The Straits Times, 8 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,710 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 178 1 •C x DISTINCTIVE /"jAl;^-^ .y j#-- N lid FOR OENTLEMEN. j, B^^^ JXJST RF.CEIYED IV Y S *WV l V /^i'^f BATSWING TIES i&£?\. I I For into bowa In f&nc y -"^v^ S^^i^^bL i Foulards, striped and spot I 'BJ "T 1m nTtnr mm TIITG i/ijf itr*^ b ~^*^>^
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    • 3 1 I I < c
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  • 275 2 S«*r«B of the Tell-El-Amarna Sight. Ijord Carnarvon, as' one of the vice-pre-sident* of the Egypt Kxploratirn Society, opened on July 1, at the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, W., an exhibition of Egyptian antiquities, the fruit of the Egyptian Exploration Society's labours
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  • 261 2 Men Who Worship Housebreaking Tools. A most extraordinary case of dacoity on a wholesale scale is now before the Criminal Sessions of the Hijrh Court. There are 35 accused charged with beinjj members of a Ran* associated for the purpose of habitually committing; dacoity. Counsel for the
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  • 194 2 Incredible Number of Offences Committed. At Sukkur, Karachi, a man was recently fined Rs. 10 for flavouring a quantity oi liquor bought at a licensed shop for his own consumption on the ground that he had, according to the Abkari Act of 1878, manufactured an excisable article
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  • 84 2 The rat<> of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the wick endH July 23 was 35.36r The total number of deaths was 273 of which 185 were male subjects and 88 female. Convulsions claimed 26 phthisis 34, malaria fever 25, dysentery 12, beri-beri 17, pneumonia 30,
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  • 129 2 Sir Ernest Shackleton, the famous ex- plorer, who is soon to set out upon another 1 adventure to the arctic, boasts of his lucky number which is nine. The other day, in conversation with Dr. Macklin, the medical officer of the new expedition, Sir Krm-st Sheckleton said that he first
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 !For 'Reconstruction" after Illness (or all who are run-down, uader-welght (or those whose y£ digestion needs a rest, but who at the sam time need building M£r ij up, GUxo presents the potent body-building, flesh-forming. It E3| nerve-retlonng elements of pure cow's millc in a form in which p^ they
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    • 452 2 KtßMAfli Smooth and Steady Neither your boat nor your engine will ahakt to piece, if your engine is a Kermath. The Karmath haa practicalljr no vibration; >• runewith extreme •moothntsa. Thia ia the aecret of the great dependability of the Kermath and of its unusual economy of fuel. 4 to
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    • 201 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR Th« excellence of French automobile engineering has leag k««| known and agreed by expert*. The <Citro«a Is th. aekßawUigeaj beat of thia school of production. Sea thia remarkable Car— compare it with any oth.r light vi H HI Market. Take a demonstration ride drive it yourself
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 Protect Yourself It you Merely ask Ibr "Or I mm;," you may be supplied an\ quality— good, kol or indifferent. By stipulating I QUININE vi vi ensure (he Mpptjr of products noted the world over tor that aceptianal 'parky. In toinenif-nt il< >-(-.. BM) to lake. ta>kli->s when Magajxoated. TtllOlt
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    • 895 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE will be received at tbe Colonial Secretary's Office until noon on September 2, 1921, for the following serrices for the Government Monopolies Department for the year 1922 (1) Supply of best Amoy or Hongkong pot* eiieh capable of easily containing three chees of chandu. The pots to be
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    • 408 3 NOTICE THE DUFF DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD, The Singapore Agency of this Company fas been transferred to the offices of Messrs. McAlister Co., Ltd., Battery Road, as from August 1, 1921. THE DUFF DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD., G. W. TEMPLER, General Manager. NOTICE Messrs. Fraser A Neave, Ltd., have plea.ure in announcing
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    • 383 3 WEILL MONTOR B, HIGH STREET. Sole Afeata, NEW ENTERTAINMENT SERIES Magic and its Professors $i 20 Conjuring and Magic by Professor Hoffman) 20:h Century Magic 3.60 I'refessor Hoffmann's Card Tricks 1.20 Modern Magic 5,20 Picture Puzzle and Word Play 3.00 Keiro's Palmistry, Clairvoyance and Pyschometry 4.04 Conjuring with Coins
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    • 175 3 ARE YOU IN THE VICINITY* OF NORTH BRIDGE ROAD? WE CAN STILL SERVE TO! Get Your Supplit-s of Mairazin.-s, Books, Stationery, itc, from our Branch Office 438. NORTH HKIIK.K ROAD. Office Hours 8 a.m. Iq 8 p.m. a H. KIAT CO. Change Alley and North Uridge Road, SINGAPORE. Tel. No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 864 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tke Company's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at prevent aaapaadad LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Dae
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    • 688 4 STtAKER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. LDUTKD Buassers intended te sail frees Slagsyere KINTA- Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. HYK LEONG Monday, at 4.80 pjn, lor Malacca and Muar. sLAKA Tuesday, at 4.M pjn., (or Malacca and Muar. IPOH Wednesday, at 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang.
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    • 28 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. Robert Dollar IN PORT Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 21 1 Tnroask Blils ef Ladtna frost 9lnga
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    • 358 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE OSAKA MIOSKN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2, Dr Souia Nmt Proposed Sailing from Singapore Subject to chance without notice) EIROPF.AX I.IWE For Port B>id. Marseille". t,ondon, Antwerp, Rotterdam aid Hamburg an. d.p HIMALAYA «_\k. lag. M ALASKA MARL Sept. 14 Sept. IS NEW YORK
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    • 391 4 STBWEB SJWJNB3 I NIPPON YUSEN HAISHA. flaeorporated la Japsni I e«.r Mall Coatrael with in. teaartal Japanese Government •abject to alUrationt without netie» LONDON LINI Fortnightly Service For London, Antwerp rla (Malacca) Puia* Colombo, Baas, Port BaM «nd ManatUaa. YOKOHAMA MARU Aug. 11 KLEIST Aug. iw IIISHIMA MABU Aog. M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 582 5 STEAMER SAHJNfS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE Under Contract with the French Government Mall aad Passenger Serricea I v ;.sr.:i LE.< 1 \K B&fTaflOl SERVICE mamawAMD mails oitwakd mails tc ataMafsta via Olnmbo, I To Japan, via Saigon. Hongkong Djibouti, Port Said I and Shanghai CAI 1 ARCONA "IJ.OOO tons Aug.
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    • 263 5 PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICE FOR BOSTON AND NKW YORK via Suez CELTIC PRINCE, dae Ist half Sept TUSCAN PRINCE due Ist half Oct. For ail information, apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agenta. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, LIMITED nccorporated in the
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    • 516 5 SftAMfcft SAiLiwtoS HALF MOON From New York. Consignees of cargo ex the aboven»med I steamer are hereby notified that survey on I damaged cargo will be held at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, August 8, in the Singapore Harbour I Hoard's Godown No. 81. No othor survey will be hold. GUTHRIK
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    • 367 5 rum ruacts in rich uw w THE ROYAL YAKUT) (ANANG VILAS). This Yakutl or life-giving nectar has bam prepared from the beat, choicest and riches" vegetable drugs. It haa a wonderful propartj of Increasing the virile power and reetifle* all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mai a man. This
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 CINEMAS li' 1921. A Goldwyn Rex Boach Super-Production of interne in'erea |)VM I story LtiUGtiNG era. Hyde IN 7 PAT. f Bin till t v tin.l character iCting tttf stamps ii irral and even mvi: »nd f .VO-kKK HAROLD LLOYD I li ires. ned p.m. '"'■J I ten-, Thr lls
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    • 355 6 For all Defects of Vision CONSULT Mr. K. F. IHON^ Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of tho British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Optkalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE AT THE United riraacy. 305, North liSINGAPORE i i TO THOSE GOING HOME TO LET. iiom miildle S-pt'-mher. well
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    • 93 6 |(rIHD) JV SINGAPORE.^/ |l I Elow away the old tradi- tion about Printer's de- I lay." There are probably |J3 some thinjrs Rickard Ltd. >-. cannot do in the matter S of being on time, but they I haven't encountered any 1 1 fti of them yet. There always a
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  • 760 7 Interview with an Amir's Two Wives. Kathleen Woodward, th»- special representative of the Daily Express, writes «g follows I was admitted to the Amir of Katsina's two wives in the sacred prwincts of their thrice-guarded apartments at the Midland tyrand Hote., St. I'ar.cras. No man, other than
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  • 168 7 The members of thy Hindu Association celebrate. l the eighth anniversary of its incept on en July 30 and 31 at the plantation of Serans MohameJ Eusope. A SToup phoiograph was taken at the associati<n jiiviii.s <n the afternoon of thf 30th and at 8 p.m. a programme
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  • 53 7 MesFrs. W. McEwan and E. Barrett two colliery minir-j engineers, hay* jjgt arnred n Kuals Lumpur to join the rtaff of Malayan Collieries, Ltd. Mr. McEwan poos to (he Company's Eatu Arang property, while Mr. Bnrr?tt in leaving shortly for th> iv-w coalfijld wh eh Malayan Colin rieii is oponin-j
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  • 180 7 FIXTVRES londav, August 8. High Water, 0.67 a.m., 1.32 p.m I. homeward mail closes. '■•:vc Council, 2.SU p.m. in— ly, August 9. ll.i-n Water, 1.44 a.m., 2.8 p.m. i and outward mail delivered. Baal Board, 2.15 p.m. S.S. Asm. Mtg., Barker's, 5.15 p.m. lioxinu Tournament, Vie. Theatre,
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    • 100 7 Raat Wharf Basin- Anatina. East Wharf Zaida, Rumphius. Sheers Wharf—Sloet Van de Beele. Vain Wharf Lai Sane. Thoncwa. Trieste, Van Iml.otf. fiplre Dork Malay Maru. Ipoh. Medusa. West Wharf lxion. Cordillore. rdin--- Uh.irl .Ni. I'ulo Bruni Coal Wharf. N, Krppel ilarbiur Main V. i :irf Halyard,
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    • 89 7 i'DH, Mrit.. IM tons, from r»—a 8-8, for Penani: 10-8. lEDUSA, Brit., 323 tons, from Deli 8-8, for Deli 10 8. tUMPHIUS, Dut, 1^46 tons, from Batavia S-S, for Uu,, INGARADJA. Dut.. 299 tons, from Bangkalis 8-8. for Deli 10-8. "RIESTE. Ital.. 3.325 tons, from Trieste 8-8,
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  • 138 7 'fnanc and Calcutta 3 p.m. 'oi t s'wi't'fiihnm and Penang 3 p.m. UUi-ca ana Muar 8 p.m. Manila and San Francisco, taking mails fur U.S.A. and Canada 1 p.m. ■rt .•'wo-.ten&am, Penan*, Madras «nd Nepapatam, taking mails foi ~-»f>Ti» 'tr fvl» BntnVinvi p.m. "ipr.pltmentary Mail by train
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  • 32 7 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Wednesday, 11th, August 1921. Monday, 8th.—5.15 p.m. Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill. Wednesday, 11th.—5.15 pm. Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill.
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  • 112 7 The Malayan Volunteer Infantry, numbering over lour hundred, says the Malayan Leader, went int> Camp at Port Dickson on Saturday, and a strenuous fortn'Kht's programme has been arranged for the men. The training this year is if a more advanced character than before. Cap*. B. J. Eaton, 0.8.X., who commands
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  • 67 7 Orders for week ending August 14, 1921. M^rHay. A-ig-jst 8.—First, Fourth and Fifth Troops parade at General Headquarters at 5.15 p.m. Thursday. August 11.—Third Troop parade, 5.15 p.m. There will be no Association Parades from August 12 to September 17. InI viilual Tr.xips
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  • 135 7 EXCHANGB. Singapore, August 8. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 8/8 8/4 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 41^» Private 90 days ,4J> On France Bank KOfl On India Bank T. T. 176% On Hongkong Bank d/d 22% pc. prem. On Shanghai
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  • 47 7 Tone of market Quiet. Singapore Stand«r< Pale Crepe Closing Pricei Buyers Seller ipot Sept. )ct-D«c Ribbed Smoked Sheet doting Prices Buyen Sellers 28% 29 ..29 30 32 32% Spot Sept. Oct.-Dec. DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon, August 8, 1921.
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    • 185 7 Vai. Pd. Bu7«» 8«lltrt 1 1 Ay«r Wen« 10 £1 £1 K«m Kamuntint 1.17.6 2.2.6 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.00 1 1 Hitam Tin IM 1.70 1 1 JcUntoh 0-8 C n I *hst Mm»» 5 6 Lingui Tin 4.26 4.78 10 10 Malayan Coll. 14.00 15.00 1 1
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    • 123 7 [M. Val. Pii Buyer*. S»ller» :i £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.0.0 5.10.C El £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.60 7.00 >/ 5/ Electric T'way» 2/6 10 10 Fraser Neaves 27.50 29.50 50 50 W. Hammer Co. 80 90 100 100 Katz Bros, deb 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 5.2.6. 5.12.6
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    • 93 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,801 i»i I (K. pa Spore Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £350,00( aom Spore Municipal 5 p.c $1,878,000 P*J Spore Mun. 4H p.e of 1907 $1,000,000 id p.c. dia Spore Mun. 4% p.c of 1909 $1,600,500 10 px. dii S>p^r P* of 1909 $1,600,001 15 p.c.
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  • 387 7 Fraiier and Co. and Lyall and Evatt'i Quotation I mtrM available SterUM (JwttUou are priatcd o» Mother hp FtMsy. To-day's Prices. Fraier Ly«ll A A Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 026 0.36 0.20 O.SC Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 Am. Malay ($2) 2.00 1.60 2.00 A Hitam
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 580 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS BOX 374. Position filled, applicants thanked. SAVE MONFV~ AND BUY at Bolter's Sale. YOU WILL~NOT~REG RET' YOUR TOUT to Bolter's Sale. FOR SAI.K, easels ami artist's equipment Cheap, c/o Straits Times. WANTED TO LOAN, about $3,000 to $5,000. Good security, such as jewellery, essential. Investment, c/o Straits Times.
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    • 476 7 KAMPONG KUANTAN CLUB, KUALA SELANGOR. Annual tTee Vai) Tennis Tournament will be held this year on September 10, 11 and 12. 1. AH Comer* Open Sinjrle* for a Cup presented by O. N. W. Oliver Esq. and the followinc Handicap Events 2. Mens Single* A. 3. Mens gfagtei B. 4.
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  • 1062 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 8. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. are not all downwards instead of upwards uring the next ten years. It seems to us that the question before th? municipality divide* itself into two parts (1) What public works ar; necessary (2) What funds ar? available for such works The
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  • 33 8 The rate of issue of money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 173 equal $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 178 equal $100.
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  • 41 8 Post cards are falling into disfavour in the F.M.S. according to Mr. C. H. Allin, Director of P. and T., who also reports a very large decrease under the heading Sale of Stamps. Increase postal charges and postal revenue always drops.
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  • 64 8 At the meeting of the Legislative Council this afternoon Mr. Song Ong Siang will ask The War being now over, will Government consider the advisability of repealing those clauses of the Alien Enemies Winding-up Ordinance, 1914 and Amending Ordinances which prohibit the sale, mortgage or lease of enemy property (except
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  • 92 8 Under the auspices of the Chinese Christian Association, Young Men's Christian Association and the Straits Chinese Literary Association, a debate on the subject that the accomplishment of world peace in this century is possible, will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall, on Wednesday, at 8.30 p.m. Speakers for the affirmative
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  • 18 8 There are 1,051 unoccupied houses in the tewn of Kuala Lumpur, 480 in Ipoh and 327 in Seremban.
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  • 18 8 An Ordinance to amend the Clearing Office Ord;nance, 1920, is being -introduced into the Legislative Council this afternoon.
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  • 27 8 Counsel for Messrs. Swanson and Sehested has given notice of appeal against the Chief Judicial Commissioner's judgment in the Tale of a Brick case at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 31 8 Information has reached Ceylon that certain areas of India, which are usually devoted to jute or cotton, have now been given over to paddy, owing, to the increased price of foodstuffs.
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  • 29 8 The Traffic Department, Inspectors Corben and Stewart prosecuting, had nearly 200 cases for offences against motor car regulations before Mr. Nunn, District Judge, this morning. Various fines were imposed.
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  • 45 8 There has been a very noticeable drop in crime, both serious and petty, in and around Kuala Lumpur during the past month. The Police are very much on the alert, and are determined that there shall be no recrudescence of crime for a long while.
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  • 46 8 The steamer Elephant* from Penang took away about 90 passengers from the Straits and F.M.S. for Rangoon to join the Gloucester and the Henzada homeward bound. These lines are becoming more popular and the 8.1. are now running much more regularly and with better class boats.
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  • 45 8 The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. informs us that the departure of the steamer Wolverine State, for Manila, Honolulu and San Francisco, has been deferred to 6 a.m., to-morrow, 9th instant. She will sail from the Main Wharf, Godowns 18 and 19. Passengers will embark to-night.
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  • 60 8 An enjoyable house dance was givtn at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday evening as a farewell function prior to the departure for Holland of the popular manager, Mr. R. U. Tjeerdema and Mrs. Tjeerdema. The guests were hospitably entertained, and at the conclusion of the evening Mr. Tjeerdema was musically
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  • 71 8 The general condition of the Perak roads is fair. Deviation and widening has been carried out in some -places but a lot remains to be done in this respect b fore the roads can be considered really satisfactory for a class of traffic for which most of them w;re not
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  • 73 8 The Hon. Mr. Justice L.M. Woodward, C J.C., and Court staff, were to leave Kuala Lumpur this morning by the mail train for Kuala Kubu, ami thence travel by motor-car to Kuala Lipis. His Lordship goes to preside at the Criminal Assizes, which are fixed for hearing to-morrow the 9th
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  • 74 8 The Government Rice Mill at ßapan Serai was completed, during 1920 and after some troubl. with the machinery started work in May. A number of buildings of minor importance were completed during the year and many more were in hand wh.n th year closed. The shortage of engineering staff, the
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  • 65 8 At the last Rubber meeting held in Kuala Lumpur a resolution was passed constituting the standing committee the P.A.M. as a sub-committee to circularise all producers of rubber, of all nationalities, to collect their views on th? R.G.A. Corporation scheme and consider them, to consider the R.G.A. schema in detail,
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  • 43 8 At the annual general meeting of the United Chinese Musical Association held on July 31, the following office-bearers for the year ending June 30, 1922 were elected President Mr. I'huah Sian Keiig. vice-president, Mr. Wee Tiam Watt, jointW>n. secretaries, Messrs. Koh Soon Huat
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  • 56 8 ;.nd Yeo Sew Kee, hon-treasurer, Mr. Yco Chong Sian, asst. lion, treasurer, Mr. Auk Chwee link, hon. auditor, Mr. Yeo Van Liew, music superintendent, Mr. Lee Poh Hood, asst. music superintendent, Mr. Oh Boon Chye, committee, Messrs. Khnt* Jit Seng, Ang Teck Swoe, Lee Hock Chwee, Seng Yew Liang, Song
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  • 119 8 The Court of Appeal at-home reversed a decision of Mr. Justice Bailhache on a preliminary point of law raised on a petition of right. He had held that where a vessel was requisitioned by the Crown on the terms of a charterparty and was not taken over as a matter
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  • 176 8 Under the auspices of the Anglo-Chinese School Literary Union, Dr. Lim Han Hoi delivered an instructive lecture on Public Speaking, in the A.C.S. Hall on the 4th inst. Mr. H. M. Hoisington, who presided, refe-rred to the lecturer's ability as an elocutionist and to his having distinguished himself not only
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  • 416 8 The Rev. Dexter Allen has gone inti lospital at Kuala Lumpur. The Governor has appointed Mr. W. N. Gourlay to be an assistant District Judgn for Singapore. The Peking Government has cabled offering the appointment of Public l'roserutor for Shanghai to Mr. S. Q. Wong. We understand
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  • 35 8 Mails from Europe by the P. and O. steamer Khyber. will arrive by train tonight and will be rie;»!t with to-morrow morningr. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders about 9 a.m.
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  • 34 8 At the Legislative Council meeting this afternoon, the Treasurer will move That this Council approves of a special vote of $25,000 for expenses to be incurred in connection with meat supply.
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  • 59 8 We have to acknowledge th.- receipt of m copy of the annual report of the National Association for Supplying Female Mt.lical Aid to the Women of India for the year 1920. It shows that the work carried in by the Council and its affilated institutions has
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  • 119 8 A Tamil motor driver nam.d Sundaram was charged at tha instance of 'lrutlic Jnsp. R.nge before Mr. Bull this morning for driving his motor car in Cantonment Koacl on the 2nd instant in a rash and negligent manner. Mr. Bird gave evidence against the driver, who in
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  • 208 8 This afternoon at the Legislative Council meeting the Treasurer will move That this Council approves (a) of tha borrowing by the Municipal Commissioners, Singapore, of a sum of $3,500,000 (b) of the loan to the Municipal Commissioners, Singapore, of $3,500,000 out of the monies raised under the authoritj
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 311 8 SIGN QUAUTY IfPil lllli |y^2J iMmROil ipM§l t Exclusive Tailoring BEVI^D PRICES Latest Novtlties in Materials Suitable for Tropical or Home Wear We specialize in SPORTS COATS and \nm L IROUSERS at very moderate rriefs. JOHN LITTLE COMPANY. LTD. i Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE KU*I.A LUMPUR. What Would You Do
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    • 154 8 ALHAMBRA T o ala-ht «t 1M pja. ?at««a' Serial .HI PHAOTOM FOB 16 tr'-odv or 81 reali Featuring Juanlta Hansen, Warner Oland and Barry Semeli Episodes 3 and 4 T Pts. LAUGHING BILL HYDE 1 Pta. Topical Budget sad New Harold Lloyd Coaedy MARLBOROUGH 4 Episodes CAB No. II Episodes
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  • 1525 9 Review of Subjects Dealt With. Dominion Ministers Express Satisfaction. i Reuter Telegrams. London, August 4. Reuter 'earns that the discussions of the 1-nperial Conference, which concludes toi orrow w'l^n the report will be finally opted, iov.r«l a considerably r r~e than was indicated by the meagr t t>fficial
    Reuter  -  1,525 words
  • 336 9 Reutxr Telegrams. Paris, August 4. The Supreme Council will meet on Monday morning. Formal invitations were sent by M. Briand to Britain, Italy, Jap«n, and the United States, Belgium to be included should the question of the trial of war criminals come up for discussion. The Allied
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  • 125 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 5. New York Warrants have been issued for the arrest of the officers and crew of the schooner Henry L. Marshall, flying the British flag, which was recently seized on the charge of liquor running outside the three mile limit. London, August Washington
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  • 93 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 4. Lloyd's agent at Perim states that the Japanese steamer Sumatra Mara has passed with fire in her cargo. It is presumed she is proceeding to Aden. London, August 6. An Aden telegram from the owners states that the Siam Mara has the forepeak
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  • 386 9 The Rumours of a General Mobilisation. i j Reuter Telegrams. London, August 4. A Copenhagen telegram says ths s'tua- tion in Russia is alarmingly growing more acute daily. Throughout th? d serted areas whole villages are on fire. It is estimatej that already ten millions are starving and
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  • 139 9 Reuter Telecram. London August 5. An important step in the direction of the- equality of the sexes has been taken in the House of Commons where a resolution was moved by Sir Robert Home and unanimously adopted providing that after a transitional p riod of three years
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  • 125 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, August 4. In the House of Commons, Lieut. -Colonel Archer Shee pressed for a definite statement of the Sinn FVin negotiations before the recess, at least to a secret session. Mr. Chamberlain declined this, whereupon Col. Archer Shee asked whether the rebels were given a time
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  • 139 9 Reuter Telegrams. London,. August 5. Naples The funeral of Si?nor Cuniso was the mest imposing seen in Napl s fcr oars. Enorrrous crow is witnessed the procession from the church to the burial place. The coffin was composed of a rystal casket enclosed in wood. The hearse, which
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 73 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August 4. The journal Compendium says th? British coal export trade has returned 10 normal channels, mclud ng th> French and Ru.-sian markets with which nothing much is expected to b? don? this year. Immediately the pits restarted enquiries and then orders cam? from
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  • 68 9 Reitkr Tklegram. London, August 5. Madrid A communique states that Spanish troops hay.- occupied Restinga in Morocco and driven off enemy forces attacking Suk El Arach. The enemy suffered heavy losses. Soldiers who had escaped from Zeluan report that after the defenders surrendere I tht ir arms
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  • 31 9 Rt'.'TKR TELEf.RAM. London. August 5. Paris A man who called at the Quai d'Orsay and excitedly threatened to kil. M. Briand, was arrested and found to be a lunatic.
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  • 249 9 Chinese Scalded Fatally by Boiling Water. The case in which a Tamil named Andiappen was charged with the murder of a compatriot named Palani on June U last, and which was commenced on Friday, was postponed till to-day for the cv.d nee of a witness who could
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  • 89 9 At the adjourned inquest in London on Sir Alfred Newton a verdict was returned that death was due to heart failure, accelerated by strychnine poisoning No evidence* was forthcoming as to how the strychnine came to be present in the medicine, but it was stated that there
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  • 37 9 Mr. T. S. Kung, of th? Empire Cinema invite* his friends to a house warming dinner at his residence 37 Emerald Hill Read, lately occupied by the Hon Dr. Lim Boon Ktng 0.8. E. on Friday night.
    37 words
  • 890 9 To the Unofficial- Mem W<» Of The Legislative Council Of This Colony. Gentlemen, It cannot p rhaps be r.ckoned a dereliction of duty to betray a trust that was never reposed in you, nor a personal scandal that when your Governor sits and watches fhe ruin of
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  • 119 9 The Port Swettenham correspondent of the Malayan Leader writes The two .mammoth dr.dgers which arrived here by the Wolverine State the other day will take some shifting. The Customs people say that they are the largest dredgers that have ever arrived in Malaya. Indeed, they are the
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 232 10 TO-DAY'S TIISS. At the S.C.C. E. C. Mill man v. Chua Choon Leong. H. W. S.ncia.r v. K. B. B. Donnell. Akajido Hone.a v. Lan Toon Hor. C. A. Norris v. C. t. Green At the S.R.C. J. D. Hal. v. Cheong Chee Hai. 10-MOKKOWS TIES. At
      232 words
    • 39 10 Saturday*! pay resulted as follows I :ul Singles Final. beat Mrs. A. H. Dickinson, 8 t, G-l. C liani|iie>nship Pairs. Mrs. Cornell and Mr. Cameron beat „\).ain and Mr. Haskins, 6 6, I -4.
      39 words
    • 24 10 A Reuter wire from New York states that Mike Gibbons was awarded the decii.oa vm Auk'H 1 Katner in a tn round contest.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 105 10 Two S.C.C. teams, captained by Mr. E. J KielKs ar/ Mr. R. T. Holder, met in a prutic match on the Padang on Saturday D and a close game resulted in a w.n for the latter's eleven by six runs. Mr. Holder'! s:de batted first and compil I ISS,
      105 words
    • 54 10 Members of the S.R.C. are reminded that the annual general meeting will be .ay at b.M p.m. in the pavilion. Ail members are requested to attend. The closing date for entries for the BJLC athiet.c sports has been postponed t Wednesday next by which date all >
      54 words
    • 123 10 A very attractive bout has been added t i tl :i -c- ama ..y arranged for to-morrow n.jrht's box'ng tournament at the Victoria This is a six rounds contest betwe' n l'te. Winter and Pte. Carroll, who In tli weigh 10.8 and are said to be hard 1'
      123 words
    • 127 10 A Reutcr wire from Pittsburg dated AogUl ."> .Hat.-s in ihe Dav.s Cup doubles Anderson and To. i<l, Australasia, beat Woosnam and Turr.bu.l, Lr.tain, 4—6, 9—7, 4—6, 6 2, <; 4. in Si. gles Anderson beat Woosnam, ■I ii 4, c—i.e i. Anderson's driving
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    • 155 10 A Beater wire (f August 4 states Th? irateh betw.-en the Australians and Lcnceshire ni rcntnued at Liverpool in 1 w b for- nn ctt?."dance n rabtrr no. Tntting on a drying .wicket, 'rnlinrs cmpiled ?17 for "> ■D I dcriand. Eardsley made 124. '■th r
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  • 968 10 satisfactory Growth of a Fibre The annual r port of Mr. I. R. Burkill, Hii. tor of Garder.s, Stra.ts Settlemen.s r its relerence to the Botanic i.vtMn. llatw that every resident knows Mm niotor traliic has increased in ,>ore and that the wear and tear upon the
    968 words
  • 73 10 BBill Hyd;, a gripping and picturisation of Rex beach's stcry, in seven r3els. will b? t the Alhambra, to-night, beth re will be a Topical Budget, Pathi Review and another of thos^ Jun reJ-thn>sand-do'lar two-r el Harold Joyd comedies of clean, wholesome fun, low so popular the worl
    73 words
  • 1403 10 Detail of the Reconstruction' Scheme. The eleventh annual general meeting of shareholders of the Pengkalan Durian Estate, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on July at the offices of the secretaries an.l agents, Messrs. J. P. Bisset and Co. Mr. L. E. Canning pr. sided, and was supported
    1,403 words
  • 283 10 Melon Fly and a Singapore Parasite. The second volume of the Gardens' Bulletin is completed by part 12 which we have received from Mr. I. R. Burkill, Director of Gardens. The part record experimental work in the Botanic Gardens on lettucs, the great millet, and the fibre
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  • 423 10 After a rest of two weeks, owing to the holidays, yesterday morning saw the second of th two races for the Rcar-Commodore'f Cup. In beautiful w.uther Messrs. Smith and Albrecht started six boats. At ten prompt Puteh slipped over the line, holding the w.attur gauge with Ev
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  • 1192 10 Kuala Kettil Mortgaged To Bank. I The eleventh annual general meeting of he Bukit Toh Alang Rubb.r Company vas held, at Shanghai on July 25 in th.' jlliu s of the secretaries, Messrs. J. A. Wattle and Co., Ltd., Mr. N. G. Maitland presiding. Ihe Chairman
    1,192 words
    • 464 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I consiuer your culumn Corr?spondence" such a u.-.'fui m ilium for voicing the of the tren-'ral pjblic that it behoves us. g neral public, to car.fully defend the privilege >uur I I pap r thus places at our d:sp;:-al
      464 words
  • 75 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, August 8. Silver 38%. Honjkong 22 4 p.c. prem. Shanghai :-'.i\. Three months gold 45. Share Maiket. Dull. Rubbirs. Practically no basin ss passing. Tins.— Ta.pings Norths 1.35--1.42%, Soutns (0-75 cents, Papans 65-70 cents, Nawngpets LS7K-l f 4i l Kawan^s
    75 words
  • 123 10 Messrs. Frankels Ltd., furniture manufacturers and importers, of Victor a Street and OrCjpßld, announce the opining of a separate department at the r Orchaid Head as .auctioneers, valuers anJ estate agents. Auctijns of f jrniture an.i gaun] merchandise will be conducted ev.'ry Saturday at th-' r
    123 words
  • 23 10 A female t'ger, rrrasurin;* G ft. B*4 in. wts sh't m Tp'V- MtH'i fist-*'"! '■"♦i Anam) by Mr. E. Frederikson on August 4.
    23 words

  • 577 11 First Qmarterty Report of The (V Follow i.f thi- tirsl quarterly, r. < Daan] I i BOffii 1 < I for I i v A on April quest committee > ■11 cb w ancti tance I n gti t I this of l five h the i With
    577 words
  • 377 11 ierful Aaakfe Fields In Australia. i:\rn titlil in thr w.irld i:\miliar It I in the of the bronzed uphires I, ue of an Australian ■>n Ore of the waa. the land of the Never for the seeker on the fattever knows .1 a Ben as rare in
    377 words
  • 192 11 Who is mysterious Miss Crinoline A girl, dresstd as though she had stepped from the pages of Dickens, has been creating a sensation in various parts of London. Wearing the voluminous crinoline skirt of mid-Victorian times, a black peli.-s', and a Dolly Varden hat, she walks
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  • 41 11 The Great Cheng Hua Conjuring Company of Shanghai advertise that they are giving a performance of conjuring, acrobatism, hypnotism and Chinese boxing in The Theatre Royal, North Bridge Road from to-night. Miss Ching Mci performs assisted by Chinese illusionists and acrobats.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 343 11 MOUTRI E PIANOS are still the most papular in the East Vhe same high quality is mrtintitimri but ICO/ nUGESHAVE IEo/ *> BEEN BEtljq) IW This Oticr lor Spot la^., u>;i lv iii only ALL NEW STOCK Send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue 8. MQUTRIE GO LI (IncorporfeUd m I Raffles
      343 words
    • 210 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.- Tc» I f^ e WEDNESDAY— Special Muaical Programme after Dinner. THITISDW (*rsßfaf I Uaniinv;). FRIDAY.— Spec-rO lunch- Orchestra. HATTJKDAT rianriaf I BUNDAT^-Cbwma t NOTICE. E r,. m on p m, RAFFLES OIICHSST IA F. A. OOOD I EVEKY BYBNINO wwa« VI liiVSrtiL *vic«#»lik.W. I.j^ PLAYS FROM 7
      210 words

  • 940 12 Story Sir Evelyn RugglesBrise. A dinner took place at the Hotel Cecil commemorate the completion by Sir Evelyn Bafglaa-Briaa of twenty-five years as chairman of the Prison Commission. No ono hag be?n more honourably and usefully associated with prison reform than Sir Evelyn RuKgles-Bi-i.M', who, many
    940 words
  • 120 12 Thr naval authorities at Hongkong arm UN thi't they have lost a torpedo and Will pay $41) for rows of its whet' abmts. T t i bjr hdti on July 20 from a BBVal vanaj that m oIT tht villajre of Yang Shu Sha ab:ut a mib
    120 words
  • 1058 12 Reality of Living Now That Heroic Days are Over. Th.- French have been celebrating the' epic strupr^le of 191' i, now known as th? Battle of Verdun, in "vhich the German hordes, advancing from the East, threw thtmselvts in vain apainst the flower ofi the French
    1,058 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 124 12 To thi« Brand nf Belting meant f^\f\ »xi/^J^ Rrononiy, Raviag of Money and VTJv^^ XJx^JU B*ttcr Result. Ita aerTice apeaki mj lm l _^%'Jfj^ Bole AgpaU I ..''IW^PM^bV, M ",RKFT STREET. B4PyJti^T^^ BORDEN'S MALTED MILK HAS NO EQUAL MILK s' A -upcrior strengthening invigorating 1 lood tST QOAL TV h---k.
      124 words
    • 117 12 ■a^aal KIQH— CLASS CIGARETTES Their supreme quality make them the only Cigarette possible for Men of Taste V I R GINIA »N PATENT LV|/\ «"J"^» VACUUM |\|LJ •■fc 0^ TiNsoFso l^^r *Jr <±J **J HP|5 SEAT ER ALBION CHA*A* A; New 20 HP. Model. Delivery from M^k 25 int., 30
      117 words

  • 252 13 Too Much Terror May Affect The Heart. How far is horror compatible with art The question has beon raised by the scene of terror in the new Grand Guignol play, The Old Women, at the Little Theatre. The terror aroused in the audience by this piece was
    252 words
  • 238 13 The Swiftest Aerial Fighter Designed. Visitors to the Aerial Pageant at Hendon saw in flight and battle a secret product of the R.A.F., the last word in aeroplanes built for speed and destruction. Designed during the last stages of the war. but not completed until after the
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  • 132 13 Mr. H. B.njamin Taiella, a layman klenly interested in anti-malarial work, says the Malayan Leader, went last week to Singapore and secured from a privacy source an absorbingly interesting cinema film depicting the War on the Mosquito M carried out by Cornel Corgas in the Panama campaign.
    132 words
  • 139 13 Says the Siam Observer of July 28 J— I Yesterday, four or five boya were playing! togeth t in, Phra Pradiyat's house in 1 Bangkok. They belonged to the same school and were invited to the house by tht nephew of the Khun Phra. They: smarted to pose as cinema
    139 words
  • 146 13 A case of brutal attempt to murder was committed in Bangkok by Paw Hoa, a, who stabbed his wife with the uss.siance of some accomplices with the oojt-ct of getting possession of her gold and JLW.-llery. It is stated that the husband took his wife out in a boat
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 175 13 WHIFEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD. i iLCorporatcd in EsgN < SINGAPORE Will oftt r the whole of their Stock OF* Remnants and Oddments AT HALF USUAL PRICES ON Monday, tug. 8. DOORS OPEN 8 />.M. I. PIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||||||||||||||||||||| H Economy. With LEA PERKINS' Sauce, a few drops only are necessary to i_!s^B2tf
      175 words
    • 701 13 M Proprietors /«5/ Yk If HO HONG U #AbJL p\ 6Ul|flj St. IVJ E COMPANY \PL tfi t m J*/ Phone 352 -f-, N n 'J BY TEST THE BEST. T^ WEEDY YOUTHS AND SICKLY GIRLS MADE STRONG AND VIGOROUS. It i.- a mistake to think that Anaemia is only
      701 words
    • 95 13 BLACK DIAMOND JP 1 1 «3S We are Sole Agents in the Straits Settlements, F.M.S., etc., for these well-known MHHHHsW FILES AND RASPS and carry large stocks of all sizes. Sole Agenta UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAI'ORK "Hniteers XAlmaral Sun C2o. 111, South H rid (re
      95 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1056 14 SALES BY AUCTION r.LAU BULANG RUBBER AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE BY ORDER Off THK TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS. rt-reiveil instructions to sell by public auction (if not prvv'.oa*.Ta. a ri i rn treaty) at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, •old by pruat. tr«at s no|jfle< v er
      1,056 words
    • 551 14 Ass?'* over $4,000,000 S.C. Aasirance in force over $17,000,006 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Incorporated ia Straits Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE Wsachester Bsase, Singapore, LONDON OFFICE Si, Old Jewry, B.C The Company has £20,000 dsposlud with the Supreme Coart ef Englsad aad compile* with the British Life Assurance Companies
      551 words
    • 584 14 i BANKING HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Cspitsl $15,000,000 Reserve Fund* Sterling i 2,500.00* Silv*r 121,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116.000,00* COURT OF DIRECTORS G. T. M. Edkins, Esq., Chairman G. M. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairasas D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Hon. Mr. E. V. D. Psr
      584 words
    • 561 14 BAWKIWe 1 THE OVERSEAS CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the .Strait* Settl*m*nts) 1 HEAD OFFICE •Singapore, 63, Kling Str**t. Telephone No. 1666. BRANCH Penang, 28, Beach Street. AGENCIES Ipoh and Deli. CAPITAL i Authorised 120,000,000 Issued 10,600,000 Paid-up 6.260,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholder* 6,260,000 Reserve Fund and Surplus. 290,000 BOARD
      561 words
    • 215 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. ilm-'.rporatt'd in England) Fir*, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee, and Motor. Asset* exceed* W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eactern Brunch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LD7E INS. CO. (Incorporated in Canada) All th* Isteat plan* of Lif*, Sndewm*m* and Annuity policies issued. Au*t* M.000,00* GUTHRIE
      215 words

  • 827 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Industrial Alcohol Commerce of Calcutta remarks Oil power means sea power and sea vower means more than ever, world power. Oil means land power too and while the British lion i» scratching .4h eurth for petroleum on this account it may
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  • 139 15 A Bombay message of July 24 says Bombay seems on the threshold of another such orgy of speculation as led to such extraordinary inflations of share walues 18 months ajro. Reports of good rains throughout the Presidency, and indeed from practically all over India, have been a
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 284 15 The Dunlop specialists, Chemists. Engineers, Operatives Combin)n K the longest experience in tyre •i&jgi I manufacture, assert Dunlop superi\nz~4r/ ority, and produce in the Dunlop a tyre that tfives unequalled mileape and therefore the cheapest on a miles-for-money basis. THE OUNLOP RUBBER CO LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) and 41. ROBINSON
      284 words
    • 305 15 HAIPHONG S DRAGON CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.MS. Railways and all leading architects and contractors DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singapore Eczema Germ Discovered DEXMA Is Helping diseases is attracting toe attrition of doctors. This discovery gives instant rt lief to the moat aggrarated
      305 words
    • 86 15 P. RELOOMALLS Annual Sale FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY A unique opportunity to secure Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Persian SILKS, CREPES, CMAWMEUSE and MOSIERV, e'e, ■t enormous reduction in price.*. MSPEGTIOM ss SOLICITED. No. I, High Street. lEa ®iS&%\ 1E TITAN WB* A 178 Iba JJ mm. THE BEST N THE WORLD.
      86 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 504 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of ■art. Uaplex Die Platea for Pipe* to .crew V. m to 1% ia. Harta Duplex Die Plate. for Pipes to screw 1 in. to 2 in. Little Giant Screw Plate* for Pipes to acrew U in. to 1 In. Caat*rbro..k Engli.h Make Ga» Thread Stocks
      504 words
    • 456 16 TAY GUAN KIAT M. PHILLIP STRKT Phene Nee. Sill aa« 111*. The contractor for sapply at FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore MoaicipalitT eariag the year 1921. GLOBE BOILBR RaUMDT For clearing and preserving .Main sellers of all type. Used by all factories, (toaster*. etc, and found
      456 words
    • 951 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charge, for Wants, Per Sale, To Let, etc, la ordiaary cloee-aet type (average *i> words to lins) are PPr« r line one insertion 28 ct«., two in. 46 Cts- three ins. 64 ?s, four in*. 82 ct*., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten in* II
      951 words
    • 913 16 IAND AND HOUSES HOUSE TO LET, end of August, including furniture, crockery, etc.. pas and water. Apply 97-3, Orchard Road. KOR SALE, vacant ground at Nassim Road, high ground, good for 2 bungalows. For further particulars, apply 389, Straits Times. TO LET, a newly-built bungalow, near the Race Course. Large
      913 words
    • 855 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, second floor, 1-b, Raalei Quay, bright and airy office. Apply ground floor TO LET,^22, Kling Street. Apply to The Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. TO LET, Nos 2, 7 and 8, Palmer Godowns. Apply to Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., kaffles Chambers.
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    • 265 16 Rellanger The King of French i »r. WITH HILVBK RADIATOB AND THB GOLDBN SILBNCB Jut Arrives Bomb First too Demnnatratloß BMt are to be sold at Special Prlcee The BKLLANGKR is a car o! iMSM} economy and comfort. No doabt it II luxurious and tha price I. within th» reach
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 310 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TKLKPHONRH Editorial and General M Manager. Offlee 1117 Job Printing Office 1144 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addre.M* to THE EDITOR. All common ieatiok. relating to buainex matters adverti.ements, subscriptions, account*, printing, etc., should be addressed to THY MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATH Want.,
      310 words