The Straits Times, 29 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times

  • 1036 2 Question of Occupation by White Races. Professor W. A. Osborne, professor of physiology at the Melbourne University, came to important conclusions in a lecture entitled The physiological factors in the development of an Australian race," which he del.vered to a crowded audience in the Albert Hall. He held
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 T !E CHAUM Lipton's Tea *T*IIK flavour, the delicate an. ma and the fragraoce of its leal, car never be equalled by any other Ordinar? tea. i Li|>ton'« Tea ia the pick ■>( tUp World's Finest Tea Rardcos sod, i is (vackrd by tht most nicxif-ra sdeatific methods that preserves
      231 words
    • 518 2 IBEETHAMS a.-rola B Yovav Bhlu and m Completion M cu> b. >*Pt in a Perfect Con- Vvl dition all the yiir rruml t,» I "j rola. It Wf«tuaTly \lin) Ct *i As~^^ m tv rnu«hne.«, reli.tu, t.n \ff- '*)fl irritatiua, .to., him la ,l*Miku U- I m M X «otbing
      518 words
    • 381 2 LEVER AND SONS MANILA HOI?SE. IW, Orchsrd Road HAVE JUST RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED LADIES EVENING SHOES in cloth of gold, floral broende and grey s.iin GENTS DRESS COURT SHOES LADIES We have the finest selection of BOOTS AND BHOES in Singapore, also moderately piic.-d FROCKS. DAINTY MANILA LINGERIE, MANILA HAT
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  • 1062 3 A Naturalist Is fbe Cambridge Feai. Ttrre ate, in I subsidy ttiro, two p<ehistoaie d)kes, so called wai ditebes, wbiob ran parallel fail and w st some six niles apati. Both Lave ibe i oeigia ia tha eem paiativeiy Lilly gnaad of West Hvffolk oat, the Fleam
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  • 19 3 Cotton is a wonderful plant. It provides cotton cloth, olive oil, silk stockings, and all-wool clothing.— Associated Editors (Chicago).
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  • 21 3 The landing of Scottish troops in Ireland probably means there will be moru kilt there than before.— St. Paul NonPartizan Leader.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 WHEEZY COUGH AND ASTHMA For Quick and Lasting Relief Take Veito's. Ia those wheezy coughs that are so hard to cure by ordinary means Veno's Lightning Cough Cure acts like a charm, ▼eno's loosens the phlegm which causes the cough, and ao tho sufferer gets relief at onre. In asthma
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    • 447 3 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY Always make good on test campaigns. That is why their columns are so well patron ed by national advertiser*. It carries more loc&l crmmcrciiil advertise* raenti than any other paper in a respective diatrict. This is the be*t criterion a business man can have us to
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    • 390 3 To Heads of Dcpartmrnt.i and Typist. TIME IS MONEY Therefore I'se Ihßsaaails Pneumatic Speed REASONS Prevent finffrrs from >!'p;iii,.Remove the harmful glare Increase the saaad Make work a Bjaasara la sssaaai Easier for the rv.s Add to the life of the machine Save repair biifs Economize for the firm, etc.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 799 4 STEAMER SAILUMS P. O." British India Ape or Line (Companiei Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SEKTICffI PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with HU Majesty's GotinmuM) r.. caipaoj'e HAIL SERVICES EAST OP BOMBAY an at atawi n W «4il LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES UUTDOM
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    • 878 4 STEAMER UlUtfS* PRINCE LINE UMTCI (Incorporated la England) FAB EAST SERVICI FOB NEW TOBK CELTIC PRINCE (via Panama) about end el Oet For .11 information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN 00, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Ageata. THE BEN LIRE STEAKS* LIMITED i. Incorporated la the Uaitod KiagdaaO Pat Calaa aad Japaa
      878 words
    • 346 4 ITEAgR tARJW O.S.K. THB OSAKA SHOfIHBN KABUU LTB. (IneorporaUd la Japaa) Na. t, Da Saoa BtnA FT.P..S* lalllaa fraa. BlagaaMM (Bobjeel to aaaac* wttaaat «««a»J EUBOPBAN UNB Far Part Said. alanaUlaa, Lial.a. Aatvaq RatUrdaai a«d Haaskarg Dm r»anv ATLAS MABU Oct. 7 i omil •alllßf at aUraaUlak) ARRI'N MABU *al
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    • 377 4 mm YU3EH KAISHA tajlera* vatod (3 |(jHT> 9*ta> 111] CmMM *M BM MMK•fftßaCaMßftl 4mWbbbbbbbbl& Sttjaal a aHaMtUu vtttMl BKBt iramora sua an 969 LMrfM, Aatvari ?ta (MMBJIBg KUMANO MARU Oct. TAMRA MARO Oct. t HISHIMA MARU Oct. M isrnrpa son 3k* UMiMI *M lUhMit m v* rtilMrt teDm MM* WAKAKA
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 562 5 STEAMER SAIUN6S FOR HONGKONG AND KOBE The L C. S. at. Co.'s M. LaUang. 3.4R0 laM leavaa at noon on Tharadky, BaataasßOT M, flraaa Tanjong Pagur \V harf. Kur freight and pamaxe unply lIOUSTKAD CO., Agents. ruit miw ran said and ■OWBlilai MUKff Tin- U* I ataaasar Paul Lecat aalWasl
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    • 373 5 STEAMER SAILINGS AFRICA. SKPTKMUKR 25, I*2o mc-rn of cargo prr the above steame 1. from Italy nro herrby notiiicd that she ha 1 KiTiv.'.l nnd has discharired her cargo a Godowns 9 and 10, Tanjong Pairar. SOCIETA COMMISSIOMAtiA DI TSPORTA HOMI E Dl IMPORTAZIONE, Agents. (lncoi; hi K*g{ ,-.|i FOX
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    • 652 5 STEAMER SAILINGS GI.EN LINE LIMITED ■r GLENSANDA sailing about Sept. 23 is for Londoi GLENARIFFE sailing about Oct. 2 for Genoa and Londoi GLENAVY (ailing about Oct. 12 for Londoi There are a few flrst-clnss berths for pas sengera available by the above sailing. Foi further particulars, apply to BOUSTEAD
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    • 700 5 IGRAPLINE TRADE JJ MARK NOTICF li hereby E iven that the above Trade Murk is the property of Mr. Teo Eng Hock. Sole Proprietor of the Peoples Rubber Manufactory carrying on business at No. 160, Jalan Besah. Singapore and is used by the said Mr. Tco Eng Hock in connection
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    • 267 5 t GRAND PEEJA SALE,! Parking. Postage free FOR ONE MONTH O.NLT If j-ou really want the best Violin at the cheapest rate, then don't lose this oppoitjnity. Hook your order to-day with ball 'he value »■< advance and you will get II at yoar place without any t-ouble. Reduced Prices
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 840 6 CINEMAS Ia tbc Beeond Show at 9.80 p.ia Bewitobiiiß CAf MEL IbYBBS in a Bin bird pbot-oplay spt-. A SOCIBTySBNSATIOM 5 pts TLetouol. ol a bntnaa nalme in the old Oaptaim atrifirti elw l bo mVt not Bssed on Perle, Pooio Sbccban*. famoos story The Bonowed Dachea ED .IB PCLO
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    • 553 6 CINEMAS Laat 8 Nighta, Be itamt>a 98 to SO I%^ HAT I 1 TFI aKr7^^(^ FIRST PHOW AT 7.8J WIMm TKE GRtLL MYSTERY ml I' 111 aXi 8 Mt STARRING 5 aoia U Ui tILJ KARL WILLIAMS Id an avn-rja l drama ol utioig emoli <o and heart apceaj by
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    • 403 6 NOTICE is hereby given that the mark depicted above is the property of Kats Brothers I.imito.i. a Limited Company incorporated in the Straits Settlements, and is yd by them aa a Trade Mark in respect of Cotton Singlets manufactured or sold by them in the Settlement of Penang. Any person
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  • 94 7 llllLIMi R'edNsday, September 29. Ui, i a.m.. 11.26 p.m. Tlit:.tre, Mi p.m. lit.miier 30. I :\.m mail leave*. .n-4r Sorvici-, noon Friday, ()<f"l)or 1. 1 m m.. UM p.m. I'nnli Mcfting. no^n. 'llicitrc, ».13 p.m. Batarday, Octobet 2. il n.m., 0.-.0 p.m. do*. r-m. Sunc'iy. Oil 1
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  • 71 7 >T THE OOCkd NIL V. .rl TVi-sta. Allwrt End Victoria Dr> U Intan. MoI -.:por.- Ma:\i. I Tulo I i .'.i ••<! Wh«rf. KB. k. 1 llHrbout. Vxin Wl-irf II S M.lo, Lch Vc.lclte, llavrr. < v.i, .f. Nil. ■I In t)r» Mil |OBK 1 Xo. 4
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  • 165 7 10-«UJ 2.30 p.m J P J I ~r»"ir a p.m I g-hal and P-m I 4 p.m. p.::. p. E i»la P~ ThnrwUr •m--•mi ar.d Palau Pulang 8 ».m K i tad Baagfcat 9 a.m I'l a.m. 1 p.:., V T..njeng 2 p.m Maiarra ud Hoat 2
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  • 137 7 Tin- Pally TiUcraph's Paris that according t» a discovery l>v Dr. Beclere a new method of identifyin«: criminal! by linger print.; is envisaged. It is a eaae of a now ur- for raj ;i M method conaUti <f impregnating by rjbbing the tips cf tiller:; will) car!--i.
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  • 20 7 'fiiricia! Po»t Office Report) Arrived Lon September 4 September 4 S. laimber 9 September 14 BapUmbcr 21
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  • 134 7 EXCHANGB Singapore, September 29. On T-M-.! Bank 4 m/» t/41/16 demand t/8 18A« I 3 m. 3 crediti 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39% Private 90 days 4. r >H On Frarce Bank 675 On Im!b, Bnnk T. T. 122 On Hon/rkonjr. Bank d/d 87 V4
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  • 54 7 Sept. Oct. )ot.-Dec. lan. -liar. I 12 noon, September 29, 1920 Singapore Standard Palp Oepe Closing Price* Buyer* Seller* Spot Sept. Oet Oct.-Doc. Jan.-March Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Price* Buyer* Seller* 57 57V 58 59 61 62 65 67 Tone of Market
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    • 202 7 Is». v.-.1. Pd. Buyers. Seller*. 10 10 Am pans: 12.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.10 1.25 tl £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.5.0 2.15.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 6.50 6.50 <:\ il Kinta Tin 2.7.6 norn 1 1 Hibm Tin 2.70 2.90 1 1 Jelantoh LM 1.50 .1 £1 Lahat Mines
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    • 118 7 In. v ai. Pd. Buyer*. Stllera. ol £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.10.0 5.17.0 a n E. Smelting Co. 9.50 10.50 './-."./-Electric T'ways 3/3 > io Frmsrr N 55.00 c.r. 30 DO W. Hummer and Ca. 100 K«tl Bro». IS.' 00 iFfp.Ui' I i-i rie 11.10.0 12.0.0 10 10 Mavnara
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    • 78 7 K..J. <spe. $1^34,t0 (l »»i *P* J* Electric Tramwayi 5 p.c. SSSO.OOC »oa S'nor? Municipal 6 p.* $1,878,01.0 par >'pore Man. 4H p.e of 1907 $1,000,000 ie p.e. 10px.dU Spore Muo. 4 1 p.^. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 18 px. 10 p.c. dU of 1909 J1'500,000 19 p.t 10 p.«.
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    • 425 7 Fraaer and Co. and Lyall and Evatt'a QioUtlotv To-day't Price* Fraser Lyall A t Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 A lor Gajah (51 1 S4M MO "..00 3.50 Am. Malay 3.75 4.25 3.C0 4.10 Ayc-r Hitam < Ss> 23.00 24.00 21.50 22.50 A. Kuning ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 562 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED, a large European house near 254, Btralti Tim—. i ;:i> for export firm. Must 1 god i ."'1 write*. Apply 255, Straits funri: !i m»t si: to i.i B lad, I room*. hMMaiaft entry. Apply I h.p. New ilurt «n motor blko, ."ly via 6 months. Apply
      562 words
    • 65 7 LIGHT STUDIO 193-6, Orchard Road Tel. No. 496 WHAT DOBS IT DO 1. It kiUi paraaiUi of mauc*. 4. It eleaaMi tae iklrn. I. It kill* tick. aa« fl«*« oatiight. I. It k..p> tae aUa aaieett U4 leli It promout (rowth of hair. Oktelaabla at— MKOICAL OFFICE. Braa Baaah Boa
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    • 391 7 INTERNATIONAL OPERA CO. Ht Entirely New Spicioui Tent at U> Junction of Selegia and Bukit Timah Raaa. TO-NIGHT TO NIGH' The Beautiful Hindustani Play rntlltaf LAI. AM) UMIAK will be staged In Preparation A Special new set irT Scenery and Dresses for a new Arab: i. Nights' Play Prince
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  • 39 8 In loving memory of my beloved and only son Clifford Joseph Brooke Hunt, 24th Canadian Infantry, who wan killed in the Battle of the Somme, September 29. 1916. In Vita Lsetm In Morte Felix In Aeternitate Beatus.
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  • 1198 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 COMPULSORY RESTRICTION. The meeting of the Planters' Association at Johore was unanimous in its recommendation that Government should pass some form of legislation restricting output to 75 per cent, of normal. We advocated this some little time ago because we felt sure that planters
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  • 31 8 Sir W. Robertson Nicoll states in the British Weekly that book publishers are seriously considering the possibilities of printing and binding in Holland. Quotations have been received from Dutch firms.
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  • 42 8 The Rev. Goh Hood Keng, who attended the Methodist General Conference held in America last May, will speak on Echoes of the General Conference, at the Middle Road Church on Sunday, October 3, at 8 p. m. All interested are invited.
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  • 16 8 Kuala Sidim Rubber Co. is paying an interim dividend of 10 per cent, on October 12.
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  • 21 8 A record journey in 143 hours has been accomplished £y a liner express from France to Liverpool and on to Quebec.
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  • 20 8 The Tribunal announces that the League of Nations has purchased for 5,500,U00 francs the Hotel National, Quai Mount Blanc, Geneva.
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  • 23 8 The Marquess of Londonderry has sold Silksworth Colliery employing two thousand workers to the Lambton Hetton Collieries of which Lord Voicy is chairman.
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  • 25 8 The Standard South African Bank absorbed the African Banking Corporation, giving the former direct connection with the banking operations in the whole of that continent.
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  • 30 8 The Hankow Press reports that, on the occasion of the wedding of Chang Tsolin's son to Tsao Kun's daughter the President presented the happy couple with a gift of $2,000,000.
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  • 39 8 At the instance of Insp. Benge, Ng Chin Han was convicted in the third court this morning of driving car ***** without a licence, in South Bridge Road, yesterday, and fined $75, in default sentenced to three months' imprisonment.
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  • 38 8 At the Klang and Negri Scmbilan Agri-Horticultural exhibitions, held on the 18th and 25th instant, respectively, Rembia Rubber Estates, Ltd., Jelutong division, was successful in securing first prize and silver medal for ribbed smoked sheet on each occasion.
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  • 42 8 Linda Moors, the 3-year old daughter of the manager of the Russo-Asiatic Bank at Hankow, myseteriously disappeared on the night of September 16 on the steamer Woosung bound for Hankow, in the vicinity of Chinkiang. $2,000 reward is offered. Kidnapping is feared.
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  • 43 8 British yards will be asked to build seven cruisers of between 7,000 and 8,000 tons, out of the twelve cruisers for the Eight-eight Squadron, and Captain Miyazaki, of the Kure Admiralty, will proceed to England to supervise the building, reports the Japan Gazette.
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  • 49 8 Dr. Vandenbergrh who has returned to New York after a prolonged tour in Central Africa declares he discovered a new race of pygmies. They are, he says, but slightly removed from the apes. The adults average 4 feet in height and move with surprising agility in the tree branches.
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  • 54 8 The Hongkong Daily Press of September 21 states Mr. Duncan Blair McPherson, described as the advance agent of a circus, was charged at the magistracy, yesterday, with furnishing false particulars in his registration form. The case was remanded, as the police had received a cable from Singapore, necessitating the preference
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  • 57 8 Petroleum boring operations at East Calder, West Lothian, which have been proceeding for a considerable time, are reported as beinc exceedingly favourable, the bore having now got into strata which experts consider very satisfactory. Formerly the situation was viewed as very unlikely to give any yield but the present situation
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  • 70 8 At the Hongkong Criminal Sessions on September 21 Chan Sui Chuen, was indicted for embezzling $22,000, the property of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation by whom he was employed as a shroff. Fung Kwai Yung, a woman, was indicted for receiving $2,536, part of the money, knowing the same
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  • 69 8 It is announced that Captain Goto, who returned from Europe with Admiral Kato, has succeeded in perfecting his invention of a disappearing gun. The Captain, who s the Chief of the Ordnance Department of the Kure Naval Arsenal, was greatly interested in the disappearing gun used by Germany during the
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  • 67 8 Mr. Schwab, chairman of the Bethlehem Steel Co., announces that the company has perfected a two-cylinder marine Diesel engine which produces the same horse power as a four-cylinder engine twice its size, and effects a saving of two-thirds of the fuel expense as compared with a steam-driven, oil-fired vessel. It
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  • 116 8 The inquest into tJ>« death of a Sikh, Tanga Singh, who erpinti hospital on the 17th inst. from the effects of an assault made on him with an axe on iho night of July 23 last was continued in the Coroner's court this morning. The crime was reported to the
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  • 106 8 A round-the-world cruise is being planned at New York to promote the sale of American goods in foreign markets and the liner Von Steuben, formerly the German commerce raider Kronprinz Wilhclm, has been, purchased for $1,500,000 to be used for the enterprise. It is further reported that accommodations will be
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  • 389 8 Mr. I. T. Dobbic, fonaMrb »f Ipoh, ia now editing the Bunbury Herald, Wast Australia. A Reuter wire from Mew York, dated the 26th inst., reports the death <>f Mr Jacob H. SchitT, tho well-known banker. Mr. E. C. Million, of Messrs. Guthria and Co.'s Singapore house,
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  • 42 8 The outward B. I. packet Tara, with mails from Europe, is expected to reach Penang at daylight on Friday, the Ist proximo. The outward P. and O. packet Novara with mails from Europe, is cxi reach Penang on Monday nc-xt.
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  • 45 8 The resolution paaaed at v axtraordfnary general meeting In Id on thr> ]Oth instant to increase the capital of the Flo Hong Bank from $8,000,000 to 5J0.000.000 was duly confirmed at a confirmatory meeting of the bank held < n Monday.
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  • 59 8 Subject to the approval of the Hongkong Legislative Council the GoTOTBBMBt will meet the existing indebtedness of the University and will provide for a $1,000,090 endowment fund, besides increasing the yearly grant. The Government h contributions from other sources, especially endowments for professorships, similar to the Taikoo Chair
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  • 93 8 Readers are reminded of the Anvriian Tea in aid of G. F. S. funds, to be held on Wednesday, October 6, in the verandah of the Victoria Theatre, from 10.30 to 12.30 in the morning and 4 to 0 p.m. Lady Guillemard has kindly promise I to patronise
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  • 85 8 Mr. A. Edmonds, treasurer of the Neprri Sembilan committee of Raffles College, acknowledges the following subscriptions collected during August Sadoo Singh $25. Kala Singh $20 and $20, Kishen Singh $20, Pag Singh $15, Baksec Singh $10, Inder S.ngh and Delib Singh each $3, Mer Singh, San Singh, Chanan
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  • 176 8 A second edition of A Pract cal Guide to Coco-Nut Planting has just ban issucl by the Authors, Messrs. K. W. Munro and K. C. Brown. (London John Balo. Som and Danielsson 15/-*. This is tin' stand ard work, and one can hardly hope for any thins more
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 SMOKE CAPSTAN MAGNUMS CIGARETTES $1.10 pertinof M W.D. H.O. WILLS Bristol and London TSBSeo? X M AS TEH WJU FRIENDS AT HOME i W e are nur hockirg orders INDIAN ior the FINEST ASSAM TEA D el» v e*d t(> ™V i/ V)- f addteeß in Tte Un:ted Ku gdem
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    • 152 8 •ELECT SUBJECTS AND 810 FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Ik Cans* Km ft Co, Ud, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA Path* Serials BOUND AND GAGGED 10 Episodes Episodes No. 9 and 10 4 reels Pts. THE A.B.C. OF LOVE Pts. Featuring Mac Murray IPU. THE SIN OF INNOCENCE 2 Pts. (First Show)
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  • 692 9 President Obtains His Own Terms. j.uiuable to Anglo-French Relations. RrrTEB Tri.rnßAM» Paris September 25. Hie remarkable case and rapidity with which such a usually elaborate operation aa rrsV.npim: the cabinet was carried out in a few hours are eulogistically commented up -n by most papers which unanimously aj)'T'
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  • 183 9 Fi >l Rioting Resumed At Belfast. RXUTEB TELEGRAMB London, September 2<>. McSwiney has day and night hitherto had one relative or another keeping constant vigil at his bedside. It is reported that the author. ties have withdrawn the privilege and that McSwiney has been removed from the ward where
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  • 184 9 Wholesale Seizure of Precious Stones. Rintß Telegram London, September 26. The Observer disclus-.'s that the revelations of the Daily Herald Russian jewel transactions are an infinitesimal part of an enormous Russian plan to raise funds for worldwide propaganda by the systematic confiscation throughout Russia of all jewels. Kameneff
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  • 145 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 26. Washington The statistics committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States predicts good business for the remainder of the year, in spite of some disturbing factors in the outlook. It says buying in August was liberal but on a s.
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  • 41 9 RruTBB Telegram London, September 26. Tientsin The Chinese flag has been hoisted over the Russian municipal buildings and Chinese authorities have taken charge of the public documents, while Chinese police are carrying on the administration of the concession.
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  • 22 9 Aneta Service. Weltevreden, September 28. The Hague Fock will be appointed Governor-General of the Netherlands Indies within few days.
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  • 105 9 i Famous Lady Aviator Among: The Victims. Rxuteb Telegram London, September 2fi. In the aeroplune fatality near Harrow, when five were killed outright, ihj machimcrashed within five minutes of leaving North Holt aerodrome. There was a slight mist. The flight was a short trial spin preparatory to
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 120 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September 2y. Mr. George Penny will in Penang early in November on behalf of the directors of the Eastern Smelting Company. It is announced that Messrs. Barker and Co., Ltd., ceased to be managers of the Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., on
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  • 384 9 Syndicate to Develop Land Grants. The following is taken from the current issue of The Planter Our views as to how the sacrifices of ex-s.i-vice men can best be recognised and rewarded in material form by the Government, which has already admitted the moral cla-ms of
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  • 310 9 Following is the reporl !>y Urn directors of the Bukit K. B. Rubber Co., Ltd.,to the tenth annual gen ral rm Uu of the members, to be held at the Chartere:! Bank Chambers, Singp;"ire, on Monday, October 4 Gentlemen, your direct rs beg to submit
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  • 415 9 Delay Through Loss of Machine Parts. At the statutory meeting of Malayan Matches, Limited, a report of whi.l appeared in our issue o( March 3, it was stated that The majority of the machinery hi.s now arrived on ths ■Ita, th-» bclrince being in transit, and i_ contract
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  • 267 9 Estates which have Agreed To Recommendations. Messrs. Barker and Co., Ltd., write saying that with referance to the circular inviting adherence to a scheme for restriction of output the following telegram from the R.G.A., London has been received by the Secretaries of the R.P.A.M. Rubber Producers Association of
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  • 119 9 \Vl> raftraß'- to Gazette Notifications Koa, 1616 and '.517, published in Straits Settlements C;>rjtte No. 96 of September 10, it is r,- iifii i for the information of the mUc that the eTect of the notifications Eas follf.w? (a) Whereas the amount rice which any licensed retail
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  • 131 9 The P. and O. will shortly be receiving a new cargo steamer of about 8,200 tons dead-weight, the Alipore having been launched for the firm by Palmers' Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Jarrow-on-Tyne. She is a "B" standard ship and one of those taken over from
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  • 195 9 Defence Force Ordinance Suspended. Voluntary System to be Fully Tested. We are authorised by the Government to announce that His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, does not intend to exercise the power, given to him by section 1 of
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  • 1328 9 Full Text of (it^ernment's Communication. Following is the full text of the letter addressed to the X.M.S. press by tha acting Chief Secretary Sir, 1 should like <;n behalf of Government to convey tr. the public through the medium of your columns the followng on the important
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  • 573 9 Verdict of Death By Misadventure. A r.lut of death by misadventure, no blame attaching to the Singapore Harbour Board, was returned yesterday nt th» inquest held by the Coroner, Mr. I <; fcourne, regarding the tragedy < n tha Altenburg on the 20th in*.t., when Mr J Watt,
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  • 479 10 Progress of Work on Seletar Scheme. Early in the year, Mr. F. E. Marsh, acting water eaffineor, presented to the Municipal Commissioners a special report on the v.;.t. rwortu posit on in regard to ■n v nf the present sources of ■apply. This document has now been
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  • 308 10 I Opening o r Marine Board Of Inquiry. B :.rd inquiry was held at (in Au;ru<t :>1 into the grounding; i.f the- Suki Mara on r^cf on July 27. jitain Forrester), pr.Captain E. E. Pabell, licensed Torres 1 in evidence that ho Mara up the crast. On
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  • 88 10 the w:ir amomfj the mmttg Sikha who i were mm 6,000 Chris1 us transport clrii ilitanta, elenu an.l It i: stated that these bmb loyalty at oaee it— d» On one occasion, in Wen askc.l t(. siruv 1 ;li ir X.sty brown throath ml of vi. r ri
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    • 127 10 Johore Eyes Please To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The correspondence by Etu Baba of September 24 under the caption of Government Eyes Please will interest the Subordinate Officers of the Johore Gov•rnment as until now nothing definite is knnwn of the 10 per cent. 1919 arrears. It
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    • 1057 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, At a time when the doings of Mining Engineers or Mining Experts i:ausin^- such indignation and even dis.ress in Australia, and even beyond that oumry, it might be seasonable to speak, n a general way, of those who are
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  • 258 10 An Electrical Trap Leads To Trouble. The recent sensation at Larges Bay, near Adelaide, where a eh Id received injuries .rom an electrical trap, which had beer, jet in a garden to protect fruit trees from raapsssen, was revived in the Port Adelaide, Police Court when Richard M.
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  • 144 10 Marphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, September 29. Silver.— s9",. Hongkong «7'j. Shanghai :;7',. Three Month* Go! I. 45-.. Tin. Buyers IM.7S. No sellers. Rubber. Mcrket firmed up considerably wing to firmer advices from London October round sS'i, Oet.-Der. 02-63, Jan.Mr.r. buyers l_'nc.l:unne inyera 2.10,
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  • 389 10 In the present state of the Rubber Planting Industry, the question is sometimes asked whether the public are getting the benefit of cheap rubber. Actual. y ihe fact seems to be that the big manufacturers of rubber goods get most of the benefit of the cheapness
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  • 51 10 A Manila message, dated September 4, states The council of statD has decided to deport a.OOO Chinese who are alleged to have illegally en t red the province of Mindanao from Borneo, and to be engaged in opium smuggling. The labour organisations wiK protest against the admission of Chinese contract
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  • 797 10 M. P. A. A. Accept the Labour Report. A special general meeting of the memers of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural kssociation was held in the Penan"? :hamb-r of Commerce, on September 25, eports the Pinang Gazette. The Hon. Ir. W. Duncan preside 1, the others preent being
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  • 180 10 Mother and Son Fatally Shot. A London wire of September 18 says A terrible tragedy has occurred at Orange House near the hamlet of Culroynear Ayr which is the residence of Mr. Sterndale Momikin, formerly a tea planter in India who lived there with his wife, who
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  • 27 10 The Government invite any member of the public wishing to give evidence before the Tramways Commission, to communicate with the secretary, Tramways Commission, 18 Collyer Quay, Singapore.
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  • 670 10 Eest Report in the Company's History. The tenth ordinary general meeting of hareholders of th;_> Jurj Estates, Limited, iras held at 22, Kenfleld Street, Glasgow, n August 19, Mr. T. A. Gallic (chairman the company) presiding. In moving the adoption of the report ,nd accounts the Chairman said:
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  • 141 10 A Loonce Perret production with a quaint title, but one said to be delightfully entertaining. The A. B.C. of Love, in six parts, featuring sprightly, vivacious Mac" Miirr:..-, will be presented at the Alhambra, to-night in addition to the ninth and tenth, or finsl, episodes of the Path'
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  • 187 10 Messrs. Jar.line, Matheson and Co., Ltd., General Managers of the Indo-Ch'na Steam Navigation Co. state that after taking into account the payment of interim dividends made in April last, also the sum of £10,048 Bs'.<3d. brought forward from 1918, and after providing for depreciation and all
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  • 87 10 Owing to the fact that their demand for the d smissal of the dean and the proctor was not complied with, the students of the China National Institute at Woosung went on strike a few days ago. The strike has now taken a more serious turn and ten students have
    87 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 303 10 Some excellent tennis was rcen yesterday in the A Doubles match b-tweca Sinclair and Hill and Utermark an;! Tyler. The latter pair had the advantage of the landicap, but as it happened could have !one without it. In the first set Tyler ami ;irk w re leading
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    • 254 10 Th« winner of tlie ladies' medal at the Harrison Golf Club on the 14th inst. will receive a prize presented by Mr. L. R_ Macphail on his departure from Singapore. The links will be closed to ladies on the 9th and 10th inst. at the Keppel Golf Club was
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    • 31 10 The natch for the club cup on Saturday ended in each side scoring two goals. ia consequence another chukka will be played on Saturday next at 4.45 p.m.
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    • 127 10 The American lawn tennis team whi-h is X"ing to Australia to challenge f r th:-. Davis Cvp Tilden, Jehnson, Garland and Williams— ir> leavng Vancouver for Hongkong about October 21 en route for the Antipodes. We understand that a movement is on loot *o invite
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  • 83 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week coding Saturday, October 2, 1920 Saturday, Octobet 2. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier R»nf*. 2.30 p.m. (3d.) E. SMITH, Umci. As. Adjutant. B.V.C SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending October 3 Wednesday, September 29. Signalling Class, 5.15
    83 words

  • 2378 11 Particulars of the Verdun Estate. Am rximiinlinjiry Mineral meeting of the shareholders of tha SemanEjtol Rubber Company, l.imiU'd, was hx'ld in thr rrpistiicd MMM of tin- Company. 9, Union S'r.ct. IVnsnpr, on September 2l\ reports tin- I'mani; Cazcttc. Mr. P. A. M. Brown pr -xiili-il, Hnd thi
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL MODELS OF THE FAMOUS GIBSON MANDOLINE You who have been wanting a better irstrument call and inspect these n'.w We have a so j»i.-t received a consignment of STETIBr MUSIC S, IVIOUTDIE CO., LTD. (Incsrpoiated ia Hoagkoag) RAFFLBS PLACB, 3INOAPOHB WOOD PBESEBVATIVE PROOF AGAIN* WHITE ANT*
      192 words
    • 202 11 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basah Road ADELPHI HOTEt ■VBBT BVBNING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA FLATS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED. I D. TJICBDEMA. Msnacins Director. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL PENANG-(Sea-slde) Every Wednesday and Saturday MUSICAL SELECTIONS DURING O'NKER Single (per ray) $6 50t0f12 Oouble (pr.r day) $1 2.50 to S2O B R.
      202 words

  • 640 12 One to Every Nine Persons In United Stales. The backwnrdness ami iiicfnVic-nry of the British telephone service are known only to those who have visited the United States. Things in this country are not so bad as they used to be. Still, th? superiority of the United
    640 words
  • 314 12 The Mishap to Lieuts. Parer And Mclntosh. A Melbourne message, dated Aug-ust 29, says Lieutenants Parcr and Mclntosh made a forced landing at C'ulcairn (N'.S.W.) about 6 o'clock lam evening, and their machine was wrecked. They were on their way from Bathurst to Albury, when their magneto
    314 words
  • 28 12 The historic assembly rooms at Bath, immortalised by Dickens in Pickwick," are to be converted to a cinema. During the war they were used as an aeroplane factory.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1006 12 CHOPS YONG HONG, YONG NG1AP AND YONG NGIAP YEE KEE NOTICE ii hereby given that the partner ahip heretofore subsisting between us th« undersigned LOW KOON YEE. LOW PENG HONG, LOW PENG YAM »nd LOW PEN KIA. nil of No. 03, Boat Quay, Singapore. and Swatow in the Republic of
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      147 words
    • 143 12 §HAIUS§_ Pineapple Brand SIN6IPORE GOLD STORAGE tONFaiiV, UMITcD. CHOP PIA HIN DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JPWBI.I BKB. No m. North Brio's* K >*• •laiaver*. ALWAYS IN STOCt Artlett* Cklaeee an* European Jewellery of varfoas descriptions •»< tfce latest fashion. lannislds, lawkirea, Babies, Opals aad other precious stooee, also laeee Dla> SBaadi
      143 words

  • 462 13 Cfaatisoge to Britain's Supremacy Oo Tbe Sea. AtaM Benson, president of tbo Uoiitd Shipping Board, has appio cd liiu •iraojjenieot between tbo old Oermtt Hamburg Acnerio* Line and the Amtrioin Sbip and Commerce Corporation, wfcertby ail the trade tootea, d:ck«, and other facilititt of tbe former
    462 words
  • 679 13 Tbe Discovery of Oil on Tbe Propmy Tbn (totutcry tcntiug of fb»i^ho!J- is o' the Bitibg Robl>- > Estates, > im:;eJ, w&obelc rr. A fed-l If Wi. ch> stet, O.i Broar Sweet, B 0., M<. William B.aalcrt ObftM, iv tit ah-tiict i f Mr J a.
    679 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 187 13 WHITEAWAY'S NEW BHSPMBN'a 1 Waterproofs JUST AFRIYSD THE AERHMIC •^k/!K FEATHER WE BHT W»TERP»ijeF Mf*^ Ur^Zt Tf s«» v ard irlrsl c->%\ fit ti-.r-ic»l j^Sirli /"^/-*5M^ we«r, and a most <tt i ive rsin rcsUter, I y^GKf**^^^^ mode from as Ik fltiah.4 Übiii, liatd l^ vnlc»r. -ivi rabb r, pnLeMj
      187 words
    • 201 13 JI'ST ARRIVED \^J GOGGLES %«a|}* SUNGLASSES miil .ill Mik-hl*. M. EZEKIEL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OPTICIANS, O, High Street, Europe Hotel Buildings. FRENCH Vittel (Table) WATER Le Cheyaller Brandy Sanlnier Cognac 10 A 20 yean Sanlnier Fine Champagne Brandy Liquor Coming PERRY &TwiDDUP SINGAPORE Phone II) 0 A GAIN TO JOKORE
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    • 36 13 M, Michelin Tyres 80 by 3Vfc Plain or Universal non-skid in Stock. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING CO WINDOW GLASS ACETIC AGIO RUBBER f UPS COAGULATING PANS HAVE JUST ARRIVED OTOftiUftE ISO., LTD, llsoci;euted ix J:;i»)
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 843 14 am it iwnwi AUaiON SALE Th» undersigned have been instructed U ••(1 by public auction at their »aleroom, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Momlay. October 4. 1»2», at IM p.m. All that piece of land estimated to contais „f 1,800 square feet together witt the hou.c erected thereon, and known ai
      843 words
    • 633 14 MLB IT AUCTION AUCTION SALE of excellent te«k household furniture of every description, two >4 sire billiard tables two »ets of antique Canton blackwood sitting room suites (complete) rattan chairs and tables, etc., at Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s sale-room, No. 30, Kling Street, ob Friday, October J, «t 10.JI
      633 words
    • 513 14 AjmU iTM lljtt.tft aVtl. Assaranc* force over 115,000, 00« THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. Ihnatpe rated la ftraiu Bettl*a*ate) ariA« sr ncs I VtaaMaMl VMwa, at-fr— LONDON OFFICB It. UM Jewry, »0. Th* Oeapaay aa« ataVsal MMH with IM Mmv t*Bri BatUai «■< eeapll** with th* British Life
      513 words
    • 375 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECII BANK LIMITED (Incorporated ia Japaa) Capital Subscribe* 1 w Tloe,H»,»« Capital Paid Up Y100.000.000 Reserve Fund V 60,000,000 President, N. lajiwara, Isq. Vice President, 8. Su.okl. Ea«. DIBECTOBS t B. lehinomJya, Esq. Morimura, Is* LKodaaa Esq. M. Mttsul, Eaq. T." YomakaTa, E.g. M. Odafiri. E*q. Baron
      375 words
    • 565 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESS j BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in th* Strait* Settlement*' Head Cfflc* I ■INOAPOBE. .iLCNG OTBEIT UM Branch t riNA.NO. Ji. BEACH aTBKn Agtacles CPOH AM) DEU Capital Authorised HB,*oMwi issue* .< io.aoe.»#i Paid-np M»J« Beserve Liability el Shareholders tMM* Hoard ef Director* f Th* Hon. Or. Llm Booa
      565 words
    • 592 14 B^WKIWQ BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE Authorized Capital Krs. 2 10.000.000 Subscribed Cu|)ftal Fra. l >o,000,no» PaiJ-up Capital PH. 75.U00.00u 1 .1 of Us* Capital subscrilind by the GoviTni.itnt uf the Chinese Uepublic). Chairman of the Hoard of Directors Amlru Uerthelot Gcncnil Manager A. I. I'ernotte HEAD OKlkl. 74, Hue Saint
      592 words

  • 1077 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The First Motor, The acquisition by the Glasgow Corporation, for exhibition in its Kelvingrwe Museum and Art Galleries, of a replica of the model of an engine that was the very first actually successful attempt to propel a carriage by any
    1,077 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 357 15 MCVKKI.KKK" HAKMOMZES WITH BEAITIFL'L LINES A Mote \--r lookl bottac than its hood. In these days of advanced iimt niof, the liootl is fashi 'l)' .1 to harmonize with body lines, and is mil- of tl moat conspicuous featur.s vi the car. If the hood be shabby, faded or MtttaSi
      357 words
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    • 64 15 f I DUNLOPS v V\ THE TYRE THAT MADE /£i> Vf^S^VV.. MOTORINT, POSSIBLE. The Dunlop Robber Co. (»re*st) (laootporated la Japaaj 49/48 BOBINBON ROAD. t Phone 1436 I&ETBT CARS ON HIRE ALEC MOTOR OARAHfE a 18, O-O«-«-H Po»d LORRIES At Prices that Defy Competiton FIAT TBS "*l£y !i* C"- &avfc
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 506 16 36AK KIAT CO LIMITED (Incorporated In S:raits Settlements) M, Philip Street SINGAPORE ■r* Shipments Ju»t arrived of BUNTINGS. Assorted Colour* IRON FOUNDRY KIDDLES (JO In. by H in. to in. Meih) BUROPE MARINE GLUE Black and White SPONGE CLOTHS, AND SI.EIMiB HAMMERS TRIANGULAR SHIP DECK SCRAPERS BOILER ZINC SLABS BALL
      506 words
    • 604 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" BBADT ROOFING la Bella c— talnli SM Is I PIT. Uaaful for roofing lift* KruWN, Imna buildings, ate, mai a* rpaaUi llniag medium. I PIT. A medium quality F»«v»K*i, Bungalows, etc. t PLY. Strongly raeommandad In laanaaad strangta and afflcianey la *x»«m4 *4t»ations. Obtainable at GUAN KIAT CO
      604 words
    • 930 16 JIASSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS n» rUTini than* Wm*. »»r lale, Te Let, etc, la erdi.itj ctoM-M* trr* (average six wend* te lisa) an Per line one insertion J8 eta., two Ins. 4ii tare* Ix*. «4 «ts, four ia*. U cts, I?* in*. $1.00, *lx in*. 91.13. tea ins. $1.40, tw«lve las. flJg,
      930 words
    • 971 16 MOTOR VEHICLES WANTED, one motor truck of 1 or 1U ton capacity. State price and particulars, to P. H. Lee. 40, Newton Road. FOR SALE, one braifd new Austin fiveteater touring ear, immediate delivery. What offers T Apply Austin. Straits Times. FOR SALE, one fire-seater Stoneleigh motor car, wire wheels
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    • 793 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M Nathan Co.. 4. D« Socsa Btr»ft OFFICES TO LET, at No. 1, Robinson Road. Apply Singapore Estate Supplies and Agency Co. OFFICE TO LET, on long lease, k.*;u*r Place, rent moderate. Apply Weare 4 Co.. Ltd- 8. Raffle* Place.
      793 words
    • 192 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits SeUl»m»a-s 111 to H*. ORCHARD KOAIi LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS MOTOR CARS° AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction Guarantees' Large stocks of LUCAS HORNS AND LAMPS arriving shortly Phonel233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malaya WE HOLD
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 304 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General sManager* Office m? Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editoriti matters and news should be address**) to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matter* advertisement*, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Want*, For Sale,
      304 words