The Straits Times, 2 August 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 26,7U5 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK PRICE REDUCED S2.M p< r tut. ■f^. Plhener Beer mgim mmM Guinness Stoui wSi Sole Af(entn THE BORNEO Co., Ltd. THERE IS ONLY ONE KODAK, all other apparatus being aimp'y cameras, not manufactured by The Kodak Company. YOU CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE, when buying a camera,
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    • 177 1 CALEY'S Norwich Chocolates. NEW SHIPMENT OF THESE DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES JUST RECEIVED. Coronet 2 lb. $1.15 1 Ib. $2.20 Westminster 2 1.00 1 2.00 Monsoon 2 1.00 1 L9O Tropical 2 1.00 1 L9O Selected 2 1.00 1 I^o "Norwich" and "Prince of Wales" Chocolates in 1 Ib. Fancy Boxes $2.00
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  • 995 2 Chairman Replies to Adverse Criticism. The Hon. Mr. J. W. Campbell, chairman of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board, at a me-ting held in the Malacca Club en July 26, went thoroughly into the matter of the M.A.M.B. which has been coming into a good deal of adverse
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  • 74 2 General Strenger, since his acquittal by the Leipzig Court of a charge of ordering the shooting of prisoners in battle, has been feted by the Germans like a hero. The General, in full uniform, responded to the congratulations of the crowd with a speech. He declared that all he had
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 The Guarantee of a Good Belt. The name "Walker. Bolton" has bven associated wilh Leather Belting tor 100 yews and is guarantee of a Belt that will do all th*. a belt is in' cr. Jed to do and Weep on doing it. Walkers BelHnq We ma'ie a Belt that
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    • 519 2 CUTICURA HEALS BURNINGITCHiNG Breaking Out On Face. Very Painful. Did Not Get Any Sleep. "I had a breaking oat on my face that was very painful. It began like a pimple, and when it came to a head •.vater'ran down my cheek and everywhere it touched it burned terribly. I
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    • 198 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR The excellence of French automobile engineering ha* loaf *••> known and agreed by experts. The Citroen is the acknowtoisji, beat of this school of production. See this remarkable Car— compare it with any other ttcht sax M Hi Market Take a demonstration ride— drive it yourself
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  • 1020 3 Hew Australians Fail to Grasp Openings. Lt-Col. R. F. FitiGerald, D.5.0., writing in an Australian paper, says The average Australian has but a vague idea of what Malaya and the East Indies really are the varied forms of government, the wondrous untapped wealth, the immense areas and
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  • 494 3 Instances of Strange Contrasts In Japan. Here are a few of the strange Aversions of the usual, and of Western ideas and customs in Japan. Upon entering a house a Japanese gentleman does not take of his hat he takes off his shoes. A student does not commence
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  • 281 3 An Appreciation of a London Hospital. A correspondent writes as follows Too much publicity cannot be given to the good work carried on by the Seamen's Hospital Society in its Hospital for Tropical Disease, Endsleigh Gardens, Euston Koad, London, N. W. 1. Prior to the war the present
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  • 181 3 A London cable of July 10 says lt is stated that the Prince of Wales is going to act promptly on the advice of Lord Derby, and as soon as he has fulfilled hi* engagements in July, including an official visit to the West Riding of Yorkshire,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 419 3 ENGLISH 2— 4*x4t 31-12 20 SOUTH AMERICA j #We offer a complete banking service in the following countries, special attention being given to the handling of m«.o o»w«, coU«ctions. bntmai Canada ARGENTINE BRAZIL URUGUAY llucau* AlrM. ftic d* J»n*Mro, mnu.s, hao Piolo. M*M*ftta*t VENEZUELA COLOMBIA BR. QUIANA t k i-.
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    • 257 3 JUNE 1921 MOTOR CYCLE SENIOR TOURIST TROPHY RACE ISLE OF MAN The "Trusty Triumphs" again demonstrate their efficiency and speed. Of 24 machines which finished the race, 6 were TRIUMPH'S, gaining 4 Gold Medals. EDMOND created a record lap time, 40 mins. 8 sees, or 56.4 miles per hour. BREAKING
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 908 4 STEAMER SAIUNBS P. 0.-Brltlsh India AND a Apcar Line (Q.Ms.alti .asaiaai.t.s la England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. tOader Contract with Hlr Ma}«.ty's Government/ The Company's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended LONDON/ PAB-BASTEBN BEBVICE FBOM LONDON I TO MAMtani.i.Ml AND LONDON
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    • 733 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. UM1TBI) ataaaiera Intended to aall frees *lagaper« KlNTA— Monday, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. HYE LEONG— Monday, at 480 p.m., tor Malacca and Muar. KXKA— Tuesday, at 4.10 p.m.. for Malacca and Muar. IPOH— Wednesday, at 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang.
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    • 59 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. Robert Dollar LOADING AUGUST I Esther Dollar LOADING AU6UBT 21 Through Bills af Lad Ing U.s.d Ires* aHagapor* to ta. Principal Oltl*. ef th* Ualted State, aae Caaada For f arth.r tmi.rmatlea as W Ma, .ppiy >• THE
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    • 380 4 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S. K. TaTB OSAKA SHOSKN KATJMA L*B (Incorporated la Japan) It: t. Da Seas* Street Propaaed Sailing f rem object te ehang* without aettae) 1 EVfiOPIAN LOIB Par Part Said, Marseille*, Lead**. Aaftwer*. Batremla*. Hasaaarg arr. dep. HIMALAYA HABV Aug. JO Ang. 11 ALASKA MARU Sept 14
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    • 384 4 steamer sailings I NIPPON YISEN KAISHA. (laeorporated In Japan) Tader Mall Contract with the ■•oeria. Jaaaaoae Goverament. Subject to alteration* without notic. LONDON UNB Purtnlghtly Service Par London, Antwerp via (Malacca) Paaaa*. Colombo. Sacs, Port Said aad MarsMsllaa. YOKOHAMA MABU Ang. 8 KLEIST Aug. IS MISHIMA MABC Aug. 14 LIVERPOOL
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 604 5 STEAMER SAimtS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE ntract with t ie Frym 1 Inv* rnmt-i.' Mall and Paaarngrr Pag4 kea JiKeA MARSEILLES FAR EASTrX.V SITRVICE HOMEWARD MAILS OUTWARD MAILS To Marseille* via Colombo, Te aba**, via Saigon, Hoagkoag Kjibouti. Port Said and Shanghai CAP ARCONA 16.000 tons Aug. 6 CORDILLKMr 10,000
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    • 273 5 PRINCE LINE LIMITED lo<:ui|.orated in England) FAR BAST SERVICE FOR BOSTON AND NEW YORK via Sues CELTIC PRINCE, due Ist half Sept. TUSCAN PRINCE due Ist half Oct. For all infcrmation, apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. I Incorporated in England) Agente. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, UMITED Incorporated in the
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    • 404 5 STEAMER SAILINGS UNITED AMERICAN LINES INC. Successor* te LIVERMORE DEARBORN CO. IN' (Incorporated la V.SA.I Independent Steamahlp Una Regular Service between New York Singapore and Java ports aad vie* FOR OTW TORE via BURS HALF MOON end Aug./early Sept WEST CALUMB 0--t FROM NEW YORK HALF MOON In port WEST
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    • 490 5 FOR PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLI THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG VILAB). This Yakuti or life-giving nectar aa* bee. prepared from the beat, choicest aad riches' vegetable drug*. It ha* a wonderful propert} of increasing th* virile power and reetinei all urinary disorders. In fact, it make* mat a man. This
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    • 225 5 MARINE ™|^P^ I- PAR ROPE §1 i EXCELLEMCE PURE MANILA ROPE SUPERIOR QUALITY A CORDAGE WORTHY OF YOUR CONFIDENCE Approved and purchased by the United SUtea Navy and Army the PhilioDin. Government and also the leading shipowners^ l-aHlpplae SOLE AGKATB KEAT CHEANG COMPANY 41, Market tn.c*. Slagapore.-TeL J26t. 41 J,
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    • 207 5 MADAME MOINE JUST AKHIVED FROM PARIS with a large selection of the following latest Paris Fashions MORNING DRESS, AFTERNOON DRESS AND EVENING DRESS, SWEATERS, ETC. Inspection 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 6 p.m. ADDRESS ADELPHI HOTEL, ROOM 56 Purchafee Purchase I For about one month only DON'T
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 561 6 CHEWS GAIETY CINEMA I Change OP Programme to night I Alhambra FROM MONDAY, AUGUST 1, TO SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1921. In thi hirst Show, at 7.30 pm. The Commencement of an Astounding Path* Serial Mystery Drama, Lo«.cal, Baffling and Thrilling A SERIAL THAT WILL SALT THE INTEREST AND PEPPER THE
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    • 473 6 OIMEiAS AND TMjATBES HALL, LIMITED North Bridtf* Road Second Bhou> at 9.1& p.m. Bee WiUon. Nera Gerber and Joseph Gerard in the most mystifying and the most sensational of all serials THE BCREAMINO SHADOW Episode 7. INTO THE DBP fH 1 parts. Eoisod- 8 THB WHIT it I' ERROR parts
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    • 222 6 For aU Defects of Vision CONSULT Mr. K. F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's I Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthal- mic Opticians (London) v I ■j; OFFICE Af THE United Pharmacy. i 305, North Bridge Road SINGAPORE: 4»MIIMII»»IIMMMHMMtH BIG BOXING TOURNAMENT
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    • 168 6 Announcement We wish to announce that W* have just a^ded to oar already modern equipment a RUBBER STAMP MAKING PLANT Yon will welcome the a»- nouncement, we are sort, tm i the same high quality of per- f ection which has built u» oar Printing Department, wll be maintained in
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  • 714 7 Three Weeks Without A Government. At the time of writing:, says the Vienna correspondent of the Observer in mail week, Austrian politics are in an almost chaotic condition. It has taken the Styrian Christian Socialists about three weeks to r.tne to the conclusion that the plebisc t.\
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  • 167 7 FIXTURES '■eiutay, Aagast 2. High Water, 9.53 a.m.. 8.53 p.m. St. George's Chapter. Football League Div. I, 6.C.C. v. Sea De fences. S.R.C. Football League S.C.C. 11, v. S.R.C. 11, R. Reclamation. Pinpapore Tennis Championship Starts. Maid of the Mountains, Vie Theatre. Wednesday, Aagust 3. lligh WaUr.
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  • 204 7 HMU AT TIIK IKKKS East Wharf Pasln- Nil. Eaxt Wharf T> Sheers Wharf- Slut Van dt Beele. Main Wharf Kurt ha Mam. Wakasa Mara, Bhurnta Empire Dock— Heinan Maru, Arratoon Apcar. H. be. Charon. Lycaon. Weal Wharf NlOl. Jardinr-K Wharf— Kwai Sang. Palo Brani Coal Wharf. Mil. Keppel
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  • 186 7 To-day tf alscca and Muar S p.m. Hongkong 4 p.m. tianfkok 4 p.m. Butavia, Cheribon and Semarang 4 p.m. Wednesday Vloearo-Saba and Djambi 9 a.m. vluntok and l'a!c mbanjr 1 p.m. Versing. Kemaman and Trengganu 2. p.m. Kretsy. Trengranu, Kelantan, PaUni. Singora. Bandon and Bangkok 2 p.m.
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  • 139 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Aug. 2. On London* Bank 4 m/a 2/4 8/l« Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 40% Private 90 day* *J On France Bank W On India Bank T. T. H&tt On Honirkonfr Bank d/d 23 p.c. prem. On
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  • 57 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COM MERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Tone of market Quiet. Spot Aug. Sept. Oct.-Dec. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers t— Spot Aug:. Sept Oct.-Dec. S Ribl 5inffapore Standard >bed S-noked Shet-t Closing Prices Buyeri Sellers 26 2'-,i, 26 K- 27 27>i 28 29 30 DAILY PRICES
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    • 182 7 Vai. Pd. Buyer. 8«ll«m 1 1 Ay« W«ng 100 £1 £1 Kmm Kamunting i.17.8 2.2.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.00 1 1 Hitam Tib IM 1.70 1 1 Jelantoh 0.80 M *1 Lahat Micw 5 5 Lingui Tin 4^5 4.75 10 10 Malayan Coll. 14.00 15.0U 1 1 Menglembu
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    • 123 7 Val. Pd Bayen. Sellen. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.0.0 5.10.C £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.60 7.00 5/ 5/ Electric T'wsyi 2/6 10 10 Fras?r Neavea 27.50 29 50 60 W. Hammer Co. $80 $90 100 100 Katz Bros, deb 140.00 10 10 Mexican Eagle 5.2.6. 5.12.6 10
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    • 94 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,800 par I p.c paa. Spore Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £360,000 torn Spore Municipal 6 p.c. $1,878,000 par Spore Man. 4H p.« of 1907 $1,000,000 10 p.e. dii Spore Man. 4% p.e of 1909 $1,600,600 10 p.c. dis Spore Man. 4% p.*. of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 388 7 Frmner and Co. and Lyall and Evatt'i Quotation*. •Pr«aln» tmm. «r. Lataat iraiUM* Starltaf Qaotettoaa art prints oa amothar p*g* m FrM»y. To-day 1 Price*. Pirn»« Lyall A A Co. Evatt Allenby (91) 0.2S 0.36 0.20 O.Sf Alor Gajah (sll 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 Am. Malay (»2) 2.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 THE ALREADY FAMOUS. "SHEPCO" FOOTBALL BOOT Reinforced at heel and toe. Made from a very good quality hide. Used by several leading players "At Home" and in the East. $10,50 per pair in all sizes. AT THE SHEPCO SPORTS EMPORIUM
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    • 608 7 f JITEST ADVERTISEMENTS LOST, dog Municipal No. 387. Please inform No. 12, Rowell Road. MALAY LESSONS required by a gentl7man. Please state terms, etc. to 376, Straits Times. TO LET. a newly-built bungalow, near the Race Course. Large verandah, 2 bedrooms, etc. Apply Wee Kirn Seng, 52-1, Kerbau Road. FOR
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    • 486 7 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY YARDLY DEJGHTON POTTER, DECEASED PURSUANT TO THE TRUSTEE ORDINANCE, 1911. SECTION If NOTICE is hereby given that all eradi and other persons having any claims or J» ■nandii upon or aga<nst the Estate of Rnn Yardlcy Dciphton Potter, deceased late «f Singapore, who died
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  • 58 8 KHOO.- Al his residence No. 89, Chin Swee Road, on July 30, IM2I, Mr. Khoo Kirn Yung, aged 58 yean. Father of Uaasrs. Khoo Tionf! Hot, Loon, Chwee, Lian, Jian, four daughters, one ([rand-daughter and f-ither in-Uv of Me'sn. T-im Tiang Siew, Wee Ban Cheng and Chua Sen* Toh.
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  • 1139 8 The Straits Times TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 LOCAL TRADE. We gave yesterday a tabulated statement comparing the trade in the first half of 1920 with the trade in the first half of 1921. The decline is equal to $705,460,042, or a trifle more than 57 per cent, of our total trade.
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  • 61 8 Writing on a rubber control scheme, the Financial Times of July S says Taking all the factors into consideration there is little doubt that a bold stroke at the present moment would change the wh:le industry once more into a paying proposition. Failing decisive action now, thj industry will only
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  • 64 8 Yesterday about 10 a.m. an accident I took place just beyond the Katong-East Coast Road junction in which a car kn>ek ed down a little Chinese boy named Kin Lim Poh, killing him instantly. Tho driver ot the car was placed by In.-p LTidle before the second mngiatrat ■> today
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  • 9 8 The Dublin Daily Express, established in 1851, ceases publication.
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  • 12 8 The official figure place the value of Carnegie's estate at £4,500,000 net.
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  • 14 8 A Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been formed at Hongkong.
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  • 21 8 In the New World murder trial the eight accused were discharged owinff to lack of evidence in the Shanghai Mixed Court.
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  • 52 8 The Anglican Church in Australia has been paid a high compliment by the r.ppointment of the Archbishop of Brisbane (Dr. Donaldson x to the Diocese of Salisbury- Dr Donaldson, who is a hiidi churchman, is the son of Sir Stuart Donaldson, first Premier of New South Wales, and »us born
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  • 56 8 Evidence of what Australia intends doing to obtain increased markets in China was explained by Mr. E. S. Little, the Australian trade Commissioner in China, at a meeting of Shanghai business men in the Chamber of Commerce where Australian products were exhibited. Assurance has been given by shipping companies of
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  • 65 8 Miss Victoria Monks, the popular Music Hall artiste, who was placed on trial at the 01.1 Bailey on a sensational charge of stealing a dressing case containing jewels valued it £1,500 left in a taxi-cab, has been acquitted. The verdict was received with cheers. Arthur Simmonds, who whs placed m
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  • 72 8 The Deputy Mayor of Nice, M. Alexandra Mari, is the lucky holder of the credit fencier premium bond, which was recently drawn frr the prize of £40,000. M. Mari says he will not allow the money to interfere in any way with his ordinary routine and his Municipal duties. All
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  • 70 8 One of the most disastrous fires which has ever occurred in Tientsin took place ihe other week, foreign residences in Woodrow Wilson Street being involved. The houses were tenanted by Mr. Stoll, American Trading Co., Mr. and Mrs. Graham Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Gerskovitch, and Mr. and Mrs. Michaelovsky, and
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  • 70 8 The Allahabad High Court of Justice has admitted an interesting revision case, in which the applicant, M. C. White, of the East India Railway, in a claim decreed by the Lower Court contends that certain articles of clothing, including silk stockings etc., supplied to the applicant's wife are not necessaries,
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  • 73 8 Accounts < f North Hummock (Selangor) Rubber Company for period ended March 31, 1»21, show net profit of £2,358 on working, but liability for income-tax on the three years' average profits of old company amounts to £«,3»^. thereby entailing loss of £4,010, subject to a claim for refund of E.P.D.
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  • 67 8 Defending bis decision to refuse to supply information to The TkMl Mr. Lloyd George declared that a personal attack of a peculiarly offensive and mischievous character was made against Lord Curzon whilo he was engaged on momentous and delicate negotiations. The Premier added that The Times no longer represented
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  • 73 8 Before the District Judge, Mr. Nunn, this morning Captain Liddle of the Aratoon Apcar was charged a.t the instance of insp. (Major) Millard in chnrge of the passport office, Tanjong Pagar, with nut giving the names of three Japanese passengers who arrived in the colony without valid passports on June
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  • 86 8 We have received two numbers of the Journal of the F.M.S. Museums, namely voL IX part 3 and vol. K. part 3. The former, relating to certain graves and ancient Megaliths in Negri Sembilan, is profusely illustrated and b mc in ncn technical language is of considerable interest to the
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  • 89 8 J. H. Rainnie, a vendor of watches and an electrical constructor, Rangoon was convicted by the Western Division Magistrate on a charge of intimidating the Rev. N. A. Price, of the Methodist Mission, en July 1. It was stated that while the complainant was walking along a public street, the
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  • 114 8 Crop of London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company for 1920 totalled ,606,830 lbs., against estimate of 1,718,000 lbs. Crop from Tamok estate was 90,182 lbs. Crop was short of estimate, owing principally to restriction of output. Average net sale pr ce, including cstimatJ value of unsold portion, was is 6.22
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  • 393 8 Th' racehorse trainer Patrick Hartivrnr. left i' 16,000. Lord Provost Chester of Edinburgh tad Lord Eustace Cecil are de-ui. Malacca Agricultural Medical Bom page 2 Opportunities in Muaya page I. From to-day Mr. H. Bull has resumed duties as second and Mr. Dawson as thiru magistrates. The
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  • 36 8 His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard will be absent from Singapore during the month of August and the At Homes on the last two Tues.lay?. of 'in month will, therefore, not take place.
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  • 42 8 The Minister for Health has apreei Vreceive a deputation of the British Medical Association on the question of professional secrecy in connection with a recent case in which a doctor was subpoenaed and com pelled to disclose his knowledge.
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  • 59 8 We have reprinted the special article on "Malaya's Grave Crisis" which appeared in our issue of the 15th inst., and which ;t will be remembered set out, in considerable detail, a scheme for Rubber EsUt* Relief. A copy of the reprint will be sent by post to
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  • 98 8 Before the Chief Justice, Sir WalUi Shaw, the Assizes was resumed this morn ing, the case taken up being that in which Goo Seong Ghee, Revjnub Officer 85, stood charged with the murder of Chin Ma To. who he is alleged to hay- stabbed in the back
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  • 223 8 I The Bandman Opera Company deliphted a large audience with their performance (of the famous The Better 'Ole at the I Victoria Theatre last nijfht. It was roally a capital show, and although on would have thought that war stuff would se*m stale to us, prhaps w.'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 New Books umiim ALL CLOTH BOUND. NETT. Aaron West, by John Knittely $2.75 Prince of the Palais Royal, by Max Pemberton. 2.75 Three, by Fergus Hurme 2.75 Lady Bountiful, by George A. Birmingham 2.75 The Lady in Waiting, by William Le Quex 2.75 The Storm Man. by John B. Hicks
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    • 134 8 ALHAMBRA Ta-Bifht at 7.80 pjn. Pathea' Serial THE PHANTOM FOE 15 Episode* or 31 reels Featuring Juanita Hansen, Warner Oland and Harry Semels 7 Pta. THE TURN OF THE WHEEL 7 Pta. Topical Budget and New Harold Lloyd Comedy MARLBOROUGH 4 Episodes CAB No. IS Episodes 2 4 reels 5
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  • 396 9 Mr. Lloyd George's Reassuring Speech. Reuter Telegrams. London, July 30. Mr. Lloyd George, unveiling a war memorial at Thame, said it*was inconceivable that France and Britain should quarrel over the interpretation of the peace they achieved at such tremendous co»t. There had been differences recently as to the
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 66 9 Reuteb Telegram. London. July 30. The counsel for the military authorities has informed the Master of the Rolls in Dublin to-day that he has beer, instructed by Government to state that the two Sinn Peiners would be released p.nding an appeal against the Master of th? Rolls' order. The
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  • 49 9 Ret tlk Telectam. London. July 30. Berne As a rc«ult of Maxim Gorki's appeal for help for diseased and faminestrirken Russians, the international union for the relief of children, with headquarters at Geneva, has begun the distribution of food and clothing in Moscow and appeal* for contributions.
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  • 31 9 Rkutkb Teleckam. London, July -SO. Milan The <"<.urt of Assize has acquitted the well known anarchist Malatesta and some of his companions on a charge of fomenting an anarchist conspiracy.
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  • 22 9 Rei tf.b Telegram. London, July 30. ("h;.tnoni The simian Durafour landed in an aeroplane on the summit if Mont Blartr.
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  • 178 9 Retter Telegrams. London, July 30. Washington Lord Northcliffe has left for New York en route for Montreal and Australia. London, July 30. Washington lord Northcliffc prior to his departure attended a dinner given by Mrs. Maclean, wif of the proprietor of the Washington Post. Mr. Hughes, Mr.
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  • 46 9 Relter Telegram. London, July :10. Paris A man named Cherrier has been arrested in connection with the recent robbery of the Paris-Marseilles express, after a struggle with the police in which two of his accomplice* were killed and a police inspector seriously hurt.
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  • 408 9 Tributes from the Bench And Bar. Before the Assizes were "-.--unied this Burning the Chi-rf Justice, Sir WfelUr Shaw, with whom, or. the Bench, *as Mr. Justice BarrHt-Lcnnard, made feeling referenc- before a large attendance cf Mm bar. to the death uf the late Sir Archibald
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  • 17 9 LarU Tin Dredging.— Hours run 651, Yards treated 88,000, Piculs of ore recovered 719.02.
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  • 1398 9 Scheme for Employing Surplus Labour. A meftin? of the Indian Immigration Conmittee was held in Penang on Friday, Ju.y 22, 1921. There were present the acting Controller of Labour, S.S. and F.M.S. (Mr. W. Pel), who was Chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S. (Dr. R. Dowden), Director of
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  • 489 9 India Awaiting the Monsoon Promise. The Food Controller in Cfeylon (the Hon. Mr. E. B. Alexander) on July 23 received telegraphic advice from the Government of India which puts a much mur s*rioub complexion on the rice situation. The Government of India, it is intimated, has decided
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  • 81 9 Maepbai) and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore August 2. Silver 39 H. Hon«kong 23 per cent prem. Three months gold 46. Share Market. Quiet.— Rubbers. Small enquiries. Tins.— Taipinga 1.10-1.15, Norths 1.35--1.40, Soulhs 70-77 ft cento, Batang Padanffs 70-75 cents, Rawangs 62 l /i-67'4 tents, Nawn« r\te 1.55-1.62H,
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  • 607 9 i One of the Worst in History Of India. Rangoon papers to hand this morning bring details of a terrible railway desaster in Burma at 10.30 p.m. on July 25 when a Mail and goods train collide* between Tawwi and Peinzalok stations Three of the coaches of the
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  • 171 9 Judgment for Eastern Shipping Company, In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard gave judgment in I ■he important action brought by the f Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., against the Attorney General for the Straits Settlements. Plaintiffs claimed 1. A declaration thai the plaintiffs are entitled
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  • 268 9 No Payable Quantity Yet Found. The following is taken from the Financier of July 14. The presence of profitable oilfields in Burmah, Sumatra and Born.o has frequently prompted the query whether oil might not be found also in British Malaya, which occupies a central position in these
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  • 2008 9 The Government and British Agriculture. By Our Special Correspondent. London, July 8. Rural England, which counts so much at election times, and so little when members have taken their seats at Westminster, is once more angered and disgruntled. The Government, pleading great poverty, have decided to repeal the
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    • 245 10 To the Editor of the Strait* Tunes. Sir, The question of reduction of ricksha fares revives the question of the abolishment of the three-quarter size ricksha. It has not attained the object for which it was introduced, namely the carrying of one fair-size adult, or a light-weight adult plus
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    • 364 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, There should b-? very many more clergymen htre to make their influence felt, to press fur freid^m to spend Sunday as one wishes and not merely as one of the working days. Here we are suffering from a rubber glut
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  • 286 10 Messrs. Morreau and Spiegelberg reporting from Manchester, on June 29 state Our last report was dated the 22nd. inst. Cotton. American sorts shew a gain of almost a t»d. on the week. Prices are firm. Liverpool spot prices y ,'sterday were American F. M. 7.91 last week
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  • 1094 10 Royal Dutch Report for Last Year. The report of the managing directors of the R.yal Dutch Petroleum Company states that the past year has bean a very! important one for the oil industry petroleum has perhaps never before attract- ed such universal interest, not because of, the great
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  • 491 10 F.M.S. Government Report On Unemployment. In connection with a report appearing in the Hindu, of Madras, on the question t of unemployment among Indians in Malaya, consequent on the depressed trade conditions, the Secretary to the Govern- i ment of India, Department of Commerce, i telegraphed to
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  • 403 10 Messrs. William Jacks and Co., writ*from London on July 7 as follows 1 The settlement of the coal strike has led to a sentimental recovery in all the markets, but this recovery is likely to be of short duration, as no fresh business is 1 possible until
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  • 20 10 I I've got a good husband at least, he's very good to me when he is not sober." At Tottenham.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1310 10 Griffith-Jones* Fine Display. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. The fate of the Singapore-Selangor cricket match which was witnessed by an unusually large crowd in spite of many counter-attractions, was decided on Saturday when Selangor going in first put up the unusually large score cf 321, and
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    • 206 10 S.C.C. Beat Selangor. The match between the S.C.C. and Selangor bt Kual? Lumpur yesterday resulted in victory for the visitors by the one goal scored put through by Jamieson in the first half. It was a good, fast game and as even as the score indicates. The S.C.C. team
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    • 152 10 j Rugby players and those interested in the game are notified that a meetinf* will be he!d at the S.C.C. on Friday at 5.15 I p.m! to elect a captain and selection comImittee. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance. It is intended to start i
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    • 33 10 Saturday's play resulted as follows t Ladie*' Singles. I Miss Brooke beat Mrs. Olafsson, 6—2. The matches in the Singapore Lawn Tennis Championship begin to-day on the S.C.C. and S.R.C. grounds.
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  • 81 10 Sparkling comedy is cleverly blended with appealing pathos which leads to a dramatic climax in The Smart Sex, the Universal comedy-drama starring Eva Novak in her amusing picture of a strunded show girl. The new episodes of The Screaming Shadow, Nos. 7 and 8, will also be screened
    81 words

  • 1213 11 Game Laws and Posta' .la rs Discussed. A general meeting of the Central Pahang Planters Association was held at Kuala Lipi« on .I'ily St. Th»rc were present Messrs. i Bondy, chairman, A. N. Dumaresq, Gali Estate, F. Birkemose, Shanghai P l.ang EaUte, H. P. Curtis, Jerantut Ebtate, Stewart
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  • 443 11 Measurements Made on Mount Cook. Th' New Zealand Comnu.-sioner for I rvls, visitirg the Cook Glaciers in 1887, mnmi chat the terminal fate of the Mui-Her G acier had evidently needed plan formed to represent it ia jM r )2. He, therefore, directed surveyors to set ur.
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  • 427 11 Sir Rider Haggard and the Real j I r mslopopaas. I Sir Rider Hazard was the main truest I at hor^- r the other night at the Authors'! Annual Dinner of the Lyceum Club, Picca- 1 dilly. His speech was of particular interest to young novelists. Once
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  • 36 11 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, August 6, 1921 Wednesday, 3rd.— 6.15 p.m.. Drill Hall, Chinese Company Recruits Drill (MusSaturday. 6th.— 3 p.m.. Drill Hall, S.F.A., Company, dres» shoru, shirts sletves.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 I M OUTRI E PIANOS are still the moat popular in the East The Mint Hr* quality Is maintained but iCoi PRICES HAVE ICo/ 19 I o BEEN REDUCED IV 7° IhU Ulfcr for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK t..-day 'for Illuatrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE ft CO LTD.
      187 words
    • 295 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tea Danaant. 6 t< 7 pjn. (Admiaaion free). WEDNESDAY.— S ;*cial Moaica< Pzosrramn.e after Dinner. THURSDAY.— Gueat Night and Dancing. Evening Oreaa aaaenttal tor Dancing). FRIDAY. Special Lunch Orchestra. BATURDAY.— Gueat Night and Dancing (Evening Dreaa •aaeotial for Dancing). BUNDAY. Cinema after Dinner. RAFFLES ORCHESTaA f A
      295 words

  • 708 12 Summarised Reports of Sterling Companies. Rim (Malacca). Net profit of Rim (Malacca) Rubber Estates for year ended March 31, 1921, was £2,932, after allowing 10 per cent, depreciation on buildings, plant, machinery, etc. Amount available, including £10,053 brought in, it £12,297. Directors propose placing to general reserve £2,627,
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  • 265 12 Former Australian Pest Recently Commercialised. After experimenting for four months at the Mt. Gravatt soldier settl.ment Mr. A E. Sargeant, a returned soldier, claims to have been successful in extracting good wine, wonderful yeast, and an excel ent patent medicine from prickly par and lantana, states a Brisbane
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  • 46 12 An extract from Etiquette and Dictionary of Love," published in 1-837 Gent This word denotes one of those ambiguous animals which are neither mal nor female disclaimed by his own sex and the scorn of both. Ther> is ever a silly insipid simper on his countenance.'
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  • 614 12 Transformation by Light And Colour. In the studio of Mine. Boutkovsky, writes a Paris correspondent in a home paper, I have examined a number of scenic paintings in different lights, and am satisfied that by the method which has bin working out for ten years the aspect of stage
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  • 340 12 Shell that Missed H. R. H. And Killed His Chauffeur. Mr. Edward Legge writes to the Evening Standard In the second year of the war (1915) a friend of the Prince of Wales gave me some e'etails of the tragic death of his Royal Highness's chauffeur as
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  • 54 12 The Hongkong Harbour Master (Lieutenant Cnnway Hake, RNR.) has n« d a visit of inspecti n to Gap Rock lighthouse. Accompanying him were w>eless men and officers of the Public Works Department whose obiect was to gather data in connection with the wireless station which it has been decided to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 95 12 KIAM KIAT STANDS for ATISFACTORY ERYICF Do not worry, w** will A«lp you. THE MARK OF PURITY Reaches, apricots pears or cherries served with LIBBY'S EVAPORATED MILK Make an exquisite dish. Remember, Libby's Evaporated Milk U the milk with that creamy taste and Lioby's trulta are the best. s^^ LIBBY'S
      95 words
    • 157 12 BaEKER&CXXLTD. I Clayton Crude Oil Engines 6, 15, 20 and 50 B.H.P. In stock 35 B.H.P. Chain Rail Tractors Ploughs, Cultivators, Harrows Motv r Lorries and Buses Niblock Scrap Washers Hand and Pow r Rubber Machines ZENITH The Motor Cycle with the GRADUA GEAR 3 f i r;s;t s 4
      157 words

  • 968 13 A Striking Figure of English Literature. In a lecture given at the University of Queensland, Mr. J. J. Stable M.A. said in t!ie English literature world of the last 30 years, there was no more striking figure than that of Rudyard Kipling there was no author who had
    968 words
  • 126 13 A Bill proposing; th« taxation of bachelors, and couples who have no families, will be introduced to the next session of the Di;t by Baron Sakatani, Baron Den, Dr. Sawayanagi and others. Mr. T. Nishiyama of Osaka is- said to be the original promoter of the new Bi'l. It h
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 253 13 .TO BE CERTAIN f S^^Jsj?^ J&&7&* k*we a genuine imported ActoqTlMded Remington UUC cartridge— I f /^Q KxMifae^tbe bnm base c the cartridge for REMINGTCMI KTTRO CLUB ARROW NEW CLUB kAcVss smokeless —in ill— "rt REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, INC. ?V BROADWAY. NKV YORK. U.S.A. RuMnrss Foe '"led in 1816 EXECUTE
      253 words
    • 382 13 c c E E M. Proprietors: l^j fVff* \.fj\ 1% I ho wm jo/ pi 61 Kljn^ st -VI c vi^Bif c N N BY TEST THE BEST. *J^ BERGOUHNAN (fk FOR MOTOR CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES AND MOTOR LORRIES. SOLE AGENTS FOR 5.5. and F.M.S. Dupire Bros. §P TAMJ
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1181 14 SALES BY AUCTION NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU. MISCELLANEOUS SUIT No. 20 of I*2l. Betmeen M. P. L. Palaniappa Chetty. Charge* against Taa Teck Joon, Chargor. AUCTION SALE of valuable Rubber Estate, at Segamat, Juhore. Th* undersigned have received instructions •o sell by public auction
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    • 796 14 Awcts wrer $4,000,000 S.C Aararance in force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Incorporate*' In Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFIC* I Waacaootor Hoaae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE SI. Old J*wry, B.C. Th* Company ha* £20,000 deposited with th* Supreme Court of England aad compile* with the British Life Assurance
      796 words
    • 520 14 BAWKIWe THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED Kstabiished 1880. Capital Subscribed (fully paid np) Y100.U00.000 R*s*rv. Fund T 63,000,000 rissldeat N. Kajiwara, E.g. Vlco-FreaMeat t 8. K. Sasaki, Eaq. Directors N. Soma, Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. T. Yamakawa, Esq. Baron K. Morimara M. Odagiri, Esq. R. Ichinomiya, Esq. Baron K. Iwaaaki
      520 words
    • 586 14 BANKING HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital 5i5,000,00* Reserve Fund* Sterling I 2£00,000 Silver riI^OO.OOC Reserve Liability of Proprietors $15,000^)00 COURT OF DIRECTORS G. T. M. Edkics, Esq., Chairmaa G. M. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman D. G. M. Bernard, Eaq. Hon. Mr. E. V. D. Psr A.
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  • 1047 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. lengthening Tyre Life. That fully 72 per cent, of all tyres sold in Great Britain each year are discarded before their full mileage possibilities are realised is the outstanding fact in an investigation recently made there. One thousand tyres were selected
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 SPEED DURABILITY, ECONOMY AND COMFORT ARE EMBODIED IN "U* Worlds Best MotoTCyclp^j Nice Trials M Wwl Time for 3 H.P. twin horizontally opposed, 4-speed with gate change, hand clutch, chain drive, drum brakes and leaf sprung throughout. In fact a motor car on 2 wheels. WEARNE BROS., LTD. 209-212. Orchard
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    • 437 15 -AJR RIFUSS Buy your boy a Daisy Air Rifle so be can learn bow to shoot. I Daisy Air Rifles are made of the finest tempered stsel and look like high powered buntThey operate by compressed air, not with explosives, and are just the thing for target practice because they
      437 words
    • 106 15 IIRELLI 188 w Jlfffi W E R jH 110 3 A IS i V >/^ Ul q tmbrosoli Stoppani Co. AGENTS SINGAPORE, PFNANQ OTOMUNE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. MOMI CHESTb WINDOW GLASS 2 M M GLASS LATEX CUPS, etc. Kindly refer to Tel. No. TSO.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 515 16 NEW SHIPMENTS JUST RECEIVED T«le Broww Urwr Padlock* Tab and Townlc Chain Pulley Block* Smooth-on-Oment Galvaniied Roo6ng BolU and N*U Galvanized Single Boat Ho«k» Brade* Handled Parangs, etc.. etc., etc. «UAN KIAfTCO., LTI. «6. PHILLIP STREET. The successful Tenderers for supply of illte.llan.oa. Article, and Engineer. Stores »o the Singapore
      515 words
    • 492 16 TAY GUAM KMT M. PHILLIP STOUT Phone Noa. till V.-.* The successful contractor for Mpply of FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore Municipality inriag the year 1921. GLOBE BOILER UMIDT For during and preserving iMaa tollers of all type. Used by all factorial, lUuni, «tc, and found
      492 words
    • 966 16 CLASSIfIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tae PRBFAiD charge, for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc, in ordinary close-set type (average alx word, to liae) are Per line one insertion 28 cts., two in. 46 cts, three ins. 64 cts, four ins. 82 eta., five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins $1 40
      966 words
    • 978 16 LAND AND HOUSES COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET, 2008, Eaat Coast Road. Apply Lanka Dispensary, 42, Serangoon Road. FURNISHED ROOMS, with bath-rooms attached, near town, good table. Terms moderate. 18, Lloyd Road. TO LeTT ON LEASE ONLY, t^ovTlw 1, aacji!n N.< 9)1 East Coast Road 9th mil*, t b«( rooif «r.J
      978 words
    • 666 16 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commissioner* of the Town of Singapore invite tenders for the Erection and Completion of the Proposed Quarters for the Superintendent Main* and Services at Wilkie Road. Plans may be seen and Specification and Tender Forms obtained at the Municipal Architect's Office, during- office hours. Tender, on
      666 words
    • 355 16 Straits Motorcar Sen ke, Ltd ttS-316. ORCHARD ROAD Sole Distributor* of BELLANGER famous French Car All kinds of Repairs tn Mnt«r Cycle*, Cars, and Lorries executed. Cracked Cylinders, Crank-Caoen Gears as 4 broken parts of sll metal* WelUal RELIABLE CARS ANM LORRIES HIRED. Good* Transported from Ships, liodown* Private Houses,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 156 16 ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., in ordinan type close set (average six words to line are charged Per Line, prepaid, one insertion 28 ets, twe insertions 46 cts., three insertions 64 eta. four insertions 82 cts., five insertions $I.M six insertions $1.18, ate. Minimum charge $1.00. Per
      156 words