The Straits Times, 2 October 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,451 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 196 1 Tries now T Ci.f« Bear Brand Milk Th« Houiehcld Words for QtiAtlFY Itt Xt PURITY |&^9^ RICHNESS i,|BE/||r BRAND'! IKienicswissMlL* The mmc of tbii milk toiteM«i| iudi<(l o( qnslit;, porilr tad ii-hu^< tb«« i« anrarpM«ed. The pf ?feot scoailiy it effete renders it mot* vtlaatle for toaiaUinißg the he»lth ol
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    • 128 1 V/J3IJN 25UJN Oc UU Li *J\ T -t3*porated it the Slrkits SetUemeati) U f<^^~^ FOH THE RACES %^rmim> Millinery y^^Ay^L. AND Gowns ■>4i/ Shoe s, Slk Hosiery, Veils, etc. f L&TEST FASHIONS ROBINSON CO., LTD (Ineorpciated in the SUaite SfctlKni i te) mairon 9MHMkBBMC*49S9SB>X£WK4M<2fr' vA»»^*>JMP'»B*Bfcj'^y^^»^ «r^^r*?i?^isA JßB"3BßWßwU^BBß^BJlHiß^BWßßi^B^WßP^^^Bßß ♦SB^wJßßß3-3BLli^ > >
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    • 2 1 BJH ITUULUrD
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  • 1201 2 A Striking Contrast la Warld System?. Tbe tnbjaot U a»o»is it, is d j b;lo.« ■low wJI anuffii, oaoe ax»m ocKa^nig the iUjti.-u (it las >i.-»iiuii.ia Oij. pith ai»uijr •j a K'OtrißH a^piooiAlkMi o( tHe pjumiaiiiiejf a uaab uuyi jvod a»sietu ol inland nvtiei #*yi and iveti iafluaee
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  • 18 2 In these days of the high cost of liviag we'd rather haya Elijah's raven thata Pov's. Syracuse Herald.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 476 2 Direct from the <s Hlle^skSX Factory to your Home. B al] your Dress Requirements an.l Household from the peat Uri;i.,!i Mail-order House. You will be delighted with the quality and workmanship ot" the goods the U P to-datc and attractive snlcs, and the i v. price*. You can be imartljr
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    • 583 2 m Mrs. S. J. Jooet Ie!!s How Cdficura Healed Her Baby "A rash came on rr.y hahy'r. neck, face, and bead. It kept and burnipg so b;.c"y thn: I /7^"_ v thought shewould go mad. A/^N'n* 'q aiei remedies but she "m i. J got worse, and the rash
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    • 274 2 LEVER AND SONS MANILA HOUSE, IM. Orchard Road HAVE JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED LADIES EVENING SHOES in cloth of gold, floral brocade and grey satin GENTS DRESS COURT SHOES LADIES -We have the finest selection of BOOTS AND SHOES in Singapore, also moderately priced FROCKS. DAINTY MANILA LINGERIE, MANILA HATS.
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  • 1172 3 North China Fam ine. Local BesonTces Powerless To Relieve. Tfao K.t.O E Simmon", writiag to the N.C, D«il* Nc««l>tm Ktifeog, Hjcjui, onCii •*e S?p»f m»< r 10, n«y The diaattet wbiob M«. Of i ffi hof Cha»(jkt.h has alie»dy ico'-.tked ai bsvia< oveitaken ti-ia dislriet cl U.lss srd the sd}»re«l
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  • 59 3 An interesting memoir of the late Mr. W. J. Tutcher for some years Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Department in Hongkong appears in the latest Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information issued by the Royal Botanic Gardens at, Kew. The memoir is signed S.TJD.," the imtials of Mr. Stephen Troyte Dunn,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 313 3 Sjo Th^ Hand of the up-to-date Man and his "Swan" Pen. M«n pmIK Bodera tiu-ir idru om "Swan" Pons Ixicanse to<lo man rad ix-'^-r work with It^s Irouole possession oi "Swrtn" Pen l.y profetMOMl or less iran is a vga <ii" his progmsnrraesi Yon will find ■:i a \y.n !,,!p
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    • 441 3 S Oni^n aWaw faitPß?fJi M Nerves^ Oar a^rvesar* siii!iir'.d aata oet^ork of teiegiapb Kirn. Cootrollei aod ooumbsd by a porrioo ol the bnis known as •be nerre, centres— tbe delicate throa'Jlike narrei i»dute ia all riirecrions tnrouc<K'Ut th« body. Su l>at aa tbe nerve ceurres are IvmpaMc of oootioijally
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    • 280 3 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY Always make good on test campaigns That la wby their columns are ao well patronised by national advertisers. It carries more lucul commercial advertisements than any other paper in a respective district. This is the best criterion a business man can have as to their publicity
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    • 372 3 HAVE YOU SEEN A "BRONCHO GRIPPER"? It h the Greatest Ami nn.l Shoulilet Developer of Mm Q—ISUJ. It is neither too strong for the weak, n>r to STaak for the stroinr. a* it.< strength car. be reculatcd. It is mado of Hard, n.'v! (;.,n Metal an.! tke Mesaaalsai is so
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 794 4 <TEANEH SAHJM* P. Oa- British India in Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated la England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SEKYICI* PENINSI'LAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government) ft. Campaay'a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ara at preeeat laipflad LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICK FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDOR Daa Singapore
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    • 514 4 STEAMER URJNI PRINCE LINE LIMITEB (Incorporated in England) FAB EAST SEBVICB FOB NEW TOBK CELTIC PRINCE (via Panama) about end al Oft. For all Information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated In England) Agenta. TNE BEN LIRE ITfAMEftS UMTTBD rineorperated ia the Cited K'agdeai) Per CUaa aa< Japaa BENVENUE
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    • 286 4 ITIAMER WUtm THE F ASTERN SNIPPINI DOMPAHX. ÜBOni |ssH*iH>fa«t4 U Straits ■IISBaTHW Tali Man tafela la labjelt la ataasSaill vltaamt rarthat aatlt* ■laamar aalUag IteJt aaaaassw PERAK— Erery Tueaday, at 1 bjb, par Port Swettenham and Panang. JIN HO— Every Sunday, at I bjb., la* Malacca aad Pert Swettenhasa. Frets
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    • 394 4 STEAKI lABJN9 0. S. K. TBB 01 ASA SfIOSHXN KAUBA L.Ta\ (Ineerporated ta Jaaaa) Na. S, Da Ba«aa Street. Prapaaad SalUag fraai ItacapaM (Subjaet to akaage withavt aattaa) BOBOPBAN UKB Par Part Said. alanaiUaa, Laad«% Aatwarp, Battoraaas aad Baaaaarg iraa R'para ATLAP MARU Oct. T (omit calling at Barsellla*) ARGIN
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    • 431 4 tTEAiife unm* KAIftM (Incorporated in Japan) Under Mall Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government Subject to alterations without notice. EUROPE HAIL LINE Fortnightly Service For London, Antwerp via (Malacca) Prßaag, Colombo, Suez, Port Said and MaraeUlea. TAMBA MARU Oet t MISHIMA MARU Oct. M LIVERPOOL LINK For Liverpool via Colombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 568 5 STEAMER SAIUItfiS FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA The I. C. S. N. Co.'* *.s. Kwaisang 2.320 tons, sails 4 p.m.. on Monday. October 4. She ha* aplendid accommodation for saloon paixengers. For further information, apply MMJSIIAB CO.. Agent*. \FW YORK DIRECT I via Snei) tSjkfjttM and Oriental Line i.eneml Church will
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    • 410 5 STEAMER SAMJH6S STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ •NEDERLAND" Loading for Antwerp. Amsterdam aad Haabarg v. RENC.KAI.IB Early November. I or particular*, paaajat apply to INTERNATIONALE CKEDIET T.S MAN DELS VEREK.NICING. ROTTERDAM. JAVA-CHILI SERVICE v. JAVA and v DJOCIA Ahovr steamers will load here early No i-ember and early January respectively for Australia, New
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    • 301 5 STEAMER SAIUN6S GLEN UNE, LTD. M. 8. t.'.ENAVY For London The above vessel, sailing hence about October 12. has a few first-class berths available. For further particulars, apply to BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents. DODWELL LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR NEW YORK DIRECT VIA BUEZ EGREMONT CASTLE in Port, sails early
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    • 823 5 NOTICE IN THR ESTATE OF MOSES CATCHICI MOSES, DECEASED. Parsuant to the Trustee Ordinance, I*l4 Section 26. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditor* or other person* having any claims or demand* upon or against the estate of Moses Catchick Moses, deceased, late of No. 8, Koek Road. Singapore, who
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    • 778 5 GHAFUNE TRADE //m.\?.K NOTICE is hereby given that the abovt Trade Mark is the property of Mr. Teo Eng Hock, Sole Proprietor of the Peoples Rubbei Manufactory carrying on business at No. 160. Jalan Besah, Singapore and is used by the said Mr. Teo Eng Hock in connection with the
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    • 913 5 CHOPS YONG HONG. YONG NGIAP AND YOKG NGIAP YEE KEE NOTICE ii hereby given that the p«rtn«rship heretofore subsisting between us ta« undesigned LOW BOON YEK. LOW PENS HONG. LOW PENG YAM «nd l OW PBM lIA. all of No. SS. Bout Quay. Singapore, and Swatow in the Republic of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 913 6 CINEMAS DONT EXPECT TO SEE PEARL WHITE ANY MORE Id Serial Productions ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 i Urn I'oi-tinuod Story in Motion Pictures will nee the commencement of THK LAST I'KARL WHITE SERIAL THAT WILL EVER BE SHOWN as that Darting of the serial funs the moat popular star
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    • 535 6 CINEMAS Friday, October 1 to Monday, Oot 4. MIIIW Hi HALL, LTD. S Br^'-^lßi SECOND SHOW AT 9.16 W/f S t\) Usivcrral Mattel Se»ial if THE MIDNIGHT MAN 18 S pitodes 86 Paits Tbe biggest "ri»l aHr»e>ttoD ihp ncrepn has ever knows in a marvelous diama cf LOVO, MVSTIHV
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    • 332 6 JOO GUAN CO. Rubber and General Merchant!, ghip-Ckandlers and Sole Afenta for the BURMA STEAM ROPE WORKS, 1, 2 and 3, South Canal Road and 16, Kling Street. Telephone No. 1442. ALWAYS IN STOCK Light-HnuKe Brand oiled coir rope*, S-inch Bermiro fibre linseed oil. Marine Engine Oil. lubricating oil, ready
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  • 53 7 ■UlUMfc Palur«k». October 2. High li r. 041 a.m.. 0.30 p.m. Theatre, 9.15 aja. Sunday. October J. Water. 1.-24 aja- IS p.m. delivered, band in the Gardens. 9.30 p.m. tf<mday. October I. m_ IJA p.m. ■ait* leave. ag. Gattey's 11 a.m. <■ Confirmatory Mtg, Lx. 11. I
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    • 91 7 Ka«t W aatf Basin -Nil. lUlil Uharf. Albert aad Victoria Dry Dt.vk Dea Simud. Main Wharf K '.makura Maru, Intan. Ku- lyrena, Kamuning. i'nipire Dock Patrol. Kangean, Rajah of hanta, Minderoo. P.rdang, Kcnkos Mam No. 5. j.rdii.- Wharf Nil. I c»I Wkatf. -NiL krvpel Haraaar. Mala
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    • 58 7 VESSELS ARRIVED .v; Ilia. Brit.. 167 tons, from Jla•Uiicca i-10. 160 teas, from Ir.drar.iri ;-io. Jap., 4^13 tons, from Kobe Khoen Focns. I>ut.. i"i tors, fram Pon- Tontianak from Saigon -It). ■a, from Sarawak 1-10. ..f. from Malacca 1-10. for Ma Kaka. Brit, -JJ I tons, from M .'-cca 2-10.
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  • 138 7 rw P. Swvf.enham and Penang S p.m. S pjn. »e!anv.r p.m> I:atu P -ra. lil by train to -.-.p. l.^ing mails for Lurope, «lc. PJ" Registratioa up :o 3.30 p.m 4 pjn ■I p. pjniaaa^al pja. FenaiiK, Ra> _-o« n and Calcutta p.m l»-as. Derby, iir^cii.-. Port
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  • 128 7 BXCHANGB Singapot October 2. On London, Bask 4 «a/t 1/4 1/1« Demand 1/1 18/1« ii.vate 3 m. S crediu 1/4 26/SS On New York Demand 39% Private 90 day* 45 H On France Bank 575 On India, Bank T. T. 122 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 87 p.c.
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  • 48 7 DAILY PRICKS CURRENT. 11.30 a.m.. October 2. 1920 Tone of Market.— Steady. >pot fit >ct.-Dee. Pal* Crepe dosing Price* Buyer* Seller* I Bibbed Smoked Sbe«t Clo»iag Prie«a Buyen Scllen Spot )ct. )ct.-Dec. an. -March ..50 51 51 62 ..52 53 59 61
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    • 205 7 MIN ING IM VaLP<L Ivm. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 12.00 I 1 AyerWeng 1.10 1.25 £1 £1 Karri. Kamuntirg 2.5.0 2.15.0 10 10 KinU Assoc. 5.50 6.50 O £1 Kintt Tin 2.7.6 norn 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.70 2.90 cd. 1 1 Jelantoh 1.40 1.60 a £1 Lahat Mines 7.50
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    • 116 7 Buyer*. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Totaeeo 5.1u.0 $.17.8 Cl £1 E. Smelting Co. 9.50 10.50 5/-5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 34.00 e.r. M 50 W. Hammer and Co. 100 IWMVBMi Bros tSO.OO 150.00 £1 £1 Mexican Eagle 11.10.0 12.0.0 10 10 Ma; r.ard Co. 16.00
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    • 73 7 Eoc (p.c.ti;2Uo« aai lp.a.«* Spore Electric Tramway* 5 p.e. £350,00? aoai S pore MnnicipaJ 6 pji 11.878.0C0 r»' Spore Mun. 4H t* of 1907 $1,000,000 1« P4. 10px.dU S'pcre aftm. 4H P-?. of 1909 $1,600.500.. 16 p*. 10px.dU of 1409 91*600.000 It i4.11M.4k SYr- Mum. 4 9* «2,000,C00 r.M.S.
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  • 424 7 !.atr.~t available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday.] FraatT aad Co. and Lyall and Evatt'a TfiititlaM To-day 1 Pricaa rru« Co. E vatt Allenby ($1) 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah ($1) 3.00 3.30 3.00 3.50 Am. Malay 3.50 4.00 3.60 4.00 AyerHitam (?5) 21.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 183 7 NOTICE TO \\M<M IT MAY CONCERN al Rubber Company. Li.nited. hereby fi- tne aaaal rales of proper... aj public auction fceretofare held j at No. 3, Ra;;!e Pl» continued until fuitnrr I all persons w'.io hay deposited govii- with them to be put ;--ich aactiMss and which have
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    • 764 7 LATEST AD YERTISEM ENTS VACANCY in St. Anthony's Boys' School :.l app'.icants_thanke«l for hire. JlOO «_wcek. Pleas* app'.y 273, StraitsJTime?; [MEDIATELY, a Chinese bill i'su Press. Ltd. WANTED HOOSaX in good neighbourhood. entry December 1. Apply 275. Straits Times. WANTED TO BUY, second-hand motor- ply stating particulars and price, to
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  • 1201 8 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 RUBBER CONTROL. There is a practically unanimous request from planters to Government for a system of legal control of output, but we note that the committee of the Perak branch of the Chamber of Commerce does not agree. It says that such action would not be beneficial
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  • 35 8 Services will be held at the Boustead lignum- on Sunday evening at 8.15. The Key. W. Crawford will give the address. All are cordially invited, espec ally men of the mercantile marine, navy and army.
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  • 34 8 A Sinn Fein prisoner at Parkhurst, who is undergoing live years' imprisonment for shooting at a policeman, still refuses to wear prison clothes and remains in his cell handcuffed and wrapped in a blanks.
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  • 13 8 There will be a sitting of the Johore Court of Appeal on Monday.
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  • 16 8 There will be Holy Communion service in S. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines, at 7 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 17 8 The Singapore port rules have been amended in respect of cargo boat fares and rates of demurrage.
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  • 29 8 Mails for despatch by the Paul Lecat on Monday are expected to reach London before those sent by the Khiva and the Tart, leaving to-day and on Monday, respectively.
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  • 32 8 The Ruanyrnede Hotel, Penang, has been reeistered as a limited liability company, with a share caoital of $750,000 in one Hollnr shares. The directors are Messrs. E. R. Henderson and Roland Graham.
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  • 38 8 M. Andre Danjou, Consul for France has given notice that the steamer Altenburg now lying stranded on the Falloden Hall Shoal off the coast of Johore is the property of the French Government who reserve all rights therein.
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  • 48 8 The annual meeting of the Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scouts Association will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall on Friday, October 29, at 6.15 p.m. H.E. Major-General D. H. Ridout, K.8.E., C.8., will preside. All who are interested in the movement are cordially invited to be present.
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  • 50 8 A serious fire broke out on September 7, in the house of Lan Chao, pork butcher i>f Jesselton, which is situated just below Ridge Road. The entire building was guttid within ten minutes of the outbreak Mid a considerable amount of damage done to the rubber and coconuts surrounding it.
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  • 51 8 Mr. Hector La Brooy, of Taipinjr, was fined $30 at Taiping court on September 24 for failing to report to the Health Officer daily as a smallpox contact under the Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Enactment, according to instructions received by him from the Health Officer, Kinta, states the Malay
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  • 58 8 It will not be long before Kudat will have a new wharf, says the 8.N.8. Herald. The old wharf has run its race and is now gently subsiding into a condition of senile decay. Mr. E. R. Baker, Executive Engineer of the West Coast, was lately in Kudat doing the
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  • 58 8 Following on the Acting Chief Secretary's letter, the Malay Mail understands that a committee which, it is hoped, will be representative of planting and business interests, is being formed to enquire into and advise on the syllabus of training and terir.s of service of the Malay States Volunteer Repiment. We
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  • 81 8 Mr. James Scotson has died at Shanghai at the age of 41 years. He was a native of Manchester and went to Shanghai 1C or 17 years ago and joined the firm of Messrs. Richard Haworth and Co., for whom he was later assistant manager. Subsequently he transferred to Messrs.
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  • 87 8 In the dstrict court yesterday a Javanese who had been charged with attempting to break into St. Andrew's Cathedral was discharged with a caution. A policeman stated that he caught the accused breaking one of the windows of the Cathedral in the early hours of the 11th ult.,but accused declared
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  • 83 8 The correspondent of The Times at Teheran states that feminism has invaded the Orient. The movement for the emancipation of women and the abolition of veils is growing apace. A large deputation, including well-known ladies, made a threat to the Prime Minister that they would down veils." He referred them
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  • 96 8 German merchants are beginning to do good business in Canton because many Chinese are in need of German goods, especially their dyes and steel articles, says the Canton Times. There are 16 German merchants and five German firms now in Canton. The offices of Messrs. Jebsen and Co., Messrs. Carl
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  • 167 8 Dealing with the public health of Brunei in 1919, the British Resident, Mr. E. E. Cator, says The most satisfactory feature of the year was, however, the sudden popularity of the vaccination to which the Bruneis have had hitherto an ineradicable objection. His Highness the Sultan as usual led the
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  • 374 8 SOCIAL AND PERSON AL. The Hon. Mr. D. Y. Perkins, unofficial member of the Legislative Council, has returned to the Colony. Mr. W. H. Dinsmorv, harristerat-law, is to act temporarily as a Puisne Judffp of the Straits Settlemerts. Mr. F. E. Hanrer is appointed a police magistrate and coroner for
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  • 77 8 The mails from Ear. M ex U.I. arrive hy train to-night, and will be dealt with to-morrow morning. '!'..<.■ G.1'.0. will be open from 8 a.m. to noon and there will be one delivery to all parts of the town and residential districts. Correspondence will be reaiy for
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  • 86 8 For failnig to reir stir himaelf within 48 hours of his resid< MM m tho Colony, Mr. C. B. Ort, of the Crescent Flats, Katong, was mulcted by Capt. Rowbotham in the third court, yesterday, in the sum of $300. He was also ordered to enter into
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  • 106 8 A telegram received in K. be by Maaan Struthers and Dixon stated that tlu- City of Omaha, after being brought into Yu»o hama harbour apparently intact, suddenly sank at her moorings and that man deck is only about eighteen inches above water. The greater part
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  • 106 8 The third presentation of Pas.sors-hy was given in the Victoria Theatre last night before a full house, which included Lady Gi'illemard and party from Government House. This was perhaps the best performance so far, Mrs. Maxwell, who has heroically stepped into the breach caused by the illness of Mrs.
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  • 115 8 The following incident is taken from Sir Archibald Ansun's volume A boat Others and Myself. At the tine to which ho refers he was atlm nistratur, Straits Settlements The Harbour Master came to me one day, and informed me that he had received a rjp;>rt from the lighthouse
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 222 8 MARLBOROUGH Theatre, Beach Road Prom Saturday, October 2, to Thursday, October 7. A Jesse D. Hampton Production Featuring WILLIAM DESMOND AND MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE In a Conventional Western story A SAGEBRUSH HAMLET U 5 Parts With lively scenes, lovely woodland scenery, and some good rights Along with A MILLION-DOLLAR
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  • 791 9 Failure of the Conference Admitted. ■fatten in a Condition Of Deadlock. R«ittr Telegrams I.rndon, September 29. The eral NwfmwM has ended in a deadlock. TVe parties have issued a statement that i.ft. r laatUiy discussion ths coal owner mkotHted n klmm for future regulation nf wagn based
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  • 300 9 KXUTEB TELEGRAMB London, September 29. Warsaw A Polish communique dated the 28th states In the (iirection of Pinsk we cup^ured the stalls of two enemy divisions. East of Zbrucz the Poles and Ukrainians took 2,800 prisoners and a large qun.tity of war material. London, September 29. A commission under
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  • 234 9 Rci'teb Telegrams. London, September 29. A fresh attempt of the Bolshevists to smuggle huge parcels of most valuable stolen diamonds into America has failed and the jewels were confiscated at New York. Many of the stones are worth £20,000. The parcels were addressed to Martens, the unrecognised Soviet agent
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  • 26 9 Riutib Telegram London, September 29. Marseilles Baron Matsui, the retiring Japanese Ambassador to France, has sailed for Yokohama on board the Kamo Maru.
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  • 1491 9 Conditions Getting More Serious. Government and the Reprisal Incidents. RCITKR TELKGRAM9 London, September 29. Cur!; The biggest coup the Sinn Ktiners have yet effected was wh?n a hun !r\l armed and convoyeJ lorries raided Mallcy barracks, occupied by the 17th Lancer*, when the troopers were exercising their horses. A
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  • 200 9 Services to the Far East i Discussed. Relter Telegrams London, September 2P. An important meeting of shipowners in London has discussed a proposal for United States vessels participating in the regular trade between the Far East an Britain and the Continent. It is pointed out that this is interesting
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  • 197 9 Relter Telegram London, September 30. Further improvements in the situation in Mesopotamia are indicated in a War Office communique whi-h states that on the lower Euphrates Samawa is quiet. Hostile concentrations were bombed on the morning of the 27th. Reconstruction of the railway west of Ur is making g-ood
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  • 43 9 Rbuter Telegram London, September 30. Paris Pre-war diplomatic relations betv.een France and Germany were fully re-established to-day, when Herr Maytr, the new Ambassador, presented his crcuentibls to M. Millerand. M. Lcv;ues, the Premier, was present and friendly speeches were exchanged.
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  • 40 9 Rbutu Telegram London, September 29. Shanghai Peking newspapers report that Cantonese troops, commanded by the civil Governor of Fukian, have captured Canton. There is no confirmation. Recently it was reported that the Kwangsi militarists were ruling Canton.
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  • 80 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 1. At the annual general meeting of the Amalgamated Malay Rubber Company Mr. J. A. Russell, who presided, said the position of rubber was not at all clear so there would be no final dividend for the present, but they
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  • 299 9 Restriction on Consumption Explained Mr. E. S. Hc-.p, Foo.l ContnOar, has issued the following naotlll As there appear to be doubts as to how far restrictions on Qm CWUJrpUon of rice have been removed the following amiouncemort is publish-d ti,r general tion. In December 1019 an order
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  • 385 9 Final Dividend of Twenty Per Cent. The following is the report of the directors of United Engineers, Limited, for presentation to the share holders at the annual meeting to be held on October 18 The directors submit the duly audited statement of the accounts of the ■ompany
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  • 195 9 Macphail and Co.'* Daily Report. Singapore, October 2, 1920. Silver.— s9. Hongkong 87. New York.— 3 m/s 45. Tin.— loo tons sold at 136.50. Rubber. At time of writing the Rubber market is stagnant, sellers being scarce. Spot round 51%, Oct.-Dec. 52V4--63, Jan.-Mar. 58. Share Market. Quiet.
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  • 14 9 Mr. Wilson can now devote tbj b^aqpt of his term to house-huntini* -Baltimore American.
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  • 1129 10 Tributes to His Lordship In Supreme Court. AsMaflj iportcd ycsterday.themembers, of the bar n Singapore assembled in the Supreme Court yesterday morning to bid farewell to the ret ring Chief Justice, Sir John Buckrill, K. C, who is leaving on Monday to take up his new appointment
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  • 586 10 Rubber Development in The Protectorate. The Commissioners appointed in October, 191'J, by the Governor of the Uganda Protectorate to enquire into the steps necessary for the future development of Uganda, recently submitted their report. The following notes relative to rubber have been extracted from the report The acreage under
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  • 295 10 How that Weil-Worn Suit Can Serve Again. The high cost of new clothing has given an enormous stimulus to the professional turncoats. All over London small tailors, in their one-man shops, are full of orders for the pressing, turning, and renewing of well-worn suits of
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  • 57 10 The Marlborough is presenting to-night a fine western drama, A Sagebrush HamXt, featuring W.lliam Desmond and charming Marguerite de la Motto, in five nvls, besides the thirteenth and fourteenth mpimtdm of the Grossman serial, A M llionPollar Howard, and a Pathe Gazette. In the first house, a five
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  • 434 10 New Cargo Line From Antwerp To Calcutta. The Messageries Maritimes Co., the most influential of French steamship companies, whose flag is so conspicuous in Eastern Seas, also suffered the most heavily through submarinism during the war. Their losses are gradually being compensated for, not only by ex-German
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  • 440 10 Star-gazers Praying for Cloudless Nights. Every telescope in the country, says a home paper of August 23, is at night levelled towards a strange face in the heavens —the face of a new star in the constellation Cygnus, whose full address is 299 deg., right ascension and 53deg.,
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  • 97 10 A find of considerable importance both to archaeologists and art lovers was made in an old Buddhist temple in A chi-gun, Shigaken, Japan, recently. The art treasures brought out from the dusty n MHH of this old are an incensj burner of the Fuziwara period, about 1,000 years old,
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  • 293 10 Inspection of Government Stockyard. His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by the Hon. Col. Harington and Mr. Summerfield, Private Secretary, left Jesse!ton on August .Tl for the Interior, reports the British North Borneo Herald. Travelling by the morning train to Beaufort they continued their journey to Tenom by
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  • 458 10 Last Meeting Under Presidency Of Lord Chelmsford. There was unusual excitement before the Council met at Calcutta on September 17, both in the Lobby and the Visitors' Gallery. The latter was full to overflowing. The curtain rose for the last time at eleven o'clock and when an
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  • 93 10 Programme of Prills, etc. for week eDd ing Saturday, October 9, 1920 Saturday, October 2. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Range 2.30 p.m. Sunday, October S. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 7.30 a.m. Tuesday, October 5. Malay Co., Balestier ltange, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, October 9. Eurasian Co.
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  • 93 10 The rate of mortality in the Settlement nf Singapore for the week ended September 18 was 28.19. The total number ■f deaths was 211 of which 154 were male subjects and 57 female. Convulsions hiim.vl 21, phthisis :!8, malaria fever 29, lyphu.d fever 5, plague 0, cerebro-spinal
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    • 240 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Early one morning last week during a heavy squall two coconut trees on the land adjoining Mr. Lim Peng Siang's property at East Coast Road fell right across the boundary wall cutting 4'» feet into the wall which is 9
      240 words
    • 430 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, While the present price of rubber has compelled estates to reduce output and orders are being given right and left to discharge labour the following should be considered Granting that, the position of an estate manager is fast being
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  • 305 10 England the Natural Home Of The Big Picture. That within five jears the centre of moving facturc production will have '.-hanged from America to London is the belief firmly held by Mr. Hobart Henley, one of the most noted of American cineu.atograph play-producers, who has been
    305 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 562 10 Comments on Yesterday's Matches. With a final and othjr interesting' matches, there was rather a plethora of riches from the spectator's point of view on the S.C.C. courts yesterday. For those who wanted doubles a difficult choice lay between A Class and Profession Pairs, but as the
      562 words
    • 34 10 Vit ran-' Doubles Semi-FiaaT. Beattic and Elwes owe 5 v. Ad-.lie xmM Langham Carter scr. Championship Pairs. Sinclair and Utermark v. I>onncll ami Leggatt. Newcomers' Handicap, Final. Brandcr or Dyne v. Heath.
      34 words
    • 19 10 John Donaldson v. Hill owe ri. Profession Pairs. Cameron and Rutky v. Tyler and I*x> Warner.
      19 words
    • 35 10 A soccer match between the National Union Club and the Kaffies Institution was played yeste»!ay evening on the svhool ground. After an exciting and evenly contested :rame, the match ended in a goalless draw.
      35 words
  • 188 10 Ten Simultaneous Transmission* Possible. AccorJir,^ to a description given ;n fttj August nuii.ber of Tl. Time* Engineering Supplement, a groat w reless stalio*. which is to be tncta 1 by tho Uadio Corporation of America, will in the aggregate be five times more powerful than either
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  • 12 10 Mr. S. M. AlkaT celebrated his cc>rr.i«e of age on September 24.
    12 words

  • 1227 11 Glowing Tribute from The British Resident. Mr C. K. Cator. British Resident. Bruri is to be congratulated on the excellent i-port In- has furnished on the State iniiic the .vur I'.'llt. It is full of interring dotaill an.i is presented m a most •dottle form. Worn it we
    1,227 words
  • 546 11 How Fall in Price will Affect The East. In a telegram published recently. Reuter stated that Mes.-.-s. Ryland and Sons, Ltd., of Manchester, following Messrs. Horrocks's example, liad announced a nvepcr ecnt. decrease in the price of all cotton K Mr J C Barton, Colombo, manager for j
    546 words
  • 264 11 [)rink and Gambling Spoil (iood War Record. luink and ■aa.bling were lUted to be ih- cmw of the •luwnfa.i uf John Gordon Grant, an ex-Army officer, who pleaded nuihy at Aburdi.ui to a remarkable ■anat of eiiven charge! of fraud and (haft On h^ bahalf it m
    264 words
  • 70 11 f Covernmt-nt PIWM note says that ntrpa lw«« l'"en taken by private linns in Rangoon la leant fcmeti "f ta»d 1" r w*itvuni- an-l the «rtvli<in »f maclnit> ,onv.-r>i..n intu WtgU. Tlr conversicni at bamboo into paper pulp i* iilso hi inp umlertaki-n and step? are beinir taken tot the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 WE BEG TO ADVISE Oar Many Customers that from October I, 1920 'HIS MASTER'S VOICE REGfHOS Will BE MM IN PRIOE Plum Label 52.50 a"d $3.50 BlacU Bbc $3.25 and $4.75 Celebrity $2.75 and up S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (luooipoiated i» Hon«kM>B) RAFFLBS PLACE, BINOAFOI B THE ARISTOCRAT g*\ OF
      162 words
      207 words

  • 500 12 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 3. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7.30 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. S. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 8.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Services and Meetings. Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday
    500 words
  • 150 12 On Sunday, the 12th inst., says the Rangoon Times, Messrs. Law and McLachlan, two Excise officers, went to the Victoria Lakes for a swim, with a lady named Miss Belling. Discarding her jewellery, Miss Belling gave it to Mr. McLachlan to put in his pocket to keep
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 360 12 -NASAL CATARRH-: CVKRY form of Nasal CaUrrh, Head Cold, InAuenia, Hay Ferer, dryness, stuffiness, irritation, obstruction, discharge and inflammation of the nose is overcome and cured by using Nostroline Nasal Speeinc. At the first indication sufferers should at once apply this unfailing speeinc. It gives instant relief, there and then
      360 words
    • 41 12 J|HAMSj| Pineapple Brand SIN6IPORE COLD STOiiBE COMPAiY, LIMITED. FHISH STOCKS OF OBTAIN ABLB FR'U MAYNARD Co., Ltd. THB LBACINO CHBMIBTS TYRES" Stand up to those bad Patches cf Road AOAMSeN. GILHLLAN ftM H LTD. (laoorporated ia BiglMd; SOLB AOBNTB 'PHONE 805
      41 words

  • 698 13 How London Treats Last Homes 01 Ibe famous. I 1832— tlie ftjne reoords-the tomb it J j'/u Boojan ia Ba- bill Fields w<t f snitd bj iaO!io Babaoription nndet ttit )rpirjeu:y uf Bulol Sbaftesbaty. Th; ri need ot a now bbaflonburj in Iho field, lot 'lie
    698 words
  • 316 13 Impressions of the American Minister. Mr. G. W. P. Hu:t, the United Biaks M niiter Io Sirm, ex^iQetes himself m tig'lj ia etestfi )<y vbi, cc s»w o< tbeiiBtoj«3 o( the Galf. Og --f" Mml be w^3 §fnt o tbe oppoitciui'i- a it tßor\ d lici if en
    316 words
  • 99 13 Baron Renpe Goto, ;;t'n''i'al manager of the N.Y.K., has decided to resign his position, aeeomttng to the Mancho. He has boon genual manager for the past 20 years, and has ably guided the company in its prnant pi.s.tion, but his hearing is »te.-'clily failing because of his age. On his
    99 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 262 13 WHITE*WAFS LADIES GENT'S JLei?tex GELIULAR CLOTHING Da a f W^AR AC 3 TEX and KIBP COOL AE""'PK ♦h 0 U3dcrwe»tth.sallo--i tV,o >fea to breathe sni keeps tVo latlaoo I e«i iib unitjirr, *lloatb vcntil;ti-ii cf th«? skin a,u-i i>trai:ts Hrn a? ;.a.e Io piai oS BasMfea AET. EX 13 IT
      262 words
    • 752 13 y^H JJtMMJiOZ l^y Phone 3 34. WINDOW GLASS I ACETIC AUIO RUBBER OUPS COAGULATING PANS HA.7S JUST ARRIVED OTOiWUNE 00., LTD. dM t«tM la J»?bs) Michelin Tyres 80 by 314 Plain or Universal non-skid in Stock. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING CO WHAT IS THE COROITIOI OF YOUR HAIR? Adopt
      752 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 813 14 aui it mitoi AUaiON SALE MOEOtmB PLEPGKS AND JEWELLERS of every description. A; ..ur nil No- 30, Kling Street, am Monday. October 4. it I* a.»». on Wednesday. October 6. at 1» ».m. t,n Frida>. October 8, at 1* aval. The pledges comprise watches, chains, diasr and brilliant rings,
      813 words
    • 785 14 lALES IV AUCTION MORTGAGEE'S SALE of valuable robber plantations with trees all in bearing situate at Ayer Tanas, Malacca. To be held by public auction at our saleroom. No. 11, First Cross Street, Malacca, Tharnday, October 7, 1»2», at 12 noon PARTICULARS All those four pieces of land situate at
      785 words
    • 887 14 A*MH IMM,twf IA Aawaace la force over $15,000,001 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Pall*! listed U ■kralH foMlemeat.) TTSJEiErm M.-.1.^.M^.^.,, .ritiU U.^ra.rA? VJST ATTBAcrrv, nu. nm ,o loah. AGENT WANTn Baatwkuy M**m Dlnttoi .i Agaaaio. Art M r. t»™ -o^cbw^w^ 0 0 nicholZ 0L,,x.,».. INSURANCE THE MANUFACTURERS
      887 words
    • 477 14 BANKIMB THE OVERSEA-CHINEBI BANK, LIMITED. (IMWHnM la th« Stralti S.ttl.m.iu ■•aaToaca •LNGAPORE. it, aJ.INO 3TBRT. Braaea i rwNA>e, 14, beach trim Agen.-les ITOH AND DILI Cattail tM.*«.*« |f"»»« ie.»09.0« Paid- 3 p MM.** Raaerre Ll«billt> .1 Bhara- hold.n Ml' V *o«N ef Dlractars t Tha Hob. Or. Lim Bo«a
      477 words
    • 513 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE Authorized Capital Fr«. 250.000,0tift Subscribed Capital Fra. 150,000.0l)"l Paid-up Capital Fr». 75,000,000 (13 of the Capital subscribed by the Government of the Chinese Republic). Chairman of the Board of Directors Andre Herthelot General Manager A. J. Pernotle HEAD OFFICE 71, Ruo Saint Lazare, Paris BRANCHES
      513 words

  • 874 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics, The Public Safety At Ibe last meeting of tUe Imperial legislative Council io Simla, Sir William V.noent introduced the Indian Motst Vabiolei Aot Amendment Bill 18i4, whioh he desonbcl »f a simple one. Tbe increase in the nnaabei of motor vehicles
    874 words
  • 89 15 Warden L9O. cf »be Cbio»go Girl, bw i ip.u*l oideri p«mU»iDg women ptißMew to •*<>. To »n in«.»fiowe', be W mem prisooei* up j ~.a* lik' me« I <wi ■r.'. aiao'imtti ->^ J J*» '<>"8 tha MBt foU-w tbe »»n>; «T" oia o« >e«nni»« < batord mitoh end-
    89 words
  • 31 15 Si TV wurdrobe of many of the y»uni;erl KL-npration in Calcutta consists, according Jo tin- Health Officer, of a. piece- of strin;; witk a charm attached and a film of. oil.
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 AND THt; LITTLE FORD Sh*il lead them. It's first in sales-first in t.cnoniy-a-d flr&fc in the esteem of those who lov3 safety, surety aai comfort -because of Us P7o.;dtjrful simplicity, strengtb ana lightness. Ik leads In SAUS SERViIE S&USFAOTION THE rOSOdOM T&ACfOI I'HS FO&D ONE-TON TRUCK Wt^RNE BROS., LTD. Orchard
      101 words
    • 215 15 IY.Ti K fV I CYLINDER \iv in* ill U I It. 1 iJ 3 years Touring Car offers rr.any refine- I/, i Ifilf yf/ merits which should maki even more popular IA Lvored fa and case cf operation make it the ij-'-i \'*t cai io drive, and it 3 extreme
      215 words
    • 53 15 BUMP! INTO the kotbatose. Tba fl<.ot on kbs Itfßl fIMHt i ßed to be imsgiae^ it e»s be ccd. CaRB in dtiviag helps jco» Loalop S&«3 Bcbbtr Tyte« to p»a the 800 iesnH« yro h»T- evety right to expert tt?m Djnbp p-olt:oU The Dunlop Rubber Co. (""<") Ltd. (Imeovfoutea t»
      53 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 521 16 SUM KIAT CO IXMIItD (laeorpcrsted in bt raits Settlements) M, Phillip Street SINGAPORE Maw Shipment* just arrived of BUNTINGS. Assorted Colours IKON FOUNDRY RIDOLES (tO in. by in- to in. Mesh> BUROPE MAKINK CLUE Black and White SPONGE CLOTHS, AND SLEDGE TRIANGULAR SHIP DECK SCRAPERS BOILEK ZINC SI. \5 B
      521 words
    • 407 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" KKAOT ROOFING la Balls eaatalaiat IK si. fti H.T. Useful for roofing !t«'a» stramrss. farm buildings, at*, aoa a* a rs*tiil llr.lßg medium. t PLY. A median <ja* it/ *»»a aa rattartos, Ccngalows, etc. Pl.t. Strongly i«curimcM *»i iasreaa**' strength aud *fflei*ney ia »itaatioos. ObtatsabU SI GUAN KIAT
      407 words
    • 915 16 JOASSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS fas rBBPAXB caarfM lot Watts, far fla!*, Ts Let, et-, ta aralatry ei»«t-*at ara* c»*«rar« stz woras ta '!a«j ara j— Psr !:r.» ■-.<•• insertion 28 ets., two in*. 46 sis, t'MJ»t M tit toar lot. SS «s., r>* in*, fl.oo, six In*. II.IX, ten ics. $1.40, twelve
      915 words
    • 993 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, two-seater Hup, complete with Stepney and spares. What offers Apply 2r>9, Straits Times. WANTED, one motor truck of 1 or l'-4 ton capacity. State price and particulars, to P. H. Lee. 40, Newton Road. WANTED TO HIRE, 3 to 5-ton lorry for transport of building materials.
      993 words
    • 846 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, it'ir«K and offlees. Apply Ed. If Ntthan a Co.. 4, P« 8out» Straet. I OFFICES TO LET. mt No. 1, Robinion~Road. Apply Singapore Estate Supplies and Agency I TO LET. GODOWN about 10,000 iq. ft., Raffles Square. Can long lease. Apply I SHI, straits Times.
      846 words
    • 296 16 Straits Motorcar Smitt LIMITED (Incorporated in Btfaita Hettl*mekt» 21$ to 21«, ORCHARD KOAI> LORRIES AND CAKE HIRED OVEKNA t TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCIX WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction Guaranteed Large Mock* of LUCAS HORNS AND LAMPS arriving shortly Phonel233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malsj*
      296 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 200 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPIIONE3 Editorial and General tt Manager* Office HIT Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be address*-; to THE EDITOR. All communication.; relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should be addressed to TH9 MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      200 words