The Straits Times, 17 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,438 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 PRICE 10 CENT!
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 158 1 ROBINSON CO LTD. (Lioorpontecl Urn Starts SatUemuta) Gentlemen's Tailoring Department f«J HE AKB NJW tHOWiNG AN Entire New ntook ■BBBbba I |4ta^K K NEW SUITINGS \i& In Harris Tweeds, Blighty Tweeds, Donegal Tweed* Sunproof «olaro Suitings, Worsteds and Angolas An idea' material fci Tropical Wtir. OF *L,» SPICIAUTB £V£N!NG DRBiiS
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    • 1 1 BTEBIUBBD
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  • 628 2 Effect on 'oal Exports and Home Consumption. Finlay A. Gibson, Secretary of the Monnmuthshirc and South Wale* Coa Owaara' Association, writes in a. flnnncia paper In the following statement an estimate ■s givea of the statistical aeaKioa Hint would arise in the mutter of the proafec tlon
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  • 280 2 Telephone C-onfession Of Murder. iiiiwarc- that i-fTort6 MH btint; made to stop the execution, the authorities :it Sins Sing Priaon, near Ntw York, cariic-1 out the electrovution of Elmer Hyatt. Bfjad lrt, the yount;est man to suffer the extie.i.c penalty of the electric t-hair. The execution took
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  • 19 2 •S( uttacked mo a blai-k anjcel with wiriKs a sort of statue." A husband Ul .Mai s uiiuni:.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 Mack Reputation T S HE future can be based only on the past. MACK Lorries have proven theirsuprem* ticy. A record of 250.000 milesof hard uslage over poorroadsand with capacity loads and still giving good service, isa MACK feat. Mack superiority is evid-.-nci'd again in a record of 50,000 miles
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    • 484 2 FOUCAULD THE EGSTAGY OF FEELING WELL N.. mm can knuw the ec.stacy of feellnc mi- 1 1 ualesa they havu sulTere<l the agonies of lfht'iiiimUsni, N< ural^ia. Sciatica, or other seats fonBS of pain, ami Ikea beon e-ured. j i- h.ivi tliousuiul- of Utters which exafsjaa <\'i* e-CHtacy of fe'cling
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    • 199 2 PnJE 'cmm\ r v "-T?"^BSS^HsBsSP^ SBs^S^^s^*?*j3sßB sfe- (k Jai fej? r ißp^B fc, Lipton's Tea *T*HE flavour.' th« AdtCMi arnrn.i auei the fragraace its leaf, can never be quailed by aoy other Ordinary tea. l.ipton a Tea ia the pick the Worlds Fioesl Ten gardens and. is packed by the
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  • 900 3 Story of Epic Valour at Zecbrogge Ml. AU Briti»b people til biai with iile/ert of Ite IaUiBK ol Ulu VmdietiTe, writu jtol ■aval oottbeyosduit ol The Tinici. Tt)e tvu. otowßs with losotn as aidoctn aod aitßoolt B*lT«Ke endeiti kin« it also remotes as obitiaotim to tte navigational
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  • 229 3 PASSAGES 10 EN GLAND The Question of I a creased Cost Ob August S iMt tbe Eoicpeas A^oaiitioi, Calcat a, tddKwed ■> iettei to tbe Sesretary tv the GoverameDt ol India, eonimoiee tad industry dcp»»tn eu», r<nardi»>; tbe iaoeswed oo t ol pMß»|jes v Srg'acd. la «<pl» to (bal I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 ol\/ vc n lt V// Aroma makes v^^^^^v you Hungry ••«**<' r ,^t ->^ CALEY'S -"-jFjfJ/ '•*j.*\l3r&£&^ Kttidwmt A^ent m -dim LIGHT STUDIO 193-6. Orchard Road Tel. No. 496 V t -AI! rowii IcaJ t.. K,.r;,e." mi a'l -'.T^"T<<^ k* arguments ler J to the 'f-^ v "-•*!*> »W\ RALEIGH
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    • 398 3 Gives a Glorious Sensation of Vigour and Well being Tlie more highly-strung your nerves axe, tbe more quickly they will respond to the intense JlVrgOfatin^ effect of Saaatogea. Bote\'en the duli'st nrrves RSpoartl to it in time feel the powerful access of energy that Sraiato^en brings, .-mml derive from it
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    • 450 3 SUCCESSFUL ADVRRTJSL\(i That knowledpe is known as the scienct of Psycholoiry and it Is highly desirable therefore tha f the Itau r :ulvertisia> should have KM Hcquaintanc- with it. Every effort hue been mnde to keep tht information in the CHJNEBE COiiMERCIAI DIRECTORY absolutely up-to-date. CHI.NESK UIRE«TOKY AND I'RESS. LTD.
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    • 341 3 ARE WE RIGHT 7 PLAISTOWE'S TOFFEE DE LUXE 4 'Topical c!ioi»i» ma* rks 4:(iiin araaas, A tropical elimata M nmrl 1:4 Doctors say that Dtrirf b-iT,j rarra> tioa fb« e/nco. ec;:»jnn;s 10; r« 4igLt lalectiag from tbe foods ta« jujir »n« r.iecting tb. oth^> prop.rtlei, and tVat <i».a sufficient
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 802 4 STEAMER SAIUNtS P. Oa-f3ritlsh India Apcar* Line (Companies Incorporated In England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERYICafI PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract witk His Majesty's Government) r». Compaay'a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT ara at praaaal laapaadod LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE PROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Dae Singapore Leave Singapore
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    • 567 4 STEAIER SAILINU PRINCE LINE UNITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICE FOR NEW TORK CELTIC PRINCE (via Panama) about end of Oet For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agsnti. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated la tha United Kingdom) For China aad Japaa BENVENUE
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    • 284 4 STEAMER SALUMS THE EASTERN SNIPPINI COaTPAKT, LrjETTEB OMarparatoi la Btraitt fevjomoto} This time table la takjaal M MMlttllll aitkoat farther aatlea. Btaamsr aalUag rrom ■lagai*tl PERAK— Every Tuesday, at 1 pja, for Port Swettenham and Penang. JIN HO— Every Sunday, at 4 pja, far Malacca and Port Swettenham. From Malacca
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    • 395 4 STEAMER SAIUMI 0. S. K. THE OSAKA SHOSHEN KAISHA LTD. (Ineorporatod la Japaa) No. t. Da Baaaa Street Proposed Salllag fraai BiagapaM (Subject to change without notioe) EI'ROPEAN UNB Far Pstt Said, Marseilles, Liataa. Aatwarp. Rotterdam and Haaabarg Daa fparo. ALPS MARU >>M Bapt ATLAS MARU bag. Oat, (omit calling
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    • 420 4 NIPPON YIMK KAISHA iraoo«Bo«aso< U fapasa rad«* WM: CMsvftal V«k MM QJIfl' 1 Cabse4i to altora*loM tnMN aamaj, ■rßon mah ion pFwtffVflßwtaV BalfffMai Faff LaWaa, Astwan via (atasaM) WaWW Cslawka. Baaa, P*«t BaM aa« MnaiaPal YOKOHAMA MARU Sept. SB KUMANO MARU end SaptTAMBA MARU Oet B UVaWPMC Stn rot Uvarpaat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 370 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ■s. METIISK.N. AldlST 7, UiO 1 oaainaat of cmgo ex the above ataMMM are hereby a*tiawd that the larvoy of cart-o landed in a damaged eeodition will a* held on Friday. Sept.'nhrr 17, nt in t!o wawm N'n aad it. No furtt--r sarrvy i this da'.r. 801
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    • 214 5 STEAMER SAILINGS OCEAN STEAMSHIP < O LIMITED mid <llin a Ml itu sikwi NAVWATNM t i.ti>. wMIIJI <f llamaeed (areo Conslgi ntiom-d teaotars are h r*bj .'■r i ..-i tbai .■•urvey l.iokrn aad llewi*ged packages will be j held at the linn l»d placas «tn:<>d. after '»hith no other serra)
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    • 301 5 STEAMER SAIUiggS TIMOR DILLY The s.». Montoro is expected to be despatched for Aumraliu. calling at the above port, at 6 v.m., on Tuesday, September 28. i BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents HIRNS IHII.P UMB. Singapore, September 11. l.-0-0 NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suez) Ann-man and Oriental Line The a.s. General
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    • 227 5 i STEAMER SAILINGS DODWELL UNE~ (Incorporated in England) FOR NEW YORK DIRECT KCRKMONT CASTLE arrives September 26. f sails early Octobti tor freight, please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS A CO., LTD, Agent* LLOYD TRIESTINO S. N. AXVdKOJ (Incorporated in Italy) OUTWAKD BAILLNGS For Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama aad Kobe AFRICA about
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    • 255 5 STEAMER SAILINGS FOR PawtAJM AND CALtTTTA The I. C. S. N. Co.'s steamer NaaaaMf, UM ton- saiU 4 p m.. on September 21. She has splendid accommodation fur tirstclaKs passengers and carries a qualified i medical officer. j For further information apply BOUSTKAD 4- CO.. Aeentf. Singapore. September 14. 1920.
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    • 156 5 fM. IZBUB, WHOLESALE AND OPTICIANS r O. High StraaC Karope Hotel Buildlnge. POPULAR TEXT BOOKS I* v 1. 1 -h.d h> the UwJVOTwM) I ulorial l're>«. I. ld. ii tokim i'hvsks- psonurruti or MMTKK Hy i .1 I. ITafataff. M A h TITOKI\I. I ■■Mini HO JIIIJUJ B) a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 856 6 CINEMAS A LH AM BRA Frnm Friday, September 17. We\nt*day Beptx->fer a no pioiuaß p>ODU-i;i^N wirri abq sr.R li amiDK ilh beast interest tesee ooolodrtttalio aitatt o-:R and psthos Featuring M.TCHELL LEMS la s role is whiab bo is it times sympathetic and at othu t'mea called upon to display
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    • 429 6 CINEMAS From Friday, Bsjat. 17, to Monday, pt. 2O rm hall^ltd.^ Jfv/^/lvW FIRST iHOW At JAi WB3TBRN PEOTOPLiY'B BBBIAL §l%m THE GREAT GAMBLE wßf hU IfU/ Featnt;n? OHtRLB3 fcOTOHISOM AN J AN^ B LCTHBR Bpirdcß. THICRiUO>TO»OHTH t parti 6 OUT OF THB OLOUO* I parts Alcng with L Ko
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    • 646 6 WARRANT WANI CD a food Typewrltlat Rlbb«. Sue ad Advice -If this it what 70a are aft* For work to appear much smarter Buy tbe Crown, It is a dear little coil Bat, sold cheap. Price per box of 12 $22 Single boies at $2 each RAFFLES TYPEWRITING BUREAU (Typewriting
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    • 229 6 Kl'.'P yeamelf fit for the rainy weather that in coming by taking U.P. COUGH MIXTURE AND LUNG TONIC an soon as you feel that a cold is enming: By sheer merit it has become a house hold remedy in hundreds of fitmilie* It is the acme in cough rMMsiiaSj sweet
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  • 134 7 FIXT^'RBS .-rid..«. S. pttmber 17. Hl** Water, 17 a.m., 0.59 p.m. vtrj iniiil leave* r.-nnis Clvi "at home." „ij Fifes Cjardens, 5.16 p.m. Saturd.ijr. September 18. High Water, l-tl* a.m.. 1.33 p.m. TamLa!:.:. Rii'.'ht, Cn'sham House, 12.30. Singapon Coif Championship, 3rd round. I Vie. Theatre, 5 p.m.
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  • 109 7 VR4SELB AT TUE DOC kS. ■Ml Wi.urf Basin -Den Sumud, Ran Fu Soon. i i-i h irf Haura, Kriun. .shrrr^ \v harf, Albert and Victoria Dry re. fir.'- Tara, Nam Sang, Tciresias, I ack I'uo Bhlac, Rcuung. K»ton^. I v.- >' '-^roe. Jaril -^rf Mol. Tn-üb. rol- Itiaal
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  • 117 7 Van Wll -v,-!Jk,. I.OOG tons, from Deli 16-9, for Honjkong 18-3. Him Ho MM from Bandjermatsin Java unc. Dut, Ml ton?, from Be row 10-i), 91 ton*, from Rhio 16-9, for l: b, Dut 1.012 tonn, from I i i7-;i. H tons, from Glasgow 17-». 14 tons, from
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  • 186 7 T-4ay i'llan San.'. a U<) p .3 p.m. rlilavm. SasitlXßf anl SouiaL^j-a 3 p.m Port Swrtti "r.i m tuu Tciuk An on .1 Ualac'u Muar I pjn f\.n h*et:«ii'-<m, Penang, Madras am 4 !-.'»_<.( '.tare talking air ill for Kuropo, i1.., ,via Bombay) 8 p.m.
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  • 30 7 (Official 1 •'l .-> i i» Ami 2 Au*u,t n Aufst 12 Auß't t M Tost Oflicu Report) Arrtv»d Ixindoo Sopti-mber 4 September 4 September 9 Si-ptt-nibcr 14
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  • 139 7 Tl was a dramatic postponement of a sailor's wcdUing at Dunmow, Essex. The br rial party had assembled in Dunmow Komar. Catholic Church, which was filled for Urn occasion, and Father Field, the priest, was about to begin the service when the n-^istrar discovered that the certificate
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  • 126 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 16. On 1.0n1.m, Bank 4 m/a Z/41/16 Demand 2/818/10 Private 3 m. 3 credit* 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39 Private 90 days 45% On France Bank 680 On India, Bank T.T. 119 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 92 V 4 px. pm. On
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  • 59 7 Tone of Ma rket Very Weak. I Spot Sept. Oct. 8 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyeri Sellers 55 56 Jan. -Mar. Spot Sept. Oct. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Price* Buyers Seller* 52 53 63 64 54H 66 ..63
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    • 209 7 IH. Val. Pd. Bayer*. Selleri. 10 10 Ampang 12.00 14.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.15 1.35 £1 £1 ham Kamunting 2.10.0 3.0.0 10 1U Kinu Aatoc V.i 6 S.i'O £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 norn 1 Hitam Tin 2.G0 2.80 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 1.90 a £1 Lahat MlnM
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    • 118 7 las. Val. PA Buyers, Selleri. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 8.17.6 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 10.50 11.50 5 '-5/- Electric T'way« 2/9 3/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 56.00 58.00 c.r. 50 60 WHammer&Co. 105.00 115.00 l'-OKatz Bros. 130.00 160.00 £1 £1 Mexican Eagle 11.5.0 11.15.0 10 10
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    • 85 7 U.Eng. px. $1^84,800 »»f ip.e.ra Spore Electric Tramwaya 5 p.e. £360,000 Boa Spore Municipal 6 p.a $1378,000 pax Spore Man. 4H p^a. of 1907 $1,000,000 18 p.e 10 px. v Spore Man. 4S pj. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 px. S'por* Man. 4tt P-* of 1909 $1600,000 1« p.e.
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  • 418 7 Prater and Co. and Lyall and Eva«fs QaoUtlou. To-day'i Price* Fraa«r Lymll A A Co. Evmtt Ulenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 Uor Gajah ($1) 3.60 3.80 3.60 3.80 Vm. Malay 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 lyerHitam(|6) 23.00 24.00 88.00 24.00 Kilning ($1) 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.40 V. Molek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 FIREWOOD Kor ?«!e. trunk* from cut down heavy be luka. IMS.tlj burnt ar.d pruned aboat If acres, at Pulo Tekong. Ea»y ac«it» by rivor Any reasonable offer accepted. Apply la Yeo Ch«.n Seng, No. 7, Lorong No. 17, Gaylang.
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    • 711 7 LATEST AD VERTISEMENTS STUDEBAKER CAR for sale, two-sentoi with dickey, recently overhauled. Overdraft Straits Times. GhNTL F.MAN seek, bnaTd and lodging 01 furnisheJ room only. Near town. Plear.< apply to lt's. Straits_T_imos. Ttll TO PURCHASE, land facing th« sea at Redok or Chanjri. at .easonable price OJTersKongsi, Straits Times. EXPERIENCED
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    • 96 7 [Latent available Sterling QnoUUoa* are printed oa another tag* *a Friday.] BRUNNER MONO CO LTD. NOBTHWICH, ENGLAND wkxxt Vbm&sY TRASS KARBManufactureri. of BICARBONATE OF SODA SODA. ASH CAUSTIC SODA CARBONATE OF AMMONIA SULPHATE OF AMMONIA CALCIUM CHLORIDE PURE ZLNC, ETC. Agents, Straits Settlements and F.M.S. R WOLSKEL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE
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  • 21 8 GREENBURG-On August 26. 1920, at Calcutta, Bella Greenburg, beloved mother of Mrs. C. Hunsley, in her 67th year. Deeply regretted.
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  • 1097 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 UNDESIRED PERFECTION. There Are some excellent authorities who say that the most marvellous work done during the great war was done by the British in Mesopotamia. They had to go there and they found fever, poverty, and misery of every description universal. It was
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  • 36 8 Canton has not been allowed to hear officially of the success of the Cantonese troops over the Kuangsi forces at Liuchow. Detectives and secret agents are scrutinising all hotel guests, in search of rebel susj pects.
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  • 33 8 The public is reminded of the Children's Concert which is to take place at the Victoria Theatre to-morrow afternoon. Children are admitted free and adults pay $1. An excellent programme has been arranged.
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  • 39 8 Cabled advices from the Managing Directors of the P. and O. S. N. Co., London, are to the effect that the P. and O. special train from Marseilles to London service has been cancelled for the next twelve months.
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  • 25 8 Mr. Edward Little Sale, formerly of the Indian Civil Service, who had gone out shooting at Addington, Kent, was found dead shot in the head.
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  • 25 8 The Rev. J. Butterworth, assistant Chaplain of St. Andrew's Cathedral, will hold Divine Service at 3, the Cresent, Tanjong Katong, on Sunday, at 11 a.m.
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  • 26 8 Charged with the possession of nonGovernment chandu, a Chinese woman was fined $1,000, in default sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by Cajjt. Rowbotham this morning.
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  • 30 8 The Journal of Tropical Medicine (August 2) has a long and interesting communication by Dr. A. L. Hoops on Experiences of Medical and Prison Work in a New Country (Kedah).
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  • 29 8 A pioneer cable, dated Baghdad September 1, states Capt. G. H. Salmon, 1-6, Devons, assistant political officer, Kifri, who was taken prisoner last week, has been murdered by tribesmen.
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  • 34 8 An attempt to mine some Chinese gunboats at Whampoa is reported to have been discovered, though this is not admitted by the Naval authorities. Mines are said to have been laid near several ships.
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  • 38 8 A Rome message, through Reuter, dated 15th, says the Pope has sent Monsignor Joseph Fabregues, Apostolic Vicar in Central Chihli China, 50,000 lire in relief of the distress from the long continued drought and a plague of locusts.
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  • 43 8 In their corpra report, dated yesterday. Barlow and Co. state A slightly weaker tendency has been noticeable during the week and quotations close as follows No. 1 standard $21.30 to $21.50, No. 2 standard $20.80 to $21, No. 3 standard $20.30 to $20.50.
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  • 42 8 The Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church has held its first burial since coming to Singapore. One of the men stationed at Pulo Brani, Sergt. William Hardie, died very suddenly of malignant malaria in the hospital at Tanglin and was buried on September 8.
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  • 57 8 At the second meeting of the General Labour Committee of British Malaya, on August 25, the executive committee's report was adopted by a large majority. An amendment to the effect that an average, instead of a minimum, wage of 50 cents to males and females was lost. A small special
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  • 57 8 The proposed route of the around-the-world Derby, a New York message states, is New York, Seattle, Yokohama, Shanghai, Bangkok, Karachi, Calcutta, Delhi, Baghdad, Rome, the Irish coast, London, Newfoundland, and New York, a distance of 22,207 miles. A test flight preceding the Derby will start in London end proceed eastwards
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  • 71 8 At the annual meeting of the Bangkok St. Andrew's Society on September 9, Mr. Robert Mair was elected Chieftain for the > ear, and the other officers were elected as f jllows Vice-chieftain Mr. J. M. Dunlop, hon. secretary Mr. A. C. Alston, him. trcasuier Mr. E. B. Lawsun. pipe
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  • 83 8 The Assistant Pastor is quite a unique little publication which is being issued monthly in the interests of the WesleyMethodist Episcopal Church, Fort Canning Road. It is typewritten and is being mailed free to all the members and friends of Wesley Church, the Rev. C. F. Holman believing that it
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  • 76 8 Some time ago a European named C. R. Lewis, alias Carewell, was arrested at Burdwan railway station, India, in connection with the murder of Col. Tufnell. From inquiries made by the police it has been ascertained that he and another deserter were believed to be concerned in robberies in Madras
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  • 90 8 The house of Major Edwards, Rice Controller, Ipoh, was burgled during Sunday night last. The thieves got away with a large quantity of silver and jewellery, besides clothing and other articles. It is believed that this is not the first time the occupants of this bungalow, which is not far
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  • 105 8 An ordinary meeting of the P.A.M. will be held at 10.30 a.m., on Monday, September 27, at the Johore Civil Service Club, Johore Bahru, to transact the following business 1 Minutes of annual general meeting held on April 28, 1920. 2 minutes of special meeting held on June 30, 1290.
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  • 133 8 A rather audacious theft was committed at about 10 o'clock this morn ng in Beach Street, a few yards from the Central Station, says the Pinang Gazette, of the 15th inst. A Chinese clerk in one of tha local chops was proceeding to the bank to pay in some money.
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  • 374 8 A Reuter message received to-day state* that Marshal Petain, who is »;4 years of age, has married Madame Harden. James Hamilton, manager of the Burma Oil Company, left rJ12,82!» of which his holding in the company is valued at £127,200. Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, member of the firm
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  • 31 8 The mail steamer Delta which left London August 20 with mails of August 26 arrived at Port Said, on September 20. She was expected at Bombay on Monday last.
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  • 52 8 In the third police court, this BMrniag, Ahmat bin Pellah was MBtnead to a fine of $125 or five months'. rigorous i: men't for driving car S.l-Jlt) in a rash and negligent manner along Raffles Place yesterday, and also with driving I car without a licence. Insp.
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  • 57 8 An interesting arrival in port this morning was the Americrn steamer Saucon, 5,784 tons, belonging' to the United States Shipping Board (Emergency Fleet Corporation) which came in from Patow with a full cargo of Chinese coal consigned to Denmark being a part of an order for 10,000 tons
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  • 63 8 A beautiful large size oii painting of H.M.S. Malaya ploughing the high sea?, followed by two modern cruisers, was a much-admired object in the Federal Council Chamber yesterday, says the Malayan Leader of the 10th instant The painting in enclosed in a heavy gilt frame and is hung
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  • 76 8 Admiral H.R.H. Prince Abhakard of Thumporn, Siani, arrived from England yesterday afternoon aboard the Phra Ruang, formerly the British destroyer Radiant, a 39Vj-knot vessel, completed in 1917, and which he bought from the British Government on behalf of the Siamese Navy League. The vessel was brought out
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  • 100 8 About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, a Mr. Charles Reginald Wells, who is employed in the Un.ted Engineers, alighted from a motor bus on the Katong Road and was knocked down by a motor car corning in the opposite direction being so seriously injured that he had to be
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  • 113 8 In the course of a k-adini; utfcla 1h Times criticises the III! riming temdency to appoint elderly men wlstM public life is approaching an end us Keren n of colonies and agents fOMtml in The paper ad<ls that it is hardly r..:: uiablc t.> usk young
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 A NEW LARGE BIZE CIGARETTE THREE CASTLES SUPER MAGNUMS OBTAIN A hLE FROM JOHN UiHi Co., Ltd. R3BINSOM Co., Ltd. #K^ OC PES TIN Ii O 9 O F 6 O LITTLE WONDER GRAMOPHONES *c hare Jut imparted a freah shipment of the** limm ■uihii Price $47.50 net I IMfiP£CHON
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    • 218 8 SELECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Taa Cheat En U, Ltd, Proprietor.) ALHAMBRA Path* Serlala BOUND AND GAGGED 10 Episodes Episodes No. 5 and G 4 reels S Pta. NINE-TENTHS OF THE LAW 6 Pts. Featuring Mitchell Lewis Topical Budget Three-reel drama and Comedies. (Fint Show)
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  • 717 9 Government Policy on C. ul Trade. Prospects of Electrical Workers Strike. Rkttkr Tki.kcp.ams London. September 15. The PrbM Minister this morning made m nUtr i. nt to the effect that it is the considered polvy of the Government gradually tt> tt the roal industry from Government control, but
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  • 213 9 Forecast of the Military Future. Reuter Telegram London, S<»pt<»mhpr 14. I'articular interest lies in the telegram from Warsaw communicated to Reuter dealing with military probabilities in the near future, in view of the reported intended new Bolshevik offensive against Poland on both extreme wings. According to the message the
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 195 9 Rei ter Telegrams London, September 14. A War Office Mesopotamia communique mentions that the employment of a mountain gun at a range of 700 yards effectively repulsed a nocturnal attack on a blockhouse on the Felujah railway. In the Baqubah area, the column mentioned previously moved from Iharaban to
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  • 175 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 15. Events in Ulster are moving swiftly towards the creation of Ulster's new civil guard. Representatives of the Government and loyalists are now working out the details of the organisation. The Ulster volunteers have been warned to be ready to mobilise and it is expected
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  • 29 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 15. Paris Reports of the early resignation of President Deschanel are being revived. It is declared that his health has become appreciably worse.
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  • 580 9 Permanent International Court Questions of its Power to T3ke Action. Reuter Telegrams London, September 141 Tl;e draft scheme for the institution of a permanent Court of International Justice is published by the League of Nations. The scheme, which appears in a special supplement of the League's official
    Reuter  -  580 words
  • 89 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 15. The Morning Post authoritatively states that the reported resignation of Lord M liner is absolutely without foundation. Since the armistice he has been and is now closely engaged on a number of questions of momentous interest to the Dominions and Colonies also the
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 271 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 1 4. Portland, Maine Polling in the Ma'.rr elections for the State Governorship ana other offices is now going on. latest returns show that all the Republican candJ.itea for Congress v.ill probably be elected by overwhelming majorities and that the State Legislature will
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 112 9 Revter Telegram London, September 14. The Indiarubber Journal takes a hopeful view of the prospects of the rubber Industry. While admitting that undoubtedly more rubber is being produced than can be used, the opinion is given that this is temporary and that with the resumption of normal conditions
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 120 9 Rei.ter Telegrams London, September 14. The board of directors of the Daily Herald to-day declined the offer of £75,000 from the third International. They accepted the resignatitm from the board of Mr. Meynel, who negotiated the offer. The other directors adopted a resolution declaring that they had
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 89 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 14. The report of the committee of inquiry into the Colonial medical services recommends a unified service and the appointment of a Director-general also that candidates ought to be young, newly-quali-fied men and should have been seconded to some hospital appointment at home
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 48 9 An offer by the United Kingdom Branch of the Empire Parliamentary Union to replace the Speaker's Chair in the Parliament House at Ottawa, destroyed in the fire, by a replica of the Chair in the House of Commons at Westminster, has been gratefully accepted by the Canadian Commona.
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  • 2542 9 Spooner's Withdrawal From M.C.C. Team. By Our Special Correspondent. London, August 19. There was a tendency even in the later years before the war for the St. Leger to fall a little flat as a race of public interest, and although we are now within three weeks of
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  • 317 10 Mi-m Tnivcr and Co.'s WeeklyCircular. Monetary cmi.liiions are becoming more nnd store stringent which is being felt in the industrial (,'roup of shares although tin re is not tho iiast cause of anxiety as the] las bees no speculation for many months. With rubber still falling it
    317 words
  • 282 10 The following properties were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co., at their saleroom 30, Kling Street <,n Wednesday afternoon Bidding wa brisk and the prices realised are considered satisfactory. Freehold land of Changi Koad, area 16,000 sq. feet, bought by Mr. Tan Cheng
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  • 513 10 Further Decline on Local Market. The 464 th auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association >vas held on September 15 and 16, when .lure was catalogued 2,897,875 lbs., 1,293.69 tons. Offered 1,943,931 lbs., 567.82 tons. Sold 1,124,942 lbs., 502.20 PRICES REALISED. The next auction will
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  • 277 10 Presentation to Brave Constable At Kuala Lumpur. Before the Federal Council met at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, His excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Laurence Guillemard. X.C.8., presented the King's Police Medal to Police Constable Che Lah bin Mat of the F.M.S. Police Force. The recipient was attended
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  • 112 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, September 17. Silver.— 6o^. Hongkong 89V4Gold. Three months 45. Tin.— 22s tons sold at 138.50. Rubber.— Market declining rapidly. Sept. round 55 cents: Oct.-Dec. 56, Jan.-Mar. 63. Shares. Market weak all round and declining, with sellers much in evidence. Bus urss
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  • 679 10 Guilds' Demands Refused By Companies. That there is a crisis imminent amongst he officers and engineers in the ships if the three big companies seems apparent vhen it is remembered the demands that vere made by the China Coast -Officers' md Engineers' Guilds for a 50 per
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  • 378 10 Chief of Staff's Warning as to How They Grow. A grave warning about Britain's little wars is conveyed by Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, in a memorandum dated December 1, 1919, contained in a Blue Book issued respecting British operations last year in
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  • 20 10 Everything has gone up I think the fin"s f°r dmnkennefs oueht also to go up."— The clerk at the Guildhall.
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    • 243 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The shortest and most effective way towards a successful elimination of ■rambling in its various forms, Bridge, Poker, Poker Dice, Chap-ji-ki, Chitk., an-tan, etc., is to prohibit th* itr.pi.rrntion of cards and other gambling paraphernalia, both European and Oriental. Singapore can
      243 words
    • 320 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your leading article in to-day's issue gives food for reflection. Our capitalists have always shown great eagerness to invest in industries promising trreat profits and quick returns, regardless of the nature of the enterprise. Sir John Anderson often warned them
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  • 171 10 The final episode, the Revelation, of the Fatal Sign, the mystery serial, will be screened to-night at the fciberty Hall in the second show, and in support the Universal special attraction, the Woman Under Cover, in six parts, starring Fritzi Brunette in a superbly dramatic picture of great
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  • 60 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, Septomber 25, 1920 Saturday, September 18. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. Sunday, September 19. Eurasian Co., Balestier Range, 7.30 a.m. Tuesday, September 21. Malay Co., Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, September 25. Eurasian Co., K.fle Club, Balestier
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  • 239 10 Chief Justice's Warning to A Pawnbroker. At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, before the ag. Chief Justice, Sir John Bucknill, K.C., Ong Yew Kai was found not guilty, on a charge of using as genuine a forged document and was acquitted. The charge referred to a cheque tor $2,700
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  • 402 10 A Time-Saving Appliance Used In America. An interesting coaling appliance has Veil brought cut by tha Bar-vn Pout Ironworks, of Bayonne, New Jersey, i.'.S A oVniMd U save tinr? arvl labour r the usually tedious opsrati: n -A eoaliag ps. The machine consists of a light structural
    402 words
  • 202 10 The Pinang Gazette, of the 15th instant, states A party of five, consisting of Messrs. Murphy, Barlow, Livingstone, Foers and Gladwell went out shooting on Sunday last at Sungei Pinanjr, Bulik Pulau. and during the Afternoon took to the sen to look out for the crocodile which had,
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  • 124 10 The tenth annual report of the directors of the Bukit Katil Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ended April 30, 1920, shows that the net profit for the year after deducting income tax and directors' fees amounted to $58,750.81, to which has to be added the
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 531 10 The semi-finals in B Doubles were played yesterday. In one Colcmnn and Latham Carter get into the final by way of Strc Iwick and Wilson. The other, betweca Bailey and Marsh and Rule ami 1^ Smith, had to be left unfinished. In C Doubles Williams and Broad
      531 words
    • 278 10 We are very glad indeed to hear c(Be allj from Capt. J. A. Campbell, president the Straits Merchant Service Guild, that at the half-yearly general meeting of the members held in the Guild Rooms last evening, it was unanimously decided t» approach the Government with a
      278 words
  • 70 10 fli'ro is a new war story. A Brigadier was making a tour of the trenches and inquired of a very dense sentry how the onemy were progressing. Aw, Ah doan' knaw, zur if Ah looks over the parapet Ah'U get a bullet in my napper." But, what's this for .said
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 692 11 Church Leaders on Moral Standards. The following statement on the Matrimonial Oraaea Bill, which the Government' have carri< i through the House of Lords, has been ieeaed ha the Karrtage Defence l Council Tin- Matriinoniii! ("nuses Bill, extending the grouiiils of divorce to include desertion for three
    692 words
  • 399 11 Fresh l-itrht on Action of The Lungs. ju.t. 1 nc.v view* regardfcu the t>y which the b "><l obtains its From the lun-: re »et ft rth in a 1 l!:i: lane to the rtment M Scientific and Intioetrial These worker-. iveatiajßthw ap,iaiatu< for rescu w..
    399 words
  • 545 11 The Profiteering Report On Tweeds. No charge of profiteering is made by |the sub-committee on Yorkshire Tweed j Cloths in the report, issued lately, of their I investigations into manufacturers' costs lof production. The report specifically relates to the more popular types of York I shire twoeds
    545 words
  • 289 11 MAKING READY FOR CENSUS ,\ext Year's Counting Of Heads. i Pmh mtioM Ikivi- begun f»r the MM in April next of England and Wales. A Daily Chronicle lepitatnUthra was that the officiali will start on Mh- detiiil;- a> MM :«s the new Bill is paaaad. The form to be issued
    289 words
  • 163 11 Hlm V.sta Tilli-y <I>aily de Krece) ha* I bei-n ihe unfortunate viahn of an extra- ordinary fall of fhini». The dews ha« j beeoanc known among hn- fntnds that bomc >l«>s tea about half her famoun eoUacUon of vuluuble blue china had! petiabad in the collapse <>f
    163 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 338 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BfAUTiFUL MOGELB Of THE FAMOUS GIBSON WNDOLINE V )\i *ho haye been waiiting a belter ii strumeut call and ins ect thfse n w We h-ve a>o j i-t received a coir-ignment music S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (laoorporated ia Rao^koaff) RAFFLBS PLACB, SINQA O< B. REINPORCID CONCRETE
      338 words
    • 128 11 RUFFLES CAFE Bras Basalt Road ADELPHS HOTft ■YBRT EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLATS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, 1. O. TJKERDKMA. Hanaro* Director. I i Kramat motor Garage KRiNAf BOAD (Off Orchard Road, approach C avaoagh Road End) 6AHAGE FOR j 20 CARS OVERHAULS AND KPAIM TO ALL
      128 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      854 words
    • 808 12 CHOPS YONG HONG, YONG NGIAP AND YONG NGIAP YEE KEE NOTICE il hereby given ilu.t the psrtner<hip heretofore subsist Ilk" between us the undersigned LOW KOON YEE, LOW PENG IIONO. LOW PENG YAM and LOW PEN K1A. all of No. It, Kon: Quay. Singapore. »nd SwatOW in ihe Republic of
      808 words
    • 898 12 STERLING RUBBER SHARE PRICES. Stock Stock Par Exchange Par Exchang* Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company. Price*. August 12. August 12. 2/- Anglo-Malay 40/- £1 Linggi 67/6 £1 Batu Cavcg 37/6 2/- London Asiatic 5/3 £1 Bakap Plantns 31/6 £1 Lumut 57/£1 Batu Tisa ..3 £1 Malacca Plantns. 4ft £1 Bidor
      898 words
    • 32 12 FREBHJUPPLIEB Halibut, Plaunders game: Teal, Pigeons StNGiPORE CfltD STORI6E gOMPAHY, LlilTrD. _a^gk IMPERIAL The Peace-Tim' that make the WHOLE HAPPY. «%I1 OUpemarlei a»n«» orat CONMBLL BROB. 00>i %insjsipore (iaeoepcii-ed ia CS •>• WialW
      32 words

  • 1124 13 Remarkable Changes la The Ti attic. Sfar Jomph Birodbank in h<> talk wilb Mr •n»old Bcgtie in the Duly (clestapla t< 'ainded biui ot tbe RieW days pact whtn ibi Champ* was L-.cJjc'g ebiei hiKbwsy. Few people," be said, E6£in lo remtm kH that (or many
    1,124 words
  • 31 13 11 V v »dmit, thcß, ihiA juut ulop watobotdid not agne," Biid motoiist to poiioemkt •I the K'.EKBkon C;nrt Xbe policemr Ob yt«, OftUinlj bat tint bLoab tbefaiiß^r of lUe timiag^
    31 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 WHITEAWAYS NEW SHIPMENT OF TOPEES JU.I RECEIVED CONSOLIDATED COHK Topees In white or kbaVi fitted "^^^^^S with fl^iible brad band and musliri puggree y^^^^f^^X^m^^^. W y THE PRiNia SOFT WJKk HAT Snmit Lat fji evejiLg wear, m id-^ from x* fur w rh tiuart aubjuud Lrini and b)>ra bi; s.
      199 words
    • 305 13 r OK > i Motor Cars Motor Cyolaa V H I Bioyces ,jjsj Motor Lorries La w f mr* "^SSmmmW 'C «ta# Hi t v+ nKK£aßkaaßY .<}-.< V V fole A enta for s 3 r M 3. S^^P^ DUPiRE BROTHE 8 IgjspigEgu''- -gHnggHn?g^| LINDSEY CO. IMPORTERS \ni Telephone 2303.
      305 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 742 14 SALES BY WBT»i AUCTION SALE (The mimignai liavi been Instructed to tsclt b aahlie auction at their saleroom. Kulle Chasahara. Raffles riaco, aw N.Mift.o. September 27. lWt. al 2.50 p.m. A: I thai paaat "f land situate Bt 3Vi mile■to-.- Kuii Timah \l»»A, Singapore, entimatt« contein an area of 23,940
      742 words
    • 724 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE )P ONE FIVE-SEATER CHEVROLET 21 h.p FOUR-CYLINDKR. IN GOOD BUNNINT. ORDKU. To be held at No. 3, Koek Road. nn Saturday, September IS. 1 920. at 11 a.m. ESTATES AND TRUST AGENCIES, LTD., (Successors to Ching Kpng Lee Co.) Auctioneers and Estate Agents. AUCTION SALE
      724 words
    • 469 14 A»w«U |M aa .«M Ui Aasurancß La force over $15,000,004 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. tlaosrporated la ttraJts Bettlomsata) ■BAB OIFICB I WlinMta B«Bma, ah>n»t. LONDON OFFICE i U. OU Jewry. B.C The Cempaar kaa MUM ■tßltasM Vttt thd ■•ptolta laßri M Saglaad aid temslles with the British
      469 words
    • 385 14 THE YOKOHAMA SPECH BANK LIMITED (Incorporated In Japan) Capital Sjbseribed IT* .< Tlo«.oat,ae« Capital Paid Dp V fll,OOO,tt« Beserve Fond T 44,« President, N. Kajivara, Esq. Vice President, S. Susnkl, Bag. DIRECTORS B. lehlnomlya, Esq. K. Morimura, Eso K. Kodama. Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. T. Yomakava, Esq M. Odagiri. Esa.
      385 words
    • 548 14 THE OVERSEA-CHINES! i BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Straits Bettleaieats Head Offlre I iINGAPORC fci, a.Ll.\<; 9TRBKT. m mm Branch t PVIANO. 14, BBACB 81EIO Agencies t (POH AND DBLI Capital I Authorises tta.ett.t* Issned 10^oa.»#« Pald-np M»MM Beserve Liability ef Shareholders m Board af Dlraetars I The Hon. Dr.
      548 words
    • 596 14 BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE CHINE, Aathoriied Capital Prt* .Subscribed Capital Prt l»0.000.l«« Paid-op Capital Prs. 7«.««f.»M (l.'» of the Capital subscribed b r salt Oovernment of the Chinese Repoblli; Chairman of the Board of J<reet»r» Andre Berthelot General Manager A. J Perastu HEAD OFFICE 74. Baa Saint Latare, Partt i I
      596 words

  • 1092 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Lorries as Passenger Carriers, The roads cf Bl gland, neglected sivt by walking enlit u=i»sln, oalil tbe present 'gt aeration, ate undeigtiag jet anothci traoef jiiuiMon aa tbe result of tbe perlooVioc of tfco inters*! oombaeUoß oopine. states a tome p
    1,092 words
  • 37 15 Tbe magi***. I at Penite Io i p»i »er: You will be jtaJtd Im i k io bate joui meatel ai\i> c ixjiirei I- Tte BtißMer. Km il.«nsn: r»o !b» tail?— Tbe ma«iMtat i ot. dear, no
    37 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 'shipowners GREtHO'J^D BRAND \NU- OSROSIVE ANTI-FOUi INS ■tiP*Jfr iST^ ifttAi -SSasK»i«rSS^ i W« illlf. H r M. S, RENOWN COATED WITH GhtxYHOuND Bf AND i BOLT AQFNTS HARDWARE DEPARTMENT j We keep LATQB BTj:ks ot all kinds ol TRCKMOMGERV k\U HARDWARE ARTICLES INCLUDING TiOcks Brbss Kirulocka bteel case ti>ub c
      103 words
      130 words
    • 125 15 JDUNLOP TYRES Tht best protection the Motorist can have against tyre troubles ia to purchase tyi-es of a well-known brand. The Maker's reputation is tb« User's beft safeguard. Obtainable from all the principal dealers and garaK^ in the F.M.9. and S.S. Tbe Duolop Rubber Co. Ltd. (laecrpcnted ia Jspaai nOBINSOJT
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 476 16 GDAN KIAT CO. LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) M, Phillip Street SLNGAPORK Mow Shipments jucl arrived of ASH OAKS 12 to 16 ft CAUSTIC SODA 76 to 7H per cent DBT AND OILED PUMP LEATHER MORGAN'S PLUMBAGO CANVAS HOSE 1% to 3 inches BUKOPE WHITE SPUNYARN OOUULE CIKCLE WIKE GAUGES
      476 words
    • 361 16 CAIXENDER'S "VERIBEST" BEAUT ROOFING la Bolla containing 11* se. ft. 1 PLT. Useful for roofing light straatares, fans buildings, ate, aad as a sasslal lining medium. I PLT. A mediim quality need ea »ae*eriee, Bungalows, etc. PLY. Strongly reeommeaded for Increased strength and efficiency la exposed situations. Obtainable at GUAN
      361 words
    • 1817 16 CLASSIHEi ADVERTISEMENTS fat rBVAIP caarfea fe» Wsats, Fer Sale, To Let, etc, la ordinary close set tyve (sveiac* st» weras te) IM) an Per line one Insertion 28 eta., two in*. 46 ess, tkree Is*. 64 c*«, four Ins. 81 ets^ bts Ins. $1.C9, six in.. $1.15, ten in.. $1.40,
      1,817 words
    • 995 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, FORD CAR, about six months old. Perfect condition. What offers T Apply 166, Straits Time. FOR SALE, 1920, six-cylinder Buick, wire wheels, mechanically perfect. Can be seen at the Central Motors, Ltd. WANTED TO HIRK, 3 to r, ton lorr; fur transport of building materials. Please
      995 words
    • 294 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIUIIFD (Incorporated in Strai's Settlementai 111 to tit, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS MOTOR CARS" AND CYCLU WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction Guaranteed Large stocks of LUCAS HORNS AND LAMPS arrivinK shortly Phone 1233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malays WE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 201 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TKLKPHONEB Editorial and General M Manager's Office HIT Job Printing Office 1244 All communication, relating to editoria! matters and new. .hould be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, .üb.cription., accounts, printing, etc., .hould be addressed to TH» MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      201 words