If 'anywhere in China the Russians are beihg v aue to sutt tr for their loss of extraterritoriality it is in Harbin, according to a letter just received in
    767 words
  • 758 11 Obtains €1.500 Damages for Its Being Burnt. Estimates rantrin* from as low as £150 to il.. r >no wore (riven as th market value of an Oriental drop prarl by exp rts called as ■TstsjMM* in tho King's Bench Division on July 2 at th resume 1
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  • 304 11 Amusing Reminiscences of London Committee. Mi. .sum.;. Stoi.f. chairman af Ihe City I^ofit'-i-rinK Committee, hau some amusing stories t tell of the experiences of that tribunal at a lunch which he (rave to the m Btben at the Guildhall, on the conclu>i' n of ihfir labours. The
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  • 256 11 THE NEW MESSIAH." Remarkable Credulity In South Germany. A man who claims to be the new Messiah," and professes to be able to work miracles, is causing intense excitement in the South German State of Wurtemburjf. Scantily clothed, unshaved, and with flowing hair, he is touring the country calling on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 223 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS *v still the most popular in Ihe feast The same hijrh quality is maintained hut ICol PRICES HAVE -jCo/ ■V BEEN REDUCED IV I hi* i ufcr lor Spot Cash Payment unl> A4-i- NEW bTOoK .'end to-day lor Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO.. IT (laeorporatfd Hoßffkoa*>-> Waffle. Place,
      223 words
    • 282 11 Raffles^ Hotel MOM HAY.- Tea Danaant, 5 to 7 p.m. (Admiaaion free). WEIiVESDAY.— SpeciaI Mu* •>1 Projrramr-^ afttr Dinner. THUHSDAV. Guest Night and Daoring (Evening Dreas Maendal (or Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lonch— Orchestra SATURDAY.— Guest Night anJ Dancing (Evening Drua* eaa«ntiaJ (or OnTvinar^ SUNDAY. Cinema after Dinner. NOTlCE.— Resident* and
      282 words

  • 430 12 Government Station's Valuable Work. The most economical methods of using; coal, domestically and commercially, are being thoroughly investigated at the Fuel Research Station established by the Government at East Greenwich shortly after the war. Sir George Beilby was appointed Director, and is assisted on the Board by Sir
    430 words
  • 436 12 To Be Helpful Everywhere And Dictatorial Nowhere. If we correct y understand the meaning of President Harding'* Memorial day address, says the San Francisco Chronide, he defines the American policy ia international relations as a willingness to be helpful ev.rywh:re, but to dictate to aone and to
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  • 138 12 The Rubber Estates Agency Ltd as sectaries of the Sumatra Plantin? Syndicate, Ltd., in a c'rcular to the syndicate's shareholders, state that the d roctors have resolved to issue 20 000 shun-s of £1 each at par. making 'the lss'ied capital £170,000. The additional capital is required
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 137 12 KIAM KIAT STANDS for AXIS FACTORY ERVICB Do not worvy, w« wltt »>«lp you. THE MARK OF PURITY ma aVA M^\^^ PEACHES, APRICOTS PEARS OR CHERRIES served with LIBBYS EVAPORATED MILK Make an exquisite dish. Remember, Übby's Evaporated Milk Is the milk with that creamy taste and Übby's fruits are
      137 words
    • 466 12 NOTICE Messrs. Praaer A Neave, Ltd, have plea- are in announcing to their numerous euaomera in Johore that they have de'ided, winu to the increased demand for their •aters, and in the boat interests of all oneerned, to open a Depot in Johore Bharu, ,i from August 8. AH orders
      466 words
    • 149 12 BORKEKtVCO.UD. I Clayton Crude Oil I Engines 6, IS, 30 and 50 B.H.P. in stock I 35 B.H.P. ham Rail Tractors i Ploughs, Cultivators, Harrows i i Mot r Lorries aad Buses Niblock Scrap Washers Hand and Pow r Fubb it MacK es |y|ORE SPEED |y|ORFCAMBE The Sporting Model which
      149 words

  • 860 13 Greatest Desire of Every Human Heart. Mr. John Drinkwater, the poet and famous author of Abraham Lincoln, lectur- ■I King's College, Strand, to a crowded j aud .enc.e, on Poetry and Life." The lecture, which was diversified by a reading of several of Mr. Drinkwater's own poems,
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  • 214 13 Three Persons Believed to Be Involved. Details of the G.1.P., train murder* and robbery ghow that the attack on the pay clerk and peon of the company who were carrying money for the payment of I the staff on the Jubbulpore section of the I line must
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 200 13 L *V UMt (A*\ Repeating Rifles VO!-^\ I J These ii.l^3 rc^rcscr.t an cdvanced thought fin in rifle construction. They provide UM gjm \^L\V. shooter w:h live cartridges ready for ir.- 6g jS vlky r 5 ■tant terrk one ot a ti— sor successively, i 5 i witl -dintf rapidity.
      200 words
    • 381 13 c c E /C^^X E CO HONB Jo ftfc H 61. Kling St. IYI N n BY TEST THE BEST. *J* WEILL MONTOR E, HIGH STREET. Sole Aftata. 1• aft 5 THE TROUBLES OF BABY It is not to be expected that he should talk as well as you or
      381 words
    • 128 13 JUNE 1921 MOTOR CYCLE SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY RACE ISLE OF MAN The "Trusty Triumphs" again demonstrate their efficiency and speed. Of 24 machines whicn finished the race, 6 were TRIUMPH'S, gaining 4 Gold Medals. EDMOND created a record lap time, 40 mins. 8 sees, or 66.4 miles per hour. BREAKING
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1148 14 SALES BY AUCTION .«UU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDKR OF THE TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS A-~.\~r,,A huve received instructions to iwll by public suction (if not pr*v,.,.i« iVhl nrivate treaty) at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Roffl«» Place, soia bj pn on d>te t0 b not
      1,148 words
    • 554 14 Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Assurance In force over $17,000,000 THE CREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Incorporates* la Straits Settlements) BRAD OFFICE t Winchester Haass, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 12. Old Jewry. R.C Ths Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of Cnglasd sad complies with the British Life Assursnce
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    • 588 14 BAWKIW6 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital 115.000,00* Reserve Funds Sterling I 2,500,00e Silver $21,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors- 116,000.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS <L T. M. Edkias, Esq., Chairman O. M. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairmaa D. G. M. Bernsrd, Esq. Hon. Mr. E. V. D. Par A.
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    • 551 14 BAWKIW6 THE OVERSEAS CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlement.) BEAD OFFICE Singspore, 63, Kling Street. Telephone No. IMS. BRANCH Pensng, 28, Beach Street AGENCIES Ipoh snd Deli. CAPITAL Authorised $20,000,000 Issued 10,600,0^0 Paid-up 5,250,000 Reserve Lisbility of Shareholders 5.250,000 Reserve Fund snd Surplus. 290,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Th.
      551 words
    • 216 14 MSURAMCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Firs, Life, Marine. Accident, Guarantee, ami Motor. Assets exceed flo.oofl.oM W. A. SIMS— Manager and Underwriter. Eastern Branch, Singspors. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. CO. (Incorporated in Canada) All the latest plans of Lifs, Endotraeat and Annuity policies issued. Assets M.000,000 GUTHRIE
      216 words

  • 902 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Nationality of Can. It is easy for the experienced observer to tall what country a motor car comes from by taking note of its lines, the de- j signers of each country adhering to cer- 'tain characteristics and tendencies. Thißj ,is particularly
    902 words
  • 135 15 The following is from the minutes of a meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board 1. Formation of Sanitary Boards into Municipalities The Chairman informs the meeting that the Government is pressing for the definite views of the Board. The Hon. Mr. A. N. Keruon proposes and the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 300 15 ni KILO-WATT 32 VOLT LALLY-LIGHT THK CHEAP BIT EFFICIENT HOME LIGHT AND POWER PLANT. Consisting of water-cooled Ras engine and generator in one unit and 16 cell 9 plate Williard Storage Battery. EXTRAORDINARY CAPACITY Of COMPLETE PLANT. 110, 20 Watt LAMPS 3 hours 100, 20 Watt LAMPS 5 hours 90,
      300 words
    • 412 15 Obtainable from all Combats Hereditary Arthritism. Leading Chemists The dead dominate the liring." f^§y? 'S.^ v m MJISjT?' SINGAPORE, MALACCA, I >PWBIa^ KUALfI LUMPUR 4i -^^S^ IPOH AND pENAMfi THE children of arthritic t ,> ';j£^^^^' parents inherit the )<&£ JB arthritic tendency From their V- 'ArSlearliest years they should
      412 words
    • 54 15 IMC IME T TITAN •78 Ibr A 178 lbs artt. N artt THE BEST N THE WORLD. THK BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHBAPKBT. Oar writUa gaaraate* of superior quality goca with uwwj •arraL G AURELY Si CO., No. 2-B, Finlayson Green. Singapore. Sole Importer! fat &S F.M.S. and Netherlands Indies.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 487 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of ■art. Daplex Die Plate. for Pipes to screw Vi in to 114 la. ■arts Duplex Die Plates for Pipe" to screw 1 in. to 2 U. ""iXSTJZK ,n. a,!*. "-SwS^sitiSS. w!£ ft in box to screw in to in. **sW..W?s 5S T^contfete in box to
      487 words
    • 573 16 Tav GUAN XIAT It PHILLIP STREET, fbnae Nos. »lls aaa I. 14. The saccecafal coa tractor for sapplv at FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC. t.. the Singapore Municipal^ r cartag the year 1921. GLOBE BOILBR BHMBDT For clearing and preserving steam beuvrs of all type. U.ed by all faetorUs.
      573 words
    • 923 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ths PREPAID charge, tor Waate, Far Sale, To Let, etc, la ordiaary de.. Ast type (average six worda to line) are Per line one insertion 28 etc., two ins. 46 cts., three ins. 64 etc, four ins. 82 etc., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins $1
      923 words
    • 908 16 LAND AND HOUSES HOUSE TO LET, end of August, including furniture, crockery, etc, gas and water. Apply 97-3, Orchard Road. FOB SALE PRIVATELY, DOVE'S NEST, 102, River Valley Road, close to town. For particulars, apply 26, Malacca Street. FOR SALE, vacant ground at Nassim Road, high ground, good for 2
      908 words
    • 876 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, second floor, 1-b, Kafß.s Quay, bright and airy office. Apply ground floor. TO LET, 22, Kling Street. Apply to The Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. TO LET, Nos 2, 7 and 8, Palmer Godowns. Apply to Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., Raffles
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    • 205 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd. tll-218, ORCHARD ROAD Sole Distributors of BELLANGER famous French Car All kind* of Repairs tr Motor Cycle* Cars, and Lorries executed. Cracked Cylinders, Crank-Gases Gears saw broken parts of all metals Wekiesl. reliableTcars ani> lorries hired. Goods Transported from Ships, Godowa* Private Houses, etc. A number
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 308 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHOVD Editorial and General Manage.'; Office HIT Job Printing O?«e 1144 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All eommunieatioM relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Waate, For Sale,
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