The Straits Times, 29 July 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. No. 2<vO2 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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    • 272 1 IBBBIBa^MHHa^B^B^HaB^B^BWMBVaBBHBMBYBVBiBVBIB^BHMMMB^B^BWB^B^HB^HHB^BW flack Prince" Footwear -jtst Majesty King Edward h»re pleasure in announcing to oar f This brand is one of the oldest and erous customers that we have now j7 Kil^ beat known in the trade, and it is reived our first shipment nince the ff *£BEu«^&i£r cognised that nothing
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  • 635 2 "SERVICE NOT SELF." Hie American Rotarian WorM Motto. The American Kotarians on June 20 were the guests at luncheon of the Aldwych Club at the Connaught Rocms. About 175 of th*m. accepted the invitation, mad they wTe welcomed by 125 n. embers of the club. Mr. C. F. Higham, M.P.,
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  • 289 2 Planter Claims that Conditions Are Variable. A planter writes us as follows With regard to unemployment and the high cost of living especially amongst planters, it is undoubtedly partly caused by the fact that both assistants and managers, but especially the new man out from home, was
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  • 79 2 A rather unusual weddinp took place on a bridge at the town of L'j-Szeged. The bride was a Jugo-Slav, and the bridegroom a Hungarian, and since neither of them had obtained a passportvisa, thi- weddinjr ceremony was performed by a Hungarian magistrate on the Hungarian-Jugo-Slav frontier line, which passes across
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 [Dysentery and Wasting Dr. Cassell's Tablets Bring New Health and Vigour. *nd Safeguard You From Infection. Sslonlca. South Africa. Private C. H Tyler. 12th Company. Vn. Ellen Flor.-r.. i. OMarUae-fWI Rk. 11. C. writei: Servlne *ln Salt rfl»er. C.l.. So .'h Vines, wriie.: ttslonim 1 eanebt malaria. Whan I "1
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    • 365 2 FOUCAULD aB RANDY «j2JJJH «©*t at 1 u»t»>mv>~m<na«iti <9 Why Hesitate 9 Celay is Dangerous Here arc the opporUaitie* Kivm to yaej at ear ROBINSON ROAD BRANCH STORE in eTerything you may rrqair> m STATIONERY, BOOKS, PERFUMERIES, ETC., ETC. To be cleared regardless of eewt REMEMBER. S DAYS ONLY FROM
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    • 197 2 10 H.P. CITROEN CAR The excellence <i/ French automobile engin**ria? baa long b«a* known and agreed by expert*. The Citroen ia tb* acknowladca* beat of this school of production. See this remarkable Car— compare it with any other light ta* Market. Take a demonstration ride drive it yourself if you
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  • 754 3 Uoyere Predominate at Kuala Lumpur. Mensrs. Baker, Fearon and Co., reported at 5 p.m. on Friday Although the price of rubber, at 29 cents, has receded ajrain the demand during the week has been steady and buyers predominate in the share market. The rubber section has been
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  • 236 3 m Prospects of a New Spinning Industry. Luilies with pot du^s ■OWadsm can weave juumpers out of the fine "combines of their pets. At the Pekin Palace Club show at liuiiflaich, on June 21 a Daily Chronicle representative was shown ail sorts, of dosrs' wool
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 M V sing«i»'.r«. ay/ JS2^ NEVER SAY DYE SAY RIT Many people do not realize that things which would otherwise be uaelesa may be given a new lease of service through the use of "R IT" k is a modern easy-to-ase dye that will effectively colour silk, cotton, wool, linen,
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    • 855 3 FOB PRINCES AND RICH MB< ONLJ THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG VILAB). This Yakut! or life-giving nacur aaa txei prepared from the beat, chuieest >nd rfrh«i" vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful propert] of Increasing the virile power end reetiflei all urinary disorders. In fact, it mares mai a man. This
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    • 442 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commisnioiiers of Singapore invite tenders for the quarrying and delivery of pranite from their Qunrrjr at Bukit Mnndai with the a.-sisrnncr of pneumatic drills and ilrillin:,' plant now 'being installed. Forms of tender and copies of the apecifleation may be sbtainctl at the Kxccutive Municipal Knginei-r's
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    • 225 3 NURSING HOME AND INSTITUTE FOR TRAINED NURSES Tho above institution will be opened to receive patients at 111. River Valley RoaH. on August 13. Tho -t.-,tT. which has been tagacea 1 from homo, will consist of hithly I'lialitied ladies with London and Provincial hospital experience {including the London Will MM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 831 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. Sl 0.-British India AND Apcar Line (Ommlm imnirttW <■ ■«*<■■<> MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PCNINIULAB AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Ondar Contra* witk Hl» Majooty'i GoT.rnm.nt) mm MAIL IBBYICB BAIT OF BOMBAY aro at k r LONDON FAR-BA9TIRN ■EBTICB n»M LONDON TO MtMBUM AHD LONDON Dm *llifMN«
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    • 757 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STFAiTS STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED Itwin nt«4W to Mil turn Winmi KAJANG— Monday, UJO da, for Miri, Labaan, Jcnelton, Kudat and Sandakan. HYE I.EONG Monday, at AM pjl, for Malacca and Hoar. lAX Tunday, at 4JO pja, tot Malacca •nd Muar. IPOH W«dn«day, at 4 pj», for Port SwotUnham
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    • 64 4 STEAMER SAILINGS DOLLAR LINE SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA SUEZ. Robert Dollar LOADING JULY 31 Esther Dollar i LOADING AUGUST 21 r 1 Throng* Bills of Lading lssaed from Blagapor* to ths Priadpal Cities el a* Catted Stotoa aad Canada. Wot f urta.r tatermaMea a* to Bataa, Ma.
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    • 383 4 STEAMER SAILINGS tin TUB OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA Vf 'Incorporate* 1i Japan) N. 1. D. S..M Mm* nmni SaJlla« fr»M HIMM ctmoPKA> ura Wm PM* Said. ManeWea, Lialaa. A^VM*. hHrtw aaa Bambini arr. d.p HTH ALATA HARD Aug. $0 Aog. fl ALASKA MARU Sept. 14 Sept. 15 inW TOM UNI Far
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    • 389 4 BTEa"EB SAILINGS NIPPON YISEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) indet Mall Coatraet with th* Isaaarlal Japanese Government. Subject to alteration* witaoat aotto* LONDON LINE Fortnightly Service Por London, Antwerp via (MaUeca) Pemaasj. Colombo, Saos, Port Said and MaraaUloa. YOKOHAMA MARU Aug. 8 KLEIST Au JMISHIMA MARU Aug. 84 LIVERPOOL LINE Wm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 STEAMER SAMJUiS MESSAGERIES MARITIMES DE FRANCE Onder Contract with the Preneh Oovernment Mall and Paaaenger Services DIRECT MARSEILLES FAR EASTERN SERVICE HOMEWARD MAILS OUTWARD MAILS To Marseille* via Colombo, I To Japan, via Saigon, Hongkong Djibouti, Port BaM I and Shanghai CAP ARCONA 15,000 tons Ang. 5 I CORDILLERE 10,000
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    • 202 5 STEAMER SAB.IIMS K. P. UK. S.S. MELCHIOR TREUB FOR Java Intending passengers for Java are kindly requested to note that the above steamer will be despatched from Singapore to BaUvia, Seraarang. and Sonrabaya, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, AT 5 P.M. FROM THE WHARF r (instead of as usual on Friday,
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    • 273 5 STEAMER SAILINGS •OIWELL LME (Ineorporatod In England) FOR NEW TOBK DIRECT VIA SUEZ BOLTON CASTLE and Aug. For freight, please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS 4 CO, LTD, Agents THE BLUEJFORRSL UNE FOR HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI T£S. ASCANIUS, 10,048 tons, G. Register This steamer is intended to be despatched for the
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    • 264 5 STEAMER SAILINGS THI lIAM STEAM NAVIGATIOIf CO, UMITKD (Inaarporatod In Maa) SINGAPORE BANGKOK For Iretay, Trenggano, Kelaataa, laaeraara, T*lnpin, Patani, Slngora, La«on. Kohsamui. Bandon, Langsuea, Chnmsjee and Bangkok, Dm ILG.'U Aug. 1 Aoc I PRACHAI'TOK Aug. 8 Aa«j. i? The stoamer* are fitted through*** w4*k •lectric light, and have excellent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 697 6 CINEMAS From Frtdny, Juhi 29. l§ l!>./n<«/av, August 3, 1931. That Unique Serial Photoplay adapted from Xavier De Montepin'i Masterpiece CAB NO. 13 And produced in Chapters or Episodes of varying lengths. Chapter 2, 4 reels. Supported by a Lively and But -ruining World Production, Featuring Carlyle Blackaell and EveKn
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    • 462 6 CINEMAS AND THEATRES HALL, LIMITED I North Bridge Road I Second Show at 9.15 p.m. Ben Wilson, Neva Gerber and Joceph Gerard in the most mystifying and the most I sensational cf all serials THE SCREAMING SHADOW Episodes 5 and in 4 parts More mystery! More thrills ll More action!
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    • 140 6 For all Defects of Vision. CONSULT Mr. K. I CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical, Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFPICE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridfe Road SINGAPORE: l( The reason for Ml ROYALtypewrit- I er supremacy is
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    • 69 6 WEILL ct MONTOR E, HIGH STREET. Sole A entß Ed p* I C II H i "J PI c WHS i w 1. ievljJP-1 ni/Jmm ,1 MADAME MOINE JUST ARRIVED FROM PARIS with a large selection of the following latest Paris Fashion* MORNING DRESS, 1 AFTERNOON DRESS AND EVENING DRESS,
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  • 191 7 urrsst Friday. Jaly 2». High W»ter, 4.13 a.m., 4.27 p.m Municii'.l Oomirmaion. 2.1S St. Ai" i .-lY.irty Afirni. 'ori.i TS'i'rv Saturd.iv. J,:l> V). High Water, 6.40 a.m., 6.58 p.m. Public Holiday. Victoria Bridge School Sports, 2.30 pjn. Lodge Ailaa, 9 p.m. Irene, Victoria Theatre. Sunday, Jaly
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    • 93 7 ■M Wharf Nil. East Wharf BnocgOTa, Sheers Wharf Sloct van de Beele. Main Whnrf Vomlel, China, Rumphius, H.M.S. Merlin. Kmpirp Dock Saiawati, Tjinmnoek, Kitanr Wnru. Manila. W.-t Wharf Cnlchas. Kajang. lardinos Wharf Martinique. Pnln Brani Coal Wharf. Nil Krniii'l Harbour. Main Wharf Halyard, Cyrena. S/V
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    • 99 7 KHOBM FOKNO, Dut., 534 tons, frum Pontlaaat 2ii-7. for Pontianak 1-8. M.AKKI.'.A, Brit., 3.991 ton.", from Sydney 2-<-7. for Sydney 1-8. KANTO MARI;, Jap.. 747 tons, from Pnomaenh l?l>-7. for Pnompenh unc. PUMPHIUS, Dut.. 1.2 hi tons, from Deli 28-7, for Tatnvia 29-7. AWATI. Dut 1.U2 tons, from
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  • 158 7 To-day Port Sw.-ttenham and Telnk Anton 8 p.m Malacca and Muar .3 p.m. Pulau Galang 4 p.m. Rnnrkok 4 p.m Blinjoe. Djobocs and Palembang 4 pjn. Ratanlat Sinirk>iwnrT. Pnmanirknt xnd S»mh«> 10 a.m. Mor- injr. Rompin. Kuala Pahang and Km.r.t m 11 a.m. Bangkok 11 m Mu:.r
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  • 139 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, July 28. On London, Bank 4 m/i 2/4 3/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 41 K Private 90 days .£> On France Bank M 0 On India Bank T. T. 17* On Hongkong Bank d/d 24 p.e.
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  • 53 7 Tone of market Weak. Spot Aug. Sept. Oct.-Dec. 8 Singapore SUnd»: Pale Crepe Cloiing Prices Buyers Selle Spot Angust September October-December Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cloainc Prices Buyers Sellers 28 26Mi ..26 27 27 27H ..29 30 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 o'clock noon,
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    • 183 7 Im. VaL Pd. Boy«r». fl«ll«r» 1 1 Ay«r Went 100 £1 £1 Kam Kamunting 1.174 2.2.6 10 10 KinU A»soc. 7-50 1 1 Hitam Tin U0 1-70 1 1 Jelantoh 0.80 £1 £1 Labat Minw 5 5 Lingui Tin 4.60 5.00 10 10 Malayan CoU. 14.00 16.00 1 1
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    • 123 7 [St. /al. p<t Buyert. S«llert. •1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.0.0 8.10.0 :i £1 E. Smelting Co. 6.60 7.00 >/ 6/ Electric T'wtys 2/« 0 10 Fraser Neaves 27.50 29 ,0 60 W. Hammer Co. $80 $90 LOO 100 Kati Bros, deb 140.00 L 0 10 Mexican Eagle 5.2.6.
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    • 95 7 U. Ens. 6 pc. 11,234,300 par p.c. pns 3 pore Electric Tramwayi 6 p.c. £350,00f norn Spore Municipal 5 p $1,878,000 P*t Spore Mun. 4% pc of 1907 $1,000,000 10 px. dv Spore Mun. 4Va p.e of 1909 $1,C00,600 10 px. di» Spore Mun. 4H p.e of 1909 $1,500,000
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    • 377 7 Fnacr and Co. and Lyall >nd Ev«tti QooUttoa* Latest arailaM* SUrling QiouUom «r* prints n »nuth*r *«r* Frt«my To-day's Price*. Fraser Lyall A Co. Evatt Ulenby ($1) 0.25 0.35 0.20 O.SC Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 1.25 1.10 1.25 Am. Malay ($2) 2.00 1.50 2.00 A Hitam ($5) 8.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 737 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS TO IJ7T, small furnished bungaloi 8i.r1.-r, Ro»d. Garage. Apply '369, Straits Tnr SINGLE ROOM AVAILABLE, August L near town, tennis, term* moderate. J't, Straits Time*. FOU SALE, Engliih G. N. cylinder, 1980 .>• lighting, in perfect condition, owner-driven. Apply 370, Straits Tim**. HOARD AND RESIDENCE, room, large verandah,
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    • 52 7 x TITAN SB7 lbs. *J (87 lbs nett. sett. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. Oar written guarantee of superior quality goes with every barrel. O. AURELY Sl CO No. 2-B, Pialayon Green, Sinffaport. S.-le inporten tm SS, CMS and Nethci lauds Indies. Tel«rr»ms: "PURELY."
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    • 455 7 THE STRAITS TIMES Caa be oMalasd at the foltowtas ttaea* I Slacapor* i— Hotel Tan Wiik Kelly and Walih, Ltd, Raffle. Fi». Money Changer, Adelphi Hote Money Changer, Europe Hots) Honey Chanter, Raffle* Hotel Kok Co, Bra. Basah Road Koh A Co, 1-b, Robinson Boat Low Tons Swee, 1, Middle
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    • 82 7 Announcement We wish to announce that w* have just rdded to oar already modern equipment a RUBBER STAMP MAKING PLANT You will welcome the announcement, we are sore, for the same high quality of perfection which has built up oar Printing Department, will be maintained in oar new addition. We
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  • 46 8 Messrs. Yeo Siew Hin, Yeo Chcow Bang, Yeo Swan Kee and family bee to thank their relatives and friends who kindly attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Yeo Siew Hin (nic Yap Jee Neo) and also those who *ent wreaths and letters of condolence.
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  • 1132 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JULY 29 GOVERNMENT TRADING. The question of Government trading was casually touched on in the recent proceedings of the Federal Council and it seems to us that a good deal of misconception exists on the subject. There are one or two principles which may be stated.
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  • 22 8 The Netherlands Gutta Percha Company has declared a dividend of 10 per cent, on preference and 6 per cent, on ordinary, shares.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 177 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 182 $100.
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  • 30 8 The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Work Party in connection with the Presbylterian Church will be held at the house of Mrs. Macalister, Sepoy Linea, on Tuesday at 4.46 p.m
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  • 20 8 Oar Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that a hailstorm occurred there yesterday during which Fillis' Circus tent fell with a crash.
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  • 26 8 The Imperial Government is of opinion that no change in the constitution of the Legislative Council of Hongkong is call d for at the present time.
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  • 24 8 Fifty-eight firms filed their petition in Bankruptcy in the Mcdan Bankruptcy Court during the first six months of 1621. They are mostly Chinese owned.
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  • 25 8 Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard will deliver judgment in the big case of the Eastern Shipping Company versus the Attorney General on Tuesday neat at 10.30 a.m.
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  • 23 8 The continuation of the public examination of Mr. Vilh Bork by the Official Assignee will take place before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard this afternoon.
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  • 34 8 Anyone who witnessed a collision between motor cycle No. 88 and a motci car at Finlayson Green at 8 a.m. on July 26 is requested to communicate with thr traffic branch of the police.
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  • 32 8 The South China Morning Post is infcrmed that the directors of the Hongkong Hotel Co. are taking steps with a view to increasing the capital of the company from $1,000,000, to $2,500,000.
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  • 34 8 It is understood that Mr. P. Gilroy, Chief Inspector of Police, North Kedah, will be going to Europe on three months leave shortly. He will netire on pension after the expiry of his well-earned-leave.
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  • 36 8 The members ol the Hindu Association are reminded of the eighth anniversary celebration of the association which will be held at their club house to-morrow evening and of the picnic on Sunday, the 3 1st instant
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  • 38 8 A fire broke out in Belawan Harbour last Friday night and spread rapidly. The steamer Jan van der Heyden however came to the rescue and subdued it An at tap building containing tins of petroleum was burned down.
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  • 49 8 Charlie Chaplin will be at the Gaiety this week in Sunnyside, ,his third million dollar Comedy. There are also two other special features in the programme with a new Larry Semon comedy and a Vod-a-vil movie, making an entirely attractive bill altogether. The audience will sing A Broken Doll.
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  • 54 8 The Marlborough presents, to-night, the second chapter or episode of that interesting serial photoplay, Cab No. 13, in four reels, as well as a fine five-reel World production, His Royal Highness, and a Pathe Journal. In the first hcuse a fivereel western drama. The Sheriff's Romance and a Pathe Review
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  • 66 8 In their produce report dated July 28 M-essrs. Barlow' and Co. state During the week the copra market has fluctuated within narrow limits but closed firm at prices a shade lower than last week. A large amount of business has been done and closing quotation* are as follows No. 1
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  • 74 8 The report of the Bukit Katil Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ended April 30 last, shws a nett loss" for that period of $9,932.43 which, after deducting the credit balance for last year, leaves a balance to debit of profit and loss account of $155.86. The output was 1
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  • 70 8 Moi Ham Hee, one of the cashiers of the Singapore Harbour Board, with 13 years' service, was charged yesterday before Mr. Dawson with receiving illegal gratifications on three occasions from three different hawkers. Evidence was given by Mr. R. H. Wilson cf the Wharf Department and others and accused was
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  • 76 8 Regarding the question of pensions, it was stated at the Federal Council meeting that the numoer of pensioners in India and Ceylon is so great and so scattered that it is impracticable to direct. It is thought that even if practicable, the delay between receipt in the F.M.S. of
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  • 125 8 Yesterday at abcut 4.30 p.m. a lurre black car containing several Chinese ladi r. besides the towkay and the driver, was proceeding along Gaylang Road at a good pace, when a boy of about ten years attempted to cross the read- He misjudged his distance, but the driver of the
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  • 168 8 The following properties were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng- and Co. at th ir saleroom, 30, Klin? Street on Wednesday afternoon Freehold iand and houses 178, 180 and 182, Serangoon Road ar.'a 2,672 sq. ft., bought 'by Mrs. Tan Kwee Tian for $13,100 freehold land at Pulau
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  • 297 8 Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule attended the annual banquet given to his Majesty's judges by the Lord Mayor of London at the Mansion House, on June 29. The engagement is announced b -'tween Mr. William Athelstan Aerja and Miss Vcra Idris Velge. Penang and F.M.S. papers are
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  • 59 8 We have reprinted the special article on "Malaya's Grave Crisis" which appeared in our "issue of the 15th inst., and which it will be remembered set out in cnrmHerable detail, a scheme for Rubber Efitat* Relief. A copy of the reprint will be sent by post to
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  • 73 8 This morning in the Supreme Court Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard was engaged fixing the list of civil actions for August Among them is a divorce case brought by John I.onjrue versus Albina Viririnia Longue, otherwise called Albina Virginia Olivfiro and Jos»nh J. He Rosario. The
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  • 283 8 Under the title In Rubber Lands a very interesting series of articles, edited by Mrs C. E. Ferguson-Davie, M.8., 8.5., is published by the Soci.ty for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The price is 2s. and the descriptions, where they have to deal
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  • 224 8 Before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury the second case taken up yesterday was that in which three Cantonese, Tham Peng, Yew, Yun Cheong, and Cheng Kong Fo:, were charged with the murder of Moi Seng at Singajv re on April 14. Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 283 8 sign Jlii^ QUALiTY I PROVISIONS, Wines and Spirits NEW CATALAOUE READY I Prices Revised and Reduced ,i|i__ oorrn L.ITTUe CoY, L.^-^ a— Jill What Would You Do If a Fire Occurred Now Would you ring for the Fire Brigade, and st«nd helplessly by till they arrived while the fire increased
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  • 224 9 Doubts About the Irish Peace Negotiations. Reitkk Telegram. London, July 26. In tin- Htius-.- nf Coiniruns Mr. Chamberlain uid he hoped that Parliament would be prorogued on August 26. But he foreshadowed the possibility that it would bo summoned in N vi'jnber or December to pass the legislation
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  • 156 9 Rf.i ter Telegram. London, July 26. The secretary of the world alliance for promoting international friendship through the churches recently wrote to the Colonial, Indian and Foreign Omc:s, suggesting that German missionaries be allowed to resume work in certain British territories. Mr. Churchill replied that the war showed
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  • 131 9 REL'TKR TKLKCRA MS. Paris, July 26. The stockholders of the Banque Industrielle de Chine held a general meeting with M. Andrew Berthelot as chairman, supported by Mr. Wenp Theng-tae, representing the Chinese iovernment, and Count de Ferol, representing the Peking syndicate. Resolutions were passed approving the accounts and
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  • 82 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 27. The Hague The Cabinet crisis has been solved by the reconstruction of the Ministry. Mayor Arhem Jonkheer Degeer, belonging to the historic Christian party, succeeds Devries, the antirevolutionary Minister of Finance, and Van Dyk, chief of the topographical service, succeeds General Pop, Minister
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  • 249 9 Riuter Telegrams. London, July 26. New York President Harding has sent a letter regretting his inability to attend th; Anglo-American Inter-Varsity athletics. He paid a tribute to the fine manly icontest which had contributed towards the promotion of those splendid relations between the United States and the
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  • 126 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 20. The world'* experts on Tuberculosis have assembled at Westminster for the second International Conference. There are 39 tountries rep^esnted in addition to the United Kingdom and Dominions, the League of Nations and the League of Red Cross Societies. Sir Robert Philip pr. sided. A
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  • 107 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 27. There was an impressive ceremony at Leathercote's Point, Dover, overlooking the seas, so splendidly guarded by the Dover Patrol, wh?n the Prince of Wales, who was manifestly moved, unveiled a granite monolith in memory of the men of the Dover Patrol which
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  • 93 9 Reutkb Telegram. London, July 27. Manila General Leonard Wood Cameron Forbes, ex-Governor of the Philippines, who was specially commissioned to investigate conditions in the Philippines, is making a preliminary report tj President Harding this week. It is understood that the report foreshadows final recommendations which are expected
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  • 18 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 27. The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire have arrived from Caiaria
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  • 201 9 The Japanese Point of View 'Stated. H^T TK« Ti::.K. CRAMS. London, July 26. Henter learns from an authoritative Jf.panes source that the inference to be drawn from the absence of a reply from America as regards the Pacific questions is that probably there has be» hitherto no definite
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  • 104 9 Reutcb Telegram. Paris, July 26. As the guest of the city of Havre and the French Maritime Colonial League M. Mill r»nd attended the international regatta and reviewed the French Charm I squadron and Allied warships anchored in the roadstead, the British cruiser Dauntless and th American
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  • 94 9 Rei ter Telegram. London, July 26. The Colonial Office has received reports from Palestine, showing the valuable results of the Antiquities Ordinance. The great cloisters with which Herod had adorned his birthplace were identified and excavated at Ascolon, while a hexagonal court, with mosaic pavement* and ambulatory, was
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  • 67 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 26. Paris The robbers cf the Paris-Mar-seilles train secured booty valued at £60,000 sterling. The communist deputy Morrucci, shaken out of his sleep by the robbers, started to explain that he was a communist. The bandits replied, You dirty bourgeois give up your
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  • 44 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, July 27. There was a historical scene with old time ceremonial when the Maharao of Kutch and Mr. Srinivasa Sastri, representatives of India at the Empire Conference, were pres?nted with the Freedom of the City at the Guildhall.
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  • 33 9 Relter Telegram. Lond n. July 27. Owing to the prolongation of the deliberation* of the Imperial Conference General Smuts has postponed his departure to South Africa from July 29 to August
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  • 99 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 26. A White Paper gives details of the world's fleets on Fbruary 1 of battleships, battle, and light cruisers, including those building Britain U. S. Japan Germany France Russia Italy Britain U. S. Japan Germany France Russia Italy Butt* Buttle Light Ship*.
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  • 67 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 27. Paris For the first time since the war a favourable trade balance is reVealed in the statistics for the firat six months of 1921. Imports totalled ten and a half milliard francs and sixteen million tons and exports ten and three .quarter milliard
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  • 62 9 KEUTER TfcLECKAM. London, July 26. The I-wiB Gua claim mentioned yesterday i nded in judgment being given for the Crowns after the evidence of Sir Eric Geddes and others to the effect that they did not recollect any reference being made to taxation when the contract for
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  • 50 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July Jtt. The embers in the Mauretania blazed up at midnight, and the fire was not extinguished untill the early hours of the m rninp;. The damage is estimated at £50,000. It will bo months before the Maun LarJa in fit for sea again.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 145 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 28. The judg-e, in passing sentence of four months' rigorous imprisonment, upon C. A. McKeun for attempted cheating of the Chartered Bank, said that the sentence was light, in view cf the jury's recommendation to mercy. Nobody had been defrauded. It appeared,
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  • 243 9 A London cable of July 13 gives the following interesting detail* of the recent drought at home There were numerous cases of illness and some death* in London owing to the heat yesterday. It is slightly cooler to-day, but the warmest weather is still officially
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  • 879 9 Germany and the Problems of The Pacific To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In a recent Leader you gave the Dutch a vtry plain hint that, with the proposals to make S.ngapore the British naval base for the *ar £ast, the Dutcn islands at the southern
    879 words
  • 105 9 In addition to a selection of fiction and juvenile books, the following new works will be ready for issu on Saturday, 30th inst. Borel (Henri), Khythm of Life (Wisdom of the East Series) P 877 Cortissoz (Royal), Life of Whitelaw Reid, (2 vols.) P 2822-2823 Housman (Laurence), The
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  • 35 9 A man arrived breathless in Bow County Court. I am in a great hurry," he announced. "My wife is waiting for me to get home and mind the babies while she goes out to work."
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  • 2468 9 Some Thrills At Wimbledon. By Our Special Correspondent London, June 30. Glorious weather has favoured the lawn tennis championships on the courts of the All-England Club. The close of the first week on Saturday was the hottest day of the year. G. L. Patterson and the three Americans,
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  • 576 10 Weaker Market and a Further Decline. Singapore, July 28. Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report The weekly rubber auctions opened yesterday to a weaker market and a further fall of 3V4 cents in prices has to be recordad. A brisk tone was in evidence at the commencement of
    576 words
    • 151 10 To the Editor of the Strait. Times. Sir,— The following extract from a letter recently rece.ved may interest those of your readers who suffer from the tyranny jf the noble army of amahs. The lett.r was written by an ex-missionary win lived in China from 1881-1913. Hi. words are,
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    • 598 10 To the Editor of the Straita Time*. Sir,— The world's rubber industry ha| been launched at what, capital cost? 1-250,000,000 Its annual "turn ha possibly been as high as £30,000,000. it earns for its tapping labour force alone perhaps £7,000,000. There has been a sudden leakage of this
      598 words
    • 798 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, One constantly hears it stated that there is and has been, for some time past, overproduction of rubber. This statnnen.t is true en. ugh whon prts.nt world cond.tions are considered, but there is no dojb. that every pound could have bjen
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  • 238 10 Opening of Short Season at The Theatre. ihe Bandman Opera Company, uft.'r a successful t ur in the Far East, is paying Singapore its second visit this year, and opened a short season at the Victoria Theatre last night with the musical farce Oh Joy I The
    238 words
  • 74 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore July 29. Silver 39 V4. Hongkong 23 per rant. pi\?m. Three months gold 45. Share market. Quiet. Rubbers.— Very little business passing. Tins.— Taipings 1.10-1.15, Norths 1.3241.40, Souths 72H-77% cents, Rawangs .5-70 cents, Papans 62V4-70 cents, Men:rlembus 37%-45 cents, Nawng Pits
    74 words
  • 59 10 P. and O. local fares frcm Hongkong t: lingap..r2 and Penang have been reduced. The first class fare to Singapore has be?n '■11 and to Pencng £44. Ihcss fares have now been reduced to £28 and £31 re-ijj.rtiv-'ly. The se'or.d class fare to Singap r> has been r?djced from £26
    59 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 414 10 Bouts at Liberty Hall. A large andience gathered at the Liberty Bali lor the boxing last night, and sfioweu apprec.ation of some wining bouts, There were tour six-rounu ci ntcsu, and in threo of them at any rate the exchanges were vigorous enough to satisfy anyone. r irst came
      414 words
    • 157 10 Everything points to there being a r«aly^ne night of boxing at the Victor.. Theatre on Tuesday, August .9. In addition to the competition for tfct Staff ords inter-company welterweight there will be two four round contests in which local European amateurs wi.l figure. Middleweights will meet in
      157 words
    • 376 10 These was a second division league match on the Reclamation ground last evening between the United Engineers and the United Banks. The trame opHed in a good win for the United Banks by 2-0. The U Bs and U. E's have finished for the season and the U.
      376 words
    • 57 10 A Re-iteT wire of July 26 gives the •js"!t of the Stewards Cup at Goodwood as follows 1. Service Kit. 2. Ftrr Grass. 3. Tetrameter. Twenty ren. Wen by a length, a head hn*we:i second and th H. Rett ng 2 t( I Service Kit, 25 to
      57 words
    • 88 10 Draw in England's Favour. A Reuter wire of July 26, describing th* final day of the fourth test match at Manchester, says The weather was fine and there was an attendance of 12,000. The wicket was soft ■after the over-night rain. Eng.and declared with 362 for four.
      88 words
    • 65 10 Brown c Gregory b Armstrong 31 Russell b Gregory 101 Wooiley c Peliew b Amstrong 41 Mead c Andrews b Hendrey 47 Tyldesley not out 78 Fender not out 44 Extras 20 •Total (for four wkts.) 362 Innings declared closed Second Inning*-. Hal'ows not out 16 Parkins c
      65 words
    • 123 10 Baxdsley b Parkin S Collins lbw Parkin 40 Macartney b Parker 13 Andrews c Tennyson b Fender 6 Taylor b Fender 4 Pellew c Tyldesley b Parker 17 Armstrong b Douglas 14 Gregory b Parkin 29 Carter b Parkin 0 Hendry c Russell b Parkin 4 Macdonald not out
      123 words
    • 100 10 The following are tin < ntrics for the first day of the Slanoror meeting Race? 1 and 7. Wendy. Ony Lad. Mimic, Jill. Orthcz, Avro, Nankin. Nieht-rown. Rac 2— Wauk Over. Peace, Petit No:r, Gentle Eva. Races 3, 5 and 8. Observation, Mollie Mac, Molly K. lvin,
      100 words
    • 121 10 The S.C.C. ha^ receive;! a telegram from the Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks, Presirint of the Amateur Athletic Association of British Malaya, r ltfctantly ajjr'ciinr with the recommendation of the S.C.C. that in the circumstance (inadequacy of entries) the sports meeting, arranged to be h: Id in Singapore
      121 words
    • 66 10 The following will represent the S.R.C. against the Y.M.C.A.. Kuala Lumpur, during: the holidays. The match will b? played at Kuala Lumpur Messrs. T. Leijssius, E. C. La Brooy, R. E. Ho Souza, E. Galistan, S. Gaudcr. E. 6. Wh-atley, J. Franciacus. W. A. .-Wia. C. W. Grmos, R.
      66 words
    • 65 10 A Reuter message from Toronto dated July 27 states that Australasia boat Canada in the Davis Cup doubles, thus winning: the riprht to meet the British team at Pittsburp. The old boys and friends of the Anftlor hinese School are crrdially invite 1 to be present at
      65 words
  • 176 10 Sir Rider Haggard has presented to the British Museum a massive Peruvian finger-ring, which rame into his possessiin from an OxfoH don. In describing the ring at the last meeting of the Society "•f Antiquaries Sir Rider said that it was •ommonly known r« nn ln']Vr
    176 words
  • 33 10 A worrun Ttrod-'rH *t Willesdon. as H>: 1 of h»r V-^hand'' rreans, h s r.d-°rtiser-ent offer'n^ to lend amount* V"«i <"50 to r > 000 t<i magistrates, tr only respectable lady or g ntloman."
    33 words

  • 1827 11 Drastic Restriction of The Output The first annual general meeting of Seremban Rubber Estate*, Ltd., was held on June 17 at the registered offices of the company, 2, I and 4, Idol Lane^Eastcheap E.C., Sir Stanley Bois (thp chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, In rising to submit
    1,827 words
  • 37 11 SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending July 31 Friday, 29— Ninth Troop Parade, 6.15. There will be no Band Practice on July 29 and no Parades from July 30 to August 1.
    37 words
  • 44 11 M.V.R. Battalicn Rifle Club. The Ranfre U open to all comers. Shoots fur July, 1921. Saturday, 30th 4 P-«n-Sunday, 31at 7-«0 July Spoon will be ihot for on Saturday, July SO, at 4 p.m. and Sunday, July SI, at 1JW ajn.
    44 words
  • 44 11 A Berlin message states that th? hue* boll of Berlin Cathedral, one of the largest in existence and familiar from its amazing drone to all visitors, has just split j asun.l.T. It was tolled for the last time ',at the funeral of the ex-Kmpresn.
    44 words
  • 74 11 As a result of the new aerial mail service ihe expenditure of the Chinese i Aeronautical Department has increased by I $100,000 a month. The Vickers Co. has been approached by official* of the depart- ment for a loan to meet this added expense, but ha» refused, though the Government
    74 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 130 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS ■re still the most popular In the East The same high quality Is maintained but ICol PRICES HAVE «<>/ IW /°BEEN REDUCED 19 This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTO. (Incorporated ia Hongkoag.) Raffles Place, SINOAPORB
      130 words
    • 320 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tea Danssnt, 6 to 7 p.m. (Admission free). WEDNESDAY.— SpeciaI Musical Programme after Dirner. THURSDAY. Guest Night and Dsncing. (Evening Dress essential for Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lunch— Orchestra. SATURDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress essential for Dancing). PICTURES Sunday, July 31, 1921, at 9.30 p.m. TOWER
      320 words

  • 880 12 ladupfr's Difficulties and The Remedy. The eleventh annual general meeting of the Rubber Etates of Krian, Ltd., was held on Jun.- 28 at the registered office of the company, 7, Martins-lane, Cannonstreet, K.C., Mr. Wl Arthur Addinsfcll (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said I
    880 words
  • 189 12 Real Grievances Admitted By GovernmentA London message of July $6 says Eeal sympathy with the civil servant*' caae is felt by the Government, the Secretary of State for India and the India Office and the Council. Their grievances cannot however be remedied immediately. It is believed
    189 words
  • 331 12 LONDON EXCHANGE STERLING PRICES JUNE 29. Par Value. £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 2/ £1 £1 2/ 2/ £1 2/ I 2/ I 2/ 2/ £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 2/ 2/ £1 2/ £1 2/ 2/ £1
    331 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 160 12 To aae this Brand of Belting meane /^H^J^ I-Aflt3i Bcoaomj, Saving of Money and \^lfcs' \VvSj! Better Remit Ita service speaks \3^£im^mm—mmS*J^r for iU gnalitr. —^^^^^^^^^m^mst—^ Sole Ageota -IBMMMaV^ KIAM MAT M .™*J*JV 108 and 10», MARKET STREET. J^% JTTT^-J THE MARK OF PURITY PEACHES, APRICOTS PEARS OR CHERRIES served
      160 words
    • 790 12 NOTICE FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS On and after August 1, 1921, the following alteration* in the train service will come into operation The present 7.20 a.m. train from Kuala Lumpur to Penang-, on Sundays, will leave Kuala Lumpur at 7 a.m. and will run earlier throughout as under a.m. Kuala
      790 words
    • 49 12 ißk H A Ifl o y^^^P^ Pineapple Brand Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED |BaJgKEB&?Q3.OIx"I Clayton Crude Oil Engines 6, 15, 20 and 50 B.H.P. in stock 35 B.H.P. Chain Rail Tractors "loughs, Cultivators, Harrows t r Lorries ad Buses ibl ck Scrap Washers Hanrf a*d Pow r Rubber Machines
      49 words

  • 403 13 rJvcavatore Gaze on Wonderful Vision. Twenty-five miles from ClermontFerrand in the district of Martres-de-Veyre, a lucky stroke with a pickaxe has brought to light the whole daily life of a small market town of Roman Gaul. How the discovery was made and what it revealed
    403 words
  • 354 13 Cigarette Shocks and Dainty Dresses. While Society continues to lore racing Ascot will always be popular, and Gold Cup day the nrst popular day of the week. The Royal enclosure and the paddock were thronged on June 15 with graceful and beautifully gowned women. There
    354 words
  • 81 13 The origin of banking in China is tnshrouded in mystery. But it is recorded that in the reign of Emperor Hsien Tsung of the Tung dynasty (806-821 A.D.), there prevailed in China a method called feichien, flying money," by which one could pay in money at a government office in
    81 words
  • 84 13 The Yun-ho (or, as it is generally known, the Grand Canal), reaches from Hangchow in the province of Chekiang to Tientsin in Chihli, where it unites with the Peiho, and thus may be said to extend to Tungchow in the neighbourhood of Peking. This magnificent artificial river has a total
    84 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 232 13 Whiteaway, Laidlaw's GREAT C^y»Tßfl Annual Sale ng| NOW PROCEEDING AMAZING REDUCTIONS IN lf *wT ALL DEPARTMENTS. "good morning.One Day Alarm Clock, nickel silver ease, Arabic figures, 3V4 inch dial, STOCK TO HE CLEAKED REGARDLESS accurate time-keeper. usubi price «7-i.50. OF COST. Sale price **.»5. We Illustrate here only a few
      232 words
    • 260 13 c c c E E M Proctor.: /"S/* fCW' '\M A/f HO HONS hi f 1 ML 7(0 M 61, Kline St. IVI E COMPANY fM J* 'Phone 352 N n BY TEST THE BEST. *J* BERGOU6NAN fh Ti/nrn t 1 < Ynhhii/i 111 Ihiv m Jsssssss>> MOTOR CARS, MOTOR
      260 words
    • 79 13 MACKINLAY'S V.0.8. FINEST SELECTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY AND Old Store Liqueur Whisky TWO BRANDS OF MERIT Sole Arent«, S.S. P.M.S. African Eastern Trade corporation, Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE FRENCH PERFUMES Large assortment of Cotys and Houbigants Perfumes, including. La Rose Jacque- Muguet $10.00 i i m l 1 1*
      79 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 858 14 SALES BY J.UCTHM JBHEONB KOOHUENB CO. AUCTION SALE „i alaaUa lead and hease JM KoftSrs. Throng K'.on Seng room. Me! M, Efts] Street. on Wedne»ds>. AugUHt J, at 2.M p.m. Ha.uats.-s sals sf rateable N y..»r,Isaaahold bind aad Kodown No. 6. Cernwsll >iir, i otT Chin Swee Road, ari-u no'
      858 words
    • 530 14 SALES BY AUCTION REMINDER SATURDAY. JULY 38, AT 2 I'M. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE sf v<ry sjssiwlai Jeasaaaa an-) Tadet deesjpl teak household furniture. Concert j.-r«nd piano, gramopnone*, < tc. At No. 7, Chnncery Lnne. oiT Thoin«on Koad, Comprising nn excellent toned full concert grand piano by Collard Collard, in tirst
      530 words
    • 506 14 i Assets over $4,000,000 S.C. Aasnrance in force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (laesra seated ta Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE: Wsadneter Heaae, Blagapere. LONDON OFFICE: M, Old Jew,,. EC The Company has SM 000 deposited with the Boarea» Ceart af Kaglaad aai complies with the British
      506 words
    • 266 14 BAWKIiia THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (Incorporated by Special Imperial Charter in Japan.) Capital Subscribed T 60,000,000 Capital Paid-up T46,000,000 Reserve Funds Y10.880.000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice-President S. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS S. Minami, Eaq. T. Hisamune, Esq. G. Kswasaki, Esq. K. Morinage, Esq. U. Esaki, Esq. T. Ikeda, Esq.
      266 words
    • 512 14 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED Established 1880. Capital Subscribed (fully paid up) Y100.000.000 Reserve Fund V 68,000.000 President N. Kajiwara, Esq. Vice-President S. K. Suiuki, Esq. Directors N. Soms, Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. T. Yamakawa, Esq. Baron K. Morimura M. Odagiri, Esq. R. lehinomiya, Eaq. Baron K. Iwasaki K. Kodama,
      512 words
    • 594 14 BANKING HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Paid-up Capital fIS.OUO.OOO 1 Reserve Funds I Sterling 2,500,000 Silver $21,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors SI 5.000.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS G. T. M. Edkina, Esq., Chairman O. af. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Hon. Mr. E. V. D.
      594 words

  • 1087 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Ipoh-made Ambulances. Messrs. Wearne Brothers' Ipok branch have just completed their order tor r> Sunbeam Ambulances placed by Dr. Dowden, Chief Medical Officer, F.M.S. The firm have had one of the*e vehicles .specially sent down to Singapore, so that th« Medical
    1,087 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 -if Jrityjjr^ DUN LOP MOTOR OCLE TYRES AND BELTS. Are !su»lt ti Better the Beat." THE DUKLOP RUBBER CO LTD. Incorporated in Japan) 42 and 43. KOBI.VSON ROAD. If >ou are tMStssJ hy lIE.U H ROAD drop -t No. 7 (opposite S.V.C.), You can have supplies of Tyres. Itenzinc, Oil,
      113 words
    • 268 15 9 A Doctor says: h VW "I do not think so good a food as Glaxo 6k can be brought before the public by the it b] medical profession too strongly.** Hi Glaxo is the food doctor* recommend and near their i CB own babies on. This is because Glaxo
      268 words
    • 368 15 Vi-ivJsasßi-^'^^ k^a\ JilsV-£y^J!TiV"JP p WE SPECIALIZE IK BWTISH PRJNTIifG ONLY. jWe shall give you ths practical thine nna lit will be of a dignity anil -tyle thnt wilL I surely please you. We've ffo» the con.piot-. .•quipmpnt. we've got tho <»»p«rieTiee, and w'H deliver tho job »n time and in
      368 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 503 16 NEW BmPMBNTS JUST RECEIVED Tab Broaze L*t«t P«*»^ Tala Mil Townie Chain Policy Blocks Snooth-oa-Cement Galvanized Rooßng Bolts and N«U Galvanized Single Boat Hooka Brade* Handled Paranga, etc.. ete^ etc. ill AN KIAT CO., LTi. 16. PHILLIP STREET. The successful Tenderers for supply of Miscellaneous Articles and Engineers Stores to
      503 words
    • 718 16 TAY GUAN KIAT M, PHILLIP STREET. Phone Nos. 811$ and IIU The successful contractor for pfij of FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC to the Singapore Municipality faring the year 1921. GLOBE BOILER sUUOsDT For clearing and preserving steam hollars of all type. Used by all factories, stsamers. etc., and
      718 words
    • 955 16 OASMHtI) ftiMftKlhtltim Th* PREPAID charge, for Waata, F«r B.l*. Ta Ut, ota, ia ordinary ilm jjj typo (average six wotds to Mas) are j— Per lin* on* Insertion 28 ets, two 'ns. a cts, three ins. 64 ets, four Ins. 82 cts, five ins. $1.00, six Ins. $, t.n Ins
      955 words
    • 926 16 LAND AND HOUSES WANTED TO RENT, small bungalow for direct or later. jApply 301, Strajts Times. COMPOUND rrOUSE TO LET, 2008^ llast Coast Road. Apply Lanka Dispensary, 42, Serangoon Road. t TuRNISHEiTrOOMS, with bath^room7 attached, near town, good table. Terms moderate. 18, Lloyd Road. TO LET, SHARON, 104, River Valley
      926 words
    • 950 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS, TO LET, stores and offle.s. Apply Ed. M. Nathan A Co.. 4, De Soosa Street. TO LKT, ~s*eoad floor No. 111. Chsaga AlTsy. suitable for offlee. Immediate entry. Apply No. lalmk Ayer Street. TO 'JET. 44, Robiasoo Ross, ground floor, secund an*' third floors, auitable for godown
      950 words
    • 372 16 Bellanger Th* Kiag of Preach Can WITH SILVER RADIATOR AND THB GOLDKN SILBNCB Jwt Arrived Book Bart. First two Demoastrstloa car> ar* to be sold st Specisl Price* To* BELLANGER is a ear of *ffl«i*aej economy arrd comfort. No doubt it i> luxurious and the price is withir th» reach
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 203 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General U Manager's Offlee HIT Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed] to THE EDITOR. All commanlcatioac relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should b« sddressed to THS MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      203 words