The Straits Times, 18 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,439 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 187 1 ROBINSON CO LTD. (laOMpmted ia the EMraita SoUlemcata) Gentlemen's Tailoring Department 9E ARM NJW SHOWJNQ AN Entire Kew Stock v\ fi NEW SUITINGS |Hf i /T) In Hsprls Tweeds, Blighty Tweeds, Donegal Tweeds Sunproof Solaro Suitings, Worsteds and Angolas f A filli- J A '3ea' material lot Tropical Wear. WKJ&jf
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    • 1 1 STERILISED
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  • 450 2 Substantial Forward Sales Effected. The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Bode Rubber Estates (1914), Ltd., was held on August 10, at Winchester Hou.'c, EC, Sir C. H. Raaon (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that the
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  • 419 2 Pintles. Highwaymen and Cannibal' Kinirs. A clever yoi'ncr artist decided, a litrlc while airo, to pi 'in paiutintr picture for Usfl liiakin,' of toys. He ha* succeeded well, for his •!> ii-htful creations brin^ back the nia^ic of nursery dats to the ol 1, and are n perpetual
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  • 194 2 The sale of the summit of Snowdon for £7,250 was completed the other day. The land formerly formed part of the estate of tho late Sir Edward Watkin, and it was there he entertained Mr. Gladstone. The (Treat statcuman, then it) his 80th year, climbed the mountain
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 841 2 Direct from the "^^^^l^s 1 Factory to your Home. B y til jrotif Dress Requirements «r..l Household CJ the great British Mail-order House. You d with tdc quality and workhußship J-, the up to-dare and attractive styles, and the Y<r.i c.i:> be smartly dressed and yet be econo i icd
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    • 463 2 AWFUL MORE I OFJP On Arms, and Limbs. Lost Sleep. CuHcura Heals. "I noticed small red pimply on .-.^»im.- a:ilc) Ttkfy v T.-iri ;i--:ng and i comroenird scratcliinc. \.l, nfsadtiosn mj siamu rr.yv.fis;j. Small pimples also npneartJ en en !, the lortuie Ix.-i.; t.vnil Bad j..-.ey ci>:-;t£ has cl
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    • 353 2 1 Never Late 1 ALWAYS "UP" ts tiaic with the Hcla sf aa "EGO" ALAM You may be an early rieer^-o« may by force el will arouse yourself, hot— are you sure of alvaya doing it Suppose one day you overslept yourself— I what then Why risk going to business
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  • 458 3 Weird Device to Wash 40 Plates A Minute. In these servantless days it is, perhaps, not surprising that an inventive genius has though it worth while to turn his attention to the task of lightening kitchen drudgery. Many a suburban mother, with a large family and no maid,
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  • 520 3 Steaming Astern Full Speed Ahead. That a >t.-:im.s)up can run astern with iv engine* running full speed ahead, is the tarthiii: result of a ntw rudder invented by H. Westendarp and recently installed upon v 2")-foot motor boat. Describing this Mr. (.harks M. Kipley wriUs This
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  • 30 3 Is her ksjalMH a lucrativ(L' one said the WUsaadaa ma K iBtrate to a rate collector. The collector It is. Tho woman Thi-n you find the lucre, for I can't.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 MuRIT In Poontain Praa, as in everjihin^ z\ /ff 1 else, it i-. ■11 t that tolls, and that is ttf I il wliy tlic Swaa KM for I qajajtW Sj of a cciitnr; gajHetti ni<.ic i.v i s every j^ m\ year r.\ you l>uy a "Swan' M| fll
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    • 568 3 Weakness .^v«:j sjavvsjaßeM ai the l>oUy uses up itfesai uiount of T-.tklity. I IM i» why you feel trod at •-h« end of the day. Whea T"U orrrtai yourself, or whea jot>T vitality It MteuM by illn«at, ♦car wa le tystrra beecrne* too rzhiUsterl to recover its lost vitality without
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    • 411 3 SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING That knowleuge is known as the sc'.eno of Psychology and it is highly desirabli therefore that the RfaM of advertising should have tome acquaintance with it. Every effort has been made to keep the information in the CHINESE COMMERCIAI DIRECTORY abxolutcly up-to-date. CHINESE DIRECTORY AND PRESS, LTD. 102,
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    • 334 3 ARE WE RIGHT? W7TB PLAISTOWE'S TOFFEE DE LUXE A tropical elimat* (r tbt aajMSßaa organs. A tropical elimtt* aaktfWsMßa Dcctors say that I- Du.-ia* Ldllj tasr von tha »r:'.«m tat) tasisa n m if»: *l*?ting frcm th* fo. is Ika snv«r ctaaata *n«] rsjaeting th* other pcoawttoa, ass* skat tiTaa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 811 4 STEAMER SAILIMJ P. 4& 0. -British India MB Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICIf PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tk« Cuaaaay'. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ara at preaaaa saaiiali* LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Dae
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    • 571 4 STEAMER SANJRIS PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICB FOR NEW YOBK CELTIC PRINCE (via Panama) about and of Oct. For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agents. THE BEN LIRE STEAMERS LIMITED 'Incorporated In tha Unites Eingdon) Far Chlaa sad Jaaaa BENVENUE
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    • 291 4 STEAMER SAIUMS THE EASTERN SHIPPIRI COMPAHT, LOUTO (Uaarparatod U StralM SotalaaWtil Thla tbaa table Is nhjaat to altbratUa wttaaat farther a.tlae. StaaaMT aalUai data Sham arl PERAK -Every Tuesday, at 1 pja, far Port Swettonham and Penang. JIN HO— Every Sunday, at 4 P-m, far Malacca and Port Swattoahaak From
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    • 386 4 STUMER SAEUMS 0. S. K. THE OSAKA BHOSHEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated la Japaa) No. I. Da Soaaa Street. Proaoaad Saillag frem Blagapara (Subject to change without aetiee) EUROPEAN UNB Far Part Said, Maraalliaa, Laadaav Aatwara. Rotterdam aod Uaaibarg Dae S'aara. ALPS MABU atid Sap*. ATLAS MABU hog. Oct. (omit calling
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    • 421 4 mum uum .I.PFOf, YUSIN KAISHA Itoaan— ata4 U paaaif, Cafa* aMU UatiaM *rttft aa« BB«s«tK /iiuiii Iliiaraallrt •akj«<t to artotattoaa wtaa«»f —11 BaTBOr» CAIE KB* Fnraaaaaalr hnM rat Laavtew, Aatww* via (atahMai; F*m.« Caaeaafce, •awt. Fart Sail aa4 aTn-Magal YOKOHAMA MABU Scot. M KUMANO MARU Oct. X TAMBA MARU Oct.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 549 5 STEAMER SAIUN6S KOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA The I. C. S. N. Co.'s steamer Namsanp. 4,035 tons sails 4 p.m., on September -1. She has spleiviid ncoommodalion for Bratrlii.ii P r, aaallßad sssVwr. lor fsuth*f information apply BOUSTBAD CO., Agenu. Swiopore. September 14. 1920. I.i I N UNI LIMITED INDA sailing
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    • 413 5 STEAMER SAILINCS lIMOR DULY The Montoro is expected to be despatched for Australia, calling at the above poit, at C a.m.. on Tuesday, September 28. BouamcAD co.. Agents, HI HNS PIIILP LINE. Singapore, September 11, 1920. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED and COMA Mill \l. RUI NAVIGATION CO.. 1.1 I). Survevft
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    • 546 5 STEAMER SAIUW6S NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suez) American ai. 4 Oriental Line The s.s. General Church will be despatched to New York via Suez about the second half November. For freight and particulars, apply to HUTTENBACH, LAZARUS A SONS, LTD. Agents. DODWELL LINE (Incorporated in England) FOR NEW YORK DIRECT
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    • 951 5 CHOPS YONG HONG, YONG NGIAP AND YONG NGIAP YEE KEE NOTICF. is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned LOW KOON YEE. LOW PENG HONG, LOW PENG YAM and LOW PEN KIA. all of No. 63, Boat Quay, Singapore snd Swatow in the Republic of China,
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    • 807 5 NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF MOSES CATCHICK MOSES. DECEASED. Pursuant to the Trustee Ordinance, 1914 Section 26. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors or other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Moses Catchick Moses, deceased, late of No. 3 Koek Road, Singapore, who
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    • 885 5 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXCHANGE NOTICI h banfe* Him the half •aarif goaoral sjoetint o hen will ha held within the Exchange BuiMiags on Monday, September 20, 1020, »t 2. 1S ajsv, for th* followinir purpose* 1. To inftm members of what haa takes place during the previoi- six months.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 900 6 CINEMAS I .^^—^j^^^-M, .vm-m»^— wseat—sMaßtfcßßW^y- "MTTT Tf" 'Ti W^iinMr'al ayf m V a»l JiTi J Wlj |P-J From Tuetdaf, SepttmUr 14, to Sunday, BepUmltr 19 A H M .<J R »«staAcVU«.UU«I moHUj[lo.< OF iN :*NSB REALISM a lOwiloJ Pitr< station <.t Life ia tb» Odd riKciagi of the Tnkoß K«.-iii,iibj<
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    • 233 6 CINEMAS From Friday, ««at. 17, to Monday, SO ipEiir? p|l HALL, LTD. vr **mjf V^ FIRST .-HOW \1 7.83 bbKv\/I^lCi WEaTBRS PKOTOPLAY'B BBUAL WiWm THE 6REAT gamble ■•1 ILJI I HL/ Featarinft CBARLBS HUTCHIBOK AND ANSE LUTBEB Bpirodoß. THI DRkUQHT DEtTH 1 pads 6 OUT OF THB O'.OUDI
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    • 250 6 FROM FROM $25 jfa $45 $50 i£f^ $175 BEST FRENCH MADE GRAPHOPHONES Genuine American Motor, Teak-wood case, Piano polished $60, $85 $175 (iraphophones and Record Liat on application. THE TROPICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CO. 9, STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. DON'T BUY Sulphnric Acid without seeing ac first. We have fresh stock* of
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    • 160 6 ooMßoni or smjttob a 00. JAVA SEA FIRE INSURANCE CO LTD. I«*»r»or»t.« la Batavie. Java) AD 18«1 iBaVBBBBI < apltals fall; aahacrikM n. n.?o» om (••«rT«4 per Dtctrubfi 11. IM* FL a,0»1.41f .t Head Of9cea BATAVIA. AMSTERDAM Branch Ufrn i iIMttA^UBB, S-b, FINLATSON GBBBi M*4aa. Semaranc, Soarabaya, Bandooaa, Hacatsar. Rangoon,
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  • 140 7 raTURxa Saturday, September 18. Bigk, 1.48 a.m.. 1.33 p.m. ■If Championship, Srd round •..-rrt. Vie. Theatre, E p.m. St. Joseph 1 Football Final, inul.i). September 19. llurn WataT, 2.:!2 a.m., 2.11 p.ra. I mm Hank Mtif., noon. .Mond.iv. September 20. Riga (Tatar, Ml a.m.. 2.54 p.m.
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    • 103 7 i £>SKlJi AT TUB DOC U. Ea»t Uharf ILmin Hen Samud. bat Wharf- Itaura, ban Fo ->oon. linen Wharf, Albert and Victoria Dr} Dadu Nil. Main Wharf Kybfels, Num Song, Hofuku Dock Redanc. K itung, Pelem. V---I > 11. I.eaon, Circe, Taisho Maru. Wharf— Nil. t .Mil Wharf.- Nil. Kaaajal
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    • 97 7 l!an Brit, I^7 tons, from 17-9, foi Malacca U-». n:., 3fiJ tons, from IT-!". 1 k. Nam fi.m Hnri;M:iru 5, Jap.. 1 77S tons, from Kol>c 17-», tot MiUn unc. Tkama H ru. J.-.p.. 1 JO3 tons, from Dairen 17-9, for 1 Eng, Hrit., Interallied, from
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  • 180 7 iv-da; LM p.m. Malacca. lv.: Swettaafcaai i Fenang S p.m. Kackiag I r-'.. Sai^i'n S p.m. Sourabaya and Bandjermasin 4 p.ra Malacca A fort Swettenhum 4 p.m. Colomb and New York 4 p.m. Batavia 4 p.m. Kota Tincgi 4 p.m Pulau lataaj a: d Pulau Bjlang 4
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  • 129 7 Sinn Fo n has taken over the manufacture ami sale of whisky in the disturbed Iri.^h arias, where Government prosecutions of illicit distillers have ceaseJ to operate. Moon: hining is in full swing jiract c:. \i iMrywhore in Ireland, and the revenue therefrom, instead of going to
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  • 28 7 JtU .S'p,.,. Au*u«t i A\<mt 6 Ai'KlMt 12 A igwt U I Ml O iincc Report; ArrlTfd cnio September 4 September 4 S.ptPmber September 14
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  • 128 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 18. On Lon'Km, Bank 4 m/t 1/4 1716 Demand 8/8 18/16 lrivate 3 m. 3 credit* 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39H Private 'JO days *5V4 On France Bank 590 On India, Bank T.T. 119 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 88 p.c. p.m. On
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  • 59 7 Tone of Market Weak r.wl declining. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Price* Spot Sept. )et. )ct.-Dcc. nn.-.Mar. Buyeri Seller* 61 51M. Ribbed Smoked Sheet ipot Sept. )ct. )ct.-Dcc. an.-Mar. Closing Prices Buyers Sellers 48 49 49 50 0 50 51 5m 52 •55 5C
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    • 209 7 Ist. V»l. Pd. Buyer*. Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 12.00 14.00 I 1 Ayer Weng 1.15 1.35 11 1 Kam kamunting 2.10.0 3.0.0 10 10 hinta Aaso*. oj fl fl Kinta Tin 2-7.6 nom. 1 Hitam Tin 2.60 2.80 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 1.90 II £1 Lahat Mint* 5 5
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    • 122 7 m. Vtl. Pd. Buyert. Sellers. El £1 Br. Am. Tobtcco 3.10.0 8.17.6 II £1 E. Smelting Co. 10.50 11.50 i/- 5/- Electric T'ways 2/9 3/3 10 10 Fraser Keave 5G.00 53.00 c.r. bO 50 WHammer&Co. 105.00 115.00 100 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 160.00 £1 £1 Mexican Eagle 11.5.0 11.15.0
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    • 78 7 C.Eng. ftpc $1,25«,J00 pat p.€ pr, Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £250,000 loa Spore Municipal 6 p.e $1,878,000 P« Spore Mun. 4H p.e of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.e. 10p.cdU S'pnre Man. 4% p.c of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 px. 10p.cdU Spore Mob. 4H of 1909 H'500,000 Hp-e.lOp*«H* Spore Man. 4
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  • 429 7 Kramer and Co. and l.yall and Eratt'a QaotetfaM. To-day's Prices Fraser I.yall A Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) C.BO OJO 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah ($1) 3.60 3.80 3.60 3.80 Am. Malay 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 A>erHitam(»s) 28. "0 24.00 23.00 24.00 A. Kuning ($1) 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.40 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES, I.IM1TKI) The Company's s.s. Mattnwa is due at r IMS, and will he B.C akeajt October 11, i. i. i.;- aarge nn through bill I i.verland I freight .'id further particulars, BOUSTEAD CO.. Acents, C. P. O. S. Ltd. Singapore, September 17, 1920
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    • 758 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED TO PURCHASE, a second-hand motor cycle. State price and particulars to 203, Straits Times. ENGLISH GENTLEMAN requires aeeommodnlion with English family as paying gnest. Apply l'.>7, Strait* Times^ VICTOR) KXFLEX (A.MKRA for sale. Thornton Pickard 3Vs by 2't with Cooke 4.5 Vns, C slides, practically new. Bargain
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    • 267 7 THE HIPPODROME CIRCUS GRAND OPENING NIGHT I.N THEIR NEW SPACIOUS WATERPROOF TEXT AT BEACH ROAD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, AT 9.15 P.M. FORTY ARTISTS lir> ant and Bryant and Buster.— Electric manipulators, in a unique and novel act.whirling anything whirlable. Direct from the London Hippodrome and all other Halls of the
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  • 1173 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18 CAN WE CONTROL? A very important question just now is whether control of production is possible to save the rubber industry from a disastrous slump in prices. Several of our correspondents have taken for granted that no action is possible without the co-opera-tion of
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  • 62 8 A Tientsin message says Reports from Honan, Shantung, and South Ch.hli emphasise the extreme gravity of the food situation. TnwitJ m.lliuns are faced with actual famine. Thousands are already starving. Whole families are committing suicide and parents are their daughters for a few dollars. Thousands of animals have been
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  • 73 8 After spending three weeks in Kobe during which she underwent extensive alterations to transport Austrian troops being repatriated from Siberia for Austria the Nankai Maru now under the charter of the German Government sailed from Kobe for Vladivostok early on the morning of September L" The ship will call ai
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  • 7 8 Malacca Assizes are being held October 11.
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  • 12 8 Tambalak Rubber Co. meeting was held at Gresham House at noon to-day.
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  • 18 8 In the customs case at Kuala Lumpur one of the accused has been fined $100,000 and another $70,000.
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  • 20 8 Tin Bentong no liability figures for first fortnight of September were Hours run 279, piculs recovered 119, yards treated 34,200.
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  • 21 8 The Governor has accepted the resignation of Second Lieutenant Seah Cheng Joo of the Reserve of Officers, Singapore Vo.unit eer Corps.
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  • 22 8 A woman was summoned for neglecting her children. You ask for population, said she, Well I've given you some now keep 'em."
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  • 24 8 The Governor has appointed Mr. J. 1,. McFall to be a Municipal Commissioner of George Town, Penang, in place of Mr. D. Richards transferred.
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  • 27 8 The Governor has further extended the time for executing the commission on profiteering and high cost of living for period of one month from September 7, 1920.
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  • 30 8 The Rev. G. H. Douglas will give the address at the United Prayer meeting at Nind Home, 6 Mount Sophia, on Monday, September 20, 5.15 p.m. All are cordially invited.
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  • 28 8 A telegram from the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, has been received at H.B.M. Consulate-General at Bangkok to the effect that Patani has been declared infected on account of cholera.
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  • 33 8 Service will be held at the Boustead Institute on Sunday evening at 8.15. Rev. J. Butterworth will give the address. All are cordially invited, especially men of the Mercantile Marine, Navy and Army.
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  • 37 8 The Malacca Planters' Association have elected Mr. A. L. Milne to be a member of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board for the year 1920 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. H. E. Nixon.
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  • 38 8 The Governor in Council has prohibited to be imported or brought into the Colony any copy of the leaflet entitled India News Service of the Friends of Freedom of India published in New York, United States of America.
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  • 33 8 At Penang Assizes three Chinese were sentenced to ten years' rigorous imprisonment for gang robbery at Teluk Bahang, where $1,000 in cash and jewellery were taken. Three others concerned have not been arrested.
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  • 46 8 With reference to Notification No. 28, published in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of January 3, 1919, it is notified that the price of first grade rubber for the period September 17 to September 23, 1920, inclusive, is 64 cents per pound, equivalent to $85.33 per picul.
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  • 46 8 A copy of a circular despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated July 17, 1920, forwarding copy of the instrument of appointment of the Imperial Shipping Committee, has been laid on the press table in the Colonial Secretariat, for perusal by those interested.
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  • 57 8 M. G. Ezechiel, an Indian contractor, was convicted this morning by Mr. C. W. Dawson in the second police court, and fined $50 on a charge of theft of four bullocks and carts from Tanglin Barracks, the property of Muthukrishnan. Mr. Koek prosecuted, while the defence was conducted by Mr.
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  • 58 8 It is understood that a joint meeting was held on Thursday, of the Klang, Kapar and Batu Tiga D.P.A.s.. when it was resolved to amalgamate the three Associations into one D.P.A. The new Association will he known as the Klang District Planters' Association of the F.M.S. Mr. T. J. Cumming
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  • 88 8 The case in which Sin Thye, a Chinese, and Sunthil bin Pagi, the Malay master of the W. D. launch Moonstone, were charged with the theft of rubber to the value of $80,000 belonging to the Firestone Rubber Co. in a twakow in May last was concluded in the District
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  • 75 8 The usual monthly meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held at the Y.W.C.A. on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. .1. M. Slme presided. The treasurer's report shows funds in a creditable condition. Appreciation was expressed with the work that Miss Dorothy Polglase has done in connection with the thriving Young
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  • 86 8 The first annual general meeting of the Seremban Family Benefit Society will be held in the St. Paul's Institution, Seremban, on Saturday, October 2. The totrl membership is now 198. It seems th?re has been an excess expenditure ovor contributions of $68.69, but the managing committee state that this item
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  • 97 8 The Rangoon Gazette, of the 6th inst., says Mr. P. Keogh, a member of the lately disbanded Leyland Hodgson Company a number of whose members returned from Singapore recently to go home on the steamer Gloucestershire of the B.bby line, was the complainant on Friday at the Pansodan police station
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  • 382 8 Mr. A. V. Aston, "is appointed to act a* District Officer, Nibong Tebal. Cantain Hendry who came np to taVo the Den Sanmd to Singapore is the n»w commander of the Katong, nays a Bangkok paper. Dr. S. Lucy, Principal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, has gone
    The Times  -  382 words
  • 38 8 Viscount Sutemi Chinda, Japane.s* Ambassador in London, Viscountess Chin da, and Rear-Admiral Hisatsum- IMb, K.C.M.G., Naval Attache, are pv from London for Japan by the Kitano Maru which is due in Singapore on Monday morning.
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  • 115 8 Cases have arisen where former enemy aliens have arrived in the Colony with a view to transhipment to neutral ports. Their passports have been properly visaed by British authorities in Europe for the journey via British ports but it has been impossible to let them land as
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  • 132 8 The Siamese Naval destroyer Phraruang, formerly the British destroyer Radiant, which has arrived in Singapore on her way to Bangkok, had a somewhat adventurous voyage out. Southampton was left on July 22. In the Bay of Biscay the destroyer ran out of oil, and, it is stated,
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  • 208 8 The International Court, Bangkok, has concluded the hearing of a charge of murder against three Pathans in connection with the death of another Pathan in Anuwongse Road. The first called by Mr. Brighouse yesterday, says the Bangkok Times of September 9, on" behalf of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 81 8 NEW CONSIGNMENT Kley E. B. Nitro and Bmokelw s Cartridge* in 12, 16 or 20 bore, loaded 4, 6 or 8 shot Price $12.50 pir 100 Buckshot $13.50 par 100 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (looorportt d in Bcgtacd SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. v^Stf<Jiiri!*t'*i' r^^'S>,*Tir.'i'.':;:;;;h'!«''r;.<:'»'.'«*.';SH 7T»ytft£<nr?^n^^Sfw'Sp^ STANDS THB STRAIN rfT Zg
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    • 180 8 4SLBCT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tv Chea* Km Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA I'athe Serials BOUND AND GAGGED 10 Episodes Episodes No. 6 and 6—4 reels C Pts. NINE-TENTHS OF THE LAW 6 Pts. Featuring Mitchell Lewis Topical Budget Three-reel drama and Comedies. (Firat Show) "PALLADIUM
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  • 337 9 The Klectrical Trade Dbpata Settled. RCUTKR TKUECRAMB London, September IV Th? likelihood of the threatened i:nk. among clrctr oians is considerably diminWt~d at tho outcome of a resolution adopted by the national joint industrial council for the electricity supply industry. The council recommpn<li in consequence of the electrical
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  • 180 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 16. R is reported from Milan that in spite •f last week's decision the economic crisis kas taken a fresh grave turn. The seizure •f factories on a vast scale continues, inchiding the Cantoni cotton r.iills, employing- 6,000, also Italy's principal woollen factories at
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 81 9 Rki'ter Telegram London, September 16. Wellington Mr. Israel Cohen, emissarj of the Zionist world organisation, has com pletcd a three weeks tour of New Zealand where he rais.d £20,000 for the Palestine restoration fund. Mr. Cohen had a civic reception at Auckland. The acting Governor General and the Prime
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 22 9 Keitek Telegram London, September 16. The Government has presented the light cruiser Aurora as an imperial gift lo Canada.
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  • 494 9 Fnrt'tcr Details of the Herald Case. Rkuter Telegrams London, September 15 Further litrht is thrown on the realisa- j tion of the Russian jewels in England in a j stntement to-n'trht from Downing Street, j which gives the lie dire~t to several assertions made by Kameneff in
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • 254 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 16. Sir Ernest Clarke, deputy chief inspector of taxes in the Inland Revenue Department, who was recently knighted, has been appointed additional Assistant Under-Sec-retary for Ireland. London, September 15. Posters were placarded in Dublin this morning declaring that only by the help of self respecting
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 460 9 Re- ter Telegrams London, September 14 > unprecedented wave of immigrants is flowing to the United States, threatening to swamp the immigration service. Steamship companies have notified that inward boats will be filled lo Hrn utmost in the steerage for months ahead. Ellis Island is unable to
    Reuter  -  460 words
  • 200 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 15. The India Office announces that Mr. Strachan, who was reported captured, reached the military camp at Shahraban on the 13th with all Jndian civil servants. They are reported all well. Thus Capt. Lloyd, Mr. Strachan and Mrs. Buchanan are now safe. London, September 15.
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 267 9 Prospects of the Riga Peace Conference. Reuter Telegrams London, September 15, A semi-official message from Riga nates that the Russian delegates for the Russo-Polish peace negotiations have arrived. London, September 16. Telegrams from Riga on the eve of the Russo-Polish peace negotiations state that Joffe, head of
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 184 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 14. Berlin A report from Bremen states that by the five year agreement between the Norddeutsche Lloyd and the United States Mail Steamship Company the former will represent the latter in Central Europe and place the entire organisation of the establishments in Bremen and Bremerhaven
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 188 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 16. The Daily Express Paris correspondent states that the sudden rush of the Minister for the Interior to Aix-les-Bains to consult M. Millerand is due to an incident which occurred on Friday at Rambouillet. It is said that M. Deschanel was wandering in the
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 192 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 14. Presiding at a meeting of the Peking syndicate, yesterday, Mr. T. A. Barson expressed the conviction that China would shortly settle down to peaceful industrial developments which might astonish the world. Dealing with commercial aviation in China, Mr. Barson expressed the opinion that
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 92 9 Reiter Telegram London, September 16. Rome It is semi-officially stated that the loss of life in the recent earthquake proves to have been 176, which is considerably less than at first reported. That the victims were not more numerous was mainly due to the fact that the mountainous
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 75 9 Rkuter Telegram London, September 15. Paris Newspapers state that the Fcregn Office is at present negotiating with a Siamese plenipotentiary with re(*ard to a treaty of considerable economic importance, including fixing the frontiers of Siam and Laos, the conclusion of commercial agreements, and finally the determination of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 50 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 16. Budapest The ex-Premier Tisza was assassinated two years ago but the courtmartial which has been trying those concerned has only now given its verdict. It sentenced two men to death, one to fifteen years hard labour and one to three years' 1 nprisonment.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 260 9 Does a Cup of Tea Do You Good Is a cup of tea really refreshing, or is its effect on human nature merely a matter of psychology Lord Dawson of Perm (better known us Sir Bertrand Dawson), the King's physician, in the course of the debate on the Proprietary Medicine
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  • 41 9 Thus the Malay Mail Referring to the picture of H.M.S. Malaya in the Council room, a contemporary observes The painting depicts the battle cruiser steaming ostensibly on the high seas." We admire oar contemporary.- rr.ution. It wr«, of course, the Serpentine.
    41 words
  • 442 9 Government Comnrssion Appointed. The text rt a comr-.iss'on ithe Hon. Mr. R. J. Addie. Messrs. W. O. Hennings, M. V. Pillai, John Rob J. Ward, and Dr. S. C. Yin. MR. M R r.p in connection with the Singapore tramways, is published in the current issue of the
    442 words
  • 231 9 Famous Equestrian Statue Saved by British. A story is told how the famous equestrian statue of Jeanne d'Arc, by Dubois, facing the Cathedral at Rheims, was saved by the Br.tish from German shells. It suggests a sequel which would unite the two countries by still closer bonds.
    231 words
  • 94 9 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, September 18. Silver.— 6o. Hongkong 88. Gold.— Three montl Tin.— lso tons at 189.50. Rubber.— Market very weak ami dull, there bein;,' very M buyers. Spot round 49-30 cts., Oct.-L) Share Market. taHJH the uninteresting an<! Business, done Changkats at 7.7
    94 words

  • 586 10 Bank Clerk and the Dancing Girls. Pleading guilty to two charges of using as genuine a forged document, a young Tamil clerk, named K. Suppiah, at the Assizes yesterday, was sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment on the first charge and three months on the second, to run concurrently.
    586 words
  • 216 10 Lady's Views of Life in The Homeland. The Malay Mail says We know of three official- and two unofficia'.s who have made up their minds not to settle in England wan they retire. And in at least three cases out of these five Malaya itself
    216 words
  • 143 10 Malaya -Madras Steamer Service. At tlie re.cnt meeting of the Federal Council, ti.e Resident of Selangor moved That th s Council approves the payment out of the Indian Immigration Fund of a sum of $30,000 being a share of the annual subsidy paid to the British Indian Steam Navigation Company,
    143 words
  • 131 10 The C"i:rt of Appeal for criminal ■PI Mil will Fit at Ipoh from Tuesday r.. .t. lOjjuitl tlie Malayan Leader. There ■Mi appeals trom Selan^or an 1 five 1 which are against death the most important one being ,:1 of uiif Thamb.ah, in what is known as the l'udu murder
    131 words
  • 826 10 Volunteer Enactment Bill Introduced At a meeting of the Federal Council, at Kua'.a Lumpur on Wednesday, the Legal Adviser moved that a Bill to amend the Volunteer Enactment Amendment Ifll be read. In introducing the Bill, says the Malay Mail, the Legal Adviser said It wlil be
    826 words
  • 56 10 8enar.— 9,567 lbs. 8uj0ng.— 23,349 lbs. Henrietta.— 4B,o6B lbs. Hevea (J0h0re).— 24,582 lbs. Kuala Geh.— 20,333 lbs. Kuala Pergau.— 36,47o lbs. Lenggeng.— lo,B42 lbs. Laras (Sumatra).— 3l,66s lbs. Malacca R. Plantations.— 36l,4so lbs. Majedie (Johore).— l6,loo lbs. Permas Rubber.— 2s,662 lbs. Sekong.— 2l,BBo lbs. Sungei Matang.— 34,s43
    56 words
  • 155 10 It seems, according to some Customs offic als, that a woman crossing into France cannot claim the usual right to carry a broken box of cigars or cigarettes, on the ground that she is not supposed to smoke. This was seriously maintained in one of the Dieppe boats
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  • 561 10 Church Desecrated Village Set On Fire Following are further details of the massacre of Chr stians concerning which Reuter wired a few days back What is probably one of the worst outrages even in the disturbed history of China is reported from N'iam Ao, a village in
    561 words
  • 215 10 The Rubber Slump To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sir, I have read with interest Rubber Planter's letter in the Straits Times of 13th instant and agree with him that it is about time steps were taken to put a stop to the manipulation of the big manufacturers
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  • 60 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, September 25, 1920 Saturday, September 18. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. Sunday, September 19. Eurasian Co., Balestier Range, 7.30 a.m. Tuesday, September 21. Malay Co., Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, September 25. Eurasian Co., R.fle Club, Balestier
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  • 55 10 Orders for week ending September 25 Monday, September 20. First, Second and Fourth Troops Parade, 5.15 p.m. Tuesday, September 21. Fifth Troop Parade, Zetland House, 5.15 p.m. Wednesday, September 22. Signalling Class, 5.15 p.m. Thursday, September 23. Physical Culture Class, 5.15 p.m. Friday, September
    55 words
  • 702 10 The Alleged 111-Treatment Of Siamese Labour. The Bangkok Times has the following article regarding the case of alleged illtreatment of Siamese in Kelantan It is sometimes a very difficult matter to get at the truth, even when Governments, working n friendly collaboration, devote their best energies to the
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  • 225 10 Grille of Mary Queen of Scots' Tomb. Recently there has been restored to Westminster Abbey, after an absence of nearly 100 years, the original wroughtiron railing or grille which guarded the beautiful tomb of Mary Queen of Scots in the Chapel of Henry VII. The grille, which is
    225 words
  • 139 10 In startling'.y dramatic circumstances two ministers were struck dead by lightning in a tent at Springville, Ind ana, recently. A congregation of Free Methodists had filled the canvas structure, a huge affair, to li: ten to the Rev. John Timber, a well-known Evangelist, and during
    139 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 90 10 Yesterday's results were as follows Championship. John Donaldson v Hill unfinished. Donnell beat Linton 6 l, 6 l. Championship Pairs. Hill and Lyall beat Gaunt and Miles w.o. A Doubles. Franklin and Yeldon scr. beat Battishill and Cunradi owe 15.2, 6 3, 6—B, 7—5. B Doubles. Rule
      90 words
    • 180 10 The Club was at Home to a large gathering of members, subscribers and their friends, yesterday when the final tie of the .•hum pi. .iship was played between Mrs. Shore al l Mrs. Connell. This resulted in a win f r the latter by I—6, 7—5, 6—3, after
      180 words
    • 49 10 Our Penang correspondent wires that Threlfall has won the Penang Cricket Club tennis championship for the tenth time, beating Milner 6 —I, 4—6, 6—o. He was also a winner in championship pairs and profession pairs. On Tuesday he meets Lingon in the final of A singles handicap.
      49 words
    • 30 10 The football match between the Raffles' Boys and the St. Joseph's played yesterday on the Raffles' Ground, ended in a win for the Raffles' by 2 goals to one.
      30 words
    • 37 10 The Swimming Club launch will run tomorrow as follows Johnston's Pier 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club y.::0 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide is at 2.11 p.m.
      37 words
    • 20 10 There will not be a race on Sunday morning. Yachts will be ready at the usual time.
      20 words
    • 50 10 A Reuter New York message of the 15th says The following team has been chosen to meet Australasia in the challenge round of the Davis Cup m December Tilden, Johnston, R. N. Williams and Samuel Hardy, captain. The team will sail from Vancouver early in November.
      50 words
    • 42 10 A Reuter message from Detroit dated the 15th states Miss America, which was recently successful at Cowes, won the gold challenge cup, the American motor-boat classic, claiming the world's record with thirty miles in 25 mm. 37 sees.
      42 words
    • 141 10 A Reuter message of the 15th states The match Middlesex v. Rest of England at the Oval was drawn. The Rest declared with 603 for three. Hobbs made 215. Kuala Lumpur Sky Meeting. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that the following entries have been received for the Selangor
      141 words
    • 210 10 A great number of enquiries arc being made regarding the change in Law 6 of Association Football. Law 6 deals with olFside, and it is the thing about the throwin that is exercising the minds of many club secretaries. In these circumstances secretaries and followers of
      210 words
  • 729 10 Government's Replies to The Unofficial* At the Federal Council meeting at Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, the Chief Secretary, reports the Malay Mail, in dealing with the points raise.l by the Hon. Members said he was entirely in favour of the introduction of a Bill for the registration of
    729 words
  • 231 10 Girl's Thrilling Adventure With A Deadly Viper. A deadly viper which had crept into the blouse of a sleeping girl was enticed away under thrilling circumstances by her mother. The details are given in a telegram from Pau, France. The girl had fallen into a sleep in
    231 words
  • 47 10 Sungei Gau. Plant 44.10 pis., tribute 3.08 pis., total 47.18 pis. Ting Kit.— Plant UM pis., tribute 74.07 pis., total 118.40 pis. The pontoon was iloated to a nt w .site during the month. Sluicing operations wore carried on up to August 18 only.
    47 words
  • 16 10 Mr. AruniUKam, Chief Clerk, Survi-.«» General's Offu c, Kuala liuinpur, has retired after 20 year's service.
    16 words

  • 1337 11 Curious Reminiscences Of Earlier Days. M Kilt.. Moweomo, writing in Chamber's .lournal, says In the good old days and they wore g I old days baton the most popular of our present modes of transport were in fore*, (i,u forebears had to make use of Kiirh aids to
    1,337 words
  • 436 11 Extradition from the Fresh Nut. If one can tv-lieve all one sees and hears, tana is a considerable amount of activity in this direction. Patents have been taken nut anil have been applied fur and the movement undoubtedly has a serious basis. Of course, the idea is quite
    436 words
  • 206 11 The Bagaait Mutation Society is <n>:t:ivourinK to r«p« in as many eng*ueil couples as possible, and is inviting them to attend it- lectures."] Cuaaaih OeewtaMa's ajatta tha latest thinp. Raaanea has now to take a sei-oml place. No lover trivs a serenade to *ing. Hi- heart prf t«>
    206 words
  • 31 11 A Baan arrested at Willaaden on a targe »f l.eiinr tatacieatati >mt for liis loctor, but did not kaaw him whan he srrived. The magistrate: I think that Droves it. !•:■> 16a.
    31 words
  • 29 11 wife :i< Will. m). i! His Maji-sty 01--.'.ml my husUinii to maintain ma Bad my chililrrn. The mafistrata Do >ou mean Kiac George lki woman. No, \..u. Hi Wurship.
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 487 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL MODELS OF THE FAMOUS GIB3ON MANDOLINE V >v who have been waiting a belter li strument call aad inspect these n w We h-ive a so ji>-t receired a consignment of XkTE2l2ir JSbXXJssBXG S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (Ineoiposated ia Hongkoag) RAFFLB3 PLAOB, BINOAPORB. TH£ CHATWOOD SAFE
      487 words
      163 words

  • 441 12 BOMBAY, SEITFMHER 19. St. Andrew* Cathedral. ~..">0 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Comn. union (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Qmm 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. S. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. Services and Meetings. Holy Communion on
    441 words
  • 150 12 Th.- cause of the death of Mr. Richard McCrystal, which was announced recently, would seem to have been injuri sustained in a serious motor smash. A cutting from an Auckland, New Zealand, nc«~pn|nT received recently, says the Pinantr Gazttte, contains an illustration of the damag.'d car,
    150 words
  • 147 12 In the course of a sermon at St. Matthew's Church, Surbiton, the Rev. J. Alston, preaching on behalf of the British and Foreign Bible Society, told a story of the preservation of some valuable MSS. which were lost in a shipwreck. The late Archdeacon Dennis, a
    147 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 322 12 M EZEKIEL WHOLRSALB AND RETAIL OPTICIANS O, Riga StrMt (E*rop* Houl BaiUlngs). BRITISH RECORDS EDISON-BELL WINNERS The mo»f popalar Rerorda ia the Briliith Empirr All THE I.ATBBT SONGS, BANDS, I JAZZ, FOX TROTS, WALTZES, ETC. ONE WUM ONE PRICE 1* ia. Doable Sided $.'.OO each CAI.I. AND HEAK THEM ON
      322 words
    • 289 12 SATISFACTION IS BEST ASSURED IF WE WORK WITH YOU RATHER THAN FOR YOU GET IN TOUCH WITB MAM MAT COMPANY 10i and IN. MARKET STREaW. AND TOD WILL EXPKRUMCI ITnv 0n... M il —r'f* An Albion Challenge THE Altaic Coaapaa* the hijee«t I Empire 4an such oooidencc in the fk-.i;;!.
      289 words
    • 77 12 FREBHJUPPLIEB FISH Halibut, Flaunders GAME Teal, Pigeons SINGAPORE COLO STOBJBE eoMPAiY, ukino. METEORITE MOTOR CARS 11.9s Cov.ntry Simplex Ingiae C.A.V. Lighting and Starting Dynamo Sat English Manufacture throughout. Extremely low ooneumption rf Poriat, PRICE $6,500 Dl IVIBYi SBPIIMBBB OB OCTOBBR BOON MOW Sole Agen's for ajL ft T M.9. Straits
      77 words

  • 458 13 Sensational War-Times Trial Recalled. 1 i.i liiuth has occurred in the Crimina Lunatic Asylum at Broadmoor, writes a Daily Chronicle representative, of Lizzie Wertheim, one of Germany's most famous woman spies, who was trapped by the British Secret Service five years ago. After a sensational trial at
    458 words
  • 428 13 Sequel to a Count's Marriage In London. During Urn past week, wrote the Milan correspondent of the Daily Chronicle in Aujfust, the people of Florence have been in a state of intense excitement over the mystery of Miss Anna Wright. Anna is described as a young American heiress,
    428 words
  • 106 13 Over almost every spot in the world where there is room for immitrrants the Wmt has erected hiph si;rns Japanese Not Wanted," and Japan's population goes on incroasinj* by 600,000 or 700,000 a year while the Japanese people, puffed up by their success in the world, do nothing, says Mr.
    106 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 240 13 WHITEAWAVS NfcW SHIPMENT OK TOPEfcS JUil RECEIVED CONSOLIDATED CORK Topees In white or kbaH fitted witb f] lible fc*ad band and niUßlin puggree >U?^P^*^^^i^v I IHE PRINCE Silff VaiHJft Ml Bmart hat fop evenicg wear, cnide from real fur tmart ■nbouod trin ani b>»a' bick .oliurs a a*e, fawn,
      240 words
    • 356 13 r-NASAL CATARRHCVGRY form of Nasal Catarrh, Head Cold, Influenza, Hay Fever, dryness, stuffiness, irritation, obstruction, discharge and in {lamination of the nose is overcome and cured by using Noitroline Nasal Specific At the first indication sufferers should at once apply this unfailing specific. It gives instant relief, then and then
      356 words
    • 55 13 \lk Phono 354. IN STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wire Electrolytic Copper Wire Mild St.el Sheets and Bars Scottish Crow. Iron Miners Octrngoa Drill Steel Clyde Dog Spikes, Steel Rivet* B Us, N\i?s ai d Washers Pl&in GtAvd. Sheets Solid Drawn Boiler Tubes KEENEST PRICES Mace Rail Co., Ltd. I«ocrpor»>6.l
      55 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 806 14 6ALES It AUCTHW AUCTION SALE OK VALUAHI.K "MHOLD "WPBA" "gESIDKNTIAL I'"'"''-^ ,K N«J^ A3 lIEYTOR, No. SO, (iRAMtr. koau. At our 111 1 1 ID No. SO. Kling Street, on Wednesday September 22. at tM VM. Valuabli- freehold land together with that wan TdaairaM. «ad beautifully situated reI"ent al property,
      806 words
    • 688 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE OF RUBBER SHARES at our sale-room, No. 30, Kling Street. n Wednesday, September 22, at 2.30 p.m. 1. 20 fully paid $5 share in the Nyalas lubber Estates, Ltd. 2. 200 fully paid $1 share in the Ulu ■andai. (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. 3. 200
      688 words
    • 541 14 'ABBwta iTH IMM.iwf B.d AM.raoct 1b force over $15,000,001 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. [la«*ra«ra«*4 U Itralts lettlemeaU) ataUß OinCßi WTa>aaa»M POwSa, ■apa»ari. LONDON OFFICE i 11. OU i.wrr. B.G. Taa (Daataaar aaa aVUH la>sarwd with tb« VMM ti E.tla.l aad MaplUs witt ta* BHtiak Lll.*.
      541 words
    • 399 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED (Incorporate* 1 la Japaa) Capital Subscribed T100,00«,b* CapiUl Paid Up T 61,0O0,»H Be.erv. Fund V 44,0C0.0*= President, N. Kajiwara, Esq. Vice- President, S. Batckl. E.« DIRECTORS t R. Ichinomtra, Esq. K. Mortoura, Caa, K. Kodama, Esq. M. Vitsul, Esq. T. Yomakev*. Esq. M. Odagiri.
      399 words
    • 559 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESF. BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in ta. Straits Battlaai.Bt. Haad OaV* •INGAPOBE. U. £UM; 3TBBarT. 'jo. w»i Branch t rBNANfi. 14, BEACB Htm Agaadea tPOH AND DELI Capital I Anthurl**« mj»MM> Issnsd Wfi—fi* Paid-up W»,W Bas.lT. Uabilltr ef Share holder. m (JM.M* Baa«w af Diraetar* t Th* Hob. Dr.
      559 words
    • 612 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIEUE mw GHSNE, Authorised Capita! frs IH,e«C,»H Subscribed Capita! Fr*. ISO.OCO.*** Paid-up CapiUl Fr*. 78,00«,«*< (1/1 of the Cap it.' aobacribad br Gorernment of the Chineae Repabll.) Chairman of the B ard if Dlre*t*rs f Andre Merthelol General Manager A. P.rne^*. HEAD OFFICE 74, Rue Saint Laiar*. ?*rt«
      612 words

  • 691 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The Drive of Death. There is no immediate prospect of the prohibition of left-hand steerine gears for motor-cars at home. The Daily Express drew attention to the danger of this mechanism in its issues of June 3 and 4 and July
    691 words
  • 316 15 Home Office Committee's Favourable Report. I Women police are to be permanent part jof the public sc-rvL-i-s. The Committee appointed by the Home Office to inquire a.= to the nature and limits of the assistance which can be niven by women in the carrying out of police duties,
    316 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 \ND THS LITTLE FORD Shall lead them. It's first In sales— first in sconomy-a-.d first In the esteem of those *ho lov j safaty, surety aad co aifort— because of Its wonderful simplicity, strength an* lightness. It leads In SALES Simm SATISFACTION THE FORD3ON TRACTOI THK FORD ONE-TON TRUOR wearnelros.,
      101 words
    • 306 15 1/ I^J EIGHT CYLINDER ||f A%» A im \3f AUTOMOBILES This j'ears models retain all the mechanical excellence which has given the King a world reputation for reliability, and offer one hundred j 4s& new refinements in chassis arxd body. The most economical car for its power built in America.
      306 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 477 16 GUAN WAT CO. (Incorporated in Struits Settlement.) It. Phillip Street SINGAI'ORK Haw Shipments just arrived of BUNTINGS. AssorU-d Cl..ur> IRON rOOKDatT KIDDLES (20 in. l.> M^ hl El UOI'K HABDfI GLUE I Hark and Whitr SPONC.E CLOTHS, AND SLEDGE HAMMKKS TKIANIU I.AX SHll* DECK BCBAPBRB BOII.KK DUG MJaßt BALI. COTTON
      477 words
    • 325 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING la Rolls containing lit *a. ft. 1 PLT. Useful for roofing light •traetans. farm building*, *te, and a* a *f*«l»l lining medium. PLT. A medium quality o»*d *a f»eWrlss, rJangsiows, tite. I PLY. Strongly recommended for IsersaMd (trength and efficiency Is •xpo**4 situation*. Obtalnabl* at GUAN
      325 words
    • 960 16 CLASSIFIED ADVIRTLSEMENTS Ika rUPUD «aartM Waata, r*r Sals, Ts L*t, Me, la •rdlaary cl«*e-**t kna (avsrsM six wards to Us*) ar* P*r lin* on* in**rtioa 28 ct*., two in*. 46 *t»., tkr** Ins. 6t foar In.. U ct*, flr* In*. |1 00, Mi ie«. $1.1.*. ten in*. 11.40. tw*W* ink.
      960 words
    • 930 16 MISCELLANEOUS ARABIC LESSONS, translation* or Malay lessons (riven. H. Abdeen. 89. Setecie Road. LADY, experienced in the handling of children will accept pupils (Chine.c) for the j Orsf and second standards only. Apply 121, Straits Times. TO PARKNTS, desiring to leave younc children in England, lady can thoroughly recommend home
      930 words
    • 1018 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, on* Buick car. six-cylinder. Stepney wheel, all new tyres, also Hup motor j car, both in perfect condition. New cushion covers. For further particulars, apply BVB, Strait* Times. OFFK ES AND GODOVViNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan t Co., 4,' D* Soux*
      1,018 words
    • 302 16 Straits Motorcar Service loons (Incorporated in Straits S*tti«ui*n-.» 1 zl3 to 81«, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVEN HAULS MOTOR CARS 'AND CYCLE? WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction Guaranteed Large stocks of LI'CAS HORNS AND LAMPS arriving shortly Phone! 233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industrie* of
      302 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 194 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General ts Manager. Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to aditoria matters and news should be addressto THE EDITOR. All communication* relating to business matters— ad\erti»«ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should be addressed to TH* MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For Sale,
      194 words