The Straits Times, 6 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. 0. 26,709 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1921 I'RICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 eg I Hi C Zi-J 55 s y^-^li i MBUX'S CELEBRATED pS I 1 LONDON Kffl L Ales -Stout J% Wl KSTABtI B HED:i7»4, j EUX^ NOW OBTAINABLE IN SINGAPORE |Kl.[|.|)^ Zo^&S* AND F.M.S. OtNd(^? SOLE IMPORTERS JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS. LTD. (Incorporated in England) S I N G A PORE
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    • 188 1 >--— *>, ffiM^) POROEMIEMEN. j^( A^tfk**^*^ \A ft'; STOCK M I^^ f•. |*V^ JUST RFCEIVED IF T iff /v A 'f> BATSWING TIES ;^k m i Or *y' n^ n W3 In fancy m v R^/^JJL 1 Foulards, striped and spot .^CJJ^ *G L. V designs. U iff|v jM r
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  • 475 2 Treats Small Screw *r a Big Battleship. A sortition that will destroy rust without injury to metal is claimed to have been discovered by Paul. H. Eigholz, who Rave a demonstration of the process at his liqu«; in San Francisco. DcKHbtag \.hat happened, the Central N*w
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  • 402 2 1 Eulogy on Dame Margaret Lloyd George. So much is known and written about the Prime Minister and so little about his wife that perhaps a short appreciation by one who knows and loves her will not bo (ut of place. Mrs. Lloyd George is a very remarkable
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  • 107 2 The Grand Prix, is probably the only race in the world that was established as an act of international courtesy In the early sixti.g several British sportsmen pointed to the fact that while French owners were free to compete for every one of our richest races, there were no events
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 tO h.p. 19-seattr Alhio* Charabanc. One of a Flirt of 31 Albirm Vekiclit MffUUte Mes<rs. Stnmban Motor Senice Co., Ltd., Malay States. j Pre eminent I among British I Vehicles— S AMONG all Commercial f~\ Motors built in Britain t be Albion stands pre-eminent for reliability, length of life, and
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    • 627 2 ERUPTIONS ON UMBSIO_W Could NotßestForPair.and /vgony. Cuticura Heals. "I was had with eruptions on my ■.::'.ibs for two years. The et actions wue aa large aa a half crown and very deep. I could not rest for pain end agony, and I could not get a bit of deep at
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    • 191 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR Tba excellence of French automobile engineering baa lone known and agreed by experts. The Citroen U Urn •ekn*wl*4c«4 beat of this school of production. See this remarkable Car— compare it with any other lifht vi M til Take a demonstration ride drive it vouraelf if yon
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  • 307 3 Mysterious Practices of Malay Pawangs. From time immemorial people have had a hankering after spends and love potion*, and no people are more addicted to the ose of these charms than the Malays themselves. The makers of these charms, or obat guna, as they are called, are usually
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  • 186 3 Memorial to British, Anzuc And Indian Members. Lt. General Sir Philip Chetwode on July 22 umeiiid in the Victoria embankment gardens a memorial to British, Anzac and Indian members of the Imperial Camel Corps who were killed or died in Egypt and Palestine from 191 ii to
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  • 205 3 What is Pellagra A correspond, nt v.rit > ;i- follow^ Th statement that pellagra i* very common in Malaya M ms surprising, as from statements made in the press it is caus d by an insufficient variety of food, but according to Chambers Dictionary it is prevalent in tlie rice
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  • 169 3 To say Rood-bye before ltaving fur a tour of^he w.irld." Dame Clara Butt ami Mr. Kcnner'.ey sfanafoitl trave a concert at the Albert Hall, London, on July 2. There, says a home paper, tremendous enthusiasm, ami Dame Butt was the recipient of flowers it, such
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  • 105 3 Those fourtoin persons now on trial in Paris for forjrinp notes of the Bank of France have reason to rejoice that th punishment for this offence is no longer what it u to be "Oil rs." ran the old French law, enacted in the reign of Louis thi> Debonair, shall
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 750 3 The Hand of the up-to-date Man and his "Swan" Pen. Men really modern in tlieir i.ioas use Swan Pens because tlicv cna! It- tlivin to do more and better work with less trouble. In net :':c possession ot a "Swan" Pen by a prolcs.-innal or MHMen man is a sign
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    • 379 3 Do you realise the danger of Anaemia (Impovcrislied blood). Rich, red blood M an indispmsable necciS'lv to thr maintenance of vital energy When (he blood becomes impoverished (AnxmnPthe whole bodily health siitTcrs Because impoverished blood lacks Ihe nutritive I material necessary to replace the amount of vital energy expended dai.y
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    • 107 3 DYNAMO ANO MOTOR REPAIRS INCLUDING A.RMATURS REWINDING EXECUTED IN OUR OWN WORKSHOP. ■HLJ EaV ■> jfIVV v r ittl IS", UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) SINGAPORE 'Phone No. 134. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. S, Battery Road. If you are passing by BEACH ROAD drop at No. 7 (opposite S.V.C.),
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 917 4 STEfIMER SAILINGS P. 0.-British India AND Apcar Lino (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Caanpany't MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY arc at present aaapeaded LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON I TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON Due
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. UMMaaV <teaaer» la tended to aall freea Slagapare SELANGOR— Monday, 12.80 p.m., for Mlri, Labuan, Jesselton, Kudat, Sandakan, Jolo and Zamboanga. KINTA Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. HYE LEONG— Monday, at 4JO ia, far Malacca and Muar. KAKATuesdiy, at 440 pja, for
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    • 61 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORB AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. Robert hollar IN PORT Esther Dollar LOADING AUGUST 21 Threngh Bills af Lading Utaad f rest Blag. pore to the Principal Cities at tka OaJtod States aad Caaada. Tor f orthsr iaiermatiet aa to Kates. *U apply to
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    • 397 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. K. TBB OSAKA BHOSBM KAISHA L*» incorporstev la Japan 1 Ma. I. Da Saasa Straat Pf d Salllag Ire. Ilagaa*' (•object to change wiiaoat aotiwi CtROPEAN LINB 'at Part Said. "arsclUa.. Laadoa, AaHra» Rettcrcaa aad Maasaarg an. dap. HIMALAYA KARL Ang. 20 Ang. tl ALASKA MARU
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    • 395 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NIPPON YIISEN h/VISHA. c (Incorporated tt Japan: I Mall Contract wtta Iks 'asperta! Ja pa aear Goverameat ■ebjsct to alterations wtthont netto LONDON LINE Fuitnlghlly Service for London, Antwerp via (Malacca) PeaaeaColombo. Saea, i'ort Said snd MaraallUv YOKOHAMA MARU Aug. t KLEIST <*-»• I* MIBHIMA MARU Au« U
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 591 5 STEAMER SwULWJS "messageries marit»v.e:s oe france 1 > irtraet with the nnv«rnas*»< Mail aad Paaseagcr BaCMuM UIKBCT MARSEILLES KAR RASTEKV SERVICE HUMKWARD MAILS oITWARD MAILS lo Mar*elUe* via Coloaak*, I T« Jaaaa> via Saigon, Haagaaag Djibouti. Part Said I and Shanghai CAP ARCONA 15,000 tons Aug. 10 i CORDILLERK
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    • 270 5 PRINCE LINE LIMITED 1 incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICI FOR BOSTON AND NEW YORK < ia Sues CELTIC PRINCE, due Ist half Sept. TUSCAN PRINCE due Ist half Oct. r*or all information, apply to ADAUSON, (ALFILLAN CO.. LTD. flneorporatedsin England 1 Arents THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, UMITED Incorporated in
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    • 498 5 STEJWER SAIUHCS STRAITS CHINA LINE s.s. VAN CLOON will sail on August 15, for Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. The steamer is provisW with excellent first-class saloon accommodation. For freight and passage, please apply to KONINKLLJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU, 2 and 3 CoDyer Quay. ANNOUNCEIMENT The undersigned kindly beg to draw the
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    • 280 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commissioners of the Town ot Singapore invite tenders for the Erectijn ;ind Completion of the Proposed Quarters for the Superintendent Mains and Services at Wilkie Road. Plans may be seen and Specification and Tender Forms obtained at the Municipal Architect's Office, during office hours. Tenders on
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    • 398 5 MORE SPEED MOR^CAMBE The Sporting Model which combines speed with comfort. 1,000 c.c. Sidecars (Expert Barred). W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist. Unlimited Sidecars (General), W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist Unlimited Sidecars (Expert Barred). W. D. Marchant (Zenith) Ist 1,000 c.c. Solo (General). A. J. Brewia (Zenith) 2nd. 1,000 c.c. Solo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 753 6 CINEMAS 'GAIETY" CINEMA 7V«i ihi, in Us* Second Show, at $J$ pm. Vita^rap Newei, tireattr 30 red serial SMASHING BARRIERS Ihtir latest and bttt The Stars! Wn. Du'iran, |m R>an and Edith Johnson Tetrairs «i>h heart frirpinc thrill* anrt breif-'alcng ac.ioai Episodes I ud 1 Coriid. NdAt Fridty. AdVri Attr
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    • 97 6 BIG BOXING TOURNAMENT ONE NIGHT ONLY VICTORIA THEATRE TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921, at 9.15 p.m. Inter-Company Welterweight Championship Ist South Staffordshire Regiment Chosen men. A. Coy. Pte. Loftns B. ("oy. Pte. Peach. C. Coy. Pte. Gould. D. Coy. Pte. Carrol Mr. C. Austin. 9 st. v. Pte. Burns, st. Mr.
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    • 254 6 KEY REGISTRATION CO. EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE G. A. NUNN, AfCßts THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS BILLPOSTING CO., The Arcade, Singapore. The object of the Key Registration Co. is to provide a means of returning: to registered owners their lost keys. It costs $1.50 to register all persons registered get a label with
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    • 88 6 I(RHD) IV SINGAPORE. J i i j Blow 'away the old tradi- tion about Printer's de- lay." There are probably some things Rickard Ltd. j cannot do in the matter j of being on time, but they haven't encountered any I of them yet. There always j j seems to
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  • 479 7 Fair Demand at Slightly Lower Prices. M.-srs. Uuthri? and Co. report:— Singapore, August 5. For the weekly auction held yesterday, the i|;iniitity catalogued amounted to 747 tons. '1 lit r.' was h (food attendance of luiyers MMl :i particularly kii-n demand for Prli < rcpis. Stan-i.-int nbbod
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  • 186 7 VESSELS AT THE DOCKS ■M Wharf Hanin Nil i: a >t MTkarl Sheers harr Btect Van dr Beele. Miin Wnari Briaaea, ThonpKmpirr Daea J. Charon. V.-m Wharf Ixion. Jardines harf Nile. Palo Brani Coal Wharf. Nil. Keppel Harnoar Main WKfcrf I la, Hbti VaaU Him, Juno, s V
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  • 140 7 T«-«a* Rangoon and Calcutta I p.m. Malacca, I. Sw.-tu-iihum and I'mnip 3 p.m. Medun 8 p.m Sarawak and Coebilt P-m Bagan p.m. l..,niion 4 p.m Samarune Hud Sourabaya 1 p.m. Sambu, Prisrl Radjah. Tembilahan and lndragiri 4 p.m Ranjoewanfrtc 4 p.m. Derby, Broome. Port Hedland, Cossack. Onslow,
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  • 184 7 t FIXTURES 'iaturday, Angast High Water, Ml a.m P. and O. homeward mail close*, sunday. Anguat 7. High Water, 0.11 a.m., 0.58 p.m. >|pnday, Auxuot 8. High Wuter, 0.57 a.m., 1.32 p.m. Legislative Council, z:mi p m lueaday, August Bifh Water. 1.44 a.m., 2.8 p.m. P. nnd
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  • 405 7 SUNDAY AUGUST 7. St Andrew* Cath-dral. 7.30 a.m. I.itany. 7.45 a.m. Huly Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 pjn. Evensong and Sermon. tit. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During th.- following week Holy
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  • 37 7 TO LET, from middle September, wel 'urnished flat, 4 bedrooms, t reception rooms lathroom and kitcheL gas cooker, constant sold and hot water. Facing tea, at St Laonard't-00-Sea. Particulars te 174. Strait! rise*.
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  • 137 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, August 6. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Di-mand 2/3 3/4 Privat? 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 41 Vi Private »0 day» <>n «•'ranee Bank W0 On India Bank T. T. 175* On Hongkong Bank d/d 22 V* p.c. prem. On
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  • 54 7 Tone of market Fimi. Spot Auk. Sept Oct.-Dec S Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Seller* >pot lept. >ct.-Dec. Ribb. >Ed Smoked Sheit Closing Prici 8 Buyen Seller* 28 28 Vi 28V- 2» 29 30 31H 32U I DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 11.30 a.m.,
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    • 181 7 vS. Pd. Mwn. Btiltn. 1 1 Ay«r W«nf 10C £1 £1 Kirn Kamuntin* 1.17.6 tS.9 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.00 1 1 Hitam Ti» 1-M 1.70 1 1 Jelantoh 0.80 £1 II Lahat Mio«t 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.25 4.75 lti 10 Malayan Coll. 14.00 16.00 1 1 Menglembu
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    • 122 7 \\l. Pd Boyeri. S«!lert D fl Br. Am Tobmccc 5.0.0 B.IOX El £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.60 7.00 >/ 6/ Electric Twrnyi 2/6 10 10 Fraser Neaves 27.50 29.50 >0 50 W. Hammer Co. 80 90 LOO 100 Katz Bros, deb 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 6.2.6. 5.12.6 10
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    • 96 7 U. Eng. 0 p.c. $1,234,300 par I px. pm Spore Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £350,00( nora Spore Municipal 6 p.c $1,878,000 P*l Spore Man. 4H P« of 1907 $1,000,000 10 p.c. dii Spore Mun. 4H p* of 1909 $1,600,600 10 px. dU Spore Mun. 4H p.e of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 386 7 FlttMT and Co. and Lyall and Evatt't Quotation* Ut««t available Sterling QioUUom are printed on aaother HP Friday. To-day's Pric— Krascr Lyall ft A Co. Ermtt AUenby ($1) 0.25 O.SB 0.20 OJC Alor Oajah ($1) 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 Am. Malay (s2> 2.00 1.50 2.00 A Hitaro ($5)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS PREMISES. The undersigned have received instructions to offer for sale by public auction at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921, AT 2.30 P.M. The following valuable property Lot 1. All that piece of land area 2,**- square feet, together with
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    • 808 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FINEST FRENCH WINKS at lowest price*, Bolter's Sale. ENGLISH. AMKIUCAN, DUTCHf FRENCI' AND SWISS PROVISIONS at Bolter's Sale. TO LET, .econd floor, 1-b, Raffles Quay bright and airy offlc*. Apply ground floor CENTROSEMA. Th7~ nTtroginous covTr plant, f.o.b. at $25 per Ib. bag. Goodheart. Trolak. FOR SALE. Moutrie
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    • 567 7 TRADE-MARK DECLARATION I, Ryozo Ooto, Exporting Merehaat, N» 29, Awaza-Shimodoori '-ch^nu-. N'ishi-K«. Osaka. J«pan, do solemnly ami sineeraly declare that I am the owner and sale pruprir tor of the following Trade- Mark It consists of a beauty pulling an oar ob board of a floating shell which bears Chinas*
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  • 27 8 PADDAY. In loving memory of Cyril Reginald Pmlday. who died at the European Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on Aujrust 6, 1919. Dearly loved ar.d eadly mis!>ed.
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  • 1152 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. AUGUST 6 REDUCED EXPENDITURE. The Imperial Government has accepted the view that it may derive considerable assistance on the question of reduced national expenditure from a committee of busin.Bs men over which Sir Eric Geddes will preside. It may do so. but we have our doubts.
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  • 32 8 Shipping companies which have not their principal place of bus. i. ess in the Colony have had their incon c tax fixed at the rate of 7Vi per cent for this year.
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  • 36 8 Public organisations in Peking are prvlaring for a huge lantern procession to take place on October 10,'s \'nti->fial Day. These bodies aso suggest that similar processions be held throughout the country at the same time.
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  • 66 8 Report of Kuala Pahi Rubber Estate for 1920 shows balance, inducting £3,482 brought in, of £5,490. Directors propose to write off depreciation £600, carrying forwaH £4,890. Crop harvested, 28C.062 lbs., sold n Singapore at net average cf Is. 4.80.1. per pound coat. Is. 2.64 d. per pound, •gainst Is. 2.04
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  • 20 8 The Rev. J. Devapiriam of Ipoh arrived in S ngapore this morning to tak? charge of St. Peter's Tamil Church.
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  • 32 8 The trial of And<appon for the alleged murder of Palani oi> June 12 last was continued at the Assizes this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury.
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  • 27 8 The following ladies are members of the committee constituted under the Woven and Girls Protection Ordinance, Mrs. Brooke. Mrs. Freeman, Lady Murison, Mrs. Page and Mrs. Pount.iey.
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  • 28 8 It is notified in Colombo that persons travelling between Ceylon and the Straits Settlements and the F.M.S. are no longer Nqairad to take out passports for such journey.
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  • 29 8 Mr. Cameron Forbes has been hearing pleas at Iloilo to admit Chinese labour a> the Philippines in order to avert a labour shortage and to aid the sugar industry.
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  • 32 8 A concert will be given to-night at the V.M.C.A. by the R.G.A. Concert Party The Limpets. An excellent programme has been arranged, and members and their friends are cordially invited. Admission free.
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  • 35 8 The average number of persons to an occupied house in the three towns is Kuala Lumpur 8.2, Ipoh 8.1, Seremban 8.9. Kuala Kangsar overtops these figurt^ by an average of 9.4 persons per occfl>ied house.
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  • 40 8 Xews' has been received in Peking that ihe Rev. Mr. Stevens, of the China Inland Mission, who was captured at Fengshien, m S.shensi, early in May, during the troubles in that Province, and since held as hostage, has been released.
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  • 42 8 The Rev. Arthur Willis Stanford, who for 34 years was active in the work of th foreign missions in Japan, died in Boston, Massachusetts of apoplexy on July 8, according to a delayed cablegram received by members of the mission in Karuizawa.
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  • 40 8 A general Court Martial assembled at the Officers' Library, Victoria Barracks, Hongkong, on July 28, to deal with charges against Lieut. A. E. Thompson, of tht 2nd Battalion, the Wilts. Regiment, of alleged misappropriation of regimental funds under his care.
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  • 55 8 Owing: to a breakdown of machinery the Straits Co. regret there will be a .-.hortafre of ice during the next two oi three days. Every eifort is being put forward and it is hoped that sufficient output will be obtainable by Sunday or Monday, and in the meantime they request
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  • 61 8 Ir their produce report dated the ftlh inst. Messrs. Barlow and Co. state The Copra market has been very strong during the past week and prices have advanced $2 per picul all round. A b!c business has been dune and quotations closes follows No. 1 Standard $14.50 t $15.50, Xo.
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  • 58 8 ▲t the instance of Mr. Armstrong, boarding officer, Christen Faye, master i.t the st amor Passat, was fined $75 by Mr. Dawson, third magistrate, yesterday, for lailiiig to iriorm the authorities that there ivere three lunatics on board, the ship when she arrived here on May The three lunatics had
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  • 60 8 We are advised by the Pacific Mail S.S. Co. that the steamer Wolverine State is due to arrive at Singapore from Cal- utta on Monday morning and after discharging and loading cargo will be despatched for Manila, Honolulu and San Francisco at 5 pjn. the same day. She is embarking
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  • 57 8 Among those who had the honour of being presented to His Royal Highnesthe Prince of Wales during his recent visit to Monmouthshire, the Court Journal mentions the name of Dr. Owan Wilmot Morgans Senior Physician of the Ruyal Gwent Hospital, Newport. Dr. Ownn Wilmot Morgan is a brother of Mr.
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  • 64 8 A collision occurred at the top of Killeny Road, by St. Thomas Walk- yesterday. A car was going up Killeny Road wh -n it collided with a motor cycle coming tound the bend. The rider of the ejrch Mr. Donald Currie, of the United Engineers, waa knocked off his machine
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  • 67 8 In Penang the use of horns or other appliances for giving warning of approach by drivers of motor vehicles is puhibitci in Light Street between its junctions with Farquhar Street and Duke Street in Pitt Street between Light Street and Bishop Street and in Farquhar Street be tween the North-Western
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  • 79 8 According to a Colombo paper there is a rumour in circulation to the cifeot that Mr. Leslie Thornton senior puisne judge iof Singapore will succeed Sir V\ alter 'Shaw as Chi.f Justice cf C-jylon. As Mr. Thornton is not senior puisne judge if Singapore and Sir Walter Shaw was never
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  • 71 8 > The Hongkong Government has sanctioned the provision of three new Aga flash I'fhU ii. the approaches to the harbour. One wil be pieced at Tathong Po.nt on Lam Tong island another on the Channel Rocks in Kowloon Bay and the third on the summit of Tongku island, west of
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  • 373 8 Mr. K. Intrham is app.intoil a Polio*Magistrate, Sin^poro. Mr. G. W. UWM is to act a> Registrar of Criminals, Straits Svttlenu :its and F.M.S. Tbtl engagement is announced of Capt. Geoffrey Colson Bull and Gwyncth May, daughter of Mr. J. P. Lewis, th? retired 1 Ceylon Civil
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  • 81 8 The public examination in bankruptcy of Mr. Vi!h Bork was continued and concluded by the official assignee, the hon. Mr. C. J. SautvleTs, before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard in the Supreme Court yesterday. The only point of interest elicited was to the effect that the Japan branch
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  • 115 8 This is how a ci.rrrsp.ncior* npr s his feelings Macphcrson Road C.iws Black Bmt'alos) strewn all over th.- load Dark night- Black Buffalo— Biff Never mind Kt.-klss Driving serves him right Car Tax $50 Cow Tax Fined $60 for n.w cow Owner Driver Car repair $30 G^e."
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  • 119 8 The Chief Judicial mmissioner, Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward, in the Kuala '..umpjr Supreme Court, yesterday ik'li••ered his judgment in the aclii n of Mr D. S. Pillay, cheirist and (trutr;;ist, of Java Street, again.-t Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co. Ltd. and Messrs. Swan<=n and Sehest.d,
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  • 199 8 The sudden news that Abanc Mi.h.iinra«l Kassim, Datu Bandar, had pangs] jaway in Mecca on July IS, was received |in Kuohini; on the 21st with tin-regF-t The sad news was intensiiii.i on, ;July 23 by the receipt of a telejrram announcing: the death of Dayani; Saha.iah, the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 188 8 ta.aia.l muni tttti t SPECIAL OFFER of WINCHESTER RIFLES < COLT REVOLVERS ANO PISTOLS j X*| AT HXCEPTIONALLV LOHV PRICES Cal. 22 Winchester Repeater, full magazine $35.00 Cal. 44 Winchester Kepeater Carbine, full magazine 47.50 J I Cal. 14 Winchester Repeater Rifle, full magazine 49.50 I Cal. t'.l Winchester Automatic
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    • 120 8 ALHAMBRA T- nirht at 1M p.a. Palhca' Bwial THE PHANTOM FOE 16 Episodes or 31 reels Featuring Juanita Hanson. Warner Oland and Harry Semela 7 Pta. THE TURN OF THE WHEEL 7 Pta. Topical Budget and New Harold Lloyd CaeMdjr MARLBOROUGH 4 Episodes CAB No. 1* Episodes 3 4 reels
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  • 1131 9 Statement of Our Imperial Policy. Mr. Churchill on Dominion Defence. Reuteb Telegrams. London. August 3. lii the House of Commons, speaking on the Navy estimates, Col. Amery stated 'hit the question of the desirability of t.uildinc capital ships or concentrating: on submarines t>nd aeroplanes had been most anxitrjsly
    Reuter  -  1,131 words
  • 105 9 Reitkr Teuouimi London, August 4. Pant The Government has decided to despatch relief supplies to famine stricken Ku.-s.a through the Red Cress and similar orearisations. The decision does not aiTect the refusal to recognise the Soviet. Warsaw The relief committee has been formed to render help to Russia.
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  • 132 9 Rki-ter Telecram London, August 3 In the House of Commons at question time Mr. Harmsworth said papers were being prepared for submission to Parliament with regard to opium cultivation in China. China undert< ok to put down culitivation as the condition on which the isxtport ot" opium
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  • 54 9 Reuter Telegram. London, August a An indication of the high commercial standing of S.r Eric decides' advisory committee is given by the names of the men so far understood to have b^en ir> vited, including Lord Inchcape, Lord Colwyn. Lord Faringdon, Sir William Plsnder, <3ir Vassar Smith and
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  • 186 9 Reitter Telecrxms. London, August 4. Naples Camay's body, embalmed, i I lying; in the Chapelle Ardente and visite by crowds. Hundreds of wreaths and tel« I prams of condolence have been receive from all parts of the world. The Kin has authorised a funeral service in th church
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  • 119 9 REUTMt TEIXGRAMS. London, August 4. Paris M. Briand has issued invitation: to the Supreme Council to Britain Italy Japan and the United States. Baron Ishi; will represent Japan. Col. Harvey, Ambassador in London, will be asked to represent the United States. An invitation will be extended to Belgium
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  • 92 9 Relter Tklegram. London, August 4. Ku-ld-Matrshal Sir Henry Wilson was nearly dmwwd while participating in a yacht race at C( wes. He was swept overboard in heavy seas wearing high legged rubbers and oilskins, but being a good swimmer he succeeded in afloat until he was rseued,
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 101 9 Rf.iter Telegram. London, August 4. Washington It is understood that PreMoent Harding has informed the >enate Republican leaders that he is opposed to early action on Senator Borah's •ill restoring free tolls on American coastng vessels using the Panama Canal. 'resident Hardin«s decision is believed to be ascribable
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 76 9 RtITER TELEGRAMB. London, August 4. Geneva: Britain has officially notified 'he League that the British Empire as a I •vhole has ratified the statute providing! for the creation of a permanent court of r.ternational justice. London, August 4. Melbourne Work is being resumed at Port Pine smelting works. The
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  • 560 9 The Position in Upper Silesia T1 lv follcwin e nctcs en military events ior the sev n days ending June 29, 19J1 ■re pr.par-d by the General Staff for issue to the Press i I. Germany.— During th.» period under review the situation has remained quin in all
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  • 104 9 I tom nutwi London, Auuu.-t 4. The Daily Telegraph learns that th. Conference passed a resolution in favour of the Imperial wireless committee* schmie with modifications. Australia hat- withdrawn from the sch me, but proraises cooperation. It is pointed out that I under thj present scheme Australia wou!-;
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  • 81 9 Reiter Telegram. London. August 4. j With reference to th? report that the Ulster Cabinet has refused to have any-l thing to do with the Government's off<*r .to De Valera, it is authoritatively an-' nounced that Sir James Craig, the Ulster Prime Minister, has so far not received an
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 78 9 Reiter Telegram. London, August 4. I A coal glut in Britain in the near future is the prediction of the London Cosl Exporters Association in a letter to the Mm Minister protesting against the present high prices, which are said to be militating against export and against the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 6315 9 Broadening Basis of Civic Finance. Forecast for Next Decade. Yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was one of the most important held for many years as at it was I JiscuFsed not only the forecast of finance! drawn up by the executive for the n*xt ten years' requirements, but
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  • 245 10 (From Oar Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, August (i. The first meeting of the committee to consider the Rubber Growers Corporation scheme and to carry out restriction propaganda amongst the native producers of rubber was held yesterday, under the fhairmanehip of Mr. T. J. Cumming, the chairman of
    245 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 61 10 Nine players have entered in the Gaunt 'up tennis at Malacca, and following are the results of the first round F. Salzmann beat C. F. Gomes, 6—l, r>— 2. H. M. de Souza beat M. Dando, j 2 H". E. E-'rgess beat O. S. Webb, 6-0, '>—
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    • 72 10 The match between an S.C.C. team and visitors from the s.s. Syria on the S.C.C. rround yesterday resulted in victory for he club by 4—o. Smith and Winter scored two goals each. The S.C.C. team was Barnes Fenwick and Hide Adam<on, Cushway and Toscenie Macdonald, Wilson, R. Smith, Winter
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    • 37 10 A KeuU'i- wire from Pittsburg date<i August 3 state* that in th 9 Davi? Cup the British Isl.s singles representatives are Woosnam and Gordon Lowe and Australasia, Anlerson and Hawkes. Th matches begin to-morrow.
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    • 103 10 A Reuter wire of August 3 states Th.> match between the Australians and Lancashire opened at Liverpool to-day before an attendance of 5.000. Rain 4 'jvid the start until 2.30 p.m. when tho weathr-i was" sunny, the wicket being soft and easy. Armstrong won thi toss and
      103 words
    • 84 10 Yesterday's play resulted as follows Championship Doubles. Miss Stephenson and Mr. Hopkins beat Miss Brooke and Mr. Cantrell, 5—6, 6—l, 6—3. Mixed Doubles A Class. Mrs. Swindell and Rev. Mr. Griffin beat Mr. and Mrs. Leggatt, w.o. Ladies' Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Butcher and Mrs. Savage
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    • 37 10 The final of the Ladies Empire Dock Cup for the year 1921 was played off on Tuesday, when Mrs. J. Binnie beat Mrs. O. R. H. Webb by one stroke on the last fcTeen.
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    • 129 10 The contests at the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday evening should certainly provide some of the best boxing seen in Singapore for some years past The men competing in the Staffords' inter-company welter-weight competition ajid the local aratcurs who wit be engaged are all training hard and getting into, ■hape.
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    • 124 10 A meeting of the Rugby section of the S.C.C. was held yesterda> afternoon to elect a captain and other officers for the forthcoming season. Mr. C. Graham Brown was elected captain, and the following were chosen to form the selection committee Mr. A. Cullen and Mr. G. Ablett (playing
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    • 113 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It is a pity that the people of Kelantan and its neighbourhood are cut off from telegraphic communication intermittently. A friend of the writer sent his family to the writer's place in Singapore He telegraphed the fact of their
      113 words
    • 295 10 To th^ Editor of the Straits Time». Sir, A ?entenc which appeared in your Leader of the 3rd instant has been tho subject of a discussion, the point at issue being th» correct use of the verb "to be" in conditional sentences. The passage referred to is If he
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    • 246 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It appears 'hat the Republic of Cuba is now suffering a serious financial and business depression cau&nd by surplus of five million bags unsold sugar. From New York I hear that the Cuban Government is considering the purchase of
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  • 86 10 It is a'ways the case where there is a good serial, there is the crowd. The Gaiety was crowded last night on thu opening of their new serial Smashing Barriers." William Duncan plays to perfection as a cerinjr hero, with loving Edith Johnston as his heroine. Joe Ryan
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  • 1378 11 Programme Curtailed 0 -in o Crisis. The first annual jrcm-rsil mcetnv of tn United Patani (Malaya) Rubber Estates, l i I m July 5 at the M- I offices of the corrfpany, 149, l-iwil— hwli <t, E.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding- The
    1,378 words
  • 688 11 Smernor's Explanation at Federal Council. \i ih iefertiu< to the letter fri.m £a\Jol W« It. Sime which appeared in iterday's lssu.-, the following is the fail .ext of thy High Commissi. >n tlie matter before the Federal Council Thj only other subject to which I wish i tvfir
    688 words
  • 25 11 Programme of Drills, etc., for week endng Saturday, August 6, 1921 Saturday, 6th.— pjn., I>rfll Hall, SJA, Company, dres» •horta, ahirts sleere*.
    25 words
  • 83 11 %It has been found after long experiment at the Research Station of the Fuel Research Board at Greenwich the effect of introducing; steam into vertical gas retorts, is to gT atly increase the output of >ras of good quality and correspondingly 1 ssen the cost per therm. This is of
    83 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 207 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS arc still the mom popular In me bast The <ime high quality h mitintnlnr<« hut ICol PRICES HAVE -ICo/ IW /°BEIN REDUCED 1° I his INfvff lor Spot Ca«h Payment only ALi, NEW bTOuK -inJ tu>day for lllu«trated Catalogue 8. MOUTRIE ft CO.. LTD. i Incorporated la Hoafkoag.)
      207 words
    • 376 11 Raffles^ Hotel MOM. AY.- Tea I'ansar 6 I. 7 p.m. (Admission free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Mus' nl Programme after Dinner. THI'^DAY— Gii. t JtisM t. Dancing < Evening Drew eMentim' I uncinßi. FRlDAY.— Special Lunch— Orchestra SATURDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Drew Mwntiai f Dancine). PICTtIRES TEDDY AT THE THROTTLE
      376 words

  • 969 12 Eye-Transference and Horrible Suggestions. At a meeting of* the Vienna Ophthalmological and Biological Society a lecture was given on Jvoppanyis interesting discoveries in the possibility of eye transference, he had noticed in the course of experiments that mice and flsn, when bunded, lose their beau til v. colours
    969 words
  • 44 12 v_£! rf th< P'-'i^ted mail B »rviee between Peking and Shanghai, a VickersV imy rraeVne, earning two foreign p lnt» and two Chinese pass-n-rers. left Pekin* on June 27 after br-akf»st for Tsinanf." a jo -,m vof 240 miles, and returned safely at tea-tine.
    44 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 200 12 KIAM KIAT STANDS fox ATISFACTORY ERVICE Do not worry, w will help you. j <?cm|> DOT EMBOSSED Box Strapping IN CONTINUOUS LENGTH COILS OF aoo FEET Made of flexible, cold rolled steel, lacquered to prevent mating and embossed to protect the head of the nail. The edgea are rounded to
      200 words
    • 345 12 WEILL MONTOR K. HIGH STREET. Sole AgtsilaV NEW ENTERTAINMENT SERIES Magic and its Professors $4.20 Conjuring and Magic by Professor HolTmam s.m '20th Century Magic KM Professor Hoffmann's Card Tricks 1.20 Modern Magic ;.2O Picture Puzzle and Word Play 3.00 Keiro's Palmistry, Clairvoyance and Pyschometry 4.g0 Conjuring with Coins 0.90
      345 words
    • 64 12 Ji^§? k I!J A II f\ n h ill v Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED 1 BcJRKfiK CO- LI a" Engineering Department OFFICE 6, BATTERY ROAD. NEW GARAGE FOR STORING. CLEANING, AND REPAIRING Motor lorries NORTH BH DOE ROAD, ELOIN BRIDOE SO Yard- from HIGH SI REEF the
      64 words

  • 1016 13 The Tile-Mosaics of Moghul I Palaces. It is ftranpre, says an Indian journal, that comparatively few European travellers, or even Indian writers, of the Moehul period have recorded the existence of the unique decorations in Lahore Fort. On the v-ery walls of that imposing fortress the Great Moghuls,
    1,016 words
  • 104 13 S nce beer drirkinp seeirs fairly. m mon annnsr horses, it is nrt surprising to learn that other animals h«ve developed a taste for tobacco. A correspondent says that in Morocco f»e wi'v n-itives mi'k? use of th? camel's liking: for a s'rrnfc cigar to subdue him to their will.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 WHIfEAWAV, 14IDL4W CO., LTD. (Incorporated la Bngls- 1) SINGAPORE Will offer the whole of their Stock OP* Remnants and Oddments AX HALF USUAL PRICES ON Monday, Aug. 8. DOORS OPEN 8 '.M. 1 Insist on reliable Quinine You pel quinine ihat is nf ted a'l over t c \uril fi»r
      160 words
    • 287 13 IPOH GYMKHANA I CLUB RACE DAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 Non-stlling Sweep SSO.OOO on Race 5. TICKETS 15 BACH. H L. ARMSTRONG. Hon. Secretary. T«l»trranis i RACING, huh c c E E Tlif Proprietors; V Vf) V^X Jk A XML HOHON6 icist^* P.j 61.Kli.ig8t. iVI N
      287 words
    • 114 13 if TALISMAN Framroz Co. SINGAPORE: Truscon Waterproofing Paste CONCENTRATED hv Concrete TRUSCON WATERPROOFING PASTE is the only waterproofing compound that embodies the essential qualities of true integral waterproofing. The absolute RELIABILITY and ECONOMY of th* product have established it as THE STANDARD. It ia a necessity for concrete work of
      114 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 654 14 SALES BY AUSTIGN IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE lale^orn Raffle. Chamber. R-ffle, PI: ea. Singapore. Ob Monda>. August K. at 2Jt p.m. The MMTlaa valuable to*, and roperties D-M ■BUMMM MM &Z^&z>rzrjrs Tod'yk 4 dayiwon, MOaTTOAGn SAI HOW ELL ROAD. Lot 2 Fr.-< hold land und brick ard tile- uwell Ro d
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    • 321 14 SALES BY AUCTION NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHOKE BAHRU. MISCELLANEOUS SUIT No. 2* of 1921. Betweca M. P. L. I'alaniappa Chetty, Charge* againat Tan Teck Jooa, Chargor. AUCTION SALE of valuable Rubber Estate, at Segamat, Johore. The uniersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction
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    • 550 14 As?«l4 over $4,000,000 S.C. Asswance in force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Incorporatoa ta Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Hoaso, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 12, Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has (00,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England sad complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      550 words
    • 587 14 i BANKMWe HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital 115,000,00* Reserve Funds Sterling f 2.500,006 Silver 121,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors f 15,000.00* COURT OF DIRECTORS G. T. M. Edkins, Esq., Chairman *G. M. .Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Hon. Mr. E. V. D.
      587 words
    • 397 14 BilliKllia THE OVERSEAS CHINESE, BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Singapore, 63, Kling Street. Telephone No. 1665. BRANCH Penang, 28, Beach Street AGENCIES Ipoh and Deli. CAPITAL Authorised 120,000,000 Issued 10,500,000 Paid-up 6,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholder* 6.260,000 Reserve Fund and Surplus.. 290,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The
      397 words
    • 217 14 msurahce COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorf orati-l in Kiigiand) Fire. Life, Up Guarantee, and Motor. Aaacta exceed £40,M0,»M W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter. Eastern Branch, Singapore. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. CO. (Incorporated in Canada) All the latest plans of Life, Endowment and Annuity policies Assets £6,000 000 GUTHRIE
      217 words

  • 917 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Use of Motor Coaches. Oneofthc most significant features of the' pjv.M lit summer is likely to be the development of the motor coach a* a medium of transport, says the Daily Telegraph. From a somewhat dubious innovation for. the conveyance of
    917 words
  • 61 15 At the inquest in London on the body of the baby of Dr. Bolton, of Shanghai, which was drowned in a stream, the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against the Japanese nurs«. The. infant's f-randmother, who had engaged her, said that she was satisfactory except for a tendency
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 240 15 THE SERVIOIGN AVERAGE SALES FOR LAST 9 MONTHS 70 CARS. Why arc mt selling these larye number of Fords in these times of depression Because it is the only car which can satisfy the present day call for economy and is cheapest in first cost and the most economical to
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    • 171 15 TYRES MOTOR CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE AUF.NTS FOR S.S. and F.M.S. Dupire Bros. Quahs' Motor Transport Co. 'Phone 299. for COMFORTABLE CARS AND LORRIES FOR HIRE DAT AND NIGHT SPECIAL CHARGES for Picnic cotinfi, monthly hires and rctulai hlrtns. MICHELIN TYRES. fv Further Reduction in Price
      171 words
    • 34 15 Mangeodine Owing to rise in price of chemicals we are obliged to raise the price of Mangeodine from 80 cents to $1. We hope our patrons will not grudge to pay this small increase.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 539 16 New Shipments Just Arrived of Harts Daple. Die Platea for I'ipes to screw H In to 1* In. Barta Doplex Die Plate. 1 for Pipes to screw 1 in. to 2 in. Uttle Giant Screw Plates for Pipes to screw \i in. to 1 in. Casterbrm.k Kngli.h Make Gas Thread
      539 words
    • 428 16 TAY GUAN KIAT l«, PHILLIP BTRIIT. Phone Nos. 8118 aaa till The tMBMBaW contractor for suoply «f FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS. ETC. to the Singapore Municipality «ariag the year 1921. GLOBE BOILER IBIODT tor clearing and preserving ■team sellers I of all type. Used by all factories, stsamsrs. etc.,
      428 words
    • 915 16 ADVERTISEMENTS^ Tko PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary clow-set type (average six words to line) are Per line one insertion 28 cts.. two ins 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 ets., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18. ten ins. $1 40 twelve
      915 words
    • 914 16 LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE, vacant ground at Nassim Road, high ground, good for 2 bungalows. For further particulars, apply 389, Straits Times. TO LET, a newly-built bungalow, near the Race Course. Large verandah, 2 bedrooms, ptc. Apply Wee Kirn Seng, 62-1, Kerbau Roa<L TO LET, large and commodious premises
      914 words
    • 879 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, 22, Kling Street. Apply to The Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co., Ltd. TO LET, office or godown No. 11, Ground floor, Raffles Quay and one big new office No. 73, The Arcade. Apply to Messrs. Alkaff Co., 70. The Arcade. Singapore. OFFICE TO
      879 words
    • 306 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd 211-219, ORCHARD ROAD Sole Distributor* of BELLANGER famous French Car All kinds of Repairs to Motor Cyelo* Cars, and Lorries executed Cracked Cylinders. Crank-Case- Gears at* broken parts of all metals WeKlad. RELIABLE CARS AND LORRIES HIRED. Goods Transported from Ships, Qodowaw. Private Houses, etc. A
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 201 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General M Manager's Office 111? Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news ahould be addressat to THE EDITOR. All communication relating to business matters—advert!** ments, subscriptions, accounta, printing etc., should be addressed to THy MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT SATES Wanta, For
      201 words