The Straits Times, 25 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,445 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 177 1 Bean Brand Milk The Household Words for QUALITY purity £h!l r|chkess JjBEAR" BRAND! 1 fl y GIENICSWISSMIM The Dtme of tbit m>lk nmMli g'»nJf )o' qcuOity, paiit; ud lisbnen tht k ii aasaiiMMsd. Tbe p rkot Koaiily it cifen resdeii it moat T»'n>l le fcr mMßtkinißg the betlta oC f-iJen.s
      177 words
    • 159 1 ROBINSON CO LTD. (iMOfpwafed ia tba StrUti Bettlemeßti) Bole Xtfenta Top 1920 Model Lightweight Motor Cycle TOURING MODEL (XHJLUST R: LEASE THE PERFECT BIRVICE V p. W*FIIBY G«E*3E ANO MOTOR CYCIE RBr| CARRIED AfAY XHE ARISTOCRAT OP TMB ROAD Cotaplete with LeeM Ump ttd bcro. Piiee $8 1 0 nett.
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    • 1 1 BTF.RILUBD
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  • 1055 2 Annual General Meeting At Penang. The tenth annual general meeting of tin- shareholders of The Kedah Rubber Company, Ltd., was held in the I'enanu Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, says the Straits Fcho, there being present Mr. L E. Slowe (chairman), Dr. C. F. Nirholus, Mr. I'HiKravi' Simpson,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 A f Wp\ val F e S lemons, not only in W the I Country, but throughout Q V-rj m John Noble*. J -yf! W hernia «ond lo dxy for ihe won <f\\ '^nJVN. V") rs ''c fu i \WjXg t Ij Q I W 1 1 H W the
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    • 468 2 rf%>\Jt 0 1 i° i Use Cuticura lo Keep jYcnr Hair From Fdiing I low many limes liav-c b irl>f;rs frfsjM iliis advice to din who arc Msiss] their hair because of dandruff ..;i'i iirilati. i. At ni:,'iit rob Cud Mntmcßt into the scalp. Ni ::1 •ing shampu-j with Ciiticur.-.
      468 words
    • 275 2 rrrjEdjAyHl BBBBBWsiO('*'^^*vT^^SSßßhr S| S^ T Lipton's Tea "T*HE flavour, the delicate aroma an-1 the fragTaacr- of its lea(, can oevrr l« t-quallt-ti hy auy other Ordinary tea. Liptoo'e T«si is Ui« pick oj the VV«rl<i s Fioesl Tea (jardcos and. is packed by tbe most mtxiero scientific methodi that preserves
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  • 838 3 Question of Cong-siion In The Spriog. A Simla P.i ss eomttotlqc* saj« U Ja.e last Iho Oc v lament ot Icdia eontoiteo Uc*l guvnoni it oa tbe trtjeol of tte hoir»»»ii) pacpcrgPT Irsffic tn tbe ■(Hag ocut jeat. The S. cittaty cl Bu;e bao p e-icng'y been ttktd
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  • 283 3 Girl's Unlucky Mibhap Four Miles From Deal. Bat tot an aolc.k* mishap MUs IsjHt Biila, ILe Folkestone swinian i, woold h*rt •.aaeeeded ia bei *;u ra^s to ocbr the Ctao aclcn Li-.t watctcjLle. A t tit w«f mt^el'ta C»l. ih Harbour ILtt tun ii'K -As q >»i*t.
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  • 15 3 1 He i*)--' v lublt 10 pc. to S i.m."— K.nienoe at lL; TfcislM Ccull.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 442 3 i OXSY DPE3SIKG I Jjrtl| YOA HOT CLIMATES 1 /fS ggjkl Clcrr.'ts Rcfrubr, Sola, //JfC_/>K Strtßjlauu This ani Weak Hair, |C""^ uU pr:icct% Thick, Ltixiriatt, I \^*^^v CLEAa AS CLVSTAL '•*>;s& COf-TAINS NO DYr., CIL OR GBEASB. X'^^^^T tEUCffTrUMY CGOKRG. RCF3ESHIKQ, PIVIC&BATiRQ* > TO TC£ bCALP. »> -^1 30
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    • 459 3 Our b'ood is composed of g led and white corpusoies E the red to nourish the body, t. Ihr white to fight disease. In V Anaemia, or blood) essness I the red corpuscles are roor? g or l»s* deficimt. Thus the S blew, d cannot proTiJr suffi- G rient nouris'irseDt
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    • 317 3 THE CHINESE OOKMaOKtAL DIRECTORY Always mak>' t»od oi tc-st campaiirns. I That is, why tH.-ir Colaans uro so wrll pationi'ed by national advertisers. It carries men 1 I advertlaaments thnn nny other aapaf in a rasswetlva district. Th:-' i> thi B UIISJSI 'nisi-. ness man can Bar* as I i
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    • 367 3 To Heads of stoaattJMSrtl ami T>pi.«i» TIME IS MONEY Therefore 1 PsMSMBBtk Spcrd Prevent Ineraa a tbs Haka wort a pies irisoo foi tlio c."\ Add to tb* Ufa S:ivl- Mall Baswoaiba for i 1 s ARE THKV vTOBTH Tills TO V(»l T A t obbli !i- Set FegatßM will,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 763 4 STEAMER SAIUmS P. O." British India Apcai* Line (Companies Incorporated In England) MAIL AND PASSENGER BERYIOH PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with HU Majesty's Government) The CuaiiWa MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at kmm( LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LOKDOB P.. Singapore L~" Sl»o».r.
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    • 582 4 STEAMER SAlLimi PRINCE LINE LIMITEB (Ineorporat*<* la England) FAR EAST BERVICR FOR NEW TORE CELTIC PRINCE (via Puut) ■boot and *i 0«t For »11 information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Afrats. THE BEN URE STEAKS! LIMITED (Incorporated 1b tha Uallad EJagd«a) far CklM aad Jaa*a BENVENUE
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    • 280 4 STEAK* SAIUKU THE EASTER! SNIPPHW COKTAMTi Uim (lMM»Mfllt4 U MnHi IaMMMM TO* M»e takle U Mk)Ml M a— lastls •t»a»«t hrttu mMn. Hmb« tatllaa inn M.»p— t PERAK— Brary Tuesday, at 1 P-", Port 3w«tt«nh»m and Penar.f JIN HO Every Snnday, at 4 Ht Malacca ant 1 Port Bwe.tUnham. rro.
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    • 400 4 STEMU MUMS 0. S. K. TH> OSAKA SHOSHBN KA»KA LTB. (Ineorporatad la Japaa) Na. I. D« hia Itma. FnfHW 8jJ1!«« (MM MmM ( v «h.n«» vitfcaat EUROPEAN UNB r»r Part Bali. MaraallUa, Unit*. Aat»at» Roturaaja aad Baston Daa •>»*» ATLAS MABU <>•*. I omit e*llin f a« Marwlllti) ARO'V aTABU
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    • 399 4 CTIUJIi WUMU NIPPON YU3IB KAISHA fU*e*»«ra*»e ft J»»«3j •mMi HaC C.a«ra« IW afi*<»K imini tmmmti ■*aje«4 M rifeMMM aAW*. NVKOr» SAH HOTS nuwmmmr Wt LMn, a\a*w*r> <*a >:«••*♦*«» KM$ Mak law, rwbMial ttwMVKX. YOKOHAMA MARU Sept. KUMANO MARU Oct. 1 TAMBA MARU Oct. urwunta saa Mf Ur— ill *M FilMk
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 856 5 STEAMER SAILINGS FOR PENANC \NI> CALCUTTA The I. C. S. N. Co> 5.!.. Kumsang, 3,236 totM 'ea-e.-. 4 p.m.. on Monday. September 27. She has splendid accommodation for pas-ieitr-rn. l'.r fi;rthor information appjy BOUSTKAD 4 CO., A K enn. IFOK (OUPIBO. |><»XT lAD ANO mm:si:ii.i ks RfBJBCT The Mail stenMer
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    • 464 5 STEAMER SAILINGS f.I.EN LINE LIMITED JLENSANDA tailing about Sept. 2S for London GLENARIFFK tailing about Oct. 2 for Genoa and London ILKNAVV sailing about Oct. 12 for London There are a few first-class berths for pusengert available by the above sailing, r'ljr 'urtber particulars, npply to BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents
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    • 303 5 FOR SALE NEW SKVK.V -SKATER HUPMOBILE S2.OCC At proof of the quality of our Carbon papers of English Manufacture, we have made 6 copiaa of the above attraction, and believe im, the atatt copy i> quit* M distinct as the first. Per bos of 100 sherU $6 Come and see
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    • 805 5 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OP MOSES C ATI HICK MOSES, DECEASED. Pursuant to the Trustee Ordinance, 19U Section 26. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors or other persons having any claim.'* or demands upon or against the estate of Moses Catchick Moses, deceased, late of No. It, Koek Road,
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    • 868 5 CHOPS YONG HONG, YONG NGIAP AND YONG NGIAP YEE KEE NOTICE ia hereby Riven thnt Urn partnership heretofore subsisting l«".wn uj th» undersign-d LOW KOON YKF. LOW PF.NG HONG, LOW PENii YAM and LOW I'Kff KIA. all of No. 53, Ba and Swatow in the TVpiMii- at i, M.rchants. in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 712 6 CWEMAS alhambTfT/T 1- n m hursdny, Sc^lembfr 7 net&ay, B<j<tembir 26 J I ROEEHIB N-OjLB BDPBR'OK PICTURB Fi a Fi-v uiite r< tbe Amerioaa Lcrten aid Mage B. B WARNER in a Sorotn A J apl»Uan of Biet Ha»te'« ifamona Stoty MA" DJA A stotj fu'i ot red
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    • 383 6 CINEMAS ING Mjprit ju rod POUR Mia<4TSJ ODLY To-nlght and ut til Sunday, B«ptomba« aa to S 6 'O P. M. Miss 1010 and Mr. Nick Kaiinini will appear in tboir Aronad tbe-WorlJ voupe, in c'^'ni) ba'lft daaoee, aotobatio iea'n, itteraationaS danoiQK, e*o. Sopplemeotod by pietons ia the Brat thow
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    • 269 6 Motoring De Luxe Messrs DIM! and 6EWBF, ltd. 8, Orchard S oad 'ANNOUVCB THfi ARRIVAL PE*{ MATxRAW O^ FIRST aINt/MBNT OF THE AUSTRALIAN SIX THE CAR THAT ?O* DKINITV, C<!MFORT and GRACEFULNESS, COMBINED wjh STRENOTrt, cannot Be mirpas^ed by any manufacturer in me W.PLD MONSOH CO.. LIMITED SINGAPORE Aaaoancc the
      269 words

  • 144 7 niTIRKS. Saturd>, September 25. High V, i,i,v. 1-.15 a.m., 8.4S p.m. X, Bftol Ootf Club Meeting, 6.30 p.m. Sunday. September 26. liiph Wki.r, y.42 a.m., 9.28 p.m. St-iitt-mber 27. Higa Water, Ij.r a.m., 10.9 p.m. 1-.A..M. M.'iting, Johorc Hahru, 10.30 a.m Monthly Meetlac Y.W.C.A., 6.30 p.m. SJLD.C
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  • 111 7 I tS9ELi< U TUE bOCJU Bast mkssf Basin Den S.mud. tjist Wharf Schouten, Machew. Vaajta, H Kjni"ang. r \i tan, Albert and Victoria Dr> Deri bfela. Maia i Crown, Intan, Africa. Idomei Kuala. KMpire <>" k Tsoru Mara. Goastal Church. Titian Mm 1 dot Maru, Antilochus, Daroro. We»l
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  • 12 7 Irit.. T.h''.> ton-, fr^ia Shanghai hi Lhn rpool M I.
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  • 249 7 fo-tflj Malacca, iVr; Sweltenham A Ponang 3 pm M'"fnn ..9 p in. Colombo and liombay 3 p.m 1 Bassbo, DjcLoes, Blinjoe ai.d BiUiton t p.m. i sad llnndjermstin 4 p.m. P. Sambu, Anamba, N'atuna Island nn<! 4 p.m. I Hoaskaag 4 p.m. Culombn. Port Suid and New
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  • 32 7 <ORiciul Post t Office Koport) -«ft S'po™ August S AucuM 6 A t 12 August 1« 23 Arrived Londoo September 4 <![.•• mbcr 4 September V September 14 Scptcmbrr 21
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  • 176 7 I'eoph- in your island who are expecting frirmis oat for tho winter months may tir.d tlaHßaalvca disappi'intod, writes the London i orrt'spondi-nt of the Times of i-.vlcn. Dtiriac the autumn, and lator, then will be iuperrieicß of the passenger lists to the Bui in order that
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  • 126 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 23. On Lond n, Bank 4 m/i S/41/K Demand 1»/" I'rivate 3 m. 3 credits 2/4 26/32 On New York Demand 39 Vi Private 90 days <& H On France Bank 576 On Indir, Bank T.T. 121 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 90 p.c. pm.
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  • 56 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe doting Prices Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cloiing Price* Spot Sept. Oct. Oct.-Dec. Jan. -Mar. Buyen Sellers Spot September October October/December January/March Tone of Market Steady. Buyen SelWa .54 55 55 56 56 57 ..58 59 ..63 64 DAILY PRICES
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    • 205 7 If*. Val. Pd. Buyen Sollert. 10 10 Ampang 12.00 I 1 AyerWeng 1.10 1.25 £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.5.0 2.15.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 5.50 6.50 £1 £lKintaTin 2.7.«n0m 1 Hitam Tin 2.60 2.80 1 1 Jclantoh 1.40 1.60 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 7.50 8.00 3 Lingui Tin 5.25
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    • 119 7 V'al. Pd. Buyet*. Sellert. Cl £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.10.0 8.17.6 II £1 E. Smelting Co. 9.50 10.50 j/-5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 10 10 Fraser and Neave 56.00 c.r. 30 50 \V. Hammer and Co. 100 100 100 Katz Broa. 130.00 160.00 a n Mexican Eagle 10 10
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    • 87 7 J. Eng. 8 p. e. $1 ,284,100 »ai P« I'pore Electric Tramwayi 6 p.c. £860,006 m i'pore Municipal 5 P« $1,878,000 P»I !'pore Mud. 4% F-« of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p c. 10p«.dif I'pore Man. 4% pA of 1909 $1,600,600.. 16 p«. 10 p.c. dit I'por* Mus. 4H Mof
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    • 433 7 Fraacr and Co. and I jail and Evatti QaoUtloaw. (Latent available Merlin* QaotaUoaa re printed em aaotaer aaga TrUur. To-dmy'i Prices Fraser Lyaii A ft Co. Evatt Allenby (»1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 OJO Alor Gajah ($1) 3.30 3.50 3.00 3.50 Am. Malay 3.75 4.25 4.00 4.50 tyerHit&mCtt) 83.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 925 7 LATEST AD V iSKTiSE MENTS FOR SALE, one electric lighting plant, (Uni-lcctric), new last year. Apply HI, Strait Tune*. FOB SALS, one A.B.C. Bth and one Western Uniea Code books, second-hand. Apply U, The Arcade. BOOK-KEEPER. This position has now been I, lied. Applicants are thanked. Green I bad Cement
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    • 66 7 Michelin Tyres 80 by 8 2 Plain or Universal non-skid in Stock. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING CO. THE OUTWARD BOUND SPANISH MAIL DANCING STEAMER U«I1VII1« C (~> A7DI Select Evening Claseea MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS is due here on September 30, and will have prompt despatch for Manila. Private tuition
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  • 21 8 To the Imperishable Memory of the Lads of th.- loth (Scottish) Division, who fell at Loos, September 25, 1915.
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  • 1167 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. REDUCED OUTPUT. The Rubber Producers' Association, which does for the local companies what the Rubber Growers' Association does for the Sterling Companies, has issued a strong recommendation to its members to adopt alternate dry tapping on one fifth of the area at present being
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  • 36 8 At a committee meeting of the Central Perak Planters' Association, held on September IS, the following resolution was passed That the committee of the Cen'ral I'erak Planters' Association recomOsMsda the cessation of all work on Sunilays."
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  • 38 8 Lloyd's Lisbon correspondent reports that the Orient 10,700 ton liner Koaniffin Luise from Louden for Brisbane collided with the steamer Loaghboroufn off tiv I'a^us in a dense fog. The Loughborough mSgtd The Koeni^in Luise has arrived at Gibraltar.
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  • 61 8 Mr. A. M. T. James, who has just severed his connect.on with the Eastern Smelting Company, says the Straits Echo. has arrived from Taiping to join the staff of Messrs. Lean and Co. Mr. James saw four years' service in France and Palestine and was demob. lised in November, 1919,
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  • 10 8 The Negri Sembilan Agri-Horticultural Show takes place at Seremban to-day.
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  • 22 8 Large numbers of Javanese labourers have recently arrived in Southern Johore. says an exchange, and are at work on rubber estates there.
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  • 24 8 Contrary to a notice published yester day, there will be evensong and ser mon at St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines, to morrow at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 27 8 The hearing of the last case on the Assizes list, a charge of bigamy against S. R. J. Devandra, was continued yesterday afternoon and adjourned until Monday.
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  • 29 8 Police Insp. T. A. Randell, Singapore, is authorised to file a specification of an invention for light. ng up number plates on motor cars, motor lorries, motor cycles, etc.
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  • 31 8 Mrs. Lilian Russell of Rockland, Massachusets, has offered to sell her husband in a lottery, or at an auction, in order to provide the necessities of life for their seven children.
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  • 40 8 The friends and members of the Methodist Tamil Church are requested to be at the Short Street Girls' School to-day at 4 p.m. to wish Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Little bon voyage home. A group photo will be taken.
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  • 31 8 Intending travellers from Madras to the Straits Settlements via Burma have been warned by the Burma Government that they must obtain the necessary passports in Madras presidency before proceeding to Rangoon.
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  • 38 8 A letter box has been erected at the Siglap Police Station. Correspondence will be cleared from it at 9.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily, excepting Sundays. The last clearance on public holidays will be made at 9.30 a.m.
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  • 42 8 The Bangkok Times reports that a late incumbent of Christ Church has gone to the F. M. S. to plant rubber. May his seed bring forth a hundredfold" will be the heartfelt prayer of shareholders in the estate, comments the Siam Observer.
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  • 41 8 Messrs. Kennedy and Co. announce that they are adv.sed by the secretaries of Padang Jawa Rubber Estate, Ltd., that the directors have recommended a final dividend of 10 per cent, making 20 per cent, for the year ended March 31, 1920.
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  • 40 8 The Governor has nominated the following ladies to be, for 1920, members of the committee of ladies constituted under the Women and Girls Protection Ordinance, 1914 Mrs. Hannigan, Mrs. Gregory Jones, Mrs. Parry Okeden, Mrs. Salmond and Mrs. D. Saunders.
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  • 41 8 The following companies have been granted licences to deal in metal or metallic ores throughout the Colony under the Non-Kerrous Metal Industry Ordinance, 1918 Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd., Macphail and Company, Ltd. and Bruce Michie and Company, Ltd., all of Singapore.
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  • 62 8 The fact that railway connection lias now been established between Bangkok -nd Singapore, via Penany. says the British Export Gazette, has accelerated development to a remarkable extent, while the anticipated completion of tinNorthern Railway to Ch.enjjmi during the present year and another imminent extension to Um French lndo-China frontlar, will
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  • 93 8 Mr. H. B. Crocker and Capt. W. R. B. Gilford left by the Adeh on the 13th. We wish then and the resi of their party every success on their expediti n into the interior of Borneo. We do not expivt to receive any new; from them for some time
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  • 81 8 At the September meeting of the Kuala Lumpur, Sanitary Board, Mr. Khoo Keng Hoo. asked for information as to progress of the proposed m.tor bus scheme for Kuala Lumpur. The chairman replied that the Resident was in favour of the scheme being left to private enterprise, but if the Board
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  • 114 8 It is understood that the armoured cruiser Minotaur has been sold out of the Navy. She spent the greater part of her commissioned career on the China Station. She is no stranger to Singapore. She is one of three sisters, built at Devonport in 1905, the others being the ill-fated
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  • 153 8 The Bishop of Singapore, in a letter to! thi- Times, dofends the Mrsupotamian authorities' action with regard to British women at Kurind. He points out that Kerind is a betUr place fur their .safety than els. win-re in Mesopotamia, both for cl.matic reasuns and owinj; to the fact that the
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  • 313 8 Mr. S. N. Kin- is to be a Pol c trate and assistant lii-trict Judge for Penang. Mr. Justice Wats m is proceeding to Kunntan in the Sea Bella to tho Aaajaaa there which be ;iu on Od The leave of ab* d to the Hon.
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  • 45 8 Mr. P. A. B. HeKerroa is to act a* assistant Superintendent, Government li s. Singapore Mr. W. N ton is to act as Survi jror-G Ships, Straits Settlements and Mr. F. G. Bourne is to act as Coroner for the Settlement of Singapore.
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  • 129 8 The following may int ■:•■<•>' m me- of your readers, says Prol Gazette: A small motor was s: i.t to Singapore for repairs. Th." firm I wa Marl adrised me that th. that dasi volunteered to han-i the i aehio to another firm. It «;:s accordingly liiiiied
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  • 184 8 In connection with the production ot Passers-by by the S.A.I >. Committee week, certain traffic arrangement! at the Theatre have been made ed to benefit both audience and performers. The theatre gates will b D.lo and no motor*, will be allowed inside the porch aft-r that hour. The andi
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  • 214 8 The Japanese training squadron which had been visiting S.ngapore since Sunday left early this morning to continue ii» milt, Yesterday afternoon ViceAdmiral Kajishiro Fonakoahi and the captains and officers of the aqaadroa w ra At Home on board the Asania, and v large number of visitors from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 199 8 HIUCT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRL3 <Taa Cfcaag Ke« Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA Path* Serials BOUND AND GAGGED 10 Episodes Episodes No. 7 and 8-4 reels S Pts. THE GRAY WOLF'S GHOST 6 I'm. Featuring 11. B. Winner Twu-reel drama and Comedies. (First Show) HPiALLADIUM 8
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  • 490 9 Mr «f the Trans; rt Workers. Proposes Postponing Strike. Reittr Trt.F.r;R\MS j..ii i .ii. lapeaaaVai 22. Tin r iful iQfl'ag »f thu tilple alHaari stten led by about 500 d'-iejrntos met in Ijondi-n 1" lay to discuss the threatenc I coal rtrika and late in Urn afternoon
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  • 191 9 Reuter Telecrams London, September 22. A telegram from Chicago says that a negro with a razor practically cut off the head of a white man, leaving him dead. A race riot ensued and the crowd chasod Hire- blacks into a Catholic church. Two hid in confessional boxes
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 350 9 More Heavy Fighting And Massacres. Reuter Telegrams Load r.. BapaanaW 2?. A telegram from Ki-a. i.a'.ed Hat shows that the Polish-Russian peace conference I Th- 1 powers aie duly verified and Polish circles are disposed to believe that the Soviet is now in earnest as regards peace.
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 112 9 Reuter Telecram London, September 22. In a letter to tin Coalition candidate at the IlfoH by-election, Mr. Lloyd George BMBaantaa the substantial benefits which British democracy has won in the past twer.t;. years by constitutional means in a land than which there is no freer under the BOS. He
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 60 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 22. Paris French foreign trade statistics for the first eight months of 1920 show imports of 24.5G1, 000,000 francs, an increase of 2,818,000,000 compared th? corresponding period of 1919, but imports of raw materials essential to French industries are responsible for eleven milliards
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  • 60 9 Reiter Telegkam London, September 23. Some of the most important Dutch shipping companies, including the JavaJapan line, the Holland-Amerika line and the Rotterdam Lloyd, have combined under the t.tle of the United Netherlands Shipping Companies, with a capital of Wk millions sterling, with the object of opening new
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 196 9 Re' ter Tki.egrams Lon i September onto Ti... congivss of Chamber* of Commerce of the British Empire has passod a resolution urgin? oversoas reprcaantatica oa tin- Imperial Shipping Committee, tho tailing of ail v measures to dpvelrp the resources of the lii;:pire, especially in cotton growing, also
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  • 186 9 REITKR TLLEGRAMB London, September 23. A sensational fight, involving five killed, muirad in County Clare when a lorry transporting a number of constabulary was ambushed by a large force of armed men. Four police were k.lled and one severely injured. Military' reinforcements rushed up and engaged the attackers, but
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  • 132 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 22. Copenhagen The elections for the Fclkething necessitated by the incorporation of north Slesvig with Denmark, resulted in the composition of the new Folkething being essentially unchanged. The reduction in the voting age from 29 to 25, which it was expected would largely increase the
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 81 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 22. The Times correspondent at Toronto reports that the head office of the Canadian National Railways announces a joint arrangement between the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, the Canadian National Railways and the British-India Steam Navigation Company under which the Canadian Government Merchant Marine and
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 355 9 M. Millerand's Election Quite Assured. Reuter Telegrams London, Sop^Ptrhcr 21. rs Alarmed apparently at M. Uiileraa :i that the of the Republic should have more extensive paver, the parties of the Left have resolved to oppose M. Millcrand's election and have decided to vote at to-day's preparatory ballot
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  • 55 9 ilriTtc Telegram London, September 23. Although the Italian industrial situation is obscure, it already appears that Sunday's settlement is disowned. The workers have resolved not to evacuate the factories until the employers pay for work durintr the occupation, while the employers are jibbing at the nature of dual
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  • 54 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 23. Manchester, New Hampshire The Amos Kean Manufacturing Company, employing 10,000 operatives and producing four million yards weekly, announces a reduction of 33 1/3 per cent, in the price of manufactured cotton goods owing to the unscttlement of the cotton market in consequence of
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 108 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 22. Loid Lytton is appointed Undcr-S.; >ctary of State for India, in succession to Lord Sinha, recently appoint ;i (Jovennr of Bihar and Orisa. London, September 22. New York, from Mexico The kidnapped British landowner Johnson has been freed. It is officially announced that the
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 1890 9 Compulsion Advocated At Kuala Lumpur. A mretint* at tho F.M.S., Chamber of CciiiMcite was held in Kuala Lumpur this morning to discuss the rubber position and the question whether it is desirable to request the Government to take steps to control the output, reports the Malay Mail The
    1,890 words
  • 212 9 The first sittings in the matter of the insolvency of the members of tlie wellknown firm of Colombo Fort jeweller*. Messrs. A. 11. Ismail an 1 Mohamed Samsuileen, were held en the IKh i fore Mr. William Wadsworth, District Judge of Coll i' bo. Several proved their
    212 words

  • 1806 10 Tributes to Retiring Health Officer. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was hold yesterday afternoon. The President, Mr. R. J. Farrer, was in the chnir, nnd the others present were Dr. \Y rasamy, Messrs. G. R. K. Mugliston, Sect Tionpr Wnh, J. A. Elias, E. Tessennohn, J. M.
    1,806 words
  • 57 10 (Aneta Service.) 'vYeUevredcn, September 25. The Hague, September 22 The chances for Mr. Fock, president of the second chamber, to succeed the present GovernorGeneral of the Dutch Indies are increasing. Mr. Colyn, president of the Bataafsche Petrol Company, was asked to become Governor-General but could not accept.
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  • 247 10 Ban on Baths Causes Rush To Lake. Because of the decision of the Farnham (Surrey) Council not to allow mixed bathing in the public swimming baths of the town, the young men and women have sought a spot where they may bathe together to their heart's content.
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  • 500 10 The Chairman's Recent Visit To The Estate. The second annual general meeting of the Medini Rubber Company, Limited, was held on August 12 at 59, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Frank Copeman presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said there was nothing in the
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  • 365 10 Forthcoming Experiment In Japan. Salt will be made a chemical process without the use of salt farms, if the process now being developed by Dr. Kikunae Ikeda of the Physical and Chemical Research Station, Tokio, succeeds. Dr. Ikeda !ias been studying the process since June of last
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  • 141 10 Macphail and Co.'a Daily Report. Singapore, September 26. Silver.— s9%. Hongkong 86%. Three months gold, 45. Tin.— l2o tons sold at 125.25. Rubber. Market much firmer. Spot round 6G cts., October 57% cts., Oct.-Dec. ;>O-fil cts. Share market.— Still dull. Malaka Pindas sellers 2.25, Bukit K. Bs.
    141 words
  • 877 10 Amir of Afghanistan And Bolshevik Plots. An Allahabad message of September 8 says The Pioneer writes Our readers will have been prepared for the news published to-day that fight. ng has broken out between the Bolsheviks and the Bokharans. The Bolsheviks, as we have shown, have been
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  • 160 10 Church Union is an accomplished fact in the province of Kwangtung. All Presbyterians and Congregational ists with the United Brethem and the Swedish Americans form the Chinese Christian Church, writes a correspondent. This comprises ore-third of the total membership in the whole province. The delegates who
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  • 20 10 How can you expect to buy a cigar for 5 cents with vegetables as high as they are Nashville Tennessean.
    20 words
    • 301 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With regard to your leading article this evening, I to say that leaders of men everywhere should in these days, when production is required to replace the loss of the War, emphasise the necessity of people doin;j the
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    • 127 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I read with interest the letter under the heading of Government Eyes, Please appearing in your issue of the 20th inst. regarding the 10 per cent, bonus of last year's which as mentioned was not applied to the peons,
      127 words
    • 90 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, When reading through the medium of your paper of yesterday's issue, I was startled to have read the abominable statements of Mr. Ho Chin Lock in his correspondence it seems to me that your correspondent is too drastic with
      90 words
    • 287 10 The Secretary of the Arethusa and Chichcster training ships (national refuges for homeless anil destitute children) writes under date August 12 Will you be kind enough to allow me space to say a few word* concerning the Shaftesbury Homes and Arethusa training ship, for they are
      287 words
    • 137 10 Messrs. the Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, write to the Malay Mail ln reference to the article which appeared in the columns of your paper on Saturday last the 18th inst., concerning the recent fire at our premises, the figures quoted by you have been rather
      137 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 137 10 Play was impossible yesterday on account of the state of the ground. MONDAY'S TIES. Championship. Tyler v. Lee-Warner. I! Doubles, Final.* Coleman and Langham Carter owe Jt v. Rule and Roy Smith owe 15.2. A Singles. Hill scr. v. E. E. Franklin owe J. Profession Pairs. Kleinman
      137 words
    • 183 10 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires Fine weather favoured the Sky meeting the going was good and the attendance fair. Results Race I.— Bruce (Mr. Watson) 1 Battleaxe (Mr. Beccher) 2 Miss Pudd (Mr. Seaton) :t. Time 1.26. Won by two lengths and a half, third a
      183 words
    • 81 10 A Rcuter wire from New York of On 2ord states The Cuban sportsman Ordstpal has cabled to Kearns, Dempscy's manager, offering to gaarantee $100,000 for a tghA between Dempsey and the snesJled Spanish heavyweight champion Johst Sanilio? at Havana on the second Sunday in January. Kearns is
      81 words
  • 333 10 PRETTY WAYS Public Opinion in the Straits Settlements. Thus the Pinang Gazette The minute* of the meeting of the I'enung Chamber of Commerce are never very voluminous after they have been "edited for the Press, and we have to content ourselves with the unouncement of decisions without knowiagsometimes how and
    333 words
  • 61 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, October 2, 1920 Saturday, September 25. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, BaJester Range, 2.30 p.m. Sunday, September 26. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Kanyr^ 7.30 a.m. Tuesday, September 28. Malay Co., Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. Saturday. October 2. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club,
    61 words
  • 36 10 Maha. Re. Re. Muthu Rishi, Jaffna will give a lecture in Tamil at 8 p.m. on Monday in the Ceylon Tamil Associatro» Hall, Dhoby Ghaut. Subject Th, tion of man and its greatness. U cordially invited.
    36 words

  • 638 11 Picturesque, Scenes at Tbe Eisteddfod. B»tdB »Dii Dioidt ib the tobes ol inditioa, diiven to tbo Ootitdd in a blood-ied ch»r» bane, »cd tbe Aichdraid, wiib bia mssy golden obaios, ftdcireaeißK mi kadieaee ol ***** tbioofcb ueßkpbxmo. Tbate wwe Ibe oonir«bl« we mw at the Nmiobm Biatedd
    638 words
  • 267 11 Details ol the American Clasps. Ti' Amtrean O'v- »r.». I hb* dfoid*i Off li uiaaps wi luw II bt> nivea m eels.-. m *:tb -Le Voii.iv M o»l. Ti-e f o) li«: eftbe c -nib tiie camber (.1 Pj si'.'nl to e*i I Cimbitl. butwetu M Uud Djj;
    267 words
  • 23 11 The oUtk at tit Peage C ait ll wiWctei I) jo i undeiam' d pU a Bng,:ah lie b.lyi Yes— wli'.c I dm<
    23 words
  • 29 11 11 My wapt aa« A-i 0« 4(>. a week. I givi my wife »t>e £8 d k ep tbe Ijuiptnoe for dji U -A tv b od a> WiUaadea.
    29 words
  • 638 11 Result of Some Interesting Tests. Ik is tauar cable to what emt a p .-eonV geaert-l effloieaoy vatioa with the lute of day, to My aotbiag of the weiiber One o( the moat rtoent studies of this was made by Dr. Artbor J. Qalea. He
    638 words
  • 520 11 Yacht Race Photos Wired To London TVo pir'nrts cf the face fcetwee- the stiamie-k IV. Mid Resolute, described v ravin* tun titnat-itibd by pbote tek? iipby ..t priaHd by tbe Daili Miiict,' Mated Lo-cc. n.ef sage to the Now Voik Times o_ Jaij 18. The aewtp-pei tamits
    520 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 165 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL MO3EIB OF THE FAMOUS 6IBSON MINOOLINE V ;u who hare be^n wanting a bt<fer i: Bailment caU and inspect thtse n w We have a »o ja>t received a consignment of '^aa^ar ar^ IBfaaiy YLJtT TfT JK3L"asT jb^^S S. MOUTBIE €0., LTD. (Tnscrporated in Eongkoag) RAFFLES
      165 words
    • 216 11 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basafi Road TO NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER THE HOTEL OROS2STBA WILL PLAY DURING A? T D AFTERS DINNER ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED. U. TJEXBDEMA, Minting Dir.etor. EUROPE HOTEt; Supper will be served in the Ho, el after each performance of the a. b. 0. on the follow ng nigtitH
      216 words

  • 274 12 I'nique Tests in a Wimbledon Garden. For some time residents in certain small leafty streets in the neighbourhood of Raynes Park, near Wimbledon, S.W., have been mystified by a strange apparation that BU BOW Bald a^iiin reared itself over a garden fVnre. They have seen great white wings,
    274 words
  • 441 12 ■TODAY, SEPTEMBER 26. St. Andrew'! Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 10.30 a.m. Matins (Choral). 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. S. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 8.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Services and Meetings. Holy Communion on Tuesday, Wednesday
    441 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      161 words
    • 271 12 FOR SODA ASH CAUSTIC SODA BURNT LIME SOAP UORWESCO ALUMINUM PAINT COAL TAR Saaal jour enqalrlaa t« JIN KIAT CO., General Merchants, t». Cross Street, Singapore. IN STOCK CORRUGATED IRON, assorted sizes and SODIUM KISI'I.I'IIITK (ENGLISH), packed 181 NAILS, assorted sizes. ■iilillh.s OR SURFACE WEEDING HOES, II in. wide, etc.,
      271 words
      50 words

  • 823 13 IHow Chinese Wives Get Promoted ftfcn His Haaonr Mi. JwUoe A. V. oiuwp, Judicial Commissioner, the spp'io-. tion wu beard ai Ipoh on ib-> lttii i ;ei. lepotln tbe Time* cl MaUya, in wbioh Ob»i M^ow l'*t: <m«s Ciial Wtb of Gopeng, aid pres slly t
    823 words
  • 253 13 Fits of Weeping All Day Long. Tuik j'a day ot mourning wm oily display ol grief at the signing ot the treaty, wiifea a eoneßpondent bom CiotUn ticojle. Jhe Bra minute piase in basic w-e noon wm sot peneially obeet Ted, aithangti the aiosqatg wen warded with
    253 words
  • 24 13 Qnard at iaftl Dd sm wife make any ■i mmsnhivS ,n to yot Tba ma Nj, bail Uid toU i-ij aii ib^ul ti. i
    24 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 231 13 WHITE4WAY* JUS) UNPACKED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF on* yx: Hosiery ".Onyx'qg Hosiery LSDIFS COTTON HOSE LADIES' SILK AND COTfON HOSE In Whi'e Bbck, Gray, T^n ard Navy LADIES' SILK HOBE la White, Black, Tar, Navy and Grey, WKITEfcWAY UIDUW ft GO LTB. (lieoTpota*9d Baglaid) SINGAPORE &LOOK FOR THE NAMeIj The
      231 words
    • 238 13 MADE IN AUSTRALIA HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES The Great AntUeptic and Prophylactic. I it a iMM&m I, In I till 'or Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, nflnrn/.i and the Prevention of Consomptlon. Sold Everj'wliere. Tins 90 cents. rHE UNITED PHARMACY, SINGAPORi, KUALA LUMPUR DEPOT, The Central Dispeaaers. CODE BOOKS THE MUSIC^EMPORIUM
      238 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 787 14 m&% by kmm REMINDER B n V „'nf-iav. September 29. at 2 .SO p.m. TO i NTF.RPWMKQ CAPITALISTS AMD COMPANY PROMOTERS IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE V\ir\lU.i: TIN MININC LAND AT MKRSING, JOHORE. A' Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'a sale-room, l Valaabb mining land situate at Mcraing. in the district of Endau.
      787 words
    • 834 14 SALES BY AUGTIOH MORTGAGEE'S SALE At our saleroom. No. 30, Kling Street, na Wednesday. September 29. at 2.30 i>.m. Valuable land situate at the eleventh milestone. Krnnji Road, comprised in Statutory Qfaal Noa. HTM and It/tn, urea .1 acres, 2 roods ami :< pulrs. planted with rubber and coconut trees.
      834 words
    • 595 14 Aasftp ptm IMIMH U& Assurance In force «.ver $].>,OO0 t ooa THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (MNHMM la Iktalta Settlemeats) RAD OfTICIJ IMUIMBU thM^ UKDOU OFFICE. M. Old ie.ry. B4X The (tatur kM MUM ill 1 1111 1 with IM «WMM BMM »4 «*gU.r and M *»U*. wHk
      595 words
    • 465 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECIB BANK LIMITED (IneoryoraUd In Japan) CaplUl Subscribed IP T100,00o,«*» Capital Paid Up Y100.000.000 Reserve Fund V 50,000.000 President, N. Kajlwara, Esq. Vlce-President, 8. Susakl, Ei« DIRECTORS I R. lehinomlya, E*q. K. Morimara, Ea« K. Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. T. V omakava, Esq. M. Odagiri, E*«
      465 words
    • 548 14 BAWKIWG THE OVERSEA-CHINES* BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated Id tbe Stnlti Settlement Head Office I •DfGAPOBK. M. ILON 1 Ktrr y, mm Branch t t*N AUG. 14, BEACH iIIUI Agcavlea (POH AND DELI Capita) I Authorise IU,VM,i» limd 10,500,0*1 Paid-up s.MOJM Reserve Liability el Shareholder! MX.HI Board ef Directors i Tb« Boa.
      548 words
    • 558 14 BASQUE I* DUoTRIELLE DE GK.NE Anthorited Cap I.' Fra. 160,000,000 ('ami .1 I'is. 150.00U.01N1 Paid-up Capital Irs. 76,000,000 siib«rrlbti by thr QMMMM of tlu- < him I{ l -publicj. Chairman or the Itoanl of Pir. Aadn Hi-nh.-:..: A. .1. IV I i BEAD Of! i< 74, Rue Safari I-.-..
      558 words

  • 1197 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Perak Gymkhana. All roads, »b tv v motorist! were ooa oeraed at My fate, It- tc the Motor O y inkhan ground io the ptecioeU of tbe Hod. Mr. Ba Xon h Sun's hous?, O>>peng Road, on S\iu»3a?, •epoils (be Times
    1,197 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 102 15 AND THE LITTLE FORD Shall lead taem. It's ttrst in sales— first In eoonoDoy-ai d Hrst In th 3 esteem of those swholov^s tisty. surety aad co afow-bacause of its wooderful simplicity, strength an* lightness. lii leads In 3AUS %IWM SATISFACTION 1 HE POBDBOW TIAOTOI FH£ FORD ONB-TOM TRUCK WEARNE
      102 words
    • 70 15 I RfIVFRS X PFH RIIRRm TIIRFQ I Kade in one quality oniy -The Best j Stockists: CHENGLOCK SOOHOCK AND CO., LTD. (lac-rp ulid la tie S: tits Mttracala] OF REMOVAL Th« oßc* of the above rompanj ha* bm removed to Mailing ISuildinfg at BobLan'D Road as from AUGUST 30 1920
      70 words
    • 64 15 ALBUMS post card ALBUMS SKI IM WITH i\OU\ \\l) MUTIIKK-OI ITUri. To cloar at Sti.23 »arh TOILET SETS In Tata Shell, to cliar al Sti .-.i. h ANTIMONY PICTURE FRAMES DMTcnM riaM fr»m .">0 eta. to >:< li CHOTIRMALL'S Phont 1937. 51.5;, HIGH BTUCT. fa§ V\ JHE TYKE THAT MADE
      64 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 535 16 GUAN KIAT CO. LIMITED f la eorpo rated in Straits Settlements) li, Phillip Street SINGAPORE ■*w Shipments just arrived of BUNTINGS, Assorted Coloura IRON FOUNDRY RIDDLES CM in. by in. to H in. Mesh) EUROPE MARINE GLUE Black and White SPONGE CLOTHS. AND SLEDGE HAMMERS TRIANGULAR SHIP DECK SCRAPERS BOILER
      535 words
    • 371 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" IRADT ROOFING la Balla ooatalalai 11* M It. t PLT. Utrfnl for roofing light »ttcttnr«s, (arm buildings, .tc an<i at a spaaUl Hntac medium. PLT. A medium qasllry ai*4 am Factorial, Bnngalowt, etc. I PLT. Strongly reeomme3l*< (at strength and •fflcUsey ta •xpaaad alta- atlom. ObtalnabU at
      371 words
    • 1910 16 OASSttp ADVERTISEMENTS Vfca PSIFAID aaargaa far WaaM, Wwt 6«;«, T* Let, etc, la artflnary elos*-aet trf* (»varaa> atz vena's ta lias) ar» ;--Per line one Insertion 28 cts., two irs. ii at*, tii»k M C« *t*., four las. 8* ets. ftve las. ll.Pu. *li irs. (1.18, ten ins. 11 40,
      1,910 words
    • 893 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS I TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. 11. I Nathan Co.. 4. D« Soma Street. TO LET. Not. Id* to I*7, North Host Qaay. Apply Ismail »1.1 Raheem, Bras Baiah Road. "OFFICES TO LET, at No. i, Robinson Road. Apply Singapore Estate Supplies and Agency C©.
      893 words
    • 187 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Stmits 6cttlamtnta) tit to 21f, ORCHARD BOJD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS MOTOR CARS" AND CYCU& WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction Guaranteed Large storks of LUCAS HORNS AND LAMPS arriving shortly Phonel233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malays. WE HOLD
      187 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 308 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial uml General fs Manager'a Office Ul7 Job Printing OfCce L 244 All communications relating to editoria: matters and news should be addrea*eti to THE EDITOR. All communication* relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing; etc., should be addressed to TH* MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants,
      308 words